#the feathered serpent god
rosebarnes94 · 2 years
Excuse me while I go drool in the corner
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laninasinamor · 2 years
rumor on the street is Marvel maybe obtaining the rights to Namor’s character?? 👀 lemme know when the movie coming out cuz im there wif my popcorn🧍🏾‍♀️supporting my boi Tenoch to get to play this character as many times as he can ✊🏾
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who ever made this, you a G ^^
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zukosadvisor · 1 year
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that jade dress is laying on the floor in this image 🤪 here is some naga namor x shuri 🐍🐈‍⬛
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thatshowthingstarted · 10 months
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Maya Statue Head,
On Tuesday, November 7, archaeologists in the eastern Yucatán Peninsula unearthed a well-preserved Maya warrior statue head adorned with a serpentine headdress amidst construction for the Maya Train.
Measuring approximately 13 inches tall and 11 inches wide, the artifact was found during the excavation of a wall in Maudslay’s Temple 6, a site named after the British archaeologist Alfred Maudslay within the Casa Colorada Complex in the Maya city of Chichén Itzá. The complex is one of four buildings surrounding the main plaza of the ancient site.
The object may date back to the earliest years of Chichén Itzá, founded around 455 CE. 
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the feathered serpent god of Mesoamerican culture, Quetzalcoatl, from Eric Carle's "Dragons, Dragons, and Other Creatures that Never Were" (1988), illustrated by the late, great Eric Carle (1929-2021).
"In the world's young days, Farmer met Quetzalcoatl in a field by one rustling plant. Like the wind, he whispered in Farmer's ear, "This is my gift to you. Its leaves are more precious than green plumes, its heart richer than jade." Farmer asked, "what is its name?" And the serpent whispered, "Maize.""
Source: www.fairyroom.ru/?p=56315.
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 years
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For #WorldSerpentDay: Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity of the Aztecs, shown here in full zoomorphic form snacking on a human in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, c. 1563. [BnF MS Mexicain 385 f. 18r]
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monsterlovefantasy · 1 year
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Let me explain the situation: most of haters are on twitter. they're a bunch of shit that don't take the time to listen to him before attacking him with bullshit. They attack him with pure hatred and racism and that has been the case for a long time, however everything became intense since he made it public that he was with the president to watch a simple soccer game that took place in the World Cup. Everything exploded with the rebozo/cape issue; the media invented that the complaint was against him when in reality it was against a brand and the group to which he belongs. People blame him for things he didn't do but no one knew about the bullying towards his family until today when he made it public. Really this week has been very stressful and frustrating for him, just take a look at his twitter and see the amount of hate he receives even from "influential" people that only has waiting for a minimun mistake from him. So, please, if you wanna help him, send all the support and love in twitter or instagram, tag him and say "i stand with you/i believe in you" Líik´ik Talokan
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therivercocytus · 8 months
love the greek gods but the feathered serpent is always gonna be 1# ancient mystery deity prize award nominated for the godscars. like. come on
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infinitymythos · 4 months
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Challenge the Gods🐉🪽
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rosebarnes94 · 2 years
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Architectural details of the temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacán, Mexico. :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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“Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, [...] came to teach [the ancient inhabitants of Mexico] the benefits of settled agriculture and the skills necessary to build temples. Although this deity is frequently depicted as a serpent, he is more often shown in human form--the serpent being his symbol and his alter ego--and is usually described as "a tall bearded white man" ... "a mysterious person ... a white man with a strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes and a flowing beard." Indeed, [...] the attributes and life history of Quetzalcoatl are so human that it is not improbable that he may have been an actual historical character ... the memory of whose benefactions lingered after his death, and whose personality was eventually deified. The same could very well be said of Oannes--and just like Oannes at the head of the Apkallu (likewise depicted as prominently bearded) it seems that Quetzalcoatl traveled with his own brotherhood of sages and magicians. We learn that they arrived in Mexico "from across the sea in a boat that moved by itself without paddles," and that Quetzalcoatl was regarded as having been "the founder of cities, the framer of laws and the teacher of the calendar.”
― Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization
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coyohtea · 1 year
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mythos-soup · 9 months
Ok hi I need to know quetzalcoatl’s fav ice cream flavor sry for being annoying I’m working on an art compilation
Nononono no need to worry i love them silly asks!
Anyway i keep thinking mint cocolate chip and every time i think of other flavours i just spiral back to mint chocolate chip lol
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sapphyreopal5 · 8 months
Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent and World Creator acrylic painting
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Quetzalcóatl, is NOT "Only The Feathered-Serpent God, Than is Was Called Too; Kukulcán?!"
    This one, well... Is a bit lamentable, but; I can't blame to anyone than assumes all of this, about this Aztec/Mayan/Toltec/Tlaxcaltec/Mesoamerican Deity: Most books of history, speaked little to nothing; about The Religions of The New World. Today, I'm going to try to makes you see why Quetzalcóatl; was one of the most important Deities in Mesoamerica, and... Is still admired, today!
   Quetzalcóatl, is too: The God of Light and Wisdom, The God of The Winds; The God of The Morning Star, The God Inventor of Books and The Calendar, The God of Arts and Crafts, The Patron God of Priests; The God Giver of Maize, The God of The Chocolate Drink, The God of Justice and Mercy, The God Creator of The Fifth-World Mankind, and... The God of Life!
    Quetzalcóatl, means in Nahuatl; "Quetzal-Feathered Serpent": The Quetzal, is one of the most beautiful birds of Central America, and The Serpent; is one of the most common animals, found there: The Serpent, represents the material world; and The Quetzal, the beauty of the spiritual life; which makes Quetzalcóatl, a Deity with the power of influence in positive ways; in the earthly and divine realms. There are four different stories about his origins: One makes him the youngest son of The Goddess Coatlicue, in other; he is born of a virgin princess than swallows an emerald, in another one; is the son of the same virgin princess, but conceived by a wound with an arrow she recieved; and... The last one, speaked of the same princess; dreamt with the God Ometeotl, and she gave birh to Quetzalcóatl; in an virginal childbirth. (Doesn't matter the version of his birth, each of them pointed firmly; to the perfect nature of this Deity!) He is The God of The Aztecs, Toltecs; Tlaxcaltecs, and of The Ancient Mayans; under two names: The lesser known, Gukumatz; and the most well known... Kukulcán!
    And now... The Qualities than makes great, to Quetzalcóatl!
    The God of Light and Wisdom: All the writed manuscripts left by Aztecs, describe him as a God than speaked in a wise manner. Also, for been the ruler of The West; he was assigned as God of The Light.
    The God of The Winds: He is one of The Governors of the Cardinal Points, which they were called Tezcatlipoca; and Quetzalcóatl, recieved the name of "White Tezcatlipoca"; than presides over The West, including The Winds.
    The God of The Morning Star: Quetzalcóatl, according to a few myths; is associated with The Planet Venus, which is commonly called; "The Morning Star".
    The God Inventor of Books and The Calendar: He is attested, as The God than gave to The Mayan and Aztecs; a calendar to measures time for crops and feasts, and books; to preserves rituals and all the important events, that were worthy to be remembered.
    The God of Arts and Crafts: He invented The Calendar, Books; and... Writing! All of these are the important signals of Civilization, which converts to The Aztecs and Mayans; in one of the most advanced people of Mesoamerica! (Today's Mexico, and parts of Guatemala; Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador)
    The Patron God of Priests: The name that recieved the two principal priests, of The Templo Mayor; (Spanish, for Main Temple) were called Quetzalcóatl, and it was used too by The Aztecs; as an priestly title: These facts, and the fact than he was celibate and practiced fasting; which makes me theorizes than... He could have being... The Patron God of Priests!
    The God Giver of Maize: According to a myth, he was the God than gave to humans; one of the most versatile and nutritious plants, than we still consume regurlarly: Maize! (So... If you enjoy like me of eating popcorn, digs your teeth in corn, or of eating any product made; with Corn's flour... Is thanks, to Quetzalcóatl!)
    The God of The Chocolate Drink: According to a Toltec Myth, he brought the Cacao's Plant to The Toltecs; and teached to the Toltec Women, how to makes the first Chocolate Drink. (So, if you enjoy like me; of a delicious hot drink of Cocoa, in a cold or rainy day... You know now, to who you have to thanks for that; too!)
    The God of Justice and Mercy: He is portraited as a fair Deity, than is a lover of Justice; and of a generally merciful character, which is why he is... The God of Justice and Mercy!
    The God Creator of The Fifth-World Mankind: After the destruction of The Four-World, Quetzalcóatl; descended to the Mictlan (The Aztec Underworld) to extract the sacred bones, necessaries to create a new mankind; which he did with The Goddess Cihuacoátl, after he poured a bit of his own blood; from his earlobes, tongue; calves, and... From another body part, over those same bones. (And... I prefered to don't put here, which was the last part of his body, from were he pulled blood to created to the new humans!)
    The God of Life: For his role as creator of Today's Humans in Mexico and Central America, and than there are legends where he appeared as the only Deity; than was against Human Sacrificies... He is, too... The God of Life!
    The Snake of Chichén Itzá, is an phenomenon of light; where at the sides of The Pyramid of Chichén Itzá, people can see, "The shadow of an snake, going down the pyramid"; during The Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, which atracts thousands of tourist every year: Because there is sculptures of feathered-serpents at the northern side, it makes the effect even more impressive! (...Ancient Technology and Engineering at its best, ladies and gentlemen!)
    Quetzalcóatl, was a Deity than gave everthing to humans to thrive; and was very beloved, BUT... At the end, he had to leave. There are many myths, of why of the absence of this magnanimous Deity; today, but... I'm only going to put the two more importants: The first, of a conspiracy against the benevolent God; and the second... Is a mistake than forces him, to leave the place and people he loves!
    In the first, he governed for ten years; where no human sacrificies were allowed, and... I don't remembered well, if was only a group of people; or people conspiring with the Gods than felt neglected, but... At the end of the story, after making felt despise and hated, he had to fleed of the land he ruled with love and justice.  In the second, the tale takes a look into Quetzalcóatl's fall from grace...
     Quetzalcóatl, was celibate and never drink alcohol; and never was saw neglecting his religious duties, or doing something against the rules he set for everybody; in other words, "He walk his talk"; and was an example for his people, but... There was somebody than decides to change everything, to... No good: The rival of Quetzalcóatl, his brother; Tezcatlipoca!
     Tezcatlipoca, The God of The Night; tricked to his brother, to painted his face and consumed a drink than was the Pulque; (a traditional Mexican alcoholic beverage, made with fermented sap of the agave's plant) without known what was the drink, and the effect than will cause of him. The thing is, than Quetzalcóatl ended very drunk; and... He waked up the next day, with Quetzalpetlatl; than was his sister, and a Celibate Priestess! Full of remorse, he leaved the room, and there is two different versions; of what he did next, to wash his shame: One version says, than he asked to his servants to makes him a stone chest, and after being adorned and said goodbye to his servants; lay over his chest, and used fire to die, and his ashes flew to the sky with his heart; which became The Morning Star. The second version, (less violent) he takes a ship in the coast of The Gulf of Mexico. In both stories, he said than he will returned one day; with a set of signals than will announces his return.
    Curious fact: Quetzalcóatl, has two representations in Mesoamerican Art. One, is the Feathered-Serpent; most have seen or known; and the second, is his human form... With white pale skin, beard and blond! (Where The People of Mesoamerica saw someone like that, before The Arrival of Europeans in The New World?! [Sorry, for that: I heared it years ago, but... I'm still freaking out! ])
    Now... The legend of "Moctezuma believed than Cortez was his beloved Quetzalcóatl, and provoques by his belief; the End of The Aztec Empire..." ...It wasn't true: Cortez wrote to The King of Spain; lying him by saying, than The Aztecs mistankely believed he was a God; to justify The Conquest of Today's Mexico and part of Central America. In fact, Moctezuma made a test to The Spaniards to see if they were really Gods; after many disasters hitted The Empire, before Cortez came. (I can only imagine his dissapointment after the test, when he saw than neither of The Spaniards; were Quetzalcóatl...) Besides... I heared than most of The Aztecs, wasn't so convinced about it; and they only attacked to The Spaniards, after they losed all respect to Moctezuma; when they percieved than their Emperor, betrayed them.
    In resumen, Quetzalcóatl is a being than is a positive influence of Light and Wisdom; than still appeares in The Media, (Sadly, mostly in negative ways) but he shines so brightly; than his myths takes out all the bad images we could have of him, once we read his myths with eyes of respect and wonder.  And... I never got why Moctezuma, confused to Hernan Cortez with Quetzalcóatl; when Quetzalcóatl is such a good being, and Cortez; well... He was a liar, a thief; a cold-blooded murderer, and... A VERY LONG, etcetera!
    And... This is all about the Mesoamerican God, than helped to shapes to two of the greatests civilizations of this part of The World; which still impress us and amazes us, by his inventive; wisdom and selfless acts for Mankind: Quetzalcóatl!
   Than all of you, find Wisdom; Spirituality and Goodness, all the days of your lives... So Be It!
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kukulkane-a · 2 years
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THE SUB - MARINER : it was said that his eyes were as deep and as blue as the very depths of the sea itself - if you looked for too long, or too closely, you'd be drawn in... unable to escape the very abyss they were dwelling in.
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