#the beloved daughter || ilia sung newton
abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@anthologyoflucas​ || because we like upsetting the baby child
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Duck had told Ilia he was going to step out for a moment to talk with Leo, their next door neighbor. Once outside they each lit up a smoke, taking the first drags in a quietness of their town. It was a dreary grey day, but this kind of weather always made Duck feel at home for some reason.
“So how’s the kiddo doin’?” Leo began.
“She’s getting along great actually. Her teacher at school says she’s a delight and even some of the kids are starting to warm up to her, but she’s still a bit shy sometimes with them. Though we’re still trying to work through some stuff.”
“Like what?”
“Well, she still has some bad reactions when she accidentally breaks something and gets herself all in a panic. I know the lab shit was really hard on her but she always feels like she’s more trouble than she’s worth. It’s like she’s scared I’m gonna get rid of her.”
“I mean that’s gotta be tough on a kid like that. But I know you’re doin’ your best. She’s in better hands now.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
@anthologyoflucas​ || from X
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“Easy, kiddo, I’m okay, it’s okay...” he said, moving into the apartment. Usually his natural Chosen One armor would stop him from getting hurt this bad, but he didn’t realize how strong that thing was...
Duck tried to be careful not to drip blood everywhere as he went to the kitchen to try and clean himself up. He turned on the faucet and tried to gently wash away the blood on his forearm. “Got in a bit of a fight, but I’ll live.”
God he wanted a nap right about now. Maybe that was the blood loss and shock talking.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
I just have a lot of strong feelings about my Papa Duck verse and I wanna cry over how much he loves and cares about his baby girl.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
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“What’s this?” Duck said as she handed him the drawing. It put a smile on his face when he looked it over. “Wow! This is great, honey. It’s going up on the fridge.”
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
“Dad? Are fish kind?”
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Nothing he'd read in any of the parenting books he'd gotten from the library had prepared him for any of these kinds of questions. Sure he knew a lot about the forest's flora and fauna, and to be quite honest, a lot of animals out in nature were dicks. But he wasn't going to tell her that.
"You know, I don't rightly know sweetie."
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
It’s storming and Ilia comes to Duck’s room holding Iggy, “Can I sit with you till it stops…?” She was scared of the lightning, it reminded her about certain things.
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He picked her up and sat with her on the bed, holding her gently in his lap. "Sure, sweetheart," he said softly. Jane hadn't liked storms all that much either. It reminded him of her coming to his room in the middle of the night so he could protect her from the storms outside. A hand ran through his daughter's hair. "I'll keep you safe, just like I promised."
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