#the first house in synastry
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soular-sisters · 10 months ago
Synastry 1st House: What You Embody To Your Partner ✨
(you voted, & we listened 😉)
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**Intro To Synastry Charts**
For those who are new to astrology or don’t know (because yes we need to be nice to the newbies too) a synastry chart is a chart that compares two individual’s charts together to see how they connect. A synastry chart is an amazing tool to see the energy two beautiful beings have together & the way two individuals feel about one another.
1st House connections in a synastry chart show how a partner feels about us, with both our energy & us physically. In a Synastry Chart, 1st House placements are strong & unique because unlike the other house placements, the planet person tends to feel them more than the 1st house person. Here is how both partners feel with 1st House Synastry connections.
✨ Sun in the 1st House: “I love your personality.”
“Little darlin', the smile's returning to their faces. Little darlin', it seems like years since it's been here. Here comes the sun”
- Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: the sun person feels overjoyed around the 1st house person. when they meet, the sun person feels like the 1st house person’s personality is a perfect match for them & that they are easy friends. The energy they get from the 1st house person is happiness & warmth.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the sun person’s eyes: pure light & joy
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: the 1st house person feels like the sun person gives them a confidence boost. they feel like the two of them just naturally get along & understand each other’s personalities. the 1st house person finds the sun’s persons optimism & leadership qualities attractive.
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✨ Moon in the 1st House: “I love your emotional side.”
“You've got me feeling emotions, deeper than I've ever dreamed of. You've got me feeling emotions, higher than the heavens above”
- Emotions by Mariah Carey
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: the moon person is in awe of the 1st house person’s emotional expression & feels naturally comfortable with them. there is a natural feeling of the moon person wanting to nurture the 1st house person. there’s something about the 1st house person that just makes the moon person feel mothering & sentimental.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the moon person’s eyes: pure essence of soft & sensitive
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: the 1st house person feels almost immediately comfortable with the moon person. the 1st house person probably felt it was easy to open up to & be vulnerable with the moon person quickly. they can look to the moon person for a safe space to be their most emotional selves.
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✨ Mercury in the 1st House: “I love the way you think.”
“You used to call me on my cell phone. Late night when you need my love”
- Hotline Bling by Drake
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The mercury person will feel a natural inclination to want to talk to the 1st person all the time. They will feel as if the 1st house person just gets them on an intellectual level. There’s probably a sense of, “no one understands what i say like the 1st house person does”.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the mercury person’s eyes: pure voice of intellect & truth
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: the 1st house person feels like they can talk to & express themselves to the mercury person so easily. The conversation between the two feels so natural that it can be addicting, the types to want to stay up all night on the phone. The 1st house feels confident to be more social & outgoing thanks to the mercury person.
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✨ Venus in the 1st House: “I love your natural feminine beauty.”
“Some people talk about that love at first sight shit. To keep it real I don't know whether I believe it's true. But if it is, then tell me if I'm wrong or right if, I fell in love with you before I ever even knew” - Deja Vu by J. Cole
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The venus person will be in awe of the 1st house person, the 1st house person is the physical embodiment of what the venus person finds beautiful. This is the closest thing to a “love at first sight” placement. The venus person will not only be in love physically with the 1st house person, but with their aesthetic, personality, & genuine energy.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the venus person’s eyes: pure feminine & beauty
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: The attraction between you two is almost immediate, & it is mutual too. You will feel how strongly into you the venus person is, & usually the chemistry between you is undeniable. You two will likely share interest in similar music, sense of fashion, & artistic activities.
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✨ Mars in the 1st House: “I love your energy & passion.”
“When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts. Wild, wild, wild” - Wild Thoughts by Rihanna & DJ Khaled
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The mars person feels ignited & passionate about the 1st house person. The 1st house person seems to fuel the mars person naturally & motivate them towards their goals. However, that passion can be either intimate or enraged depending on the way it is ignited in the mars person.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the mars person’s eyes: pure adrenaline & magnetism
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: The 1st house person feels the intensity from the mars person and very well can feed off of that energy. The raw magnetism is fun & exciting to say the least, the 1st house person feels alive just being around the mars person. It is important to make sure the passion stays positive & does not turn aggressive due to the impassioned nature of mars.
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✨ Jupiter in the 1st House: “I love your humor & adventurous spirit.”
“Let's take a plane to Fiji, make a date, let's take it easy. Love is power, swear there's something about her that make me nervous. Mother earth done gave us all a gift, she made you perfect. Let's eat some mushrooms and go to the circus” - ROS by Mac Miller
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The jupiter person is excited to be around the the 1st house person, there is so many wonderful adventures to experience together. When thinking of their time with the 1st house person, they remember fun & enjoyable times together. Together the two can experience more good luck than they would apart.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the jupiter person’s eyes: pure fun & excitement
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: The 1st house person feels more positive & optimistic with the jupiter person around. They may be inspired to take more risks & try new things thanks to the jupiter person’s influence. They crave to experience a sense of adventure with their jupiter partner in life.
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✨ Saturn in the 1st House: “I love your maturity & professional energy.”
“But girl, I put you first now. You made me, helped mold me. Turned me into a man, I'm so responsible. And I owe it all to you” - Differences by Ginuwine
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The saturn person naturally feels like they can invest & commit to the 1st house person. The saturn person loves how mature and wise the 1st house person is & feels like they can look up to them in a sense. Saturn may go to the 1st house person at times looking for their advice as they trust their guidance.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the saturn person’s eyes: pure wisdom & source of universe guidance
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: The 1st house person will feel the natural commitment & stability the saturn person feels towards them. The 1st house person will probably feel safe to build with the saturn person as they can tell they’re in it for the long haul. Together, they may help each other enter adulthood & grow in maturity.
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✨ Uranus in the 1st house: “I love your strange & uniqueness.”
“'Cause you're a one in a million. There ain't no man like you….Like you, ooh, I found it hard to find someone like you.” - Streets by Doja Cat
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: To the uranus person, there is something so unique about the 1st house person. The 1st house person may inspire the uranus person to make changes in their life & be more rebellious than usual. The uranus person can find this relationship to be a catalyst for life-changing experiences.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the uranus person’s eyes: pure rebellion & one of a kind
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: The 1st house person feels a sense of freedom around the uranus person, like they are free to let go of restricting beliefs. The two together inspire positive change to release the old versions of themselves. It can be uncomfortable sometimes to embrace change, but as they accept it they learn it’s for positive growth.
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✨ Neptune in the 1st House: “I love your soft & dreaminess.”
“You in my dreams that's why I sleep all the time. Just to hear you say I love you, just to touch you, just to leave you behind” - Cinderella by Mac Miller
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The neptune person will fall head over heels for the 1st house person, they seem like a dream to them. However, it is important to note that sometimes how the neptune person sees the 1st house person is more of a fantasy than reality. There is an emotional & spiritual closeness between the two, the neptune person will feel like their connection is a fairytale.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the neptune person’s eyes: pure fantasy & dream girl/guy
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: The 1st house person feels like the neptune person understands them & there is an ease of compassion between them. From the start, it feels like a fairytale connection, birds chirping & all. It is important that along with the beautiful dreaminess the neptune person sees in them, they always stay true to themselves.
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✨ Pluto in the 1st House: “I love your intensity.”
“Call me crazy, we can both be insane. A fatal attraction is common. And what we have common is pain” - Poetic Justice by Kendrick Lamar
how the planet person feels about the 1st house person: The pluto person will feel magnetically drawn to the 1st house person, there’s a powerful energy between them. There is likely a sexual attraction between them, it can feel all-consuming & addicting. It is likely that not only will there be a sense of intense attraction, but the pluto person will also experience transformative change to the deepest (possibly hidden) parts of themselves.
**the embodiment of the 1st house person in the pluto person’s eyes: pure rawness & magnetism
how the 1st house person feels about the planet person: From the moment they meet the pluto person, the 1st house person will feel the intensity between them. Although the depth can be intoxicating, it will also start a transformative change within the 1st house person that may be a little painful. Overall, who the 1st house person was before they met the pluto person will completely change once these two cross paths.
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🩶 instagram: @dredivinecreates 🩶
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cthonic-bunny · 1 year ago
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2. Personal Synastry and Composite Experiences and Observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Venus in 1H synastry: This one is full of compliments. You both love staring at each other, and telling the other how attractive they are. The house person can be the perfect example of what aesthetic the Venus person’s dream person would follow. The Venus person can try to embody that aesthetic more than they did before so they can show they are a good physical match for the house person. “You would look good with me.” Bonding over shared music taste(s). I think the Venus person will want to romance the house person even if that isn’t something they normally do. Venus could love how the 1H person displays their feminine side. Venus likes to ask for pictures and selfies from the house person, and can create a dynamic where you send one another photos regularly. The house person likes to look at photos from the Venus person to gush about what they look like, because they are also supremely attracted to Venus (I think Venus just has a more natural way of expressing that desire). Also as the house person who identifies as a woman, venus’ compliments and pursuit of me has made me feel more feminine than I ever have in a romantic dynamic. Even my mannerisms are coincidentally more feminine and gentle in Venus’ presence. Venus definitely increased my self esteem.
Mars in 1H synastry: I think you two could make very good gym partners together because you love each other’s bodies. Some people say this is a “s*x on the first date placement,” and I concur. You find each other sexy! You compliment each other’s physical appearance and bodies often, and very much so during the act. The Mars person is very very direct with the house person that it’s almost overwhelming or intimidating. Being the house person, I did often feel like they had just wanted me for my body or that’s what they found to be the most interesting part about me until the interaction progressed. If there aren’t other good “soft and sweet” placements in the synastry chart or in the composite, this could be a pretty annoying placement. The Mars person did admit to me that they would bring up sex or something that would irritate me just to get a reaction because they didn’t know if they stimulate me outside of those vibes. If you’re in a relationship with someone else, or show interest in other people, the Mars person can want to fight your partner so they can be the one next to you LOL. This placement also involves a lot of staring. Being touched, even regularly, by Mars turned me on more than other people ever touching me the same way even if I liked them. Mars can love to grab the house person’s face a lot during sex. Maybe for some people who are into it, Mars can want to consensually slap the house person during sex. The Mars will like to be publicly “disrespectful” about you, because they want to mark you as theirs or will for real fight for you. They can see you as someone they want to protect, or you trigger some protective instinct. They might be a lot more physically stronger than you. Sending each other pictures of your body’s changes. You both like how the other defends themselves or bond over your argumentative or aggressive sides. As the house person with the Mars person being a man, I find his masculinity so attractive it hurts. He has slowly changed my perception on what I want a man to look like 😩
Sun in 11H synastry/composite: You guys get along almost immediately. This is a low maintenance friendship, because the vibes make up for all the times you don’t see each other. You just like how the other one approaches friendship. Very open-minded. Probably met through mutual friends, and these friends probably didn’t immediately notice certain similarities you have to one another. Once they see you guys link though, they can be surprised they never noticed it before. You guys may have automatically assumed, even if flirting was involved, that this interaction would remain generally platonic more than anything. People who are not in your friend group can also notice you two becoming friends immediately, because for some reason it stood out. As the sun person, I really liked listening to the house person’s dreams. Hearing the house person speak about how they handle their interpersonal relationships made me value my boundaries more and reminded me to focus more on myself than giving too much of my energy to other people. Essentially you can help each other dismiss certain people pleasing tendencies in one another. You don’t have to try to please one another either, your authentic self is enough to give each other pleasure. A natural sense of familiarity between you two. It’s funny hearing about each other’s quirks. You are encouraged to show your eccentricities around one another. Instant bestie vibes! You can feel like evil twins together in some cases LOL
Venus in 11H synastry: Honestly, in some cases, I feel like you may have met this person because they were previously involved with a friend or ex-friend. The friend you’re attracted to, but don’t need to pursue because you also get the same joys and benefits from your friendship. Friends with benefits. Friends to lovers. You may have started dating or flirting online for a while before meeting. I think this is another sign of shared music taste and interests. As the Venus person, I first grew some sort of interest because the house person posted a video of themselves online playing guitar and I found that super attractive. Maybe the Venus person can be an online supporter or promoter of the house person’s creative outlets. Never meeting in person but having a lot of the same mutuals you both know in real life, and then meeting in person later on by yourselves, maybe in a “date” setting.
Moon in 9H synastry: Here, the house person can introduce the moon person to different religions, or likes to talk about religion with the moon person. The house person can held guide the moon person on the importance of higher education or on the acquisition of knowledge. Long distance relationship. Wanting to be together but you somehow met once you two no longer lived in the same city. The moon person can feel like the house person is one of the smartest people they have met, and can feel somewhat intimidated by the house person because of it. You two can feel really free in one another’s presence. You can talk about anything. You two can turn casual conversation into something philosophical together. Sharing your personal philosophies with one another. Having drastically different life circumstances that have shaped you, but also having some foundational similarities. The moon person might be contradictory to the house person’s beliefs, but this can just stretch curiosity. It can also make the house person analyze different gaps in their previous opinions on certain organizations or institutions. Disagreements on certain topics doesn’t seem to escalate into arguments, but rather into informed discussions. Feeling out of reach to one another. I have seen a post referencing how the moon person can feel like the house person is out of their league, and I think this can stem from, in some cases, not being intelligent or well-rounded enough to stimulate the house person long term. This can just be a feeling and not at all be the case, because the house person learns a lot more from the moon than the moon realizes. You guys can spark the other’s adventurous side. You guys maybe only get to meet while the other is vacationing in your area. The Moon person can unconsciously inspire the house person to teach others about their speciality, such as getting you into blogging about an interest you talked to them about.
Composite Virgo Mars: Having to schedule when you two can have sex (maybe it’s long distance for a period of time). Arguments aren’t aggressive, but rather a hyper-analytical discussion that can be equally as irritating. Cleaning each other after sex. Being attracted to the other person abdominal area. When you guys start taking action towards advancing your connection, you stop eating out of nervousness. Maybe your fights stem from making one another nervous rather than a real issue itself. Bickering when you’re not with one another more so than when you’re in person. Having high expectations of one another once you become intimate partners. Wanting to come off as perfect for the other. Being extremely attentive with one another and immediately responding to any shift in energy because it can make you nervous. Really wanting to know what the other person is thinking and feeling in times of silence or during sex. Different sources have made this placement out to seem “sexually repressed,” but that is not always the case. Maybe circumstances can suppress the frequency they get to go at it, but if time permitted it could be on sight all the time. Not wanting to do anything that upsets the other or makes them uncomfortable, so lots of checking in on each other during the act to see if it’s mutually enjoyable and adapt accordingly. After sex with this person you might get extremely productive in your own personal life! Their presence in your life encourages you to get your life together and not be “messy.”
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cyberclouddream · 5 months ago
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First House Overlay: what people identify with within you and how you can guide each other. Also includes the angles, Chiron, and BM Lilith :)
Sun in your First House
They identify with your confidence and ego, even if you may struggle with those things. They see you as a version of themselves they either admire or want to be. You radiate traits they think are worth showing off. You’re the type of person that’s difficult for them not to notice, because they may see you as commanding or vibrant. You’re akin to the living embodiment of their self-image, which is why they feel so drawn to you or feel the need to compete with you.
They tend to listen to you on advice about confidence and self-expression. They can help you when it comes to being your true self and owning your strengths.
Moon in your First House
They resonate with your emotions and sensitivities, whether you’re emotionally stable or a total wreck. They connect with how you feel and how you show vulnerability. You become a mirror of their own emotional responses, and they latch onto your moods like they’re their own. Whether they’re drawn to your sensitivity or repelled by your emotional baggage, they can’t help but identify with how you wear your feelings on your sleeve.
You can help them navigate their feelings by sharing your insights on vulnerability and emotional health. They can offer you a deeper understanding of your own feelings and provide emotional support well.
Mercury in your First House
They identify with the way you think and communicate. You’re someone whose thoughts reflect their own mental processes, making you seem relatable, witty, or just intellectually inclined to them. They see you as someone who think in the same way as they do. They see themselves in how you process and share ideas, even if you’re the type to constantly talk over them.
You help guide them when it comes to effective communication and thinking critically. They tend to challenge your ideas and introduce fresh perspectives to enhance your understanding of things.
Venus in the First House
You reflect the type of charm and beauty they value. They recognize you in the traits they love about themselves or want in others, like your charm, style, or allure. They can’t help but identify with how you express love, pleasure, or maybe you just look good to them no matter what. You embody their ideals of attraction, which is why they either fall for you or get envious.
You can help refine their tastes in love and aesthetics by sharing your opinions on relationships. They can teach you about emotional connections and the depth you often ignore.
Mars in the First House
They see their own drive, aggression, or sexual energy in you. They identify with your ability to take action or pick a fight. They connect with your raw energy and ambition, almost like you’re the manifestation of their own internal fire. They might see you as a fellow warrior for what they advocate for, or just someone whose energy reflects their own inner battles.
You can motivate them to be bold and assertive in pursuing their ambitions. They can inspire you to take risks based on their unique approaches to action and ambition.
Jupiter in the First House
They identify with your optimism, ambition, or philosophies. You come across as someone who reflects their desire for growth and expansion, whether that’s in wealth, wisdom, or lifestyle choices. They see you in the qualities that make them feel optimistic about life, like a reflection of their higher-minded aspirations. You embody the “go big or go home” attitude they wish to live by.
You help give them a reality check on growth and opportunities. They can provide you with goods ideas based on your potential.
Saturn in the First House
They identify with your sense of responsibility and control. You’re a walking reminder of what they value in terms of discipline, endurance, and hard work. They see a bit of their own caution and realism in how you handle yourself. They resonate with your type of structured, no-nonsense approach to life.
You can help hammer some discipline and responsibility into their lives. They tend to give you the tough love you need to commit and stick to your goals.
Ascendant in the First House
They identify with the way you present yourself to the world. It’s like looking into a mirror for them; your overall appearance, attitude, and how you come off at first glance matches what they either already are or want to be. You represent and idealized version if how they wish to be perceived.
You can help them polish their image and how they come off to others, and vice versa.
Midheaven in the First House
They see you as the kind of public image or success they want for themselves. Your career path, reputation, and goals hit home for them, they’re what they either align with or aspire towards. They look at you and see a reflection of the status they crave or the recognition they think they deserve.
You can teach them how to present themselves publicly or professional and own the room. They can make you rethink how you come across in your own career.
Imum Coeli (IC) in the First House
They identify with your private self, like your roots, family life, or emotional foundation. You bring out a reflection of their own home life or inner child. You feel familiar, maybe even like home to them. Whether it’s your emotional depth or the way you handle your past, they resonate with how you embody the most hidden parts of who they are at their core.
You can help them create a stable emotional base. They can offer you hard truths about your own roots and family drama.
Descendant in the First House
They identify with your approach to relationships and partnerships. You reflect the traits they want in a partner or the qualities they value in one-on-one dynamics. You’re a living version of what they think a good relationship looks like, and they see you in the traits they either seek in others or want to cultivate themselves. It’s almost like you mirror back their ideal relationship blueprint.
You tend to give them solid advice on relationships and partnerships. They can give you insight onto what true connection looks like.
North Node/Rahu in the First House
They identify with the future potential they see in you. You embody the qualities they’re striving towards, the lessons they need to learn in this life. They see you as someone who’s on the path they aspire to walk, whether that’s spiritual growth, career success, or personal evolution. You’re like a guidepost for where they need to head.
You can help them by sharing your growth experiences that resonate with their journey. They can help make you aware of goals you need to chase and focus on, like goals you’re too afraid to chase.
South Node/Ketu in the First House
They identify with your past, your ingrained habits, and your familiar patterns. They resonate with you because you remind them of where they’ve been or the lessons they’ve already learned. You represent a comfort zone for them, someone who reflects the easy paths of life. You’re a mirror of the habits they need to let go if but still feel connected to.
You can help them break free from their old habits. They can help remind you of the lessons you need to learn from your own mistakes.
Black Moon Lilith in the First House
They identify with your raw, unapologetic, and sometimes rebellious side. You embody the qualities they suppress in themselves, the untamed, instinctual, or taboo parts of human nature. They see a reflection of their own wildness or desires that are usually kept under wraps. You remind them of the parts of themselves that society doesn’t approve of, but they secretly crave to express. You reflect the shadow side of their nature that they might both fear and be drawn to.
You can push them to embrace their wild side and own their desires. They can help you confront your shadow self and understand your darker instincts.
Chiron in the First House
They identify with your wounds and the way you carry your pain. You reflect back to them their own vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and healing journey. They see you in the scars they themselves are grappling with, whether that’s emotional trauma, insecurities, or a sense of inadequacy. They see parts of themselves in your suffering or your attempts to overcome it.
You can share your healing tricks and how to deal with vulnerability. They’ll provide insights on pain that can help you in your own healing journey.
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bouquetface · 8 months ago
Use discernment. Sending hate will get you blocked. Asking questions or having different opinions will not.
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aphrodeiities · 6 months ago
ᴘʟᴜᴛᴏ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ꜱʏɴᴀꜱᴛʀʏ
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♇ pluto person is likely the one that has the most power within the connection.
♇ can make a drastic change to the house person's life.
♇ pluto person can bring money and attention to the house person. pluto is one of the planets that rules over finances/money.
♇ pluto person can feel entitled towards the house person, especially with the type of aspects the pluto planet makes to the house person's chart. and this could cause them to become controlling, wanting to have a say about everything of the house person's life.
♇ can also mean pluto person can be sexually dominant to the house person, could feel turned on/horny by the house person's confidence.
♇ as pluto is one of the strongest influential planets, this overlay can insinuate that they could influence the house person a lot. like if they jump, house person would jump.
♇ though, this can go in a good way where the pluto person can see the potential the house person has, could want to manage them.
♇ could think the house person is very complex, has deep stories to them.
♇ the pluto person could help motivate the house person and make them more aware of themselves.
♇ could want to spoil the house person and can be a big indicator of sugar daddy/baby.
♇ could feel a mystical connection with the house person, could feel a soul deep connection.
♇ the pluto person can also want to know everything about the house person, could be a potential stalker.
♇ the house person would find the pluto person to be very intimidating.
♇ could feel aroused by the pluto person, might sexualise them a lot and would want to be dominated by them.
♇ is an indicator of being obsessed with the pluto person.
♇ though could find the pluto person to be unsettling, like the house person could feel like the pluto person can read through them, the house person.
♇ can make great business partners.
♇ might think that the pluto person is envious or possessive over them.
♇ the house person might want to use the planet person for their own benefits, like if they're a popular person, they would want to attach themselves onto them.
♇ depending on the aspects of the chart, and the individual's chart, there is an indicator of power struggles.
♇ though, with good aspects, the house person could be motivated by the planet person.
♇ the house person could feel like the planet person is over-bearing.
♇ could feel like the planet person is controlling as well.
♇ the first house native could even feel paranoid about the planet person, could feel intimidated or could feel them stalking them.
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pluto in synastry masterlist
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sastrology · 2 years ago
venus through the houses: synastry
part 1/2
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Venus in the first house + pos aspected is a great placement to have romantically, but it's not a deep indicator of love. The closer Venus is to the House's ascendant, the stronger this is felt. The Venus person will find the House person very appealing and will love being around them and getting the chance to show them off. They're likely to be the "ideal" of the Venus person. The House person in turn feels more confident when they're around the Venus person due to being placed on a pedestal. If the House person is naturally inclined to more insecure tendencies, they can feel seen for the first time. It can feel refreshing for the House person to not feel the need to try so hard to be accepted as the Venus person will be blinded from the negative sides of the House person.
Negatively aspected we see the possibility of one trying to change the other. Venus may find the House person to be close to their ideal but not quite. If the House person has an empty first house natally, they may try to mold them or only like them for superficial reasons. They may not like the way the House person comes off to the general public. Depending on the House person's chart they may change parts of themselves without even realizing it or begin to resent Venus. They may feel as though they have to be presentable at all times for the acceptance of Venus which can grow tiring.
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Venus in the 2nd house + pos aspected shows two people who feel very secure with one another. This can be a very sensual position for Venus if other aspects allow. It can be a very "we" centered position where both parties take into account the other person. Venus can help the House person realize their value, and turn that value into something tangible which makes them feel more confident. They both may shower each other with gifts. They may love the finer things in life, the same vintage wine, the best restaurant in town, etc. At its best Venus will feel highly valued by the House person and be a key to unlocking new doors.
Negatively aspected, The House person may feel taken for granted, or as though they have to bail the Venus person out of situations a lot. The Venus person may not value the House very much, or see them as a tool rather than a person. The House person may find that the Venus person asks for too much, or feels too entitled to them. It can turn pretty possessive at times with both parties somehow feeling entitled to the other or as though they owe them something.
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Venus in the 3rd house + pos aspected can be a dream for the communication between two people when it comes to matters of the heart. They may speak very politely to one another, and try to speak kindly. This is especially true if Venus is positively aspecting Mercury. Venus will find the way the House person communicates to be very attractive and find them to have a pleasing voice in general. The energy is very light-hearted and easy. Venus may fall in love with the way the House person's mind works. While not a necessarily romantic placement, for those who are Mercury dominant, this can be intoxicating. Venus could even write the House person love letters. The House person may encourage the Venus person to speak more freely and openly. They may love reading poetry together or books. Both will love absorbing information to talk to the other person about.
Negatively aspected, we can see all sorts of issues arising with communication in general. Neither party feeling able to openly speak with the other can start a breeding ground of insecurity and gossip. Verbal altercations will feel uncomfortable, so Venus will turn away from them and gloss them over. Over time like paint on a vehicle, they will chip away at each other without ever openly getting to the root of the issue. Mind games and a "he said she said" mentality may feel frequent.
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Venus in the 4th house + pos aspected can be quite romantic. The Venus person may finally feel "home" in a sense with the House person. They may see the House person as the ideal when it comes to a mate to build a family with, especially if they are Cancer dominant. Venus may effortlessly fit into the House person's home and family. The two may have been childhood friends. The House person may have an easy time relating to the childhood of the Venus person and have grown up themselves in a similar way. This can create a deep bond between two people that is usually quite devoted. Regardless of what the definition of home is to them, they'll find it with each other.
Negatively aspected can show a great deal of hesitancy. Venus may have a lot of walls up around the House person. They may not get along with the House person's family or have different ideals of what home and family mean to them. Or they may not enjoy living with each other in general, with constant disagreements on how things in the home need to be handled. Conflicting traditions. Moods between the two may fluctuate greatly and there can be a sense of instability.
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Venus in the 5th house + pos aspected can be a lot of fun. The two may have more fun with each other than they have with people in the past. Romance and fun go hand and hand when the two are around each other. Venus may look forward to dates with the House person in fervent excitement. The sexual tension here can be strong. This can be a very rewarding overlay for two people. Venus will never grow tired of what the House person has planned for them, and the love built can be very enduring. Venus may be possessive of the House person but instead of it feeling toxic, they'll find it to be a show of love. The two may find they ignore other obligations when they're with each other as they have trouble thinking of other things. What is most enticing here is the amount of loyalty it creates.
Negatively aspected, the two may still share a lot of the excitement and buzz created by the positive aspects. If negative aspects are to be seen it's due to the natural possessiveness this can create. Venus may feel as though the 5th house person is their person and have trouble sharing them with others. The relationship may also be too pleasure-driven and indulgent. Venus could also have a hard time relaxing around the House person. If they have children, they could have disagreements revolving around them.
disclaimer: I am not an astrologer, this is based on my observations, research, and astrology books. Please look at the whole synastry chart for more information, and pay close attention to the signs this plays out in.
PLEASE do not steal my posts word for word, if you do please credit me.
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littwlnettle · 2 years ago
Random Relationship Astrology Notes
Composite north node seems to be SO significant when determining how a relationship will play out.
Composite NN in the 11th house: may have met through mutual friends. Those friends may be very influential in the relationship, like they helped bring the two people together or they could play a role in why they separate, depending on aspects, like harsh Saturn or conjunct Chiron. Could also be two people who are around other friends all the time.
Composite NN in the 10th house: may have met at work, through coworkers. They work well together and have similar career goals. Probably at least met in public somewhere vs in private. If romantic, the couple naturally sees their future together in the same light.
Composite Chiron conjunct North Node: lots of pain endured together as a couple, could have a very bad and painful break up. Healing after the breakup could take longer than normal, there could be a desire to go back to each other repeatedly to finish the “wound/healing” cycle that is Chiron. The house placement will show what area this will take place within the relationship.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like mercury in the 1st house overlay in a synastry chart. I actually don’t find very many first house overlays to be super attractive but that’s just me and my nature. With mercury here, the mercury person can come across as being VERY nit-picky and CRITICAL about the house/ascendant person. This is more prominent if mercury is on the ascendant. I have seen this twice, and it was the same in both instances. The mercury person would often make comments on the house persons appearance, likes/dislikes, mannerisms, just everything about them. Lol. Not a good synastry placement in my books. The “good” side is that the house person makes the mercury person feel very comfortable expressing their thoughts(but it’s also why they say things abt the house person that should be left unsaid). Also, the mercury person is usually more talkative. This can cause the house/ascendant person to feel unheard at times. It can feel very unbalanced and even physically draining for the house person.
Mercury in the 8th house synastry overlay can cause the house person to feel way too vulnerable. The mercury person could pry too much and ask too many questions, especially if they aren’t used to this type of energy in synastry. They want to know everything, I mean everything about the house person. They get annoyed if they can’t get the information they want. If this is a romantic relationship, you might see the mercury person secretly going through the house persons phone or belongings. This extreme manifestation is usually if mercury is negatively aspected in the natal chart or if there are other aspects indicating immaturity. If well aspected, the mercury person could be able to understand the house person very well, they know what makes them tic, they know what makes them happy, they know exactly how they’ll react to things. And they use this knowledge to deepen their bond and intimacy with their partner, instead of holding it against them.
One first house synastry overlay I do find attractive is Venus in their partner’s first house. The Venus person loves the way the house/ascendant person interacts with the world. Even if it’s not normally their nature, the house person feels “soft” around Venus. And this is reciprocated with Venus feeling comfortable expressing their true loving nature to the house person. Venus here helps create more balance and harmony in the first house which is associated with Aries, vs a critical mercury or an assertive mars.
Also an unpopular opinion: I do find first house planets in the composite to be very rewarding for the couple vs synastry where it can feel unbalanced. I’ve hardly ever read good things about the composite first house. But the composite is a combined chart. Not how one person feels towards the other. It is just how the relationship is. So having planets here in the composite can make the relationship just feel… good and natural. Sun here is especially great. Like they can truly be themselves around each other and around everyone else. Mercury here isn’t as critical and much less unbalanced since it’s a “merging” of the two birth charts.
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blackmoonh13 · 7 months ago
Im so disappointing with Venus in first house in synastry i have this with my brother im the house he is the Venus he constantly make me feel bad with my apparence he don’t like the way i dress , makeup everything’s due with my feminity he don’t like he compare me with other women and down my confidence i tought this synastry will mean that the Venus love the apparence of the house but there this is not the case
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astrologicalsstuff · 28 days ago
There’s nothing like that feeling when the moon transits from your 12th house to your first.😇
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flodeshe · 9 months ago
Hello what do you think about Venus, Saturn and sun in 1st house synastry ( I’m the house person and he’s the planet) thank you if you answer
Hi! (sorry for the time it took me to answer you (I had college exams!))I haven't experienced Saturn in 1st house synastry so I am sorry but I couldn't tell you about it however I did have Venus and Sun in 1st synastry with two different people.
Reminder : I am not a professional astrologer and this is just based on my experience. Thank you.
Let's start with Venus : I had a big crush on this boy he was the Venus person. I felt very attracted to him physically speaking ( I also liked his personnality he was a nice guy, intelligent I also liked his laugh but that's not the subject here oops). So his Venus fell in my 1st house and as I said, I thought he was beautiful because of the way he carried himself and the energy he exudes when he is a room. I know there's questionning about whether it's the Venus or house person that feels the attraction more and honestly I don't know because I never knew if he found me attractive or not and I haven't experienced this placement as being the Venus person. So I think Venus in 1st house synastry is great (of course it depends of the people involved) but you gotta be careful because it can lead to disappointement : one of the person might idealize the other without knowing who they really are. Now with Sun : My friend has his Sun in my first house and when we met I felt comfortable around him because we have similar sense of humor. Also it's funny because we are both mixed race and share similar ethnicities. That's a big short, but I hope it helps you! Have a nice day 💕
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solsagitario · 1 year ago
someone else's moon falling in your 12th house is no joke because i only just started talking to this person a few days ago and they appeared in my dream today
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rucow · 11 months ago
this year i am experiencing having someone's mars (and chiron) in my 8H, and im going absolutely feral over them, like. im insane. ive lost whatever inhibitions i used to have. i am free and wild 🩷
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cthonic-bunny · 1 year ago
Hey babe can you do a composite / synastry observation on Pisces mars in the 5 h composite and 1st h Lilith synastry if you are familiar, I appreciate your posts .
Pisces Mars in 5th House of the Composite Chart and Synastry of Lilith in Partner’s First House
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Oooo I like this combo 👀 I’ve never experienced either, but I would like to!
For Pisces Mars in a composite chart, I feel like this is a placement where you two don’t have to talk too much to understand the other. Perhaps you’re not a very confrontational couple, and prefer to ignore the severity of certain issues to maintain the dreaminess of your relationship. In the 5th house, I’d say maybe you guys are always doing something fulfilling that you can submerse yourselves in. You probably both love to stay to yourselves and have more fun together than with others, so you two can become very introverted together. I imagine you guys come off as the “quiet” couple, but they just might not get the butterflies that can be felt with just so little words. I feel like this is also a couple that loves to watch movies together, probably likes to smoke or do drugs together, get involved in spirituality together and maybe do rituals almost as a date, and loves to transcend to music together. I think going out to art and science museums might be a great date together. Even if the sex is casual I feel like it can still feel very spiritual and you can just go straight into doing whatever else you need to do even though you just spiritually transcended LOL. I think you guys can try out a lot of things with little to no judgement with one another, because whatever flows just flows. Painting on the beach would be a nice date for you guys. I feel like you guys can also encourage mutable styles with one another, and can be known as a more alternative couple in some way. I feel like there’s a lot of sweetness and acceptance here.
For Lilith in 1st house synastry, i think one of you might have a personal style that is different than others, and this could’ve pulled the other one in like a magnet (I feel like Lilith is the one who loves how the house person expresses themselves). I feel like Lilith instantly found the house to be their ideal “bad girl/bad guy” match, or that they look like they could be even if they are sweet. I think Lilith would encourage the house person to express themselves in a way they never have before without caring about what other people think. The house person may not have understood the sexual appeal they naturally ooze, or the extent of it, until Lilith pointed it out. For some reason I feel like Lilith might encourage the house person to get more piercings and tattoos. I feel like Lilith would love to show off how they pulled the house person, and loves to present them to whoever. They might love how scandalous you guys might appear together, especially because of your appearances. I feel like this is a couple people can look at instantly just tell they get down like that. I would love to see the outfits you guys pull out when you guys are going out together. This is the couple that is NOTICED when you go out together and can look like you guys get into trouble together even if you don’t. I feel like Lilith likes the world to know the house person is THEIRS and theirs only. The house problem probably finds the stimulation from the Lilith person to be extremely motivating and liberating. I feel like the house person can undergo a lot of changes in this interaction and grow in ways they didn’t expect to, because with newfound freedom in expressions comes a lot of self discovery that they can keep with them even after the relationship. Lilith might teach the house person how to, subconsciously or not, to be more assertive and not come off as someone to be messed around with or walked all over. With a poorly aspected Lilith, i think maybe lilith can be perceived as the house person’s “downfall,” or someone who led them down a worse path than what was originally expected of the house person. The attraction to one another here sounds so enticing.
All in all, I feel like you two can find a lot of freedom in your self expressions together, and there is no judgment in exploring and changing how you express yourself on a day to day basis in whatever respect it may be. This sounds fun.
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saylessastrology · 2 years ago
Synastry Houses: 1st House
In synastry astrology, the 1st house represents the self, identity, and how an we represent ourselves to the world. When examining the 1st house in a synastry chart, it provides insights into how two individuals perceive and relate to each other on a personal level. Here's an overview of the significance of the 1st house in synastry:
First Impressions: The 1st house is associated with first impressions and how we project ourselves. When someone's planets or points fall in our 1st house, we may feel an immediate connection or attraction to them. Their presence may influence how we express ourselves and how others perceive us.
Physical Attraction: The 1st house also relates to physical appearance and how individuals are physically drawn to each other. When there is a strong synastry aspect involving planets or points in the 1st house, there can be a potent physical attraction between the individuals. They may find each other visually appealing and feel a strong magnetic pull.
Mutual Understanding: When there are harmonious aspects between planets in the 1st house of one person's chart and the other person's planets, there is often a sense of understanding and compatibility at a fundamental level. They may share similar values, attitudes, or ways of expressing themselves, which can create a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Self-Expression and Personal Growth: Interactions between the 1st house of one person and significant planets or points in the other person's chart can have a profound impact on self-expression and personal growth. The individual with planets in their 1st house may feel encouraged to explore new facets of their personality or develop a greater sense of self-confidence through the influence of the other person's energies.
Mutual Influence: Planets or points in the 1st house of each individual can influence each other's behavior and self-perception. This can manifest as adopting certain traits, taking on the other person's characteristics, or being inspired to make personal changes. The exchange of energies can be reciprocal, leading to personal growth and development for both individuals.
It's important to remember that the entire birth chart and other aspects in synastry should be taken into account to gain a better understanding of the relationship itself.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 years ago
8th house synastry with family and friends can show that their is a spiritual connection between you two and that it surpasses the norm that everyone is in.
It could show up as you knowing each others secrets before telling one another. You knowing a side of them that nobody else gets to see. This can turn pretty dramatic because not many want you in that house ESPECIALLY if youre not their lover (and even then they might not want them seeing them in that way either) so you guys will fight a lot because one person knows too much about the other and this placement loves to hide.
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aphrodeiities · 7 months ago
ɴᴇᴘᴛᴜɴᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ꜱʏɴᴀꜱᴛʀʏ
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♇ neptune person would look very beautiful to the house person, could embody what the first house person wants to be.
♇ neptune person might keep up with fake appearances. to make themselves appear better than who they actually are. indicator of white lies.
♇ neptune person will be able to see through house person.
♇ due to how the house person could idolise the neptune person, this could make the neptune person think that the house native is an easy target to manipulate.
♇ depending what else are in the synastry, neptune person might've not recognised or noticed house person at first.
♇ could live far from the house person.
♇ both of them might've met each other overseas.
♇ could be someone important for the first house person, could be a celebrity or soul-mate.
♇ however, neptune person might get addicted to the house person, could want to copy their lives.
♇ neptune person could do a lot for the house person, like a least extreme version of romeon and juliet. dying for the other person or making a lot of sacrifices.
♇ could have a saviour complex with the house person.
♇ could find the house native to be a form of escapism.
♇ the house person could think the neptune person is everything they want to be.
♇ if house person doesnt has a sense of self, they could be someone who worships and idolises everything the neptune person does.
♇ the house native could put the planet person on a pedestal, other people might wonder what they see in them.
♇ house person could get dreams of the neptune person, could even spy on them.
♇ like i said prior, if house person doesnt have a sense of self, they could start copying everything of the neptune person as neptune rules over glamour and beauty.
♇ however, this can also lean onto house native finding the planet person to be their muse.
♇ on one hand, this synastry overlay can bring insecurities, and if they're not a developed or healed person, they could project these insecurities onto neptune person.
♇ house person could see so much potential in neptune person, like who and what they can be.
♇ could be a fated/spiritual connection, either way a lesson is going to come out from this.
♇ could be a distant connection, house native could be confused by planet person, what's their intentions and motives. could make house person paranoid.
♇ and if the house person lacks discernment, they can be easily manipulated.
♇ as neptune rules far away trips from home, the two of them could travel with each other and even do drugs with each other.
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synastry masterlist
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