#the first one makes me want to gouge my eyes out and also the 2nd if i think about it
rubber-glovs · 9 days
Vent post (wow a 2 in 1!!)
I really want to talk about sfth with my friends, but they don't understand how my hyperfixations work for me. I was talking about sfth with my friend (who is currently being turned into a shark friend) and they thought I was weird because of how much I had admired them, wrote fanfics abt (characters, not rpf) and had photos of them. Like it's hard for me to talk about my interests, I constantly have to hold myself back from going insane and yapping about them so much because they don't understand. Same with my other hyperfixations. I talked about Grian with another one of my friends, and they just thought I was such a weirdo for caring so much about some blocks. It was as if they weren't even listening. It actually hurt me quite a lot. My hyperfixations control my life, I think about them all the time and everything is a reference. The fact that people think I'm weird for that, the people that I care about the most in the world, makes me so upset. I'd rather have no one to talk to about my interests than be told I'm weird again. I don't really like having no one to talk to about something that I am so invested and interested in because I make my own bubble of thoughts that I just keep to myself and wish I had someone to talk to about it.
I actually can't believe I'm going to talk about boy problems. It feels ridiculous, but this next part is about a guy. I don't want to go too deep into details about us but think of all those casual by Chappel Roan tiktoks. He loved me, and I loved him. He just didn't know I was trans. When I had the courage to come out to him, he stopped talking to me completely. We didn't have each other on any socials, so there was no communication. I tried to talk to him, try to start a conversation with him, but he'd always end it and quite literally walk away and act like a stranger. It took him a year to actually just talk to me. It felt nice but hated how I liked it. It brought back all these sweet memories we had and my love for him. I hated it. I still hate it. I hate it right now. It's the new school year/grade, and we have classes together, we are sat near each other in classes, and I really wish we weren't. In spanish/languages class, we sat together (we have a seating plan), and he moved seats away from me. He didn't sit next to a friend. He just moved away from me. I hate to admit that it hurt me. Additionally, he has so many red flags. He's a terrible person, yet I put it to the side because I love him. Saying or even typing the words "I love him" actually makes me feel so guilty. I fucking hate his guts. I hate my guts, too. I don't hate him because he started distancing himself from me. I hate him because he's such a bad person. And I hate myself for loving him anyway. It's been a whole year since the day I fell in love with him, and I wish that day never happened. I wish we just stayed friends. I wish we never sat next to each other in that fucking maths class. His name is poison to me. It burns my skin the second I hear it. It hurts my heart, and it stops besting because I know he's shitty and I know I am too. Everything I find with his name on it, I want to rip it apart. I hate that name because it's his. It's ruined so much for me because I have such a terrible problem with it. I want these feelings to go away before I rip my large intestines out like a party trick. I hate having feelings for him. He's fucking awful. I hate myself so much because I love this man. I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate everything about him that I used to love. I hate his voice, eyes, smile, laugh, hair, humour and just fucking everything. I fucking hate him. I hate myself for loving him. It's something that lives in the back of mind, and it taunts me every time I see him. I wish I never knew him. I wish he was just a classmate. I really fucking wish he was just a classmate. I hate myself.
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imthepunchlord · 9 months
How do you feel about the new Indigo Disk mons? Personally I think Hydrapple is sick as fuck.
Sorry for the wait! Was at work all day.
This answer will be under cut due to spoilers as it came out today.
I'm going to get these guys out of the way real quick cause I don't have a lot to say about them. In general, I am not a fan of robots/mechas, and Violet's Paradox pokemon, to me, are boring as it's the same mon but robot. Actually seeing them go robotic is what had me decide to get Scarlet over Violet. Only thing that tempted me was that Miraidon looked better for bike lizard, but the majority of the Paradox mons I just didn't like. I think only other I liked was Iron Thorns, but not enough to get it.
Of the... Iron Justice Trio (?), I actually like Iron Crown and Leaves the most.
Of the Justice Trio, Virizion is the one I liked the most. Iron Leaves doesn't do much to improve them, but I kinda like it cause I like Virizion the most of the trio.
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Iron Crown for me actually improves Cobalion for me. In some shots in the trailer, it actually looks majestic and fierce. I think with this, they were just able to polish the design better cause Cobalion to me just... always looked awkward. Like, it has blocky noodle legs. I don't like it. And by the lighting it looks like it's wearing a skintight jumpsuit and I don't like that. So, yeah, Iron Crown really improves and polishes up Cobalion's design. At least for me.
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Iron Boulder is just... meh. I don't really care for Terakion (similar issue to Cobalion in that it's just kinda awkward) and I wasn't expecting too much.
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Walking Wake I actually wasn't too crazy about initially.
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I will say, a big part of it was that I was salty we didn't get that sketch. I really liked the look of this thing. It looks like something you would ride into battle and it'd be epic.
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And then we got Walking Wake and it's like, oh.... ok.
But WW has grown on me, but if I had to pick between it or Suicune, I'd go with Suicune. It's not my favorite of the Paradox Beast Trio. Maybe it's making that shift of going onto two legs that throws me while the other two stay on four, so it's not so jarring? Idk.
Raging Bolt I liked more than Walking Wake, I think it's just so silly I can't help but kinda love it. It may be my fav of the trio.
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I do wish they picked a color to stick with. It's kinda messy with the red and the blue, and there are others in agreement. Some artist even go with blue over the red.
Gouging Fire, initially, I want to say I like what I see.
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But it's also kinda busy, so I'm in that spot where I kinda like it but I'm also unsure. Maybe I just need to see them in the game and how they move.
Duraladon I didn't really like, so Archaludon does nothing for me. When I first saw it, I wasn't even sure what I was looking at or knew where to rest my eye. So it's a mon I'm never going to use.
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By leaks and rumors, Hydrapple was a pokemon I was excited to see, and I gotta say, I do like it. In general, I love the Applin line, it's such a cute punny pokemon.
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It makes me wish Flapple and Appletun got an evo too, cause they feel like 2nd stage pokemon and could go further. Like, Appletun could've gone draconic turtle apple pie thing, and Flapple could've gone farther as a wyvern. Maybe one day.
Honestly, only thing that's disappointing is that it turns out those rumors were wrong and it's not our first Bug/Dragon. So, not yet sadly. But I am looking forward to trying it one day.
Terapagos was the legendary I was most intrigued with. And then I saw the apparent true form in the anime.
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Yeah I'm... I'm not crazy about it. My interest kinda dropped a little. The head is cute, but the rest of the body makes it look like some weird poodle. I like this form much more and I rather they stuck with it as the true form.
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I also saw that Terapagos has another Tera form, which so far, I can't find an image of it to share but I have caught glimpses, and atm, until I can get a good look, I have no idea what I'm really looking at. There's a lot of visual noise with that Tera form so I haven't really processed it yet in the bit I've seen.
Lastly, Pecharunt, I can't quite tell what I'm looking at yet. A butterfly??? I'm not sure. Supposedly this corrupted the "Loyal" Three, and is the true mastermind, or so I've heard. But of what I see doesn't impress me or interest me as much. It may be a matter I just need to look at it when there's better quality images and footage out.
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So for me, with the Indigo Disk, new mon wise is probably a positive but mixed bag. There are some I like, and some I don't.
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embossross · 2 years
You've been too productive lately, the wait between the next chapters is going to be hard to bear ahah !
Now, what can I say, except THIS SUSPENSE 😱 ????!!!! You're spending too much time writing Rindu, you're becoming as sadistic as him.
Anyway, a little review because I'm trying to control myself for once, lol.
Firstly, I'm quite impressed that Rin makes phone calls in Yasuko's presence, bonten is so covered that he can afford it. It makes me feel a little sad for her, a million miles away from thinking that her wonderful lover is importing drugs. I still can't wait for her to learn the truth, even though I know she might suffer.
Also, I noticed that Yasuko and Reader from FHMTH both have a few daddy and mommy issues, if they didn't, would things be different ? Would Yasuko be dating older men ? And Reader... do we really need to elaborate on the fact that you have to have a little problem to fuck Hanma, no matter how hot he is ? 😅 Anyway, I'm doing counter psychology (idk if the expression exists in English) and I hate it. I was originally going to talk about the parents because Yasuko's mom seems so protective of her daughter and it's kind of fun to be able to talk about her relationship with her without judging her. I like their relationship, even if their place in the family is not very balanced.
One last question I have and then I'll stop hihi, Rindou who puts his work in the background, is Mikey going to be totally ok with that ? I mean, we know from the beginning that he's not a workaholic, but, can there be consequences ?
That's it, I'm done, I'm really really really excited and impatient for the next chapter and I wanted to tell you that after a quick calculation, this story really in my top 2, I love it so much so thanks again for sharing it with us ❤️
the way your mind works, i swear, i'm always so excited to hear your thoughts on the chapters! like you just make such good connections! and i'm so flattered that you are loving the story so much. dgm has a special place in my heart too!
i'm going to do a read more so i can give this the attention it deserves!
poor reader really has no idea about rindou’s job and is so not ready for the truth. in that scene, rindou’s not saying anything directly incriminating, she doesn’t understand shipping enough to follow, AND rindou is intentionally keeping her distracted. she never stood a chance.
also poor Doc and her mommy/daddy issues ☹ I feel so bad for her tbh. you’re so right that her issues are a key reason she’s able to be with hanma. most people would run and not look back after the eye gouging and Russian roulette incidents, but the childhood abuse Doc experienced really inoculated her against that. and her unexpected reactions are what makes hanma interested in her in the first place.
whereas with yasuko, her father is really a nonentity to her. she doesn’t have issues about him. BUT because she had to fulfill an adult role from a young age because of her family’s poverty, she feels far more mature than her age. worth considering that she’s several years older than her friends in her university program (22 while they’re 18/19) and would have been much younger than most of her coworkers at the factory, so her dating just kind of works out that way.
great question about rindou’s work ethic! Rindou cannot afford to slack off fr bc drugs are bonten’s 2nd biggest revenue stream and kokoni would be up his ass. it would probably fall to takeomi to discipline rindou if he wasn’t doing his job, as takeomi’s like bonten’s chief of staff to koko’s chief revenue officer.
mikey probably wouldn’t get involved. he’s pretty checked out at this point in the story.
but, rindou knows what he can and can’t get away with. he can reschedule a meeting with suppliers for you, but he wouldn’t be ditching, say, a meeting with mikey just because you called upset. he does his job and nothing more, and that’s good enough. it just looks like a fantasy to yasuko who comes from a working class background.
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daprec · 4 years
Unspoken and Spoken Mat Rules At Combat Room Miramar #jiujitsufirst
Some of these were borrowed from BJJEE and Gentlemen Grappler, some were modified by me, and others are my own rules or rules that have been passed down and seen as tradition
1. Shake the hands of the black belts when you enter and when you leave the mat. Additionally, after greeting the blackbelt please greet your teammates with the JJ handshake and smile 🙂
2. If a higher belt invites you to roll, you roll. They will invite you politely, if you say no they might not ask you again (except on special situations such as injuries, necessary rest for competition and others).
3. If a black belt is rolling near you, stop and move. If you are a black belt and you have a stable position and the lower belts around you are scrambling or with a submission locked in, don’t be a tyrant, be humble, you move.
4. Be stoic. If you get a submission, don’t celebrate, don’t show any joy. If you are submitted, don’t show frustration, shake hands and restart.
5. If the pain is tolerable don’t stop. Don’t talk to your partner about it, don’t expect them to say they are sorry, most of the times they didn’t even realized what happened. Keep it to yourself.
6. No excuses, a tap is a tap, crank or no crank. Don’t waste time massaging your ego explaining why you tapped, focus on what you should had done instead.
7. During the explanation of a position be attentive, listen carefully. Don’t expect the full attention of your professor if you didn’t give him any.
8. Payback rule, whatever you do, it will be done to you. If you are rough we will be rough on you. If you dedicate yourself to Jiu-Jitsu we will dedicate ourselves to you.
9. Do not cheer for teammates while you watch them roll. If you are on the side watching a roll, please keep your outbursts of joy that your teammate got a sub on your other teammate. It’s not fair and doesn’t help the person who got sub’d at all.
10. No coaching from the sidelines unless you’re a purple belt or above. If you ARE purple and above, please do not coach if the head coach, instructor or Professor is coaching. Too many people shouting instructions at 1 practitioner doesn’t help anyone and it’s the Professors job to coach his/her students. If Professor isn’t there (in a tournament scenario), then the high belt coaches
11. Whitebelts are not allowed to make rules or teach. You’re a whitebelt and with all due respect, you don’t know much at this stage. Unless you’re a D1 All American Wrestler or Judo World Champion who are joining up in BJJ, you are not allowed to teach newcomers or other whitebelts, and you most certainly are not allowed to make rules on the mats.
12. Always make a bow before stepping onto the mats. This is a quick and nice way to check your mind and body onto the tatame, and focus on training, leaving your job and real world problems behind.
13. No barefeet off of the mats ESPECIALLY WHEN GOING TO THE TOILETS. If I need to explain why then you owe me 3000 pushups.
14. In general lower belts are not allowed to ask higher belts to roll. There are always exceptions but this rule must always be adhered to unless an arrangement or conversation has been had by the individual high belt. This also goes for male whitebelts asking other women whitebelts to roll. At this stage the technique isn’t there yet and we want to mitigate unintentional injury as much as possible.
15. NEVER ask when you’re going to be promoted, or when another student is going to be promoted. Instructors have their reasons why/when/if to promote a student and their judgement must be respected at all times, regardless if you understand or disagree with the decision. This is simply how it’s always been.
16. Training at other gyms. One-off training is fine if you want to visit another gym to get a different experience or have friends there. But regular training at other gyms isn’t cool for a variety of reasons. The 1st being your grading process, and the 2nd being the fact that coaches invest a lot of time and effort into your training. Training at HQ or other Combat Rooms is strongly encouraged, but you do not earn credit at CR Miramar from training at other CRs.
17. If late to class – please wait to be waved onto the mats by your Professor. This is so that he/she knows you’re on the mats to help keep track of attendance and safety. Additionally without question 20 pushups is owed as penalty for being late.
18. Forgetting your belt. Whitebelts owe 20 pushups, Bluebelts owe 40 pushups, Purplebelts owe 40 pushups + 40 burpees. Brown and Blackbelts never forget their belts because punishment works.
19. Start and finish class with a bow. As previously mentioned this is more of a handshake rather than any sort of reverence. Its more to pay respect to each other: the instructor to you, and you to the instructor.
20. Line up according to rank. (yes even in the picture) The people who have put in more mat time have not only earned this right, but also have more knowledge than the lower belts. This is attributed to the “Martial” part of “Martial (Military) Arts (Subjective Craft)”
21. Blackbelts are called “Professor or Sensei”. If your gym has purple/brown belts who are official gym instructors named by the head instructor, they are called “Coach”
22. Always have a clean gi or no-gi uniforms. “No one wants to essmell you esstink” – Rey Diogo
23. Please trim your finger and toe nails. We don’t know how to fight wolverines yet
24. Be a good training partner and/or Uke. When practicing technique with a partner, or if Professor calls upon you to demonstrate a technique, please don’t act like this is a live sparring event. Practice is practice, rolling is rolling, demonstration is DEMONSTRATION. If you resist or start defending, Professor will not call on you again to help.
25. Train in a controlled and methodical manner. We are not here to injure our teammates or “break our toys” as I like to say. Beginners don’t have the technique yet to implement this philosophy at first, so upper belts please don’t get frustrated. Help them along the way, as upper belts did for you when you were a beginner. Beginners, no one is going to kill you, so try to remain calm during a roll and learn something.
26. Please stick to the IBJJF ruleset of submissions unless you have verbally agreed with your training partner otherwise.
This means:
No neck cranks, cervical locks or heel hooks
No slamming
No footlocks or kneebars for white belts (straight ankle locks are IBJJF approved for all belts)
No fish hooking, eye gouging or grabbing fingers individually
Avoid chokes along the jaw, chin, teeth or face
ALWAYS respect the tap, and allow partners time to tap
27. Go slow when applying a submission. Most joint locks can cause severe damage, especially the arm and shoulder locks. I know it’s exciting, but please go slow enough to give your partners a second to tap or don’t apply the submission 150%
28. Tap early and a lot. Everyone taps – this is part of the game. Think of it as a game of “gotcha” rather than a game of wining or losing. Most of my taps usually end with a giggle and a “that was awesome well done”. This is how we learn. This is the realtime feedback that illustrates a mistake on our part that needs addressing. Work on your weaknesses.
29. Please invest in a mouthguard. Accidents do happen, and as adult humans our teeth do not grow back. Pay the money on a good one, it’s worth it. This is not mandatory, but strongly advised.
30. MINIMUM attendance for promotion consideration is 3 days a week. I need to see you on the mats at least 3 days a week consistently for 6 months for you to be considered for a stripe or promotion. This does NOT include going to HQ or other gyms or open mat (free rolling days). You need to be on the mats in Miramar to qualify for a promotion. If you can tap and sweep everyone in the gym but are only showing up 1 day a week then you most likely won’t get promoted.
31. Always come to class with a positive and open mindset
32. During technique practice please do NOT talk the entire time. Not only is this disrespectful to your Professor, you are wasting your training partners time as well as your own time. Technique practice time is the single most important part of class and is the only time I expect full focus from all of my students. We only get 3 hours a week to train, and only 1/2 that time to practice technique to please avoid socializing and practice the technique.
33. Do not attend class if you are sick. Please stay home until you are completely well and ready to train. Do not come to class to watch if you still have symptoms
34. Do not train injured. If you are injured please come to class to watch, but as difficult as it may be, please don’t train. Injuries can linger for YEARS if you do not take the time to heal properly. You’ve already dedicated yourself to JJ, it’s not going anywhere. Rest up, heal up and come back stronger!
35. Please remove all jewelery, earrings, bracelets before class
36. If you are on the side watching people roll, it is your job to help prevent collisions happening on the mats. Step inbetween 2 groups of people rolling and do your best to either protect their heads or if they get too close let them know they should move. The higher belts have the mat priority, so lower belts move for them.
37. High belts are responsible for the mats after class and locking up. If I’m not around to mop the mats, high belts are responsible. It’s really EVERYONES job. Make sure the mats are mopped and stacked before leaving the gym. Don’t wait for someone else to do it, please help. Also if there is no one else in the gym, the high belt (bluebelt and up) is responsible to lock up.
38. NO SHOES ON THE MAT EVER. I shouldn’t even have to type this, but sadly I do.
39. *AMENDED* Leave drama off of the mat AND out of the group chat please. If it’s mat drama please deal with it off of the mats in a kind and respectful way. If it’s chat drama please deal with it off the chat in person in a kind and respectful way.
Please keep in mind I work 50-60hr weeks PLUS teach BJJ – 2 jobs. I would appreciate it if people could figure it out among themselves. Keep in mind I’m only qualified to give you Jiu Jitsu and Motion Capture Animation advice 😊
If you find yourself consistently at the center of issues at the gym or the chat, perhaps step away for a bit and think about what the common denominator is and how you can improve/fix things and come back with a different mind set. If things can’t be settled then speak to me about a different solution, but please try the above avenues prior to reaching out to me.
All of that said I’m always here for my students and can/will help however possible, but if it’s things I don’t need to be involved in, please help me and be #mindful in that regard.🙏
40. Guys – don’t hit on the ladies. Our gym has a unique and large female presence and I want to keep it that way. We haven’t had a problem yet that I know of and it’s going to stay that way.
41. Saying “Oss” is an affirmation. This is a very traditional method of either saying “you understand”, or “I give you permission to practice on me and I on you” or just a sign of gratitude and respect. Oss is cool
42. What happens on the mats stays on the mats. I know we all get excited and our ego’s pumped when we sweep or tap out someone. But lets keep that to ourselves – we don’t need to gloat off the mats about sweeping a 1 stripe whitebelt, or how we heelhooked a 12 year old, or how we passed a blackbelts guard (who 99.99% let you anyway). We especially find it tacky and uncool posting these kinds of things on social media so keep it in the gym.
43. Beginners, yes the higher belt let you have it, unless they said you legitimately “got them”, so please hold off on launching the blimp and having a parade until you have confirmation. Its the higher belts job to help guide you along this path, and at some point you will stop being given chances.
***UPDATE 01***
44. Whatever special arrangements I’ve made with an individual apply to that individual ONLY. Sometimes there are things in life that are out of our control, and we cannot manage to abide by some of these rules. If a student has spoken directly to me about some life event or change and we need to come up with a plan specific to them, that does NOT mean it applies to everyone. Every student is responsible to speak to me about their situations.
***UPDATE 02***
45. Visiting guests from another gyms. Of course always be courteous and welcoming, but the general unspoken rule is to smoke them when rolling – usually when matched to your belt level 😃. This is a worldwide unspoken standard within BJJ gyms. The thinking is when they leave our gym and go back to their home gym, they’ll know that we practice good Jiu Jitsu and train hard. This helps keep quality and standards up within the BJJ community and increases the drive at other clubs to improve. It’s kind of a weird quality control, but hey we’re learning how to fight so it isn’t always pretty. There are ALWAYS exceptions to the rules, but this is the general “Old School” way of doing things, that as far as I know is still an unspoken standard.
46. Visiting other schools. Be respectful and courteous – mind your manners at all times. Give them a call or an email before showing up to ask if it’s OK to jump into a class. Greet the Black Belt or head coach 1st. Treat the tatami how you would treat your own school regardless if they do not practice the same etiquette as your home gym. Train hard, be technical, – don’t be a meat head.
“It’s better to know your manners and not need them instead of needing your manners and not knowing them.” – Miyamoto Musashi I think 😛
***UPDATE 03***
47. Gi and no-gi uniform. Being that we’re still in a Covid pandemic, we still must continue practicing safe hygene. This means wearing leggings and rash guards under your gi. This means wearing leggings, shorts and long sleeve rash guards for no-gi. We’ll continue this practice when we eventually are a post-Covid world.
***UPDATE 04***
48. ZERO TOLERANCE of sexual harassment. Ladies if anything of the such happens at our club, however unlikely, please bring it to my attention IMMEDIATELY. I have a 1 strike and you’re out policy and will not condone this kind of behavior from any of my students.
Other thoughts
You’re going to want to quit. Don’t worry we have all felt that throughout this journey. BJJ is hard. Some say the hardest thing they’ve ever done. The learning never ends – the same goes with life and anything else you want to master. And just as in life, running from your problems never solves anything so call timeout, recharge, and come back!
Ask yourself what kind of student do you want to be? One that’s made of rubber? Bouncing back and forth to class, disappearing for months, reappearing for months again and again? One that’s made of wood? After a couple breaks or if things get too hard they quit, never to return? Or one that’s made of steel? A student who regardless of the injuries, hits to the ego, damage to the body, never bends or breaks and always shows up ready to train.
Rubber, Wood or Steel – which are you?
For most all practicioners, the mats are a sacred space. We train because not only do we love the art, but our time on the mats is a cathertic experience. We can forget our daily lives, our jobs, families, friends, pets etc and focus 100% on ourselves, our minds and our bodies while learning something usefull and cool.
Lets not forget what this means to everyone and always give and pay the tatame and class the reverence it deserves. Oss!
*Over time this rule set can and will be amended*
Unspoken and Spoken Mat Rules At Combat Room Miramar #jiujitsufirst was originally published on davepreciado
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There’s been a lot of talk about series finales lately with so many shows having already ended, and quite a few shows ending soon, so of course there have been several memorable finales on my mind lately, so I decided to make a post about my thoughts on the most memorable ones.
I’m planning on tagging everything with proper anti tags, character names, and show names. If there’s something that I forget to tag, let me know and I’ll tag it correctly.
It gets lengthy so I’m putting it under a read more.
1. Game of Thrones
This will have probably the most polarizing of opinions, but I actually felt satisfied overall by what happened in this final season and series finale. I felt that there were things that could have been written better and things that I would have done differently, but overall, I enjoyed what happened.
Not everything that happened in this final season is what I would have chosen for the characters’ ends, and there are a few endings that I’m not satisfied with. Jaime Lannister being one of those. I felt that his storyline was going in a much different direction than dying with Cersei, and I’m still of the opinion that his ending should have been different. I’m not upset that he died because i expected him to, but I did expect a different death.
Sansa’s ending is my favorite ending and what I expected for her all along. Her becoming Queen in the North and outliving all of her abusers was so satisfying. Watching her being crowned queen brought a tear to my eye. Her story and character development from start to finish is one of my favorite character arcs to watch.
2. Teen Wolf
I’m not sure how much of an popular or unpopular opinion that this is, but I genuinely think that Teen Wolf’s series finale and the 2nd half of the final season is one of the most well written finales that I’ve seen in a long time.
The first half of the season was really leaving me with low expectations, and I didn’t like it at all, with there being so much focus on Stiles, a character who wasn’t even present for more than 2 episodes of the season. It’s not that I dislike Stiles; it’s that I wish that there was more focus on Scott.
The second half of the season really did focus on most of the characters in the way that I wanted it to. I really liked the emphasis put on Scott’s strength and leadership status. One of the most memorable scenes to me is Scott fighting the monster alone and literally gouging out his eyes so that he is able to defeat the monster.
My favorite moment of the finale was Derek’s return and his hug with Scott. It was such a sweet moment that really defined what Derek and Scott meant to one another.
I even liked the Scott and Malia ship. Although I hated how they wrote Kira out of the show and do still prefer Scott and Kira as a ship, Scott and Malia was well-written, and I did enjoy that they were endgame.
3. The Originals
I’m actually on a rewatch of this show now, so it’s been on my mind a lot. Overall, I didn’t hate this finale season. It wasn’t my favorite. This show is one of my favorite shows of all time. I enjoyed Klaus’s arc, and his desperation to save Hayley and to help his daughter. I liked watching Elijah become himself again after he was freed from the compulsion. I was happy that Davina and Kol were married and became endgame, that Rebekah and Marcel were going to get their happy ending.
I didn’t like that both Klaus and Elijah had to die. I didn’t like Hayley had to die. It’s not even the deaths of all three characters that bothered me about the final season; it’s the fact that I didn’t see that all three of them needed to happen. I can understand actors not wanting to be a part of the spinoff, but I feel that there were better ways to write these characters out than the endings that they were given. I do think that killing off both Klaus and Hayley was written so that Hope would have the challenge of being an orphan and having most of her family die be something that she has to overcome in Legacies. Afterall, I can’t think of a single main teenage character in The Vampire Diaries or The Originals that has either of their parents in their lives: Elena’s parents had died before the beginning of the show, Caroline’s parents were killed, Davina’s parents were killed before the beginning of the show, etc.
The sacrifices that were made by both Klaus and Hayley were absolutely beautiful. The scene that Hope meets Hayley in the afterlife made me cry and I wish that we would have gotten a scene of Jackson interacting with Hope.
I’m going to be a bit biased here and show that I don’t like the inclusion of Caroline in the final season. I’ve never liked Klaroline as a ship and didn’t particularly enjoy Caroline’s character in the final season of The Vampire Diaries. I felt that there were much better people for Klaus to have spent his final moments with and didn’t like that there was so much emphasis placed on Caroline during the episode that Hayley, the leading female of the show, dies.
Overall, I liked this show and its ending but have never felt truly satisfied by its ending. However, I do recognize that The Originals finale was meant to be the set up for Legacies and that it’s going to need to be critiqued on a different standard than a show that was meant to be a definitive ending for all of the characters.
4. Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time is one of my all-time favorite shows, even though there are several things throughout the show that I strong dislike. I’ll be honest, I’m going to be very petty about the actual final episode of the show because I really didn’t like it, despite enjoying the final season overall.
This is a show that I like to consider as having two series finales. The season 6 finale being the overall show’s finale. This was a perfect ending for the characters, in my opinion. Emma and Killian starting their life together. Regina and Emma co-parenting Henry. Snow White and Charming moving to their farmhouse. Even Belle and Rumple getting their happy ending. I do view season 7 as a spinoff rather than a continuation of the first six seasons; however, I’m going to talk about season 7 here.
I really enjoyed this season. I loved so many of the characters, and Henry’s arc was very well-written. Wish!Hook/Detective Rogers was my favorite part of the season, along with his relationship with Alice.
The series finale was a 2-part finale, and the first half was very strong. Seeing Charming and Snow again really made me happy. I had high hopes for the 2nd part of the finale that just weren’t met. This is where I get petty and like to pretend that part 2 doesn’t actually exist and was somehow erased because I disagree with a lot about it. This is where I start talking about what I wish would have happened as if it actually did.
I do dislike Regina, so of course this is biased against her. It’s also been a while since I watched the finale so some details may be muddled with part 1 details, so forgive me for that.
I really disliked that Regina is the one who inevitably turned Wish Henry to their side; she’s the one who he watched murder his grandparents and has blamed for his mother’s disappearance and destroying his life. I really think that it should have been Emma who was able to turn Henry to their side, and if not Emma, then adult Henry himself, as Henry knows what it’s like to feel hopeless and as if he has no family left.
I wished that baby Robin Hood would have been able to have the dream where she talks to Robin, her father, rather than Regina getting this moment. Robin, who has continued her father’s legacy and was never able to know her father, should have been given the moment of closure with her father that she never had before.
I also very much disliked the joining of all the realms. I would have been okay with it if it was just Storybrooke and the two Enchanted Forests or if there were doorways created so that travel between realms was made easier like the mermaids. I didn’t like joining all the realms because there were a lot of characters who I know wouldn’t have wanted this to happen. It took away titles of Queen and King from several characters: Elsa and Jasmine to be exact. It also invalidated Tiana’s arc from mere episodes before. Tiana had worked to feel as if she was worthy of Queen, and all the hardwork was nullified by crowing Regina the “Good Queen.” I didn’t only dislike this choice because of Regina but because of how many storylines were invalidated because of that choice.
Also, if we were going to crown someone “The Good Queen,” it’s not Regina. First of all, I really don’t like that title. Second of all, it should have been Snow White that was crowned Queen in the end, as she is the rightful queen of the Enchanted Forest.
5. Shadowhunters
Now, for the final noteable finale that I want to talk about, let’s talk about Shadowhunters. This list wasn’t made to be nice about these shows, and this is one that I always look back at and feel mad. Shadowhunters is a show that I have actually defended as a book to screen adaptation, but I can’t defend this final season or this finale.
Now, I do want to talk about what I enjoyed of this final season. I enjoyed Simon and Izzy’s relationship finally happening, even though it was rushed due to limited time because of the cancellation. Clary asking Isabelle to be her parabatai, which is something that I even wanted in the books, made me really happy. Clary continuing to be selfless and put everyone first was such a beautiful arc, even if I dislike how it ended for her.
And on to the things that I disliked--
Am I the only one who hated that they made Luke into a Shadowhunter again? Of course, being a werewolf doesn’t seem as if it was as important in the show as it was in the books, but it didn’t even feel as if Luke had any sort of feelings about being forced to be a shadowhunter against his consent.
I felt like this whole season was meant to be fanservice for Malec. It took a ship that I actually liked in the books, despite the issues that the relationship had, and liked in the beginning of the show and turned it into something that I strongly disliked. I felt like Alec didn’t understand a lot of what Magnus was feeling and didn’t understand what he needed. I’ve always felt like Alec was prioritized in this relationship to be honest. The wedding felt like it came too quickly and felt inorganic to me. Spoilers for the books: The wedding in the books is one of my favorite weddings in any type of media, and yes, I do compare the book wedding to the show wedding all the time, even if that is unfair of me. I still find it hard to believe that Alec would stay in New York when a crisis with Johnathan was happening at the LA Institute, where his father and younger brother were at the time. I can’t believe that the wedding was prioritized over every single thing that happened in that finale, and I will always dislike the wedding being prioritized so heavily.
The thing that I really hate about this finale is Clary’s ending. She spent the entire season battling between keeping her brother alive and doing what was right for the rest of the world. She ended up killing her own brother for the good of the world. Clary never put herself first once throughout this season, and there were still a lot of fans that heavily criticized her for everything that she did. In the end, her mother appearing to her to warn her not to use her powers that The Angels gave her solidified how much I hated this arc for her. She knew what using her powers to kill Johnathan would do and she did it anyway. She was punished for doing the right thing. Even worse, she suffered in silence while it was happening. She knew that she was losing her memories and her connection to the Shadow world but she didn’t want to ruin the wedding for her friends and walked out of the Institute without a word to anyone, to the love of her life, to her best friend, to her future Parabatai, to her father figure. She left Jace feeling like she left him, after he’s felt this way his entire life.
Worst of all, in the end, it seemed like no one other than Jace actually cared what she sacrificed. Her own father, Luke, didn’t seem to care and was happy with Maryse. Isabelle, who Clary chose to be her Parabatia, and Simon, her lifetime best friend, seemed to be more than happy. Magnus and Alec were perfectly content with everything. I can’t remember if any of these characters ever mentioned her name in the scenes at the end of finale. It was a great disservice to the relationship that these characters had with Clary.
Overall, I felt that Clary’s characterization and arc were consistent and on-point, but the ending left me dissatisfied and bitter toward this show as a whole. I’m not even sure that this is a show that I’m even willing to rewatch at some point.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Persona 5 Royal Import guide
I realized the past week some people who might be interested in buying P5R but dunno how or didn’t know they can play the JPN ver on their non-JPN PS4. So I thought I’d help make a guide as to how to buy it and make a JPN account. That being said the game WILL be in Japanese but if you don’t mind playing it you should be good (trust me P5 OG isn’t that bad of a game to play with a language barrier imo, as long as P5R doesn’t do anything SUPER crazy with like a puzzle or something I think it’ll be about the same experience). But yeah for those of you who want to play the game despite it being in Japanese but didn’t now how to, this guide is for you!
For the most part this is to get you the game in the cheapest and fastest fashion, or at least a good starting place for you to look.
Tbh I found Amazon.jp to be the fastest and most affordable (and easy to navigate) for physical editions. Usually comes within 2-3 days, shipping is usually just $10 (but again, pretty fast shipping). I used to do Play-Asia (recommended if you are trying to hunt down a certain edition), but they do bloat their prices and take MUUUUUUCH longer. BUT I do recommend their services if you are just purchasing foreign DLC cards (because you get the code for that pretty quickly, like within minutes via your account and/or emailed to you). 
Anyway with this being said, I’ll start with the digital and then a guide to buying it physical (from Amazon Japan, you can try other places but I figured I’d give you a quote on one place and you can branch out from there). 
Buying Digital:
But let’s start with the fastest and cheapest way and that’s digital only. All you need is a PS4 and a 2nd email address. Next you want to make a JPN account, videos down below for a step by step guide (first video is a really fast step by step, the 2nd video is a bit more slowed down step by step in case that’s more your speed):
Keep in mind you can change your language it English or any language you want on your Japanese PSN (link to how to change). But I recommend having it on Japanese when you go to buy the game (because you’ll need to type in Japanese, esp if it’s not on the feature page, but if you set your keyboard to english ya gonna have a bad time ;w;). 
So anyway we’re gonna just check to see how much it is on the PSN (with tax), btw you wanna type “ ペルソナ“. Or to make it easier (cause typing it can be a bit funky on the PS4 if you don’t know what you’re doing), you can also sign in via your computer and here’s the links to both (note you can’t be signed into your non-JPN account to view these, you need to sign out and/or sign into the JPN account you just made). 
Reg Edition (¥ 9,680) and Digital Deluxe ( ¥ 12,980)
From the looks of it, it seems that there will also be a separate deluxe DLC available on Oct 31 for those who didn’t preorder the Digital Deluxe to begin with. Anyway, preorder bonus for both is a special Mona sticker. As for what’s in the Digital Deluxe/Deluxe DLC I’mma just copy and past googletranslate cause it’s not that inaccurate:
■ "Persona 5 The Royal" Game Main Part ■ Early Purchase Bonus: "PS Store Limited Morgana Car Sticker" * Until 11/14/2019 ■ "Persona 5 The Royal" PS Store Theme ■ "Persona 5 Complete recording of newly created songs for The Royal] Soundtrack Set “P5R”! ■ DLC / Kaitou Costume DLC Set + Velvet Room Costume & BGM Special Set + P5D Featherman Costume & BGM Special Set In addition to the costumes that can be worn in the phantom thief in the game, Battle BGM & Jingle is a special version! ■ DLC / Persona Set + Orpheus & Orpheus, Bandit (f) Set (I think they mean Fem!Orpheus/Orpheus Picaro female) + Iki Naki Daijin & Iyo Naki Daijin, Bandai God Set (Oh neat Izanagi No Okami is gonna be DLC!) 
Well at least this DLC is new/different. 8U Anyway pick your poison, you can always get the deluxe kit DLC later and get the base game now. 
After this you’ll need money, and you can’t use your debit/credit card if it’s not Japanese. Soooooo that means you need to buy foreign currency, and one of the best places I go to is Play-Asia (I’m sure you can do this with Amazon Japan too but Play-Asia I know how it works and yeah 8U). They don’t gouge the prices, and after the payments gone through they email it/post it on your account. Anyway get what you need, and....low-key I didn’t.....see....any tax when I went to put this through....So I guess what we see is what we get in price. But sadly Japan’s price in games are a bit more steep, so you’ll probs have to get the ¥10,000 at least (unless you are getting the Deluxe edition). But now you know how to buy the game digitally as well as obtain any DLC you want (and there might be some free DLC, there were for P5 OG so yeah keep an eye out)
Buying Physical:
Now let’s look at Physical. Now you can buy from Play-Asia if you want, they have the Royal Flush edition if you want. I don’t recommend it unless you don’t mind either paying even more shipping wise or waiting about a half a month. Cause they are sloooooooow and their prices are a little more than Amazon.JP imo. 
Personally I’m gonna go with Amazon.Jp, you’ll also get a preorder bonus if you buy the Amazon version but that’s the ¥ 9,680. There are a few versions still available on there, and maybe you want the special FamtisuXD one (your best bet is probably ebay at this point). But I want to try and find you guys the most convenient and/or cheapest one. So instead I’m gonna point you in the direction of the  ¥7,989 edition (note: you can still view the other editions on that website, if you want the preorder bonus or just a different version then more power to you! just wanted to focus on the cheapest option because it’s not the most talked about one). It has a price cut for whatever reason, and that will cover the cost of shipping tbh. When I went to check out it comes out to $81.51 with shipping (the digital is about $90.31, but you have to spend whatever the Play-Asia card is so you technically have to spend $100ish). And it arrives about 2-4 (usually 2-3 in my experience) days, so it has a better price than Play-Asia and is also faster for cheaper. 
Now it’s possible you can find some e-cards cheaper somewhere else (I encourage to go looking) or even physical copies somewhere else, this is just a how-to guide to help you get started. As for if you should go with Digital or Physical it’s up to you. Wanna play it ASAP (and have some money kinda set aside for possible DLC)? Then go Digital. Don’t mind waiting a few days and want a case for your wall? Then go physical. 
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seraphrants · 7 years
So I just read the scene in the 2nd Mika LN where Crowley FINALLY figures out that Ferid it a vampire.
So this was terrifying yet beautiful 20 pages...
There's so much I loved about it. My favorite scene of LN series and top 5 for the series as a whole. Scenes like this remind me of why I like this series in the first place.
Where do I even begin?! My fucking relief/excitement that Crowley finally figured it out? Cause like... It took him a long ass time with how many hints Ferid was dropping.
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It was a great way to dive into this scene, I was already excited by Crowley figuring it out but then it just kept building up excitement!
Like shortly after, when Crowley starts confronting Ferid, I was unexpectedly stabbed in the heart.
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"....What the hell are you doing?" Crowley asked, while Ferid laughed,
"I told you before to use your head"
"What the hell are you?"
"I'm your friend"
Like... Can you not say that please? My heart can't take it. If it was anyone other than Ferid that said that it would be one of the most heartrending things I've heard, but because it's Ferid I don't know what to feel! My emotions are all jumbled and confused.
Because he mentioned it several times. He tried confirming they were still friends several times once Crowley put it together, and that's just heartbreaking to watch.
I honestly can't tell how much of what Ferid says is a joke/game, and how much of it he actually feels. Was he messing around with Crowley when he said that? Because I 100% believe that Ferid thought of them as friends.
So did he mean it when he said this? Because he sabotages himself not a moment later by unnecessarily confessing to the murder of ジルベール(I forgot how this name translates XD). Like, he really didn't have to. Crowley would have never known if Ferid hadn't told him. He did this to get a rise out of Crowley. To make him angry. And after this point he kept saying things rile Crowley up. To convince him to try and take revenge.
But why would he WANT that?! I have some theories on Ferid, his motives, and his personality. Of course they're just theories, but it's how I see the Character.
I think that Ferid has grasping for his humanity ever since he lost it millennia ago. I don't know much of it if any that he has left, maybe he only remembers the feeling of it. Like when he stared into the sun before being burned in the manga. He can remember how being human felt, but can't feel it himself. He watches humans, toys with them, in order to see the purest forms of humanity. Maybe as a way of remembering for himself.
That also ties in a bit with this scene. When Crowley tried to kill him, Ferid LET him gouge out his eyes. For one, because it would show Crowley how futile it was to fight back. And, in my opinion, it was also because Ferid knew he was about to hurt Crowley much worse.
But there's even more to it then that. We don't know a whole lot about Ferid's relationship with his sire, or what happened there, but it's been made pretty clear that Saito abandoned him. Or at least, that Ferid feels that way. So I think he's got some abandonment issues as well. Maybe realizing Crowley was most likely going to abandon him there, he sabotages himself and convinces Crowley to take revenge on him. Because he can't abandon him if he's trying to kill him.
In any case I'm taking a breath of relief knowing the two of them are back to being friends by at least the point of the manga. Not because I think they should have stayed friends here (fuck no), but because I really the dynamic of the two of them together.
Looking forward to the rest of the book with Crowley as a newly turned vampire!
(Seraph of the End: Story of the Vampire Mikaela, Vol. 2, Chapter 3, pages 32-54)
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lecherouswritings · 6 years
I gotta dump these alterations here excuse me!!! I guess if anyone doesn’t want spoilers to my stories lol
Had some ideas I didn’t wanna forget so I’m gonna dump them here for further development when the day comes someday. The hunters! There’s that burly trapper dude, the sharpshooter dude, and the manipulative lady. I think I want her to deal with poisons and stuff? One hunter is killed in Georgia, Rat has a snap-second reaction and kills this guy on the spot without realizing it’s like a hunter. Peter recognizes him, bursts out laughing when Rat kills him ?? hmm Can’t decide which hunter bites it first. The sharpshooter is really cute and all the girls fawn over him and it makes Peter mad because he’s a gross weirdo and doesn’t like competition. Sharpshooter loves birds, his sister and him keep birds and Peter loves birds too. Loves them. The village declines because Grandfather has a CHANGE OF HEART and decides human sacrifices are OUT and love is IN and that makes Peter SO ANGERY... it makes Hito angry too!!!!! THE LAND IS CURSED THAT’S WHY PPL THINK THEY’RE SEEING WOLVES BUT THEY   ARE   NOT   WOLVES  LOL the founders aka 3 lil piggies, man with house of hay stacks, man who built house of wood, and Grandfather with his stone home, all 3 are destroyed, other two men are killed, leaving Grandfather and the residents of the land AKA HITOTIANS!!! GASP!!!! and he’s like EEHGHH PLS DON’T KILL ME I JUST WANNA START A NEW LIFE OUT HERE ALSO MY TEETH FUCKING SUCK I DIDN’T TAKE CARE OF THEM so Hito is like Ok worship me I’m God however the fuck you wanna interpret that, kill ppl for me and I’ll make everything good and he’s like gimme wolf teeth and we have a deal and she’s like OK DEAL. THAT’S WHY THE TOWN THRIVES, and he leaves town to bring in outsiders and claims THESE SINNERS WERE TRYNA HURT US and will often pick up minorities because he’s racist and gross and given the time period and area there was a lot of hostility between shitty white assholes and Mexicans/Native peoples, hey I’m not defending Grandfather here racists exist. Hito doesn’t care racist or not, as long as ppl die that’s all that matters and if he wants to do it under the guise of Jesus or whatever the fuck fine, just do the Ritual I Asked You To Do and we’re good, and he’s like yeah cool. Then he asks for MORE, I want a SON :(((( and Hito’s like ok, go fuck someone and have a son but I swear to Me you’re gonna have to up your killing game I hate the idea of letting you make more people like that’s the opposite of my teachings you dumb shit ?! THE WOLF is a manifest of the cursed Hitotian land, that since the ppl perceive the monsters as wolves that Hito is like cool, this Proto Rat creature that’s being projected, so there’s this malicious spirit that’s lingering because Grandfather is SLACKING in his murders, so the crops are failing and people are getting sick and Peter is becoming host to this Wolf thing and Grandfather is NOT A FAN OF THAT, decides it’s SATAN and we gotta DRIVE SATAN OUT, not realizing it’s his own stupid ass fault for ignoring Hito’s wishes. After he has a son he wants to like retire and start preaching love and shit. Peter had prophetic dreams of Rat and helping Rat and THAT’S SCARY NO I WANNA BE A LITTLE KID I LIKE BIRD SONGS AND STICKS ALKGHAKJGH just kidding I’ve been tied to a bed most of my life I don’t know what I like. God I guess, Grandfather tells me how much God loves me and love is supposed to be good, good good, when Peter is good Grandfather takes him on walks so GOD BLESS. But after a while he gets to move about the room and seeing people outside his toothed window and he gets Angry. Shouts HI GRANDPA from his bed tied up because he can hear the front door slam shut. Grandpa will go untie him if he’s been good and read some bible to him or feed him or tell him how his day went CENSORED VERSION LOL because the boy is............ Not right............. all that Wolf stuff growing up MY HORRIBLE SON.....but he’s gonna carry on his legacy. HAVE A SON, SON. So Grandfather is the way he is because he made a deal with Hito ( GOD ) and the Wolf ( Proto-Rat ) tries to influence him but he’s TOO STUPID so the demon goes roaming around causing havok mindless energy no where to go. A lot of Hitotian demons target kids because they don’t have any defenses and are naive. So the town does descend into some madness because Grandfather quits. I have a scene where Sharpshooter’s sister kills her sons because she had sex with Grandfather and therefore committed a Sin and punished herself by killing her kids, and then killed the birds she kept and was shoving them inside herself and screaming gibberish about how they were going to remove the sin from her, and Peter and some of the villagers are there and I think I was thinking Peter would allow Sharpshooter to kill her instead of himself as like a familial courtesy out of respect. Peter’s more upset about the birds :( and maybe some sick pleasure in seeing Sharpshooter upset having to kill his sister like idk. Taking pride in someone else’s misery. Hito keeps Grandfather alive because that’s punishment death would be the easy way out!!! Live and suffer!! I’m gonna do away with the toxic chemicals thing because Hito can just mutate people as punishment and I like that better. If Rat kills the handsome guy then ... That leave gruff trapper dude who would be more well equipped to deal with Rat in the last arc, but... I’m thinking Peter gains trust from Grandfather by getting Sharpshooter on his side like “I let you take your sister’s life, I didn’t rob you of that, I’m a man of my word and you can testify” sort of shit. Yeah, so let’s have the gruff trapper be the GA victim and the sharpshooter be in the village at the end. The lady hunter tho isn’t having any of Peter’s shit and they have a confrontation and Amy helps and yea they help each other. I like the idea of Peter covering her with a rifle as she goes out into the wild to find Rat, then Peter had to go after Amy because she gets her leg caught in a bear trap and has to get her outta there and is like Well I’m already here might as well look for Rat before Sharpshooter finds him fuuck he tells Amy to go back and hide but she sneakily trails by the time Peter finds Rat, Rat’s stuck in a hole!!! A trap!!! He can’t get out he’s all rotted and gross!!!! and he’s YOWLING!!! HELP!!! :( Sharpshooter is there, and he’s like OH PETER JUST IN TIME :))) LET’S KILL THIS THING and Amy’s watching from the thicket. Peter has some crazy ass vision and is like hhHH and shoots Sharpshooter’s kneecaps out and ties him to a tree with his own rope. Rat’s saying some gibberish and Peter’s like oh no the wolf is so hungry hungry boy feed wolf feed wolf the hunter munch munch that was a tasty leg Thank You.... Hey Friend, can you help me out of here? SO YES Peter reaches down and pulls Rat out but IT’S SYMBOLISM FOR WHEN HE WAS A KID AND REACHED OUT TO RAT AND “LET HIM IN” SO RAT GETS OUT AND IS LIKE YESSSSSBITCH the 2nd rain of blood happens and he tells Peter to run back to the village. Amy follows behind him. I HAVEN’T DECIDED HOW RYAN, JESS, AND KYLE GET OUT OF THEIR TORTUROUS PREDICAMENT YET BUT I WILL BECAUSE THEY’RE THERE and they all reunite and RAT DESCENDS ONTO THE VILLAGE AND KILLS EVERYBODY LOL, theres all these Hitotian demons that just DECIMATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. Ryan is SO MAD at Peter because this is ALL HIS FAULT, and Amy already had this fight with Peter but they reconciled and teamed up but RYAN IS NOT FORGIVING and GOUGES PETER’S EYES OUT SO HE CAN’T SEE HIS GOD ( THIS IS SO SAD.meme ) and it’s the real first time since his reign as tyrant of the village when he was younger just FLIP THE FUCK OUT because Rat’s going through his final stages of metamorphosis and everyone can witness it but Peter slkdgjslkgh RYAN!!!!!! I think the castration of Rat happens just before the villagers capture them ??? SPEAKING OF CASTRATION that was really big with Peter, lots of sterilizing and castrating because THE ROOT OF PEOPLE’S SINS ARE THEIR DESIRES so I love that he has this knack for cutting genitals and Rat’s like I NEED A CUT BRO and he’s like oh Yeah I know this song and dance hold my beer. I think tho.... Peter has to kill his Grandfather, maybe after he returns to the village? I can’t decide if it’s a YES I FINALLY GET TO KILL YOU or a I LOVE YOU AFTER ALL BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS :(((( I can’t decide. I’LL FIGURE THIS OUT LATER. Also what if Grandfather was creeping on Eunice and so when Peter had a thing with her, he had Hito’s demons go kill her off in the woods??? hmm... idk how I feel about that.... or Rat’s wolf entity would ?? Yeah he would lol just to fuck with Peter, fuck you for having nice things you dumb bitch COME WORSHIP ME IN A FEW DECADES NERD!!! If I think of anything else I’ll make another dump post but there’s SO MUCH and also I gotta sleep but this is what I got in the last few days.
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howgrowtaller · 8 years
Various types of martial arts exist, with each of them having a unique purpose in combat. Some of these styles have been around for centuries, while others were developed in more modern times. What all of these styles have in common is they teach a form of fighting to their followers and allow these individuals to defend themselves when necessary. These martial arts are also broken down into various sections, like striking, grappling, and takedown styles, giving people the chance to learn a number of different disciplines along the way. I'm going to start looking at some which these days are arguably more in the sport arena than martial art. Boxing Boxing is one of the most well-known martial arts in the world because of its popularity as a sport. It is believed that boxing began in 688 BC at the Olympic Games in Greece, as records show people punching each other at that time. Boxing was also popular in Rome during the same time period, with combatants wearing primitive forms of gloves and contents often ending in death. The sport decreased in popularity after the fall of Rome until the 1700s, as it became significant in England. This popularity continued and new rules were introduced to make it into more of a sport. For example, the hitting of a downed opponent was banned, as were low blows. Eventually, the Marquess of Queensberry rules were introduced that outlined the ring, the use of gloves, and many other rules that are still used today. Kickboxing Full Contact Kick boxing developed from Thai-Boxing and other Martial Arts influences, the first bouts being seen in the early 1970's. These days however it seems to be lighter contact, with a large emphasis placed on light fast strikes scoring points. Muay Thai Muay Thai originated in Thailand sometime between 1238 and 1377, as it was prevalent during the Sukothai Era. There are a few different aspects to Muay Thai, including kicks, punches, knees, and elbows. A clinch is also used by many practitioners as a way to expose an opponent to these strikes. Gloves are used by fighters and a good kick boxer can evade different strikes in an efficient manner. This is a relatively new sport, as it was previously used for self-defense purposes, but it has become very popular in a short period of time in various places all over the world. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu One of the more popular grappling arts in the world is called Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is mainly based on ground fighting, although it does incorporate takedowns. Submissions are the main weapon used in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, as practitioners can either choke an opponent out or manipulate, or break, joints using pressure. This is a very effective form of self-defense because experts in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are very comfortable on their backs, making it possible for them to defend themselves in a variety of different situations. The guard position is particularly effective, as it is used when trying to prevent an attacker from doing any damage to you. Wrestling Wrestling is often recognized as the first martial art, as its origins go back as far as human beings have existed, as cave paintings depicting the sports are as much as 15,000 years old. More modern versions of the sport have been around since around 1100 AD, which was when it began to appear in Europe. Wrestling generally involves takedowns and ground fighting, although various forms exist. Separate martial arts like Judo and Sambo are based on wrestling, as they involve throws and takedowns as well. Catch wrestling is a subsection of the sport that involves submission holds and was popular in the early days of mixed martial arts. Wrestling is also a sport in the modern Olympic Games, with Greco-Roman and freestyle forms being used. The sport remains very popular all over the world and American colleges and high schools frequently have wrestling teams compete against one another. It should be noted that despite the similar name, professional wrestling has very few similarities to amateur wrestling, as amateur wrestling is a legitimate sport. Judo Japanese Sport - Developed by Jigoro Kano from Ju-Jitsu, infact it was originally known as Kano Ju-Jitsu. These days it's all about competition, it's translated as the Gentle Way, though quite often the gentle side seems to be forgotten and there is a lot of strength used. A sport focussed on taking your attacker to the ground with throws or trips then rolling around trying to immobilise your opponent with locks or pins. Good for Fitness, can be good for flexibility. Sambo A Russian Martial Art, that has split into 3 different areas, it has a pure sport side, that whilst it has been demonstrated at the Olympic Games, has not been recognised by them. A lot of similarities to Judo. It also has a practical self-defence side as well, looking at defensive techniques, lastly it has combat Sambo utilising tecniques from both of the above as well as its own, and applying its own nasty twists. Kickboxing Sport, Pretty much everywhere - Full Contact Kick boxing developed from Thai-Boxing and other Martial Arts influences, the first bouts being seen in the early 1970's. These days however it seems to be lighter contact, and a big emphasis placed on light fast strikes scoring points. Karate Karate is an ancient martial art that involves utilizing open hand strikes, punches, elbows, kicks, and knees to gain an advantage over an opponent. Practitioners are also taught to block incoming strikes and execute proper breathing techniques in order to remain successful. In addition to striking, some forms of karate include throws and submission holds. This gives practitioners the ability to defend themselves in any position, which is the end goal of the martial art. Ju-Jitsu It's my favourite as you might expect, its a Japanese Martial Art, around for a long long time, hard to trace exact origins, but can be traced back to Samurai and long before. Includes everything, pretty much, punching, biting kicking, knees, eye gouge, pressure points, whatever it takes to win a fight. Striking is not something that Ju-Jitsu covers as much as some other arts, due in part to the history, this was a battlefield art, to be used when the weapons had been lost, however seeing as your opponent would usually be wearing armour,hitting them was not the best option, but throws, locks chokes, strangles all play a part. To what level or degree you are taught some of these will be determined a lot by the school that you go to. Over the last few years, and by that I mean ten to twenty there has been a growing resurgence in Ju-Jitsu, but largely focused on the sporting side, due to the huge success of people like the Gracies, but then there are those of us that like to cover all of the other bits as well, the stuff that a sports rules usually stop you learning. Essentially, if you want a good all round Martial Art, one that is highly practical, then this is a good one. Aikido Again a Japanese art. In general terms, quite a modern art founded by O-Sensei Morihei Oeshiba,this is an art derived essentially from Ju-Jitsu, focussing more on dis-engagement safely though, utilises the circular motions heavily, very good at using an attackers force against them. There are a lot of "soft" schools out there, the "flowery" kind, while they have their place, they represent a different thing to the original thing, If you have ever been thrown by someone who really knows what they are doing in Aikido, then it's not soft and it works. I used to think that people just jumped and went with the throws, like Kotegai ish, and to an extent they do, but that's because if they don't go with it a bit, they lose their wrist. A good flowing art, hard on the joints, especially wrists and knees, very traditional. Iaido A Japanese art, usually slow and controlled, covers drawing the sword from the scabbard, striking or cutting the opponent, removing blood from the blade and replacing the blade in the scabbard. A lot of ceremony, I've had it described to me as a control freaks art, I hasten to add this was said by a 2nd Dan in Iaido! Kung Fu A Chinese art, that has many many forms or styles, used a lot in Films, can be very flashy, but can also be effective if done right. It has become very popular over the past decade or so, thanks to films with Jet Li, Jackie Chan and then big tours by the Shaolin Monks were people have been amazed by the things they do. Good for fitness, flexibility, if done very very well, then it can be good self-defence. Wing Chun A Chinese Martial art, legend has it that it was created by Yim Wing Chun, and it is excellent as a close quarter combat martial art. Good at close quarters self-defence. Good at the trapping distance where a lot of arts are let down. Pencak Silat An Indonesian collection of Martial Arts, when seen or tried, then some of the movements can seem very similar to some forms of Kung Fu. Escrima A Filipino Art, focussing on stick and sometimes swords. Most modern Escrima you see tends to focus around the stick work, very fast and impressive when done right. Good for the focus. Krav Maga An Isreali art, focusing on close quarter work, looking at neutralizing any threat as fast and hard as possible and getting out of there, used by Isreali special forces, uses anything and everything to win whatever the cost. Nasty, but effective a good principal pushed here is whatever you do you keep moving forward, once you've started to attack you keep going, and I was surprised how many people struggle with this concept. Tai Chi A Chinese art, although these days it tends to focus on the healing, gentle non-impact style, it is worth remembering that it is still a Martial Art, and as such it's moves if taught and applied correctly, are still there to actually cause damage. Though more and more this side seems to be becoming diluted and potentially lost. At least in the West. Good for those less mobile, looking at the discipline and health benefits. Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee's art. Say no more! Actually, I will, based on Wing Chun,Kung Fu, it was then developed to incorporate other areas, to attempt to make a "complete" art. So takes the "Trapping distance" that Wing Chun covers better than most others, for example, and develops it and adds extras from other areas. Pretty much the most modern art I'll have listed here, by a long way. A good all around art. Taekwondo Korean Martial Art. Again worth noting that proper Taekwondo is not what you see in the sports, like the Olympics, I watched a couple of bouts and turned over the TV! Proper Taekwondo is still a martial arts, most clubs you will find today will be focussed on the sport side. Light, fast, and high kicks, as already stated, usually focussed on competitions, around forms or point scoring sparring. Good for fitness and flexibility.
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