#the fleshwright
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almostlookedhuman · 9 months ago
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mtg-smash-or-pass · 9 months ago
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dravidious · 9 months ago
You're more amazing than a 1/1000 chance
Blue commons, and another rare I had an idea for
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Blue and black together cover all 4 modification themes in the set, so a card that rewards you for using all the different themes is obvious! Unfortunately, treating +1/+1 counters and keyword counters as different kinds of modifications would be confusing, difficult to word, and wouldn't even match the usual reminder text for modified, so you don't technically need to use all 4 themes. But still, this is some great untapped design space, perfect for rare!
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devilcat3d · 1 year ago
What's your favorite new Thunder Junction card/commander? (Personal opinion: Akul)
akul the unrepentant is so fucking sick i love him and his rakdos swagger. i cant help but feel his stats are kinda pushed but also he's hard to cast so thats okay i suppose. i hope you enjoy playing with him!!
my favorite cards are kinda random but here's the ones i can think of!!
1: return the favor
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i love this kind of effect. i think the change targets of spells protection red gets are so fun and feel really good to use. they essentially play like counterspells against removal and such (i also once stole a time warp with one lmao) and i think they are incredibly balanced. obviously they are all worse than deflecting swat (one of my fav cards) but even worse swat is super strong. this one requires 3 mana to do its thing but has the upside of stealing spells with it's other modes and also just copying your spells and abilities and that's incredible upside. this spell seems super strong and flexible to me and im super excited to play with it
2, also one of my favorite commanders from the set: rakdos, the muscle
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this is my favorite comamnder from the set and i have a deck built for him already!! i played him the other night and he felt kinda slow and maybe hard to play but i did get to mill my friend with the exile and an altar of dementia. this guy is really cool and such a unique effect and i really dig him!!
3, my other fav commander from otj: vihaan goldwaker:
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look at him. i love the colors, i love the art, and i love the effect. treasures are busted and bad for the game but i really like them and playing with them is super fun. beating face with a bunch of treasures is a dream of mine and this guy really lets you beat face. im building him currently and i think he'll be rather strong. he has lots of fun and unique synergies and i love his vibes
4: gila courser
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my favorite mount. i love lizards. and red cards. this guy is so cool i love him. i dunno where ill play him besides a mount 60 card deck. that is all.
5: geralf, the fleshwright
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honorable mention, but i just really like this guy the art is great and his effect is fun. i dont love zombies as a kindred type but this card makes me happy!! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
anyway those are the cards that stand out to me i hope this was a fun read!! thank you for the ask <3
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googlyeyesonmagiccards · 9 months ago
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This is nearly as dangerous to say as Geralf, the Fleshwright
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theothin · 1 year ago
The following video is for members of the Magic: The Gathering R&D team and the Magic: The Gathering R&D team ONLY. If you are not on Magic: The Gathering R&D, feel free to keep scrolling. Folks, one of you needs to answer for your transgressions because what the hell is this card name?
(The card shown in the background is "Geralf, the Fleshwright".)
I could understand if this was a name that Mark Rosewater threw out there, and everyone else was kinda like, uhh, ehh, I dunno about that one, but I refuse to believe that the whole team signed off on this shit! I know how nerds are! There is a zero percent chance that no one in that room knew what this sounds like! I don't need a full, crying, YouTube apology video or anything, but I roll up to my LGS with a Dimir Zombies deck and somehow get matched up against a twelve-year-old, and I goof up and say I'm playing "Geralf, the Fleshlight", I need to know who I should send my hate mail to. Might as well have just called him "Geralf, the Free-Use Bottom". I swear one of you did this on purpose and I'm gonna find out who it was...
Call-out post for Magic R&D
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reborn-spoilers-cards · 11 months ago
[OTJ] [EN] [0050] Geralf, the Fleshwright [MYT] [BLU] [LEG-CRE] [2/3] [2024]
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drybleahcim · 7 years ago
2 3 9 16 😊
Alright, you clarified that you wanted both, so this long answer is your own fault haha!
My Name’s Al, and My Dad’s a Demon
02. Do any of your characters have magical abilities? What kind?Oh yes haha, a lot of them do, and a large variety at that. Without spoilers, Al has an ability set that deals with a lot of flames and darkness. Mostly things that are somantic, but some verbal abilities as well. Outside of that, gosh, sooo many cool things planned!
03. Ws there a character without abilities? Why are they unique?There are quite a few actually, and it’s because they’re just human. Magical races have magical abilities haha.
09. What are the religions of the characters in your book? Are there certain gods/goddesses?A lot of the main characters are more agnostic than anything else, but there are going to be all sorts of (original/fictional) religions in the book(s).
16. Is there a forest? Is there something strange about the forest?Yes there is, there are three forests/parks. Each one has its own unique strangeness (and was cultivated that way on purpose). ——————————————————–
Nomads of Yladu
02. Do any of your characters have magical abilities? What kind?Yes, there are four kinds of magic that people have on this world. I’m going to be making a longer post about each soon, but the basics are this: people have evolved and adapted to have access to magic through a different source. The bonesmiths, the fleshwrights, the furlurgists, and the sanguitors (bone, flesh, hair, and blood). Coloquially Skeletons, skins, barbers, and bleeders respectfully.
03. Is there a character without abilities? Why are they unique?There are cases where people are born without magic, but it’s rare. It’s similar to the chances of being born with albinism in our world. And since magic is genetic there, the analogy works.
09. What are the religions of the characters in your book? Are there certain gods/goddesses?There are, but I have yet to flesh it out. I’m tryin to decide if I want a pantheon or monotheistic, and beyond that what aspects and how it will effect their lives.
16. Is there a forest? Is there something strange about the forest?There will be at least two forests featured, one will be strange to us (but normal for them) and the other will just be down right strange haha!
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marcsmaps · 6 years ago
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The Fane of Imputegus the Fleshwright
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funeralprocessor · 7 years ago
And now I'm going to try and do that
>Sword that inflicts emotional wounds
A failed attempt at creating a less lethal/merciful weapon, the blade cuts not into the body but the soul. If it successfully hits the target it tears a gash in the spirit out of which their emotions pour. The sudden inability to feel anything does tend to pacify most targets, but renders them emotionally dead until they undergo the arduous process of healing the spirit. Most of the blades victims go on to die of exposure, starvation, or dehydration, unable to muster the desire to do anything.
>reproducing hat
Not actually a magic item, but a symbiotic monster. They resemble the cross between a traditional witch/wizards hat and a sad leathery squid. They have a ring of tiny hatpin teeth on the inside they use to suck blood and magic out of the skulls of the unwary, or out of their masters of they're bound as familiars. They seem to be related to more mundane headgear in some fashion, possibly descended from some elder witches cap that absorbed too many dweomers to remain normal, and can interbreed with normal and magical hats through ill understood methods. They prefer newer hats to older ones, so as to keep up with fashion and maintain their camouflage
>Negative gold pieces
Cursed items produced by a radical faction of a church preaching modest living and charity to punish the greedy. They self annihilate when in contact with real gold pieces
>Armor that becomes more effective the uglier the wearer is
Armor worn by a zealous, if misguided, paladin of the above sect. He reasoned that if vanity is a sin then beauty is a sin, and therefore ugliness is a virtue. This view was probably inspired by the paladin's less than stellar looks
>Living, carnivorous pocketwatch
Created by the fleshwright's guild to improve their public image and make up for the many, many horrible things they've made, and also to undercut the efforts of their rivals the artificiers to create accurate portable timekeeping devices.
>Censor bar goggles
A fairly common sense device that's popped up multiple times in multiple forms among those who hunt the terrors below. Many are horrific if not actively harmful to look at, so a device that filters out their forms while still giving a general idea of where they are is incredibly useful
>dagger that glows in the presence of one particular goblin
A weapon/tool belonging to the warden of a prison housing an infamous pair of criminal goblin twins. They have very different skill sets but identical bodies, often leading to their jailers being unprepared for dealing with the twin they're *actually* housing. The dagger, however, and always distinguish one from the other.
>Angry shoes
They're haunted, and will kick your ass
More dumb magic items for your D&D campaign:
A sword that inflicts emotional wounds
A hat that, when left alone with another hat, will mate and produce hybrid offspring
Negative gold pieces
A map that is the territory
Armour that becomes more effective the uglier the wearer
A living pocket-watch that never needs winding, but if you don’t feed it, it dies; it’s an obligate carnivore
Goggles that put censor bars over monsters of the Aberration type
An instructional tome in the secret language of ducks
A dagger that glows in the presence of one particular goblin
Angry shoes
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