#the fight scenes and their coordination... no......
wellcomeoneileen · 3 days
Why does Randy Harrison deserve compensation? What happened to him? You can DM me if it's not okay to be public
Hey! No it’s totally okay.
⚠️disclaimer - I am a NEW fan and so I am NOT the most informed at all. Other people like @brian-kinney-apologist like really know shit. I initially found things bc watching S4 made me go oh there is bts shit going on for sure and googled, and then when I got on tumblr I saw a bunch of posts talking about it, too.
Lots of older sources are harder to find now bc they didn’t do a digital preservation or the website is expired, but here is what I’ve found, from heated Advocate articles whilst the show aired and then from more measured reflections from podcasts around 2016.
Randy was young and it was his first TV show - when he started he didn’t even have an agent, and really didn’t know what he was getting into. He had done sex scenes on stage and thought that he was pretty prepared for what was to come.
However, he has stated he ended up feeling pretty objectified, such as hearing “we need more shots of Justin’s ass” regularly or expressing a desire to not to go-go dancing type scenes (King of Babylon upset him) and then even more go-go dancing being added (S2 Sap scenes). He was also told to act less gay by casting directors for the show, and to “try to be more butch because Justin isn’t out of the closet”
The show pre-dates intimacy coordinators and there have been allusions, including from the actresses Thea and Michelle, that the sex scenes could be uncomfortable to film.
There was BTS clashing, with producer Tony Jones !!reportedly!!! Saying that Randy was a bitch to work with and “showrunners” “reportedly” saying they would never work with Randy again. There are two interview clips, one from when the show was airing, and one from 2016, when CowLip say they wanted all actors to be comfortable on set, and in BOTH clips , like 15 years apart, Randy kinda like laugh/roll his eyes and Gale looks at him very bemusedly. They had bigger reactions in the ~2003 clip.
He was openly pretty angry as the show went on. He told the Advocate that he would never be friends with or respect Justin if real. He disapproved of the Britin relationship. He said he had to fight to include the scene of Justin topping Brian, which was very important to him. Leading into season 5 he stated he hoped Justin was killed off by getting hit by a truck (obviously being glib, but like he was mad lol)
He has said that lots of scenes needed to be reshot because he struggled to do them so much, like the Cody sexy gun scene that made him so uncomfortable, and then either he or Gale said S5 sex scenes were reshot a lot because they just couldn’t stop laughing at that point anymore.
Peter and Scott recently have said the only time anyone asked for actors’ opinions was right after season 1 ended, and to ME they sounded kinda cheeky about it, all these years later, so perhaps it was a cast sticking point? Unsure, and it wasn’t even Randy who said that. Fat grain of salt.
He has more recently reflected on this time period and expressed regret he went out the way he did, and he understands things better and honors his craft more (heavy paraphrasing!) bc he was mentally checked out by the end and wishes he had finished strong instead.
Also, the cast didn’t realize when signing on how isolated they would be from The Industry. Randy has spoken about this in an unrelated podcast, as have the actors who play Ted and Emmett. NYC or LA are where you want to be for networking, and then signing on to spend the majority of the year in Toronto negatively impacted their careers, they feel. Randy has said he had to start from scratch after the show ended, and Peter and Scott have said Showtime had no idea how to market the show nor their stars, and so they had to just watch as all the initial hype fizzled and nothing was done with them. They were contracted to work too much to seriously be involved elsewhere, while simultaneously not getting good exposure, which I IMAGINE created a dire sort of mood and morale on set. < personal interpretation and fictionalizing history.
Meaning, Randy probably at the very least FELT like he had spent five years on a show that didn’t respect him and it was largely for nothing. He has since stated he appreciates the opportunity and it is the reason he was finically secure, for which he is deeply grateful.
And then finally the fans! He had stalker(s?) and tons of creepy people and was heavily typecast and people would come up to him frequently, which made him uncomfy, and would furthermore act like he was actually Justin, which made him super uncomfy. He was kinda like Chappell Roan!! He was like hey I’m not Justin I’m a person and y’all are freaks. He has publicially declined to speak on the stalking issues, which given his vocal responses to other issues, indicates to ME that it’s pretty personal and upsetting (I mean it’s stalking it’s obviously horrible but you know what I mean). During the show he had a boyfriend that fans like tormented online and even on posters (that bit comes from Tumblr or another forum, so not like verified info on my part at all) because they shipped “Gandy” so hard. I know I’ve read on tumblr about the insane Gandy people but all I remember is they were intense and insane and negatively impacted Randy’s actual real life. Again, that’s info from fans that I haven’t read in article or heard from out of his mouth. Secondary source lol.
This point is PURE speculation, but early interviews with the whole cast were super excited, and they all talked about how excited they were for something ground breaking. By the end, people were angry or giving fluff responses, or in Peter’s case; calmly stating the show was a soap opera and that’s okay. I FEEL like everyone thought they were signing up for something more real/gritty/positive impact to society and then were like oh I’m here to look hot in this show that only moms watch to get them turned on to have sex with their husband. Cool.
Now, do I agree with that - no. But, the show audience was vastly different than expected, and the artistic direction might have been too, both of which might have really disappointed people. Esp Randy and maybe Gale. Randy was a capital T theatre person, and Gale was too and had lots of experimental work and like performance art. Randy has ALSO expressed displeasure with some theater work he did because he didn’t think it was fresh and the audience was only older wealthy white people, so we do know that this sort of thing does matter to his sense of fulfillment at work.
TLDR; had to shoot scenes he didn’t want to, several times, felt objectified on set, disagreed with his character’s direction, maybe felt like he wasn’t being listened to artistically, was cut off from other work opportunities, didn’t appear to get along with leadership, had bad fans, was young and in deep over his head, and at the very least *started* with no career or social support system.
Again!! Am not the most knowledgeable person !!! I do NOT want to spread misinformation so hopefully I’ve tagged where I’m reading into things vs actual quotes but also people who have actually been around pls feel free to say 🙋um actuallllyyyyy
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
Yesterday I was dragged to the cinema to watch a movie that apparently has won a lot of Oscars this year, but really outside of things like the acting, the visuals or whatever they're called and all I can't say I felt one positive emotion towards it
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crustyfloor · 3 months
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I noticed this a while back and It's even worse when I think of these scenes, and their pacing and read it as Ivan glancing at Till in that moment and being reminded of those days back in their childhood when Till would have a bad day Ivan could easily go over and try to 'cheer him up'
And then he comes to remember where they are, and that they aren’t those kids anymore
ugly sobs
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richardgrimes · 2 years
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Hayden Christensen as Lorenzo de Lamberti in Virgin Territory (2007) 
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syncogon · 2 months
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all tacticians are black-hearted exhibit d
(more s3 ep7 commentary below cut)
another small gag that never gets old is the "zhang-dui!" "it's fudui."
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why'd they black out his silhouette 😭 big "stop telling people i'm dead" vibes
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anyway wahhhhhhh zjllllllll im so emo
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the noise i emitted is inaudible to human ears
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ha ha very funny
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this is a zhang jiale post now sorry not sorry
god these cuts are so good aughhhh
okay yeah they really went all out for this ep (ep 31 / s3 ep 7 i think?). wahhhhh. sometimes i think i'm past my "excessive tka feels era" but nope
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jay-marti · 8 months
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT YOOMTAH GOSH DANG IT! The thing with Yoomtah is we haven't seen any canon feats and she's sorta like Monkey D Dragon: Supposedly super powerful but we haven't seen anything yet. Granted we haven't seen the full extent of Zora's powers either.
That’s definitely true and she borders on featless wonder but that electrical crackle always gets me hyped for later to see some mechagundam nonsense that levels multiple city blocks
Please Jello make the fights cool or so help me I will have to do it myself
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disappearinginq · 1 year
Magnum PI season finale: 10/10, would kiss writers if given the opportunity.  
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chushanye · 2 years
you CANNOT get my ass to sit down for a whole dimension 20 combat episode I am so sorry
I'm gonna get a bad grade in dnd enjoyer because I don't have the patience to watch 2h+ of back n forth long akwawrd pauses as everyone tries to figure out the mechanics
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warningsine · 1 year
Charlize Theron fighting in front of Tarkovsky's "Stalker."
The level of iconique David Leitch has achieved.
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wanghedi · 1 year
Wang hedi HAS to do more action stuff because he cannooooot waste that athleticism in little romance dramas where they just sit around i need him on wires i need him with weapons and fight choreography i need him to be beat up and bloody he has such a natural talent for fight scenes i need them to utilize this
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northgazaupdates · 7 months
10 February 2024
After 12 days with no updates, the PRCS announced the deaths of 6 y/o Hind Rajab and the ambulance team who volunteered to go save her. Despite the PRCS working with the IOF to coordinate safe passage for the ambulance, the ambulance was found destroyed by IOF bombs, with both volunteer crew members Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun murdered inside. Hind was murdered inside the car, where she had been trapped for hours with the bodies of her family members.
Hind’s 15 y/o cousin Layan Hamadeh had called PRCS emergency services after the car in which she and her family, including her younger cousin Hind, came under heavy gunfire by the IOF. Layan was shot to death while on the phone with PRCS emergency dispatchers, a fact which is documented via recordings of the phone call. Hind then took the phone and begged the dispatchers to send help to take her away, as the IOF was still showering the car with bullets. Ambulance crew members Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun volunteered to go rescue Hind. Dispatchers soon last contact with the child. They then lost contact with Yusef and Ahmed when the ambulance arrived near the location of the vehicle by Fares petrol station in Tal Al-Hawa.
This point cannot be emphasized enough: the PRCS worked with the IOF, getting their agreement not to attack the ambulance as it arrived at the scene. The IOF agreed, and then knowingly bombed the ambulance anyway, while also knowingly killing 6 y/o Hind inside her family’s car. They knew there was a 6 y/o child inside that car, and kept firing until they murdered her. They knew the entire time what they were doing, and lied about cooperating with emergency services in order to maximize the number of lives they could take.
The depravity and impunity of the occupation is truly boundless. Hind’s final hours were spent in absolute terror, and Yusuf and Ahmed’s courage and selflessness were rewarded with their murders. The PRCS did everything right. They coordinated with the IOF and sought their permission for the ambulance to pass, something which was already required under international law. The IOF abused this attempt at cooperation by lying about their compliance, then deliberately murdering Hind, Yusuf, and Ahmed, in addition to Layan and her entire family.
We write this update in tears, having hoped and prayed for a different outcome like everyone else. This round of aggression by the IOF has already seen unimaginable cruelty, suffering, and impunity. The complete, deliberate, and flagrant violation of international law and human decency is a stain on the conscience of the Global North and every president, staffer, soldier, and bureaucrat who made this happen. May the recorded voices of Layan and Hind, begging for rescue before dying alone, haunt them for the rest of their days.
Remember Hind, Layan, Yusuf, and Ahmed. Do not let despair consume you. Fight for them, for a permanent ceasefire, for accountability, and for whatever justice can be achieved, even if it seems small and pointless. Tell the world what the occupation has done, share the recordings and the updates from people on the ground. No matter how bleak things are, it is always worthwhile to tell the truth and fight for what’s right.
Keep Hind’s mother, grandfather, and surviving relatives, and the families of Yusuf and Ahmed in your hearts.
Recordings: Layan, Hind
Our prior post
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mattmurdeaux · 3 months
One of my favorite things: When Charlie just wows people on set with his stunt work prowess whenever he decides to be Daredevil in real life:
"Charlie is an unbelievable physical athlete. We were shooting the scene, and he was like, "Ah this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do a handstand, and I'm going to do press ups on a handstand." He just got up and he just did it, it was like, "What? Wow!" - Marc Jobst, DD S3 director
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"Charlie did about 80 percent of the sequence himself...to be able to stay in the moment and emote and be able to actually go through this action sequence with no breaks for 11 and a half, do the highly emotional scene in the middle of it, and then keep going into another action sequence...he's the MVP, without a doubt." - Alex Garcia Lopez, DD S3 director
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"At the end of the scene, I was supposed to exit. So I asked them if they could throw a cushion out the window and then, without telling anyone, casually went out that way during one of the takes rather than the door."
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"You wouldn't believe how much Charlie actually does. Half the time you see DD flipping, everyone thinks it's me, but it's actually Charlie! He learned how to do a palm spin in a matter of minutes. He also threw a front flip ax kick inside a bus! The guy is amazing." - Chris Brewster, Charlie's stunt double
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"When he jumps off the roof in the episode, he did that by himself and shocked everyone. He was like, 'Can I have a little pad?' Then suddenly, he flipped off the roof, and we were all like, 'Did Charlie just do that by himself?' - Kat Coiro, director
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"Same thing with Charlie. I mean, he comes in and he wants to do everything. He's a legend, and he's able to come in and learn the fight in a day." - Marc Scizak, stunt coordinator
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
Tips for Fight scenes #2
When characters are in a fight, their adrenaline levels skyrocket, which can affect their perception of pain and time.
If a character gets punched in the stomach, they might momentarily lose their breath, making it difficult for them to retaliate immediately.
Sweaty palms can make it harder to maintain a grip on weapons or objects during a fight, adding an element of unpredictability.
Injuries such as cuts or bruises can throb with pain long after the initial impact, distracting characters and potentially affecting their performance in the fight.
Characters might experience tunnel vision during intense combat, focusing solely on their immediate surroundings and losing awareness of peripheral threats.
Loud noises, such as gunshots or explosions, can temporarily deafen characters or leave their ears ringing, impairing their ability to communicate or hear approaching danger.
Characters might experience a surge of aggression or fear-induced paralysis when faced with a life-threatening situation, impacting their decision-making and fighting effectiveness.
Painful injuries can trigger involuntary reactions, such as flinching or crying out, which can inadvertently give away a character's position or intentions to their opponent.
Adrenaline-fueled fights can leave characters feeling exhausted and shaky afterward, making it difficult for them to think clearly or coordinate their movements.
In the heat of battle, characters might not notice injuries or pain until after the fight is over, when the adrenaline wears off and their body's natural defenses kick in.
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artbyblastweave · 4 months
A few years ago, there was a thread on r/asksciencefiction where someone was fishing for a superhero story with an inverted Omni-Man dynamic, or a setting where Homelander's initial presentation is played straight- a setting where the Superman figure actually is the paragon of morality he's initially presented as, but no other superhero is- a situation where you've got one really competent true-blue hero standing head-and-shoulders in power above what's otherwise a complete nest of vipers.
Someone in the thread floated My Hero Academia; while I haven't read it, my understanding is that that's not really an accurate read of what's going on with Stain's neurosis about All-Might being the only "real hero," that the point of that arc is that Stain's got an insane and unreasonable standard and that taking an endorsement deal, while bad, isn't actually grounds for execution. My own contribution to the thread was Gail Simone's Welcome to Tranquility, where a major part of the backstory involved the faux Justice-League's Superman analogue having a little accident because he's the only one who thought they were morally obligated to go public with the secret life-extending macguffin that the rest of the team is using to enforce comic-book time on themselves and their loved ones; while only a couple members of the team are directly in on it, the rest are conveniently incurious. And Jupiter's Legacy gets tantalizingly close to this- The Utopian, a well-meaning stick-in-the-mud, ultimately gets blindsided and couped by his scheming brother who creates a superhero junta staffed by a Kingdom-Come-style glut of third-gen superheroes, who are framed as fundamentally self-interested because only came onto the scene after most of the situations you legitimately need a superhero to handle have been neutralized. (The rub, of course, is that the comic is also highly critical of the Utopian's intellectually incurious self-righteously 'apolitical' approach to superheroism- if for no other reason than that it left him in a position to get blindsided by a coup!) While Jupiter's Legacy gets the closest, all three of these are only loosely orbiting around the spirit of the original idea, and there's something really interesting there- particularly if the Superman figure isn't hopelessly naive in the same way as Utopian. Because first of all, if you're Metaman or Amazingman or whatever brand-name alias the writer goes with, and you really earnestly mean it, and you put together a team of all the other most powerful heroes on earth in order to pool your resources, and then with dawning horror you gradually begin to realize that everyone in the room besides yourself is a fascist or a con artist or abuser or any other variant of a kid with a magnifying glass eyeing that anthill called Earth- What the hell is your next move?
Do you just call the whole thing off? Can you trust that they'll actually go home if you call the whole thing off? I mean you've put the idea in their heads, are you sure that they aren't going to, like, start the Crime Syndicate in your absence? Do you stick around to try and enact containment, see if getting all of these people on a team makes them easier to keep on a leash? But that's functionally going to make you their enabler pretty quickly, right? Overlooking "should you kill them-" can you kill them? You're stronger than any individual one of them- are you stronger than all of them? The first time one of them really crosses a line in a way you can't ignore- will that be a one-on-one fight? Are they the kind of people capable of putting two-and-two together and pre-emptively ganging up on you if you push back too hard? Do you just start trying to get them killed, or keep them at each other's throats so they can't coordinate anything really nasty? Can you squeeze any positive moral utility out of them, or is that just a way to justify not doing the hard work of taking them down? There've been works where the conceit is to question the default assumption that Superman in specific would be a good person, and there've been works where the conceit is to question the default assumption that superheroes in general would be good people. Something to be done, I think, with questioning the default assumption that everyone Superman becomes professionally close to would be good, and to explore how he'd handle it if they weren't.
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bpmiranda · 5 days
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Professional (Hugh Jackman) nsfw
A/N: purely fictional, age gap, 18+ f!reader, jealous!hugh, flirtationship, dry humping, semi-public sex, mild choking, unprotected sex, creampie
Hugh Jackman is a professional actor. He takes great precautions to never be disrespectful or arrogant or otherwise unpleasant to work with because he wants everyone working together to remain in good spirits. During the production of The Greatest Showman, his professionalism is put to the test and he knows that is exactly what you are; a test.
You’re happily bouncing from department to department, coordinating with costumes and lighting, making sure the stars are all wearing the correct shade and amount of makeup required for their scenes. Hugh is unable to keep himself from joking with you, he’s always hoping for your chair to be open in the makeup trailer, always flirting with the young makeup artist. Though, in his defense, you are quite the flirt yourself, even if he knows it is just your personality. That’s what makes it all the more difficult to restrain himself, you simply can’t help it.
“Is that my jacket?” He asks, doing a double take as you’re walking past him towards the trailer lot.
You turn around and look down at yourself, recalling that you did in fact take his zip up hoodie, and you laugh. “Oh, yeah, I got cold in the trailer and it was just sitting there. Do you like?” You ask, giving him a little spin and he chuckles, fighting to keep himself professional.
“It’s a bit big for you.” He comments, placing his hands on his hips as he notices how the hem of the hoodie falls at your thighs.
“Well,” You shrug, giving him a small smirk. “You’re a big man, Hugh.” You wink before continuing on your way and leaving him wondering how you might look wearing only his hoodie.
It’s not like you’re trying to seduce him, but that’s just the effect that you have on him. Your charming personality slowly chips at his willpower and makes him want to know you better, want to seek you out. “How’s that?” You ask as you finish shaving his 5 o’clock shadow, your fingers lightly touch his smooth jaw and you move behind him so he can look at himself in the mirror.
“You shave me better than I can.” He chuckles, rubbing his chin and lifting it up to inspect your work.
You grin triumphantly as you softly comb his hair back with your fingers, smoothing down a few strays. “Personally, I adore your beard,” You say, sighing as you rest your hands on his broad shoulders and absentmindedly squeeze them, massaging him. “I love a full, greying beard.”
Hugh tries to fight the smirk at the corner of his lips as he looks at you, failing. “You like older men?” He asks and you nod, not thinking too much about the question and the implications that come with it.
“Don’t make fun of me,” You grin as you pack away the shaving utensils you used and lean back into his lap as you look at him in the mirror. “I think it’s the experience that comes with them. It’s nice to relinquish control and just follow.”
One of Hugh’s hands comes up to your hip while he chuckles at you. “Ever been with one?” He asks shamelessly and you nod, your cheeks growing warm, but you’re not embarrassed. It’s Hugh, he’s basically your friend now. “Oh yeah? Who?”
“That’s personal, Hugh.” You smirk, turning around though he doesn’t let go of your hip and his hand smooths across your ass as you turned. You didn’t mind. “But you don’t have to worry, you’re the only man in my life right now.” You say, caressing his smooth cheek gently and smiling.
“I’d better be.” He says, patting your hip lightly before he gets up and kisses your cheek. “Thanks for the shave, sweetheart.”
“Anytime, darling.” You call as you wipe off the chair he was occupying. Not a single thing about the interaction seemed off to you, but Hugh couldn’t stop thinking about the things he would show you, teach you, if you’d let him.
One morning, he notices you laughing and pushing Zac gently, your hand lingering on his chest as his younger co-star is laughing with you, leaning an arm on the table behind you so he’s closer to you. Hugh tries not to let it bother him, he knows that’s your personality, you’re just a flirty person. You don’t like Zac that way, you probably don’t even like him that way. You’re just here to do a job, like everyone else. However, it feels so different when it’s just you and him. Hugh swears you feel what he feels too, especially when you shyly return a quip or intentionally lean on him, touch him in a way that isn’t all too necessary. It doesn’t stop him from being jealous, and that’s simply because he knows you’d be his without a second thought, the same way he’s already yours.
“No, Hugh!” You scold as you take the cup of coffee from the grown man sitting in your makeup chair. You gently wipe the foam that had met his lip off and you suck your thumb clean. Another action that you thought nothing of while it drove him wild. “It’s going to stain your teeth, you have to wait after the photo shoot.” You tell him as you set the cup down and inspect his face. Hugh gives you a tired look and you pout at him. “I’m sorry, darling. I don’t mean to be so cruel.” You say, softly caressing his stubbled cheek and he chuckles.
“I think that’s exactly what you mean to do.” He says with a smirk, taking your dainty hand and holding onto it as he rests it on his lap. “When am I on?” He asks, glancing at the time on his phone sitting on his other lap and you lean into him, pressing your hip against the inside of his thigh to peer at his screen. Hugh can smell your perfume and he wants so badly to keep you this close forever.
“About 10 minutes.” You say, stepping back again to get a good look at his appearance and fixing a few stray hairs from his combed back style. “I should get hair back in here.” You murmur, about to do just that when Hugh subtly tugs on your hand.
His green eyes look mischievously at you when you turn back to him and he shakes his head. “I like how you do my hair better.” He says, only wanting you and him alone in his trailer a little while longer. Your cheeks warm up, but you fix his hair anyway, fully aware of him glancing at your body and your breasts as you’re leaning into him. His hands come to rest on your waist and you bite your lip, smiling to yourself as you lightly spray his hair and smooth it over.
“There.” You whisper, looking down at him to see he is staring at your lips and your chest. “My eyes are up here, darling.” You smirk, lightly swatting at his toned chest and he chuckles.
“Like you don’t stare at me.” He smirks and you pretend to be insulted, letting your mouth fall open in shock which makes him laugh.
“Please,” You say as you pack away the hair styling tools you used and lean back against the vanity. “I’m a professional, Hugh. I don’t have time to ogle and pal around.” You say, knowing full well that is exactly what you do all day and he chuckles because he’s the one you ogle and with whom you’re always paling around, more so than anyone else on set.
Hugh stands up from his chair, blocking you from view with his massive frame as he leans on the vanity, his arms trapping you as he leans down and the tip of his nose brushes yours. “What if I’m not very professional?”
You’re speechless, for the very first time in your career, and he sees that as a win. “Hugh,” You whisper his name, swallowing hard as you try not to seem nervous or uncomfortable because you’re not and you really want to see where this goes. “We should lock the door.” You say, tilting your head upwards so your lips are moving against his as you ask, “Unless you want them to see?”
Hugh nods, kissing you softly, pressing his body into yours as you return the gesture. “I want them to see.” He murmurs, one of his hands resting on your hip and the other moving your thigh slightly so he can grind his crotch against your core, stimulating you through the thin fabric of your leggings.
A soft moan falls from your lips as you hold onto his waist with one hand and the other reaches up to clasp around his nape. “Who could you possibly have to be jealous of?” You ask breathlessly against his mouth as he is leaning over you, pressing his erection harder into your sensitive clit.
“Doesn’t matter.” He murmurs, lifting you up suddenly and stepping between your legs. “You’re here with me now.” His fingers reach for the seam between your thighs and you stop him quickly.
“How am I supposed to walk out of here with ripped leggings?” You ask with a light laugh at how desperately he wants to fuck you and he groans, turning you around instead and tugging them down. You bite your lip as you watch him undo his belt buckle in the mirror and he winks at you.
“You’re lucky I care enough.” He says, leaning with his hand onto the vanity, his chest pressing against your back as he lines his cock up to your entrance and you whine as his swollen head prods at your wet entrance. “You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted you.”
“Hugh!” You whine as he’s pushing his length into you, slow and gentle so you feel every inch of him taking up space in your cunt. “Fuck.” You rest your head back against his firm chest, one of his large hands comes up to hold your throat and he’s kissing your neck softly as he begins fucking you.
His chest is rising and falling quickly against your back, his breathing is hard against your neck and you feel him lightly squeeze your throat which makes you whine in response. His cock is throbbing inside you, pulsing against your tight walls while he’s rutting deeply into you. “You’re so tight, sweetheart.” He groans, nipping lightly at your earlobe as your whimpering his name, your little frame trembling in his hold as he has his way with you. “You ever been stretched out like this, baby?” He asks and he smirks when you shake your head, unable to form a sentence as you’re completely cock drunk and the air isn’t all the way reaching your brain as he’s got your windpipe in his strong grip. “Didn’t think so.” He grunted as your core began to squeeze him in tandem with your orgasm.
“Hu-Hugh!” You cry out hoarsely, his hand lets go of your throat and your head hangs forward weakly as you’re shaking from the force of your release. Hugh simply pushes you down onto the vanity and brings your hips back to meet his forceful thrusts, using you now for his own pleasure. “Fuck!” You gasp as hot tears prick at your eyes, your hands pressing firmly into the flat surface he’s got you pinned to while he’s filling your pussy with his load.
“Shit!” He groans, leaning forward and pushing the head of his cock against your cervix where you feel his spurts of cum being dumped. His large hands grab onto the round part of your ass, spreading you lewdly as he watches himself moving in and out of your little hole, smirking when he begins to see the mixture of yours and his creamy white fluids coating his thick shaft. “You’re a damn tease. You know that?” He asks, leaning forward and kissing your cheek as you lightly laugh.
“Is that what’s got you so riled up?” You ask, leaning onto your hands again and looking at him in the mirror as he’s admiring your dazed expression, his cock still sitting heavy inside you. “You can’t handle a little friendly flirting?”
“Don’t pretend that’s all that was,” He chuckles, one of his hands sliding up your blouse so he can grab onto your tit. “You told me yourself you like older men.”
You moisten your lips and bite your bottom one as he kisses your neck, sighing against your skin. “Then you had no reason to be jealous in the first place.”
Hugh laughs lightly and nods in agreement. “I suppose you’re right.” His eyes meet yours in the mirror and you feel him throb inside you, a small whine echoes in your mouth. “I just can’t be professional around you, sweetheart.”
This was a request that I ended up putting far too much time into and I enjoyed it🤭 Let me know what you think!
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened
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gardenofnoah · 11 months
“wait, are you really scared?”
you groan into the pillow you have your face smushed into. you know you’ll have indents on your cheeks from how hard you’re holding it, but it’s either that or gorey jump scares.
“yes, touya, i’m fucking scared.”
you hear his chuckle from the other side of the couch and fight the urge to smack him with the pillow. if only it wasn’t the one thing protecting you right now.
“aw,” he coos, dripping in condescension, “poor baby. c’mere—i’ll save you.”
your snort is muffled by the fabric, but you scoot across the couch toward his voice anyway. in a rather impressive display of coordination, you manage to drag yourself up to settle on his chest—all without losing your blinder.
“there ya go,” touya murmurs, plucking the pillow from your hands. you squawk, reaching to grab it back before the next scene.
“why are you like this? give me it—“
you’re cut off by sudden darkness. you blink, and as your eyes adjust, you see much more of your boyfriend’s skin than you had just a second ago.
“yeah, babe.”
“i am in your shirt.”
you feel the laugh rumble under your palms. “yeah, you are.”
“why am i in your shirt?”
“would you rather watch the movie?”
“….good point.”
you don’t have to see his face to know the grin is there when he pats your head through the fabric. you rest your cheek against his sternum, settling in to his warmth. you can concede that it is much better than the pillow, especially when his fingers drag up and down your back, surprisingly soft for the dog that’s all bite. it nearly puts you to sleep until you feel him startle underneath you. against your ear, his heart kicks, fast and sudden.
“…..are you scared?”
he pokes you square in the forehead through the fabric. “of course not. shut up.”
you bite the inside of your cheek to stifle the grin, even if he can’t see it. even the roughest dogs are afraid of something.
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