#the great awakening apush
I Never Told You What I Do...in general
A/N: It’s very me of me to come back out of.....everything with a very self-indulgent fic because of......normal teen problems? Anyways feel free to ask me my qualms about being ND and being jealous of people in relationships.Title is an MCR reference. Also yes this is accurate, I do in fact have an APUSH quiz tomorrow and I’m writing this instead of doing my reading.
Warnings: implied masturbation, mild suggestive jokes, a little test anxiety, making out, spoilers for the movie Spree
Tag List: @bisexualnathanyoung, @super-unpredictable98
“Luci, I literally came over to your house to study, and you did better than I did on the review. It’s literally history and you know how your dad is. You’ve got this.”
“I know, I just feel this....grossness in my chest about it,” he replies, fist on his chin. “Almost like-”
“You can’t breathe? Yeah, I know, that’s the inevitable test anxiety I’m afraid.” you reply, patting his hand. Lucien puts his hand over-top yours and gently rubs it. A rare smile pops up onto his face, one that goes up to his eyes.
“Thanks babe.”
The late bell rings, and the door to the classroom closes. The quiz papers are passed out, and before you know it, you’re 15 questions deep and writing down short answers. Across from you, Lucien’s leg is bobbing up and down, but his pencil is moving, and he seems to be on the last page of the test.
“Who were two writers who emerged from the Second Great Awakening? Explain one of the writer’s beliefs, and how they differed from initial American beliefs.”
  You read the question a few times before it processes in your mind, and you get to writing. “Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau; Thoreau wrote about how nature is a gateway to the greater individualism that secular utopian societies encouraged. America is known for it’s hive mindset, and the belief that nature is something to be connected to, rather than to exploit, directly opposes that.”
You move onto the next question, and before you know it, you’re on the last question of the quiz. Just as you finish it, a fire drill goes off. “Fire drill on a Friday, that’s odd.” you thought to yourself. You make your way out of the classroom door, and catch up to Lucien, who’s a few strides ahead of you.
“Hey Luci honey. How’re you liking the quiz?” you ask him, pinkie in his hand.
“It’s not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. The question about Joseph Smith almost threw me though.” he replied, letting out a huff of air.
The two of you make your way to the baseball field, and you stand in line in front of him. It’s a somewhat chilly day, with cirrus clouds dusting the sky, sun shining. A breeze makes it way into the field, forming goosebumps on your skin. Lucien notices and pulls you closer to him, breath dusting over your skin. You two sit there for a moment, and he holds out an earbud to you.
“You’ll never make me leave, I’ll wear this on my sleeve.
Give me a reason to believe.
So give me all your poison. And give me all your pills.
And give me all your hopeless hearts
And make me ill.”
You close your eyes, and remember the moment you looked at Lucien and went  “Yeah....he’s cool.”
 The first week of school was unnerving for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, new people after a while of being....not near them. Food, romance. “Ew, you thought to yourself.” The gas in your intestines did little to aid you either, but your “I only do every day once.” philosophy was the only thing keeping you from running out of the auditorium doors.
  You sit a chair away from the previous person, and put your head onto your binder, wishing that the day would pass as quickly as it came after open house. (Which you definitely almost didn’t have an anxiety attack at.) A person sits a chair away from you, and you reel at their appearance, and observe the way they slouch in the wooden chair, phone in hand, headphones in ear. Their hair is a pale grey, most of it shaved off.
“Nice outfit.” you reply, looking at his clunky boots with envy.
“Huh? Oh thanks, made it myself.”
You recognized him from the corner of your 1st and 5th period classes, which he usually didn’t actively participate in, giving a half-hearted “here” for attendance at “Bloodmarch”. This, however, was your first time properly speaking to him.
“Yeah, you kinda give off that punk-y vibe. That and I can hear you blasting My Chem from 2 seats over.”
“You listen to MCR?” he asks, earplug ripped from his ear. Nice helix piercing.
“I’m full of surprises man.”
He leans closer to you and begins a full conversation about the emo scene in the early 2000s, and you answer back enthusiastically. He seems really passionate about it, and even as the bell rings, you two keep chatting. “Oh my god, the things I would’ve done to be able to get tickets to Warped tour man.” “Same!! I was the size of a fucking banana at that point. I mentally attended it.”
First period passes in a flash, and Lucien pats your shoulder when you get up.
“We can keep talking at lunch. I have Bio for 4th period and I’ve seen you at lunch, so I think we’re set.” he says, voice slightly muffled by his mask.
“Cool! I’m right outside your class, if I have the teacher right, so it won’t be too much of a trek to get to you.”
You two wave goodbye and part ways, and for the first time in a long time, you find yourself hopeful to hang out with a real person.
As promised, you two talk at lunch, and chat on the way to 5th period, almost getting in trouble for giggling too loud at images of “pickle gerard”.
  The days pass by, and you find yourself looking forward to going to school because of Lucien, talking to him any moment you’re free. When fall break rolls around, he asked you to spend it with him.
“I’m seeing a movie on Saturday, Halloween Ends. You want to come with?” he asks, and you think “Oh fuck, is this a date? I’ve....never been on one. What in the hell do I expect-,”. Shelving that for another time, you agree.
“I’m going to the library first though. Is that cool with your dad?” you ask, skipping a song on a playlist.
“Oh yeah, definitely. He has this huge library in his house, but he loves watching movies, so he’s probably gonna pop in.”
You smile at that, and as 3:30 rolls around later in the day, you meet Lucien downstairs, and he checks his phone, replying to a message. You stand near him, and he grabs your hand, “My dad parks leagues away from where everyone else is, you’re uh....gonna need a guide.”
Lucien was a big fat liar.
His dad, Damien, was about 7 feet away from the entrance of the school, in full Victorian garb. He looks up from his own phone, and his face lights up at the sight of his son.
“Lucien my dear boy! How was your day?” he asks, bringing Lucien into a hug, kissing the top of his head. He grunted at the contact, but his shoulders slumped a few inches, melting into the touch of his dad.
“It was good, a little long because of the testing. But I got to skip 5th period which was a relief because I didn’t feel like shitting my pants (”Language!”) over another test.”
“Luci, that’s one of the 2 classes we share, do you secretly hate my guts?” you retort from behind him, a teasing look on your face. He chuckles and replies with “Only that you can be a real pain....and I hear your guts literally all the time.”
“Oh please, Lucien, I never make beans anymore because of the way the pillows are simply saturated with the flatulence you let out. Now, who’s this?” Damien asks, a hand on his son’s shoulder.
“Just three raccoons in a trenchcoat, sir.” you reply. he seems to push himself out a bit more at the word “sir”, a grin accompanying his face. You set your laptop bag down, and extending your hand for Mr. Bloodmarch to kiss, a custom Lucien reminded you of.
From behind Damien, you see Lucien tap his dad on the shoulder, whispering something in his ear, a blush creeping up his cheeks and neck.
“Oh! I’ve heard so much about you, dear. Lucien talks about you nonstop. He’s never been much of a chatterbox, but when it comes to you, he never seems to run out of words.” Damien said, smile stretching to his eyes, (”Just like Lucien’s.” you think to yourself.) He continues talking, much to Lucien’s display.
 As you walk to the car, Damien quiets a bit, trying to talk as the cars pass by. “I can’t walk, talk, and look for traffic. There’s going to be a smattering of dead vampire upon the pavement I’m afraid.” he jokes, opening the door for you.
“Guests get to pick the music.” Lucien explains as Damien hands you a few CDs, and turns the car on.
 The ride to the library was fairly short, and the three of you headed into the building, and split up. Lucien stopped off at the kid section “I do early childhood development internships, might as well read the source material.” and you and Damien walk up to the YA and Teen section, out of breath from the 4 story walk.
“Damn it, they don’t have Cinderella is Dead.” you mutter to yourself as you peruse through the shelves, pulling the books that catch your eye to the edge of the shelf.
Damien heads to the section you’re in, and gasps excitedly at the manga selection, almost immediately picking a few off the shelves.
“I bind my own fanfiction, you see. I find myself needing more of the main material, and well, here we are.” he explains quickly, finger tapping along the spines of a few copies of “Naruto”. “That may have been too much information.” he replies, looking away quickly.
“Oh no, you’re completely fine. Lucien’s told me about it. And about your home-library. From his description, it sounds absolutely magnificent.” you reply, and it’s clear he appreciates the compliment, as his eyes shine a bit brighter.
“Ah. A word about Lucien and your friendship. I mean not to meddle, but I really do think find that my son is fond of you. Quite fond. He talks about you constantly, dear.” he whispers, looking you in your eye.
“I um....thank you Mr. Bloodmarch. I’m also fond of him. I really enjoy his company. He’s really nice to me, and keeps me sane at school. But you’ve probably heard all that by now.”
“Oh no, I find it interesting. But I do implore you to tell my son these things as well. I fear he may go mad from the times you’ve asked to borrow a pencil, or shared your lunch with him.” he laughs, awaiting an answer.
“I’ll keep that in mind this weekend. Thank you for letting me know.”
 The two of you head over to the DVD section, and at the sight of “Spree” you gasp loudly and snatch it from the shelf, cradling it to your torso. The rest of the searching is much less exciting, and you pick a few other things. Lucien meets the two of you downstairs, and you check out.
“Vegetarian lasagna is on the menu for tonight, dear, I hope you’re not allergic to eggplant.” Damien says, over the notes of Mitski playing from the stereo.
“That’s fine by me!”
  The evening passes by quickly, and you prepare your sleepover with Lucien, plugging spree into Damien’s large television in the sitting room, and devouring your bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. “I’m the only one who eats it, Lucien thinks it tastes of um, toothpaste and shit, I’m afraid.” You laugh at that, and as Kurt meets his demise, you feel yourself slipping into the warmth of sleep, Lucien’s shoulder serving as your pillow.
  You wake up the next morning in the guest room, and to the smell of pancakes and vegan sausage. Lucien’s even cuter when he first wakes up, you find, as his hair is a mess (and wavy!), and his low voice dips even deeper, reaching molasses territory with how he seems to trap you in his mumbled greeting. I could get used to this, you think, as you dig into your breakfast.
The rest of the weekend passes without a sitch, save for Lucien’s hand touching yours in the too-salty, but so delicious popcorn. You two discuss the movie afterwards, but not before Lucien confesses to you.
“I uh...like you a lot. And I kinda want you to be my partner...or girlfriend....whatever makes you more comfortable.” he mumbles, blush up to his forehead and ears.
“I’d like that a lot Luce....I’d like that a hell of a lot.”
Damien picks you two up, pinkies touching, and he almost cheers from the front seat. (”Finally! Your friends to lovers has been achieved!!!”) You’re pooped by the time you get home, but not pooped enough to neglect yourself of fantasies you’ve held off on thinking about, which may now become a reality.
You snap back to reality, and Lucien is still chilling on your neck, his arms wrapped around your form. He hums into your neck (albeit uncomfortable, he’s quite tall and gangly, but not immune to achy bones). The all clear is given for the fire drill, and the intercom comes on to alert everyone to grab their things and report to their 6th period classes.
  Lucien hugs you goodbye “See ya at 3:30.” he says, and you head to class, a smile on your face. A lab follows a costing quiz, and you save some of the leftovers for Lucien, who never denies food. “You cooked it babe, even if other people are helped. I’ll gobble it and you down any day of the week.” He, once again, meets you downstairs, and kisses you on the cheek, checking your weekend plans once more.
“Ok so we’re watching The Menu on Saturday, 7pm showing and you’re spending the night, right?” he clarifies, texting the information to Damien, regardless of him being 10 feet away in his car.
“Yeah, that’s good.” you say, feet cracking at the fixed position they’d been in from the day.
  At home, you quickly shower, then proceed to lock your door, and collapse into bed. “Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.” you mutter to yourself, slipping a hand past your sleep pants.
The next day arrives, and you spend most of the day pottering around and getting chores done. Once the clock hits 5:30, you head to the bathroom, and freshen up, and put on something other than night-clothes.
“Got your sleep-clothes, phone, charger, money?” your mom asks.
“Pocket knife, just in case.”
“Um...we’ll come back to that, but I do have two shoes and two iron fists, so I’m sure that counts for something.”
You arrive at the movie theater and get dropped off at the front entrance. Lucien spots you once you’re inside the building, and gives you another kiss on the cheek.
“You ready to get spooked baby?” he asks, hand entwined in yours.
“Hell yeah I am.”
As the movie shows, Lucien begins shifting more and more towards you, even at one point turning his head into your shoulder, a small scream exiting his mouth.
“Like father like son, huh?”
“Shut. Up.” Lucien states, nuzzling his face into your arm. He stays like that for the remainder of the movie, jumping here and there. Once it ends, he slowly gets up, and keeps you at his side “Just in case any creepy chef tries to threaten me.”
Damien’s waiting at the entrance, and noogies his son, who begrudgingly accepts it. “How was the movie, kids?”
“It was good. Nice and spooky. I wonder if I’ll have enough money to get invited to a murderous dinner...like Clue.” Lucien chuckles at that, and kisses your hand, quieting down on the ride back home.
“Alright so, I’ll be out tonight and part of tomorrow morning. I’ll be with Hugo, as he invited me to a wrestling match, and I’d hate to turn him down. I expect the house not to be on fire, no babies running around....and please eat some real food while I’m gone.” he states, spinning his keys in his hand.
“Mhm!” “Yes, dad!” you two reply, Lucien already heading up the stairs with you in tow.
“I mean it, you better be using protection Lucien, you know where the condoms are!” he shouts, hand cupped around his mouth.
“YES, DAD!” he yells back, red flushed with embarrassment.
He takes you up to his room, and flops down onto his bed, springs creaking. He beckons you with his hand, and you sit across from him, heads almost touching.
“So uh....what do you want to do?” he asks, brown eyes shining in the moonlight let in by his curtains.
“Get these movie germs off first. But after that....I think I want to make out with my boyfriend and watch shitty horror movies.” you reply, sitting up to look him in the eye.
“Sounds like a plan.”
True to your word, as soon as you get out of Lucien’s bathroom, you sit next to him, and he smiles at you, putting his phone facedown on his nightstand. Lucien gently kisses you, hand cupping your jaw. He stays like that for a few moments before moving down to your neck, gently nipping the skin there. 
  His hand drifts down to your waist, and lifts part of your shirt up, rubbing circles and invisible shapes into the flesh. Your hands tangle into his hair, and play with the few inches of hair on the nape of his neck, gently pulling at it. A quiet noise escapes his lips when you accidentally brush against his lap, breaking away to apologize.
“No no no, you’re good. Just...sensitive is all.” he admits, kiss-swollen lips upturned into a shy grin.
“Just kiss me again, Luci.”
“Yes ma’am.” he replies.
  The rest of the night is spent in intervals of kissing, with the promised shitty horror movies (”HOW DARE YOU CALL KRAMPUS SHITTY!”) playing in the background. He makes you both sandwiches after you separately...finish in his bathroom, and you cuddle up close to him as the opening sequence of “The Addams Family Values” plays.
“Yeah....I could get used to this.” you think again, as you fall asleep at Lucien’s side, face mashed against his chest.
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What are the Benefits of Being Open Minded ?
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What are the Benefits of Being Open-Minded, especially in times of change?
When we talk about being open-minded, there are different images that show up for different people.  Our perspectives have a lot to do with what we expect from open-minded people.  Being open-minded is usually thought of as a good trait to have.  However the idea of being easy and having no morals has also been attached to the term, "open-minded". 
Most of us that are open-minded do feel that it is a good talent to possess.  Open-Mindfulness offers opportunities that those that move easily into being "outside-the-box folks"  can use to move away from depression, and disillusionment.  An open-minded person can sometimes see the bright spot even in some unhappy situations.  Unhappy situations can be turned into new opportunities by a truly open-minded person that can recognize the lesson and learn from the situation.  
The following information comes from an article entitled:  "How To Be Open-Minded" from verywellmind.com.
The article is really informative and even provides us information about how we can be more open-minded.  We live in a changing world.  The old systems, ideas and philosophies no longer represent what people want in their lives.  When changes begin occurring, we all need to find ways to adjust.  Being an open-minded individual can help you move through difficult changes with positive ideas,  for productive changes, for our personal futures, and society's future, as a whole.  We can find the answers together with new perspectives that bring empathy to the table, along with experience, creativity, and desire for better outcomes.
The article give us so much information; I do hope you will read it.  I found the information about the "Benefits of Being Open-Minded" interesting enough to share with you here.
"The Benefits of Being Open-Minded"
"Being more open-minded means enjoying some useful and powerful benefits. Open-mindedness helps you:
Gain insight. Challenging your existing beliefs and considering new ideas can give you fresh insights about the world and also teach you new things about yourself.
Have new experiences. Being open to other ideas can also open you up to new experiences.
Achieve personal growth. Keeping an open mind can help you grow as a person. You learn new things about the world and the people around you.
Become mentally strong. Staying open to new ideas and experiences can help you become a stronger, more vibrant person. Your experiences and knowledge continue to build on one another.
Feel more optimistic. One of the problems with staying closed-minded is that it often leads to a greater sense of negativity. Being open can help inspire a more optimistic attitude toward life and the future.
Learn new things. It’s hard to keep learning when you surround yourself with the same old ideas. Pushing your boundaries and reaching out to people with different perspectives and experiences can help keep your mind fresh."
Changes in our lives can be disturbing and even catastrophic.  Finding our balance when experiencing change, is crucial.  Find out how you can move through these changes easier and with more conscious awareness of your decision-making moments.  Be sure to check out the article and see if there is information you can use.  Our lives are different now just through experiencing this one year.  Learning to move through times of change is important.  Order out of chaos, brings new opportunities and a chance for us to create new solutions to some of or old problems, plus find answers for many of the new problems we are facing.
Stay strong and stay focused on a new and more directed future for all of us ahead. 
Our Consciousness matters.  We can be The Change We Want To See In The World.
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Thank you for reading & Thank you for sharing.
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alliluyevas · 2 years
ok i’m going to expand on my thoughts re: the oversimplification of jacksonian era in apush/us history curricula in the us!
i think you’re TOTALLY right that there is SO much interesting stuff that happens in like 1825-1860 but that the way the curriculum is taught is just BAD like thinking about the second great awakening and abolition movements and populism and all this stuff that is so cool in history! but it’s taught SO badly and is so dry that it’s always framed as the lead up to the civil war like you said which i think does a disservice to the way we see american history particularly such a pivotal few decades???
but also i understand how difficult it is to condense all of american history into like 9 months and you kinda HAVE to teach a highlights reel? but i just wish there was a way to teach that era that reminded kids of how interesting it was!!!! that would inspire them to learn more about it!!!!
literally!!! and like I am a huge proponent of using primary sources and cultural history/daily life stuff in history curriculums even with k-12 kids because i personally am very much a cultural/social historian lol and also i think it's more accessible/relatable to a lot of kids
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mzashleypie · 4 years
I’m working on typing up my high school notes from APUSH and a few other subjects. Notes so far go through The Great Awakening and I’ll try and stay at least 2 months ahead of the curriculum with my notes. If you need any help with any topic in particular, feel free to let me know at [email protected]
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finmoryo · 4 years
I may not know much about the Second Great Awakening or movements in the 1800s, but I do know very much about Manifest Destiny. This is directed at last year’s APUSH test. I got a 4 because I can talk for a long time about westward expansion.
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sphoricus · 3 years
“SpongeBob was the Fifth Great Awakening.”
-An APUSH classmate
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optomstudies · 7 years
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22.11.17 Day 1 Post-Orals 🥂
A little past tidbit so my followers can get to know me a little better, and hopefully find me a bit more approachable and ask me lots of questions!! :D
How do you guys spend your days after finishing your exams? :) The day after exams, I actually woke up at 6am, had a glass of water, and then promptly decided that the first thing I would do with my new found freedom was to sleep in #studyblrsgetreal. Sleeping is just as productive as anything post-exams; I totally channel Yoongi. As always, I had a vivid dream, this time about a date fishing at the harbour...? Keep reading below for the blog post!
20/11 Advice: Art School vs. College 🎨 19/11 Exam Study Tips 💯 15/11 Digital Organisation System 💻 14/11 Library Adventures! 📚 11/11 Budgeting for Students 🏦
None of my dreams actually make sense, the person I’m interacting will always change halfway through and I won’t notice until I wake up, and often I’ll go anywhere from slapping to hugging the person-in-question, meaning I get subject to a barrage of confusion when I awaken. I love it anyway, it’s just a fun experience every time I go to bed. I’ve also been told I speak whilst sleeping, and I recently was in a semi-awake state and remember shouting “why did you put the poster in the water?!”, though I don’t remember what would give me cause to shout that xD
I headed out without much makeup to catch up with two groups of friends that day. I did wear like a super cute outfit though (I love princess highway - navy version of this dress + peach cardigan with embroidered flowers around the top)! Normally I just like to wear it as a celebration for myself, but my skin’s been really dry because I haven’t been moisturising (today I did a face mask and all though :)). We ate at the Weston Eatery (aesthetic, delicious and great value), had some great pork belly, got shouted (hey I’ve always wondered, is this an Australian-only slang? It’s a phrase for when you pay for someone else’s meal. Maybe one of my American followers can let me know) some nutella french toast croissants because my friend happened to know the chef, and then went window shopping afterwards.
Then I finally caught up with my high school besties which I haven’t seen for at least 6 months (or was it 12?)! Felt like we didn’t have enough time to talk about things even when we went to eat at Encasa (first time trying Spanish food, it was great!), Koi Dessert Cafe (missed out on the fruit replica cakes sadly) and finally wound up chatting until 10pm at the Maccas in the city. Totally just crashed in bed from how tired I was the past two nights.
My study tips directory (web only) for the full list (over 60+ original posts/guides!)
10/11 How to Deal with Leeches 🐛 08/11 Extra-Curriculars Tips 🤹 07/11 More Handwriting Tips ✍️ 07/11 APUSH Masterpost 🤠 07/11 How Your ATAR is Calculated 💯 06/11 Memorising Tips 💭 05/11 Med Interview Tips 👩‍⚕️ 04/11 Reading a Scientific Journal Article 📜 02/11 Tips: Tackling Assignments while Sick 🤒 30/10 Tips for Writing Faster 🖊️ 29/10 Self Study Tips 📔 26/10 Staying Productive No Matter How Much Time You Have 🕖 23/10 Studying When You’re Sick 😷 22/10 Interview Tips 👔 20/10 Studying with the Cornell Method 📝 18/10 High School vs. University 🏫 18/10 Chasing Dreams 💫 or Income 💸 17/10 Public Speaking Tips 🎤 17/10 Studying In Noisy Places
Part 0 Choosing a Degree > Things to Consider Before Switching Degrees! > Changing Degrees Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Getting to Class > Laptop Considerations and Recommendations
Part 3 Studying Part 4 Extra-Curriculars Part 5 Exams 
Part 6 Social Life Part 7 Part Time Work 
Part 8 Four Secrets The Uni Tells You
Part 9 Best Study Spots On Campus
Part 10 Saving Money 1 - Food, Transport, Entertainment
Part 10 Saving Money 2 - Textbooks, Tax, Scholarships
Part 11 Adapting to Uni Study popular!!
Part 12 How to Study From Textbooks in Uni
Part 13 Dealing with Lazy Group Members popular!!
Weekly Planner Printable with Extra Space for Sat/Sun  popular!!
Overcoming the Planning Fallacy
Study Spaces Masterpost
Studying and your Visual System
Catching Up with Your Studies  popular!!
Sleeping and Waking Up Early  popular!!
My 2017 Planner and Bullet Journal  popular!!
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glacecakes · 7 years
Did you take the AP euro test? Are those scores up? Or was it a different AP test you got your score for?
I took APUSH. the DBQ was the fucking 2nd great awakening and that's probably what got me a 3 instead of a 4. Bleh.
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twow · 7 years
I saw your post about study guides for apush and I don't have one either (kinda sucky teacher) but I find that crash course helps. There's like 50 vids
yeah crash course is great but it's hard to keep up with john green a lot because he goes so fast. thanks for the advice tho! i got a 5 on the practice test we did for our final in class thanks to crash course but I still have a lot of blind spots i need to study i.e. the antebellum period, the great awakenings, differences between presidencies (they tend to run together in my mind), and colonies in the 1500-1700s. a lot of the history runs together and it's hard for me to differentiate at times so i need to study details and stuff, but lucky a few nice people have sent me study material. Thanks!!
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