#the five year plan.jjk
noahhfense · 1 month
the five-year plan . two
when you were twenty you had sat down and made your five-year plan, you would get married, get your dream house, have your dream career and then at the end of those five years you'd have a kid. everything was going almost perfectly to plan, well that was until your husband came home with divorce papers. now you're somehow trying to stay on track, maybe you could convince your best friend to have a baby with you.
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chapter two: the one where jungkook does not get jealous
pairing: best friend! jungkook x reader genre: fluff, idiots (friends) to lovers, slow burn, porn with plot. rating: explicit, minors do not interact!! general tags: non-idol!au, ex-husband!jimin, slow burn, unprotected sex, idiots in love, idiot plot, miscommunication, etc...
originally posted : september 19th, 2023
word count: 1.7k
a/n: hi yes this series is abandoned, however i am reposting all of what was completed for those who enjoyed the story !! 🤍
spotify playlist | series masterlist | < prev chapter | next chapter >
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask angrily. It’s barely 8am and you had been sleeping just minutes ago. You were woken by sharp knocks on your apartment door, which had quickly turned into him blowing up your phone when you didn’t answer. “I swear someone better be dying or I’m kicking your ass–”

“You’re not allowed to have sex with Namjoon-hyung.” He scolds you as soon as the door is fully open, his eyes squinted and face scrunched in irritation.

You just blink up at him tiredly, trying to decipher what the actual fuck he could be on about this fucking early.

“Good morning to you too, Jungkook.” You say sarcastically as he pushes past you into your apartment.

You push the door shut behind him as he takes off his shoes. You’re not fully awake yet so you’ll blame that for the reason you didn’t notice his companion until you felt the cold nose pressed into your bare thigh.

“Ah, Good morning, Bammie.” In contrast to the flat tone that you had greeted Jungkook with, you’re nothing but excited while greeting his dog. You’re instantly down on your knees to unhook him from his leash and shower him in all the kisses and pets he deserves.

“Yah, why did you change the pin number?” He gives you an accusing glare. You’re not sure what you’ve managed to do to piss him off this early in the morning but you really don’t have the energy to care yet.

"Aren’t you just my sweet boy.” You coo at the doberman, your nails rake through the fur at the top of his head. You can’t help but giggle at the way the dog relaxes at your ministrations, your brain supplying you with the many times you’ve watched his owner do the same thing.

You hear an angry scoff and the sound of his heavy footsteps stomping towards your kitchen.

“Because my neighbor was being a creep again,” You shout after him, “I was gonna tell you when I came over later but you showed up banging on my door at 8am like a fucking maniac.”

You give Bam a look as to say, ‘This guy. Can you believe him?’ He just looks back at you unblinking, you like to imagine if he could he’d roll his eyes. Bam’s probably sick of the two of your’s ever reoccurring theatrics. Or maybe he loves it, he is his fathers son after all. You’re always in awe of how similar the two of them are.

The sound of the opening and closing cabinets in your kitchen comes to a pause and Jungkook sticks his head back into the living room. His anger with you is temporarily forgotten.

“Do you want me to fight that guy?” He asks, his eyes wide and sincere. There’s not a doubt in your mind that if you say yes he’ll be at your neighbors door in seconds.

“No.” You answer.

The two of you stare at each other for just a moment before he hums in response and goes back to rummaging around in your kitchen.

You go back to showering Bam in affection thinking that was the end of it. Maybe you could convince him to leave Bam with you for the day.

"She’s a traitor Bam, don’t let her deceive you.”

Right, okay, he’s apparently still mad at you. He comes back into the glass of water in one hand and a water bowl and bag of dog treats in the other. You keep your house equipped with things for Bam for the occasions the two of them spend their day at your place.

”Traitor,“ You mock, "That’s kind of dramatic don’t you think?”

"Not if you’re fu-” Jungkook dramatically pauses in his sentence, face twisted in disgust, ”I can’t even say it. If you’re doing that, with Namjoon-hyung.”

“I’m not doing anything with Namjoon-hyung,” You correct, and then cringe. Both of your noses scrunch at the Hyung, the word sounding foreign on your tongue.

There’s a moment of silence between the two of you, the only noise in your living room being Bam’s excited pants. As soon as Jungkook sets the water bowl on the hardwood floors the dog leaves your lap to drink with vigor.

“Then why did Taehyung say he heard you and HeeWon talking about sleeping with him,” The accusation is apparent in his tone, if that wasn’t enough he’s looking at you like you’ve betrayed him.

The last time you had seen that look was when he had lied to his girlfriend at the time and you accidentally got him caught.

He had told Eunhae he had a work thing when she asked him to go to her work thing. But really he had spent the night at Jin’s house playing video games. You hadn’t known that he had lied to her about it until the two of you had met up for coffee. She was one of the few of his girlfriends that you had actually liked. You had been complaining about how the two of them were slowly roping Jimin into the game and she had been absolutely livid to discover that he’d been there playing video games in the first place.

You had to shed quite a few tears to get Jungkook to stop being angry with you that time. In your defense, why would he even lie about that. He could’ve just gone to the stupid thing like a good boyfriend, but that’s not your business.

“Because HeeWon’s a horny freak,” You respond truthfully. The curious gaze on Jungkook’s face has you making a mental reminder to never leave the two of them alone together. You honestly don’t think you’d survive the two of them in a relationship. “I was just telling her about the whole baby thing and how I was kind of thinking about asking Namjoon-”

“No.” Jungkook cuts you off, lips pouted firmly and arms crossed. What a big baby.

”Excuse me?” You raise an eyebrow in response, tone very much saying 'try me, I fucking dare you’.

“You’re not allowed.” He reiterates. He speaks like his words are law and ergo you’re required to listen to him.

“Yeah, right. I’m not allowed.” You mock him, sentence ending with a scoff and a roll of your eyes.

Who the fuck does he think he is? Your dad? Even then, you’re an adult so your parents don’t have the say in your life that Jungkook apparently thinks he’s permitted.

“You’re not.” He doubles-down, clearly ignoring all the warning signs about the dangerous territory he’s stepping into. “I won’t allow it.”

You finally push yourself off the floor having heard enough. You make your way towards Jungkook in quick angry steps with the meanest glare you can muster on your face.

“Enough with the shit, Jungkook. I’m a grown ass woman, I can do whatever the fuck I want to—” You rage, you’re on your tip toes trying to make yourself as big as possible.
You’re filled to the brim with a type of anger you hadn’t felt towards your best friend in such a long time. You try to push out thoughts of the last time you had felt this angry at him.
“You absolutely can, ” He agrees cutting you off once again. He nods his head, biting his lip as he thinks before continuing, “except for this.”
“Why not?“ The laugh that leaves your mouth is bitter, “You’re not my fucking boyfriend you can’t tell me who I can and can’t have sex with and if that’s Namjoon than so fucking be it.”
Jungkook grimaces at your words, hearing the words "sex” and “Namjoon” leave your mouth in the same sentence apparently too much for his delicate sensibilities.

“Besides, it would be a great idea.” You carry on, beside the horny ass thoughts HeeWon had filled your brain with you couldn’t deny there were plenty of good reasons to ask Namjoon, “You know how bad Joon wants to be a dad and I want a baby–”

“I wanna think about it.” Jungkook rushes out in a single breath, cutting you off once again.
“Stop cutting me off, you ass-” This time you’re the one to cut yourself off, brain catching up with the words that had left his mouth.

“What?” You ask confused still sounding angry.

“I want to think about it,” He repeats, before a dopey grin stretches across his lips, “Being your baby daddy.”

"Don’t say it like that,” Your nose scrunches as you deflate. The anger leaving your body like it was never there. You’re feet are once again flat on the floor as all the tension that you hadn’t even noticed slowly relaxes from your shoulders and hands.

“But,” You want to protest, he’d been so sure of himself when you last asked. He had been completely against the idea. You stare up at him with a curious gaze, he just blinks back at you.

You sigh when you realize he’s not gonna offer you anything more, “Okay.”

There’s a lot of words that you don’t say all compiled in that okay.

“Okay.“ He replies, hearing all of them.

He nods at you.
And you nod back.

The two of you still communicating in a way that wouldn’t be understood by anyone else.

The room is suddenly too quiet now that it’s no longer full of your anger. Bam stares at the two of you from the couch, you’re not even sure when he had climbed up there. Maybe you two are his own personal soap opera, you snort at the thought.

“Alright repeat after me, ” Jungkook breaks the lingering tension and you look back at him.

He raises his right hand as if he’s making an oath. You tiredly repeat the action.

“I will not have sex with Kim Namjoon.” He says sternly.

“Jungkook will not have sex with Kim Namjoon.” You say with a teasing smile.

“Ey you brat, do it right.” His Busan satoori slipping out as he clicks his tongue at you. You wouldn’t be able to stop your responding laugh even if you wanted to.

Your giggles slow to a stop at his glare and then you finally comply with his request.

“I won’t have sex with Kim Namjoon.” You promise.

“Good,” He says sounding far too pleased with himself, a wide genuine smile on his face.

“Now, look, watch this new trick I taught Bam.”
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noahhfense · 25 days
Hi Noah, since tfyp is abandoned could you share your outline with us? I’d like to know what you had planned and the ending if it’s okay with you🥹❤️
I’m excited for all the other work you have planned! ❤️
gonna kill myself i had this all answered and written out little synopsis for each chapter and then tumblr fucking glitched and deleted it all!!!
anyways here's take two, here's the chapter summaries for the rest of the five year plan. i have to do it this way instead of just supplying my outline bc my outline for tfyp is messy as fuck fjsksksks
outline under the cut!
and lmao looking at this outline i really feel like this story was slow to start and then once it started it didn't really stop 😭
chapter fifteen !
— the one where oc & jk finally sit down and talk ab shit like adults which ends w/ them "breaking up" she admits that she's kind of being rushing into shit and being not entirely unaware of his feelings, and kind of using him in a sense, and how she was kind of using the baby as an excuse to distract her from hating her life currently and not really actually emotionally healing from the divorce at all. they have "break up" sex and we have a leia & han esque "i love you" "i know" moment.
chapter sixteen !
— this chapter takes place over the course of three months of oc working on herself, we see her going to therapy, realizing she actually hates her job and kind of only did it bc it was what was expected of her, she starts spending time with her friends again (cute interaction w/ oc & joon & hoba) her birthday + a birthday text from jk, running into jimin on their anniversary at the park that they would always go to and finally having a convo/getting closure. chapter ends w/ her taking a pregnancy test.
chapter seventeen !
— we go back in time, and finally jk pov, first meeting reveal and we see how he really feels about her, they actually met before jimin first introduced them and jungkook had actually been planning on asking her out before finding out her and jimin were together. / chapter ends in present w/ reader texting jungkook asking to meet up!
chapter eighteen !
— and we're back in present … and she's pregnant! cute moment where she tells jungkook and she's like you're the first person i told and i'm not entirely sure i took like three tests and they were all positive but come with me to the ob to get it confirmed and then they do and that's that. we're back in business baby.
chapter nineteen !
— the one where they start anew, they're spending time together and navigating being together and their feelings as well as the pregnancy. they start discussing baby plans, how they plan on telling everyone and blah blah blah. jungkook asks her on a date!
chapter twenty !
— their first date !!! they have a very cute first date, and it's kind of a disaster but in the best way, full of them absolutely embarrassing themselves but being so endeared by each other. chapter ends w/ a cute moment of jk dropping her off at home and waiting for her to invite him up, and she's all "you're going to walk me to my door, and say goodnight and then leave.” / “aish, the mother of my children and i can't even get a kiss.” / “goodnight jungkook-ah” and kisses him goodbye.
chapter twenty-one !
— whoop! she's showing it's time to start telling people, the chapter is just full of them telling the different people in their lives that they're expecting! and everyone brings up a really good point, how the fuck is the living situation gonna go.
chapter twenty-two!
— chapter 22 was entirely dedicated to them buying baby stuff, deciding to move in together, going back and forth between where they should live, and building their nursey (ofc yoongi builds them a homemade wooden crib don't talk to me)
chapter twenty-three!
— the one where time is moving too quickly and the pre-parental panic is kicking in and whoops! jimin appearance. and suprise she finds out that jimin and jungkook actually haven't been talking jk's been avoiding him and he didn't know that she was pregnant so yeah there's a fun convo ab that too.
chapter twenty-four!
— it's baby time! oc goes into labor and … jungkook's not there??? uh-oh. the boys™️ (the 97z) rope jk into a boys trip before the baby and suprise suprise oc goes into labor first, many of traffic laws are broken but jungkook arrives in just the nick of time to meet …
chapter twenty-five!
— their baby girl! it's a girl and this chapter is just full of everyone meeting the baby, and just overall cute moments. jk asks her to marry him and ofc she says no and laughs at him, but in loving way, he laughs too okay, they've been together for like 10 seconds please. she's like no you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet and now they're officially together and chapter ends with them taking the baby home and starting the next chapter of their life.
and then i'd wait like 24 hours and announce five years after like yall didn't expect it djsksksks
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noahhfense · 1 month
the five-year plan. one
when you were twenty you had sat down and made your five-year plan, you would get married, get your dream house, have your dream career and then at the end of those five years you'd have a kid. everything was going almost perfectly to plan, well that was until your husband came home with divorce papers. now you're somehow trying to stay on track, maybe you could convince your best friend to have a baby with you.
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chapter one : the one where you want a baby and jungkook is very confused.
pairing: best friend! jungkook x reader genre: fluff, idiots (friends) to lovers, slow burn, porn with plot. rating: explicit, minors do not interact!! general tags: non-idol!au, ex-husband!jimin, slow burn, unprotected sex, idiots in love, idiot plot, miscommunication, etc...
originally posted : september 18th, 2023
word count: 1.8k
a/n: hi yes this series is abandoned, however i am reposting all of what was completed for those who enjoyed the story !! 🤍
spotify playlist | series masterlist | next chapter >
Being sold the concept of a happily ever after was possibly the worst thing that a mother could do to a daughter. She would think she's filling her daughter's head up with expectations and excitement about what was in store for her. The daughter would live a life being spoon fed stories on silver platters of knights in shining armors and love stories that would triumph all of lives trials and tribulations. But one day she'd have to learn the hard way that love stories were just that, stories.
Because here you are now — 25 and recently divorced from your happily ever after and now you're having to relearn where your place in life is after the end credits roll, being held down by the constant weight of time, because while you're young you still had plans, expectations.
It's a bad habit really, ever since you were a teenager you would sit and say to yourself “Where do I want to be in 5 years?” It likely stems from your fathers main philosophy in life — if you're not working towards living a better life, living the life you dream of? What's the point of living? Sometimes you wonder if he's still unsatisfied even now? Is that the future you have to look forward to? Never being satisfied, maybe that's why he cheated on mom.
The plan had always started fairly simple, when you were 13 it was to graduate from school, get into your dream college. Then you met him, and then that dream college changed to wherever he was going. Then you got a little more in tune with reality about what a valuable degree would be and what you would spend your time working towards. Then it was to get your dream job, get a nice house, get married. And all of those things happened, not necessarily in that order, but they happened.
And then year by year another goal stayed on that list that you never quite reached — have a baby. From the time you were 20 you knew you wanted to have a child at 25, and then the second at 27 so they weren't too far apart in age. You'd be settled in your dream career by then, and J-he would be completely done with his degree, he'd be a practicing physician and it would be the perfect time.
It's too bad that love stories are just stories, and a few weeks after your 24th birthday you learnt that lesson the hard way.
So here you are now, 25, no husband, no more dream house, and still no baby.
One of these things you could change, quite easily actually. It's just basic biology, it doesn't take that much effort to make a baby.
“Have sex with me.”  The words leave your mouth without any preamble. You say it casually, like you've said this exact phrase to him countless times.
“Pardon?” You hadn't actually said those particular words to him before and your entirely sure Jeon Jungkook's brain just short circuited.
He doesn't look like he's just been propositioned but rather like you told him that you killed your boss and need help hiding the body. His face holds a vague look of being slightly terrified but potentially willing to help. Like he just needs a little bit of an explanation and then maybe he could be persuaded.
You give him a pointed look saying ’I said exactly what you think I said’ with your eyes, hoping he gets the message. Yours and you best friends ability to speak with your eyes had been a skill you'd honed in over the year. But even then he still doesn't respond, just continues staring at you like you're gonna laugh and say gotcha I just wanted to see your reaction.
You take a bite of your ice cream, and lean back into the love seat with a sigh like this conversation is troubling you — nevermind that you're the one that started it.
“I know you heard me the first time, Jeon.” You say tone bored, you've never been a fan of repeating yourself. Even during potentially life changing conversations.
“Yeah. No. Yeah, yeah, I definitely heard you.” Jungkook responds sounding just slightly hysterical, looking like he's not sure whether he wants to laugh or completely flee the scene, “I just thought maybe you would give me a little more context."
You scoff, pulling the spoon from your lips with a dramatic pop, you can't help the roll of your eyes, “When have you ever needed context to go along with any of my plans?”
At his expectant gaze you put the ice cream carton in his waiting hands. Jungkook makes an angry face and you're not sure if it's from how good the ice cream tastes or because of the argument that you're probably starting.
“When your plans involve me having sex with you context is required,” He says then pauses, and speaks again like he thought better of it, “Actually, any plan that involves sex, at all, requires context.”
You sigh and turn so you're fully facing him, taking the opportunity to stretch out and put your legs in his lap, your toes touching the other end of the love seat. You can't help but miss your old couch, the one you'd comfortably stretch out on and you could lay down at one end and not reach the other. You miss laying down on it with Ji–him, curled up like you had nowhere to be. You miss resting your feet in Jungkook's lap, your head resting in J–his, a movie playing on screen that the three of you are barely watching too caught up in your conversation to care.
But now you're left in this new apartment all alone trying to navigate where the fuck you're going from here.
Jungkook is still staring at you while angrily munching away on your shared ice cream. He's just waiting for you to provide him with much needed context.
“I want a baby." You say tone serious and he just continues to stare at you tiredly, desperately waiting for you to say more.
"And…?" His voice trails off, and then when you continue to offer him absolutely nothing, he speaks again, "What does that have to do with me?"
"Well, I don't know if you noticed Jungkook, but I just got divorced.” Your words are intentionally condescending, he had been there for you during the whole divorce process, “So it's not like I can just call up Jimin and be like 'Hey I know we just settled the divorced and you basically said never talk to me again, but hmm, what about some break up sex?' Because according to my five-year plan I need to get pregnant by,” you pause to dramatically look at an imaginary watch on your bare wrist, “hmmm, yesterday."
“He didn’t say never talk to me again.” Jungkook ignores the rest of your spiel, giving you a pitying look that makes you feel a little sick.
You hate that look. It's all you've been seeing these days — from your friends, from your family, even from the reoccurring strangers in your life. The waitress at your favorite cafe had given you that look after she had asked if he was in the bathroom and if you wanted his usual, you watched the cogs turn in her head when you gave her a bitter smile and said “it's just me today, thanks.”
Your hurt must be clear on your face because Jungkook chooses to continue speaking and does what he does best, put his entire foot in his mouth, “And I mean, why do you still need to have a baby? The divorce wasn’t a part of the five-year plan either but hey-"
You cut him off by throwing one of your throw pillows directly at his face.
“Right, okay, I deserved that one. That was insensitive.” He says with a sheepish smile.
He offers you a spoonful of your ice cream in consolation, and you happily accept savoring the taste on your tongue.
It's silent for a moment while you debate just moving on, pretending that you hadn't said what you had said. You'd both carry on like it never happened and you would just let the thought linger in the back of your head for awhile.
No, you decide firmly. It's too late to backdown now and you wouldn't get what you wanted if you didn't actually ask.
“I just, I need something to be right.” You say slowly, searching for the words to properly express your thoughts. “This isn’t how my life was supposed to turn out. Like I was supposed to be Mrs. Park Jimin, we were gonna have a house, a dog, and a kid. And well, I've got literally none of that going for me anymore.”
You can't help the bitter laugh that leaves your mouth. Jungkook looks like he wants to say something but you bulldoze through the block in your mind and let the words flow freely.
“Alright, 'cause like right think about it, okay? I'm literally 25 now and it took me and Jimin three years of being friends before we even got together. And then it was four years before we got married. Then we wanted to take our time to explore being a married couple, and then we wanted to get comfortable in our new house, and then we wanted to get settled in our new careers, and then he wanted to finish his residency first, it was just never a good time to have kids. I don't have time to go through all of that again, say I meet someone now, and I go through that whole 10 year process again, I'll be what, 35? You know they literally call those geriatric pregnancies? Geriatric, how fucking condescending. But I digress, you're considered high risk at that point, and if I'm being honest I don't want to do that. I don't want a new relationship, I don't want to go on dates and get to know someone. I don't want to decide if someone is good enough to plan out my whole future with. I just want to skip to the good part.”
“I guess I could go to the clinic and get a sperm donor or something but I’d rather just have my kids' parent be someone I know. Cause I don't want my future kids to have to wonder where they came from. And I really can’t think of anyone else I’d trust more for this.”
You finish off your long winded speech with an expectant gaze at Jungkook.
“That's nice bubs,” He says tone soft and a sweet smile tugging at the corners of his lips, it immediately drops as he takes another bite of your ice cream, his angry eating face back in place, “This is so good. I'm still not having sex with you.”
“Jungkooooooook.” You whine, turning wide pleading eyes on him. A pout firmly on your lips, your face inches from his. “Have sex with me.” 
“No, you freak.” His voice is full of mirth as he pushes your face away. 
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noahhfense · 1 month
the five-year plan extras . one
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a/n: hi yes this series is abandoned, however i am reposting all of what was completed for those who enjoyed the story !! 🤍
tfyp drabble # 1 : of jealous girlfriends
series masterlist | bangtan masterlist
originally written : oct. 4, 2023.
wordcount: > 1k
“You asshole, did you seriously eat my leftovers and then have the fucking balls to completely ignore all my texts and calls-”
“Stop calling him.”
You blink confusedly at the voice that comes through the other end of the line. You pull the phone away from your face to look at the contact name once again to make sure it was the person who you had meant to call.
Staring back at you is a photo of you and your best friend from when you were only 18 and the ever familiar contact name ' Jeon 🐰' … right.
Cause the voice coming through the phone most definitely didn't belong to the person who you had called.
“Uhmm, Hi?” You say cautiously bringing the phone back to your ear, this has to be a new girl friend. He didn't tell you he was seeing anyone but maybe he feels weird bringing it up to you, “Can I help you?”
“Yeah, If you could leave my boyfriend the fuck alone that would be great. He has a girlfriend. Stop fucking calling him.”
You blink tiredly and then sigh through your nose.
“Can you put Jungkook on the phone?” You ask tiredly, why the fuck does he always go for the crazy ones? Can't he just date a normal girl, well… no he tries that and then he gets dumped.
“Are you even listening to me?” The girl rages and you feel a little bad but you really don't have the patience for this today. “I said to stop calling him. He has a girlfriend. He doesn't need a side-bitch too, get your own man, okay?”
He ate your fucking leftovers that you had saved for lunch at work and when you woke up this morning to them gone it was like the kickstarter to a terrible day because absolutely everything else went wrong following. Your coworker deciding to be a tremendous douchebag, your car having a flat tire, running into Jimin's fucking aunt at the grocery store and now crazy girlfriend who thinks you're trying to fuck her man? For fuck's sake. 
“Yeah, I'm listening but I honestly don't really care though,” You say staring at your cuticles, you need to get a manicure, maybe you could guilt Jungkook into paying for it, “Look, I'm sure you're feeling very righteously angry about another woman calling your boyfriend that you've been dating for what, two weeks? I don't know, however long you've been dating him. But what I do know is that I have no interest or desire in fucking that man, I've sat through more versions of you than you would like to think about and at the end of the day I still remain. So you can bitch about me all you want but I promise you that you are much more easy for him to replace than me. Now for the love of god, will you put him on the fucking phone?”
She it's him on the phone
An hour later when you're sitting on your couch eating the takeout Jungkook had delievered to you to make up to you your phone lights up with a new notification .
one new text message :
Jeon 🐰
'what did you say to Leah??? she just broke up with me'
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noahhfense · 2 months
the five-year plan (abandoned) . masterlist
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when you were twenty you had sat down and made your five-year plan, you would get married, get your dream house, have your dream career and then at the end of those five years you'd have a kid. everything was going almost perfectly to plan, well that was until your husband came home with divorce papers. now you're somehow trying to stay on track, maybe you could convince your best friend to have a baby with you.
pairing: best friend! jungkook x reader genre: fluff, idiots (friends) to lovers, slow burn, porn with plot. rating: explicit, minors do not interact!! general tags: non-idol!au, ex-husband!jimin, slow burn, unprotected sex, idiots in love, idiot plot, miscommunication, etc...
taglist | spotify playlist | main masterlist
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chapter one — the one where you want a baby and jungkook is confused. 1.8k
chapter two –
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extra # one — of jealous girlfriends
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