#the guy staring at haruhi and the girl looking at him like he's less than human...
xbuster · 5 months
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gelus-ugs · 2 years
Mori x Black, Fem! Reader
Established relationship, the host club meeting Mori’s s/o they had no idea about 👀
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“Takashi~ Please!”
The short blonde whined as he clung onto the taller male’s leg. He responded with a mere grunt as his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration.
“Why not?! Takashi!”
Mori did his best to ignore his cousin as he trudged into the music room with the wailing male glued to his leg.
Mori was thankful that today wasn’t a hosting day, or else he would’ve been dreading the concerned looks from the guests as he had to come up with a lie to explain why Honey was throwing a tantrum.
“What’s up with him?”
Haruhi asked as she questioningly eyed the blonde. Mori let out a frustrated sigh as his expression was less than pleased - something that was way out of character for the black haired male.
“T-Takashi has a girlfriend, but he won’t let me meet her!”
Honey continued to cry as he stuck to the leg of his poor cousin in hopes to get him to change his mind. The rest of the hosts overheard the male - seeing as he wasn’t necessarily being quiet - and began to gather around Mori.
“You have a girlfriend?!”
“Since when were you seeing someone?”
“I wanna meet her too!”
“You never told us you had a girlfriend!”
Mori felt himself being overwhelmed as he was bombed with sudden questions left and right. Haruhi decided to step in and push the rests of the hosts - including Honey - away from Mori and gave the male a chance to breathe.
“Guys, let’s not overwhelm him. I’m sure he’ll be willing to answer questions one at a time”
“Is it true, Mori-Senpai? Do you really have a girlfriend?”
Tamaki eagerly asked. All eyes were on Mori as he felt himself become uneasy. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as his gaze drifted to the side, slowly nodding in the process. Gasps could be heard from the other hosts as Honey was quick to ask the next question.
“Does she go here, Taka-Chan? Could we all meet her?!”
Mori shook his head no, disappointment radiating from the hosts. Haruhi tilted her head in confusion,
“How do you know her then, Mori-Senpai?”
“Middle school”
“Do I know her, do I know her?!”
Honey eagerly asked, which caused Mori to think before shaking his head no.
“Could we meet her, Senpai?”
Mori hesitated as everyone eagerly awaited his answer.
It was a normal hosting day for the club, guests coming and going as the hosts entertained whoever they were assigned to. The day eventually came to an end as the last few guests took their leave.
“Taka-Chan! Aren’t you coming home?”
Honey looked up at his taller cousin, who shook his head in response. The rest of the hosts looked at the male in confusion, finding it odd that he wasn’t leaving - especially with Honey.
“What’s the matter, Senpai? Are you waiting for someone?”
Haruhi asked, to which Mori nodded. Before anyone else could ask questions, one of the doors to the music room suddenly opened. Everyone turned to see the most unique girl they had ever seen.
Her hair was an unusual texture, and in a unique style they had never seen. Glasses framed her face perfectly as her eyes peeked from behind. She wasn’t wearing Ouran’s uniform. In fact, she was wearing [outfit of your choice], which seemed to match her perfectly.
Although, what stood out the most was her skin. It was darker than any of them had ever seen. It was a beautiful shade of brown that lightened at the palm of her hands. Her skin was smooth and beautiful, it was almost like they were staring at a goddess from a fairytale.
The female questioningly scanned the room before locking eyes with a certain black haired male. Her expression immediately lightened as a smile made its was to her lips.
The female casually strode up to the tall male, wasting no time embracing him with a hug as he returned the gesture.
“Sorry I’m a bit late, I got lost. Your instructions were thorough, but I got a bit confused”
The female apologized as she removed herself from the hug, sheepishly looking up at her lover. Mori smiled, placing his hand on the top of her head to let her know that it was okay.
“Are you Taka-Chan’s girlfriend!?”
The female’s arm was suddenly yanked as she came face-to-face with a short blonde. The female hesitated, turning around to face Mori. The male gave her a reassuring nod, the girl smiling before turning to face the short boy.
“I am. I’m [Y/n] [L/n]”
“Woah! You’re so pretty!”
Honey enthusiastically complimented, which earned a light chuckle from [Y/n].
“Thank you!”
“So, how exactly did you and Mori-Senpai meet?”
The twins simultaneously asked, raising their eyebrows as their gaze shifted between [Y/n] and Mori. The male had a faint blush on his cheeks as he looked away, [Y/n] - on the other hand - grabbed ahold of Mori’s hand and smiled.
“It’s a funny story, actually. I had to bring some papers to the school’s nurse, but the nurse wasn’t there and instead I saw Takashi attempting to wrap a bruise on his arm with one hand. He was obviously struggling, so I helped him out. He’s been stuck with me ever since”
[Y/n] joked, playfully nudging Mori with the side of her hip.
“I can’t believe you’ve never introduced me to [Y/n]-Chan, Takashi! She’s so cool!”
The short blonde whined to his cousin, who let out a grunt.
“Agreed! Although, you and your accent are very unique. Where are you from - if I may ask?”
Tamaki genuinely questioned with a tilt of his head. [Y/n] smiled,
“I’m from [country of origin], but moved to Japan five years ago when I was thirteen. My dad’s Japanese and my mom’s black!”
[Y/n] explained. As she talked more about her origin and past to the club, Mori smiled at his significant other.
Maybe I should’ve introduced her sooner.
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athenasilver7 · 4 years
Could do Ohshc x Host reader hcs?
Ooo! I never thought about that before! 💕✨💖💞 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Note: mentions of jealousy and possessiveness
OHSHC(separately) x host GN Reader
💙 Hikaru 💙
You trying to make him jealous?
He knows that he hosts as well, and it’s literally what the whole club is about, but-
Listen… he’s an insecure guy.
What if you find one of the customers more attractive then him?
What if you decide to leave him?
There is one main way to get him to stop death glaring you and your customers… You walk up to him and start flirting with him instead.
That shuts him up real quick.
All the customers start fan-girling over the two of you.
💜 Kyoya 💜
He’s sometimes critical of your hosting abilities.
After club activities, he’ll tell what you can improve on.
It ends up coming back to bite him in the ass, though.
You get so good at hosting to the point where you almost have more customers than Tamaki.
You even hardly have time for him outside of the club.
One day, surprisingly enough, Kyoya offers you to join him on a vacation, “Y/N, this weekend, did you want to join me and my family? We’re going to visit Ireland.”
Unfortunately for him, you already have plans. “Oh! Sorry, can’t. Already have plans with Aki to go to France.”
You’ve just become too popular with everyone.
…He really played himself.
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
Ah, this is an interesting turn of events.
You originally joined the Host Club because Kaoru hardly had time for you.
But upon joining, you actually became a favourite to many of the customers.
Did he feel slightly possessive after this? Absolutely.
He offered you to come to his house several times, but you always seemed to have plans with someone else.
To say he got a taste of his own medicine is an understatement.
You didn’t even mean for things to turn out this way, it all just sort of happened.
💗 Honey 💗
He’s honestly ecstatic that you joined.
That is until you find yourself getting less and less time for him.
“Y/N-chan! Y/N-chan! You wanna come watch my kendo match later?”
“I would, but I already promised to visit someone’s private beach resort. Ah, um, maybe next time!” You reject his offer.
This is no longer fun.
At one point, he literally just clung to you the whole day.
“Mitsukuni, you have guests.”
He’ll let out a little grumble and bury his face further into your outfit.
The girls’ reassure you, “It’s fine, Y/N!” One of the girls nod in agreement, “Yeah! Besides.... Honey-senpai is suuuuper cute right now!!” They all nod enthusiastically, “I didn’t know he could get like this!” They’ll all squeal in delight.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
W-wait, wait, wait..... WHAT?!?!
Since when did you decide to start hosting?!
Ooo, let him teach you everything he knows!
It’s all fun in games until even guys start showing up to see you.
Tamaki will stare at you interacting with your current customers. All smiles and giggle and… a-and flirting.
“K-Kyoya-” Before Tamaki can continue, Kyoya cuts him off, “I don’t see a problem with it.”
Tamaki sulks for about a week or so.
“Boss?” Hikaru asks. “Is everything okay?” Kaoru finishes.
Tamaki is staring down at his tea cup and mumbling to himself, “They’re taking Y/N away from me...”
The twins look at him uncertainly, “Right...”
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
Okay cool.
Just promise not to become as idiotic as the rest of the hosts’.
What’s this? One of the customers asked you on a date?
Surely you wouldn’t- ....You said yes?
“Yeah yeah! It’s like a friendly date! We’re going to go to a mall and cafe!” You explain enthusiastically, smile wide and eyes sparkly.
Haruhi blinks, “Oh... that’s awesome, Y/N.” Haruhi offers a strained smile.
You found yourself going on them at least four times a week!
“Look at this picture I took! We went to an aquarium! You would’ve loved it, Haruhi!”
She honestly didn’t notice how lonely she is until you started to grow a bit of a distance between her.
She knows you’re not doing it on purpose, but still....
🖤 Mori 🖤
Oh. Interesting.
“Now I can be even closer to you, Takashi!” You smile broadly at him, your cheeks flushed.
He smiles and nods, “Hm.”
One day he’s coming back from a kendo match just to see you bombarded with customers.
You didn’t even mind all the attention, you had conversation flowing easily between all of you.
Honey notices his cousin’s far off look, “Takashi, you okay?”
Mori is silent for a moment as he looks over your way, observing. “…Yeah.”
He didn’t really mind at first, but then you started hanging out with more and more people outside of school hours.
He doesn’t mind that you’re socializing and such, however he does feel a tad lonesome.
At one point him and Honey run into you on the way to the club room.
Honey speaks up, “Hey, how about you two spend this time together?! I’m sure Kyo-chan won’t mind! I’ll take the blame!”
You blink curiously as your senior. “O-Oh! Are you sure, Honey-senpai?”
“Absolutely!” And with that… Honey is off, leaving you and Mori alone together.
May haps a part 2 is needed?👀
Update: almost a year later and here is part 2!
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equizona · 4 years
Hey! Can I please request Kyoya with a reader who isn't rich and is studying musical theatre and he doesn't like her a lot at first???
Of course ^^ thanks a lot for sending in the request, and I hope you like it. [This was also very fun to do, I don't do musicals and we usually only do normal ones, but I've done one musical before, and it was The story if evil, we write the thing ourselves based on the story of songs, check it out, even if its Vocaloid, their some very nice songs!]
Also I'm so sorry for Kyoya being OOC, it's kind of how I see him acting around the person he likes? Also I'm very sorry this is bad :|
Soft Voices{Kyoya Ootori x reader}
When you first started in the same year as Haruhi, Kyoya couldn't have cared less about you. Sure, he had done his usual research, but other than that you weren't anything intresting or valuable to him. However, one day you had ended up crashing into him while running down the corridor of the school, and instead of stopping to help him after you had knocked down his things, you had just continued rushing down. Which caused him to be very sour against you.
So to say he was unimpressed when you stepped into the host club was an understatement. Though he knew he couldn't act on it, since it would lower the reputation of both him and the host club. He knew you had gotten a scholarship for musical theater, but he really didn't care, so when the two girls you went with dragged you to Tamaki to rant about how the three of you had decided to come here since your practice had been canceled, he ignored it.
And he continued to do that for months. He wouldn't glance at you. He didn't like you, so he didn't see a reason to interact with you. Especially since the few times you went to the host club you would request either the twins or Tamaki.
But Kyoya was on his way to the newspaper club one day, when he heard a voice. A girl was singing. He walked closer to the door. "Drifting further away, little wish upon the waves. With eyes full of tears she regrets those days." The voice paused for a few seconds. "If the day comes that we are reborn once again..." the voice trailed off, and Kyoya wondered if the girl would continue singing.
Which she did, but the song was different. "Now kneel before me peasants." The voice went from the sad and lonely sound to an arrogant and rude tone, and kyoya frowned in confusion. What happened? He looked at the door sign, and realized this was the musical theater room. "She's a very good actor" Kyoya mumbled under his breath. He remembered seeing some of the girls who was in the club at the host club, meaning this was someone staying behind to practice.
Kyoya realized he had to get going to the newspaper club, and he promptly left.
He had originally tried talking to some of the girls, wondering if they would bring him to their practice. But no matter hoe much he tried to buy off and blackmail convince them, all of the girls were very adamant about not letting anyone see until they were done practicing for their play.
So he was left with one option. Y/N, the girl who was a commoner, just like haruhi, but in difference, a commoner he didn't like very much. So, he decided to approach you one day. "Hello there, your miss L/N, are you not?" The black haired boy spoke in his dark and silky voice, trying to make you more willing.
You turned around at the calling of your family name, only to see Ootori Kyoya. You'd been to the host club a few times, so you knew who he was. But more than anything you recognized him as the guy you crashed into in the hallway once. You still felt kind of guilty over that, but he never seemed approachable, so you stayed away.
But now he was the one talking to you first, but you'd heard he could be very cunning and manipulative, and since you didn't have a lot of money, you were slightly scared. "Yes, that me. Your kyoya Ootori, correct?" You made sure to keep your voice steady. The male hummed in agreement.
"So, is there anything I can do for you?" You asked him, giving him your best smile. "Well yes, I've been rather intrested in the musical theather lately, and so I figured I should talk to a member." He spoke up, and you beamed. Not a lot of boys actually joined theater, let alone musical theater, so one who was intrested was a score!
"Yes, of course! What would you like to know?" "Well, is there anyway I could join in on practice to see what you do there?" You frowned inwardly, he couldn't. Everyone in the group had decided that no outsiders were allowed into rehearsals after the first time. You shook your head. "Sadly you missed practice day, though it's only a few months until our play is ready and we'll be performing? You could come watch then if you'd like?"
That wouldn't do for Kyoya. He liked knowing things, and he wanted to know who had been singing. Though, mabye if he befriended you, you'd let him in? He settled with that. "Ah, well that's to bad, though is it possible we could hang out and mabye you could give me some tips?" That should work.
You grinned, before digging your phone out of your backpack and handing it to him. "Yep! That works for me! Here, give me your number." Kyoya typed his number in,trying not to groan. Kyoya knew how to hold a grudge, and he was still salty.
"And actually, I'm not sure if you remember, but during the first week, I crashed into you. I was almost late for theater, and I didn't wanna be late so I couldn't stop. Also, you were kinda scary and I chickened out from apologizing to you after that, and even if it's a bit late now, I'm very sorry about crashing into you! Anyways,I should get going, talk to you later!" Well nevermind then, mabye Kyoya wasn't so salty about it anymore.
It had been two weeks, and no matter how persistent he was, you wouldn't let him go to the practice. Not that he minded that much, you were good company, and you had a nice voice.
Besides, he kind of enjoyed when you would wait outside the host club room and wait for him, before dragging him to do something. Whether that was just walking around and talking, or you sneaking into a market to eat free samples while he face palmed at your stupidity.
One day you had brought him to an amusment park. He hadn't actually ever been there, and he didn't really want to. But you were so persistent, And had offered to pay for his tickets as well. Though in the end he ended up paying, and he didn't give you a choice.
After about a month or so, Kyoya had lost all interest in the voice he heard, and he would much rather be listening to you talk about your day, before asking him about his. And then you'd just keep on finding anything to talk about so that neither of you were ever bored.
He liked your company far more than he wanted to admit.
After about two months, he was coming to term with the fact he liked you. It was ironic, the person he had dislikes the most was now the person he liked the most only about teo months later.
Though he didn't seem to be the only one who realized he liked Y/N. As Tamaki was currently bugging him about it, the twins were laughing at his pain, and Haruhi, Mori and Honey were confused in the background. "If you like her you have to confess to her! You can be her Romeo, wait that ended badly- you can be her prince charming!"
How Kyoya wished he was walking around town with you right now. It's not that he disliked Tamaki, in fact he treasured the blonde a lot, but he could get quite tiring sometimes. As the rest of the host club could get. And he tried calming himself down like your voice always did. It didn't quite work though.
Soon the twins decided to join Tamaki though. "You know, if you like her you really should confess. I've heard shes been getting quite popular with teh boys lately. Who knows what type of person could come sweep her off her feet right under your nose." The twins cackled evily. But Kyoya realized that yes, some perverted rich boy could take advantage of her! But when had she been getting popular among the boys? If she got a boyfriend would she stop hanging out with him? Wait if they became lovers it would open an even bigger field for the two...
"Fine. What is your confession plan then?" He huffed annoyed, not wanting to admit that he wasn't really sure how he should confess to you. Tamaki lit up. "Well, the plan is.."
Kyoya hadn't liked Tamaki's plan, and he felt you wouldn't either. So he had taken things into his own hands, something he was starting to regret, because everything was going wrong.
It had started with the day being normal, but when he saw you waiting in front of music room three for him, he walked up and asked if you wanted to walk around the city that day. Your eyes had filled themselves with stars as you beamed at him, before nodding eagerly.
And so it had went, you dragging him around the city, doing random things and talking about random things as he tried to get the courage to confess to you.
Though he hadn't ever gotten the courage. He had been planning on giving up for the day since it was very late, but his phone was out of power. He had asked you borrow yours, but yours was out of power as well. So now you were standing at a bus station since it had started snowing. Kyoya groaned.
You turned towards him. "You okay Kyoya?" You questioned him, and your voice made him feel atleast a little bit better. He nodded his head. You frowned at him. "Don't lie to me." Even when your voice was stern, it was still as soft as ever.
But Kyoya knew he couldn't lie to you, so he gave into his fate. "This wasn't how today was supposed to go. We stayed out way to late, our phones are out of power and it's snowing." He couldn't help but give into his emotions and frown. He glanced at you, but you where only staring at the sky.
Kyoya didn't know how, but somehow the stars where out and it was snowing. He could feel his face heat up at the sight of the pale snow landing delicately on your own S/C skin, along with the stars twinkling in your eyes. Fuck, he was in way to deep for this.
You grinned at him. "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? Sure we stayed out longer than we had planned, but that just means we like being with each other, right? And phones go out of power sometimes, it's normal! And the snow is lovely, don't you think?" He blinked.
But before he could give you an answer, you intertwined your hand with his and started pulling him to the right. "But no worries! I know my way home, you could just stay over at my place for the night, we don't have school so it's okay!" Kyoya's face was redder than an apple at this point. He wasn't sure why entirely. But it was a pleasant feeling.
"I love you." He spoke without thinking, no like or anything. He knew he loved you, but he hadn't been planning on saying that. And you hadn't been prepared for him to say that either considering how you stopped walking and froze.
You turned around in a split second, your E/C eyes glimmering with both confusion and surprise. "What?" You asked in disbelief. Kyoya sighed, he knew he'd never get the guts to do this again, so he tried giving himself some encouragement. It didn't work. "You head what I said."
You both started at eachother for a while, neither saying a single word. Before you grinned, throwing your arms around his neck with a hug. He frowned in confusion, he was sure you would have denied his feelings based on the long silence?
Not that he was complaining, instead he let out a relived sigh and hugged you back. You stepped away from him, grinning wildly, before taking his hand and rushing towards your house. "Alrighty, date night at my house it is!" You shouted into the night, and Kyoya couldn't contain his own smile.
Kyoya had eventually stopped talking with you about Musical theater, and the only times it was talked about was when you brought it up, or the times where he got the two of you tickets to watch one. You never asked him about why either.
But the play that you had been practicing for months to was being played at the school later this evening, and you were inviting him to watch. Even if he wasn't actually interested in playing, he was intrested in your interests, so of course he agreed.
And now you were standing in front of him dressed in a yellow wig, along with a fancy old-fashioned yellow and black dress. He couldn't see your feet, but you looked lovely. "This is so exciting! The play will be starting soon, but I wanted to see you before it started!" You grinned at him, letting your voice play out.
He gave you a tiny smile in return. And you were signaled by one of your friends to get to the stage. He waved as you ran to the stage. The lights went off not long after, and a light shone on one of your friends.
"Long, long ago there was a kingdom by the sea, it was rich and wonderful, with a young queen on the throne. But many people referred to the young maiden as the daughter of evil, for she was truly selfish. She would take and take from her pupils, not sparing any mercy to the people she should have led. However, this tale will tell more than just that, we are here to tell you poeple the story of evil, so that you too, can see the real story of that faithful day..."
The lights went off again, and a new light shone, and there was you. Music started playing, and he realized you had a microphone headset on. "Now, kneel before me peasants." Your cold eyes glimmered sadistically at the crowd, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.
He recognized that voice. It was the very reason he had talked to you at all! He was so stupid, both voices had been so soft, though he had to admit he preferred the person you where with him. But this was nice, he would make sure to support you in your dreams. They where the very reason he met you after all.
The story had ended, and Kyoya had to admit it had been awfully sad, but over all a very good story. Some of his fellow host club members where outright crying though.
He raised himself, and went over to you. You smiled, stepping away from your friends after seeing him. "You know, I feel I should tell you that the reason I talked to you was because I wanted to know the person who I had heard practicing oneof the songs. It was unexpected, but not quite that surprising to see you behind the lovely voice."
You snorted, laughing a bit at his statement. Though he was happy you didn't get mad over him lying to you. He wrapped his arms around your neck, burying his face in your H/L hair. He could feel you grin into his chest, not trying to escape from his embrace.
"You know what Kyoya?" He hummed in response. "I love you." He grinned, though luckily nobody could see that. "I love you too." "Only my voice?" "Not at all, I adore everything." "Good, because so do I."
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ootori-sibs · 4 years
Kyoya's second shot
Episode 1: The shadow plan
Hello everyone! This is a new fic that I think you'll enjoy if you enjoy the summer camp fic! It picks up immediately after the anime, with of course a break for the host's to spend their summer holiday. It's not connected to the summer camp fic but has similar themes. Enjoy!
"So? Do we have a deal?"
Kyoya hummed in thought, slowly nodding at the woman on the other side of the screen. He'd spent a long time deliberating over this, months even, practically the entire summer holiday. It had been seeing his friends all happy and put together that pushed him to make this decision; if they can be so wonderful and happy then why couldn't he?
The woman nodded, a smirk playing on her lips. "And I'll get my company?"
"Of course, you'll be the primary advisor for him. Only after he becomes my husband, that is our deal." He clicks his pen and writes in his little notepad. "So that will be all hm?"
23:38 - Eclair has agreed to our deal, I will write up a contract soon to make sure there's no attempt at a breach of contract.
The woman- Eclair nodded, a vindictive smile on her face, an expression that sent shivers down Kyoya's spine. "Of course, Ootori. That's what we agreed on, not that I agree with your-" She looks him up and down, silently scoffing. "-lifestyle. But I do adore this plan of ours. Do tell me how you plan on seducing a taken man? Or did you forget about that little detail?"
Kyoya let a little growl at that, clenching his fists instinctively. "That's not for you to worry about, you're not exactly an example of purity in that regard, Eclair." He sighed, putting his note book down. "I will write up a contract for you, you'll see it soon. Au revoir, Eclair."
He ended the video call and sighed, flopping down onto his bed. God he felt awful going behind his friends like this- especially talking to Eclair of all people. But it had to be done, he simply couldn't take this kind of pain anymore. Something had to be done or he was literally going to lose his goddamn mind.
The first day back at school was going to be hell, Kyoya knew this from the moment the holidays had started, a month into the break he'd stopped agreeing to go on club outings with the group. He'd used so many excuses they'd even come to his house once to make sure he was alright. He felt so guilty for this, but he just couldn't do it- he wasn't strong enough. He'd definitely spiralled since the end of his second year- he barely had the strength to argue with his brother these days, Akito had begun to call him weekly to make sure he was alright, Akito never showed that much care.
The moment Kyoya woke up on Monday, he knew he had to get right to work. He sat at his vanity, staring into the cold, dead eyes that had viewed the world so coldly before the hosts came into his life. He sighs, it'll all go back to playing happy families once he does what he needs to. He's only hurting himself feeling guilt like this. He takes his little palette of makeup, making sure to hide any signs of tiredness or stress with concealer and foundation. He capitalised on the sharpness of his eyes with some eyeliner, only a hint of the lightest purple eyeshadow he could find and just a little bit of blush. He made sure to do his lips in a nice deep and dark plum shade, he'd only ever worn makeup twice before, but he knew a little from watching Fiyumi do her magic. Not to mention he'd done his research.
He had brought a small flask to school with him, just a little one, stolen from his father's office. It wasn't anything too strong, just some honey whiskey, he didn't even know what was in the flask until he'd taken a sip. He sighed heavily and stepped out of his limo and through the gates of the school, instantly there were eyes on him, he wasn't sure if it was because of his host status or his makeup. If it was the latter he couldn't care less if they judge him, they've seen him in worse.
He slowly made his way to his classroom, taking out his notebook to take notes on anything interesting he notices.
7:39 - Seika Ayanokoji has a new bag, likely bought for her by her father. It's one of the new lunar releases from the twins mother, I notice she doesn't appear to have the matching heels- but it's possible that she simply chose to not wear them to school. Further investigation will be needed.
7:43 - The one dubbed 'Princess Teacup' has been spotted on the phone with her fiancé, near the window opposite her classroom door. They're discussing his roommate owning a glass tea set, nothing too much of note, but the idea of a glass tea set sounds like something the club should invest in. I will discuss this with Tamaki.
7:50 - Kuze and his friends are blocking the corridor, he's bragging to his friends about something or other that his fiancée did for him over the holiday. Unfortunately I will have to go the long way around, I may even arrive after Tamaki does.
When he finally got to the classroom, Tamaki was already sitting there- just as Kyoya had predicted. Kyoya closed his eyes, bracing for whatever Tamaki may say- because he knows it's going to be extra. He's instantly proven right as Tamaki rushes at him, hugging him tightly and muttering words in both English and French, only settling back into Japanese when he's calmed down slightly. "Kyoya, Mon Ami! Are you alright?? Feeling better? Come on Kyoya, let's sit down."
He drags Kyoya over to their seats, staring at him in worry. He's clearly waiting for Kyoya to say something, but Kyoya just sighs- causing Tamaki to interrupt him before he could even begin to speak. "Kyoya, please speak to me… we were all so worried about you…" Yet they'd only elected to visit him once, only once over the entire summer holiday had they cared enough to come and check on him- even his brother cared more than that. Sure, Kyoya loved Tamaki with his entire heart, but he could still feel bitter and hurt for the neglect of the care Tamaki was trying to imply.
"Apologies, Tamaki." Kyoya didn't want to apologize, he had nothing to apologize for. But he knew he had to keep Tamaki happy, that was the most important thing here- keep the king happy. But for some reason this made Tamaki frown, guilt in his eyes. Kyoya didn't understand it, he'd stepped down from any argument that might arise, he'd let Tamaki's words hit without any fighting back, and Tamaki was sad?
"Why are you apologising?"
To placate you. That was what the truth was, but Kyoya knew he couldn't just say that. He sighed for the second time this morning, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "For the mild amount of concern I appear to have caused you and the others." It was honest, when they'd come to visit that one time- Kyoya had gotten angry at them; how dare they care when he is so unable.
Tamaki sighs, for one of the first times, he looks tired. "Alright Kyoya, just remember you can always talk to me. Alright?" Kyoya just nodded in response to that, taking out his notebook.
8:14 - Tamaki appears to be expressing worry towards me. He lies about the entire club worrying and seemed almost surprised when I chose to apologize in order to placate him.
Up in the club room, they were getting ready for the first session of the year. When each club member walked in, the first thing they did was ask Kyoya if he was feeling better, it was highly disorientating. But it wasn't until Haruhi walked straight up to him and said; "if you're having mental health issues, senpai- I can recommend a couple of resources," with a caring smile on her face, that Kyoya realised why they were being so considerate of his presence…. They were trying to show the care that Tamaki had implied, and Haruhi even had the nerve to assume she knew what Kyoya's problem was.
It was disgusting. How dare they care so much, where were they when he was actively spiralling? Off doing whatever nonsense they were up to. Now he actually had a plan to get what he's always wanted, they decide to care about him? They had two whole years to care, they don't get a third chance. Kyoya simply sat in silence when the others were doing their hosting, just writing his emails.
Subject: Meeting.
Nekozawa, I have a proposition for you. I would like to meet with you and some others in the second school hall at around 7 pm this Friday. I have some things to say that might interest you.
Until then,
Ootori Kyoya.
He sent almost identical emails to the head of the newspaper club, the head of the karate club and then began to write a version for a certain someone they'd met in the spring half term: Arai. Now Kyoya didn't know the guy's email, he didn't even know the guy's last name. But it only took an hour to find it, he knew enough about the guy after all.
Subject: Meeting.
Hello Arai, you don't know me. I don't believe we've even spoken directly. But I'm one of Haruhi Fujioka's friends, the name's Kyoya. I'm writing to offer you a unique opportunity, especially for a commoner. At 7 pm Friday, you were invited to attend a private meeting in Ouran Academy's second hall. As well as myself, there will be three people in attendance. I do recommend you come, it will give you a huge opportunity you do not want to turn down.
Thank you very much,
Ootori Kyoya.
He knew he had to use gentler wording with the commoner, from what he'd seen, Arai is a softer gentleman, with just as much of a moral high horse as Haruhi. He in no way wanted to scare the boy off, he knew more business minded manners tended to catch commoners off guard. It was a lot more gentle with the commoner's email than with the others, for the others knew what he was like, and had no qualms with it. He sighed after sending the emails, leaning back in his chair slightly.
Of course the first day was fairly harmless, nothing truly important happened. But Kyoya did notice how Haruhi still wasn't completely affectionate with Tamaki, what an ungrateful girl.
13:27 - Haruhi doesn't deserve him. She refuses to give him the love he so deserves, she must be dealt with.
At the end of the day, Kyoya packed up his bag, kind of irritated that no one pointed out his immaculately done makeup, at least not to his face. The twins hopped over the moment he thought that, ready to say those exact words; "why are you wearing makeup? We've been wondering all day."
Oh that is wonderful, Kyoya felt pleased now, the idea that his little attempt at makeup had the club fashionistas pondering it the whole day was highly pleasing. Especially when Kaoru added on to what they'd said with; "you look really good by the way, is that violet eyeshadow or mauve and white?" Oh that might not have been who he was trying to get the attention of, but the fact he got someone's attention still cheered him up significantly.
"Actually it's magenta with some violet shimmer." He adjusted his glasses so they could see better. "I'm glad to hear you like it."
The twins nod, humming in approval. "Why are you wearing it though?" Hikaru repeats the question, the same question Kyoya had purposely avoided.
He sighed, moving his head slightly so the light glints off of his glasses. "Does it matter?"
"Considering that brand of lipstick is specifically marketed to attract people, I'd say it's curious you chose that one specifically." Kaoru spoke with a devious smile on his face, instantly hitting the nail on the head. Kyoya wasn't even sure how to proceed, they'd caught him already, and he was furious at that- can a boy not be wickedly homosexual in peace?
"Well is that really any of your business?" He raised an eyebrow, challenging the twins, did they really want to be that brave? Clearly they didn't, from the way they raised their hands in surrender and left the club room.
Kyoya let out a soft sigh of relief, his eyes drifting over towards Haruhi and Tamaki… they were cuddling on the chaise lounge, kissing occasionally too- not a care to the fact he was remaining in the room. He felt the rage growing in his core, he could just throttle that commoner.
16:30 - The happy couple are showing off their affections finally, it makes me sick how they care not for how I may judge them. I was under the impression Haruhi cared not for these frivolous affections.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
And for my second fluff alphabet, I'd love Morinozuka Takeshi from Ouran Highschool Host Club, please. 💙🌹
Honestly expected this; I know how much you adore Mori LOL. Can’t blame you. He’s gorgeous. Enjoy! 
Fluff Alphabet- Takashi Morinozuka
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A-   Activities: How do they spend their time with their s/o?
Takashi’s a movie buff, specifically for martial arts movies. One of his favorite things to do is snuggle up with his s/o for a night of binging his favorites or having an outing to the movie theater to see the latest release. In particular, he likes to comment on the battle choreography and whether it’s realistic or not. Takashi gets really pumped about this topic and talks way more than usual, and the way his eyes light up and cheeks flush is particularly adorable.
Takashi also likes to go play with animals at animal shelters with his s/o. It makes him really sad that he can’t take all of them home, but he knows how important socialization is for them, so it’s a weekly thing for him and his s/o to go spend some time with them. If his s/o is into activism, he’s totally down for organizing and attending promotions and events for the shelter! This boy wants to see all those animals get a good home!
Although these are the things Takashi himself enjoys, he’s so down-to-earth that he’ll enjoy anything his s/o wants to do. It doesn’t take much convincing to get him to do pretty much whatever; as long as he can see his s/o smile, that’s plenty enough for him.
B-    Body: What does this character appreciate about their s/o? What part of their body are they most proud of, and in reverse, what body part are they ashamed of and how do they respond to their s/o gushing over it?
Takashi loves his s/o’s hands. He loves to hold them and press little kisses over their knuckles or palms or the tops of their hands, rub little circles into the skin, whatever. It’s just such a meaningful thing to him! Takashi also loves his partner’s smile. He will do anything, including make a complete fool of himself, to see them smile. It has the power to light up his day.
Takashi’s not really the type to think about his body. He just really doesn’t care, but he does get a certain satisfaction from his physique. He’s a very healthy and fit guy thanks to kendo and karate. In the same vein, he really doesn’t have any issues with his self-esteem, body-wise. Honestly, he’ll get flustered no matter what his partner compliments about him. Compliments of any kind from his s/o embarrass him easily, and it’s totally adorable.
C-    Cuddles: Is this character a cuddler? What is their favorite way to cuddle?
Not the cuddliest of the hosts, but my mans still won’t deny a snuggling. Takashi’s favorite way to cuddle is to have his s/o seated between his long legs, laid back against his chest with his arms around their waist. It really gives a lot of options- propping his chin on their crown of their head, running his hands over their arms or sides, and plenty of areas to drop little kisses. When they’re watching movies, he likes to lay behind his s/o on the couch. Takashi’s so easygoing, though, that he’ll cuddle whatever way. He’s just happy to get snuggles from his s/o!
D-   Dreams: How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Believe it or not, Takashi isn’t that much of a forward-thinking guy; he very much takes it day by day, the perfect epitome of “go with the flow.” Still, after a while, Takashi muses on the idea of a future with his s/o. Mostly simple visions of a house in the suburbs in a good school district, white picket fence and cute little flowerbeds kind of life. He fancies having children eventually, a couple, maybe a girl and a boy to have the best of both worlds. They’ll have nice successful careers. Rather than spending all their money on some great big grandiose manor, live a little modestly and invest to have something to pass on to his children and maybe donate to charity when they pass on. Takashi just wants a nice simple life with a good partner, nothing fancy at all.
E-    Equivalence: Is this character the dominant force in the relationship, are they passive, or is the relationship more or less even?
Takashi may be easygoing, but he isn’t a pushover, as we see numerous times with his best friend Mitsukuni. The relationship will most definitely be an even split, because as much as he wants it to be a smooth ride, he won’t allow his partner to make all the decisions and basically carry the relationship. He knows that dating it a mutual, give-and-take kind of thing. It’s for this reason that a relationship with Takashi is actually pretty stellar, because there is a lot of communication and compromise.
F-    Fights: How does this character respond to arguments with their s/o? What would they fight about, and who would cave and apologize first?
Takashi does not like confrontation. He’ll speak his mind, but once it delves into actual arguing and fighting, he shuts down. This can actually make it kind of frustrating, because the man just won’t talk for a good hour or so. He’s already apologizing, repeating “I’m sorry” and “I don’t know what to do,” and after a point it’s a little heartbreaking. Once his s/o calms down and it able to rationalize better, he’ll open back up and real discussion can occur. Takashi just doesn’t respond well to raised voices and conflict, so his s/o will have to be mindful of that.
G-   Gratitude: How does this character show their s/o that they are grateful?
In true Host Club fashion, Takashi gets his s/o their favorite flowers- a single one for small, everyday gratitude and nice colorful bouquets for the big, meaningful stuff. Takashi isn’t the best with words so the accompanying message will be a pretty simple “I’m lucky to have you” or “I’m grateful you’re with me,” but his bluntness has a charm of its own.
H-   Honeymoon: If this character had a honeymoon with their s/o, where would they go?
Takashi would love to go somewhere with distinct culture, like the Mediterranean or South America. Honestly, just taking a two-week jaunt around Europe to see major cultural landmarks is the ideal trip for him. However, if his s/o has their heart set on a tropical island getaway, Takashi will oblige; they have the entire rest of their lives to travel, after all, and certainly have the means to do so.
I-      Insecurity: What is this character insecure about? How do they deal with their insecurities with their s/o?
Takashi sometimes finds himself wondering if he’s too boring because he’s so down-to-earth. He doesn’t think on it a terrible amount, because he isn’t the type to stress about these things, but once in a blue moon he’ll ask his s/o if they think he’s dull. Takashi will feel a lot better when his s/o basically laughs in his face and tells him that he isn’t dull at all, and that will be that. Takashi has a lot of trust in his s/o to tell him the truth and trust in their relationship, so it’s not something he dwells on for long.
J-      Jealousy: Is this character the jealous type? How do they deal with being jealous?
As I just said, Takashi has a lot of trust in his s/o and the relationship. He is not the jealous type, at all. He gets no sneaking suspicions if his s/o is spending a lot of time with someone else, and completely ignores any lingering looks his s/o gets. He knows his partner loves him and that’s all that matters. His s/o would literally have to openly flirting and kissing on someone else for him to get even slightly jealous, but by then a hard boundary has been crossed and Takashi’s little heart is broken. Don’t do that to this boy; he is literally so soft and trusting.  
K-   Kiss: What does the character want their first kiss to be like with their s/o? How does it end up happening?
Again, Takashi is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, so he basically figures that the first kiss will happen when it happens. The first kiss will likely be after the second or third date while he’s escorting his s/o up their driveway and they linger by the front door to say their farewells… And the mood will just strike him and he’ll give them a sweet, chaste kiss. Just your good ol’ typical first kiss kind of business, but no less riveting!
L-    Love Confession: How does this character first profess their love to their s/o?
Takashi’s blunt and going to say what’s on his mind, so once he gets the feeling that he’s in love, he’s going to come right out and say it. Of course, he has the presence of mind to do so in the appropriate situation. He’ll likely set up a nice date with his s/o to set the mood right and give him time to work out exactly what he wants to say, because Takashi isn’t flowery with his words. However, when the time comes to it he’s just gonna bluntly stare at his s/o and tell them he loves them. Could be intimidating and make his s/o gush a little, but hey, that’s how he feels!
M-  Marriage: How does this character view marriage? What is their ideal wedding like?
Takashi of course wants to marry someday. It’s a thing people do and an appropriate step in a relationship. Why wouldn’t he? Takashi doesn’t really care about what kind of wedding it is; he’ll let his s/o decide, because even though it’s a day for the both of them, they’ll likely be more into the particulars than he is. As long as all his friends and family are in attendance, he doesn’t much care.
N-   Nicknames: What does this character like to call their s/o?
Given he referred to Mitsukuni as “Honey” for almost their entire lives, it’s weird to him to call his s/o that. Takashi actually sticks to calling his s/o by their name most of the time, but ever so often a “dear,” “beautiful,” “angel,” or “gorgeous” will slip out.  
O-   On Cloud Nine: What is this character like when they’re in love? Is it obvious to others, or are they good at hiding it?
Takashi is the king of being stoic and stone-faced, so of course no one notices when he’s in love. The signs are exceptionally subtle, and only someone with acute observation skills like Haruhi can notice- lingering gazes, slightly closer proximity, an increased number of instances of helpful behavior. There is not even a hint of a blush or nervous fidgeting on Takashi’s part. It’s quite masterful, even though he’s totally unaware that he’s even doing it. For a while, the other guys don’t even believe Haruhi saying he’s in love with somebody until she publicly asks him without his s/o around and he’s just like “LOL Yeah, why’s it a big deal?” Instant KO for everyone in the room.
P-    PDA: Does this character like PDA? If so, what kinds of things do they do in public to show off their s/o?
Takashi isn’t the type to initiate much PDA, but he doesn’t care if his s/o touches him in public all the time. If they slide their hand in his, he won’t let go or pull away and may even intertwine their fingers; if they go in for a kiss he’ll turn his head to reciprocate; if they hug him randomly he’ll immediately throw their arms around him. It’s funny because he’ll just react and won’t even break the conversation he’s having or alter concentration on whatever he’s doing. It’s a skill he’s acquired from Mitsukuni randomly throwing himself at him for years.
Q-   Quirks: What random traits or quirks does this character have that positively affect the relationship?
Because Takashi speaks what’s on his mind, surprise compliments or flirts are common. He can fluster his s/o so easily by just randomly saying something sweet because it occurred to him, and he won’t even get why they’re embarrassed because he just thinks it’s nice to compliment them when he feels like it. Truly amazing.
R-    Romance: Is this character a hopeless romantic, or a bit on the low-key side? Are they cliché when it comes to romantic gestures, or can they get a little bit creative?
Takashi is definitely the most low-key of all the hosts when it comes to romanticism. Takashi likes to keep things simple- typical outings, typical gifts, the like. Still, Takashi can get a little creative if he notices his s/o likes certain things and will tailor his gestures to such. The man is very observant and pick up on the tiniest of things.
S-    Secrets: Are there any secrets they hide from their s/o? If so, how do they deal with it when those secrets finally come out?
Takashi is an open book, mostly because he has no secrets to keep nor any care to keep them. He’ll answer anything his s/o asks him matter-of-factly and truthfully, because there’s just not any point in lying or embellishing in his eyes.
T-    Thrill: Does this character prefer routine in their relationship, or do they like to shake things up every once in a while?
Takashi is more spontaneous than routine mostly because he just does what he wants when he feels like it. Definitely expect random calls of, “Hey, I’m at your door, let’s go do this” or a package that reads “I bought this because it made me think of you.” Also, there is no routine knowing a bunch of rich goofballs, and since he’s dragged into the ridiculousness his s/o is too. Still, he likes the idea of one routine thing, so he has weekly things planned like movie nights or the shelter visits, just to keep things from being too chaotic.
U-   Understanding: Is this character level-headed and empathetic toward their partner, or do they sometimes have trouble figuring them out, which leads to some butting heads?
Takashi is hyper-observant and therefore knows his s/o extremely well. His temperament also affords a degree of understanding and empathy. If anything, his s/o will have trouble figuring him out, just because he’s so flighty and quiet. Because he’s relatively open to talking about things, though, there’s no butting heads because he’s just gonna answer any inquiries. The epitome of chill, this guy.
V-   Value: How does this character value their relationship with their s/o? How does it hold in comparison to their goals, ambitions, etc.?
Takashi isn’t necessarily passionate about anything except for maybe his friends, so his relationship pretty much is the most important thing in his life. Sure, doing well in college and getting a good career are important to him, but not nearly as crucial as loving his s/o! It’s just something he feels the need to do well with and invest in, so he’s a bit more excited about it than most things in his life.
W-  Wild Card: Any random fluff headcanon that does not fall within the other categories!
Piggy back rides! Takashi loves to give them, after all the ones he gave Mitsuki. Definitely a bonus for s/o’s that are smaller than him, because all they have to do is take off running towards his back and he’s already squatting down so they can vault up on his back.
X-   XOXO: How does this character show affection?
Takashi mostly shows his affection through gifts and acts of service- he’s not poetic with words and he’s not the touchiest person, so these are the ideal ways he can express himself. He’s always doing little random things for his s/o to help them out, like little chores or errands or pretty much anything they ask. He’ll drop everything to attend to a problem of theirs. Again, gifts are very much a thing for Takashi. Chocolates, jewelry, clothes, that thing his s/o has been talking about for three days but won’t buy- the whole nine yards.
Y-   Yearning: How does this character deal with time apart with their s/o?
Takashi understand distance is an inevitable part of relationships and is able to rationalize it pretty well. He keeps regular communication if he can, but if that isn’t an option, he’s more or less able to busy himself with other things to keep from thinking about it too much. If it drags on for a long time he may get a little blue, but talking it out with one of his friends and getting it off his chest does a hard reset on him. King of long-distance right here; he’s in it for the long haul and is gonna make it work no matter what.
Z-    Zeal: Is this character willing to great lengths for their relationship? If so, how far, and how long does it take to get to this point?
As I mentioned, a relationship is something Takashi invests himself in, and honestly it’s like that pretty early on. It’s just something he gets zealous about, while most things in his life don’t get him to react that way. Takashi is going to do everything he can to make it work out, compromise and communicate.
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t4bi4-and-b4ba · 4 years
Ouran Host Club ~ You Call Them Papas/Mamas
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You were well-aware of the role Haruhi played in school. You didn’t find it weird since Haruhi was so casual about it. She took her situation with grace, never feeling the least bit uncomfortable. The guys were to thank for half of that.
But you did have to be careful in how you addressed her in front of others who were unaware of Haruhi’s actual gender. That included nicknames.
You saw Haruhi speaking to a girl. She was tall and lithe, giggling at whatever your girl said to her. And knowing your lover’s sense of humor, you were certain that what she said couldn’t be that funny. But, you didn’t let the green-eyed monster wash over you for you knew good and well that Haruhi was simply playing her role as a member of the Host Club; and beyond that club she was loyal to you and your relationship. She had nothing but respect for you and refused to have you think otherwise.
“Hi, Mamas,” you greeted her, smiling lovingly.
Haruhi looked at you with wide eyes, which gleamed with shock. But why would she be? She took in the fact that you were behind her, so why the look of shock the moment after?
“Mamas?” the girl questioned, her brows furrowed.
Then it dawned on you. Oops.
You laughed, waving away any suspicion. “Whoops! I’m sorry. I was talking to my friend not too long ago and called her ‘Mamas’. I meant to call Haruhi ‘Papas’. Just a little confusion.”
Haruhi appeared less tense, a smile blessing her face as her eyes glowed. Boy, was she happy to have a quick-witted lover like you.
You gave her a wink that was meant for reassurance and slight flirting. “Hey, Papas.”
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Tamaki and Kyoya were conversing about the upcoming event they and the rest of the club had planned before spring break when you were working your calves out as you speed-walked down the hall, toward his homeroom.
“Papas, you forgot your peach milk,” you said hurriedly as you put the small, plastic milk bottle onto his desk. You gave him a sweet-like-honey smile and a wink before quickly exiting the class. As you joined the foot traffic, you didn’t look back at your boyfriend. A good thing, though, as red dusted his cheeks.
Kyoya pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with an airy chuckle. He found his friend’s bashful state humorous as the princely blonde looked between the peach milk and the door. As if you appearing was all a dream.
“Kyoya,” the violet-eyed boy called softly.
“Hmm?” The raven-haired boy asked, the amused smile never leaving his lips.
“Y/n called me ‘Papas’.”
“Yes. Very observant.”
Tamaki sighed dreamily as he reached to open his milk. “I think I’m in love.”
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Kyoya was hunched over a desk, clicking away on his calculator as he calculated what him and his fellow Host Club members would make from their exclusive tea party with many of their female classmates/customers. He didn’t mean to have such poor posture as he was subconsciously sitting with a hunched back.
You left briefly to go to the bathroom but took longer than expected due to a friend stopping you to chat. Once you returned to the club room, you halted as your eyes examined your boyfriend’s poor back hunched over the table. You sauntered over to him and clicked your tongue. The man’s eyes were on you instantly.
“Papas, do you want lifetime back problems? Sit up and pull your chair closer!” Your demand was gentle and oozing with love as your hands gestured over his terrible posture. You weren’t about to have your boyfriend have an achy back. Not on your watch at least.
Kyoya blinked at you before an amused grin graced his face. He placed his pencil down and did as you said. You hummed in approval as he sat up with his back straight against the backrest of the chair.
You sat back down in the chair you occupied across from him, sighing lightly as you crossed your legs delicately.
“Thank you, Angel,” Kyoya said gently, the smile never leaving his lips.
You peered at your gentleman of a boyfriend and nodded. “It’s no problem. Just don’t want you to start having problems with your back anytime soon is all.”
Kyoya hummed in appreciation as he finished his calculations. Unbeknownst to you, though, he was mulling over what you called him as you lightly scolded him.
Papas, huh? I like it.
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(I’m so bothered that all the gifs on this site/app regarding Hikaru or/and Kaoru are of them together; and I know which one is who which makes me even MORE bothered so I just took matters into my own hands and found a gif of my own)
Hikaru was doing what he knew best: being immature and borderline annoying. You loved this boy with every fiber of your being, but sometimes you wished he could be a little bit calmer. Specifically now when you had to submit this 5-page essay that was two pages from being completed if it wasn’t for this aggravating case of writer’s block. You wish you could lie and say that it wasn’t majorly caused by your overly playful boyfriend poking you and trying to get your attention for the last thirty minutes.
You knew he was simply growing restless and wanted to spend time with you but this essay was important toward your grade, and if you completed it now, you had time to check with your teacher if it needed minor (you really hoped not major) revision or not.
“Hey, y/n, how about now, huh? Can we finally watch some TV and cuddle now?” Hikaru asked for the umpteenth time now. His eyes sparkled with childlike glee as he awaited your answer, despite the fact that you have been turning him down with no falter.
You sighed heavily as you let your head fall into your hands. You closed your eyes, honestly wishing you chosen to go home instead of thinking that work was gonna be done at Hikaru’s house.
You have to give your boyfriend credit, though. Although he was extremely playful and carefree, he was not ignorant to people’s emotions - specifically you and Kaoru’s. The sparkle dimmed and his smile lowered. He sat back on his heels as he cocked his head, observing you with concern in his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetness,” he conveyed gently, finally realizing that he may have taken it too far. “Are you struggling with your essay? I’m sorry. I should be offering help instead of hindering you.” He then carefully placed his chin on your shoulder, his eyes scanning the page you were currently on. He was honestly impressed how you always articulated yourself so beautifully.
You inhaled deeply as you spoke with your head still sandwiched between your hands. “Papas, I just need an hour of quiet so I can finish this paper. I know it’s a lot to ask-”
“It’s not,” he cut in, as serious as ever.
“-but I really want to get this done way before the deadline so I can ask my teacher if there is anything more I can do. The minute I’m done, I swear to you I am all yours.” You finally look up at him, his eyes unwavering as he stared back at you. You cupped his chin, causing the male to lean into your touch. “Can you do that for me, handsome?”
Hikaru short-circuited for two beats, thinking back to the fact that you didn’t just call him one nickname, but two. And the first one was a brand new one. He wasn’t sure if that was going to be his favorite from you but he was sure it would be if you called him that more often.
He tilted his head as he pressed his lips to yours. He smiled as he felt you sigh against his lips as you melted into the kiss. He was glad that he could help you relax, even if it were for a second.
He pulled away reluctantly, keeping in mind that if you finished this essay in the next hour your lips would be his for the rest of the evening until you went home. He gazed at you lovingly as he spoke. “Of course, Petal. I’m sorry for disturbing you.” He kissed your cheek before standing up and laying down across the couch. He chose to entertain himself with his phone as he waited patiently for you to finish.
You threw him a smile over your shoulder, grateful that he wasn’t inconsiderate. With renewed vigor (and the hope of more kisses), you typed rapidly as all the words came to your mind fluidly.
The moment you announced you were done, you were tackled to the floor. You could barely let out a sound of surprise as soft lips touched every part of your face. And that is how the rest of the evening was happily spent.
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You and Kaoru were indulged in your respective homework assignments. You were doing math while your boyfriend was completing his essay. You both worked in a comfortable silence, scribbling on paper and keys clacking being the white noise that didn’t make the space fall completely soundless.
You were stumped on a fairly complex math problem that had you groaning. You knew you knew how to solve it but nothing was coming to mind. The expression just threw you for a loop and it aggravated you.
“Everything okay, muffin?” Kaoru asked, hearing your groan and peering up to look at you from his desk.
You slammed your mechanical pencil down onto the packet, your bottom lip jutted out. “No.” You eyed your boyfriend with puppy eyes. “Papas, could you please help me?”
Kaoru melted at your cuteness. “Of course.” He stood up and strode over to you. “I could use the stretch.”
He then laid across your back, pressing you deeper into the mattress. You welcomed the closeness as you two been stationed at your respective places for the past hour or so.
Kaoru hummed in thought as he peered over your shoulder to read over the problem. His eyebrow knitted together. “Heaven, you’ve done problems like this before. Look back at your notes and then try it.”
You groaned once again, not pleased with his answer. “Can’t you just tell me?” You whined as you shot him your best puppy eyes.
He held his ground as he gave you a stern shake of his head. You pouted in displeasure. He chuckled as he caught your expression in his peripheral. He pressed a kiss to your temple as a mood booster. “Baby, you got this. You just have to retain the formulas, instead of just memorizing the steps. If you keep doing the latter, you’ll keep getting stumped like you are now.” He pressed another kiss to the same spot. “Just look over your notes and try, Sugar. That’s all I ask of you. If you still don’t get it, then I’ll help you. Okay?” He gave you his most charming smile.
You sighed in defeat as you picked your pencil back up. “Okay,” you said dishearteningly. You then placed your chin on your forearm as you read over the problem once more. You huffed. “I’ll try, Papas.”
Kaoru hummed in appreciation as he nuzzled your neck affectionately. As he sat up, he spared you one more glance, a smile dancing along his face. “And keep calling me ‘Papas.’ I like it a lot.”
A smile graced your lips despite you’re grumpy demeanor. “Will do.”
Another kiss was gifted to you before you both were once again encased in the serene silence.
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You were part of the event committee and volunteered to take the lead on the upcoming event you lot had planned for the school. However, you quickly came to the realization that you may have been way over your head.
For the past week you have been scrambling to secure a venue and caterers, with absolutely no help from your fellow committee members. Huh, some group you guys were. You wondered the majority of the time why most of them even signed up to join.
It was finally the weekend and instead of resting a bit and sleeping in late, you were sending emails left and right and on the phone from noon time to the early evening. You wanted to pull your hair out as this event no longer seemed fun to plan. It felt like a whole job, all thanks to the lack of help and support you were receiving from the other committee members.
Your stomach growled, twisting angrily as it demanded something substantial for it to be filled with. You ignored it, though, even if you would loved to sink your teeth into an apple at least.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. You dropped your pen in despair, not very pleased that you were interrupted. The longer you were prevented from getting all this planning down, the longer you were pulled away from your academics.
You reached the door and tugged it open after unlocking it. Your tired eyes brightened as they shined with excitement and curiosity. “Papas, what are you doing here?”
The corners of Mori’s lips tugged upwards, amused by the pet name you often called him. It became a thing unintentionally but Mori couldn’t find it in himself to complain even if he was paid to do so.
Wordlessly, your boyfriend lifted a large paper bag in your view. You cocked an eyebrow, eyeing him for an elaboration.
“Food,” Mori deadpans.
You tensed slightly. How was he always able to swoop in at just the right time to your rescue?
As much as you wanted to pepper your forever-brooding lover for thinking of you and going out of his way to get you food, you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. You didn’t want Mori to see just how neglectful you’ve been to your well-being. But, you could imagine that he could see you have with the way you didn’t bother to change out of the stained jersey you’ve had since middle school and the errant stands that fell out of your bun. You completely disregarded washing up as you placed all your attention onto this event planning.
Mori confirmed your thoughts as his brown eyes traveled over your body, leading you to nervously chew on your bottom lip. He didn’t comment on your appearance, though, as he simply stepped into your house and moved to take his shoes off after closing the door behind him.
You sputtered as you worked your overly tired brain to form words. “Mo-Mori, please! You don’t need to stay! I’m fine, seriously. I’m just busy at the moment with homework.”
Mori didn’t spare a glance your way as he strode to the kitchen. However, he did glance at the papers that were haphazardly placed on your coffee table and laptop. He quirked an eyebrow at the sight before looking forward once again. “Homework, huh? You sure it’s not this event planning that has you busy?”
You blanched as you hung your head. There was no use in lying to him.
You entered the kitchen to see he was taking all the contents out the bag. Against your will, your mouth began to salivate and your stomach grumbled loudly. Mori looked up and met your eyes with a blank expression. You hid behind the wall, a blush decorating your cheeks as you smiled bashfully.
Mori sighed lightly before continuing to set the table. “Come and eat, Diamond. You need your strength. And then we can talk about those lousy committee members of yours.”
You gulped, your blush deepening. You didn’t try to fight him, though, as you slowly made your way for the table covered with a delicious feast. You noticed the shrimp tempura and eel maki sitting in the center of the table. They practically called your name, you were so hungry.
Mori pulled out a chair for you, kissing your temple when you settled in it before he scooted you closer to the feast.
With a shy smile, you looked at your knight in shining armor as he settled into the seat next to you. “Thank you, Papas. You always manage to come to my aid at the right moment.”
A small smile graced Mori’s face as a low hum came from his chest. He rolled up the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he reached for a pair of chopsticks. “Go ahead and eat, Sugar.”
You beamed at the food, unapologetically indulging in the scrumptious food ready to be devoured. And, as you ate, each bite tasted better than the last. More than likely due to your handsome delivery man.
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You shifted a bit in the canopy bed, letting out a soft sigh. Your eyes fluttered open, slowly taking in your surroundings. 
Oh, that’s right. Me and Honey decided to take a nap. 
You smacked your lips as you sat up a bit. You looked over at your boyfriend and chuckled at the sight. 
Honey was peacefully snoozing as he had his arm loosely looped around your waist, so you could slip out of it with no problem. His blonde hair fell beautifully over his face as the sunlight that bled through the windows and canopy caused his hair to shine as it was lacquered. 
Your thumb came to rest on the sleeve of his button-down, slowly caressing the skin it covered. You then carefully took a hold of his hand and kissed the back of it before laying it back down. You paused then, suddenly becoming aware of something.
Where’s Usa-chan?
You began to look around for it, your eyebrows knitted together. You knew your boyfriend was holding it tightly to his chest before you two fell asleep. So, possibly after he reached out for you, he must have accidentally let his rabbit go in his sleep. 
You peered over the edge of the bed and, sure enough, you made eye contact with Usa-chan. You smiled down at the pink bunny as you slipped from Honey’s arm and squatted on the floor. You gently grabbed Usa-chan just as you heard your boyfriend’s sleepy voice call out to you.
You peeked over the bed, meeting the sleepy gaze of your prince. You shoot him a wide smile. “Hi, Papas.”
A smile twitched at Honey’s lips at the nickname. He rubbed his eyes before refocusing onto you. “What are you doing out of bed, Sugar Cube?” He failed you stifle a yawn, his mouth opened wide as he covered it with his hand.
You sat back on the bed with Usa-chan on your lap. “You dropped Usa-chan so I got out of bed to pick it back up for you.”
A soft smile bloomed across Honey’s lips. “Thank you but you could have just waited until we woken up. I had you to cuddle with so I was fine.”
You gasped at his statement. Everyone knew how much Honey loved his stuffed rabbit as it was a gift from his late grandmother. He never let it out of his sight and would burn down everything around him if something were to happen to it. But, yet, his eyes held sincerety as he uttered his words, which swayed in the ear between the two of you as you racked your brain for a response. 
You blinked at the boy laying before you as you swallowed. “You’re aware of what you just said, right?”
Honey nodded slowly. “Yeah, and I meant it.” Without another word, he yanked you by your arm so you were laying back down. 
You yelped at his sudden action but then calmed down and giggled as Honey snuggled into you. The boy then took Usa-chan and placed it snugly between the pillows. Once the rabbit was settled, Honey snuggled back into your shoulder, breathing in your homely scent down to his belly. Like no time at all passed, he was out like a light, holding you securely this time.
You smiled softly as you sunk into the high-quality mattress and pillows, allowing the dream world to pull you into another hour of a peaceful slumber. 
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wichols · 5 years
Ah! Just saw you’re about to close bingo prompts so lemme see if I could squeeze one in ^~^ Something I’d love to see is the whole “fire exposes our priorities” thing — like maybe one of the themed days in the host club goes wrong and suddenly there’s a fire?? What are each of the members’ first reactions? Love your writing!!
Anon, this prompt. This one got me. I spent many days just sitting and staring at a blank document contemplating my life choices. I seriously almost made this into a Headcanon instead of a one-shot. Like had inspiration not struck with a decent plot it was gonna be headcanon time. But fortunately enough it struck and now you have this monster of a one-shot. I hope you don’t mind that I took them outside of the club room but I just couldn’t get myself to write this as a club room activity. It still has their reactions and I hope you enjoy the fun banter I included in the beginning. I think it is the most fun I have had writing interactions between the hosts. Enjoy!
Burning Intentions (All Host Members)
The last rays of light dipped behind the pine trees plunging the Morinozuka mountain vacation home into darkness. Heavy snowflakes danced between branches and settled silently onto the peaked clusters forming around the surrounding landscape.
“Wow, Takashi, the snow looks so pretty!” Honey beamed with excitement. “I thought Kyo-chan said it was only supposed to snow a little and that looks like more snow than even he predicted. Takashi! What happens if it snows so much that we get stuck here!?!” Honey chirped happily while watching the snow falling outside.
“Mitsukuni.” His eyes shifted from the unfolding scene outside to his cousin.
“I know Takashi! I know. We get more slumber party time!”
Before he could interject the blond-haired boy bounded down the hallway disappearing into his designated room. Voices could be heard floating into the hallway as Mori made his rounds checking in on the other hosts. He had to laugh at the types of conversations he was overhearing. His attention was directed first to the current third-year club members.
“No way in hell.” Haruhi chided the twins.
“We know the way to hell and you are more than welcome to join us on the journey.” They snickered back at her.
“Pass, I will be double checking my door to make sure it is locked tonight. There will be no trio cuddle party. And the last time you pulled that stunt I got no sleep while you bastards slept like the dead.” She scolded.
“Please, we promise to be good this time?” They whine through pouted lips.
“You guys would classify yourselves as good? Need I also remind you of the last time you forced your way into my bed that you suffered from a little ‘morning issue’.” Forming air quotes with her hands.
“I wouldn’t consider our morning issues ‘little’ if that’s what you’re insinuating.”  Hikaru air quoted mocking her back. “Who’s to say that some part of you actually enjoyed our morning surprise? What girl wouldn’t want two sinfully looking men curled up in her bed happy to see her in the morning?”
“A girl with more than two brain cells. Now get out and let me finish unpacking, if I let you stay you will know where I put everything and hide it so I have to wear what you two brought for me.” Pushing them away from the doorframe she slammed and locked the door securing herself inside the room without wandering eyes.
“Hey, Mori-senpai thanks for letting us stay at your cabin! This will be another fun weekend!” Kaoru waved as he watched Mori continue his inspection of the sleeping arrangements.
Mori’s attention was then directed to Kyoya’s foot tapped in an irritating cadence while Tamaki lamented about the twins trying to sleep with Haruhi in her bed. 
“Tamaki, so help me, if you do not give me some space this weekend to breathe air I will suffocate you with my laptop charger before we leave. Not only that but I will drop your body off a sheer cliff, never to be found again. Do I make myself clear?” His fingers continued to push keys down in rapid succession while his eyes watched Tamaki step outside his room. 
“Crystal.” Tamaki squeaked while tiptoeing out of the room.
Just as Mori was about to turn and head towards the kitchen Honey swung open his door, revealing his pink bunny onesie, declaring, “ jammies and coco time in the solarium!” The short host giggled as he rushed past the others, with Usa-chan in tow, heading towards the east wing of the cabin.
“You heard Honey-senpai! Jammies and coco are waiting!” Tamaki began to fling an assortment of clothes from several drawers looking for a suitable pair of pajamas before rushing into and out of the bathroom following close behind Honey.
“Hika, if we are quick we can make Haruhi wear the special set we brought her!” Sharing equally devious looks the twins went rushing towards their room only to be thwarted by Haruhi emerging from her room in a pair of bland colored sweat pants and an oversized hoodie.
“Too late.” She smiled victoriously at her comfortable state of dress.
“Oh god it’s worse than we thought!” Each twin gripping the other in support of their disgust.
“Better get dressed sooner rather than later or else Honey-senpai will finish off the coco before you even get to the solarium.”
“He wouldn’t.” Pausing to wonder further.  “Would he?” Karou questioned.
Arching a brow, she flashed them an evil grin. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“HURRY Hika! We have to get there before he drinks all the coco!” A slam of the door and clamoring bodies could be heard shuffling around in search of pajamas.
“Mori-senpai, I hate to bother but could you show me the way to the solarium? I have a feeling it will take the twins longer than expected to get ready.”
“Sure, follow me.” Walking in tandem they quietly made their way through the main living area and down another hallway.
“Why do you have a glass solarium attached to the cabin?”
Lifting a brow, he glanced down at the female host. Finding no ulterior motives written on her face he began, “vacation for the Morinozuka’s means spending a substantial amount of time reflecting and meditating. By building the solarium we are not limiting ourselves by the weather but retain the ability to connect with nature through all types of seasons. In this case, Mitsukuni suggested using the sunken seating and fire pit to watch the snow falling.”  
“Cool idea in theory but isn’t it dangerous to have a fire going inside an enclosed space?”
Ruffling the top of her head he gestured towards Honey and Tamaki already wrapped up in blankets, snuggled deep into the cozy couches surrounding the small fire pit built in the center of the room.
“Woah.”  Her eyes sparkled as she soaked in the unique view of the room. Walking wordlessly to the edge of the room she tentatively placed her palms against the cooled glass. “It’s like I am outside without being outside. Like I am still a part of nature.” Had it not been snowing there would have been no way she couldn’t distinguish where the glass ended. “I would love to be in this room when it’s bright and sunny!” Face beaming with delight at the house’s owner.  
Leaving the three hosts to enjoy their time together, he made his way back to the west wing to change into his own pajamas but not before he was passed by a pair of squabbling brothers in matching sleepwear following an unusually empty-handed Kyoya. Making quick work he changed and joined back up with the other hosts huddled around the fire pit. Mug in hand he took the open seat between Mitsukuni and Kyoya.
“Takashi, this was such a good idea! The coco is so yummy!! Even yummier when sipped in front of the fire!” Honey cheered.
The other hosts nodded and hummed in agreement, mesmerized by juxtaposition of the snowstorm raging on the other side of the glass and the light whipping of flames of the fire, comfortable silence fell between them as they listened to the crack and pop of the burning wood.
“I have an idea.” The feminine voice broke through the silence. “Mori-senpai said that his family built this to use for meditation. Why don’t we all start our weekend off right by allowing for some quiet reflection?” Posing the request to the rest of the group.
“Boring!” The twins chimed as they nuzzled into either side of Haruhi’s neck. “How about we pre-game for tonight’s cuddle party and start it now?”
“No thanks. The only cuddling that is happening this weekend is right now and it’s between myself and Usa-chan that was offered to me.”  
“Splendid idea Haruhi. Though instead of getting in the usual meditative position how about we give ourselves some space on the couches and focus on the sky above us? It’s not every day that we have the opportunity to watch the snow fall in such a whimsical manner.” Kyoya in pleasant agreement, for he himself was in desperate need of some quiet time after Tamaki’s outbursts from earlier.
Pushing the two bodies closest to her away, each member settled back into their comfortable quiet while craning their necks to stare into the flurry of the darkened sky. All that filled the room was the ambient noise of the crackling fire, the host’s steadied breathing, and the low howl of the wind outside. The serene atmosphere soothed the aching souls that sought the refuge of the remote cabin away from the bustling demands of the outside world. Minutes passed as a singular loud pop of the fire caused their bodies to flinch and settle back into a quiet calm.
Eyes still swept up in the dancing snow, Hikaru’s voice broke the silence. “What smells like burning?"
“Shh.” Haruhi shushed.
“But really something smells like it is burning.”
"Well, we are sitting by a fire..." Kyoya said in his usual sarcastic tone.
"No this smells different less like burning wood and more like, more like,  burning fabric..." Hikaru audibly making sniffing sounds.
Everyone’s heads snapped to the source of the unpleasant smell. A look of horror flashed across their faces to the growing flame of Haruhi’s blanket. Momentarily stunned at the realization of their on fire maiden the friends quickly jumped into action.
“HARUHI YOU’RE ON FIRE!” Hikaru screamed while grabbing one of her arms trying to drag her body out from under the blanket.
“Here let me help! Let me help!” Joining in on his brother’s efforts, Kaoru pushed the remaining part of the blanket off her torso and let it pool in a heap of flaming fabric next to the fire pit.
Struggling against the ‘helping hands’ Haruhi flailed her legs desperately trying to regain her sense of direction. “Knock it off guys! You’re pulling too hard!”
“No! Usa-chan! Someone save Usa-chan!” Honey pleaded.
Hearing his cousin’s desperate plea Mori jumped across the open fire pit and snatched up the falling pink bunny before it tumbled onto the pile of growing flames.
“DON’T WORRY HARUHI DADDY WILL SAVE YOU!!” Springing into action Tamaki grabbed the offending blanket and sprinted through the solarium towards the front door.
“TAMA-CHAN! TAMA-CHAN! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?? YOU’RE GONNA CATCH TAKASHI’S WHOLE HOUSE ON FIRE!” Honey yelled as he followed closely behind the frantic host king. While Mori trailed behind clutching Usa-chan, stomping out a small trail of flames.
“Well this night just got more idiotic than I ever anticipated.” Kyoya grumbled. “Haruhi are you hurt in any way?” He asked looking at the shaken woman caught between the tangled arms of the twins.
“Seriously guys let me go. No, Hikaru, for the last time, my legs did not burn off. Kaoru, do something, besides velcroing yourself around my waist.” She droned. “I’m fine Kyoya-senpai, really. I didn’t even realize it was my blanket that caught fire until Hikaru screamed it into my face.”
“Sorry about that. It was the first thing that popped into my head. But really you should be falling into my arms because I was the one that actually saved you.”
“Don’t forget that I helped too!” Kaoru squeezing even tighter around Haruhi’s waist.
Before she could respond, a proud Tamaki walked gallantly back into the solarium declaring, how he ‘vanquished the beast that tried to harm his Haruhi.’
“What exactly did you do with it?” She asked.
“I figured that since it was snowing outside and snow is frozen water, and really fire belongs outside. So, I tossed the on fire blanket out into the snow.” Puffing his chest proudly at his logical explanation.  
Honey stormed past Tamaki, flopping himself back on the couch. “Yeah, but not before Takashi had to stomp out all the little spots of burning blanket that you left behind in your wake of heroism. Had he not been following you, Tama-chan, you would have caught something else on fire.” He rebuked. Glancing around his eyes went wide. “Usa-chan? Did someone save Usa-chan??”
“Mitsukuni.” Mori approached him with Usa-chan hanging limply in his outstretched hand.
“Thanks, Takashi!” Beaming brightly at Usa-chan’s savior.
Finally peeling herself out of the twins hold, Haruhi huffed. “Too much excitement for one night, I’m going to bed.”
“We’ll come with you to make sure you make it back to your room ok.” The twins offered.  
“Kyoya-senpai.” She glared over her shoulder.
“Hikaru. Kaoru. I believe it is in your best interest to let Haruhi go back to her room, alone.” Giving his darkest Shadow King look as they sat back down onto the couch.
An audible gulp could be heard by all as Haruhi left the room. 
Letting his look soften, Kyoya noted the various expressions on the other’s faces making a mental note to himself. Some people in this room just revealed a lot more about themselves than they possibly ever intended. But two things I know for sure now is that one, Tamaki is still an overreacting idiot and two, there are those still sitting around the fire that are still madly in love with Haruhi.
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dreamofcentipedes · 5 years
The Wedding of Haruhi Suzumiya
Summary: Suzumiya Haruhi is getting married. Time has gone by so quickly, and yet, all of a sudden, it appears to stop. It seems Kyon can't get a day off, even on his wedding day!
Fandom: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Ship: Kyon/Haruhi
Characters: Kyon, Haruhi, Nagato, Mikuru, Koizumi, Taniguchi, Kunikida, Tsuruya, Kyon’s Little Sister.
Rating: Teen Words: 10,578 Link to AO3
A/N: This is a present for my wonderful friend @harleyquilt’s birthday! I'm glad I introduced you to the series so I could have an excuse to write this fic hahaha. It's written in the style of the novels, so from Kyon's first person POV. 
To anyone who's not Leila, this fic is based on anime-only canon; so that's why characters like Kimidori aren't here since she's not very relevant in the show. Enjoy!
Something was wrong. I felt it in my gut.
Ah, allow me to clarify. It was not the kind of odd feeling one might feel when forced to repeat summer over fifteen thousand times because of the oddly conscientious whims of a typically self-centred high school girl. I won’t force you all through that again – so long as Haruhi doesn’t force me to. Hey, if I suffer, you suffer! That’s the compensation I’ve earned from you, universe, for all my sterling efforts to save you. I may have admitted I enjoy a good deal of what Haruhi forces me into, but stuff like an endless summer is just too much. Today, at least, should be free of the kind of chaotic events that follow Haruhi around like the Duke of Buckingham to King James I of England (and VI of Scotland).
Or so Koizumi says. Which brings me back to the problem at hand. Or that is, the problem of the minute hand. On the clock that stared down at me from the wall like a Great Old One about to nonchalantly crush swarms of insignificant humans underfoot, I saw that there was only half an hour remaining until the ceremony.
“The Agency extends their full gratitude to you for what you’re doing today. If it all goes well, we won’t have to worry about Closed Space appearing for a few months at the very least.” Koizumi brushed some non-existent lint off his light grey suit and patted down his yellow silk tie. Smart and snazzy as always. He better not outshine me at my own wedding.
“I think you have an overly optimistic view on marriage. And on Haruhi, for that matter. Her temper will blow at my first sign of disobedience.”
“You think so? I hoped you’d know your fiancé better than that. To Suzumiya-san, you are an exceptionally important person. It will be hard to dent her good mood after all these years of holding back.”
I didn’t say anything back, but as I adjusted my red tie over my blue suit in an outfit reminiscent of my old High School uniform, I thought about what he said. I hoped he was right, and not for the sake of the world or reality or whatever other annoying stuff he cares about. Haruhi’s smiling face was just a pleasant sight for me to see, that’s all. It’s not like I was marrying her because the Agency wanted me to. I barely even know those guys.
“I’m sure Nagato-san and Asahina-san will also extend you their appreciation at the reception. On behalf of their organisations, that is.”
I had some idea of what he was talking about with that clarification. I did worry about those two, but I had made my decision and didn’t have any regrets. At least where that matter is concerned. Otherwise, there was still that ball of anxiety in my chest wrapped up like a mangled slinky.
Ah, we really did get sidetracked, didn’t we? Yes, this is the odd feeling that was haunting me. Wedding jitters, cold feet, spineless hesitation from the latest generation of worthless men – call it what you like, I could barely keep my hands still as I fussed endlessly over the tightness of my tie. That’s what I hoped it was, anyway, but I had the sinking feeling it was something more than that, and worse, that I knew what it was. I desperately needed someone to talk me, but Haruhi had somehow managed to hijack my own Best Man, so Koizumi served as my substitute. Creepy as he was, he was at least a calm presence. Taniguchi would send me insane.
Of course, I couldn’t tell him I was nervous. It would be a cold day in hell before I admitted weakness in front of him. He was an annoyingly observant guy, though.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
His voice slipped into a more serious tone. I left the mirror alone at that and turned to face him. Watchful brown eyes peeked out from his usual squint.
“Of course I am.” I grumbled.
Koizumi gave a smile that seemed a little sad, then clapped a hand on my shoulder.
“Then see it through.”
With that, he gestured to the door.
“Well, being the joyous occasion that it is for Suzumiya-san, I doubt any strange phenomena will occur. But the job of an esper is never over. I will be patrolling the grounds for anything that seems out of place. I hope you’ll survive without me until then.”
As he was turning the handle, I felt a strange mix of frustration and sadness rise up in me. To any shrinks in the area, I’d like to get this checked out, please. But whatever it was, it made me call out to him: “You’ll be at the ceremony, won’t you?”
His hand let go of the doorknob and he looked at me, surprised.
“You’re a member of the SOS Brigade, after all.” I continued. “If you’re not there, Haruhi would be devastated. Then the world would really be in danger.”
He lowered his eyes and that sad smile crept up again. I decided, compared with this, I’d prefer that sickeningly sweet smile he usually plasters on his face. But before long he turned his eyes back to me with a slightly more jovial expression.
“You may be right. I’ll do my best if you do yours.”
He opened the door and left the room, leaving me alone with my unsatisfactory tie. What’s more, that clock was staring at me again, with only half an hour to go. Hey, cut it out. You’re not my Best Man, are you? Actually, where was my Best Man?
Well, since the wedding was Western-style it was a bit less of a pain to prepare for than Japanese-style weddings, but I still found myself combing my hair in five different directions. Eventually I got tired of it and set off to find my AWOL assistant. As I traversed the corridors, I noticed the legs and torso of someone in a black suit and tie making his way down the stairs. It was silly of me to hope for the best, but instead it was Taniguchi.
“Kyon my man! I’ve been looking for you all over!”
“Well, I was looking for Kunikida. Seen him anywhere?”
“Nope, not even once! What an unreliable guy! It’s not too late to change Best Men, you know.” He gave a grin that made me want to punch him on the nose.
“Really? I’ll let Koizumi know, then.”
Taniguchi looked aghast. “Koizumi? That creepazoid? You’d pick him over me, your constant buddy over three years of high school and four years of university?”
Like radioactive waste, I couldn’t ethically get rid of him. Well, maybe I did have some fun times with him around. It was much more enjoyable to not let him know that, though. When I didn’t respond, he acted hurt.
“Hmph! Well, I can’t see why you’d resign yourself to a lifetime chained to a girl like that anyway!” He raised his hands and shook his head with an insufferably smug expression. “Aah, she has you well and truly whipped, doesn’t she? Forcing you to flush your youth away down the toilet of the marriage bed.”
Ignoring that his metaphor was painfully inconsistent, I just asked him whether he’d gotten a girlfriend yet. He quickly shut up with an expression like Aeschylus must have had when he was mortally wounded by an airborne tortoise.
“Speaking of, Kyon,” he asked me when he had recovered, sidling up to me like a drug dealer in a black-and-white film noir and whispering to me, “You two have…done it, right?”
I pushed his face away from my ear. There was a 20% chance I was blushing. No, 10%. 5% tops! But if any such out-of-character situation was occurring, I didn’t want Taniguchi to see it. He probably did anyway.
“You have!” He laughed. “You totally have! Oh man, oh man, oh man, OH MAN!”
Haruhi and I had been dating since our last year of high school, so I don’t know why he was so surprised. What, did he seriously think the woman who had sexually assaulted Asahina-san on a daily basis was the type to save herself for marriage? This guy was purer than I thought. I placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy.
“Uh, what’s this about?” Taniguchi brushed it off sheepishly. “So? She’s into some weird stuff, right? Does she make you do dress-up?”
Everything about his tone and expression was cringe-inducing.  Just when I was resigning myself to indulge this overgrown 14 year old with the rudimentals of my sex life as the only alternative to my anxiety, I was saved by a benevolent god called Kunikida.
“Ah, Kyon, I’m so sorry!” He was red-faced and out of breath, rushing down the stairs as fast as he could while carrying about five bags with him. He came to a halt in front of me and dropped them to the ground, panting heavily. It’s a good thing he was wearing black, because otherwise the growing pools of sweat under his armpits might be much more obvious.
“Hmm, look who finally decided to show up!” Taniguchi remarked jealously.
“Taniguchi, zip it. It’s fine, Kunikida. What does she want this time?”
Kunikida returned to a stable condition and raised his head. “She wants to know which ribbon you’d like best.”
I shook my head with the fond exasperation that girl always exerts in me. Yare yare. Isn’t the bride’s appearance supposed to be a surprise for the groom? Nagato might be useless in the fashion department, but couldn’t she rely on Asahina-san and Tsuruya-san’s advice a bit more? Even my sister, another of my comrades she’d hijacked, had started to become fashion conscious. But Haruhi’s never coped with uncertainty too well. I decided I might as well have a look, lest her stress blow a hole in the fabric of the cosmos.
There was a red one, a blue one with black stripes, a purple one, orange with polka dots…I didn’t know why they each needed their own separate bags. But the choice was a pretty easy one for me. It was just too nostalgic.
“Let’s go with yellow.” I told Kunikida.
He nodded with approval. “I thought you’d pick that one. It’s just like the one she wore back at North High. I told her that, but she made me check with you anyway.” He pouted. “Well, I’ll report back then.”
“Oi, Kunikida.”
“Any more tyrannical demands Haruhi makes of you, refuse them.” Kunikida paled. “Just tell her it’s a direct order from the groom. I’ll take the heat. For now, I need you to help get me ready.”
Kunikida nodded, told me he wouldn’t be long, and disappeared up the stairs. I imagined the chaos that must be happening up there, the hell Haruhi must be putting all her poor bridesmaids and even my Best Man through. I imagined Haruhi in her bridal dress, with that yellow ribbon in her hair…and my stomach knotted again as other thoughts rushed through my head in concert. I felt so dizzy I thought I might fall over. Steadying myself with a strong exhale, I grabbed Taniguchi’s sleeve.
“Move it, Taniguchi. I need a substitute until Kunikida gets back.”
I needed some company, any company, even if just to make sure I didn’t fall over and ruin my meticulously pressed suit. Taniguchi seemed pretty ecstatic about it, though, so I didn’t tell him that last part. We moved into my dressing room.
I was reaching for the comb on the side of my desk when I noticed that accursed clock again. ‘Accursed’. Only then did I begin to realise just how accurate that description truly was.
Because only half an hour remained until the ceremony.
I stared at the clock, wondering if I misread it. But no, the hands didn’t lie. It wasn’t broken, either: the second hand was happily ticking away, and the minute hand slowly moving with it.
“Hey Kyon, earth to Kyon. You still with us man?”
I turned to the bemused Taniguchi, then looked back at the clock. When I did, I saw something that made that ‘wrong’ feeling that had been ruthlessly assaulting my small intestine level up at least twice, with major boosts to its ATK, DEF, and SPD. Because although the second hand was now ticking down from the top of the clock, the minute hand had returned to exactly half past 2.
Despite all the conversations and activities I had gotten up to since the clock had struck that time, despite all the time that had seemingly passed – somehow, it was still exactly half an hour until I married Haruhi.
I prayed for the sake of my already trembling heart that it was just a broken clock. But when I snatched my phone off the counter, I saw the exact same time glaring at me: 14:30.
I crammed my phone back into my pocket with frustration. Koizumi! No strange phenomena, he said, as though I could trust him. One day that guy’s going to get a career peddling snake oil. Dammit! This was the last thing I needed today! I slammed my hands against the counter and stared at the clock.
“Hey, Kyon, aren’t you gonna – ”
“Shut it, Taniguchi.”
Thankfully, he did. I looked at the clock, allowed a few seconds to pass, looked away, then immediately looked back. The seconds had reset.
I rubbed my sweating temples with my equally clammy hands.
“Taniguchi, I need you to do me a favour.”
“Huh? Sure! You can always count on – ”
“Hold my eyes open for me.”
“Wha?” He was clearly taken aback. “Uh, Kyon, you feeling okay?”
“Groom’s orders.”
He sighed, muttering something about me being as crazy as Haruhi, before I experienced the highly unpleasant sensation of Taniguchi lifting my eyelids up. I stared intently at the clock.
My stinging eyes, desperate to blink, beheld a full minute passing before I told Taniguchi it was enough and rushed to sink my eyes back into peaceful oblivion, like a salaryman collapsing in his bed after a particularly nasty overtime shift. When I opened them again, 2:31 was no more, and 2:30 was back with an insufferable grin on its clock face. Stop looking at me like that, arsehole. I’ll break your hands.
I exhaled. I guess it couldn’t be helped. I knew what I was getting myself into when I proposed to Haruhi, and honestly, at any other time I might look forward to this kind of sci-fi event. But Haruhi, could you really not hold off on the day of our wedding, at the very least?!
No, maybe that’s too hasty. I’ve always been too quick to point the finger at my fiancé in the past, but in my defence, if you’re in a room with a known thief and something goes missing, who else are you going to accuse? But I should stick with what I know: that the moment I take my eyes off the time, it resets to 2:30, with all the events that have happened since then left unchanged.
“Taniguchi, notice anything?”
“Huh? Notice what?” He looked so confused I almost felt sorry for him. “What are you going on about, Kyon?”
So Taniguchi hadn’t realised anything was wrong. He wasn’t looking for anything suspicious, so it makes sense. That, and he’s an idiot. In any case, it saved me a headache-inducing explanation about a problem I hardly understood myself.
Right, there was nothing left for it then.
“Oh, dang! Taniguchi, I forgot my cufflinks!”
“Eh? But you’re wearing them right now…”
“No no no, these are just my temporary cufflinks. Koizumi should be bringing me my real cufflinks – could you ask around if anyone’s seen him?”
“Haah? Temporary cufflinks? Why are you wearing temporary cufflinks?”
“No time to explain, I need them right now. There’s only half an hour to go you know! Think you could be my Best Man for a while?”
Taniguchi perked up at that. “Ah…well…”
“I’m counting on you!” I gave him a thumbs up and sprinted out of the room, leaving a baffled Taniguchi looking this way and that. He’ll play along in the end, he always does. Let it not be said that I haven’t learnt anything during my time in the SOS Brigade. Seven years’ experience of lying through your teeth counts as a transferrable skill, right? I doubt I’ll get to put it on my CV, anyhow.
My mood darkened as the thought crossed through my mind. What, we’re making jokes about this, now? I furrowed my brow as I ran up the stairs. Really, just how irresponsible could I be…
With my eyes fixed on the ground, I didn’t notice the sudden appearance of a wild Kunikida at the top of the stairs. His sudden “Hey, Kyon!” wasn’t enough to stop me from slamming into him. He managed to keep his balance, but my knees hit  landing. First of all, ouch; but much more importantly I hoped my suit wasn’t crumpled.
“Kyon, are you okay? What’s the hurry?”
“Ah…my bad, Kunikida. I just needed to see Nagato and Asahina-san.” I told him, standing up and zealously cleaning my suit legs like a medieval Catholic priest with a supposed segment of the Holy Cross. If Taniguchi could summon Koizumi, and I could get to Nagato and Asahina-san, at least one of them should be able to help me skip to the end of this poorly-timed adventure.
“Eh? But they’re with Suzumiya-san, you know?” He was shaking like a leaf. I was really starting to wonder what kind of torture Haruhi was putting him through.
“That’s fine. Like I said, I can take the heat.”
“Eh? That’s not the problem!” Kunikida objected. “The groom can’t see the bride before the ceremony, it’s bad luck!”
Could I really be having worse luck than I was having now? Actually, wait, this is Haruhi we’re talking about. If she thinks I’ll get bad luck, I probably will. I sighed.
“Could you get them for me, then? It really is urgent.”
Kunikida looked at me with the confused expression I had become so used to as a member of the SOS Brigade.
“Okay, if you say so…”
“Sorry to make you keep walking up and down these stairs.”
Kunikida proceeded at an annoyingly leisurely pace. I wanted to yell at him to get a move on, but when I thought about it, there really wasn’t any need to hurry at all. Time wasn’t moving. Or, it was, but in a way that it wasn’t. Well, I didn’t need an explanation, just a resolution, but I still felt kind of stupid for running all that way and messing up my clothes.
After what felt like a few minutes but what was, in actuality, no time at all, Kunikida reappeared with Nagato in tow. She had on a sleeveless light purple dress with an interesting shading pattern. It suited her pretty well, so I’m sure she had nothing to do with its selection.
“Ah, thanks Kunikida, Nagato.” But something was missing from this picture. “Where’s Asahina-san?”
Kunikida opened his mouth, but Nagato pointed wordlessly up the stairs.
“She’s still upstairs? Why?”
“Leaving Suzumiya Haruhi alone with the girl Tsuruya and your sibling…” Nagato stared at the ground, probably recalibrating. “…Dangerous.”
Couldn’t argue with that. Actually, yes I could. All due respect to our valued members of staff who might fall victim to that tyrannical trio, but I’m first in line for compensation! Move along! Just then, as if as a counter-argument, I heard a high-pitched wail echo from the upper floor followed by a string of indecipherable yelling.
Well, now I knew I was right – far more dangerous than leaving them alone was leaving Asahina-san alone with them! I held back my oncoming migraine and begged Kunikida to go and save her.
“Groom’s orders!”
I’m pretty sure it’s not a rule that the word of the groom is absolute during his wedding. But for some reason, whenever I said it, it worked, so I wasn’t going to quit now. Kunikida meekly jogged up the stairs, surely getting a pretty good workout by this point.
Well, besides rescuing Asahina-san it also got Kunikida out of the way for me to ask Nagato what exactly was going on.
She stared at me for a few seconds. “It is your wedding.”
Uh, no Nagato – I mean yes, but that’s beside the point. I showed her the time on my phone and gave her a brief rundown of the situation as I understood it.
She stared at me for another few seconds. “You are referring to the chrono-shift?”
I wasn’t exactly thrilled she knew about this already.
“Hey, Nagato, I know you were only sent here to observe, but you have a lot more freedom now, you know? If you notice some strange event going on, could you tell me next time?” It felt weird having to talk to a hyper-intelligent being as though she were a five year old who didn’t understand what was wrong with hoarding crayons from the other kids, but social courtesies weren’t Nagato’s forte.
“I was providing assistance to Suzumiya Haruhi. It was also highly probable you would notice the occurrence of the chrono-shift and seek consultation with me yourself; so it was not considered urgent. Time was not...of the essence.” From the long look she gave from those golden-brown eyes speckled with melancholy, I had the feeling she wasn’t telling the whole truth. But I certainly couldn’t lecture her on that front, so I decided not to drag it out of her. Let’s start with the basics.
“What is a chrono-shift?”
“Chrono-shift. A space-time event wherein a selection of space is held in abstraction from the flow of time. Its marginal presence allows time to pass as normal only while an observer is conscious of its transition, however, as soon as observation ceases, the abstracted time will correct itself. With the exception of these moments of observation, the time within the abstracted space will move differently than the time outside the target area.”
After all these years, I still couldn’t begin to decipher Nagato-ese. Where was Koizumi when you needed him? Even Asahina-san would do. She was the time traveller, after all.
“Do you know how to stop it?” I asked her the far more useful question.
“To reverse the eruption of a chrono-shift, access to technology enabling time travel is required.”
I scratched my head at the thought of more time travel escapades. I really didn’t want to run the risk of getting stabbed on my wedding day like I had on my most memorable trip through time, but whatever we had to do, we needed Asahina-san. I lent my ear to the sounds of muffled calamity still occurring above us.  It appeared Kunikida had gone MIA, so contacting Asahina-san became not just a practical but an ethical obligation.
I told Nagato to follow me as I stomped up the stairs. Haruhi had been behaving herself on this front a lot more since our first year of High School, but I guessed Bridesmaid-Mikuru was just too much for her. Well, it’s not like I wasn’t interested to see it myself…Oi universe, what’s with that judgemental look? I may be a soon-to-be-married man, but if my bride isn’t going to leave her lust at the door then I retain the right to wandering eyes!
However, this internal act of defiance felt somewhat pointless, as it was not the thought of Asahina-san that had set my heart thundering in my chest. Thinking of Haruhi in a bridal gown again made me feel completely dizzy, a warm feeling suffusing all throughout my body like a bacterial infection. Was this really real? Wasn’t this some kind of alternate reality, where the consequences of my actions wouldn’t have the slightest effect on the real world? Ever since our first kiss in Closed Space, I had always felt like Haruhi and I would always remain in more or less the same state, me as reluctant servant and her as diabolical overlord. Well, I supposed our marriage wasn’t going to be too different from that, but even when we started dating four years ago it felt like I had somehow achieved something I had never expected to, even knowing how she felt, even knowing how I felt. Like an alternate reality, I guess. But it was here, in this one.
At least, it was for me. Given what I knew and what she didn’t, it was like we were living in two completely different worlds.
The thick, glutinous knot that had been squeezing my chest came back with a vengeance. I’m sorry, Haruhi. I can’t do right by you. I can’t even wait for the ceremony before seeing you. I want your forgiveness, but I can’t even tell you what I’ve done wrong. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Kunikida knocked me out of depressive spiral again, this time with a door to my face.
“Eh – Kyon?! You can’t come in here!” Kunikida objected to my crumpled corpse. For some reason, his black tie was wrapped in a bandanna around his head. Is this really the time to kickstart your delinquent lifestyle, Kunikida?!
“Ehhhhhhhhhhhh? Kyon-kun is - !!!” Came Asahina-san’s soft, panicked voice.
“Ohohoh, couldn’t wait for the ceremony, could he? Hey Suzumiya-san, your hubby-to-be’s more of a man than I thought!” That carefree and boisterous tone could only belong to Tsuruya-san.
“KYON-KUN!” And that was…
My sister barrelled out of the room in a pink dress with her finger taking aim at my chest.
“You can’t see the bride before the wedding you know! It’s forbidden! For-bid-den!”
She was driving me back like a bulldozer driven by some Hollywood action hero, giving my chest an extra prod with each syllable.
“It’s important, I have to talk to Asahi- ”
“NO IFS!” She paused for effect. “NO BUTS!”
I hadn’t said either if nor but, but I was sure telling her that would only earn me another piledriver. What happened to the cute sister I had known all those years ago? She’s been spending way too much time with Haruhi. It was a sister-in-law tag team I had come to dread.
“Eh? Kyon-kun wants to see me…um…this isn’t the best the time…” Asahina-san’s dulcet tones rang out from behind the door.
“Asahina-san!” I slipped out from behind my sister’s human wall. “I have something I need to talk to you about! With Nagato.”
“N-Nagato-san is…?” She seemed to have got the hint about what kind of conversation this would be. “U-um…what should I do…?”
“Well, well, what’s this, Kyon-kun?”  The mischievous face of Tsuruya-san in a dark blue, Chinese-style dress emerged from behind the door, intercepting my path. “You want to see Mikuru? Not your lovely bride? Aw man, it’s the day of the wedding and we already have a scandal on our hands! I’d expect nothing less from you, Kyon-kun!”
What exactly was that supposed to mean?! I gave her my best attempt at a stare like the kind a cowboy might have while saying this town wasn’t big enough for the both of them.
“Tsuruya-san, whatever you and Haruhi have been doing to Asahina-san, cut it out now! This is important!”
I started marching towards the door. At that time, I was reminded of the Charge of the Light Brigade and the three hundred Spartans at Thermopylae, but I didn’t let such depressing and realistic examples deter me from my righteous crusade.
Ever the reliable ally, Nagato easily fended off my sister’s hug-attacks with timely swishes of her arm. I charged on past the useless defence of Kunikida towards Tsuruya-san. Her eyes widened in surprise.
“Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah, wait a minute!”
Even Tsuruya-san’s spirited defence was insufficient against my determination. I ducked under her arms and passed right on through towards the growing sounds of quite a few panicked noises from Asahina-san. It’s okay, Asahina-san – I’ll do my best not to look!
The open door was in front of me. Asahina-san, to my relief and confusion, was fully dressed in an angelic white gown. But Haruhi…Haruhi was…
Her flushing face slammed the door into mine, literally. I dropped to the floor, more from astonishment than the force of the blow. My nose was bleeding for a different reason, too, but don’t tell anyone. What was that?
Hey now, me. Is it really so shocking to see Haruhi half-dressed? You’ve seen her butt naked more than a few times – in fact, you’ve gotten to know that Haruhi very well indeed (oi, wipe that smirk off your face). I hadn’t been expecting it, so there was that, but I think what really did it for me was what she still had on. Just like in my imagination, there was something about seeing her half in her bridal dress that turned me on to a ridiculous degree. I felt the need to stand up and clamp my legs together.
Not long after, following much berating from Tsuruya-san and my sister and muffled shouts from behind the door, Asahina-san eventually eked open the door and crept through, leaving no room for even the slightest peek.
“Um…sorry about that, Kyon-kun…”
“I-it’s fine. Uh, can I ask what you were doing…?”
“Preparing your bride for her wedding night, of course! Wahahaha!” Tsuruya-san tormented me, and I felt like throttling her, just a little bit.
“N-no! It wasn’t like that! Kyon-kun, it really wasn’t like that!” Poor Asahina-san seemed like she was about to cry. It wasn’t even you I saw! I calmed down and gave a reassuring nod to show her I believed her. She exhaled with relief.
“Suzumiya-san couldn’t decide on what dress she wanted to wear…or how she wanted to wear it…so she asked us to help her decide…um…”
“And well, we thought we should have some fun with it! Get revenge for Mikuru’s suffering all those years ago, wahaha!”
“I-it was you who thought that, Tsuruya-san!” Asahina-san desperately objected. As if I could believe Saint Asahina could want revenge for anything. The girl turns her other cheek before someone even slaps her.
Wait, hold on – does this mean my Best Man has seen my bride naked?! I redirected my death-glare from Tsuruya-san to Kunikida. He started waving his hands in front of him as if he was trying to deflect my laser vision.
“I-I didn’t see anything! I tried to stop them, like you said, but Tsuruya-san grabbed me and wrapped my tie around my eyes!” He tugged on the tie now wrapped around his forehead. “They made me help out, but I was totally blind!”
I folded my arms and turned towards Tsuruya-san, who was nodding in confirmation, looking like she was having way too much fun. Satisfied, I gave Kunikida a solemn nod. It made no sense to try to get someone you just blinded to help you, but that kind of thing was just like Tsuruya-san. Then I realised something.
“Wait, it’s thirty minutes before the wedding, and she still hasn’t decided on her dress yet?” I groaned. “Well, it is like her to skim over important stuff like this…”
“Kyon-kun!” My sister scolded me. What now?! “That’s not how it was at all! Haruhi-nee thought really hard about it, but couldn’t decide, so she bought three just in case! She’s thinking about it even now just to make sure she looks as good as possible for your wedding!”
A-aah. That’s really quite sweet, actually.  But Haruhi, please dial down your spending habits after we get married. And come to think of it, why does my sister use sibling honorifics for you when she doesn’t for her biological brother?!
“Suzumiya-san was totally psyched out when you turned up, Kyon-kun.” Tsuruya-san was squashing her cheeks between her hands and swivelling back and forth in adoration. “She was so nervous she couldn’t get out a word! Ah, young love…”
To my knowledge Tsuruya-san was the same age as the rest of us, but in Haruhi’s universe, I knew better than to make hasty assumptions. She could still be a slider/ghost/Mobile Suit Gundam yet. But what she said was kind of interesting. If Haruhi was feeling as anxious as me, maybe this was just a normal feeling after all…
“Well, we better get back to work. Please bring Mikuru back when you’re done with her, Kyon-kun. Only half an hour left to go~!” Tsuruya-san intoned, pulling Kunikida’s tie over his eyes and pushing him through the door, followed by my sister. “Suzumiya-saaaan, we’re coming in!”
Left outside with Asahina-san and Nagato, I prayed for my bride’s wellbeing. Intervention from me was clearly the opposite of what she wanted right now. For someone so bold, she really was easily embarrassed.  
Anyway, we had even bigger fish to fry on a day that was beginning to qualify as a community barbecue for the fishmongers of the world. Leading my co-conspirators away from the door into an empty room, I gave Asahina-san a rundown of the situation.
“I think it’s called a chrono-shift. Nagato told me her understanding of it, but I’d appreciate it if I could hear yours as well.” What do you think? Cooler than admitting I had no idea what she was talking about, right?
“A – a chrono-shift…” Asahina-san performed the same clock-based experiment I had a little while earlier, minus a slave to hold her eyes open. “Oh no…what are we…what are we going to do?!” Her big amber eyes began shaking like a farm animal that had wandered too close to the electric fence. This didn’t look good. On my wedding, of all days - !
“Asahina-san, is it really that big of a problem? Can’t we fix it?”
Asahina-san shook her head. “A chrono-shift is…the time that we’re in is running differently from the time in the rest of the world. It will only run the same when we’re observing the time, on a clock or a phone or a…classified information…” She looked around nervously, only just remembering to censor herself in her panic. “But it will reset as soon as we look away!”
I scratched my head and thought it over. “Then to escape the chrono-shift, can’t we just go to an area where time is moving normally?”
“If it doesn’t cover the entire building then it should be fine…the wedding could still happen that way…but there’s no telling how large the chrono-shift is; sometimes it can cover districts, cities, countries, planets…”
My hand clapped against my forehead in despair. Planets?! You’re kidding. It was tough enough to get this venue, I’m not about to navigate the Martian marriage services!
“Asahina-san, isn’t there something we can do? Nagato said we might be able to, uh, ‘reverse the eruption’ with time travel technology.”
“Yes, but something of that scale…we’d need the classified information of the classified information, right in the heart of the classified information!” Asahina-san’s terrified babble was barely making sense anymore. “My TPDD just isn’t enough…I’m sorry, Kyon-kun…on your wedding day…”
“It’s okay, Asahina-san.” I reassured her. “We don’t know how large the chrono-shift is, do we? There’s still a chance we can get out of it and time can move normally again.” I turned to the silent alien next to me. “Nagato, I’m sorry for always relying on you like this, but do you think you could find Koizumi while Asahina-san and I check the grounds? He might be in my dressing room, if you know where that is.”
I had already sent Taniguchi on Search & Recon, but now I had Nagato at hand, I wasn’t going to rely on a half-trained mutt over a SR-71 reconnaissance jet.
She nodded. “Where should I bring them?”
“Oh, uh, the dressing room is fine.”
She gave another nod, announced she was leaving (a cute courtesy she never used to do), and softly stepped out of the room. Now it was just me and Asahina-san. I fully intended to check the grounds with her, but there was something else I wanted to check with her first.
“It’s okay, Asahina-san. You can stop acting now.”
The trembling Asahina-san froze. “Wha-what?”
I rubbed my hand against the back of my head. “I’ve never told you this, but I’ve met the future you more than a few times. You came back in time again to help me out. You can’t be too far from her in age now, and you look a lot like her…so I figure you must behave a lot like her too, when you’re in private.”
Asahina-san looked at me, agog, like a prey animal sizing up a new invader into its territory, discerning whether it’s a threat. I looked back at her with the gentlest expression I could manage; my usual slumped shoulders and casual demeanour hopefully communicated my very real ease with the whole situation.
Asahina-san brushed her hair a little from her forehead. “I really am nervous, though.” She told me in a mature and familiar voice. When she lifted her face, it was as though the future Asahina-san was standing in her place. “I’m sorry, Kyon-kun. For everything…”
I gave a small smile. I knew I was right. Koizumi suggested something like this to me ages ago, but I never bought the convoluted conspiracy theory that went along with it. It was just a hunch, really. How does the saying go? ‘Takes one to know one’.
“It’s fine, Asahina-san. They were your orders, right? We’ve all been keeping secrets.”
Tears, real tears were brimming at the corners of her eyes. She lifted her finger and brushed them aside.
“Kyon-kun…only you would understand…only you…” Though much more controlled than the ‘younger’ Asahina-san, her voice was still shaky. “I wish…” But whatever it is she was going to say, I never found out. Her sentence trailed off into the past forever. After a tremulous breath, she asked:
“Do you want to know why?”
I shook my head.
“That’s not really important to me. Even if you weren’t being honest with me, everything’s turned out pretty much exactly how I would have wanted it. I can’t blame you for that, Asahina-san. But can I just ask you one thing?”
She breathed in, bringing her emotions under control. “Yes?”
“Were you always the way you are now?”
She offered me a sad smile. “I was never quite the way I presented myself to you. But I was a lot closer to that person I was pretending to be than I am now. I really was young, scared, inexperienced…I just knew what I was doing a little more than I let on.”
I nodded, satisfied.  I was relieved, to tell the truth. I was glad the Asahina-san I knew wasn’t a total fabrication.
“Then, were you really taking your revenge on Haruhi just now?” I asked with a turn of my lip.
“I-I wasn’t!” She pouted, before allowing a smirk and a giggle. “Well…maybe a little. But those are all fond, fond memories to me now.”
Her words reminded me of something. “Oh, Asahina-san, is it alright if I ask you one more thing?”
She looked up at me expectantly.
“What’s your real age?”
She smiled and cutesily brought a finger to her lip.
“Classified information!”
We laughed at the nostalgic scene. I was struck by just how well our friendship had survived this, and above all else, how relieved Asahina-san looked. I wondered whether it would be the same with Haruhi…whether the knot in my chest would unravel if I only found the courage to tell her.
Remembering we had a major problem at hand, the two of us set out on our clock-hunt. As soon as we left the room, Asahina-san morphed back into the shy girl we all knew so well. She may have been discovered by me, but she needed to keep up appearances for the world at large. It was bizarre and a little funny to watch, but at the same time, I was feeling the burden of yet another secret.
We searched a good half of the premises, and everywhere we went, the clocks were the same. The president of North High’s computer society, who Haruhi had somehow blackmailed into coming, eventually allowed us to look at his swanky atomic watch. Unfortunately, even that was subject to the chrono-shift. Let this be a lesson to all you youngsters out there – there are two things money can’t buy you: happiness, and freedom from the relentless flux of space-time.
When we had exhausted the upstairs rooms and were heading back down to the ground floor, I was ambushed outside my dressing room by a wild Taniguchi.
“KYON! Finally! You’re a hard man to find! Come on, I got him, I got him!”
Taniguchi was dragging me into my room by my tie, a privilege I typically reserve for Haruhi, but I forgave him when I saw he was as good as his word. Sitting across from me on a stool and a chair were Nagato and Koizumi.
“Welcome back. I have your ‘real’ cufflinks.” Koizumi sneaked out sardonically from behind his obsequious smile.
“Man, all that fuss for a pair of cufflinks!” Taniguchi was going off. “You know, I thought he was a member of staff! Who goes around cleaning clocks when there’s a wedding on? There’s no way you can make this guy your Best Man, Kyon – ”
“Good work, Taniguchi.” I slapped his back amicably. “Now I need you to find my real tie.”
“EUCH?!” Taniguchi was so shocked he evidently slipped into the memories of his past life as a Munich cobbler. “Why would you need a temporary tie?!”
“Because certain people think it’s okay to tug on the groom’s tie half an hour before his wedding.” I glowered at him.
Taniguchi was downcast in sour defeat, before suddenly, his ears pricked up.
“Eh? Half an hour?”
He looked at the clock. Dammit. A thousand plagues upon my loose tongue. The eyes of all the room were on him, and I wondered how many excuses were being collectively thought up over the duration of those agonising seconds. At least enough to power a small Honda Civic.
“Hmm. Guess I was quicker than I thought!” Taniguchi grinned. “Alright, I’ll find your stupid tie in no time!” He marched off, without me telling him where to find it. I was smart to make friends with such an idiot.
The tension in the room diffused as the time traveller and I stood facing our resident alien and esper.
“Well,” Koizumi motioned to the clock. “It seems we have plenty of time to explain.”
And explain we did. Koizumi had noticed our temporal jam a while ago and had been testing all the clocks Asahina-san and I hadn’t reached. It was then Taniguchi grabbed hold of him and led him in several different wrong directions until Nagato rescued them. From Koizumi’s findings, it seemed the entire venue was caught up in this chrono-shift.
“So what, are we going to have to cancel the wedding?” I moaned. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but I certainly felt something. Something like disappointment meets relief meets confusion meets me throwing my entire emotional computer out the window, I don’t know.
“We needn’t go to such lengths.” Koizumi smiled. “Although it would be easier if that were the case. However, I am not so sure this is a spacial issue at all.”
“Eh?” Asahina-san reacted. “But, Koizumi-kun…a chrono-shift is a space-time phenomenon…”
“Indeed. Perhaps I should clarify. It is a spacial issue, but perhaps not in the way we typically think of space. Rather than a segment of land being affected by this shift, it is my belief that it is merely the space between our skulls.”
An eerie silence permeated the room.
“And those of all the other guests.” Koizumi finished, with serious eyes undermining his easy smile.
“S-so…” Asahina-san began, “Koizumi-kun is saying…the guests are caught up in the chrono-shift, not the venue?”
“Hold on,” I interrupted. “If that’s true, Koizumi, we can never escape the shift. If it’s occurring inside ourselves, we’ll be stuck here forever!”
“So it would seem.” Koizumi bowed his head as he stared at his wringed hands. “Time has frozen within us…rather poetic, don’t you think? But perhaps now is not the time to be waxing lyrical.”
“This theory.” Nagato gave him a blank stare. “Where did you get it from?”
She had been doing this for years now, but it still warmed my heart to see Nagato actually interacting us like a regular person. At least, it typically would if my head wasn’t thumping like Goliath playing the bongos. Time frozen forever? What would that even look like? Would I ever see the night sky again, or catch a train again, or talk to anyone who wasn’t a wedding guest?
Would I ever marry Haruhi?
“It is simply my analysis of Suzumiya-san’s mental state.” Koizumi shrugged. “Working on the assumption that she created this chrono-shift, what purpose do you think it serves?”
I wracked my brains for an answer. Why would Haruhi want to freeze time? On today of all days? The day Koizumi said would make Haruhi so happy the Agency wouldn’t have to worry about any extraordinary phenomena occurring for at least a few months?
“It couldn’t be…”
“Oh? It looks like you’re catching on.”
“You’re telling me that Haruhi…has displaced us in time…”
“…because she has cold feet?!”
Asahina-san looked at Nagato. Nagato looked at me. I looked at Koizumi.
Koizumi smiled.
“Can’t you relate?”
Well, yes, I could, but…
For crying out loud, Haruhi!
Koizumi and Asahina-san were debating whether that necessarily meant the chrono-shift was targeting us individually or whether she just placed it on the venue, but I couldn’t pay attention to any of that nonsense. I was just too mad.
“Oh? Where are you going?” Koizumi asked me as my hand reached for the doorknob.
“To see Haruhi.”
“Oh my. Isn’t it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?”
“You’re telling me at this rate, there won’t be a wedding. The entire life I’ve planned with Haruhi will never happen!” Unconsciously, I had raised my voice. Glancing behind my shoulder, I could see the others staring at me in surprise. That didn’t stop me, though.
“I let Haruhi get away with a whole lot…but cancelling our wedding? Fat chance!”
With that, I barged through the door and slammed it behind me. Just you wait, Haruhi. I’m going to give you a real talking-to. I don’t care if I get bad luck. I’d break a thousand mirrors if it meant getting out of this chrono-bullshit. I’m going to marry you in half an hour. I swear it.
Besides, I’d already seen the bride in quite a bit of detail today.
When I reached Haruhi’s floor, I was panting for air. I had ran again, unnecessarily, but I wasn’t going to postpone this any longer. I strode towards the door and fought off the waves of dizziness, the black knot tightening itself inside my chest. Yanking forth my courage, I knocked thrice.
“Ehhh? Who is it?” I heard my sister’s voice ask.
“It’s me. I’m coming in.”
Mass panic shook the other side of the room, and I opened the door as slowly yet confidently as possible. By the time I opened my eyes, Haruhi was facing the curtained window, hastily pulling the zip up on her bodice.
There was a long brunette ponytail before me, held fast by yellow ribbon and streaming over an almost naked back. Beneath that, a shapely white dress exploded into a fluff of silky flares. When she turned towards me, her dress flew like a swan mid-flight. It was – in a word – divine.
It was only the familiar irritation in those caramel brown eyes that reminded me, with comfort, that this really was Haruhi.
Supposedly, this woman was meant to be some kind of deity, and sometimes I really could believe it. It scared the crap out of me just then, just like it had when I woke up this morning in a cold sweat and a sinking feeling warring against a rapidly beating heart. I had felt as though, this was too much for me, or more accurately, like I couldn’t possibly deserve this.
But seeing her cute glare made me remember that this wasn’t a god I was looking at. How could it be? Theorise all you want, Koizumi, but as far as I was concerned, Haruhi was just Haruhi. That was the woman I was marrying, not God, not the potential for auto-evolution or a time-warp or whatever else you want to call her – all that’s unverifiable anyway. As usual, I was the only one in this damn brigade with my head on straight. I believe the evidence before my eyes, and the only thing I knew for sure was that this bold, forceful, chaotic girl was Suzumiya Haruhi, and that when she was with me I felt a certain something fill up my soul. What that something is, I’ll leave to you guys. I’ve got a pretty good idea, though.
While these thoughts were going through my head, absolutely nothing was escaping my mouth. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself, but Haruhi obviously found our staring contest kind of awkward.
“W-well?!” Her furiously blushing face asked. “What is it?!”
Now I was blushing. I did my best to recover my cool and issued a command to all Haruhi’s hanger-ons.
“Everyone out!”
Kunikida gladly took the opportunity and bumped straight into me, before remembering to pull his tie off his eyes and running for freedom. The others were less enthusiastic.
“Haaah? Dumb Kyon, who do you think you are to order me about in my own dressing room? I’m Brigade Leader, you know!” Haruhi objected, snorting like a bull.
“Not you, Haruhi. You stay here.” I turned to Tsuruya-san and my sister. “You two, get out.”
“Hmm?” Tsuruya-san was undeterred, her wicked smile welcoming the challenge. “Can’t you wait until the wedding, Kyon-kun? Or do you want a last piece of young love before the marriage bed sucks it all away?”
“KYON-KUN!” Began my sister, again. “I’M HARUHI-NEE’S BRIDESMAID, AND – ”
“If you don’t get out I’ll tell Mum and Dad who broke the TV!” I threatened her.
My sister deflated like Aeolus’ bag of winds.
“Y-you wouldn’t…ohhh…” Compliantly and resentfully, she traipsed out.  Now only my greatest foe remained. Fortunately, I had a plan.
“Tsuruya-san, please leave. It’s just as you said: I’m going to make love to Haruhi.”
A high-pitched squeal escaped from Haruhi. “Wh-wh-wh-wh-what?! Kyon! What are you saying?!”
“Eh?” Tsuruya-san looked at me as if she didn’t quite understand. “Eh? Eh eh? That was a joke…you’re joking, right? Right?”
I stared her down like I was the protagonist in the sequel to that cowboy movie I mentioned at our last showdown.
“Eh? Eh? Eh eh eh?” Tsuruya-san was colouring red. “Eh? Ah…eh?”
She turned around and walked from the room in a total daze. When I saw the chance, I slammed the door behind her. Tsuruya-san, your bark is so much worse than your bite. I pray for your swift recovery.
Haruhi backed up against the window with her fists out in front of her in what looked like an entirely new martial art.
“B-back off Kyon! We’re going to get married, you know?! There’s no time for that kind of thing…” Her flushed cheeks made her pout extra cute. “Geez, you’re always so needy…”
“That’s you, isn’t it?” I sighed with some affection. Really. Her face had sucked all my righteous anger out of me. Guess I should prepare for my life as a doormat husband. “Relax, Haruhi. That’s not why I’m here.”
I walked up to her and plonked my hands on her shoulders. She squeaked and her big eyes stared up at me with apprehension.
“Haruhi…how are you feeling?”
Her cheeks puffed out as she geared up to vehemently reject the supposition that anything was wrong with her. But just as soon, they deflated, and her face fell with her silence. We’d been in a relationship too long for any of the emotional drama of our teenage years, so we’d been approaching something like honesty. One big hurdle still remained for me, though.
All of a sudden, Haruhi barrelled into my chest and a disorienting warmth rammed through me like a bolt from a ballista. She was clenching my lapels, holding them with all her strength, rubbing her head against my chest, taking in my scent. Shaking.
“Even though I’ve wanted this for so long…”
I pressed my arm against her back and pulled her closer. Oh, Haruhi.
“Even though I’ve wanted this for so long,” her muffled voice repeated. “I’m still scared…”
It’s normal, you know, Haruhi? Cold feet. That’s what I wanted to say.
But then she said something else.
“…Of what you might say…”
My eyes widened. So this wasn’t just cold feet. There was something more to this, something I was completely unaware of: something I hadn’t noticed because I was too busy worrying about my own secrets.
I really was a hopeless man. Very well then, Haruhi, I’ll take responsibility. I’ll tell you what I know you need to hear. It shouldn’t be too hard: it’s the truth, after all.
“No matter what you tell me…no matter what you haven’t told me…there’s no way I could leave you, you know?” I drew us apart just enough so I could look into her puffy red eyes. “First of all, you’ve thoroughly domesticated me. If I went back out there into the big wide world without you, I’d be eaten up in a heartbeat.” She couldn’t help but smile at that, which made me smile too. “And secondly…I’ve seen the world without you in it. I don’t want to go back there.”
I didn’t expect her to understand what I was talking about, since the events of that Christmas had been forgotten by everyone but Nagato and me. Still, it seemed to reassure her. After a little while, she drew in a breath, tried to say something, failed, and, in classic Haruhi style, tried a second time but louder.
“S-so, you don’t blame me?!”
“Huh?” I was completely taken aback.
“You don’t blame me?!” Her expression was intensely earnest, like a dam had exploded within her and she was awash with the power and relief of the flow.
“Why…why would I blame you?” I lifted my hands up in genuine confusion at the bouncing fireball beneath me.
“I mean!” Haruhi turned away from me now and paced back and forth, looking at everything else in the room. “I made you do all these crazy things you didn’t want to, just because you started talking to me…you just wanted a normal high school life, but because I was bored, I dragged you into all of it and…now you’re marrying me, but do you really want that, Kyon? Do you really…” She bit her lip and cautiously, fearfully, dared to look up at me. “…want me?”
I blinked at her, and stayed quiet for longer than was good for her peace of mind. It wasn’t that I had to think about the answer; I was just so shocked. This had been your reason for worrying all this time? This was your reason for stopping time? It was never about her at all. It was just about me…
“Wh-why are you laughing?!” Haruhi’s trembling, embarrassed face was doing its best to be menacing, but nothing would work. I just couldn’t stop laughing. It was so stupid.
“Haruhi,” I made out when I recovered myself, “I do have free will, you know? I’m not just a puppet dancing on your strings.”
“O-of course I know that!” Now she was indignant. “That’s why I was asking – ”
“Haruhi, if I really felt that way, why would I have proposed? Or heck, before that, why would I have even asked you out? Or in the very beginning, why do you think I went to the SOS Brigade after school every day? I could have ditched you anytime I wanted.” A smile crept up my face unwares. I felt truly, truly happy. “But I wouldn’t change anything in these last seven years. Not a bit of it.”
Really, Haruhi, I had realised all this in the first year I met you. For a multi-talent super-genius, you really are dense. Our eyes looked into each other’s for a good minute, and inside her gaze I saw a churning sea of raw feeling, shifting, changing, like a subatomic particle. It was seriously enchanting to look at, and I could have stayed there for the rest of our endless time, but a bear hug from Haruhi knocked me back to the outside world.
“Stupid Kyon…” She muttered. She sounded happy herself – so happy I could hardly picture the gloomy girl who sat in front of me on the first day of High School. Really, how far we’d come.
Or, no, not quite yet.
“…Say it…”
“Say you’ll marry me!”
“I just said I wouldn’t leave you, didn’t I? And in the first place, isn’t that what the vows are for!?”
“Just say it, Kyon! Do what I tell you to already…”
I chewed on my thoughts. Haruhi had borne herself to me, her whole self, secrets, regrets and all. It was time for me to step up too. Hopefully she would just laugh it off like I had, but whatever might happen, it needed to be said. If I turned back without saying it, I knew I couldn’t forgive myself.
“N-no?” Haruhi’s frail voice repeated.
“No. Not yet. First…”
I pulled us apart more urgently this time, and now it was my turn to cling onto her for security as my hands gently squeezed her shoulders. Damn the consequences. This wasn’t anything new. I had the balls to do it before, so I might as well do it now, and if the universe explodes, well, the universe explodes. The universe should get a hobby instead of interfering with my relationship with Haruhi all the time. It’s been third wheeling through our whole relationship, you know? It’s super awkward, and I’m fed up with it.
I said a silent apology to the others, but what happened now was just between me and Haruhi, and no-one else.
“Haruhi, there’s something I need to tell you.”
“It would seem the time has come at last.” Koizumi jested, invading my personal space enough for Taniguchi and Kunikida not to hear. “Whatever you did back there, it seems to have worked. Nagato-san hasn’t detected any fluctuations since you reported back to us.”
“Well, don’t jinx it. I’ve been waiting for this long enough.”
In the last twenty minutes, with the help of my male companions including a returning baffled Taniguchi, I had patted down my suit, mastered my hair, and fixed my tie so perfectly that no further fiddling was necessary. As I stood in front of the door to the main hall, waiting for the ceremony preparations to begin, I found my nervousness had disappeared. I was confident – even excited. Koizumi, sly as he was, evidently caught on to this.
“Would I be right in saying the chrono-shift wasn’t the only thing you fixed?”
I couldn’t help but let loose a smile.
“Something like that.”
“Well, I wish you two the utmost happiness.” Koizumi’s face was painted with his usual cheery smile, but I felt a cold stab like the kind a resurrected blue-haired AI might give. I hadn’t forgotten what the other Koizumi had told me in that transformed world.
“Koizumi.” I turned to face him. “I’m glad you’re here.”
The fake smile paused, before settling into a much more genuine one.
“And I am genuinely happy for the two of you. You must believe me when I say that. And not just for the Agency’s sake.” He brought a finger thoughtfully to his chin. “Although, if you’re so glad I’m here, you could have at least made me your Best Man.”
Yare yare. Him too? I gave a good-natured sigh and an exaggerated shrug. “Sorry, I’ve just known Kunikida longer than anyone else. Besides, if you gave a speech you would just start talking about the Anthropic Principle or Schrodinger’s Cat or some other stuff that would send our audience to sleep.”
Koizumi chuckled. “Fair enough. Your wedding, at least, deserves to be a day off from the problems facing the make-up of reality. It really is unfortunate the chrono-shift occurred when it did.”
“No,” I shook my head. “I think it occurred at just the right time.”
“Oh?” Koizumi looked interested, but didn’t follow up.
A brief period of silence ensued as I contemplated the doors. What would happen from here? I would stand at the end of the end of the hall with Kunikida, and wait for Haruhi to emerge from the other side of the room arm-in-arm with her old man and her chaotic quartet of bridesmaids in hot pursuit. Then we would hold each other’s hands before the officiant, say our vows…you know, if the officiant calls me Kyon, I think I’m going to cry.
“Kyon.” Kunikida tapped me on the shoulder. “It’s time.”
I placed my hand on the doorknob with gravitas. Before I was ready to open it, a meaningless thought occurred to me.
“Ah…I hope Haruhi’s washed her face since then. It’d be bad if people thought she’d been crying on her wedding day for the wrong reasons.”
“I’m sure she’s already beaming from ear to ear.” Koizumi assured me. “And I don’t think Suzumiya-san will care much for what her poor guests might think. You might as well be the whole universe to her today; the rest of us will just be specks in the corner of her eye.”
I smirked as I turned the handle.
“Are you kidding me? This is Haruhi we’re talking about, remember? She might love me, but she also loves aliens, time travellers and espers.”
As I stepped through the door, I turned my head back to Koizumi.
“After the ceremony, good luck prising her away from you guys. You’ll have a lot of catching up to do.”
As mine and Kunikida’s footsteps echoed against the polished wooden floor, I heard Koizumi, after a spell of stunned silence, begin to ever-so-weakly tell me to wait. But in the end, it just devolved into a tremendous chuckling. I smiled and fixed my eyes ahead of me.
Haruhi had known me long enough now to tell when I’m being serious. What had worried me was how she would feel about us hiding it from her all these years, but it turned out I was being just as stupid as she was.
Like Haruhi would ever turn up the opportunity to play with aliens, time travellers and espers.
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lookatallthatanime · 7 years
I wrote a thing. If you want to, you can read the thing. 
It’s an Ouran thing. Kyoya Ootori has Feelings type of thing. 
This is the kind of thing that happens when I rewatch Ouran for the umpteenth time. 
You won’t do it Kyoya. I know, because you wouldn’t gain anything from it.
Those words were often replayed in Kyoya’s mind. They were especially present today, for some absurd reason. It was a particularly off day for the host club, as no girls were present and the hosts were lounging about, unwilling to go home quite yet for one reason or another. Kyoya stood and furiously scribbled away in his notebook to give off the impression that his excuse was work, but really, he was just watching. Watching the door for late arriving guests. Watching Honey eat his weight in cake. Watching Hikaru and Kaoru grinning slyly as they stood most likely scheming while crowding-
You wouldn’t gain anything from it. Haruhi was being poked and prodded by the twins, a pastime the latter seemed to love engaging in, while the former simply put up with it with a patience Kyoya could not understand. The twins would most likely claim that this game they played was simply to get a rise out of their own personal toy, but observation over time told Kyoya it was more than that. There was too much joy, too much admiration, too much fondness in the eyes of the two red headed boys for the excuse that it was only a past time to be true.
Kyoya continued to watch the trio. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but something Kaoru said must have been especially funny, as Hikaru began to erupt in laughter. Both boys, distracted for a moment by the hilarity of the joke, loosened their grip on Haruhi, who looked incredibly relieved. She looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath, apparently reveling in the newfound but most likely short lived freedom she had been granted. After a moment of studying the ceiling, she once again looked forward and her gaze immediately fell to him.
His hand stopped its scribbling immediately, startled by the directness of her big, chocolate colored eyes gazing so suddenly into his own. Realizing she had his attention, she nodded her head in the direction of the twins directly behind her, shook her head slightly, and shrugged in a what can you do? sort of way. Regaining his wits about him, Kyoya responded with a sly half grin and a one handed shrug that he meant to mean better you than me. Haruhi good naturedly rolled her eyes, and then smiled widely back, causing something to tug at Kyoya’s heart.
Nothing to be gained, indeed. The moment the two had shared ended as Hikaru and Kaoru began to grab and prod at their most precious toy once more, and Kyoya was left to ponder the truthfulness of the statement that had been plaguing his mind all day.
Honestly, the scene at the beach house had not been his proudest moment, but he had felt that Haruhi needed to be taught to avoid the dangerous situations she seemed so fond of putting herself in. He had played the bad guy, but Haruhi, with her incredible perceptiveness, had called his bluff. When he had left her in the room with Tamaki a few minutes later, her words, the words that had been replayed periodically in his head ever since then, intrigued him. She had been right in that it would not have gained him anything if he had forced himself on her. He wasn’t a monster, he wouldn’t have done it anyway even if it would have. But there was the implication that, given a situation that was a lot less inappropriate and much more consensual, that there would be nothing in it for Kyoya, who did nothing unless it gained him something in return.
That was the intriguing part. True, Haruhi was a commoner. She had no wealth, no high social standing, no connections that could benefit him in any way if Kyoya were to be with her.
But Haruhi was kind. She was loyal, bold, and hard working. She was incredibly perceptive, and had everyone pegged, including him, which was disconcerting. It was hard to be the mysterious puppet master when someone could just look at you and know. He thought back to the moment before when she had purposefully looked his way. Those eyes were, if he was being truly honest, stunning. They held a wisdom behind them that not many people he had ever met possessed. On some occasions, when just the two of them would have a conversation and her sole focus was on him, he caught himself trying to prolong the conversation, if only that he would have an excuse to continue having a reason to stare into those deep brown eyes.
Conversations weren’t the only thing Kyoya tried to extend. He had, on occasion, been known to increase the number of customers that Haruhi needed to meet with in order to pay back the host club for the damages she had done to their vase. He always had a good reason, of course. A broken tea set here, a shattered plate there. Worth a few thousand each. He excused his actions with the thought that he was only doing this for Tamaki, who he knew would be secretly heartbroken if Haruhi were to leave the host club for good. He couldn’t always use this excuse, though. Once, when Haruhi’s guest count had increased dramatically in a single week, Kyoya added another thousand when she left a tiny ink spot on the music room couch with her pen. When she argued about how unfair it was, he simply informed her that the couch was a precious heirloom and worth a lot more than that. In reality, he had no idea where the couch was from. It was most likely just a couch. He had felt a little guilty, but he was the shadow king, after all, and was only doing as shadow kings do.
Still, he was aware of how ridiculous it all was. He knew that he had no reason to want her attention or savor it so much when he had it. But he would grudgingly admit to himself that he did sometimes. He wasn’t sure why it was that crazy in Haruhi’s mind. She was cute. So were other girls though, he supposed, having never really paid attention.
These thoughts continued to swim around in his mind, until a few minutes later when he faintly heard footsteps approaching. He was pulled from his musings by a voice in front of him. “Thanks a lot for coming to my rescue, Kyoya.”
Looking over his book, Kyoya noted the playful smirk on Haruhi’s face. “It seemed like you had it under control,” he replied with amusement. “You were able to get away alright, it seems.”
“I threatened not to study with them next week if they didn’t let me go.”
“What a disaster that would be for them.”
“Apparently so.” Haruhi turned back around and waved at the twins, who saluted her in return, laughing.
Kyoya, assuming that the wave meant she would be leaving, once again felt the need to get her to stay. He quickly thought up a new line of conversation. “Any plans for the weekend?” he asked.
Haruhi turned back around to face him, excitement evident. “There’s a sale at the super market, I thought I’d go to that! I also have to make time to study.”
“Aren’t you studying with them next week?” Kyoya asked, nodding in the direction of the twins.
“Studying with Hikaru and Kaoru isn’t really studying for me. It’s mostly for their benefit.”
“Well, aren’t you a saint.”
Haruhi giggled. “Hardly,” she said, beaming up at him. Kyoya’s heart stuttered. Damn it.
“Well, I should really get going. I promised my dad I’d have dinner ready when he got home.”
Kyoya, in an effort to get himself together, forced himself to put on his mask of practiced indifference. He opened his notebook and began to write once more, not looking up. “See you next week.”
“See you,” Haruhi replied, turning toward the door.
From his spot in the music room, where he had been rooting around in a costume chest, Tamaki stretched his arm out dramatically toward the girl. “Haruhi!” he cried. “You would dare walk out without saying goodbye to your father?”
“Goodbye, Tamaki,” Haruhi groaned, and then disappeared through the door.
Kyoya’s pen stopped moving. He looked back up from his notebook and stared at the spot in which Haruhi had just disappeared, repressing the urge to go after her and ask her another question. A stupid desire, really, and one that would not benefit him in any way in the long run. Kyoya sighed, and looked once more at his notebook. He could continue pretending to work, but his real motivation for doing so had left already. Perhaps he should do the same.
Before he could bid his fellow host club members goodbye, whispered conversations got his attention.
“Takashi,” he heard Honey say, mouth half full of cake. “I guess she didn’t want a snack. We should go I guess-”
“What kind of daughter leaves without trying on the costume her father picked out? Could have gone home already!”
“The toy ran off, might as well go home…”
Incredible, Kyoya thought. It was somehow comforting, though, knowing that they were all, in some form or another, affected by this one girl. Haruhi was good, and sweet, and she had absolutely everyone in the host club, including himself at times, in the palm of her hand, but she had no idea. In his case, that was for the best. He was Kyoya Ootori and she was Haruhi Fujioka, and as she had so simply put it, he wouldn’t benefit from it.
The hosts began to file out the door. In an effort to make it look like his time in the music room wasn’t spent longing after a certain brown eyed host, Kyoya sat down at the table and pulled out his notebook once more.
Tamaki passed by him on his way out the door. “Want me to stay and keep you company?”
Kyoya glanced up at him. “No you go ahead. I won’t be much longer.”
Tamaki bid him goodbye and left. Kyoya continued writing in his notebook, lost in thought. The majority of his life was spent doing things that he could profit from in some way. What was the harm, he figured, in allowing himself to care about a girl whose presence was the reward itself? He would never attempt anything beyond the relationship they had now, but if he happened to feel slightly giddy when her attention was on him, so be it. He felt that a younger Kyoya would not understand this line of thinking, but his younger self did not know Haruhi Fujioka.
Kyoya felt that enough time had passed that he could leave without feeling like an idiot. He glanced down at his notebook, which he had been absentmindedly writing in for the past few minutes, and read the top line. Nothing to be gained from it. Nothing to be gained from it. Nothing to be gained from it.
He thought of chocolate colored eyes meeting his own, and felt another tug at his heart.
Nothing at all, he thought.
Kyoya turned off the lights and left the music room.
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ootori-sibs · 4 years
Commoners do it better
Day three of @ohshc-week : hurt/comfort or & commoners
Tw for: assault, wh*re mention
Arai was just a normal young man; he had good grades, he had a part time job and a summer job as well. He was bisexual but hadn't even had his first kiss yet, his last crush had gotten into a private academy and had started hanging out with the one percent. He respected her for taking an opportunity where she saw it, apparently she'd even started dating one recently, if rumours were to be believed- he wondered if it was one of those redheads he'd met, or many one of the blonde ones.
His little public school had been invited to watch the Ouran private academy's sports events, just another way the rich liked to flaunt their wealth and talent. Arai didn't really care, he just wanted to see Haruhi again, he still considered her a friend in spite of his previous crush on her, who even keeps crushes from middle school? But unfortunately she was sat over by her club, and Arai didn't really want to disturb them again- last time that happened the twins seemed rather upset at him.
It seemed Haruhi was dating the tallest blonde, if the way he kissed her forehead was any indicator, they made a lovely couple. Another thing Arai noticed is that the young man wearing glasses seemed to be distancing himself from his friends, Arai knew nothing about how these rich folks functioned, but he knew enough about Haruhi to realise that she clearly hadn't noticed, or she'd be making an effort to keep all her friends included. He frowned, leaning over to the girl sitting next to him, "hey, do you know who that kid with the glasses is? The one to the left of Haruhi, about two seats over?"
The girl glanced at him, before looking to where he described, practically swooning, "ooh, that's Kyoya Ootori, he's like, super rich, he's hot too- a member of the hosts club, apparently Fujioka joined that club earlier this year which like, personally I think she's sleeping around cause like, why would a girl hang out with so many attractive guys like that, it's weird I tell you. Fujioka's such a nerd anyway, I don't see what they see in her."
Arai just sighed, not bothering to thank her, the girls still at his school were so rude, so valid. But what she'd said about the boy still stood up, Kyoya Ootori huh… Arai knew that the Ootori group was a very famous company, a monopoly if ever there was one, every big hospital in the area had their name on it somewhere, he was fairly sure his health insurance was theirs as well- he'd have to ask his mother. He figured he'd go watch another event as the football match concluded, Ouran's home team putting on quite the show.
He passed the stands built for the show, there were even concession stands peppered around, guess the rich liked to make money off their guests at any turn, Arai was considering picking up something to nibble on soon, his mother had given him double the normal allowance, considering he was visiting the richest school in Japan. He had his hands in his pockets, just looking around at the pretty cherry trees, it was a lovely clear day out and Arai was so glad he didn't have to study for once. He was just passing the second exit for the stands when he heard noises; the sound of struggling, coming from under the stands.
Arai peers under the stands, oh, some of the Ouran football team are here… and that Ootori kid. The poor guy appears to be cornered, as the captain of the football team leers at him, a couple of inches taller, but standing on his toes to appear more threatening. "-you really think we care about what those idiots have to say? They don't care about you Kyoya, everyone knows there's only one reason anyone keeps you around."
The poor guy seems unbelievably nervous, Arai can see how his hands shake and hear how his voice halters, "I-... My father will-"
"Oh that's right Kyoya, go running to daddy why don't you?" The football captain sneers, chuckling at his own cruel joke. His lackies were holding Kyoya back tightly, no way for the boy to get free of their grasp.
One of the footballers pipes up at that, seeming wholly amused by the whole thing, "oh, I heard he calls Souh daddy~" The whole club laughed at that, one of the boys holding Ootori, shook him roughly, mocking and hurting the boy.
"I- it's not like that, it's not-" he excused it, seemingly more upset at the insult then the pain, Arai found himself frozen in place, watching this scene unfold.
"Oh you whore Kyoya!" The captain laughed- Kuze, Arai had seen his name on a sign near the stands, "does his rat commoner know?" Oh great, they were classist too, though Arai was really more concerned with Kyoya.
Speaking of the boy, he was glancing away, refusing to meet his aggressor's eyes. "I told you Kuze, it's not like that…" he seemed annoyed now, still terrified, but now it was almost as if he was more tired then scared, how long at they been at this? The boy seemed quite worn down.
Kuze grins at him, getting really close to Ootori's face. "Well if you're such a whore, then you won't mind…" and he kissed the poor guy, whilst the other footballers held him still.
Arai glanced around in a panic, he had to do something. His gaze fell on a pebble and he grabbed it without even thinking, throwing it full force at that Kuze boy.
The guy looked over at him, frowning, "excuse me? What the fuck?" All the boys are looking at him now, and Arai feels how his fists clenched, noticing the look of recognition in Ootori's eyes.
"Let him go." Arai forced his voice to sound commanded, though he'd never done anything but follow his whole life.
Kuze just laughed at him, indeed stepping away from Kyoya, but his lackies did no such thing, "oh? What's this dirty fucking commoner playing at then?" He chuckled, hands on his hips, staring at Arai in quite the mocking fashion.
Arai took a deep breath, glaring right back, not letting his gaze falter. He took a measured step forward, not wanting to give away how scared he was. "I said, let him go. What kind of pathetic losers pick on someone weaker than yourselves? There's like six of you! Against one person?"
Apparently these boys had never been called pathetic before, as every one of them seemed surprised by Arai's words, Kuze simply glared, "a commoner? Calling us pathetic? Oh give me a break!" He laughs out loud at that, mocking and cruel, "you couldn't even afford to speak to us."
He was disgusted, but just kept approaching, keeping a safe distance however. "I find it rather typical that you'd hide behind your parents bank accounts, funny thing about us 'commoners'; we can hold our own without the need to get any family involved." He hoped he wouldn't have to go through with it, but he cracked his knuckles, "you ever been a fight with someone who doesn't even have a reputation to uphold?"
He was shaking in his boots, he knew he'd never be able to fight these athletes in any way, but he just hoped these rich fuckers would fall for his threats. Their eyes certainly went wide, one or two of the footballers stepped away from Kyoya, not wanting to get into a scrap with Arai one bit. Kuze looked slightly taken aback, it was clear he hadn't expected to face such a confident guy today, "ugh, there's no way you could take all of us, don't be stupid."
"Maybe not," Arai admitted with a nod, forcing a polite smile, "but I can certainly ruin those faces of yours, isn't reputation everything for you folks? Most commoners keep weapons and blades in their bags on the daily, the real word is dangerous gentlemen." He spoke the truth, keys and scissors count as weapons right? Of course the real world was a danger, where did they think danger came from? Space? Arai took another step forward, staring Kuze in the eyes with a determination that can only come from being a good man, with a moral compass, "so I ask you again, Kuze: Let. Him. Go."
Shocked at being called his first name, but a commoner no less, Kuze took a step back, a clear sign of weakness from the captain. His team instantly dropped poor Ootori to the floor, and their captain glared. "Fine!" He then turned and spat on the ground near Kyoya, "this fucking commoner won't always be here to protect you, bitch." With that, he stormed off, his team in pursuit.
"Why would you do that..?" Arai glanced down, seeing Ootori knelt on the floor, adjusting his glasses and looking up at him.
Arai paused, crouching down to reach Kyoya's eye level, "well anyone would in that situation, I don't know anyone who wouldn't. Are you alright Ootori?"
He nodded, "I'm fine, it's nothing really." Ootori had sighed, shifting to sit down more comfortably, so Arai sat next to him, nodding.
"Is that a normal thing?" He asked, watching Ootori closely, making sure that he was alright… he noticed how not just Ootori's hands were shaking, but his whole form.
"I'm sorry Arai, could you leave, I fear I am about to uh, experience extreme emotions." Ootori coughed nervously, glancing away.
"Oh, are you about to cry?" Arai hums in thought, smiling softly, "it's ok Ootori, you can cry around me, I won't tell anyone." He put a gentle hand on the other boy's shoulder, feeling him tense up beneath him, Arai paused for a moment before gently rubbing Ootori's back, allowing him to relax.
The rich boy was in tears, but he wasn't crying, at least not how Arai had seen it- Ootori was completely silent, the only sign that he was actually sad were the tears that ran down either side of his face as Arai gently rubbed his back, "it's ok, let it all out, I've got you…" Arai just kept murmuring words of encouragement and comfort, he didn't know this guy well at all but they were both Haruhi's friends, and Arai felt he had to be a decent human being at least. "It's alright Ootori… can I call you Kyoya?"
He nodded, "yes, sure," Kyoya sighed, glancing away from Arai. "So you're Haruhi's friend huh?"
"Yep," he smiled, wondering why Haruhi wouldn't have gone for this one, he's so much more subtle than her other friends, "we never actually spoke in Karuizawa, but I kinda wish we had, you seem pretty cool Kyoya."
Kyoya wiped his tears, brushing his trousers down. "Hm, well I am apparently the 'cool type' according to Tamaki. I apologize for having this be the first time we've spoken."
Arai paused, frowning slightly, "hey, don't worry about it, it doesn't change my opinion of you in the slightest." He spoke the truth, he'd never judge someone for any sort of experience like that, he didn't understand why someone would.
Was that a smile? There seemed to be the barest hint of one on Kyoya's face, the boy finally looking Arai in the face. "I'm glad, I wouldn't want any of Haruhi's old friends to think any less of me, she's quite a lovely young woman, it stands to reason he friends are as well."
"I could say the same to you, but you seem pretty awesome on your own." Arai moved his hand from Kyoya's back to his shoulder, smiling softly up at the guy, "why aren't you with your friends by the way?"
"Hm? Oh well Tamaki asked me to go get the commoners coffee from the club room but uh… I got a little held up, they're probably waiting for me." Kyoya shakily stood up, "do forgive me."
"Oh, can I come?" Arai stood as well, smiling kindly, "I'd love to see where you lot hang out."
"Oh of course, you can come if you'd like." Kyoya began to head towards one of the buildings, adjusting his blazer, "it's not set up so you won't have the full effect, but it's still a lovely room."
"I don't doubt that," Arai happily followed him, acutely aware of how his uniform was nowhere near as fancy as his.
They walked through the hallway, Arai talked to Kyoya about a lot of things; grades, family, the differences between rich and poor. Arai learnt that Kyoya was also a straight A student, he was happy to hear how Kyoya especially hated biology, especially human biology- Kyoya had already learnt almost everything they were teaching this year, thanks to his brothers and family hospitals, Arai simply found that fascinating. He also learnt that Kyoya had two brothers and one sister, all older than him, in return he told Kyoya all about being an only child, he expressed how much having siblings would be great and Kyoya told him exactly how wrong he was.
He'd of course noticed how hesitant Kyoya was to share any information that wasn't common knowledge, but Arai was simply happy to hear Kyoya's opinion on such public knowledge, plus it wasn't like he knew any of this, he didn't go around researching folks. By the time they go to the club room, the third music room on one of the wings, Kyoya had opened up enough to explain he'd been mildly jealous of Haruhi had first, and Arai couldn't imagine how that felt, though he supposed it must have been the same thing that one twin was feeling when he lashed out at Arai back in Karuizawa… Arai had never felt such envy, but he could sympathise.
Kyoya opened the door, holding it open for Arai, "here we are." Arai stepped forward, the first thing he noticed was the smell, warm coffee and roses, it was so… nice. There were roses in every case, and some stray petals on the floor, the curtains were closed but what light came through, bounced off the many gold objects in the room, including the small chandelier and gold adorned ceiling. There was a laptop, probably Kyoya's, on one of the tables, that had five bags neatly placed- Arai had to assume that Haruhi had taken her bag with her, just like Kyoya, they were both so practical like that… that was one of the things Arai had liked about Haruhi.
Kyoya wasn't stopping to stare however, he was used to seeing this room every day, he simply headed over to one of the tables, picking up a jar of instant coffee, "oh, huh, do rich people drink instant coffee too? I thought you guys like, got gold coffee beans or something…"
What was that sound? Oh, Arai had caught him off guard, Kyoya was chuckling. "Gold coffee beans? We're rich, we're not Midas." Oh, he made a little joke of his own, Arai chuckled lightly at that, he loved a little mythology joke. "But really," Kyoya continued, "we do usually use fresh coffee beans and we do have a coffee grinder in the storeroom. It just so happens that the club really enjoys commoner coffee?" He shrugs slightly.
"Commoners coffee?" Arai raised an eyebrow at that, tilting his head slightly.
"That's how most refer to it, I'm aware it's not exclusive to the poor." Kyoya rolls his eyes, tucking the jar into his bag, "I should probably get back to the hosts now, where do you need to be?"
"Oh!" Arai had completely forgotten what his train of thought was before coming across Kyoya, "oh yeah, I was just going to grab a snack or something," he shrugs, "I don't really need to be anywhere right now."
"Oh, can you afford snacks? I'll pay for it, I should probably get something to shut Tamaki up with anyway- don't want him asking where I was." Kyoya headed back to the door, hand on the doorknob.
Arai, ever the quick thinker, responded fairly snappy, "only if you let me buy you coffee some time!"
Kyoya froze, glancing back to Arai, "I… well then, I suppose I'd have to send you a copy of my schedule."
He smiled, surprising even himself with such confidence, maybe it was the adrenaline from scaring off the football club. "Please don't feel obligated to though, I just think it'd be fun…" he shrugged softly, feeling suddenly so nervous once again, there was a reason these boys were considered the beauty elite, even in a school such as Ouran academy- and here Arai was, trying on such a bold move with one.
"Oh I'm not saying no, certainly not, just a very busy man." Kyoya almost smiled at him once again, "besides; I need to schedule things to fit club activities and social events around school."
"Wow, that sounds very exhausting, don't you ever have free time?"
They were walking now, back down the corridors and down the stairs. "I suppose so, but I mostly use that for studying." They spent the entire way back, just talking about school and their studies, Kyoya offered to show him how he kept notes when they met up for coffee, Arai told him he'd like to see his notes, but he'd rather take that coffee date to get to know Kyoya, not Kyoya's study habits. They picked up some pretzel sticks from a concession stand, one pot for Arai, and one that Kyoya planned to use to bribe his friend into silence.
When they got to the stand, they paused, Kyoya looked down at Arai, silent for a moment- by now it was clear to Arai how emotionally constipated the richer boy was, so he didn't mind the silence, filling it himself. "I hope we can have that coffee date soon, Kyoya, you're really cool. I hope those boys don't bother you again."
Kyoya nodded slowly, "thank you Arai, I'll see you then…" and he turned, but Arai wasn't finished.
"Don't you need my number?"
Kyoya glanced back at him, once again getting so close to cracking a smile, "oh, I'll just ask Haruhi." Arai did wonder how he'd explain that to Haruhi, but he didn't ask, he just nodded, happy to have met Kyoya.
Maybe the rich weren't so bad… well they were- but Kyoya was cute.
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ootori-sibs · 4 years
Kyoya's second shot
Episode three: Return of the bully
"What are you doing here?"
"I'd like to request Tamaki."
The twins paused, sharing a glance before looking at the girl once more. "You're blacklisted, remember?"
"No I'm not." She crossed her arms, looked like he'd have to step in.
Kyoya was at the twins side almost instantly, book in hand. "She was blacklisted last year yes, but this year she's done no wrong. You remember Tamaki's philosophy don't you?" He glances down at the twins, watching them frown and shrug, wandering around.
"The boss is weird, we don't trust her." They left to return to their post, disagreeing but conceding.
Kyoya looks down at Seika, his gaze crueller then she could ever manage. "Just tell him your banishment has expired, he'd be happy to welcome you back."
"Using Tamaki's philosophies against him?" She raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you a manipulative little homo~."
"Our agreement shall not be spoken of here, keep to yourself, princess." Kyoya gives a fake bow, gesturing towards Tamaki's table. "Have fun."
She approached Tamaki's table, Kyoya sighed and went to sit down, staring at the numbers on the screen. He glanced around for a moment before taking out his phone.
Shadow king: Eclair, have you spoken to that woman yet?
Woman: No, I've been busy. I don't see why I should talk to her when you're not even dating Rene yet.
Child: Who?
Woman: You'd know him as Tamaki.
Child: ah
Shadow king: It won't take that long, and convincing that dreadful woman will.
Woman: Ugh, at least get some progress done before you start hounding me you bitch.
Bitchboy: Speaking of which, my article is ready to print.
Shadow king: Send me a PDF.
An email arrived in Kyoya's inbox, with a link to a pdf file. He opened it, scanning down the page with a critical eye, opening a seperate application in order to edit it. No basic spell check, at least this fool knew how to spell and use grammar. But Kyoya did need to edit out most parts that painted gays in a bad light, making the story focus more on Haruhi and Renge and less on the fact that they're both women. He even attached an image of the duo holding hands, knowing full well that holding hands can often be platonic, but the girls at this school are basic, and will do anything to believe a scandal. He sent an email back, with the new link, and sent a message to the chat.
Shadow king: Post it.
At lunch, Haruhi complained that her new phone had none of her photos, she was sad to have lost all those memories. Kyoya had to sympathise with her there, he'd sort of assumed she used the cloud. Then her complaints changed when she realised her lunch box was missing from her bag- it had been stolen. As expected, Tamaki instantly rushed to her side, promising to buy her lunch for today, and she agreed, apologising as they left the club room. Huh. Tamaki didn't ask Kyoya to join today…
But it was ok, he was alone now. He made his way to Tamaki's bag, it contained two cards, Tamaki's own money, and the club's budget. Kyoya had the details memorised of course, that wasn't why he needed it. He quickly snuck over, and slipped the card into Haruhi's wallet, next to her own. He smiled cruelly, ready to play his part. He'd spent all night thinking about what he would actually do in that situation, so he's more than prepared for his starring role. Of course he'd prefer to not have the starring role, but he is the one who's in charge of finances, he has to react like he actually would.
He sits back down at the table, he needs a reason to ask for the card… he looks on his laptop, finding a little cafe in town that sold custom food platters, entirely customizable… oh, Tamaki did suggest a commoner food theme, maybe a customized platter for each host would be a good idea, and he and Tamaki could even go in person. Oh it was all coming together now! Kyoya had wanted to try some new makeup things, he'd mostly been doing the same face every day, it wasn't exactly catching any eyes by the second week. He should do something special for their day out.
Kyoya was practically bouncing in his chair, clicking his pen as fast as possible when he heard the door quick, scrambling to look busy, and normal. The other hosts entered the room, getting to their seats and doing the usual finishing touches to their appearances before the door opened. Kyoya watches Tamaki comb his hair carefully, his hair almost sparkling in the light. He called over to the king, "Tamaki! Get over here, I want to show you something."
Tamaki hurried over, leaning over Kyoya's shoulder. "What is it mon ami?" He looked at the screen, then glancing to Kyoya. Kyoya smiles softly, switching his window to the website of the little commoner store he'd found.
"Remember when you mentioned that commoner food theme? We could get customised platters for each host?" He suggested the idea, looking at Tamaki closely for his reaction. Tamaki's face lit up, clearly finding the idea a good one.
"Ooh that's perfect! Weldone Kyoya!" He pats Kyoya on the head gently, condescending but oh did it make Kyoya feel actually proud. Funny how that works. "We can all go! A club day out!" Ah. Kyoya's moment of joy evaporated at the king's words, he definitely didn't want that… but Tamaki seemed to notice how Kyoya defeated, looking at him in slight worry. "Is something wrong?"
"Well…" he started, sighing when he realised how stupid it sounded, "I'm sorry Tamaki, I was under the impression we would go alone, it does seem like a more behind the scenes type action as opposed to something we want everyone there for." He wasn't sure exactly what he was saying, he just definitely didn't want to spend time with all the hosts outside of school, that would almost definitely overwhelm him.
Luckily, Tamaki seemed to understand, he smiled, nodding. "Oh of course! It's been so long since I've spent some good quality time with my bestest friend in the entire world." He chuckles and hugs Kyoya, pressing his cheek against Kyoya's face. Said shadow king's face was heating up, feeling a pit drop at the word friend, but feeling still proud to be Tamaki's favourite person, he can ignore Haruhi's existence for a second for bliss.
"If we're going in person," Kyoya began, knowing exactly what his lines were, "you should probably get the club credit card out of wherever you've hidden it." He looked up at Tamaki, watching the recognition spark on the king's face.
"Oh! It's just in my bag, I never take it out." He hurried over, searching through his bag, Kyoya's phone had vibrated so he checked it.
Bitchboy: We're having trouble with the printer, it should be fixed by tomorrow?
Shadow king: Alright, post it tomorrow then.
He looked back over at Tamaki, smiling when he saw the colour drain from the monarch's face. "It's gone!" This caused all the other hosts to look over at him, he looked around at all of them in turn. "The club's card! The one with access to all the club funds! It's gone missing!"
Time for Kyoya's starring roll, his eyes widened, and he spun around in his seat as fast as he could. "What do you mean it's missing? How idiotic to you have to be to loose the club's money!?" His words, or at least the way he'd said them, seemed to spark panic in the other hosts, if Kyoya was worried then surely they should be too.
"Where did you last have it??"
"Doesn't Kyo-chan handle the money?"
"Did you check again?"
Words from the hosts echoed around the room, everyone was sent into a bit of a tizzy. Only shutting up when Mori speaks, quietly, but speaking nonetheless. "Calm down, check your bags and pockets, it may have been dropped and picked up by someone else." Oh, he was a voice of reason, when he managed to find that voice. Kyoya might be head over heels for Tamaki but he can't help but admit that that voice makes him a little weak at the knees.
The hosts do as he tells them to, searching through bags and pockets, Kyoya does so only to keep suspicion away from himself. He was listening for it, he knew it was coming, "oh…" and there it was. He glanced over, to see Haruhi holding the little card, and looking extremely confused. Kyoya got to his feet and was by her side in an instant, plucking the card from her fingers, face contorting into a look of disgust, one he'd cleverly practiced all night.
"So you're a thief now too?" His voice was cruel, and if any of the hosts weren't looking before, they were now. Haruhi looked up at her, eyes widening by the second. "I know you live in squalor but please, don't take us for fools."
"Wh- what?? Senpai, you know I wouldn't do that! I'm not a thief!" Clear panic on her face as she glanced around, realising that Kyoya's word ranked above her own. Kyoya knew this too, but he also knew the other hosts adored Haruhi completely, so time to take a better tone.
His voice sunk into sounding hurt, he was in charge of the money of course, but he was still a friend. "Haruhi please, you don't have to lie to us. You know if you needed money, you could have asked Tamaki, he'd be more than willing- as would most of the others." He glanced to the side, the others were nodding, Tamaki looked hurt as he rushed to her side.
"Are you ok Haruhi?? Is anyone threatening you into paying them money? If you're having troubles we can help you! We would always help you!!" He clasped her hands in his own, eye full of sadness and pity.
"Senpai… I really don't know how the card got into my bag I promise, I wouldn't steal from you guys…" She looked slightly annoyed, but it was clear there was panic behind her eyes. Kyoya was about to say something more, put another nail in her coffin- when the twins spoke up.
"Maybe it was princess Ayanokoji, she loves to bully Haruhi." They spoke in unison, frowning, hands tilted just a little. They weren't wrong, they just didn't quite get it, they were close though, and that scared Kyoya.
"Oh yes," Tamaki stood up, his pondering clear, "she recently told me her blacklisting had expired…" He looked at Kyoya, with eyes that unwittingly make the shadow king's hands shake, "was that something we wrote into the rulebook?"
Kyoya swallowed dryly, nodding once. "Yes," he gestured vaguely, "you said something about redemption and growth whilst we were discussing the club back in the planning stage, so I wrote it into the rules. I'm surprised you don't remember." Yes, that was a good idea, put the spotlight on Tamaki, what kind of a king doesn't remember his own rules.
The twins spoke again, "there's a rulebook?" They frowned at Kyoya, ugh, idiots.
"I gave everyone a copy when you first joined, the big binded file? With the colour coded ribbon?" It was true that he had given everyone a rulebook, and he was quite insulted they couldn't remember, he'd spent a whole week on those.
"Oooh," Hikaru began, a look of recognition on both faces as Kaoru finished, "yeah we threw that out." Kyoya was incredibly angry at that, but simply turned to go and sit down, clicking his pen in a more negative manner, he couldn't lose his temper, he couldn't lose his cool. Not right now.
14:25 - the card was found in Haruhi's wallet, the twins saved her. They don't care one bit for any effort I had put into the rule book, it seems my efforts are an expectation for them.
"That wasn't a very nice thing for you to do, Kyoya had worked hard on those rulebooks. I watched him bind those folders himself, there was glue everywhere!" He could hear Tamaki scold the twins for him, feeling a little better for all Tamaki cared.
"I never got a rulebook when I joined senpai?" Haruhi spoke, clearly sounding slightly shaken.
"Oh!" Tamaki exclaimed, clicking his fingers, he didn't even need to say anything else, Kyoya knew what to do.
"...I'll send you a pdf." He said flatly, going through his google drive, he was going to have to make an edit or two…
Halfway through the session, a sound was heard. Kyoya glanced over to see Tamaki coughing and spluttering, from what little he heard, it seemed Haruhi had put salt in his coffee, or rather Seika had switched the sugar for salt, he knew this was true by her smirk as she watched Tamaki scold Haruhi for being so out of it today. To Kyoya's surprise, Haruhi actually sounded stressed out when she responded. When the session ended she didn't stay behind to help clear up, she just grabbed her bag and hurried off to class.
Tamaki sighed, "I'm worried about her… she's so out of it, I wonder if she's feeling alright."
"She got caught stealing," Kyoya began, not meeting the king's eyes, "only got saved by the twins, got scolded for screwing up something as simple as coffee and didn't even bother to help clear up? Sounds to me like she's trying to spite you for something."
Tamaki paused, looking at Kyoya in clear interest, Kyoya refused to let Tamaki peer behind the curtain like he had so often done. "Are you mad at her? Do you really think that?" Oh great, he'd done it. Once again, Kyoya was angry at this man being able to see straight through him.
"Well, she did try and steal our hard earned funds, you can forgive me for being on edge." It wasn't a question, he wasn't asking to be forgiven, and Tamaki knew that. But Tamaki didn't care, he just sighed. Kyoya didn't stop, "it seems to be like there's something else on her mind, something opposing you." He didn't want to mention Renge, cause he feared that might lead Tamaki to realise he had something to do with the upcoming news.
Tamaki frowned, looking genuinely worried, "she has been distant lately…" Oh, and there was the sound of Kyoya's heart breaking, as much as this was his goal, he hated seeing his love in pain. He sighed, putting his laptop down, throwing his own pain away.
"Hey, I'm sure it's fine Tamaki, even if she is hurting you, you are so far above her, it's only natural she'd seek to lash out." He smiles softly, taking Tamaki's hand in his own. "You've got nothing to fear."
"So… you're saying she's lashing out because she feels inferior?" Tamaki tilted his head slightly, looking confused, Kyoya sighed, sure, that was close enough, he nodded. Tamaki frowned, "oh… she shouldn't, I should think of something to cheer her up. Perhaps I'll take her on a date this weekend!"
"Not before our day out?" Kyoya frowned, hating the outcome of this situation, becoming confused when Tamaki chuckled.
"Oh of course not Kyoya, don't worry." The king smiled, reaching up and ruffling Kyoya's hair. "I missed spending time with you, even if you can be a little demanding at times."
Kyoya had to chuckle at that, feeling reassured that Tamaki was still going to prioritize him. "You're one to talk, remember when we first met?" He didn't even need to elaborate to have Tamaki laughing, knowing full of what Kyoya had referred to.
There wasn't a hosting session at the end of the day, there'd been too many accidents that Tamaki had decided to hold an impromptu meeting. Haruhi was late, so where the twins but that was irrelevant. Kyoya frowned as she walked in, crossing her arms. "A thief and a truant? Are you planning on playing the delinquent this year?"
"Shut the hell up Kyoya!" Hikaru snapped at him, causing Kyoya to all but squeak in alarm, he hadn't been expecting resistance. "She's being bullied if you hadn't noticed, and your stupid comments aren't fucking helping!" Kyoya glanced around the table, it seemed he'd gone a little far, but no one cared about what he'd said, in fact he was being completely ignored in favour of their precious Haruhi being bullied.
"You're being bullied??" Tamaki stood, looking so very worried. "What happened?"
Haruhi didn't say anything in response, choosing only to sigh. It was Kaoru who spoke up, "someone spray painted on the window outside the classroom, essentially calling her a gay whore."
"Oh ouch." Wait shit, did he say that outloud? The other hosts were looking at him, at least they'd stopped ignoring him?
"Yeah…" Kaoru began, letting Hikaru finish, "we stayed with her to talk to the teacher."
Haruhi went to sit down, burying her face in her hands. "I just want to go home and take a nap…" God, Kyoya hadn't expected to feel for her, but Ayanokoji had gone way too far, this was disgusting.
Child: cranky cause you're also a gay whore aren't you?
Shadow king: You're like 13 shut the fuck up.
Woman#2: You told me to make her life hell, that's what I did.
"It's ok Haruhi, you can leave if you want…" Tamaki started, frowning, eyes full of sadness. But he paused, looking down at Kyoya, "who are you texting?" Uh oh.
Kyoya spoke plainly, not letting the other's see his eyes behind his glasses. "I'm putting Seika Ayanokoji back onto the blacklist, at least until she proves it wasn't her." He pauses, noticing how Tamaki appears to approve. "I will also have a talk with her about why she was removed from the blacklist, and how she can get back off of it."
"Hm, good idea Kyoya." Tamaki nods in approval before turning back to Haruhi and going to hold her, she lets him for once, but doesn't reciprocate.
Shadow king: I've put you back on the blacklist for the time being, the hosts are on to you.
Woman#2: But our agreement???
Shadow king: Is only valid if you're actually useful.
So try being useful.
Everything but the graffiti was alright.
And don't forget the school has cameras.
Woman#2: Don't be such a baby.
Shadow king: Don't be so insolent.
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. Tamaki glanced at him, clearly on edge, and Kyoya decides this silence is too unbearable to stand. "Well, I think this meeting has been enlightening. But I'm sure we're all tired, so, Tamaki?" He didn't have the power to dismiss the hosts, but he had the power to ask Tamaki to do so.
And who was Tamaki to refuse him? The king nodded, sighing and curling a lock of Haruhi's hair in his fingers. "Of course, you're all dismissed, you may leave if you wish."
Most of the hosts got up and left, mumbling condolences to Haruhi as they did so. Kyoya began slowly packing his stuff away, he could feel Haruhi's eyes were on him. He didn't feel shame, only pity. He stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He glanced down at Haruhi, "I hope you have a better day tomorrow," he spoke curtly, almost mocking her in a roundabout way, but genuinely meaning that, the news story won't affect her nearly as much as the graffiti, and at least she'd get a reprieve.
Shadow king: Before I forget, don't go after her tomorrow, the article will be enough.
Woman#2: So much for making her life hell, you coward.
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