#the former fiancées of kenric dizznee
thenextgenofchaos · 2 years
(O/N: Hey lol. This is not a roleplay scene, it's an out-of-roleplay show, where four people engaged/previously engaged to Kenric are dramatic and stuff. I was bored and this weirdly rubbish comedic drama was the result. There's more on its way as well lol. All characters belong to me except from Emma Sencen, who belongs to "Foster".)
Lorellia: What-?
Scarlet: Her mom is dead.
Lorellia: Oh my mom’s dead too. I killed her. Anyway, back to the game!
Scarlet: Doesn’t Kenric have to be awake?
Lorellia: Oh yeah- if I kiss him d’ya think he’ll wa-
[A random bucket of water appears outta nowhere.]
Lorellia: Don’t do that-
Evira: Oh my gods, it worked, I’ve always wanted to do this!
[Evira dumps the ice cold water over Kenrics head. He wakes with a start. Belladonna snickers in the background whilst Scarlet and Lorellia whisper about how Kenric’s shirt is see-through-ish and Lorellia almost faints. Evira almost throws up at this fact, whilst Violet struggles in her chair.]
Kenric: What the heck- where am I?! Who did that-
Evira: That was SO fun. 
Kenric: Are you serious- I’m going to kill you when- Am I tied to a chair?
Lorellia: Yes, you are.
Kenric: GAH- 
[Kenric jumps in the chair, ending him up sideways on the floor, tied to a chair. Evira picks up the chair.]
Scarlet: Okay- now go back to your chair, Evira.
Evira: Don’t tell me what to do.
[Evira does go back to her chair and poses in it, whilst Kenric struggles in his chair. Kenric looks around the room, taking in who’s all there. Violet blinks at him.]
Belladonna: This must be awkward for you, Kenric. Being in a room, tied to a chair, surrounded by all the girls you’ve ever been engaged to, or loved, or almost married. Kenric: …You’re missing two.
Scarlet: Yeah- wasn’t there like a really important one?
Lorellia: Me.
Scarlet: No, the blonde one.
Lorellia: Me.
Scarlet: No, Kenric actually loved her.
Lorellia: Still me-
Scarlet: No, the important one-
Lorellia: Literally me.
Violet: No, she came before you-
Scarlet: It’s something like Edna or something.
Kenric: Her name is Em-
[Evira puts her hand over Kenric’s mouth.]
Violet: Or Emily?
Evira: You’re close.
Lorellia: Literally who? 
Evira: The one he tRuLy LoVeD.
Kenric, muffled: It’s Emma-
Evira: Shush, Kenric- this is very entertaining. It’s the one he broke the engagement off with Lorellia for!
Scarlet: Yeah, I know, what’s her name tho?
Lorellia, through gritted teeth: Emma Sencen. 
Kenric: You’re still missing one. 
Belladonna: My cousin.
Bella, Evie, Lori and Scarlet in sync, with disgust: hEATHER.
Belladonna: Anyway, shouldn’t we be getting to the point?
Kenric: What point?
[Kenric looks concerned and worried for his health.]
Lorellia: The reason we brought you here, handsome. Scarlet: Yeah, we we’re gonna guess your type based off the three girls you loved-
[Evira snickers like she knows something they don’t. They ignore her.]
Scarlet: -and then you’re going to either confirm or disprove our guesses!
Kenric: That’s going to be hard.
Lorellia: Why?
Kenric: Because- I don’t have a type.
Scarlet: That’s a lie! Everyone has a type!
Lorellia: There’s got to be something you find more attractive in a lady.
Belladonna: Are you going to sit around chit-chatting or are you guys going to actually play the game?
Kenric: What the heck have I got myself into.
0 notes
thenextgenofchaos · 2 years
(O/N: Hey lol. This is not a roleplay scene or anything interesting, it's just a- idek. I was watching SIX and I made this, that's what this is- and now there's a ton of stuff lol. So here have this. All characters belong to me except from Emma Sencen, who belongs to "Foster".)
Lorellia: He doesn’t love you! He acts like he wants you dead! 
[Scarlet Spectre floats above a sofa cushion, fiddling with her hair as she watches the drama play out. Belladonna Nightshade stirs the tea she’s made for herself, Lorellia Faetal and Evira Cullenvine. Evira and Lorellia are arguing. Lorellia is worked up and screaming at Evira, whilst Evira smugly looks at Lorellia, staying calm.]
Evira: Well then, doll, why’d he propose to me?
Lorellia: Did he really propose to you?
Evira: Of course he did. 
Lorellia: Where’s your ring? 
Evira: Right here.
[Evira holds up her hand, tracing a finger over her diamond ring.]
Evira, smiling smugly: Isn’t it gorgeous?
Scarlet: Just diamond?
Evira: What do you mean by that?
Scarlet: It’s boring. I once heard he was going to propose to Emma Sencen and he personally made a ring for her. Evira: That’s just rumors. He doesn’t have the time for that.
Belladonna: I made everyone tea. Scarlet: I hate you. Belladonna: It’s not my fault you’re dead. I didn’t force you to have an affair with your best friend’s boyfriend. Evira: She did that-?
Lorellia: Was he hot?
[Belladonna hands Lorellia and Evira a cup of tea, and drinks her own.]
Evira: This is poisoned, isn’t it, darl?
Belladonna: No. 
Evira: Hm. 
[Evira sips the tea.]
Lorellia: Are you going to answer or not Scarlet?
Scarlet: Yeah, he was hot.
Lorellia: Ooooh, describe him.
Evira: Please don’t.
Belladonna: Did you even gain anything from that?
Scarlet: Uh- a boyfriend?
Lorellia: And you died right after?
Scarlet: Basically… it’s tragic…
Belladonna: He literally had a girlfriend. And she was your best friend, apparently. 
Scarlet: Don’t “he literally had a girlfriend” me! You wanna remember why we’re all here?
Lorellia: Why are we here again? 
Belladonna: Because we used to be engaged-
Evira: Ahem. Belladonna: Because the majority of us used to be engaged to be Kenric Dizznee.
Lorellia: Uh yeah, so?
Scarlet: Lori, do you remember your wedding day?
Lorellia, tearing up: Yes. That stupid Emma Sencen ruined it.
Belladonna: Why did she ruin it?
Lorellia: Because she was in love with Kenric?
Evira: Actually they’re both in love with each other. They were also dating at the time.
Belladonna: Don’t you mean they were both in love with each other? 
Evira: Right. I forgot she doesn’t love him anymore.
Belladonna: Are you implying he still loves her?
Evira: Of course not. 
Lorellia: Oh good.
Evira: Because he loves me. 
Lorellia: How unfortunate.
Scarlet: It is quite sad.
[Lorellia and Scarlet sigh in harmony as Lorellia plops down onto the couch next to Scarlet.]
Lorellia: He was so handsome…
Scarlet: And sweet…
Lorellia: Too bad he’s wasting his affections on a girl who hates him.
Violet Chrysanthe: Hello-
Belladonna: What is she doing here?
Lorellia: Isn’t that his other ex-girlfriend?
Violet: We never dated-
Evira: But you kissed, right?
Violet: Er- not quite…
Belladonna: Why is she here?!
Scarlet: Maybe they were secretly engaged.
Evira: They haven’t even kissed.
Scarlet: Have you and Kenric willingly kissed?
Evira: …no-
Scarlet: Point proven.
Belladonna: What are we even meant to be doing again?
Scarlet: No idea.
Lorellia: We should play a game.
Belladonna: Absolutely not.
Scarlet: We should put that Violet girl to some use.
Lorellia: We should try to guess Kenric’s type.
Belladonna: That’s a ridiculous idea.
[Scarlet and Lorellia ignore Belladonna. Evira drinks her tea, and Violet is trying to open the exit to escape.]
Scarlet: Good idea! And we can use Violet and Evira to base our answers off.
Evira: Yeah, we’re not doing that.
[Five minutes later…]
[Evira has surrendered out of boredom and is sitting on a chair, and Violet is helplessly tied to a chair. A picture of Emma is taped to a chair next to her.]
Lorellia: Hmmmm….
Belladonna: If you’re going to do this, there’s no way to actually verify any of this.
Lorellia: Oh- we should get Kenric then!
Scarlet: Yeah!
Evira: I mean- this is our show right? So we’re in control.
Scarlet: Can we just- 
[A random person drags Kenric, tied to a chair, and knocked out into the room then runs out and locks the doors.]
Evira: What the hell? Is he okay-
Belladonna: He’ll be fine. Lorellia: He’s so handsome…
Evira: Touch him and I kill you. 
Lorellia: You’re so boring!
Scarlet: Did your mother never teach you to share-
[The room goes silent.]
Evira: It’s a good thing for you that you’re already dead.
Scarlet: I forgot!
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