#the freaking pizza hut ad
bucketofbugz · 1 year
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I love
Him ^
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clatterbane · 3 years
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Tonight's food experiment: my first pizza in Sweden, finally! 😃
After seeing how well I was handling some other foods since the last treatment, I decided it was Pizza Night!
Hard to decide what I even wanted, and from where. Pretty much everything is making me slobber and my stomach grumble in anticipation at this point, just looking at menus. And I actually had no trouble finding multiple places offering gluten free versions which will deliver to us. (Not just freaking Dominos/Pizza Hut, like back in the UK--and that only if you're lucky. 😒)
Unlike countries that got to know pizza through American chains, Sweden never had a real standard for what a pie should be. The average shop is independently run and easily boasts 40 to 60 pizzas on the menu. Typical toppings include bananas, nuts, crab sticks, curry powder, and, most popular of all, doner kebab. (X)
(That would be on the more, erm, distinctively Swedish side, yeah--though, they forgot the ever-popular shrimp, and bearnaise sauce! There's no shortage of what are much more typical toppings elsewhere.)
Really hard to narrow things down.
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The final, somewhat cautious choice: a very basic kebabpizza, from Pizzeria Tornet. Which came with some yogurt garlic sauce, kebabsås (local style), and pizzasallad on the side.
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I was tempted to go for the deluxe version, with extra veggies and stuff. (Including lettuce/cucumber/etc. like you'd put on a kebab, which would hopefully be packed on the side for delivery--but, who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Which is what I would normally try.
Also had a hard time resisting the oddly intriguing extra falafel added on top. Not sure that's right, ON a pizza, but this is Falafel Town after all! And I have really been wanting some.
But, I decided to err on the side of safer with any luck and simpler, after all. Plenty of time to try the rest later! *fingers crossed*
Mr. C half-joked that I couldn't have picked a more Swedish option. And he's not wrong. 😅 Time to see what all the fuss is about!
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brianc521 · 5 years
For the Love of Books
13k+ words of CEO/Bookworm
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It’s been a rough week. A long, dark, rough week. With not being able to afford the electric bill, all that was left for you to do was shut down for the week. If you can’t read in the dark, then how were you supposed to buy books in the dark?
While it wasn’t making you money you also weren’t losing any either, that was the double edged sword you were fighting with. You hated it, as the owner of the families bookstore, being closed for a week was not what you wanted. Especially since you were the first family member who has had to do so.
Your Pa left the store to you when he passed away four years ago. It was his Mama’s before him, she left it to him much the same as he left it to you. It was a shock to the family when The Will read out that it was yours, and yours solely until the day you decided to bring in someone else.
It created a pretty big rift in the family, your Mom and Aunt believing that it should have been theirs, but to be honest, you weren’t shocked. It had been a discussion your Pa had with you before he made the decision. He wanted to make sure that you actually wanted the store, and that you could handle the backlash of you receiving it.
Cornered Pages was only your entire childhood. While you’re Mom claimed she loved the store, you would live there if you could. With a single Mom, working at a diner during the day and the local bar at night, left you to growing up with your Pa since he watched you while your Mom worked. He raised you off chapters and new arrivals. Your weekends were book signings and cutting bookmarks.
So having to close for a week was not only disappointing to yourself and your Pa’s legend, it also automatically made you the families disappointment because you couldn’t keep the doors open.
“I want to seriously talk about it,” Shawn shrugs as he sits across from you at the dining room table.
Shawn Mendes, 21 year old multimillionaire of his very own Mendes Printing. Also sort of known as your boyfriend of 2 years.
You were freaking out, literally pacing the bathroom as you whispered yelled at Lauren.
Lauren had been dating Connor since high school, but since he started his new job he had started hanging out with some new people. One of his closest friends was Shawn, and when Lauren met Shawn she set you two up almost immediately.
But now, here you are, dressed in your khaki work shorts, a cute purple tank top and your tan sandals. His schedule was so tight for making a date that you literally had to leave straight from work to the restaurant. You felt about 1000 times under dressed when Shawn picked you up in slacks and a light blue button up shirt.
“Lauren you could have warned a gal that you were setting her up with a fucking multimillionaire.” You hissed, neck vein popping in your frustration.
“I didn’t know! I swear to you, when I met him he was in a Harry Potter shirt and was bragging to Connor about how he’d been able to watch the whole series in a weekend. He was speaking in Potter quotes and all I could see was you and him getting married. I didn’t fucking know!”
“I literally look so stupid right now. He’s in fucking slacks and has cuff links? While I’m in khakis and my hairs in a cute but messy bun. The valet alone was more than I would ever be able to afford for dinner.”
“Oh god.” She groaned.
“I fucking said ‘Literally Pizza Hut would’ve impressed me,’ and he snorted.”
“Laughed at me, found me amusing, literally a lowlife compared to him.”
“What did he do to become a multimillionaire?”
“He started his own printing company when he was 18 years old. Graduated high school and started working the next day. He’s the big office building on the corner of Main and Baseline.”
“Oh shit,” She gasps. “So he’s rich rich. Homegirl lock him up.”
“Um no, it’s time to run.”
“Don’t overthink it, he’s a sweetheart I swear. He was really interested when I talked to him.”
“I have to go, he’s gonna think I died or something.”
“You’re so dramat-” You hang up on her and start to rush out the door so you can escape this nightmare you’re living.
This man was literally so far out of your league that you thought these leagues were only in the movies. He will want nothing to do with you, ever.
You whip the door open, taking a deep breath and look up to rush out but stop short when Shawn stands up from his relaxed position against the wall.
“Um,” You gape.
“Okay,” He clears his throat. “I did this wrong,” He cringes. “I was really trying to impress you. I haven’t been on a date since I was in high school. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I was just really trying to impress you and I realize I went a little too far. How bad would it be if I asked if we could start over? My place? We can order pizza and talk and be well, normal?”
You giggled, because he couldn’t stop fidgeting his hands, and glancing at you and then back at his shoes. He was so nervous, and you could see it in his features that he was scared he scared you off.
“Shawn? Just because Lauren set us up doesn’t mean we have to do this. If you don’t want to go out with me you don’t have to. It’s okay, I understand.”
“No! Are you kidding?” He asks appalled. “I’ve been so excited and nervous, and my life motto is nerves mean you care. I guess I’m just, I’m not the best at dating because I’ve never really dated. But I do, I do want to go out with you, I just want you to be comfortable.”
“I want you to be comfortable too.” You grin. “I hear you like Harry Potter?”
His eyes go wide and he nods dumbly.
“I have the series on DVD,”
“Blu Ray,” He points to himself. “And a flat screen.”
“Your place it is.”
“I don’t know Shawn,” You sigh, slumping back in your seat at the kitchen table, check book on the table in front of you.
“Baby, if I bought the store you’d never have to have a month like you just had. You’d never have to close for the week just to save, that’s not how a business runs.”
You were trying to be calm, and hear him out. But you really didn’t want Shawn buying the company.
“And with the money I can put into it, we can really look into more marketing. Maybe revamp the place, add a little coffee shop, demo the whole place and start over. We can start doing online sales, and boosting revenue that way. Baby I think we can do so much with it-”
“No,” You stop him, “No.”
Shawn’s stopped, shocked at your firm answer. “Why?”
“I just don’t want you buying my company,”
“Baby, but think about how much we could do-”
All you can see in your head is that note you have stashed in your file cabinet from your Pa. The one that explicitly says that it was yours until you were ready to share with someone. You could share with Shawn, but you didn’t want to have to. You felt like you just got the place and you don’t want to give it up yet.
“I don’t understand why you don’-”
“Because it’s mine!” You snap. “It’s mine!”
Shawn’s pulling back, but letting you snap.
“It’s mine, and I know I’m not the best owner, we aren’t making much money and I can barely keep the doors open, but it’s mine. And if you buy it then it’s yours, and not mine, and I can’t-” You shake your head. “I know I’m the disappointment of the family right now, because yes, I might have to close the shop soon-”
“Baby,” He stops you, taking your hands and kissing them. “I’m trying to give you a way where you won’t have to close.” He whispers. “You’re not a disappointment by the way, the markets shit, no one’s really making money.” He shrugs. “And I know it’s yours, and if I bought the bookstore, it’d still be yours, 100%”
“No it wouldn’t because you would own it.”
“Okay, so let's compromise, let’s make a deal, let’s talk it out.” He grabs his notepad and a fountain pen. “What if we partnered, you’d have half and I’d have half? That way it's still yours but I can help,”
“I don’t-”
“Let me finish.” He writes some things down. “I’ve been looking into it, and this is what I think you could make if you at least, did the online thing,” He passes you a note with an absurd amount. The bookstore has never made money like that. “And this,” He pulls the paper back, “Is what you could make by adding the cafe.”
“Shawn.” You gasp at the amount he’s scribbled.
“It’d be a study place, in this college town. It’d be a writing place, just down the street from a publishing house. And there are so many opportunities we could have with the publishing house alone. We could work out a contract to say that we’d sponsor their new authors for a certain amount, we’d be helping them and ourselves.”
“You’ve really thought this through.”
“Yes I have, because I love you, and the bookstore, and I don’t ever want to see you have to close the doors. I want to help, and finally, I know how.”
You smile, looking down at the other ideas he has listed on his notepad.
“Can you just think about it. Let’s have a meeting, I want this to be serious. I’ll do some more homework, and you do some too. I want you to think up and draw up everything you’ve ever wanted to do at the store. Everything okay?” He waits for a nod from you, “We’ll have a meeting and discuss what we’ve both thought up and then come to a conclusion.”
“Okay.” You whisper, nodding at him.
“Yeah.” You look up at him as he stands and walks around the table to you.
“Okay, I’ll have my people call your people about the details.”
“You mean having Jackie call me in the morning at the store so she can tell me that you’re free Friday at 9:30 to 10:45?” You smirk up at him.
He rolls his eyes, “Yes, Jackie will be in touch. Better?”
You giggle, nodding as he leans down for a kiss. “Where are you going?”
“Home? I’ve got a meeting real early.” He grabs his jacket, slipping it around his shoulders.
You pout at him, giving him your puppy dog eyes. “Stay?”
He chuckles, “Don’t give me those eyes, I can’t say no to those eyes.”
“Then don’t?”
“I have to, seriously I have to be up at like 4, and I don’t want to disrupt you. It’s your first day back at the shop and you need to be rested. I love you, and I’ll stay over tomorrow okay? Maybe I’ll stop by the shop at lunch if I have enough time?”
“Okay.” You sigh, deflating back in your seat.
“I love you.” He steps back closer, leaning down for a kiss.
“Mhm.” You hum, turning your face to the side so he kisses your cheek.
“Miss,” He grabs your chin softly, turning it back towards him, “You got something to say to me?”
“I love you too I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I think I’d know if you were staying the night.”
He laughs, kissing your lips softly sucking your bottom lip, pulling a moan from the back of your throat.
“Now you really can’t leave.”
“See you tomorrow.” He grins, grabbing his phone and keys, blowing you a kiss as he walks out your door.
You laughed to yourself when you saw Jackie’s line number run across your cell.
“Hello Jackie.” You answered.
“Morning,” She cheerfully responded. “Okay, so, care to explain why I’m scheduling a meeting for you and Shawn? And not like a date or something, like an actual meeting? Here? At the office?”
“Has he said anything?”
“No he never talks about his meetings. I’m lucky if I get a ‘Mornin’.” She imitates Shawn.
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Yeah,” She laughs. “Well except for the meetings part. He really doesn’t talk about them, which is fine. It’s his business, I just schedule the meetings.”
“Well if he hasn’t said anything then I don’t think I should, but I’ll talk to him about it. He knows we’re friends, so if it’s not like confidential then I’ll let you know.”
“Alright fine,” She sighs. “He’s open, um you know, actually. When are you free?”
“Well, I just opened again this week.” You look around the store. “And I really don’t want to have to close just to go to the office for a meeting, but if I have too I will.”
“Tell me when you want the meeting, I’ll work it in his schedule. He can work around you this time around.”
You grin, mentally making a note to send her some flowers soon. “Well I usually close at 6 week nights, but I know he tries to be out of the office at 5.”
“Wednesday night at 6:30 good for you?” She asks, you can hear her typing away at her keyboard.
“Um, yeah, we’ll have to push our date back,” You giggle. “But I think this is an acceptable situation.
“Alrighty then, it’s been inputted into his calendar. Would you like me to input anything else in while I have you?”
“Yeah can you check that major birthdays and anniversaries are in there.”
“I know for a fact they are, he personally has input those. May 3rd is labeled with your name and a heart, just so you know.”
You blush, looking down at your counter, picking at the edge.
“It’s gonna be three years right?”
“He better go all out.”
“He could literally just come home with no work, and actually stay and I would be over the moon.”
“Oop, here he comes, wanna speak to him?”
“Um if he isn’t busy I guess.” You murmur.
“Alright, you’re gonna be on line 1, he’ll be with you in a moment.” Jackie says, “Meeting at Wednesday at 6:30, have a nice day!”
Before you can even respond the line clicks and you hear a husky, “Hello Beautiful.”
“Hi Handsome.”
“How’s your morning?”
You look around the store, books stocked full but empty of customers. “Slow.” You sigh, pulling your stool closer to the counter and taking a seat.
“It’s still early, got the whole day ahead of you.”
You love his ability to pick you up whenever you need it. He brought the positive to your life and always had you looking at the glass half full.
“Are you gonna be able to stop by for lunch?”
You hear him sigh, and clicking onto his computer. “No, I don’t think so Baby. Jackie penciled in this new intern? I guess it’s time for an eval, and it was my only open slot this…” He trails off, the clicking becoming louder. “Wednesday? But we have a date.” He speaks up.
“I know, but-”
“I made the reservations for 6:30.”
“Can you push them back? Or we can always have a dinner meeting I guess. Or you know what, tell Jackie to just put me in where it’s convenient for you, she tried to go by what was for me but I knew we should have gone off your sche-”
“I’ll push the reservations.” He hums.
You shut up quick, waiting a beat before suggesting, “Or we could just cancel them and go home with take out and watch The Act?”
Shawn hums again, and you can just imagine him scratching his chin as he swivels in his chair. “Or we could do that. I like that, let’s do that.”
You smile, “Okay! Since you aren’t coming to see me today can you at least come over tonight?”
“Told you last night I’d stay over.”
“I just didn’t know if that changed.”
He sighs, “I know I had to cancel the last time, and the time before, but that’s not gonna happen. I promise okay?”
“I have a meeting Honey, I’ll see you tonight.”
“I love you, sell some books!”
“I love you!”
The line goes dead and you sag in your stool. This was going to be a long day.
Maybe if you had more appeal to the store, like if you could see it better, or like if the sales that you had going on were noticeable from the window.
You slide your notebook over, grabbing your pen, titling the new page; ‘Meeting Ideas’.
You were rushing around the store trying to clean up the last bit that needed to be done before you rushed out the door. You got a little lost in building a new display for the Divergent section you had. You made some faction signs and little displays for them and before you knew it, it was time to close and your art project was all over.
You are just locking the door when your phone rings in your purse. Hands full, and keys dangling from your fingers you answer, slipping your phone between your shoulder and ear.
“Hey Gorgeous,” Shawn’s voice flows through.
You sigh, knowing what this call was gonna be, cursing yourself for believing his promise this morning.
“Hey,” You sigh, unlocking your car but leaning against it for the bad news. “Not coming over?”
You hear a gasp from his end, and then him clearing his throat. “Um, I was calling to see if you wanted to make dinner or go out?”
“Did you really think I was calling to cancel?” He whispers.
“Studies go to show-”
“Okay Bookworm, well let me show the studies that I am coming over, without any work, and I’ll be staying the whole night.”
You giggle at his defense game. “Okay, okay I’m sorry.”
“Dinner? Am I picking something up? Am I making you something? Are we meeting somewhere?”
“Can you just pick something up? I literally had the longest day, and I just wanna snuggle.”
“Okay, so a plate; orange chicken, teriyaki chicken, and fried rice with cream cheese ran goons?”
“I fucking love you.”
He chuckles, “I love you too Honey, I’ll see you at home with your food and a medium Coke.”
“You literally are perfect.”
“Goodbye,” He calls, laughing as you sigh.
The TV played softly as background noise to your cuddle session. It wasn’t often that you felt like you had time with Shawn like this. He rarely promised time without work, and you took advantage when he did.
The last few times he’s promised that he’d be yours for the night he’s gotten called in, or never even made it out of the office long enough to feed himself. You’re slowly started to become accustomed to being stood up, half the time you barely even get ready knowing that the dreaded text is bound to come through.
You shift a little against his chest, cuddling closer and humming as you look up. But you pull back a bit when you notice that his face is illuminated by his phone, and his free hand is typing away at his email, letters flying across the screen at a rapid pace going to prove how much he is on his phone.
You sigh, and roll your eyes discreetly as you pull away from him. He notices you leaving quickly, the arm that’s wrapped around you curling tighter so you can’t get away.
“What are you doing?” He mumbles dropping a kiss to the top of your head, eyes never once leaving his phone.
“You said no work.”
“I know, but I have to read this.” He answers, pointing with his chin to the device in his hand.
“It can’t wait till morning? It’s the first night we’ve had together in almost two weeks.” You sit up, turning to look at him.
He glances at you and then back at his phone as it buzzes with four new emails. You slump, blinking at him tiredly.
“Babe it’s just a few emails, and we’re watching a movie we’ve already seen. I’m not missing anything.”
You shake your head at his reasoning, as if spending time with you wasn’t even on his radar at all, he’s not missing anything new so what’s the harm?
“Fine.” You sigh, sitting back against the couch.
He clicks his phone off with a huff, “Don’t be like that.”
“I’m gonna get ready for bed.” You say as he starts to turn towards you. You stand from the couch quickly, walking off to your bedroom to start your routine before he can suck you in with his puppy eyes.
He joins you in the bathroom a few minutes later, after he’s locked up your place and turned the lights off.
“You’re so beautiful.” He murmurs into your shoulder as he hugs you from behind, watching you take your makeup off. You give him a glare in return to his comment, letting him know that trying to sweet talk you isn’t gonna help. “Don’t be mad, it was just one email.”
You scoff, “It’s not just one email, we both know that you’ll stay up to answer the rest and draft up even more.”
“I wait until you’re asleep though.” He points out.
“That’s not my point.” You whisper, tired of having the same conversation every night.
“You say that every time and then never elaborate what your actual point is, so can we get to that part already?”
“My point or question I guess is if I’ll ever come first?” You shrug, looking up at him.
His heart just about breaks when he sees your bottom lip quiver. He never ever wanted to make you feel like the work comes before you, it’s just so much is weighing on his shoulders right now, and it’s become easy for him to just know that you’re there even when he’s not and he’s taken that for granted.
“You do come first.”
“I don’t,” You shake your head, “We can’t even watch a movie with you checking work.”
He watches you turn and walk out of the bathroom, crawling into bed. You let out a deep shuddering breath as you relax with your back facing the side he usually lays on.
Biting his lip he flips the light off, following you to bed.
“Might as well go get yourself set up at the dining room table, or just go ahead and sneak out to go back to your place now. No point in staying.”
His eyes snap to you, his chest tightening, guilt panging as he realizes just how much you know what he does while you’re in bed. He didn’t think you knew about the night that he needed to be in his office to get something done, so he made your place look like he had left early in the morning and not at 11:47 pm.
He curses himself at what he’s done to make you feel this way.
“No Baby,” He slips under the covers, arms wrapping around you and pulling you flush against his chest. “I’m right here.”
He lets the sound of your deep breathing and scent of your mint and rosemary shampoo soothe him into the most peaceful sleep he’s had in a long time. He finally allows his overactive brain to slow for a minute, and for his body to relax against yours.
That night, he dreams of his forever with you.
Shawn was already in the conference room when you arrived at the office, Jackie meeting you at the door offering to take your jacket and a beverage of your liking.
You decline, to both, pointing to where you thought Shawn was, smiling at the confirmation nod she gives you in return.
You walk down the hall, holding your notebook of homework and ideas. You knock, slowly entering the room and smiling at Shawn, who’s head whips up from his papers.
“Hey!” He greets, standing up to welcome you in. He leans in for a quick hug, pecking your lips as he pulls away. “I’m professional I promise, but you’re my girl and deserve a hug and a kiss hello.”
You giggle, shaking your head at his antics. He pulls your chair out, the one next to his, and helps scoot you in after you’ve taken your seat.
“Okay, well let’s jump right into business.” He starts, flipping through his pages of notes as you do the same. “What to do you have there?” He points to your notebook.
“My notes?”
He chuckles, “I know they’re your notes, but what are the notes?”
“Oh,” You clear your throat, “Um well, these would be my terms and conditions.” You slide your notebook over, letting him read through it.
It’s impressive, how much thought you’ve put into every single detail.
In the end it’s decided that Shawn will invest with a 15% stake, and with his connections and his company itself now partnering with yours it’s well more of a deal for you than for him.
Next steps are to get the balls rolling with what your plans are. A website that allows your customers to order online, a cafe, and a whole store remodel. It was scary, especially because you really don’t want a whole lot to change, but it’s what needs to happen to be successful.
“Pizza or pasta?” Shawn asks as he starts to pack his briefcase up.
You stare at your notes, and the copy of the contract you both just signed. It’s like your frozen. This amazing guy was investing in your company, out of the love from his heart. This literally does nothing for him but give you the room to grow.
“Hey?” He sits back down, hand landing on your thigh. “Are you having second thoughts?”
You look at him with watery eyes.
“Baby if you’re having second thoughts then rip up the contract, we’ll-”
You quickly press your lips to his, shutting him and his anxious mind up for a moment.
“Not having second thoughts, just needing to take a moment to let this all settle in.”
“Okay,” He nods, pulling on your hand to have you stand up so he can hold you.
“I’m not gonna disappoint him anymore.” You whisper into his chest.
Shawn sighs, kissing the top of your head, “You never disappointed him. I promise you that.”
“Hey Babe!” Shawn’s voice floats through the phone.
“Hey Honey.” You answer, clicking him to speaker as you box up some more books to prepare for demo day.
“So I’ve been looking into the perspective of revenue, and it might be time to start looking into some help.”
“Like some other workers.” He clarifies.
“Oh! I am, I have plans to meet with Lauren about the cafe this week.”
“That’s great Baby, but I’m meaning with you at the shop, not in the cafe.”
“Oh um, I don’t kn-”
“I emailed you the spreadsheet of the projected sales, take a look at it and let me know what you think okay? Just think about it? I have a meeting I needed to be in like 5 minutes ago,” He chuckles, “CEO duties. But I wanted to bring this to your attention. Anyway, I love you, I’ll see you for dinner.” He makes a dramatic kissing sound into the speaker and then hangs up before you can even think of responding.
The sledgehammer was a lot heavier than you were expecting now that you’re standing in front of a bare wall with a bunch of workers and your boyfriend staring at you.
You take a deep breath, take a step back, and let your years of softball takeover and swing for the fences. The wall splinters under the pressure and breaks, leaving a big hole in it’s trace.
“You did it!” Shawn cheers, running over to take the dangerous object away from you before you or anyone else got hurt.
“Holy shit, it’s real now.” You laugh as the rest of the crew then starts knocking the wall down. “That was so fun, holy shit!”
“It was really hot too.” Shawn smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Oh my god, go away.” You push at his chest lightly.
“Hold up!” One of the workers calls, stopping everyone from there work and pulling something from the wall.
“Is something wrong?” Shawn asks, tucking you behind him.
“I found this,” He hands Shawn the note.
Shawn opens the note, coughing when the dust and debris flies around him.
“Oh Babe.” He sighs, turning to show you.
You gasp at the handwriting alone, yanking the note from Shawn’s hands and holding it close to your chest. The watery tears in your eyes as you look up at Shawn have him almost melting to the ground and vowing to protect you from everything.
“I’m gonna go-” You jerk your thumb over your shoulder to the door, indicating that you wanted privacy while reading this note.
Shawn nodded in understanding, turning to have everyone get back to work and talk some more with the contractor about the plumbing.
He really wanted to give you some time, really wanted to respect that you needed it. But damn it you were almost crying when you walked out the door, and staring at you from the window he can tell that you are crying now.
“Fuck it,” He mutters, stepping outside.
He slides up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder.
“Are you okay?” He whispers into your ear.
“Yeah.” You nod, wiping your cheek. “Yeah, I needed this.” You unfold the letter so he can see.
It’s about time, this place needs the updates! I knew you had dreams for this place Pumpkin! Love Pa.
“Wait, he wrote that for you!” Shawn gasps softly. “How old were you when he redid the place?”
“I was three when he broke down the barrier wall and put in the new one,” You whimper.
“He knew all along this would be your legacy.” Shawn squeezes you closer.
“I was really struggling today with this decision, because I didn’t know if he would approve or not. But this was exactly what I needed to know I made the right choice.”
“Yeah?” Shawn asks.
“Yeah, you were the right choice. Pa would have loved you.” You turn and kiss his shoulder.
“You think?”
“I know he would have. Pa was particularly protective. You seem to have that same nature.” You grin. “I can just hear what he would say about you, and to you.”
“What would he say?”
“Well he’d sit me down and go, ‘that’s a good boy you got there, he treats you right and respects you. But if you got any troubles or doubts you let your Pa know, he’ll take care of it.’ Even though your friendship would be so tight he would side with you instead of me.” You giggle.
Shawn smiles, kissing your neck before sighing. “I wish I could have met him.”
“Can I ask you something?” You turn to face him now.
“Would you like to?”
“Like to what?” Shawn’s brows furrow.
“Like to meet him?” You ask again. “Would you like to go to his grave with me?”
Shawn’s smile literally touches, ear to ear, and he squeals a little as he picks you up and spins you around.
“I’d love to.”
Lauren has been your best friend since you both started working at the local girls clothing store in high school. She’s a few years older than you and really was the person who showed you the love of running a store. She got you into the management aspect of the job and taught you everything you know.
She’s a big reason as to why you were so comfortable and willing to take over the bookstore for Pa when he passed away.
When you both left the clothing store she went off to become an assistant manager at Lou’s Coffee House just outside of town. She then went on to meet Connor there, and the story goes on to how she set you up with Shawn.
“So I have some news!” You squeal as Lauren sets her coffee mug down in front of her.
You’re out to breakfast for your weekly meetup at your usual diner.
“Are you pregnant?” She asks.
“Oh my god, no.”
“Okay then…?”
“So I’m remodeling the store.” You grin as her eyes go wide. “And I bought the toy shop next door.”
“Whoa!” She shares your excitement but then comes back to reality. “Wait, weren’t you like just closed for a week because you couldn’t afford the electric bill?”
“So about that, I, I um, I might have gone through with Shawn’s investment plan.”
“Finally.” She sighs.
“We worked through the details, sat down and had a meeting and everything.”
“Sounds very Fifty Shades here.”
“Oh my god shut up,” You blush and shake your head, no realizing that it kind of did.
“Okay,” She laughs. “So why buy the toy shop?”
“How much do you like your job?”
“Working as an assistant manager? Where I can’t make my own decisions? Where I have to get them okay’d first? It sucks, but it’s a job.”
“Wanna manage your own cafe?” You ask with a big smile.
“Excuse me?”
“I bought the toy shop to knock the dividing wall down and add a cafe.”
You’ve never seen her eyes so wide. “You’re joking?”
“And I bought it so you could run it.”
“You’re joking?!?” Her voice is starting to rise.
“Is that a yes?”
“Why me?”
“Because you’re you? You’re the best Lo, let’s be honest with ourselves.”
“I’d be in charge? Can do my own ideas?”
“Well Shawn and I have drawn up some ground rules since it’s mainly his name on it, but yeah there’s no one we’d want or trust more.”
Days got tough, times get hard, and people grow tired. It’s life, it’s what happens. Today was one of those days for you.
While finding Pa’s note helped, and the excitement of starting a new was distracting, you still struggled with the result that has come of you owning the shop.
It was hard to admit you needed help, and it was harder to receive it from Shawn. It was terrifying to give up some of the reign to him as well. So with his newest idea, comes your patience lost.
“You don’t get to do this.” You shake your head, putting the plates away in the cabinet and slamming the cabinet door shut in your frustration.
“You’re gonna need the help.”
“I don’t need help!”
“I’m not saying you can’t do it. I’m not saying that. I’m saying that at least one other person is going to make it easier for you. You’re gonna run yourself into the ground doing it by yourself.”
“We’ve agreed on cafe staff.” You cross your arms.
“Yes we have, but we’re not talking about the cafe. We’re talking about the shop. One other person, that’s all I’m saying. One more set of hands with you behind the counter. You’re gonna want it, gonna need it.”
“It’s my store Shawn, I can do it! This part of it is all I have left!”
“I’m not taking that away!” He raises his voice to your level. “I’m trying to give you some help here!”
“This!” You turn back to the sink. “This is why I didn’t want to do this! I knew this is how it’d turn out. You’d be Mr. Mendes, Mr. Know-it-All, and tell me how to run the store. My store!” You toss the dish towel on the counter, turning back to him. “Guess what Shawn, you’re not there. You never have been, you never will be. You don’t care enough to be there, and because of that you’re not allowed to care about who is.”
His condo is silent as your words settle. He blinks at you, face blank of an expression and your heavy breaths slow as you watch him turn and walk away from you.
He doesn’t answer, he just picks up his keys from the corner counter and walks right out the front door, leaving the slam of it to echo in your head.
He didn’t come home, he knew he should have and that he’d given you both enough time to cool down. But he didn’t come home.
Instead he hid away in the safezone that has become his office, his second home. He was too wired to go back and go to bed, but he was too drained to keep driving around all night, so he ended up here, checking emails and stewing over your words.
You were right, he never did spend any time with you at the store. And it wasn’t in his schedule to start doing so after the remodel. The store was so important to you, and it was so minimalistic to him that he couldn’t see how much it would mean to actually stop and enjoy the space with you.
He’s been fighting his own battle all night with how guilty and shitty he feels for walking through the doors of Cornered Pages and changing everything, flipping your whole world on its side, without actually thinking about how this truly is affecting you deep inside.
It was close to 5:30 am when he dozed off. Chin in his hand, elbow propped up on his desk. The sun had just started to rise, and he could hear Jackie out at her desk.
But it was 8:45 am when you stormed in. The banging of his office door against the wall startling him awake. His jump knocking over the framed photograph of you and him from your last anniversary.
He looks around quickly, looking for what woke him in such a way, but everything stops when his eyes land on you. Your hair was unkempt, you wore his old Harvard hoodie and some grey sweats. Eyes rimmed red with tears.
“Baby?” He cleared his throat, blinking a few times to wake himself up. “What’s wrong?”
“I need you, to come home.” Your voice shakes as you speak.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” He keeps asking, afraid something bad happened.
“Come home.” Your bottom lip quivers as he stands to come to you.
“What’s wrong? Baby what happened?”
“You didn’t come home!”
He wraps you up in his arms, kissing the top of your messy hair and breathing you in.
“You don’t just get to not come home Shawn.”
“Okay, okay.” He nods, feeling you start to relax. “Let’s go home.”
“You don’t get to not come home.” You repeat, some panic still coursing through you.
“You’re okay, I’m right here. Let’s go home.”
“I thought you were leaving, you can’t not come home.”
Your words are like a knife through his heart, he can’t handle the thought of you sitting in his home thinking he wasn’t ever gonna come back to you.
“Never, I’m never leaving you. I won’t do it again, I promise. Take me home.”
Jackie watches with concerned eyes as you both stagger out of his office, Shawn mumbling to cancel his meetings, that he needed a personal day. She didn’t ask questions, she just nodded and bidded you both safe travels back home.
Once seated in the car to go home the only thing you say is “You don’t just get to not come home.”
This is it, months of work, weeks of stress, days of insecurities, hours of arguing, and minutes of excitement has lead to this.
The shop was finally complete, and today was the reopening. You were nervous, the new keys sit in your hand as Shawn, Aaliyah who’s been hired to work in the shop with you, and Lauren your best friend who’s gonna manage the Cafe stand beside you as you unlock the door.
Shawn grins, pulling the new outdoor easel sign out from the entrance of the store and positioning it right out front showing that it was a ‘Grand Re-Opening!’.
“Li, can you count the register? Do you remember how I showed you?”
“Can you just watch to make sure I do it right? I think I remember, but I don’t want to mess it up.” She nervously giggles, walking with you to the counter to count the register to properly open the store.
Shawn and Lauren open up the cafe entrance, and you can see Shawn bouncing on his toes as he watches you and Aaliyah through the glass walls that divide the store from the cafe.
“Got it?” You turn to her with a smile, she nods proudly closing the register and slipping the receipt into the little accordion file you keep in a compartment under the drawer.
“Perfect, now I think your brother wants to be the first dollar we earn from the cafe, so let’s go join him before we get to work.” You giggle leading her to the cafe.
“There you are! Get it taken care of?” He asks looking at Aaliyah, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Yep! I did it all by myself and everything.” Her sarcasm drips heavily as she answers.
“Okay, what can I buy you for a celebratory drink?”
“Okay, so I have a medium black coffee for Shawn, a medium white chocolate mocha blended for Liyah, and a iced peppermint mocha, large, for the lovely owner.” Lauren sets three cups down, knowing everyone’s order before any of you have to tell her.
“And a iced vanilla cold brew, medium, added to his tab.” You give her a look eyeing her drink behind her on the counter.
“I was gonna-”
“Nope add it to his tab, I think he can handle it.” You pat Shawn’s shoulder, grinning when he nods, swipes his card and leaves a hefty tip.
“We just had our first sale!” Lauren cheers when his charge goes through.
You laugh at her excitement and lean into Shawn’s side, sighing as you let the day sink it. He leans down to kiss the top of your head and thread his fingers through yours.
It’s so weird to see him on a Monday, jeans and white t shirt instead of his slacks and a button down. He’s taken the day off to be here for the store launch, and work with you guys on the floor.
“Okay!” He claps his hands together. “Let’s get to work! What’s first?”
This is the slowest it’s been all day, there’s been a line practically out the door, and you’re thanking your lucky stars that Shawn wanted to be here today to help. He’s been helping people find books, or the right aisles for certain genres, he’s greeted every person that walks in the door, and talks up the cafe for those who don’t have a drink already.
You and Aaliyah are practically trapped behind the counter, not having a chance to even look to the other, that’s how many people are in line.
You’re ringing up Mrs. Cooper, gift wrapping a few books for her grand kids birthdays. “Caleb is just going to love that Harry Potter box set you had. His mother said he’s been looking for that since Christmas, and Katie has been non stop talking about that new Julie Cross book.”
“We just got that book in this morning, it came with my new shipment.” You nod, tying a ribbon around the box set. “I can’t wait to read it, the Juniper Falls series is one of my favorites.”
“Katie will be so excited.” Mrs. Cooper smiles, handing you the bills to pay for the books. You smile as you ring her up.
“Mrs. Cooper would you like to sign up for a our new rewards program? All you have to do is put in an email or phone number and we’ll track your points that way, with every dollar you earn a point. Every 100 points you get a free book or drink on us.”
“I’d love to, I’m gonna be in enough to make it worth my while.”
“Perfect!” You smile, clicking over to the page to sign her up. “While I get you signed up I’ll have Shawn take your things to your car.”
“Oh thank you Honey.” She smiles, watching you wave Shawn over.
“Hey Gorgeous,” He grins, kissing the side of your head and looking at the screen. “Need help with something?”
“Yeah can you carry Mrs. Coopers books to her car? I’m gonna get her signed up for the rewards program real quick.”
You watch Shawn’s eyes drift from you to the counter where two bags of books sit in front of Mrs. Cooper and her walker.
“Of course, where are you parked?” He asks taking the bags with a big smile.
“Right up front in the handicap parking Son, my husbands in the car waiting.”
“Perfect, I’ll be right back.” Shawn nods, winking at you before he walks away.
You get Mrs. Cooper signed up, ring up a few more people to finish off the line, and then look around at the mostly empty store to see how it looks after that rush.
It’s not too bad, but you notice it needs serious recovery and some filling of shelves. When you turn to start talking to Aaliyah to notice that she’s not standing at her spot behind the counter, but coming out of the back storage room with a cart of books, asking a few people if they’re finding everything okay.
You smile, knowing that Aaliyah was a perfect fit for your store, and everyone was loving her.
You take this quick chance to run over to the cafe and check in with Lauren, and see how she’s doing. The cafe is bustling with people, every table is full and all the chairs in the little nook are occupied with reading teens.
“Hey!” You cheer as you walk behind the counter to talk with Lauren.
She pats Becca, her extra set of hands, on the shoulder to let her know that she’s coming to talk to you.
“Hey Bigshot.”
You roll your eyes at the name, Lauren’s been calling you that since you told her about the remodel and asked her to be the cafe’s lead manager.
“How’s it going over here?” You ask, leaning against the wall, getting a glimpse of Shawn over her shoulder.
He’s talking to a group of men in suits, and you assume they must be his work colleagues.
“It’s going really good, Becca and I are working really well around each other. She’s so sweet and amazing that I’ve practically had her at register all day because she’s selling treats and the cafe card like crazy.”
“Oh yay! I’m so glad!” You nod, smiling at Lauren and then letting your eyes travel back to Shawn. “Do you know those guys?” You ask her, nodding to the guys who just made Shawn’s smile drop to a frown in less than a second.
“Oh I don’t know, they ordered a few minutes ago, kept whispering to each other and laughing as they looked around.” She shrugs, “Seems like Shawn knows them.”
“Yeah will you give me a second?” You ask, walking past her and over to Shawn. “Hey,” You lay a hand on his back, standing beside him as all three of the guys look down to you.
“Hey,” Shawn mumbles, letting his arm uncross from in front of his chest and wrap around you. “This is Tate, Blake and Zach.” He points to each of the guys.
“You must be the famous girlfriend?” Blake says with a teasing smile.
You squint at him as you try to figure out their game here, “Yeah, and you are?”
The boys look to Shawn in shock, “Um, we work at Mendes Printing.” Zach answers.
“They’re in charge of the orders and deliveries.” Shawn says looking to you.
“So, this place is, is something huh?” Tate acknowledges. “You must be so happy to have someone like Shawn who can just dump some change to those in need.”
Shawn stands up straight, jaw clamped shut. You watch as Blake and Zach snicker, looking at each other like they’re the funniest guys in the world.
“I’m lucky to have a supportive boyfriend who believes in my dreams and will help me accomplish them.” You fire back. “And you’re lucky to have such a wonderful man as a boss, who lets you take a break at what?” You pick up Shawn’s wrist to read his watch, “At 2:37 pm.”
All three boys deadpan as you give them a small smile. “We’re on our way to a meeting.” They stammer out.
“Well I’m so glad you are willing to be late to a meeting just to see our new cafe, did you sign up for the new cafe card? With every 10 purchases you get the 11th free. You can sign up while you wait for the drinks you’ve ordered.”
Shawn squeezes your hip, grinning as he kisses the top of your head.
“We’ve got to be headed back to the store, but it was nice to meet you, can’t wait to hear your stellar reviews of the drinks. Lauren’s the best barista in town.”
Shawn steers you away from the boys, smirking into your hair as he holds you close. “They didn’t mean any harm.”
“They practically said that you’re my sugar daddy and bought me my own store.”
“And we both know that isn’t true, you barely let me buy you dinner.”
“You deserved to be spoiled too, so no I’m not about to let you pay for everything just because you can. I can too.”
“I love you, you know that right?”
“I love you too.” You look up at him with a pout. His smile and blushing cheeks has you biting your lip, trying to stay professional in your business. “I really wanna kiss you.” You mumble as you turn away to help Aaliyah fill shelves.
“Oof the things I wanna do to you to celebrate the success of your store? Just wait until we get home Miss. CEO.” Shawn pinches your ass before walking away, tossing a wink your way as your jaw drops.
A week into the relaunch and things finally seem to settle back into the normal you’re used too. Wednesdays are always your slowest days, and while it’s not always good for business you take advantage of the free time to get some remerching done.
That’s what you’re up to this morning. You had a dream last night about what the store would look like if you redesigned the front wall and added some of the new signs Shawn’s company just dropped off the other day.
That’s why books are stacked in piles around the front of the store and shelves and knife brackets are scattered in empty spaces as you try plan out how you want it to look like. You’ve counted up 17 notches and slide a knife bracket in place, repeating on the next section. You use your right foot to help hoist the shelf up high enough to set on top of the brackets, but right as you go to lift the door opens, bell startling you and you drop the shelf.
The loud clang and yelp from you is enough to catch Mrs. Cooper’s attention as she walks into the store, eyes wide as she notices you hunched over in pain.
“Oh, Honey are you okay?” She tries to get to you as fast as she can, but with the piles you’ve set down for the time being her walker can’t get to you.
“I’m okay,” You wave her off, trying to play it cool as your foot throbs. “How are you this morning?” You clench your jaw, fisting your jeans to help hold off your scream of pain.
“Dear are you sure you’re okay? You dropped that shelf right on your foot. Where’s that boy who was here the last time I was in, he should be helping. Lord knows he’s got those muscles for a reason.”
“He’s actually just an investor, and well my boyfriend, but he’s got his own company to work for. That was just a one time thing, him working here.” You correct her.
“Is there anyone else here?”
“Not yet, but I’m okay I promise.” You stand up straight, hiding your pain behind a fake smile, to prove you’re alright and don’t need help.
“If you say so, I’m just in to get another one of those Juny Pond books or whatever that series was.”
“Juniper Falls?” You smile, trying to hide your limp as you make your way to your Young Adult sports section. “Which one are you looking for?”
Mrs. Cooper starts to tell you all about how Katie, her granddaughter fell in love with the new book she got her at the re opening, and how she wants more. You soon figure out that Katie has read all three books from the series so you go on to suggest the baseball book that Julie Cross has published that is just as good, and if not your favorite.
But as you talk with Mrs. Cooper Lauren comes in a little early, quickly notices that bare wall and everything a little disorganized up front. When she finds you two she immediately can tell something is wrong with you, and that you’re very uncomfortable.
Usually you’ll talk all day with Mrs. Cooper, but you seem to hurry her a little today and you’re limping in just the slightest bit. The second Mrs. Cooper is out the door to her husband you drop to the floor, letting out a long “owww”
“What happened Doll?” She asks, crouching beside you.
“I was rebuilding the front wall, all in my head and in my zone. The second I lifted the shelf to put it up Mrs. Cooper walked and the bell went off scaring the bejesus out of me and I dropped the damn thing on my foot.”
“Well you’re walking on it so it’s not broken.”
You slip your shoe and sock off, cringing at the deep purple and blue bruise that’s starting to form across your foot, the swelling already starting.
“Just severely bruised.” Lauren sighs.
“Will you help me finish the wall before you open the cafe? I promise to stay off it as much as I can but I can’t leave the front of the store like that.”
She agrees to help but makes you sit on the step stool while you tell her what to do and where to put things. In the end the wall looks really cool and the customers you have coming in after it’s built have nothing but compliments for it.
“Hey!” Aaliyah calls as she clocks in from the back.
“Hey Hon!” You smile as she comes out with a cheery smile, stopping when she spies you on the stool, you rarely sit.
“What’s up?”
“So, don’t tell your brother, but I got hurt today.”
“What? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine but, I might have dropped a shelf on my foot.”
“Oh my god,”
“She’s gonna sugar coat it but she can barely put pressure on her foot, so while I’m in the cafe make sure she’s being good and staying off it and icing it. Also because she’s limited to her chair she’s finally finished up the online order website and gotten all the merchandise in the website so that can launch soon!” Lauren interrupts you.
“Hey! I was gonna tell her that!” You glare at Lauren.
“Sorry, I got excited.”
“Why can’t I tell Shawn, he should know.” Aaliyah looks at you.
“He will.” You nod. “But I want to tell him later, he’ll freak out and blah blah blah.”
Aaliyah nods slowly, and you can see in her eyes, just like her brother, that she’s gonna do the exact thing you asked her not to do. So you mentally make a note that Shawn will be here in the next 15 minutes.
** 10 Minutes Later **
“Jackie, cancel it.” You hear Shawn say as the bell goes off indicating he’s just walked in the door.
“Sorry,” Aaliyah sighs when you look up at her. “He’d kill me if he knew I knew and didn’t say something.”
“It’s okay,” You smile at her. “I know I said I wanted to tell him later, but I’m glad he’s here. So thank you.”
“Emergency.” He hums as he looks around frantically for you, stopping when he sees you seated behind the counter. “Okay I will, thanks Jackie.” With that he hangs up the phone, walking right behind the counter and taking your face into his hands, eyes inspecting yours. “Which foot?”
“8.” You answer softly.
“Reason why you didn’t call?” He raises an eyebrow.
“I wanted to push through?”
“Try again.” He hums, crouching down to take your shoe off so he can see.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” You slump, telling the truth. “I promise I’m okay.”
“And what were you doing?” He asks as he softly caresses your foot, being careful not to touch too rough.
“I was building the front wall.”
He looks up at you, blinks, then turns his head to look at the wall noticing that what you’ve done is actually much cooler and seems to be attracting a lot of attention from bystanders outside.
“How’d you drop it?”
“The bell scared me when Mrs. Cooper walked in and I dropped it.” Your bottom lip pushes out at how lame your story is.
He shakes his head, letting a breath out as he tries not to laugh a little. “You kill me, you know that? How hard would it have been to wait to do that with Liyah here, or Lauren, or me?”
“You?” Your eyebrows scrunch.
“If you would have called I would have come to help.”
“We talked about this,” He shakes his head, “We’re in this together right? You chose me to be apart of this with you? Then let me be apart of it. I know I can’t be here everyday, but I can be here to help if you need me to be. Building walls, or new displays that involve heavy lifting is something I can be here for. You just have to tell me.”
You nod, letting his fingers twine with yours on your thighs.
“Okay, next time I’ll call.”
“Thank you, that’s all I’m asking for.” He looks back down at your foot and bites his lip. “Level 8?”
You nod, showing off that you can wiggle your toes a bit but that’s about it.
“Can I take you home?” He whispers, hands sliding to the back of your calves, rubbing little circles with his thumbs.
“Can we stay till close? It’s just a two more hours? You can help me with inventory for the website launch.”
“Of course,” He smiles, jumping up to pull the other stool closer to sit with you and work on the website.
Shawn sets you down on the bed, convinced that you shouldn’t be putting any weight on your foot. He happily took on the roll of your right hand man, carrying your everywhere, bringing you things, spoiling you in many kisses.
“So,” He says, digging through his drawer to find you a shirt to wear. “I had a phone meeting with Horan Publishing today.” He smiles as he pulls out his Eddie Vedder, his favorite to see you in.
“Oh?” You hum as you take the shirt from his hands.
“Yeah, he wanted to discuss maybe partnering with us.” Shawn grunts as he starts to change his own clothes.
“With us?” You deadpan, looking up at him.
Shawn looks over his shoulder at the sound of your question, stopping his actions to turn and look at you.
“Us? I’m-”
“He publishes books,” Shawn grins, “We sell books.”
You nod dumbly, still confused that someone wants to partner.
“He was wondering if we might be interested in sponsoring a few of his new authors, maybe give them a shelf or two, the room to do a signing.”
“He wants to do that with us?”
“Yes,” Shawn laughs at your skepticism, “He’s an old friend but said he’s noticing the rapid success of your store and thought that maybe if he partnered with us the younger audience that your store draws might help kickstart a fanbase.”
You just blink at him.
“I’ll go over all the paperwork he sent over, but I think it’s a good deal, he’d be sponsoring us much the same we’d do for him.”
“If you think it’s a good deal then fucking do it, I trust you more than my own opinions here.”
Shawn grins, shaking his head, crawling towards you on the bed to plant a steamy kiss to your lips. “You’re so fucking cute,” He murmurs against your lips.
A month later your store is filled with a line out the door and wrapped around the building for the first book signing you’ll sponsor.
Niall is here, planted firmly in the cafe corner, laptop open, charger plugged into the wall to make sure he’s not gonna crash as he works through the signing.
Shawn’s here to support, ready to help in anyway he can. But the more you watch from a distance behind the counter the more you’re wishing he wasn’t here.
He’s getting quite close to the author.
She’s gorgeous, long brown hair, brown sparkly eyes, perfect eyebrows and cheekbones. She is an incredible author, and honestly you’ve become a big fan after reading the first copies of a few of her books that Niall sent over last week. But the more she’s making eyes at Shawn, touching his arm, and laughing at everything he has to say has her leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
But slowly your becoming hurt with the way he’s not pushing her off, and how he keeps stepping just a little closer.
You take a deep breath, turning to look at Aaliyah and seeing that she’s struggling a little with keeping up with the line of book hungry teens.
You decide that you don’t have time to stand and watch your perfect boyfriend flirt with the perfect girl in front of him, you’ve got work to do. So, you roll up your sleeves slip behind Aaliyah to get to the other register and start ringing up the next customer.
The store is crazy destroyed by the time you closed. Aaliyah was feeling stressed and little under the weather when you locked the doors to start the closing process, so you sent her home promising that you could handle it on your own.
Shawn had tried to kiss you goodbye, after walking Hailee, the author, to her car and giving her a big hug before she got in. You turned your head so he had to kiss your cheek, and then stalked off to start cleaning before he had the chance to ask what was up.
He leaves hesitantly, guiding Aaliyah through the door to take her home, but watches you from the windows, noticing the deep frown on your face and the way your shoulders are slumped as you start to count the registers.
“Was she like that all day?” He asks his sister, pointing at you once they’re both seated in the car.
“What?” Aaliyah looks up, and the sees what he’s pointing at. “Oh, um, she was fine this morning, really excited. But like as the day went on it was like something was constantly bugging her and bringing her mood down. I tried to talk to her about it but she just kept saying ‘I’ve got work to do, no time to waste on dumb things’.”
Shawn’s brows furrow and he watches you for a minute before driving away to drop Aaliyah off.
By the time he makes it back to help and pick you up his poor thumb nail is practically non existent, he wants to know what’s wrong and got you feeling down.
He knocks at the door, peaking through the window so you can see him to let him in. You turn and look over your shoulder with wide eyes and then they soften a bit when you recognize him.
You scramble for your keys and unlock the door, “What are you doing here?”
His eyes narrow on you in confusion, “I’m here to help, and take you back home?”
“Oh,” You look back at the cafe where Lauren was cleaning up. You had told her about Shawn and Hailee and how they had acted all day, and she offered to give you a ride home since you rode in with Shawn. “Lauren was gonna drive me.”
Shawn looks over your shoulder to Lauren, catching her glare, his heart beat picking up a bit.
“But I thought you were staying over?”
“I think I’m just gonna go back to mine, I’m really tired and just wanna sleep.”
“And what did you think you’d being doing at mine? Going to Vegas and staying up all night. I’m tired too, I just wanna go to bed with you.” He lowers his voice and reaching for your hand, but gasping a bit when you don’t let him hold it. “What’s wrong?”
You sigh, shaking your head as your turn to fix the front table display.
“Hey.” He grabs your wrist, turning to you back to him. “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“It’s stupid.”
He eyes you, knowing that you need some time before you really start to talk to him about what’s going on in your head. So he nods, “Well I’m here when you’re ready okay? I saw you got a few shipments in the back? Can I help move and unbox them for you?”
“Sure.” You shrug, going back to your work and trying to not let his cute little puppy look break you down.
So for the next hour, after Lauren leaves once you tell her that you can handle Shawn, it’s just the two of you. Shawn’s back and forth from the back to the front bringing out more books. But every time you go to start cleaning something else there’s a random book sitting in front of you.
The first time it’s ‘Beautiful Boss’ by Christina Lauren, and you look around confused why a romance novel would be in the Syfy section.
The second time it’s ‘P.S. I Still Love You.’ by Jenny Han, and you roll your eyes since it’s a Young Adult in the Cooking shelf.
The third time is after you’ve corrected Shawn on how he set something up, and you were a little harsh with how you told him. You giggle a little when you see ‘Disarm’ with a sticky note under the title that says ‘Please, I’m still learning.’
You look at him while he’s focusing on getting the sign just right, small pout on your lips at how hard he’s trying for you.
The final time you notice a book it’s ‘Lucky in Love’ with another sticky note that says ‘with you!!’.
You sigh, smiling as you look up at him. He’s watching you over a bookshelf, his height allowing him to spy.
“Stop being cute when I’m mad at you.” You whine, making him grin and rush around the shelf to you.
“Why are you mad?” He asks softly, setting the books he was holding down.
“I don’t know, why don’t you go ask Hailee.”
His eyes go wide and he sighs, “Oh Honey.”
“Don’t ‘Honey’ me, you seemed more interested in what she had to say than me.”
“That’s not true.”
“You know what,” You sigh, knowing that you sound ridiculous, “I think I’m just gonna go over to Lauren’s.”
“No, you’re not.” Shawn blocks your path to the counter.
“I’m not in the mood to fight.”
His eyes bug a little, “I didn’t realize we were fighting.”
“Shawn,” You sigh, looking up at him with hurt eyes.
“Baby,” He whines, wrapping his arms around you. “What’s really the matter?”
You take a deep breathe, “The real matter is that I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“I’m scared that one of these days you’re gonna meet someone like Hailee, who’s got her life figured out and is perfect and looks perfect, and you’re gonna realize that you need to be with someone like that and not someone like me. That you want someone who can challenge you, and be up to the standards that you live. Someone who isn’t prone to failing and needing you to bail her out of her life.”
Shawn’s heart drops when he hears you speak this way. He was absolutely in love with you, and he couldn’t stand the fact that you felt like he was bailing you out.
“Hey,” He tilts your chin up since your looking at his chest to avoid eye contact. “Listen to me okay?”
“Sure,” You sigh.
“No hey,” He dips his chin so you have to look him in the eye. “I’m in love with you. I’m in love with your passion, and opinions. I’m in love with the way your brain works, and the way you fight for what you want. I’m in love with the way that you don’t know what you want your life to be, because we’re fucking 21 years old, we shouldn’t have to know what our lives are. You think you don’t challenge me? You piss me off and frustrate me all the time because you make me think of things in a different way, you have different ideas to everything. And while I think one way you think another, and you’re always right. Always, so I love that side of you too, because it challenges me. Also, I really don’t care what you say, but you are perfect. You are my definition of perfect.”
“Shawn,” You whimper, looking up at him with tearful eyes.
“So no, you won’t be staying at Lauren’s because I’ve planned a late dinner and a romantic bubble bath to celebrate the first signing.”
You gape at him as he pulls you closer. Nuzzling into your neck, nosing right behind your ear.
“And we’re not allowed to just not come home, remember?”
Shawn wonders out of his room and down the hall to find you standing at his kitchen counter making coffee with a book in your hand. He can’t help himself but to stare for a moment. There you stand with your hair in messy bun, and his favorite nighty of yours hugging you tightly.
The tattoo on your hip teases him as you reach up onto your toes for your mug, but your eyes never leave your book, too entranced in the story to look away.
The fresh hickey on your neck flashes at him when he starts to move closer, taunting him to add more. He presses himself right behind you, reaching up for you to get your mug down.
“I love how you wear this when we fight,” He hums into your neck, planting a little wet kiss to your new purple temporary tattoo.
“It’s your favorite.” You whisper back. “And I’m sorry for insinuating the things I did.”
“Stop,” He hushes you, turning you so you’re facing him. “We did the apologies already.” He lifts you up onto the counter. “Had the make up sex.” He grins. “We’re good to go.”
“So you’re not in the mood for more make up sex?” You ask with a sly grin.
“How about some ‘you’re in my favorite negligee and I’m really in love with you’ sex?” He hoists you up, biting his lip as you wrap your legs around his waist, hands digging into his curls.
“That sounds so fucking perfect.” You moan as he sucks another bruise to your neck.
This time when he wakes up alone in bed he finds you in the little makeshift nook he made for you. The chair in the corner of his office big and comfy and you sink right into it.
“I’m gonna get you a house with a room line with shelves and a comfy spot for you to read in.” He sighs, flopping next to you on your chair, well it’s more of a loveseat, hand rested on your bare thigh, riding up his Sting t shirt you’re now wearing.
“Can your desk still be in the room with me? So you’re not too far away?”
“You can literally have anything you want.” He hums, taking your book from your hand, folding the corner on your page and setting it on the ground so he can lean you back and lay on you.
“Just you,” You whisper, leaning forward to kiss his nose. “Just want you.”
“Mmm, you have me.” He nods. “So let me spoil you.”
“You do.”
“So you’ll let me buy us a home? With a library ready to be filled with your favorite stories?”
“Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“We practically already live together Babe, it’s just a juggle between your place and mine.”
“So why can’t we just move into here, the condo?”
He sighs, dropping his head to your chest and groaning, “Because the house I bought has a room lined with shelves, enough room for your chair or a couch, or both, whatever you want.”
“Shawn?” “So can I give you the key now?”
“Does it have room for your desk?” You ask softly.
“Babe my office is conjoined to your library by french doors. You really think I can be away from you?”
“Really?” You let a small smile light up your features.
“And it’s got a kitchen island like you always talk about, and a room that can be made into a nursery at some point. The backyard is huge, plenty of room to build a treehouse.”
“You bought us a home?”
“I bought you a home.” He nods.
“Baby!” You sob, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him into you. “You bought us a home!”
It’s early this Sunday morning, you and Shawn are walking around like the sleep deprived zombies you are.
This week has consisted of packing up your place, packing his place, moving to the new house in the neighborhood that’s exactly halfway from the store and the office, and unpacking.
Shawn through a little fit when you asked him to come with you this morning to the store to be there for the bookfair delivery, and to help you set it up for tomorrow. After you explained that you were a little nervous about how early the delivery was, and how the guy treated you the last time no one was convincing Shawn that he wasn’t going.
The back storage room is jam packed with boxes upon boxes, and displays for days.
The store was sponsoring the local elementary schools Book Fair, which is bringing in money for you and the attention from all the parents and teachers in tow.
You were standing in your new Young Adult section for the time being, replacing the John Green and making sure to have tons in backstock as well when Shawn came running by.
“Yeah Honey,” You look up at his excited features.
“Check out the new printing.” He eyes the book he’s outstretched to you, ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’.
You’re a little confused because this copy looks pretty worn, the spine bent, pages creases, corners folded. “Okay?” You cautiously take the book, noticing it feels a little lighter than you were expecting. You flip open the cover and gasp at what you see.
There in the middle of all the pages, Shawn’s gone out and cut a square out of the middle of the book and placed a ring box inside.
“Oh wait,” He snaps, getting you to look up at him. “That’s my copy that I made after the night I met you and you told me that if someone ever proposed to you like this that you’d say yes times a million.” He grins as he sees the tears in your eyes.
He reaches inside and plucks the box from the book, dropping to his knee in front of you and popping the box open, revealing your dream ring. It’s a simple silver ring, cut to look like rope that meets in the middle to look like a knot.
“Shawn,” You gasp.
“Let me give you your happily ever after, the next part to your everlasting series, and the greatest epilogue to the best story ever. Baby will you marry me?”
It was finally the day, with the store and life changing between you and Shawn, you lost track of time since you’d asked him.
But today marks five years without Pa, and it was your tradition to have a picnic with him.
You sit between Shawn’s legs, back against his chest, head rested back on his shoulder as you trace the quote you had engraved on Pa’s tombstone.
‘Create your own happily ever after’.
Shawn kisses your neck as his hand sneaks around to rest on your small baby bump, hand just about as big as the bump itself.
“I did it Pa,” You whisper, smiling as you cuddle closer to Shawn, fiddling with your ring he’s wearing. “I made my own happily ever after.”
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Rankin’ the Waifus
I feel like when you’re drunk with friends, you either have the best ideas ever, or the worst ideas. Which is this? Well, at first, I thought this was a fantastic idea, given that @fukae-flwr challenged Drunk Me to do this, until she gave me the rules. . . The rules made it even harder for Drunk Me to do, leaving Sober Me to rise to the challenge, just to prove her wrong. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Persephone, you have too many Waifus, ranking them is like picking between them is impossible,” but I finally, after a lot of debate, reviewing, and “friendly” discussions, involving way to much cussing and slamming of hands with friends, I was finally able to settle on the list, so without further ado, here are the rules.
1) Only one character from the franchise.
2) They have to be Waifus, not favorite characters (this rule comes in to play a lot later on).
Let’s kick off this list now with the easiest thing, the honorable waifus.
Honorable Mentions:
Now, these are in no particular order, because even leaving them off the top 10 was hard enough.
Lucy Heartfillia: Fairy Tail
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This one waifu per series is the only reason why Lucy had to be cut from the main list. Let’s clear something up here, Lucy is Top Tier Waifu, especially in a series with as many Waifus as there are. Lucy has everything, from a fantastic development, to a great personality, to a gorgeous character design, and she definitely deserves more praise in the series than she gets. Sadly, my waifu choice from this series, only barely beats Lucy, but not mentioning her would be a crime.
Rindo Kobayashi: Shokugeki no Souma
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Rindo is the most obvious choice from this waifu heavy series. She’s spunky, entertaining, and a glutton to boot, but above all, she’s actually a terrifying opponent to go against, especially since she’s one of the best cooks in the series. I mean hell, she literally uses alligator in one battle simply because she just felt like it, and her being apart of Centrol and having access to as many resources as they do. From the moment she’s introduced, she stole every scene she was in, even if it was just for a panel or two, if that’s not a waifu, I don’t know what is.
Maika Sakuranomiya: Blend S
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This is where that waifu rule plays in.  Maika is my waifu of the series, not my favorite character; that title is held strong by Hidori, the trap idol who steals the series from the moment they are introduced in episode 8.  Maika, and her non-intentional sadistic look, make her the best waifu choice.  It’s endearing, and sweet to watch her try her hardest to not be sadistic, but fail making all of us fall in love with her more.  Also, who doesn’t love a bit of sadism in their waifus?
C.C: Code Geass
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Ah, the waifu who started this whole drunken debate.  She’s the classic, Pizza Hut loving, immortal waifu, who is literally unforgetable.  The latest addition of her to my massive figure collection only reminded me just how strong of a waifu choice she really is, despite being from one of the oldest series on this list.  
Mayoi Hachikuji, Tsubasa Hanekawa, Hitagi Senjougahara:  The Monogatari Franchise
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Honestly, a solid argument could be made for any of these girls to be the second best waifu.  You have Hanekawa, the lovely class president who only knows what she knows, Hitagi, the tsundere who has an unhealthy obsession with stationary, Mayoi, the dead snail ghost-turned-god girl who has literally the cutest bit with Araragi in the entire series, or even Karen and Tsukihi, the Fire Sisters of our main character.  Every girl in this series is a valid choice; well all but Nadako.  Fuck Nadako.  
Now that those mentions are out of the way, let’s get to the truly hard part.  
Top Ten Waifus: 
10: Homura Akemi: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Okay, she’s not really 10, but I’m still mad at her, and after a full hour of debate, I still couldn’t justify putting her above any of the 9 other waifus who I wasn’t eternally mad at, so that valid.  Homura is such a bad ass, and honestly, one of the more deadlier choices of a waifu, adding on the massive magical girl obsession I have, I physically couldn’t leave her off the list.  
9: Brandish μ: Fairy Tail
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Ah, Brandish, the Nation Destroyer herself.  She’s perfect, in every way, and I’ve loved her from the moment she was introduced in the final arc, and by far one of the standouts of Alvarez.  She’s adorable with her unique design, a massive cat obsession, and a stupidly powerful magic.  Also, she’s one of the few characters to actually get some development in the entire arc.  Mashima didn’t do a lot of good things in that arc, but he did gift the world with Brandish, so I can’t be too upset.  
8: Retsuko: Aggretsuko
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One of the most relatable waifus anyone could ask for, but what more could I say that isn’t obvious?  She’s a Sanrio Red Panda who works in an office, hates her boss, and sings Death Metal kareoke.  I know she’s supposed to be an adorable mascot meant as a way to get us to spend money on her merchandise, but damnit Sanrio, did you have to make her this cute?!  Ugh, just take all my money already.  
7: Minako Aino (Sailor Venus): Sailor Moon
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This is where the waifu of the series rule killed me.  My favorite character is Hotaru (Saturn), but I wouldn’t consider her a waifu; she’s more of a badass senshi who can literally destroy an entire galaxy with one swoosh of her Silence Glaive.  The only three I would consider waifu enough for this list are Seiya, Usagi, and Minako, but after breaking it down throughly with @fukae-flwr​, we were finally able to come down to the decision that Seiya, while being fantastic in every way, is not a waifu, and Usagi, while being relatable as fuck and lovable to boot, is and can only be Seiya’s Waifu, leaving Minako, the winner of the debate, and for good reason too.  She’s loveable, kind, caring, powerful and the leader of the inner senshi, and S Tier waifu material, so overall, I can’t be unhappy with the outcome of the debate.  
6. Android 21:  The Dragonball Franchise
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Okay, this one was the hardest series for me to pick just one waifu from.  With so many choices, from Bulma to Android 18 to even Launch, (remember her? no? It’s okay, even Toriyama doesn’t).  I love all most of the Dragonball Waifus, so why did I ultimately settle for for the best Video Game Bae?  Simple.  She’s a badass who is hot as hell and literally eats people. . . .so a kink basically, but like, can you blame me?
5. Himako Toga: My Hero Academia
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A knife wielding, psychopathic, serial killing yandere schoolgirl? There isn’t even a contest, Toga is best girl.  Period.  I will fight anyone who says otherwise.  
4. Stocking Anarchy: Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
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Again, this is another obvious choice as far as waifus go.  It was during yet another rewatch of this underrated show that I realized how much I genueinly love Stocking, and she’s clearly the better choice over Panty.  Stocking is the sweets loving, emo fallen angel/demon who cusses like a sailor and is into bondage.  Yes, I am aware, it’s another kink, but I don’t care, not even a little bit.  
3: Shalltear Bloodfallen: Overlord
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Yeah, I choose Shalltear over Albedo.  Shalltear is best girl, and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.  I will admit though, that while Albedo is gorgeous and a great choice, Shalltear is a vampire with lesbian tendencies, and that instantly puts her above the virgin succubus.  Thank you Lord Peroroncino. 
2. Shiro: No Game No Life
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When making this list, and talking out all of the waifu ranking, there were two that didn’t budge on the list at all, Shiro, and the number one choice.  Shiro is perfect, and even in a series with freaking fox people and Jibril, and that says something.  
1. Shinobu Oshino ( Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade): The Monogatari Franchise
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Meet the Best Waifu in existence.  Honestly, it doesn’t matter if she’s in her Shinobu form, or her fully powered vampire form.  Shinobu/Kiss Shot is by far the best waifu anyone could have.  She’s a freaking powerful vampire that’s gorgeous, and mysterious in her true form, and even in her weaker form still manages to be powerful, snarky, and adorable as hell.  Also, her reaction to donuts will literally be the greatest thing in waifu history.  Ugh, I love her.  
And there you have it.  10 waifus ranked, and it only took three days, three people to rant to, and a shitton of headache pain killers later.  @fukae-flwr​ told you I could do it.  Next challenge. . . Husbandos.   Oof.  
So yeah. . . . Thoughts I guess?
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jewelwriter · 5 years
Beyond Level 1:  Pokemon Sword & Shield
Disclaimer: Beyond Level 1 is a review of a game starting from the checkpoint of defeating the first boss of a game. After all tutorial levels and battles shouldn't be counted in how a game is to give you what you deserve for a game but it is where the real battle begins as they can either fail you or help you get deeper into a game. Take this in mind though. This is just this reviewer's opinion and may not fall in line with the line of how you rate the game. After all, everyone has an opinion. Thank you. Before I begin I'll be honest, this is one of those few games that I refuse to pay the cash for a pair of reasons. The first reason is to not give idiots that say that “If you don't like it Don't buy it. Don't judge a game you haven't bought.” that go into the combo of “Hahaha you bought the game, you really can't hold your ground and it's clear you loved it still.” And second is because of the recent actions that have been given and I am not putting my system at risk for anything like that. I will rather be a well knowing reviewer than an ignorant one. Clearly, people have been divided about the game ever since the Electronic Entertainment Expo of Twenty Nineteen. Since then I'm sad that it was shown so much of a mess. Barely any communication, no regret call outs, lies exposed, lies made, and fires started up that was on multimedia of many spots. And I'm reviewing this with what I have experienced with the knowledge and using a bit of a demonstration that was open as far as I know. So...without further ado, on with the biggest disaster in the history of this series. Salutations one and all! I am the mage of games, Jewelwriter Eli Moonstar! And this is a review of Generation 8 as of the time of this release date. THIS is Pokemon Sword & Pokemon Shield.
(Control) – Metal Again, we are stuck with only the stick to move, and only one as the other stick is used specifically for the Wild area, while the rest is using barely the rest and it seems like you can't even go into single joystick mode [as in one Switch Controller] to allow someone to play with another controller to try something for a while and invite someone to play without a way to play. It could have done better and allow the first mainline game on a console to do more than just something standard. You even got the Pokeball plus that could have been used for something special but it isn't to be. And the shoulder buttons aren't even used for this game or others. Not even for audio (And you got to go out of the way to find the controls for the audio... by talking to someone.) []-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[] (Story) – Metal Being sponsored by the champion himself to try to reach and beat him, this new entry into the Pokemon series brings you to a world that is of its own and yet feels so similar to others that it bothers me. It's not an escort the non-battling damsel through to try to discover the power of a Pokemon that will eventually be yours. Thank stars for that... instead, you get... told that you gotta do all the gym challenges and in the end, the soft rival that is Hop gives up on Pokemon training, Rose goes mental, and you turn the final push to become a champion into a stain on the grass. Way to go for this one. If this was a part of the Red, Blue, and Yellow story-line it would be more at home than this. []-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[] (Content) – Stone With the cut amount of content, it's kind of sad to see Pokemon like this. Graphics aren't in reviews like this one because as one will know, Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And thus if I do it will be for reasons like we are “subtracting content to improve visual quality” and well... look where that got us. Only seventy-five new Pokemon and barely any post-game unless you are doing the norms... which is shiny hunts, Pokemon battles, and the only other multiplayer that other players can TRUELY play in are max raids. And with the Dynamax power being basically three turns of HP buffing, it's clear that this not going to help a lot, especially if you can get snipped to KO in one turn while using it. Also, to anyone saying that there's at least Pokemon Camp, It's no longer Pokemon Amie V3....it's Pokemon Amie V.5 with how little you can do there. []-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[] (Flow) – Bronze When it is almost too easy that it could take a casual play of nearly 3/4ths of a day then something is off, especially if you are taking the time to try to be at level...which is kind of hard to do when you got EXP being given out like candy...(though there's literally candy that can give EXP directly instead of a full out level up.) and with barely a lot of trainers outside of the main cast offering four-plus Pokemon and hunting down characters... it kind of burns when knowing so much was lost and little if any was gained. When the gameplay provides no feeling of saying there's more to the game or hints that it's less, there's a problem that can't be hidden because it'd mean a major patch to the system and Game Freak doesn't do that at all so we can all drop that idea at all. []-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[] (Bosses) – Bronze I'm tempted to go lower...and yet I really can't. Sure this is a bit difficult, especially when trying to NOT use certain mechanics that are basically easy as you like it and thank the EXP All being on all the time though it pulls it out of the metal only just because we finally get a dark gym...as the seventh gym. And leader of the annoying villainous team. I'm not too shocked but then again with no Elite Four that keeps you from going for the champion slot so fast just kind of sinks things down. And keep in mind this is for someone that tries to get a variety of fun allies and you probably will have a time making a team of just Galar true Pokemon (who aren't from Kanto). (Overall Rating) – Metal [-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-] I'm sad that Pokemon has to go this way. And while I do have a fan-based hold of the series... I'm feeling the fans, the ones that do projects; the ones that craft their own games and art and more; I feel those are the real games to follow now despite my mixed feelings of some of the Fan-made Pokemon. It's barely above metal at this point with how all this goes as I look on to this and remember, I'm will never look at the graphics or the music since that is a lot more subjective than objective in a deep sense and this is looking beyond the first boss which in this case is the first Gym. It was generation seven that hurt me, but it took one more generation to break my heart and to those that think that this is the right direction of the series keep this in mind: Each one of you that buy this game, you are supporting them to go in a direction that is subtracting than adding, they could add all the Pokemon in and there was no real excuse. (And to those who say that a cut is inevitable, I say if the Pokemon are animated with only a few attack animations and connect moves correctly to them then I see at least reaching twelve hundred full Pokemon) Subtracting from some games might make them better but not when it is a part of the series itself. Cutting out Pokemon from the Pokemon game is like subtracting pizzas from Pizza Hut, Burgers from Burger King, Dairy from Dairy Queen. It's not logical if you go into a restaurant named for certain foods of sort and it doesn't have a large variety of them. Sadly, I have to say this but this might be the last one I'll experience directly but I'd be an @$$ if I didn't get to it. So excuse me while I leave Cinderace (Fire), The apple dragon (Grass/Dragon), the shocking bio-hazard (Poison/Electric), Sandoconda (Ground), Morpeko (Electric/Dark), and Zacican (Fairy or Fairy/Steel) behind for friends that I know I can keep with me. And Pokemon Home might not be that location. If you care to give your opinions, send up your comments below. I know that this is going to be commented on or used for fact slinging but keep in mind that this is the point of view of this reviewer and I know that I am just one voice but I will rather be someone that's heard than rather than someone silenced. And thank you for being who you are: Smart consumers that look into what they are buying. *takes a bow as the curtain closes.*
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expfcultragreen · 5 years
With all this Hillary news in mind I have a funny question for you
who wants to be even more freaked by old white ladies with behind the scenes power
The way that head mason whose day job is being an accountant laughs when she says that they're not trying to dissolve the government.......like of course they're not, theyre in the government
Or they're Royals or they hold some other sort of social position that gives them power over a bunch of other people
And the typical cult mentality bs of "it's reasonable to lack transparency because lacking transparency is our only mystique and no one would join us if we didn't have mystique" like right I forgot about how no one has converted to Judaism because too many people know about Jewish tradition to bother participating. I forgot how nobody goes to Pizza Hut because they've seen ads and the ads show the interiors of Pizza Huts.
And I love that lawyer's trick of "we can't tell you who our members are (and allow you to track whether or not Masonic influence is a thing in nonMasonic settings) because everybody thinks that we're satanists and it would be unsafe for anybody to know who we are" like excuse me but did you know that the Church of Satan is a real thing and that there are real Satanists who really walk around dressed like satanists and they're fine, people don't bother them. So the position that being mistaken for a Satanist is life-threatening seems ludicrous.
I think whats actually life-threatening is that if people knew who-all these guys were they'd start to notice a lot of patterns. And by life-threatening I really just mean position disadvantaging. Which is exactly what they're saying, if you tilt their statements slightly sideways.
Like I've known two unrelated dudes in ontario who swore by having a masonic decal on their cars because cops would wave them through road stops
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purplesurveys · 2 years
survey by joybucket
The B Survey
Which of these girl's names do you like best: Brogan, Bree, Brynn, Briar, or Brimley? I really really like the name Bree; one of my cousins is actually named that! I’ll have to go with Briar too, I became a fan when I first heard of the name from Sleeping Beauty.
What is your favorite book series? Haven’t read enough books to have a favorite series; but as a kid I got caught up with the Septimus Heap series and was always bummed that it never got film adaptations.
Do you look better in brown or black? Black. I don’t experiment with brown as I don’t think it would suit me.
List five things you have borrowed from someone before. Phone, jacket, bag, hairtie, pen.
Have you ever been to Brooklyn, New York? Nopes.
Who was your first best friend, besides a sibling? Angela.
Do you wear belts? No. Was never really the type to add accessories to my outfits.
Which of these boy's names do you like best: Brad, Brent, Brody, Braxton, or Brian? Brian.
Which Barbie doll was your favorite, and what did he/she look like? I never was into Barbies.
Have you ever met anyone named Bianca? Yes, it’s a very common name here.
Do you like the name Bianca? I personally love it, yes. I think it’s an elegant-sounding name.
Which restaurant do you think has the best breadsticks? Pizza Hut.
Have you ever tried bubble tea? Is that another name for milk tea? If so, yes.
What is your bra size (if you're comfortable answering)? I’m an A for life.
Do you prefer books to movies? I prefer movies even though I don’t watch too many of those myself these days.
Which of these girl's names do you like best: Bristol, Brianna, Bianca, Brenda, or Brooklyn? Bianca. Brianna sounds cute too but it’s also a tad bit princess-y sounding to me if that makes sense lol.
Which of these boy's names do you like best: Boris, Bobby, Brandon, Brayden, or Brennan? I’m not a fan of any of these names.
List five places on the globe that start with B. Boston, Bogota, Bangkok, Beijing, Baltimore.
List ten things that you associate with the word "bright." Child prodigies, star, sun, the future, phone screens, city lights, headlights, the Paramore song Brighter, high IQs, photo editing apps that let you adjust the ‘brightness’ of a photo.
What was the last book you read? I don’t even remember what that had been.
What is your bedtime? Anytime between midnight to 2 AM.
Do you make your bed every day? No, not everyday. Sometimes I’ll feel sluggish and not have the energy to do even that.
List ten words that rhyme with "big." Pig, fig, wig, dig, jig, swig, rig, twig, bigwig, zig.
Have you ever stepped on a bumblebee? Probably a dead one but that’s it.
List ten foods that start with B. Brownies (sorry, the next question made me cheat haha), barbecue, banana, banoffee pie, bread, baked mac, bibimbap, bingsu, bacon, bagels.
Do you like brownies? I freaking love brownies lol. They’re best when they’re slightly burnt on the outside but still soft on the inside.
Have you ever eaten at the restaurant Big Boy? I’ve never even heard of this restaurant.
What was the last thing you bought? I got a Spanish latte yesterday.
Do you own a bobblehead? Nope.
List five things you could use a box for. Placing old magazines or other knickknacks as storage space; placing small furniture for if you’re moving; playing pretend house; making art; or using it as a platform if you need added height to something.
List ten things that are big. Skyscrapers, jumbo stuffed toys, king-sized beds, balikbayan boxes, mansions, Golden Retrievers, elephants, pick-up trucks, airplanes, Ferris wheels.
When was the last time you blew bubbles? It’s been too many years.
Do you like to chew bubblegum? Not always, but the urge to want to chew gum comes up every now and then.
When was the last time you took a bubble bath? It’s been a good couple of years.
How many bras do you currently have that fit you? Enough.
Do you own a Bible? I don’t have my own, but we have a family-owned one.
Do you enjoy reading the Bible? No.
Have you ever read the entire Bible? No.
Name five famous bridges. Golden Gate Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, London Bridge, Pont au Change...and that’s all I have in mind, really.
Name five things that are brown. Chocolate, mud, soil, tree trunks, peanuts.
True or false: You are wearing something black right now. False.
How many of these things do you have in your home right now: bread, brownies, books, bath bomb, bathrobe? We have three of these - bread, books, and a couple of bathrobes.
Do you own a Beanie Babies? No.
Have you ever had your heart broken? Sure.
Do you own a bookshelf? No but I’ve been meaning to buy soon – not for books, though, but my merch lol.
List five words you associate with the word "brilliant." Genius, smart, prodigy, discovery, eloquent.
Put an X by the foods that you like.
Broccoli - X Love me some broccoli and could probably eat them on their own.
Brussel sprouts I haven’t tried it before but apparently it’s universally-disliked? I’d still like to give it a taste though just to see what the displeasure is all about.
Brownies - X One of my favorite desserts.
Breadsticks - X A side that never fails, especially with pasta or pizza.
Bologna I’m not a fan of sausage as a whole.
Bananas You know how I feel about fruits by now.
Banana pudding Yep...
Bagels I haven’t had enough bagels in my life to determine if I like them or not.
Biscuits - X I’m fine with biscuits. They’re always better flavored than plain, though.
Beans I do not enjoy beans.
Beets It’s the same situation as with bagels.
Bleu cheese It’s a hit or miss for me, but ultimately I’ll pass because its flavor always stands the fuck out when I’m eating anything with blue cheese on it.
Balsamic salad dressing I don’t think I’ve tried it before.
Butter - X Makes everything taste a whole lot better.
Blueberry muffins Yeah it has the word blueberry on it so I’ll pass lol.
Blueberry scones Same as above.
Girl's Names - Which do you like better?
Brogan or Bristol?
Briar or Brayden?
Brandy or Brenda?
Brooklyn or Bailey?
Blair or Brynn?
Bree or Bethany?
Brianna or Bianca?
Brittany or Brimley?
Bria or Brayler?
Bambi or Barbie?
Blake or Bella?
Boy's Names- Which do you like better?
Brayden or Brandon?
Brenton or Bradley?
Ben or Braxton?
Brent or Brian?
Brock or Brody?
More Q's
List five words you associate with "Big Ben." The actual Big Ben in London, the movie Hugo...that’s all I’ve got.
Have you ever worked as a barista? Nope. It sounds really fun and something I’d genuinely like to try, until I remember it would also possibly involve dealing with cranky boomers or people with a million instructions for their drinks.
What are five things you have found boring? Grey’s Anatomy, The Notebook, The Breakfast Club, That 70s Show, and The Shawshank Redemption.
List five words you associate with the word "bottle." Emotions, Coke, beer, genie, that scene in Love Actually when the British dude came to America and had girls swarming him and requesting if he can say certain words in his accent, including ‘bottle’ lmao.
Has anyone ever called you beautiful? Yep.
List five things you find beautiful. Outer space, city skylines, the stars, the sea, concert crowds.
Have you ever worn a bonnet? A few times.
Do you enjoy a gentle breeze? Yes. I live in a place with barely any wind most days, so I most definitely appreciate breezes.
List ten things that rhyme with "black." Flack, pack, rack, track, pollack, jack, hack, stack, crack, shack.
List five different types of bears. Panda, grizzly, polar...that’s all I can think of at the moment.
List five different famous bears. I honestly can’t name any off the top of my head.
Do you own a teddy bear? No.
Do you own a book light? No.
List ten things that rhyme with "brown." Down, gown, noun, frown, clown, town, crown, drown, downtown, renown.
Do you like birds? They’re okay, but like they’re not my favorite animals.
What's your favorite type of bird? Penguins.
What types of birds have you seen from your window? Maya, doves, crows, and pigeons.
Do you know anyone named Blake? I don’t think so.
Do you like the name Brooke? Yeah, I have a work contact with that name.
Do you own any bandanas? Yes.
0 notes
scarlettcheyenne · 7 years
had a super stressful busy day so i added a cookie to our pizza hut order and on the way home i had to slam on the breaks.
so now i have a hot gooey cookie pie on the floor board of my front seat.
happy freaking monday. 🙄
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rarepoisons · 6 years
Listen to my last words anywhere. Listen to my last words any world: no road offers more mystery than that first one you mount from the town you were born to, on a trip funded by your own coffee tin of wrinkled up dollars. There is no point in hurrying because you are not actually going anywhere. However far or long you plod, you are always in the same place: in Times Square. In Piccadilly. Our intention is to evoke the true spirit of Thoreau, the nature-poet.
Give my name back. That name must be paid for. You have not paid. I unzipped myself from my nylon womb and emerged on creaking joints. You will be carried past these metaphorical monsters by the fire and wonder of your collective yearning toward your chosen spot. In fact, to disembark from your origins, you’ve done everything you can think to scrounge money, save selling your spanking young pussy.
It must be admitted in the very beginning that Thoreau was in no sense a master artist, though concerned with man in relation to his environment, to the beauty and richness of the earth has inherited and what he has done with it. These boys are not like the squirrel-murdering boys you grew up dodging spitballs from. These boys occupy more and more of your conscious thought. You picture their long torsos and shirtless chests above their low-slung Levis. Say goodbye to your daddy from every other glimpse into your final departure as he’s dealt with the same tangled mass.
Your limbs might be filled with sand or words or governments of the earth. And you are heavy, heavy, though you rarely eat. Lecia calls you the original buttless female. “We’ll keep that butt closed for business,” Thoreau said. We didn’t want to go to Times Square or Piccadilly.
“Virginia?” he said, as if we could get a dose of syphilis. “How’s a cab sound to you?”
“You ready?” mother said. I was.
“Did you poot, young fellow?” the doctor asked, his legs akimbo, surrounded by two anonymous figures.
“Why, no sir!” you answer. (As an adult, you’ll consider dropping an accusing finger at the coated worm of a physician, tell him how bare you felt in your paper nightgown, and ask him who made him God. Remind him of the oath doctors are meant to take: “don’t come down here to die.”)
After a dance one night, you sit on the porch and plot a weekend escape of illicit sex and drugs. For weeks, you’ve carried a snapshot of him in a pair of overalls the way Catholic girls carry mass cards of their name saints. Eventually you’ll choose or be chosen by a nature-poet from California. Girls don’t just come here unless brought by boyfriends.
“Did you ever feel like giving up?” she asked.
“No,” you said.
So that’s how it ended for you and mother: with a six-pack of cream soda in Milo, Maine. That’s enough, you say, it’s freaking me out. But mother doesn’t seem to be listening. Her head has fallen forward as if she’s praying.
Some nasty taste is globbing up in your mouth, the thin line oozing crimson in the skin. Then she criss-crosses a few times. She suffered from what daddy called the Black Dog. You fall in love with one, later.
In the dim garage, the truck’s grillework looked like mountains stretching to the horizon, as bared fangs. One morning, I gave The Complete Works of William Shakespeare to an older man, lean and rangy. Since he moved with extraordinary swiftness, two or three times an hour I’d sight him over the dashboard, jacking the Appalachian Trail.
You’ve logged some mileage since your first hesitant sojourns into smoking pot. It never occurs to you that the chemicals that have so efficiently soothed and amused could change you. But the real loser in the eastern forests is the songbird, hunted out of existence, whose numbers once rivalled the pigeon. You, sister of the large-breasted Lecia, give her a call in the middle of the night.
Lecia, you say, don’t wake up daddy. I’m in jail in Milo.
You remember the dreams of long-torsoed boys in California. San Francisco has other myths to recommend it.
“Fuck you,” she says.
You had done 870 miles, considerably less than half the A.T. You pretend with all your heart, blinking at four grey walls, that this is where you want to be.
Fade out muttering: “There’s a lover on every corner cross the wounded galaxies — ”
In Thoreau, we find preeminently moral wisdom, the foundation source of the arts in general, especially the arts of life, without succumbing to the urge to have Pizza Huts or Taco Bells. So instead you get a pretend town, attractively tucked between the Pain Bank and the Junky Jig — mapmakers are the all-powerful boards and syndicates of the earth — they draw these paper towns to fool the criminals and catch them red-handed — but Nature is silent and unpretending —
Mother says she wishes she could just stand there and hold out your steamy supper plate — part of you feels your moves have already been plotted out — at night you lay on your stomach in bed copying poems in elaborate script — Doctor Benway drunkenly added two inches to a four inch incision with one swipe of his scalpel. “Sew her up,” he ordered, “I can’t be expected to work under such conditions.”
“I own this boat,” the Lady said —
It must be admitted in the very beginning that you are in no sense a master artist. You unzip yourself from your nylon womb and emerge with supple joints. You produce the mass card of your name saint, carried in your overalls like a good Catholic girl, your head fallen forward as if you are praying. You drop an accusing finger at Doctor Benway and two anonymous figures:
Your name is Lady Bird. It’s a good one. You want to go where culture is, like California or Oregon or Utah, though you’ve done well under half the trail. Thoreau will carry you past these metaphorical monsters by the fire and take you to your chosen spot of illicit drugs and sex and you will chart a hesitant sojourn, smoking, into the Black Dog.
Are these the words of the all-powerful boards and syndicates of the earth?
“Here,” she said, “is your card.”
Show your cards all players. Pay it all pay it all pay it all back. Name it all name it all name it all back. Your name is Lecia. It’s a good one.
“Actually, two rooms, if you got them.”
She grinned and nodded again.
“You do have rooms? For tonight,” you said.
Her grin became a beam and she grasped your hand. “You’re not Reformed, are you?” She was tall, thin, and cadaverous looking. Every family up here has at least one member in the penitentiary.
That’s enough, you say, it’s freaking me out. She must be filled with sand or the governments of the woods, the conniving murderous backwoodsmen and banjo-plucking albinos.
“Say goodbye to your daddy.”
You free yourself of the same tangled mass and leave and walk into an area of tattoo booths and sex parlors. In fact, to disembark from your origins, you’ve done everything you can think to lose money, save buying these gardens of delight. You find every hiker for twenty miles was already there.
Listen to my first words in Milo, in Times Square, in San Francisco, in a cell whose four grey walls have inscribed The Complete Works of Henry David Thoreau. No road offers more mystery than the final one, whose man-murdering squirrels shoot spitballs at the coated worm of a physician. Doctor Benway stalks the trees, but the real loser in the western hills is the brown bear. There is no point in hurrying, because you will never get there.
So pack your enemies, Mary, you say through the bulletproof glass. We are getting out of here right now — I’ve seen this happen before — the marks are coming up on us — the heat is closing in. Her name is Lady Bird, secretly. Mary criss-crosses the room a few times. She is suffering from what daddy called the Black Dog.
The problem scheduled in the United States — the use of jail, former narcotics plan, addiction and crime for many years — addiction in some form is the basis — so concerned with man and his relationship to the environment — to the beauty and richness of the earth and all it inherits —
And now our revels are ended, our all-powerful words faded as if in thin air. We are the stuff as drugs are made on, and our little lives are rounded with a sleep. No road offers more comfort than the one from the paper town you were assigned to — Milo, Maine has other myths to recommend it — they do not have what they call oxygen in the atmosphere — the medium in which the songbird breathes is not in that soulless place —
Yellow plains under white hot blue sky —
Metal cities controlled by the Doctors — this land of Cockaigne, pronounced Cocaine, little and rounded by a trail, the A.T., where the garden of delights permits entry to the good Reformed girls — Doctor Benway’s grin becomes a beam —
Enough, you say. You point an accusing knife at Doctor Benway and turn a two inch incision into four inches, the thick line of crimson bubbling at the skin. He looks cadaverous, now. A nasty taste begins globbing up in your mouth. You, Lecia, sister of the narcotics-user Mary, the member of the family in the penitentiary and real loser of the eastern forests — our intention is to evoke the true spirit of mother, the nature-poet.
You stare, blinking, at a white hot blue sky, trying with all your heart to pretend that this is where you want to be.
Are you ready? Black Dog says.
No, you say.
0 notes
bucketofbugz · 1 year
Tumblr media
I finally got the actual ad oh my gosh
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immochiball · 8 years
You are gorgeous!
I know I’ve said it over and over and you probably heard it from many other people but damn!
It just strikes me sometimes, like a lightning bolt!
I see a picture of you and it’s like cupid really is shooting straight at my heart with a freaking bazooka and not just an arrow.
And then I remember how passionate you are. How so very freaking smart that the one time I tried to make a comparison (about when the teacher is explaining something and you’re the one person who doesn’t seem to get it), you couldn’t grasp that concept because you’ve always been a little Hermione, haven’t you?
You always read the texts and books the teachers tell you to, even if you do it last minute, you just get the concept before the subject is even over. You always study up on things you need to know and are always on top of your class. Even at work you make sure to always be ahead on a subject and aware of a new law.
You help out around the house either by cooking lunch even if you have a hangover or by paying for something you don’t even get to enjoy, like cable TV. You give legal advice and take care of the affairs of the entire family, not just your sister or parents, but even a 4th degree cousin twice removed.
Your friends don’t ever doubt they can count on you. They just know you’ll be there and help them out when they need. They know you’ll go to a party last minute even if it sucks or if you’re sick or if you’re just gonna spend 20 minutes there. They can call you up and ask you to come over to their place at any time and you’ll do it (if you’re not at work, obviously). Be it for a fondue party, drinking games, playing video games or just to talk when they need someone. They all know they can count on you. And you’re such a joy to be around that they just want to spend time with you. People actually go over to your house just to do nothing. To watch TV or lay around in the sun, swim a little bit or just play with your dog. You’re just one of those people that make anyone’s day better when you’re around.
You’re so polite and you treat people so kindly. You always care about the whole world around you; when we were on the subway here or in the train there, I just wanted to kiss you and hold you and you’d hold back the PDA a little because you were aware of old people giving us nasty looks and feeling attacked. I didn’t even notice them.
And when you love… Oh baby girl, when you love is the most amazing thing ever!
It took me a while to grasp the concept that you wanted to be with me. I guess I was stunned. You see, I prayed to God when I was little that I’d find someone exactly like you and that night we were walking behind the girls in São Paulo, I told you about this.
We were walking at night, coming back from the first night out, we had pizza at Pizza Hut and I payed you a beer (you were so happy about that!). The girls were ahead of us guiding the way and I told you about how unfair life was. How you were the perfect match for me. Everything I’ve always wanted and my family would love but they would be huge jerks and not accept it because you didn’t have a penis (we rolled our eyes at that).
I even remember the little “checklist” I did then:
You treat me well;
Kiss me and hold my hand in public (not afraid of PDA);
Always care for my needs (if I’m cold, tired, worried about how dangerous the place is…);
You dress in a great way (I just love your fashion sense);
You’re polite and kind;
You’re super smart and work hard for that;
You have a great stable job and a great degree (and do something I always had a thing for, which is lawyers);
You even have a good relationship with your family.
(and you’re gorgeous and hot).
But all my family would see was the fact that you were a woman. And that makes me just so sad. They would probably never give themselves the chance of seeing what an amazing woman I love.
~end flashback~
You are so romantic. You made me feel so loved and cherished. So wanted ad SAFE. I’ve never felt safer than I did in your love.
You even found a cute app for people in long distance relationships where we could randomly send messages, photos, videos, drawings and we could play Thumb kiss (my finger would try to find yours on the screen).
You’re the sweetest and easiest person to date. I was terrified of going out on a date because I had never gone to one that was just me and the other person. There were always friends around and other people and so I never had to worry about running out of things to talk about.
You put my mind at ease. We spent the whole day walking around a city neither of us knew, we got lost and ended up finding this amazing restaurant and had some of the best burger and fries ever. You tipped the waiter waaay over 30% and he was just smiling from ear to ear.
I said before you were the easiest person to date… maybe that isn’t so. It was easy because I love you. Because you fill up spaces in my heart I didn’t know needed filling or didn’t even know existed.
You’re gorgeous, Ana.
You have the most beautiful soul I have ever found. The most amazing heart I have ever seen. The most perfect curves I have ever touched.
Last time I told you something like this, you told me I haven’t seen all of you yet and that’s why I feel this way. That’s why I “think” I love you.
Well, baby girl, I’m here.
I’m more than ready to see you naked. To see your heart in the places it’s broken, to see your soul where it’s dark, to accept your tears no matter how puffy or snotty you may get.
I’m ready to hear a mean joke or comment, to hear about something bad you did or an awful thought you had, to see the skeletons in your closet, to find out you helped someone evade their taxes or lie to the government, to hear about the time you almost gave an older person a heart attack because of a prank you pulled… I’m here. And I want to see all of you.
I want to love every imperfection of you, to see every little thing that could be bad or ugly or wrong and love you. Show me your worse, tell me your most terrible secret. Let me love your naked soul. Trust that I won’t run from it.
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iceywolf321 · 4 years
I swear to the lord if Spotify doesn’t stop giving me the Spanish Pizza Hut ad I’m going to freak.
0 notes
A number of salaried individuals like you come to Loan Singh to apply for a quick online travel loan. With loan amounts varying from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000; the destinations chosen by most of them is located abroad. The usual destinations are the Switzerland, Bahamas, Dubai, Singapore, Egypt, Rome, Barcelona and Greece.
But, we do have loan applicants who want to spend a great deal of time exploring our very own India. Spoilt for choice, there are destinations involving beaches, caves, mountains, desert, forests, backwaters and what not. Incredible India has everything to offer. There are the culturally rich & historically affluent places to go see in India. You can opt for the quaint villages or experience the chaotic city life in India. In a two-part blog series, we will discuss 15 must-visit places around India. The list is in no particular order. We just feel these 15 destinations are diverse, interesting and worth all the travel loan amount availed from Loan Singh.
Learn all about availing an online personal finance loan in India
Travel Season
We millennials love to work (or at least pretend to). We are so engrossed in our daily tasks, PPT presentations, client meetings, smoking breaks, unending gossip that we forget about the more important things in life, such as family, friends, pets and pizza.
Many of us promised our family that we would go on family vacation by the end of this year. Some of us might opt for spending the start of 2019 in a different country. Some might want to see the sun rise in the east (literally) or some would prefer ogling at the fireworks of Burj-Al-Dubai. We all have our individual plans and travel itinerary to follow.
Some of you might want to go on a world tour perhaps. Whatever the reason for the travel or whichever destination you want to visit, you will need funds. It is not easy for salaried individuals to keep aside some form of travel funds when there are so many priority expenses to cater to. So, what do salaried individuals do in order to go on a holiday? Apply for a travel loan of course.
What makes a travel personal loan so perfect for salaried millennials?
Travel Loan at Loan Singh
The unsecured aspect of a travel loan in itself makes it a potent financial solution in times of travel cash crunch. Suppose you remove the offline paperwork, delayed verification, repeated trips to the bank and delayed approval, from the travel loan availing process.  And then you turn the process online, with only 3 documents (to be uploaded), an approximately 5-minute application process and doing all this from the confines of your home. These features, my friends, make an online travel loan even faster to avail.
An online travel personal loan is a fantastic option during times of sudden travel plans. Sometimes, your savings might not cover the cost of a complete travel holiday. You might sometimes need to supplement your emergency travel fund with a shot of cash from other sources. It is true that a number of traditional lending institutions provide travel loans. But, isn’t an online travel personal loan synonymous with quick, instant and requiring less paperwork?
So, what’s the best source of travel funds to plan a sudden ‘zindagi milengi na dobaara’ travel trip? How can you travel the world with the least of hassles and no tension? How to apply for an instant travel personal loan? Are there any online travel personal loan providers in India? The single answer to all these questions is Loan Singh.
Need funds to go see any part of the world or explore India?
Travel Loan Features
Travel loans are a type of personal loan. These are provided to salaried professionals who are seeking funding for travel. More and more millennials are opting for online digital lending platforms to apply for travel loan. These platforms marry the instantaneous facet of online lending along with the swift backend processing of credit underwriting.
A simple travel loan application process is further coupled by instant e-approval based on credit worthiness. Even applicants with no credit score can apply for a loan, albeit with a 6-month salary credit. Thanks to travel loans at Loan Singh, millennials can now avail up to 10 Lakh for travelling to some of the most gorgeous and stunning locales around the world.
With travel personal loan being secured in nature, you do not need any collateral, guarantor or security. The travel loan can be used to cover travel (airfare, train, bus, Uber, Ola cab etc.), sightseeing, pilgrimage, accommodation, tours, excursions and shopping. Travel personal loan can be used for either domestic travel holidays across India or a foreign trip to go see the world.
Click here, to understand everything about credit score in India
Must Visit Destinations in India
You can apply for a personal travel loan at Loan Singh and avail funds between Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 10,00,000. Let’s look at some really cool Indian destinations to visit this season or any season.
1. Ladakh
The region of Leh-Ladakh is easily recognizable from picture postcards, thanks to its serene mountainous beauty and unlimited trek options. If you keep the trekking aside, the allure of glacial lakes, snow-capped mega mountains and gorgeous valleys can hardly be missed. Peace seekers, thrill seekers and serenity seekers can all get what they want when visiting Ladakh.
Adventure freaks can feast on massive mountain passes and high altitude trekking trails. You can also visit the Hemis Monastery, where the chanting of hymns by lamas will take you on another trip. Also worth visiting is the Pangong lake. There is solitude and peace aplenty. The Zanskar river offers a trekking tour over a frozen lake.
Hop on to a Bactrian camel to experience a sand dune safari. The vast landscape of Nubra Valley is great for getting a feel for natural livestock. The Hemis National Park allows you to spot the mountain snow leopard. Don’t forget to visit the Hemis Festival which is a must visit sub-destination of Ladakh.
2. Agra
There is nothing that can beat the Mughal grandeur, which is where Agra comes in. The city of Agra is submerged with Mughal charm and architecture. The iconic Taj Mahal is located at Agra, and this symbol of true love is more than enough for you to visit this beautiful city. The Taj Mahal finds itself among the 7 wonders of the world.
Agra, however, also boasts of 2 more world heritage sites. The other two being the splendid Agra Fort and the magnificent Fatehpur Sikri. Tens of thousands of tourists throng Agra each year. You can experience Agra’s delectable Mughlai flavours. Also worth seeing are the buzzing markets. Purchase marble handicrafts which are inlayed with carvings.
The ‘Kalakriti Cultural and Convention Center’ gives you a glimpse of the eternal love between Shah Jahan and Noor Jahan. The ‘Taj Mahotsav’ gives you a chance to indulge in a bit of fun while you are at Agra. A cool place to also visit is the birthplace of renowned Urdu poet, Mirza Ghalib.
3. Rann of Kutch
The unbelievable rustic experience available at Rann of Kutch is a must-see. The massive stretch of white salt is under water for up to 4 months in a year. Located in the state of Gujarat, the Rann of Kutch is simply incredible. The natural beauty visible here is abound. The world’s largest salt desert is the Rann of Kutch.
Tourist from around the world come to visit Kutch. The ‘Rann Utsav’ is specially a great time to visit Kutch, wherein the white sand canvas transforms into the most colorful of hues. Also worth experiencing are the traditional music and dance performances, trying out the delicious Kutch dishes and walking along the vast white sand stretches. The salt making process is also a cool activity to partake.
You can also visit the ‘Chari Daand’ bird sanctuary and get some amazing pictures taken from ‘Kala Dungar’. Here you can also look at talented artisans weave magic while creating exquisite pieces of embroidery. Get a chance to also live inside ‘Bhungas’, which are traditional cylinder shaped huts with its roof shaped like an inverted cone. Some of these Bhungas are decorated with mirrors and also lattice patterns. At night, enjoy a bonfire while watching folk dancers swirl under the moonlight.
4. Aurangabad
If it is ancient caves that interests you the most, then look no further than the Ajanta & Ellora caves situated in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. This place is littered with monuments from the past. Aurangabad is named after the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and has been ruled by a number of dynasties. The Ajanta & Ellora caves are a world heritage site, which features Buddhist cave paintings.
Tourists from the world over come visit Aurangabad. Places to go visit here are ‘Bibi Ka Maqbara’, which is a monument that houses the tomb of Aurangzeb’s wife Begum Rabia. Art lovers, historians and visitors throng this monument. Also worth seeing are ‘Kala Darwaza’ and ‘Rangeen Darwaza’, both massive gates that are adorned with intricate carvings. The ‘Ellora Ajanta festival’ helps showcase a number of musicians and dance performers. Also don’t forget to purchase hand-woven Paithani and Himroo silkm, which is a specialty of Aurangabad.
5. Meghalaya
Adding more artistic destinations to this list, Meghalaya certainly comes to mind. Meghalaya is called as the ‘Abode of Clouds’. It is a region quietly nested between the Khasi and Garo mountains within Eastern Himalayas. It is easily one of the most beautiful places to visit not just in India, but around the world.
There are mystic caves, terraced slopes, pristine lakes, dense forests and awe-inspiring waterfalls located in Meghalaya. Trekkers, cavers and adventure enthusiasts throng to Meghalaya. Access is possible between ravines via foot bridges. These bridges have been grown, and not built, since ages. One great example is the ‘Double Decker Bridge’ at Cherrapunjee. Also worth your time is the ‘Krem Mawsmai’ caves. Stalactites and stalagmites are formed since hundreds of years. The cleanest village in India, ‘Mawlynnong’ is also situated in Meghalaya.
6. Kerala
The next destination on the list is Kerala. Kerala offers the thrill and fun of southern backwaters. You can also witness coconut tree filled beaches, centuries old Ayurvedic medicine techniques and vibrant festivals. The ‘God’s Own Country’ is filled with tourists visiting throughout the year.
Kerala is blessed with natural beauty. Not just the beaches and backwaters, Kerala also offers an opportunity to experience hill stations and wildlife sanctuaries. Do try the houseboats as you cut through the backwaters in Alleppey. Munnar’s tea gardens will offer you the aroma of life, while the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary will give you a chance to experience Kathakali performances. Also try the local cuisine that are served on banana leaves.
7. Andaman & Nicobar
Finally, we come to a destination that is a hub for water sports – the Andaman & Nicobar islands. If its clear blue water, dense forests and tranquil beaches, Andaman & Nicobar can be the perfect destination during the summer. The region is a group of close to 500 mini islands located within the Bay of Bengal.
These islands transport you to a world unknown. Asia’s best beach, ‘Radhanagar beach’ is located here. Honeymoon couples come visit Havelock Island for some private time. Adding to the beaches are the multitude of water sport activities, is the witnessing of gorgeous coral reefs and marine life. Scuba-diving and sea walking are just 2 of the numerous activities to partake at Andaman & Nicobar. The ‘Baratang Island’ is famous for its limestone caves. ‘Saddle Peak’ is a scenic trail through thick forests. You can also witness colorful birds and gorge on barbequed fish or crabs.
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hallorien · 7 years
Karena lagi KANGEN!
Karna tetiba lagi kangen sama The Brengkies jadilah curhat ini. Apasih The Brengkies?! sebenernya norak banget sih yaa namanya, gw aja rada2 mual dengernya HAHAHA ini ceritanya nama geng waktu di kampus. halah geng kah? yaa karna suka ngumpul aja jadinya dibilang geng. seinget gw yang kasih nama Brengkie itu si fahmi (ex Sheila) aduh kesebut :p karna maksud dia mau ngatain kita cewe-cewe brengsek (jahat yaa dia!) tapi mungkin biar gak kedengeran terlalu fulgar dia plesetin jadi brengki, trus kita semua malah jadi kesenengan gitu (emg dasar cewe-cewe gila semua! dikatain brengsek pada seneng!) dan kita memutuskan kalo kita namain geng kita dengan “The Brengkies”. makasih loh fahmi atas usulannya yang artinya ngeselin. Hahaha siapa aja sih personilnya? :D sebenernya ada yang datang dan pergi dan itu cuma satu orang, sebut saja namanya si mawar, yang pasti ada gw dooong, ada sheila, gody (ini nama teraneh yang gw denger waktu pertama kali kenalan HAHAHA), Eka (yang skrg satu kantor sama gw), wiwik, alip (yang pertama ketemu gw gak bisa bedain karna gw ngeliat mereka miriiippp bangeeetttt), Febri (anak stronge menurut kita, karna dia kuliah sambil kerja), dini (ini anak introvert banget parah!), dan terakhir ina (anak baru yang terkontaminasi sama kita). kita punya sepuluh personil (KZL) tapi ada satu yang agak freak eeemm ngeselin eemm aneh nya kebanget... syaitu si mawar, gw udah terlalu lupa kenapa kita nganggep dia aneh dan sepertinya tidak bagus juga kalo kita omongin hahahah dan pada akhirnya si mawar gugur dia pergi tak membekas menjauh dan yaudaaah jauh aja gitu, padahal kita masih satu kelas. tapi kita semua bodo amat hahahah dan setelah silih berganti semester, tiba-tiba ada cewe yang baru masuk kekelas kita sebut saja namanya melati. (tadi mawar sekarang melati, toko bunga ya?) yang tanpa disadari dia ikut gabung kedalam geng amburadul ini. tapi singkat cerita kita semua nganggep dia jg aneh bin ajaib dan akhirnya menjaulah dia. HAHAHAHAH emg yee dasar pada brengki! sampe sekarang yang bertahan yaa itu kita ber-9, yang masih setia dan ternoda tapi selalu bersama (APASIH?!)
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Dari yang jamannya kita setiap dikampus ketawa teruuuss, sampe nangis-nangis, sampe pengen muntah yang gak laen gak bukan yang kita ketawain yaitu ngegibah, ngomongin orang, ngatain orang dan segala macam nya yang sangat tidak patut dicontoh. pokoknya brengkinya dapet deh HAHAHAHA dari si dini yang orangnya paling kalem, pendiem parah! introvert parah yang kalo diinget-inget dia gak perna curhat kalii yaa (kayanya dia takut curhat kekita karna mulutnya sampah semua HAHAHA) yaa pokoknya dini orang yang pendiem bgt lah tapi baiiiiikkk bangett, dari jamannya dini punya pacar yang belom pernah dikenalin sama kita sampe dia punya pacar senior kita, yang tiba-tiba kita lagi pelajarannya pak Dani (kalo gak salah) dia ditembak dan dikasih bunga mawar merah (ih cocweet) dan setelah itu mereka jadian, gw jg gak terlalu banyak tau tentang hubungan dini dengan pacarnya, karna dini nya jg gak pernah cerita heheheh sampe sekrang ini mereka masih pacaran semoga yang terbaik buat dini yaaa :* trus ada ina bidadari di Brengkies hahaha ina paling cantiklah pokoknya diantara kita semua cowo yang liat juga langsung kepincut, ina anak baru di kampus dia masuk pas kita smester 2 kaliyaa aduh lupa bgt, dan pertama kali dia masuk udah bikin mata-mata cowo pada ngeliatin dia, mungkin semua cowo langsung pada ngucap syukur akhirnyaa dikelas ada cewe bening juga HAHAHA walaupun begitu ina juga cewe pejuang yang tidak kenal lelah, pokoknya kalo gw liat apa yang dia mau harus tercapai walaupun berat buat ngejalaninnya. ina juga salah satu yang kuliah sambil kerja, dari yang kerja di matahari, di pizza hut dan sempet dimatahari lg jg kayanya yang jam nya shift2an gituu tapi dia tetep semangat buat kuliah. Dana ina adalah salah satu orang yang suka gw tebengin kalo pulang kedepok hehehehe salaut deh sama ina dan sekarang semua kebayar, dia kerja di bank. sukses terus naaa! tapi yang kuliah sambil kerja bukan cuma ina, febri pun begitu (aneh ih manggilnya febri) oke gw panggilnya pebri. pebri cewe paling stronge mulai dari masalah percintaan yang kayanya berat bangeett suka sering nangis, matanya selalu mata panda kalo jalan juga suka nyeret HAHAHA dari awal kenal pebri udah kerja di alfamart yang jam kerja nya suka shift2an makanya mata nay pebri kaya mata panda trus tiap hari, tapi semangat pebri selalu membara! hahaha beruntung juga punya temen yang kerja di alfamart, setiap selesai jam kuliah biasanya pebri langsung ngacir buat berangkat kerja, bahkan jam kuliah blm selesai pun dia sering minta ijin buat kerja di alfamart. kadang gw, Sheila, gody suka iseng samperin dia ke tokoknya cuma buat ngutang! kapan lagi coba bisa jajan trus ngutang di ALFAMART! HAHAHAH emg yaa kita temen-temen yang gaktau malu, lebih tepatnya gw,sheila sama gody sih yang urat malunya udah putus. bahkan kita bayar ke pebrinya nyicil dong (yaAllah, terimakasih telah mengirimkan pebri jadi temenku) waktu itu gw beli apa yaa lupa di alfanya pebri yang gak jauh dari kampus mungkin sekitar 500 m lah, trus gw bayarnya nyicil dong wakakkaka maklum yaa anak kuliahan duit pas-pasan banget. selain perjalanan hidup yang berat pebri jg pernah mengalami perjalanan cinta yang berat, gw gak bisa ceritain detailnya nanti gw ditabok sama pebri hahahaha pokoknya dia punya pacar satu kampus juga tapi jurusan IT yaaa pokoknya berlika liku lah perjalanan cintanya tapi cinta nya masih berlanjut sampe sekarang. luar biasaaaa semoga jodoh sampe kakek nenek yaa pep! Alip, si alipiyah anak galau yang dulu pertama kali gw kenal mirip bgt sama wiwik sampe sering ketuker-tuker gitu. Alip anak yang super duper galauu, kalo makan gak pernah abis, kalo dia udah bergidik gidik itu tandanya dia udah kekenyangan hahaha alip terlihat anak manja, mungkin karna dia faktor anak bontot juga kali yaa. super galau dan panikan hahaha tapi alip orang nya baiiik dan tidak sombong hueek hehehe alip juga salah satu orang yang gw tau jalan percintaannya dari yang dulu pacaran sama temen sekolahnya, dan akhirnya kepincut sama anak Banking hahahaha akhirnya mereka jadian dengan segala cerita-ceritanya waktu dikampus alhamdulillah sampe sekarang masih berhubungan dengan baik. semoga langgeng yaa!! alip juga temen satu sekolah dulu sama si wiwik, pantesan aja mirip mereka sahabatan bgt kali dulu yaa! hahahaha wiwiik anak paling selo dan paling bodo amatan, paling tomboy juga dan paling jago akuntansi. biasanya dia suka duet sama si eka kalo ngerjain tugas trus kita semua tinggal nyontek wakkakakak emg dasar brengki!! tapi wiwik anak yang paling kalem gak neko-neko asal ceplas ceplos jadi jangan heran kalo dia sering keluarin omongan yg pedas hahaha wiwik saking tomboy nya dia suka sama Persija dan pernah nonton langsung persija sama cowonya ckckck hahaha, dan dia jg selalu pede kalo pake baju warna orange ngejreng pernah waktu dia ulangtahun kita kadoin baju warna orange nya ngejreng bgt hahaha tapi walaupun gitu wiwik anaknya baperan, gampang keselan hahaha tapi wiwik orang nya paling perhatian dan dia juga punya semnagat yang besar untuk menggapai keinginannya, pacarnya pun pencinta naek sepeda, sampe sekarang wiwik masih setia dengan pacarnya dan semoga disegerakan halal ya wik! :* si eka temen duet akuntansi nya wiwik. pokoknya mereka paling pinterlah diantara semuanya dan kita semua cuma tinggal nyalin doang (yaAllah kuliah tapi nyontek kurang dosa apa gw :( hiks) eka juga tipe orang yang kalo ngomong asal ceplos dan pedes wakakaka dia juga paling anti sama acara2 HMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi) pokoknya kalo udah maslah itu eka bawaannya emosi ajadah wakakak eka anak nya tengah-tengah bisa jadi anak baik2 atau anak yang mulutnya sampah kaya gw, gody, sheila hahaha dan eka juga salah satu pacaranawet sama cowonya sampe skrg dia masih bertahan dengan cowonya walaupun terjadi konflik2 tapi masih bisa terlewati, semoga jodoh ya kaa dan skrg gw satu kantor sama eka hehehe gody! yaitu mami dari segala mami kita! karna dia mirip sama mami mami kosan! hahaha gody tipe orang yang berani ngatain orang tapi juga kadang suka sering kicep sendiri wakakaka orang yang kalo ketawa paling gede kalo ngatain orang paling semangat orang yang selalu ceria walaupun sepertinya dia menyimpan banyak kesedihan (eaaaakk) pokoknya mami orang yang bisa bikin suasanan jadi rame, berisik, gaduh gak karuan dan omes! orang yang paling mesum diantara kita dan satu lagi paling jago kalo nyontek HAHAHAHAHA kalo gaksalah gw sama gody yang waktu SMA nya jurusan IPA masuk kuliah jurusan akuntansi yang gaktau apa2 wakakaka gody juga pernah punya pacar seorang pelaut (Popaye kali ah) dan akhirnya dia putus dengan selogan yang selalu terniang dikepala gw, kata cowonya itu : “bagus ya kau sekarang HAHAHA dasar cewe matre!” wakakkaa itu gak pernah terlupakan oleh gw! dan adalg dia suka saa sahabatnya sendiri, pake ada drama segala, haduuh emg dasar anak pondok cabe selalu ngakak kalo inget itu hahahah skrg perjalanan percintaan gody gaktau gimana, semoga gody mendapatkan orang yang baik yaa! :* kalo masalah ngomongin orang dan ngatain orang temen duet nya gody adalah sheila wakakaka cewe paling jangkung diantra kita, naek motor mio aja udah kaya naek odong2 gw rasa dia bisa ngangkat tuh motor mio HAHAHAHA sheila bisa dibilang anak nya pemalu tapi malu-maluin HAHAHAHAHA sheila temen gw nebeng kekampus entahlah kalo gak ada sheila mungkin gw bakalan jadi tua di jalan :( pokoknya sheila penyelamatlah hahaha eh ternyata setelah ditelusuri sheila itu ade kelas gw waktu SMA!! YaAllah dunia sempit bgt yak! tapi dulu waktu SMA gw gak ngeh tapi pernah liat jg sih hehehe walaupun begitu sela buak orang yang kalem otak dia juga omes pokoknya dia klop lah sama gody kalo ngomongin yang berbau mesum hahaha punya pacar yang metroxeksual trus protektif abiis sampe dia sters sendiri dan akhirnya kandasa juga, pada saat itu juga dia jadian sama sahabatnya sendiri temen satu kampus, satu kelas juga tapi percintaannya harus kandas di tengah jalan, sabar yaa sel pokoknya lo harus dapet yg lebih baik lagi!! :* 
itulah sebagian kecil kisah anak “The Brengkies”.
panjang juga yaaa, ini gw ngetik udah sampe lemot gini hahaha
sekian dan terima kasih BYE!
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