#the greatest digital show
elizart5 · 3 months
Pre-Circus Pomni TGDS
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Before joining the circus pomni was a freelance acrobat with Jax, aiming to get by any way they could. She had a dirty leotard that she would use for each show, but preferred her casual wear any time she could get it. She still does, it's less showy...
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doctorsiren · 3 months
I loved your headcannons about inukawa, reigen and reigens sister and I would really like to see what you think would happen if mob and reigens sister met and I was wondering if you could possibly draw them :D
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hello yes I accidentally made a comic after seeing this ask yesterday 😁 bro psychoanalyzed her 😨
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hazel-callahan · 1 year
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i love you, kit tanthalos ∞
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l1zardart1stre · 1 year
“The Amazing Digital Deltarune Chapter Rewritten Take” idea
in the midst of all these cool Jevil Spamton swap I’ve seen I completely forgot to post these on tumblr.
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so Glitch productions on YouTube is making a show called The Amazing Digital Circus, created by Gooseworx, right? They recently released a trailer for it, and it’s already shaping up to be my dream show. So I’ve watched the trailer over 10 times at this point, And I had the idea for two amazing Spamton Jevil swap ideas, which combine a bunch of ideas I’ve wanted to use but never did, so here’s these two! I want to draw more of them really soo but you’re gonna have to wait a bit.
Also, the point of these designs is to KEEP the neo form for Spamton and keep Jevil with no neo. I haven’t seen any other swap take do that so I thought it’d be fun. That’s also why Gamedev’ has sans atributes.
Also no, this au doesn’t follow CR’s swap list. I’m actually imagining Noelle as Kris with Pomni (from The Amazing Digital Circus) atributes, and I’m not spoiling Berdly’s role.
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itsb3anbug · 7 months
happy birthday loml!!
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a quick doodle of scully for her birthday <3 mulder might celebrate it every 4 years but i sure don’t :)
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rosabienfuerte · 1 year
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hairstyles for these two
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samara-asaika · 1 year
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Something for @hachimitsubani while playing with her piano ����🌸
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natyune-art · 1 year
the greatest living show alongside the resurgence of my middle school fairy phase has done very wonky things to my artstyle. enjoy.
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elizart5 · 3 months
Come Alive (WIP)
As you can see, I have been doing a little practicing, I didn't want to just drive right into the bigger project without attempting to make the characters of this world move. I know everyone will the waiting for Rewrite the Stars, which I will get to right after I finish this off.
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viledictorian · 1 year
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Part two of my Ena tribute to the greatest living show!
Part 1
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llopes-art · 1 year
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I watched the animated music video of “The Greatest Living Show” by Itoki Hana and Toby Fox and I’m completely normal about it.
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riktorart · 1 year
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noblemansdemon · 1 year
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"I'll take you to the other side"
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shamadayart · 1 year
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pie-de-lune · 1 year
ESPETÁCULO - 'Lamentos' illustration series
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Text in portuguese below. I've found that using google translate serves a good enough translation.
Quando o céu se veste com o manto da noite e quando as luzes da cidade adormecem, as almas de crianças solitárias vagam pelas ruas silenciosas.
Todos se aglomeram no centro e dão as mãos, dançando em círculos. Eles cantam uma marcha fúnebre enquanto lágrimas de cristal brilhantes como estrelas caem de seus olhos avermelhados. À cada volta, mais lágrimas caem no chão. Eles giram e giram num carrossel infinito, até que suas lágrimas dão luz à um palco esplêndido.
E mesmo quando o palco está finalizado, as crianças continuam dançando. Elas permanecem cantando e girando até o amanhecer... E quando a cidade acorda, eles encontraram apenas um lindo palco e milhares de engrenagens largadas no chão.
Ignorantes dos eventos anteriores, a cidade decide estabelecer um teatro fantástico. Todas as noites seriam anfitriãs de um espetáculo, e todas as crianças seriam seus atores e atrizes.
Todas as crianças que participavam do teatro desapareciam na manhã seguinte, sem mais nem menos... Sem nem sequer deixar rastros. Ninguém nunca soube porquê porque ninguém nunca as procurou.
Entretanto, o teatro vivo continuou sendo usado todas as noites.
Este ano, eu fui convocado para ser um dos atores principais. Eles me vestirão em um vestido branco e pintarão meu rosto. Eu terei que dançar e sorrir para toda a cidade, mesmo que meu coração esteja se quebrando.
Eu ainda consigo escutar a canção melancólica das crianças, presas dentro das engrenagens. Eu sei que eu não sobreviverei esta noite.
Enquanto eu me dirijo até o palco, os seus choros incessantes preenchem meus pensamentos enquanto eu murmuro os versos de sua música que para mim, até este momento, era desconhecida;
“Adeus a mim mesmo, Olá para o vazio da manhã. Eu vou derramar meu eu amado. Em breve, tudo chegará ao fim, terei completado minha jornada eterna. Ainda estará quente, meu corpo que eu derramei”.
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