#the globalists are demons
awesomecooperlove · 2 years
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dosesofcommonsense · 2 months
Putin: “The West are engaged in satanism.”
Also the West: from the 2024 Paris Olympics…
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
[[Muse's discography but it's just Kiba mood lyrics ]]
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gemstarb · 1 year
Mom Explains What It Took to Rescue Daughter From Transgenderism
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Some antisemitic dog whistles to watch out for
Because overtly hostile antisemitism is difficult to sell to people, and because it often gets people banned from media platforms, conspiracy theorists rely on other terms to get their ideas across.
Note that people will sometimes use these terms without understanding their connections to far right conspiracy theories, and some of them have legitimate uses outside of far right conspiracy theories. Don't assume that everyone who uses them is a secret Nazi or something. However, do pay close attention to what else they're saying and who they're getting their info from.
Banker/International banker: references the conspiracy theory that Jews control the banks.
Cabal/Kabbalists: references the belief that the Jewish conspirators are into Kabbalah (which is sometimes claimed to be satanic).
Globalists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews are working to create a one world order.
Talmudists: Literally just means Jews.
Marxists/Cultural Marxists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews created communism.
Leftists: references the conspiracy theory that progressive/leftist politics are a Jewish conspiracy.
The elite/elite bloodlines: references the conspiracy theory that most wealthy/ruling families have Jewish blood.
Khazars/Khazarian mafia: references a debunked hypothesis-turned-conspiracy theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of Khazars who converted to Judaism. (Conspiracy theorists often claim that this means Ashkenazi Jews aren't "real" Jews - which is nonsense from every angle because Judaism does not measure Jewishness through genetics.)
Generational Satanists: references the 13 Illuminati bloodlines conspiracy theory, which is basically a knockoff of the material in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion combined with blood libel and the anti-Catholic conspiracy theories of Alexander Hislop. Conspiracy theorists often claim that it isn't about Jews, it's about powerful families who sometimes just happen to be Jews, but like... c'mon, it's an obvious Protocols/blood libel knockoff that also happens to demonize a few more people. You're not slick.
Lizard people: references David Icke's assertion that the world is under the control of blood-drinking reptilian aliens who created Judaism to enslave humanity. Some people literally believe in Icke's lizard aliens; some just use the term as a dog whistle for regular Jews.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
for a long time — too long — many Americans thought this would never happen. They’d look at those other forms of collapse, and if they were thoughtful and sane people, sympathize, perhaps — but these forms of collapse didn’t always hit home. Many remained insulated from them. If you were a Boomer living the Dream — sure, you might see these forms of collapse, but you weren’t really living them. These forms of collapse “came for,” as we say, society’s most powerless groups first. Immigrants, refugees. It was bad if Trump was demonizing Mexicans — but hey, did it really affect me? Not that much, perhaps. But now? Americans are being affected en masse, for the first time, by authoritarian collapse. Now, it’s everyday Americans who never thought it would get this bad — squarely in the crosshairs of a lunatic, out-of-control GOP. That GOP is taking away their rights. The ones that most Americans thought could never disappear. Basic constitutional rights, a point we’ll come back to. If I asked you a decade ago, “So…do you think that Americans won’t be able to travel freely between states in ten years? Wait, how about forcing genital inspections on kids?” You’d have laughed at me, and painted me with the brush of a Rush Limbaugh. And yet here we are. But not because of the “woke mob” or the “globalists” — because of the GOP. This is different. That point should be clearly noted and understood, as a beginning. It’s not something to minimize, erase, or deny anymore. What you see before your eyes, what you’re experiencing as an everyday American…it’s really happening.
Americans Are Now Experiencing the Everyday Reality of Authoritarian Collapse
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Biden is in power because Nazi demonic globalists want to destroy democracy.
They want people to scream out for global government.
Thats why they put Democrats in USA.
Thats why they put Labour in UK.
They want chaos so they can be our false saviour & destroy humanity.
They want us to beg.
Demons really exist. 🤟✝️
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darkeagleruins · 5 months
It's all about controlling the food supply and you
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awesomecooperlove · 2 years
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dosesofcommonsense · 2 months
#TruthHammer Telegram
For the record, I couldn’t care less about the Olympics.
The above is interesting to me, purely as a commentary on the fall of western culture. Russia, which has been semi-isolated for some time, seems to have preserved the idea of culture far better than Europe and America.
Of course one can make a good argument that the decadence of western culture is largely top down, and very disconnected from the “common people”.
The Olympics are supposed to celebrate excellence in sport and the Hosting nation’s culture.
Is the Satanism emblematic of France? Not that I recall. Macron is a Globalist, but the country is shifting to pro-people and away from government control.
That leads me to believe the Olympic Committee has turned to Satanism and promotion of self at the detriment of all others. Have they learned nothing from “Go Woke Go Broke”? No. They don’t care.
We will support our athletes who love America. That’s it. We’ll catch the highlights. The only events we might watch are gymnastics. Otherwise, we have zero desire to watch this foolish spectacle.
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darkmaga-retard · 23 days
To push the “save democracy” prophesy in the United States of America right now, the Democratic political platform is chock full of fearmongering propaganda about Donald J. Trump, the previous "Dictator" and his white-supremacist cult of 80 million “patriots” who are all believed to own unfathomable amounts of automatic weapons. Get ready for “Election Deniers Camp” for all Republican, Conservative and independent-thinking adults, teens and children who don’t like communism, gender fluidity and child-trafficking “programs.” No doubt if these camps get erected and filled with "dissidents," the children will be separated from parents, brainwashed and sex-change-modified by the gender-bender cult, then trafficked.
Many Democrats and Liberals are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and have been calling for the imprisonment of Trump fans, people who challenge the legitimacy of the POTUS 2020 election, and anyone who is not 100 percent committed to Covid vaccinations and the climate change cult ideology. The Left has named these folks “a threat to democracy” and “domestic terrorists” who purposely infect the vaccinated (with the very disease they’re supposedly vaccinated against) and who don’t worship the communist insurgents (politicians and globalists) currently running the country into the ground.
Of course, the prisons are called re-education camps. Even Hitler was smart enough to not tell the Jews, Blacks and handicaps they were to be incinerated or shot twice in the back of the head if they couldn’t make Nazi uniforms. Gays, vagrants and religious dissenters were all murdered in cold blood, too. CRT today is nothing more than a glossed-over version of ethnic cleansing, only the “ethnic” part here means you’re white and Christian. Folks, we've almost arrived back in Europe, under political and religious siege by the demonic extinctionists.
This extremist, genocidal political stance supported by possibly tens of millions of deranged Democrats began when Trump started running for President eight years ago, and it’s still a dominant topic today, as evident at the Democrat National Convention.
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gemstarb · 1 year
Like half awake but words are in my head. The whole point of Exposure Theater military Operation is to expose to the citizens of this Planet of the absolute absurdity of the pure Evil and atrocious acts of these beings to get Humans to the point of sooo many levels of Absolute Repulse you don't want anything to do with them at all. Certain words of which I speak is exactly how I can see something but not with my human eyes, with my Third Eye. As words have power one can tell exactly how one perceives something. I have expressed this on Gab before. Essentially Divine Creator wants you to perceive the Cabal as the REAL PARASITES. The equivalent of demonic maggots. These things will try every DECEPTION under the sun to continue to have Humans Codependent on them. I see it as Absurd Lunacy. Screw your Climate Change deception, your Whole Agenda 2030 whatever bullshit. Parasites should Leave Earth Now!!!
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vomitdodger · 1 month
Given that the demonic commie globalists want to destroy everything good and just; God, family, gender, liberty, freedom etc., I found this article interesting, especially Charlie Kirks short video.
Can not verify what he says but suspect he is fundamentally spot on.
Interesting and worth a read/listen.
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hastings727 · 9 months
I've been a wreck the last few days but I excitedly saw the DANDADAN panel at Jump Festa and wanted to say:
Natsuki Hanae, who voices Tanjiro from Demon Slayer as Okarun
Shion Wakayama, who voiced Destiny in takt op and a myriad of other roles, as Momo (and she sounds PERFECT)
Kazuya Nakai, who voices fuckin ZORO in ONE PIECE!! as the voice of Serpo (and possibly rokuro, if we get that far)
And finally
We won. Simple as that. We got the best studio and animators for the job, and two literal titans of Japanese VA to play our villains, which is not to belittle Shion and Natsuki's contributions but my God, luffy and Zoro?!
That leaves Seiko, Aira, Jiji and Kinta unannounced. Though we have to question how far the anime will go in it's first season, considering we now have nearly 140 chapters to go through.
All I can say is, I hope this show gets popular enough for multiple seasons, because the space globalist arc is incredible, and people need to see that shit animated.
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aeltri · 2 months
It's not just the UK that's scared Trump will get elected, it's the entire world.
He wants to turn your country into a theocratic, fascist dictatorship and you don't seem to mind. You really should. It's people like you who end up paying the price for governments like these. Trump isn't fighting the Deep State. He IS the Deep State.
By the way, paranoia can be treated. You just need to find a good psychiatrist who will help you get a life.
He's a servant of the Humanist Dark State (Beast), the Globalist Deep State (Harlot) is on it's way out. It's the old Hegelian Dialectic and they are correct in that no one can stop what's coming. The Humanists are Luciferian and the Globalists are Satanic but they both worship the "god" of this world. Think of them as different denominations with similar agendas but varying tactics. God (Big G) shall use the Humanists as he did the Romans, to pass judgement upon the Globalists for their innumerable transgressions. The Humanists will themselves be judged but not before they complete their all-important task. I've talked about this extensively...
A demon of Freemasonry told me, "The Architect is behind the veil." before I banished it with an exorcism prayer. My paternal grandfather was a Shriner so we're still dealing with that generational spirit. What do corrupt Freemasons call their "god"? The Great Architect. The veil is the barrier between the spirit world and ours. The LHC @ CERN is rending that safeguard with disastrous consequences. The Destroyer has yet to be released but I have seen that Archon and the human body it will inhabit. He looked Mizrahi so he shall truly be as Nimrod. The whole Merovingian nonsense was just a ruse. I've no skin in this game, I merely foretell.
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PS: It's not paranoia, hypervigilance is a side effect of being able to see what most cannot.
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poweredinpeace · 8 months
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Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your seed;
God give each human a choice not victim hood! Satan the Father of the lie steals individual choice by the god of government!
The blasphemous lie that God creates dictators is from the children of Father of the lie advancing their one world Globalist take over where individual choices is sacrifice on the demonic Altar of Government collectivism!
God allows us to experience what we plant and the fruit we must eat good or bad, God has never created evil Government we do!
Gal.6:7 Don't be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
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