#the gate between worlds || amnesty verse
abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalust || X
Oh that was a delightful sound. While she's flopped over he shifts around until he can get at her ear once more. One hand gently cradled her head while the other lightly dug fingers into her hip. He nibbles her ear again and slowly moves down her neck, cooing softly at her in little moth chirps.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@anthologyoflucas​ || because we like upsetting the baby child
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Duck had told Ilia he was going to step out for a moment to talk with Leo, their next door neighbor. Once outside they each lit up a smoke, taking the first drags in a quietness of their town. It was a dreary grey day, but this kind of weather always made Duck feel at home for some reason.
“So how’s the kiddo doin’?” Leo began.
“She’s getting along great actually. Her teacher at school says she’s a delight and even some of the kids are starting to warm up to her, but she’s still a bit shy sometimes with them. Though we’re still trying to work through some stuff.”
“Like what?”
“Well, she still has some bad reactions when she accidentally breaks something and gets herself all in a panic. I know the lab shit was really hard on her but she always feels like she’s more trouble than she’s worth. It’s like she’s scared I’m gonna get rid of her.”
“I mean that’s gotta be tough on a kid like that. But I know you’re doin’ your best. She’s in better hands now.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
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He’s debating on just eating girl scout cookies or an actual meal.
Sticks a tagalong in his mouth.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife from X
Sure, he’s seen fireworks before and was very fascinated by them at one time. But due to their run in several months back with that awful “Most Dangerous Game” set up, the loud booms and smell of gun powder remind him too much of that night. Honestly they hadn’t really talked about it since he recovered. There was a dim hope that it was over and wouldn’t bother him, but it had triggered so suddenly that he’d dropped and broken the mug that was missing a handle. The one Mama let him keep after accidentally squeezing it just a bit too hard.
The ear covers and blanket seemed to help him some. His head was leaned into Shy’s shoulder, flinching every now and again when the muffled sound of a firework still reached his ears.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife || that’s not a dog
“I’m becoming increasingly worried that he’s going to bite you... But yes we need to try and get him outside. We can’t keep a wild animal...” Maybe it was her fae ancestry that attracted the creature to her. That or it was the jerky he was trying to snatch out of her hands.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@dreamsofalife || from X
“Because I love you. We’re partners in this together. You may think so low of what you do and say, but I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Besides, I’m also weird and awkward and garbage nonsense comes out of my mouth too. I’m a literal alien to this world and you chose me out of all people.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@dreamsofalife from X
“Yeah, spring is the worst for me,” he said and then shook his head. “I have this homeopathic thing that you dissolve under your tongue. It’s worked pretty well so far.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@anthologyoflucas || from X
Indrid was never fond of the Hornets and even less so when they started becoming a group of miscreants and deviants. At least when they were the Kepler Sports Club they never bothered people much. But this took it too far. Even as Liam explained what happened there was an anger that started to rise in him. His eyes started to glow behind crimson lenses, a shrill buzzing sound starting to echo through the RV. Indrid was not one for perpetrating violence himself, but the boy he’d been caring for had been harmed. He would not take that lightly.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
"Hey babe? Do you know if anyone in town is missing a dog? I was out in the woods for a walk, and this little guy started trailing me! I had some trail mix with me and I gave him a little, and now he won't leave." And what is this creature that followed her home, you may ask? It's a coyote. A whole-ass, grown coyote now has its paws in Shy's lap and is demanding more treats.
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"Cheyenne, darling, my love, light of my life; that is a coyote. That's not a dog. You brought a coyote into the Winne..."
Is he panicking? Outwardly, no. Internally, yes.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
Barclay had been chatting in the lobby with Dani, making small talk and catching up on things. After a few minutes something caught his eye, trailing off mid-sentence. Quickly he crossed to the window, staring out at a thick plume of smoke rising from the direction of the hiking trails behind the lodge.
"Hey, Duck! You're gonna wanna come see this!" he called out. The Sylph turned when he heard hurried footsteps, seeing Duck and Mama come running. As they reached the window, Mama let out a horrified gasp.
"Jake went on the trails with his friends! He might be out there!"
Out in the forest, the fire began to spread and grow more fearsome. It had been a particularly dry summer so there was plenty of fuel for the flames.
Jake was using his magic to push back the flames as the trio of Hornets tried to make their way to safety, their gear long since abandoned. It was getting harder and harder to stave it off, his blasts of ice getting weaker. Soon it only came out in sputtering bursts, barely making any difference.
He stumbled, falling to his hands and knees from exertion and heat. The selkie started coughing, the smoke starting to burn his lungs. The heat was setting in and adding to the dizziness and strain.
"Shit! Fuck! Keith!" Hollis called out as they ran over to the younger Hornet. They had a bandana held over their mouth and nose to try and keep the smoke out. "Help me get him up! We have to keep moving!"
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@anthologyoflucas​ || from X
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“Easy, kiddo, I’m okay, it’s okay...” he said, moving into the apartment. Usually his natural Chosen One armor would stop him from getting hurt this bad, but he didn’t realize how strong that thing was...
Duck tried to be careful not to drip blood everywhere as he went to the kitchen to try and clean himself up. He turned on the faucet and tried to gently wash away the blood on his forearm. “Got in a bit of a fight, but I’ll live.”
God he wanted a nap right about now. Maybe that was the blood loss and shock talking.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@dreamsofalife​ || from X
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He was a little surprised she didn’t fully commit to the hug so he moved to her instead and hugged her tightly. When he let go he smiled at her. She had always been thoughtful of his needs and his want for privacy and peace away from others. And this sounded like something they both needed, not just him.
Indrid took one of her hands in his. “That’s wonderful darling. But keep in mind that this involves you too and we can certainly do things you want to as well. I know you like to make sure I’m taken care of but I want to do the same for you.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@anthologyoflucas​ asked:
“I’m taking out the trash, you mind putting a new Steve in the can?” Talia calls to Jake as she carried out the full Steve to the dumpster.
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“Oh yeah, sure thing!” he said going to the cupboard to grab a new Steve.
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“What the hell are you two on about now?”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
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“What’s this?” Duck said as she handed him the drawing. It put a smile on his face when he looked it over. “Wow! This is great, honey. It’s going up on the fridge.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
“Gimme Angst!” - Joseph
Send me “Gimme Angst!” and I’ll generate a number to see what we get! || Accepting!
8. Your muse finds mine lying on the ground with a deep stab wound in their stomach/leg (mun’s choice)
Barclay blinked slowly when he saw the light of a flashlight heading in his direction. He wasn't sure if it was the same person that attacked him or someone else. Maybe it was one of the forest rangers on patrol.
"Over here..." he called, trying to move. A jolt of pain shot up his leg, the man letting out a sharp gasp. His head turned to look, seeing a dark stain spreading along the denim over his thigh. A bloodied wound glistened in the moonlight. The wound was slim with neat edges. Probably done by a hunter's knife.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
“Dad? Are fish kind?”
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Nothing he'd read in any of the parenting books he'd gotten from the library had prepared him for any of these kinds of questions. Sure he knew a lot about the forest's flora and fauna, and to be quite honest, a lot of animals out in nature were dicks. But he wasn't going to tell her that.
"You know, I don't rightly know sweetie."
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