#the feelings people have for Mystra are feelings I had for ea Mizora
mightymizora · 7 months
Gotta ask: did you have a vision for EA mizora? I had visions for EA wyll, let me tell you.
Listen I did, but also I 100% think that if Larian had gone down the narrative route I think they were planning it would have been a fucking disaster. So I’m glad they changed it.
But you cannot tell me that Mizora wasn’t planned to be a MUCH bigger part of the story in EA. She has a unique face and VA. She’s on the cover art ffs. As it is she’s barely in the game, and her hanging around the camp feels so weird and a tacked on concession to not just write her out after the contract scene (they should have honestly.)
As a small recap of what I think was planned for Miz - I think EA Wyll from his design was a little older than final release Wyll, and I think they were writing it much more as a toxic relationship than what we have now. I think there would have been more points where Mizora was prominent and there would have been a point where you could either choose Wyll, break the contract and maybe send her off to hell, and look to save his father and rescue the city without his powers and it would be a story of helping him see how wonderful he was and that he could be a hero even if it wasn’t in the way he thought he would be as a young man, or you could choose Mizora and work together to take over the city, potentially allying with the other evil characters in the game (hence her having her human form.)
But this would have been a disaster bc what would win out, people’s commitment to not doing an evil run or their racism? Hmmm I wonder.
I was looking forward to being able to, as somebody planning to romance Wyll, be able to hold his hand and let him stand up to somebody who took advantage of his grief, who told him he wasn’t enough and encouraged his anger and his feelings of inferiority, and to help him kick her fucking ass.
So short version I think there was a fun character written but with very little consideration of how it would pan out in the narrative, then the narrative changed, and she kind of feels like a bit of a spare part now. Raphael could have easily been his patron and it would have all tied up more neatly.
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bitchesgate3 · 6 months
mizora fans are the only safe side of the fandom for me
#from most safe to less safe#mizora tag i can enjoy evil woman and the occasional hate post#but she deserves that and it doesnt overrrun the tag#m*nthara tag is ok but some fans see her as more evil and more masc than i see her as#weird to me - cant relate#love Lae but the shadowzel hatef*cking ruined my engagement with other fans of hers#mystra tag i instafollow mystra-defenders#instablock mystra haters#literally on sight#because i read the whole post in the tag and i deserve compensation#mystra aint on the same level as c*zador#shes a pompous bitch who withholds blessings not a fcking p*mp/ tr*fficker#love shadowh*art but shes disrespected constantly and stripped of personality in the fandom to be: the woman#i dont follow the tags of the male characters anymore because the amount people will woobify them is legit unsafe#man puts a bomb in his chest because he couldnt take no for an answer#but people want to say “poor baby girl” the fuck?#man is just stupid and a tad scary#honestly sexy but i would be mystra 2.0 if i got with him#larian woobified ast*rion by removing the nuance on whether or not he deserved redemption#fandom performatively “likes” w*ll only when someone makes a big enough stink about him#i feel bad for actual fans because they love something that isnt actually there#his writing literally removes all agency for him#larian infantalized a grown ass black man to constantly be humiliated and removed the rightful anger he had in EA#i need people to admit that the writing is bad and IS racist and enables people to be racist in being dismissive with him#sometimes i do dip into the ast*rion tag tho because those artists know how to draw s*x with women#like those girlies have had s*x before and know what they want and they are so right for it#the wlw art in this fandom has no idea how s*x works#or its so male gazey and prnified it legit makes me squeemish
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republictrooper · 4 years
So I managed to get all 4 of my team members (I never recurited Lae’zel this playthrough, just because I never found her for some reason and she wasnt gonna be part of my main walking around team anyway) to want to bed my character this playthrough of BG3 EA, and man, It was nice to see all 4 of the scenes with my MC Cifgha. 
Some thoughts (with major spoilers, ofc):
-Gale’s romance scene is still bugged to show a Dwarf woman up to her shoulders in the ground for whatever reason, but otherwise I was pleasantly surprised at how well they accounted for short characters.
-In non-romance weirdness, I assassinated the leaders at the Temple, thus preventing the invasion from ever happening, but everyone in the Grove/Camp talked as if it had happened (and was successfully repelled) anyway. I wonder if that means the in-camp assassinations wont be possible in the full game, or they just need to reprogram some triggers so people dont talk as if the goblins did do that full-scale raid?
-No-one but Astarion seems to have had any actual changes to their romance scene, but I can live with that. It’s still early access, and Gale at least still has an Under Construction section on his thing. 
-Shadowheart was... unexpectedly cute? I don’t know yet where they’re going with her character (I’m kind of hoping you can choose to either lure her to the side of good or help her ascend as a Sharran, depending on your preferences/choices), but gosh, she’s so sweet if you can actually break through her standoffish outer layer. I’m just imagining sitting by that waterfall all night, just cuddling and talking. Then that cute, hesitant kiss in the morning. Gosh, I wonder how much of this falls apart when we get to Baldur’s Gate and her memory gets unlocked, but for now... it’s nice, and I almost want to keep going with her, try to find a way to get her to trust me, not just out of curiosity, but because it feels like she really needs someone on her side, and Cifgha would love to be that person, as a friend or a lover.
-Gale, height problem aside, was just as sweet and suave as ever. I think, oddly enough, I wasnt offended by his keeping Mystra’s romance from me. He told me enough about the thing in his chest that I could understand it was an issue and one I was already willing to help him with given I gave him some powerful artifacts to absorb, and like, given Mystra very obviously dumped him, I don’t think he was cheating on her with me and he didn’t necessarily owe me an up-front explanation about her. I can certainly see a future storyline where he DOES need to choose between Mystra and me, but hell, wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been dumped cuz my ex went back to an old flame. 
Regardless, I still love his nerdy romantic speeches and his love of knowledge and his beard, and he’s still a strong contender for my canon romance.
-It was nice to see Wyll on my character since I wasnt able to get him on my first playthrough and he was my first choice for romance before I played the game and still strongly in the running for canon romance. I’m a big fan of the suave dashing guys who want to save the entire damn world and he fulfills that for me in spades. And his romance scene is understatedly nice and lowkey, just letting you cuddle the poor guy and take his mind off Mizora for a moment. 
-Astarion... well, he was Astarion. I don’t like him as much as most of Tumblr, but I can see the allure, and the new parts we got for his romance scene was definitely hot as heck. I hope the finished Gale and/or a future Wyll Scene at least have some of that. 
Anyway, Still enjoying EAing, wondering if my “Explode all the goblins with Powder barrels I stole from that shady halfing merchant with a few strategic uses of Misty Step” strat will work in the full game. We’ll see what future updates bring! Here’s hoping Gale’s romance gets an update/fix next!
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