noahhfense · 3 months
april fool's . ot7
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★ pairing: ex!ot7 x reader ★ summary: happy april fools, heres a collection of how i think each bangtan member would react if you tried to play a prank on them pretending that you didn't break up. ★ author's note: haven't written in so long this felt … weird. also, idk writing bts reactions in the year of 2024 felt weird too, but i feel like this falls directly into lines with the spirit of april fool's day, being an absolute fucking clown🤡. happy holiday!
You and Seokjin had broken up on good terms and it's only been a few weeks and you thought it would be funny to mess with him a little so you came up with a plan. You greet him all lovingly, hand him the coffee you stopped to grab on the way to work. Give him a peck on the cheek saying "Good morning Handsome” And he's confused for like 10 seconds. You can see the genuine confusion on his face but then he sees the tugging at the edge of your lips and oh. He gets it. And it's on, like this is a competition now and he's not losing.
You're getting gaslit right the fuck back, if you thought for even a moment this man wasn't going to match your energy you're wrong. Like you're gonna end the day going home with him, he's gonna make dinner and wine and dine the fuck out of you and now your little april fools joke has ended with the two of you are back together (or friends with benefits at the least).
No. Is not entertaining it. In the slightest.
Like as soon as you hit him up with the Hi baby, and trying to be all cute and lovey you get 5 minutes of genuine confusion before he's just giving you a “Oh really?? This is what we're doing?” expression.
You absolutely will end up apologizing.
Goes along with it but because he's very confused and like lowkey concerned — is this acute amnesia? Like especially when he's like "??? we broke up???” and you're like haha what're you talking about silly like full out gaslighting this man into thinking the relationship is still completely the same. And he will just be concerned. Looking at everyone else like this is weird right like this isn't just me this is fucking weird right?
part two of people you will end up apologizing to. You're getting that jaw clench from Namjoon.
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Like as soon as this little game starts he's pissed. like this is not funny to him in the slightest. You're getting a lecture about how it's not fucking funny to play with people's emotions and you're gonna end up feeling very guilty and will be apologizing, profusely.
For Jimin I feel like it depends on how soon it's been since the break up and why you broke up — like if it's wasn't that serious oh it's gonna be Jin 2.0. Congrats you're back together because you're playing psychological chicken and neither of you are backing down. However if it was a serious/hard break up, and you're now just friends again — no, it's no. Consider yourself unfriended 🤍
he would be the one to prank you with acting like you didn't break up. mutual agreement you're both just now in a relationship again, neither of you know how this happened but you both got the same fuck ass idea. congrats you're made for each other. 🤍
a mistake you will never make again, he's gonna be a little pouty and annoyed at first and then it's gonna turn into “ahh jagiya remember how you said you were gonna make my favorite for dinner tonight?” and using his big bambi eyes for evil and getting everything he wants.
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noahhfense · 2 months
the five-year plan (abandoned) . masterlist
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when you were twenty you had sat down and made your five-year plan, you would get married, get your dream house, have your dream career and then at the end of those five years you'd have a kid. everything was going almost perfectly to plan, well that was until your husband came home with divorce papers. now you're somehow trying to stay on track, maybe you could convince your best friend to have a baby with you.
pairing: best friend! jungkook x reader genre: fluff, idiots (friends) to lovers, slow burn, porn with plot. rating: explicit, minors do not interact!! general tags: non-idol!au, ex-husband!jimin, slow burn, unprotected sex, idiots in love, idiot plot, miscommunication, etc...
taglist | spotify playlist | main masterlist
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chapter one — the one where you want a baby and jungkook is confused. 1.8k
chapter two –
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extra # one — of jealous girlfriends
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