#the fandom where ocs are welcomed and encouraged and pretty much the main way people interact with the game
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manyothermusingsofmine · 1 year ago
Tale Of Midnight Blues || Drabble
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3   Wordcount: 2957 Warnings: mentions of bullying, tiefling bigotry, and a toxic relationship Summary: Astarion is new to this whole "caring about someone's emotions" thing, so the best way to practice is to try and prod Willow about her past
AN: I really wanted to work in the dialogue of "where were your parents in all of this, Willow?" "Oh, please, my parents would trade me for Karlach in a heartbeat." but I couldn't find a proper way to do it. However I wanted to mention it anyway since it explains so much about the BFF dynamic Willow and Karlach have
-------------------------------------------- As much as he didn't like it when the sun sank below the horizon, Astarion had to admit that the sunset was rather pretty. Shades of oranges painted the sky as he turned the pages of the book he was reading, goblet in hand that he occasionally sipped some wine from. Others in the camp were mingling, telling stories of their past or silly little jokes they heard from somewhere long ago.
Music filled his sharp ears, no matter that it was faint, distant... and not coming from a direction he expected it to come from. He looked up from his book, only to then realise that Willow was indeed not present among the people telling each other stories and memories.
A small, somewhat annoyed sigh left him when this realization hit. He really didn't like it when Willow decided to wander off on her own; the tiefling bard had an uncanny ability of getting herself into trouble whenever she decided to split up from the group.
Finding her was as easy as following his hearing, the music he followed slowly intensifying even if she wasn't playing all that loud; it didn't matter. Being both an elf and a vampire, it would take far more than to hide from Astarions sense in that regard.
He found her near a small, self-made campfire on the river bed, playing away on her lute in a matter that sounded a lot like just regular practice or.. did it? Tilting his head, Astarion listened closer. She was singing in a dialect of Infernal, so he couldn't understand what she was saying, but... that didn't mean he didn't hear the sorrow and melancholy of the lute.
He waited for the song to be done, before softly applauding in order to get her attention.
"Marvelous, darling," he chimed, trying not to sound too sarcastic about it because it did sound nice.
"But would you mind not sneaking off without telling anyone where you're going? You seem to have a knack of stumbling head first into trouble when you do."
Willow just looked at him, unimpressed.
"What, you don't enjoy running to my aid only to then chastise me for being dumb about my decisions? I thought that was a hobby of yours at this point."
Astarion couldn't help but feel a little smirk coming up at the sass he received. He did rather enjoy it when she bit back a little, showed some back bone when he had really been thinking she was nothing but a big push over when they first met.
"Anyway, what are you doing around here by your lonesome? You should be at camp, being the life of the party; you're the bard, after all."
Somehow, that comment seemed to completely miss its mark. For a split moment, he saw her flinch, clutching the lute a little closer to herself. And for once in his life, he hadn't meant it as some sort of jab. He would've been way nastier if it had to be a jab.
".... Willow?"
No response. She just focused on the lute, now playing what were definitely little practice loops of a happy, upbeat tune. Almost as if she was faking it.
Astarion kept silent, before rather dramatically sauntering over and sitting down beside her. His ears flicked back a little as for he wasn't sure how to phrase what he felt like he needed to ask.
".... What's on your mind?"
That seemed like a good way to ask. It was a very Gale way of asking, mayhap, but the wizard always seemed to have a way of asking about someone’s day that made people eager to talk. Therefor, it was a good strategy to mimic
"A tadpole."
... Or, maybe not. Not when it came to her. Astarion looked at Willow, frowning as she just gave him a deadpan look in return. This was hard enough without her leaning into the general banter and push and pull thing they had going. In that silence, as he looked in the flaming green eyes she had, he suddenly understood why it was so hard to truly connect. Gods, had he really not seen it before now, how she drew up a wall of airy, light humor and jokes whenever someone got too close for comfort?
".... You know," he started, keeping an eye on her as she turned back to strum on the lute a little bit, "For what it's worth, the group we're in knows most of everyone's backstories, save a few details that people don't wish to repeat for a myriad of reasons."
Himself included. He shook the thought away.
"Well, anyone; but you. All I know is that you got involved with this Nephamor-"
The way she suddenly halted her play was cacophonic at best, and Astarion flinched at the sharp sound of it hitting his sensitive ears. Silence fell between the two, as Astarion finished the sentence in his head but refrained from speaking it aloud. That he didn't even know much about her dealings with this tiefling sorcerer other than that the guy had been enough of a bastard that Willow had wanted him dead. And succeeded.
He looked at her from his peripheral view, going back and forth between that and watching as the river lazily continued its path down the valley.
"Do you..."
Gods, he had no idea how to ask about this. It wasn't exactly like he was used to asking anyone about their past in an open conversation. He either guessed what happened, or got his intel in some other- he grimaced at the memory.
"Uhm..." he muttered, trying to get a hold of himself again. Honestly at this point he much rather heard her story than have some memory flare up in his mind of nights he desperately wanted to actually forget.
"Do you... want to talk about it?"
The silence returned, lingering thick between them as Astarion mentally kicked himself and was almost ready to get up and go back to camp, considering it a mission failed-
"It's not exactly some grand tale fitting of a Bard," Willow mused, setting her lute to the side and leaning back on her arms for a little bit to look up at the night sky. Stars were starting to emerge as she did, with the moon slowly climbing up into the sky.
"Not everything has to be some epic tale," Astarion shrugged, trying to be noncommittal about it.
"... Mind if I bring it to you like a Bard should, anyway?"
"If it helps."
She turned to him a little, and he followed her example so they were facing each other at least somewhat. Astarion made himself comfortable as she added a little bit of extra wood to the small fire she had made.
"Well, our story starts in a small town in the middle of absolutely nowhere in Faerun, and at least near a cave entryway into the Underdark. It's a town founded by a small settlement of Tieflings who made some deal with a nearby drow population that they would take these unwanted lands off their hands and, you know, leave them to roam the Underdark in peace. It’s a rough and tough land and while the drow aren’t really an issue just about everything else is.
So this settlement of Tieflings quickly starts to value martial skill. Barbarian, fighter, monk; all of them highly valued as protectors of the people. And then there's a little purple tiefling among them. Everyone here a Mephistopheles Tiefling, that can only mean there's some red blood in her history somewhere. And that would be fine, were it not that this little girl likes, ugh, music and art,"
Astarion just gave Willow a very small nod when she looked to him for some kind of reassurance that she hadn't lost him yet. She kept her face almost eerily neutral as she continued
"So, when she's not watching people rip up her poems and sheet music, she is trying desperately to convince a magic born tiefling that they're better off if they stick together. But he plays along with the crowd, because he is far too scared to be their next target. This continues for years until both of them reach their majority and she finally convinces the sorcerer that Faerun is big. Like, really big; big enough that if they just look, and have each other’s back, they can have the kind of life they dream of. So, they run, in pursuit of something better."
She was trembling a little, but as soon as he noticed that she seemed to pull all her emotions back in and continued her tale as if she was talking about some wild fairy tale that never happened to her.
"It was hard. On the road, they often met people who had never seen Tieflings before, who immediately drew back in fear at the very sight of them. Or, they came across the settlements of their kin scattered about in the lands and were seen as just another mouth to feed. So the Bard did what Bards do best; entertain. She sang, she wrote stories and poems to recite, and he was clever enough to get her a proper stage and ask people for copper and gold to get in.
Finally, she was no longer seen as a monster to placate or a silly little thing with stupid aspirations that would get her nowhere, no, they saw her shine on stage and called her name in unison and adoration- and that sounds like the perfect ending, doesn't it?
But- well…"
She paused, needing a moment to breathe, and Astarion couldn't help but wonder if it was in a metaphorical sense more than literal. His ears flicked back again, frowning just a little as he wondered whether to make her stop or not.
".... Go on," he eventually softly prodded.
"Well, you see, using fame to deal with your problems is pretty much the same as asking a hag for some solution to an issue. Yes, it's great to be adored as the amazing Bard, until... until the demands start pouring in. Until everyone wants your autograph, every minute of your time, every piece of yourself you never wanted to part with- and you have to smile, and bear it, don't ever let that smile falter. Because as soon as they catch you slipping, as soon as you're less than kind, well; you're just proving you're the monster they still think you are. You're "one of the good Tieflings" until you're not. You're talented and amazing until you snap at a fan to not step on your tail again, please, and then the fear and bigotry returns and you’re the reason they regard your kin that way again as well.
Oh, and the sorcerer you bring along for protection? Well, if he's not busy throwing you to these ravenous wolves in every way he can, well, he's keeping an iron grip on anything that comes in while working in your shadow-"
"Willow-" Astarion started, the slightest bit of concern ringing through in his voice as Willow's trembling got worse; like the campfire was no longer keeping her warm. But this wasn't from being cold; he knew well enough that this was different. But she continued as the dam had broken and the whole story was too hard to keep in.
"Because, silly you, did you think you were getting paid? No, he is selling your talent for his own gain. You were never supposed to be a team and he will never have your back when it matters. Your talent is just a means to an end, you're just being-"
She bit her lip in anger, eyes squeezing shut as a silence fell between Willow and Astarion. However, this one wasn't awkward like the previous ones had been. Astarions ears lowered, a small pang in his chest making itself known as he watched the tears cling to her lashes.
He lowered his own gaze to the ground. He could fill in the final word to her sentence without even thinking about it, the silence between them only solidifying the sudden understanding they found between themselves.
“.... And to rub salt in the wound, he kept contact with the hellhole you both came from. He promises your hometown that he'll bring you back and make you an ‘honest woman.’ Why, leaving town together, that's clearly just a complicated way of saying you want to get eloped, right? What do you mean, no? You don't get a say in that."
He felt rage bubbling in the pit of his stomach, almost angry for her in her place. If anyone knew how much of a stab to the back that was, or how chaining that felt... it was him. Red eyes looked into flaming green ones as he realised she still had more to say.
"... So I got in an argument with him," Willow muttered, dropping the pretense that this had been about anyone but her as she still fought back the tears that were burning in her eyes by taking deep breaths and occasionally looking up at the sky,
"I argued. I screamed. I was so angry with him- He just got angry in return; saying that it was so obvious that we were an item now, and basically that he would be hailed as some kind of wild beast tamer if he just brought me back. He fully intended to drag me back there if he had to. So I ran from his side- only to run right into the ambush of a mindflayer, be whisked away on some ship and have a tadpole shoved into my eye."
Silence fell between the two yet again as Willow quietly inched closer to the river, gazing upon the image reflected back up at her and letting out a sigh. Astarion casted his gaze to the side, in deep thought. What was he to do? What could he do? It seemed like there was nothing he could say to ease her feelings, and he truly wasn’t sure what to do now that his silver tongue failed him completely.
He inched a little bit closer himself, only to flinch back a little when she leaned back with another sigh.
“Not exactly a grand tale befitting of an ‘admired’ Bard, like I said.”
Astarion let out the slightest hint of a huff, a weird tight feeling emerging in his chest as he watched her shift her weight and position. She pulled up her knees, hugging them so she could lean on them in support as she watched into the dark waters of the river faintly illuminated by the moon in the sky.
The silence between them remained as he desperately looked for something, anything to say, only to come up completely empty. He didn’t know what to say; comforting anyone had never been his forte, neither before and definitely not after he was turned into a vampire spawn.
Eventually he decided to inch closer to her, joining her by the water edge. He took care to place himself just close enough to her that their arms were ever so slightly touching, hoping that his presence and the featherlight touch offered comfort when none of his words could.
Willow’s pointed ears flicked back and lowered, as her gaze darted between him and the reflection in the dark water of the river. As far as the water was concerned, she sat there by herself, not another soul in sight. The only thing proving that he was actually beside her was the slight cold creeping onto her arm from where his touched hers.
“…You know,” she started, with a little laugh of disbelief as she knew how stupid this was going to sound, “there is one singular, solitary thing I envy about your… condition. I mean, it’s not worth any of the hells you’ve been through, obviously, but…”
She slowly and deliberately moved the arm he wasn’t leaning against, her reflection in the water relentlessly mimicking the gesture, even when she dropped it back to her leg.
“But at least you’re not constantly reminded of what everyone else sees when they look at you.”
“Doesn’t mean they treat me any better.”
“No, I know. I guess… I guess I just sometimes wish I didn’t see anything when I look in a mirror. It.. it would beat seeing everything I don’t like about myself.”
That was fair enough. The silence returned after that, but this time it was strangely a little more comfortable than it had been before. Astarion reached for her hand a couple of times, pulling back in hesitation just as often. He wasn’t sure how to do this, if she was okay with it, if he was okay with it, but eventually he took her hand into his own. He ran his thumb over her ring finger, down to the very tip of the clawed nail. He was still thinking of what to say when they intertwined their fingers, and he lightly rested his head to the upper part of her arm.
“You…. your storytelling isn’t half bad, you know.”
A little snort came out of her as that was the last thing she expected him to bring up, but in that was a quiet appreciation that weirdly enough, a comment like that from him was far more genuine than any of his more shallow praise. She felt him lean against her a little more, almost like he stopped holding back his weight as much. She responded by very lightly and loosely wrapping her tail around him.
“… You aren’t half bad either, by the way.”
“… Thanks, Star.”
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tacticalhimbo · 10 months ago
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-> PINNED POST (banner courtesy of my partner 💕)
welcome to my wild ass corner of the internet — here's some important information taken from this post [link that can be reblogged]:
I've joined the writer's portion of the ficsforgaza initiative to help encourage fundraising to vetted fundraisers to aid those in Gaza! Please check out the blog's guide on participation as well as their FAQ. Make sure to check out the other writers taking requests!
WHAT YOU DO: Donate to any of the vetted fundraisers found on the blog, or the blogs they have reblogged information from, and send me an ask or DM with your request!
Also, if you're unsure where to donate to, check out the following resources: Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraisers List Help Gaza Children Operation Olive Branch's Spreadsheet of Fundraisers
It is mandatory that you include proof of donation for this. Please redact personal information! I will verify proofs where needed with the blog organizers. Example: hey jay! i donated to the palestine childrens' relief fund and would like a fic featuring [character] and [character] with [prompt]. here's proof of my donation! [attached image]. There will be NO anonymous requests! It's harder to verify things that way.
For every $1 you donate, I will write 100 words. My limit on this will be $20, or 2000 words. That's the average wc for most of my fics.
WHAT I DO / MY PERSONAL GUIDELINES: Safe for work (SFW) content only! I don't feel comfortable writing smut for people.
YES: OC x OC, OC x Canon, Self-Ship or x Reader, Canon x Canon, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, pretty much any dynamic or theme goes! NO: Proship content. I do not feel comfortable with that, and I do not endorse any of that kind of stuff.
FANDOMS: Cyberpunk (Edgerunners & 2077), Disco Elysium, Dragon Age, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Fallout, Far Cry, Hitman (World of Assassination Trilogy), Metal Gear, Outer Worlds, Rainbow Six Siege, Red Dead Redemption 2, Reflect Studios franchise (Welcome to the Game, Scrutinized, Dead Signal, etc), Resident Evil, Skyrim, Splinter Cell (games only)
Full DNI / BYF criteria [below; originally linked NeoCities page]. Examples of my written works can be found here, with fanfictions toward the bottom of the page!
I will try to publish requests as soon as possible! I've luckily got a decent bit of free time, but I am also chronically ill and have a life outside of Tumblr! There is no real deadline with these things, as the main goal is (again) helping people and families in need. That should take precedence above all else.
Please don't feel pressured to donate! I know things are rough for everyone across the board when it comes to finances! If you happen to have the extra money and would like to contribute to this cause, then please do so! This applies even to those who may not want something out of it. I've shared many fundraisers and resources, as have countless others, and there are proper channels to help people out <3
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now, here's a bit about me:
name. jason (jay or jas works too) pronouns. any / all & es / xier (auf deutsch, bitte!) age. 24+ languages. english (and sometimes german) misc. chronically ill / disabled (long covid, impaired vision, impaired hearing), neurodivergent (autism, adhd, c-ptsd), regrettably from florida
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and my blog:
do not interact if you are… racist / xenophobic antisemetic / islamophobic / discriminate against non-christian religions queerphobic / terf / tehm / transmedicalist / misc. exclusionist misogynistic ableist pedophile (apologist) / "pro-ship" pro-ana / pro- eating disorders a nazi, right winger / conservative, trump / desantis / maga supporter, pro-police / pro-military, believe all lives matter (aka: discredit blm and similar bipoc-focused movements) etc etc.
i support human rights for all folks, plain and simple. if you're willing to make any exceptions because "xyz group makes me uncomfy and i heard from fox news", i do not want you here. i do not care for you. you deserve rights, too, but you are not entitled to my time or energy.
i reserve the right to block or refuse interaction in accordance to my safety / comfort. any content i post across my platforms is for me / those who request it. don't like it? keep scrolling. asks are off for an indefinite period of time until y'all learn to fucking behave. asks back on but the privilege can and will be revoked at will. my content may not be suitable for all audiences, but i ensure to do my best in tagging potentially mature and / or upsetting content material. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need specific things tagged for your viewing pleasure.
the template i use for my fic uploads was made by noahresources! [template link]
tracking tag: #userhimbo
here are some navigation links (that may or may not work):
mutuals / besties. hev [tag] | delia [tag] | vendetta [tag] | ollie [tag] | avarice [tag] | alice [tag] | my brother [tag] | my dog [tag] | my three cats [tag 1 ; tag 2 ; tag 3] | stray cat we've practically adopted [tag]
creations. ocs [tag] | writing [tag] | fics [tag] | art [tag] | gifs [tag] | edits [tag] | virtual photography [tag] | neocities [link]
information. general [tag] | mutual aid [tag] | neocities [link] | ko-fi [link]
sideblogs. queeracing (formula 1; link) | pistolenprinz (rdr2; link) | jessepinkmanbf (brba & bcs; link) | devitalization (gamedec; link) | simply-jason (archive url; link) | i also have an nsfw sideblog if y'all wanna get to know me like that(tm); just dm or ask off anon!
more below the cut.
potentially frequently asked questions:
why do you type in all lower case? easier to read, easier to type.
didn't you used to go by [x]? i won't say, usually. i have posted about some of it before, but i'm not gonna trudge anything back up. personal name changes are part of my gender journey, url changes are for a reason / because i can.
i saw you used to do paid commissions! will you open those again? maybe. it really depends on how i can take payment and whether or not i feel safe doing that. accessible payment methods risk me being outed, and in the most unsafe state in the united states for trans* folk... i would rather not risk that if i can avoid it.
do you take writing / fic requests that aren't paid? sure! i don't mind writing things or creating things for people free of charge, as long as you actually... respect it. don't steal my shit, don't claim you wrote it, etc etc. i know i can't stop you, but i can (and will) shit talk you and drag you through the mud if i catch you doing it. i know my worth. don't try to play me because you're an insecure fuck.
why do you sometimes write trans*? isn't the asterisk redundant/problematic/etc? afaik, no. it's a habit i picked up while writing about trans folk in an academic context where my audience was primarily cis. it literally means nothing more than showcasing that trans is an umbrella term that includes various labels (e.g., transgender, transsexual, transmasc, transfem, etc etc.). if someone has made it problematic, or used it in discourse/exclusionary circles, i am not aware of that. and if that is enough to make you think i'm an exclusionist... why are you even here? genuinely.
can you tag posts with queer as "q-slur" or something similar? no. queer is my identity. don't like it, don't stick around.
why are some types of campaigns tagged as "important" and others tagged as "bump!"? well, context is dependent. but right now trying to help victims of genocide takes precedent. of course, i encourage everyone to donate to any of the campaigns i share regardless of content, as everyone deserves their basic needs filled.
some fun facts about me include:
i'm a college graduate with a bachelor's degree focused on social work and correctional support management. i aim to work in mental health advocacy, and want to focus on marginalized / underrepresented populations.
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occasionalfics · 7 years ago
Paige’s 2k Challenge/Bash!
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Hello and welcome to my 2k Follower Celebration/Bash! First and foremost, thank you for getting me to 2k!! This blog has more followers than my main blog. But I write for Thor so I get it. We’re hungry.
Secondly, the challenge! I wanted to do something more creative than just a simple writing challenge...but I think that’s gonna end up being more in the execution than this prompt list. And by that, I mean that I want y’all to get as creative as possible. Do whatever you want (within reason): one-shot/drabbles, feature-length fics, mini-series, letters, etc.
So here are the specifics:
Up to two prompts per person, two people per prompt. 
Should enough prompts be open by Wednesday, September 19th, I’ll think of something else to add because right now I’m out of ideas. 
Send me an ask with the prompt you want, the character(s) you want to include, and maybe a backup or two if you think you’ll need it (I’ll let you know if someone gets to your choice ahead of you though).
If I don’t respond to your ask within 24 hours, send it again.
Tag me in the body of your post and make sure to tag #paiges2kbash so I can find your entry! (If I don’t respond within 24 hours, send it to me in a message.)
If you’re gonna write smut, you’ll have to be 18 or over and the character you write for needs to be as well.
All Marvel characters are on the table - even ones I don’t normally write for. This is about what you want, as my way of giving back to you for following me!
I am 100% cool with and encouraging you to play with the genre your prompt comes from. You see something in the Angst category, but you think it’ll be cute and fluffy too? GIVE. IT. TO. ME.
Gimme AUs, Gimme body swaps. Gimme it ALL.
Word minimum: 500. Total. There is no maximum.
I prefer Reader Insert fics, but I’m also cool with OCs. PLAY WITH THAT PERSPECTIVE BABE!
Make sure the prompt is easily identifiable in your post. Bold, italicised, a different color, or just point it out in the informational part of the post (if you do those like I do), just make sure I and other readers can easily figure out what the prompt is!
You do not have to be following me to enter! I’d love to have you and would appreciate your company, but it’s not required to participate.
Entries are due by HALLOWEEN (10/31/18)! 
Make it spoopy.
Here’s what I’ll be doing throughout/at the end of the challenge:
Making a masterlist of all the entries with descriptions and tags
Denoting which are my favs in some way
Reblogging each entry to support and promote both the entry and the challenge (once again, if I don’t reblog within 24 hours, send it to me in a message)
Interchangeable prompts are located under Misc. So you get to pick what genre!
“Not you again..”
“I thought you loved me.”
“I can’t believe you!”
“We can’t keep this up forever.” - @mcu-owns-my-ass
“Don’t leave me…” - @the-resal10 with bucky (and/or steve)
“You’re a disappointment.”
“Don’t die on me– Please.” - @bvckysmanbun with steve
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Thanks for nothing.”
“Why did you spare me?
“You need to leave.” - @the-resal10 with thor
“I thought we were family!” - @akamaiden with thor
“There was never an us.”
“So that’s it? It’s over?”
“I fucked up.” - @distinguishedstarlightcrusade with tony
“I came to say goodbye.”
“I don’t deserve to be loved.”
“About the baby… It’s yours.” - @sidehowriting with thor
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No, it was my fault for thinking that you might care.”
“I’m so in love with you.” - @thorsstorms with thor
“Dance with me!”
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” - @thorsstorms with thor
“Will you marry me?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re special to me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Can I kiss you right now?” - @lookslikeleese with thor
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” @multi-fandom-imagines8 with thor
“We’d make such a cute couple.”
“I want to take care of you.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.” - @iambuckyrogers with bucky
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Is that my shirt?” - @barnesrogersvstheworld with bucky
“You’d be a great dad/mom.” @averyrogers83 - with steve or bucky
“Did you do something different with your hair?”
“This is why I fell in love with you.”
“Stop hogging all the blankets!”
“Let’s run away together.” - @sweetboybucky with bucky
“Where did all these puppies come from?” - @samanthasmileys with peter parker (feat. tony stark)
“Wanna go see a movie with me?”
“I vote today to be a pajama day.”
“I’ll just be in the bathroom throwing my fucking guts up because our unborn kid wants to be a dick!”
“You’re smart and successful with an adorable belly.”
“Your hair is so soft…”
“Just relax, I’ll wash your hair for you.”
“You are ridiculously comfortable…” @uhltrons with peter parker
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
Smut (NSFW, for 18+ only, I will be checking)
“This was fun— Let’s do it again sometime!”
“Why are you naked?”
“Bite me.”
“Fuck me.”
“Stop teasing me so much…”
“What a pretty sight.”
“Well, fine; just this once.”
“As you wish.”
“First one to make a noise loses.” @sassysupernaturalsweetheart with loki
“Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
“We can’t do that here!”
“I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“You’re more than just a one night stand.”
“Don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
“Put that thing away!”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“You’re n-not ,um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?” - @buckybarnes-xyou with bucky
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“You taste like fucking candy.”
“Just let me finish this level/chapter/etc. and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
“If I have to stop what I’m doing, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“Were you just masturbating?”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. thats cute.”
“For the love of fuck.”
(optional) “Yep, thats me. I love to fuck.”
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.” - @kentuckybarnes with bucky
“Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt.”
“Did you just… finish?” - @supernovasandcoronas with bucky
“They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly, this is getting dangerous.”
“I’m not actually feeling anything.”
“Are you getting any closer?”
“Boobs are really just squishy pillows.”
Misc. (could be any genre you’d like)
“I’m fine.”
“I’m really fucked up.”
“Are you drunk/high?”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person.”
“I don’t remember that!”
“Well that’s pretty rude of you to say.”
“You owe me.”
“You did what?!”
“I love that show too!”
“Can I borrow that book of yours?”
“What are you listening to?”
“I brought you your coffee.”
“I haven’t slept in four days.” @hwkewhy with steve
“This place gives me the creeps.”
“Just how stupid do you think I am?”
“I can take care of myself just fine.” - @samanthasmileys with steve, oc, and tony appearance
“Since when have we ever been friends?”
“Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night.” - @thatfanficstuff with clint
“Put me down!” - @evanstarff with bucky
“It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is…”
“Didn’t you read the sign?”
“Do you think you can teach me that?”
“Okay.. This is new.”
“You’re in trouble now.”
“Tell me again.”
“What do you think? You like?”
“This isn’t what I had in mind, but okay.”
“Don’t forget who taught you that.”
“Are you sure this is legal?”
“Why are you so annoying?”
“What’s with the box?”
“Stop pinning this on me! You started it!” - @hiswhiteknight with bucky
“Just pretend to be my date.”
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve determined that you’re full of shit.”
“Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
“It’s not that you’re wrong, exactly, you’re just extremely not right.”
“You shouldn’t be trusted with small children, should you?”
“Give me cake or give me death.”
“You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
“You’re like, five feet tall. How you gonna reach me, shortie?” - @sectumsempra-beaches with loki
“It’s not a double date, we’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
“I’m going to keep you safe.” - @captain-ariel-barnes with thor
“It’s lonely here without you.” - @romancing-the-reader with loki
“How did we get here?”
“You are not going without me.”
“You know we’re supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do.” - @mcu-owns-my-ass
“I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”
Prompt sources:
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