#the icon was a tfa bumblebee
Love your Barbie-Bot design!
Hey, what if Barbie-Bot was a femme found and raised on TFA earth?
As she got older, she became a bit of a celebrity and eventually got the attention of a young Professor Sumdac who asked her to become a spokesperson/robot for his new company?
She agreed, and because of that her fame skyrocketed. Her image was nearly everywhere thanks to Sumdac Systems.
While mostly advertising domestic robots and inventions made by the company Barbie-Bot also inspired lines of cars, accessories, jewelry, clothes, and toys! Especially toys that were in her image and were most girls' favorite for the next century.
She does love it, the fashion, the fame, the happy faces that humans get when seeing her, but she often wondered where she came from. An answer she soon gets with the arrival of Optimus and his Team.
How do they react to this famous femme raised on Earth?
For simplicities sake, we'll call Barbie-bot Milliesecond, or Mille for short, as suggested by @curespectra.
-Optimus has a lot of respect for Millie. She's a professional businesswoman and the face of the most influential company on Earth. She's built a career, a life, on this alien planet. He doubts just anyone could achieve that. Kinda looks up to and admires her for her confidence.
-Ratchet thinks Millie is a naive but genuinely good person. She's ignorant of her cybertronian heritage, which admittedly isn't her fault, and Ratchet often has to remind himself this whenever he gets frustrated. Actually very patient with her and carefully explains things.
-Oh, Bumblebee wishes he had what Millie has. She's famous, successful, rich, confident, pretty, loved by millions. She's even got her own action figures. Like, she's got it all! Envies the way she doesn't even have to try to get everyone to like her. Also has a massive crush on her.
-Bulkhead thinks Milliesecond is so cool. She's a businesswoman, she's a celebrity, she's super nice and probably the prettiest bot he's ever seen. Just in awe of her story, how she rose from nothing into becoming such an icon.
-While yes, Prowl finds Millie's rise to fame and success to be inspiring and intriguing, he's more interested in how she got to Earth in the first place. Just how did her protoform get here? Starts investigating her past, knowing that if he figures out the truth, he might be able to give her some peace of mind.
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johnnytesticles · 3 months
Man I was super excited for the overwatch x transformers event cause I love transformers but there’s a lot left to be desired.
For starters and maybe like my biggest like “I wish but realistically wouldn’t actually happen” is bastion bumblebee is such an odd choice. Bastion has 1 eye and a gun for a hand, who you know what really iconic decepticon also fits that bill?? Mf shockwave!!! Like I get it bumblebee is now iconic and you need him but like it being bastion is so strange
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Second issue is super opinionated but like Ramattra megatron looks just really bad, he looks nothing like him and that’s super disappointing. Like he straight up just looks like Ramattra with a decepticon logo and that’s it.
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The biggest BIGGEST issue for me is holy fuck why did they give Optimus a HAMMER!!!!! Like the skin looks really good until you see the stupid hammer when prime has always had his super iconic energon axe!!!!!!!
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Some might say like “oh well Reinhardt always has a hammer so they probably didn’t wanna change the model” which is w r o n g cause he does have skins with an axe so???? And also if they wanted to do a hammer why didn’t they do a really cool deep cut and make it sentinels hammer from TFA??? Just really salting my apples with this event.
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woolydemon · 4 years
im so used to tfa & knightverse bees' metal grey faces so when I see other bumblebees im like
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bayheart · 3 years
oo, could i request Bee with a demigirl flag :o?
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TWO bees for the price of one!!! :]
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bantamblip · 4 years
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Happy October! Take some blitzbee as a treat🎃
*whispers* free to use!
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dzzystrs · 4 years
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revamped my headcanons for tfa characters gender and sexuality (and as ive said before, i have. Complicated feelings on how gender works for bots in tfa BUT for the sake of simplicity gave them identities id give any human character) but this time around decided to do pride icons to accompany them!
optimus is bi & bigender, ratchet is aroace & agender, prowl is aroace, bulkhead is pan, sari is pan & a demigirl, and bee is bi & trans!
part 1 (you are here!) | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
the rest of my pride icons can be found under my tag #pride icons! these are free to use with credit! if you want another flag done, just shoot me an ask and i will provide!
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honey-hexes · 5 years
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Emo Bumblebee on Facebook what will he post
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kabukiaku · 5 years
Prowl and Bee pixel icons for @peaches-n-reptiles !!
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thanks for commissioning me :)
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What if in TFA holoforms were a thing and the Bots were able to use them?
What would the teams look like and how would they choose to use them?
-Optimus' holoform looks pretty similar to his human form from the episode Human Error. The difference is that his holoform has short, dark brown, curly hair that looks incredibly soft and freckles. His eyes are also brown and he's got those long eyelashes that models would kill for. His holoform wears pants similar to those belonging to firemen, complete with suspenders. He wears a simple, form fitting black t-shirt and big black boots.
As for what he would use it for, Optimus would use it to better help normal humans. Not everyone trusts or feel comfortable being handled by a cybertronian but someone that looks like a fellow human being? Yeah, it makes his work much easier.
-Ratchet's holoform got shoulder length white hair held back by a low ponytail and he's got a goatee. Like his human appearance in Human Error, he has a scar except this scar starts right above his eyebrow and disappears in his hairline. In holoform, he wears small, rectangular glasses, a red turtleneck, a white doctor's coat, beige khaki pants and brown leather shoes.
Similar to Optimus, Ratchet uses his holoform to better help humans. While he's not a human doctor, he still knows the basics and it's just easier to treat an injury when your fingers are not the size of your patient's limbs.
-Bumblebee's holoform looks to be about the same age as Sari after her upgrade. Other than that, he actually looks pretty much the same as his appearance in Human Error, thinking that his color scheme and general appearance is too iconic to change. He's got a lot of ear piercings though.
Bumblebee uses his holoform to goof off and have fun. There are some things he can't do in his true form, since everything on Earth was made for humans, but thanks to his holoform he can now access them. Things like theme parks and arcades.
-Bulkhead's holoform is 6'5 and built like a brick. But he's got the kindest eyes and a button nose. He's also got red, curly hair and freckles. His clothes consist of a green turtleneck with rolled up sleeves and brown suspender-pants, covered in paint stains.
Like Bumblebee, Bulkhead uses his holoform to have fun in ways that he couldn't as a bot, at least not without causing some major destruction on accident. But he also uses it to visit places and do stuff that he was always to nervous to do before, like visit museums and art galleries.
-Prowl's holoform is a tall and slim man with slicked back black hair. He's got a couple ear piercings and instead of his visor, he wears black pilot sunglasses instead. Prowl wears a fake leather jacket with gold detailing, a dark grey form fitting t-shirt underneath that in addition black jeans and combat boots.
As you might have expected, Prowl uses his holoform to better understand life on Earth and experience things in a way his true form does not allow. It allows him to gain a new perspective of things and better understand what it means to be a part of this planet.
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flowerbots · 6 years
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beebee in the house 🐝
screencaps taken by @alucardy2000!
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vodid · 2 years
Curious, do you like Transformers Animated?
i do now!
i never particularly hated or disliked it, i was just very passive about it. the style was iconic but funky, the characters were unique but massively different than what i was used to, the plot built nicely overall but was difficult to stay focused on when each episode only contributed a little or even nothing to the entire plot. i tried watching animated multiple times and was never able to finish it (thanks adhd) i tried liking it and drawing but i never felt connected to any of it
and then i read some fics 🥲
i think the problem was that the only reason why i even would've liked animated at the time was for jazz/prowl but in all honesty, the ship dynamic/characterizations differed a bit too much from their g1/g1 fanon counterparts for me to really get into it. so i stayed generally neutral on the ship. i like it ofc but i probably wouldn't go out of my way to draw it just for myself unless i really needed to scratch an itch
so i needed different characters or ships to get into since i wasn't gonna find it in jazz or prowl. but i got desperate one day for j/p and read a tfa jazz/prowl longfic that included two other ships i wasn't particularly excited for. i didn't hate them! i was just more focused on j/p than one of the ships and didn't even ship the other
well that changed for sure. by the end of the fic, i wasn't even thinking about jazz/prowl because it heavily got me into....... you guessed it, blitzbee! i don't remember my opinions on blitzwing before this (i think he was just some cool decepticon i decided to draw once) but i knew i didn't care much for bumblebee before. i was a bayverse/tfp fan so that bee never resonated with me
well now he does! and now i get to project my adhd, rsd and apd onto him. and thats what i needed. a character to latch onto, to project onto and to call my own little blorbo. and now tfa bee is one of my favorite bees!! if not top favorite
it was also a matter of being able to draw the show. i didn't feel like my style was as developed as i wanted it to be every time i tried watching it, so that only heavily added to the disconnection. i've gotten better at drawing and have been practicing, so i've definitely grown closer to tfa :)
aaa that was a rant but i have Many thoughts about tfa hsjdjsjs its fun!! and i'm definitely enjoying writing fic for it!
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toxiicatiing-a · 5 years
@stiinglike​​ continued from here
The techno-organic had waited for so, so long for this moment to occur, for one of those pathetic, miserable, disgusting Autobot’s to separate themselves from their usually tight-knitted group. For several months, she waited patiently, slowly creating her own race, a race to rule over, to become a queen of those just like her.
Optimus’ worst fears had come to life, in the form of starving arachnid looking for blood to drown the streets of Detroit with, and now that she had the yellow minibot just where she wanted him, nothing would stop her lusting for reeking her suffering onto every single Cybertronian in existence.
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Cruel talons forcibly grasped Bumblebee’s chin, her sharp claws painfully digging into the metal on the scrappy thing’s faceplate, her gaze glued to the energon that wept from the puncture marks, coating just the tips of her inbuilt nails. “Don’t you get it? Optimus doesn’t deserve you, not that he ever cared for you in the first place, Bumblebee. You’ll realise just how awful of a Prime he truly is, once you become a Predacon because I’ll always be here for you...” Blackarachnia’s smile, though appearing almost seductive, held the promise of morbid intent, should the Autobot continue with his pointless ramblings.
Leaning ever closer to her captive’s face, the arachnid slid her servo downwards from Bumblebee’s chin to his neck, those horrid claws beginning to dig into the thin layer of metal that protected Bee’s most precious feature about himself; his voicebox. She didn’t say another word, not until her derma barely brushed against the yellow annoyance’s audio receptors.
“Join me, and you’ll never be doubted again, sweet-spark. Just think about the things we could achive together, Bumblebee.” Withdrawing from his audio-receptors, the cruel queen didn’t shy away from placing a free servo on Bee’s hip. “We would be unstoppable... We could free so many so that they no longer have to be slaves to the Autobot council. I know you’re not just all looks, mech, you’ve got smarts; use them.”
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xkokopuffs · 6 years
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i love him so much
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decepti-thots · 3 years
Optimus, bumblebee, OR metroplex
Gonna do OP!
OTP: across all continuities? G1 style megop. I'm BASIC so SUE me. they're iconic, innit. genghiskhan.mp3. buuuut I'll give a runner up in the interest of not boring us all to tears: TFA op/prowl. i want more of it so bad ;-;
BrOTP: slams fist on desk. WHERE'S THE JAZZ-OP FRIENDSHIP. I LOVE IT. I WANT IT. there's ONE bit in the first Aligned tie in novel with them i have read like fifty times. they're so well suited! jazz should gently tease him a lot and they should chill together!!!
OT3: i know it's recency bias but i was LITERALLY talking about my terrible slapstick comedy TFC!megoptarn bullshit today so. that. it's so dumb and i love it so much. they should fight over OP while he's like '???? friends :)' like a dweeb.
NOTP: don't have one i guess!!! shrug 🤷‍♀️
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New 2022 Transformers Cartoon
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      So awhile back, there was news of a new Transformers series, along with another, “BotBots”, coming in 2022: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Untitled_2022_Transformers_cartoon
The premise is that a new species of Transformer emerges and finds themselves adopted by a human family, attempting to find their place in the world and between the the warring Autobots and Decepticons. 
Im really curious of what the show will be about. I have some ideas and hopes.
* The main protagonist is a bot who isn’t sure of what side to choose and may even choose to take a neutral, peacemaker role and the other bot characters would take opposite sides, for conflict. Try to keep the earth safe from the war’s impact as well as try to mend things once and for all.
* A lot of techno, hip-hop, modern music/soundtrack. Maybe something like KATAOWB.
* The bots to have different, diverse looks to each other. Perhaps one will look like a minicon, the other a dinobot, etc.
* The bots to be mentally young, teens. Gives me some coming-of-age vibes.
* Will have a more detailed style of CGI, but nothing too complex. Easy but still interesting for the eyes. Perhaps a mix of TFP and Rescue Bots.
* The new species of transformers are bots who can take on the form of organic humans, a new function type, made using spark fragments of other bots or bots made in a lab with unique powers. Made the spark idea with Crossoverlover19.
* Will start off more slice of life, comedy and gradually become more serious and dark. The war’s still happening. A ROTTMNT kinda route.
* Crazy cool fights and action like ROTTMNT but in CGI.
* Will go into both sides and dissect the pros and cons in the Autobots and Decepticons. Pointing out netheir side are perfect.
* Portray the Decepticons in a less villainous way. Mainly seen as the antagonists at first but show there’s more to them than meets they eye, get it.
* Iconic bots such as Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, etc to appear along with others such as Whirl and the DJD and new bot characters. I mean I think the main characters already count.
* Human characters will have a big impact in the series, like Sari in TFA.
* Will have a Starscream redemption arc as well as properly show and discuss Megatron’s mistreatment of him. It’s been a huge issue talked about in the fandom.
* A ton of old other tf story references.
What do u guys think? I’d really love to hear💖 Ngl I’m not the biggest expert on the TF franchise. I’m very excited to see what this new series will be.
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The Draw Queue
a list of things i intend to draw (not necessarily in order) jic any a yall were curious about the stuff thats living rent free in my mind these days lmao
security breach au character line up
security breach au glamrock op vs glamrock mega
security breach au kids (namely sari, sam, jack, michaela, miko, miles, raf and charlie)
Idw shockblurr
graphics for an rpg transformers game (mostly bgs but also some scene mock-ups)
(write) shockblurr post-war fic
fashionformers (mostly the elite trine but also some lost light mechs)
faeformers (mostly bgs but also some lost light mechs)
the tfa bots all wearing saris with sari
bayverse optimus
a mock-up of my dream home, with shockwave living in it, of course
more psychedelic transformers art - maybe with unicron/galvatron/cyclonus/the sweeps
city-speaker au, mostly with lost light mechs
the djd in a totally radical (tm) skating rink
Form Before Function character line ups
Form Before Function ideas and plot points
Cybertronian Community headcanons (but as drawings!!!)
Swerve/blue bots
cyberverse Perceptor/dead end
beeverse ratchet/drift
oplita <3
yes man (fnv)
g1 trine of cyclonus, whirl and tailgate
g1 trine of cyclonus, galvatron and stratagem
Sunder (religiously flavored)
SHIT TON OF REDRAWS (including but not limited to: shockwave in flowers, jackass!nautica, cyberverse whirl, mirage, primus!rung, etc)
megastar memes (check drafts)
Transformers Fashion Fanzine
tfp soundwave collecting cassettes (minigame???)
crocknock vs a tuba
Til Someone Gets Hurt animation/animatic
Jazz sitting in people’s laps <3
Cerebros/prowl (check drafts)
transformers!among us (part 2)
magnet art with sunny/sideswipe
normal mechs dressing up their sparkling vs perceptor dressing up his sparkling
skystar fanzine
medic skywarp
FUCK TON of adopts based on color palettes
self-care transformers stickers
redraw shockwave ace header for pride month <3
All special ops mechs with full visor/facemasks
G1 scene redraws
bayverse ratchet/ironhide
fanart for several fanfics (fanfictuary???)
tfp cliffjumper
bayverse human!sunstreaker
cooking/baking/gardening/cleaning transformers stickers
(write) black sands chapter
(write) bayverse symbiosis/mecha au
egirl tfp soundwave
tfa longarm character sheet <3
redraw all the OLD icons
Tfp prowl/soundwave/swerve
Prowl, bloodynosed, hovering over a bathrom sink, staring at his reflextion in the mirror, thoroughly pissed off
tfp megatron, starscream, soundwave and shockwave facing off against tfp optimus, prowl, jazz and ratchet for beach day shenanigans
Transformers as chao / transformers in their respective chap gardens withtheir chao <3
Late 90s scene!punk blueberry rodimus
double sided charm with red roddy in front of a cherry slushie and blue roddy in front of a blue raspberry slushie on the other side
skyfire zine
swerve zine
tfa game nostalgia zine
fashionmech (maga)zine
tarnma animatic
tfa optimus animatic
tfa blurr v shockwave animatic
song-based animatics (prowl, jazz, rodimus, drift, ratchet, pharma, tarantulas, chromedome, optimus, starscream, swerve, shockwave)
make a shockwave plushie
transformers as chao/transformers raising chao
finish transformers-themed acnh island
mecha-carebear adopts
acnh jacket of whirl, with sparkling whirl in his cockpit <3
tfs as space rovers
That one vocaloid pic, magnet, maybe with jazz and prowl or maybe hot rod and deadlock
Bunch of mechs who Shouldnt be in the rescuebots universe, but now Are (overlord, sunder, prowl, pharma, etc)
Jedi "knights"
Earthspark megop
Waspinator cassette au
Moonracer punk redesign
Tfa letfire & jetstorm with decepticon frames
Soundwave & cassette!entrapta
Femm-cassetticon!combaticons with onslaught as their host <3
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