#the first song is actually a ship song for skylar and tachanka
simonxriley · 7 months
Music Monday!
I was tagged by the wonderful @voidika and @g0dspeeed, thank you! 💜
Tagging @playstationmademe @nightbloodbix @captmactavish @carlosoliveiraa @alexxmason @r6shippingdelivery @statichvm @leviiackrman @theelderhazelnut @justasmolbard @illmetbymoonlight @katsigian @gearvmac @cassietrn @dickytwister @collinnmckinley @inafieldofdaisies @killerspinal @faccal (opt in/out)
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But if someone comes along and tries to love you like I love you Don't know what I'd do, don't wanna lose you Everything fades Everything dies Put me in a vase, but you can't You can't stop time It's not 1999 But this face is still mine The way you look at me I swear my heart hits rewind But if someone comes along and tries to love you like I love you Don't know what I'd do, don't wanna lose you If someone comes along and tries to take you, tries to make you Don't let 'em change your mind Wonder why you took a risk On a broken heart you cannot fix No, I never knew a love like this Now we're picking purple irises
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Against the desert sunset Blazing with aches and regret This glass of whiskey, yeah it tastes like the first time we met Intoxicated with my sorrow It's so pungent and stale I'd rather be drunk on you than chasing this drink by myself I'm here just for the moment So pour me another Meet me down, at the bottom of a bottle Take me out, run away from our troubles Let's get loud, we'll drown in our sorrows So meet me down, at the bottom of a bottle So much time we spent That whiskey high Singing songs about how we said goodbye Take me away Take me away from it all I've been so low there's no ground left for me to put my feet on
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simonxriley · 7 months
Tag Game/5 Song Tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @faccal, to do this tag game and was tagged by @statichvm and @cloudofbutterflies92 to do the 5 song tag. Thank you! 💜
Taglist (opt in/out) @playstationmademe @nightbloodbix @captmactavish @leviiackrman @carlosoliveiraa @alexxmason @r6shippingdelivery @shegetsburned @voidika @illmetbymoonlight @inafieldofdaisies @collinnmckinley @carrionsflower @cassietrn @katsigian @theelderhazelnut @chloekistune feel free to do the ones you want I just decided to combine them.
Three ships you like: Tachanka x Skylar, Ghost x Liz & Kapkan x Glaz.
First ship ever: I don't actually remember, it's been so long.
Last song you heard: Gurenge - LiSA
Favorite childhood book: I don't remember the name of it but it had a bunch of kittens iirc.
Currently reading: Nothing besides my own stuff and wips i've been tagged in. Getting back into reading is still proving difficult.
Currently watching: Free! and Ragna Crimson.
Currently craving: My body to get back to normal 🙃
5 Songs:
One flower, one sword - Li Xingyi
Purple Irises - Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton
Friends Don't - Maddie & Tae
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simonxriley · 4 years
For the meta asks: 2, 6, 14 & 18
Thank you!
2: Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project.
Answered here! 
6: Which character do you have the most fun writing?
Beside’s Skylar and Liz, I’m gonna have to say Tachanka and Ghost. Tachanka’s fun to write because when I started writing him we still had those very small, hardly any info bios. It’s fun coming up with his background and doing a bunch of research because I know nothing about Russia. I love learning about the country and culture. Ghost I have fun writing because I loath how the majority of the fandom writes him and I’m gonna write him how i see him. 
14: At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
Usually towards the end of the first chapter or one-shot. Coming up with titles are hard and I tend to leave them for last. if I can’t think of anything than I’ll just title it with a song. 
18: Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterizations?) Tell us about them.
I do. I have an AU for Jade Helm that’s kind of the same, but Tachanka’s canon kids are involved. I also have two different AU’s for When The World Fall’s. One is when Liz ends up with Price instead of Ghost’s because he dies. The other one is, Liz and Price still end up having their son, but Liz goes back to Dunn and her and Price co-parent their son together. 
I guess you can also consider every Skylar ship an AU. 
I did abandon a plot-line in Combat Boots & Tiara’s. Fuze was going to be a way bigger douche-bag than he actually was. Fuze was going to abandon Skylar and his daughter for over a year out of fear. He would eventually come back and apologize and have a relatively good relationship with his daughter and Skylar. After a while I realize it was too ooc for even my liking and I scrapped it to Fuze freaking out for 24 hours instead. I also realized it would’ve made Fuze’s life a living hell in Rainbow if he did that. 
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simonxriley · 5 years
Author Interview
I was tagged by @nightwingshero Thank you!! 💜
Name: Simonxriley on both AO3 and FF.
Fandoms: Rainbow Six: Siege and Call of Duty are my main ones. But I have dabbled in Metro, Jurassic World, MCU, The Order: 1886, The Last Of Us and Far cry 5. 
Where You Post: On Ao3, FF and here. But I might stop posting my stuff here because the likes to reblog ratio is upsetting. 
Most Popular One-Shot: Blue’s Return. I wrote it after watching Fallen Kingdom and wondered how Blue would return to Owen. 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: That would be My Flower. I started this after watching Infinity War and thought about what would it be like if Gamora (and Nebula) had a loving parent? Which resulted in my OC Lily. It’s also not that good because I was half-assing it. 
Favorite Story You Wrote: I have a few actually. Jade Helm being my main one. I just love Tachanka and Skylar’s relationship so much and how they grow and how Sky recover’s from her past traumas to have a very happy ever after. Second Heartbeat and You’re My Favorite, which are both compilations of different one-shots. And last but not least, When The World Falls. It’s my Ghost x Liz fic that’s nowhere near being done. 
Story You Were Nervous To Post: Jade Helm. It was my first R6S story I posted when I got into the fandom and I was nervous about how people would take to a canon x oc centered story and not a canon x canon one. I know I say this a lot but I do find it shocking that it’s at 46 kudos right now and I never expected it to pass 10 at most. I honestly don’t know if people like my portrayal of Tachanka, or if they like Skylar or just their relationship in general. Whatever it is, I’m grateful for it. 
How You Choose Your Titles: Normally I stress out at first and then choose a song title because I’m not that creative with coming up with ones on my own. 
Complete: 14, but most of those are one-shots. 
Incomplete: 18, though I’m hopefully finishing a few this year. 
Do You Outline: Yes I do, I usually have an idea and think around it to unfold the story. Half of the time though I change quite a bit of the original outline as I write because things do change. 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: A bunch of R6S one-shots of other ships I have, along with a bunch more Tachanka x Skylar. And a few prompt requests I still have to do. For the most part I’ll be working on Jade Helm and a few others. 
Do You Accept Prompts: I do. However I can be pretty slow at it, it all depends on what it is and whose in it. I have made an info list about what I will do and not do. You can find it in my description/bio. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited About: I’m gonna say Contingency. I have a lot planned for that and I hope I can execute it well. It’s about Tachanka and Skylar who get tasked with being undercover and things go very wrong and they end up being hunted down by the people they were undercover for and they call Kapkan and Glaz to help. It’s also my first multi-pov story, so this will be a little tricky at first. 
I tag @starsandskies @r6shippingdelivery @mirrorworldangel @cameoninja and all the rest of my writing mutuals!!!! 
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simonxriley · 5 years
Tachanka x Skylar again, please!!! 2, 7, 9, 12, 13, and 21! ^^
My babies for number 9 I could have answered for both versions of Jade Helm but I decided to go with my canon version and not the AU that include his kids and divorce because the post would have been very long.
2: What song fits your pairing the most?
How about a top 5?
Rare - Gwen Stefani Truth - Gwen Stefani (I did the live version bc I love how happy Gwen is that she finally found the truth, A.K.A Blake Shelton and I love her kids in the beginning hyping up the crows :)
Bind Your Love - Cher Lloyd You Make It Feel Like Christmas - Gwen Stefani Ft Blake Shelton My Gift Is You - Gwen Stefani
7: Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)
I have two. The first one is, no matter what universe they’re in or even if Skylar is with someone else (Glaz, Kapkan or Fuze) Tachanka always loves hers and is always there for her. I just love that they would be close no matter what or who she’s with. The other one is that Tachanka has a Skylar radar. My friend @gear-redfield thought of it and I loved it because it’s true, he does have one. It’s a long story though. 
9: Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
Everything! If I had to choose one it would be their love for one another. They both just unconditionally love each other and would do anything for them. Skylar had a lot of relationships with people who took her for granted or wanted a specific thing from her (sex) and now to have someone like Tachanka who cares immensely for her and her well-being and will go above and beyond for her is amazing. He’s constantly there for her no matter what and she knows she’ll always have a shoulder to cry on and an open ear. Tachanka went through his adulthood pretty much a bachelor nobody really caught his eye, until Skylar. She’s so loving and compassionate and has this innocence to her that he just loves. When he’s with her he feels at peace, like this was where his life was leading him all along, into the arms of the women who loves him for who he is. 
12: If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
It would be the Metro fandom, I already have an AU planned for it. Because I really want to know what they would be like in that environment and I just want them to be a badass couple fighting mutants. I have everything planned out too, from how they both ended up in Moscow to being a family. I might actually start writing it when I’m halfway done with Jade Helm. 
13: How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.
I would say a 3. This is a first ever ship I’ve had where writing stuff for them hasn’t become a chore. I love writing for them and have numerous one-shots and multi-chapter fics in mind (probably won’t get to half of them). When I sit down to write about them the words just come pouring out, which is probably why a lot of my chapters are over 7K, and I love that. But of course I might have two ideas for a certain part in the chapter and that can make things a little difficult, choosing which to go with. 
21: Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)
Angst! I apparently love tearing my own heart out and others too. Also fluff, especially domestic fluff. And you’ll be getting a lot of both from me!
Asks: 21 OTP/Pairing questions  
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simonxriley · 5 years
Pearl, canary, apple, ruby, sangria
Thank you!!!!
Pearl: What’s your favorite piece you’ve written?
I actually have two, Jade Helm (no shock there xD) for one. This is the first fic I’ve written where my OC’s love interest doesn’t fuck her over at some point and instead live happily ever after....well after a certain major plot point anyways. And I’m just having fun writing it, it’s fun figuring out Skylar and Tachanka’s relationship as I go, it’s fun figuring out Skylar’s relationship with the other operators. And I’m learning a lot about Russia. I don’t get that with a lot of my other fics. The other is You’re My Favorite. After I accepted the fact I ship Skylar with the rest of the boys and I knew I would eventually write something for each ship I decided to make a compilation. My favorite out of that one would be the Glaz Birthday piece. It’s a cute little family fluff piece with Glaz and Skylar and 3 out of their 4 kids. 
Canary: What’s your current WIP?
I have a lot. Jade Helm, Combat Boots And Tiaras, Dark Before Dawn, Deus In Absentia, and Beautiful Tragedy. Besides Jade Helm, they’re all short fics that I hope to have all done by early 2020. 
Apple: How many drafts do you have?
Twelve (12) :/. But three out of the twelve I won’t be posting anytime soon. One’s a start to a NSFW 30 Day Challenge I want to do, featuring Skylar x Tachanka and Kapkan x Glaz. Another one is a rewrite to a fic that I’m not ready to fully work on yet and the last one is a Glaz x Skylar one-shot where Skylar is off on a mission leaving Glaz to take care of their 18 month old son, Sasha and he loses him. And he has to find him before mama comes back. 
Ruby: What inspired you to begin writing?
This is gonna be a long answer and I’m getting quite personal. I wrote on and off when I was younger, it wasn’t until 2014 where it finally hit me (though I didn’t start actually writing until 2018). In ‘14 my parents were going through a horrendous breakup and I was being pulled in every direction and all I had to save my sanity at that time was Call of Duty: Ghosts. I remember just playing through the game over and over thinking what if Hesh and Logan had a little sister who didn’t want to follow in the families footsteps but did because of a life changing event? And my OC Liz was born. I spent 4 years almost perfecting her story, but I was just too afraid to write. By the end of ‘17 very early ‘18 I couldn’t take it anymore, I’ve read so many good fanfics and I just wanted to put it out, even if only one person likes it. At the same time I was wary and a little bit nervous and with some wonderful encouragement from a few other fic writers I finally started. The only thing I regret is I didn’t start sooner. 
If it wasn’t for that game and my life being a disaster, I wouldn’t have thought about writing. So even though it’s not the best CoD game out there, it will always be near and dear to my heart because in the end it did inspire me to start writing, even if it was 4 years later.  
Sangria: Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what is your playlist like?
I don’t, it makes it hard for me to concentrate and I tend to type the lyrics of the song instead of what I actually want to write lmao. 
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