#the interesting thing is there’s some key details about Helene’s backstory with Lyla that seems to have changed
shidoukanae · 2 months
Chapter 77 of the manhwa: says Helene is lonely just as the manhwa shows Helene saying to Fian “this is all my fault”. Also calls Helene out as being extremely similar to Lyla (something that has now been thrice reiterated by Paris, the garden guy/Hendel, and now Phillip) and this is in spite of the fact Helene and Lyla are definitely opposite of each other Literally the chapter before this (and after iirc): people who grew up close together have very similar “souls” and will be confused as being like each other by those around them. Case in point: Phillip and Fian who have been confused as each other by Daniel, Paris, and Fian’s own mother despite being very different people Me, putting the pieces together from the light novel: oh. Ohhhhhhhhh. Time to cry again oh nooooooo
Or: I’m once again astounded by the clever foreshadowing that The Mighty Extra’s manhwa partakes in and how it spoils things ahead of time if you connect the dots. Using Fian and Phillip’s changed relationship and “similar souls” thing to subtly hint at the truth of Lyla’s and Helene’s relationship is amazingly well done. It's something that goes over the head at first glance but if you notice the parallel and what it's implying...man I love TME <3 
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