#the first half was written when I downed two cans of wine so yeah lolz
linpunny · 4 years
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Pocky game
‘Just a taste…’Mc brought the mixing spoon to their lips and indulged in the sweet taste of the warm chocolate mix.  “Its perfect!!” They exclaimed happily.’ Just a few more mixes and it should be ready to be put into the molds.’ Without thinking they licked the spoon and mixed the paste a few more times before starting to pour the mixture into the molds. The molds consisted of varying traditional Devildom valentines shaped designs. Hearts, bats, skulls, three legged crows and of course Ruri-chan and Azuki-tan from The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl anime. (courtesy of Levi.) “Oi MC pass the bowl over here will ya!” Mammon shouted. The demon brothers and MC continued to pour the mix into the molds completely unaware that the chocolate had already been enchanted by MC’s lips. An indirect kiss. Thus, the Chocolate Incident begins. Will the brothers be able to restrain themselves from the overpowering feelings of love for MC? Or will they fall head over heels for MC?
A/N: I was more than just a little disappointed that there were no sexy demon kisses in the event. I sparked inspiration after reading @sevensins-stuff post for their genius interpretation of how the event SHOULD have gone. The idea was there, and the story line could have been something romantic but ya know… lolz. The backstory belongs to Sevensins-stuff, I’m just writing fics based off their idea. Please enjoy!  Inspiration from the Chocolate Incident Pop Quiz SSR Mammon card “Too Sweet to Be True” unlocked devils flower. 
Warnings: None
word count: 1004
               “Mammon! Wait! Don’t take any chocolate yet.” MC raised an eyebrow at the greedy demon who was already stuffing various chocolates into individual bags and heart shaped boxes. “Why the hell not MC? What good is all this chocolate doin’ just sitting here. Sides’ I can make a huge profit off this stuff.” Mammon shot MC a toothy grin, his signature shades hiding the true intentions from the perfect little human who was prancing around the kitchen. Mammon went over the plan in his head again, ‘Kiss the chocolate. Ask MC to taste it. Make MC fall so hopelessly in love with THE GREAT Mammon that they forget my stupid brothers even exist. Its full proof. The Great Mammon is a genius. ’ This might be harder than he thought though, he was feeling a little guilty for trying to trick his human into falling in love with him. He ruffled his messy white hair in frustration, unsure if he would actually be able to give them his enchanted chocolates. 
Mammon wanted MC to fall in love with him just as naturally as he had. Everyone in Devildom knew he was not too fond of the human exchange student at first. They were a hassle and he hated that Lucifer had put him in charge of watching over someone so fragile. What good would come from him being involved with a human? Despite how much he tried to resist and deny his feelings it was hopeless. MC was now more important than Goldie, and all the Grimm in Devildom.
“MC, look there’s somethin’ I need to tell ya-“ He was cut off by MC waving a stick of homemade Pocky in his face, their eyes taunting him, “There’s a game we play in the human world with Pocky..wanna try it? I bet you’ll lose.” They teased and winked playfully at him. “You think you can win against the Great Mammon?? IN YOUR DREAMS MC. Ya do know who your talking to right?” He cocked an eyebrow at them and let his sunglasses fall down the bridge of his nose, revealing his haughty gaze. “Explain the rules and watch Mammon beat ya. Don’t go cryin to me when ya lose Human.” His words were laced with confidence as he laughed at MC.
Mammon’s confidence was now shattered into a million pieces as he stared down at MC with a stick of chocolate hanging from his lips, he could feel the heat from his face radiating as MC looked at him with those curious eyes. T-t-too close!!! He took a small nibble of the pocky, the sweet taste of chocolate melting in his mouth as he tried to muster the courage to continue the game. Suddenly every inch of Mammon’s body seemed to be on fire. His bones ached and it felt like his body was at war with his pounding heart. He felt lightheaded as he took another bite of the pocky, his mouth inching closer and closer to MC’s. Another bite. Another nibble. Another inch closer to him losing himself to the human who was teasing him with their lips. He couldn’t handle it anymore, the heat from his face was now spreading to his entire body.
“Tch.” Mammon bite down hard on the pocky and spit his end of the stick on the floor. MC staggered backwards but he grabbed for their wrist and pulled them closer to him. His eyes were like an ocean, strong and violent as the waves crashed and swelled within him. He brought their hand to his lips and brushed a few kisses against their knuckles , a low growl escaping from his throat as he proceeded to place gentle kisses on their fingertips, “MC, don’t ya know your driving me crazy over here…acting all innocent, teasing me with…” he dropped their hand and brushed a thumb against their lower lip “Your mouth…” His voice low and sultry as he planted a heated kiss on their soft lips. He moaned lowly as he his felt the hands of his precious human tangle in his hair, begging and pleading for more of the warmth that was washing over the two.  Greedily he licked and nibbled on their lips enjoying himself before sliding his tongue in their mouth, tasting every inch of them that he could.
He broke the kiss as the pair panted gazing into each other’s eyes, “You win this time human..” He mumbled as he went in for another kiss. 
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