#the funny thing is I have a ton more drawings but it’s ship art with my oc
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mekesari · 6 months ago
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I don’t think I’ve shared how much I like Eree
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ryuichirou · 10 months ago
I’ll start with some news.
I am currently locked out of my twitter account. We did everything we could to try to get it back, but no matter what happens, it will most likely take some time.
I don’t like bringing attention to this kind of stuff because we have tons of other things to talk about which are more important than some toddlers trying to obliterate us for 1000th time (frankly I would rather talk about the colour of Leona’s butthole), but this time it’s kind of serious and important. We don’t know what’s going to happen next, but for now I wanted to say that if we won’t get the account back in time or will lose it indefinitely, we will have to ask for your help. I am sorry for that in advance.
Also, if you were discussing/working on commissions with me via DMs there, please email me or contact me via any other platform as soon as possible. Just in case.
Mass-reporting is wild, eh?
I am rambling a bit, and I didn’t really want to complain, because I know for a fact it would give satisfaction to some people, but you know? I am going to complain: it sucks ass. It happened at the worst time possible and it happened over nothing (literally, the art that got it was a Todd/Wallace non-sexual piece that got too many likes for children’s liking). I don’t care if people don’t like us, I don’t care if they gossip with their girlies about us, all I want is for them to leave us the fuck alone and let us do our thing in peace. Imagine being so unbelievably boring and so incredibly unlikeable and unable to make meaningful connections not only with other people but also with any kind of media that you just have to go out of your way to ruin things for others because this is the only thing that makes your immature brain produce something that even remotely resembles joy. Because your own pathetic self is so deeply insecure and constantly frustrated at yourself that you just have to create an illusion of control over someone else to feel important. I can’t even call it a troll behavior – at least trolls are funny sometimes. This is just someone who hit a midlife crisis at the age of 16 and made it my problem for some reason.  
And yet, it’s okay. Even if we end up losing our account, it’ll be a huge disappointment and it will hurt us tremendously, it already did. And it’s scary to think about this scenario, and it’s difficult to talk about how, if it happens, that it’s going to be okay. But eventually we’ll get over it and build ourselves up again, just like we did before several times. And these clowns will still be boring, unlikeable, lonely and very likely shit at drawing.
So yeah. Take care of yourself and block everyone who seems suspicious on sight. It’s not a panacea, but certainly is helpful.
Alright, time to talk about Leona’s butthole (not really, but we will talk about SebeMal, and it’s even better) 💪
Anonymous asked:
Seeing Vanitas made me curious about something: did you ever read Pandora Hearts? I think for a lot of people that series went hand in hand with Black Butler as the main "victorian aesthetic mangas" from the late '00/early '10. Gothic lolitas really had it all back then..
Ohh you’re so right Anon, it was the ultimate late ‘00/early ’10 aesthetic! Boys in vests with bows/ties, crosses and rosaries and traumatic and problematic backstories lol I really miss it sometimes. What an era.
I personally haven’t read/watched Pandora Hearts, but Katsu did! But it was even before we met… So my only association with this title is that Katsu’s old username was “ozbezariusnya” 🥰 Oh, and that Gilbert (?) looks very cute, but let’s be honest, of course I would think he is cute.
nebula-ryuu asked:
Regarding my question, I mean if the Malleus and Sebek ship has a dynamic or a context 😅😅 a background or a story. I have a certain feeling about what it is like but I don't want to affirm anything hehe
I don't know if I made what I said better understood, in any case I can explain it again, no problem 🙏
Oh! Thank you for clarifying!
As for our background for shipping them, we just really really love loyal characters that are a bit unhinged about their loyalty and love/obsession. So we didn’t even have a choice, they stole our hearts… and Malleus is very interesting in his interactions with Sebek too; he is annoyed by him sometimes, but he tolerates a lot and teases him.
As for the ship itself, we tend to think that in addition to Sebek being loyal and obsessive with Malleus, he is also deeply in love with him ever since he was a child. He is conflicted because he really wants to be his lover, but also thinks that he isn’t worthy. Malleus is amused by Sebek and allows him to do much more than he probably should. Actually, I think I talked about their dynamic in this post!
I hope I understood you correctly. Thank you for your question! And if you have any more questions, please let me know.
Anonymous asked:
would Lilia and Azul ever fight over who gets to have Idia?
Replied here! Thank you for your question, Anon.
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milksteaki · 4 months ago
since you did the hcs for the other ships i think it’s appropriate for some blossutch hcs?? 😋 BTW. i love loveeee ur art aaaaaa is so cuteness💗
I actually wrote an essay on why I ship Blossutch a loooong time ago, maybe I can still reblog it if I can find it. But for now I'll talk about other headcanons that I think I haven't discussed yet.
TW: Self Harm,
Honestly, when it comes to Blossutch you need to lock me in a cold dark room to write/draw hundreds of pages of slow-burn, romance-in-the-background, completely unexpected dark-horse Blossutch so that y'all can see my vision for real. The feeling Blossutch gives off for me is that they have that one random episode where they are locked in a room together and they have a Breakfast Club moment where they realize there is more to each other than they thought.
Also, I have always been a superhero/action lover and I think that Blossom and Butch are literally the best fucking duo if they ever had to fight together. Like Blossom being the strategist and Butch being the brawns except he actually listens to her because frankly, I think he deals with bossy the best (see Brick and Butch's dynamic). And I think Blossom would be able to put Butch's strengths to good use. On that note, I headcanon that the first time Butch sees Blossom in a school setting, his mind is literally blown. Like how are you the leader of the strongest superhero group, but also a fucking...NERD. A tightly wound, prissy, teacher's-pet type person? Because of that, I headcanon that a part of Butch would like to see Blossom, a typically cool-headed person, go absolutely apeshit. And I especially would love to see this desire to blow up in Butch's face. When Blossom is finally driven to the edge, Butch feels the utmost regret and will now do anything for her to get back to how she was before.
I also headcanon that Butch seeks destruction to the point where he will even resort to self-destruction. Banging his head against the wall, scratching until he bleeds, banging his body against things, etc. His body, this physical vessel that he's in, always feels like a nuisance. He’s always been insecure about his body, Part of his performance of shamelessness and cockiness comes from ignoring his physical body. He hates looking at himself in the mirror. He feels disgusting. At the same time, he embraces being disgusting, but it’s not enough to feel secure in himself. Butch would probably feel the most satisfied if he were a boundless whirlwind storm that could tear down everything in his way without worrying about his body at all. In my eyes, Butch is a physical manifestation of unrest: always feeling unwell, an insomniac, and always unsatisfied. He hurts people both willingly and unwillingly, but more often willingly since y’know, he is a bad guy. He is constantly bored, so he stirs up a shit ton of trouble. On the bright side, he has a lot of energy and is easily the life of the party.
Blossom, on the other hand, searches for order and needs order. She's the complete opposite of Butch, and yet she is also restless. As in, as she gets older, she gets more and more tired of the Sysiphian cycle of good vs. bad. As much as she tries to maintain goodness, a new evil or problem arises. And due to the amount of responsibility she takes on, she spends a lot of time alone doing pretty boring shit. Butch constantly brings chaos to Blossom's life and it seriously tests her, but it also brings fun into her life. In other words, he makes her life a lot less boring. Without him, life would just pass Blossom by and she would miss out on a lot of shit. I headcanon that Butch always includes her in things, even if she doesn't want to, and I think it's just a funny dynamic. Also one of my favorite headcanons is that Blossom kinda looks for creative ways to bridge their very different interests. For example, she looks for classical music that is chaotic and even a little sinister. "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Grieg and specifically the last minute of "1812 Overture Finale" (for the cannons of course). She'll find videos that she thinks he'll like or videos that remind her of him and make him watch those videos with him (Lady Gaga/Ke$haesque music, freaky science, dirty jokes, and other funny stuff). They also love superhero comics (for different reasons) and are interested in true crime (but in a news report way, not in those shitty ass podcasts/channels). Actually, usually when Blossom talks to Butch (whether it’s during friendship or relationship) she will ramble about pieces of history that might interest him (like dark or funny history), fictional lore of certain horror movies, and other stuff. Butch listens pretty closely because she has become attuned to what Butch is also interested in. She loves the over-the-top reactions Butch gives to things. It makes her feel like the things she says are important and interesting, The best part is that she knows he’s not faking. Blossom is such a strong, smart, and beautiful character who takes on so much, yet is treated like shit. And for what? Being bossy? Bitch, she’s the leader. Yall don’t give a fuck when Brick is being a bossy little shit. She is constantly taken down a peg and for what?? She’s more talented than most of yall at just 5 years old. Blossom holds the whole world on her fucking shoulders, I don’t care if she’s in a relationship or not, Blossom deserves to be treated like the intelligent person she is while still pushed to relax occasionally.
In my own head, I can think of Blossom and Butch having a conversation over everything. Every media I encounter, every Tiktok I watch, and everything I learn. I find it very funny to have Blossom pretend to disapprove of everything Butch does or says and the same for Butch.to find a lot of joy in her disgusted face. He would have a loud and explosive laugh, so contagious that even Blossom can’t help but laugh with him. Meanwhile, Butch finds that Blossom has interesting reactions to things. He finds it fun to say and do crazy, outlandish things just to see how Blossom would react. I personally headcanon that Blossom becomes more stoic over time, so Butch is also testing just how stoic Blossom actually is. Additionally, I believe they test gender roles, believe it or not. Blossom being this stoic, reliable, and decisive girl, while Butch is this emotional, domestic, and flamboyant boy. Blossom is often Butch’s rock. Butch often does drag and wears makeup. Blossom wears suits and can be cold, mysterious, and calculating. Additionally, I headcanon that Butch is unable to hold down any one job. He can’t come to work everyday for a consistent schedule, he has days where he is incredibly motivated and days where he cannot be bothered. His strength is more with domestic work, as the only brother who was awake in the morning, he was the one doing most of the chores around the house. He cooks and he cleans as much as a young boy without parental figures would, and he does it because someone has to or else the RRB would fall apart. Butch is like the faulty glue that keeps the RRB together, and I say faulty because he lacks the emotional intelligence to be an effective glue. Even though he manages to keep good relationships with Brick and Boomer individually, he doesn’t have the courage to bridge the gap between Brick and Boomer without ruining his image in both of their eyes (more so Brick’s eyes). Yet, if it weren’t for Butch’s inability to maintain peace between them, none of the boys would have been able to grow into their own persons, with their own personalities. None of these colorcrack ships would have happened without Butch’s cowardness. But because they do come to become their own people, Blossom can see that evil and good is not as black and white as she made them out to be. She would come to see everything that is admirable about Butch, his strong spirit, his diligence, his hype-man nature, more specifically his supportive nature, and construct a new ideology. Butch thinks that her spirit is much stronger since he is a shipwreck while she is a powerful, put-together marine engine. She has all the words that Butch is missing. To him, her wisdom and intelligence is so boundless, that he put his whole trust into her that everything will be okay. While Blossom is insecure in her capabilities, Butch reassures 200% more than she needs, and that kind of reassurance is the type to make you believe in yourself again.
And suddenly what was once restless, finally closes its eyes.
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creative-kny-fics · 8 months ago
hi! You have some really great ideas around those ships :3 I'm the anon who made the ask, I'd like to add, if that's okay 🙏 --
I think these two are cute together! ❤️ I think they are the same age as well? But because of that, maybe they were able to relate to each other more, along with their family histories like you mentioned. that hc of genya writing to kanao because he is too shy to talk is soo cute!!
Unpopular opinion, but I really feel like Mui has more chemistry with Nezuko than Zenitsu does, despite their limited interactions 😭 I mean, zenitsu and nezuko is cute but at the same time its like zenistsu just likes nezuko and nezuko doesnt really care so much about him, she just goes with it 😭 the head tilts that mui does and nezuko copies is cute. even in the last episode of the swordsmith village when mui does it and nezuko copies again, it made me realise that mui only did the head tilts when asking about nezuko 🥹 I've also seen some cute fanarts about them, and its cute that in kimetsu gakuen, they're both in the same class! And I like how they seem to be very comfortable with each other, I love those panels in the manga of Mui showing gingko to nezuko, and nezuko laying on his lap 🥰
3. Mui/Tanjiro
These two are cute as well, its funny how much Mui overly favours tanjiro 😂 there are so many cute fanfics on ao3 about these two being written now because of season 4. and about tanjiro asking about mui's hobbies, its so sweet that kanamori is just sitting with a ton of paper airplanes! Its as if Mui just sits there while kanamori is busy working and makes origami, and then gifts it to kanamori. Why else would he have so many paper planes in his shed 🤣 I agree that too many people make nsfw things about them and thats gross, they are children 😕
That reminds me of that REALLY good genmui artist, you would think her work is official demon slayer art because of how well she draws the characters. But she also made a couple of nsfw drawings of genmui... 😐
4. Rengoku/Misturi
Considering how close they are, I'm disappointed that the anime didnt show mitsuri having more of a reaction to rengoku dying... obanai as well. Mui also had an emotional reaction! at least only after he gained his memories though, he's the only hashira they showed who actually shed tears for rengoku 😭 I will forever prefer obanai for mitsuri, but rengoku does make a good match for her. they are both loud and eccentric characters and suit each other's personalities well 😍
5. Koku/Nakime
I think these two just look good together as well! 🥹 I feel like these two have a regal look about them. could you share that artist's name who draws them please, if thats alright? I feel like Nakime is the only demon who Kokushibo would actually get along with, apart from Muzan 😂 they both seem calm and collected. I heard that Nakime murdered her husband, I dont know if thats true? But it definitely would mean that her husband was not Kokushibo then 🤣
Thank you for reading my ramblings, and for amswering my ask ❤️
Ooooh of course, I'd like to read your opinion about the ships too!
1) I know! There are many people who are not good at speaking and that is why they write and I thought that would be perfect for Genya since he is quite nervous and gets a little angry because he can't speak properly and gets frustrated.
Besides that it would be something that Kanao could also keep, maybe after reading his writings, she would give him a kiss on the cheek and save the paper with Genya's writing to read it when she misses it or have it as a reminder of how cute and pay attention that it is him
2) Well, I've only seen a few chapters or fragments of Kimetsu Academy and I didn't know those panels existed, but it sounds adorable!
I respect your opinion that you think Nezuko has better chemistry with Muichiro than with Zenitsu, they look cute and they are also the same age and there has been a little more interaction with him than with Zenitsu at Kimetsu Academy, due to the fact that they are in the same class and because Zenitsu is always with his trio
3) Their interaction is one of the cutest, both as a friendship and as a couple. These two are quite cute when they are together and Muichiro shows that he truly has a huge regard for Tanjiro, as the slayers say "the preference is obvious."
I can accept that they both kiss each other on the cheek or even on the mouth, but not that shit where they kiss and... You know... NO! THEY ARE CHILDREN!! MINORS!!
4) Their relationship is the same as Sun x Sun, both are always so lively and get along quite well, and many fanarts show how Rengoku takes care of Mitsuri in any situation.
I even saw one where he was willing to wear a uniform just like Mitsuri's so she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable and I found it so cute! (Shinjuro burned that uniform hahahaha).
And the same artist made an image of how Mitsuri remembers Rengoku, both smiling and the time he gave her his haori for her to wear, I cried
5) I will leave the name of the artist in the comments! And yes, it would be somewhat illogical for Nakime to be Kokushibo's wife because it is known that she killed her husband and Kokushibo is as alive as a rock hahahaha.
The two of them would have an introvert x introvert dynamic and they look so cute. Both would not force the other to express themselves because it would be illogical for them to do so when the other is just as introverted as them.
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wolfertinger · 7 days ago
(keep anon if it’s not already on, sorry if i double posted as my device is acting strangely)
“fuck you and your gf for trying to skinwalk as me yapyapyap fuck you for stalking me sawyer blablabla” (referring to that cohost post salem made as well as the other bluesky ones) i’m not going to get into the cultural appropriation there as other anons have pointed out a previous ask using the same word.
not trying to shame sources but i do think it’s ironic that he accuses sawyer of being a creepy stalker and to ‘get their own identity’ or whatever but dude… that’s literally you. talk about projection when you’re hinting at (you are, everyone knows this) being an introject alter of deadbunny/ramiel/harley/whatever other names she goes by… the necrophile bunny artist. “guys i’m my own person i hate my source-“ copies everything down to ramiel’s aesthetic, weird alter self shipping art, speaking mannerisms (the dewlap tweet as someone else had pointed out, would love more comparisons if there are any), etc. even the fursona is kinda similar (same with heather/bunny) with both of them being alternative/‘kinky’* in the same way that ramiel’s fursona/characters are.
*we all know salem likes to pretend being some badass kinky queer with tons of experience under his belt when in reality the only thing that would touch him is silicone.
not to mention you publicly admitted to ‘gangstalking random artists on twitter’ when somebody asked you for tips on how you draw/how you developed your style. and let’s not go over the thousands of times people have mistook you for a trans woman on twitter in your puppychan days (which you hilariously blacked out your account layout and spammed fake suicide threats, i hope nobody ever lets you live this down because you should be ashamed of yourself amongst the many other ways you’ve harmed people), fled to different identities whenever you got called out (mickey/pancakewags, revvy/kungfurevvy/andi/adonis/imani/‘whatever her name is!’ lmao), changing your name to whatever suited your mood at the time (again mickey and revvy, puppy/pup, your deadname, punnya, unya, and now salem. (i do not remember what other names he has gone by, if other anons or OP would like to add on.)
you’re crying the loudest over sawyer copying you, when they are just existing in their own bubble. meanwhile we have your pathetic ass landlocked to only tumblr and bluesky because nobody likes you (so glad i got to see you run off of twitter for a whopping third time, in real time. thank you for that it was really entertaining. keep it up you piece of shit.) your art styles, names, alters, and aesthetics change more than a cheap moodring. it’s funny how quick you are to discard them and berate them privately and publicly when they had helped you get away with lying about puppychan, even lying about going to college which is really odd to me. your art style changes either whoever you’re around or ‘gangstalking’ (in your own poor choice of wording) from a distance because once again, nobody likes you. and for good reason. your brain literally can not comprehend it because you peaked on twitter and you will never achieve that popularity again, all you have is infamy. you can pretend to own it, but it’s so obvious nearly everything you post about is a massive cope, or about something that’s clearly bothering you. everybody can see it because they’ve actually socialized with real life people, and you think you’re so slick with being passive aggressive and seemingly nonchalant when everyone in a real life scenario would avoid you off of vibes alone.
you truly have no solid identity and it’s so clear to me now seeing how fast you rebranded as puppychan, to pancakewags, back to puppychan, then kungfurevvy, then wolfertinger.
“nobody can do it like me! =uwu=“ yeah and there’s a reason for that you mentally deranged piece of shit, you draw the same things over and over. you never experiment. you never practice different mediums. you’re the wet blanket of the furry world. (kink too, apparently.) i sure hope to god nobody else is doing it like you, because i’d get bored — and annoyed as fuck, fast. i’m glad. thanks for taking one for the team and being the piece of shit of 2024 - 2025. i hope to god you don’t have a career past that point.
you know, i think all of this is just salem and wis (mostly salem, actually unless if you think otherwise, OP.) projecting their internal struggles and gripes onto sawyer. because while sawyer is thriving and visiting family and friends with a support system on their side, this fucking dork is sitting in a dark room all day on his phone drawing selfcest of him/his own alters (because he’s lonely and i hope it stays that way) and if it’s not that it’s either screaming and harassing a disabled rape survivor (or genocide survivor let’s not let him forget this either) or rehashing old tumblr drama from 2020.
i honestly hope he suffers and continues to fail for acting so horribly in his past and current and not apologizing or attempting to atone for it in any way, especially letting his weirdo e-girlfriend tweak about on bluesky for everybody to see. good job i can tell you guys really love each other for continuously letting yourselves not only take your anger out on a victim but also just, letting yourselves get worked up over and over and showcasing it on social media. and not talking it out with each other or journaling about it. and no, that’s not concern-trolling because i genuinely don’t give a fuck whether you two live or die, it’s just applying common sense with a basic therapy skill.
wis i can understand you crashing out so hard because you spent so much time with this person behind closed doors talking and getting to know each other, even going so far as to constantly act as this person’s attack dog only for the realization to finally start seeping through that he will never, NEVER see you. you are truly a dumbass if you think he’s going to fly his lazy ass all the way from georgia to poland or sweden or whatever the fuck. he doesn’t go outside. he spends all day on his fucking phone either drawing the same things or yapping about the coldest takes ever. ever notice how he can’t follow through with even the most simple promises? such as making his ocs black-coded only to go right back to making them look like random white girls that frequent hot topic (i get that coding characters is kinda hard but it honestly feels like night and day with the contrast and rate at which he changes characters/alters.) and telling his audience over and over that he’s going to take a break, not even lasting a full sleep cycle. that’s only his current dishonesty, let’s not even go back to his puppychan days with this. for salem, not posting on social media is like trying to roll a boulder up a hill. pray tell what do you think the comparison of him making an effort to fill out boring paperwork, get out the house, and fly thousands of miles away out of the states would be? maybe trying to disassemble and then reassemble an entire car with no prior knowledge. or maybe trying to stay off of the internet for more than 8 hours, lol. point is, you’re fucking dumb and everybody but you can see it. or maybe you’re just in denial, because once again you spent so much time on this loser only to silently realize that maybe everyone is actually right about poor misguided 19-year-old minor puppychan.
honestly for salem, i don’t give a shit if he reads this but from what i can see he picks and chooses what he wants to twist to his audience, disgusting but not surprised considering he also manipulated his audience as puppychan) but if he does i just wanna say your art is really fucking bad and stiff and trying to add more realistic anatomy to your art doesn’t make it better or more eye-catching and certainly not by overusing filters and the smudge tool. your art was better on furaffinity because nobody knew who you were, didn’t give a shit about you and you knew this, but oh- guys i’m actually puppychan… thank god i can finally come out about this so i can stop putting effort into art and revert into the same curvy standing 3/4 curvy furry curvy angle curvy (did i mention curvy) slop with the same two characters! yay! but wait… guys… i’m not actually puppychan i’m kittysan and you can tell i’m fronting based on the way i abuse the same ibispaint noise filter to cover up my ba- i mean amazing art! sigh… i only got 4,000 notes on this one… that means it sucks :c (i hope nobody realizes i’m puppychan)
you take your anger out on sawyer because you’re angry that all of this is all that you’ll ever be. you take your anger out on someone with more health issues than you who had just survived being raped in an impaired mental state because you’ll never take a step out of the house, you’ll never go to college, you’ll never get a job, you’ll never make friends, you will never talk to anyone outside of your immediate family, and you will never see wis. you will never accomplish anything because you’re perfectly satisfied with sitting in the comfort of your own home drawing the same ‘sexy’ furry pinups with the same 5 poses in rotation. who all look the same and have no distinct fashion. you strangely parrot sawyer’s traits and trauma whether it be co-opting them directly or pasting them onto your ocs. you harass sawyer because you wish you had their trauma, and it pisses you off because you can’t self-victimize about it all over social media.
knowing the full context of the puppychan saga to current day, i honestly think you’re a piece of shit that deserves to fail over and over, but if i didn’t know any better and just took a quick look at your tumblr (or maybe even if i was a follower that just got fed up with your shit) i would assume you were a very sexually repressed and sexually frustrated person with severe anger issues and no filter. i can deduct nothing else about you, because you draw and post about the same exact things like a broken record player. your old art as puppychan (before the pancake dumptruck era) was excellent, but your art on furaffinity as wolftingz was even better. disappointed but not surprised to see you regress artistically, yet again. i wonder if your entire system suffers from that type of thing, because this is twice that this has happened. nobody cares if you make a post saying that you like your current art better, i know a lot of people reading this or even people who have vague general knowledge of you would hold the same opinion, this clearly bothers you and i nor anyone else with a brain gives a shit. you’re airing sawyer’s accounts for anyone to see when you know you have a high amount of followers. you’re harassing and stalking a rape victim but oh, my aching heart- somebody doesn’t like my repetitive, boring ass art… the horror! 
do keep vaguely pointing people to this blog in your awkward ways, the streisand effect and whatnot.
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pastriibunz · 1 year ago
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hi there!!! im pastriibunz! you might know me from the ask blog, @beaniibunzz i ran with my friends, chillibeanos and local-soda-can!
you might also know me for writing the Kai in Hatchetfield series (KIHF Masterpost), an OC insert fanfic series written like a script for the Hatchetfield Saga!
(PS I have an atabook! Leave me some messages!)
but more on that later, i wanna talk about ME >:]
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Basic Info About Me:
☆ i think am aroace! 
☆ i'm trying out she/they pronouns!
☆ i have ADD! My friends keep saying i have undiagnosed autism-
☆ i do theater and i was in voice/singing lessons!
☆ i will be Kai Drew’s VA in TKWDLM: Voiced, as well as any other projects she needs a voice in!
☆ my best friends are @chillibeanos, @local-soda-can, and @evnt777!
☆ i like to draw and write!
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And that’s me! i was kinda scrambling for things to add, so forgive me if it’s boring. But, i just wanted to get through it so i could get to the fun part. now onto my blog!! :D
i have a lot to say about this silly little blog!!!
note: my ask box is always open! fill it up with whatever your heart desires!
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Things To Note:
★ I was grounded for a month, I’m back, but not without restrictions. I have 3 hours of screen time on weekdays, and 5 hours on weekends. This is subject to change.
★ Mutuals, please use the tag ‘#pastrii don’t look’ for posts with: anything very overtly sexual that isn’t written in a comedic tone. I am a sex repulsed asexual, and that type of content is very icky for me. :< [contents subject to change] heres a little guide on how to use it!! i’ll also ask you to tag any ship involving max jägerman. thank you!
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Content You Should Expect From Me:
★ my art, both silly doodles and full pieces!
★ fanfics/drabbles, mostly angst
★ my brain dumpy thoughts i thought were funny
★ oc insert content
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notice how that last bullet point is bolded and italicized?
yeah that’s cause it’s super important
practically all the content on this blog will be about my OC: KAI DREW!
now, who is Kai Drew?
and why the hell is she in a shit ton of random fandoms?
well, Kai Drew is the little goober who’s managed to weasel her way into my brain, and 5 years later, she’s STILL. HERE.
she’s also on tumblr as @shxwstxpper!
she has her own silly little lore (to summarize: adoption, accidental mass murder, is god, and then shes inserted into various fandoms im into) that is super long and silly!!! maybe one day ill write about it. who knows!
so expect lots (if not all) of my content to surround around Kai!
speaking of my content…
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Important Tags:
⛤ #kai drew 
⛤ #tkwdlm
⛤ #the kai who didn’t like musicals
⛤ #black kaiday
⛤ #bk
⛤ #npmk
⛤ #nerdy prudes must kai
⛤ #the kai drew and bean power hour
⛤ #kai drew and bean power hour
⛤ #kai drewniverse
⛤ #kai in hatchetfield
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Kai Drewniverse Related Fandoms:
✰ Bendy And The Ink Machine
✰ Doki Doki Literature Club
✰ Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
✰ Clover 2020
✰ My Hero Academia
✰ South Park
✰ Welcome Home
✰ The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
✰ Peggy Suave
✰ The Kai Drew And Bean Power Hour!
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Non Kai Drewniverse Fandoms:
⛥ Ride The Cyclone
⛥ Chad Chad (Chadlings)
⛥ Danny Gonzalez (Greg)
⛥ Psych
⛥ Drew Gooden (Little Stinkers)
⛥ Kurtis Conner (Kurtistown)
⛥ Jarvis Johnson (Unnamed Fanbase)
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Important Links:
✩ TKWDLM Masterpost!
✩ Nightmare Kai-me Masterpost!
✩ Blog Boundaries: Do’s and Don’ts!
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and that’s all for now! be sure to stick around to see where Kai’s silly little adventures take her next!
bye bye! :]
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hey,,hey! I was wondering if you still do the matchmaking thing? If you do:
Fandom: percy jackson or the cruel prince.
Im pretty tall, I have a wolfcut but it's like...overgrown. I wear glasses and have an arched nose. A few dyed streaks of dull purple is present in my hair. I like being funny/humorous and making people laugh, however I'm quick to anger as well,sadly. I think I'm a loyal friend and like making self depracating jokes. Feelings are not really my thing, but I can comfort people by making them laugh. I usually wear baggy shirts and cargo pants, but I'm okay with an occasional frock or skirt. My favourite colors are blue, black, purple and white.
Hope this is enough I couldn't think of anything else. 😭😭
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Just putting this here for reference 
Your Fandom Ship: Grover Underwood (PJO) and Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl (DCU)
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Explanation: starting off with your physical appearance I think that he would be extremely attracted to you because I think that he just likes Wolf cuts and thinks that you’re dyed hair is super cool and kick ass. when you get angry easily, I feel like he’s two times faster to delude the anger and one of the only people that would be able to calm me down because he doesn’t really like conflict, but he will try to work through it if you’re mad at him for some reason and he will own up to it. he thinks you’re super cute and always laughs the hardest at your jokes and I feel like you guys are extremely loyal to each other and one of the best couples like no one could ever really imagine one or the other getting jealous or cheating or things like that because you guys just have a really healthy ideology. also, I feel like you guys would really balance each other out because of feelings aren’t your fit thing feelings are definitely Grovers thing and he could help you try and express the more and in return you could maybe help him try to not let everything that anyone says to him get to him so deeply. because we’re talking about P JO, it’s safe to assume that you have ADHD because you’re a Demigod, which is totally normal for him and I don’t think he would be phased by it at all because he’s used to dealing with campers with ADHD dyslexia, all sorts of things like that would help you sort through it and figure out what’s right for you. he’s also an extrovert and even though he’s shit at art I feel like he would absolutely support you and ask a ton of questions and if he did a portrait of him, I just think he would die like he wouldn’t even know what to do and he’d like try carving it into a tree or something. I don’t even know he just love if he did a portrait of him. He’d be so proud. I mean this is also canon that he likes being someone’s muse Because he meets this daughter of I don’t know. I forgot what it is, but it’s in the chalice of the gods where she’s really good at photography and he constantly wants to be in her photos so I feel like it would be the same thing for you. He’d always be asking. Hey, can you draw me? Hey can you write a poem about me you know things like that, he respect if you said no but he’d love it if you said yes. He’s also a very touchy guy and he’s definitely the person to go to if you’re looking for words of affirmation because he would be consistently complementing you throughout your relationship anyway I think you guys are cute together and I would ship this. 🩷🩷🩷
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Explanation: starting off with appearances I think that she thinks you’re cute as hell and would make sure that you know that as well she wears glasses too, so she thinks that yours are adorable and she also thinks that hers don’t look as good on her as yours look on you and is a little bit jealous of that. I also think that she thinks your hair is pretty bad ass and loves the different streaks in it and just really loves your hair in general and it’s probably one of her favorite features of you. She’s also pretty quick to anger so I’d say that’s one of the only downsides of your guys relationship is that you guys would have to kind of work through your anger issues together because yeah girl also need some anger management skills but I feel like you guys could help each other with that through relation like you would get that she gets angry easily and she would get you getting angry easily. She appreciates your loyalty and I think that she would also kind of help you talk through your feelings. She hasn’t had a lot of loyalty in her life so I think that she would feel greatly honored that you stick by her side through thick and thin, no matter what, and by that she would forever owe you. She prefers more clean, casual academic types of outfits, but she respects your style. She knows comfort over fashion is a number one role. You guys would be perfect because she’s actually an introvert so I feel like you would help her warm up pretty easily and I think she would also really love your humor like I feel like she would laugh really hard and that’s kind of how you guys got along cause she was being a grumpy little introvert and then you befriended her crack some jokes and she was instantly like whoa. I love this person so much. They’re so cool. I feel like she would read and draw with you and then I don’t feel like she’s act at poetry, but she would support you and she’s great with vocabulary so she could at least help you add some advanced wording your poetry if you ever needed it. It would take her a while to get used to physical touch, but I’m pretty sure that she would be into it if you were and words of affirmation of course she is constantly complementing you and I feel like they’re genuine too. She wouldn’t complement you unless she thought you deserved it and she does think you deserve it. 💙💙💙
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mayskalih · 1 year ago
I saw that asshole trying to insult you because you don't draw canon ships, leaving aside that there are tons of other amazing people that draw it, they can always grab a pen and draw it themselves and let the rest of the world judge them. I just wanted to tell you again that I love your art style(I did it in the past in an anon), even if I don't ship everything you do since I love some canon ships, but where it's the fun on everyone loving the same things, and I hope you have an amazing week 💜
Thank you very much. Tbh it's funny how they're trying to insult me. The only thing they're doing is more inspo to draw!
Thank you very much for your support! <3 We're all different and it's a cool thing, not a reason to bully for.
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fabdante · 5 months ago
Hello! 1) who is your DmC oc Eliza and 2) do you have any ideas for tattoos for Dante & Kat?
hello!! i was delighted by this ask when i woke up and now that im home with my keyboard i am excited to answer!
also this got long i apologize asdfghjkl
who is the eliza part of elizante
i have been waiting for someone to ask asdfghjkl so elizabeth is my girlfriends oc, affectionately called liz. we started shipping her and dante way back in like high school. she's the girl dante is trying to call in my fic a series of mild prophecies !
also im going to refer to this thing called swan song a lot which, for anyone unaware, is my unfinished verat prequel fan fic which is the source for most of my reboot fanon. i have some snippets of it on ao3, all things that either i cleaned up for swan song or fit into swan songs like extended universe
as it is now in at least swan song canon, she's dantes kinda sorta ex-girlfriend. they've recently broken up, i think because dante life can just be...A Lot and he was struggling to hold together his side of the relationship. she was hoping he'd pull things together a bit and they could work this out.
but onto like more a quick little rundown on who she is as a person rather then her role in swan song canon. liz is a bit of a horror goth (i have no idea how else to describe her?) who loves slashers. she's a bit of a romantic with a messy dating history. she is also very neat. at the point where they meet in swan song canon, dante's recently moved to the trailer and cut off like most people from his life. i think this closeness enabled him to be honest about the whole 'so i see secret demons and fight them' thing and liz for some reason believed him. also her favorite slasher series is chucky. she really loves chucky.
i like to imagine post canon they get back together. which is very funny to me because like dante and kat in swan song canon sort of switch places (dante starts fresh off a break up and ends up back in his relationship where as kat starts off in a relationship she finds very secure only to end up in the most chaotic break up ever and having a horrible time with it)
but anyway that's a very quick rundown of liz. i plan on trying to finish more fics featuring her. one is a little pier date, one is dantes half of the phone call from a series of mild prophecies, and another is the morning after their first hook up because this was meant to be a one night stand liz being very neat is plot relevant to their relationship asdfghjkl
dante and kat tattoos
i do have ideas for this!! every day i wish they both had tattoos genuinely. if it were up to me both dantes would have a ton like most of his concept arts and kat would have more also.
that said i've never quite come up with set designs for dante. i like the idea of cherubs somewhere. something cheeky maybe in the crotch area also because he's so that guy. i don't see him as the sort to get color tattoos either so it's probably a lot of black and white. im biased and a nirvana girlie but i tend to associate devil may cry in general heavily with grunge (i wrote an entire fic about that so like...Not A Shocking Statement) but i'd probably give him a little reference to that. i feel like if he got tattoos also he'd be very prone to just like getting things he thought looked cool or he was dared into, i don't think he finds the concept of adorning his body like that particularly sacred so there's definitely some odd balls in there either from like flash designs or something he thought was funny at the time. there's some fun ones in the concept art to like there's an early concept art where he's got an angel on his neck and cut lines one sees on plastic bags you need to cut open, an unfished tic tac toe board, a praying cherubic angel, that sort of thing. also i'd add some more baroque references to him because it'd be fun.
kat, however, i used to have like a whole plan for her and tattoos. like i was going to draw a chart and everything asdfghjk. i no longer have this attempt at a tattoo map for her and have since forgotten a lot of them.ones i do recall though is definitely a lot of botanical stuff like flowers and fungi, definitely some sun and moon imagery in there, perhaps some tarot designs i like the idea of a couple of those in there, perhaps a judith like maybe not artmesia's judith as idk if it'd tattoo well but there's some other judiths over history that might (klimt's comes to mind as more tattooable). a moth to there has to be like at least one moth. two i'm also very certain on that i really like: a kat rper on here (i forget which at this point) headcanoned her having an eye on the back of her neck and i LOVED that so that's come into my canon and i've also always liked the idea of kat getting matching tattoos around the nipples. i could see her also maybe getting a quote or two. she'd definitely put a lot more thought into it then dante. i have a private pinterest board from years ago when i was trying to do kat's tattoo map and gathered a collection of images from it to try and show the General Vibe i get for kat tattoos:
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kat not having more tattoos was always odd to me because most tattoo artists will not tattoo your face unless you have other tattoos already. and like we don't know that her star tattoo is a tattoo exactly, she might just draw it on her forehead everyday but i'm pretty sure it's a tattoo so like that would imply she should have more and i guess the stuff on her fingers could be tattoos but i've always preferred the fanon idea that those designs are done with henna. which like maybe she just had an irresponsible tattoo artist but that also seems out of character for her asdfghjkl
all in all though i guess kat tattoos would mirror some of the henna designs i typically draw for her
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turoce · 1 year ago
Seana's 2023 art highlights
(surprisingly, not a reupload this time!)
January: i drew nothing! we're off to a great start.
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February: i drew something! i love Champ even if i haven't drawn anything tf2 related since April. i think it was this piece where i decided to give Champ RED coloring. [link]
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also, this is the month i made my second Moldy plush.... i wasn't very happy with this one, though. [link]
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March: uhhhh. more of my tf2 ocs but i think those aren't that interesting. just go to my tf2 oc blog @brokenbrainstormbulb if you wanna see them honestly, i have an image limit to keep ffs. that said, this was around the time i got into TC2, so i drew a lot of that kind of stuff... i'm never drawing stuff for it ever again, sorry. [link]
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April: look at the cool thing i drew for a fellow tf2 robot fan! now, this is the point in time where i start drawing more because of a certain interest, so look forward to all the art that'll come up here.....
May: wow, this really was my first public piece of Papa Louie art, huh. i was so proud of it when i showed it off on tumblr the first time... i don't like it as much anymore. for one, the office wall color is wrong.... i still can't believe Papa Louie was what got me out of art block, but god, i'm glad it did. i don't think i've drawn this much before, and even though the community's tiny, i'm glad to give back as much as i can. anyways, i said something like "it's so funny that people think they're either super married or divorced as hell" on the same post. i still think that, and it's defos funny as hell, but i've grown a kind of appreciation towards the ship as well. like yeah, you go girls, we love that extra slow burn with so many road bumps on the way! [link]
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June: how the hell did i pump this out. this was also like a few days before i had to leave for the airport too... i don't know myself sometimes. i swear i still love Boigashipping! i just... i'm just busy with other ships okkkk [link]
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July: i didn't draw anything...? i was in Bali. and i was busy selling adopt designs to draw anything substantial, oopsie! actually, i DID draw the first part of WDB... it's uh, still the only part. i'm sorry!!!! i'm sorry!!!! i swear i have the whole thing outlined!!! can you just give me anons about the story instead so you won't have to wonder what comes next!! [link]
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August: TOSI fixation. it had not gone past it's conceptual stage, i must note. i do wish i would do something about it though. [link]
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September: the art trade i did with my friend! actually, i was a few weeks late with my part, so it was supposed to be finished by August. oops. i like the textures tbh. my Chuseok drawings.... i need to draw more characters in hanbok, hee hee. [link]
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October: (breaths in) ...this is the month i finally gave into the JoGotcha wantings. LOOK. ever since someone put the idea into my brain i couldn't get enough of it, and like,, nobody draws the ship anymore so i had to take matters into my own hands. this is the first ship i'm this obsessed with. i usually leave ship stuff to other people but this time that wasn't enough and i... i had to do SOMETHING, y'know? [link]
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Cringetober? who's that? haha;; i stopped feeling like doing the whole list after less than a week. impressive.
November: oh look, Plushy Power League. Quinn didn't win, but i do like the thing i drew as propaganda, so whateves. the first Papa Louie character i ever drew (minus Chuck and Taylor)... did i change how i draw her? uhh. maybe? i'm not too sure. [link]
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also look! the keychain drawing... i need to talk about my Gods and Monsters au again at some point. actually, since i last uploaded the image of my keychain, i revised it tons... it's kinda different now, and i defos think it looks better. this is actually the time i finally fixed the stupid display setting thing that was really messing up my coloring! [link 1] [link 2]
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December: ...oops! tablet broke. and i got my 3ds back so i just didn't draw that much even after exams were over. didn't stop me from drawing though, and in fact i think i made something pretty neat with my christmas art.... even if it did come one day late. [link]
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wow. that's a whole year of stuff... and that's defos a lot! i think i'm really happy with what i drew this year.... i don't know what was in my water the last few years but my art highlights felt really.... miserable? for some reason. i mean, yeah, i didn't do a lot of what i had planned (GOE ANIMATIC IM SORRY) but i can see that i've done just as much with my hands anyways, so like, who cares? plus, i always have next year... that's coming in 3 hours, oh god- so, maybe i won't be too hard on myself for not fulfilling my goals... like, i kinda glossed over it, but i did sell my designs for money, and that's like, really impressive! so many people around me buy and sell their art stuff already, so i guess i didn't really register it as something to be proud of... but doing that shit (making, and marketing) is hard!! so like, it's a wow moment for me!
anyways, i'm tired, i only came back home a few hours ago, and i need to get up again for church in a few hours.... mrphgdjd. lets stop being sentimental, and i'll see you people next year. that's a long way off! hope you don't miss me.
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sandpapersnowman · 1 year ago
2,3, 8, 11, 16, 24!
SO MANY okay I'm doing saltburn, gosling, and baldurs gate fandoms lol
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about but have come to like
I've been stuck on this for like 10 minutes but I can't think of any headcanons I haven't immediately liked or disliked orz
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
saltburn: Venetia for sure!! I've been reading a fic where her and Oliver become friends and talk on the phone together a lot, it leaves me cold by nicelittlestyleslad!!!
goslings: I still have yet to see half Nelson but Dan is definitely a character I don't think I would have even looked at if not for sascha and his amazing henry/Dan stuff!
baldurs gate: fandom has taken me from hating gale to being neutral on him tbh. he's. okay I guess
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, trope, episode, etc)
saltburn: desperately want more fics where Felix is just. such a bottom. I've read some feminization fics w him recently but they just didn't hit like I wanted. I need that man dressed like an egirl
goslings: RICHARD AND HENRY my toxic yaoi boys I love them so much
baldurs gate: we need more wyllstarion. I need them to surpass bl**dw**ve as the top astarion ship
11. what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
saltburn: oh man I'm really loving the fic I'm writing for kyn, your love can do what no one else can, and I have tons written ahead for it ksfnfn
goslings: I love my richard/henry series so much. they're both such weird characters and they go together So Well, I love them, and I have a lot of fun writing them!!
baldurs gate: honestly I love everything I've written for astarion but I Especially love one I'm working on for ascended astarion and my terrible bard guy. it's awful and I'm having a blast
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
saltburn: spoilers but. the fact that Felix looks at Oliver's lips in that one close shot in the maze. the fact that Oliver is petting his face with his thumb in the shadow of his cheek. also Oliver baring his teeth when he's silhouetted with farleigh hoooogh
goslings: not technically a character thing but the fact that ryan gosling has called himself 49% woman. I love him. also listen to Dead Man's Bones
baldurs gate: when astarion smugly goes to pick a lock and rolls a 1
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
man I could go on forever about how almost all of my friends have been met through fandom, or how I write every day because of it, or how I'm actually like learning and getting better at drawing because I want to draw certain things
fandom has also done a lot of bad for me in the form of being subjected to shitty takes and meeting a few awful people but for the most part like. I would probably not have otherwise found a sense of community anywhere else because I've been so socially reclusive my whole life
and it's helped me develop socializing skills that DO make me confident enough to talk to non fandom people and like people irl and stuff
Basically like. despite all the wildness I'm grateful that I've been able to find like-minded cool people in basically every fandom I've been in
more specifically though
saltburn: so much of the fandom is like very young adults I've noticed? but it's funny being called grandthey at age 26
goslings: the goosecoooord I love yall and I love all the stuff we do. I've written so much stuff I never would have dipped my toes in because yall have been cool and supportive and awesome
baldurs gate: astarion made me and my girlfriend bisexual and has also gently bridged my knowledge gap to dnd to the point that I could probably enjoy playing it/ttrpgs in general
thanks for the ask!!! :3
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 1 year ago
For TOH ask game, how about 1, 7 and 9? :)
Hi!! Thank you sm for the ask!! I'm gonna switch the numbers up a bit because I've answered a few you've listed but still wanna answer more.
(Here is the ask game for those who want to see it)
I have already answered questions: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 16, 19, 20
1.) What episode got you invested in the show? Why?
I already answered this one here so I'll exchange this with 3.
3.) Favorite episode? Why? Ramble as much as you'd like.
My favorite episode most definitely for nostaligic and sentimental reasons would be Enchanting Grom Fright, and I KNOW like there are a TON of other episodes but I cannot deny the fact that EGF really does hold a special place in my heart for being (as I answered in question 1.) the reason I even got into TOH in the first place back in 2020. The entire course of this hyperfixation is BECAUSE of that episode. I love it sm because it literally was the spark of the fandom's outrage over shipping Lumity. Everyone was racing to draw and commit every art medium to fandom space. Ao3 was such a different place back then too for TOH fanfic. I think after EGF came out a lot of things really came to be TOH. Of course then we had WIng It Like Witches (which that's an entire discussion in itself!!) that made us all freak out even more about Lumity. I don't know haha. EGF really holds a special place in my heart that I love more than s2. WHICH- Don't even get me wrong. I absolutely love LOVE LOVE s2. We got the Lumity kiss and all that fun cannon stuff- It's just that nothing to me compares to the absolute sheer ferality I had over them because of that episode. TOH really had a chokehold on me because of that.
7.) Has the show ever made you cry? What scene(s)?
I already answered this one too here :( (its so funny yall asked like almost the same thing whoops.)
I'll do 6 because 4 is super obvious lol.
6.) A character you didn't expect to love? What made you start liking them?
Honestly, I'm gonna give a hot take here but Willow. In the beginning back during s1 I didn't feel like she was all that cool. (I didn't HATE her- I just didn't see the appeal of her) Of course Understanding Willow definitely had an impact but it wasn't until s2 when we really got to see into her more that I started to really think she wasn't half bad. Like s1 was mostly not as plot driven so it kinda felt that she was mid. Was indifferent but I'm so glad the show changed my mind about her because she truly was one of the best characters.
9.) If the show had a full three seasons, whats something you genuinely think would happen? Not a wishful thinking, what do you think is something that would've happened?
Well Beach Episode got hinted at so obviously I would be down for that, but I think most importantly seeing more interactions between the hexsquad. I would've wanted to see a picnic lumity cemetery date obviously, and maybe even the hexsquad going to a convention together. I just would want more shenanigans with them all.
Also more Raeda?? Like I would be down for that. And Steve!! And Lilith!! Lilith and Hooty moments.
I think we would've gotten more clarification on the whole curse and the inner lore of it, because I know KNOW theres more to it there. More lore with Hooty and what even that worm was too. I just know there would've been more lore if we had more time.
Thanks sm for the ask!! Hope you didn't mind I switched them a bit so this wasn't so short.
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wu-wakfu-undertale · 2 years ago
i've always wanted to send a ask before, but didn't have a blog before, but here i have one now!
i just wanted to say thank you for a lot of things.
first, you posting your art here around 2015-16 was a huge reason i started drawing and doing art in the first place. seeing other peeps similar to me making stuff i enjoyed really cemented what i wanted to do going forward. you were one of my first inspirations for art, and i thank you for that.
second, seeing someone enjoy the funny french fantasy show and the impactful heart dodging game as much as me was also a huge factor of my initial art drive. my first characters were fan characters of wakfu and undertale. hell i even had a small AU mixing the two with an original character as the protag lol. Even after all this time, i still have them and actively draw them, with a ton of reconning, redesigns, renaming rewriting and making them their own thing separate from both things, but they still came from influences like you. thank you for helping me make my own lil guys gorls and theys by just posting what you like. I'm planning on making games, a large scale webcomic , and hopefully more as i go on with them. The webcomic in specific has the fanchild i designed as a ship between adamai and my oc as the protag of it, but he's basically a new character from what he was before lol. even still, the orginal design has influence over his newest design, keeping the blue and white from adamai as a big part of his current color pallete. Even if he is a completely different character, he still has roots from my old interests when i was 11-12.
i'm blanking hardcore rn but all in all, you posting stuff here was a huge reason i am where i am now in life. thank you for that. i'm glad to see you're still on this blog and such, i hope the future treats you well.
thank you, Wu.
aw dude! thats so wonderful!! like i said to the other asker, i think younger me would be totally overjoyed that my little blog could inspire others at least a little! thank you so much for sharing that, and i hope your comic and games go well!! :D
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goldenfox3 · 1 year ago
Personal rambling lmao
It feels a bit...silly to be posting this right after posting an art and recently after posting an art positivity post but I've always flip flopped between feeling great about what I make and feeling like. Meh. It's out there I guess. I know perfectly well notes/kudos aren't everything and you should make stuff (especially fan art/fic) for yourself first and foremost so I wouldn't say I've ever like...posted anything I didn't want to make.
But there are times when I feel like...I drew something that I knew would be more well-received over something I wanted to draw more. Or I drew because I put pressure on myself to make something to hit that high of attention. This is partially what the Blood Falcon in water vent art and the Stewart hanahaki sketch was about. Choking, drowning, the imagery is a bit dramatic but yeah. It sounds ungrateful to even say it when I have so many lovely people supporting me and what I do but maybe it's the anxiety talking when I say I feel isolated sometimes. Sometimes that's not necessarily a bad thing! I have fun vibing with my homies in my gay little corner of FZ fandom!
But sometimes I do wonder if the charas or ships I'm most interested in would be more popular if like...I could draw better or push myself to interact more (that one is more related to twt) or had more followers here/on twt or even if it wasn't a gay ship (sounds silly to say I know but FZ twt has a diff vibe). It's not that there isn't anyone else interested and that no one supports my misc ship ramblings (I love and adore those of you who do) at all I just feel greedy and want to do more than shouting into the void I guess lmao. Spread it to the world or whatever. There's no need to feel down about that like getting to spread my love for a ship into the world should be a positive thing so???? Ironically enough I think twt may have made it worse bc though I (usu) get more interaction there it also becomes easier to see when the art I put the most love into (anything Falcon/Stewart or Andy/Robert) gets very little attention compared to art I put less effort into that I made more for others or randomass pieces where I'm like ???? why that one.
I know this is common and that you can't predict what people will like and funny or general pieces usu do better than hyperspecific niche ship pieces but even though I intellectually know that it's still like :( Sometimes I catch myself thinking things like "should I make this piece more gen because if I make it too obviously gay/shippy the people will be turned off". It's not like I don't make things for myself! I have tons of material I've never published lying around just because it makes me happy and sometimes I will polish it and turn it into something presentable because it makes me happy to do so. But again there's also this like...internal pressure (that no one else put on me it's just me being dumb lmao) to keep pushing out content to get my ships out there because there's very little of it (or none of it) otherwise so I feel like I have to keep pushing pushing pushing even though literally no one is pushing me but myself. Or to make things that aren't really the thing I wanted to make because it will get more attention even though attention isn't everything I know, I know.
None of this really matters in the grand scheme of life and it really sounds like I should go touch grass or something but I'm stuck inside for now because of work and school and physical pain so yeah lmao. It's that kind of situation where I think people would advise me to take a break from socmed and creating things since I do still feel happy when I go out with friends or family but to bring up the burning star analogy again, I feel that I'm burning up as I make things at a fever pace but I also feel like I'm burning up if I don't make things so. I might as well make things so I can be temporarily euphoric upon seeing what I made. It's not like I don't have other interests or people to socialize with it's just...a vague feeling of discontent about. Fictional characters of all things. Why lmfao
I know these feelings aren't uncommon for artists and envy towards other creators/putting yourself down in comparison is a common problem so it's like the conundrum of I know exactly what's wrong with me I just can't defeat it with logic lol. It's not my intention to sound ungrateful for anything I already have or to go hashtag first world problems or to like....guilt anyone or sound entitled or begging for attention or what have you...I just felt like it would feel, if not better, at least something from trying to make sense of my illogical thoughts by dumping it out somewhere.
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yournamelesswriter · 10 months ago
About Me
My name is Gremlin, although if you see me anywhere I go by different iteration of the same name just mispelled because I think it's funny to use my friends' typos. I'm a nonbinary trans man (ftm) and queer (because I just kinda stopped thinking about my sexuality for a while now and I'm just happily gay). I'm 22 years old and have been making content for nearly a decade now. I started art as a kid and started to rekindle the passion at 13 when I got absolutely obsessed over Vocaloid. From then on I started making traditional art then transitioning to digital art by 2016 and I've been posting on the internet for years. I am currently multifandom and I just draw fanart for whichever fixation I have at the moment but my main fixation is Good Omens and Valorant but that's mostly the top ones I mostly talk about, I am into a ton of other things that you'll see soon.
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✦ ғʀᴇǫᴜᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀsᴋᴇᴅ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs!
⋆☀︎. Can I draw fanart of your OCs?
Absolutely!!! If you want me to see your work, you can tag me in your posts.
⋆☀︎. Can we write fanfics about your characters?
At the moment, I really don't want to see fics about them mostly because I know I would read it and I am absolutely easily swayed with my characters and I might change my characters because of it especially for characters that are still being written so at the moment, it's going to be a no as a self-restrain for me so I'd motivate myself to keep writing.
⋆☀︎. Can I create NSFW of your characters?
No, unless I change my mind in the future.
⋆☀︎. Can we make ships of your characters?
Yeah, I don't mind as long as it's not immoral.
⋆☀︎. Can I use your art as pfp?
Yes you can! As long as you credit me in your bio :)
⋆☀︎. Can I repost your art?
No, you can't repost my art. I get that it's more for appreciation purposes but its sadly not good for my reach so I don't allow people to repost it. Also, I find that people who don't post credits properly when they repost my art so I highly go against it.
⋆☀︎. Do you have any reference for your persona?
Yes, I do!
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✦ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍs ɪ ᴜsᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴜsᴇ ᴀʀᴇ:
⋆☀︎. Art Programs
Paint Tool Sai 2 (Illustrations)
Clip Studio Paint (Animation)
Fire Alpaca (Former Animation Software)
⋆☀︎. Editing Software
Wondershare Filmora
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que3rduckling · 2 years ago
well, hello, there!
getting into this, don't throw stones at me, if I'm wrong.
- you are a very funny but shy person
- for that very reason, i assume, you'd have to acclimatise with people before showing your more free/dorky sides
- you are passionate about your interests
- you ship reddie (duh) /runs
- you like art
- i need a 6th assumption, cause i hate odd numbers, so... uhm idk, lemme just say the dumbest thing: i assume you like red. 😭 this is a very well thing I just took out of nowhere. not even an assumption, just a guess in the void. 😭
Hello hello!
I Like to think of myself as quite a funny person but if I am being my jokes are usually a hit or miss. Also I am definitely shy, not as shy as I was before but still a little bit shy.
Sometimes I wish I waited a bit before showing the absolute geek I am. But I sadly do not. I wear shirts and pins of my hyperfixtions and some of my opening questions for people are usually like “what movies/tv shows/ YouTubers do you like?” Just so I can have an excuse to talk about my hyperfixtions (also to know if they like it too so I can even more about it with someone who also enjoys it). I am loud and proud about my nerdyness (is that a word?).
I am very Passionate about my interest. And it may be to a bit of an extreme lol.
I love art. Not just painting/drawing my own art but I actually do quite enjoy going and seeing other peoples art. It is quite interesting to me to see how other people interoperate (I think that is the right word) the world.
Ah sadly the void has failed you. My favourite colour is blue. I own a shot ton of things in blue just cause I really like the colour.
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