#the hungergames
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normafuckingrockwell · 1 year ago
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hes so bf coded
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3c1ipseartz · 1 year ago
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Young president snow
Ik a lot of people didn’t like the ballad of songbirds and snakes but I kinda loved it, I LOVE hunger games and I think it fit well. Just rlly long
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sparklebear11 · 2 months ago
Have a edit I made 🤭
@allisluv have this it's a new years present :)
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thehappyvet · 1 year ago
Seeing Tigris' compassion for the tributes in TBOSAS made me realise something.
We know that Tigris is a stylist in the games from THG. So we know, for a period of time, she is a part of the hunger games. But in TBOSAS we know she sees Coryo for who he is, and knows who he will become. So why work for him in a system she is completely against?
We also know from THG that the stylists stay alongside their tribute and work hard to make them look and feel confident and supported during a terribly traumatic time. Cinna, the stylist for Katniss, is incredibly kind to her and empathetic for what she's going through. He supports her by making her memorable, giving her a chance of being loved by the capitol to gain sponsors.
He also, intentionally or unintentionally, moulds her into the mockingjay and a figurehead of the revolution.
What if that's Tigris' legacy?
What if Tigris realised by being a part of the games she could help tributes by making them memorable through their outfits and looks? What if she advocated for the stylists to form bonds with their tributes, provide support and to stay alongside them until the last moment?
What if she used her familial ties with Coryo to move up the ranks and ensure that stylists always provided this supportive role? She knew there was no changing who he would be, so what if she manipulated herself into a position where she could make a difference for the tributes?
Tigris knew how important fashion was to making impressions. Maybe she also knew how important it would be in starting a revolution.
We know from THG there are those in the capitol that are secretly supportive of the revolution. Cinna died for it. We know from the last book Tigris is one of the remaining supporters from within the capitol, and helps the rebels in their hour of need.
Maybe Tigris knew a tribute might come along one day that could be moulded into a revolutionary figure, using the close relationship between the stylist and the tribute and the cover of being impressionable to obtain sponsorship. Maybe she fostered a close group of pro-rebel stylists to watch and wait for the right tribute to come along that could make the capitol see the horrors of the games and advocate for them to end?
Maybe Tigris planted the seed in the core of the Hunger Games to see their eventual downfall.
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mylifeinelegy · 1 year ago
tbosbas brainrot: gale/sejanus parallels… katniss/tigris parallels… peeta/lucy gray parallels…
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tearsonthemoons · 1 year ago
Talk to me - part one
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Warning: (none) pure fluff.
Pairing: Finnick Odair x chubby reader
promt: You've always liked finnick odair, even before his reaping. while running into him while headed to the district market, you discover just how intense he makes you feel. (Multiple part story with a thick plot line.)
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Finnick Odair, every girl in every districts boy crush, including mine.
My unfair advantage came with my look, I wasn't exactly what people would see as beautiful, quite the opposite of sex appeal. Though now it really is hard to be considered something appealing to the capital's eyes, or a handsome boy in our district. Finnick couldn't relate, he’s what every boy wants to look like and what every girl wants to get their hands on.
I had fallen victim of his charm.
I was a tough girl though, I never let boys get in the way. Then again, I’ve never ran into a situation where i needed to try and prevent this either.
I have never been chased by a boy, never desired. I'm not a capital jewel, or even a pretty district girl. Somehow even being short of food, my body seemed bigger than the average girl in my district, or any district. I have larger arms, wider hips, and my thighs weren't small by any means either, I never do feel ashamed of my body, It's not like i'll be showing it off to anyone.
"Y/n?" I heard my mother call, interrupting my thoughts. I'm sure she was just planning to send to into the town to sell off her pearls for something to put on the table. I was already lacing up my boots in preparation for the 3 miles of walking i'd have to do.
I walk down the hall and greet my tired mother with a small peck on the cheek. "On it." I say pushing through our faulty door and heading my usual direction into the town.
With each step I took through the forest on the patchy trial, Finnick was in my mind, Though he had won the hunger games for our district at only 14, he’s never failed to come back home from his capitol "duties", Were older now though, no longer teenagers, he has more freedom of where he calls home. I never knew finnick well enough to talk about him in depth, unless it was about his alluring looks anyways. In school he was typically pulling pranks on other students and teachers, but he never did get in trouble, It was probably his manners, he was always kind, despite being a little wild.
I remember being 12 years old, walking this same path home, only I had company, with this kind boy, finnick, no particular reason, he just happened to be talking my ear off the whole time, whether it was about fish he could catch, or how he liked the color of my hair. I enjoyed his presence, He only did walk with me a few more time after that, I wasn't too cooperative to the talking part, I never even told him my true name, "What's your name then?" he said, I smiled, and that was all. Then all of a sudden I was "Bugs".
I sure it was because of my beetle charm, but he never did specify why he had called me this.
By the time these thoughts had consumed my mind, I was a but over halfway there, passing my old school already, each step crushed with the sounds of leafs. It was chilly out, the wind was blowing my hair in my face, I was thankful for the scarf my mother made me wear on my way. The crunching of the leafs were soothing my ears. Until I began to hear the crunches follow behind me. Who was there? was I being followed? robbed? I came to a quick turn expecting to be frightened, but to my surprise, the blonde headed boy who was in my thoughts all this time was following behind me.
what was finnick doing here?
I headed a bit towards him, a friendly smile was on his face, or maybe a devious smirk, I really couldn't tell. "Hey there." he said taking steps closer to me, I was able to identify his smile, it was devious.
I almost didn't respond to him like I didn't all those years ago, but his greeting was to alluring to avoid. My heart nearly left my chest, "Hi" I said with a smile back. All I could manage to get out was that before I turned around keeping myself on my same path to my destination, still being slightly ahead of him.
I heard him speed up a bit to walk beside me, his tall and broad frame next to me was enough to understand why so many girls wanted him. Handsome is all I can say. "Headed to town?" he said turning his body to mine, still keeping the same pace as before. a smile on his face as he looked at me. "Yes, trading pearls for my mother." I said holding out the pretty pearl in my hand for him to see. It was strange having finnick odair, capitals charmer walking with me into the town, but then again, we've called the same place home for years, it's not like he's lost or anything.
"Pretty pearls you got their Bug." he said with a slight giggling placing the pearl back into my hand, I stopped in my tracks realizing he had recognized me. Why did he recognize me? Some random girl that ignored him on his way home from school? It wasn't adding up and I tried to piece it together shooting him a puzzled look. "You remember me?" I said with a near stutter in my voice, furrowing my brows a bit more as he shared a chuckle out loud, his smile lines complimenting his oddly white teeth.
"Hmm" he said turning to walk again, "How could I forget that pretty hair." he said with another laugh, It was almost sarcastic. even if he was being sarcastic, at least he remembered me, because he's been stuck in my mind since I first formed my crush on him at only 12. I turn and continue to walk with him, a few moments of silence and crunching leafs consume my ears. I was waiting for him to talk to me again, or think of something I could say to him, but it was just quite, aside from his little whistle he kept repeating.
"I'm going to donate my fish to the market today, join me?" he said as we took our last few steps into the town, It was a relief he had invited me, though I had things to do, I'm sure a few more minutes in the towns wouldn't uphold my mother's dinner plan to much. besides, what harm could a nice even with Finnick do?
I can't help but smile a bit, bringing his face to look at mine. "Why not." I say following him further. Surely a few more minutes with him wouldn't delay my mother's dinner plans to terribly.
We make our final approaching steps reaching an old ladies market, she typically trade shiny goods for meats, but Finnick wasn't trading, just offering. "Here you are lilith." he said placing what seemed to be a small bag of trouts in front of the old lady, her hands were shaking as she pulled out a shiny locket from her pocket. I had recognized this jewel, She's always had it on displayed, offered to me for food a few times, I was never able to take no matter how pretty I thought it was. I looked back at finnick, a smile on his face as he shook his head at the old woman, for a second I forgot that finnick probably had endless supplies of these pretty lockets. "For free lilith, Keep it." he said closing the locket in her hands, the woman shook her head back at him in response. "Take it dear, there's no harm." she said trying to hand it to him, my eyes were obviously glued to the pretty necklace, but I was distracted enough to see him actually take it from the woman though, I looked over at him, his eyes were darting back and forth from the necklace to my neck.
"Okay lilith, but only for the lady." He said kissing her hand and sharing a soft smile with her. I could feel the warmth of my face forming a pink color on my cheeks, I looked at him not only being so nice to this woman, but receiving me a necklace I've wanted for years. I smile at him as we leave the old women's booth.
"For you." he said holding the necklace up, dangling in front of my eyes, I drank in its golden beauty. "Thank you Finnick." I said gently grabbing it from him, my fingers tracing over the flower detail on the necklace capsule, it was almost shiney enough to see my reflection in it. He had his hands behind his back now, watching me admire it.
"Here, let me." he said taking the necklace back in his hand and walking behind me. I could feel my stomach form knots, tight ones, seeing him disappear behind me, I pulled my longish hair up in my hands, allowing his to go around my neck, gently picking up the other end of the necklace, his hand faintly touching the crook of my neck, It was enough to send shivers now my spine. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck now, I wonder if he could see the goosebumps on my neck. the locket fell down over my scarf, It was beautiful. Finnick was back in front of me with a smile, hands on the base of the locket. "Pretty, isn't it?" he said looking back up at me.
I could tell the seconds of my delayed response nearly made it obvious how I was feeling, his lips being slightly parted and his eyes wide in expression made me want to kiss him. I've never wanted to kiss a boy this way before. I couldn't say anything, just stare. A cough came through his throat interrupting my thoughts. "Here." he said unraveling my scarf from my neck gently, my hair fell onto my shoulders, the necklace falling down decently low, resting right above my chest. "Very pretty." he said smiling quickly before turning away from my face walking towards the direction of another booth, me tagging along. Was he talking about the necklace alone? or the necklace on me? was all that was running through my mind. my scarf was still in his hands, him holding onto it for me. I was swooning, my eyes trying their best to not stare at him.
When we arrive at the booth, I pick up some bread to eat for dinner, the pearl didn't get too much, but this would still feed us. We walk toward the path we took to get here, not saying anything since his compliment to the necklace he got me. I start to walk down the path and notice hes standing still not trying to follow.
"This is where I'm off." he said smiling down at me. A disappointment filled me, Even in silence, I liked spending time with him. "You aren't coming?" I said causing his smile to fade a bit. "Not today." he said slightly defeated. I smile at him, "Thank you." I said with another almost stutter in my voice. "I've always wanted this necklace, thank you finnick." I said, I wanted to give him a hug, something was drawing me to him, but I just sat there not being able to. "I'm glad you like it." he said, his soft laugh teasing at my heart again. We both smile at this, I know I looked like a love smitten fool at this point, like all those pretty district girl would look at him even if he were to just walk by.
"Bye now." I said turning away and walking down the path a few steps more.
"Bye!" he shouted a bit so I would hear him, the smile on my face growing bigger than it has all day, now that I was hidden from his frontal few, I had nothing to try and hide. The walk home was slow and boring, finnicks pretty smile and warm eyes on my mind all the way until I walked through my wooden door.
"You're back late" my mom said receiving the bread from my hands and putting it down on our dining table. The smile hadn't left my face just yet, leaving her to notice it. "What's that about?" she said with a soft grin, nuding my shoulder.
"Nothing important, just ran into an old friend." I said sitting down at the dining table with her, cutting the bread with the knife I had stored away in my jeans.
"Just a friend." I whispered, her eyes on my locket. "Your friend sure does like you if he happened to get you that expensive necklace, that thing could get us all kinds of bread and meat." She said pulling the necklace into her cold hands.
I stopped chewing to look at her again, "Well, this one's not for sale." I said pulling it from her hands, gently holding it in mine. "hm." left her lips, I could tell by the suspicion in her eye's that she might have figured out it wasn't someone I wanted to call a friend.
"We'll seen then." she said smiling while getting up from her chair. "You do need to go back tomorrow anyways." she said.
I didn't respond, only a sense of excitement filling my gut, maybe I would see him again.
Maybe I could truly thank him.
Word count: 3.3k 
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stone-soup-art · 2 years ago
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555-hiya-rea · 15 days ago
me core (according to @tamarathefantastic )
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my favorite characters
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rons-sweetheart3000 · 1 month ago
I like shameless, marvel, starwars, the outsiders, outerbanks, the maze runner, the hunger games, harry potter, gilmore girls, diary of a wimpy kid, baby, the sturniolos and deadly class.
I love punk rock bands and some pop and a bit of rap, I lovee talking about music.
yay 😝
i need friends please 🙏
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sanktalinn · 10 months ago
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Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
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normafuckingrockwell · 1 year ago
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happy birthday to my amazing husband
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3c1ipseartz · 1 year ago
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PEETA!! In love
I’m reading the books the hunger games and I love him sm 😚 they portray his love for Katniss better and it makes me so sad. I love them tho
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sparklebear11 · 6 months ago
Nevermore Hungergames
Wednesday would be DANGEROUS AS FUCK
Crackstone can be the game maker and miss Thornhill can join in to 😭😭😭
Wednesday is Def a career or I can see her volunteering for pugsley 😭
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theprimroseeverdeen · 7 months ago
Hi everyone! Katniss finally let me get Tumblr 🤭🤭🤭
Anyways! Here's Buttercup :)
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an excerpt of sunrise on the reaping was released so i’m rereading that and crying while listening to limerence by lucy dacus
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randommmthoughts · 3 months ago
This edit is everything I needed after rewatching the new hungergames movie
It intertwines so perfectly with the triology, drawing beautiful parrallels
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