#the fucking CURLS IM DECEASED
taintandviolent · 7 months
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it’s giving modern day!Jimmy Darling, winning arcade games for you on your first date. he’s skilled at it, and absolutely takes the chance to show off and get you a new teddy bear…. Even though he’d prefer to be the one you’re holding at night.
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Cookies and Cream
I saw someone on the jonathan ohnn x reader tag ask for angst and rejection and im kinda in a mood (when am i not tbh) so here’s a snippet!! 
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: Realistically, i would like take a chance, but like also if my partner showed up with spots and no clothes, i’d be like oh:^) im about to make an important decision:^)
He’s a nerd- that’s a given with his profession and PhD, but he’s a dorky type of nerd that makes you smile. You like to think that you have a nice relationship with the doctor. He’s cute and awkward. He knows what you like and dislike.
You remember him buying you chocolate- the cookies and cream type- and knew that there was something going on when you don’t eat the candy. Explaining how you have such an aversion to spotted things always seemed silly when explaining to others- you always tripped over your words or never explained it properly- but he sat and listened. He nodded, and never brought you cookies and cream chocolate ever again.
Jonathan was considerate. He was a sweetheart, always so gentle and only really let his guard down when around you. 
It’s been days since the Super-Collider exploded and it’s been days since you heard from Jonathan. You tried not to fear the worst; you reasoned to yourself that if something had happened, something bad, you would have been notified. 
You’re in the middle of scouring various articles for any mention of the deceased or lost and his name doesn't pop up. Your mouth pulls into a thin line and you groan, throwing your head back in an attempt to let out your frustration.
“Any sign of him would work out just fine,” you mumble to yourself. You pull yourself back, an arm going across to rub at your shoulder. “I just-” tears prick at your eyes. You want him to be safe. Alive. Here with you. “Please,” you beg under your breath. You just want your partner with you. 
In the room, you hear a soft plop. When you look back at the room, there’s a person in a white suit standing in your living room. You scream, grabbing at the nearest object- the television remote- and chuck it at the intruder. They yelp in response, moving awkwardly to the side, throwing something dark at the object and the remote clashes beside you, batteries spilling out.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The person screams, hands covering their head. “I should have said something, but I only just came in.”
“Get the fuck out!” You reach for your phone, unsure if you’re going to call the police or throw it away. 
“Please don’t throw it at me.” He says your name with familiarity and disgust pools in your stomach. “I’m sorry- really, I am. I just- I don’t have your key with me and I thought knocking would’ve freaked you out more and I know I look different but-”
“Who the hell are you?” You hiss, holding the phone tight in your hand. 
“It’s me,” he says, as if that answer is anything useful. “It’s me, Jonathan,” he clarifies. After a moment where he’s positive you won’t throw anything, he pulls his arms down, and stands tall in your living room. All air escapes your lungs, and you hold whatever is left, unable to move as your phone slips from your hand and drops to the floor next to the remote. “Hi,” he says softly.
You wish you could run to him, but you’re rooted in place. With a good look, you aren’t sure what to make of him. His face is gone- hidden beneath white and a singular black spot that covers what should be his features. You can’t trust this to be your Jonathan.
“Prove it,” you mutter. You clear your throat, and stand straight, puffing out your chest. “Prove it,” you repeat with an ounce of force. Your hands curl into fists, and your heart races in your chest. “Take off the mask.”
The person in front of you laughs awkwardly, raising a hand to scratch at his neck. “I- I can’t do that.”
“I’m calling the cops,” you say, hoping that you’d be quick enough to grab your phone, unlock it, and call for the authorities. 
“No, no! I mean, uh- you like it when I kiss your hand. You kiss my palm and I press it against my lips, and when I kiss your hand you always kiss at the spot,” he says in a rush of words. “Sometimes eating strawberries is a struggle for you, so I make sure to cut them up. Um- uh,” he turns his head around as if the answers to his identity are painted on the walls. “You have this mole on you and I always kiss it when we-”
“Oh my gosh.” You interrupt him, and there’s a chill going through your body. “Jonathan?” He nods, taking a step forward. “What- What are you wearing?”
He freezes in his spot, and stands straight. “I’m not wearing anything. I- Something bad happened back at Alchemax. I mutated with a black hole and-” he lifts his arms up in a show of himself- “I’m this. It’s skin.” He pinches at a part of his arm and pulls, and it stays connected to him.
“Skin?” You hiss out, staring at him up and down. “What do you mean?”
“It was Spider-man. He- he did this and now I look like this- but-” he shakes his head and takes a step towards you- “I’m home. I’m sorry. I know you wanted to move in with me but uh-some things happened and-” he pauses when he notices you haven’t stopped staring at him. “I know I look different, but it’s me. You know me.” He says your name softly, and you can hear the smile in his voice even though there’s no mouth. When you don’t speak, he presses further. “Please. Please say something.”
“What do you want me to say?” You ask, and it comes out cold.
“Tell me that you’re happy to see me,” he offers. When you don’t make a sound, he gives another option. “Ask if I’m okay.”
You weren’t entirely sure if you were happy to see him. You think you are. You should be. You wanted to see him just moments ago. You should have specified that you wanted to see your partner as your partner and not some mutated person. 
Taking another glance, your stomach drops at all the spots- all the holes that cover his body. You should be happy. You should be holding him and asking if he’s okay. You should be thanking the stars that he’s in front of you. But you can’t. And you won’t. Not when the sight of him makes you nauseous. 
You can’t look at him. It’s too many spots- too many holes. You think you’re going to be sick. You remember telling him how you hated spots- trypophobia is what he told you it was. You couldn’t eat cookies and cream flavored anything because of the spots, on bad days, strawberries made you sick. He knew that. He knows that. He’s the one who was always so careful to not give you so many punctured items. But he’s here now and you hate it. 
Guilt eats at you. It makes you nauseous, and scared. You wish you could look at him. He croaks out your name, and even without a face, you can tell that he’s crying. Your teeth are clenched, molars pressing into each other, and when you peek, you turn away again. No. You can’t look at him. Not when he’s like this. Not when he’s not Jonathan. 
“Please,” he croaks. You hate how your name sounds on his tongue. It’s pathetic and sniveling, and you can’t help but swallow the bile that burns your throat. “It’s still me. It’s still your Jonathan. I- I know I look different, but I- I’m sorry.”
“Jonathan,” you say, spit laying heavy on your tongue, “looking different is like a scar or bleaching your hair. You-” you gesture to him- “don’t even look-” human. He doesn’t look human, but even as you’re close to being sick, you can’t tell him that. That would be going too far. “You don’t even have eyes.”
With his long legs- too long to ever have been human- he takes quick strides towards you. His stomach touches the edge of the couch, and you see the spots swirl, contracting in size, and erratic as he speaks. 
You’re going to have to wash the couch- somehow.
“I can still see!” You shut your eyes tight when he speaks. “I- I don’t have anyone else.” His voice quivers. Closing your eyes was a mistake- it still sounds like him. It is him, but it isn’t. “I thought you- you wanted to move in with me.” The sentence breaks your heart. His voice makes you want to hold him like you did nights ago.
The air is cold and it makes your skin rise with goosebumps. You wonder for a moment if his skin does the same, but the mental image of it makes you regret even thinking about it- about him. Your lungs fill with air, and you have to brace yourself to look at him.
Looking at him is so much worse than you could have imagined. The spot in the middle of his face is deflated near the top, and he’s sad. Him expressing emotions with a spot makes everything so much worse. The dark of it spirals, the edges of it fading into a small cluster of spots that reminds you of poorly mixed cookies and cream. It takes all of you to look at him. 
“I wanted to move in when you-” when he looked human- “when you had a job. When you - where even if you lost the job, you could- I don’t know, find another one.” You’re shallow. You wish you weren’t. You wish it were another poor soul that got infected with spots.
“Please,” his voice is fragile, tense and heavy, and his hands rise, and they’re loosely wrapped around your own, until you pull back, scrambling to get away. 
“Don’t!” You hold your hands in a clawed pose, shaking until they form into fists. “Don’t,” you whisper out, pulling your arms closer to your body and further away from him.
His body is shaking, shoulders rising and falling, and there are these broken gasps of air coming from him. He’s calling your name, pleading for you to accept his apologies. He feels bad about touching you, and you can’t help but want to wash your skin until it burns. 
“I’m sorry,” he wheezes out. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Please-” your name sounds broken when he speaks it out loud- “I promise I’ll find a way to reverse this. We can figure it out. You- You said that you would take care of me when I was sick.” 
“Sick, Jonathan,” you spit out, unable to stop yourself from glaring at the man across from you. “Like the cold or something serious like a broken bone or fucking radiation poisoning. Fuck!” You look away from him, and catch his reflection in a piece of furniture. It’s warped and unsightly. “It was shit like that Jonathan.” Tears pool in your eyes- burning and overflowing, and your face scorches under all your emotions. “Not this. Not when you don’t look-” you have to say it, it’s lodged in your throat, and it’ll stay stuck there until you get rid of it now- “human.” You’re the absolute worst- you’re sure of it. 
Your name is called once more. You hiccup and keep your gaze away from him. “It’s still me,” he says in a low voice, hurt interlaced into every letter. “We can- I know that this is new and it’ll take some getting used to, but we can make it work.” You stay silent, biting on the inside of your cheeks to keep yourself from crying. “I wouldn’t leave you if the situations were reversed.” You flinch, and you hate that you know he’s speaking the truth. He wouldn’t leave you. Not when you needed him the most. You wish the building would crumble and you’d be crushed by stone and pipes. “I won’t bring this up ever again. We can figure it out, and I’ll never hold this against you. I promise. We can start fresh.” He so desperately clings to the relationship, and you both know that if you were to move forward, you could never forget this conversation. He could never forget how you were so quick to abandon him. “I promise.”
It’s selfish. You do this for yourself. You want to live a life that doesn’t involve hiding a man who is longer human. “I want to go out on dates. I want to watch a movie.” You turn to him, and the tears burn themselves into your skin. “I want my friends to see you.” You shake your head and take a step back, furthering yourself from the man before you. “I can’t do this, Jonathan.”
He shakes his head, and you wish that you cared for him the way that he cared for you. “We can do that. I can do that.” He takes a step forward, and you take another step back. “I- I can wear clothes and hide myself and we can go out.” The spots on his body swirl, expanding and moving across his body. They break apart at the edges, scattering smaller spots across him, and it makes the acid in your stomach fill your mouth. “Don’t do this,” he pleads. “Please.” He’s crying, and you hate that you can’t bring yourself to comfort him. 
“I can’t see you anymore, Jonathan.” You turn yourself away from him. “I mean it. I can’t-” you wave a hand towards his direction- “I need you to leave Jonathan.”
“You can’t be serious.” You don’t answer, and that in itself is an answer. “I- I thought you would still want me.” You flinch at the words. You thought the same too. “Please don’t do this. I promise, you won’t see my holes. You can cover me and I’ll- I’ll hide and-”
“Jonathan,” you say curtly. “I need you to go.” You refuse to look at him. “Please, Jonathan. Just- Just get out.” Even in your worst of fights with him, you had never kicked him out, and now when he needs you the most, you kick him out. You wish that someone would put you out of your misery.
There’s a pause in the room, and you can hear his ragged breathing. “I thought you loved me.” You refuse to answer. “I love you.” You grit your teeth and shut your eyes until organic shapes in different colors swirl behind your eyelids. The confession makes you bite your tongue. 
It’s silent for a long time, and when you open your eyes, you’re alone in your home. The only evidence that gave away that something bad happened was the television remote and your phone that lay on the floor. A sob cracks through your chest, and you smother it with your hand, forcing yourself not to cry. Not now. Not when it was you that demanded the break-up. You wanted him, but not when he was this- when he was that. You wanted your Jonathan.
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captain-mj · 8 months
I love the Superhero AU! After the first part you mentioned another part was on the way, so I didn't want to bother to ask you to continue when that was already the plan. Not a fan of making people feel rushed.
The "enemies to lovers" tending to their injuries and recovery. The "I didn't know where else to go." I AM INSTANTLY DECEASED. I NEED MORE! I need it to its conclusion! The pet shadows with the judgmental stare! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Delivered!! Im very glad you liked it!!
Ghost was… well. Struggling. He was starving, having a hard time cooking for himself, and he was pretty sure any progress he made on his ribs had gotten fucked up when he had gotten tossed around like a ragdoll. His shadows did their best, but they could only do so much, especially when he didn’t have the strength to take control of them.
It took two days, and the realization that despite all of this trying he wasn’t healing yet, before Ghost shot Soap a text. “Come over.”
Soap got the text message during a meeting. Price had asked him a million questions when he finally showed up but he had simply explained that Ghost had “Contacted him for information and opened up about a possible future” which quickly made Price let that slide. How could he be mad at him for that? Their whole goal was to deal with Ghost by either getting him to stop or joining so that way he would have to follow the rules.
When Soap saw Ghost’s come over message, he didn’t even have to lie about who it was or what he asked. So Soap was over in a flash, desperate to find out what Ghost wanted.
To find him in a worse state than before was rather distressing after all of the excitement. Soap happily helped him out though and, despite how much Ghost hated it, they quickly formed a nice alliance.
Ghost, in a rather desperate need to be useful, gave Soap missions. Nothing that would require someone dying, of course. Just stopping specific times that would take place at certain times or checking on a situation for him.
Soap found himself more and more infatuated with him. The Shadows begrudgingly gave their approval of him after a while which was much appreciated, but there were more and more strands of darkness around Ghost. They were slow to appear and Ghost explained they’d been busy keeping some of his organs working.
“Not quite immortality but close, yeah? That’s the not sentient part of it. Even if the Shadows disappeared or I put them away for a bit, this stays.”
Soap felt a lot better when he thought about kissing Ghost later. The Shadows wouldn’t have to watch but he’d still be strong enough to properly kiss back. Excellent.
(Though Soap had to admit, in most of his fantasies, Ghost’s perceived weakness was a bonus. The idea of him easily pinning down the great Ghost, turning him from a powerful antihero to just the human underneath. Very exciting prospects.)
But he was careful to not think of any of that while he took care of Ghost. He stayed clinical. Just a sweet nurse to help him out.
Ghost was very happy the first day he didn’t really need Soap around. Soap was crushed. But… Ghost never really asked him to stop coming and Soap continued to arrive and they acted… normal.
They’d watch tv or Soap would cook while Ghost watched him and one day, instead of wearing his balaclava, he wore a black gaiter, letting Soap see the… the…
“You’re blond?” That was the first thing Soap said. Besides the fact his hair was a beautiful mess of bedhead curls that had Soap foaming at the mouth, it made the soft brown eyes seem so much darker by comparison.
“I bleach it.”
Soap could barely string his thoughts together afterwards. Ghost made food this time, watching him with slight amusement.
“My mum taught me how to cook.” Ghost said softly. He seemed a little vulnerable at this moment, the Shadows having disappeared. The sun on him. Soap shouldn’t be staring. He’s supposed to be a good person. A hero. The epitome of chivalry and bravery and all that.
So why did he feel like such a coward? He just kept staring at Ghost’s back. Underneath his band tee, there were tons of scars. Scars Soap had wanted to touch. His own skin couldn’t do it. No one he knew had such vulnerabilities and those that did most certainly didn’t put themselves in harm's way. He didn’t make friends with many regular people. Maybe that’s why Ghost felt so… refreshing. Tempting.
Soap wanted. He lusted. All while Ghost tentatively shared details about his life.
Soap had never felt like more of a bad person.
Ghost put the food in front of him and Soap ate every bite. It was so good and Ghost softened the more he ate.
Soap smiled at him a little and Ghost glanced away. They were dancing around each other and the music had started to crescendo. Eventually, they’d have to collide. To come to some conclusion.
“Why do you keep coming?” Ghost asked softly. “Are you waiting for me to change my mind? I’m not going to join your league. I can’t. How well do you think it’ll go if they find out I’m human?”
“I’m not here to make you join the league.”
Ghost stared at him, analyzing him. When he was satisfied with what he found, he asked. “Then what are you here for? Because you didn’t keep coming out of the kindness of your own heart. There’s other people. Other things you could be doing. I went back to going out and helping people and you didn’t stop me. So what do you want from me?”
“I want you.” Soap admitted softly. “I just… want you.”
“I’m not something worth wanting.” Ghost said softly.
Soap swallowed. “My name is Johnny. I’m 24. I hate dogs. I’ve dated a bunch of people but never anything serious. I knew i was going to be a hero by the time i was 8 and they told me i was made for it. I so rarely get to want things but i really, really want you.”
Ghost tilted his head, something amused there again. “I know what you’re thinking. You see my big brown eyes and you think I’m all pretty under here. Maybe the hair gets you all hot and bothered. I make jokes. I pretend. But I know once I lose the mask, it's gone. I’m not attractive under here. A fact I’m reminded of constantly. So let me go ahead and shatter the illusion.”
He took his mask off and dropped it on the table.
The scarring was not pretty. A sharply cut Glasgow smile. Burns. Acid burns. That’s what they were. Cutting streaks down from his lips and down his chin. They were faded and clearly a little old but still visible.
“You’re gorgeous.” Soap said softly, but just a little too fast to be a lie.
Ghost made a face as he stared at him, but it quickly started to crumble. “What?”
“You’re gorgeous.” Soap repeated and with little effort, he was in front of Ghost, hand on his shoulders. He was being greedy again. Drinking him in.
The kiss was fast. Desperate. Strangely human.
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notanerdyprude · 9 months
fun things i noticed rewatching npmd act 1:
sam sweetly was investigating richies death
richie messed with his fingers absentmindedly
everyone pronounces stephs last name correctly (law-ter) except the teacher (low-ter) because teachers cant pronounce peoples names correctly
pete is almost always curled into himself while steph is almost always sat more like. outward. i dont know how to describe it.
petes plaid on his suspenders and bowtie matches stephs flannel
stephanie wears a lot of jewellery
ruth and richie hold on to pete at the end of “literal monster”’s first chorus
the literal monster choreogrophy fucking SLAPS byw
richie is such a bitch “its LIPSCHITZ 🙄🙄” “i never intended to walk through your hallway”
richie keeps his hands under his armpits most of the time
graces little “mhm. mhm.” after she says “his name is jesus christ” >>>
max and grace nodding at eachother is never not going to be funny to me
kyle is max’s biggest hype-man. homosexual activity if you ask me.
ruth and the nerd in purple enter the stage hiding behind the bleachers during max’s verse
“next time youre going to cheat do it like a lauter and dont get caught” so solomon most likely got to his position illegally
“somebody WALKS to the office with STEPHANIE LAUTER 🙄” richie is a Bitch
ruth cares very deeply about library rules
she immediately stops caring about them as soon as stephanie lauter calls him
ruth rolls her eyes when richie starts his “aot > star wars shit”, so shes clearly heard this a shit ton before
petes jumper also matches stephanies foannel
pete is in the shadows for a good part of cooler than i think i am because he keeps walking through them
as soon as the bridge is done he goes from being in the light to beingbik the shadows again
peter can also be a bitch
max doesnt come from money
max started being a prick in 4th grade
jason seems to be an actually good dude.
max has a major god complex obviously but like. it is bad. it is BAD.
mark, despite being married to her, calls graces mom ‘mother’
graces mom also wears butterfly clips
richies side eye the second steph walks over im DECEASED.
richie looks so horrified by steph touching him
cooler than him tune plays when they walk into the boys bathroom
richie side-eyes people a lot
pete’s “grace 🙄” i love him hes so bitchy
hatchet town tune plays in the bg a lot
richie naruto runs into the waylon place
richie is VERY excited by the plan “WE’LL MAKE HIM SHIT HIS PANTS 😁”
petes a marvel nerd. he does both the hulk and spidermans gestures
richie is ruths wingman confirmed
richie fiddles with the little tassles on petes jacket
max is very good at puns
will is scarily good at sounding like blood is coming out of his mouth
pete has a very short temper
grace actively cheers for ruth after she cuts off max’s nips
stacy calls richie “mr. lipschitz”. for some reason.
richie calls jason jace :(( /pos
“theyre my bros for life” they said ONE nice thing to you get some standards i BEG
richies face immeidately dropping as soon as max says “richieee”
richies wearing 4 layers on top and a pair of shorts. transgender.
max’s blood is sparkly.
max shakes his hand after touching richie
max thinks people in the smoke club are cool
max locks the door on richie
he does the choreo from thriller by michael jackson
richies squeal after max makes him fall
max is heavy projecting onto richie
max seems genuinely pissed when richie says ‘im not a loser.’ he only chills when richie says ‘please don’t kill me’.
he taunts richie by calling him his actual name. he never called richie his real name, only shit-lips. false sense of security type shit.
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vyntilador · 2 years
Us against the world
When faced against the choice of choosing between the world or the love of his life, which path will he choose?
Genre: Angst/comfort
CW: Subtle(?) mentions of character death
1,340 words 7,210 characters
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Luke Pearce
He looks up to the sky with a clear hopelessness in his eyes, seemingly eyeing God for help or cursing the universe itself for facing him with such a difficult decision. Despite the hesitation, he's well aware that he himself won't be around for a very long time so he decides to choose what he's always wanted for so long despite possibly making him look 'greedy' in the eyes of people. He clings into your unconscious body as if his life depended on it (it did) as tears that glistened like diamonds fell from his face as he watches the world slowly fall apart. Even with lingering regrets, he only had you left by his side. His parents and relatives unknown or deceased. At least now in your final moments, he gets to hold you close for as long as he wished, the heavy burden of his choice weighing him down but the peaceful and content look on your face brings him back to the surface, exposing him to the pure light that you shine down on him.
"I know that this probably isn't the outcome you would've liked but, Please; Let me a have a moment with only you. If I had chosen the whole world over the one who stole my heart, I'd be taking my efforts to keep you safe in vain." He whispers his thoughts to you as he held you tightly against him, taking in the feeling of having you all to himself, without the worries of losing you.
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Marius von Hagen
It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. You were just going to have dinner out with Marius when all hell broke loose and now he's being forced into choosing between forsaking the world or you. He doesn't realize it but the harder he clenched his fists, the more his whole body shook and the more his breath hitched. His throat felt tight as his stomach caves in on its own, fully making him feel the consequences of either choices. He knew deep down that if he chose to save the love of his life, he'd be throwing away the dream of living a peaceful life with his father and brother but if he chose the world, he knows that he'll no longer love again like how he did with you. As he whispers his final answer, his assailants manic laughter filled his ears as he desperately covered them with his hands already hearing the tiny sobs escaping from your lips. He mutters silent apologies falling into deaf ears as your pained screams reverberated through the room forcefully pulling a blood curling scream from the depths of his heart as his own world turns into shades of black and white. Without the light of his life, his world will then be filled with nothing but emptiness.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorryI'msorryI'msorry—" Apologies that were once stuck in his throat finally escaped but it was long too late. He couldn't bring himself to look at you nor could he even open his eyes in fear of seeing your once soft, vibrant skin all splattered with your own blood because of his own decision. He continues to apologize, knowing full well that you won't be able to ever forgive him until soemthing finally dawns on him. He's not only the reason of his mother's death now, he's also the one behind yours.
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Artem Wing
He remains unfazed in the exterior. But within his mind, he's never felt so furious before. As the man mocks and insults him, he immediately shouts for the man to stay quiet which proved effective as the sound of the wind's howls remained the only thing heard within the building. Artem thinks for a moment what would be the most desirable choice. His usual calm surface breaks as he furrows his brows while silently pondering. The sound of a gun getting loaded and several orders being passed by to the man's underlings surrounded Artems' already ringing ear. He spares a glance at you and he swore that he felt his heart fall apart as he sees the despairing smile on your face, almost accepting your fate. For once, a single tear fell from his eyes and he curses himself for being so powerless. He tries desperately to negotiate and he's then faced with another option. He can work under him and help spread NXX more around the world and the man swears to never lay a single finger on you or your family ever again. Artem imagined himself reaching out to a more realistic choice until the man spoke again. "If we are ever to be found out, you will take the blame solely or we'll be taking your lovely partner's life." Artem desperately tried to reach for the first realistic choice but he's once again pulled away from it. A reality with having both you and the world felt near yet so far. And now, he decides that it's been set in stone. He'll be a villain in this world just to keep you safe and sound.
"Is it a deal then?" Artem spoke with his voice containing little to no emotion as it's all drained from him except for his feelings of love for you. As you were finally released from your bindings, you immediately ran towards him and gave him a soft slap on his face while continuously questioning him on why he did that. He smiles mockingly at himself as his heart aches a little more, knowing that your time together will soon expire.
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Vyn Richter
Vyn was never the type to struggle in choosing between two things. But the moment that he hears his options, his breathing becomes erratic as his mind spins with the thought of losing you or seeing the world in ruins just to save his one and only love. Vyn waited years just to finally meet someone who'll turn him into the most hopeless romantic and make him go against his own beliefs and fall in love but for that to be slowly taken away from him due to a stupid ordeal? It made him sick to his stomach. He hears your muffled pleas begging him to spare the world of its sufferings but he was too focused on how big of a loss it would be if you slipped away from his grasp. Vyn tries to negotiate but he surprisingly, barely creates any coherent words as he looks down on his pale, shaking hands. And with a deep breath, he walks to the man that offered his options and mutters a silent request that had made you immediately retort in disagreement. His heart aches with the sound of your quivering, desperate voice begging him to stop whatever his planning but the sudden sound of a bang abruptly interrupts you. He'd thrown away his own ideals and other goals just to succumb to your love and with that in mind, he refuses to be like his father who chose his title over the love of his life. In his final moments, he spares a glance at you and sees your own tears fall down through his blurry eyes. he regrets ever making you cry but if it means keeping your love safe, he'll do anything just to keep you safe.
Before it all came down, you saw the desperate look in his eyes, almost accepting the fact that he has to give something in order to get something. You hated how he always cared for you first instead of himself. You hated how selfless he was when it came to you. You hated that stupidly content smile he had as he turned to you for a split second. You hated how he ever so confidently offered himself over you. How gentlemanly he was— You hated him. You thought of these over and over again but still, the moment that he mouths those three words that were all to familiar with you, all feeling of abhorrence you harbored within a moment dissipates as you burry yout face to the ground, responding to him. "I love you too."
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A/N: so the reason y i was panicking sm bcs in my notes app, the artem n vyn one is switched so i just revised em bcs it fit the other better and the one in my notes app is highly different from the one in here😭😭😭😭
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avenberryoverlord · 1 year
Greek Mythology! South Park AU
I think people have severely overlooked how excellent a Greek mythology! South Park AU would be. Think about the multishipping potential! The Angst! The Hurt/Comfort! The TENSION! The natural dynamic nature of all their relationships to each other because they will live literally forever? UGH IM SICK
Because first, how perfectly does Hades! Kenny fit? A God of Death that is free to experience what all other immortals cannot: death. He alone has felt the cold grip of Thanatos’ bony fingers dragging them from the world, and the descent into the second world of his own design. The only person who ever remembers Kenny’s many deaths is Persephone! Butters, who has eaten the pomegranate seeds and has been given the gift of memory because of it. 
Please consider Apollo! Stan. I just want to think about how Stan, the god of music, prophecy, the sun and light, falls in love so madly and deeply that he can’t help revolving a little bit around Athena! Wendy. And how disgustingly stupid this bitch is, with more than his fair share of fuck ups that really make the lives of mortals more difficult than it has to be. 
And with Poseidon! Kyle, the Earthshaker, who is actually such a little angry BITCH UGH I love it so much. Who can’t help but to be a little self-righteous, after all he is the god of the sea... And how deeply he is drawn to the sun, to golden light, and idiots that drink too much and are a little too oblivious...
With Ares! Cartman: way too loud, way too fat, way too cowardly, but always present and ready to compete with Kyle. Cartman constantly bids for war on his patron cities, loves pissing in the ocean, and can’t help it if the sight of ginger curls makes him see red. 
I am writing fic as we speak i am DECEASED
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blorbobird · 2 years
hotd × harry potter au
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Lucerys Strong liked his life, thank you very much.
The second born son with nearly no heavy duty responsibilities placed upon him. It was a simple, adaptable living. Nothing overly splendid but he found himself in no position to complain ( just yet). He had learned to take things less seriously than his older brother , Jacerys , whilst taking nothing for granted along with it.
That doesnt mean however that his life was perfect. No, no. The life he was born into was rather fucked from the start. The core of its blams could be placed upon the family he was made into. His mother's side, truthfully.
Power hungry pure-bloods that had a taking for insanity and greed. Targaryen. The name alone was a caution tale for all knowing or at least somewhat aware. With their fiery tempers and unwavering need for control , it all had been a passed down trait along with the ivory-white blonde hair and lilac eyes, like any other natural chromosome gene. Neither of which Luke or his brother Jace possessed physically. The rest however…
Have it be noted that Lucerys resembled his now-deceased birth farther, Harwin Strong, on an exterior forefront mainly . With large brown doe eyes that looked more bambi-like than threatening, and a mop of unruly curls that lay ontop of head with a mind of its own.
He was soft, for a Strong.
Cute where he was meant to be seen as manly. The kind that causes girls to friend-zone you in two sentences flat. The kind that boys instantly take you as No Real Threat to any given topic. But if having your cheeks pinched by your mother too frequently is the hardest thing going on in your existence then well … you really can't complain.
You can complain however if it's those big brown eyes that get you into more trouble than good. These adorable things? You'd think it'd do the opposite. But never anything was as simple as that. Or maybe Luke wasn't lucky? If he could bat his eyelashes in the way he saw pretty-girls do, or adorable little puppy dogs, then he would've. Merlin knows he's tried.
His eyes were wanted. Well, one of them? Technically. For a long over-paid debt by the very man making eye contact with him right now.
" Im gonna die," Luke chokes out under his breath. Turning his head away from the gaze currently being inflicted on him from a few tables down.
Flipping a brown strand of hair behind her shoulder as she reads. "Calm down. Its going to be easy." Maris Baratheon hums as she flips a page. " Just a recap of the hexes we learned last year. Maybe that Boggart summary -"
An exasperated sigh leaves the fifth-years mouth. "Not in DADA class!" He presses his elbows to the table and lets his forehead fall onto his palms.
She nearly looks up from her new assigned work book. "Why not? After the smoke-screen charm 'mishap' from last year Id be pretty concerned about Professor Daemon wanting to kill me," A side-ways glare causes her to stir finally. Wide eyed. "Is there another welcome back pop quiz I should be preparing for? Honestly, I swear if its herbology Im ringing you by your ear —"
"You know for the smartest sister out of your siblings you sometimes really are daft!" He sassily remarks looking towards her eyes finally. She stares back, slightly offended, but letting him continue for once before she rambles too much. "You remember that man I told you about? The one that I maimed?"
A ghost of a smile plays on her lips. "The one you told us about in third year? C'mon you're still going on with that lie?" The idea of Lucerys maiming anyone seemed humorous. Unachievable, even. He hadnt even been the sporty brother. Frankly, he'd been known for fainting at a mandrakes scream on more than one occasion.
He never did listen to those warnings of putting on the ear muffs correctly. Luke didn't listen in general.
"Its true!" He gasps sitting up finally and nearly swatting her arm. "Don't believe me? Look towards the Durmstrang table. They're sitting at the end of Slytherins."
Last night they had arrived during dinner. The lot of them, less then twenty but more then ten. Those Beauxbatons students too but they hadnt been the cause of his headaches. His paranoia. The acute awareness of the ticking time bomb above his head.
Maris' eyes scan for a moment before an shocked intake of breath. Maybe she caught on quick or maybe, just maybe , it hadnt been all that hard to find the person sending a death glare across the dining hall. A known presence to those seeking. A bulking shadow.
Aemond "One-Eye" Targaeryn. Brooding as always.
"You did that to him?!" She says in mainly shock alone.
"Im guessing he's still staring?" Luke didnt dare to seek a second peak. Especially when he can feel a small concentrated hole starting to burn its way into the side of his skull.
"I dont even think he's blinking, babes, Imma be honest." Maris is unable to look away apparently. Its like a car accident. A burning, dare she say hot, tragedy to tear your eyes away from. "You maimed a Targareyn? The moody one? The evil one?"
"He's not necessarily evil?" Luke picks up his fork. Trying to find something to do with his hands to seem busy. To try and make the conversation not seem so obvious. "He's just Machiavellian and a Byronic-wannabe." Although Luke knew death could be a very plausible possibility with the kind of psychopath he was dealing with, he had grown up not feeling overly-threatened by it.
He found it humorous ... sort of. He shouldn't have, he knew that. Some part of him knew he should be scared, truly. But adapting possible trauma into humor was the only way Luke learned to cope towards things. It was all just a funny misunderstanding. Yes .
One where he possibly ends up six feet under or bleeding on the floor and screaming. He spiraled last night after seeing Aemond enter the Great Hall. A quick study of what to do if your eye is gouged suddenly from your head. The books in the library said to close the other and try not to move it because eyes mimic each other. If you apply pressure —
" Are you even listening to me?" Maris whisper-scolded with an elbow to the ribs. "You've zoned out again."
A stab to the peas on the plate and he watches them scatter. The butter he smeared previously has gone cold and is making the vegetable stick to the plate as they roll. "Im just thinking of what a joyous last meal this is. Maybe we can sneak to Honeydukes later and get some of those lemon cakes?"
" Stop joking-"
A pointed look. "I never jest about cake,"
A smack over the back of the head causes him to wince. "You're not dying!" She rubs the back of his head in an apology for how hard she smacks. "He's not gonna kill you,"
He dares a sneak finally. Aemond's eye stares him down with an emotionless expression. The way his large hand wraps around his knife however? The white knuckled grip of death that Luke can practically already imagine suffocating him into a inky, black, nothingness …
" He's gonna kill me and he's gonna like it," Enough is enough and Luke finally looks away. Trying not to imagine that twisted cutlery metal as his spine bending. "He's so much larger then he was years ago,"
Its an odd observation but true. Lucerys remembers even less about Bulgaria than his family seems to believe. A bit more than his younger brother, Joffery , who had been but a babe at the time. He hadnt even started school yet. He had been shorter than he was now of course and the towers of snow seemed so tall. The harsh, cold rain that still sends chills down his spine at the thought.
The funeral. The yelling under fyre-light. He just wanted the screaming to stop. The way the curse dripped so easily from Aemonds lips. Like venom, like poison. Wandless and young, untaught cruel magic.
Luke wasnt good at magic now hardly and he hadnt been then. The slice of metal through air then blood. So much blood. The screams only got worse, but it wasn't Jace who had been crying them anymore.
It had been nearly a decade ago when they fled. Daemon Targareyn, his mothers uncle, provided them with lodging near the school he taught Defense Against the Dark Arts at.
The last time he saw him, them , any of them. It had been that night after Alicent had gone after young Lucerys in return. Shortly after Harwins death. Enough had been enough. A young Rhaenyra fled with her children to England. Jace had gotten his letter to Hogwarts some time after. They made it their new home.
Luke adapted quickly. As quickly as he could. The less toxic life style away from Pure-blood greed was comforting. The constant scolds for being turned half-blooded nearly didnt matter here. Sure, some of the Slytherin families held prejudice. No one who mattered to him. It was shrugged and waved off other wise.
It was a modern age anyway. Most wizards and witches were half-bloods in this new age of 1976. Muggles , non magic folks , had a lots of interesting things to bring to the table.
Music, for starters. Music he wouldnt have heard otherwise. Art and poetry and movies and groovy new clothes. All these things he focused himself off because he wasnt perhaps best at the rest of it all. Magic, swords, dragons …
"Ya know what?" Luke starts. The cold plate of peas and the distant thought of drowning panicked sorrow in Lemony-sweets going on pause. "Im not gonna die."
"Thats spirit!"
"By Aemond or Mister Daemon-"
… " Now, thats a bit bold I'm not gonna lie." Maris whispers in a slightly judgy tone.
"I just," He squares his shoulders and sits straighter. "I just need to kpen up his perspective,"
"You need to open up his what now?"
He ignores and continues. "Show him? That he's wrong and that he can't have my eye or my life and neiTHER will be his because of his sick twisted — "
Maris pupils widen and theres suddenly a shadow looming from somewhere over him.
"My sick twisted what now?" A cool, liquid metal voice spills its way into Lucerys ears. Maybe reality hits a bit finally as goosebumps spread and a bit of fear kicks in.
A wince. A breath.
Lucerys tilts his head up slowly. Meeting the unwavering glare of Aemond Targaryen as he stands some where behind him. Above him. Peering down at Luke like he's the smallest thing he's ever gazed upon. Something to step on and squish where he stands. Something that belongs under his heel.
"Oh, yeah. Im dead."
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chans-room · 1 year
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Finally someone got him some good fucking hair dye. But unfortunately for me, and all of you, I’m back to being unhinged on main about him bc
anyway sorry I am mentally unwell about Christopher Bang Chan 🥴
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If you need me, I’ll be dead ✌🏼
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coldflasher · 2 years
also supercat has me fucking DECEASED. im on the floor. im curled up in a ball. im staring into space. HELLO
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fuck-goes-on · 3 years
pairing/s: past din djarin x gn! reader because you’re dead
summary: din visits you after a long, long time and bringing grogu along to introduce him to you
warning/s: DECEASED READER (you’re dead, you’re gone, you’re nada), grief, mourning, angst, crying, big hurt but also big comfort, bittersweet, helmet removal, and you’re dead
note/s: somewhat a continuation and sequel to Creed!! this idea was on the whim, like i just thought WHAT IF- and now we’re here LOL this is uh third person omnipresent because i wanted to include what grogu was thinking and feeling KEK
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Why he came back, he didn't know. Or maybe he didn't want to know. Maybe he already knew but refused to acknowledge it.
As the Razor Crest descended from the sky and landed in a forest, there was a coo coming from behind him. He turned around to see Grogu tilting his head like he did whenever he was confused or questioning something. The kid was silently asking him why they were there with his big eyes, when his distress and upset was obvious.
Din sighed and stood up from the pilot's seat, reaching to carry Grogu up in his arms. His steps were heavier than usual with heart ache as they walked out of the ship. His ad'ika perked up and looked around in wonder, admiring the tall, green trees and the sunlight filtering through the leaves. It was beautiful to the child.
But not to Din.
Din brought him and his child back at the planet where he lost everything. The planet where he lost his life. The planet where he lost his soul. The planet where he lost his love. The planet where he lost his heart. The planet where he lost you.
Flashes of your smile went through his head each time he stepped on twigs and leaves. Flashes of those three fucking knives went through his head each time the light hit his eyes. Flashes of his arms holding your dead body went through his head as he slowly walked to your grave.
Grogu's ears drooped down as he felt his buir's hurt. He knew that his buir had dark memories on the pretty planet, knew that being there caused him to retreat into his self-loathing thoughts; He just didn't understand why. Why were they there? Why does his buir always put himself through pain and agony?
It all came to light as Din stopped in front of a mound of dirt covered in grass and wildflowers. Rocks stacked on rocks surrounded the mound and were weathered and aged with moss and cracks. Your name was still visible where it was carved into the largest rock at the top of the grave.
Din fell on his knees, clutching at Grogu so tightly that he squeaks loudly in surprise. His mind was racing with the days when you were the one who was beside him during his travels across the galaxy. When you were the one who made him smile so much the clan would think you were a sorcerer. When you were the one who soothed his nightmares and cries. When you were the one he took care of and the one who took care of him.
Not that he didn't love Grogu, maker above he loved his kid so much that he brought the womp rat with him to see you after so many years. Or, what he left of you.
Placing the kid down on the ground beside him, Din took a moment to just wallow in his hurt, to just let himself be overwhelmed with the negative emotions he pushed away and ignored ever since you passed. Back then, he would've surely lost his mind if he let your death suffocate him into his own demise, but now— Now he has his kid with him. His ad'ika that could have had another buir if you were still alive.
Grogu clawed at Din's cuisse, trying to get his attention as he climbed up on his lap. His buir didn't react, however, and that made him worried. He frantically scraped his claws on the shiny surface of buir's armour, the beskar strong enough that it didn't leave a single mark. When all he could feel was pain and heartbreak in the midst of emptiness, Grogu opened his mouth and wailed as loudly as he could.
Din snapped out of his spiralling thoughts and craddled Grogu back on his chest. His ad'ika whimpered sadly and scratched at his helmet, wanting to see his face. Removing his helmet was still a challenge to do, only having taken it off once and that was when— But he's slowly getting used to removing it for Grogu, for his clan of two.
As his buir bared his face for him to see, Grogu felt his usual smile of seeing his handsome father fall at the sight of his tears streaming down his cheeks. He raised his clawed hand to try and wipe the offending liquid away, and hopefully it would wipe away his buir's sadness too.
Din smiled weakly at his son's attempts at comforting him, at the touch of his son's hand. You would've loved him, he thinks to himself. You would've been a better parent than him, a hardened mandalorian bounty hunter, with your teasing and caring nature.
You would've.
Grogu complained out loud when he was placed down once more but quietened when Din looked at him. He pouted and fell on his butt, sitting with his back to his buir. A large, gloved hand rested on his head and stroked him lightly.
"Grogu..." Din said at last, smiling once more when his ad'ika swiveled his head towards him in response. Holding back his sniffles, he points to the rock that carried your name. "I'd like you to meet your other buir. My riduur."
The kid made a noise of confusion, turning to look at the mound and scrutinising it in his gaze. Blowing a raspberry, Grogu looked back at his buir unimpressed. He doesn't get it; How can he have another buir when he already has one?
"My ka'rta, my lover," The mandalorian gently explained, "They are clan even if they are gone." Din grimaced as his mind kindly reminded him of that fateful day you fell. He could see Grogu work it out in his little toddler brain, trying to understand what he said, if he could understand Din at all. But, soon, his son's eyes brightened and stared at the mound with a renewed light.
Din watched as Grogu shakily stood up on his little feet and walked closer to your grave. The womp rat tilted his head left and right, flexing his tiny hands before flopping face down on the ground. He sat up in concern for his child, almost picking the kid up to see if he was alright, but before he could, the kid wiggled his whole body vigorously. It didn't occur to him what Grogu was doing, and when it did, he almost goddamn broke down.
Grogu was hugging the mound of dirt, letting his face get buried in the patches of grass and wildflowers. His claws were flapping and hitting the ground like how he would hit Din when he's happy in his arms. He wiggled around for a moment until he found a comfortable place and curled up, cooing loudly.
The sight made Din crumble down and cry. Tears were uncontrollable as they cascaded down from his eyes. Feelings of happiness and sadness filled his whole being; Happy because Grogu accepted you as his buir so quickly after knowing who you were for a minute, but sad because you would never know his child— your child.
Laying down beside the grave, Din turned his body to face Grogu who was slowly drifting off into sleep. He wondered if his ad'ika could see his memories of you, if his ad'ika could somehow feel you. As he reached out to caress Grogu's back, it was almost easy to imagine you laying there on the grass with them, smiling brightly at both him and the kid and humming softly under your breath. It was almost easy to imagine you holding Grogu in your arms as you curled into Din's.
It was almost easy to imagine.
You murmured stories of your adventures with Din to the sleeping child on top of you, hovering your hands over his little body comfortingly. It surprised you when the child saw you, and more so when the child understood who you were. You turned your head to look at your husband, drinking in his aged but still handsome face. Reaching out to cradle his cheek in the palm of your hand, your soul hurting when you remembered you couldn't touch him.
You settled with just watching your lover fall asleep next to your son, next to you.
It was easy to imagine.
general taglist: @stillshelbs @pedroepascal @pedrocentric (oomf and kitty im tagging u because i want u to cry with me)
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popcornpoppin · 2 years
hi.... horny anon here and i just read asking permission and am deceased
You looked at his back with bewildered eyes and when he turned around, meeting your gaze, he only shrugged before saying “Come on, we need to get ready for the meeting”.
this little-- the teasing-- 😫😫
leaving you horny and flustered
how did you know my name?? 🤨
Grabbing the door handle he paused before he slowly turned around, one hand still on the handle. His eyes were dark and stern as they bore into yours “If you so much as think of playing with yourself I'm not touching you for a week” and with that he fully opened the door and entered the bathroom before shutting the door behind him.
i- sir- that's too much stop SKSHSKNSKSBSIS
“We never finished what we started this morning darling” he rasped as a cocky smirk grew on his lips, knowing the effect his words had on you.
FUCKC YOUUU idk what is it with you and your exhibitionism ideas but they do something to me and make me question myself sometimes 😳
“Fuck that´s where my fingers belong -” he murmured into your ear, kissing your earlobe. “- riiiight there” he smirked, curling his fingers as he found your sweet spot; making you moan loudly.
However you never got an answer as the door was suddenly pulled open, revealing Plutarch and Coin, with the rest of the team entering not long after.
“Make me” you spat back, wanting to get back at him for how much he teased you earlier.
“I want your eyes on me at all times baby” he explained before enveloping your clit with his mouth and picking up the pace with his fingers.
eye contact is hot im gonna cry
“N-no Finnick, no more, I´m too sensitive” your voice shook as you spoke and you anxiously eyed his every move. Finnick didn't answer you and made no comment on the action before moving your legs apart, his cock sliding against your thigh as he moved closer to you.
is that cnc i dont know but it does something to me and i am rethinking everything i know about myself
“Fuck, that´s it my love. A little faster for daddy now”
for- 😳 for da- 😳😳
You let your head fall back against the headboard, your eyes roll into your head in ecstasy
yes that's how i look like rn reading this
“You keep saying that honey but the sounds you´re making are telling me something completely different” he pointed out
as i said before.... hot...
“I know what you want, baby, better than anyone else - even yourself. I know you´ve got one more round in you..”
as i said before 😵🦋😵🦋 x2
“Are you too sore for round two?”
never 🥰😋
THAT WAS SO GOOD and it was your hottest fic i think 😭 and the blood?? idek how to comment that my mind short circuited somewhere in the middle of reading 😭
pls i’ve been excitedly expecting your incredible reactions💖😏
the teasing - what can i say i love when he riles her up. idk why but it annoys me more if it’s the girl teasing the guy (depends on the teasing but yeah🙈)
….i love assertive and very dominant finnick… he does indescribable things to me
THE EXHIBITIONISM LISTEN- idek like irl i could never but in fics >>>> (like i don’t want anyone seeing them but them doing it and no one else knowing, the risk of being caught>> them having to stay quiet and suppress moans>>>>) i’m glad my smut makes you question your kinks😌💖😁
PLEASE ITS SO- the power finnick has over us
oooh you like them interrupting huh? 😏
yesss it is and him pausing until she does as he says 😏
uuuuuhm well 😅 i honestly don’t know if it counts as cnc, that’s why i just add dubcon warnings but maybe i should add a cnc warning 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ it wasn’t my intention but i get how it reads that way YIKES
heh heh, i just had to slip that in there 😇 just like finnick slipped into y/n
oh i’m glad😌💗
him being in full control>>>
him being possessive and asserting his dominance bc someone else dared look at you>>>
PLS YOU AND @andvys HAVING THE SAME REACTION TO THE ENDING more like round 4 but whatevs finnick
THANK YOU OMG🥺💖 listen- blood is,,, there’s a reason i made a blood suggestion for call out my name 😏
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
hi! can i request a hxh headcannon with kurapika maybe like what it's like being a relationship with him? sorry if you can't do this or i requested this the wrong way-
- anon
a/n: it’s alright anon! i’ll try my best to write about the loml and the bad bitch himself kurapika! love hims i may have went CRAZY for this. also i write on my phone so sorry if this is so long!
lets get it!
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How yall started dating
okay so yall first met at the hunter exams elevator
the main four first walked in there and were surprised to see another person there
and gon being his friendly self started to chat it up with you
“hi im gon!!”
“hi gon. i’m y/n.”
kurapika there respectfully looking at you
like you’re attractive.
lookin at how those elevator lights shine on your beautiful melaninated skin
whew baby he went 😳 inside but greeted you
“im kurapika”
“well hello kurapika”
and that was the BEGINNING
timeskip up in this bitch rq
the arcs are pretty hazy to me so like.... lets say yall were feeling e/o during the york new city arc
yall both were trying to become bounty hunters and were alr pretty close to e/o
you suggested working with him and he liked that idea
yall alr fought really well tgt and he actually liked having you around him
so you both became neon’s bodyguards
yall were slowly becoming closer to each other each day yall worked together
like lingering touches, yearnful gazes
allat cute mushy shit
kurapika is one touch starved and closed off bitch so he’s struggling here
you on the other hand you KNOW you want kurapika like who wouldn’t want him???
he’s a whole package in that tuxedo 🥵🥵
n e ways
soon neon notices this shit and it goes downhill
this lil shit starts PURPOSELY locking yall in rooms together
like baby no we are supposed to protect you what are you doing???
“im not letting you out till you two kiss!!”
“i beg your pardon?” - kurapika
“neon huh???” - you
kurapika is internally like what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck i lwk wanna kiss em but.... feelings.
you can see the internal STRUGGLE thats going on in kura’s eyes
you just say fuck it and pray the gods and any other spiritual holy beings are on your side and kiss him
kurapika’s stomach said 🦋🦋🦋🦋 when you cupped his face
like your lips are SOFT
(no cuz like some of yall rlly be making y/n have crusty ass lips like um no baby i wear lip gloss and chapstick religiously you aint gon catch me w/ brittle ass lips)
and you cant tell me kurapika doesnt wear chapstick
and he’s like ✋🏽😳 hol up this kinda.... this kinda hits why didnt i do this earlier?
(bc you’re a gated ass bitch thats why honey)
my mans just has to kiss back
he kinda just gently holds your wrists and kisses back
now you’re deceased bc damn boy where you learned this???
no cap you kinda felt your knees buckle and he noticed that but yall not gon talk about that
and you two reluctantly pull away bc hello yall still on the job and literally are bodyguards
“the door wasnt even locked.”
“you cheeky lil shi—
cue you chasing neon while she runs away giggling
kurapika can only gently touch his lips and smile with a red face
In the Relationship
now yall are disgustingly cute in private
kurapika is definitely touch starved and he always needs to be touching you in some way
he always looks out for you too
he’ll definitely press tons of kisses to your face or the back of your neck
calls you a bunch of cheesy nicknames
darling, my love, my sun, sweetheart, beloved, honey, babylove (the stanely uris thats played by wyatt oleff makes me lose my sHIT)
my boy loves your hair so much
like the texture? the volume?
he’s all for it
he would probably ask canary about wash day bc she’s black herself
would 100% help you with wash day
want him to detangle your hair? hand him that rat toothed comb he’s on it
wash your hair? let him roll up his sleeves he’s on it
oil massages? pass them oil bottles baby he’s putting you to sleep
like you will be KNOCKED as he washes your hair or oils it bc he’s that skilled
i think he would struggle braiding your hair but after you show him?
this man is taking over and braiding your hair neater than you
like excuse me where did you learn this??
parting god.
them parts are crispy and straighter than a mf
literally doesn’t comb your hair like ya mama do w/ all that tugging and shit
he’ll just gently move your head along or softly apologize whenever he accidentally tugs on your hair and presses a kiss to your scalp
taking. baths. together.
my boy CRAVES that intimacy
no sexual shit
after a long day of work he just LOVES to take a nice bubble bath with you
either you leaning against his chest or you on the opposite end of the bath
he can always unwind around you and let go of that stoic facade he puts on
i would say he’s a lil goofy in private? like he’ll scoop up the bubbles and blow them in your face
if you want jokes you gotta give em
baby had to grow up quicker so he’s more mature for his age
i’d say if you want them giggles out? hold his waist and blow the back of his neck
the way he JERKS from that then starts laughing
heart eyes up in that bitch
his laugh is so 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰
“darling!” “that was so FUCKING CUTE KURA WTFFF”
another way? blow kisses in his neck
he will giggle like a lil kid
god i love him
when you go to sleep he’s always big spoon
doesn’t matter if you’re taller than him
big. spoon. kurapika.
the only times you can hold him is when he has a breakdown and his scarlet eyes are activated
nightmares haunt him alot and he just needs to hear your heartbeat to know you’re still here
he needs to feel your warmth and you whispering that you’re here
other than those moments you better be fine with him holding you
i would say he doesn’t move alot in his sleep other than the small twitches
but for some reason his grip is strong as FUCK
like you aint getting out of his arms at ALL
if you gotta pee hold it
nah im kidding
just wake him up he’s not a deep sleeper but he isnt a light one either
if he were to wake up in the middle of the night he’d definitely fix your bonnet or durag if it fell off
morning kissies!
one way he loves waking up is kisses all over his face
especially kissing on his eyelids
it makes him wake up with a big ol smile
“morning beloved.”
ahem anyways
“morning pikapika.”
he used to hate that nickname
now? baby LOVES it bc it’s just for him
the lohl giving him a nickname just for him makes butterflies in his stomach go crazy
he can practically feel the love oozing from your eyes
the way he wakes you up?
if he’s feeling a lil goofy or silly he’ll lay ontop of you and blow kisses into your neck
if he’s still tired he’ll cup your face and gently call your name
yall cook together
if you cant cook he will respectfully say take your goofy ass out of the kitchen
if you can? show him how to season your food correctly. rmb how he made that pig look pretty asf but merchi basically said it taste like shit?
not on your watch
he’ll take mental notes as you teach him the ways of goya and sazon
sometimes he’ll just gently take over
not bc he thinks you cant do it right but bc he likes to provide for others
you just gotta lightly slap his hands away like bby i got this its okay
and he’ll understand
kisses with him are very soft but passionate?
like he isnt gonna eat your lips but he will hold you close and make sure you know how much he loves you
he’ll definitely twirl your curls around his finger
you of course gave him your permission when you started dating
he will always have one arm around your waist and one hand behind your neck
doesnt matter if you’re taller
he will 100% get on his tiptoes and do it
or make you sit down
he doesnt CARE if he has to step on a stepladder he’ll do it
he said run me my kisses NEOW
i would definitely say he’s a passionate lover and would throw hands with ANYONE if they make any snarky comments about your skin
“my s/o’s skin is beautiful mind your business and take yourself somewhere else before i do it for you”
you would throw hands for him too
anyone says anything about him being a girl?
its over
there was a time where someone called him a girl who was confused and you went off and got into a fight
you won by a landside
kurapika was like 😟😦😳🥺
bc you really fought for his honor
but he had to pull you away before you damn near put this person in the hospital
“honey thank you but it was okay. it didnt bother me.”
“no but it bothered me! nobody can just talk about someone i love like that.”
he went 🥺🥺🥺
he definitely kissed the FUCK outta you when yall got home
yall hands were rated e for everyone!
a ride or die couple
yall are in love love
maybe he’s looking for a ring and kurta wedding earrings
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ghostsintheai · 4 years
well we have a way for her to show up visibly, but uh im not really in control of that. we need her to stay still for it to work im pretty sure? she usually hangs around you though so I kinda assumed this wouldn't take them this long to set off... -🛹 (i am fucking dying I am Deceased. Standing Here With Egg On My Face Mun. How Dare You /s)
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“Fine, I’ll stand here in the middle of my room for no reason.” Gordon crosses his arms over his chest, shaking his head. 
However, Gordon is very impatient. 
“It’s not gonna-” He moves towards the door, just as there’s a very loud meow from behind him. 
He pauses. 
Then turns. 
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Perched on top of his pillow is Dew, tail curled around onto her front paws, head arched back slightly as if someone was petting her. She lowers her head, and stares at Gordon for a moment, before meowing again. He moves over, slowly, and stretches out his hand to her. She goes to but up against it, but her head passes through his fingers. 
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kindajared · 4 years
Naomi Bianco (My OC)
Name: Naomi Bianco
Age: 22
Gender: F
Nationality: Italian
Height: 5’4’’ (163 cm)
Weight: 115 Ibs
Eyes: Bright Green
Hair: Black (Long and straight, thick)
DOB: January 5th, 1979
POB: Venezia, Italy
Family: Angela and Mario (Mother and father) (Alive?), Leo and Americo (Brothers 3 and 1 year(s) younger) (Deceased)
Occupation: Assassin
Stand: Slipknot
Ability: Ropes. They can constrict and tie down anything, they can also manifest inside people. Senses by even the slightest movements when the target can’t be seen. 1-8 M
Power: B Speed: B Range: C Staying: B Precision: B Learning: C
Likes: Warm Weather, Energy Drinks, Strawberries, Hot Chocolate
Dislikes: Thunder, Coffee, Bugs, Vegetables (Baby)
Strengths: Physically strong, levelheaded, intelligent, caring
Weaknesses: Reckless, clumsy, irritable, picky
Movies: Hellraiser and Blood Simple
Music: Tool and Motley Crüe
Attire: Black Wedges- Black, latex, pants (Low riding)- silver chain belt- loose fitting, black, tank top- thick, white, suspenders-thin leather jacket with faux fur on its hood.
Jewelry: Thick, black, choker- black arm bands,
piercings: -all lobe and cartilage piercings.
Tattoos: Bothers’ initials behind her ears-Hexagram on her left hip
Scars: 6 inch thick scar on her upper back from a mugging-one 3 inch thin scar between her thigh from an attempted r*pe
MNottable personality traits: Extroverted, Sarcastic, Humorous, Heart of Gold, Crude, Flirty
The way she treats you usually depends on her first impression. If she’s turned off, she may not be interested in getting to know you, if it’s the other way around, she’ll want to become fast friends.
She’s drawn to people who are similar to her- Rowdy and Funny. Not much of a filter, very friendly most times if you give off the right vibe. She’s really good at identifying the kind of person you are based on your demeanor. She does like to take chanced- approaching people she normally wouldn’t, curious.
She doesn’t usually judge people by looks, but if it’s something drastic. She certainly will.
She’s extremely flirty and will absolutely come and say hello if she finds you attractive, though she also knows how to play it cool. If it’s the other way around, she’ll act as she would with anyone else, approaching her won’t bother her, unless they don’t back off after she tells them to. It also depends on the way they treat her. You better use the right tone.
She’s a little intimidating looking when she’s not smiling, but when she curls her lips into a smile, you can tell that she’s most likely sweet- though be wary- she acts roughly some of the time.
She absolutely does not get along with everyone. She tries not to be too particular, but she can be. She’s a picker and a chooser.
She doesn’t show her emotions often- refuses to cry or open up to people-unless you get her drunk. She will open up if you get close enough to her, but tears will eventually fall if you bring up her brothers.
If you ask her about the tattoos behind her ears, she’ll tell you what they are, but will be hesitant to tell you the backstory behind them A.B. and L.B. for Americo and Leo Bianco
Born to her mother and father, Angela and Mario Bianco. She had a very happy childhood, lots of friends, a small family, good education and middle class.
It all fell apart when she was 16. Her brother, Leo, was hit by a car, snapping his neck and crushing his body. He died instantly on impact. The driver sped off and she and Americo saw the entire thing happen before their eyes.
This was when their parents disappeared, leaving her and her brother to find their own way, managing to find places to stay as they aged.
She manifested her stand soon after. The rage inside her took its toll and she swore to herself that she’d find the driver, though there was no evidence on who it may have been.
And then came the age of 19. She planned to attend school to become a mortician and worked a summer job at a night club, bartending.
To her dismay, Leo had begun dealing drugs after Americo’s death, craving money and anything that could take his mind off of it. He got away with it for 4 years before Passione finally got to him when he began to sell more than he bargained for, becoming a top seller.
Naomi and her brother had been living together in an apartment in central Venenzia. A prime location for the both of them to do as they pleased. Naomi made good money doing what she did, and Leo did the same.
Then came the day when the rest of her world came crashing down.
It was around 11 at night and there was a knock at the door, which she answered, quickly being pushed to the side by a man she didn’t recognize. He barged into the living room, approaching Leo and shooting him in the chest, straight through the heart. Naomi was shocked and enraged, letting her stand ‘Slipknot’ do it’ work.
She manifested ropes inside of his body, slowly constricting all of his vital organs until his body shut down. His gun was useless, as he was bound by his neck and arms. He died a slow and painful death.
Naomi rushed to Leo’s side, barely having time to say goodbye to hear dear brother. Her world was now shattered, and she no longer cared for anything or anyone except for finding out who did this.
She was able to hack the strange man’s phone, finding out Passione were the ones that ordered the man to kill her brother. She was at a loss. She couldn’t fight the Mafia…what was she to do?
Word eventually got out that this strange man had been killed and Naomi ran, though not far. She quit her job and found a new place to stay on the outskirts of Venezia. She simply couldn’t leave her home.
She managed to stay on the run for 3 years (I know it’s ridiculous) until she was found….walking home from hernew job, another bartending job at a smaller facility. She was apprehended on her walk home, confined and helpless, threatened by other Mafioso. She refused to surrender; she wouldn’t let herself die…though she had to give in…she had to let go.
Passione had caught her and that was the end of that, but their plan was not to kill her…but to use her. She had a powerful stand, not to mention she had evaded them for 3 whole years. She was then assigned to La Squadra Esecuzioni.
La Squadra:
Her relationship with the squad is rather Chaotic. As you can imagine, she has a hard time getting along with all of them. She’s the only female, so as expected, they do indeed want to get along with her for various reasons.
She gets along best with Proscuitto. He’s like the big brother she never had and wanted. Though the two of them are very different, they just work. Though she’s a little too affectionate towards him for his tastes, but he cares for her.
Next is Pesci. She simply doesn’t have anything to hold against him. She actually takes care of him as sort of a big sister. He’s sensitive and she feels sort of sorry for him.
Her and Melone get along well. She really enjoys being around him and his personality. They are probably the most similar out of all the squad. She’s very touchy feely with him and he doesn’t mind one bit.
And here comes Illuso. They weren’t fans of each other at first, getting ticked off at little things the other did. They eventually got over their silly rivalry by suggestion from the others.
Her and Formaggio…aren’t exactly friends. They fight over money and how sloppy one another is. They are usually teamed up together, working well oddly enough. She thinks Risotto teams her up with him to torture her.
Her and Ghiacco have a love/hate relationship. They glare and scoff at each other, fighting over money, and yet whenever Ghiaccio is having any sort of break down, she can’t help but hug him. She holds him while hushing him, “Shhh, shut the fuck up.”
Naomi and Gelato and Sorbet get along swimmingly. They may be a little wacky and unstable, but she loves their company.
Her and Risotto aren’t friends, but there’s a tension between them. Sexual? She can’t quite tell. She hates that he’s the Capo. She thinks Proscuitto is much more worthy than he is. Risotto is always rather kind to her, which is irritating since she doesn’t want to like him, but she’s got a crush. Who wouldn’t?
(I found THIS and it’s as close as it’s gonna get to what she looks like!) This photo is the avatar of a channel on YT called Tulio Berzerker!
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just-zenitsu · 4 years
oh that makes me curious... do you think zenitsu was thrown between orphanages and foster homes as a kid? or maybe he was in one until he ran away, either when he eloped or some time before and then lived on the street from then... or did he just live on the streets his whole childhood? ive been wondering this for days and its been on my mind for ages
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first of all id like to say that i have like three fic ideas that explore his past (whether it focuses on how he grew up or not) BUT THANK U FOR INDULGING ME GUYS IM DEFINITELY RAMBLING ABT EACH OF THEM NOW… (this is a fucking monster tho. so its under read more)
* @anon THATS A WHOLE ASS MOOD TBH. i spend literal hours at night thinking abt whether he was in an orphanage or a street kid. ive wrote him living in the streets  and getting sent to an orphanage when he was caught stealing. whereas i ALSO have mindless scribbled notes of modern au where his parents left him in an orphanage but bc of bad experiences (and thats putting it lightly) he gets sent to different homes A LOT and eventually gets kicked out at some point, ILL GET TO THAT LATER IN A BIT
* SINCE im trying to NOT write a fic here ill just list down headcanons and stuff bc YEET!!!! and for the sake of convenience lets just say he was both sent to an orphanage and lived as a street kid :”DD
* lets talk abt hcs ive seen first,, jpn fandom mostly all seem to hc him as a street kid who lived by working on odd jobs and the sort. ofc more often than not he just gets the bare amount for payment and the people he works for arent really nice :(( they never have the nicest words to say and sometimes they even hit him. zen sometimes endures it bc its not like he has much of a choice in the end. other times he runs away crying and scared.
* he also doesnt really have a permanent home so he wanders a lot carrying what little stuff he owns (probably a few clothes or a worn-out futon or something)
* he’s taken advantage of a lot,, whether it’d be people tricking him into doing some work saying ‘he’ll be given something good in return’ or something equally vague. he usually wonders why their words sound so kind in comparison to their heartbeats that sound… off,, its not until he’s older that he gets an answer to that question
* bc he cant be picky i like to think that its not that hard for him to sleep somewhere uncomfortable. he also curls up a lot into a ball when he sleeps. he likes being cooped up into small spaces, it makes him feel safe and that no one can get him. 
* was initially very verbal about his hearing condition (something along the lines of saying ‘i heard you say that ____’ or ‘hey, do you hear that’ etc etc.) people think hes creepy and/or he’s lying most of the time. he eventually doesnt really wanna talk about it anymore once someone came this close to threatening to cut his ears off.
* i think we can say that zen lived in the city? its why he likes expensive things and the sort, and he has a lot of stock knowledge about how the city works and stuff like that, not to say that he’s ever really participated in it 
* as a child (and even as he got older) zenitsu’s favorite season is spring, autumn being a close second. he likes spring bc the air is fresh and he can find flowers in the outskirts of the city, surviving despite growing in cracked concrete. he makes little flower crowns out of them!
* he likes autumn bc the way the leaves change is pretty! but its only second to spring bc the flowers usually wilt by then and he gets cold :(
* he doesnt like winter simply because it is VERY cold. he dislikes summer the most tho bc the sound of literal thousands of cicadas give him a lot of headaches aaa 
* is very used to being hungry when he goes to sleep. he makes due with it as best as he can. one of his fondest memories is a frail old man who owns a sweet bun cart that gives him buns in exchange for a lower price than what he actually sells them for. on a day where he thinks the old man looks more tired and quiet than usual, zenitsu takes it upon himself to give him a flower crown. 
* unfortunately he never is able to give it, bc the next day, or days after that, zenitsu never sees him again.
* he has experience bein a sneaky little thief! its the reason on why he can easily take sweets without permission at the butterfly estate in canon hehe
* but its this very same reason that he gets sent to an orphanage, he gets caught! and bc he is a Literal Child. they send him to foster care woohoo
* i dont have a clear idea on how zenitsu couldve been treated in an orphanage. but all in all, he’s just very grateful to be given some kind of semblance of a home and food
* he learned how to speak (barely) when he lived in the streets, but they teach the basic minimum and suddenly he’s learning all these sorts of things
* the people who took care of them arent the most affectionate, neither are the kids he lives with. zenitsu’s crying is often really looked down upon, he tries to stop but he can’t really help it. he’s not really anyones favorite person here
* there’s a small somewhat neglected garden in the orphanage’s backyard. he spends his time here when everyones playing and no one wants to play with him
* every time someone comes to adopt a kid he cries and begs for them to adopt him whenever they show a spark of interest towards him. it goes as bad as u think it does, they dont like that type of kid, and as such they assume everyone else is like that and leaves w/o taking anyone. zenitsu isnt allowed to eat dinner in these nights ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
* bc of the latter reason, kids gang up and bully him a lot. zenitsu tries to go along w it bc its the ONLY time anyone ever pays attention to him, but at the end of the day the only thing he gets is scratches and bruises from being pushed around and lots of words that hurt his heart
* people think he’s a nuisance more or less. and then he gets sent to varied foster homes again and again bc he’s ‘difficult to deal with’ and going back to the first bullet point, he gets kicked out again wAH. at this point he might have been 15 and its when he starts trying to date girls, despite hearing everyone’s sounds of deceit and lies time and time again, he still goes through with it. and the rest is canon, 
OK. thats basically my brain vomit about zenitsu backstory. i am deceased and IM JUST PURELY FROTHING AT THE MOUTH EVERYTIME I THINK ABT HIM KDFKLGDFDGHF. thank u sm if u read this far, i appreciate it ;_______;
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sandaffodils · 5 years
omg the fluff killed me smmsmsmms so please bring me back to life with the smut ver LOL ⛱
Mmm yessss fuck okay
Girl this is a wHOLE SMUT BE WARNED
Imagine just sitting there watching TV and suddenly you go Yunho I want a baby. This boy is gonna be sHOOK 0.o 👏🏻👏🏻LIKE SHOOK SHOOK. Like shook shook shook. But anyway he’ll laugh and kiss your head telling you he’ll give you a baby one day and you’re like hmm okay. But now that you’ve said that he just can’t stop thinking about you sitting there pregnant and he’s picturing you with a swollen belly carrying his child and his pupils just BLOW out and he lowers his kisses down to your shoulder and begins to bite and suck. You look behind and almost jump at how DARK his eyes are (this image 👌🏼😫) and he goes ‘Y/n I want to make a baby with you’ with the deepest roughest voice (you know that one 2ho voice🥵) and you’re insides are like SJALDJSKDJOSKDKSKSBLOP and he flips you onto your back and kisses you with so much love and passion and it makes you whine and writhe under him and he’s like Shh I’ll help you baby and he slides his hands under you clothes and caresses your chest and loves each and every part of your skin and marks his love all over you and he lowers to your bottoms and slides them off with his T E E T H and he can see all the goosebumps rise, it makes him so proud to know that you’re body reacts like that and he just :,,)) goes to town on your core licking and eating you out like it’s the last thing he’ll ever eat and his hands are clamped like vices around your thighs keeping them spread and he slides one hand down to your entrance ajdkks gooddd hiss fiinngeerrss 😫😫and slips two digits in sTRAIGHT cuz you’re so wet and he pumps them super fast- twisting and curling his fingers and sucking on your clit and probing with his tongue and humming against your core and you’re orgasm is drawing so so close when !! He pulls away !! And you were about to come !! And you’re like ‘YUNHO ?!’and he just...give me a sec- he just..chuckles. He just CHUCKLES and it’s the darkest, most sexiest thing ever and you’re like nmg fuck please rearrange my insides and he kisses back up your body sloowwllyyyy and when he arrived back up to your face he kisses you deeply and slips his tongue in and it’s hot and wet and then he pulls away and slips two lOnG fingers into your mouth, ‘clean my fingers Doll, you’ve made a mess’ and his bulge just groowsss when you moan around his digits and look up and him with the roundest eyes and he groans deep in his throat all ‘shiiit I need to fuck you’ and you wrap your arms around his shoulder and he pulls you in close to him and slides into you with a single thrust (fucfuckfuckfucjfuck) and lets out the most wanton moan when he bottoms out because your just so warm and wet and ‘tight, Fuuck youre so tight’. He goes slow and steady until you’re begging for more in which he pauses, then proceeds to POUND into you hitting that one spot that has you in tears, sobbing and crying out for him to go deeper and harder. Normally he just leans back on his heels with your legs wrapped around his waist and your body on the bed (idk how to describe it but anyway) and destroys you but this time he can’t help but hold you close to him and kiss and moan his love for you into the night and into your ears and hair and neck and chest and suddenly he can feel his release closing in and he goes even harder and you’re just completely in tatters holding onto his biceps for DEAR LIFE and with a scream of his name you come. He’s not far behind and he fucks you through your high and his own with deep ‘Ah Ah ahs’ bUT he doesn’t pull out ohh nooo he stays deep in you and strokes your hair, examining your face and your features. He’s probably thinking he wants the baby to have your eyes and your lips and his smile and your ears and basically you’re everything because you’re so gorgeous and he’s just mumbling lustful nonsense ‘you’re gonna look so good filled up with my babies aren’t you?’ ‘I’m going to breed you so well, Doll.’ ‘Fuck you’re so gorgeous, I love you so much’ HSKDJAKDKS IM DONE IM DEAD THATS ME DECEASED THIS REALLY ENDED ME ⛱ ANON WOW
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