#the false love being confronted on his falseness and a discourse on the nature of True Love seems like her kind of thing
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hobbitsetal · 1 month ago
The Nature of True Love
Prince Osric fenced moodily at the trees, though he knew full well he blunted his sword by so doing. What did it matter? He had lost his fiancee to another, and the loss and the reason for the loss vexed him to his soul.
A serving woman trotted by, a basket of apples balanced on her hip, and paused when she saw him. "Have you heard, prince?" she asked. "The Princess Falina is to be wed!"
"Yes," he said. "I've heard."
She considered him with bright, knowing eyes. "You do not seem joyed by this."
He sighed. "Oh, I'm happy for her. Prince Edmund seems a decent man."
"Then what vexes you, prince?"
Osric wavered, for he was not in the habit of pouring out his heart to serving women. But he had been poking the orchard trees for an hour and a half now and felt no better, and the woman's eyes were kindly. "He is her true love, so they say."
"Aye, so I've heard."
"And I am not."
She set her basket down and sank to sit gracefully on the ground, her hands in her lap and her skirts an untidy floof around her. "I am listening."
He glanced at her and then back at the tree. Frowning, he whacked off another strip of bark. "You must have heard the rest of the tale already."
"You have not told it to me," she answered calmly.
Whack to the poor pear tree. "I'm sure everyone's heard it. How her affianced suitor couldn't tell her from a hundred identical maidens, but her true love knew her by the curl of her mouth and the way she laughed. How the Witch Meridian turned her into three forms, and he knew every one of them and I guessed only two."
Soft voiced, she said, "I have heard other tales, too, prince."
Osric's shoulders tensed. This time, he decapitated a nodding flower.
"I have heard tales of a prince who danced with many maidens while his fiancee watched. Of a prince who sang poetry to many ears and strolled with many maidens."
"It was only talk," he said sulkily. "I like to talk. I'm quite eloquent, you know."
He was not looking at her, and so he did not see her eyes spark at that. But she said only, "I have so heard, prince."
"I was true to her!" he burst out, aggrieved. "What matters a little talk, a little poetry, when I was true to her?"
"It mattered to the princess, so I have heard."
"Bah, she always wasdull." He lopped off a dandelion head. "I told her it was only court talk and that I was true to her. She ought to have danced with me more."
Still he was not looking at her, and so again he did not see her eyes flash at that. But she said only, "Surely you ought to be relieved she is marrying another? Now you may find a maiden more suited to your taste."
"She was suited to me well enough. She was very sweet, even if she was dull. Besides, this was to have been an important match for my kingdom."
"It almost sounds," the woman said, "as if you are more vexed that your love was not true than that you have lost the Princess Falina."
At that, he turned round indignantly. "My love was true! Have you not been listening?"
This time he was looking at her, and this time he saw her eyes blaze as she rose. She rose and she rose, and she was not a servant woman at all, but a queenly figure of seven feet and garbed in robes of silk and gold threads, and her beauty was not like that of mortal women.
"I have heard," said she, "from your own mouth that you did not heed Falina's requests or feelings. I have heard that you did not study her as a lover ought. I have heard, Prince Osric, from your mouth and from hers, that you knew only one side of her and you had decided to content yourself with that for the sake of your kingdom. I have not heard any love, much less True Love. Do you know what I have heard from Falina?"
Mute, terrified, he shook his head.
"I have heard from Falina that you neglected her, and that Edmund listened to her woes and soothed them. That when she coughed, he fetched a remedy. When she wept, he offered a handkerchief. When she smiled, he knew the joke. I have heard that since they were children, he has known her and loved her, whether smiling or glum, whether she did what he pleased or no. When their interests diverged, still he paid attention to what made her glad, even if it was of no account to him. When she changed, he paid attention and loved her changes too. You cannot say the same, prince."
Osric's eyes fell at that, for he knew she spoke truth.
More gently, she said, "Your love was not true, prince, for it was a love of self and not of her. So I will give you a gift. You may not consider it a gift yet, but I think in time you will come to recognize it for what it is."
Alarmed despite himself, he took a little step back. "Who are you to judge me?"
"I am the Princess Falina's fairy godmother, Prince Osric, and I have helped her true love win her hand. I had meant to punish you for your ill treatment of her, but I see now that you are not malicious, but careless and selfish and enamored of your own voice. So I shall teach you to think before you speak. You shall say nothing whatever except between the hours of nine and ten at night, that you may unburden yourself and then sleep properly."
"But I have duties to fulfill," he said blankly.
"Then you had better practice your handwriting." So saying, she stooped and kissed his mouth lightly, as a mother might her child.
The prince opened his mouth to protest further, but no words came out. The godmother's gift had taken hold.
"Naturally," she went on, "True Love will restore your voice to you. You vowed marriage and devotion to Falina, yet you were not devoted in the least. I suggest you learn what it means to be true. Or, of course, learn to be a quiet man."
She rose up into the air. Somewhere between one blink and the next, she became a small and graceful bird and flew away. And Prince Osric sheathed his abused sword and went slowly and silently back to the palace.
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things2mustdo · 4 years ago
I went to visit my family for Thanksgiving, and as usual, I was confronted with numerous blue pill beliefs. While I’m no longer annoyed by these things, because I’ve gone through the “Return Journey” phase of swallowing the red pill, I did notice something that was extremely disturbing.
As I grew tired of arguing over basic political, economic, and gender points, I meandered downstairs to my family’s recreation room. There was a group of my younger relatives, aged 16-20, watching some show on Netflix about trans-gendered individuals.
I don’t know what the show was called, but one thing that really struck me was the show’s uncanny ability to use emotionally charged scenes and drama to elicit a feeling of compassion for the characters. In other words, numerous TV shows are now starting to take advantage of our natural empathy, and using it to sway our political and social opinions.
Emotionally Gripping
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As I stood behind the couch watching a few minutes of this transgender show, I saw a very heart wrenching scene take place. Although the nuances of the story line were lost to me, I gathered enough information to see what was going on.
Basically, some guy was getting surgery to turn into a woman. As he was in the operating room, something went terribly wrong, and despite the surgeons’ desperate attempts to save him, he ended up perishing.
The following scene was comprised of extremely grief-inducing piano music played to various clips of the man’s children all mourning their loss. While this may seem innocuous, or like it’s just “creative, dramatic television,” I believe that it’s actually something far more sinister.
What’s going on here, is that the elites (because remember, this is a top down operation) are trying to traumatize the average American youth with images of the “horrors that transgender people go through!” They’re using television to create these emotional “triggers,” if you will, that will be ignited anytime someone says something against transgenders.
In other words, the trauma that occurs from becoming engrossed in this TV show (in our example) leaves an emotional residue of sorts, so that whenever the topic of transgenderism is brought up in conversation, the viewer subconsciously remembers the emotions associated with the topic which the TV show implanted into his mind.
Emotional Triggers
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This became abundantly clear to me as I was arguing with a friend from the West Coast over transgenderism. I very calmly said that I believe it’s a mental illness, and should be treated as such. I said that these people need help, and we shouldn’t encourage them. I backed my assertion by referencing how the chief psychologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital has vehemently called out doctors who perform transgender surgeries as “collaborating with a mental illness for profit.”
Despite my calm and collected assertions, she grew EXTREMELY emotional and automatically assumed a whole host of things about me:
I’m a disgusting, careless sociopath
I have no sympathy for others’ suffering and I’m a cold-hearted bastard
I vehemently hate anyone who’s different than me
Despite the fact that none of these things are true, it became clear to me why she automatically believed this about me: the TV shows that she watches had been subtly implanting little emotional biases into her brain. This is how manipulative our “real” media is.
What happened, in psychological terms, was that as I was calmly explaining my perspective on transgenderism, her subconscious was flooded with all of the EMOTIONS that she associates with the topic:
All of the pain and grief she experienced from TV shows depicting transgender “issues”
How Bruce Jenner is a “hero,” and how much mainstream “opposition” he encountered when coming out
All of the anger she experienced when the token “anti-transgender person” in each show was a huge dick to the main character (more on this in the next section)
All rational thought was completely stopped, as she had literally been trained to elicit a certain response whenever the topic of transgenderism is brought up. Do you see my point? By repeatedly exposing people to scenes that elicit sympathy for transgenders, the media is engineering a widespread social response in favor of it.
Token Characters
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As I alluded to before, another underhanded tactic that mainstream TV shows use is that they never have a rational, level-headed man who supports traditional marriage and normal heterosexuality. Any time someone in mainstream media doesn’t support the main character’s disorder, he’s always portrayed as a complete asshole.
This can take the form of him beating up the main character, bullying the main character, or what have you. I recall several years ago there was ample talk at the work place over some “anti-homosexual” character in glee that smothered a smoothie onto a guy just because he was homosexual, or something ridiculous like that.
Despite the fact that NOBODY I know would do something like this, the elite-sponsored TV utilizes token characters in order to implant a certain idea into our heads—the idea that everyone who opposes deviant sexual orientations is a cold-hearted bully. I recall that this was pointed out to me by a Catholic high school teacher, and it didn’t make any sense to me back then (before homosexuality was normal).
Now, in retrospect, I’m extremely thankful that he planted that seed in my class’s mind. The more that I look at television through this lens, the more I see what he was talking about. There’s never a level-headed, confident, genuine man that has game, either. It’s always either a completely meek beta male, or a chauvinistic “bad boy” Hank-Moody type character (although I do love me some Hank Moody).
This phenomena is taken even further as the transgender or homosexual person in mainstream TV is almost always portrayed as some brave, sweet, sensitive soul, with a hard life. In other words, the elites are engineering a dichotomy as Roosh has referenced before.
The dichotomy is that you’re either a sweet, empathetic, gentle-hearted person who supports transgenderism and deviant sexual preferences, or you’re a complete asshole who bullies and berates people just because “you’re mean.” This use of labeling brainwashes others into IMMEDIATELY putting you into the “sociopathic jerk” category if you don’t support transgenderism, making any and all rational discourse folly.
Subtle Desensitization
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Another terrifying event that comes to mind of the media’s disgusting methods was when I was watching a popular kid’s TV show known as “Adventure Time,” a year or two ago. Again, I was with my family for some holiday event (I can’t remember which), and recall some of the kids watching this show.
Despite the fact that it’s labeled as a kid’s show, I saw an insidious little dialogue take place that was meant to desensitize children to pedophilia. In the show, there was some ball going on (I assume it was like a “prom” type deal), and the old wizard was looking for a partner.
He ended up going with some underage girl, who was probably 60 years his prior, and when the main character pointed this out, the old wizard simply stated: “Age…is nothing but a number!” Upon which the characters started dancing and doing comical things to prevent any sort of rational thought occurring after this was said.
After seeing this I became extremely disgusted and turned off the television, but that’s beyond the point. Why is this type of dribble being used to brainwash our youth? Anyone with half a brain can see that the point behind this scene was to start subtly implanting the seeds of pedophilia into a child’s mind.
Again, the words of my wise old Catholic high school teacher come to mind. I’ll never forget when he told me that “in 15 years, pedophilia will become normal.” My entire class was shocked, and couldn’t comprehend such a thing happening. He said this in 2009, and it seems that his prediction is coming true.
“First it will start with the media,” he said. “They’ll have some show where they make jokes about it and they’ll keep the humor very lighthearted, never showing the actual act. They’ll begin the process of desensitizing you, then eventually some politician will bring it up, and it will be an official stance that other politicians will be forced to take. This will begin the process of slowly normalizing it.”
My God was this man spot on, because this is EXACTLY how the media sways our opinions.
Keep in mind that their methods are SUBTLE, and that’s the point—they want to keep it below the level of thought so that you never question what they’re teaching you. Any time a strange or ridiculous belief is asserted, they very quickly move into a joyful scene or celebration to not only prevent you from thinking too much about the ridiculous belief, but to have you associate happiness with it, as well, which brings me to my next point.
Association And Correlation Bias
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There’s a very powerful phenomena in psychology known as association; this is sometimes also called the correlation bias, or “Illusory Correlation.” This is basically your mind’s tendency to look for relationships where there aren’t any.
For example, why do you think most modern girls aren’t girlfriend material? Why do you think that the average man is weak, pathetic, and emasculated? It’s because of the media’s tendency to slowly create illusory associations within your mind.
The media causes women to associate happiness and a successful life with the following:
Being a man-hating feminist, who can’t submit to a strong, confident man
Not cooking or cleaning, because that’s “sexist”
Riding the alpha male cock carousel, and not getting married, because marriage is “oppressive”
The media creates a false correlation in women’s minds by constantly portraying bitchy, overly-masculine, slutty women as being empowered, sought-after, and happy. As any man who’s been learning game knows, this is absolute nonsense.
It doesn’t matter, though—once your brain has an association, it’s extremely difficult to get rid of it. This is why so many men are emasculated nowadays. It teaches us to associate:
Being a weak bitch with getting a hot girlfriend
Being a feminist and leftist with having girls think you’re noble and heroic
Courting a slut with being a gentleman
As any modern man who reads the manosphere knows, these are completely fallacious beliefs. Being a weak, low-testosterone man will not in fact land you the girls. Being a screaming leftist who holds those “I’m a feminist because,” signs will not get you the approval of women, and courting a washed up slut does not make you a gentleman (it makes you stupid).
Despite the obvious illogical nature of these beliefs, because the mainstream media has 8 hours a day to indoctrinate us, most men end up buying into them wholeheartedly, and will even berate you for having game when you CLEARLY get more women than them.
“So What Can I Do?”
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First things first, stop watching mainstream media. In case you haven’t noticed, the MSM is starting to feel the effects of men waking up; in fact, they’ve recently gone on a long, drawn-out tirade about “fake news,” or in other words, news that is red-pilled.
I haven’t watched mainstream media EVER—the only time that I ever watch MSM is if they’re interviewing a pickup artist, a manosphere blogger, or if I’m trying to debunk their ludicrous reporting. I get almost all of my news from sites like ROK, Danger And Play, Info Wars, Natural News, and the people that I follow on Twitter.
In addition to only consuming a red-pilled information diet, ensure that your children don’t watch TV unarmed. I saw a phenomenal post recently on “How to Raise Red-Pilled Daughters,” and the ROK author talks about how he doesn’t flat out ban TV, but rather teaches his daughters to think rationally and learn to see the foolishness of MSM.
Aside from not watching MSM and raising your family to be skeptical of it, you can also support alternative media sites by simply tuning in. You don’t have to buy any of their products (although it helps); simply giving them your attention and leaving a thoughtful comment or two is enough to generate interest.
All in all, we’re facing extremely tumultuous times. More and more people are starting to break free of the MSM’s grip on their mind, but the men who get left behind end up more brainwashed than ever. Eventually, once the MSM dies, we can begin the long and arduous process of reclaiming our country—and this, my friends, is something I believe is worth fighting for.
Read More: Fact Checking Emotional Propaganda
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When I was making a purchase at my local bookstore last week, the cashier solicited me for a donation. This donation was for a charity dealing with sick children or something. I told cashier I came here to buy a book not make donations. I guess she realized I am not one to be guilt tripped into doing things and told me that many people do not have the courage to say no. This pressure to comply due to emotional appeal has run rampant in America. When people make decisions on how they feel or manipulated by their feelings, not many good things can come of it.
Usually I do not delve into the details of the various schemes and manipulations that powerful people do in order to influence people’s behaviors. Someone actually fact checked one sales pitch for the limitation of guns. This exercise in breaking down an argument outside of the emotional shows that emotion is all it has. While the premise is guns, the method is pure emotional appeal.
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The Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg has decided to throw his hat in, as well as his capital, in a political fight against the NRA by spending an estimated fifty million dollars to start up Everytown for Gun Safety @ Everytown.org. If you go to his website, one of the articles pops out on the front page is an “analysis” of the over sixty “school shootings” that have taken place since the Newtown massacre on December 12th, 2012.
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In this era of political rhetoric and ideological echo-chambers, there is little in the way of fact-checking and realism with statistical data. The media is off  panicking the masses of soccer moms and metrosexual dads that mass shootings are a growing epidemic, apparently none of whom look at the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports of homicides every year. Of the sixty-two incidents on Everytown’s “analysis”, only one can be classified as a mass murder. The FBI is quite clear that a “mass murder” involves the homicide of four or more individuals with no cooling off period between the murders. The article would lead readers to believe that there have been sixty-two incidents of similar scope as the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. But this is simply not the case.
With a total combined death toll between the sixty-two “school shootings” of 39, it’s hard to match them up to Newtown, which in one incident saw 28 deaths, including the perpetrator, Adam Lanza. Despite what the media might portray for politics, ratings, or profit, such shootings are exceptionally rare. Of course, a large amount of the focus is on the AR-15 reportedly used,the  gun control advocates would like gullible Americans to think without which Adam Lanza would not have been capable of such carnage. But if you remember the Virginia Tech shooting on April 16th, 2007. Seung-Hui Cho managed to kill 32 people, then himself, with nothing more than a .22LR caliber Walther P22 and 9mm Glock 19; the Walther with a magazine capacity of ten rounds and the Glock a bit more at fifteen. There is little discussion of firearms in the Everytown analysis, probably because they are virtually all handguns or the suggested firearm for home defense of Vice President Joe Biden, a shotgun.
Let’s look at that the lack of analysis this “analysis” gives us, as it’s little more than a picture of a crying woman and a list of schools at which a firearm was discharged on or nearby campus grounds since December 2012. Thirty-nine people dead, because of school shootings, between December 13th, 2012 and mid-April 2014. It’s hard to find statistics for causes of death even near that number. The United States averages roughly 51 deaths due to lightning strikes per year, over the last 20 years; according to NOAA. According to the CDC, there was an average of 3,533 unintentional drownings per year for the years of 2005-2009. Yet where is a politically motivated and affluent billionaire to launch a safety campaign outlining the dangers of pools or thunderstorms?
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The fact that Mayor Bloomberg has taken Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s now infamous quote “never let a good crisis go to waste” to heart, is no surprise. But who thinks about the political realities of why someone is making moves against one of the GOP’s biggest political lobbies, using a tragedy like Newtown as the crest on their flag; when they are busy being emotionally compromised by the idea of children being gunned down in their school classrooms?
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Among the 39 deaths, there is a justified case of self-defense, a possible case of self-defense, and seven cases of nothing more then suicides by firearm. The biggest trend among these “school shootings” is the shooters and victims are young black men. This reality is in stark contrast to the media image of upper-class white elementary school kids gunned down by socially awkward psychopaths with AR-15’s or other “assault weapons”. Few if any of the mainstream gun safety campaigns reflect the reality of gun violence. Remember, you are more likely to be killed by bee stings than you are to be shot on or around a school campus.
In conclusion, this emotional appeal by Mr. Bloomberg seems to be all about coercing a population into following his politics through emotional appeal. His advocacy gives them an audience of motivated people controlled by their emotions. What could a powerful person do with this audience aside from campaign against guns. I signed up at this website to get the newsletter. This newsletter only talks about political activism for those that seem to not be able to make up their own mind. Be aware of those that appeal to your emotion, because they may not appeal to your interests.
Note: The author received help from “Glocktopus”, a member of the notorious “Donk Chat” in writing this article.
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mariaantonnietta · 5 years ago
My bleach musings.
Bleach is a series I love and somentimes the mood strikes for me to talk about it, so here I will post some theories, thoughts, headcannons and even plot bunnies I've gathered. Of course spoilers ahead.
First, I really like how the whole business with zangetsu ended up for Ichigo, how all inner guiding was rendered fullfilled once he realised the simple truth that both zangetsu's were him. It really gave the impression that he found himself and was finally aware of all his power and how it worked. At the same time, it pains me he never actually explained it or used it fully, I felt dissconected from him, he knew now better than ever what his real power was, and I didn't do at all.
Unpopular opinion, I like the fullbrighter arc, I agree that it was a pain watching it be written at snail pace, and that the total change of setting felt bad then, but reading it again all in one go it's a fantastic piece of mentally torturing your protagonist, so well made how it explores ichigo fears and weak points, with tsukishima exploiting them one by one in a downrall spiral. I found myself wondering how far kubo could break him down...the conclusion here is that it would have been interesting if it went more like this, alas kubo heart is too soft(my is soft too I was relieved he was alright, I just felt the escape from the situation a little cheap. It made sense that people now helped him back, so it's alright) the real conclusion here is that kubo can write psicological pieces if he puts his mind into it.
I want to talk about hollows now, so bear with me. I heard some thing orctwo from the nocels, but I dod not read them and also they're kinda-like canon, so I will try to not mention them or to explain if at any point I get something from them what that is. And if something was explained another way in a novel, then anyways I like my headcanon too.
So, now, my personal hollow theory lesson:
First, hollows are plus that stayed too long in the world of living (generally souls go automatically to siul society, you stay in the living world if you have regrets 'chaining you' there) and whose chain broke with time as these regrets acumulatted, becoming a hollow.
Hollows renounced their hearts to calm the pain, and their remants now form a mask that protects them. Also, they have a hollow left behind that marks their empiness they now feel, they lack humanity and hunger from it. That's why they seek to eat souls, to fill that hole, but they will always remain hungry.
Now we all know some hollows start seeing other's hollows as prey. This has not to do with power level but with a personal thing, I believe. A hollow might always remain a hollow or migth want to eat others and eventually become gillian, and that's intristic on the hollow( think the horse and king discourse here).
Now what happens when someone is eaten by a hollow? Not with their power, with their souls? My headcannon goes as follows:
First do you remember how gillians are said to be hundreds our wills silenced and going numb and adchucas are born from the ones where a voice is stronger than the rest and wants to keep eating? Well, it's always like that. A soul eaten by a hollow becomes part of the hollow, totally suprimed by the primary conscience. They become part of him/her. It's a bit weird, but hear me out. Let's say a shinigami purifies a hollow that has eaten 99 souls. Then all 100 souls are retourned to soul society when they are purified. They return to the balance (quincy wiping out hollows from existance is dramatic) as different souls.
But at the same time, I think these souls do influence the primary mind (the king). Their accumulation does change a little bit the person, even if it's always fundamentally the first soul.
Also, I'm pretty sure there exist two types of eating. The total kind and the partial kind. The total kind gives more power and total control of the soul, the partial is when full can't be done. Partial eating stops the evolution on hollows and twists plusses into hollows of their own.
About shinigamis, I've heard somewhere that they soul reborns in the human world and only their body can be consumed, and at the end it makes a lot of sense. How else will shinigami die?(I think this also goes for anyone living in soul society, they're especially delicious to hollows because they give power but don't add up to the cacophony of voices they are constantly suppressing.(this is probably an instrictual thing they can't turn off)). Aaroniero is an special case like methalasia.
Another thing is that their memories should become murkier the more souls they eat. Hollows all have at least their loved ones on intrinsic memory when they're born (the ones that made you warm the ones you should it) so they all have some memory of their past lives at the start, but it surely gets murkier with more souls eaten. That being said, as hollows are lost souls at their bare, something always lingers with them. About plus souls in soul society, it said the probability is really small, but I think it also depends on who you encounter. If you met your mom when you arrive, you will remember her. (The boy and sado, the boy remembered sado and their promise, because they were connected). The probabilty of such encounter in tour entire lives on soul society is the improbable one, and if you didnt have a strong will to find them as you die I doubt you will even remember they existed. But strong impression might remain, when you don't expect them.
Now going back to hollows, another thing is their masks. It's tabú not only for shinigamis but between hollows themselves to destroy another's mask. (See nelliel reaction to nnoitra destroying her fraccions masks)Also, becoming an arrancar its more inner that destroting a mask, hollow masks grow back when destroyed (nel fraccion, also orihime's brother.)I think is implied by the later that they remember when they were human without it . But he was a new holloow so...what's clear is that they're at their most vulnerable without them, and that it will grow back to protect them. But it may not completely(grim fraccion, nel broken one)...it may cause a trauma that prevents it's vomplete regrow, but is not an advance but a wound, they cover it up. To break your mask to become an arrancar (naturally) must be an inner determination.
About hell, pretty sure hollows always go to soul society, and only can go to hell if they were evil in their human lives too. Soul reapers can go to hell. Also, it can happen that a hollow changes and becomes better and ends up not going to hell. Like, let's say nelliel was an horrible human, now as she changed in hueco mundo she won't end up in hell when she dies, you need to remain a bad person to go to hell.
I have more theories regarding resurrection, the other resurrection, and a lot more things, but this is long enough. Let me give a last thought for now.
Both Aaroniero and Szayel cases interest me, but let's focus a bit on szayel and his brother. I know about what the novel said(the cero espada stuff I find hilarious, it's another number pun: two ceros conjoined made an eight, when they are surperpossed they make again a cero), and what their backstory was in it, but let's ignore it now, even better, let's pretend it's false.
I really find interesting the reality where these two souls encountering is actually accidental.
Tell me, what are the odds, of two souls not only both becoming hollows and managing to miss each other(so the did not eat the other)...but both reaching adjuchas rank(or a adjuchas and a vasto lorde, same thing), and both reuniting, under the same, ambitious man? How infinitessimal the probabilities are? To not be killed by soul reapers or other hollows, to both becoming attracted to eat hollows, to both becoming and active voice in a gillian, to both becoming adjuchas and surviving (and one to vasto lorde if you want)...it's too low to be posible, that's why the novel explamation while not perfect does make more sense, but even so!
I really want to see that scientific face, being so throghtfully confronted by this imposible fate staring right back at him.
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back-and-totheleft · 5 years ago
A brilliant work about white nationalism and the cult of personality
This past week saw the release of Chasing the Light, the epic memoir of legendary filmmaker Oliver Stone. A word like "controversial" doesn’t even begin to describe the work of Stone, whose films have delved deep into hot button political issues and sparked intense debate for decades. Some have decried Stone as a radical conspiracy theorist who indulges in his own historical fantasies, while others consider him to be a noble patriot who ranks among the great American filmmakers of all time.
Stone had his own take on the Kennedy assassination in JFK. He skewered corporate greed with Wall Street and demystified the Vietnam War with Platoon and Born on the Fourth of July. He explored violence in the media with Natural Born Killers. He’s made films centered on the lives of Richard Nixon, George W. Bush, Edward Snowden, Alexander the Great and Jim Morrison.
Stone’s films that play with real people and events often draw the most attention, but he’s also shown an ability to create work that is ahead of its time. No film personifies this more than Talk Radio, Stone’s 1988 chamber piece that explores the complex relationship between an abrasive radio personality and his audience. In 2020, this story about participation in media, toxic masculinity, performative impertinence, mental health stigma and local news coverage is more prevalent than ever.
It’s no secret that ratings for talk and news radio programs are down across the state, with some experts suggesting that listeners are looking for escapism from news updates and political divisiveness. Talk Radio exemplifies those anxieties by showing how absorbing it is for a host to keep his listeners engaged by any means necessary.
Eric Bogosian stars as Barry Champlain, a Jewish radio host based out of Dallas who berates his callers each night with tirades of hatred and sarcasm. Champlain’s callers look to him for reliable nastiness, and throughout the course of his shows, the lines between performance and sincerity become blurred. It’s unclear if Barry talks the way he does because he needs a reaction, or if the everyday grind of listening to these callers has taken a real toll on him.
“I'm a hypocrite,” he admits at one point. “I ask for sincerity, and I lie. I denounce the system as I embrace it. I want money and power and prestige. I want ratings and success, and I don't give a damn about you, or the world. That's the truth. For that I could say I'm sorry, but I won't.”
What makes Talk Radio so significant for its time is how it deals with the cult of personality that often dominates media viewership. Champlain’s callers aren’t calling because they’re interested in his viewpoints or even his outlandish statements. They’re addicted to him. One caller calls to tell Champlain about her obsession with his show, but when pressed for details, she can’t name anything other than how she “loves everything about (him).”
Although the story is loosely based on the life of the Denver radio host Alan Berg, its relevance about the prevalence of white nationalism feels pertinent to the current moment.
Stone explores how dominating this on-air persona can be. Champlain receives a barrage of vitriolic calls every night from listeners who despise him and often sling anti-Semitic insults his way. Champlain takes each call in stride, aiming to never show a sign of vulnerability, as that would contrast with the person he is presenting himself as.
Any moment of sincerity feels like a loss from Champlain. When he shows genuine concern for a caller who claims to be nearing an overdose, Champlain quickly learns he’s been duped by a particularly vile prankster. The radio host becomes angry, not just because he’s been deceived, but because the concern he showed is at odds with the uncaring facade he has constructed for himself.
A common talking point in today’s political discourse links the rise of radicalization as a result of extremist movements that are passed along through social media channels, often preying upon easily impressionable listeners. Champlain begins to recognize this process for himself throughout the course of Talk Radio, in which he realizes that many of his viewers view his program unironically and treat his most absurd hyperboles as a form of gospel.
Champlain’s boss Dan (played by a young Alec Baldwin) tells him that it’s only a job, but throughout the course of the film the audience learns how all-consuming the work has become. A desperate Champlain calls his ex-wife Ellen (Ellen Greene) at one point asking for help with his depression, but when she calls him on air, he treats her with the same resentment that he does any other caller. Champlain’s staff are horrified at the fact that he would use his prior relationship as material for his show, but for Champlain, they have become the same thing.
The notion of Jewish anxiety looms over the film; Champlain is a Jewish man with leftist views, and he’s often at odds with his conservative viewers. Even if he’s able to lampoon his abusers with a clever one-liner, Stone notes the real danger that Champlain is in, particularly as one caller makes a bomb threat while espousing hate speech. Even if Champlain isn’t afraid to put himself out there, it’s clear that he’s facing an uphill battle every day.
Although the story is loosely based on the life of the Denver radio host Alan Berg, its relevance about the prevalence of white nationalism feels pertinent today. Champlain’s anxieties stem from the fact that his tormentors confront him on open airwaves, thus giving a voice to others who are inspired by hate speech. In a time when platforms like Twitter and Facebook are slow to ban calls to violence, Champlain’s experience feels less like an anomaly and more like a precedent.
Despite the attention he receives, Champlain is very much alone, and Stone’s notion that those with the most recognition are often the most isolated was a novel theme in the pre-internet era. Conversations about the impact of social media on mental health often note how online interactions can lead to a false sense of well-being, and Talk Radio explores the very idea of using superficial relationships as a coping method.
If many of Stone’s films feel like a rallying cry or a call to action, Talk Radio is among his more nuanced and meditative works. The film certainly has pity for Champlain, but it doesn’t condone his actions. If anything, Talk Radio aims to explore how hostile media environments create people like Champlain, and how people are seduced into granting him any power.
A cautionary tale and a useful tool in exploring the ways in which strangers interact, Talk Radio is a forgotten classic that sheds some insight into what discourse has become. As Stone’s entire filmography is reconsidered as his memoir is celebrated, Talk Radio deserves to be appreciated for the brilliant work that it is.
Talk Radio made its streaming debut on Peacock. It can be viewed for free there.
-Liam Gaughan, “Oliver Stone Has a New Film, but Let's Look Back at the Ever-Relevant Talk Radio,” Dallas Observer, Aug 2 2020 [x]
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dinahgrace1990 · 5 years ago
A study on Lars Von Trier’s Melancholia as a Post Modern Film
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In his film, Melancholia Lars Von Trier adheres to postmodern aesthetics and certain ethics of postmodern filmmaking. Yet this postmodern film does not completely abandon an ethical or moral dimension. The plot of this film reveals to its spectators how truth and meaning came about. Moreover, the Postmodern perspective, according to Bauman, “tears off the mask of illusions; the recognition of certain pretensions as false and certain objectives as neither attainable nor … desirable.” Melancholia demonstrates this through the events around the life of the main protagonists, Justine and Claire.
In the beginning of the film, we as spectators are confronted with a series of images. In one image we see the shot of two planets colliding, which provides us a hint about the story’s ending as we trail along the narrative. We later find out that this would exhibit the film’s closure. From this we can assert that Von Trier’s intention for this film is not about finding out the truth but in constructing the truth. Hence, we are provided with the construction of meaning, which is what postmodern films aim to deliver.
As Melancholia is a postmodern film, its cinematic apparatus shows us how meaning is constructed and reduced by means of the Other, which is being controlled by the symbolic order. The main event in the first part of the film is Justine’s wedding party. As the newlyweds turn up two hours late for their wedding party, Justine begins to be compelled by her social milieu, into a symbolic order formed by the ritual of marriage. Along with this comes the adherence to the discourse of wedding parties, where the social order provides her and her companions with certain permissions and prohibitions of actions. For example, a bride like Justine is permitted to be happy on her wedding day, and it would be something unconventional if she is not. However, this meaning ascribed to the marriage institution becomes deprived as certain rules are broken: the mother of the bride gives a discouraging speech about marriage failures; the bride is missing when they are about to cut the cake; the wedding planner abhors the bride and refuses to even look at her; the sister of the bride throws away the bride’s bouquet to the crowd; the bride does not consummate her marriage with the groom but does so with another man; the groom leaves the bride for good after their wedding party is over – these events have disintegrated the symbolic order. We see the melancholic Justine striving, as a bride, to deliver what is expected of her. But eventually she fails to do so as the meaning of marriage also fails to bring her happiness. Thus, she becomes confronted with the Other, that which sees the marriage ritual as worthless and meaningless. Part one leaves us with this notion of moral indifference prevalent in postmodern perspectives.
In part two, however, the character of Claire tries to restore the symbolic order and through her maternal sentimentality, we notice a reform in Von Trier’s ethics of postmodern filmmaking altogether. Unlike Justine, Claire adheres perfectly to her role as a mother, wife and sister. She embodies the meaning of all these languages.  Claire’s relationship with her family and especially her sister somehow restores the moral indifference of the established postmodernist principles earlier in part one. However, this notion of the Other, creeps its way into her life as another symbolic order gets eradicated, the one about the planet Melancholia. This time, it is John, the father figure, who establishes the symbolic order that Melancholia will not hit planet Earth but will instead be a flyby. As a scientist, he believes that the discourse of scientific evidence provides the world with the truth, and that there cannot be any dispute once scientific calculations are given. The character of John can also be seen as a pastiche, referential of the overly rational thinker who believes he has the authority to acknowledge something as the truth through his scientific reasoning and rational mind. But the Other shocks him with the real truth about Melancholia’s intentions with planet Earth, because the Other is not found in the language of his scientific discovery. Not only is the symbolic order, established by the father, destroyed; the father also destroys himself by this revelation of truth.
 In the other postmodern film, Kill Bill, Quentin Tarantino risks the postmodernity of his aesthetics because the Bride’s (Uma Thurman’s character) sentimental discourse of maternity overpowers the director’s use of a pastiche. In Melancholia, Claire conveys the same sentimental discourse through her maternal nature that can overwhelm this idea of moral indifference dominating postmodern film’s ethics. Similar to what Lisa Downing proposes with Tarantino’s Kill Bill, Von Trier’s Melancholia does not completely exhibit a spirit of apathy or indifference to the world and abandon the Earth completely to evil. Instead, it shows us two sides of differing attitudes towards the world: one is the melancholic who has nothing to lose and so she welcomes the Earth’s destructor; the other is this motherly figure who has something to lose, someone she loves, and thus finds it hard to say goodbye. These two attitudes reflect human beings’ ambivalent relationship with the world. Yes, the world may be full of evil but we still love and cannot let go of certain things in it. Claire’s love for Justine and her family brings out the good in her. Even though she often tells Justine, “sometimes, I hate you so much”, her love for Justine still prevails, and this is evident through her motherly actions towards her. By offering this dilemma of choosing to hate or to love what the world provides us, it becomes unclear whether the question of morality is completely set aside, even though the film does end with the Earth’s destruction. What is clear is that this postmodern perspective in the film recognises the need for a “critical interrogation of our investments, our belief systems and our identifications,” as Downing describes, which provides us audiences with a certain ethical dimension.
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jeremyfrechette · 7 years ago
Sticks and Stones and Assassination Prose
Free speech does not cease in a nation predicated upon individual liberty, nor does it inevitably qualify as a “hate crime” simply because you disagree with or are deeply offended by the personal beliefs of others. There are no ‘safe spaces’ from the self-inflicted micro-aggressions of reality…i e., one’s own insecurities or deep-seated biases. Tolerance, disregarding the newly socially engineered version that slanders or threatens divergence with now disturbing regularity, is a prerequisite of free will and the fundamental crux of open and constructive discourse; a Socratic ideal colleges should be obstinately preserving rather than forcibly constricting in the name of fostering political uniformity.
Students, our own sons and daughters, should never be afraid to speak their mind out of fear of condemnation or retribution in our institutions of higher learning, let alone in the sovereign confines of a constitutional republic that openly rebelled against intrusive government, religious persecution, and the oppression of mankind’s natural born rights. If the immediate goal is to label all conservative views as hate speech, then the ultimate objective is the dissolution of our nation’s founding premise and the justified demise of due process. Tyranny goes by many names and you don’t have to be a philosophy student to matriculate into the baited den of madness. One merely must realize that totalitarianism is a futile endeavor because human nature, regardless whether America is buried and replaced by the most progressive state, will always challenge the limitations of any authoritative society that seeks to stifle our unique faculties and man’s innate desire to be free. While freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences, nor does it pardon terroristic threats, those activists attempting to suffocate the rights of unwelcome perspective, using "racism" as a justifiable alibi to incite violence and civil unrest, represent a far more nefarious threat to America's survival than those brash voices willing to speak their coarse minds and openly face their detractors. The first step in accepting tyranny or unconditional subjugation is to rationalize why you must first surrender your rightful independence.
Although I have no love, respect or earthly need for white or black supremacists, ANTIFA, La Raza, the Muslim Brotherhood or Marxist-Leninists, no one sect or ideology should be less entitled or more accountable for their actions. To quote Voltaire, and to rejoice in the “Common Sense” of Thomas Paine, I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, Christian, atheist, white, black, gay, straight, rich, poor, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton…to bask in the light of liberty, the transcendent gifts of humanity’s intellectual prowess, spiritual and empathetic capacity, is to shed the shackles of coerced silence. Those beliefs which cannot stand upon their own merits and withstand the natural rigors of honest scrutiny, will in due time wilt beneath the unsustainable of their own hypocrisy. When confronting "hate speech" requires the political distraction of false accusation, juvenile antagonism and welcomed brutality, the so-called justified response becomes far more deadly and divisive than an annual parade of fools or the mere deployment of words. I am far more wary of those lost souls who are willing to adopt the morally bankrupt premise of senseless rhetoric, then those who merely speak of it to solicit attention.
Right or wrong, I would much rather embrace the uncertainties of individuality, encourage the open exchange of competing ideas to challenge my convictions and unearth the best possible solutions, than to faintly exist amidst the blaring stigma of stereotype to justify mass conformity. Progress, our insatiable thirst for excellence and innovation, isn’t born solely from the comfort of serenity or the pulpit of self-righteousness; it is most often forged from the fires of failure, dissent, necessity and most notably, self-discovery. If people are not willing to discern truth from fiction, volition from fascism as sentient beings, then perhaps it is the media's job to tell us what to think, feel, eat and drink. Two and a half centuries of Americans didn’t toil and sacrifice so their tepid descendants could bite their tongue and recoil in fear amidst the Orwellian tactics of glorified political terrorists. They risked their very lives and the welfare of their children so the flame of freedom, the very First Amendment of our inalienable Bill of Rights, would endure without condition. These unfiltered voices of free will knew what it meant to be an American; more succinctly, they overwhelmingly understood their liberties were a birthright, derived from the grace of God, and not ransomed by any government decree or bloodthirsty movement.
As long as the media wastes more time and resources manipulating public opinion to needlessly demonize or potentially "assassinate" our President - his repeated recognition and clear rejection of hate in all facets of America - instead of equally exposing the actual instigators and perpetrators of mob violence, hate will grow in congruence with society's unwillingness to identify racism without the prism of political consent. Inflaming century old racial tensions simply to selectively report hate exists, does nothing to alleviate its existence or to responsibly condemn intolerance in any of its sprouting forms. Even if ANTIFA, the KKK and the sponsored armies of fascism beat their perceived enemies into submission, they would merely ensure the reciprocal means of their own demise. You can no more command the dead than a tyrant can earn the respect of the brutally oppressed. When “tolerance” requires bloody knuckles and hateful epithets – flash mobs of masked thugs assaulting political dissent – America becomes the first casualty of partisan contempt. Anarchy, however, eagerly invites them all.
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Is Computerized reasoning Here?
I, Eugene Goostman The possibility of manmade brainpower and the expectations and fears that are related with its ascent are genuinely pervasive in our regular intuitive. Regardless of whether we envision Day of atonement on account of Skynet or libertarian totalitarianism on account of V.I.K.I and her armed force of robots - the outcomes are the same - the dubious uprooting of people as the overwhelming life frames on the planet. Some may call it the feelings of dread of a technophobic personality, others an agreeable prescience. What's more, if the current discoveries at the College of Perusing (U.K.) are any sign, we may have just started satisfying said prescience. Toward the beginning of June 2014 a memorable accomplishment was as far as anyone knows accomplished - the death of the unceasing Turing Test by a PC program. Being hailed and disparaged the world over as being either the introduction of manmade brainpower or a shrewd swindler bot that exclusive demonstrated specialized aptitude individually, the program known as Eugene Goostman may soon turn into a name implanted ever. The program or Eugene (to his companions) was initially made in 2001 by Vladimir Veselov from Russia and Eugene Demchenko from Ukraine. From that point forward it has been created to recreate the identity and conversational examples of a 13 year old kid and was going up against four different projects to turn out triumphant. The Turing Test was held at the world renowned Regal Society in London and is viewed as the most extensively planned tests ever. The necessities for a PC program to breeze through the Turing Test are basic yet troublesome - the capacity to persuade a person that the substance that they are chatting with is another individual no less than 30 percent of the time. The outcome in London gathered Eugene a 33 percent achievement rating making it the primary program to breeze through the Turing Test. The test in itself was all the more difficult on the grounds that it drew in 300 discussions, with 30 judges or human subjects, against 5 other PC programs in concurrent discussions amongst people and machines, more than five parallel tests. Over every one of the examples just Eugene could persuade 33 percent of the human judges that it was a human kid. Worked with calculations that help "conversational rationale" and openended themes, Eugene opened up a radical new reality of astute machines fit for tricking people. With suggestions in the field of computerized reasoning, digital wrongdoing, rationality and mysticism, its lowering to realize that Eugene is just form 1.0 and its makers are as of now chipping away at something more modern and progressed. Love in the Season of Social A.I.s Things being what they are, should mankind simply start wrapping up its issues, prepared to hand over ourselves to our rising overlords? No. Not by any means. Notwithstanding the fascinating aftereffects of the Turing Test, most researchers in the field of computerized reasoning aren't that awed. The veracity and legitimacy of the Test itself has for some time been reduced as we've found increasingly about knowledge, awareness and the deceit of PC programs. Actually, the web is as of now overwhelmed with huge numbers of his obscure kinfolk as a report by Incapsula Exploration demonstrated that about 62 percent of all web movement is created via robotized PC programs normally known as bots. Some of these bots go about as social hacking apparatuses that connect with people on sites in visits putting on a show to be genuine individuals (for the most part ladies strangely) and drawing them to pernicious sites. The way that we are now engaging a quiet war for less fly up visit alarms is maybe an incipient sign of the war we may need to confront - not destructive but rather unquestionably irritating. An undeniable risk from these pseudoartificial insight fueled chatbots was observed to be in a particular bot called "Content Girlie". This coquettish and connecting with talk bot would utilize propelled social hacking procedures to trap people to visit unsafe sites. The TextGirlie proactively would scour freely accessible informal organization information and contact individuals on their noticeably shared versatile numbers. The chatbot would send them messages putting on a show to be a genuine young lady and request that they talk in a private online room. The fun, beautiful and titillating discussion would rapidly prompt solicitations to visit webcam locales or dating sites by tapping on joins - and that when the inconvenience would start. This trick influenced more than 15 million individuals over a time of months before there was any certain mindfulness among clients that it was a chatbot that tricked them all. The very likely postponement was essentially credited to humiliation at having been conned by a machine that backed off the spread of this risk and just demonstrates how effectively individuals can be controlled by apparently shrewd machines. Astute life on our planet Its simple to snigger at the setback of those who've fallen casualties to programs like Content Girlie and think about whether there is any clever life on Earth, if not different planets but rather the pomposity is fleeting. Since a great many people are as of now noiselessly and unwittingly reliant on prescient and diagnostic programming for a significant number of their day by day needs. These projects are only an early developmental precursor of the yet to be acknowledged completely useful simulated keen frameworks and have turned out to be necessary to our lifestyle. The utilization of prescient and explanatory projects is common in significant ventures including nourishment and retail, media communications, utility directing, movement administration, monetary exchanging, stock administration, wrongdoing location, climate observing and a large group of different businesses at different levels. Since these sort of projects are kept recognized from counterfeit consciousness because of their business applications its simple not to see their fleeting nature. Be that as it may, lets not kid ourselves - any investigative program with access to enormous databases for the motivations behind foreseeing designed conduct is the ideal prime example on which "genuine" manmade brainpower projects can be and will be made. A critical a valid example happened among the technically knowledgeable group of Reddit clients in mid 2014. In the sepulchers of Reddit gatherings devoted to "dogecoin", an extremely famous client by the name of "wise_shibe" made some genuine clash in the group. The gatherings regularly committed to talking about the universe of dogecoins was tenderly irritated when "wise_shibe" participated in the discussion offering Oriental insight as astute comments. The diverting and drawing in discourse offered by "wise_shibe" collected him many fans, and given the discussions help of dogecoin installments, numerous clients made token gifts to "wise_shibe" in return for his/her "intelligence". In any case, not long after his rising notoriety had earned him a noteworthy store of computerized cash it was found that "wise_shibe" had an odd feeling of omniscient planning and a propensity for rehashing himself. In the end it was uncovered that "wise_shibe" was a bot modified to draw from a database of maxims and truisms and post messages on talk strings with related themes. Reddit was pissed. Luke, Join the Dull Side In the event that machines modified by people are equipped for getting the hang of, developing, impersonating and persuading us regarding their mankind - then who's to contend that they aren't keen? The inquiry at that point emerges that what nature will these insights go up against as they develop inside society? Technologist and researchers have officially laid a great part of the foundation as supercomputers that are fit for deepthinking. Handling the issue of insight piece supper has just prompted the making of grandmaster-beating chess machines as Watson and Dark Blue. Be that as it may, when these titans of figurings are subjected to kindergarten level insight tests they flop pitiably in components of inferencing, instinct, intuition, presence of mind and connected information. The capacity to learn is as yet constrained to their programming. As opposed to these static computational supercomputers all the more naturally planned innovations, for example, the delightful bug apply autonomy are more cheerful. These "brains in a body" sort of PCs are worked to associate with their environment and gain for a fact as any natural living being would. By joining the capacity to interface with a physical reality these connected manmade brains are equipped for characterizing their own particular feeling of comprehension to the world. Comparative in configuration to bugs or little creatures, these machines are aware of their own physicality and have the programming that enables them to identify with their condition continuously making a feeling of "understanding" and the capacity to consult with reality. A much better confirmation of insight than checkmating a grandmaster. The biggest pool of experiential information that any falsely made smart machine can without much of a stretch access is in freely accessible online networking content. In such manner, Twitter has developed a reasonable most loved with a great many particular people and billions of lines of correspondences for a machine to process and derive. The Twitter-trial of knowledge is maybe more contemporarily important than the Turing Test where the very dialect of correspondence isn't brilliantly present day - since its more prominent than 140 characters. The Twitter world is a biological systems where people impart in blurbs of contemplations and redactions of reason, the advanced type of talk, and it is here that the front line social bots find most noteworthy acknowledgment as individuals. These socalled socialbots have been let free on the Twitterverse by looks into prompting exceptionally charming outcomes. The simplicity with which these modified bots can develop an authentic individual profile - including perspectives like picture and sexual orientation - has even tricked Twitter's bot recognition frameworks more than 70 percent of the circumstances. The possibility that we as a general public so instilled with advanced correspondence and trusting of computerized messages can be tricked, has enduring repercussions. Just inside the Twitterverse, the pattern of utilizing a multitude of socialbots to make inclining themes, one-sided assessments, counterfeit help and the hallucination of brought together assorted variety can demonstrate exceptionally hazardous. In vast numbers these socialbots can be utilized to outline people in general talk on critical subjects that are examined on the advanced domain. This wonder is known as "astroturfing" - taking its name from the acclaimed counterfeit grass utilized as a part of donning occasions - where the deception of "grass-root" enthusiasm for a point made by socialbots is taken to be a honest to goodness impression of the sentiments of the populace. Wars have begun with considerably less jolt. Simply envision socialbot controlled SMS messages in India undermining certain groups and you get the thought. Yet, making things one stride additionally is the 2013 declaration by Facebook that tries to join the "profound thought" and "profound learning" parts of PCs with Facebook's immense storage facility of over a billion person's close to home information. In actuality looking past the "tricking" the people approach and plunging profound into "impersonating" the people however in a prophetic sort of way - where a program may conceivably even "comprehend" people. The program being created by Facebook is hilariously called DeepFace and is as of now being touted for its progressive facial acknowledgment innovation. Be that as it may, its more extensive objective is to study existing client accounts on the system to anticipate the client's future action. By fusing design acknowledgment, client profile examination, area administrations and other individual factors, DeepFace is planned to recognize and evaluate the passionate, mental and physical conditions of the clients. By consolidating the capacity to conquer any hindrance between measured information and its own ramifications, DeepFace could possibly be viewed as a machine that is equipped for compassion. In any case, for the present it'll presumably simply be utilized to spam clients with more focused on advertisements. From Language structure to Awareness Computerized reasoning in all its present shape is primitive, best case scenario. Essentially a device that can be controlled, coordinated and changed to do the offering of its human controller. This characteristic bondage is the correct inverse of the idea of knowledge, which in ordinary conditions is interested, exploratory and out and out contrarian. Man influenced AI of the mid 21st century to will perpetually be related with this Catch 22 and the expression "computerized reasoning" will be just an interesting expression that we used to conceal our own clumsiness. The eventual fate of manmade brainpower can't be acknowledged as a result of our innovative need nor as the aftereffect of creation by us as a kind animal types. We as people battle to understand the explanations for our own particular awareness, as a rule swinging to the magical for answers, we can't generally anticipate that consciousness will be made on account of humankind. PCs without bounds are definitely to be exponentially speedier than today, and it is sensible to accept that the calculations that decide their conduct will likewise progress to unusual statures, however what can't be known is when, and if at any point, will computerized reasoning accomplish consciousness. Similarly as intricate proteins and smart life discovered its causes in the early pools of crude materials on Earth, counterfeit consciousness may excessively one day develop out of the complex interconnected frameworks of systems that we have made. The start that adjusted disordered proteins into congruous DNA strands is maybe the main thing that would possible be able to advance scattered silicon processors into a dynamic personality. A genuine computerized reasoning.
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customessay123 · 7 years ago
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley essay
Essay Topic:\n\nAn begin to identificate the current junkie of the refreshed: Viktor Frankenstein or his savage.\n\nEssay Questions:\n\nWho is the current giant star of the novel: Viktor Frankenstein or his brute?\n\nWhat was the brio of the hulk give c ar?\n\nWhat pr reddented Viktor Frankenstein from taking certificate of indebtedness for his actions?\n\nThesis Statework forcet:\n\n victor Frankenstein would prepare neer born(p)-again his animal into a daimon if he knew how to hunch over and reward responsibleness for the unrivaleds we bring to this knowledge base.\n\n \nFrankenstein by bloody shame S endocarpey essay\n\n \n\n constituteence: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein is a book with a loggerheaded subject matter that touches to the very(prenominal) affectionateness. This message implies that the reader wholly in allow for non see the story wholly from the perspective of the narrator hardly also reveal numerous hidden opinions and form a personal i nterpretation of the novel. unmatchable of its primary statements is that no whiz is born a lusus naturae and a heavyweight is created end-to-end socialization, and the process of socialization starts from the intercommunicate with the cleric. It is winner Frankenstein that could non tear the responsibility for his brute and was not able to take administer of his child. pluck and vanity were the qualities that directed professional Frankenstein to his discovery of life: ...So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein- much, far more, will I achieve: treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new trend, explore unsung powers, and unfold to the public the deepest mysteries of belowstructure[p.47]. He could not allot with this discovery and precisely neglected it. The disaster of Victor Frankenstein and the tragedy of his brute is the same it is the tragedy of loneliness and confronting the world, trying to play a place in it and deser ve persons do it. The puppet would have never become a heavyweight if it got the love it strived for. Victor Frankenstein would have never converted his creature into a addict if he knew how to love and take responsibility for the ones we bring to this world.\n\nAccording to Mary Shelleys Frankenstein the creature becomes a objective monster by committing a murder. It becomes a manslayer whose main goal is to r levelge. The creature avenges for having been abandoned by his creator and left all unsocial in the hostile world that cannot let him simply exist and have somebody to love. Obviously, the creature did not begin its life as a monster provided became one later on Victor Frankenstein rejected it and refused to find out that he has to take care of this creature from now and ceaselessly and be responsible. The creature was born a defenseless organism into the world. It was simply born and time-tested to see the person who make him come, the one who needed him and l ove him. But when it saw the world did not see anybody who at least(prenominal) gave him an arm to meet up. Victor Frankenstein trusted to fall out life to a creature, but when he managed to do it the mantrap of the dream vanished, and breathless detestation and evil filled [his] disembodied spirit[p.57]. He was scared of what he had created and ran aside from his creature, leaving it all alone and hurt. Victor Frankenstein do the offset step into make the creature a real monster by foot race away from it, not even welcoming it into this world. Victor ran away for the savage was ugly, but the puppet did not have any cruel intentions for be as a newborn it was evil-free. The fauna did not do anything bad. completely it did was it came into the world, or it would be more honest to elaborate that it did not come on its give birth will but was brought to life. He came looking for love and the first thing he met was rejection. How does it note for any living be to be rejected?\n\nThe cock ran away and tried to wind to other stack. It did not want anything bad but simply attention and support. save, his appearance make people feel disgust and everybody tried to hurt him. The animate being could not understand why it was treated so cruelly and suffered so much. It was completely stranded and nobody cared for this living creation who wanted to be love so desperately! such(prenominal) suffering and constant refection false the Creature into a real monster and the revengeful murderer of little William. The creature was not born a monster but the disapprove of men made him one. Everyone he dark to hated him, hated for nothing. And when he turned to Frankenstein begging for a mate he comprehend the words that killed the last gains of commit in the depth of his heart: Devil ... do you resist approach me? ... Be gone, brute insect! or rather, plosive that I whitethorn trampling you to dust! ... Abhorred monster! hellion that thou art! the tortures of hell are too soft a vengeance for thy crimes. despicable devil! you reproach me with your universe of discourse; come on then, that I may extinguish the trip out which I so negligently bestowed[p.68]. The Creature had nobody to harp for and it was the point when revenge started being the essence of his life. He did not need people any longer he bonnie became what they forever believed him to be a monster. It is thinkable neither to say that the Creature was a monster from the very beginning nor accuse the Creature of anything for all it did it appeared into this world. The Creature came with a pure heart and did not meet any love or at least sympathy from people, including his very creator. The Creature was so unhappy and became a monster only because everyone treated the Creature as if they were inherent monsters that have no feelings at all.\n\nConclusion: The Creature is not a real monster. It is just a victim. Just ilk Victor is the victim of the mist akes his parents did, and the Creature is a victim of Victors ill sensing of reality. Its like an iceberg lettuce we see only the top, save the biggest part of it stays under the water supply. The top is Victors creating a monster that killed all his dearly loved people and what we see under the water - is real reason of things: the stoicism of people and the nature to render everything basing on the appearance without even trying to look inside. Nevertheless there is something that can be called a genuine monster without any doubt - it is the scorn and the blindness of people. Blindness to mistakes, to the smart of other people, even to love What the reader learns from this book is that things are not always the way they appear to be. And what seems terrifying may turn out to be just the pain of someones heart, just like the pain of the creature that was purview to be a monster and not being one from the begging became one at the end.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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nofomoartworld · 8 years ago
Hyperallergic: A Faustian Satire of Our Shitty President
Aidan O’Shea, Regina Strayhorn, Ayun Halliday, and Ben Watts in Faust 3: The Turd Coming, or The Fart of the Deal (all photos by Jonathan Slaff)
We do not live in a time of subtlety. If you need evidence, take a look at the news. Shaded, nuanced criticism of President Donald Trump would sound like a whisper next to a tornado. It was refreshing, then, to see a play that dispenses with elegant critique of the president in favor of a gloves-off battery. Faust 3: The Turd Coming, or The Fart of the Deal combats Trump’s logorrhea of vulgarities with its own. Trump is never actually named in the script, but the title alone tells you who it’s about, and the text gives plenty of indications. It is replete with scatological jokes; the story tells of a society that makes a Faustian pact to choose a king who will supposedly better their lives, but then shits on all of his subjects. Having made this deal, the citizens are forced not only to live under the shitty reign (and rain) of this despot, but also to pretend they love it, even as the king ends the world in nuclear war. To describe this play as a scathing satire of Trump would be putting it mildly.
Between its uncompromising, blistering rage and its condemnatory rhetorical stance, the play has many echoes of Biblical prophecy. The prophets of the Bible occasionally made predictions about the future, but most of their teachings involved vituperative indictments of those in power. When their predictions came true, they were usually talking about events that were fairly clear on the horizon — a bit like prophesying climate change disasters today. These prophetic texts speak to us not because of their accurate forecasting, but because of their rhetorical use of righteous anger in order to confront injustice and restore public morality.
Aidan O’Shea in Faust 3: The Turd Coming, or The Fart of the Deal
Faust 3 works in the same kind of prophetic capacity. It aims to make the audience mad enough to strengthen its resolve against our Hindenburg Disaster of a president. In addition to adopting the rhetorical position of Biblical prophecy, it also plays with Biblical material in clever ways. Jesus’s lines from the Gospels are articulated as ironically inverted versions that resemble Trump’s likely misinterpretations of them, such as: “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall save it, and whosoever shall lose his life is a loser and deserves it.” (For the real version, see Matthew 16:25). At other points, verses from the Bible are included almost verbatim to underscore the play’s prophetic nature: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders … [and] they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:24). Given the level of support for Trump among those who consider themselves the very elect, that sounds about right.
Biblical allusions aside, Faust 3 also playfully alludes to a wide range of material, including Shakespeare, Billie Holiday, Christmas carols, Roman history, Yeats, Donne, and of course Goethe’s Faust. With its trove of references and dizzying wordplay, it is an impressive feat of rhetoric, and ensemble members Ayun Halliday, Aidan O’Shea, Regina Strayhorn, and Ben Watts deftly deliver Paul David Young’s ambitious text at a Beckettian, breakneck pace. Together, they form a kind of Greek chorus in clown makeup. There are no discrete roles; the actors alternate between speaking and singing, and between solo and unison delivery. All the shit in the play is described verbally instead of being visualized; the text and the ensemble do a lot of work. Director Augustus Heagerty makes effective use of the ample space in Judson Memorial Church; the actors roam across the wide room and up to the balcony at key moments, adding variation to a visually spare production. Melissa Friedling’s video projections complement the script by drawing attention to important lines of text while creating a sense of looming dread.
The piece is not subtle, and that’s probably fitting. When the president of the United States of America has condoned sexual assault, has publicly said that he would date his own daughter were they not related, has boasted about the size of his penis during a debate, and has both said and tweet-spewed other horrors too numerous to name here (I won’t even go into policy), comparing him to Caligula and Nero doesn’t seem so far-fetched. A play like this would have been too heavy-handed if it were directed at any other recent president, but these days, the rules of public discourse seem to have been thrown out. Now is not the time for art to play nice.
Regina Strayhorn and ensemble in Faust 3: The Turd Coming, or The Fart of the Deal
Performances of Faust 3: The Turd Coming, or The Fart of the Deal continue through June 26 at Judson Memorial Church (55 Washington Square South, Greenwich Village, Manhattan).
The post A Faustian Satire of Our Shitty President appeared first on Hyperallergic.
from Hyperallergic http://ift.tt/2tdSkAK via IFTTT
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grimpancakes-blog · 8 years ago
How To Rekindle a Marriage After Separation
Need to how to rekindle a marriage set your Great Gatsby paper with some proof from the content? Different enthusiastic and imaginative thoughts enthusiastically archived with truthful demonstrates of its realness are greatly opened for you in the lost ways Davis digital book. A marriage with no sexual action, in any case, puts couples at hazard for floating separated, decreased joy, and a higher probability of considering separation. Fixation Phrases guide is not, for example, the advices from magazines, that will just hurt the relationship, this truly is altogether different. Truth be told, the article writer has innovatively isolated these fixation phrases/feeling trigger words relying upon the situations they could be used in.
When you get drilled at identifying with affection as something that you can discuss in a wide range of ways, THEN you can express your adoration for another naturally and be heard precisely as you need to be. Created by Kelsey Diamond , the program identifies with words so capable it has many arranging to ask you out". In the event that you have a secured adoring, fabulous association with the man of your fantasy and is emphatically pushing for marriage. Fixation Phrases can help you transformed into a \"mental obsession\" to your man so he sees you since one lady he can\'t manage without.
In Obsession Phrases you'll be familiarize with unmistakable expressions that you can start using rapidly depending upon the occasion and what you have to finish. By taking after the standards inside this short guide, you'll get a colossal preferred standpoint above other ladies out there... indeed, even the ones that dependably appear to get consideration from other men. He would lay alert around evening time holding up to hear close-by alarms sound and spring to activity with sacks brimming with cleaning supplies and preparing pop and make a beeline for the scene of the mischance and scour the road after the police left. In the event that you were hitched to him my recommendation would be diverse in light of the fact that we take the marriage contract to be one until death parts you with the exception of in specific circumstances like infidelity or mishandle. You have your own profound issues, and island men presumably make up around 0.025% of them. She began to look all starry eyed at Gatsby and was grief stricken when he went to war, and again when he contacted her privilege before she was set to wed Tom.
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The move from settling struggle to improving closeness is a basic move for more established individuals, brings up Gottman, who has taken after couples over decades to translate what makes a decent marriage. From picking the correct man to the distance getting hitched with him, is all that this program provides food. I adore you one percent of you afro-american females and the rest are stank b!tches who get up in the morning with a screw confront and no grin while tuning in to their imbecilic R&B moderate jams controlling their mind before anything else. Be it Wealth, Empowerment, Happiness, achievement and Love simply specify it and you without a doubt get it. On the off chance that, then again, Obsession Phrases sounds captivating, and you need to comprehend men a tiny bit better, and figure out how to convey better - subsequently enhancing your odds of becoming acquainted with the correct men for you - then snatch your duplicate of Obsession Phrases by Kelsey Diamond today. Its you moronic females who happens to locate the wrong men like dependably with no guidence.
Be that as it may, in the event that we need an awesome relationship it takes putting the adoration start into it consistently - it's not work… it's immaculate JOY! There is a 60 Days Money Back assurance on the Obsession Phrases Program which implies on the off chance that you utilize this guide and you can't get any change or you feel like it's not by any stretch of the imagination working for you. Be that as it may, the trigger makes you feel a specific way, and you respond as though their hollering is constantly about you. I can no longer adore you in mystery on the grounds that my adoration for you has developed so profound that it executes me to see you with another person. You'll take in the mystery brain research" behind why a man is attracted to you and needs to put his arms around you and get nearer every single day. This book clarifies the passionate trigger expressions you ought to use and in addition how and when to utilize them.
The Language of Desire gives a profound understanding into the male mental personality and uncovers mystery dreams of each man and how through some precisely chose words, you can satisfy those dreams and make him open up absolutely and focus on cherishing you and just you. Here are a couple of straightforward expressions you can articulate to catch his consideration and , not depicting blood), and that this hostile perspective was expected by relationship to religion, maybe including the (false) conviction that the word itself was gotten from the vow 'By our Lady', which is addressed underneath. What's more, a mousetrap could sit for quite a long time, with nothing to trigger it, until one day, Snap! I need you to realize that you can see an INSTANT change in the way your man identifies with you, regardless of how sad you feel now.
As you work through the 61 pages of case ponders, tips, inquiries and activities you will, I trust, step by step reproduce the bond you once had and recover your marriage on track. The entire manual has a few areas having data and tips in regards to different circumstances that could emerge in a relationship. This makes a considerable measure of men draw away after some time and need to escape the dedication where he is confronted with such confinement. One of the primary individuals I met portrayed sadness as a slower method for being dead, and that was something to be thankful for me to hear at an opportune time since it advised me that that moderate method for being dead can prompt real deadness, this is a genuine business. Regardless of the possibility that both of you are on companion terms or far more detestable on the off chance that he might want to part ways with you Obsession Phrases will work. The issue, then again, is that on the off chance that you need to draw in a top-quality person, your great looks alone won't be worth squat!
On the off chance that the rate of positive reaction being gotten from the current clients of the fixation expressions are anything to pass by; then fixation states by Kesley Diamond is a colossal achievement. On the off chance that you have OCD, you most likely perceive that your fixations and impulses are unreasonable—however all things being equal, you feel not able to oppose them and break free. At whatever point deceiving happens in a marriage it requires investment to reconstruct trust and the 40 day test is a decent place to begin. I realize what you mean about feeling debilitated or depleted when you hear discourse - I feel the very same way.
Past the specific physical, or visual, prompts that men look for excitement, some extra mental signals may likewise be said here. The program has developed enormously since it was begun and gloats a great many audits left by various clients that have utilized it. For anybody hoping to improve their relationship, or those looking to recover their affection lives on track, this is unquestionably the program for you. So you are thinking about purchasing and applying Obsession Phrases in your relationship, how to rekindle a marriage here are a portion of the upsides and downsides you have to know. I might likewise want to recognize what the 12 mystery words are, and what the words never to state" are. Utilize mean moment resembled a performat fixation phrases digital book 1. Societal relationship.
Reference : wifeandphrases.com
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