#the foxhole court vlog
ionlydrinkhotwater · 11 days
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paradoxolotl · 1 year
📚 please!! (I think I am 🍌 anon?)
Book asks
Bananon my beloved ♥️
For you I have this one:
Andrew runs a cooking vlog and Neil comments every single time that his recipes are shit and they never work. Endlessly amused exasperated, Andrew meets him to try and teach him to cook. Unfortunately Neil’s just a complete disaster in the kitchen
The vlogs change to both Andrew and Neil making the recipes together while they’re back to back, Andrew guiding the recipes and both of them contributing their scathing commentary. At the end they turn around and try each other’s dishes. But a fan favourite is when one of them is blindfolded and has to guess what the other is making based on what ingredients are being added, with a final guess after a taste test
Neil’s dishes always looks like garbage but (usually) taste half decent. Any sweets they make Neil is overly dramatic about
(Planned out commentary and videos below the cut)
“This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Neil, it’s a brownie.”
“It’s so rich. Only saving grace is the nuts.”
“That is what I’m know for.”
“Your nuts?”
“Fuck you, you know that’s not- oh my god, Jesus Neil why are these salty?!”
“That’s what I’m known for.”
Andrew: and now we carefully fold in the eggs
Neil: okay * folds in whole eggs without cracking them *
Andrew: separate your egg whites
Neil: how do I do that
Andrew: I thought you watched all my videos
Neil: I did, I did.
Andrew: I’ve separated egg whites before
Neil: …are you sure
Andrew: we’re moving on. There’s lots of ways you can do it. Some people use a bottle to get the yolk out, some people do like a seesaw motion-
Neil: oh, okay. * vigorously shakes egg *
Andrew: grab your fruit-
Neil: * reaches back and grabs Andrew * got it
Andrew: now I’m not one for dramatics
Neil: * looks into the camera like he’s on The Office *
Neil: okay now eggs
Andrew: what kind of eggs?
Neil: uh. They’ve got brown shells. Free range
Andrew: good to know. But whole eggs?
Neil: no last time you got mad at the shells being in your food
Andrew: so…the egg minus the shell?
Neil: yeah. No shell, just how you like. Oh, also I added bacon grease and cinnamon
Andrew: what…what the fuck are you making
Neil: it’s one of your recipes
Andrew: I have never used that combination in my life
Neil: well I had to make a few substitutions
Andrew: a few?!
Neil: I couldn’t find the butter
Andrew: did you check the drawer in the fridge? Where we keep the butter?
Neil:…uh. * checks fridge * oh. I’ll just add it now. I’m adding butter
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kohiandie · 1 year
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looking through older photos from the vlog & i really loved this one from a work lapse on this print! :-) we'll be getting back to weekly videos hopefully soon -- it's been a rough & wild last few months, but here's our channel link!
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eponinemylove · 4 years
What would happen if the foxes all went on a road trip, maybe after Neil’s sophomore year? Like in a mini-van? Sounds disastrous lol
not at all! I think everyone would have a great time. Neil has been all over the country, but not under the best circumstances, so the foxes have the brilliant idea to replace those memories (this was briefly mentioned in the books with Andrew on the bus so! I’m counting it as absolutely canon)
Andrew drives because he can’t otherwise handle so many hours in a cramped space with these assholes. Neil, Nicky, and Kevin alternate sitting shotgun (Neil does the majority of the time, but he also wants to spend time with Matt and the girls in the backseat! Andrew doesn’t care... much)
Neil pretty much decides most of their trip, pointing out places he’s been. The foxes stop at almost every single one, determined to erase the memory of him on the run and rewrite it with their own shenanigans. He also just calls out places or stops at random, anything that draws his interest. Andrew indulges his whims, and pulls over in the middle of nowhere anytime Neil wants to walk around and explore a bit.
Matt is co-navigator, helping Neil decide on some places that would be nice to spend the day in. He buys a dumb souvenir every time they stop somewhere Neil hasn’t been. He and Nicky also make sure that they get as many pictures with Neil in each of the places (new or old) as possible. Kevin also demands they stop in a few places, mainly historical because he’s a nerd! He rambles on about the history of the town and the architecture, and most of the foxes tune him out. Neil finds it strangely endearing and let’s him infodump. Andrew has upped his percentage by 50 but indulges this too, bitching under his breath about all the useless shit he’s never going to be able to forget.
All the foxes take pictures together—yes, including group photos! Neil and Andrew get a few with just them, mostly taken by Allison when they weren’t paying attention. Renee has been tasked with printing these pictures out anytime they stop at a CVS (it’s a surprise for Neil. He cries when they show him)
Aaron didn’t want to come, but Allison dragged him by the ear. He’s in for a surprise when Katelyn meets him at one of their stops and they spend the day together. I’m thinking a national park? Maybe somewhere with a beach. Neil had texted her saying where they would be that day, and Katelyn had come out to steal a day with her boyfriend. She doesn’t stay with them for long, but it was a really nice gesture. Andrew ignored her the whole day
Dan and Matt take an insane amount of cheesy, couple-ly pictures, rivaled only by the amount Matt and Neil take. Allison and Renee also have a fair amount, but they aren’t dating yet
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scarletwelly-boots · 4 years
Books Read 2020
I started off really good this year, what with quarantine and all. And then I got sidetracked by reading one hundred and forty-nine fanfics (and counting) (mostly Destiel; CW can kiss my ass). 
I read 30 books this year, which I thought was bad, but apparently I only read 24 last year, so not awful. I did the Popsugar reading challenge for the fifth year. There were 50 categories this year, so 60% isn’t too bad. So without further ado, let’s get started under the cut.
1. The Mermaid, The Witch, and the Sea, Maggie Tokuda-Hall (a book that’s published in 2020). This book, y’all. My god. It has it all: pirates, queer relationships, genderfluid characters, an intense plot. This book was so good. I definitely recommend this book. Pirates!!! And gay!
2. Somebody Told Me, by Mia Siegert (a book by a trans or nonbinary author). I don’t know how Siegert identifies, but I know they use they/them pronouns. This book was... okay but frustrating. A bigender teen, Aleks/Alexis, has a traumatic experience and moves in with their aunt and uncle, who is a newly converted Catholic priest. I liked the queer rep, but sometimes it felt like the author had these assumptions or prejudices about the Catholic church. Some of them were right, granted, and I’m not a practicing Catholic anymore so I don’t know why it pissed me off, but it bugged me anyway. So I guess if you don’t mind it seeming like the author did little to no research on Catholicism, then it’s a good book.
3. All the King’s Men, by Nora Sakavic (a bildungsroman). Who, me? Rereading my gay comfort trilogies during quarantine? It’s more likely than you think. Love the All for the Game trilogy. This is the third book in the series. It’s the best book in the trilogy. It is a series about a college sports team who play a made up sport called Exy, which is basically a more violent version of lacrosse. I’m not a huge sports fan, but the way she writes Exy matches had me on the edge of my seat. The team is made up of all “at-risk” students, the main character being a kid on the run from his mob boss dad. Trigger warning for the series for violence, sexual assault/rape, abuse, drug use, I may be missing some things. It was so good though.
4. Captive Prince, by C.S.Pacat (a book with a map). Back again with the gay comfort trilogies. This is the first book in the Captive Prince trilogy, and whoops, did I say love All For the Game? Love this series more. It’s awesome. It’s fantasy and gay and romantic. But the romance isn’t even the central part. Laurent is my favorite asshole. Damen is so sweet and sassy as fuck. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Seriously. I can’t do this series justice.
5. The Foxhole Court, by Nora Sakavic (a book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club). First book in the All for the Game series. What are you still doing here? Go start this trilogy!
6. Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine (a book that passes the bechdel test). This is such a good book. It was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. It’s basically a retelling of Cinderella, and if you’ve seen the movie version with Anne Hathaway, the book is way, way better. 
7. Loki: The God Who Fell to Earth, by Oscar Basaldua (a book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it). God, I cannot WAIT for the Loki show. Anyway, this is a new comic about Loki (obviously). I love anything with my disaster wife in it, so 100% I recommend it. 
8. As Drowning Men Clutch at Straws, by EA Roisin (a book by an author with flora or fauna in their name). Okay, so. Roisin is an Irish name that means rose, and EA Roisin is my (unpublished) pen name. In my defense, the manuscript is 186 pages long and it felt like an accomplishment when I finally finished rereading it for the first time since I finished it in 2015. Do I recommend it? I’ll let you know if it ever gets published.
9. Red White and Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston (a book that won an award in 2019). I’m still rereading this book. I got interrupted because my sister wanted to read it and then I got a new book for my birthday. But this is, far and away, my FAVORITE BOOK. It’s so beautiful. It was very romantic (once they stopped “hating” each other), and gay. The premise sounds far-fetched: First Son of the United States falls for the Crown Prince of England. But, guys, it’s soooo gooooood. Highly, highly, highly recommend. 
10. A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor, by Hank Green (a book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics). This is the sequel to An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. This was just as great as the first, but I spent a good chunk of the book vibrating with anxiety. The stakes were way higher, and I don’t think I’ve been scared while reading a book since reading Jade Green (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor) in junior high (which was fucking terrifying, btw). But I definitely recommend it!
11. Crush, by Richard Siken (a book with a pun in the title). Guys. I read this book almost every year, because it’s quick and gorgeous and the title is accurate because it absolutely crushes me. This is a collection of LGBT (more specifically, gay) poetry, and OH MY GOD. This is in my top five favorite books. I read it all the time. This is the book that made me fall in love with poetry, back in high school.
12. The Raven King, by Nora Sakavic (a book with a bird on the cover). The second book in the All for the Game series. Trigger warnings for All the King’s Men apply to this one, too. 
13. 1014: Brian Boru, by Morgan Llewelyn (a fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader). If you know me, you know I’m a complete Irish history nerd. This book is about a very important battle that took place in Ireland, and the last great High King of Ireland, Brian Boru. High Kings are mostly just an elected title, who get paid via taxes from provincial kings and chieftains, but Brian was the only one who saw as close to a united, free Ireland as it got until 1921 (although since the island is split between the North and the Republic, it’s still not totally unified). I recommend if you like history.
14. The Magnolia Sword, by Sherry Thomas (a book by a WOC). Oh. My. God. So this is a retelling of the ballad of Mulan. Mulan is a very important story to me anyway (tomboy as a child, genderfluid, bisexual as fuck), and this retelling was so good and interesting. It also features one of my favorite tropes, Surprise Gays. I highly, highly recommend.
15. My Own Ways Through This Life, by Chris Viau (a book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads). Okay, so it miiiight have a four-star rating because of me and my camp family all rating it, but it counts. This is a mixed media autobiography by one of my camp friends. He has written at least three books, and all are available on Amazon. This is the only one I’ve read so far, and it was really interesting. I definitely recommend it. 
16. Insomniac City, by Bill Hayes (a book you meant to read in 2019). This book was beautiful and heartbreaking. It was a Christmas gift from my brother. It’s a memoir about Bill’s time in a relationship with Oliver Sacks, a famous neurologist. It’s sweet and melancholic and funny. Huge recommendation.
17. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens’ Agenda, by Becky Albertalli (a book about or involving social media). Still such a wonderful book. Better than the movie, I’m telling you. It was really good, and I definitely cried. If you liked the movie, read the book. It’s different in several ways. I think if you’re thinking in terms of trueness to the book, the movie was maybe not as good, but they’re both good as their own standalone things. But I highly recommend both.
18. Loki: Agent of Asgard, by Jason Ewing (a book that has a book on the cover). This is such a good series. It’s a great characterization of my disaster wife.  I love this graphic novel series. I love how they depict Loki, how he finally gets a goddamn redemption arc. It’s a really fun read. Check it out.
19. Kings Rising, by CS Pacat (a book with a made up language). This is pushing it, since they never actually speak in the made up languages on paper. But UGH. Third book in the Captive Prince trilogy, and hands down the best. Laurent and Damen finally let go of the goddamn longing and actually do something about it.
20. The Deep, by Rivers Solomon (a book set in a country beginning with C). This is pushing it, because it’s about mermaids (basically), but I think they’re in the Caribbean. I loved this book. It was so interesting. It’s based on a song by clipping., Daveed Diggs’s group. The premise is the wajinru (the mermaid people) originated as the infants from pregnant Africans that died and were thrown overboard during the slave trade. So like, it’s a pretty heavy book. But it’s heartfelt and sweet, too. Also more Surprise Gays, which came at an excellent time (November, post-Supernatual finale) for me. I highly recommend.
21. Written in the Stars, by Alexandria Bellefleur (a book you picked because the title caught your attention). I just finished this book tonight and it was so. good. It’s basically a modern, lesbian, fake dating rendering of Pride and Prejudice. And let me tell you, if there’s one thing I love more than Pride and Prejudice, it’s lesbians. It’s really really great. I highly, highly recommend. 
22. Running with Lions, by Julian Winters (a book with a three-word title). Thanks to All for the Game and movies like Handsome Devil and Boys, I have discovered that I have a huge thing for queer sport stories. So this book was really, really good. It’s got friends to enemies to friends to lovers, which is great. It’s got soccer, which is way more homoerotic now. And it’s got gays, which is really why I picked this book up. But it’s well written and the story is interesting, too. I definitely recommend.
23. The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang (a book with a pink cover). Oh my god. AHHHHH!!! This book is amazing. It’s a graphic novel, so it’s a quick read. It’s fantasy and feels a little Cinderella-y, but that’s not the best part. The queer relationship is amazing, but that’s not the best part. The prince is genderfluid! Like me! And his mask name is Sebastian! Like me! (Okay, so my name is Bastien, but close enough) This was so so so good. I got it at a convention in February, and I was practically vibrating with excitement as I read it. I highly highly highly recommend. 
24. Girl Crushed, by Katie Heaney (a book by or about a journalist). I think I’d have liked this book better if it wasn’t so...similar to my life. The main premise is the main character is getting over a sudden and painful break up, after being dumped by her long-term (maybe first? I can’t remember) girlfriend. The ex has the same initials as my ex and acted very similarly, so maybe I ended up picturing her when the character came up in the book. The ending pissed me off. It was very gay and that wasn’t the entirety of the book, so maybe you’ll like it more than me. It was just too true to life for me and opened up some old wounds I didn’t want to open up. The author is an editor at Buzzfeed, so that’s how it fits into this category. 
25. Date Me, Bryson Keller, by Kevin van Whye (your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge--a book published this year). This might be my second or third favorite book, goddamn it’s that good. It’s queer, obviously, and sort of fake dating? Bryson is dared to date someone new each week. He’s assumed to be straight, so all the people he dates are girls until Kai asks him. It’s really sweet, and there’s some issues with coming out to your family that don’t always sit well with me, but overall it was really good and it ends well. I definitely recommend.
26. Loki: Where Mischief Lies, by Mackenzi Lee (a book written by an author in their 20s). AAAHHHH!!!! Fuckin.... Okay, y’all know I have feelings about Loki. He’s my spouse and I love him to death. This book was so, so good. Loki gets sent to Victorian London to solve a mystery and meets a group of humans who know about Asgard and basically keep Midgard in order for Odin. Loki is canonically pan and genderfluid (as he should be), and Theo is a sweetheart. I wrote a 10k fic coming out of reading this book (Phantom Limb by Irishavalon on AO3, check it out.). I seriously recommend!
27. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo (a book by an author who has written more than 20 books). I read this with my third graders at the beginning of this year. Such a good book. I read it as a kid too. The movie is great but as always, book is better. Recommend.
28. Adventures of Charls, the Veretian Cloth Merchant, by CS Pacat (a book with more than 20 letters in its title). This was a reread of a short story that comes after the Captive Prince trilogy. Charls, the cloth merchant, was such a great side character in the CP trilogy, and telling the story from his perspective was great. It doesn’t have to be read after the other CP short stories, but at least the trilogy should be read first.
29. Fence vol.1, by CS Pacat (a book from a series with more than 20 books). I’m pushing it with this category. I read the first volume, but this is a comic book series, so the 20 books is more issues. This is very good too. It’s another gay sports story, and is probably going to be enemies to lovers, but they’re still enemies by the end of volume 1. Still recommend. 
30. Prince’s Gambit, by CS Pacat (a book with a main character in their 20s). Book 2 of the Captive Prince trilogy. Very very good. 
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tasha-writes · 5 years
New Video on my channel
A wierd vlog in the band locker room, I attempt making cake pops, and I talk about the books I read this week King's Cage and The Foxhole Court. Please check it out yall
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 11 days
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Aftg vlog 1
Hosts: Neil and Kevin
Camera man: Andrew
Full fic
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