#the holy grail of tf2 trans rights.
tf2hcs · 5 years
can i get uhhhhhhh.. trans merc head canons?? maybe found family?? thanks!
you can DEFINITELY get trans merc headcanons. comin up hot. i have so many headcanons pertaining to the mercs being trans that i can’t fit them into one post, so i’m just gonna do stuff related to transitioning here, and if you wanna hear about how i think they realized they’re trans or came out, ill do a post about that too
you know how cis people think that you have dysphoria ur whole life and then you get The Surgery (The Surgery) and it all goes away that very day? and that’s just. it? solider is the only person on earth for whom that holds true
he has rod-insert phalloplasty and double incision top surgery
Jane Doe is actually his real birth name, it doesn’t give him dysphoria so he just kept it
his phalloplasty used his arm as the donor site, so he’s got a patch of pinkish skin on his left arm
he transitioned pretty early on, maybe in his early twenties. he’s known he’s trans since he was a kid
shaving gives him INTENSE gender euphoria
he just went on T and boy is he excited
he runs in his binder (dumb) and frequently binds with bandages (dumb), so he has at least one deformed rib. twinsies 
like as SOON as he finds out medic is trans he asks for top surgery & gets it. he gets periareolar top surgery
when medic explains to him that periareolar top surgery keeps nipple sensation intact but double incision doesn’t he immediately starts calling the other mercs “numb-nips”
“it’s my shot day someone come stab me in the așs”
he didn’t choose his own name, his mom chose it for him when he came out. if he chose it it would’ve CLEARLY been tommy, as a tribute to tom jones
double incision top surgery
i know this is wildly unrealistic but it’s tf2 so i will claim it. medic gave himself top surgery and instead of giving himself nipple grafts he just like, carved a smiley face and star of david on there
he knows the most about trans health and history out of all the mercs (partially because he’s old, partially because he’s a doctor, partially because he’s more involved in the community than the others)
because of this the other mercs come to him for help with trans issues a lot
he wants to have a baby biologically SO bad. so so bad. i think i get this headcanon from how lovingly he holds that baboon baby in the comics
he works really hard to preserve his fertility throughout his transition and as he gets older. he doesn’t end up being able to have a baby until he’s in his 50s but he’s so happy when he does
i could go off about my dad medic headcanons for hours but ill save that for another post if u guys request
double incision top surgery for this guy too
talks about being trans all the time (every time i watch meet the demo and he says “i got a manky eye, i’m a black scottish cyclops” i mentally add transgender to the list)
constantly jokes about how he “blew it off” (you know what “it” is)
he has relatively bad dysphoria his entire life, but being open about it really helps
he doesn’t even know soldier is trans until he asks about the skin graft on his arm. he sees him use his rod implant and he just accepts that that’s how penises work
you know how being skilled with explosives runs in the degroot family?? my personal headcanon is that transness is also genetic to the degroots. both of demo’s parents were trans. ill talk about this more in another post if u guys want
no top surgery, his chest is a little large compared to a cis guy’s but his overall size makes it look more normal
if he ever does get top surgery, though, he gets inverted T/anchor incision
he has PCOS. he got a hysterectomy when medic was rooting around in there for the first time and noticed the cysts (”there will be so much more room in here once we get rid of your uterus!!” “room for what?” “…oh, you know”)
i think he might get full meta?? (as in metoidioplasty) i cant decide if he’d want a vaginectomy though. help me decide
double incision top surgery. he paid top dollar for it, it’s very nicely done
he refers to his top surgery as a “mastectomy” (which is the correct term but like, who says that)
he gave birth to scout. he was pregnant when he met scout’s mom, and after he gave birth to scout he ended up leaving him with her. i cant decide if it was more of a “can you please take my baby” situation or a “im going to the store to get milk” situation. either way though i don’t think scout’s mom would’ve objected to keeping him, he was an adorable baby
he owns so many packers. he gets them custom made. he has them displayed in his closet like designer wigs
no surgery at all! he never plans on getting it either. that’s why he has the vest
his chest is like, small and somewhat muscular. you guys have seen skinny trans men with muscle tîtty before i don’t have to explain this to you
actually i want you to take this discord screenshot. i said this last thursday
Tumblr media Tumblr media
he’s one of the most obviously trans mercs because he just insists on dressing like he based his outfit off the wikihow article for how to pass as male
i can say a lot more about my trans hcs for sniper in another post but im trying to keep this one at a readable length (failed step one)
no top surgery!
i think he has simple meta or maybe full meta without a vaginectomy (*epic rap battles of history voice* you decide)
he transitioned much later in life than the other mercs, his transition only actually started like five years ago
they’re agender!!
AFAB with no surgery or HRT
they use they/them pronouns or alternating he/she (”he’s not here, is she?”)
there’s not much to say about pyro’s gender! they just don’t have one
Miss Pauling:
you know how when some trans women start hrt, they get really bad cravings for pickles? miss p has that like hell
she eats a hot pickle in her car every single day. it gets to the point where the people who work the graveyard shift at mcdonalds remember her (she has a habit of ordering “a fry container full of pickle slices”)
she takes estrogen but she doesn’t have any surgery! i dont think she ever gets any
scout very nervously explains to her that he’s trans at one point and all she can do is blink and say “did you think i was cis”
thank you for taking this journey with me. now imagine how long this list would’ve been if i didn’t narrow it down
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