#the great m1ckeyb3rry cleanse
m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
jaw spark notes below the cut!! this wasn’t supposed to be a super long story so this won’t be crazy extensive (is long as hell) but i’m including the original prologue because that’s important to explaining what happened in the story
original prologue to jaw:
You knelt on the edge of the wall, feeling the stone dig into your knees almost as hard as the man was gripping your neck.
“See that?” he whispered, tangling his fingers in your hair and shoving your head down. “Your eyes better not be closed.”
You were silent. Whether it was resignation or fear that kept you so, you could not be sure; regardless, your tongue was like a lead weight in your mouth, a useless thing, heavy, cumbersome. But your eyes were open, trained on the sands below you, where people who you might have once known stared back up at you, jaws wide, teeth gleaming.
“That’ll be you soon,” he murmured.
“Just let her go!”
You inhaled sharply, and against your will, your eyes flicked to the side. There he was, proud even in defeat, shoulders squared despite the humiliation, his handsome face bruised by the stones thrown at him earlier.
“Klaus,” you whispered.
“Let her go, she had nothing to do with this!” Klaus insisted.
“Look at you, acting as if you have any room to make demands of us,” the man said.
“She’s innocent!” Klaus said. “She doesn’t deserve — she doesn’t deserve — do what you’d like to me, but not her!”
“Ah, ah,” the man said. “She’s guilty of the same crime as you, in the end: being born with dirty blood. Innocence is something that your kind can never have.”
“Please,” Klaus whispered.
“Plead all you want — you’re only worsening your case. You care about her, huh?” he said. Your spine stiffened as you realized what he was about to do.
“No,” Klaus said, “No, no, no —”
“Think you’ll still love her so much when she’s a titan?” the man said, and then there was a needle stabbing into your back and electricity started to crackle along your skin.
“Klaus!” you screamed as the man cackled, shoving you off the wall. Your stomach dropped with the sensation of the free-fall as well as the sickening feeling of your limbs beginning to contort, to swell and expand.
“Y/N!” Klaus shouted, leaning forwards in some desperate attempt to get to you. The restraints around your hands melted away, and you reached up in a futile gesture, stretching out your fingers though there was no hope you’d ever again meet his, your stomach roiling in horror as they were engulfed in a yellow glow, ballooning to twice, thrice their original size. “Y/N!”
It was the last thing you heard before your mind was lost to the grey haze that was existence as a mindless titan.
Years passed, or maybe it was only a matter of seconds. You could not be sure; you only knew that there was nothing and then, suddenly, in a glorious blaze of color, there was everything.
Every star in the world twinkled above you, streaks of blue and green and purple painting the sky and leading somewhere, though you could not be bothered to figure out where. Staggering to your feet, you did not even care that you were naked. You did not care that you had no idea where you were. You cared for none of it and yet for all of it; taking in great, heaving gasps of air, you luxuriated only in the feeling of light on your skin.
Your knees buckled, and you could only laugh as you collapsed, tracing designs in the sand beside you with one hand and counting stars with the other. At some point, the multi-hued sky merged into solely indigo, and the pure white sand faded into regular brown dirt, but you hardly noticed, too preoccupied with the sensation of being alive to pay attention to anything else.
Alive. You were beautifully, gloriously, vehemently alive. And so, right next to the steaming husk of the titan you had once been, surrounded by the ruins of an abandoned campsite, you vowed you would not let this second chance at life go to waste the way the first had.
OKAY so now that that’s out of the way here’s the summary for the rest of the story:
- basically jaw was actually going to be two stories told concurrently via alternating chapters, with one storyline being Y/N’s life after inheriting the jaw titan and the other storyline being Y/N’s life before inheriting the jaw titan
- in the post-jaw timeline, eld adopts Y/N because the government had released a program where any member of the military with family members who enlists in basic training get an extra bonus on top of their pay; Y/N is hesitant but has nowhere else to go and knows that any injuries she sustains will heal due to her regenerative capabilities. she takes eld’s last name and feels like her old life has somewhat died. she finds eld to be agreeable although they have some clashes due to thinking the other speaks strangely, but overall she views him as an older brother
- in the pre-jaw timeline, we find out that the klaus referenced in the prologue is Y/N’s childhood friend, klaus fortier, who she is also in love with (they are not in a relationship). he has a younger sister named nicola, and he is in training to be a doctor. Y/N works for a research group called 9-Point where she is helping to improve blood tests for eldians; however, she is also secretly a member of a group of women called the ‘daughters of eldia’ that support eldian revolutionaries in their efforts. she is a part of this group alongside tullia ferraro. klaus is unaware of this.
- returning to the post-jaw timeline, Y/N enrolls in the training corps in the southern division and meets the 104th (minus ymir ofc because Y/N took her place and in chapter one actually killed her mindless titan in shifter form). she becomes close friends with krista and is initially suspicious of mikasa for how strong she is. she is immediately drawn to reiner because his outgoing and warm personality reminds her of klaus
- she graduates in the top ten and finds herself conflicted because she is starting to like reiner but feels like she is betraying klaus. in trost she only manages to kill one titan before reiner has to save her and she realizes she has to be careful or the jaw will be stolen from her. she also decides to let her old life go and allows herself to love reiner, who reciprocates her feelings
- in the pre-jaw timeline, Y/N accidentally discovers a way to fake the eldian blood tests so that the detection systems are not alerted. she takes the new research to the daughters of eldia, who use it to get tullia into the marleyan government where she can push for change
- in the post-jaw timeline, Y/N realizes that eren is the attack titan and is confused how it ended up on paradis. during the 57th expedition, she is the first to realize the magnitude of the female titan’s presence, and she is about to escape before she realizes krista is in trouble and she cannot leave her behind as they are best friends. krista is grateful for Y/N risking her life to save her and says that no one has ever cared about her like that; Y/N promises to always care about her before they go to meet reiner and the others
- when Y/N realizes that eld was killed by the female titan, she is obviously grief-stricken but also realizes that the fact that the female, attack, and jaw titans were all on the island can’t be a coincidence. she wonders if eren is like her and also stole a titan by accident, and she resolves to never reveal her shifter capabilities in case they will target her next. she also wonders which other titans are present on the island
- reiner says that he will take Y/N home and marry her one day. she tells him she doubts she’ll survive to see a home with him — this is because of the curse of ymir, though ofc she doesn’t tell him that — but she wishes that it could happen in that way. reiner promises he’ll protect her until the end so that they can be happy together someday
- in the pre-jaw timeline, a friend of nicola fortier’s finds Y/N’s research about avoiding eldian detection systems and confronts nicola about it, who in turn confronts klaus and Y/N about it. although he was uninvolved, klaus immediately takes the blame in order to protect Y/N and tells nicola to turn him in so that she and his parents are not implicated. in the meantime, Y/N gets her research to tullia ferraro, who promises to safeguard it for future use.
- returning to the post-jaw timeline, most of the first parts of season 2 happen as they did in canon, except it is Y/N who saves the castle instead of ymir and she is a lot more effective at it due to having an actually optimized jaw titan
- during the reiner and bertholdt reveal, Y/N realizes she doesn’t know much about the world despite having been such a prodigy in her youth that she had worked for a research group. she aids eren in fighting reiner and bertholdt, but they are both defeated and kidnapped. she agrees to go with reiner and bertholdt if they help her find out how her family and the fortiers are now doing, as well as if they promise to safeguard krista, who she regrets not having helped more
- they return to rescue krista which pretty much plays out how it did in canon; krista tells Y/N that her true name is historia and in return Y/N tells her that she is not Y/N jinn but Y/N L/N. historia tries to convince Y/N to stay with them as she wants to get to know her and be her friends with her as Y/N L/N and historia instead of as krista and Y/N jinn. however, Y/N does not want to leave reiner to die, and she also wants to see her parents and the fortiers one last time, so she leaves them behind and goes to help reiner and bertholdt
- she is immediately taken into custody and imprisoned in marley, where she is held until she will be eaten by porco, who visits her to see the face of his brother’s murderer. he is surprisingly not that angry at her — mostly at reiner — and tells her that he’ll help her fulfill her final wish since it’s not that difficult and reiner, bertholdt, and zeke are still on paradis (this is about during the time that return to shiganshina is happening)
- porco returns and confirms that klaus was also turned into a titan (it is implied that the titan Y/N killed in trost was him) and nicola fortier died about 20 years ago, although she has some living descendants who go by the name of braun — it turns out that the reason why Y/N was reminded of klaus with reiner is because they were related. Y/N is confused at how nicola died twenty years ago, as although the paradisian calendar is different, in her mind it has not been that long, and porco asks her to tell him what year she was born in. Y/N tells him that she was born in the year 760, and porco tells her that that technically makes her about 90 years old
- this explains a lot of stuff that happened in the pre-jaw timeline better: for example, tullia ferraro was the one who gave eren kruger’s predecessor the attack titan, and it was Y/N’s research that allowed him to be undetected in the marleyan government
- in the pre-jaw timeline, nicola fortier reluctantly turns klaus in, but it was for nothing as it is revealed that her friend also went to the marleyans and turned Y/N in. the two of them are taken to paradis where they will be turned into titans. Y/N regrets that her life amounted to nothing and wished she would get a second chance, and she also wishes that in some way, she could meet klaus again
- returning to the post-jaw timeline, Y/N is taken to the room where she will be devoured by porco. her dying thoughts are that she wishes she could’ve done something more meaningful with her existence, and then she realizes that she actually doesn’t care about anything meaningful; she just wishes she could meet reiner again and be happy with him again, no matter how briefly. she is then eaten and dies.
- the final chapter/epilogue is a return to the pre-jaw timeline and it is the exact same as the prologue. the entire story is a circle! that chapter was both the prologue and epilogue to Y/N L/N’s life.
LMAOO ok this ended up being long as hell I’m so sorry but yes that is essentially the lesson in irony that is jaw y/n’s life story.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
STOP! THANK YOU! I love when someone says skmeth8ng about art!
Also drop those spark notes, I’m too impatient 😭🤭
IT’S SO PRETTY YOU’RE SO TALENTED!!! Sorry for taking forever to respond the sparknotes were extensive 😭
— with may ducat’s help, Y/N escapes solitary confinement and they go to help rescue eren from reiner and bertholdt
— Y/N pretends like she reciprocates bertholdt’s feelings so that he lets down his guard and she manages to free eren but is injured in the process, the scream scene is basically the same as it was in promise i think but I’m undecided whether she and eren would’ve kissed and gotten together at that point or not
— the first part of season 3 is also generally the same as promise was except levi is the one that kills rod reiss as he promised to do so right after Eren’s trial and Y/N becoming the commander of the first interior squad wasn’t a surprise, it was actually historia’s condition for becoming queen
— after rod reiss dies, levi gives Y/N a dagger so that in some way or another he’s always protecting her
— she confronts lord maiar (the one she was like engaged to??) and he threatens her life, which allows her to lawfully kill him as because she is his fiancée, by threatening her he is technically attempting to end his own family’s line of succession, so as his fiancée she is able to attempt to kill a family member of equal importance to him as herself (which is him) (it’s complicated but it’s basically the same rule that gave lord maiar control over her father’s family line after he killed her mother, lmk if you want me to add the direct quote explaining the law)
— during return to shiganshina, Y/N is ‘killed’ while fighting the beast titan with levi. floch saves her instead of erwin and levi has to choose between her and armin; he ends up choosing Y/N so she inherits the colossal titan instead of armin
— when they reach the sea, Y/N finds an oyster and decides to keep it because she thinks it’s a cool shell or something idk it’s just a memento for her
— while visiting marley with the scouts, Y/N and levi end up together by themselves while everyone is drunk because they’re the #responsible friends, she asks him if things between them would’ve been different if she wasn’t a lady/noble and he’s surprised but tells her no, eren then leaves as per canon which ofc upsets everyone especially Y/N
— attack on marley follows canon but it’s Y/N instead of armin, sasha is the one who dies at gabi’s hand
— during the table scene eren tells Y/N that she would be nothing without bertholdt and that she took everything from him (she is still wearing the black cloak at that point as well as having the colossal titan) and she also is the reason armin died and she’s unable to protect anyone
— Y/N is the one to find levi and save him from the jaegerists, they are together when the rumbling begins and consider just hiding away but they both know they can’t ofc
— i believe the rest of season 4 would’ve progressed like it did in canon
— once everyone else has been turned into titans and Y/N enters the paths, she meets eren and he tells her that armin was the true savior of humanity before having her open the oyster she found at the sea, revealing a pearl in it (pearls in this story represent justice), Y/N realizes that she has to find justice no matter what and returns to the present timeline
— on falco’s back, she thanks levi for helping her believe in herself, helping her be strong, and for giving her his dagger. She then takes off her black cloak and gives it to him before going into the mouth of Eren’s titan and apologizing before swearing that she won’t leave him ever again
— using Levi’s dagger, she stabs herself through the heart and uses the pain to transform on final time, knowing that it’ll end the curse of Ymir and she won’t be able to regenerate, effectively killing both herself and eren
— the reason why it works is because ymir chose levi to watch over, and when he chose Y/N over armin back in Shiganshina, he chose love over justice; however, when he doesn’t try to stop Y/N from killing herself for justice his mistake is fixed because he chose justice over love the same way that Y/N did
— the first epilogue shows the aftermath of everything, levi marries may ducat, everyone else i’m not quite sure about but i do think i planned on tullia and reiner getting together?? idrk i think that’s one of those things that would’ve developed naturally with the story ykwim
— the second epilogue is Y/N and eren in the afterlife sitting next to each other at the beach; Y/N says that it feels familiar and asks eren if there’s any universe where they’re happy
— eren tells her that them meeting and losing each other in every universe is inevitable while they watch scenes from their past lives reflected in the water; the scream scene from promise comes up and eren tells Y/N that that was the moment that their fates were set in stone because his soul formed a contract with hers, causing the repetition of their reincarnation cycle
— eren reveals that the reason why things never work out for them is because they are not each other’s soulmates; Y/N’s soulmate is levi but she is forced to be apart from him because of the promise eren made to her. however because she made the choice to die with eren instead of fully losing him, she has the chance to break free from the promise and be with her actual soulmate. the visions in the water change to show her having a peaceful and/or happy life with levi, but she refuses, saying she doesn’t care about who her soulmate is as she only wants eren
— they sit in silence for a while before eren warns her that she’s condemning herself to an eternity of pain if she continues to abide by the contract as there’s no chance for them to ever be happy together and there might not be another opportunity for her to break free from it again. Y/N says that she can bear any amount of pain as long as he finds her in every life they lead; eren swears he will and she swears to always stay by his side, as long as she can
— they sit for a little while longer and contemplate things and wonder where they will go next; they end up hugging, Y/N asks if they can stay there together for a little while longer, to which Eren agrees and says there’s no rush
Hostis Humani Generis
— this fic was tough because the problem with Y/N Ackerman is that she was just too strong; several of the problems in canon simply wouldn’t have occurred if she was there
— most of the fic followed canon; jean had a crush on Y/N and mikasa liked eren, tullia reiss was in love with armin and he loved her as well (they had a relationship)
— the ackermans don’t have hosts but they are born with innate protective desires and wills to fight; they usually associate their desire with one person, hence the host misconception, as it’s usually someone who they have strong feelings for — for Y/N in this fic it was tullia reiss as Y/N was illiterate due to coming from the underground and tullia taught her how to read and write so that she wasn’t kicked out of the cadet corps
— right after trost, it’s revealed that levi is Y/N’s ‘brother’ (to the characters, obviously we as the readers know based on context clues), levi tells her that farlan and isabel are dead and that she should stop going by “Y/N Church” as that’s not really her last name and it’s okay to not have a last name as he doesn’t either
— post-stohess, Y/N sees eren and mikasa together right after he wakes up so she decides to leave the room as she believes eren deserves better than her and she thinks that eren and mikasa are in love (she knew that mikasa cared for eren since the cadet corp but didn’t think eren liked mikasa back until just then)
— during the scream scene, Y/N confesses all of her crimes — of which there are MANY because she was a little murderer in the underground — and tells him that she probably deserves to die for everything she’s done. Eren gets angry and tells her that she can’t die because she is the kind of person that will change the world someday. She is in disbelief, and he tells her that they will do it together before punching dina
— the only super notable thing that happens in the first half of season 3 is that Y/N sees Kenny again, revealing that he is her father (again, to the characters — it was obvious to the readers based on context clues) and finds out that she is an Ackerman as well as discovering that although levi isn’t her literal brother, he IS her biological cousin
— oh wait also tullia reiss is denied the throne in favor of historia because the military officials thought she would be too hard to control and she was too close to rod reiss as a child; they are afraid she will turn on them somehow
— during return to shiganshina and the conflict between choosing erwin and armin, Y/N gets into a fight with mikasa for pinning levi — she is loyal to her brother above all else and doesn’t give the others time to convince him to pick armin, leading to erwin being revived instead (i promise i don’t hate armin LMAOO idk why he dies in shiganshina in both fics)
— when zeke is trapped in the forest with levi, tullia somehow manages to inherit his titan, severely injuring levi in the process (he’s in a similar state as in canon); her beast titan has a deer-like form
— it turns out that Y/N, tullia, and eren have been planning to start the rumbling, and with tullia inheriting the beast from zeke, she fulfills the requirement of a royal-blooded titan. during the battle in shiganshina, Y/N manages to block gabi’s shot, so eren reaches tullia unharmed after she screams and they go into the paths and start the rumbling with 0 fuss
— Y/N wanted the rumbling because she didn’t want anything to hurt her brother or her friends, eren wanted it for freedom and safety for his friends and somewhat for himself?? and tullia wanted it to get revenge on the world for what they suffered and for what was taken from her (they are not meant to be seen as morally just reasons LMAO that’s just how they justify it to themselves)
— Y/N disappears at this point while the rest of the characters do what they did in canon
— when mikasa breaks into the mouth of eren’s titan, she finds Y/N is there waiting for her; once again, they get into a fight, which Y/N wins. Y/N taunts mikasa by reminding her of what happened in shiganshina and how Y/N won, how she will always win in any match between the two of them because she is stronger. She almost kills mikasa but at the last moment lets her go, remembering that they are sisters in a sense due to being from the same family
— once the rumbling is completed, the genocidal trio emerges and they are immediately punished for their crimes; eren is fed to reiner, tullia to erwin, and Y/N is locked away in prison for the rest of her life
— the epilogue is Y/N reflecting on her time in prison. She hasn’t spoken since the day that eren and tullia were executed — the only thing she does is sit in the jail cell and think. She remembers that reiner used to visit and sit with her in silence (likely because he had some sympathy for her) but he hadn’t come for some years; it’s implied that this is because his term ended and somebody else got his titans as the curse of ymir was not ended. Jean used to visit her due to being in love with her; his last visit is her telling her he married mikasa, and he never comes back afterwards. Connie occasionally comes just to yell at her.
— at one point, people trying to revive the jaegerist cause broke her out of prison in the hopes that she will help them overthrow the government and the monarchy, but all she did was sit in the grass until she was caught and sent back to the jail cell. she is very apathetic about life now that the rumbling is over and doesn’t seem to care about anything or react to anyone
— despite how many years it has been, levi has never visited Y/N. as she thinks that, the story returns to the present and levi appears in his wheelchair. he tells her that she looks awful and, in the first time in years, she speaks, begging him to kill her. he unlocks the door to her jail cell and enters it, she sits at his feet and lays her head in his lap like she used to when she was a child; beginning to cry, she asks him if he hates her now
— he tells her that although she might have been an enemy of humanity, she would always be his little sister. she closes her eyes and smiles slightly; he wipes away her tears and then stabs her in the back
— fun fact: Y/N escaped the underground because she wanted to see the sun; however, she spends the last few years and honestly probably the majority of her life in the dark/underground, even dying there. at least she had her brother in her final moments?? lol
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
okay iirc someone asked for the sparknotes version of eren’s all that a few days ago 😫 so sorry for the delay but here they (finally) are!!
— at the ski cabin, Y/N enjoys herself hanging out with her old friends. they’re all kind of weird about her relationship with eren (except Ymir who is oddly supportive) and aren’t the nicest to him. reiner and his friends keep pranking eren; halfway through the night, he says he’s going to leave. Y/N convinces him to stay and they sleep together (not sexually LMFAO they’re just in the same bed chilling), Y/N realizes that she actually likes him as more than just a bet prospect
— Historia and Reiner and basically everyone except Ymir tries to sabotage eren and Y/N’s relationship once they realize she actually likes him and isn’t just using him for the bet
— Y/N eventually loses her popularity and only has the “loser” group as her friends because she refuses to leave eren even though Ymir and Hitch said they’d cancel the bet; of the popular group, only Ymir is kinda friends with her but it’s less friendship and more she just really wants her to keep dating eren
— Y/N confronts historia for continuing to sabotage her and eren, historia says that it was because she has been in love with Y/N since they were kids (the whole fic was meant to be a subversion of the ‘mean bitchy popular girl’ trope)
— Ymir was on team Y/N x eren because she likes historia but knows that historia likes Y/N
— after historia confesses to Y/N, Ymir thinks that they will now date so she tells eren about the bet so that he breaks up with Y/N
— eren confronts Y/N in front of everyone and forces her to confess to it, which she eventually does. he is humiliated, but she gains back her lost popularity as people believe the entire relationship was for the bet
— reiner asks Y/N to prom; she has everything she wanted at the beginning of the story but she now realizes she was happier with eren and hanging out with the rest of the “loser group.” she rejects reiner and plans to go to prom alone
— although historia is initially happy that Y/N and eren broke up, she realizes that Y/N actually cared about eren. she feels bad because she doesn’t want Y/N to be sad, so she tricks eren into going to prom and meeting with Y/N, where Y/N confesses her true feelings and affirms that though things started because of the bet, it wasn’t all a lie
— they get back together, however while Y/N wins prom queen, reiner wins prom king due to eren’s fall from popularity after the bet was discovered. obv nobody cares and Y/N even says that since a bet is a bet, she’ll pay the price for losing
— the epilogue is them on their last day of high school. as the bell rings, Y/N takes off her dress and reveals a bathing suit underneath it, which was the consequence for losing the bet. they all run away from the principal and the school security guard, and once they are safe, the “loser group” + historia and Y/N go swimming together
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
Everyone else is sad about in chase of a mourning dove and swear and hostis humani generis but the fic I’m saddest about privating and not finishing is jaw 😭😭😭 reiner deserved better Fr also if I’m being honest I think that was the most creative canon universe plot I’ve ever come up with
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
finally made all of my unfinished aot fics private 😔✋🏻
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
Hiii!! I want to start off by saying that I love your work soooo much and I am truly amazed by your ability to create stories. You’re my #1 favourite writer.
I have a question concerning your private work. Do you plan on ever un-privating (??) them again? Please don’t feel pressured to answer or upload them again or anything 😭😭 I was just curious
I’m not sure!! For the moment I don’t plan on it because I don’t really plan on writing for them again and I don’t want people to think I will, but if I ever decide to update any of them I’ll def unprivate them. I also feel bad starting anything new when I have so many unfinished projects so I wanted to get them out of the way (kinda like spring cleaning lol).
Thank you for being so sweet and I hope that explains stuff a little better!! If you have any more questions definitely send another ask :)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
same anonn here but im also a levi stan and my friend said u had a levi book callled treacherous. but i cant find it. what happens in it and can we have spark notes of it
HI!! Yes I did have a levi book called treacherous I wrote it forever ago and it was indeed a victim of the great m1ckeyb3rry cleanse.
I wish I could give you a sparknotes but it was honestly just a very slice of life story. I forget what I had planned for the ending and there wasn’t much that happened in it besides them just relaxing honestly so I’m afraid a summary would be very boring to go through. I don’t mind unprivating it on ao3 for a bit if you would like to read it though just lmk.
Tell your friend I appreciate them reading my stories and telling you about them!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
🌫 i saw your tumblr update and ran to wattpad to see which fics were still up and thankfully sith is but i will forever miss in chase of a mourning dove 😭😭😭 it was my fav jjk fic even if it was still so early on in the story and the dynamic between them and direction of the story had me so excited the number of times i giggled and kicked my feet 💔💔 but ik having so many wips was probably stressful 💔 but even if i loved all your fics and i remember the times when you would update all those aot wips like a year ago but now i wouldn’t be upset with more sith lmaoo
SitH is going nowhere dw 😭😭😭 I’M SORRY ABT ICOAMD!! There was so much of the story left but I just could not bring myself to keep going with it so I privated it for the moment…maybe one day I’ll bring it back but idk we’ll see
The aot era will always be iconic but I really cannot handle that many wips tbh 😭 I might post something new so it might be more than just SitH getting updated but no promises…if there’s any characters or fandoms you want to see lmk and I’ll take it into consideration for sure!!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
omg chase of a mourning dove got privated </33 IM SO SAD
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
guys the chapter of hurricanes / hummingbirds I posted last night officially made my total word count on ao3 go over 1 million
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
mere days after the great m1ckeyb3rry cleanse I feel refreshed enough to write and post the first chapter of a new story that I’ve been wanting to work on for a bit
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
🌫 https://www.tumblr.com/m1ckeyb3rry/724497900968771584/mere-days-after-the-great-m1ckeyb3rry-cleanse-i OK THIS IS IT KASHIMO?? 😭😭 ALSO PLEASE POST THE SPARKNOTES OF THE ENDINGS I REALLY WANNA SEE HOW THEY WOULDVE ENDED
HAHAHA YES IT IS IN FACT KASHIMO I’m sorry I’m so bad about falling in love with random side characters it’s actually my fatal flaw 😭😭😭 I also just think it’s sooo much fun to write fics where I have to fill in a lot of the worldbuilding myself…as you can see with SitH and how many OCs I’ve made i prefer to use canon as a foundation upon which I can build stuff instead of a strict guideline to follow 😫 I know that’s probably annoying for a lot of people but it’s just my style and random characters (especially the ones that are also super cool looking) really facilitate that 😏
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