#the idea of a talisman might work i guess? but idk man
hotwaterandmilk · 10 months
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Questions are being taken until after episode 8 airs!
Thank goodness someone already asked about the necklace so I don't have to do it myself. I enjoyed all the questions about Kongming's headwear logistics and Maezono Keiji's shorts too.
A+ great show, great fandom, great thighs on Sekiguchi Mandy.
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roseskulls · 6 years
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isa’s actual bio is long as hell and also in a really weird format idk why I did that to myself but anyways here is the quick and dirty of it! also here is her pinterest board.
isa lived in a small town in nebraska pretty much all her life until she came to lockland. she was raised by her (horrible, neglectful) mother alone until she was six and her mother abandoned her. isa’s mother was the type to ignore isa when it suited her, leave her by herself for days or weeks when she decided she didn’t want to be around her anymore, leave her with pretty much nothing to eat and a eviction notice on the door until she decided to waltz back in. isa didn’t know why her mother never loved her, she didn’t know what she did wrong, but eventually her mother just stopped coming back and isa was taken by the police and given to her grandmother because her father has never been in the picture
her aunts and grandma literally never knew who this man (her father) was either??? like literally no one knew who he was and everyone was honestly convinced that even isa’s mom didn’t know for sure either if you know what i mean (she was a bit of a hoe tbh). i have a headcannon that he’s a rich guy, like Hella rich guy but he doesn’t even know isa exists tbh, he thought her mother got an abortion and isa has never met him. also on that note, isa’s mother left her and started a brand spankin’ new family in the surburbs. she’s married and has two beautiful children. isa found out around the time she was sixteen and just,,, some part of her froze over i’m not gonna lie. because apparently that horrible woman was capable of love, just not love for her. 
isa was taken in by her grandmother (gemini or gem for short) and aunts ( persephone and venus) and pretty much raised by the three women above their family shop. her aunts and grandmother were pretty much the only people who understood her
the sosa’s owned a fortune telling shop that also sold new age merchandise like crystals and talismans etc. isa actually comes from a family of ‘psychics’ (like her aunts are fortune tellers, her grandma was one, her great grandma was one, etc. the only one who really broke the pattern was isa’s mother) so she was always kinda surrounded by weird things and told weird things.
she worked front desk at her family shop since she was about six (kinda illegal but yk dkjdskj) and was the worlds worst receptionist for years and may still be (she might be working for a cousins new age shop here in lockwood maybe folks because i love that for her) for a while was  the world’s worst secretary too. after she graduated high school she worked for an actual businessman who owned an art exhibit and was a major douche canoe. he literally was the worst person, cheating people out of their art, being an asshole, hitting on isa inappropriately multiple times. she hated him with a burning passion, so she broke into his house, stole a bunch of his shit, and decided to move cross country in an rv to leave the scene of the crime. she just enrolled in uni for art last semester because of that, like she stopped in lockwood, figured it’d be as good a place as any to lay low for a while and figured she finally might try the secondary education thing because hey now with all this stolen money she can afford it. she’s kinda always lowkey on guard and dodging the cops but she’s mostly sure she’s not gonna get caught at this point. tbh isa has little fear of the police, more on that later folks. 
anyways isa was bullied pretty heavily during school when she was younger because she was different. she didn’t really act or dress like the other kids did so they picked on her until isa basically put a stop to that by pretending to cast a spell on a girl who was bullying her. she used pigs blood (that her grandma brought her to their local butcher to get, we love a supportive family) and some really impressive acting for an eight year old in her little performance (her grandma and aunts also helped her come up with the spell for that if that gives you any idea of what kind of family they were sdkjds) so yeah people left her alone after that pretty much for the rest of her school career.
so yeah never really had many friends through school, a bit of a social pariah, you know how it goes
isa’s closest confidant was actually her grandmother growing up and she died a couple of years ago. it hit isa really hard. she didn’t cry at the funeral, and she hasn’t really cried since, and??? you’d never be able to tell because isa doesn’t really Emote but she’s kinda wondering wtf is wrong with her at this point
isa is absolutely planning to reunite with her aunts as soon as things die down. she’s just temporarily in lockwood until the police officially close the case. 
born io salma sosa! has gone by isa since her aunt venus gave her the nickname as a kid though. uses she/her pronouns although she doesn’t fully identify as a girl.
Isa true love is art. she sells her art and you can pretty much consistently catch her doodling. she’ll draw these kiddos and give them little doodles of themselves.
Speaking of doodling, lets talk about doodling on things you shouldn’t (what a smooth transition amiright), Isa is lowkey a graffiti artist. She’s one of those people who thinks that art shouldn’t be contained and that it should be free, so she tends to spray paint and draw everywhere. She has yet to get caught, but she has probably caused a bit of a fuss around town considering that Isa’s art tends to be creepy to say the least. She tends to go for the gory and freaky over the pretty. and recently since moving to a bigger city than small town nebraska people actually care? like people tend to take pictures of it, put it on instagram and twitter and the like. Isa’s actually made quite a name for herself in the online community, with people commenting on her art and discussing it (kind of like banksy but nowhere near as big). They tend to refer to her by a few different names (scythe, tweek, creep, etc) and they have really yet to decide on one. Isa, being the troll she is, occasionally joins the online debates for fun (if you were wondering, Creep is her favourite)
Honestly Isa is a bit of kleptomaniac as well (she used to steal out of necessity (so she’d have clothes without holes in them or art supplies yk, and she still kind of does that, but sometimes she also does it for fun), and she doesn’t actually have the healthiest relationship with her emotions (which is what tends to happen when you know, trauma happens shout out to her mother) but like catch this girl at therapy over her Cold Dead Body, she’ll die before talking about her feelings she really will
Like I said earlier, the Sosa family are psychics and sell new age retail (you name it they have it and they’ll at least try to con you into buying it.) that said, honestly, they aren’t real psychics. One of Isa’s aunts (Venus or Aunt V) knows she isn’t and has gone full con artist with the whole thing, and the other (Persephone or Aunt Percy) thinks she can really see and sense the future which is just a whole other thing but ANYWAY isa is kind of in between them. she doesn’t fully believe in everything but she will charge you a twenty to read your aura yk
apparently chaotic evil according to a test i did one time so there’s that. also an aquarius
has the emotional range of captain holt but like if captain holt was a tiny latina yk
also only 4″11?? not even five foot?? amanda arcuri is tiny af y’all
fun facts: loves aliens, is bi as hell, is also a vegan, very liberal as you might guess, has picnics in cemeteries and might lowkey seem kind of emotionless but i promise she wants to be your friend. truly doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, just likes to mess with people. 
a muse (someone who lets isa draw them all the time tbh)
party friend (someone who will go clubbing and drinking with isa, a true ride or die who’ll help her try to break into area 51)
enemies (someone who hates isa that isa is just kind of ??? about because isa doesn’t understand conflict a lot of the time tbh)
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