#the hippie remus x scientist sirius agenda
For mad scientist siri and hippie remus: Sirius having a depressive episode bc his work hasn't had much progrssed in such a long time and remus making him go outside in nature and them just having walking and talking abt everything and nothing, racing eachother along the river and colecting rocks and flowers
I'm finally feeling motivated enough to go through these prompts!!
Materpost here :)
"Sirius?" Remus forces himself to sit up out of bed, glancing around for his fiancé.
They're used to finding Sirius writing in a notebook on the bathroom floor, or tracing with his fingers on the kitchen table at an ungodly hour. He's even found Sirius asleep somewhere he isn't supposed to be, curled up with notes still clutched in his hand and an open pen drawing lines across his arm. Their eyes flick to the digital clock on his nightstand.
5:18am. Makes sense. It's practically light outside.
Slowly, he slips out of bed, shoving a cardigan and a pair of slippers on. Time to hunt for Sirius.
He makes sure to check all of the usual spots. There's no whiteboard pen on the bathroom tiles, nothing out on the front patio, and the kitchen is empty.
Remus frowns, confused. His bike's still parked, so he hasn't left the house.
It's only when they head down to check the back garden, walking down the hall, that they find him. Over the sound of his quiet footsteps, he catches some breathing coming from the living room.
With a nod to himself, he turns and steps into the darkened room.
The only light is peeking through a crack in the curtains, illuminating Sirius. He's on the floor, directly in front of the sofa. His knees are up, arms limp on the floor. For a second, Remus thinks he's asleep. It's only when they move closer that they realise Sirius is awake, staring into space.
"Hey, Sirius. You okay?"
"Love?" He moves to sit beside Sirius, waiting patiently. Sirius'll talk when he's ready.
Turns out, it doesn't take long.
"I'm fine."
The words are hollow, empty. Remus knows Sirius well enough to know that something has happened. Something that's done more than just ruin his night. He's more withdrawn than Remus has seen him at home in a while.
He'd bet his entire life that it's work related.
"Okay," Remus says with a nod. Then, the moment the idea hits, they stand up and extend a hand to Sirius. "Let's go."
For a moment Sirius just looks at his hand, confusion cutting ever so slightly through his apathy.
"A walk. Come on."
"Oh, I'm good-"
"Nope. You're coming with me." Remus shakes their head. He knows Sirius is going to say yes. He always does. He's terrible at saying no to Remus.
Eventually, Sirius reaches out and grabs Remus' hand, letting himself be helped up.
He doesn't say a word, just following Remus out of the bungalow and down the street. Their hands stay linked, as Remus leads him carefully through a few winding side streets, then over a fence.
"Remus, where are we going?" Sirius asks, dutifully climbing over the fence. Remus glances over to the small trail they've gotten to, gesturing vaguely around.
He watches Sirius carefully, catching just a hint of amusement in his eyes.
With that, the two of them start walking over to the stream. As they pass a few trees, Remus sees Sirius reach out and trace his fingers across the bark.
"I wonder what type of tree that is," Remus muses. They're sure Sirius is going to catch on, notice that it's an obviously baited statement.
"It's actually easier to figure out than you think," Sirius answers. He can't stop himself, and Remus knows that. He loves listening to Sirius' insanely random and well informed monologuing, usually about a strangely obscure topic.
As Sirius explains, Remus occasionally asking a question or two to keep it going, they reach the stream. Remus squeezes Sirius' hand once, before grabbing a stone and watching it skip across the water. A small smile finally finds its way onto Sirius' face.
"Isn't this place how you found our house?" Sirius asks. Remus nods, beaming at Sirius. "You stung by nettles, and wanted to find some, er..."
"Dock leaves," they supply. "Then our place was just... on the way back. It just-"
"Felt right."
A silence settles over both of them, watching the water. Remus can feel the anticipation in Sirius. He's building up to saying something, and Remus is going to wait it out.
"I'm at a dead end. With the project," Sirius says finally. When Remus turns their head, Sirius is still looking out at the waves. "It's like... every route I take just doesn't work." His brow furrows first, followed by his entire face crumbling. Finally, he turns and drops his face onto Remus' shoulder. "I've hit a wall, Remus. It's not even fun to research, right now. Nothing's working," he mumbles, muffled.
Remus doesn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around Sirius. Of course it's about his research. For a moment, Remus just holds Sirius through it, letting him panic for a second. He needs it.
"You can't think about all of this every minute of every day, okay?" Remus starts, gently brushing his fingers up and down Sirius' back. "You won't get anywhere if you don't slow down, love. If you take some time to yourself, you don't know what you'll unlock."
"But what if it just slows everything down?" Sirius asks, lifting his head and watching Remus carefully.
"It won't. Trust me," they say earnestly.
Eventually, finally, Sirius nods once.
"Yeah?" Remus asks, hopeful.
"Mhm," Sirius cracks a real smile, leaning in and pressing his lips to Remus'. "I think I see some forget-me-nots over there, anyway. I would be a shit fiancé if I didn't at least bring some back home, eh?"
They know Sirius still has a long way to go with this project, and they both know it won't be easy on him, but this is something.
Besides, wedding planning is the perfect way to take a break from work, right?
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For hippie/scientist wolfstar - maybe a fic where Sirius gets ill and Remus provides all sorts if holistic remedies? Sincerely, someone who's gf tried to heal a cold with crystals instead of medicine 😌
Masterpost here!
"Right, no, we're not doing that," Remus says simply, pulling the notebook out of Sirius' hands. If his head wasn't pounding, he would protest harder at losing his only connection to work for the day. However, he doesn't really have the energy to fight Remus on it right now.
Instead, he settles back into the bed and watches his partner vanish from the room.
Thank fuck, he must be getting some kind of medicine. Maybe Sirius can take something that'll knock him out for a few hours, distract him from the fact that his chest is burning.
When Remus gets back, they're definitely holding something. Sirius turns his head to watch as Remus starts placing crystal towers beside him.
"Hold out your wrist," he orders, and Sirius obeys a little blindly. Some kind of essential oil is dropped onto his wrist.
Then, Remus reaches out and presses a crystal into his hand. Sirius can see him reaching for another when he intervenes.
"Remus, darling," Sirius says, voice a slight croak, "I love you, but if you hand me one more rock, I'll chuck it out the window." A smile creeping onto his face betrays him, disregarding all seriousness that could have been attached to that statement. Remus smiles back sheepishly.
"Sorry, love. Could I get you anything?" They take the crystal back and sit it on the bedside table with the others. They're actually quite calming to look at.
"I have no clue," Sirius answers back with a shrug. "Think I just need to sleep."
Remus nods once, before climbing into the bed. He wraps his arms around Sirius' waist from behind, pressing a kiss into his hair.
"Careful, you'll get ill," Sirius says, eyes already starting to slide close.
"Worth it," Remus answers simply, gently, tightening his grip on Sirius as he finally, finally drifts off.
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I want to write more hippie Remus x scientist Sirius (I miss them haha) but I have NO ideas so if anyone has any my asks are open!!
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Y’all I can’t wait to share my next hippie Remus x scientist Sirius oneshot with you
It’s a full length oneshot and I’m already overexcited at the concept of it
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The Hippie Remus x Scientist Sirius agenda
Masterpost take 2!!
My masterpost decided it didn’t want to work anymore so hello this is my new one
This is my favourite au so the masterpost is staying even if I have to remake it thousands of times
It begins - my first ever microfic with this au, Remus is essentially psychic xoxo
The power of the evil eye - also known as the power of Remus Lupin giving Sirius Black jewellery
Knight in shining armour - first introduction to Moony’s arthritis
Let's go and meditate - aka sirius is so in love
Is Remus a psychic? - we'll never know
Definitely not jealous - maybe he is actually
Boring? - no sirius isn't boring but it causes some great antics
Sirius vs tarot - feat Lily Evans xoxo
It might be a meet cute - it's a little unconventional, but I'd say it counts
A love letter to the insane side of sirius - who needs sleep anyway?
The Grand Proposal - Part 1
The Grand Proposal - Part 2!!
Dinner party - maybe it wasn't such a good idea
Dead ends - they deserve the absolute world tbh
In sickness - they're not actually married (yet) but idc xoxo
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