#the governor (🤮🤮🤮)
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t0omanyfandoms · 10 months ago
Gotta love how in season 3 episode 13 (Arrow on the Doorpost) they made the guy with one leg (Hershel) the get away driver
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theworldisyonces · 2 years ago
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The Renaissance World Tour: Show 30 - Ford Field Stadium - Detroit, Michigan (7/26/23).
Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, welcomed Beyoncé and her Renaissance World Tour to Detroit. I think the video was clever (her using Beyoncé song names), but the way she kept pronouncing Beyoncé as BAYONCÉ, is killing me!!! It’s pronounced Beyoncé (bee-yawn-say) not (bay-yawn-say). Hearing it said the wrong way is like nails on a chalkboard for me. 😖😷🤕🤧🤮😅😂🙃
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mongowheelie · 8 months ago
I found this on NewsBreak: Ron DeSantis Stops Florida Beaches Closing Amid 'Fecal Pollution' Warnings
I found this on NewsBreak: Ron DeSantis Stops Florida Beaches Closing Amid 'Fecal Pollution' Warnings
Welcome to Florida! 🤮🤮🤮💩💩💩
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years ago
It's difficult to be a warmonger when war may come in your own home.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🌸 Chi segue il Collettivo Shaoshan da tempo conosce bene la Questione di Okinawa, e sa che - qualora le contraddizioni tra Cina e USA si esacerbassero fino ad un punto di non ritorno - la Prefettura di Okinawa, in perfetto stile statunitense da "guerra per procura", potrebbe diventare un Teatro di Battaglia con l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione 🌟
⚪️ Per chi non ne sapesse nulla, è consigliato leggere i post qui sotto per comprendere al meglio la questione:
▶️ Tensioni tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e il Giappone Neo-Militarista: Questione di Okinawa, intensificazione dell'attività di intelligence e ricognizione dell'EPL nell'Area di Okinawa, traversate del Gruppo d'Attacco della Portaerei "Liaoning", invio del "Drago Volante" e del BZK-005/007 oltre lo Stretto di Miyako: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII ◀️
🤔 La vera domanda è: la popolazione di Okinawa ha realmente voglia di impelagarsi in una guerra con la Cina su richiesta delle tigri di carta statunitensi? ⚪️
🤡 Un funzionario del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, da vero traditore, ha dichiarato che il dispiegamento di truppe USA a Okinawa «è fondamentale per la sopravvivenza di Taiwan», vd: distruzione di Taiwan, come spiegato bene da Yok Mu-ming 🐲
🤔 Tuttavia, non è dello stesso avviso Denny Tamaki, Governatore della Prefettura di Okinawa, che ha dichiarato di voler costruire legami con la Cina, respingendo pubblicamente le affermazioni anti-Cinesi di Kishida sulla Questione di Taiwan, che rappresentano l'ennesima interferenza dei lacchè statunitensi negli affari interni della Cina
📊 Circa il 70% delle basi militari USA in Giappone si trova ad Okinawa. Residenti e politici locali, incluso Tamaki, si sono lamentati degli abusi sessuali commessi dai soldati USA, dell'inquinamento e dell'utilizzo di suolo Giapponese da parte delle tigri di carta americane 🇺🇸
🇯🇵 Tamaki, dunque, si è recato in Cina, per cercare di rafforzare i legami economici e culturali tra Giappone e Cina, e ha visitato sia Pechino che la Provincia del Fujian 🇨🇳
🐰 Questo non significa che, qualora scoppiasse un conflitto, e i militaristi giapponesi decidessero di intervenire, Okinawa si ritirerebbe dalla guerra, catturando le basi USA sul suo territorio, ma è un manifesto ben preciso di come persino all'interno dell'alleato Asiatico più subalterno agli USA ci siano figure contrarie ad una violenta guerra 🤔
🤮 Intanto, il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, guidato dai traditori, vendipatria e molestatori sessuali del DPP, chiedono un sempre maggiore apporto del Giappone alla disgustosa coalizione anti-RPC 😡
🤧 Il Giappone, invece di prostituirsi sempre di più di fronte agli USA, dovrebbe ricordarsi che è un Paese Asiatico, e dovrebbe riflettere sulla sua lunga storia di aggressioni prima di interferire nella Questione della Riunificazione Cinese 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🌸 Those who have been following the Shaoshan Collective for a long time know the Okinawa issue well, and know that - should the contradictions between China and the USA exacerbate to a point of no return - Okinawa Prefecture, in perfect US "proxy war" style ", could become a Theater of Battle with the People's Liberation Army 🌟
⚪️ For those who don't know anything about it, it is recommended to read the posts below to better understand the issue:
▶️ Tensions between the PRC and Neo-Militarist Japan: Okinawa Issue, intensification of PLA intelligence and reconnaissance activity in the Okinawa Area, crossings of the "Liaoning" Aircraft Carrier Strike Group, sending of the " Flying Dragon" and BZK-005/007 beyond Miyako Strait: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII ◀️
🤔 The real question is, do the people of Okinawa really want to engage in a war with China at the behest of US paper tigers? ⚪️
🤡 An official of the Taiwan puppet regime, as a true traitor, declared that the deployment of US troops in Okinawa "is essential for the survival of Taiwan", see: destruction of Taiwan, as well explained by Yok Mu-ming 🐲
🤔 However, Denny Tamaki, Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, is not of the same opinion, who has declared that he wants to build ties with China, publicly rejecting Kishida's anti-Chinese statements on the Taiwan issue, which represent yet another interference by lackeys US in China's internal affairs
📊 Approximately 70% of US military bases in Japan are located in Okinawa. Local residents and politicians, including Tamaki, have complained about sexual abuse by US soldiers, pollution, and the use of Japanese land by American paper tigers 🇺🇸
🇯🇵 Tamaki, therefore, went to China, to try to strengthen the economic and cultural ties between Japan and China, and visited both Beijing and Fujian Province 🇨🇳
🐰 This does not mean that, should a conflict break out, and the Japanese militarists decide to intervene, Okinawa would withdraw from the war, capturing the US bases on its territory, but it is a precise manifesto of how even within the most subordinate Asian ally of the USA there are figures against a violent war 🤔
🤮 Meanwhile, Taiwan's puppet regime, led by the DPP's traitors, sellouts, and sex offenders, is demanding more and more Japan's contribution to the disgusting anti-PRC coalition 😡
🤧 Japan, instead of prostituting itself more and more in front of the US, should remember that it is an Asian country and should reflect on its long history of aggression before interfering in the Chinese Reunification Issue 🇨🇳
��� Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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conniejoworld · 2 years ago
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pscottm · 2 years ago
Wisconsin Republicans Stand on the Verge of Total, Veto-Proof Power - The New York Times
“If Wisconsin Democrats lose several low-budget state legislative contests here on Tuesday — which appears increasingly likely because of new and even more gerrymandered political maps — it may not matter who wins the $114 million tossup contest for governor between Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, and Tim Michels, a Republican. Those northern seats would put Republicans in reach of veto-proof supermajorities that would render a Democratic governor functionally irrelevant.”
“Even though Wisconsin remains a 50-50 state in statewide elections, Democrats would be on the verge of obsolescence.”
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batekush · 3 years ago
Once I was kinda stoned (and ovulating) reading some news and saw a pic of my governor next to some white man and thought damn he’s kinda hot….and then I read the caption and realized the white man was in fact 🤢 Seth Rogen 🤮
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tristikov · 3 years ago
Quick update, be sure to listen if you’re a Mass. resident!
Also, Maura Healey is apparently running for governor now 🤮 (Shannon Liss-Riordan, one of the candidates running for AG has argued for repealing 2A).
More info here: https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2022/01/25/massachusetts-ag-candidate-wants-2nd-amendment-repealed-n54791
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crownofstardustandbone · 3 years ago
Waking up to find out that the Republican candidate for governor in my state got elected 🤢🤮
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conniejoworld · 3 years ago
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jesusatmysix · 3 years ago
I got revved as usual tonight upon arriving at my sleep area. Actually, I was singing praise and worship songs. Murderers hate it! They can't mind their own fucking business, so that need to control any miniscule thing becomes and over whelming burden. So they bully me! They shut my phone down and stared revving me.
If course they're still circling. One dimwit rode pass making a video from wayyy across the street. Why do you need the light on your phone from that distance as light as it is out here?
So, good job governor!
So, anyway! I was out Scottsdale. There were these guys video recording the skateboarder. I looked, here comes my two ducks that I feed out there, waddling across the plaza. They ate, and rested..... until this heathen kid came and chased them. Why do kids love chasing birds. I can remember chasing pigeons when I was two or three.
Anderson security just parked. Guess he came to see what Im texting. 🤮
After I posted this, the idiot that believes himself to be their god, drove pass. Shiny black Charger with the arched rear lights. And this other female rodent in a white car that I've numerous times (just) revved. I thought leaders were suppose to good looking, not butt ugly. Yeah, they're stirring. Hope they awaken all if Rio PARASIDIO......
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tehuti88-art · 4 years ago
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6/5/21: Thanks to some schmuck who knocked down our cable, we were without both TV AND Internet for two days. 😩 And ugh the horrible crap the Republicans (and Manchin, basically also a Republican) have managed to pull in that time alone when we were without news. I genuinely fear I'm witnessing the end of our democracy as I long ago learned it existed in school and the Democrats are pretty much doing nothing but constantly tweeting that we need to end the filibuster and pass the voting rights act. Yeah geniuses, WE DID OUR PART, NOW YOU DO YOURS. Last I knew, people like me didn't have the power to end the filibuster or pass things into law, in fact we probably won't even have the ability to VOTE soon enough if the people we voted for don't get their **** together. 🙄
(I considered myself moderate-left around election time. I'd get annoyed whenever the progressives argued with the regular liberals and wished they'd work together. Now I think I've been pushed much further to the left and finally understand where the progressives are coming from and UGH SOMEBODY JUST DO SOMETHING. 🤬 )
And this was my first time ever voting, too. Did you know Trumpsters are even trying to get an audit of the machines here in my dinky northern Michigan county?--we made national news. MY dinky hick county which even voted for Trump by about 2/3. HE WON HERE. YET THEY STILL WANT AN AUDIT. Anything to throw out legit votes, huh, PARTY OF LAW & ORDER...?
Anyway...I'm feeling quite down about all this and wish I had any reason left to hope, but thanks to Joe "Hey I'm Pretty Much A Republican, Herp-Derp" Manchin and Kyrsten "I Can't Even Be Bothered To Show Up For Work 🤪" Sinema, I don't really have any left. Go figure, my first time voting and this trash party is going to nullify it one way or another and the other party's going to let them. -_- While offline and without all this awful news I tried to keep myself busy making brushes...here's one, which reminds me of a bathroom pouf. I remember needing to buy a new pouf at the start of the pandemic and wondering if that part of the store would still be open or not. Remember those days? When our governor did make some missteps trying to keep us safe because the Trash-In-Chief at the time couldn't be bothered and just left the states to fend for themselves, at least until they actually began to act, at which point oh suddenly it was "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!!" and all the self-reliant, "We-don't-need-no-gub'mint help" types couldn't stop crying about how badly they needed haircuts and house paint RIGHT that minute, how about we kidnap and murder the governor...? Yeah, I remember, too.
Sorry. More brushes and less political ranting to come in a few.
EDIT, yuck, right after I posted this, a blog full of rightwing hate appeared in my recommended feed. WTF, Tumblr?? Vile! 🤮
[Pouf Brush [‎Saturday, ‎June ‎5, ‎2021, ‏‎12:02:30 AM]]
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jesusatmysix · 3 years ago
So You Think You're In A Struggle.....?
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Well, someone must have read my post about the dumbasses riding pass with their radios blasting to this retarded racist Mexican that just rode by. Although some are American educated, most are American illiterate and have very little English comprehensive skills. This is the only place in America where you can press a button to cross the street and the traffic lights turn four different colours at one time. White people train dumb ass Mexicans to do shit, and very little here works properly.
Whole damn valley is turning into a junk yard. They even have the WalMart's looking like third world ramage sales.
Yeah, you coward's can dish out your bullshit. But I speak the truth! Pretty soon this entire Valley will look like a LA barrio. With little nasty dirty 100lb two and three year olds running around with dirty faces and runny noses. It's almost like Ted Cruz is governor. 🤮
Can you take it?
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comeonamericawakeup · 3 years ago
Prick Scott is another asshole from Florida. C’mon Florida. You can do better. You must do better. You elected him governor twice, despite his criminal background! And then sent him to the Senate.
Arrogant bastard Prick Scott made a revenge video in which a narrator id’s and shames the woman who confronted him. Republikkkans are so insidiously smug it’s nauseating.
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universe-punk · 5 years ago
I'd like to add a few notes to this.
· Trump was caught with the smoking gun and Republicans in the House offered really no defense or anything of substance. They just attacked the process from any which way they thought might work.
· House Intelligence committee minority leader Devin Nunes (R) was actually also found to have been involved in the president's little corruption game with Ukraine via phone records and has absolutely no defense as to why.
· Deflection seems like the primary tactic for the GOP regarding this case. They argue constantly that they want the whistle blower to be revealed and also wanted to question him/her DESPITE the fact that about 17 other witnesses, many if not all, in Trump's own administration have testified and corroborated the whistle blower's claims. The whistle blower is irrelevant at this point.
· Republicans have been placed on official record to not have broken rank by voting against impeachment in the House despite all the evidence presented. They didn't even seem to want to admit Trump did anything wrong.
· Keep in mind that Trump's support in the Republican party hasn't really gone down thanks to the evidence pitted against him. However, it should be noted that he campaigned for a few GOP candidates in red states this year and 2/3 of them lost even with his visits and rallies. Not to mention under his administration, the House was taken back and we wound up with the most diverse HOR in history that gave rise to amazing congressmen speaking for the American people. At every turn since he was elected, there has been MASSIVE voter blowback against him, so people apparently are paying attention and voting, but the governor's race here in Louisiana where Trump campaigned was waaaaay too close and his candidate almost won. So more people need to get out and vote! Talk to the people you know. I know politics are not everyone's forte, but it's so important you convince your friends and family to vote (especially if you think or know they're more left leaning).
Here are the benefits and issues to Nancy's ploy.
Benefit is that Trump cannot be acquitted.
Issue is that no one can be sure if/when Nancy might submit the articles to the Senate. She could hold them indefinitely, or she could attack her own party and submit them close to the primary voting date. If she were to do this, more progressive presedential candidates like Warren and Sanders🇺🇸 (who are senators) would have to come off the campaign trail to attend the trial, and this would hurt their campaigns. A more center leaning candidate like Biden🤢 or Buttigieg🤮 could steal the show and win the Democratic nomination (effectively reassuring Trump's win in 2020).
Let me tell you why Nancy would do something like this: *clears throat* she'd rather LOSE to Trump in 2020 than WIN with Bernie.
Why, you might ask?
Because Bernie would actually drain the swamp and make changes to politics to benefit the American people. Also, he has a YUGE chance of winning despite what national polling says. Nancy has a lot of big donors who dictate her political positions and what she allows to be voted on in the House. Medicare for All (single payer government provided health/medical insurance) is massively popular among the Democratic base, but she will not allow a vote on it and is dismissive of it in general because she is bought by the medical insurance special interests among other big money interests, no doubt. If Bernie wins, it's bye bye donors, meaning she'd sort of have to play in favor of her actual constituents. If Trump wins 2020, nothing changes. She already admitted he was great for fundraising. Why would she want to jeopardize that and lose her donations bribes?
Understand that voting in 2020 and paying attention going forward to elected officials is CRITICAL to what this country becomes. Please don't sit by and let our lives be dictated by corrupt and bankrolled officials.
Democrats: alright we finally did it, Trumps been impeached. Time for a trial in the-
Republicans: lol yeah about that trial. It’s not gonna be fair or anything, we’ve already made up our minds and there’s gonna be like, 0 witnesses
Democrats: oh? Ok then. If that’s the case then I guess we’ll just hold on to these *pockets articles of impeachment*
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denverfarmboy · 5 years ago
This happened in Indianapolis! VP Mike Pence’s home state...where he was Governor 🙄 surprise, surprise, No surprise 🤢🤮
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