#the image of jack being like. a lil PAMPER ME sleeper is living rent free in my head lmao
safyresky · 10 months
17. Can they fall asleep anywhere? Or do they need an optimum condition to sleep in? (For any or as many!)
Thank you!!!! Any or as many. HMMM. I am going to Legate the SHIT out of this >:D
Jacqueline can sleep anywhere so long as it's A) freezing cold and B) there are a plethora of blankets for her to get COZY and WARM and SNUGGLY. She is going to burrito and she is going to be SO cozy cold
Dite doesn't usually sleep! But when she does as long as the mattress is firm and she ISN'T sinking into it she's good. Bonus if cuddly burrito blanket gf is there!
Xander doesn't sleep. But when he does. Even though he doesn't! He can sleep ANYWHERE. SANDMAN SMARTS.
Blossom is a big ol' ?????? Does she even sleep, or is she simply like the energizer bunny, and always going going going? who's to say!
Myles can (and has!) slept anywhere. Probz has a favourite pillow that he will take with him if he knows he's not sleeping in his own bed! I also think he has a teddy bear that he will always sleep with/keep near by bc he feels bad for it, and when he watched Toy Story this only got WORSE.
It had the same effect on Olivia lol, both of them have a LOT of stuffies and such and they do NOT want them to be sad! Olivia can sleep anywhere as well, so long as it's soft. Probably also sleeps better with running water somewhere, given her work as a healer has her at the Springs a lot :)
Day and Night's preferred sleep condition is time void. If they are in the void they are sleeping fine. If they are OUTSIDE of the void, they are Not Sleeping, no sirree!
Spring likes squishy surfaces for sure! And HAS to be surrounded by flowers. She also gives me "sleeps with a diffuser going" vibes, lol. She LOVES sleeping on rainy nights. She cracks the windows open, bundles up, and listens to the rain 🥰🥰🥰 v big on ambient noise around her--canNOT sleep in absolute silence at ALL
Bonus: The OTHER seasons!
Summer can sleep anywhere! Likes open windows. Favourite sleeping nights are THUNDER STORMS. Only uses a sheet. It gets kicked off by morning.
Autumn also likes a chillier sleep! Also enjoys rainy nights! Cuddles with animals when she sleeps (this is optional, but 6/7 nights in the week, there's probably an animal nearby that is hanging out with her that Will Cuddle)
Winter is like Jacqueline! She likes to be very cold so she can bundle and ideally cuddle up alongside her summer sprite of a partner without melting (which is a valid concern some times, given she can't even keep a freeze dry OR snow blow in her hair when Blaise is nearby!)
BONUS bonus: The rest of the Frosts!
Blaise overheats so fucking fast frfr. If he is not able to hold his walking AC unit of a partner throughout the night he will wake up way too hot and that's just uncomfortable! Frost Manor has the windows open for most of the year, lol
Fino prefers sleeping on an object made for sleeping but can make do without. Likes having the blankets but will kick them off in his sleep. Has on occasion woken up on the floor perplexed. Sleeps 100x better when his twin is nearby. Doesn't mind overheating but prefers not to.
Fiera can sleep anywhere and WILL sleep anywhere! Sleeps 100x better when her Twin is nearby. As an adult, she crashes on people's couches ALL THE TIME! Kicks blankets right off of her and onto the floor. Sometimes wakes up hugging pillows. NASTY bedhead most mornings. Drools. Likes to overheat.
(Fins and Fi will on occasion get into a silent "open the window a crack" battle. It is very passive aggressive and VERY sneaky! Often don't notice when the other closes/opens the window. These lil battles can rage on for days at a time)
Now Jack ISN'T an OC but I desperately need to inflict this image on other people so:
PAMPERS himself
silk sheets. humidifier. sleep mask. the BEST pyjamas. ice cold drink on his bedside table at ALL TIMES.
probably has some fancy snack for the morning laid out somewhere lmao.
weighted blanket, HIGH thread count, you THINK of a fancy sleep thing Jack 100% has it and most deffs uses it.
Probably does like an overnight facemask or something on occasion TOO, lol
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