#the gems one finds rerererereading
zykamiliah · 6 months
ehem. so. since sometimes certain people won't believe sqq's recap of thing because he's an "unreliable narrator", here's bingge's own pov from the showdown extra on the abuse he suffered in qing jing peak:
Since he’d come of age, no one had ever managed to push him this far. Being at such a disadvantage reminded him of the days when he’d been persecuted and humiliated, trampled over in all kinds of ways. The hot tea spilled upon his head, the cold and drafty woodshed, the relentless beating fists, the verbal abuse, the kneeling that lasted from the blazing afternoon into the dead of the night, the paucity of his meals. And connected to those days via a thousand inseparable threads was the face before him.
he's referring to sqq's face ofc
so mxtx confirms it all happened through bingge's pov, and later from sj's pov too.
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