#the fight with kylo in the snow is such a good example of this bc like. her initial reaction when finn is hurt is super emotional and sloppy
lightsiided · 1 year
truly the one thing she never grows out of is having an emotional reaction to things like
rey has such a temper and we see her get overwhelmed and react without thinking so many times. and once she can take a minute to take a breath and collect herself she does the right thing and it all works out but sometimes she can't get there
and for as much as she matures i think that's one thing she'll never be able to shake. her instincts are always to react physically because so much of the formative years of her life made that a necessity so she's always going to be the person who swings first
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obiwanobi · 4 years
All the sith obi-wan asks have led to a persistent daydream of mine where I basically repurposed the plot of the force awakens (the only somewhat good sequel) and made Anakin essentially be Rey and Obi-Wan is essentially Kylo Ren, but like. As a sith. And competent. Mostly for the drama of like fallen Jedi Obi-Wan being really hot but coming back to the light bc he met a hot twink who knows nothing about the force but is also really good at it. None of the plot follows anything from the force awakens except for the fight in the snow because that was 👀
.............hello, yes, I’m interested, it’s possible that I’ve downloaded and rewatched tfa just because of this ask because,,, the fight in the snow? with Obi-Wan and Anakin? and hot and clueless twink Anakin turning sith!Obi-Wan to the light? is such a good concept?
okay, so listen we’re going to discard most of the plot and only keep the cool things that could work with this idea, let’s GO:
So, Sith!Obi-Wan is the calm but cold Sith lord of the Force Order, looking for the last Jedi in the galaxy (is it Qui-Gon, his former master? or Yoda?) and captures Padmé, one of the symbols of the resistance, to get intel about his location.
Of course, the map he’s looking for is in the care of her loyal droid, Artoo, who’s currently running wild on Tatooine until he meets Anakin, and immediately makes him his new bff. They soon bump into Ahsoka, ex-stormtrooper who just completed her training but couldn’t go through her first real mission, who tried to rescue Padmé before leaving the Order, but thinks she died during their escape.
Things happen like in tfa, the First Order attacks and the A-Team (Anakin, Ahsoka and Artoo) flies away to a cantina owned by pirates and a certain Hondo on Takodana, and that’s when Anakin hears the call from the lightsaber of a Jedi, hidden in the vault there for years after Hondo inexplicably got his hands on it. The visions he gets after touching it are from his past, with his mother disappearing and never coming back, and also from the future, with violence and red sabers and death. He gets scared, and runs away without wanting any part of it.
Then the FO shows up again, and this time, Sith!Obi-Wan is here to see who is the boy who’s messing up his plans, and the traitor who helped Padmé escape. Obi-Wan only has to take one look at Anakin and understands that there’s something here in the Force, something that he can’t clearly see or understand, so after one very short fight and a rapid Force suggestion, Obi-Wan captures Anakin and brings him back to his ship.
Now, Obi-Wan isn’t Kylo Ren, he’s way more composed and pragmatic, and above all, fascinated by the potential of Anakin’s connection to the Force. So, he knows he’s supposed to dig into his mind, torture him, surely, to get the info he needs, and then kills him.
 He also really wants to test the limits of Anakin’s power. 
So he takes the time to play with his prey a bit, talks with him, (and, ah, the boy is angry and obstinate, he would make a great Sith,) walks the line between charming smiles and promises of painful consequences, nudges his mind to see how Anakin reacts. Anakin is untrained, and of course, doesn’t know anything about the Force, but... he could.
On a whim, just to satisfy his own curiosity, Obi-Wan starts talking about mind tricks, building his own walls around his mind, feeling the Force around, all the basics of Force 101.  
“It’s not that hard. Anyone who can concentrate for more than a second could do it,” he says to an oblivious Anakin who blinks multiple times because he has no idea why the guy who’s supposed to torture him is suddenly giving him a crash course on the Force. “For example, if I do this...—” Obi-Wan’s mind pokes him, “— picturing a durasteel wall or concentrating on pushing me out would at least make ransacking your mind a bit more difficult.”
Anakin takes a moment to understand what’s happening, and during that time, Obi-Wan thinks that it’s a hopeless cause, and really, what did he expect to happen.
But then there’s a new gleam in Anakin’s eyes, and when Obi-Wan tries to peak at Anakin’s memories of the droid again, he’s violently pushed back to his own mind. He’s impressed, but doesn’t have the time to be more delighted by this sudden development because suddenly Anakin is diving headfirst inside his own mind. 
“Don’t—” he tries to say, but Anakin is strong, and it has been so long since Obi-Wan had to protect himself against such intrusions, that it takes precious seconds to build strong enough shields to shove Anakin out of his mind. 
“You’re…. afraid,” Anakin says to him. “That you will never be strong enough for your master. That you’ll be replaced by someone better. Stronger.” 
Having his deepest fears being thrown at his face by a reckless idiot who didn’t even know what the Force was this morning, is… embarrassing, to say the least. The words are still ringing in his ears a few hours later when he’s standing in front of Sidious, and that’s probably why Obi-Wan casually forgets to mention that the boy has been captured. 
And also that he’s Force-sensitive. 
Sidious really doesn’t need to know.  
This time, he makes sure to build strong shields around his mind before entering the room where Anakin is kept again. And finds it empty. 
He should be angry. He should set off the alarm, and give the order to kill him on sight. But then he talks to the two stromtroopers guarding the corridor, and there is nothing that screams more like 'classic mind trick' than the soldiers looking at him all confused and lost, incapable of recalling what prompted them to release the prisoner. 
Obi-Wan should be furious. Instead, Obi-Wan turns on his heel, and opens himself fully to the Force to find the boy by himself. 
Yes, Obi-Wan should be furious. Instead, he’s almost fascinated by Anakin’s aptitude to learn so quickly. 
And then we get to the fight! in! the! snow! 
 So Ahsoka came to rescue Anakin, and now both of them are running from the FO base until Obi-Wan, who’s starting to get a bit annoyed that these kids just destroyed half of his base, puts himself on their way.
When Anakin tries to shoot him, he does Force-push him a bit too strongly and knock him out. Ahsoka screams at him, and he thinks that this couldn’t get any worse, because he now has in front of him: 1. A former stromtrooper who betrayed the Order and is ready to fight him, her former boss, 2. the same clueless togruta igniting the lightsaber that Obi-Wan can assert is his former master’s and where the hell did she get that, and 3. Clearly force-sensitive too, because this is the kind of day he’s having. 
So here he is, fighting a girl who doesn’t even know how to hold a lightsaber, asking himself why he couldn’t have a normal and boring night for once. It becomes a bit tiresome after a few seconds, and when the girl loses the lightsaber in the snow, he’s ready to end this whole thing and uses his former master’s saber to do it. So he stands above the unconscious girl laying down at his feet, and reaches for the weapon, hand raised towards it. 
The lightsaber doesn’t come. 
Obi-Wan’s day has now progressed from ‘bad’ to ‘this is the last time I let myself get distracted by a hot twink’.
He concentrates a bit more on the weapon, and it finally comes flying in the air. 
To Anakin’s hand. 
And Obi-Wan ‘gets turn on by proficiency’ Kenobi is, once again, and against his will, almost impressed.   
He loses a bit of respect for him when Anakin tries to fight him, because the boy has zero style and no finesse, and Obi-Wan can almost hear what Dooku would say about that. Anakin is just swinging the lightsaber like a maniac with anger issues, violently destroying more trees than necessary in the process. Surprisingly, he’s still not too terrible at it.
“You need a teacher,” Obi-Wan says, between their blades locked together. He’s not sure why he’s telling him that, but deep down, he knows that Sidious will end up knowing about Anakin, about how strong his connection to the Force is, and what a good apprentice he would make. Really, killing Anakin would solve most of his problems right now. So he’s almost surprised to hear himself say, “I can show you the way to the Force.” 
And Anakin hesitates. Until now, he’s always been inflexible about wanting nothing to do with the FO or Obi-Wan, but here, in the middle of the wood, alone and so close that only the buzzing of their sabers separates them, Anakin considers it. 
Obi-Wan can see it in his eyes, the hunger to know more, to learn, to become something, to be someone powerful and capable of protecting what he loves.
The boy wants. Fiercely, and almost violently. 
Then Anakin kicks him right in the chest. 
Obi-Wan falls down in the snow, surprised and breathless. The whole day has turned so bad that he’s now getting his ass kicked by a former slave with zero impulse control and no training. The thought is so ridiculous to him, that Obi-Wan laughs. A genuine and deep laugh. He can’t remember the last time it happened.
“Very good, Anakin,” he chuckles after a while, propping himself up on his elbows and brushing his hair away from his eyes to look at Anakin.
It’s a dark night, and the only lights around are from the distant base on fire and the Jedi’s lightsaber between Anakin’s hands, but Obi-Wan still sees it. Feels it. 
Anakin is flustered and blushing. And oh, that’s interesting. 
It doesn’t matter that Anakin only feels embarrassed in the Force and doesn’t even try to attack again while Obi-Wan is still lying down, breathing hard. Or that they both look at each other without saying anything for a bit too long, even when the whole planet is falling apart around them. Or that Anakin finally turns around to pick up Ahsoka and flee, and Obi-Wan doesn’t stop him. 
The only thing that matters is that before disappearing behind the trees, Anakin looks back at Obi-Wan.
And even brushes against him in the Force.  
So very interesting, Obi-Wan thinks, smiling widely, and lets his head fall back in the snow.  
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morethanonepage · 6 years
top 5 disastrous Poe headcanons
idk if this means “top five headcanons about poe that prove #star wars was a mistake” or “top five headcanons of poe being a disaster” so i’m going to do both lol even though i mostly don’t think poe is a disaster. 
The one about Poe being so ~breathy and sexual~ while being interrogated by Kylo Ren, which was a) a sign he was gay; b) a sign he was reckless and eager to get hurt; and c) bad gay representation bc of the above. god i still remember that post. it compared him to the natasha romanoff in The Avengers and not in a good way 
Intergalactic Man Whore Poe Dameron 
Intergalactic Manchild Idiot Poe Dameron
Poe “some of us are fly girls, Leia Organa and my mom are my role models” Dameron Hates Women In Command (thx rian)
Poe Dameron Is the Son Leia Organa Deserves to slap & knock out apparently
Poe Dameron, bird nerd, doesn’t know how to carry on normal conversations bc his dad is a quiet guy and Poe grew up on a ranch w/o a lot of contact with other kids so he just info dumps about ships & birds & other animals when he’s talking at all, but otherwise he’s actually p quiet. The shit talking/sassy brassy dude thing is a defense mechanism for when he’s trying to figure out how to get out of deep shit. 
Poe Dameron, eternal optimist, takes things SO ridiculously personally when someone he trusted betrays him but in a very internalized way where he mostly blames himself for being too trusting
Poe Dameron, best droid dad, has blown off plans with Black Squadron to hang out with BB8, possibly/probably bc it was BB8′s birthday. 
Poe Dameron falls in love rarely (he’s Too Busy focusing on, y’know, running a squadron and living up to the example his parents set and protecting the ideals they fought for) but when he does, he falls HARD. It’s embarrassing but he’s a total awkward nerd about it. 
Poe Dameron was most likely born & conceived on Hoth so in his head he’s like, connected to the idea of snow and ice planets and think they sound gr9, but he’s a Yavin IV boy where it’s always like 90 degrees and he’s never seen snow in his life, until he joins up with the New Republic Navy and gets stationed on some random ice planet and throws himself fully into the whole Snow Experience aka snowball fights, snowmen, drinking the space equivalent of hot cocoa, etc, etc.
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