#the group was getting to be a LOOOOT so i did have to take a few breaks but worth
shadowthian · 3 months
ok finished his latest sbk episode so now i can post
RUBY. RUBYCO. RUBIDIUM COMPANY. RUBY.........................
poor Cherruby :< everything happens to them so much
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
'Goodnight World' III
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Summary: After the Aranara brings Aether to the World he finds out that The Creator is unable to wake up. Note: Not proofread!  WC: 1.4k
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“So…” Paimon wonders out loud, 
“Did you really think they were the Creator?” 
“It sure seemed like it.” Aether answers dismissively. 
The two had made their way out of Varanara a while ago. Without a boat to bring them back to Sumeru city, it had taken longer than the two had originally planned. And with this newfound extra time, Aether had been stuck in his head – his thoughts all revolving around the Creator.
Because.. if it really is what it seems, – he might be able to unravel Teyvat’s mysteries in one quick move. 
And Aether wasn’t sure if he was ready for that.
“Ohh! Do you think we can get something to eat before we go to find Nahida?” Paimon hovers closer to Aether. Her small feet kick in the air with excitement after the thought of food. 
Aether looks at the pixie with amusement. Somehow world problems never seem to bother her. For a good moment he has to stop himself from smiling at her unprompted need for food.
Instead of giving her the satisfaction of a smile, he lifts an eyebrow in a teasing manner, 
“Are you really more interested in food rather than helping the Creator of Teyvat?”
A loud gasp is heard beside him. “Paimon didn’t say that!” 
The pixie huffs and crosses her arms, all while continuing to float forwards. “Paimon is very curious, but it’s been so long since we last had anything else than boar meat.” She sulks. 
“I’m sure we’ll have time to visit a city tavern while we’re there. But – I would really want to see Nahida before we do.”
“Paimon understands!”
Aether looks at his companion, urging her to continue.
“Well… Paimon thinks it has to do with your sibling right?”
Aether moves his eyes back in front of him. At the mention of his sibling, words die in his throat.
He chooses to nods silently.
“Then it’s settled!” Paimon giggles and throws her hands in the air. “First we’ll find Nahida, and then you’ll buy Paimon loooots of food!”
“As if I don’t normally buy your food.” 
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Aether looks around him. 
The two had finally arrived at their destination. And without much observation, Aether was able to notice that Sumeru city had gotten busier than before. 
It seems that after the Dendro Archon got back in business, the citizens of Sumer have started to pick up a new daily routine. On one hand, with no sages left to guide them the scholars seemed to slow down their work in favour of waiting for a new one to take over. And on the other, new knowledge was shared without the old sages limiting things.
But, perhaps it was mostly due to the Akasha being shut down. 
Aether notices a group of scholars carrying stacks of books in their arms. 
Before, it had been effortless to get common knowledge. The Akasha would immediately bring it up for its user to see without them having to check in to lend books and whatnot. But now that they lost that, they had to manually search up knowledge relevant to their studies. 
It would only be natural that the streets would get busier with scholars needing to find that knowledge.
And amongst these students there should be a young Archon wandering around. 
Aether had already checked the Sanctuary of Surasthana, but she had been nowhere to be seen. Then, as he made his way to the Akademiya in hopes of asking the Acting Grand Sage about Nahida, he heard scholars talking about the very Archon he was searching for. 
So somewhere nearby, –
“Nahida, Nahida!” 
Paimon waves her hand with excitement when she sees the young Archon appear from the crowd.
The Dendro Archon already seems to have noticed both and Aether can see Nahida smile as she comes closer.
“Hmm? Paimon and the Traveller?” She laughs for a moment, “I didn’t expect to see you here so soon. Have you been enjoying your travels?”
“Yes! – uhh… No?”
Paimon puts her hands to her head in confusion. She sends Aether a look before visibly deflating, “Ugh… Paimon doesn’t know anymore.”
The Archon looks between the two with curiosity. “Did something happen? You seem… stressed perhaps?”
As always, Nahida seems to be able to sense that something is off. Yet it worries Aether that the Young Archon had never mentioned the Creator before. 
Does she really not know…?
Paimon whines, “Yes, something is probably wrong. That’s why we wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh?” Nahida turns her head to the side in a curious manner.
“You see…”
Paimon turns to Aether for help. Within a few words he’s able to summarise the whole problem; “We saw the Creator.”
Nahida makes a weird expression. It starts with something similar to shock which then turns into confusion. 
For a moment it’s silent. When Aether looks down at the Archon he can see her thinking about his words. Her hand is holding her chin and her eyebrows are slightly furrowed.
“Paimon will explain! When we visited Varanara, an Aranara led us to this giant open space underground and we saw the Creator asleep!” The little pixie floats wildly in the air as she makes gestures with her hands and puts emphasis on her words. 
“They even talked to us in our minds!”
Nahida lets out a warm laugh after that. 
Her eyes close and she seems to be genuinely enjoying the moment.
“I must say. Your jokes have elevated in a way I could not predict them anymore. For a moment I thought you actually met the Creator.” 
A small giggle escapes her lips again before she continues, “It would be a funny joke if I wasn’t one of the few people still alive to have born witness to Their Grace’s disappearance.” The smile on Nahida’s face remains. It’s evident she thinks about the Creator in a positive light.
Aether furrows his eyebrows together. Wouldn’t Nahida have been born after the Creator’s disappearance? While he can’t fully confirm it, he assumes this must be Irminsul filling in the hole that’s been left behind after Nahida removed Rukkhadevata from Teyvat.
Nahida puts a hand to her chest in a solemn way. “To be completely honest, the Creator’s disappearance was something none of the Archons had suspected to be possible. The Creator of Teyvat, – leaving its world to fend on its own.”
“For as long as the Cataclysm of 500 years ago lasted, we believed it would be the end of an era. The end of Teyvat.” Nahida lets her arms dangle next to her sides again. While she’s obviously fond of the Creator, these thoughts seem to bring up bad memories as well.
Paimon looks between Aether and Nahida. “But…” 
The traveller fills in the words in his head; if The Creator is truely gone, who did we see?
As the pixie trails off, Nahida continues. “If the Creator truly was in Sumeru, I would’ve known. But the last time I checked Irminsul, all traces of the Creator were broken off 500 years ago. Right after the cataclysm spread over Teyvat.”
Aether thinks for a moment. 
As an outlander he’s the only one here not affected by Irminsul. Could it be that someone or something removed the Creator’s existence from the tree 500 years ago for some reason? 
Perhaps he should find out why the Creator disappeared that long ago…
“What if someone did find the Creator?” 
“Then you’d save the world.” Nahida replies to Aether without missing a beat
“When the Creator left, they left behind many unstable energies that would cause a catastrophe later on, such as leylines. Adventurers might be able to fight the effects of these unstable energies, but it’d eventually take its toll on Teyvat. I’m sure this is something many Archons and citizens alike have thought about.”
“But most importantly, Their Grace will be able to cast light in the dark. Hope where people feel lost.”
“After all, fear is rarely a good adviser.” 
Aether shares a look with Paimon before returning his attention to Nahida. Her green eyes seem to be filled with joy at the mere thought of the Creator returning.
“Aether, if it were truly the Creator you saw, then you might restore Teyvat as it once was.”
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duckymcdoorknob · 10 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 16: 𝓤𝓷𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓽
Welcome to tkcember guys.
I wonder how long it’ll take me to do these.
Idk but it sure will be fun to try and finish them before the year is out
Can you tell I’ve relapsed into my Tokyo revengers phase? Jesus CHRIST this is longer than most fics I’ve written
Not much tickles, I just wanted an excuse to write “everyone loves Chifuyu bc he’s like their little brother”
—This do have tickles in it ngl— tw below the cut: mentions of injury and violence
Tags: @fanfic-chan @ticklish-n-stuff @giggly-squiggily @chrimsss @fanfic-chan @nataliewritez happy tokrev y’all
Baji knew that being in a gang—and being so high up in command in said gang— would mean a loooot of trouble. He knew that it meant coming back home with a shit ton of bumps and bruises very frequently. What he didn’t expect was how bad it would affect him when he saw his friends coming back banged up.
First, it was Mitsuya. He had gotten into a tousle with some grunts from Valhalla over something minuscule. He won, no doubt, but Baji remembers him being unable to turn his head to the left for DAYS.
Then, it was Draken. Him and Mikey had run into some third years on their way back from lunch. They beat them with minor injuries, but Draken took a huge blow to his head to protect Mikey. Baji remembers him being unable to leave the couch for a good few weeks.
And now?
His heart shattered as Chifuyu dragged himself through the door of Takemichi’s home, where they all were hanging out that day. Baji’s loud gasp turned everyone’s eyes toward the beaten blonde. “Chifuyu…”
The boy was riddled with scrapes and bruises, some cuts still bleeding, others coated with caked-on dry blood. He was gripping his shoulder and limping a bit, his whole body shaking.
Big-Bro Mitsuya was at his side in an instant, kneeling down to his height to help him shrug off his jacket and remove his shoes. No words were exchanged between the two, only a terrified look from the white-haired boy as he examined every inch he could take in with his eyes.
“Chifuyu…” Mikey’s terrifyingly calm voice sounded as he appeared next to the duo, “What the hell happened? Tell me… now.”
Sighing, the younger boy hung his head low slightly. He seemed to be ashamed of himself and his actions. Chifuyu didn’t speak as everyone stared at him, merely trembling instead. Baji stood from the couch he was on and tapped the newly opened seat. “Let him sit.”
The stares never faltered as he dragged himself to the couch—with help from Mitsuya and Mikey of course—and smacked himself face down on the fluffy piece of furniture, sighing loudly in relief.
“Chi’ you look awful… will you please just tell us? Or even if you wanna whisper and just tell me?” The long-haired boy knelt down beside him, carding his fingers through the unkempt puff of blonde hair.
He buried his face into the cushion and uttered two words: “high schoolers.”
Takemichi gasped quietly. He had fought high schoolers? And lived to tell the tale?!
“Chifuyu, what in the fresh hell were you thinking?” Draken’s stern tone did not help to hide the evident concern lacing his words.
Chifuyu picked his head up, resting it on his forearms, his speech still a bit distorted. “I couldn’t help it, promise! I was going to the convenience store on the corner to get us meat buns; but before I went inside, I noticed this girl. An aisle over were these three high-schoolers, watching her every move through their peripheral. She looked uncomfortable, so I went to ask if she needed to be walked home, and she said she would like that.”
The group waited with baited breath for the story to continue.
“As soon as we walked out, they began to follow. She lives near here, so I made sure to take the confusing route. Y’know, the one by the bank?” The boy grimaced as he readjusted his position, shaking Baji’s hand off his head (to which the brunette took no offense.) “Even then… every single damn turn, they were ten paces behind us. Finally, I called out to them and told them to ‘leave my girlfriend and I alone.’ Stupid, I know.”
“Doesn’t seem stupid to me. I’d’ve done the same,” Mitsuya hummed from the kitchen, engrossed in the cabinet, pill bottles rattling as he rummaged around.
“They obviously didn’t believe me. They noticed my jacket and jumped me before I could even get another word out…”
“And the girl?” Mikey asked, anxiety hidden on his tongue. Everyone knew that Mikey was quite serious about the belief in his gang members respecting any female that entered their lives.
“I panicked and pulled a Takemichi,” the blonde confessed.
“I turtled.”
A snort from Draken helped to lighten the mood a bit, but all were still listening nervously to Chifuyu’s tale. “I kept apologizing for being on top of her, and I felt terrible for putting her in such an uncomfortable position, but I just threw myself over her as a shield. I was so worried about her that I just let myself get the shit kicked out of me.”
Takemichi leaned forward attentively. “How did-“
“By the grace of the gods, your friends were passing by to go to your house at the time. Akkun managed to knock one of them square in the jaw, and that let Yamagishi sneak in and get the girl out from under me. Him and your other two friends rushed away to get her to her house. Akkun and I fought like hell, and thankfully we managed to take them down… not without me taking a couple more blows first.”
At that moment, Mitsuya returned from Takemichi’s kitchen. He placed the contents of his hands on the glass table in front of the couch, mirroring Baji’s knelt position. “Draken, you’re closest. Please, help sit him up.”
The tattooed male nodded and carefully placed his hands on each side of Chifuyu’s torso, the boy whining as his body was moved. “I know… I know… Mits’ is gonna fix you up.”
Pain medicine was administered, water was consumed, as was a very small amount of a chocolate chip granola bar. Soon enough, the injured boy was laying flat on his stomach again, with Mitsuya holding a small tube in front of his face. “Now, Chifuyu. Someone’s gonna help to put this on your back. Who do you-”
“Baji.” Zero hesitation was heard in the blonde’s voice..
Mitsuya handed the tube of icyhot to Baji, and hooked his fingers on the corners of the boy’s shirt. “Are you ready?”
“Its gonna scare you… I’m sorry. It looks worse than it is. I swear.”
The back of Chifuyu’s shirt was pulled up. His once soft, unblemished skin was riddled with scrapes and bruises, along with four large, red boot marks.
“Oh Chifuyu…” Mikey whispered, “how long were they hitting you?”
The blonde whined as he hid his head. He turned it, however, when he felt a small puff of air on his cheek. Baji had blown on his face to get his attention, not wanting to touch his dearest friend without his permission.
“Are you ready? I’ll tell you what I’m doing every step of the way,” Baji waited patiently for the response.
“Please just… be gentle?”
“I always am.”
Truth be told, this was not the first time that Baji had had to help Chifuyu take care of his injuries while the boy was completely out of commission. He always knew to warn Chifuyu before he did anything, because the blonde had always been jumpy and scared of touch after a fight.
“Okay, I’m going to go on your shoulders first,” the brunette explained as he rubbed some of the medicine between his hands. “Here we go. One, two, three.” He lowered his hands into his friend’s shoulders and began to slowly and delicately rub against his skin.
Chifuyu sighed a bit and relaxed after his body realized it was just Baji. He closed his eyes and relished in the warm touch, some of the pain in his shoulders starting to dissipate.
“Okay, I’m gonna go in a bit harder to get some of your muscle and joint pains away. Ready?” A silent nod allowed Baji to apply a bit more pressure.
The deathly, intensely quiet room was suddenly filled with gentle giggling from the boy on the couch, causing most of the others to smile.
“Ah. So you’re ticklish here too,” the long-haired male quipped as he continued to massage.
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhup.”
“Tell me when you’re ready for me to move down to your back.”
Chifuyu shook his head. Despite the unbearable ticklishness, the massage truly was helping his shoulders. “Nohohohot yehehehet.”
Baji couldn’t help but smile at his dear friend, thankful that he was at least still able to smile. Chifuyu’s sweet giggles continued to cut through the tension-filled air.
“Ohohohokahahahay. Yohohohou cahahan mohohohove.”
The brunette hummed in response, putting a bit more medicine on his hands. “Down to your upper back in three, two, one…” As his hands traveled downwards toward Chifuyu’s ribs and mid back, the boy writhed a bit as hit laughter increased in volume.
“Am I the only one who thinks that this is kinda adorable?” Takemichi dared to whisper to his friends, receiving shaking heads of agreement in return.
“Dohohohont stohohohop.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.”
“Ohohok-hyehehehahaha- Ohohokahahay.”
The medicine was long since properly rubbed in, and both boys knew it, but Baji would not stop until Chifuyu asked him. His hands massaged around his upper and middle back, the boy’s laughter growing every time they snaked near his ribs.
“Okahahahay. Ihihi feheheel behehetter thehehere.”
Baji put more medicine on and paused, suddenly remembering a moment that they had shared in the past. “So… I have to put this on your lower back… do you want to go somewhere more private for this?”
“I’ve lost my dignity anyways…” he sighed, pondering,” who cares if they see?”
Baji snorted. “Okay, going to your lower back in three, two… one…”
As soon as Baji’s hands began to gently rub, Chifuyu squeezed his eyes shut and his face returned to hiding in the couch.
“I know, I know. I’ll make this quick.”
“Juhuhust dohohoho ihihit.”
The brunette sighed as he put a bit more pressure. The injured boy’s head shot up so he could slap his hands over his mouth. “PFFAHAHA. BahAHAHAjihihi!”
“I know, I know, I know.”
“Ihihihit tihihihicklehehehes. SohOHOHO bahaAHAHAD.”
“You said you didn’t mind, and now look at you now.” Baji’s hands did not move from their massage, working a bit slower than usual to rub in the medicine. “It’ll only get worse from here, giggles.”
“stahAHAHAP teheheasihihing mehEHEHE!”
Baji chuckled a bit as he tactfully rubbed in the medicine, fighting the urge to let his fingers sneak around to tickle more. If Chifuyu didn’t give him the okay, he wouldn’t dare to touch him anywhere. So, he worked with what he could and how he could.
“Thahahahank Yohohou.”
“Any time, Chi’.”
“IhihiIHIHIS ihihit ahaHAHAHAlmohohost doHOHohone?”
Ah, Chifuyu had had enough. Baji smiled a bit, retracting his hands. “Yep, all finished. How do you feel?”
The blonde braced himself on his hands, trying to lift himself up. His arms shook with effort, face planting back onto the couch not long after.
“Careful, Chifuyu,” the long-haired male ordered, “do you need help?”
He sighed, “yeah.”
With the greatest of care, Baji lifted a grimacing Chifuyu into an upward position once more. He quickly moved to sit behind him, letting the boy rest against his chest and between his legs.
“Anything you need, and you ask us, okay?”
“Nothing is inconvenient for us. We don’t care if we have to get up every five seconds; you. come. first.”
“Anything for our white knight,” Draken quipped.
“Anything…” Mikey replied, reaching forward to take his hand and run his thumb along the base of the boy’s own.
“Does that mean we can watch Ponyo?” The blonde asked with hopeful eyes.
The rest of the boys chuckled.
“We can watch Ponyo until we’re blue in the face. Do you want some more of your granola bar?” Mitsuya cooed as he stood to his feet.
“Mmm mmmnn. Ponyo first and then-“ a yawn ripped from his throat as he leaned back against Baji. “‘Nola bar… later…”
So, there they all sat, Chifuyu “watching” Ponyo with a content smile. (In reality, he would last about fifteen minutes into the film before falling asleep) Baji watching “Ponyo.” (In reality, he was so worried about Chifuyu that he could last about a minute before checking on the boy again.) The others copying Baji’s actions.
As soon as the blonde had fallen asleep, the collective sigh of relief from the group was audible. They continued to actually watch the film, sneaking reassuring glances on the sleeping first-division vice captain.
Hours passed, and Takemichi decided to just have the boys spend the night at his place. The sleeping blonde re-adjusted his position to rest atop of Baji’s chest, the long-haired male’s arms caging down to hold him as if he was guarding him from all of the world’s evils.
Chifuyu thankfully slept through the night.
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arach-tinilith · 3 months
13, 14 and 22 for both of them please! what did they think of the gang upon first meeting?
Thank you for the ask!! Im just gonna do all 8 companions bc I'm greedy hehe
Lae'zel- Naadja had never /seen/ Gith before but she had heard of them because Illithids occasionally appeared in the underdark. During the whole nautiloid situation, Naadja was trying not to panic moreso than get a good read on Lae'zel. It wasn't until the interrogation that she starts paying attention. Generally she found Lae'zel to be brutal and pragmatic which she respected.
Shadowheart- Loooots of secrets. Naadja lies to the group for a hot minute too so she's in no place to judge, it's just something she takes note of
Astarion- this is so stupid but she thought he was a drow. That's why she didn't help him, she thought he was gonna assassinate her AND THEN HE PULLED A KNIFE ON HER. She really /really/ did not trust him at first 
Gale- She also did not like Gale at first he gave the wrongggg impression but warmed up to him she just wanted allies because she believes in strength in numbers (well, she wanted to be the leader)
Wyll- Naadja has a… thing about warlocks her brother was a warlock she thinks it's a desperate grab for power and she thinks it's pathetic. But she really likes how he is with children. Naadja loves children; she thinks they're the future (of her army. Lmfao) so she respected him a lot
Karlach- She uh… has a thing for horns and tails. She really REALLY wanted to save her (especially if she was a devil ngl) 
Halsin- I have since changed my canon on this lmfao so if you've seen old posts no you haven't 🥰 anyway she's pretty indifferent to the whole “nature oak father bless me” stuff she isn't really interested in the balance of anything. She'll take him to moonrise but like… whatever 
Minthara- They have a LONG history like WAY before the tadpoles. When Naadja saw Minthara at the shattered sanctum she thought her cover was blown like she was minced meat. But Minthara was all open arms and “in her name” about it and Naadja immediately realized that something was seriously wrong about this cult because no way would Minthara not kill her on SIGHT. That's why Naady spared her because she's a lil nosy and unfortunately a bit empathetic 🤢 so they had a lot of catching up to do once she freed Minthara 
Lae'zel- Immediately saw her as a threat (and potential lover 😏) was hesitant to trust her but decided to push on
Shadowheart- Again, the secrets. But like, being a Priestess of Lolth it is no big deal she really did not push. Also reallyyyy hot for Shadowheart 
Astarion- kinda impressed he pulled a knife on HER ngl that is NO small feat. She kept her eye on him for that tho
Gale- Wizard…😒. Lol she didn't hate him kinda just ignored him unless he made himself useful 
Wyll- Thought he was an adept fighter. Seemed like a goody two shoes. She wanted to know about his eye though it seemed interesting 
Karlach- She felt she could be useful. Made a lot of excuses for herself. OBVIOUSLY not a devil get it together Wyll😒
Halsin- Who?
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subwaytostardew · 5 months
I heard a loooot about the famed "saloon cutscene" where you meet all your lovers that didn't want to share you... woooould Ingo & Emmet be a part of that if the conditions are met??
We didn't insert them into the event themselves for better compatibility with other mods that change it, also they just wouldn't be there. We did, however, write the breakup dialogue for it! It was like... the third ever dialogue lines we tackled outside of gift tastes (right behind flower dance rejection and introduction... what a choice).
We wanted to avoid any mentions or acknowledgement of two-timing because realistically, they would get upset and cut you off forever. I can't make them break up and lock their friendship increases away outside of that event... If I could, Emmet would have done that over every slightest thing because I love being dramatic with his friendship decreases. The twins don't like sharing. Not even with each other. This is the only time they mention the farmer dating both of them... Not quite "canon", but it's there.
As for how it fits in-game: It's a small town and they'd eventually pick up on the local scandal. The hard part was coming up with how they'd give you a second chance after that ^^; Anyways, here are the lines! (Under the read-more!)
▷ Station Steward Thylak
💔 Group 10-Heart Breakup Dialogue 💔
"dumped" - Right after seeing the group 10-heart event. Cold shoulder time! What's wrong with you?
"secondChance" - End of the cold shoulder period. Back on track as a two-car train. You're so lucky they're obsessed with you.
@ - Farmer's name
▲ Ingo ▲
"@… When were you going to inform me of your sudden change of tracks? Were you going to tell me at all? I had to find out from the other townsfolk. However, at first I doubted their words- thinking that it was silly of them to accuse you of such a thing- but to hear it again- from Emmet… You could have informed me of any concerns you had but instead you decided to switch the tracks and completely derail the two car train we had. Behind my back no less- behind my own brother's back!
I-I don’t even know what to say… Is there anything I can say? I suppose that it was rather foolish of me to believe in the ideal where I could be your one and only, on the tracks that we have aligned for ourselves….
@… If any of the moments we shared mean anything to you, then let me request this last thing from you- and I do hope you take it into consideration. If you are to align and couple with someone else, then please, do not repeat the same tracks. Do not lead them to a station where they will feel hurt, angry and confused like you made me. I only want what's best for you. Now please… Leave me alone… Leave Emmet alone. I-I do not feel like I can talk anymore today… [Ingo does not make eye contact with you. He seems to be overwhelmed about your presence as he does not utter another word.]"
"@… I do not understand why you decided to switch tracks so suddenly like you did. And to be honest at this moment- I still do not fully understand. I can only hope that you have reflected on what happened… that you can learn better from it, as you are wanting to realign your tracks with me.
I-I am ashamed to admit that- despite my brother’s opinion on what had happened- and how overwhelmed you had made me feel- I have missed you terribly. I have missed and longed for the conversations and time we would share between our busy schedules. I hope that we have both learned something from this experience @. If you are sincere about your apology, then… I will align with you on these tracks once more, as your lover.
But if you were to cross that particular railway again- then- I'm afraid that there will be no room for forgiveness.$11#$b#Do keep that in mind as we aim for greater heights on this journey ahead.$9"
▽ Emmet ▽
"… @. I heard about what you did. About you loving everyone else. Is… Is it true?
….. Ah. I thought you were different. Like me. I thought I could trust you.
I am Emmet… I need some time alone.
…… Go away."
"…… @. You made me verrrrrrrry sad. And mad. And upset. And jealous. And frustrated. And too many other things.
But… not having you makes me feel even worse. I missed you.
Even if you hurt me. I still love you. I can't stop. It hurts. I want to trust you again. I will trust you again. Do not hurt me again.
I am yours. Be mine. Please. Okay?"
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powertaco · 5 months
I do have to agree with your confession about Volume 9 being the weakest.
It tries to hard at being "Symbolic", but the fact that even the confession between Yang and Blake had to be forced with death made it painfully obvious they were taking short cuts in writing. Couldn't have it be a simple talk under the stars? Had to do that? Are words so hard to say?
Every scene was kind of awkward. While the beginning was comedic and brought charm, the volume got more and more scene's that made people question some decisions.
I mean, we all know the one where Weiss and Yang were literal inches from Ruby, but they left her face down in the dirt. We all know what part of the fan base that awkward moment was directed at, and that's just mean, taking from the volume.
They see she's not fine, but efforts to do anything to help her were minimal. The scene from the Caterpillar smoke suggests everyone's now confident and strong, but the writers didn't allow them to let Ruby lean on them. When Yang was asking Ruby "Are you fine?", you could feel that Yang was restrained, wishing to do more, for the sake of the tea drinking scene.
That may be a characteristic thing for Ruby to not lean on people, but Weiss, Yang, and Blake know sadness and know it's not good to deal with it alone. Weiss had Klein, Blake had Sun, Yang had Tai. If the plot didn't need it, Ruby wouldn't have drunk the tea if her team was allowed to talk and comfort her. But ya know, writing decision of "none of them thought Ruby needed them."
Yang didn't confront her and stop her spiraling, which as Yang herself spiraled into depression after the fall of Beacon, you'd think she'd have experience with it.
Then characters felt absent from scenes even though they were right there in multiple instances, and all you have is 6-7 to work with, are you serious?
My worst gripe is Jaune tho. You're gonna blow up at Ruby, blaming her for everything, even though you know she's breaking right now. You're a grown ass man, and you're blaming a child for a village you've been trying to protect from itself, great to know you'll never mature.
And once again, the other 3 felt absent from this tantrum, who didn't interrupt it and let him continue yelling at the top of his lungs at Ruby. Forget what Neo did, in my opinion, she drank the tea because of Jaune.
And I wouldn't hate Jaune this much this volume of they simply acknowledge it. But no. Jaune gets the hugs, the reassurance, even after Ruby's "death". Come on Miles, you know better than to show favoritism for the character you voice.
This volume made it felt there was a lack of time to script, to focus group, to reconsider choices, to see if "that's what the character would do."
I know they wanted it to be special, and meaningful, and while I don't really care much about them the fact that they basically HAD to confess to solve the issue is that they didn't get to do it on their own. I know they wanted to end the series by having Bees be canon, but there were other ways to do imo, and like I said it just made me dislike canon bees because it showed that they focused essentially on only each other until Ruby drank the tea.
A very too little too late thing, and they don't seem to acknowledge that they got too caught up in each other or anything, and much like Ruby's mental issues are just kinda brushed aside.
We lose great storyboards of other partners who aren't bees interacting.
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You really don't even have to ship WR to see that they're supposed to be canon best friends, and a single scene like this is not too much to ask.
We got an entire episode basically devoted to the bees, and loooots of jaune time, but we can't get a single scene elsewhere in the series for something like this to give the girl partners a chance to, you know, interact, or be meaningful.
I know there were problems but they knew going into it that this was likely it, and had years to work on it. This volume is exceptionally rushed.
One of the biggest problems I have with the show is that it's named RWBY, and there's so much character bloat, and even among the named cast the team barely interacts outside of their partners.
Ruby, and Blake interact more in her imagination in the Emerald Forest and the first episode of IQD than they do in most of canon.
Weiss and Blake trade a few catty remarks for fun in atlas,and despite supposing to be deuteragonists JNPR is largely just Jaune.
We don't get scenes of Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and some of the others playing games. Ruby, and Ren baking as Nora awaits her feast. Blake having a book club with Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Ren, or even working out with Yang, Nora, and Pyrrha.
It makes the relationships feel kind of hollow, and now that WR apparently forgot they're partners for most of the last 3 volumes I mean it's just the bees show really, and as I said V9 showed me their worst side. If you wanted to convert me you failed miserably.
I realize that's unpopular because as long as team bees win it's perfect, but I don't care if people don't like my opinion.
The bees deserved better than a forced confession, like rwby deserved a proper non rushed ending. (also side note wasn't jax lobotomized in the novel? So why break him out?)
To bring back your point yes it is annoying they leave Ruby in the dirt. People were saying they left Ruby in the recovery position which you know great, but that's doing the writers job for them. It wouldn't have taken much for Weiss to fret, and put Ruby in the position, or Yang while they talk to the others. It's like a first draft that needed another run over.
I know in the white void Ruby's first instinct is to call for Weiss, and Yang, and yet again for the sake of making her speedrun a breakdown everything conveniently works against her.
There's a game called Evil Within. Sequel is fun, but the 1st game has a goal of getting to the lighthouse. The issue is that you're inside the mind of another person so one moment you can go from a forest with the lighthouse in the distance to a closed house, then a medieval battlefield, and so on.
Essentially there's no sense of progression, or rules you can really enforce because of the setting.
Ever After bothers me for that reason. I understand it's fantastical, but without some rules there's no sense of urgency, or weight, or stakes to whatever actions can happen.
Could they open a random door, and Salem be there sipping coffee? It's EA so why not?
Ruby's mental breakdown and suicide don't matter because it's EA.
Side note Weiss you have glyphs put one over the teacup so she can't drink it. Of course your sister could have also used one to catch you too as you fell so maybe forgetting you can do that is a family thing. Hmmm, thoughts for later.
Jaune isn't in a great headspace. I don't like that he yelled at Ruby, but I do understand him snapping after decades alone, and venting his frustration. I mean I get pissed if my cat knocks out the ethernet cable. I don't scream at it, but it didn't cost me 20 years worth of effort either.
My point being that I agree that one of Ruby's teammates, especially her partner should have stepped in at that point, and many others to protect Ruby, or each other, and they don't.
They're not a cohesive team anymore. They're Bees who care about each other, and if they can bother to remember the others then the others.
Weiss is adrift with no arc AT ALL, , and reduced to comedy. I hate it. We have seen time, and time again that Weiss will have hard talks and yet now of all times she just can't? Must be those darn ever after rules making her suddenly not talk at all.
Jaune's...idk him returning to normal is boring because the idea of him needing to meet and interact with new peers and his friends despite being older is interesting, and hey older jaune meeting older jess in the JL P2 would have been pretty neat to see.
If we ever get a V10 you can bet he'll go right back to being the same old Jaune except he might sometime say something wise and nora might mock his gray hair. Yay what a waste.
I still would have prefered Nora falling so she can learn who she is away from Ren and he from her then when she was reunited in V10 they could be ready for a relationship.
Plus Nora would be well used to wearing a happy + mask so she'd actually talk to ruby or get mad weiss or none of the others were.
I will also accept maria jumping down after Neo screaming round two bitch, and somehow getting the dagger, and turning young. This would also be acceptable and make just as much sense as anything else in Ever After. You know I have to work it in there. Bonus, she wouldn't accept Ruby acting like that, and would confront her on it.
If Maria can handle Neo then she can handle a moody Ruby.
At any rate I'm rambling but yes Ruby got a team hug, and came back basically the same as ever (for real give her a semblance upgrade or power up she's fighting what's close to a god) except she's more confident.
I know there's no victory in strength, but there's only defeat in weakness too so I meeeeean.
Idk just me though. Prob why Vol 8 time travel or fix it fics are so common. Just an easy pathway into them.
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mariammanjgal · 9 months
Hi Hi Hiiii. I just randomly got the urge to start blogging on tumblr in 2023 lol. And the reason for that is that I've always wanted to have a diary but i'm too inconsistent for that plus it takes too much effort and time to write everything by hand. This blog has 0 followers so I'll have no shame about what I write here. Maybe I'll keep it a secret forever. Anyways, life lately has not been good at all. I think I'm really feeling the transition from teens to twenties (I'm 19) and I'm feeling it reeealll heeeavyyy. Daytimes are alr but whenever the night comes... oh boy. I sometimes want to rip my skin off (metaphorically(?)). Some aspects of my life have been really stagnant and they don't correlate with who I am anymore (maybe some people too). Don't think there are many feelings that feel worse than being stuck somewhere or with someone feeling like you don't belong. But at the same time I've changed so many times and so much during my long but short 19 years of life that I've kinda stumbled upon that situation many times. And I think what they say about your outer reality changing along with your inner self is true because I've shed so many versions of myself, I lost count and when I observe someone from a specific time in my life it feels like they're still there. Like they belonged there, so they internally stayed the same and they physically stayed there - idk how to explain it. I also feel like my appearance does not correspond with who I am. I've been feeling like that for a long time now actually. For example, I've been taught to always make safe choices with what i wear and how i match garments with each other, but that way of carrying pieces of clothing has nothing to do with me since I am everything but noncontroversial and safe. But maybe I'm going along with that style because like my clothes, I've been trying to fade out my opinions and the way that i behave and the way that i talk and the way that i voice my opinions, too. So that makes me think about - what if everything else I've been taught in my life is just like what I've been taught about what I should wear? safe and sound, when what i really am is bold and passionate. And if you're wondering why I'm so worried about clothes, well, it's not that I'm materialistic it's just that I never knew who I was, really - many people around me, many opinions, many friends groups but still for some reason no place where I belong - and that's where the shame with my self expression stemmed from (chiron in 1h in rx if u could not guess). I ALWAYS HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA REGARDING WHO I WAS THEREFORE I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I LIKED THEREFORE I WAS ALWAYS STICKING TO SAFE CHOICES THAT WOULD FIT WITH ALL BUT EXPRESS NONE. AND IT MAY NOT BE LIKE THAT FOR EVERYONE, BUT FOR ME FASHION IS A STATEMENT AND ITS A TOOL FOR SELF EXPRESSION AND I USED TO SUPPRESS THE EXPRESSIVE PARTS OF ME FOR MANY MANY YEARS. And the weird thing is that now that I've been spending a loooot of time on my own, I think I'm finding the things that are me - not my family, not my friends, not my experiences, but just plainly me. I've been building my world in my head for the past year in solitude and in piece, so now I'm upholding a lot strongly an idea of who I (think I) am. Eh, anyways. As I said it's 2023 but this year's coming to an end in just 10 days. Here are my 2024 wishes (stole first three from we're not really strangers mail from today lol) - feel less awkward meeting people, have figured out what I'm doing with my life, be in a relationship that's actually going somewhere (but like defeating the need of sabotaging anything that might be good first pls), feeling secure in myself and catching the hollow voices in my head that really are just echoes of my past, and last but not least get few steps closer to self realization - a single thing that actually matters in this weird world.
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 14th of August here, which mean that a little penguin was born today.
Happy birthday Hyuka 🥳
Please look at the collage I made for him 🥹
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I had difficulty this time because there's so much good material for him. He's been so so adorable for ages before getting a glow up recently 😭
My Hyuka 🥺
I think I captured all his sides here honestly, especially the plushies collector side I'm skdnskdnsjsns.
Sigh, I don't want to do all the simping here, I'll just leave the letter now. So I can simp bett-get's shot in the head
I think it's been ages since I talked about the maknae in a group and now, thanks to Hyuka, I can finally do that.
I have a little history to share first tho. When I started stanning TxT, I wanted to share my love for the group with my mom. I know, that's a very strange thing to do, but my mom has always been supportive about my hobbies and has always been curious about my interests, especially the ones who sounded new and strange to her. So, I shared a bunch of pics with her and I asked which members she preferred the most. She picked Kai and when I asked her why she chose him her answer was "He looks like your brother when he was younger".
I've been stunned for a few seconds because of that answer. And the hilarious thing is that I also elaborated that answer, I didn't just brush it off. Probably the elaboration was made because my brother and Hyuka share the same age and I've always loved my little brother so that association really affected my vision of him.
For a while, because of this, I've painted Hyuka as the little boy Must-Protect from TxT. It didn't helped the fact that, every time I watched a To-Do Episode, Hyuka always acts as the innocent boy who wouldn't hurt no one and then he proceeds to second Beomgyu on every thing he does to "torture" Yeonjun sorry Yeonjun .
And his bond with Soobin...ach, don't let me start with that. Soobin just made the little member Must-Protect allegations much stronger 😭 I still remember a little video they did together and Soobin hugged him tightly and rubbed his nose on his shoulder and I melted. My heart melted, I mean. So, yeah, I had this idea of Hyuka being a little precious baby for a little while.
Then I discovered that he's a middle child and he had the glow up during these recent comebacks. But I think the first info made the big change of my image of him. Believe me, I love so much the interactions he has with Bahiyyih, he's really that caring big brother who sometimes teases his little sister in a playful way. And about the glow up...I mean, have you seen him recently? He's a grown ass adult now 😭 Sigh, I should accept the fact that he's a big boy for real 😔
Also, I must confess that trying to understand his story as "Mr. Worldwide Kai" confused me a loooot. Believe me, I still missing pieces of where he went when he was little or which heritage he actually has. I just came to the conclusion that Huening Kamal Kai just belongs to the entire world and the entire world must love him 🤣
My dear Kai, it's been a while since I've started my journey with TxT and I can easily say that I literally saw you growing up. Even tho in my eyes you're still looking like a little boy, especially when I see you surrounded by plushies, I think it's time for me to start calling you Little Man. But you're still the Cutie Huening Kai™, you'll never leave that, I'm sorry, you'll always look cute, accept that 😤
My birthday wish for you is to keep your journey with TxT and growing much more with them as time goes by. I think they've become your second family and the place where you grew so much and in a very beautiful and bright way.
Hope you'll spend this day happily with the members and MOAs. I know that you've been very busy these days so I hope that you'll take this day as an opportunity to take a little break before starting working again.
Happy birthday, Hyuka 🥳
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claire-starsword · 7 months
Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons - Chapter 2-3 & 2-4
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"You're Gong's pupil!?"
Bleu freaked out when Karna introduced herself. Because he thought his huge Master Monk ally from the Shining Force and that dainty girl made a weird combination.
"It shouldn't be that shocking…" Karna pouted, her cheeks glowing by the bonfire's light. Her hair, silver with a rosy tint and in a tall updo, looked like it had an orange glow to it when against the night scenery.
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"Also, I'm not officially his pupil yet. That's why I'm chasing after a master as great as him, I want to be accepted properly."
She put her chartreuse shawl back on, and hugged her knees within her white robe with golden embroidery.
"Gong never stays in a place for long. Looking for him must be tough."
Bleu gave a wry smile as he reminisced of Gong, who always had a serious look on his face as he walked in silence. He was a strange man, who preferred to be under the stars than having a roof over his head.
"Yeah. I had a loooot of trouble to find out he's in Manarina. And after aaall that… I did hear that the mages there use monsters to protect their country, but I didn't think they'd be this bad."
"That's not it," Krin rebuffed loudly from the other side of the fire. Cerberus, laying down on the ground, perked her ears at the sudden shout of her master. Both of her heads stared at Krin with worry.
"We're a whole day away from reaching Manarina. Who knows how many monsters you'd need to protect a radius that wide. They wouldn't do something so absurd no matter what. Or attack people without mercy like that. And most of all, Manarina has no reason to be on lockdown…"
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She cut herself off.
"Or there might be one now," Karin completed her sister's dark thoughts.
"But, I never saw a fog-like monster like that at Manarina. There's no summoning magic capable of bringing something like that."
"Indeed. Those demons are Dark Smokes, malice given shape," Camallia told them after being silent so far.
"If you know them, does that mean they're from Parmecia?" Bleu asked, and she nodded.
"Clearly, something has come to this land of Rune."
Camallia narrowed her emerald green eyes, as if thinking of something.
"We'll be fine as long as nothing has happened to Manarina. Let's set out as early as possible tomorrow."
By Bleu's suggestion, they all went to sleep.
Save for Bleu and Karin who stood doing watch, everyone wrapped themselves on their traveling cloaks and laid down. It was a warm night. With the thick cloaks and bonfire, the night air didn't help the girls cool down one bit.
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The firewood cracked occasionally, making Cerberus' ears twitch. Save for those noises, the night went on silently.
"Karin…" Bleu whispered, turning to the girl at the other side of the fire, who had her back turned to him. They had been staring in opposite directions to watch over the whole area. The others slept quietly next to them.
"Karin…" he whispered again. No answer.
"Why are you angry?"
"I'm not angry," she replied this time. "I might be looking like it because I'm sleepy. Once the moon rises a bit more, I'll let Camallia take my place."
She still had her back turned on him as she answered, but, as if suddenly thinking of something, she looked at him.
"Never mind that, are you okay without sleeping?"
"Haha, that's because I'm different from you all. It's no problem for me," he laughed.
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"Yeah… Of course. You're different from us. You're a Sacred Dragon. Sorry, I'm tired so I'll switch with Camallia now."
She went to wake up Camallia without giving him time to reply. With drowsy eyes now opened, Camallia nodded in understanding without saying anything. Karin wrapped herself in the cloak next to her and curled into sleeping position, her conversation with Bleu ending there.
The embers reflected in Bleu's eyes danced weakly to the wind.
The following dawn came. The group hurried to Manarina, with Karna having joined them.
Karna had said that, with a Sacred Dragon by her side, she could surely get to Manarina safe and sound. Bleu allowed her to come along. He only meant to protect her until they arrived. He and Karin had no clue just how deeply grateful and interested in them she had become.
Bleu went flying to survey the way ahead. With his wings spread out horizontally, and his head and tail stretched out, he looked like a beautiful cross.
The group crossed the desert region surrounding Manarina. Krin had done just fine by being smart and riding on Cerberus' back, but Karna dragged things out quite literally by getting her legs stuck in the sand.
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Though it wasn't just her; Karin and Camallia also struggled for having never traveled through a desert before.
At last, they could see the walls surrounding Manarina. It was a beautiful construction, covered entirely in reliefs of geometrical patterns. Spells and magic stones were placed in strategic points. This magical wall powered a strong barrier that protected the town.
Once they arrived, the group went straight to Otrant's mansion, taking no time to rest.
Within the walls were a bunch of houses of many different shapes crammed together. It looked like an architectural exhibition. Otrant's mansion was in the very center of that agglomeration.
The mage who welcomed them only wanted to let the Sacred Dragon and Krin inside, but Bleu rejected that.
"These girls have information that needs to be discussed with the Great Wizard Otrant."
His words carried weight as a Sacred Dragon, so the mage with a dull green beard reluctantly let them all inside.
They all entered the majestic place, with even Karna coming in last, seizing the opportunity as no one would stop her. She threw a mischievous and smug grin at the stern bearded mage at the doorway, then quickly got inside.
The mage made a displeased face, and closed the door without a sound.
Surrounded by many silent mages, the greatest wizard of Manarina was laying down on a bed.
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"I'm sorry, Sir Bleu," was the first thing Otrant said.
"What happened?" Bleu asked, "I did not hear that an illness had befallen you."
"No, it is no illness. It is shameful, but I fell to a monster attack the other day. Please forgive me for the discourtesy of receiving you in bed. No, more important than that, forgive me for letting the Manual be stolen."
"What did you…"
Surprised, Camallia approached the great wizard. The feelings that had spurned her on were written in her creased eyebrows.
"Tyrin, I told you to not let anyone uninvolved come in…"
Noticing the girls behind Bleu, Otrant questioned the stern mage from before.
Vexed, the mage named Tyrin apologized. Bleu hastily intervened for him. Though it was late to do it, he introduced Camallia and the other girls.
"So, you say you came from a distant continent to Rune, seeking the Manual?"
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Camallia nodded at Otrant.
"Yet, the Manual can be a great danger depending on who possesses it. We intended to get Sir Bleu's approval here to seal it forever."
"Certainly, the Manual should not be used for the resurrection of things such as the Demon King Darksol, and the Dark Dragon that received his soul. We must avoid this. However, in my land to the north, the Manual is urgently needed. The Sacred Dragons who protect the power of the earth need its power. Should they fall, the uncontrolled earth will run wild, and bring meaningless destruction."
"There is no destruction with meaning anywhere in this world… Also, could you explain what is this 'Power of the Earth'?"
"It is power within the earth. Used well, it brings great blessings to the people, but used by evil, it will tear the earth apart and swallow everything. It is clear that evil creatures who desire this power have come to this land. The ship that brought me here was assaulted, and monsters of Parmecia attacked us on our way here as well, likely trying to delay us."
"Monsters attacked your party and stole the Manual. It might have been the same group, or they might be allies. From a distant, foreign land…"
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Otrant's face contorted with growing anxiety.
"Then, wouldn't all of this be the work of people trying to revive Dark Dragon?"
Tyrin spoke from the row of mages gathered in the room. The others chided him for speaking without being asked.
"The monsters went from Rindo to Shade Abbey. If they wished to revive Dark Dragon, they would head straight to the Gate of the Ancients to the south. They seem to be heading to the opposite direction. If their aim is a continent to the north, they must get a ship. But our forces extend to both Rindo and the western bay. Given that, there's only one place where they could get a ship."
"Uranbatol, or perhaps Waral," Krin answered Otrant, "that's where they're headed."
"Camallia, can't you pinpoint the Manual's location again?" Bleu requested, remembering what she had done back at Rudo Village.
"No, it's impossible here. It seems to be because of the barrier, so unless I leave the town for a moment…" Looking a bit scared, she touched her circlet's jewel.
"So, chasing after them will be a bit complicated…"
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Bleu mumbled to himself. Karin immediately complained.
"Don't tell me you want to chase after them. That's impossible, you won't reach them in time."
"But we can't just stay still here, can we?"
"Those devils should be past Shade Abbey already. It's too late, there's no way we would catch up to them."
"If I fly, I can definitely catch up to them as they enter the Pao Plains. Besides, I shouldn't take you all to something this dangerous anyway. I'm going, by myself," Bleu told her like she was an unruly child. Perhaps looking at her like that was an excuse to justify his idea.
"There's no point in going alone, what do you think you can do by yourself?" Watching Karin raise her voice, Krin and Karna frantically got between the two.
"Sir Bleu, Lady Karin is correct," Camallia stated plainly, supporting Karin. "The Manual is not something that belongs to you only."
At a loss for words, Bleu stared blankly at the two girls, moving his head to one and the other multiple times.
The one who lent him an unexpected helping hand was none other than Otrant.
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"The Manual has been under the Sacred Dragons' control for a long time. The responsibility and rights to it now fall upon Sir Bleu as one of them. He was destined to be part of the Shining Force since the beginning, just as the hero Max and the robot Adam. Protecting the Manual is his duty as Sacred Dragon. We have no right to intervene."
"But we shouldn't put up with a right that forces one to do the impossible, or throw reason away," Karin argued head on with Otrant. Brushing away Krin, who tried to keep her quiet, she took a step forward. Krin was stuck in a big dilemma, her sister's unyielding spirit being a terrible headache at the moment.
"Then, it would be great to have a possible, reasonable, well planned pursuit."
Surprising everyone in the room, Tyrin spoke. The other mages all scorned at his impertinence. Otrant quelled their ire, and let him continue.
"A dwarf acquaintance of mine knows a way through the northern mountains. Crossing that path and going through the Pao Plains, how about we enlist the mercenaries at the Pao Train to ambush the devils? A safe, necessary strategy."
Otrant showed interest in Tyrin's suggestion.
"It is not a bad idea. Around this time of the year, the Pao Train should be staying at the west. It things go well, we might be able to surround them with the pursuing party we sent earlier, or with the soldiers of Bustoke. But, this quick path over the mountains that you speak of, does it really exist?"
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"It is not over them. The dwarf path goes through the mountains. In either case, we cannot send a force bigger than this one from here. It would take too much time to ask Shade Abbey or Bustoke for reinforcements. I believe relying on the people of Pao is the wise thing to do."
"True. Do you agree? Sacred Dragon Bleu, and, Karin of Rudo Village."
If they could depart right away, Bleu had no objection to it. He could decide between heading to Pao or taking a detour to Bustoke depending on how things went.
Karin reluctantly agreed with the plan as well. There was no reason to continue to be stubborn there. At least she could stop Bleu from running ahead and obsessing over the Manual so much. She held the edge of his wing like she would never let go.
She had made it clear that she would be coming along, and Bleu didn't want to fight on that there. On the contrary, without freeing himself from her grip, he opened his wing slightly in her direction.
"Then, I leave to you, Tyrin, the choice of who will go along Sir Bleu. I will prepare you provisions and a proof of your identity to Queen Koron. As a representative of Manarina, go with Sir Bleu until the Manual's fate is decided."
Tyrin bowed in reverence to Otrant.
"Sir Bleu, is it fine for you to take Tyrin along?"
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Bleu nodded slightly when asked. No reason to refuse it then and there as well.
"Should you successfully reach the monsters, retrieving the Manual takes priority to defeating them. Once the Manual is recovered, you decide what should be done with it. We can lend our power to seal it back in Dragonia, or you might destroy it immediately, do as you wish."
"What did you… Destroy it, that's…"
Bleu looked shocked at the bedridden great wizard. Everyone else did as much. Camallia remained quiet.
"Should it fall on evil hands once more, unsealed, there will be no choice but destroying it. I believe only you can do it. Should the time come, if you may, do not hesitate," Otrant said severely, and then took a deep, tired breath. Just talking seemed to have exhausted the great wizard significantly. Pretty much everything had already been discussed. All that remained was to decide what to do. Prompted by the mages, Bleu and his group left Otrant's mansion.
"Well, shall we go then?"
Tyrin, who had left with them, did a light stretch. He must have been holding it back to keep a proper stance in front of Otrant. And there was someone else who had been patiently holding back on speaking all this time.
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"They finally let us go. That kind of uptight place isn't my thing."
Karna took an exaggerated deep breath, then abruptly called Tyrin.
"Old man, old man."
"Hey, hey, who are you calling an old man. I'm still young, I'd rather you don't treat me like an elder. You seem to have elf blood as well, you could be quite old," Tyrin threw back at her, looking terribly upset. Though to Karin, who was in her twenties, he really looked like the perfect image of an old man and nothing else.
"But I'm just about to be seventeen…"
Hearing that, Tyrin was speechless. To a long lived elf, that was basically a baby.
He sighed, and Karin and Krin laughed awkwardly at that. Though Bleu and Camallia didn't make a sound, their lips quivered as well.
"So, I just wanted to ask you something, do you know a monk called Gong?"
Karna brought up her main question, unconcerned for the mental damage she had just inflicted on him.
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"A monk? I do have the feeling I've seen one around," Tyrin answered, scratching his beard as he recalled a faint memory. Karna's face brightened up at the answer.
"Where where where, wheeere is he?"
"In the place we're going now," Tyrin jumped away in a panic from the girl who had grabbed him with plenty of strength.
"And where are you taking us?" Krin asked, pushing him away with her arms as he came flying at her all of a sudden.
"I believe you know that better than anyone. Come, let's not waste time."
He winked at her, and hurried off.
To next part>
Translation notes:
Karna has a quirk of dragging out her vowels a lot, mostly when she's complaining, but also when excited as well. I did include it in the translation as much as I could where it didn't look weird, but it's even more notable in the og text, where it's also more consistently at the very end of her sentences. Also, this is a novel only quirk, she doesn't speak like that in the game. She does sound pretty different in the JP version compared to the localization though, so I've retranslated all her scenes for your convenience if you want to compare all portrayals of her.
Lots of color descriptions confuse me in this book, such as Karna's hair being "silver with rosy tint" and Tyrin's beard being "dull green" (though i can kinda buy this one a little more). It's worth mentioning that, in the afterword, the author mentions playing the games by borrowing as he did not have a Mega Drive. So I'm unsure how much reference he had to work with. Also, Karna does have pink hair in the overworld due to palette limitations.
The monsters are usually called 魔物 (mamono), a word that can also translate as demon/devil (though slightly different from the one used for the demon kings, 悪魔 (akuma)). Since they seem tied to the devil kings anyway, I've been using all possible translations to not make the text repetitive.
The monster types are usually presented with kanji describing them at first, and furigana giving the english name they have in game. For example, the Dark Smokes were presented last chapter as "fog-like monsters" in kanji, and "Dark Smoke" in furigana. After that the text just referred to them as Dark Smokes. But since it's revealed here that no one except Camallia recognized them, I avoided using the name in the previous part. It felt weird to add narration clarifying the name there only to have this conversation here later.
Max is not referred by name here, Otrant simply calls him "the hero". That flows very weirdly though, especially next to Adam's name, so I added it in. I find it a bit weird to pretend these heroes don't have canon names.
Adam is referred to by his promoted class name, 機神 (kishin), something like "mechanical god". I put it as robot only to not stand out too much people who only know the english version (I refuse to call him a cyborg though, that's just wrong).
As I said before, Max is referred to as "hero", which is also his promoted class, but I can nerd out a bit more about it. The exact word used is 勇者 (yuusha), which means "hero", "brave person", and to my knowledge is the most common word for jrpg heroes in general, so of course it is the word for the class in Shining games... except the first one! There were quite a few changes in japanese class names after the first game that went unnoticed in the english version due it adapting them as the same. In the first game, the hero class is 英雄 (eiyuu), which to my knowledge puts more emphasis on the person's deeds, as in "someone who has gone down in history". Since the character are still in the middle of their great adventure when they promote, this might be why they changed it, but that's just my speculation. Either way, Max would show up in another game eventually (Final Conflict), so he does get the 勇者 class like everyone else there. None of this has any bearing in this novel but now you know.
For all his protests about not being an old man, Tyrin uses the わし (washi) pronoun, associated with old men. This is different from the game, where he uses the more regular and formal watashi.
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1111jenx · 4 years
Haha hey love,
I do admit I've been ghosting tumblr more often recently, trying to finish some of my work and completing readings have been a loooot🥲 But now i'm back and i'll get right into it:)
🎬Lilith in the 3rd house🎬
check out my on-going Lilith series here
Besides talking about communication and one's intellect capabilities, the third house also is know for covering one's relationships with their siblings, their aunts and uncles and even their relatives in general!
The third house like the other two air houses, discuss a lot about the people and communication.
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Hence with Lilith - signifying restraints here, it is possible that natives with Lilith 3H never felt understood or felt as if they struggled to find people who share the same vision, the same way of approaching the world. Its because when they were younger, i'd say that around their primary or secondary education, their ideas and intellect abilities were questioned and were not listened to by their surroundings, neither by their friends or by their close family (third house rules over one's education)
Either amazing communicators or people who are terrified of speaking up.
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While I think a lot of them were indeed talkative and sociable people when younger. However, there's a high chance that natives with 3H Lilith grew up often hearing questionable rumours about them from random neighbours to their close friends. This in turns demotivated these people and they'd then tone down their more extroverted side and are less likely to debate or raise their opinions. It is rejection they're afraid of.
It's funny how most people I know with this placement are extremely intelligent and knowledgeable about a series of topics. They can go from discussing such abstract ideas such as philosophy to ideas that are so close to our lives like politics. One thing I notice is that they're usually the quiet observer in the crowd. They see everything. They just don't say it. For their own sakes sometimes even😌 ( Karl Marx has his Lilith in the third;)
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Because of this dynamic, a lot of Lilith 3H people have the ability to swerve their way out of trouble like no other. They're the one that would talk their way out of murder type beat. Ruthless and sometimes had a harder time tapping into their more emotional side. Lilith enjoys being in an air house and then gifted these natives with amazing communication capacities granting that they're taking in horrendous rumours&backstabbing from others. They traded their credibility for their own gain from others. Would really make their way out of a money scam if they wanted to.
Consequently, every story has a story behind it. I think Lilith 3H natives grown to be such sweet talkers is because when they were younger, not only did they experience rejection in terms of their ideas and knowledge, someone within their close family or friend group could have been the reason why they obtain their more cunning traits. This person, whether a family or friend, was emotionally unavailable and they focused a great deal on winning people over rather than understanding people. They wouldn't stop until they get what they want, often by using their charming words and fascinating minds.
Natives with 3H Lilith model this but they also despise this. A deeper part of them resent their lies so much they started to question their own sanity. Is it possible that they too, are starting to believe their own lies? If yes, what would that make of them? A true intellectual, it is these questions that keep them up at night by themselves, while they no longer need to speak to anyone but their vulnerable selves.
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When they enter the real world, they can sense that sometimes people recognize their power immediately as they speak up. They're cunning, suave but powerful and domineering with their words. They are demanding and detached but smooth within their communication, leaving people wonder if they actually care as much as they say. It's like their words trigger some thing in others, they have the ability to manipulate and control people. If harsh aspects are present, they will not think twice before using it against others.
They can literally be seen as a sl*t or received horrible slut-shaming banters as they go to school, work or even near their own house, on the street they live. Once crossed, these natives are merciless and you would not even realize it.
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Think about how Lilith is very primal in the sense that she's our deepest nastiest lil secret, but she's also natural to us. Depends on other placements, one might reject her while another might celebrate her. Lilith 3H natives, being in an air house, the same element as Lilith, own the ability to control others thoughts and minds simply by talking. Plutonians heavy or air heavy people might recognize these people ability yet others have a harder time seeing through their friendly facade.
They're that random person you met at the bar whom you slept with simply because they knew "what to say". They're that toxic ex who would tear up and talk their way out of serious issues, who would lie without blinking twice and let you think you're the one who's delusional. But they're also the ones with a welcoming nature when you first meet yet as time passes you realize while they're surrounded by people, they do not have their own people.
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Not gonna lie, they're so very prone to having a god complex. Similar to their sister, Lilith in 9H, their thirst for knowledge is insane and insatiable. They'd want to know more and more about someone before leaving them because they now know enough. I truly think that deep down, these individuals are just as lost souls as anyone else, 7H struggles with partnerships, 11H struggles with communities but 3H struggles with creating meaningful or healthy casual relationships. Could have been labeled as the blacksheep of the family. (even extended one)
Their siblings may or may have not been very cruel to them or they could have had a fall out. Or they could have a deceased sibling(Need to look at other placements to further determine) Nevertheless, their siblings/neighbours/earlier education is crucial to explaining why they are the way they are today.
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True students of life. They don't just read book, they consume them. They inhale the words and knowledge as if its their last breath and they couldn't help but yearn for more and more. Could very much surprise other with how passionate they're when it comes to obtaining new information.
I would have to warn these people though. Their minds are their strength yet it would also be the dead of them. Avoid gossiping, bullying at all cost. As in with Lilith 3H, the price that comes with these actions are doubled.Trust me on this, I have seen a great deal of people who have Lilith 3H ended up paying for this.
Charm your pants off type beat. They love dirty talk and people who know what to say turn them on. They would whisper someone name and the other would start to blush. It doesn't even have to be in an intimate setting, something about the way they carry their words are so sensual and personal. In the bedroom, they love a good conversation as well as degrading using words. Compliment them and then drag their esteem to hell and watch them enjoy it a lil too much.
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So good with their mouth😉But you didn't hear this from me.
Assert their dominance with words. They find it hilarious when others try to manipulate them. You really can't finesse the og manipulator. Will use your words again you and they'll do it so well you'll start questioning your own actions.
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Somehow, these individuals lowkey appreciate honesty and loyalty so so much though. When they see someone who's a bit naive and perhaps even too straightforward, they find this very lovable and endearing. It's like a fresh air for them, seeing others having no front up. They fall for people who they deem as intellectually equal to them, if not higher (depends on how well they're managing that hidden god complex:) People who are real, who are adventurous with a hint of innocence win their hearts over.
I literally just remember this but i'd put an abuse trigger warning here ⚠️ It's also possible that with very dominant or harsh Lilith 3H aspects to personal placement, someone could have lied to these individuals and abused them when they were younger. (close families, peers&teachers at schools, neighbours) Some kind of similar events happened and this marks a defining point of their life. A complex relationship with confiding in others. They could not risk themselves getting used all over again. Serious trust issues.
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They think honesty is a liability sometimes. I'd highly recommend people with harsh aspects to go into therapy, where they can freely say whatever they truly think&feel deep down without being judged.
These people will never stop knowing. Information is their power. Not just any information but things that can royally fuck someone life upside down. Scarier than they look.
So thats it for now guyssssss. I'm so glad I could stop procrastinating and work on some better content for you guys:) Cant wait to share more of my Lilith knowledge to ya😤
saint jenx🪐
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skeetusmcyeetus · 4 years
I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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baejl · 3 years
exo 10th member au
when somi needs help, jungkook is always there
WARNING: alcohol consumption, long post
masterlist 🌻 requests are open feedback is always important to me!
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When Bambam and Yugeyom sent the message to their group chat warning them about the social party they were throwing on a rented house almost out of Seoul, Somi was the first one to answer saying she wasn't in the mood.
Of course, everyone got surprised by her answer.
When Somi was at a party, the party never died, even if she wasn't drunk, she knew how to enjoy a party. But when she suddenly showed up with two more bales of soju, a bottle of vodka and some other drinks, Jungkook knew something was off right away.
Somi never drank that much, especially when she wasn't near home or driving.
He thought that maybe, she brought it because the boys asked or because she thought they weren't drinking, but when she turned half of a soju bottle in one gulp, he got even more confused.
Someone had to be responsible to take them home, and by the way things were going - Bambam and Yugyeom were already laughing for nothing, Dokyeom and Minghao were in the karaoke, Eunwoo and Jaehyun on the beer pong while Somi was drinking alone, - it was pretty clear who was it going to be.
"Oh my God, I love this song!" Somi suddenly shouted when A Thousand Milles, from White Chick, started playing. "Give me a mic!"
She tripped on her feet while she tried walking from the bar to where Dokyeom and Minghao were. The boys laughed at her and helped her stand, giving her a third mic. 
"Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound..." the three idols sang together, hugging each other.
"Wow, she's really drunk." Jaehyun showed up next to Jungkook, who agreed.
"I've never seen her like this before." Jungkook told him. "Do you think something happened?"
"Nha, I don't think so." Jaehyun shrugged. "Maybe she's been just working a lot, you know? Maybe she just needs to rest. You should drink a bit too."
Jungkook giggled and drank a bit of his soda.
"And who's taking you home, uh?" he asked the boy, who smiled and bumped Jungkook's shoulder.
"You worry too much, Jungkook-ah. We're sleeping here today. There are like, five rooms in this house."
Jungkook hissed and tilted his head. Something about Somi here didn't seem right for him.
"Jungkookie!" the girl screamed and they looked at her. She made her way to them and threw herself in the middle of the boys. "Why are you guys sitting here? Let's party a bit! Where's Eunwoo? I need him to take some pictures for me."
"I think he went to the bathroom." Jaehyun answered, making some space so she could sit properly. "How much did you drink?"
"A loooot." Somi cooed and leaned back to the couch, placing a hand on her forehead. "I think I'm gonna throw up."
Jungkook instinct was stronger and he turned at Somi, helping her to sit straight. Laying like that would only make things worse.
"Do you want to go home?" he asked.
"No, no!" Yugyeom showed up, shaking his head. "Why? We have enough rooms here if she wants to sleep."
"I'm not-" she stopped to give a little burp. "sleeping here. I'll call a cab."
"I can drive you home. Do you wanna go now?" Jungkook asked her once again.
Somi looked at Yugyeom and Jaehyun, pouting. She placed a hand on Jaehyun's shoulder and slightly bounced it.
"Will you be mad at me?" she asked, making the boys laugh.
"Not even if we tried, Somi-ah!" Yugyeom said, patting her head. "Go home and rest."
She pouted at him and kissed his cheeks, suddenly getting up, she had to grab his arm to not fall. Jungkook got up too, standing next to her.
Somi made sure to say goodbye to every single person inside the house, even the cooks and the barmen and Jungkook made sure to follow her around if she needed anything, like throwing up.
"I really don't want to bother you." she mumbled once they were outside, at the parking lot. "I can call a cab. I'm not that drunk."
"To be honest, I wanted to go home too. I have to wake up early tomorrow." he told her, leading her to his car.
Somi gasped, making him look at her with furrowed brows, but it melted in a drunk laugh.
"You just using me as an excuse to run away?!" she faked a mad tone. "I thought you weren't like the others."
He giggled and shook his head. It felt like he was talking with a completely different Somi when she was drunk, a Somi no one but her closest ones knew.
Opening the passenger's seat, Jungkook helped her getting in, closing the door and turning around the car to go to his place. When he got inside the car, Somi was checking something on her phone and made a grumpy face.
"Junmyen oppa called me like, a thousand times." she puffed and put on the seatbelt. "Is there any chance you're needing one more member? He's a really good singer, I swear."
Jungkook laughed out loud with her attempt at getting rid of her leader, he asked himself if Sunny thinks like that when RM calls her. He started the car and the radio started to play automatically in a random station.
Somi raised her hand to lower the volume but remembered that he was not in her car or one of her members'. Although she and Jungkook were the closest in the '97 line, they weren't close enough at that point.
The atmosphere inside the car was natural, it was like driving one of the boys home, and that what he liked so much about Somi. She didn't act like if he was untouchable and he didn't have to worry about what to say or not when she was around. Right now, they were just two normal adults after a party.
"Are you still living in the same building?" he asked, lowering the volume for her. "That one I took Sunny for Sehun's birthday?"
"Yep!" she smacked her lips together, sighing. "In that lonely fucking apartment."
Jungkook giggled at how aggressive she spoke, but by the corner of his eyes, he saw she wasn't joking and stopped, clearing his throat.
"What do you mean?" he asked. Somi gave a sad chuckle.
"Ten people used to live there, Jungkook. Now, it's only me." she told him.
"Oh, come on!" Jungkook puffed. "Jiyong is just a call away from you."
"We're not dating anymore." she revealed. 
He looked at her with winded eyes and she scoffed.
Now it all made sense. That's why she was drinking like that and skipping every sad or more romantic song they played in the karaoke.
"Everything happened too fast, I think." she started talking before he could ask her why. "I didn't tell you guys because I knew the boys would be all 'we warned you' on me. The last thing I need is that."
"I got it..." Jungkook mumbled. He didn't, but she was drunk and probably wouldn't remember about this.
"The funny thing is that I heard that he's going out with Jennie, from BLACKPINK." Somi said, with a mix of laugh and cry. Jungkook couldn't tell what it was. "Isn't it funny? She dated Kai, I dated Jiyong, and now, they're together!"
Humming, Jungkook turned the corner of her avenue. As it was late in the night, there weren't many people on street - not that that mattered because of his frosted glass, but he didn't want Somi to be caught like that. 
He smoothly parked right in front of her building. When she looked outside, she groaned and closed her eyes.
"You're home." Jungkook told her. "Are you good? Do you need any help getting in?"
"I'm drunk, not dumb, Jungkook-ah." she turned at him and for a single moment, Jungkook forgot how to breathe.
Somi was beautiful, there was no doubt of that. She could have any man she wanted in a single snap of her fingers.
But at that moment, she was stunning. The way she looked at him, with her sleepy drunk eyes, her hair falling on her face and her natural looks made his heart skip a beat.
"...right?" her voice brought him back.
"Hm?" he asked. Somi chuckled and pinched his cheeks.
"I was saying, thank you for listening to my lamentations and bringing me back home. I own you one." she said, taking a mask out of her purse and putting it on.
"You don't owe me anything. I did it because..." he shrugged. "Whatever."
Smiling at him, Somi held her hand and they made a strange high-five making her laugh.
"Thank you, JK." she said, taking the seatbelt off and opening her door slightly. "Have a great night or rest of it."
"You too!" he blinked at her. "Don't forget to take a medicine and rest. You'll wake up with a beautiful hangover to remind you not to drink that much."
Somi puffed at him and rolled her eyes, leaving his car but still leaving her perfume in the air. Silently watching as she got inside the building, she waved at his car before closing the glass door and he waved back even if she couldn't see him.
He saw the door closing and started the car again, ready to leave. Not before making a mental note to send her a message the next morning.
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warrior-kitty · 3 years
Back on my Smash X KH nonsense but I was just suddenly hit with an idea that could be a premise for a potential Smash Bros fan fic that crosses over into Kingdom Hearts territory that I really wanna write (but can’t yet because of reasons) so I’m just gonna spew it out for now while it’s fresh.
It is gonna be quite a ramble of various ideas that I’ve been having lately so strap in everyone!
Okay so to start it off I’ve had an idea lately where there could be a bigger motive that Master Hand had when creating the Smash Bros tournaments.
At first I had initially had it that the Smash tournaments were pretty much that, tournaments that Master Hand created to honor the various heroes (and eventually villains too) from the different Nintendo worlds, which then eventually branched out to other worlds outside of the threshold. As of lately though I’ve been playing around with the idea that not only did Master Hand gather the Smashers together to honor them, but to also assemble them in an ‘Avengers Initiative’ type of way.
Master Hand knows that there exists beings that could be major threats to the worlds, so what if he gathers the Smashers together to also form some sort of multiversal group to defend the worlds incase those threats become a problem.
Now then there just leaves one little problem in regards to the existence of the Smash tournaments as a whole, which is where the Kingdom Hearts part of the fic idea comes in.
The World Order.
Going by some of the newcomer trailers (most notably the ones where the newcomers get invitations) the Smash tournaments do become well-known throughout the multiverse, both within and outside Nintendo. So of course it also extends to the KH corner of the multiverse.
So I like to think that the older keyblade masters like Yen Sid could disapprove of the Smash tournaments because of how much of s big risk they are and a violation to the World Order.
Which then adds more complication when Sora ends up being the last one to receive an invite to join the Ultimate tournament.
So what I’m thinking is what if Yen Sid advises Sora against joining Smash because he disapproved it, but then the events of World of Light happened so Sora (along with the other DLC characters) goes to help the Smashers. Then once Galeem and Dharkon have been dealt with and all of the spirits have been saved, Sora then decides to stay and join the Smashers despite Yen Sid’s wishes.
So what of this fic idea then?
Well going by what I have so far, I’m imagining that there’s a lot of friction between Master Hand and the keyblade wielders (Well, mostly Yen Sid if we’re being honest) After the events of World of Light and Sora joining the Smashers just makes it kind of worse?
Like first it all started with Tabuu and the Subspace Emissary, then with Galeem and Dharkon who threatened more worlds even outside of the Nintendo ones with the inclusion of more fighters from outside worlds, then whose to say if there are more threats that come around and endanger more worlds on an even grander scale?
So Master Hand gathering the Smashers is like a double edged sword; his main purpose was to have them defend the worlds together should these threats arise, but by doing so is what allowed those threats to strike to begin with.
With all of this being too big of a risk to take, what if Yen Sid decides that enough is enough and that the Smash tournaments should be shut down for good and the Smashers return to their own worlds. And I’m also thinking that what if the rest of the KH gang is also kind of divided on the issue?
Maybe they think that the Smash tournaments should stay a thing and support Sora being a part of it, but what if some of them are also unsure at the same time because all of those heroes and villains being together does pose a great risk?
And hooo boi, it’s just a loooot of messy conflict.
So yeah, that’s my fan fic idea dump. Feel free to add on any thoughts or build on to the idea if you like! I’m definitely putting this idea on my list of ‘Fics To Write’ but it won’t be until way, waaaay later, and there’s also the possibility that this idea could change over time, but this is the basic gist of it!
Anyway, I’m returning to my own little corner now.
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Translation: Spring Troupe’s Interview From Documentary Book’s “Moment of Spring”
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Translation under the cut.
First of all, while looking at the photos on the cover, please tell us what happened on the day you took them.
Sakuya: It was a frame of the Spring Troupe's spring!
Chikage: I wonder if Sakuya was holding Hina dolls in his photo.
Citron: Oh, I know that! Isn't that the thing that was born while chirping after you kept it warm for three days and three nights?
Tsuzuru: It's not that "Hina."
Itaru: It's a different Hina.
Masumi: ...These ugly Hina dolls are put in the theater lobby.
Sakuya: Wow, Masumi-kun! You sure have a sharp eye.
Masumi: It’s because Director and I helped decorate them there.
Sakuya: Oh, I see. To tell you the truth, it was all due to Manager saying that the theater lobby felt kind of empty. And given that it's March, we decided to decorate the lobby with Hina Festival-themed items.
Tsuzuru: Not to mention that a lot of the audience members are girls.
Chikage: The Masumi in this photo… Was he about to give a present to Director?
Itaru: That expression is exclusive for Director only. He's so easy to read.
Tsuzuru: If I remember correctly, this was taken during White Day. I remember seeing him grinning ear to ear while staring at the present in our room.
Masumi: I was imagining Director's reaction after I gave her that present. I was sure she'd be surprised but at the same time so happy she couldn't stop laughing… Then, she'd blissfully say, "Thank you. I'll treasure it."
Itaru: Surprised but so happy she couldn't stop laughing?
Citron: Now I'm curious about what your present is!
Sakuya: So was she happy about the present?
Masumi: Not telling. It was a memory that only me and Director share.
Citron: Aw, Masumi is a cheapskate~.
Sakuya: Meanwhile… things seemed to be lively in Tsuzuru-kun's photo!
Tsuzuru: My brothers started fighting when I was making sakura mochi for our cherry blossom viewing. I know I should've just left them be since they're always fighting, but… I couldn't help but speak out.
Chikage: You're truly a natural born big brother, handling this kind of thing by reflexes.
Citron: Is that a carnation you were holding, Itaru?
Masumi: For mother's day?
Itaru: Yep. I was planning to buy flowers and stop by my home. My sister apparently predicted this and asked me to buy her sweets. I was talking to her in the photo. They're all very popular stores that can have people waiting in line. But well, they have pretty tolerable prices…
Masumi: Looking at your expression, you should have found some excuses to refuse her.
Itaru: You could say that because you don't how my sister is when she's mad…
Citron: I want to meet Itaru's rumored sister one day!
Masumi: ...Citron's pose looked weird in this one.
Sakuya: Whoa, the bamboo shoots are big!
Citron: I call it, "ever-growing bamboo shoots" pose~. The greengrocer uncle from the shopping district gave those fine bamboo shoots to me!
Tsuzuru: You really are the idol of the shopping district… As long as Citron-san is here, looks like we don't need to worry about hunger issue. It's already been taken care of without us knowing.
Itaru: Last one is senpai… Huh? Is it really okay to have your photo like this? You were in the middle of doing some dangerous side jobs in this one, right?
Chikage: What do you take me for? As you can see, I was making a helmet with origami.
Masumi: I saw this helmet in the theater lobby. It was so symmetrical and terrifyingly well-made.
Tsuzuru: It felt like that helmet brought out Chikage-san's personality.
Citron: We all were enjoying spring and taking a very blissful shot!
Sakuya: That's right! Spring is indeed such a lovely season!
Then, as we looked back at your plays up until the sixth one, please tell us an event that left the most impression on you.
Citron: It would take forever, you know! We have a loooot of memories together, though I think the turning point of Spring Troupe was during our debut and fourth play.
Tsuzuru: During our debut play, we were all still beginners in theater and were still figuring out everything. Chikage-san joined us during our fourth play and we became a six-member group… I've gotta admit we underwent a major change as a troupe that time.
Sakuya: In addition, it was during the preparation for these two plays that we slept on the stage together!
Tsuzuru: The first time we did it was because Yuzo-san roasted us so bad, so we decided to sleep onstage to understand the play better. During our fourth play, we already invited Chikage-san but since he had work to do, we couldn't do it...
Masumi: But when we headed to the theater for our morning practice, these two were sleeping. Thus, I slept too.
Itaru: We were so noisy at that time so I figured you'd wake up soon, but… you sure slept like a log, huh, senpai?
Chikage: I still woke up in the end since your snoring was too loud, though.
Itaru: Seriously?
Masumi: You do look like the type who snores loudly.
Chikage: Joking aside… back then, I was surprised when I woke up and found you all there.
Citron: Oh, so our prank was a big success in the end! I wanna throw another slumber party with you all~.
Sakuya: Me too! I want to chat about a lot of things with you all!
Masumi: About love?
Itaru: I have a feeling Masumi's gonna monopolize that talk.
Tsuzuru: Heck yeah…
Chikage: That sounds fun. Why not?
Now that all of you have experienced becoming the leading actors, please tell us what kind of roles or performance you want to have.
Chikage: Since we have Tsuzuru here, it wouldn't hurt to say whatever we want, right?
Tsuzuru: You have a point, and it can also be a motivation to act. For the time being, I'd like to hear what you want to do...
Citron: In that case, I wanna appear in a Japanese style play!
Itaru: ...Ah, in that case, don't you think adding fantasy element to the play will be cool? Like a youkai-themed play.
Tsuzuru: Some amazing suggestions came right at the very beginning… But well, given that we rarely deliver a Japanese style play, I think it may turn good.
Masumi: Then, I want to take on a knight role. Obviously, the one playing the princess will be--.
Tsuzuru: Since we already have KniRoun that had similar sense, I don't think we'll do that now.
Masumi: If so--.
Tsuzuru: Not a bridegroom role. If we're going to do a play set at a wedding hall, then we'll also have one of Spring Troupe members crossdress to play the bride.
Chikage: Tsuzuru crossdressing, huh… That's kind of new.
Sakuya: It may fit him, surprisingly.
Tsuzuru: Why me!? I'm banning you all from raising random flags!
Citron: Do you have any roles you want to play, Chikage?
Chikage: A role I want to play, huh… Since I've only performed three plays at the moment, there's nothing in particular.
Itaru: How about taking a non-glasses character once more? All of your characters are wearing glasses except Gawain.
Masumi: Playing a glasses character once per two plays?
Sakuya: But I feel like Chikage-san can pull of any kind of characters!
Tsuzuru: Well, yeah. Since you're good at stage combat… I think giving you another role with lots of action will be a great idea.
Chikage: Exercising is one of my fortes, so I'll do my best if you give me one. How about you, Sakuya?
Sakuya: ...It's not really a role, but I want to deliver a play with everyone in the theater troupe someday!
Itaru: That means the main cast will consist of 24 people.
Citron: Oh, it sounds very fun! I want to do it too!
Masumi: I support that idea. That way, we'll have less lines. Tsuzuru will probably die, though.
Itaru: That'll be Tsuzuru's posthumous work…
Tsuzuru: Please stop saying things that will bring bad luck like that! I do admit I feel like the Sanzu River comes into view, though! ...But well, I want to do that too one day. I have a feeling I can write a piece that I've never written until this day.
Sakuya: Whoa… I'm already looking forward to see what kind of characters and story that you'll come up with!
Chikage: So can I expect this piece to be your masterpiece?
Itaru: This'll be a piece that continues to be handed down in Japan's theater industry.
Citron: Non, non! It'll be a piece that easily sweeps the top categories at International Theater Awards.
Tsuzuru: H-Hey, I haven't even started writing it! Please stop raising the bar!
I'd also like to ask about your personal stories. Given that this book is dedicated to "Moments of Spring Troupe", can you tell us what kind of thing that is currently popular within your troupe?
Itaru: If I have to choose, I think it's Zahra's board game--the one that Prince Tangerine gave us as a souvenir during the sixth play.
Masumi: The game requires each of us to cultivate the uninhabited islands in Zahra, develop it and do some tradings.
Sakuya: The player with the most territories will be declared the winner at the end of the game! The game is so interesting that it has become our daily routine to play it once we're done with rehearsals!
Citron: I'm glad that everyone is enjoying the game! I also have a game that I'd like to recommend to you all, you see! I'll have Guy get it next time!
Chikage: Last time I checked there's also a game in which you become a spices merchant and get rich, right? I'm a little bit curious about that one.
Tsuzuru: No, I don't think the Zahra Kingdom has that kind of ga--.
Citron: I expected no less from Chikage! You even know that game! OK, I'll have them send that too!
Itaru: Wow, it does exist…
Last but not least, please send a message to the fans who are always supporting Spring Troupe.
Sakuya: On behalf of Spring Troupe… I'd like to thank you all for always supporting us! Before we knew it, we already held six plays. It was all thanks to your support that we were able to deliver this number of plays. Even if it's only one, we'll be happy if you have scenes or lines from our plays that are unforgettable to you. For our next play, we promise to give everything we can to deliver a beautiful performance to you all. Therefore--
Spring Troupe: Thank you for your continuous support!
*Hina doll shares the same kanji as chick (雛) hence the misunderstanding.
**For those who don't know, Hina Festival is usually held on March 3.
***In Japanese myths, the Sanzu River is a river that people are said to cross on the seventh day after their death.
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simpforj · 4 years
I missed you
jaehyun x reader
genre: fluff
a/n: hiiii; be ready because this scenarios has a loooot of fluff moments. Enjoy reading ♡
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Looking in the mirror, emotions began to grow in you more and more. Today is one of the most important and exciting day of your life: graduation day. You couldn’t believe that three years of college had already passed and here you are in front of the mirror, wearing the robe, the hat and and the scarf on which the name of your college was written taking a picture. Not even two minutes have passed since you sent the picture, because someone has already answered you
Jae: Beautiful as always ♡ ♡
The message from your boyfriend made you smile widely replying to him with heart emojies. Him and his members are supposed to arrive next week from a long tour in the USA but little did you know Jaehyun would surprise you. Before you leave the house, you checked if you took everything and then you went to college where the graduation ceremony was about to start. You and your friends arrived on time, and you took your seats. The ceremony was about to begin in 10 minutes so you took your phone from the bag and texted your boyfriend. 
I’m here and the ceremony will begin in 10 minutes
Jae: I’m so sorry I can’t be with you on such an important day :(  
To be honest, you were a little bit sad, since Jaehyun couldn’t be with you wanting to see his reaction once you get on stage to get your diploma. You texted him until it was time to put your phone back into the bag, paying attention to the stage. The principal and several teachers stepped on stage greeting the students and other people present at the ceremony. The principal spoke, presenting the college and some details about it, how well it prepares students for a bright future. Once his speech was over, the principal let one of the teachers speak inviting the students on stage. 
“Good morning everybody and welcome and welcome to our college graduation ceremony. It is a special day, a day filled with emotions, a day in which you all will open your wings even more, offering a better future for everyone.” 
The teacher started naming each student by giving them the diploma and letting each one of them say a few words. You started to get nervous knowing it will be your turn to go on stage. 
“There she is, one of our best students, who never disappointed us and showed us what passion means. I would like y/l/n to come on stage to get her diploma.” You sat up from your seat and approached the stage, everyone cheering you and smiling at you. 
“Thank you so much Mr. Lee, good morning everyone. First of all congratulations everyone. I’m glad to see that we all managed to get here on such a special day for each of us.” As you continued your speech some familiar faces approached leaving you overwhelmed with emotions. “a-and I would like to thank to one of the most special person in my life, who was always beside me and helped me a lot. Thank you s-so much and I love you the most” you started to tear up coming down from the stage and rushing to your boyfriend who was sitting at the back smiling widely at you with a beautiful bouquet of flowers ready to hug you tightly. 
“Congratulations babe” Jaehyun said wiping your tears from your face gently and kissing your forhead before pulling you back to his embrace. 
“Weren’t you all supposed to arrive next week?” you asked him and the other boys who were proud of you as well 
“We pranked you y/n” Haechan said getting hit by Mark and Johnny at the same time
“Don’t listen to him. We’ve finished all the concerts and also we needed to be here for you, especially Jaehyun who was missing you a lot” Johnny said smiling at you two. Jaehyun hugged you one more time before pressing his lips on yours, kissing you softly as the others started to cheer you. 
“Group picture!” one of your teachers yelled everyone getting close for a group picture. You pressed a kiss on Jaehyun’s cheek before leaving to your colleagues ready for the picture. Jaehyun couldn’t keep his eyes off of you smiling even more, staring at you lovingly. He came back to reality once you appeared in front of him again taking your hand in his. 
“Come ooon, let’s take a picture” you said to him as one of your friends had your phone in her hands, capturing this unforgetable moment of your life. 
“Boys, come here” you told them as they came closer to you. 
“Smiiile” your friend said taking a bunch of pictures for you.
“See you at the party y/n, also maybe you can come with your boyfriend and your friends.” your friend winked at you before looking at Jaehyun 
“Thank you for inviting us but she can go without me” said Jaehyun smiling gently. Your friend nodded hugging you once again before leaving, 
“We’ll meet at the dorms Jaehyun and congrats y/n” said Taeyong smiling at yoou before leaving with the boys.
“Do you want to help me pick an outfit for the party?” you took Jaehyun’s hand in yours keeping the contact with him.
“Of course, I thought you’d never ask. I’m not gonna let you go with that extremly short dress you’ve showed me” Jaehyun pulled you closer for another kiss before heading to your house. 
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
I could see Scarlet Ribbons’ stand cry being something like “BOWBOWBOWBOWBOW” cuz like.. ribbons... make bows and stuff.... sorry I’m bad at this 🤪
OKAY THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY CUTE THOUGH... i’m going to make a list of possible stand cries, and this is gonna be added on it!! 
anonymous asked: Is scarlet ribbons willing for a smooch 🥺🥺
but of course!! i’ve pictured scarlet ribbons as being a very affectionate and playful stand, since that adds even more Possibilities of the stand acting up around everyone. scarlet ribbons definitely wants to give ppl hugs and stuff, showcasing how affectionate and :D!!! the user is. 
anonymous said: lmaooo imagine the entire bucci gang's reaction when scarlet ribbon's user/reader end up with someone from la squadra XDD in the au where everyone lives of course
it’d be a battlefield... i guess if they weren’t fighting against one another like they were in the anime, it might be slightly better? but i can’t imagine it going over real well, since everyone would be v wary of la squadra. if reader is happy that’s one thing, but there’s going to be a lot of investigation going into it. they need to make sure she’s safe and sound qwq
anon said: Okay so if i got it right Scarlet Ribbon's attack can be a good way to escape out of GioGio's estate after his kidnapping, you know, like Spider man but in stead of spider web/beam it's cutesy pinky rope of ribbon 😂as for the ocean surrounding the island reader can coagulate their ribbons into a small boat and row themselve back to civilazation 👏😂👏 im thriving for independent reader pls don't mind me 🥺 again, much love + appreciation for you to came out with this awesome concept💓💘💓❤💓💕
ohh so like a yandere version of the SR verse? i’ve definitely given it some thought, since i write 99% yandere content (or smth close to that at least, math was never my best subject). anyways i think that it’d be chaotic for any yanderes to deal with scarlet ribbon darling, seeing as having a stand that versatile gives plenty of opportunities to escape! giorno has the added benefit of being able to track darling down using his own ability, but it’d be a game of cat and mouse for a while. i’ll definitely write a yan version of it one day...
anon said: hi lock!! I just wanted to pop by and say that I love your Scarlet Ribbons series so far ♡ such good food.... u spoil us.... :') that being said, what was your motivation behind it? why did you want to take a fluffy route as opposed to your usual yan content? ty and have a nice day!!
hello anon <3 i’m happy to know that you’ve been enjoying it!! trust me i’ve been having way too much fun fleshing everything out too, it’s been a Mega Muse . i still love writing yandere content the most, but i guess picturing a normal universe felt interesting in its own right. more possibilities open up. i had thought about it being everyone going yan, but i scrapped it when i realized that’d just lead to bucciarati’s team killing one another. i’ve given some thought to individual yandere’s in the universe though! 
i think that exploring different types of content is what helps prevent burnout!! so that’s why i’ve channeled some energy into a more normal universe, just so that when i want to write fluff/more humor based stuff i have an outlet for it. u vu...
anon asked: :eyes: what was rooming in with bruno like? how did he feel when reader went to room with fugo? what is rooming in with fugo like? WHAT RIVALRY DID THESE DORKS DEVELOP OVER THE ISSUE??hdknld i can imagine fugo preening when reader's with him and bruno is lowkey .__.)
THE INITIAL ROOMMATE ... boy bruno was pretty excited! i picture reader waking up early some mornings to make him breakfast/coffee, as a way of saying thank you. reader would be very grateful and feel indebted to bruno for all the kindness he’s shown, especially since he’s not even charging rent for staying at his place! it all has a nice, domestic feeling that bruno never realized he longed for. i’m sure he knows it won’t last forever, as nice as that sounds. 
even with all the times he reassured reader that money isn’t a problem, the thought of imposing on someone who has already given reader a lot is hard to get past. bruno had a bit of a stone face when reader mentioned becoming roommates with fugo, but ultimately wouldn’t want to monopolize her time or anything. he still gets to see her everyday! though he’s going to miss the special talks, and breakfasts ... :(( 
bruno probably picks up on fugo’s treatment towards reader before fugo even realizes how he feels lmao. he’s just hoping that no Funny business goes down, semi hypocritical as that may be. acting as a team leader means making scarifies for the well being of the group, and having to put his wants on the back burner. this is definitely one of those instances. 
anon said: Hey thank you for posting about scarlet ribbons, I’ve been having a very rough time mentally ( Rn I’m confined to a 3 mile radius of the house for medical reasons) and this brought me so much joy, I want to share my goth makeup tips with Leone and tend to my collection with GioGio, your characterisation of fugo has also totally changed my mind on him I didn’t even think he was cute before your writing! I hope you are doing well
aaaa i’m sorry to hear that you’re going through a difficult time. this is definitely a comfy type of series, so it makes me happy to know that it’s brought you some happiness!! i’ll be posting about it plenty, since i have loooots of ideas for it!! leone would love talking about makeup with you, since everyone else before trish is clueless on the subject. he’d likely surprise you with eye shadow palettes or lipstick that you’ve been wanting! in a very lowkey fashion, just kinda shoving it towards you and saying he saw it on sale and it’s whatever. on the inside he’s screaming though lmaoo
giorno is another person who, when isn’t focused on his dream and such, would be Dying for some reader one on one time. it’s cute, he tries to make his interest seem as organic as possible. he manages to pull it off well! 
I LOOOVE FUGO... once i got a more solid characterization for him down, i wanted to write for him a lot. i really wish we got to see more of him in the anime, but purple haze feedback gave lots of good insights to him as well! i think that while he’s more of a serious character, he’s been shown to have some snark as well.
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