#the incels who hate on her may choke
deus-sema · 17 days
It's moments like these which serve as a reminder that Galadriel's innate compassion and ages worth wisdom coexist along with her determination, pride, sorrow and rage. She, with all her flaws, is still the Lady Of Light keeping the darkness at bay and that's what makes her a fascinating, multidimensional character to me. Morfydd is doing a brilliant job with her.
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imagine-docx · 4 years
the cute barista and his crisis.
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Summary: You spent the night at home, while your roommates were out partying. Suddenly, a random number called you ranting to you about how much he hates life. [college!barista!]
Warnings: hella sexual jokes and references, swearing, and hating post-secondary, as per usual.
A/N:  hope you guys are still doing well and i hope you guys are staying safe! 💛 - Amanda
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday consisted of either early morning classes, midday classes, and the occasional class that ran past 8 pm. Fridays were the only day you can claim as yours, but of course, you had to work.
It was Thursday and the cool New York air was engulfing you and your roommates as the three of you made your way to the usual coffee shop that was a little bit off campus. “Gonna ogle the cute barista again?” Wanda nudged.
“Ah yes, young love,” Nat snickered. 
“Shut up,” you felt the heat rise up to your cheeks, “I think he’s cute, but he probably has so many girls fawning over him.”
“Remember, we are the one cute girls in the coffee shop,” Nat said, opening the door, “After you, m’lady.”
That resulted in you and Wanda letting out a laugh, “Okay incel,” Wanda responded. The three of you glanced up at the menu, “I’m feeling tea today, but what kind?” Wanda said.
“After that comment, poison flavoured,” Nat muttered.
You let out a laugh, “You’re quite spicy today, go for a spiced tea.”
Wanda stuck her tongue out at Nat, “That’s why she’s my favourite roommate,” Glancing back at the menu, “Is Russian spiced tea good?” 
“I don’t know, ask your favourite roommate,” Nat said.
The cute blond barista came up to the register, “You ready? Or do you need another minute?”
You felt Nat pinch your left ass cheek, and you nudge your elbow into her ribcage, “Yeah. Can I get a caramel iced coffee?” 
“Of course, what else?” He asked.
“Can I get a cinnamon dolce latte?” Nat spoke keeping her hand near your ass cheeks.
“Of course, and for you?” He indirectly asked Wanda.
“Russian spiced tea please.” She spoke.
“That’s $17.60, here or to go?” He asked.
“Here,” Wanda said, while digging in her backpack for her wallet, “Credit please?”
“Aww, we love it when our sugar daddy treats us,” You snickered, resulting in a laugh from Nat and the barista.
“It’s only because she bought dinner and you bought dessert last night,” she grumbled.
“Go take a seat, and I’ll bring the drinks over when they’re done.” He spoke, which resulted in a hums of thank you from the three of you and you guys walked over to the usual booth you guys inhabited when you were here.
“Is there a reason that my poor ass cheek got abused?” You asked.
“He was checking you out,” Nat bluntly stated.
“No he wasn’t, he was doing his job.” You stated. 
“And I am a natural redhead,” she sarcastically said.
“Wait, it's dye?” Wanda practically cried out.
The three of you laughed, and went over your plans for the next weekend. Nat had work and was doing rehearsal for the Russian dance competition that was happening in a few weeks. Wanda had to work and was also seeing her brother Pietro on Sunday. You on the other hand had to work, and had to have a comparative essay done by Monday. 
“You’re so lucky you’re done your midterms,” Wanda said, “I’m still struggling trying to wrap my head around platyhelminths.”
“But see, you watched me and laughed at me for only surviving off of coffee and fruit snacks for three weeks straight. Now I am prospering and living my life and you have a midterm on Monday,” you said.
“You looked like death around the apartment,” Nat laughed, and the cute barista brought over your drinks.
“Russian spiced tea, cinnamon dolce latte, and caramel iced coffee,” he said, passing around the drinks, “And a tiramisu square.”
“Uh, we didn’t order this?” Nat asked. 
“The table over there sent it,” he responded, pointing his head over to where a group of boys were sitting.
“Thank you,” the three of you hummed and there went the barista.
“You know,” Nat leaned into you, “He has a nice ass.”
“Nat,” You hissed.
“America is proud of that ass,” Wanda snickered.
Suddenly the group of boys that sent the dessert got louder, trying to get your attention. You rolled your eyes, “God, I hate men.”
“Except for the pretty blond one with a nice ass,” Nat said, digging into the tiramisu. 
“I second that,” Wanda said, taking a bite of the piece on her spoon.
Suddenly the frat boy cult got even louder, Nat rolled her eyes, and moved your hair from the base of your neck, “What are you-” Then came a long lick from the base of your neck to your jawline. Suddenly the frat boy cult shut up, “Jesus Christ, warn a girl.”
“Why are you acting all shy now? You weren’t this shy last weekend when I was doing body shots off of you at the back of the apartment,” Nat said, nonchalantly.
“You may have shut up the frat boy cult, but the cute barista is so red you can confuse him for a bottle of ketchup.” Wanda stated.
Two weeks have passed, and you would go into the coffee shop whenever you had over an hour worth of a gap, or before work. Today is one of those days. It was Friday, and you were due to start your shift in forty-five minutes. 
Walking into the shop, there was the cute barista working the front. You didn’t catch the way his eyes practically lit up upon seeing you. “Just you today?” He asked.
“Yes sir,” you said, giving him a smile.
“Caramel iced coffee?” He asked.
“Of course,” you said, digging in your bag for your wallet. 
“Don’t worry, it's on the house.” He said, “Here or to go?”
“To go, please.”
“You got it doll,” and with that you stood off to the side and waited for him to make your drink. 
“Caramel iced coffee,” he called out.
“Thank you, have a good day,” you called out before making your way to your shift.
“You know you look like a lovesick puppy,” Bucky said to Steve.
“That obvious?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah. Also, remember, Happy is gonna take that coffee out of your paycheque,” Bucky said patting Steve’s back.
“If it’s for her, Happy can have my entire paycheque.” Steve responded, going to clean up.
“Ugh, teenagers and their hormones,” Bucky spoke.
You, Wanda, and Nat sat on your shared living room floor eating the steamed dumplings and sushi that you ordered for dinner. “So you saw the cute barista boy today,” Wanda said, “Soy sauce please.”
Nat handed her the sauce before taking a california roll for herself, “His ass still thick?”
You nearly choked on the dumpling you were eating, “Fucking Christ, Nat.”
“You can’t miss that ass!” Nat tried justifying, “He walks in, and his ass walks in five minutes later.”
Wanda choked on her iced tea, “He wore this white shirt that was way too tight for him, God that left nothing to the imagination,” you said recalling the way his muscles moved when making your coffee.
“Someone’s having a wet dream tonight,” Wanda said.
You threw a soy sauce packet at her head, “No! I don’t even know his name.”
“See that’s a problem, she can’t moan his name if she doesn’t know his name.” Nat laughed.
You threw a soy sauce packet at her head, “The both of you need to get laid.”
“So do you sweetheart, and by the big muscular blond with the thick ass who works at The Petite Bean.” Wanda said, nearly dodging another soy sauce packet.
The next Friday night you were at home by yourself eating a sandwich from the bodega that was next to your building. Wanda and Nat went to this party, you wanted to go, but after your shift, you were exhausted and just decided to call it a night. 
Taking the last bite of your turkey sandwich, you got up and threw everything out, and decided to go and take a long hot shower. You stood at the tv debating whether or not you should turn off the documentary on whales, but you decided not to as it helps serve as background noise.
You showered and threw on a massive NYU hoodie and some pyjama shorts. Getting out of the shower, you headed back to the kitchen, dug around in the cabinets for a snack of a sort, and headed back to your position on the couch. 
You were scrolling through your Instagram, when a random number called you. You answered because you never know it could be Nat or Wanda in trouble. “Hello?”
You heard a shaky breath from the other side, “Oh sorry, I have the wrong number.”
“Hey, before you hang up, are you okay?” You asked.
“Not really-”
You cut him off, “Did you want to talk about it? I have the time.”
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna bother you,” the man from the other side of the line said.
“Of course, shoot,” you said.
“Midterms got the worst of me. I’m practically failing chemistry, why did I take chem? Like I’m an art major, the fuck am I doing in science? Then the girl I dated for a little keeps coming by the place I work at with the man she cheated on me with, and that shit still stings. Then, there’s this cute girl who keeps coming by the place I work, and I can’t seem to talk to her. She’s like this ball of sunshine, and I don’t think I can talk to her. Do you have anything fucked up happening in your life? Or is the lord hating on me?” 
You laughed, “Unfortunately, no. With the chem thing, don’t be so hard on yourself. Courses get to the best of us, we are so reliant on a GPA, when it doesn’t even guarantee a job after practically killing ourselves for this degree. Failing one course isn’t so bad, just don’t fail more than three, that might result in academic probation. Honestly, if she cheated on you, fuck her. She doesn’t deserve any of your attention, if she was the one who gave you up. And with the other girl, just slowly ease her into it, ask her how her day has been, ask her about the weather, if she’s holding a book or something, try to bond with her about that.”
“You sound like a psych major,” he joked.
“Psych minor,” you corrected, “Socio major. From what I know you can’t be a science major. So what do you major in?” 
“Art history, and minor in regular history.”
“Oh, we got a huge history fan don’t we?” You joked.
“Biggest nerd in Brooklyn.”
That same night the two of you stayed talking until 4:30 am, before he heard you yawning and telling you to get some sleep. You both bidded your goodnights and the moment your head hit the pillow, you knocked out.
The following morning, or afternoon at that point. You stumbled into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and heard Wanda and Nat groaning about how they need Advil. You opened the door to Nat’s room and saw the two of them practically cuddling. You threw two bottles of water, and the bottle of Advil at them before heading to the washroom to brush your teeth. 
Once you were done, you sat on the counter of the kitchen drinking your coffee, you heard stumbling from the hallway. Suddenly, a disheveled Nat appeared, she was sporting bedhead, smeared makeup, a black lace bra and some random sleeping shorts that looked like they belonged to Wanda. “Good morning sweetheart,” you cooed.
She flipped you off before making herself a cup of coffee, “Never drinking again.”
“Nat,” Wanda whined, “Please I need a cuddle buddy.”
“You have another roommate,” Nat reminded her.
Wanda nudged your legs open and curled up into your frame, “My favourite.”
You laughed while patting her head, “What happened?”
“So much booze, free booze.” Nat stated.
Free booze to university kids was like feeding candy to a toddler. “Alright cuddlebug. I have errands to do, I gotta go shower.” You said trying to push away Wanda.
“No, please don’t.” Wanda latching onto you harder.
“She’s gonna make her way down to Manhattan to see the cute barista,” Nat joked.
“Harhar, I’m going to the bank and I need to mail out this return. The green dress was too big, had to order a size down.” You said, finishing off your coffee, finally pushing off Wanda, “Also why the fuck would I go to Manhattan to see the barista.”
“Dick makes you do crazy things baby girl.” Nat said.
While you were getting dressed your mind ran onto the man who called you last night and ranted to you about his life. You decided to call him back and check up on him. After three rings he picked up, “Hello?”
“Hey, you called me last night and we talked for an hour and a half about some super deep stuff, you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, thanks for checking up on me.” He spoke.
“Not a problem, if you ever need to rant, you can always text me.” You said shoving your wallet into your bag.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna burden.” He asked.
“If you need a friend, I am here for you.” You said.
You two exchanged names, before both of you had to go. And that started your texting relationship with a man named Steve Rogers.
You came back home from your errands trip and brought bagels for the two hungover disasters you call your roommates. You walked back in and saw Wanda and Nat under the pink fur blanket watching the whale documentary you were watching last night. “My baby is back,” Wanda said excitedly.
“I bring bagels, because bagels make us happy when we are hungover.” You said placing the bag on the table, “Two rainbow bagels with strawberry cream cheese. Two poppy seed bagels with tuna salad on both.” You said handing each of them their own bagels. 
You grabbed your own two before plopping next to them, “If barista boy doesn’t domesticate you, I will.” Nat said.
You laughed before you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you got a message from Steve asking about the bagel place you usually get your stuff from. “Who’s Steve?” Wanda asked.
“New mans?” Nat exclaimed.
“You’re replacing barista boy before you could even dick him down?” Wanda cried out.
“No, Jesus. I haven’t even met Steve-” Wrong phrasing you used there.
“You’re back on tinder?” Wanda asked, “I thought we were doing it together.”
“No, he accidentally called me last night and we talked for an hour.” You said nonchalantly taking a bite out of your bagel.
“A threesome with barista boy and Steve? Wow someone’s getting some,” Nat said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Jesus Christ Nat.”
As per usual, you made your way into the cafe getting coffee before your shift. Noticing the barista, you again missed the gleam in his eyes when he saw you. He mustered up the courage, “Hey, how are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m doing good,” You smiled.
Steve felt his knees weaken at your smile, “The usual?”
“The usual,” you said, paying and going to message the roommate group chat about the tight light blue shirt barista boy was wearing today.
“Alright, here you go.” He said sliding you the coffee and a straw.
“Thank you, have a good day,” you said before slipping out of the shop and heading to work.
“So you took the girls advice and asked her about her day, look at you making big moves.” Bucky nudged Steve.
“One step at a time Buck,” he said, going to clean up his station.
“Hey, you better have not given her another free coffee,” Bucky called out.
After several weeks of messaging Steve, you learned he also attended NYU and both of you worked around your schedules, trying to meet up. The two of you finally decided to meet on campus. You picked a morning where you, Nat and Wanda had a two hour gap just in case something happened and he was in fact a 50 year old pervert with a thing for third year students.
You: hey i’m in the student centre
Steve: Hey, I’m sitting, I’m wearing a black jacket and a white t-shirt
You looked up and almost screamed, as if the gods were playing a joke on you. It was your cute barista boy. Okay, being rational, he could happen to be here at the same time, wearing the same out- nope, no way. “Steve?” You asked, approaching the table.
Looking up from his phone, he was shocked as well, “H-hi,” he stuttered out.
“Can I sit?” You asked.
“Of course.”
“So I guess you were helping me, try and talk to you,” he finally spoke out.
“Wait, what?” You asked, confused.
“The girl I was messaging you about, was you,” he sheepishly said.
You didn’t know how to respond, “Really?”
“Yeah, if you don’t feel the same that’s okay.” Steve said looking down at his fingers.
You took his hand in yours, “No, I like you too.” 
“Yeah, Nat keeps trying to get me to ask you out. But I kept talking myself out of it.” You said.
“How about I treat you to the finest thing this campus has to offer and we can talk about how we both are idiots,” he offered.
“It better be the Wendy’s,” you joked.
“Only the finest for the finest,” he winked at you, resulting in the blush staining your cheeks. He stood up and put his hand out, upon standing up you took his hand and was about to exit the student centre. 
You heard Nat speak loudly to Wanda, “She’s getting dick, I’m so proud of her.” You wanted the ground to create a blackhole and swallow you whole. 
Until you heard another voice, “BuckBuck! Our baby Steve is all grown up and getting pussy.”
You looked to see Steve blushing, turning back and flipping him off, “Fuck off Sam.”
Of course, both of your roommates were the worst.
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ellaintrigue · 4 years
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Man, y’all are freaks, and I ain’t talking about choke a bitch while rubbing the clit, there are some bitter ass dudes out there. First off, I’m on all the dating sites but have stopped looking and made a “seeking friends” OkCupid profile where the app allows the option. I did this back in May.
I’m bored, stuck at home, at work, on a computer allll day long, and honestly? The honest truth? I just want lots of new people to talk to, nothing sexual, and maybe I’ll find some lasting connections. I’ve talked to random people for years and met all kinds, including my two internet friends of 14 years and 3. They are both male but do not come at me sexually. No one views anyone as “unattractive” and no one lusts after anyone, it’s all good conversation about life, social issues, and venting about difficult times.
So, I’m on a dating site, that I have been on since I was 17, trying to make friends. If you look into how to meet friends you can GO OUT, which is not an option with my job and the pandemic, or you can join MeetUp or FB groups... which there are none worth a shit that I can find. There are very few social sites and at 30 it’s hard to meet anyone anywhere. But I do okay on OkCupid.
After my unfortunate interactions with my cousin and my last failed friendship with a woman I got tired of all the talk of babies, bashing c-sections (um, who cares what another woman does with her body?), and being competitive. Women get the reputation as catty because we are extremely competitive, we just don’t normally have fist fights. And women without kids just seem to automatically get judged. My best friend who is a busy mom has never come at me like “YOU NEED TO GET PREGNANNNNNNNNT” and she’s the best kind of mother. Confident, doing her, and not judging other women.
My male online friend of 3 years who has a kid never talks about gross parenting stuff or forces any of that shit on me either. But onward to my point here: the concept that men and women can’t be friends. It can be hard sometimes. I had a male boss I totally loved, not in a romantic or sexual sense. Big dude, not unattractive but was my boss and friend, never flirted, and there was never a spark. We would just talk every night when things were slow at work as I would with my other coworker Lorraine who I also loved to death. Then one day I was standing at the counter, and he walked by me in the 5 foot gap behind our registers and BOOM, hand on the ass. And I was like “OMG my boss just grabbed my ass.” Not hard, but I felt his hand, on my fucking ass, with his fingers, grabbing my butt cheek. I thought hard about what to do and figured to do nothing, unless he did it again. Then all hell would break lose. But it seemed like he was testing the waters (that weren’t there) and he never tried again, quitting his management soon afterward.
Things like that make me leery about having male friends in person and if I end up in a relationship I don’t want that kind of drama anyway. I only need two men in real life: my dad and whoever I end up with, if that happens.
That said, I’ve worked with the public for years and had male acquaintances and coworkers I’ve gotten along with and trusted. I do prefer female bosses but I have had lesbian coworkers feel me up... it’s all just a combination of different things but here is the big picture: women are not “sluts” and men are not all thirsty rapists. So when you have a guy like the one in the 2nd line of screenshots here, that is all his own thinking. He feels entitled to women and doesn’t respect them but when he says all of the things that he does, he is actually being sexist and degrading towards men. It’s funny when incels shoot themselves in the foot, and they almost ALWAYS go by that “nice guy” label. And he’s one of many men that has spoken to me like that. They need to cultivate their self esteem, evaluate their behavior, and get counseling before they become abusers, if they aren’t already. My other favorite messages I get are guys that come at me like “oh you just want friends? I hear you, men are so shitty!” Um, no. Never said that, never implied that. I’ve been through hell with men and I have scars but I will never say all men are the same. I’ll bash the bad ones but you can’t cliche any race or gender, etc.
After I changed my profile on OkCupid not only did I get hit up by “nice guys” but I’ve gotten a flood of people whose family and friends have died off like me, and also disabled people that don’t get out much, also like me. And there’s people that just work all the time and want new friends or to vent about life. And that is what I need and what i want.
So can we all just stop hating one another, have great conversations, and not worry about sex?
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violet-sabres · 5 years
Some quick observations re: TROS and some "reylo"musings (spoilers)
- the editing removed A LOT of emotional pay-offs for so many scenes. The decorations and actors change quickly, a bit randomly - in fact it takes a while before this movie finds its tempo and footing. Something weighty happens and no reflection is allowed even in briefest sketch of a reaction. Next scene. Next scene-
- Poe, Finn, Rose and two new female characters were absolutely robbed. Both by the ungodly pace of this movie (there is much potential for scenes that could mean much much more in the whole storyline. As is, they are discarded as soon as they happen). The bond between Finn and Poe got severed in the beginning with some awkward finnrey moments and strange jealousy (was that what it was???) from Poe. I say either carry out the finnrey thread (which was also beautiful actually, though Finn deserves so much better than how she treats him in TROS...) or finnpoe, something which JJ himself built up. Rose should be given an independent arc with no romance involved, or a love interest of her own.
- Rose's infatuation with Finn is never touched. Rose herself is absolutely erased - she is a statist, providing some dialogue with absolutely no weight behind it. JJ treated her terribly - it was his privilege and responsibility to utilize whatever he got from Johnson as he saw fit; but throwing away her potential only underlines the racist sidelining he did to all characters of colour.
- the heteronormativity I can't understand - Finn and Poe are JJs babies after all (and yeah, I know - shareholders...). Why tease hetero relationships for both and STILL leave even them hanging?? Like, he discarded Rose bc first of all racism, second - Johnson's 'leftovers' I guess? Unacceptable. The lady of Poe's was sketched boldly - but still sketched. Her inclusion wouldn't feel so random if Poe wasn't shown to be this randomly emotional abt her all of a sudden. Why now? It felt a bit forced and this is a shame bc she (and Janah, omg Janah...) is super cool. I'd love to read and see way more about all of them.
- Finn and Janah - wonderful rapport, so much empathy and loyalty, they are wonderful together. I definitely could see them together as well - so many threads to explore! There was so much potential to embed meaningful relationships for Finn into the plot. Janah is one of those that felt quite right but deserved more still. She deserves a story of her own. Not for the first time it is a secondary character of colour who carries so much potential and substance and gets sidelined. I dont mind Kylo content btw - but this series was shown to concentrate on 3 people and a villain. Keep to this proportion or perish I say. They didnt keep them and the movie feels unfairly skewed towards the force dyad of Rey and Ren. Hence, robbed. We were robbed of much of quality content here.
- the implication/suggestion that Finn may be Force sensitive held so much promise. I love Finn and Boyega played him with so much passion and dignity. He grew into leadership without pretense or drama, was competent and knowledgeable about the inner workings of the Fleet and found hope he was struggling for. Honestly the problem here is that his prominence was teased to be greater than the actual time and the weight of scenes he was given. This movie should be longer, scene order less abrupt and random - so the characters that were shown to matter in the first part could matter here as well.
- JEDI FINN please. The potential of it was teased - they should scrap some of the scenes and build those kinds of plot points more thoroughly. Finn's arc should be more - but that doesn't mean Boyega played it any other than magnificently. He got what he was given and made it his. I hate that this still means it was not as much as he and Poe deserved it. Same with Rose.
- galactic generals (*husbands) Poe and Finn. It could be marriage, it should be - Isaac played a man in love. I enjoyed this new romantic angle with the spice smuggler lady as well - but it required more buildup. As it was, it made for an awkward and frankly homophobic ersatz for finnpoe plotline of the first and even second movie. I hate wasting the potential of new characters in the movie, and this is what happened here. Also Poe's smuggling past - no previous setup that felt offensive to many bc of its randomness and no previous grounds in existing media. Felt like unnecessary sensationalism here.
- Rey is complicated here. I didnt like her attitude towards Finn and wished for more appreciation of their own idiosyncracies between them. Finn deserved his love (whether romantic or platonic) to be recognized. It was lacking here.
- I loved the fight scenes, the dialogues with Ren that should begin in TFA if they wished for the romance to be acceptably wet up. Driver is so fucking physical and huge, a bit awkward and very strong. To me it was attractive - but to me Kylo always lacked the threat in him when it came to Rey; I know this isnt so for others and respect that.
- Choreography is super effective here, the body work of Rey and Ren is wonderful.
- lighting, the sith locations were one of my favourites
- the creatures - while in the background, theybwere lovely. They made for lusher world out there.
- Palps was eh. Needed for the ending setup, ultimately fell a bit flat. The twist re his endgame would feel better if the whole scene didnt play this fucking quickly.
- the death (you know whose...) is quick and abrupt, passing fleetingly with no real depth or importance. They are rushing to another scene so quickly they forget that if you love somebody enough to accept them fully, this person's death tends to leave some kind of impression. As it is, Rey is hardly the first character robbed of emotional engagement in TROS.
- sigh. Ren. I love to hate him and hate to enjoy him still. Also feeling like a hypocrite bc would I enjoy him if not for my prefernce for how Driver looks like? Would anyone who I respect a bit more than his most fanatical reylo fans? I have no answer really.
I've never seen a character ripped into shreds from so many angles. For incels and dudebros he is a pussy (a lot of girls I know also mentioned that). He is supposedly not cruel enough, not awesome like Vader, whatever.
For others he is a genocidal criminal, and that he is. You can't sidestep Tuanul or his passivity in front of Star Destroyer wiping out whole planets. He is implicated in this genocide - and that scene where he is supposedly mutely watching it from the distance falls flat if its intention was to show he wasn't entirely behind Hux's agenda. He still never stopped him. So yeah, it is obvious that for many he is absolutely undeserving of any empathy, much less a romance plotline with movie's heroine. Especially when the first scenes setting it up were so messed up.
Now I hate the word reylo and I'd rather choke than call myself that. But I did enjoy their enmity and idk love?? towards each other? It should be plotted more consequently and I believe if JJ didn't muck it in tfa people would be a lot less opposed to the whole villain x heroine thing. Nobody opposes it bc of that - it's the torture bed and it's the "whatever I want" line that made so many recoil. It's the absolute lack of coherence at a time where more self awareness was needed from the director of the very first part in the series.
I believe there is a kind of generational divide on topic of their romance. Youve got gen z "antis" who argue about the abuse (and have a lot of good point more reylos should think hard and long about) - and mostly adult to older women (this includes older milennials also!) who grew up steeped in gothic romanticism that, up to gen z growing up, was a dominant romance paradigm in the West.
Youve got your Wuthering Hills, your Pride and Prejudice and Beauty and the Beast. I hate it. I absolutely abhor it, and the more the reylo fandom hammered their whole relationship from this angle, the more I was distancing myself. I believe the whole genre is steeped in toxic masculinity and yes, you can look at reylo from this angle as well - and I understand that when you saw those scenes from TFA, and didn't feel convinced by entirely paradoxal romance teasers (bc JJ mixed them both in equal measure, and thus killed wide enthusiasm for reylo for good) then what happened in TLJ and TROS must look like the embracing toxic hetero romance in entirety. And to some degree it is - entirely by JJs fault. The other elements that you mightve ignored in tfa suddenly get amplified in tlj, in tros and youre left wondering why the hell Kylo Ren could ever be seen as romanceable?
But the thing is, while the analogy of angry white male pursuing a pure young woman seems fitting, it doesnt work for me here. I also acknowledge that it may be in part bc I'm used to the gothic paradigm, attracted to Driver as Ren and feeling safe and assured that Rey would stay herself despite whatever he wanted from her (and she did in my opinion, she never caved even when she loved him). Kylo is white, and he is aggressive - he is a villain, he tortures and hurts Poe and Finn and plays psychological games with Rey, he shouts a lot and is very physical, which in itself looks threatening.
All those could end up somewhat accepted bc he is a villain - people will accept the consequent villain, or paradoxical one done with self- awareness on side of their creator. JJ was absolutely unaware of what a mess he did I bet - the worst elements that crossed "reylo" off the list for so many people I'd argue were first sown by JJ himself in paradoxical chase of I tease this-now I don't. Here's what I mean.
It was JJ who put Rey on that horizontal torture bed, even when Poe's was upright. It was JJ who had Ren say those gross words abt taking what he wanted. It was also JJ who irreaponsibly and paradoxically played with symbolism normally reserved for gothic princes DESPITE the gross elements he himself planted - the mask going off to reveal a goofy Disney prince, the crouching so as not to scare her, the freaking bridal carry, the humanizing via showing Ren's vulnerability. I actually hated some of those scenes - I loved the face reveal no lie, but what followed was unacceptable. Why style your villain this lush and vulnerable when you're shooting your own foot a few minutes after, with dialogue that had whole groups of young women discard him as trash? Why not polish your villain with more self awareness so that the ground for the romance is understood and cautiously accapted?
So youve got an internally cracked TFA that for some was obviously teasing reylo but for others made it unacceptable forever. This is one hell of a difficult mix to continue with and I believe if JJ was given the 2nd part to work with, perhaps he might be able to somehow work with Ren so that TLJ wouldnt feel like slap to the face to those who saw mostly the worst parts of Ren that JJ himself designed. Perhaps he would also polish the romance teasers or got rid of them altogether, idk. TROS shows that while he was eager to discard anything that Johnson had put into motion, he chose to leave reylo content still. This is really paradoxical to me, today as it was back then.
Now reylo isnt super mainstream - if he got rid of it, it would surely anger a lot of people but also satisfy an equal amount of others. Yet he chose not to and I'd argue it is because he planned for reylo to happen from the beginning, just in a shitty way we first witnessed in the worst scenes of TFA.
I'll also argue another point - if Johnson was given the saga from the beginning, reylo wouldnt be nearly as much hated and regarded as abusive for so many. It is this particular humanization of Kylo that was criticized by so many that would protect the 1st part from that torture bed, and from taking whatever Kylo wanted. As it was, when all this sudden humanity followed JJs paradoxical mess, only opposition could come bc it kind of must - it looked for many as woobifying somebody who was already irredeemable. The irony is that JJ probably never planned for this - maybe he thought he could pull this off, somehow work out the agreement between ugly Kylo and Kylo worthy of Rey. Johnson just put a fat line between TFA and his own vision, and irresponsibly ignored all the ugly heritage that should be better worked on if he ever hoped to rectify JJs paradoxes. He didnt do this and thus the mess.
I dont know if it would ever be possible though. Perhaps theres been a shift in ethics, in aesthetics even, so big that for the gen Z this kind of relationship is unacceptable. I dont see anything bad in this - even if I enjoyed a lot of reylo's potential, there will be better content, better romances done by those kids who despise reylo now as well. Meanwhile I plan to stay on this weird pole stuck deep into my ass between reylo enthusiast and haters bc I cant for shit choose a side fully.
Bc I dont see the abuse this clear cut - but am also unsure how much of it is my cultural baggage, the history of normalizing toxic masculinity etc. I bet it's both to some degree, like with all gothic romance genre, - and that there wouldnt be this whole rift at the heart of tfa without toxic masculinity normalization at all. Without it there would be no torture bed and no threats. And the irony is that Johnson would probably see to that better. But not as good as a woman behind the camera to begin with - if you want a heroine at its heart that is.
Like, you can see JJs initial vision as pretty homogenous - the bed, the words, and ignore all the paradoxical romance symbolism in there. You can also look at it as fractured and absolutely lacking coherence, and fish for the elements youd like to stay in next parts. I welcomed Johnson bc he took the best in Kylo and left JJs mess behind. This is also the very reason youre gonna hate the TLJ if TFA felt coherent for you. Bc you cant ignore that which felt threatening and cruel and very much obvious.
I have no easy recipe at dealing with this saga. I cant throw my weight behind reylo fully, ever, but will cautiously accept the potential it could have should it be more coherently written. I love so much of art and those fics that are in line with my wishes towards how Ren should be done from.the beginning.
When I was considering what to.think abt all that, back in the beginning, I didnt want for Rey to cater to emotional demands and baggage of an aggressive male, and I believe she actually doesnt - time and time again she asserts herself, maybe messily but she has the right to her anger and pain so the messy it has to be. She is shown to hope for him becoming better - and isnt manipulated or groomed to do so, and if loneliness was the only reason to stick to him then any other person would suffice, which isnt the case. She is loyal to the cause to the end and happily carries on despite Ren dying, even if it's clear she loved him. She is her own woman and the magnitude of his emotions, the physicality of his behaviour hardly influence her - she neither cowers before Kylo nor caters to him, ever. I love her for this, actually.
So there you have it, my messy thoughts on both TROS and 'reylo' dynamics. I cant say Im satisfied with both. There could be more, Ren could be fleshed out better in the beginning. The potential of so many characters was left undeveloped. I dont feel satiafaction even with elements I loved abt reylo bc there is no counterpart in other aspects I hoped to see developed. I wanted Rey to have more time with Finn, for Finn to have more time with Poe, for Rose to matter in tros as well. I wanted more of Rey and Leia, and for Ren to have more coherence to his character. Ultimately I got crumbs and some bits unable to be stomached.
Go and watch tros, stay in the place of engaging with this series that feels best to you, closest to your needs abd perceptions. Tros will not satisfy anyone in full, also bc of editing and the pacing - which is terrible. Reylo will either frustrate you or frustrate you for entirely different reasons. Dont take JJs shit, dont take Johnson's. Take from the saga whatever works for you.
I dont think it's possible to fully embrace reylo, without reservations. There are grounds for the so called antis to point out the toxic masculinity and potential for abuse. There are tropes suggesting romance despite this still, all in just TFA. It was a mess from the very beginning and it's normal people took sides.
I'm just glad it's finally over.
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baeddelml · 6 years
“Mitzi then hit and choked a trans woman, leading multiple bystanders to pull them apart. At this point, the TERFs ran and hid behind the SFPD who had appeared on the scene.You can see in this video the end result was that the police basically gave these violent TERFs *an escort in the Dyke March*. This is after the March staff had asked them to leave. Bystanders also allegedly showed police video of Mitzi’s attacks, as well as these photos above, and were ignored. In fact, at 18th and Sanchez, cops told participants that they would be run over if they didn’t get out of the way, according to multiple accounts.“
“You can also see above that Sherri attempted to punch another in her group, Max Dashu, before realizing they were on the same side — kind of ruins the whole “poor us, we were attacked and did nothing” story they’re trying to tell. They HAVE however allowed a link to *my* doxxed information stay up, so I guess violence against women (even cis women!) is ok if they don’t like you.There is, apparently, no video footage from the TERFs of these alleged attacks, though they spent most of Sunday attempting to claim they did. There are also no photos of anyone being shoved down, or the broken cane, or of the police attempting to arrest them as they claim.“
“ TERFs have long been using the techniques of the patriarchy they claim to hate against trans women whospeak out against them. Cathy Brennan is well known for doxxing trans people, often outing them as well, which puts them in danger. It may not surprise you that Cathy was active on Max’s wall, asking for an edit about the Baltimore Dyke March (thread here). “
“ TERFs follow the same playbook as incels and the alt right to terrorize those they feel deserve it, and are perfectly happy to use the racist, patriarchal state to do so. These women hid behind cops after assaulting trans people at the SF Dyke March, and then tried to spin it as a mob of trans people attacking them *and they got away with it*.”
We have a friend who was there was was attacked by these TERFs, and we’re furious.
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blackwoolncrown · 6 years
Do Not Reblog
I want really badly to talk about the nexus of cuck-obsessed radicalized white nerds, adult fetish content and incels because there’s A Thing That Happened/Is Happening There but it feels like it’s such a fringe perspective because you’d have to be an adult content producer or other SW to even have witnessed it from the inside and it’s HIGHLY uncommon that anyone who was aside from a small pinch of other women would have seen it for what it was but uh
I came to femdom when student loan debt pushed me into it and camming was just...it’s a shit business model in general but I digress. I remember finding it fairly eaasy to assess what the market was like and adapt, but that I hated the fact that  it would take being a bitch to get anywhere monetarily when, after leaving an abusive household, the last thing I wanted to do was be mean to people.
I was abused by my father. And my mother. And my mother’s damage may have been worse, but it was my father who choked, hit, attacked, etc. It was my father who first showed me the utter fragility of masculinity. He was cocky, proud, narcissistic, charming, handsome. He was easily hurt, easily offended, quick to anger, violent. This, to me, seemed to speak of weakness. I was a child when I decided that even though he beat me, he was weaker than me.
Because he just threw hands. I was the one who took the beatings. He was the one who lost himself at just a few words. A bit of logic he didn’t want to hear.
(reminder: Do not reblog)
Anyway, the point there is that I didn’t leave that house wanting to be in his place instead. I left that house knowing that what happened there was wrong and I just wanted to heal.
Being a Domme is lucrative for me, but it required me to take a page from my mother’s book. It required me to pretend that there’s something empowering about controlling another person- there isn’t. If you need to control other people to feel good, you are reliant on them for your happiness. I learned that through abuse and I didn’t really like having to play the role, but I learned so much from observing the men that threw themselves at me and other Dommes- often being the same guys who would go aggro and toxic on us when things didn’t go their way.
From the beginning I was more on the psychological side and openly critical of the online FemDom scene. If you can’t tell I get insufferably bullheaded about conflict in logic. Most of what I was seeing as FemDom didn’t make sense constructively, or as a mode of ~empowerment~ for Women, despite what was being said. So my old SW blog was commonly filled with my own long wordy critiques of FemDom themes like cuckolding, feminization, forced gay, etc.
I knew my market and I do really well but I had to do my work in such a way that attracted the mainstream market without involving myself directly in themes I felt didn’t pan out (because they were often non-constructive, damaging, and sexist). I kept openly criticizing and worked those critiques into my content, re-centralizing The Domme as the Feminine in my concept of ‘Female Domination’, but even the concept of what passed as being ‘Dominated’ by men bugged me. There was one Domme who successfully picked these things apart as I did, but her end point was still along the lines of men being inherently unsolvable flaws of nature. She did normalize by way of her many ‘inspired’ copycats, FemDom that didn’t bother pandering to the interests of its sexist main market though. Eventually I distanced myself so much that I just...deleted all of my public facing work, pulled the plug and rode on my residuals for a while during a private rebrand.
But in that time, Nazism had come to a boil- the festering, smelly kind. And I couldn’t help but see, in the detritus of radicalized male spaces, the distinct mark of the same unsolved psychological issues FemDom as a media and basic philosophy capitalized on- fear of being gay, fear of lack of access to women, shame over being a virgin, a severe othering of the feminine and associating it with inferior status. All of the building blocks of the misogyny that we now discuss as the connecting thread in so many violent ideologies were right there and being used as arguments by these horrible men.
This isn’t my full analysis but rather a back story and explanation of where I was when I observed what I observed. I think that FemDom as a fetish is, like other Fetishes, a signal from the collective subconscious that there are psychological/emotional things that needed to be solved, but instead of that happening and beign worked out, it became a boilerplate for it, where men could have their phobias validated and reinforced because that’s all that’s left after the actual power exchange/female empowerment and one-to-one guidance concepts are removed from FemDom.
At this point I still operate somewhat within the sphere but I’ve made un-secret my motive for actually-- wait for it-- being supportive to my clients and re-establishing an actually positive view of Women. For years I had to hide it because that’s not what sells- though it was what made it possible for my personal clients to see very positive results (and gave me a very high client return rate).
But yeah uh, I’m a Domme who actually just likes helping people out psychologically and for the past like, year I’ve been wondering whether or not I could just...turn that skillset out on my audience instead of only catering to rich men with it, which would be even more fulfulling.
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