#the expectation of both presenting as alphas
lexa-griffins · 2 years
Abo clexa meet when they’re young. Lexa is expected to be the alpha heda. But, puberty hits and she quickly finds shes an omega. Clarke is an alpha who becomes some sort of personal guard or idk, someone close to Lexa? And they use her alpha scent to mask Lexa’s omega scent. They spend years hiding it.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anon your mind 💯 !!!!!
They are young warriors, both Anya's seconds, when they meet. They are thieves, both expected to present as alphas and both treated as such. There is a puppy crush there, but as Lexa is taught love is weakness and believes herself and Clarke to be alphas, she never reveals it, not even when Clarke manages to pin her down, only a few weeks before Lexa ascends, grinning hard and tells Lexa that she is actually kinda pretty.... for an alpha, that is.
Clarke presents early. At only age eleven, much earlier than any of the nightbloods or the warriors in her age group. She is isolated for her first rut and comes back so much more serious, like she has been to war. She tells Lexa all about how horrible it is and tells her to prepare for the pain and the growth and complains how being an alpha is horrible and sucks.
"Maybe I wont present as an alpha, Klark."
"Yeah right. Titus has you as his favorite already, he'd probably demand a new conclave if you won and then presented as an omega."
"Would it be that bad if I was an omega."
"Well I wouldn't be able to hang out with you as much."
"Would you stop being my friend if I wasnt an alpha?"
"Oh, so now you're sure you're an alpha?"
"Of course Klark, I have always been sure."
"Hm, I think you just say that because you would miss me."
The conclave happens much sooner than they anticipated. Luna and her brother have presented as alphas, the only nightbloods so far and Luna is the favorite to win. Clarke watches from the sidelines next to Anya, her protective alpha instinct begging her to go and protect her friend from certain death, but the heavy hand on her shoulder belonging to the older alpha girl prevents her from doing so. "She can do it on her own.". And when Lexa does win, Clarke cannot help but puff her chest out in pride for her friend.
Lexa is Heda now. Clarke is a few months short of completing her training. They see each other less now, but Lexa still sneaks out of the tower to spar with Clarke under the moonlight. They are fifteen now, older and only slightly wiser. Lexa steps into the training grounds late, looking small and terrified. Clarke smells her before she sees her and her eyes widen.
"Youre an omega."
"Hush your voice Klark." They fall silent. Clarke takes a step back, smelling the air again. She has never been this close to an omega clearly in heat. But Lexa is her friend and she wants to comfort her so she approaches her, Lexa doing the same. They are only a few inches away from hugging when Anya jumps out from the bushes.
"Step away from her second!"
"Anya, I wasn't-"
It's Anya's idea. With Clarke this close to finishing her training and being Anya's second, it will be easy for Lexa to appoint her as a personal guard, especially as Lexa is newly presented. Both want to argue, Clarke wants to see the battlefield and fight for the coalition, Lexa wants no protection just because she presented as an omega, if they want to kill her, she will die with honor in her truth.
Stubborn proud children, Anya thinks with pride. She trained them that away. Anya asks Clarke to give Lexa her clothes to mask her scent. Tomorrow Lexa will announce she presented as an alpha and she will smell like one. Anya will take her to the bunker where she will spend her first heat alone, away from prying noses. Clarke will sleep in Lexa's commander clothes to assure when she comes back, Lexa smells exactly like the alpha she is supposed to be.
They do not talk until after Lexa's heat. It is weird for Lexa to see Clarke as an alpha now that she knows she herself is an omega. The heda in her demands she keeps her distance as she cannot afford to fall for her more than she already has, not with her... condition. The omega in her see in Clarke a noble alpha, the perfect mate. And suddenly they are forced to be closer than ever, trading clothes so Clarke's scent is always attached to Lexa, Clarke constantly by Lexa's side, having to match every emotion Lexa sends into a room, focusing so her scent is always stronger than Lexa's. And yet, they have never been further apart. They barely talk to one another, every accidental touch to charged with something they do no understand.
I want an angsty filled fic where they must share scents and be always so close to each other but suddenly what they based their friendship on is gone and neither know how to deal with the fact they are an alpha and an omega and not two alphas. Nor to they really get the fact they have scent marked each other by now, how Clarke's protectiveness is no longer just that of someone sworn to protect her Heda, how Lexa's feels lonely and betrayed when Clarke goes to spend her ruts away from her, sleeping with a beta who lives somewhere in the woods.
Shit hits the fan when Azgeda accuses Lexa of lying about her presentation, challenging her to fight to the death. Clarke insists she be chosen as champion but Lexa knows she must to do this on her own, prove that alpha or omega, she has the right to continue in her throne as Heda. After a night together where scent marking is traded by mating marks, Clarke finds it so much harder to watch Lexa get dressed in clothes Clarke has not marked with her scent, showing her true colors to the coalition for the very first time.
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marcirose · 1 year
Sasamiya a/b/o with alpha Sasaki and omega Miyano but they both give off heavy beta vibes to the point where no one could tell they weren't betas unless they got a whiff of their scents and people get weirded out when they figure out they're not betas
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adispit · 2 months
The Crown (100 followers special!)
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Alpha! Rival king x alpha king m! reader
content warnings: bitching, reader gets turned into an omega against his will, noncon turned heavy dubcon, reader isn’t in the right of mind, breeding, dirty talk, degradation, cream pie, knotting, overstimulation, pwp, belly bulge
note: kinda went ham writing this wtf lmfao, anyways enjoy!
The tension in the room was palpable. As the one who wore the crown, your duty was just as heavy as the ornate gems that emboldened it. You were a young and green alpha, barely an adult at the ripe age of 18. Hastily made king, as your many brothers in line and father fell in the decades long battle against the opposing kingdom, your choice didn’t matter. The country needed someone to govern as soon as possible and you as the sole remaining heir was responsible. The whispers and scrutiny of the court didn’t help much either, the weight of responsibility of your decisions over the people and the waging war kept you awake at night, cold sweat dripping from your temples as you could almost hear the cries of your fellow soldiers perishing in battle.
Which took you into the present moment, where a heated debate was taking place of the next action that should be taken for the strife between your country and the rival nation. You sat in the heavy, intricately carved throne that seemed to press down on you, both a symbol of your power and a reminder of the immense responsibility you bore. The room was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting long, uneasy shadows on the stone walls. Around you, the advisors were gathered, their voices a murmur of concern and debate. “Thousand of soldiers have fallen in battle, we can’t take any more losses!” One of the advisors, his name you couldn’t really remember, argued fiercely with a hint of urgency. “The enemy is approaching closer day by day and the people are starving, we must surrender now to avoid total destruction!”
“Surrender?! That would cut off all means of escape! And you can’t possibly guarantee under the rule of the enemy’s rule, our people will be able to live peacefully!” Another advisor shot back, her voice sharp with defiance. Shifting uneasily on the throne, you felt the weight of their expectations bearing down on you. The advisors’ voices clashed, each presenting their case with unwavering conviction. Maps and documents spread out on the table before you seemed to blur as you struggled to focus on the conflicting arguments. Finally, you spoke, fingers drumming nervously on the table as you tried keep a steady tone amid the clamour. “How are you sure that surrender is the only viable option we have to take?” Your voice strained as you fidgeted restlessly.
The first advisor spoke, his gaze was intense, filled with concern. “The enemy’s forces are overwhelming. Continuing to resist will only lead to greater devastation. Surrender is the most rational choice to save lives.”The other advisor leaned closer, her eyes filled with determination. “We have not explored every diplomatic avenue. Surrender might be seen as defeat, but if we negotiate from a position of strength, we could secure better terms.” The room fell into a tense silence as every gaze fell upon you, the choice to surrender or negotiate hung heavily in the air.
However, you chose neither. “I have heard your concerns and arguments,” you began, your voice filled with unusual resolve. “We will not surrender.” Gasps echoed throughout the room as the disapproving gazes began pouring in but you pushed on. “As your king, no matter the outcome in this long war, we will push to the end. If we must fall, let it be with the knowledge that we fought to the last breath for our sovereignty and our principles. We will defend our country with all that we have, even if it means facing doom.” You were exhausted, the war taken its toll on you and you just wanted it to end. “Your majesty! You don’t understand, we-“ “Silence! This is an order from your king. I will now retire to my chambers.” Leaving no room for argument, you slipped away to the privacy and peace of your quarters, away from the shouts and protests of your counsel.
Chucking the heavy crown aside, you sank in your chair with a deep sigh. The flickering candlelight illuminating your weary face, an expression now often seen ever since you took on the role of king a few months ago. Absentmindedly tracing the patterns of the chair, the advisors arguments burst through your mind, doubt and despair both trapping you. God, not even having a moment to yourself was possible in the castle. You seriously needed a break from all the chaos, so you decided to slip out under the cover of night from the castle to the nearby forest, at the very edge of the country’s borders to seek some time to yourself.
As leaves crunched under your every step, the moon cast a gentle silvery glow over your cloaked form. The leaves in the tree branches rustled softly from the occasional breeze, the peace and quiet bringing about a pleasant atmosphere as you trekked through the woods. Arriving at a small clearing where a babbling creek lay, you finally let out an exhale you had been holding. Under the canopy of the stars, and no one around to constantly screech the phrase “Your Majesty!”, the sense of freedom you felt was truly unmatched. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to at least let out your worries, there wasn’t anyone around anyways… “Damn those old farts, it’s not like I even wanted to be king! I can literally see the court eyeing me like a piece of meat every time they argue about the war like I’m some kind of idiot! God, sometimes I wish I was just some simple commoner!” Fueled by your sudden rage, words rushed out your mouth, the confusion and rage you had held in for so long finally let out.
Oh. That actually felt…good. Unfortunately before you could continue, a voice interrupted you, “Your Majesty, are you okay…?” Whipping your head around, you were greeted at a sight of a golden-haired man donned in a commoner’s garb, standing there awkwardly at the entrance of the clearing. Caught off guard, you stumbled over your words, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Well, I …uh…! Sorry, you had to see that… that was pretty embarrassing of me haha…” You rubbed your neck sheepishly, mortified that one of your subjects had seen you so vulnerable. There was a heavy pause as your words hung in the air. The man’s expression softened, and he stepped forward, his tone empathetic. "Your Majesty, we all have our burdens. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your troubles. If you don’t mind sharing some of your problems with this humble subject, I would be happy to listen.”
The man’s unexpected understanding and calm demeanor helped ground you. Word after word, you shared about how you feel, the weight of the crown and its decisions, and the man patiently listened. Hours passed and you learnt the man’s name was Leo and he was an alpha. “Leo, thanks so much for listening to me.” You smiled shyly at him. “Not to mention, you’re really handsome too, I bet a girl or two would be interested in a guy who is as caring and good looking as you. Well too bad, I’m a male, an alpha and the king at that. Alphas can’t really be together.” You joked, failing to catch a brief piercing look that flashed in his eyes before he reverted back to his gentle expression at what you said. “No problem, Your Majesty, the pleasure is all mine.” He bowed. “I am glad you were able to feel better, but I must go. See you around.” Waving at him, you watched as he left the clearing. Weird, you never saw his face before in the servants of the castle…why did he say see you around? Oh well, you brushed it off as you headed back to the castle, it didn’t really matter.
As you approached the castle, you were greeted by the sight of the once-grand fortress, now a dark silhouette against the burning sky, that was surrounded by enemy forces. Smoke billowed from the battlements, and the air was thick with the acrid scent of battle. Panic and despair filled you, as their king where had you been? Shirking your responsibilities and leaving your own subjects vulnerable! Your heart sank as you rushed into the fray of battle where the throne room lay, as multiple corpses of your former subjects lay there, a stifling numbness filled you. Gritting your teeth, you decided to fight to the end and honour your words as their king. Brandishing your sword, you swung at the enemy soldiers, desperately seeking revenge for your fallen subjects. Unfortunately, resistance was futile at this point, most of your soldiers were dead. The enemy soldiers recognised you as the king and immediately incapacitated you. Just before you passed out, you swore you could see a familiar smile on someone approaching you.
“—— needs to be done.” “That’s not——!” You jolt awake to the sharp, discordant murmur of voices. Groggy and disoriented, you struggle to make sense of your surroundings around you. The invasion! Wide awake, you opened your eyes to see the familiar throne room and your wrists bound together as you sat on the throne. Enemy soldiers surrounded the hall as a golden-haired man in regal attire seemed to be having a conversation with someone. Wait. No way. Was it- “Leo!” You blurted out involuntarily. Noticing that you were awake, the man gestured for the other person and the soldiers to leave as he walked in your direction. As he came closer, his cerulean eyes met your shocked gaze, there was no mistaking it. He was Leo, the man you had confided in hours ago.
The kind expression on his face you had seen was now replaced with a taunting smirk, a sharp contrast to his former soothing demeanour. A wave of disbelief washed over you, leaving you momentarily paralysed. Tilting your chin up with his hand, he smiled evilly. “Oh, you naive thing. (Name), you were just pouring your heart out to me as your subjects were ruthlessly slaughtered…you truly are a great king…” An almost psychotic giggle left him as he sneered at you. “I was honestly surprised. I thought you were be more well, less stupid. It’s almost adorable really! To not even do your research about the very king that you were at war with, your innocence was so cute.” Disdain was evident in his tone as he made cruel jab after cruel jab at you.
“Just kill me.” You snarled at him, a fierce defiance radiating as you bared your fangs at him. However, your words seemed to take on the opposite effect of what you wanted as he only cooed at you mockingly. “Now, now, I can’t possibly do that. You were so cute in trusting me, I can’t possibly let you go now!” He grinned with malicious intent, his thoughts unpredictable as you glared at him. “The elders at home have been bothering me about getting a wife lately, and you seem to like me after our first meeting so why not make you my bitch.” He beamed malevolently, making sure to enunciate every word clearly.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Bitch? Well, you certainly didn’t like that as you let out a guttural growl at that suggestion, your pride as an alpha rising up. “Quiet.” Leo shushed you almost as you were a disobedient child. Grabbing you with almost inhuman strength, you flailed as he hoisted you on his lap with your back facing him. Terror quickly set in as he began sniffing your nape where your scent gland was, his canines lightly grazing it. One bite and it was over. You wouldn’t be an alpha anymore and instead be bound to the very man that slaughtered your people. In a fit of fear, you began frantically struggling as you pleaded with him. “Leo! Please don’t-!” However, it was to no avail as he snorted back with a snarky “No.” He sunk his teeth into your gland, biting down with as much force he could humanly muster. The harsh pain ripping a pained whine from your throat as you scrambled at the air to grip onto anything to ground you. An intense heat began to envelop you, further intensifying your discomfort.
The bite took immediate effect, heat rushing through your veins as you felt your body beginning to change. Agony shot through you as the forced change to your secondary gender was initiated, a relentless wave of pain that refused to ebb. Your once sharp canines that served to give a mating bite shrunk along with your cock, turning into an omega’s tiny cock. Your unused hole began to leak runny slick through your pants, a sign that the bitching had been successful and your first heat as an omega was about to begin. Weakly twitching against Leo, your muscles felt like stone as all your strength was sapped from you. Satisfied with his work, Leo hummed as he licked the bite in satisfaction.
As the pain shifted to an insatiable need to be filled, you unconsciously grinded against the huge tent forming in his pants, seeking reprise from the unfamiliar heat you felt, your slick wetting his crotch. You whimpered, your newly turned body eager to be filled and fucked. Turning you around to face him, Leo tore off your pants impatiently, eager to see the results of his bitching. “Fuck, your dick has really turned into an omega’s useless cock!” He jeered as he thumbed at the slit at the head of your dick, pearly pre-cum forming at the tip. “F-fuck you…” You spat back, struggling to regain your senses in your lust hazed state. He smirked back, his fingers dextrously rubbing your cock in response. “S-stop!” You cried out, the rim of your eyes red. The humiliation of being bitched and getting jerked off was too much. Coupled with the fact you were a virgin, the pleasure immediately began to fill your frayed nerves. With your senses heightened by your heat, you came almost seconds after, the knot in your stomach tightening and breaking as you dirtied your shirt with a loud moan.
Hands moving away from your weeping cock, he spread your rim dripping with slick open. “It’s like a waterfall…” Muttering, he wet his fingers with your slick before slipping in a finger. The calluses on his finger served as delicious stimulation as they rubbed against your sensitive walls, trying to find your prostrate. Biting your lips, you tried to hold your moans in, not letting him have any satisfaction. Your attempts at resistance were once again futile as he quickly found your prostrate and began to abuse it relentlessly, slipping in another finger. Once again, you felt the familiar singsong of ecstasy rush through you as the pressure in your stomach tightened. “Gh! Ngh—no! D-don’t wanna cum again!” You sobbed as he mercilessly grinded away at your prostrate, crying out as cum shot out from your dick for the second time.
His fingers pulled out as he shared a kiss with you, hot tongue twisting and dominating your mouth. Caught up in the kiss, you didn’t notice him freeing his cock which was now circling your hole. The sudden intrusion had you gasping and pulling away as the blunt head of his cock slipped out from your movements. He grunted at you, annoyed as his cock throbbed impatiently. You shook your head at him desperately as your throat was too dry to form words. A sudden gentle expression formed on his face, “Okay, then if you don’t want it, I won’t force it.” He smiled, almost saint-like. You should have felt joy at what he said but only disappointment filled you. Why did you feel disappointed?! The growing emptiness in you made you restless as your instincts cried at you to make your mated alpha put his dick in you deep and knot you.
Conflicted, you stared at him blankly. “Tell me, do you want it or not?” He chuckled carefree, almost as if his cock wasn’t rock hard in front of you. The intense need to be filled overwhelmed your senses, you needed to be bred. Desperation and horniness got the better of you as you as you nodded your head, hole clenching in response. “Use your words.” He scowled in displeasure. Eager to please your alpha, you tossed aside your pride and shame as you uttered a low yes. In a split second, you felt his monstrous cock stretch you open and then white. You had squirted all over him just from penetration. Your mouth gaped as your eyes glazed over, the repeated orgasms leaving you twitching around the fat dick driving into you. “Shit.” He huffed, smug, and gripped your waist as he bounced you up and down his fat dick. “Ah! Ah- ugh!” Whimpers bubbled from your throat as you swore you saw stars from how hard he was thrusting into you, your prostrate kissed again and again. Watching your flesh ripple as his hips snapped against yours, Leo spurred on, your cries exciting him further.
Indescribable satisfaction filled you as he grinded his hips into you, making sure to go deep and bully your sensitive innards, making you pulse around his cock uncontrollably. “You like that, huh.” He growled, voice dropping an octave as he began relentlessly pounding, determined to sate his desire. It didn’t help that he had an incredibly strong stamina, making you orgasm multiple times, your voice too hoarse to even cry out. “Gonna wife you up, put my kids in you.” He groaned, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as the brutal pace of his cock began to stutter and slow down as the base of his dick began to swell. He was going to knot you. Roughly shoving his swelling knot in your hole, the burn and friction against your insides made you mewl in pleasure.
You attempted to move Leo’s hands away, but when that didn’t work, you tried to crawl off the dick destroying your insides. Tears fell from your eyes, your little cock not being able to keep up with the pleasure continuing to wrack his body. He felt you trying to pull away and grabbed you by the base of your throat, pulling his ass flush against his thighs. Leo continued to obliterate your hole, his other hand reaching down to wrap around the tiny dick. He jerked you in time with his thrusts, licking around the scent gland. 
“Don’t run from it. Take it like a good little wife.”
Finally, the moment came. The mast of his swollen knot locked you both together as he sheathed himself in to the hilt. You slurred incoherently as he began stuffing you full of his cum, a small bulge forming on your stomach. In a rare moment of reprieve, he gently placed his hands against your distending stomach as waves of cum were pumped into you. Trapped in a tight bear hug, your yowls of ecstasy drowned out his moans as you both came together. Barely conscious from the rough fucking you just had, your head lolled to the side on his shoulder.
Breathing in his scent as your hole hugged his cock, you swore you were going to kill him. A small hoarse “fuck you” left your lips before you drifted off to sleep, eliciting an amused laugh from him.
note: well that was it haha, Leo’s a bitch lol 💀. Tried a more descriptive writing style this time, hope u enjoyed the fic :)
Reblogs are appreciated! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
check out part 2 !
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soaps-mohawk · 6 months
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 13: Piece Me Back Together
Summary: Your pack deals with the aftermath of your heat.
Pairing: Poly 141 x reader, Ghost x Soap
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, handjobs, anal fingering, anal sex, unprotected sex (please practice safe sex irl), spanking (it’s like once), choking (kind of), light Dom/sub dynamics, Johnny's praise kink, excessive use of the word cock, heat cycles, mating cycles, brief mention of blood, brief medical stuff, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, language, and of course a little fluff
A/N: Well folks, we've made it past the heat portion of the fic. Now things can really start moving. Lots of aftercare, some world building, and of course a little spice at the end for you all to enjoy (as if the last chapter wasn't enough lol). I tried to catch all the possible tags for this one but as always, let me know if I missed one. The smut happens in the very last scene, so if you'd prefer not to read it, then skip that last little bit. You won't really miss much. Also, there's a lot of jumping around in time in this one so I tried to mark when things are happening relative to the present moment in the fic.
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6 Days Ago
“Looks comfortable.” 
Kyle glances up as Johnny closes the door to his room, blanket and pillow in hand. “Slept on worse.” He shrugs, glancing down at the cot set up in the hallway before looking back up at Johnny. “Moving out?” 
“Camping in Si’s office for the next week. Keep our distance.” He nods at the closed door. 
“Probably for the best.” Kyle says. “Have fun!” 
“Don’t enjoy yourself too much.” Johnny winks at him before making his way down the hallway and disappearing around the corner. 
Kyle shakes his head, starting to sort through the many bags of supplies they’ve stocked up on in preparation for their omega’s heat. They’re well prepared, all of them, for the next week, Kyle especially. He’s spent the last few days reading up on what to expect, how to best help and support his alpha and omega, and what to look out for in case things start going wrong. He doesn’t think they will. He has a lot of faith in Price and he knows Price will take good care of their omega. 
Still, he can’t help but feel a bit nervous. He has a big job to do, even though there’s not much to do until after the heat is over with. He just has to ensure Price doesn’t hurt you accidentally, or maul you to death. He doesn’t think that’s likely to happen, but then again, one can never know. 
Kyle lets out a shaky breath, grabbing the bags with the electrolytes and nutrient bars before heading for your door. 
It’s going to be a long week. 
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Present Day
It’s quiet. Has been for almost an hour now. Kyle rises from the cot, slipping his phone into his pocket. He slowly approaches the door, leaning in to listen for a moment before putting his hand on the knob. He lets out a breath before pushing the door open slowly, slipping in and closing the door quietly. The smells in the room are worse than they had been last night, a toxic mix of omega, alpha, sex, and sweat. He takes a moment to breathe, adjusting to the scent. 
You and Price are spooned together on the bed, asleep, or at least you are. Price had pulled the blankets up around you, tucking you in. Kyle approaches slowly, not wanting to accidentally step on a wrapper and startle either of you and risk you getting scared or Price getting territorial. He brushes the damp strands of hair from your face, your body temperature significantly lower than it had been even last night. He pulls the forehead thermometer from his pocket, taking your temperature quickly before sending a text to Dr. Keller. 
He carefully lifts the blankets, checking beneath. You’re still locked together as he expected, and he lowers the blankets back down, tucking you both in again. He unplugs Price’s phone from the charging cord that he’d plugged in last night, rotating it to your phone. He knew the chances of either of you being aware enough to use a phone for anything would be low, but just in case, he kept them both charged. 
He tiptoes through the mess of wrappers and bottles, grabbing the bag of trash that he had started a couple days ago. He picks up the mess on the floor, cleaning off the nightstand as well before setting out a new bottle of electrolytes and a couple nutrient bars. There’s still quite a few left, but those could be saved for your next heat. 
Price stirs a bit as Kyle sets the bag of trash off to the side next to the bag of things that would have to go to the wash. He hurries over, gently keeping Price from moving too much. 
“Easy. You’re still knotted.” He says, putting a hand on Price’s shoulder as you let out a quiet sound. His skin is warm and sticky from sweat, and probably other things. 
Price rubs his eyes before blinking up at Kyle. “What day is it?” 
“Morning of the sixth day.” He answers, passing Price the bottle of electrolytes. “I think it’s over. Her temperature’s back to normal. Just waiting on Dr. Keller’s opinion.” 
Price hums, unscrewing the cap from the bottle before taking a long drink. “Feel like shit.” 
Kyle grins. “Been a long week for you, Cap. How do you feel?” 
Price screws the cap back on the bottle before leaning over you to place it on the nightstand. “Like I got hit by a truck and rolled down a hill.” 
“Speaking from experience, sir?” Kyle smirks. 
Price gives him a look before closing his eyes again, relaxing against your back. He lets out a groan as his knot deflates, his cock slipping from your folds. “Christ, that's going to hurt later.”
“Let me get the bath started.” Kyle says, going into your bathroom. 
He starts the water, making sure it’s warm enough before he grabs the epsom salt off the counter and adds some in. He leaves the water running as he moves back to the bedroom, helping Price off the bed first. The alpha groans as he stands, leaning heavily against Kyle’s side. Kyle wraps his arm around his shoulders, supporting Price as they make their way to the bathroom. 
“I’ve been beaten, tortured, shot. I’ve jumped out of moving cars, been in helicopter crashes.” Price says, grunting as Kyle helps him down into the bath. “This might be the worst I’ve ever felt.” 
“Not quite as spry as you used to be, old man?” Kyle teases, making sure he’s comfortable. 
“Plenty spry, but god I forgot how energetic omegas can be.” Price leans his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. 
“Just relax.” Kyle says, turning off the water. “I’ll bring her in.” 
He heads back into your room, approaching the bed. You’re shivering, eyes squeezed closed and eyebrows pinched. Kyle kneels down next to the bed, placing a gentle hand on your arm. You start a bit at the touch, a quiet whimper leaving your lips. 
“Shh, easy love.” Kyle tries to soothe you as you shake. “You’re alright.” 
You let out a whine, seeking out your alpha in your disoriented state. The bathwater splashes as Price shifts in response to your call, his own instincts still on high alert. 
“Let’s get you into the bath.” Kyle says before gently slipping his arms under you and lifting you up. 
You let out a whine in protest, your body sore and aching from the last six days. Kyle quickly carries you to the bath, easing you into the water between Price’s legs. You’re trembling, quiet whines leaving your lips as he eases you back against Price’s chest. The alpha wraps his arms around you, a quiet rumble sounding from his chest as he tries to ease your disorientation and discomfort. 
Kyle leaves you and Price there to soak as he heads back to the room to strip the sheets and start the laundry. Most of your pillows and stuffed animals are stacked in the corner of the room by your desk, spared from the mess that the bed has turned into. The sheets are still wet with a concoction of fluids, and he knows they’ll need to soak for a while. He stuffs them into the bag with your clothes, along with your blankets, before he heads down the hall to the laundry room. 
He checks on you and Price when he returns, both of you content still in the bath. He can’t help but smile as he watches the two of you, pride swelling in his chest at the sight of his alpha taking care of their omega. 
Their omega. 
It seems almost strange to think now. They’d gone so long without an omega, and thought they wouldn’t be getting one. Now, six weeks later, they’ve all fallen head over heels for a little omega none of them even knew they needed. He can’t imagine life without an omega now, how well you fit into their pack, how well you fit with all of them, how you’ve only served to make them stronger and more efficient. 
He hates to admit that perhaps Laswell was right. 
Maybe they did need you after all. 
Kyle bags up the plastic mattress protector, glad to see it did its job. He replaces the sheets and blankets for now, knowing you’ll want to nest once you’re more aware. He checks his phone before heading back into the bathroom, kneeling down next to the tub. Your shaking has subsided, reduced to a shudder here and there as you’ve slowly relaxed in the hot water. 
Kyle grabs a cloth and your body wash, starting to gently clean your skin, or at least get the sweat and other fluids off. Bruises litter your skin and the claiming mark on your shoulder is scabbed and angry. Kyle carefully washes it, not wanting to apply too much pressure as he cleans off the dried blood still stuck to your skin. He knows it’s going to hurt for a while. 
“What did Dr. Keller say?” Price asks as he helps ease you up so Kyle can wash your back. 
“Said if her temperature is normal then the worst is over.” Kyle answers. “She wants to do a check up soon, make sure everything’s alright. Said she’d come here to do it, if that’s alright.” 
Price grunts quietly as Kyle starts to wash his chest. “That’s fine. Easier than going all the way to the medical building. Simon and Johnny?” 
“Fine.” Kyle answers. “Been keeping busy running drills and stuff. Johnny’s been keeping Simon occupied.” 
Price hums, letting his eyes close as Kyle washes his neck and shoulders. “Good.” 
Kyle makes sure to get all of the soap rinsed off before pulling the plug on the water, carefully lifting you up to stand. He lets you lean against him, grabbing one of the towels to dry you off as best he can. Price gets himself standing, drying himself off as Kyle helps you back to bed. Price joins you, wrapping his arms around you tight as Kyle tucks the blankets up around you both. 
“Can I get you anything?” Kyle asks as he sets a new bottle of electrolytes on the nightstand. “Real food maybe?” 
“I’d kill for some bangers and mash, maybe a pint.” Price says, a smile tugging at his lips. 
“I’ll see what I can scrounge up.” Kyle says, glancing at you one last time before he leaves the room. 
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Your body aches. There’s a deep soreness in your muscles, and a painful throb between your legs. Your skin feels raw and tight, and there's a steady pulse behind your eyes. A quiet sound leaves your lips before you can stop it, the sound cracking and broken from your raw throat. There's a desert in your mouth again, your tongue dry and heavy in your mouth.
Your thoughts are dragged away from the agony in your body as a quiet rumbling starts somewhere in front of you, your brain going quiet except for the need to seek it out. You press yourself closer to it, meeting warm skin as you try to get closer and closer. You want to bury yourself in it, seep into its depths until you can feel the vibrations of it in your bones. Arms wrap around you, pulling you in closer until you're squished against a bare chest. 
You press your face against the soft skin, trying to get closer to the rumbling purr vibrating from deep within. You let out another sound, body going lax as the purr lulls you into a relaxed state. The tension leaves your body, easing the ache in your muscles a bit. Not much, but enough to pull a relieved sigh from your lips. 
“Easy, love.” A quiet voice says, another hand touching your back. 
You tense slightly at the intrusion on your safe space, but quickly relax as the hand stills on your skin. The calming scent of beta overtakes you, easing your mind to a quiet hum as your alpha and beta work to calm you. You feel a bit disoriented as reality slowly begins to return, seeping back into your brain. 
You went into heat. 
You remember waking up with the blistering inferno burning hot within you, the insatiable need pulsing between your legs. You remember Kyle being there, the soft scent of him as he helped you prepare, pulling off your clothes and making you drink some of the electrolytes. You remember John entering the room, the way his scent made your brain feel like mush. You remember him sinking his teeth into your shoulder, his knot forcing you open before everything went dark. 
Everything else is a dark blur, wiped from your memory after your instincts took over. 
You shift against the body you’re pressed close to, a deep ache rippling through you. It hurts, everything hurts. Your hips are sore, your shoulder is throbbing, every muscle feels like you just did a triathlon with no training, and there’s a sharp throbbing between your thighs. 
You’re crying before you even realize it, the tears uncontrollable as they slide down your cheeks, the quiet sniffles and sobs aggravating your already aching body. The arms around you tighten, the purring getting louder, but you can’t stop the onslaught of tears. 
You flinch as something tickles the skin of your forehead, chapped lips pressing a soft kiss to your hairline. You let out a whine as you continue to cry, your mind a swirl of confusion and disorientation as you try to come to terms with everything that’s happened. You don’t know how long it’s been, what day it is. You don’t even know what happened to you in the last week. 
You continue to cry, oblivious to the conversation happening over you, the gentle purring in your ears lulling you into a dazed state as you float in and out of consciousness. The pain of being moved momentarily brings you back before you settle again, laying back against a chest. A baggy shirt is pulled over your head, smelling of your alpha. The fabric feels different than it had days ago when you’d woken up in the throes of your heat. It’s soft, not offending, and it offers you warmth and comfort. 
You don’t want to move, you don’t want to do anything. Exhaustion pulls at the edges of your mind as you lay there, the tears still streaming down your cheeks.
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He hasn’t stopped purring since you woke up. The low rumble in his chest hasn’t stopped, and neither has the ache blooming there since you started crying. Even in your dazed, half asleep state, the tears still roll down your cheeks, quiet shaky breaths catching every so often. He’s not sure what to do, how to help. He’s never been with an omega that’s cried before. Not like this. 
His purring kicks up in volume as you startle awake when the door opens, letting out a broken whimper as your space suddenly gets invaded. He tries to soothe you, his arms tightening around you to try and ground you in his presence. 
“Hi, honey.” Dr. Keller says, kneeling down next to the bed, her voice soft and the scent of beta thick in the air. “Still a bit out of it, huh?” 
“She hasn’t stopped crying since she woke up.” He says, rubbing gentle circles on your arm with his thumb. 
“That’s not unusual.” Dr. Keller says, digging through her bag to pull out a thermometer. “There’s a lot going on right now for her. Besides the exhaustion and the confusion and the pain, there’s a lot of rapid hormonal changes happening. Some omegas can just wake up and hop out of it immediately and be just fine.” 
John frees one of your arms so Dr. Keller can take your pulse and blood pressure. 
“Others might struggle a bit more.” She continues. “Purebred omegas especially have a hard time coming out of it. They’re more sensitive to those instincts and the sudden cut off of them is rather jarring.” She puts her equipment back in her bag. “Her vitals look good, which makes me confident to hold off on any further examinations until she’s more alert and aware.” 
“Are there things we should look out for?” Kyle asks. 
“She’s going to be drowsy and fatigued for a while, but if you can’t wake her at all, call me. If her breathing gets shallow or her pulse weakens or she starts developing a fever again, call me. Also check for blood the next time she uses the bathroom. Her vitals aren’t showing any indication of internal injuries, though, so I think she’ll be just fine.” She pulls a pill bottle from her bag. “I’ve prescribed some muscle relaxers for her. There’s a week’s worth in there. It’ll help with the pain and discomfort, but they will make her sleepy. The best thing she can do right now is rest and recover. Once she’s more aware, you can try some soft foods and lots of liquids. If she’s really struggling, I can set up an IV and get some fluids into her, perk her up a bit.” 
“Thank you.” John says, shifting you slightly so Dr. Keller can look at the bite mark on your shoulder.
“How are you feeling?” She asks him, pulling out a disinfectant wipe.
“Sore.” John huffs out a laugh. “Nothing I can’t handle, though.” 
Dr. Keller hums as she cleans the wound on your shoulder. “I know I’m not here to give you medical advice, but as your omega’s doctor I feel the need to remind you not to ignore your own symptoms. She needs you right now, more than ever. So don’t try to macho man your way through anything. You need to rest just as much as she does.” 
“Yes, doctor.” He grumbles, adjusting your shirt once she’s done. 
Dr. Keller gives him a smile. “You did a good job.” She turns to Kyle. “Both of you. Don’t hesitate to call me. It’s what I’m here for.” 
A smile tugs at John’s lips as Kyle practically beams from Dr. Keller’s praise. He did do a good job. You’re both still breathing after all. 
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3 Days Ago
“I cannae take anymore.” Johnny pants, his breaths near wheezes as he rests his hands on his knees. “Ye said you'd go easy on me.”
“I never promised anything, Johnny.” Simon says, standing behind him. 
“Hell's bells, L.T.” Johnny groans, dropping to his hands and knees. “Gonna kill me at this rate.”
“Don't be dramatic. C'mon, again.” 
“Uh uh.” Johnny says, flopping onto his side on the ground. “Am pure done in! ‘S almost lunch anyway.” He rolls onto his back, looking in the direction of the barracks as he wipes the sweat from his brow. “Think they're havin’ fun?”
Simon looks down at him, looming over him like a shadow. “Probably seems like it right now. Be a different story when it’s done.”
“Sometimes I wish I knew what it was like.” Johnny says, turning his gaze up to Simon's face. He can't see much under the mask, and right now is one of those moments when he wishes he could. 
“You really don't. It's messy and gory.” Simon offers him a hand, helping Johnny to his feet. “Gotta be prepared to pick up the pieces afterwards.” Simon turns, heading in the direction of the barracks. 
“That why you've never taken an omega?” Johnny asks, following him.
Simon stops dead in his tracks, turning to look at Johnny. Johnny's back straightens at the look in Simon's eyes. No, not Simon. Ghost. He's looking at Ghost again. 
“Drop it. Or I'll make you do another lap.” Ghost says, his voice taking on the low rasp he gets when he's shifted into the laser focused headspace of the Lieutenant. 
“Yes, sir.” Johnny says, following after Ghost as they head back towards the barracks. 
Ghost slips into the showers once they enter, Johnny heading to the corner to peek down the hallway towards their rooms. It's quiet now. It hadn't been when they left earlier. He could hear it as they passed the hall to go out the door, the distant sound of moans and the bedframe knocking against the wall. He had fought the erection threatening to tent his shorts all the way to the field. He knows heats are no light matter, but the mental image he's drawn up of you blissed out, mouth open as you moan, back arching in pleasure has been plaguing him for nearly two weeks. He's desperate, practically chomping at the bit to get a chance to see it himself first hand, to see the real thing putting his mental image to shame. 
He makes his way down the hallway, keeping a respectful distance between himself and your room. Kyle looks up from his spot on the bed where he'd been scrolling on his phone.
“How're they doin’?” Johnny asks, wiping the sweat from his face. 
“Alright. Sleeping for the moment.” Kyle answers. Johnny can only imagine the torture of having to sit and listen to nonstop fucking for the last three days. 
“We're gonna grab lunch soon. Want us tae bring ye somethin’?” 
Kyle nods. “Sure. That'd be great.” 
“Ye got it.” Johnny nods, passing a glance at your door before looking back to Kyle. “Good luck.”
“Thanks, mate.” Kyle says, watching his fellow beta walk back down the hall. 
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Johnny glances up from his phone as Simon huffs out what's the tenth sigh in the last three minutes. The alpha is seated at his desk, clicking away at something on his computer and occasionally mashing away at the keyboard rather harshly. Johnny's surprised he hasn't cracked a key yet, or just thrown the whole thing out the window. The beta can see how tightly his alpha is wrung by the tenseness in his shoulders, the hard set of his brow, the set line of his lips, the occasional tick of his jaw. 
“What's got ye all riled up?” Johnny finally breaks the silence, setting his phone aside. 
“Nothing.” Simon grumbles, ignoring Johnny's gaze.
Johnny’s brow furrows and he pushes himself to stand, moving over to Simon’s side. “Doesnae seem like nothin’ to me.” He puts his hands on Simon’s broad shoulders, squeezing them, feeling the tension in his muscles. “Awful tense, Si.” 
“Leave it, Johnny.” Simon grumbles, trying to swat the beta away, but he’s insistent. 
“Wouldnae be a little omega getting you so tense, would it?” Johnny teases. 
Simon turns to him, his eyes darkening. His jaw clenches, hands closing into fists where they sit on the armrests of his chair. “Don’t push it, Johnny.” His voice has that deep rumble to it, the threat of his alpha coming through. 
Johnny stares at him, feeling the danger prickling at the back of his neck, but at the same time, he wants to push that boundary. He wants to see just how far he can push his alpha until he finally gives in. 
“I don’t know why ye keep torturing yourself like this, Si. Ye know ye like her. She’d be more’n willing-” 
“That’s the problem.” Simon snaps, pushing himself up from his seat, forcing Johnny to take a step back. “She’s not doing this because she wants to. She’s only doing this because she’s been told to do it.” 
“She’s an omega. Her whole life was going tae be people tellin’ her what to do and forcin’ her tae do things, even if she didn’t want to. Ye think things would have been different if she’d been put with a different pack?” Johnny doesn’t back down from Simon’s glare, having been on the receiving end of it enough times now he’s almost immune to it. “Things could have been a lot worse for her. She might not have wanted to be here, but she is. Ye can’t change that, Si. No matter how badly you might want to.” 
Johnny can tell by the slow fall to Simon’s tense shoulders that he’s struck home. The situation wasn’t ideal, but it’s what they were dealt. You’re here with them, and he’s going to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. 
Simon lets out another sigh, turning away from Johnny to crawl into their makeshift bed. He lays down with a huff, closing his eyes. Johnny smirks, slowly crawling onto the two cots pushed together, laying down right next to Simon. He rests his hand on Simon’s thigh, feeling the powerful muscle flex under his hand. He slowly begins to drag it higher, Simon’s eyes opening again. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Simon rasps, but he doesn’t move, even as Johnny reaches the junction of his hip and thigh. 
“Yer all worked up, big guy.” Johnny says, leaning his head on his hand, slowly moving his hand over Simon’s very prominent bulge. “Thought I’d help ye.” 
“What makes you think I want your help?” Simon says, still laying still. 
Johnny lifts his brows, slowly rubbing Simon through his pants. “This looks rather painful, and I seem to be the only option to help, since everyone else is rather occupied-” 
Johnny’s words are cut off as he finds himself suddenly on his back, Simon’s hand around his throat. The alpha is leaning over him, a deep rumble vibrating through his chest. “You talk too much, Johnny.” Simon rumbles, leaning close to the beta’s face. 
“I’ve been told tha’ before.” Johnny says, leaning up to try and kiss his alpha, but Simon backs away before he can make contact. “By you if I remember correctly.” 
Simon’s fingers flex around his throat, a moan spilling from his lips as Simon grinds his hips against Johnny’s. His cock is hard in his pants, has been for a while. He’s not sure if it’s from the lewd thoughts that have been plaguing his mind since you first kissed him, weeks ago, or if it’s just a response to the knowledge that you’re currently fucking their pack alpha like your life depends on it. 
Johnny lets out a whimper, bucking up against Simon desperately. Simon tuts at him, pressing against his throat to keep him still on the bed as he sits himself up on top of the beta. 
“Naughty little thing.” Simon says, staring down into his blue eyes. “Know you’ve been thinking about sinking your cock into the new little omega for weeks.” Johnny lets out a whine, his cock twitching in his pants. “I don’t think you’ll even make it that long, will you pup?” Simon chuckles. “Gonna cum in your pants as soon as you see her tits, huh?” Simon presses down, putting more pressure against his cock as he rubs it through his pants. “Gonna cum in your pants just thinking about it.” 
Johnny holds his breath, trying to focus anywhere except for Simon’s hand. He squeezes his eyes closed as Simon undoes the button on his cargo pants, releasing his throat to tug the fabric down around his knees. 
“Bloody hell.” Simon says, wrapping a hand around Johnny’s hard cock. “Prettiest cock I’ve ever seen.” 
“I thought Kyle’s was the prettiest.” Johnny says, opening his eyes to glance down at his alpha. 
“Kyle’s just pretty.” Simon says, slowly stroking Johnny’s cock. “You have the prettiest cock.” 
“Christ...” Johnny breathes as Simon continues to jerk his cock, his hips bucking as he can feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge. 
A pathetic whimper leaves Johnny’s lips as Simon pulls his hand away, sitting up on his knees over his beta. He undoes his belt, tossing it to the floor before undoing his pants, pulling them and his briefs down to release his own throbbing cock. Johnny licks his lips as Simon fists his own cock, slowly stroking it. 
“Turn around. Let me see that pretty ass.” Simon says. 
“Yes, sir.” Johnny smirks, wiggling himself until he’s flat on his stomach, pushing his ass into the air as best he can with his legs trapped between Simon’s. 
Simon purrs quietly at Johnny’s response, running his hands over his beta’s pert cheeks. “Prettiest ass too.” He murmurs, gently spreading his cheeks. 
“I’m startin’ to think I might be the prettiest.” Johnny says, gasping quietly as a glob of warm spit hits his hole. 
“Give me a night with Kyle and I’ll get back to you on that.” Simon says, pressing a finger into Johnny’s ass. 
Johnny groans, pressing his face into the pillow. “Fucking Christ.” 
“You can take it.” Simon soothes him, reaching down to fish the lube out of the bag he’d tossed it in last night. He squirts some on his finger before pressing further in, spreading Johnny’s ass open. “Good boy.” 
Johnny nearly melts into the cot, letting out a pathetic sound as Simon adds a second finger. He’s still sore from the last three days, but his drive to please his alpha pushes away any sensitivity he’s feeling. That, and the lust burning hot in him. Betas don’t have heat cycles, but he might as well be in the middle of one with how horny he’s been these last few days. He knows part of it is Simon being worked up by the knowledge that there’s an omega in heat nearby, and his own body reacting to his alpha. He’s never been around an omega in heat, and he doesn’t think Simon has either. 
He’s not sure Simon has ever been with an omega at all before. 
More cold lube hits his hole, a second finger pressing in. He gasps at the stretch, squeezing around Simon’s thick fingers. Simon’s other hand trails up his back, pushing his shirt up as he goes. Johnny pushes himself up slightly, tugging the fabric over his head before he relaxes back down against the blankets. 
Simon presses a third finger in, working Johnny open with what still won’t be enough, but Johnny won’t complain. He’s taken his alpha before. He’ll do it gladly again. 
“Fuck, Johnny.” Simon grunts as Johnny squeezes around his fingers again. 
“Cannae help it.” Johnny whines. “Feels too good.” 
“Didn’t say you could cum yet.” Simon says, removing his fingers. “Naughty pup.” 
Johnny lets out a pathetic sounding whimper, pressing his ass up to try and chase Simon’s fingers. He yelps as Simon’s hand meets his skin, his hips dropping back to the bed at the force of Simon’s spank. 
“Stay still.” Simon growls, the cap of the lube popping open again. 
Johnny does as he’s told, keeping himself still as Simon prepares himself. He groans as the tip of Simon’s cock presses against his hole, his hands fisting the sheets at the stretch. Simon’s hand rubs his back, trying to get him to relax. Johnny breathes, forcing himself to go lax, letting Simon slip in further. 
“Good boy.” Simon groans, bracing himself on the bed as he presses further and further into Johnny’s tight hole. “That’s my good boy. You can take it.” 
“Fuck!” Johnny groans, practically preening from the praise. 
“That’s it.” Simon groans, pressing in until his hips are flush with Johnny’s ass. “Bloody fucking hell.” 
Johnny’s mind goes blank as he’s filled, all thoughts leaving at the feeling of his alpha inside of him. He’s panting already, stretched open around his alpha’s cock. Simon begins to move, rocking his hips slowly, drawing his cock out before pushing it back in. Johnny whines, pushing back against Simon, needing more. 
“Please...” Johnny begs. “Please alpha!”
“Fuck.” Simon grunts, bracing himself further before snapping his hips against Johnny. “Like that? That what you want, pup?”
Johnny almost yelps at the sensation, hands fisting the blankets as his body rocks forward on the cot. “Fuck, yes!” 
Simon sets a brutal pace, hips snapping against Johnny’s ass. Pleasure numbs Johnny’s mind as the sensation of Simon inside of him. His cock is trapped between his body and the cot, dragging against the blankets with every thrust. He’s going to cum soon, he knows that. He won’t be able to hold it, not with how sensitive he already is. 
“Gonna cum, can’t hold it!” He whines, pushing back against Simon’s thrusts for more friction. “Fuck, alpha!” 
Johnny cums quickly with a groan, the blankets getting damp under him as he shakes in his release. Simon doesn’t stop, undeterred by Johnny’s clenching around him in his orgasm. He’s going to ring a few more out of Johnny before he’s done. 
They’re both in for a long night. 
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 6 months
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Her Emperor, His Destiny
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(Alpha!Paul Atreides x Omega!BeneGesserit!Reader)
Summary: Ever since Paul presented no omega has smelled remotely appealing to him. His only reprieve is his dreams that have been filled with nothing but an angelic voice calling out to him, the silhouette of a woman he can’t quite make out, and the sweetest saccharine smell. Wk: 3.2k
Warnings: General omegaverse behaviors, knotting, scenting, marking, breeding, Paul and reader are a soul bound pair, inappropriate use of the voice(by both Paul & Reader) , fluff, kinda love making? Idk this is much softer than my usual smut. I think that’s it, lmk if I missed any!! 18+MNDI!!
A/N: Listen… I know this is left field for me but I made a promise to myself that I would start writing for ME again, and that means writing whatever I want. I saw Dune 2 and I couldn’t get this idea out of my head. Paul is so alpha coded I feel like it was dropped in my lap.
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Paul expected the air to be different, smell different, out in the desert planes of Arkkis. Thus far it’s as he expected. The smell of spice and sand permeate the air to the point that it’s over powering, flooding every single one of your senses. The sand lingers on any inch of exposed skin practically borrowing its way underneath. The smell of spice is so strong that it feels like it’s drowning you, invading your lungs and nostrils, coating them, leaving your insides feeling like sandpaper if you dare breathe it in.
But as he follows Stilgar into the sietch he can’t even be bothered with the glares and sideways glances from the Freman because the further they walk the more his senses are hit with an overwhelmingly saccharine smell. It was like someone was baking the finest pastry mixed with a warm milk bath on a cold winter's day. He had only ever smelled something as sweet as this in his dreams. A scent he’s dreamed of so vividly that it lingered in his nostrils when he woke, but he’s never caught a whiff of it in waking hours until now. There was no doubt in his mind that this is the same scent. The scent that’s haunted him every night since he presented. The scent of his omega, his destined mate.
“I can hear and smell you scenting back there, Paul Atreides… I suggest you get your pheromones under control before we enter.” Stilgar looks back at him with an apprehensive look and Paul apologizes nodding in agreement. “Mating is a very sacred thing to my people. Each pair must be approved and blessed by the high priestess. And all unmated omegas rooms are on the opposite side of the alphas. It is very important that you follow all rules, but especially this one. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I understand.” He understood the rule but does that mean he was going to follow it? He could certainly try. But that scent was intoxicating and the closer they got to the sietch the stronger it got. He knows given the chance, he’d break that rule in an instant. Consequences be damned.
“Many wait for their soul bound mate and majority of them die alone, never finding the one.” Paul found this odd. Soul bounds are few and far between nowadays and he comes from a place where mating is a transaction, a bargain, something of power and not of love. But as that sugary sweet scent swirls around him, almost making him dizzy, he thinks he might understand wanting to wait for your one. It’s been a few years now since he presented and no omega has ever smelled even remotely appealing to him. They either smelled of nothing or downright revolting, his only reprieve was in his dreams. His dreams filled with that sugary smell and the figure of a woman whose face he could never quite make out.
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When Stilgar pulled his mother aside Paul found himself alone in a room filled with stares. Some looked at him in awe, certain he was their long awaited Maud’Dib. Others looked at him with disdain, snickering to each other as they shamelessly pointed his way. But he honestly wasn’t concerned with any of it, because as he sat against the stony wall the scent was stronger than ever. He could almost taste it. His eyes searched the room, craving nothing more than to put a face to the smell that has nearly become his drug. But as he looked across the various faces surrounding him, no one stuck out to him.
But he was certain she was in this room, if not this one than the next. That warm saccharine scent was so close it was as if it were right next to him. That’s when he feels a tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump. Either this person was stealthy or he was so lost in thought he didn’t hear them approaching but when his head whips around to see who it is he feels like his heart is going to burst. He hears the sound of bells ringing, a sound that he’s only heard in the churches back home. There standing over him is the most ethereal woman he’s ever seen, beautiful, perfect, sweet smelling, you.
“Hello, Paul Atreides, I’ve been waiting for you.” You smile down at him sweetly, your eyes filled with adoration. You aren’t dressed like the Fremen, no tans or browns or stillsuit to be found. A black silky dress adorns your form, fitting you perfectly. There’s a sheer midnight colored scarf wrapped around your head and shoulders, framing your face like the greatest work of art. You weren’t Fremen. You were a Bene Gesserit. Or at the very least, one in training.
“I think… I’ve been waiting for you too.” Paul’s voice is trance-like, looking up at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. The sound of the voice you’ve heard so many times in your slumber sending chills down your spine.
“Won’t you come with me? I have so much to tell you.” You look at him eagerly, offering him your danity ringed hand.
“I don’t know if I’m… supposed to…” He wants nothing more than to follow you. He would follow you into one of the suns of Arakkis if you asked him to. But he knew he was already on thin ice here and he feared what would happen to him and his mother if he were to upset anyone further.
“Do not bother with them, they will see the way. They will see what I’ve seen. Soon they will be cheering your name. Come.”
Paul scans the room, all eyes are on the two of you but when he looks back at your reassuring smile it’s like no one else matters, no one else exists. He takes your hand, letting you pull him along through hallways and far away from prying eyes. You drag him into a room that he assumes is yours, shutting the door behind you.
“Have you dreamt of me, Paul?” You sit on the bed and pull the scarf from your head, leaning back on your palms. You look so beautiful and the room is engulfed in your scent. It clings to every inch of the space and radiates off of you in waves.
“Yes… have you dreamt of me?” He takes an apprehensive step toward you, leaving a few feet of distance between the two of you. His green eyes feel as if they’re eating you alive and the scent of him causes slick to rush into your panties.
“Yes, every night since I presented as an omega my dreams have been filled with nothing but you. And more recently I’ve had visions of you in my waking hours. Will you tell me, Paul, about your dreams?” Your voice is as sweet as your scent. The way you’re leaning back on your hands makes the silk of your dress taunt against your breasts, your peaked nipples on display. The sight of you and the unmistakable smell of your slick makes his cock stir in his pants.
“They aren’t very vivid… mostly just flashes of you from behind, the sound of your voice, you were always saying ‘come to me Paul, for I am your destiny’ but your scent? That was so clear to me.” He takes another step forward, reaching a hand out as if he’s going to touch you but he lets it fall to his side, like he thought better of it. “I didn’t know it was possible to have a sense of smell in your dreams, but night after night I was surrounded by your scent as I slept.”
“I could smell you as well and I smelled you the minute you arrived. But my dreams are much more detailed than yours. There is much you do not know.” You approach him, closing the small distance between you. You rest your hands on his chest, looking up at him with hooded eyes. “Would you like me to tell you about them?”
“I’d love nothing more, omega.” His thumb gently caresses the apple of your cheek before traveling down to push some of your hair off your shoulder. He’s looking down at you expectantly, eagerly waiting for you to speak.
“Your dreams are correct, I am your destiny, and you are mine. I can feel the doubt in your heart, feel that you do not believe in yourself, do not believe that you are the Maud’Dib but you are, sweet Paul. For I have seen it.”
“Tell me? What have you seen?” He searches your eyes for signs of doubt or deceit but all he sees is truth there. Truth and the same adoring look you gave him when he first saw you.
“I’ve seen you learning the ways of the Fremen. I’ve seen you move them, rally them. I’ve seen a battle in which you win. I’ve seen you upon the emperor's throne, ruling over all, with me by your side, our child in my arms.” Your hands travel from his chest to take his face in your soft palms where you rub soothing circles on his temples.
“You saw… all of that?” Paul’s voice sounded exasperated, like what you’ve told him took all the breath from his lungs. He feels like it has. The finality and bluntness in which you speak tell him that your words are true.
“Yes, and more. There will be plenty of time to tell you about it all. But right now? I need you.” Right as the words leave your mouth a gush of slick drips down your legs. The presence of your mate triggering your heat weeks early.
“Tell me what you need, omega.” His voice drops an octave, taking on that deep alpha tone. It makes your heart speed up as another gush of slick drips from your core. You can’t help but think what it would be like if he used The Voice on you. Regularless of how absolutely blasphemous that would be considered.
“I need you, alpha. I need your cock. I need you to fill me up and lock your seed inside me with your knot.” Paul lets out a growl before reaching out, one hand gripping onto your hip to pull you flush against him and the other going to the back of your neck so he could connect his lips with your own.
The kiss starts off rough, eager, and hungry. But after a few moments his lips become tender against your own, his fingers threading through your hair as his tongue swipes across your bottom lip. You grant him access, immediately intertwining his tongue with your own, moaning at the taste of him.
“I’ll give you whatever you want, my moon. Ask for it and it is yours.” He kisses down your jaw to your throat where he runs the tip of his nose along your scent gland, inhaling deeply. “You wish for me to make love to you? Then I shall.”
Paul pushes the thin straps of your satin dress down your shoulders, kissing along the column of your throat, your collar bones, across your shoulders. You drop your arms so the straps fall the rest of the way down, the dress slipping down your body with them. Leaving you bare before him aside from the thin black material of your panties.
“Absolutely beautiful, angelic.” He runs the back of his hand down your cheek, your jaw, your neck, all the way down until his back knuckles are caressing the tender peaks of your nipples. He slides it across your chest, giving the other the same treatment before taking both of your tits in his hands. He gently squeezes them, pinching your hardened nipples between his fingers, eliciting little whimpers from you.
“I heard your mother has been teaching you our ways. How is your training?” Paul raises an eyebrow at you, certainly wondering why you’re asking him about that at a time like this. “I only ask because I was wondering if you might want to practice on me.”
“Do you mean…?” He looks at you with wide eyes and you smirk, biting your lip.
“That’s exactly what I mean. I can feel your apprehension, don’t be afraid, I want this.” You lean into him, smashing his hands that are still on your chest between your bodies as you lean up to you run your nose along his scent gland, darting your tongue out to taste the sweat and spice that coat his skin. He grabs onto your shoulders, pushing you back so he can look in your eyes, searching for any signs of doubt. But as every other time he’s looked in your eyes tonight, he’s seen nothing but honesty there. Nothing but truth.
“Get on the bed on your back. Spread your legs.” Your body immediately reacts, doing exactly as he asks. Paul approaches the foot of the bed, standing between your spread legs. “That’s a good girl.”
His hands grip onto your knees, pushing your legs further apart, leaning down to shove his face between your legs. His nose runs along the soaked material of your panties, deeply inhaling the sugary sweet smell of your slick.
“Alpha, please.”
“You do not have to beg, my moon. I’m going to give you exactly what you want.” Paul smirks up at you before lacing his fingers into the band of your panties and ripping them in half. He runs his tongue up your slit, circling it around your sensitive clit. The feeling of his hot wet mouth has you coming undone instantly, your slick gushing all over his chin and down his neck where it drips onto his shirt. He moans at the taste, sweeter than anything that’s ever graced his taste buds. “Yes, that’s my good little omega, give it all to me, let me drink in your sweet nectar.”
He dives back in, shoving his tongue as deep into your pussy as it can go, fucking you with it. His lips come up to wrap around your clit while his fingers circle your dripping entrance. He runs his fingers through your folds before shoving them knuckle deep inside of you.
“Oh fuck! I’m going to cum again, I’m gonna cum.” You move your hips against his face as he curls his fingers against your sweet spot, your legs clamp around his head and your entire body shakes as your high washes over you. Paul pushes himself up from the bed, ridding himself of his clothes before climbing back over to you, situating himself on top of you with his hands on either side of your head. His hard cock is resting against your lower stomach, the tip leaking precum onto your skin.
“I want to taste you too.” You run your fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his face. You didn’t even care that the ache between your legs wouldn’t be satiated until he was inside you, you needed to taste him.
“Next time. I need to be inside you now.” It comes out a soft whisper, his forehead resting against your own. He reaches between your bodies, taking his cock in his hand and lining it up with your entrance. He connects his lips with your own, kissing you passionately as he begins to push inside you. You both moan as he bottoms out, his hips flush against your own. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, slipping your tongue into his mouth as his thrusts begin to pick up.
“Mmm you feel amazing, my love, my lord, my emperor.” Paul looks into your eyes as he continues to fuck you at a linguid pace, rolling his hips against your own as he pushes himself as deep inside you as possible.
“My moon, my destiny.” He picks up the pace, pushing up on his knees and wrapping your legs around his hips. Your tits jiggle with every thrust, the fucked out love sick gaze that you send his way makes his skin even hotter.
“I want you to fill me up, alpha. Fill me with your cum. Put a pup in me. So we can fulfill our prophecy.” Paul snakes a hand between the two of you, connecting his thumb with your clit so he can rub circles on it in time with his thrusts.
“Open your mouth.” The sound of him using The Voice makes your walls clench around him, your jaw dropping open at his command. He leans down, letting the spit that had collected in his mouth drip down into your tongue. “Swallow it.”
You swallow with an audible gulp. Your heart warming at the gesture that anywhere else would be considered lewd but here on Arakkis to share one’s sacred spit with another was a grand gesture of love.
“Thank you, my love. You taste better than the finest feast. I cannot wait to know what your cum tastes like.” Paul groans at that, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. His thrusts start to grow sloppy but he refuses to finish before you do.
“Cum for me.” As soon as the words leave his mouth your walls are convulsing around him, sucking him as your slick soaks his cock.
“Mark me, Paul. Sink your teeth into my flesh and bind us together as we are meant to be.” You tug on his arms, pulling his upper half so it’s draped over you, his face buried in your neck. His thrusts become slow and deep again, his cock hitting that perfect spot inside you.
“But Stilgar said…” He groans, using every ounce of strength in his body to not just sink his teeth into your soft neck.
“I do not care what Stilgar said. This is bigger than him. Bigger than all of them. Mark me.” His mouth moves before his mind can process what’s happening, his teeth sinking deep into your flesh, breaking the skin. The feeling is like nothing you’ve ever felt. Electricity washes through your body, the most world altering orgasm of your life wracks through you, and you feel like your soul leaves you, connecting with Paul’s before returning to your earthly vessel. He pushes his hips flush against yours, ropes of his cum spilling inside you.
“Oh fucking shit.” Paul groans, pulling his mouth from your neck, gliding his tongue over the indents of his teeth. He leans back to look at you, eyes roaming your face. His knot swells inside of you and a look of pain crosses your features before turning into one of ecstasy. Loud moans leave your lips as your final orgasm of the night washes over you. Paul leans down, connecting his lips with yours, kissing you like it’s the last thing he will ever do. Though it was far from it.
“I hope you are not upset with me, Maud’Dib.” You take his face in your hands, running the top of your nose along his cheek.
“I don’t think I could ever be upset with you, my love. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t turn me on when you used The Voice on me…” he chuckles, resting his forehead against your own. “I am so happy I finally found you…”
“You have me now, until the day I take my last breath I will belong to you, Paul Atreides. Together, we will accomplish great things.”
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wheneverfeasible · 2 months
Omegaverse AU where Steve presents as an alpha just like his father always wanted, just like everyone expects, just like he was supposed to. He exclusively dates betas, scoffing and saying omegas weren’t good enough for him. He said they were too needy, too annoying, too pathetic. He was an alpha.
He hates it.
The truth is that Steve always wanted to be an omega, always wanted to soft and taken care of, wanted to be pupped up, wanted to avoid the stupid knotheads that he was forced to surround himself with, forced to pretend to be. He never dated an omega because he wants to be one and wants desperately for another alpha to take him as their own.
Enter Eddie, an alpha unlike any other. He scorns alphas like Steve and Tommy and Billy and all the other knotheads who act like they’re so much better than anyone else just because of their secondary gender. He rants on top of cafeteria tables about it, has ever since he presented and actually had the other alphas try to talk to him at first as if he was one of them.
No fucking thank you.
Steve is…not enamored, but curious about the super senior. Nancy broke up with him, he and Tommy are sort of on the outs though still barely friends, and Billy has a one-sided rivalry for the crown Steve currently wore, not that Steve truly cared about it.
Blah blah blah, Steve propositions Eddie after watching him for a while, realizing that Eddie might just be the sort of alpha who would fuck Steve and let him pretend to be an omega for a little while, meanwhile Eddie thinks King Steve wants to start shit with him like a knotheaded alpha and is wary and lightly mocking at first, until he realizes what Steve wants.
Steve and Eddie become fuckbuddies, nothing more, where Steve gets to role play as an omega and have Eddie dominate him, who seems to know that Steve wants to pretend to be cared for rather than playing the slut role he’s been doing as an alpha, and Steve actually breaks down in tears the first time Eddie calls him “good boy” and “good omega” though they both pretend he didn’t.
And you see, bitching isn’t really well known yet. It’s not really a thing that’s spoken about amongst polite society. So neither of them clock it when, as their feelings for each other grow, Steve becomes a little more emotional, a little more irrational in regards to Eddie’s attention, and they use scent blockers and neutralizers all the time to keep their affairs secret, so they don’t notice Steve’s scent changing, or the fact that he’s starting to become more than just artificially wet, or his knot doesn’t really pop like it used to because they both steadfastly had ignored it for so long to play the role right.
And it’s just not known. It’s not something that’s really spoken about, so they’d never think about it.
So no, they don’t notice anything until it’s too late, until it happens, and Steve is suddenly thrown into a spontaneous heat after an intense basketball game or something, the final stages of his transition. There was too much sweating, too much testosterone, that the blockers and neutralizers don’t really cut it anymore.
Billy makes the winning shot as the heat hits, making Steve’s legs collapse under him as slick coats his drawers and shorts, dripping down his thighs. All alpha heads suddenly towards him as his new true scent bursts out, surprise on all their faces, even hunger on some.
Billy and Tommy both take a step towards him but are forced to stop by a growl that reverberates through Steve as if it were his own as the familiar scent hits him of blockers and tobacco and weed and leather and that stupid cheap shampoo/conditioner/body wash 3-in-1 that Eddie uses as strong arms wrap around him and dark hair cascades around him.
Because he’s there. His alpha. He’s always there, hiding in the corner or under bleachers or somewhere where Steve can’t see him and he’s always there because this stupid thing between them has become so much more than either of them ever expected and he’s so protective of his omega because Steve is his omega even when he was an alpha because he was always an omega even when he wasn’t biologically.
It isn’t ideal. It far from fucking ideal, but Eddie whisks Steve away in his arms, whispering those words of praise that used to only belong in their role play, but Steve is burning up and he can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait can’twaitcan’twaitcan’tfuckingwait—
And Eddie pulls him into classroom, locks and bars the door with desks and chairs and whatever else, and then he’s there he’s there he’stherehe’stherehe’sthere.
Eddie wants to bite, wants to mark, wants to claim, but he knows now isn’t the time so all he does is help Steve through it while he’s all but delirious from the sudden heat rewriting him completely.
Afterwards, they will talk. They will confess. They will admit. They will acknowledge that they were his alpha, his omega, and had been for longer than either of them realized. They will slink to Eddie’s car, go to Eddie’s trailer, will wash off all scents artificial and other until the them, finally just them and they will find the truth in each other. They will find a love that thrived against all odds. A love that beat fate itself.
Eddie does eventually bite him, and Steve completes it with his own, and eventually Steve gets his and his alpha’s pups like he always wanted and he can bask in the knowledge that he was exactly where he was always meant to be, with an alpha that loves and cherishes him exactly as he is, with a pack both of his own pups and the pups he all but adopted as their babysitter and real friends he gathered along the way he never thought he would be lucky enough to have.
It’s not easy at first. Of course it’s not. Something practically unheard of happened in a small conservative town like Hawkins. There were bigots and hateful people galore, and at times it even tested Steve and Eddie, but they always survived and always came out on the other side hand-in-hand and triumphant in their growing love.
They know that the best things in life are worth fighting for. And they vowed to never stop fighting. For themselves, for each other, and for everyone and everything they hold dear.
And they have fantastic sex along the way.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Hi! Do you have any fanfics about Stiles turning into a fox?
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Mating Run by Starless_Void (9/9 | 47,631 | Explicit | Steter) Newly presented werefox omega, Stiles Stilinski, signs up for the annual Mating Run, a supernatural event designed to pair eligible were-folk of the candid variety. Alpha Peter Hale returns to his hometown after being away for ten years, traveling the world and making his fortune, or, well, adding to it, at least.
You can guess what happens next...;)
Exceeding Expectations by Dagger_Stiletto (2/2 | 20,497 | Teen | Steter) This is the last time the Hale Pack will ever entrust Stiles to Scott fucking McCall's care. The absolute last time. He couldn't keep his dick inside his pants for a single night, and now Stiles is a Were-creature, Bitten against his will and drugged and abandoned by the friend that should have been there to protect him. But now Peter is an Alpha again, and all the better for it. Peter will be sure to keep his favorite Beta safe where Scott wouldn't.
The Der-Bear-Est of Them All by sapphireginger (16/16 | 18,976 | Teen | Sterek) True Mates Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale are as close as close can be. Derek is very protective of his little mate who is only three while he himself is only seven.
This is their story.
At Home Under the Moon by wanderingeye (1/1 | 18,425 | Explicit | Sterek) There is no doubt in Derek’s mind that this fox is alone, in trouble, and needs to come home with them, with him. Derek takes a risk and lets his wolf go, calling his human side forward as he shifts. The fox barks in alarm and scrambles back to the bushes. Derek kneels and holds his hands out palm up.
Derek pushes power into the next words and lets his eyes go red. “I promise. You’re safe. No one will hurt you.”
Caged by DearDaisy, Giveemhale (1/1 | 16,274 | Teen | Sterek) Werefox Stiles instantly knows there are hunters in his town, he can smell them. But with them has come that enticing scent that he used to smell in Beacon Hills. Beacon Hills, the place where he grew up and where his mother died. And the place him and his father left.
Stiles isn’t going to let hunters come into his town, only when he investigates, he finds a captive wolf.
Stiles is My Safe Place by Star_crossed02 (5/5 | 10,106 | Mature | Sterek) Stiles gets bitten by Kali, and after a brief adjustment period, proceeds to co-lead the Hale Pack to defeat the Alpha Pack once and for all. 
What happens when a sassy spark-werefox starts courting an alpha sourwolf?
Stiles Stilinski Animal Whisperer by StaciNadia (1/1 | 5,558 | Teen | Sterek) When Stiles gets bitten and becomes a werefox, he discovers that he can understand what animals are saying.
Only You Can Calm Me Down by AMatchInWater (1/1 | 3,228 | Teen | Sterek) Stiles turns into a fox after the Nogitsune leaves him and he thinks that Derek is his Alpha and not Scott. With Derek having left for South America with Cora, Stiles feels separated from not only his pack but his mate and goes feral.
Of course Derek immediately comes back when the sheriff calls him and demands he come fix Stiles. It isn't until he's back in Beacon Hills that he sees just what he needs to fix.
Dear Derek… I’m dating your uncle? By Geoff_Ramseys_Moustache (1/1 | 2,483 | Teen | Steter) Peter and Stiles have been dating for a while, and they haven't exactly been subtle... it's not their fault their family is oblivious. 
The Pack find out about Peter and Stiles.
@seaweed-water suggested this one.
Do Not Go Gentle by MojoFlower
(51/51 I 191,878 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha and Dom, wakes up in a dark cell already housing another captive – a mute, traumatized sub with a cruel collar around his neck. His only goal is to get them both free of their brutal circumstances; but even as he tries to get his young companion home, a bond between them grows. Nothing comes easily: danger and harrowing echoes of their ordeal shadow every step they take.
@library-fiend suggested this one.
Hanging On (You're All That's Left To Hold On To) by vMures
(19/19 I 92,823 I Teen I Steter)
The Stilinskis find themselves struggling in the aftermath of the Nogitsune; sometimes help comes from the most unlikeliest of places.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 23 days
The Chase-Alpha!Aemond
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(This is an Omegaverse fic. I was asked several times to write something with Aemond and chasing/predator-prey as well as something with Alpha!Aemond and this is what came of it. Honestly Alpha!Aemond is probably my favorite Alpha that I write for. I hope everyone that asked for this enjoys it and in the future I’m always happy to receive Alpha!Aemond requests.)
Warning: Primal Kink (predator/prey/chase), A/B/O Dynamics, Knotting, heavy smut, Alpha!Aemond threatening everyone
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Viserys decided to make a big deal out of it. Rhaenyra’s only daughter was coming of age (all children presenting on their 18th name-day). He loved his granddaughter to death and wanted it to be special, even though she hated parties and crowds of people with a passion.
Most of the time you could tell what someone was going to present as just from their personalities, Alphas always being stronger personalities, usually cocky and tough. Both Daemon and Aemond were known to be Alphas before presenting. (The only Targaryen Alphas currently in the world). Omegas were sweet and kind, usually very soft, however there had never been a Targaryen Omega before, at least since the Doom.
Y/n didn’t present until the afternoon just before the celebration started, everyone shocked to find out that the Princess was the first Targaryen Omega in over 1000 years. It was that much more to celebrate in the sickly Kings eyes and the party went on, Daemon spending most of the evening with his daughter to ensure the room of Alphas keeps their hands to themselves.
Y/n was annoyed. She was hot, and tired, and finished putting up with all of these Alphas trying to speak to her, all of the noble houses ready to put forth their Alpha sons for an alliance with House Targaryen the first day she presents like no one cares to let her acclimate to her new existence at all. They had all been prepared to put forth their Beta sons at the assumption she would present as such, however since she didn’t she had no choice. An Omega can only be mated by their Alpha, a law made by the Targaryens long ago when Alphas in the realm were assaulting Omegas any time they pleased, leading to babies that were sick and deformed (the only reason Aegon the Conqueror ordered their protection supposedly though most people believe it was because it how much he loved his Omega sister wife). Now all of the noble houses will be praying that she will be the mate of a member of their house, she will end up spending an entire day smelling a line of Alphas and odds are never find hers…it will be torture.
By late that evening she had decided to be finished with the party and go to bed. She made her way out the servants entrance and down the halls of the Red Keep, making her way to the library to find a book for the night. She wasn’t in there searching for 5 minutes when she smelled it, the heavy, woodsy scent that filled her nose was amazing. She knew instantly what it was, even if it hadn’t been for the jarringly loud growl that came along with the Alphas scent. Never in a million years would she have expected her Alpha to just so happen to be here and yet here she is. She hadn’t been an Omega for more than a few hours, she had no idea what to do, she hadn’t even spoken to her mother about Omega mating as there was no chance it would be relevant in her life but now in this moment, the only thing she could think to do was turn towards the door and run.
It was only at that moment as she was sprinting down the corridors that she remembered the horror stories told to her by her brothers as a child. The ones of Alphas hunting down their Omegas. An Omega running from them triggered their hunting instincts and they would give chase until they caught their mate, the Alpha had no control over it. If only she had been an Omega for more than just a few hours, maybe she would have remembered that.
Y/n turned down a corridor where she knew a servants hallway to be, no one just visiting the Keep would know anything about it and she quickly moved the tapestry that it resides behind, sprinting down the hallway and towards the exit. She stumbled, nearly falling off of her heels which she quickly kicked off as she ran, not willing to break an ankle, pausing as she came to the door to the gardens the servants used to serve lunches out there discreetly. She was panting heavily, trying to catch her breath when she heard shoes hitting the stone floor behind her and yanked open the door, continuing her run. All she had to do was get to her Dragon that slept on the beach, her ghostly mount not willing to reside in the pits or be around any other humans but his rider. If she could get to Ghost she would be safe in the sky, at least until she had to come back down but it would give her time to gather her thoughts…or flee to Dragonstone and never return…yes. She liked that option.
That is exactly what she did as she stumbled onto the beach and saw her Dragons head pop up. He bared his teeth, clearly realizing that his rider was in distress and he stretched, spreading his wings. He lowered his head and she hopped onto him as quickly as she could, never happier for his smaller stature than in that moment, standing about three quarters the size of Caraxes and very slender.
Her father had loved that his daughter had mounted the Grey Ghost, enjoying the idea that she could easily protect herself from other dragons (such as Vhagar) by going unseen in a cloud bank for as long as it took for others to leave. He also suggested that if it were ever necessary that she would be a good spy in the same way, able to see what others were doing and still hide so as not to be spotted. Rhaenyra was insistent that it would never be needed but Daemon trained her for it regardless.
‘Aderī Ghost! Sōves!’ She shouted, the dragon already prepared to take off and leaping into the air quickly, roaring out a loud warning to whatever his human had been running from as he flew away. Once over the water Y/n looked back, expecting to see an angry Alpha on the beach watching her fly away but there was no one. (Quickly Ghost! Fly!)
She did not slow Ghost all the way back to Dragonstone, happy to be home as soon as they landed in the courtyard. The staff was very small as no one was currently home and so she ordered Ghost to be fed before making her way into the castle and finding her bedroom where she requested a bath.
Y/n felt much better after a long soak in the scalding hot water to ease her sore muscles, running was something she already hated and her calves would hate her in the morning. The maid had been given the night off and so she dried off and dressed herself in her small clothes for bed, prepared to send a raven to her mother in Kings Landing to tell her what happened when she heard the loud roar of a dragon that definitely wasn’t hers. She considered it for a moment and came to the realization that only Daemon could have gotten here so fast, it would have taken time to realize Ghost was gone and then Caraxes is the only one who could fly almost as fast as her small lithe dragon could. The roar didn’t sound like Caraxes usually did though, it was much deeper.
As she made her way out of her chamber and through the halls to greet her father she stopped as she turned, seeing a much different person at the end of the hallway. ‘Aemond? W-What are you doing here, Uncle?’ She had been close with her Uncle in their childhood but the night that Luke maimed him had ended that sadly, whether either of them wanted it to or not, their mothers were adamant that they no longer speak.
It was at that moment that she was overcome by the smell again and her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. She hadn’t gotten away at all, just fled somewhere that no one would find them. ‘Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to run from your Alpha, Byka Zaldrīzes?’ He questioned, her old nickname sending a chill down her spine as his scent set her body on edge. (Little Dragon)
‘I’ve been an Omega for half a day…no one has said much of anything…please don’t do this, Aemond? Kostilus Kepus?’ She knew it would make no difference, he couldn’t stop now and she knew that as he had been stepping closer since the moment she opened her mouth. (Please Uncle?)
‘I will take care of you Omega…no need to worry.’ His voice was deeper than normal, almost distorted as he spoke, moving forward a bit faster now. He moved to run just as she turned around and sprinted back down the halls. She got into her chambers just as he caught up to her, catching the door before she could shut it and shoving it open, landing her sprawled out on the floor. Moving to crawl under the bed, he slammed the door and caught her ankle, sliding her back out and lifting her abruptly, dropping her back onto the nicely made bed. She whimpered, trying to push his hands away but he shushed her and now this close she could see that his pupils were dilated, nearly taking up his entire eye like that of a dragon. ‘Omega, sweet Omega, My Omega!’ He growled, nuzzling his face into her neck as he yanked his trousers off, shoving her shift up her body and ripping it off in pieces.
‘Aemond! Please, I’m scared, please just wait-‘
‘No! No fear, Alphas right here. Nothing will ever hurt my Omega.’ It was as if he really couldn’t rationalize that it was him she was afraid of as he lined his cock up with her dripping hole and shoved himself into her roughly. The pleasure that rushed through her body as he nuzzled against her scent gland at her neck, his scent fully encompassing her now, dulled the pain of his intrusion. ‘Wanted you so long Byka Zaldrīzes, so long…pretty little Omega.’ He rumbled deep in his chest, enjoying the feeling of being inside of his Omega before he moved.
‘I’ve only been an Omega for a day…’ she muttered as she tried to relax her body that was now desperate for him as well as his scent that was torturing her.
‘I’ve always loved you, Y/n…pretty Omega…’ he growled, thrusting up into her and licking his tongue up the side of her neck. She clutched the soft fabric of his shirt and pulled at it as he moved. ‘I love you so much Mandianna. All mine now, Alpha will protect you…’ (Niece)
‘Kepus! Oh Gods! D-Don’t stop!’ The tingly feeling that was now rushing through her was euphoric, knowing that it’s her Alpha that is rutting into her was more pleasurable than she ever could have imagined.
‘Never! Never going to stop Omega! Alpha will fuck you every day, knock you up so good! Be so pretty all full of my pups! Imagine these full for me, such a good Omega, so fucking perfect!’ He moaned, leaning down to bite along her breasts and leave marks before wrapping his lips around her nipple and suck which gave her more pleasure than she ever expected.
‘Fuck Aemond! Alpha! Want my Alpha in me forever!’
‘Yes Omega! Yours, Your Alpha! Gonna fill you up so good! Made me wait for you so long, almost killed me-‘
‘I’m sorry! So sorry Alpha, I was so-scared-‘
‘No! No more. My Omega will never be scared again, Alphas here. Alpha will protect you! My Omega! Mine-Mine-Fucking Mine!’ He roared, thrusting as deep into her cunt as he could and feeling his knot expand to lock him into her as he came, feeling his Omega cum around him, crying out and clinging to him like the needy Omega she is. ‘Good girl, my good girl.’ He mumbled before burying his fangs into her throat over her scent gland and tasting her sweet blood as he marked her as his mate, feeling her little fangs in his flesh as well.
Aemond held her close as they both fell asleep almost as soon as Aemond pulled the blanket over them, sleeping for the Gods only know how long before awakening to see it was clearly night time. They were both finally fully aware again and thinking clearly, Y/n blushing as she looked up at her Uncle to see him looking at her already.
‘I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to run, I just-‘
‘Shh…it’s alright Byka Zaldrīzes, I know. That party never should have happened, someone should have helped you. It’s not your fault my love.’ He brushed his fingers down her face and along her shoulder, enjoying touching her skin every chance he got seemingly. ‘I apologize for behaving like a brute, it will not happen again, I assure you. I will be gentle with my Omega.’
‘Oh…well I liked it…maybe you don’t always have to be gentle?’ Aemond smirked, leaning close to nuzzle his nose against hers.
‘I will make my mate happy, however you need to be fucked.’ He teased and she glared playfully. ‘You running wasn’t such a bad thing. If you hadn’t we would have been interrupted already.’
‘We’ll still be interrupted-‘
‘Yes but not until they notice in the morning that we’re both gone. Everyone will have assumed you would be exhausted and gone to bed, everyone else will be too drunk to check. When they realize that you’re missing and that both of our dragons are gone as well they will figure it out I’m sure…at least Otto and Daemon will, I’m not sure about anyone else. However by then you will most definitely be carrying my pups and we will be dragged back to Kings Landing.’ He joked but she knew he was right. ‘I love you Y/n…I’ve always loved you…Marry me.’ He said suddenly and she looked up at where he now was leaning over her and smiled.
‘I don’t think I have a choice.’ She laughed but he didn’t seem to like that.
‘I want you to be my wife because you love me as I love you. I loved you before I was ever an Alpha and-‘
‘Yes. I love you too Kepus. I always have…’ Y/n reached up to his face and took hold of the eye patch that he had slept in before removing it and tracing her thumb along his scarred cheek. ‘I never stopped loving you Aemond.’
‘My sweet Omega.’ He pulled her closer and nuzzled into her throat as he heard the soft purr that escaped her chest at just about the same time that his knot finally went down and he could move again.
Aemond fucked his Omega twice more before allowing her to rest, sleeping on his chest for the rest of the night.
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He had been correct of course, not only Daemon but Rhaenyra and surprisingly Aegon arrived on Dragonstone early that morning just after the sun came up, barging into Y/n’s chambers and startling the newly mated couple awake.
‘Y/n! Are you alright, my Darling?!’ Her mother demanded, rushing to the side of the bed and taking her face into her hands as they both sat up.
‘I am fine mother. I promise, my Alpha has taken wonderful care of me.’ Rhaenyra eyed Aemond but Aemond was focused now on Daemon and Aegon, the ladder of which was staring straight at his Omegas exposed chest prompting him to growl loudly.
‘If you do not avert your eyes brother, you will cease to have use of them ever again.’ And for once, Aegon listened, knowing that in this case his brother was not exaggerating in any way. He would carve his eyes out of his skull if he continued to ogle his Omega, prompting Aegon to turn around quickly. ‘You as well, Uncle. Turn.’ He warned, Daemon glaring back at him.
‘I’m her father.’ He snarled.
‘Yes, you are. And an Alpha all the same, Turn!’ Daemon looked ready to reach for his sword just as Aemond stiffened, prepared to jump onto him when Rhaenyra spoke up.
‘You wanted a protective mate for her, now she has one. Give our daughter her privacy and turn Husband!’ She snapped and finally Daemon did as he was told. ‘What happened my Darling, why are you here instead of in your chambers or even Aemond’s. You had us so worried!’
‘I am sorry mother. I…I didn’t mean to but when I walked into the library and smelled Aemond I didn’t know who it was and…I ran…’ Rhaenyra’s eyes went wide and she looked at Aemond, instantly concerned. ‘He didn’t hurt me mother. He was a bit frantic at first but it was my fault-‘
‘That is not your fault Byka Zaldrīzes, no one told you anything and you were scared. That is never your fault, you are perfect.’ Aemond assured her, taking her hand into his and kissing it sweetly.
‘My brother is correct my Darling, I should have prepared you for the possibility. I just never considered that it could even be a possibility. I am sorry…so you ran from your Alpha and came here with Ghost?’ Y/n nodded her head.
‘When I realized what she was doing I stopped running after her, I knew I wouldn’t catch her and that her dragon may just set me ablaze if he felt how scared she was-‘
‘That was a good idea. Ghost was pretty angry the moment he awoke. He always knows how I feel and he has killed 6 separate guards for coming too close to us when we’re together…and one other one for being in my room and startling me.’ His Omega explained, pointing to the wall on the opposite side of the doors to her balcony. ‘He was very quick I admit, he landed on the railing and burned him. By the time my parents arrived he had shoved himself through the doors and was taking up most of the room with his head on my bed here. My dragon is extremely protective of me…though I doubt he could fit through the doors any longer, he barely could before. Squeezing him back out was a nightmare.’ She giggled, Aemond looking shocked but Y/n could also feel that he was happy as well.
‘Good. Dragons have always been more protective when they’re bonded to Omegas, rare as it is. They’re also more protective of their riders Omegas, which means you will have nothing to fear from Vhagar as well…anyway, instead of chasing her to the beach I grabbed a horse and went to Vhagar. She is large but she could never keep up with how fast Ghost is, I arrived an hour after her-‘
‘Hour and a half I would say. I had a bath before he arrived. I’m honestly thankful for it, I felt disgusting covered in all those Alphas scents from the party.’ All at once Y/n realized all of those Alphas that she hadn’t met yet were still waiting for exactly that. ‘Mother! Please tell me I don’t have to meet anymore of them, please? They smell horrendous and I-‘ Rhaenyra shushed her immediately while Aemond rumbled out a soft growl, pulling his Omega closer.
‘No my Darling, your father will make the announcement that you have found your Alpha and none of them will be willing to come near you. We do need to get back though, the party is still in effect and the King demands both of your presence. Get dressed, I will go and have the staff move your things to a larger room for the both of you here.’ Her mother kissed her head before leaving the room with Daemon, Aegon who had yet to move spoke up before closing the door.
‘I didn’t know you had it in you brother. I’m so proud.’ Aemond grumbled but Y/n held onto his arm to stop him from going after his retreating brother. ‘You’re welcome by the way, lovely Niece, without me your “Alpha” wouldn’t even have known where to put it. I’m so happy that I could be of service-‘ just as Aemond was about to lunge at his brother who was ready to close the door behind him he was struck in the face by a large book making the Prince yelp, slamming the door behind him.
‘Are you alright?’ Y/n asked and her Alpha nodded, pulling her close and roughly kissing her, loving her assault on his brother and her clear defense of him.
‘That was wonderful, nice shot.’ He grinned, kissing her again only to have his hands grabbed before he could take her hips.
‘We will have all the time in the world later but we have to get back, I promise you I am all yours all night.’
‘Good.’ Aemond growled. ‘Because you are not getting away like this from now on, your mornings are all mine.’ He teased, nipping her scent gland before allowing her to move and get dressed.
He didn’t allow her to “clean up”, insisting she smell like him for the rest of the party, God forbid one of those young, stupid Alphas decides to try his luck.
Aemond had tried to get his Omega to fly with him and while he was determined to make it happen, Ghost was not up for it today as he started screaming when his rider walked passed him with only a nose pet. In the end she kissed her Alpha and met Vhagar (who seemed to like her considering she’s the only one the 180 year old dragon hasn’t tried to burn for touching her) before climbing onto her own dragon who tolerated Aemond.
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Viserys was thrilled to find that his son and granddaughter were mated, almost every single one of the Alphas would not even meet her gaze once Daemon announced the news, though a few of them still stared. One Alpha boy actually attempted asking her for a dance while her Alpha spoke to his mother, forcefully kissing her hand before having his face slammed into the table and allowing her to hear his bones crack. No male of any designation approached her after that. Apart from Peter of course, who was an Omega as well, Aemond having no problem with his presence at all. They became fast friends and Peter actually became her hand maid, since an Omega needs an Omega for such a task and most are already mated, Y/n was happy for him to have the job.
Everything considered, Y/n figured it could have been much worse had her Alpha been anyone else. She was happy with Aemond as her Alpha knowing that she was safe and though she would have to spend her days keeping her brothers out of trouble with her Alpha, it was worth it.
Aemond eventually dragged her from the party (though he didn’t have to try very hard), carrying her back to their shared chambers and spending the rest of the day and night locked inside-Peter being the only one allowed in to bring their meals.
No one was surprised when 2 months later they discovered that she was pregnant, Aemond determined to keep her that way for the rest of their lives on Dragonstone. He adapted to life there fairly quickly and became his Omegas “official” personal guard and that was where they remained until Viserys passed-Otto and Alicent not even daring to attempt to steal Rhaenyra’s throne without Aemond and Vhagar under their thumb. He took orders from a different Queen now, and it definitely wasn’t his sister.
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Mandianna-I believe translates to (from what I can tell after way too much research trying to get it right) “Older Sisters son/daughter” (no gender)
Aemond T. Masterlist
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specialgradefckr · 4 months
Heatwave: Day 1
tw: explicit content, 5k+ words, reader/sukuna. female!reader, beta!reader, alpha!sukuna, true form!sukuna. oral (male/female receiving), PIV, size difference, sukuna has a knot, sukuna is lowkey a masochist, some anal (not the reader's ass).
Prompt: Betas serving as royal sex concubines without fear of pregnancy.
It wasn’t as bad as one might expect, being Ryomen Sukuna’s concubine.
Oh, he was terrifying, certainly. Death wasn’t uncommon in the household, though rarer than some might think.
Sukuna traveled often, sampling both the lands and the people within them, returning to the estate only when it pleased him to do so.
Everyone in the estate knew their master’s expectations and the consequences for not meeting them. Only the rare missteps resulted in punishments, though they were indeed brutal.
On some occasion, the lord’s aide would bring half-dead curses - or corpses of enemy sorcerers - to a separate building on the estate for some strange and nefarious purpose.
It made no difference to you. The estate was clean and well-maintained, the servants attentive, and the stocks never ran low.
You were living the perfect life.
No one denied you anything. You could summon merchants, make the odd trip into town, and entertain yourself however you wished, provided you fulfilled your responsibilities as a concubine.
You were a nobody before you came to the estate.
You’re still a nobody, but everyone here is a nobody in Ryomen Sukuna’s eyes.
Your lifespans are determined by how useful you were to him at any given moment.
And he had an unexpected use for a common whore like you.
It was probably more surprising that you were a beta, and not an omega – infinitely more desirable for an alpha like the lord, one would assume.
You’d never presumed to pry before, but it’s easy to speculate, after having known him long enough.
He’s a powerful man, utterly indifferent to societal standards or norms. His desire and satisfaction were above all other things, just as he was above everyone weaker than him. And everyone was weaker than him.
It was hard to imagine him at the mercy of an omega’s potent pheromones, longing for the comfort of his partner’s nest, pining for the love of his mate, or driven madly to lust by the scent of a rut.
Or perhaps he indulged plenty, but so much fervor could only end in bloodlust on his part. Any omega summoned to his chambers to serve his pleasure never returned.
You do fare luckier in that respect. He may not have been gentle lover, but as long as you’d served him he’d left you with no more than bruises and bite marks.
And he could hurt you, destroy you, utterly disfigure you in permanent and terrifying ways… with just a casual glancing blow.
Sukuna is present on this night, though, and it appears he’s summoned you.
His aide, Uruame, is far closer to him than any of his concubines, and by now you know the sound of their footsteps slowing as they near your door.
They smile at you as you open the door for them, bowing before your eyes meet theirs.
Uruame is not fond of any of their lord’s concubines, as a rule. Being a beta themselves, it’s unlikely they understand Sukuna’s needs as an alpha any better than you do.
But what they can understand is that you respect their lord immensely. A sorcerer yourself, you know enough to appreciate the scale of his power, and you had never made any secret of your admiration.
Unlike many other concubines brought in, you had very little arrogance to show for your beauty and bedroom skills. Uruame probably does appreciate that.
You’re a beta from a brothel, so you have no delusions of self-importance, but Sukuna, and by extension Uruame, couldn’t care less where you came from.
You know their purpose as soon as they arrive; they don’t need to engage in any inane conversation or instructions.
As soon as Sukuna had returned, you’d readied and dressed yourself in case he were to summon you. It happens more often than not whenever he’s back at the estate.
You suspect you’re the only one he summons during his rut.
His omega concubines are… single-use. Your fellow betas are few in number, and he’s no more forgiving with his concubines than he is his other servants.
You follow Uraume to his room. You can’t tell if he’s in a rut or not, but your suspicion is confirmed as Uruame gives a short nod, then strides off.
Sukuna doesn’t like being seen during his rut. Many have learned the hard way.
“Well? What are you waiting for, an invitation?” His voice is as gruff as ever. Low, heady, a delicious groan that sends shivers down your form.
He didn’t ask to be answered, of course. The only appropriate response to Sukuna’s question is action.
Quickly you slide the door open and shut it behind yourself as you fall into a low bow. You don’t meet his eyes without permission.
“Get up.” Your cue to sit up, to not bother with any further formalities. His rut must be well underway. “Come over already.”
You don’t waste any more time. He sounds impatient, and he probably is, but any less deference could see your head separated from your body. It’s especially important not to touch him first, to let him touch you.
Sukuna loathes being touched without permission.
It’s not something you have to worry about, though. As soon as you’re within reach, one of his hands bears down onto your shoulder; to him, it’s as good as an explicit instruction.
You never subject Sukuna to the indignity of having to voice his desires.
Perhaps that’s why he likes you so – there’s a flash of something pure alpha, an intense delight in his eyes as you kneel and attend to him in prefect obedience and submission.
Falling to your knees at his feet, wasting not even a second, you work to free his painful erection from the confines of his clothes.
Practiced hands accomplish it easily, and you’re rewarded with a large hand that strokes through your hair, brushing it back out of your face and holding it there.
His erection springs forward, as impatient as he is. His knot is already swollen up.
It’s red and flushed, pink to match his hair, heavy and thick like all the rest of his limbs.
Even an omega would blanch at taking such a monster. You are well-trained.
It’s enough just to lick at it, some cursory strokes to wet the shaft with his precum, to touch your lips to his heated flesh. Searing, really.
Wide, open-mouthed kisses dragged along him until his cock is coated well enough with spit and his own pre.
Without any further hesitation you open your mouth wide and take him all the way down to the knot, lips thinning where his cock swells and throbs.
The head is already lodged in your throat, and you swallow as you take it down, pressing your lips in. A moan tells you he’s already growing sensitive.
It wouldn’t feel very good for him to knot in your throat – he’s never bothered with it before – but there’s always a flash of satisfaction in his eyes.
Sukuna doesn’t want to knot your throat, but it pleases him to think that he could. That you are willing and ready to take it, if he wished.
“Good little beta." The mouth on his abdomen seems to grin at you, wide and dripping saliva.
A fire ignites in your belly at the praise, face heating up, your own mouth opening wide.
No matter what you are, Sukuna is an alpha through and through, and the desire to please surges as his hand presses you forward.
As a concubine or a common harlot, you’d always been good at your job.
Sorcery had delivered you from the streets and into Sukuna’s estate, and diligence, determination, had kept you alive throughout it all.
Others died around you. Weak. You would do whatever it took to survive, however ugly it may be.
Taking cock down your throat isn’t even close to the most degrading thing you’ve done, and at least there’s only one man now for you to serve.
He’s not even a bad lay. Either a suppressed instinct to please his mate as an alpha or some fortuitous chemistry has always ensured he brings you to release whenever you fuck.
The unmarred half of his face is undeniably handsome, and after all you’d seen, you’re utterly indifferent to the deformity. It’s just there. A part of him like any other – the other arms, the other mouth.
You’re sure you yourself have flaws in his eyes, but if he truly did not want you, you’d never have been allowed in his chambers to begin with. Sukuna is a man with absolutely no interest in pretenses. He takes what he wants, when he wants it, always.
Sometimes, you think that you and Sukuna aren’t all that different after all.
An alpha who was malformed, cast out by society, recognized only in disgust or fear.
And you, sold by a father eager to make any money he could off a pretty beta daughter.
You were unfit to be an alpha’s bride, but perfectly suited to be every alpha’s whore.
If you wanted happiness, you had to seize it, even if it meant choking the life out of someone else.
Both of you were worth only as much as you could curse others. Sukuna’s worth is greater than yours, but in his shadow everyone is equally worthless, and in his gaze – at least for this moment – you are worthy of him.
The fingers in your hair tighten; a hiss, “Take it!” and you suckle diligently as you bob backwards, diving forward straight away to take him to the root again.
Inhuman though he may be, his cock is much the same as any other alpha’s, if a bit larger.
Hot, smooth skin, veins that pulse and bulge inside your mouth. A salty taste you’d grown accustomed to, a stretch in your mouth and your jaw that you ameliorated by focusing on hollowing your cheeks, dragging your tongue along it.
Betas can’t purr, not like omegas or alphas can, but you approximate it with a hum, a gentle sigh through your nose and fluttering, lowered lashes.
A low exhalation. Controlled. “There she is…” The hand in your hair goes to stroke possessively over your cheek. “My little beta. All for me.”
His eyes dilate in lust – you always meet his gaze while you do this, for as long as you’re able, you know he likes this – and you know before you feel the touch of his hand on your jaw to begin drawing back.
His hand barely ghosts you before you move, leaving trails of saliva strung between your lips and his shining cock while you gaze up at him.
Another theatric he enjoys. His tongue darts out from his lips, grasping and stroking himself, hand coated in a sweet-smelling oil you recognize.
His other arms reach to grasp you by the shoulder, pulling you up to stand and burying your face in his neck wordlessly.
They wrap around you, pulling you into him as he steps back to sit on the bed where you follow.
It surprises you every time, just how much your body comes alive at his touch.
Heart racing as if it can jump through your skin and into the hands that trace your throat, your collarbone, down your chest, dragging the slip of a robe you’d worn down with it.
Sukuna likes undressing you, alpha that he is.
Like you’re a sacred treasure to be unveiled only by his hands. You always wear something easy to take off, and nothing else.
His touch is your leave to respond in kind; he’s fully bared, now, all tattooed skin and corded muscle.
A warrior’s form, conveying power and strength in every divot and valley. Your heart races as you lay your hands on him.
Maybe it’s the thrill of it.
Sukuna is utterly untouchable. The greatest sorcerers of your time had died failing to scratch the smooth, unbroken skin he offers to you so freely.
As a concubine, you don’t get much contact. Less still, since no one would dare lay a hand on a consort Sukuna summons so often to his side.
Normally that suited you just fine, but sometimes with him you feel like a dog straining on a leash.
Desperate for him to reach out, to feel him on you. Lust and adrenaline coursing through you the instant he makes contact.
Even as a beta, this close, it’s impossible not to smell him; he’s pulled you to his throat on instinct.
His scent glands are right there, and you don’t hesitate to lick at them, letting your breath ghost over the hot, spit-slicked skin. Dragging your teeth along the swollen flesh.
That’s one of the things he likes best. He knows you’re a beta. You have no fangs, you couldn’t mark him if you wanted to. Not with anything but curses.
But still, it is a pleasure. The salt on your tongue, the flesh that yields beneath your teeth, even without breaking, as the alpha’s aroma fills your senses.
Sukuna is spiced; harsh, in some ways, like cinnamon, but warm like a pleasant woodsmoke, like the heat of oil burning in a lamp. Just this side of decadent – opulent, almost, and still primal and raw.
It doesn’t affect you like you imagine it would an alpha or omega. But it’s nice. He smells nice.
You don’t hesitate to nip at his lips when he presses them to yours.
Perhaps one of the reasons Sukuna hates being touched without permission is because he also doesn’t care to be touched gently.
If he weren’t in rut, you would have dragged your teeth over his cock while it was in your mouth, but he’s not able to savor such services in his current state.
They’re red, so red, all his four eyes staring into you. Burning in want. In want of you.
“Fierce little thing.” You can taste his grin, you’re close enough. “See how fierce you’ll be when you’re full of me. My beta. Mine.”
“Yours,” You agree breathily, and lean back in to catch his mouth with your own.
His lips are one place you’re able to make him bleed, dragging the bottom lip beneath your teeth and pinching it, then darting your tongue in to taste.
Sukuna hums at the taste of metal in his mouth, sucks your tongue between his lips to press and purse and suckle on at his leisure. Brilliant red eyes half-lidded in lust.
Your hands get to work, one of them cupping his jaw and then his hair, brushing it back in a way that makes him preen now that he’s in rut and can’t suppress it.
Alphas love getting petted, and Sukuna loves the scrape of fingernails over his scalp, a tight tug against his hair; it all sends his knot pulsing against you.
“Here. Your mouth had a taste, let’s see how your cunt likes it.” His arms lift you up just enough to sit over his well-muscled legs.
Your thighs spread while his cock falls forward, between your thighs.
Sukuna holds you there, just far enough, letting it rub against you with little tugs to your hips. Desire sparking like flint where his length rubs against you. Fuck.
Oh, you want him. Ache for him. It pulls low in your core, to lean into him, to feel his arms holding you in place, to feel him all against you.
You wrap your arms around him in return, clawing at his shoulders as the mouth on his stomach tongues between your legs. It’s exquisite and agonizing all at once. Slick and dragging against you, heavy and broad.
He’s already purring at the taste of you. Hands clenching in desire over the roundness of your hip.
You want him. You want him.
You can have him, take him, touch, touch, touch. Dig your teeth into the firm muscle against his neck to feel his purr grow louder under your teeth.
Your curse technique flickers at your fingertips, dancing over the open canvas of his back.
Inhaling sharply, you think you hear him swear, and then, “Yes.” He laughs breathily, “More. Put more into it. That can’t be all you’ve got.”
It isn’t. The sound of him is everywhere now, vibrations that shake you all the way to your core.
The mouth on his belly still laps at your folds. It drools on your folds like you’re a meal he cannot wait to savor.
Sukuna is already running hot. It’s too easy when he’s like this, all heated, blood pumping heavy through every part of him.
Just beneath the surface you feel it; searing, boiling, heat jumping up to meet your touch. Like liquid fire underneath his skin, you’d heard it described. Exhilarating, Sukuna had called it.
A talent half-learned by accident in the steamy, lurid, filthy recesses of the brothel you’d worked at. A dark place filled with malice and jealousy, reeking of curses in every corner. One day you’d awoken with a strength that sung in your veins, screamed to be used.
You had learned to vanquish shadows with a flick of your wrist, the creatures bursting from the inside.
Once, on a lark, you’d tried it on a client who struggled to maintain his hardness. It had been remarkably effective, pooling blood in his cock, and with a little work you were able to reproduce it in other ways.
It had all been success from there. Climbing the ranks, scoring pleasure into the flesh of those who paid you well enough.
Oh, it was painful, too, but what pleasure in life came without a little pain? If you wanted something, you had to be willing to sacrifice for it.
A founding principle of jujutsu. It’s no wonder Sukuna so delights in battle, either against sorcerers or in his own bed; when you heat his blood in his veins it sends his knot pulsing, throbbing, twitching in excitement as pre drips out.
With him holding you so close you can feel his purring throughout your whole body.
A rare pleasure, a prize you win with vicious effort, cursed energy surging in your hands as you rake your nails over the glorious, muscled expanse of his back.
“Open,” Sukuna commands.
It’s a tone that never fails that make you tremble in anticipation. Your cunt is already dripping with it.
The part of your legs widen, and you lean back to look down at where he’s settled against you.
He’s so large. Always so large. The knot swelling already.
You’re clenching already, quivering, like you’re the one in heat and not he in his rut.
God, you want him to fuck you already.
One massive hand reaches down, stroking over his cock, wet with your saliva, his precum, and the oil substitute for an omega’s slick.
It nudges at your cunt and you let out a short whimper that sends him snarling, thick fingers digging sweet bruises into your hips.
“Always so sweet for me,” His lips ghost over your temple as he stares down, “Delectable. Strong little thing, you can take it.”
The head of his cock slots against your entrance. Fuck, it’s hot, burning, searing, you’re so fucking ready, your cunt is weeping and you feel like keening for it, “Please. Alpha, please.”
You can almost see it in his eyes, red and feral with need. Omega, my omega, my mate – all the things you’ve heard from alphas before.
Clingy, possessive, biting at you, rutting into you like they can breed you. All the filthy things whose beds you’d warmed in the past.
They all pale in comparison to the King of Curses. Hot and throbbing and silken against your entrance, the deep grunt of effort that you feel when he lines himself up and drives himself in.
The very sensation knocks the wind out of you.
Sukuna slides in easily but it’s tight, so tight, always. You feel him feel it, too, all those muscles growing taut before you as he sinks into you.
Your arms tremble before they remember what to do; grasping carelessly at his shoulders, clawing for purchase as the whines claw their way up your throat. They’re shoved back down by the deep moan you make when he reaches the end of your passage.
“F-fuck,” it’s good, it’s so good, it hurts so good and there’s nothing you can do but sit there and take it. Just as he told you to.
It’s always a bit painful, but there’s a pleasure in it, too, the piercing delight of being so thoroughly fucked into. You swear you feel yourself dripping out where he enters you, and you moan again at the feeling of him dragging himself out.
A low noise, a chuckle; like every sound Sukuna makes, you feel it just as much as you hear it.
“Do it again.” He demands, and you would never make the alpha wait.
You couldn’t even if you wanted to.
He pushes into you again and your moans crack, because he slides through easier this time but it’s just so big, so fucking huge you feel your walls trying to flex, envelop him, desperate to find any give at all, but there’s just no give.
It’s like having solid steel lodged inside you, burning hot and smooth against your core.
“Good beta.” Sukuna effortlessly lifts you up by the hips, dragging you off his cock and savoring how you whine at its loss, “My good little beta. Squeezing me so tight.”
He drops you down, down, back onto him. Cock thrusting up into you, cleaving your cunt apart, hitting a spot that makes you wail. Sukuna laughs, and you can feel his cock twitching.
“Need my cock, do you, little beta?” The rut is at its height now, pulling him in, smearing possession all over his face, his evil grin. “Even if it breaks you apart?”
All you can do is nod while you pant. He pulls you up and down by the waist, fucking you on his cock like a tool for his pleasure –
And Sukuna has never failed to use a tool to its fullest extent. “Fuck, fuck – fuck, alpha, please – please, please – ”
His own laughter is broken up by heavy breaths. One of his huge hands grasps you by the scruff of your neck, and you try to go obediently limp but your whole body jerks with the unrestrained force of his fucking into you.
Tight and unforgiving, baring your throat for him to dive into. An alpha in the midst of his rut. His teeth graze over your neck, licking where scent glands would normally be.
“Please,” Your breath catches in your throat at Sukuna’s kiss, all teeth and feral smiles pressed into your skin.
He stays like that for a moment, knot pulsing desperately just outside of your cunt.
Grinding into you like he thinks he can fit it in – you both know it can’t, you simply don’t have the anatomical space of an omega. But it feels good.
So good. It rubs, hot and throbbing against your clit, and fuck if you don’t nearly cum from it right there, tightness in your core heavy and ready to burst.
“Sukuna,” You say his name in a broken moan.
Teeth in your jugular. Hot tongue over your throat.
Hands gripping your sides. Moving you up and down like a puppet.
Cock pressing and pressing into you, relentless. Pleasure lapping at your insides as his cock rocks into you, begging to be let in.
A thumb on your clit, rubbing circles. “Cum, beta. Cum for your alpha – hngh – cum now – ”
Pleasure bursts through you, as if brought to life by his words. White hot and overflowing, every part of your body floating on air.
It’s like you’re a feather in his hands. Airy lightness fills you and even the stretch between your legs feels pleasant, a welcome intrusion, cunt blissfully numb.
Sukuna fucks you through it all the while, breathless, determined, on the brink himself as he chases the friction of you squeezing the life out of him.
You twitch in his grasp, aftershocks trembling through. He holds you upright easily, letting your head fall forward while he drags you up and down, mindlessly brushing his burning knot against your entrance.
It’s several moments before you catch yourself; it makes no difference to Sukuna. Your climax brought him closer, but not there, not just yet.
It’s with the giddy sort of warmth your afterglow brings that you lazily grope the space next to the bed.
You find the vial of oil he’d used earlier, and easily unscrew the top and spread it across your fingers with a single hand.
Sukuna had stared a moment the first time he saw you do that. So you have a sorcerer’s dexterity after all, he’d said, and it was the compliment you’d treasured most to date.
This time, his eyes don’t leave your body. All four of them, red and fiery and burning into you. Your chest. Your face.
They linger where your bodies are joined, at the stretch of your cunt taking him, the hole that has no more to give him but squeezes him anyways.
You can tell by his ragged breaths he needs more stimulation, heavy in rut and knotted tight as he is. That’s fine. You’ve done this before.
Slicked fingers find his waist, and then lower, to his ass. He parts his knees further, as if for more leverage to thrust fruitlessly against you, and you take the opportunity to squeeze one well-muscled cheek with your dripping hand.
The sharp inhale – you’re sure he’d hate to hear it called a gasp – “Beta!” –  tells you you’re free to go ahead.
So you do, digging your fingertips into his ass, into a hole too well-oiled to not have been prepared beforehand.
A rumble swells, in his chest, his throat, pressing hard against you along with his cock, nudging his knot further against your entrance.
You tease along the rim and then drive into it. He hisses as it burns, knot throbbing against you, massive hands squeezing bruises and then caressing them as soon as they bloom.  
It’s delicious, the way it clenches at your fingertips, tight and furled up, but you slip in easily with his preparation and your oiled fingers.
Darting into the yielding warmth of his insides, a pleasure that has him seizing against you, all muscle and magnificent form trained on your touch.
Your cunt clenches at the thought, the power you have in this moment; it squeezes the cock spearing you and sends tremors through his form.
“Clever girl,” He rumbles as you drag along his insides, “Clever fingers,” another heavy thrust, fingers twitching, “More,” thrust, shudder, “More!”
With a heated urgency your fingers curl, feeling, pressing around in a way that has Sukuna panting, teething at your shoulder, kneading hands against your hips while you search for just the right spot.
His knot presses insistently against your entrance, where there’s no space for you to receive it, but it catches on your oversensitive clit enough to make you gasp and whine.
Sukuna grins, mouth wide open, drooling like the feral, satisfied monster he was.
“Beta…” he hums, and it feels like he’s saying your name, as close to a loving coo as a creature like him can make.
And then, then, you find it, as you have so many times before. A high, keening noise Sukuna would be otherwise unwilling to part with, drawn out from him in the height of his rut.
You press into a bundle of flesh through his insides. A spot that sends him rutting wildly against you, unconcerned with his knot or anything besides fucking and feeling more of that pressure into him.
It’s almost all you can do to keep it coming, your other arm flailing desperately to reach around him for any kind of purchase while he thrusts your mind away.
Pleasure finds you again but this is liquid flames instead of white hot.
It pours out from you, spilling everywhere, the feeling of his release spurting inside you.
Full, full, fuller, so full you swear you’re bursting, it feels so fucking good. Flowing out over his cock, against your cunt, where his hurried thrusts squeezes it into a lewd, sopping met against your clit.
This one brings tears to your eyes. The sound of it, wet and squelching, utterly lewd, like you can feel the tremors of pleasure that have you milking him for cum that cannot impregnate you.
His hands are all that ground you, points on your body where his touch had ceased to be painful, to be anything but a feeling of him against you, the warm and powerful alpha who’d taken you to his bed, monster or not.
Sukuna groans and pants his heart out, still fucking into you while your eyes are glassy and all movement has left your body.
Your clever little hand fallen to the side as its purpose was fulfilled, his knot finally unraveling into the delicious joy of breeding you.
Ahh. He can admit the look in his eyes when he looks at you is fondness, to some degree. His perfect little beta. Wicked fingers and the smartest mouth he’d ever seen. Always so good for him.
He lays himself down alongside you on the bed, still buried deep in you, cum leaking slowly away.
The mess never bothered him, not in the torrid, heated moments of bodies entwined. He’d bathe with you later.
So warm. Always warm and welcoming him, your cunt is the most exquisite hole he’s ever known, but it’s the rest of you that makes it worth his time. Every time.
There’s something about it that sends a frenzy through him.
A hurried urge, like a desire to run or jump or lash out, but instead it makes him want to wrap his entire self around you and laugh in wicked delight.
It feels like fire on the battlefield, blood on his tongue, power coursing through every pore, seas ready to part at his command. It feels like strength, but he’s not even holding you very tightly.
He takes a deep breath, face pressed to your hair; beta. A faint, pure, neutral scent, so unmistakable in its cause. It elicits no particular reaction, stirs no great curiosity or lust.
But you do. It’s easy, natural, to wrap all four arms around you and squeeze. Your perfect figure yielding in his grasp, compressing beneath him, legs folding as he swings one over yours.
A purr rumbles deep in his chest as the sensation envelops him.
Touching, holding, entwined. You, completely full of him, made docile with his cum and his knot, surrendering to his embrace. All his. All for him.
Your boneless, weak figure in his arms, the little sigh of bliss you let out… it’s a feeling that’s only come to him in the midst of battle, curses coursing, glorious, in every direction.
A thrill of triumph that enervates, lightens every one of his limbs and sets him with a feeling of utter satisfaction.
Sukuna is purring in earnest now, and he can’t even bring himself to be annoyed by it.
Why suppress his instincts for the beta that so perfectly warms his bed? Why restrain himself in any way, when you’re wholly incapable of binding him, of bearing pups or marking him, and serve him with such delectable vigor?
An arm, so much smaller than his, slowly slips itself over his waist. You’re barely conscious, pretty face all flushed from your climax, unable to even open your eyes.
But your head drifts towards his chest even while asleep, where the vibrations are the strongest. Tucked under his neck, nestled in him and his scent.
An alpha’s purr is usually a sign of contentment, but it’s supposed to be soothing to omegas. As far as he knows, it doesn’t have any particular effect on betas.
Sukuna supposes it’s probably just you.
It’s so easy to reduce you to want, to unrestrained lust, pure and devoted entirely to him. Why should he need an omega when he has this at his beck and call?
You can’t be bred, of course – that was the whole point of using a beta. But sometimes he does wonder.
What you would look like if you were with child. Breasts heavy with milk, the mild scent of a beta humming with the life nurtured within.
You’re strong. You’d produce fine offspring. Your curse technique is interesting in its own right – igniting a person’s own cursed energy from beneath their skin. Not remarkable in effectiveness, but wholly unique in its operation.
Would it stop his ruts, to see you pregnant for some time? You’re the only one he spends them with, so seeing you pregnant might just delay them, without the influence of an omega’s hormones. 
Would he grow more aggressive as you neared delivery? Would his instincts command him to slay your spawn so he could fill you with his own?
Uruame is a beta, and has the necessary parts. He could breed you without all the tiresome mechanics of a bond between alpha and omega; place his two favorite subjects together and watch as his loyal subject bred his most treasured concubine for him. 
Watching you take in the seed of someone other than him… but Uruame is a beta, and belongs to him as much as you do. If he scented them as well, perhaps? They always had very little scent of their own.
Heat stirs within him at the thought. It’s too early to tell if it’s anger at the idea or arousal, especially in the state he’s in.
You make a little noise, and all four eyes shoot down to look over your form, all sweat and heat and dripping cum.
He shifts to move some of his weight off of you, sliding onto his back and settling your head on his chest so you can drift to sleep to the sound of his purring.
After all, his rut is just beginning. Sukuna can spare you some rest…
For an hour or so.
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mysticmunson · 1 year
date night: alpha!steve harrington x omega!reader
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summary: finally scoring a date, things go smoothly until you present, and only one alpha knows.
word count: 2.8k
authors note: hii so i wrote this like two months ago and tried wrapping it up to have it posted, but i enjoy this au so please request some expansion requests :)
warnings: a/b/o dynamics, smut 18+
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The pungent smell of fryer grease sifted through the air of Benny’s, a mountain of food divided into a few plates as you sat with Robin, who was in the midst of discussing her most recent ‘study date’ with Vickie.
“Get this! We’re sitting there, talking about chemistry, and bam!” Robin exaggerates, voice lowering in fear of someone overhearing, “She looked at me and kissed me!”
You gasp, smacking her shoulder with the back of your hand, a french fry between your thumb and index finger. 
The couple had kissed a few times now, but the excitement remained as you knew how badly your friend pined over the redhead. 
“We just need to find you someone now.” She teased, taking a bite of her grilled cheese as a string of orange came from between the bread.
“I’m determined to get laid by the end of this month,” You proclaimed, giving yourself around 30 days, “I want to experience it because when or if I present, I want to be somewhat prepared.”
Presenting was a concern for your age group, freshly out of high school, as everyone awaited to discover if they would become an alpha or omega. There had been a few start to show, including your best friend, Steve. 
His presentation was expected, his father a well-known alpha in town, and the traits of one showed early. He was fiercely protective of those he cared about, known to be more than good in the sheets, and strong. Having grown up with him, you saw it happen in real time, making it even stranger when you realized how attractive he became.
Still, Robin supported you on your journey, but worried for your safety. Over analyzing any recollection you shared of a man flirting with you, deciding he was a murderer or ugly, or both. 
In her bedroom, you stood in a loose blouse, tucked into a jean skirt and a matching jacket. Applying another layer of lipstick, you fretted over your appearance as you waited for the clock to strike 6:30, and for your date to pick you up here. 
“Steve is coming over.” Robin mentioned, sipping on her water bottle, sitting cross-legged on her bed.
“Okay,”  You reply, “We just need him gone by the time Devin comes.”
Steve was a great best friend, but he could be a real pain in the ass. He had been scaring any potential boyfriend away since middle school, deeming them not good enough or them being too intimidated by him as he faked a macho persona.
For the plan to work, he couldn’t know. He would go on a tangent about how you didn’t have to have sex just to do it. That was true, but it was hard to listen to a guy who had numerous sexual partners preach it.
The front door swung open as if on cue as you and Robin went to the living room, Steve kicking off his shoes. He began his rant about work, Family Video making him lose hair from stress and children yanking on his hair.
You paid attention, but kept an extra eye on the clock, noticing the hands nearing 6:30. Cursing Steve’s tangent for not letting him leave sooner, you swallowed your anxieties, peaking to make sure a car wasn’t outside. As inconspicuously as possible, you stood and went to grab your heels from Robin’s room. 
Toeing quietly, you were hoping to go unnoticed, but Steve decided to be aware for one of the first times tonight. “Where are you going? You’re dressed up.”
Shrugging, you leaned against the wooden door, “Just out for the night, a friend is picking me up.”
A terrible liar, you thought of something that wasn’t completely fictional, however, they both could tell. The sight of headlights caught your attention, standing straighter, “Okay, bye!”
Robin rushed to the front door to stick her head out as you walked away, “Wrap it before you tap it!”
Embarrassment crawling up your neck, you flicked her off behind your back, opened the car door, and stepped in.
“What!” Steve gasped, startling Robin as she shut the door and who hadn’t expected him to follow her or hear him. Thankfully, the car had pulled away, leaving a confused man with a bit too much heat in his cheeks at his best friend to get some.
“I’m just kidding, Harrington. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Robin snarled, shoulder-bumping him as she went back to her couch. 
The date was fine, Devin was a kid you’d gone to school with since diapers. He had boyish features, cheeks a bit chubby with dimples, and was always polite. He had asked you to hang out a few days prior, agreeing on tonight.
Curls in your stomach that you attributed to nerves hadn’t vanished, even as you both mutually realized midway through your walk in the park that things were platonic. 
Heat simmered within you, discarding your jacket and feeling beads of sweat trickle down the back of your neck. It wasn’t hot outside, even as you walked around and chatted. 
“Are you okay? I don’t mean to sound rude, you don’t look well.” Devin questioned, a hand on your shoulder as your legs began to wobble. 
Nausea flooded you before dissipating, wavering emotions as you tried to make sense of what was wrong. 
Through the nerves, you kept thinking of Steve. How he would let his fingers trail against your lower back in hugs, kiss your head when leaving, and put his hand in front of your body when he hit the brakes too hard while driving.
“I don’t know.” You mumbled, feeling tears threaten through. As you made that statement, you felt the surge between your legs, knowing you had presented. 
It couldn’t be happening now. Not with someone you didn’t know well. Not when you hadn’t been able to score a boyfriend first. Not now. 
“I think I need to go home, I’m so sorry-” You began, huffing as streaks of mascara fell down your warm cheeks. 
Assuring you it was okay, Devin drove you home, even stopping to get you a snack to make your stomach feel at ease. While it didn’t help, you appreciated the thoughtful gesture and thanked him as he waited for you to get securely in your apartment.
The space went from chilly to scorching, removing any amount of clothes you could besides a pair of boyshorts. Your mind raced with confusion as your nipples became hard, feeling a chill, but like a fire on ice. 
Anxieties without category hit you, curling in a ball as you cried, sitting on your floor. It felt pathetic, but no stream of thought was strong enough to withstand the hormones.
Time slipped by as you tried regulating your breathing, applying slight pressure on your clothed core. A shrill ring came from your black phone, lifting the handle and pressing it to your ear.
“You were not supposed to answer!” Robin grumbled, already giving the heads up that she’d call to see if you were getting some, that no answer would be her answer. You had forgotten this rule, her tone making you bring in a fresh set of tears.
On the other end, Robin sat in her room with Steve walking in, not staying in the living room as she had asked. Her priorities were averted to the cry on the other side of the phone.
“Wait, what happened? Why are you crying? What happened with Devin?” Robin frantically questioned, Steve glancing over with furrowed brows as Robin had never stated who she was speaking with. 
“Devin? From junior year math class? That was the friend?” Steve grimaced, toying with nicknacks in his friend’s bedroom, earning a finger on the lips to quiet him down.
“I presented,” You whispered, “I’m so scared and uncomfortable and overwhelmed! What alpha do you know, I don’t care who it is anymore.” 
Though you would probably care later, the clouded judgment had you aching for any form of reprieve from the pain. 
“Fuck, I don’t know!” Robin squeaked, not wanting to reveal your status to Steve for fear of your embarrassment, but she contemplated. The gears of her brain turned as she questioned his overprotectiveness, the way he was quick to frustration when discovering you were on a date.
“Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out, Y/N. I promise.” She concluded, hanging up and grabbing her yearbook.
The faces of former students made her ill, but word got around about presentations, and she hoped that seeing their faces would make her recollect.
“What the hell’s going on? Do I need to go fight Devin?” Steve eyed his friend, an unnerving worry in his stomach. 
Biting her lip, she debated internally, “She needs help.”
“What is looking at that going to do?” Steve gawked, used to his friend’s antics, but still astounded when they acted erratically.
“I’m trying to remember who’s an alpha.”
“Why would you need to know who became an alpha-”
As the words left, his mouth ran dry, and he gulped while looking at Robin. She slowly looked up, watching the dark iris’ before her enlargen.
“Steve-” Robin began, the corner of a page between her two fingers.
The stern look on his face was withholding a multitude of emotions, ones she couldn’t quite make out. She made the judgment call that maybe Steve was your best bet.
“She’s at her place.” 
That was all that needed to be said before Steve ran out her front door and into his car. He had driven your route a million times, but never this fast. 
His blood pumped with nerves and excitement. He had spent his ruts alone, a fist full of himself with the occasional tears of frustration as he tried to alleviate his knot. But now you had presented as an omega.
Refraining from palming his crotch, he watched your streetlights come into view, throwing his car into park. The dark hallways were typically concerning, but your door was practically glowing within his mind.
He growled at the smell in the air, catching his attention more the closer he got. Gripping the door handle, it was unlocked, thankful no one else had noticed the compromising position. 
Choking on his own breath, he fumbled with the lock behind him and trekked down the dim hallway. The protectiveness he already felt was consuming, his palms sweating as he made his way closer. 
The door swung open too quickly as the handle slipped from his grasp, seeing you flinch from your curled position on the floor. 
As if you were nothing, he lifted you from your armpits, making you stand in front of him. Eyes blazing, he looked pointedly as he undid his belt.
“Your door.” He stated, voice wavering with stability.
Furrowing your brows, you looked up at him, “What?”
His shirt was shrugged off, tossing it to the ground as your eyes drifted to his broad chest, whimpering at the sight to his delight.
“It was unlocked, don’t you ever fucking do that again.” He gritted pushing his jeans off, cupping your cheek with one hand and leaning forward so the back of your knees touched your bed. 
His nose had skimmed against yours, breath fanning against your cheeks as you drank in every pheromone he perpetrated. Breath quickening, every thought coming to your head was vulgar, eyes softening in need.
“I won’t.” You whimpered, yelping as your back hit the wrinkled sheets, and his chest soon pressed against your bare one. 
“I mean it, don’t ever do that again, you could’ve gotten hurt.” He gripped your chin in his grasp, looking down at you as your clothed centers touched.
The brief touch made you wail, your body suddenly aware of what was to come. Equally as impatient, he grabbed one side of your underwear and ripped it. Repeating the act on the opposing side, the shreds of fabric were now a relic of the you before this moment.
Palming himself, looking down at your frame as a predator and prey, he growled. 
“How bad do you want it?” He egged on, ripping his own boxers off and onto the floor. 
“Please, Steve, please.” You whined, watching as his cock bobbed. Blushing profusely pink, your mouth watered at it and your chest began to burn with greed.
He seemed far too composed, the performance of himself he was forced to obtain through most of his teen years floating to the top. However, his soft spot was you. It always had been and both of your fresh senses were sensing the discomfort in both of you. 
“Alpha, please.”
That was all it took for his body to be pressed to yours and his lips to meet yours for the first time. 
Grunts and gasps came from you both as the underside of his cock rubbed against your folds, too consumed with how he tasted and how you smelled. 
“Keep that door locked, do you understand?” He gritted, fisting himself in his own grasp, his first thrust in synchronizing with your nod.
A pained cry rose from your lungs, tears already streaming down your cheeks, his lips kissing where the beads were.
Desperation reeked from you both as you grabbed at one another, needing any form of solidification that the other was there. 
Steve found comfort in your warmth, trying his best to soothe your discomfort with affection. Kissing on your neck or rubbing your clit, the latter making you shriek from sensitivity. 
“My omega now,” He sighed, balls reaching the curve of your ass as he settled against you, “my girl. Always have been.” 
“Always yours, alpha, always Steve.” You trembled, the veins of his length stimulating every ridge within yourself. His brown hair crowned around his face, only able to see him in your state of need. 
Though you were the one presenting, Steve felt the same wave of emotions he felt during his first rut, but now even more with another person. His person. The one who knew him since he had gaps in his front teeth, since he had graduated, and every minute moment before and after.
“Fuck, I love you.” He blurted out, feeling his own bashfulness creep up his neck. 
To his relief, you began to be more overcome with emotion, agreeing. Each thrust hit your spongy spot inside you, convincing you more and more he was the only one who could make you feel this way.
“I love you too,” You revealed, locking his lips between yours briefly, “M’sorry I didn’t ask for you first, I was nervous.”
Your words were sweeter than honey, but the implication that someone else almost came to your aid burned him deeply. His hands pushed up your thighs, your knees coming up as he fucked you deeper than you could comprehend. 
“Devin asked me out and I just wanted a boyfriend, but I didn’t want him, I swear-” You cried, unknowingly provoking more possessiveness. 
“Honey, please, it’s okay.” He gritted, clenching sheets in his shaking hands, suppressing the urge to flick his hips quicker.
“I wanted you, alpha, please.” You sighed, stroking his cheek and hair, anywhere you could touch, “I’m so happy, I’m sorry, thank you-”
“Don’t worry, I would’ve found you anyway. You’re my girl, my omega.” He assured, gulping down the emotions he felt when you looked into his eyes.
His words appeared to have a larger effect than any physical reimbursement could do for you as your fingers clenched within his hair. 
Your cry as you came made his hormones go into a flurry. He could feel your uneasiness being thrown into release. It was as if your chests opened in tandem, reaching out and moving in sync as he finished inside you.
White noise filled both of your ears as Steve’s body hovered over yours with much of his weight on top of you. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his chest, shoving your face against the crook of his neck. 
Pumping himself within you until sensitivity took over, he gasped at how you clenched around him. His stature shook as he knotted, a hand going to your hip to keep in place, chest heaving to regain a steady tempo.
“Thank you.” You whimpered, hugging his chest closer to your front, an embrace he matched. Pressing a kiss on the side of your forehead, he trailed down to your ear with pecks and bites.
Rolling to his back, he pulled you to his chest, rubbing your back after you tried sitting up.
“Just relax, honey.” He cooed, the exhaustion already hitting you both, stilling your hips from causing you both more frustration in the compromising position. 
“I want to make you knot again.” You whine beneath your breath, trying to sit up again, ignoring the pain shooting through your body at his swelling. 
“Easy tiger,” He chuckles, biting his lip to stop his own need, “we’ve got time.”
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tagging mutuals :)
@andvys @lilacletter @corrodedcorpses @munsonsreputation @berryfairy444 @poppy-metal @lesservillain @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint
1K notes · View notes
tinydefector · 3 months
Rut Cycles- Optimus Prime
Human x gen 1 Optimus
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: smut, size difference, breeding, Alpha/Omega hinted, mating cycles, scent kink.
Rut cycle masterlist
Optimus prime Masterlist
Is it 1am? Yes, did I spend all night editing this yes. I'm posting this rather than heading to bed. The votes for the next character are still up, but the next fic piece is gonna be out of my Request pile.
"Hey boss Bot, how'd the meeting with the Cons go?" A soft voice breaks Optimus out of his daze of reading over reports and signed documents. He tenses his plating as they make their way up onto the table, the ever present scent that lingers on their skin makes his processor turn and twist in anticipation And want. 
Optimus vented deeply, attempting to cool his systems through will alone, he didn't need this now, everyone from autobot to Decepticon had been hit by the rut cycle and being around humans wasn't helping one bit. The meeting with Megatron had been, taxing, to say the least, as his counterpart struggled through heightened arousal akin to Optimus' own condition. Finding a solution had been their main concern outside of setting out rules of war while in rut. 
"It went as well as could be expected, given the circumstances," he replied wearily to the human who now sits on his desk, they are less worried about being in the room with the large thorny cybertronian that they should have been. Whether it was due to Optimus' unwavering control over himself or them just being oblivious was a different matter altogether. They look up at him for a moment, the sweet energon like scent wafts off their skin. Making Optimus breath hitch, his systems whining, craving desperately to claim what he so desperately wanted" strange seeing Cons in the Ark" they state while looking over their shoulder at the door. 
"Our cycles affect us all strongly, and it results in a domino effect. For your safety, little one, it may be wise to refrain from proximity until it has passed." He tries to explain hoping that he wouldn't have to spend too much more time in the room with them, their sweet electrum like scent would still hang in the room even after they left.       
Optimus vented unsteadily, intake dry, a deep rumble echoes from him as his optics move to where they look. "Their presence here was... unavoidable, it was only a matter of time before this became an issue between our factions" he replied, struggling to focus past rising mating coding demanding he seize this delectable temptation sitting infront of him as if they were a offering from Primus.
"Please, little one," Optimus rasped, field pulled taut as battle-thickened wires. "For both of our sakes, do not test my control overly long, even if I have my limits." He grumbles as he watches the door, finding it was best he not look at them less he be tempted to pin them down to the table and have his way with them. 
"I'd rather take my chances with you OP, I don't really want to deal with the Seekers who have been stalking me around base since your meeting ended" they mumbles, partly under their breath. 
A heavy sigh leaves Optimus as he looks back down at them, part of him now wanted to claim them just to spite the lingering Cons looking for easy pickings, the other part of him shouted that it was wrong. He reaches out a shake servo to grab his cube, Optimus gulps a draught of energon, processors whirling. “You're testing all of our instincts, do you wish for me to escort you out of base?”  he asked which only earns him a head shake of a no from them. 
"Very well," Optimus rumbled gently. They hum softly as Optimus stands there looking down at them, a shutter runs up their back as they look into his optics, biting their lip. " Optimus. Name one reason someone would willingly walk into a room with a large half freal horny cybertronian" they shoot back as their hand presses gently against his frame Optimus shuttered his optics briefly, vents catching at their bold reply. 
“You were planning this?” He grumbles but doesn't pull away, A slight creak of hydraulics announces his closing fist against the table as he struggles to hold back ravaging them.
 They slowly begin undoing their shirt, throwing it across the table as they hook their hand into his plating as if to usher him closer. “Don't ask for this little Light, I can't,  not like this” he clenches his denta as he desperately tries To change their mind. 
“Optimus.  Stop being a Prime for once” they shoot back at him. Optimus' optics darken with a mixture of desire, his servo to trail up their body, his digits tracing over their skin.
they let out a sigh of relief feeling the cool metal trace over their hot skin. Optimus leans in closer, pressing his frame against theirs, his servos continuing their exploration. The contact between their skin ignites a fire within him, and he can't help but let out a low growl. “I warned you little light, reconsider now, less I hurt you because I will not stop once I lose control” he nearly snarls out. 
They cling to him bringing him down into a kiss which makes his engine roar in delight as he presses them down into the table, his servo drifting down between their legs, pressing and rubbing against them. "Optimus please don't make me beg" they whine out while grabbing onto his arm plating. 
A growl rumbles from his vocalizer as he tightens his grip, his servo responding to their urgency. He wants nothing more than to take them as his and he would be damned to the pits if he was letting them go now. 
Optimus's frame trembles with need as he takes charge, his actions becoming more urgent and possessive as his digits tease them not bothering to work them open fully. He lefts out a feral snarl as he brings his digits to his mouth, savouring the sweet taste of their arousal. If his processor wasn't so consumed with the need to claim he would have taken it slow, eaten them out until they had begged, been gentle as he could, the gentleman that he swore he was but his rut had him acting like a beast. 
 His hungry optics focus on their sex enjoying the way the whimper and moan as his dripping spike lays across their stomach as he admires the size difference between them both. A sinful whine escapes their lips, and Optimus's spike throbs in response, aching to be sheathed within them. He positions himself above them, slowly grinding his spike against them as he paints their skin with the bright pink hue of transfluid. 
He watches the way his transfluid runs down their sex, it makes something primal in him snap with the need to have his spike bulging their stomach, filling them and breeding them. "Such an eager little thing," Optimus huskily replies, his voice dripping with desire. 
He positions himself, his spike throbbing with anticipation as he aligns it with their entrance. The hunger in his optics burns through them as he presses forward, slowly but forcefully breaching their tight heat.
"Oh, you feel so good," he groans. "You're mine to breed, to fill with my transfluid.” He states, optics hald hazed over as he grinds into them until his spike settles as far as they can take it. Optimus's thrusts become more powerful and relentless as he hunches over them, gripping their hips and lifting their smaller body to meet each of his thrust that knock the air out of their lungs. 
He relishes in the gasps, cries, and moans that escape their lips, the sounds of their pleasure echoing with the slick slapping noise of their coupling that bounce off the wall of the office. Their scent pushes him further into the depths of his rut and driving him to give them even more. "That's it," Optimus growls, "Take me, Primus so tight. You are mine, my rut mate."
He continues his relentless thrusts, each one driving them both closer to the edge of pleasure. The sight of his spike stretching them, bulging their tummy has his engine purring in delight with the thought of them carrying his sparklings. He knows if the rut is affecting his processor but at that moment nothing else mattered. 
Optimus Prime's vocalizer emits a low, primal growl as he thrusts into them, their desperate moans and arching body driving him further into a state of overwhelming pleasure. He pushes his spike as deep as they can take it, relishing in the way their walls clench around him. "By the Allspark," Optimus gasps, his voice laced with desire and need. "You feel incredible... so tight, so perfect."
His frame shudders with a powerful overload, waves of electricity coursing through his circuits as he releases a floor of transfluid deep inside them. His systems whine out almost in agony from how mind blowing the release is for him as he hunches over their body. Fans blowing heated air against their panting body as Optimus' systems struggle to register the need to stop before he's grinding into them again. 
He lets out a few heavy vents as he presses his face into their shoulder. “I'll Alert Ironhide to let everyone know that we are not to be disturbed” he mumbles against their skin as he pulls away. Optics focusing in on their stretched hole as even more bright pink transfluid gushes from them. They squirm under his gaze as he lets out a rumble of appreciation at the view.
“my berth now” he states, not even giving them a chance to protest before he's walking out of the room towards command deck. 
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biteofcherry · 11 months
Yours to have
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Bad Moon Rising Masterlist
Alpha!Ari Levinson x omega female reader
summary: It's the ceremony of your mating with Ari.
warnings: mystical vibes of ancient rituals; a/b/o dynamics; a pinch of exhibitionism; slight breeding kink; primal kink; shifters; shifter!Ari; wolf!Ari; shifter!Reader; no bestiality
word count: 5.4k
Author's Note: This is a tad different take on the usual claiming/biting in the a/b/o universe. The magic is more at play here in forming the mating bond, not the actual biting. As you read, you'll understand what exactly I changed about it and why. Also, a person called godi appears in this piece. The title of godi refers to a priest/ess of old pagan religions, leading mystical rituals (it's mostly Old Norse origin, but here it's simply used as a term to name the pack's sort of priestess).
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The little sip of black currant liqueur you took before all the guests gathered in the wide, unfenced backyard didn’t help easing the tempo of your heart rate, as you finally took a step outside. 
The silvery sphere of the full moon rose above the treetops, crowned in a gold and reddish halo as if the goddess herself knew of the special celebration about to take place. 
Both packs were present - or you should say one pack, as now your people were merged into one under the rule of Ari. People stood to the sides, making a wide path for you to cross toward the arch weaved of evergreen branches, where your future mate awaited along with the pack’s godi. 
It was the redhead who stole curious glances your way ever since Ari’s pack started mingling with yours. What you saw at first as some sort of jealousy, because Ari kept his claim on you known right away, relentlessly so, turned out to be mere curiosity. Perhaps also a mystical knowledge, which a godi was supposed to possess. 
Her name was Alara and she was going to lead the ceremony of your mating. 
Times were modern, shifters tended to bind themselves in very human-style weddings, but the Alpha had to honor old traditions. Especially if he chose to mate with an Omega. It was a stereotype as old as time and as such was expected to follow the ancient traditions. 
In the weeks leading to the ceremony you spent some time with Alara, who taught you every step of the ceremony. It wasn't common knowledge, though there were parts of it passed on through generations via spoken tales. Like you were aware of the fact the ceremony had two phases and only a very few, selected shifters would be present for the second part.
The rather primal part. 
Tiredness should weigh on your tense body, since you woke before dawn, but the anticipation and shot of excitement kept you fully energized. The early morning was part of tradition, as well. You walked into the woods with the first rays of sun to gather greens for the wreaths you were going to weave for yourself and your mate. 
Mugwort, chamomile, wild ferns, St. John’s wort and a few twigs of juniper. You wore yours on your head as you slowly crossed through the backyard. In your hands you carried the twin wreath for Ari. 
You were going to crown him with it, as a symbol of you choosing him to be yours. Later, when the second part of the ceremony started, he would take yours off of your head, as a symbol of taking your nonexistent virginity. 
It was laughable, if you were cynically honest. Neither did you choose Ari, not really, nor were you a virgin. Not for a long time. 
Something that Ari didn’t seem to care about. 
Like he didn’t care that you were much older than overly fertile young women he could have chosen from. A small part of you found it quite pleasing, that he didn’t chase after girls half his age, but voiced his interest in you - someone who was merely a few years younger than him. 
You walked barefoot, your simple white dress flowing around your ankles. It was no point in buying an actual, elegant wedding dress, considering you wouldn’t be wearing it for long once you got to the second part of the ceremony. 
You wore no undergarments either. 
You didn’t think Ari’s aware of that fact, but the way his gaze slid up your body as you approached him suggested he might be.
Then his eyes settled on your face and a certain lightness seemed to turn his irises aglow. There was seriousness and respect for the traditions carved onto his handsome face, but his mouth curved at the corners slightly, soothing and encouraging you.
Ari was barefoot, just like you; wearing elegant, linen pants and white shirt that was buttoned only halfway up. 
It was so characteristic of him, you noticed. Over the weeks leading to your mating you’ve had enough opportunities to spend time with Ari - usually not out of your own volition, but because he was crossing into your space and inviting himself over. And most of the time at least two top buttons of his shirts were undone.
You wondered if it was some poor style choice, or if he ran so hot that he needed them unbuttoned.
Those thoughts invited others, more brazen. If he’d walk around the house without a shirt? If he slept naked? Questions you tried to convince yourself you didn’t care for, but which you’d very soon learn the answers to.
You stopped in front of Ari, lifting the wreath in your hands for him to admire. When he bowed his head, you put it on him. A startling flutter to your heart sprinkled warmth through your limbs as you looked at him crowned with a wreath you weaved. 
Lanterns cast amber glow across your bodies as you placed your hands in Ari’s. It was neither their warmth, nor the evening’s sweet dispersing incalescence, but a simmer of heat ignited in your belly when you touched him. 
Ever since he marked you with his cum, feeding you a dollop of it, it seemed your body attuned to his closeness with growing hunger. 
You tried not to imagine how worse it could get once he fully claimed you. 
Alara bound your hands with colorful ribbons; each for a different vow you spoke. Then she lifted an ornamental chalice, filled with sweetly smelling mead and a pinch of herbs. 
With your hands bound, both you and Ari carefully took the chalice. He lifted it to your lips first. Pleasant thickness of it coated your tongue and slid down your throat, leaving a burning sensation that only spurred the fire in your belly. 
In the books regarding mating ceremonies you read about a particular ingredient that used to be added to wine or mead for the bride to drink. According to Alara that hasn’t been done in at least a century and you really hoped she was truthful. It would be really disgusting if you were made to drink Ari’s cum in front of everyone, even if it was only a splash of it. 
Apparently it used to be added to strengthen the bride’s desire for her mate. 
You knew it would work. You still remembered how your body responded to the taste of Ari when he caught you. 
You tipped the chalice slightly when it was Ari’s turn to take a sip; his eyes a glowing blue that seared through you as he held your gaze over the rim. 
With your hands still bound, Ari pulled you forward. He took your mouth in a bold kiss that burned stronger than the rich alcohol you just consumed. Loud cheers resounded around, but were faded compared to the pounding of your own blood rushing through vessels as you melted under the demand of Ari’s lips. 
There was amusement and giggles as you and Ari worked your hands free of the bindings. No scissors or claws could be used to cut through them, you had to work the knots together. Then the bundle of colorful ribbons was placed in a small, carved box. 
You gasped in surprise - the sound dispersing on your palate - when Ari kissed you again. 
Hands completely free, he grabbed you fully, dipping you backwards as his tongue dipped between your lips. The chorus of applause included a few howls. 
You felt a little dizzy (and a lot hot) when Ari pulled back. If not for his arm loosely wrapped around your middle, you may have swayed. Eyes glazed, though you weren’t certain if it was due to the potent mead, or the reality of mating Ari hitting you suddenly; you stared up at him. 
With the spark in his iridescent irises, you sensed he was equally excited for the next part as you were terrified of it. 
But your fear didn’t make you flee; not this time, at least. It was that kind of fear that lured to follow into the darkness and experience the thrill of being consumed. Curiosity and apprehension combined into an addictive kind of sensation. 
Was it why you felt that spark of arousal whenever you ran away and Ari gave chase? 
The first thought making you run could be of rebellion, of trying to free yourself of the Alpha’s clutches. But the chase made it into heady titillation. 
The unknown of the mystical, sacred part of the ceremony spiked that fear, but the aspect of doing it with Ari - whatever raw, dirty act it would be - heated your body in anticipation. 
Alara addressed the gathered people, calling upon them to feast in joy for your union. Then she took one of the lanterns and led a small procession deep into the woods. Five other shifters fell into step behind her - three of Ari’s pack and two of yours. Chosen for their hierarchy in the pack, they were granted great honor to be witnesses to the second part of the ceremony. 
Though you briefly wondered, if Dante wasn’t asked to do it also as some sort of twisted power play. He was a member of your old pack and it seemed Ari respected his knowledge, experience and dedication to protect people. However, there was no doubt Ari would have learned that you and Dante used to date. 
It ended more than three years ago, the two of you remaining somewhat friendly if distanced. But male shifters tended to be extremely possessive. Ari was borderline so. It wouldn’t surprise you if the honor to participate in your ceremony wasn’t also Ari’s way of emasculating Dante in case he harbored any lustful thoughts of you. 
Ari’s fingers intertwined with yours as you followed Alara through the darkness of the woods. The lantern was merely symbolic, as your shifter senses allowed all of you to move through the night quite easily. 
When you reached a wide clearing, the five shifters spread around, taking positions in a spread semi-circle. Alara led you forward to the middle of the meadow where a few items had been prepared in advance. 
“You shall undress each other, so the Moon can bathe  you in her glow,” Alara’s voice was soft and melodic, her lips curved in a gentle smile, but her eyes were sharp and wild. Gold swirls painted on her face seemed to pulse with life.
Breath hitched in your throat when Ari’s hands smoothed along your shoulders, the straps of your dress easily giving in as he pushed them off. Leaning close, he reached behind you and unzipped the short zipper of your dress, then pulled the delicate fabric off your body. 
Trying not to think of being completely naked in front of him - and in front of five other shifters! - you unbuttoned his shirt, one small button after another. Your fingers itched to explore the expanse of Ari’s chest, but you stifled that craving and managed to touch as little of his skin as possible as you pushed the shirt off his shoulders. 
Staring at his chest, you popped the button of his pants open and lowered the zipper. You couldn’t make yourself look Ari into the eyes, fearing to see the heat in them and perhaps a sense of dark, lustful victory. 
It was better not to peek down, too. The glimpse of Ari’s cock you got when he came all over you after he caught you in the woods was enough of torment in the past few weeks; tempting your body into overdrive as you dreamt of it. 
You stepped away from the pile of clothes and faced each other. Heart pounding in your chest, you finally lifted your gaze to Ari’s face. Without Alara’s prompting, as if he knew each step of the ceremony by heart, Ari took off his wreath and placed it at godi’s feet. 
Then he reached for your wreath. In a slow, gentle move, he took it off. 
It was only a symbol, one you previously rolled your eyes at, but the moment Ari’s fingers gripped the green weaves and deprived you of them, a light, pleasant sting pierced your core. 
Your wreath was offered at Alara’s feet as well; the godi served as a conduit of the Moon goddess. 
“Shift.” The command was simple, unyielding enough that you didn’t protest, even though you were surprised by it.
When Alara taught you stages of the ceremony, she didn’t mention letting your wolf out. You hesitated only a few seconds, before you gave in to the pull itching beneath your skin. For a split of a second you got to admire Ari’s wolf with your human eyes, then you were seeing him through your wolf’s. 
You were a streak of silver, light coloring that some of your former partners expressed to be the moonlight itself crushed into fur. Though you weren’t the smallest of wolves, placing yourself as rather average among shifters, you seemed tiny compared to Ari’s wolf. 
Your Alpha was a beast of fairy tales. So big and domineering. His thick fur was a spectrum of bronze, with some streaks glinting gold, some reddish, the tip of his tail as dark as black. 
In that moment it hit you how perfect of a predator he was. As a human you noticed his scent that blended him so easily with the forest - pine and moss and resin. His wolf form blended into the woods even deeper, allowing him to gain the upper hand in any season, any part of the land. 
Ari’s paw dug into soil as he made a move toward you. Something flicked through your hindbrain, or perhaps it was your human side all along, but you suddenly felt the need to bolt. 
To tease him, maybe. Or perhaps you couldn’t suppress that remnant of rebellion against this union.
Your wolf barely managed to turn around and start forward when Ari leaped. The massive wolf crushed you to the ground, your wolf yipping as he trapped you beneath him. Then his jaw locked on your neck, sharp teeth piercing enough to be a warning. 
A shudder rippled through you, your head dropping down in submission. Ari snarled and for a moment you found yourself scrambling to understand what he wanted. But your wolf knew. With another pitiful yip she went lax, surrendering completely. A lick of approval soothed the spot where his fangs nipped you.
Slowly, Ari eased back. You remained in your position, not daring yet to move. Then suddenly a low growl of his reverberated through your bones.
It yanked on that shifter thread inside you, forcing an immediate shift. 
Never before had anything like it happened, it was always your own volition to change into wolf form and back into human. And Ari just proved to you how much power he held. 
Alphas supposedly possessed that ability - to force any shifter into immediate change, but you never saw Dimitri do it to anyone. You didn’t think Ari’s done it to scare you, or belittle you in any way, rather you felt it as his help to guide you into the next step of the ceremony. 
Yet it still elicited a scary realization, how truly he could overpower you. If you ever ran away in your wolf form, he could command your immediate shift into human and gain more advantage. 
Ari gently helped you up onto your feet, having shifted into human form himself. The care and respect he showed contrasted with the display of raw power. 
Your gaze shifted to Alara, a glint of offense at not being prepared for that part of the proceedings. She only smiled as she beckoned the two of you closer.
“The wolf’s submission had to be natural, had to be earned,” she explained. “If I warned you of it, then it could provoke you to either fake it, or fight it just out of spite.”
You wouldn’t tell her that you felt your wolf submit to Ari weeks ago, when he tackled you to the ground after chasing you through the woods. The bitch gave in then. 
Alara picked a bowl filled with sweet scented mixture. Linden honey, cloves, lovage and crushed cranberries for the red color. She lifted it up to the sky, muttering a string of blessings, or spells, or whatever curse. Then she lowered it towards Ari. 
“Under the Moon’s keen eye, brand what’s yours to have.” 
She held the bowl as Ari dipped his hand in the mixture. He marked a spot on your temple first. Then smeared the honey across your mouth. Your lips parted, letting the sweet taste in. And letting a little gasp out when Ari’s hand left streaks of sticky concoction across your breasts.
You couldn’t tear your gaze away from Ari’s eyes when he dipped both his hands for more mixture and then splayed one on your ass and his other palm over your abdomen. 
He crouched down to better drive his fingers up the inside of your thigh and then along the juncture in your hip, before ending the sweet swirl in the thatch of your hair right above your softly pulsing clit. 
Each streak he painted on your naked body seemed to seep into your skin and feed to the fire already burning you with need. 
A thought to chase Ari’s fingers with your mouth, to suck them clean so he could slip them into your wet pussy, flashed in your mind. It was Alara’s voice addressing you that stopped you from making a fool of yourself. 
“Under the Moon’s keen eye, brand what’s yours to have.” She tipped the bowl your way. 
Fingers dripping with red stained honey, you reached up to touch Ari’s temple. When you brushed your fingertips across his mouth, you almost pouted in disappointment he didn’t nip at any of your digits. 
Focusing on regulating your breath, so you didn’t pant, you used both of your hands to mark Ari’s huge biceps. Then, just because you were getting needy and annoyed with yourself because of that, you scratched his chest a bit as you smeared the mixture across his pectorals. 
Perhaps you saw it in the way Ari’s eyes darkened, or maybe it was already the bond building between the two of you, but you felt certain that he liked when you scratched him. 
Your eyes followed the line your fingers drew along the thatch of hair leading down Ari’s belly and lower. Scooping more honey from the bowl, you knelt at Ari’s feet and dragged both hands up his muscular legs, until you gripped his ass.
Your breath quickened as you stared at the half-hard cock rising toward Ari’s belly. Slowly, you swiped your hands from the back of his thighs to the front, using all of your melting will to not taste him right away.
Instead, you boldly looked up. Ari’s pupils were blown wide as he stared at you - on your knees, lips inches away from his cock, about to mark it as a part of him for you to have. Holding his gaze, you wrapped your fingers around him. 
If it wasn’t for Ari’s self restraint, you probably would follow the instinct, the hunger tempting you to move your hand and start what would inevitably happen in a few minutes anyway. After all, sex was the culmination of the ceremony. But Ari’s own fingers gently caught your wrist. 
He helped you up. Again that night. 
For as amused as she had to be, Alara didn’t spare you a knowing, mocking look. She put the bowl away and picked another dish. This one a simple terracotta pot, bearing marks of time. 
“For Nature, the Mother of us all,” Alara intoned, “make a pledge to the earth to show your readiness to fall in with the cycle.” 
Ari knelt down and started digging with his bare hands while you filled both hands with seeds and flower bulbs from the terracotta pot. Kneeling on the ground as well, you planted them in the furrow created by Ari. Then both of you covered the seeds with soil, your hands joined as you did so. 
You washed your hands in the bassinet with fresh water that Alara placed beside you. She poured into it what was left of the honey mixture, then dipped a small bouquet of ferns in it and used them to sprinkle the mixture over you and Ari.
“Blessed be this union!” Alara bellowed, hands stretched high toward the night sky. “Moon, our goddess! As you cast your light upon your favored, embrace his mate. Through the eyes of the witnesses gathered here, watch as they seal their claim on each other.”
Arms slowly dropping, Alara stared at you as she took a few steps backwards. Silence stretched in tense anticipation. 
It dawned on you then. That was the most important part. The culmination.
And there were people around, about to witness your coupling. 
Ari’s hand cupped your chin, preventing you from looking anywhere else but him. No one else should matter now. No other shifter, no woodland creature, nor the stars peppering the sky. There was only your mate. 
He tilted your head back slightly and leaned in. Tip of Ari’s tongue flicked against your bottom lip, licking off the sweetness. Lips trailed sticky kisses across your cheek, until his breath tickled the shell of your ear.
“You’re ready, little Omega,” he purred, slipping a hand between your thighs. 
At the bold touch of his fingers spreading your slick folds, your hands flew to Ari’s shoulders. Fingernails of your right hand needled his skin, while you gripped a fistful of his hair with the other. 
“You’re already mine,” he sounded more than pleased; he sounded drunk on victory after months of chase. “But I’ll pound it into your tight pussy, so you feel that bond with every step.” 
He growled in satisfaction as you moaned, rocking your hips into his hand. He stretched you with a firm stroke of his fingers, driving in two at once and pressing the heel of his palm into your clit. 
Gripping the back of your neck with his other hand, Ari kept pumping his fingers and curling them until your juices were spilling over his palm. 
“Ask me!” He demanded, licking off more of the honey around your mouth. 
“Alpha,” your voice was raspy and breathy, “fuck me! Knot me. Claim me!” 
It was only your heart soaring and fluttering like a hummingbird trapped in grip, though it felt as if the earth itself shuddered beneath you from the force and heat of Ari’s kiss. 
Perhaps there were more potent, illegal roots added to the mead Alara made you drink earlier, or to the honey mixture that soaked your bodies. Or maybe it was the vowed bond that grew taut and intense in its demand to be fulfilled in the most primal way.
Whatever spurred it, made you desperate. Needy. Your mouth opened pliant to Ari’s, ready to swallow whatever he fed you, ready to offer pleasure in return. Your hands roamed over his body; touching and squeezing and scratching. 
When he eased his fingers out of your fluttering cunt, you almost whined in protest. But then he was gripping your hips and flipping you onto your hands and knees. 
Your hindbrain took over, the wolf bitch coming to the surface just beneath your human skin. But it wasn’t only the wolf side that craved the warmth of Ari’s thighs pressing against the back of yours. Your human side wanted it to. The woman who resisted his claim was eager to bend forward and offer herself. 
One of Ari’s big hands gripped your hip, the other moved between your bodies to guid the tip of his cock into your entrance. 
With a broad lick up your spine, Ari laid his weight above you. He nipped the nape of your neck, more playful than he did in his wolf form, and you instinctively followed the unspoken command. You stretched your arms forward and dipped your upper body low, cheek pressed to the ground. 
“Good little Omega,” Ari purred, kissing your neck. 
A loud cry spilled from your lips, resounding through the clearing, maybe through the whole forest, when Ari sheathed himself inside you in one stroke. 
He paused. To relish in the feeling, or to give you a moment to adjust - if it was the latter, you didn’t think it would help. Ari wasn’t some monstrous beast to have a dick you couldn’t take. It was impressive, but in very reasonable size. And yet, something about it made you quiver in fear (and excitement) of being split in half. 
The first languid thrusts drew moans from both of you. Ari drove deep on each push, forcing your pussy to give up completely and nudging your cervix on a few passes. Then his pace increased, his filled heavy sack slapping against your clit. 
Rough fingers dug into your hip, undoubtedly leaving bruises that would bloom later. His other hand roamed below your body, squeezing your breasts, teasing your belly. Ari’s mouth was in constant movement along your neck and shoulders: kissing and licking, teeth grazing your skin in a prelude to the bite. 
You pushed up against him eagerly; the embarrassment at the sound of the skin slapping and wetness squelching on each thrust burned away. You didn’t care! Didn’t care who watched, or how loud you were, how you dripped. There was only need for more of Ari; need for him to help you chase that release you’ve been yearning for since your lips touched his. 
Fingers gouging the soil, you keened when on the next thrust Ari’s cock grazed a spot that instantly had you clenching around him. 
He groaned; the sound deep and low, sinking into your skin where Ari’s mouth hovered on your shoulder. 
Your pussy pulsed, tightening around his dick, and he only made things worse still fucking into you relentlessly; prolonging the madness of your fizzing pleasure and tipping you into another climax. 
Your scream rose as the blinding aftershocks of your orgasm were joined by the pain-and-pleasure shot of Ari’s teeth piercing your skin. 
He bit into the crook of your neck, his jaw locked mercilessly as he drew blood and mauled your skin. Few seconds later Ari gurgled his growl of pleasure with a mouthful of your blood, as he bottomed out inside your quivering cunt and his knot inflated. 
Another tremor rocked you, albeit softer, but stretching into infinity. A simmering orgasm that seemed to go on and on and on as spurts of thick cum filled you. As if each splash of Ari’s spend instigated a tiny climax. 
Harmonized howls resounded in the night, for the first time reminding you of the audience you had. The five chosen shifters who had to change their form into wolves at some point, though you didn’t even register when. 
You stayed locked with Ari for long minutes, your labored breaths synchronizing. Ari’s teeth retracted, his tongue soothing the wound. 
You’d be wearing that scar for months. Many more would be added, you suspected. Due to his possessiveness, or his primal nature so close to the surface, but you were certain Ari would be biting you every time he fucked you. He was going to leave marks of possession so visible other shifters would instantly drop their gaze upon catching a sight of them. 
Only you would be wearing the bite. While mates tended to exchange bites, so each was marked as claimed, an Alpha couldn’t be bitten. Not even by his mate. 
For an Alpha a bite meant a loss of status, a chink in his power; it would be a sign of weakness and submission. Traits an Alpha couldn’t display.
But there were other ways a mate could mark an Alpha. Which is why you felt that need to scratch him from the beginning. To rake your nails down his back and over his chest, leaving deep red lines of your own possession. 
Still a little breathless, you reached one of your dirty hands behind you. Prickling Ari’s neck with your nails, you turned your head enough to kiss him. 
Slowly, Ari pulled back and moved your body along with him. You rose onto your hands and knees. Knot almost deflated, he withdrew from you inch by inch. Copious amount of fluid spilled out of you; a glistening mixture of your slick and Ari’s cum. 
It splashed onto the soil in thick drops; right over the seeds you planted earlier. 
With his arm across your front, Ari helped you up into a sitting position, serving for you as his recliner. Your head rested against his shoulder as he kept you spread; kept you exposed so the Moon and the others could see you dripping down. 
Alara knelt at your side, bowing her forehead almost to the ground then lifting it. She placed her right hand on top of Ari’s where it rested low on your belly.   
“As your essence has fertilized the seeds in the soil, may the Moon’s glow bless your fruitful coupling.”
Her hand didn’t linger, but Ari’s stayed splayed on your abdomen as Alara scooted back. You didn’t roll your eyes at the obvious eagerness to get you pregnant (both from Ari and the pack’s godi) only because you were still quite overwhelmed with the intensity of the whole ceremony. 
Also because there was still need thrumming in your pulse.
Alara signaled the other shifters and they approached in a practiced formation, back in their human forms. They each picked the dishes that were used in the ceremony, then followed Alara out of the clearing. 
You and Ari were left alone. 
His hand stayed on your belly, the other sliding up between your breasts, fingers curling around the front of your neck. Ari trailed small, soft kisses along your shoulder, then scraped your jaw with his teeth.
“This is what I imagined from the moment my eyes set on you for the first time,” he confessed, the undertone of pure satisfaction clear in his voice. 
“You wore a crown of flowers for the festivities and I knew I’d be taking off your bridal wreath and locking you on my knot.”
A tremor blew goosebumps on your skin. That very first evening you sensed trouble from catching the attention of an Alpha, but then you didn’t yet know how severe his determination was. He’d chase you to the end of the world to claim you. 
You twisted in his arms, facing him and climbing into his lap. You cupped Ari’s face, smudging dirt over his cheeks. You could’ve held onto your resentment and rebellion, making the whole experience and nearest future a very miserable for you both. Somehow, you couldn’t make yourself do that. Not even that morning, when fleeting thoughts of giving a last run crossed your mind. 
You were Ari’s now. As he was yours. 
He’s shown you over the weeks that he’s ready to build this relationship with you. If the way he led the pack was any indication of how he’d be as a mate, you had a chance of creating something indestructible. 
“And now you have me.” You rolled your hips, enjoying the twitch of his cock against your thigh. “Are you going to gloat?”
“A little bit,” Ari shrugged, flashing you a sexy grin. 
“Mostly-” he palmed your ass and pulled your hips upward- “I’m going to worship you.”
He dropped you down onto his cock, hissing in pleasure as your heat enveloped him again. Your small moan at the stretch made his eyes ignite. 
“Come, little Omega,” Ari laid down on his back and you braced your hands against his chest as you sank fully onto his cock. “Take me. Take your mate.” 
Ari groaned as your nails drew more lines across his body, leaving pink trails that would gain in color in a few hours. 
With his hands squeezing your ass, he urged you down as he thrust up into you. Your nails needled deeper, giving him a meek reflection of the sting you felt each time he bottomed out. When he knotted you again, you’d undoubtedly draw blood. 
Then he’d sink his teeth into you again, stating his undisputed dominance even as he allowed you to claw him.
Your wolf growled her pleasure at the prospect. 
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cannellee · 6 days
TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding school au!) ☆ part. 1
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୨୧ yandere! alpha! tokyorev x omega! f! reader (harem : mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, kazutora, baji, ran, rin, izana, kakucho, kokonoi, inupi, sanzu, kisaki, hanma)
— you're joining an elite all-boy (and alpha) boarding school and they all turn out to have a very dark affection for you.
cw : reverse harem, yandere themes, harassment, bullying, blackmailing, stalking, possessive and controlling behaviour etc.
a/n : I had the idea thanks to this post and from the kdrama hierarchy I just finished watching + I hope it's not messy + they'll be multiple parts to it I think...
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having a girl attend an all-boy school is unusual, but an omega enrolling in a place filled with alphas is almost unheard of.
let's simply say that your father was suddenly transferred to another school, forcing the both of you to move in tokyo in the course of a week only. your dad is offered a room directly inside the building with other of his colleagues and for convenience, his only daughter was allowed to reside here as well.
the school is pretty far away from the rest of the city too, and with all the wealth this school has accumulated, they find the generosity in themselves to let you attend classes with the others in exchange for your father's appreciated hard work.
there aren't a lot of students you point out, but they seem to all stand out in their own way. your class is composed of the elite, boys all born with a golden spoon, privileged lifestyles and a brilliant future.
you're intimidated at first, scared even, not used to being surrounded by so many alphas at once. you feel like a prey once you enter the classroom for the first time, the news has passed around quickly and the students grew very curious of the sweet faced omega who was going to join them soon.
you quickly got to learn the name of the rep, who has been nothing but welcoming to you and made your arrival as pleasing as possible. mitsuya made sure to show you around, he was kind and reliable, giving you his number almost immediately after your first encounter.
you had spent the day glued to his side, shyly smiling to his friends and listening attentively to the advices he gave you. the next morning, you came a bit sooner, rushing over to the empty seat he had kept for you right in front of him, happily thanking him for his kindness.
mitsuya is quick to present you his closest friend draken, a big and strong alpha who's just that tall you can't help but notice him. despite his menacing appearance, draken is calm and collected and keeps his pheromones in check. you even notice how pleasantly odourless the whole classroom has been since your arrival. you had expected to feel your nose burn from the intense pheromones and testosterone alphas usually emitted, but you had to admit they were rather well behaved and you mentally thanked them for their thoughtfulness.
draken helps you out during sport lessons, shows you how to score when playing basketball, catches the ball for you before gently handing it to you and makes sure the others are being careful around you.
mikey's the one who offers you his sweater once it gets cold during the late night classes or when it gets dark outside and going back to your rooms through the immense garden is a bit of a challenge. he doesn't really let you argue and throws it over your shoulders, he doesn't give room for discussion and you're too cooperative to refuse anyway. you notice that the others instinctively act a little less clingy when he's interacting with you, you find their group dynamic quite interesting and you like how comfortable they make you feel.
his scent often lingers on you for hours afterwards, even going the next day with a tiny patch of mikey's distinctive aroma on your shoulder. you sometimes see him eyeing that exact spot with a lot of intensity that if often destabilises you. when you look up at him with a puzzled look, he simply gives you a kind smile, hiding behind it how possessive you make him.
you later meet kazutora, who doesn't waste time introducing himself to you. you notice that he's pretty popular, always in the middle of all conversations, laughing loudly with the other boys and receiving every invitations to every parties. he always tries to get your attention one way or another, bragging about his good grades, casually flirting with you before someone else reprimands him for that. you should come and see one of his game soon ! he's in the basketball team with draken and the both of them would love to see you cheer on them in the bleachers.
chifuyu's room's right next to yours. when mitsuya first showed you your room, he had called him to help you unpack and settle here comfortably. chifuyu's awkward but he's got the spirit, almost choking on his own saliva once he catches a sniff of your sweet scent for the first time. were all omegas supposed to smell this good or are you just the exception ?
then there's kisaki, who visits you quite often, pretending that he likes it better to be in your room after classes only because it's easier to talk without the hubbub of other students. you notice how sweaty his palms are, nervous gaze desperately trying to find something to look at if not your chest, and hands fixing his glasses every minute or so. he helps you out with your homework, of course your level is nowhere near theirs. they're the elite, born and raised in the best conditions possible to rise and become part of the top of society. he's sighing a lot, slightly mocking how hard you find your homework even though all of them are able to finish them with ease. he explains it all, shaking his head at how cutely dumb this pretty omega is and how helpless she'll be once thrown into the big wide world. will you be able to survive on your own ? kisaki is skeptical...
by hanging out often with kisaki, you're naturally bound to meet his best friend, hanma. he's exactly what you would think of when imagining a "privileged delinquent". he smokes behind the building, skips classes but still manages to score high and doesn't take shit from anyone. you would find funny how easy life is for them if the power they hold over the teachers and their school headmaster wasn't pretty horrifying. the hierarchy clearly wasn't anything close to normal, as every family of those students were very influential, a tantrum from one them is all it would take to have a teacher fired on the spot. you quickly learned that when a new professor tried to teach hanma some manners and reprimand him for carrying cigarettes with him. the poor man didn't get the justice he should have had and instead was gone the next day.
but no matter he says, hanma is actually pretty thoughtful. he always tells you to stay away from those toxic garbage and that only he is allowed to do that. he makes sure to never smoke near you and sprays perfume before coming over to you. you can scold him all you want as well, he likes to hear you nagging him. but that's just you, nobody else.
anyways, hanma warned you that if one of those assholes (students and teachers alike) were to bother you, you should simply talk to him about it. he seemed very adamant about making your year here very pleasant and you thank him for that, even if you don't necessarily approuve of his methods.
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lately you've been feeling like somebody's following you... but you simply shrug it off as baji is always with you. he's confident and assertive, you don't feel nervous around him. he's part of the swimming club and invites you over during his competitions. he drags you to one of the privatised pool under his name at your school and helps you out in the water, enjoying more than he should how you cling to him whenever you get too tired and he won't let you go back to edge. he feels your soft boobs pressing against his firm skin and sees the sweet panic in your eyes and his instincts jump out immediately.
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saint valentine's near and you can practically hear them all whine with impatience. of course their adorable omega was going to bake something, isn't she the best ? tight apron tied around your perfect waist, you're trying hard to make as many chocolate as possible, putting them in small boxes and decorating them with a pink ribbon.
you're glad they let you use their own kitchen, the one you and your father had along with his colleagues was nothing sort of dreamy, used and damaged. theirs was huge, clean and filled to the brim with the latest and most sophisticated tools you could only dream of. they told you to use it whenever you had something you wanted to bake instead of that poor excuse of a kitchen, living inside that garbage was a crime they thought, they couldn't let their precious omega walk around in such filth...
sanzu almost begged you to bake some chocolate for him, you even thought he was gonna end up on his knees from how hard he was pleading... you laughed a bit at his antics and gave him his holy grail with your usual smile that never fails to make him want to bite your cute cheeks. mikey's eagerly waiting for his own share of chocolate and you promptly give them all theirs without forgetting to thank them for how kind they all were since the beginning of the year.
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that's... weird. you never thought you would've felt unsafe inside the buildings of this school with how protective they all were. but again, you should have expected that from at least one of them, you're in an all-alpha school after all...
but now you're all alone, the late night snack you left your room for tightly held in your fist and frantic eyes searching around you for anyone awake at this hour too. you didn't think someone would actually assault you in such a place, but here you were...
the corridor is empty, dim lights don't help your vision at all and the foul scent of an alpha is invading your nose.
the boy starts to dig his nose inside the crook of your neck and you physically recoil at the intrusive action, shaking at how forcibly submissive it makes you.
lucky for you, the lights turn on and a familiar small group of alphas arrive after a minute only. mikey's the one to give the first blow before leaving the rest to baji and sanzu. kakucho is as kind as ever, the most reassuring person you could wish for and softly makes sure you're alright after the small scolding of mitsuya. of course you should've called one of them if you were hungry ! only a helpless omega like you would have done that, so vulnerable and in need of a saviour... how did you even survive on your own before meeting them ?
you honestly can't answer nor think straight anymore next to the pleading of the beaten up boy, the two angry alphas spreading pheromones you wish you didn't smell because of how strong they are...
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— second part coming soon...
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Mob boss alpha Eddie meets a very pregnant omega Steve one day while he's searching for the perfect birthday gift for Wayne, who frequents the novelty gift shop Steve owns. Imagine Eddie's surprise when he walks in expecting to simply buy a present but instead meets the most beautiful person he's ever seen. He doesn't see a ring or a mating bite, just blank mole speckled skin and a dazzling smile. The two get to talking after Eddie asks for a recommendation, Steve just as sweet as he smells. Thus begins Eddie frequenting the shop just to talk, waiting for a time to subtly inquire about the omega's relationship status and the situation regarding the pup. He's been besotted since first laying eyes on him and won't let him go without a fight. He brings it up one day, catching Steve off guard and making him close off. He apologizes, and changes the topic, not wanting to make the omega uncomfortable. He can't help but to notice that Steve is very jittery and anxious though, always taking notice of his surroundings and who's entering the store. It makes Eddie uneasy, so he posts some men nearby to keep watch. If the shop just happens to be on the way back to his apartment through the new, longer route he's begun taking to keep an eye on him, that's nobody's business. Their rapport builds back up, the two joking and sharing bits and pieces about their lives, but Steve never shares the truth about his situation. Eddie's on his way home one day when he sees smoke billowing from the shop, his beloved omega nowhere in sight on the sidewalk. Eddie leaps from his car and barges into the building, smoke thick and murky. He runs through, calling Steve's name until he reaches the backroom where he sees the omega's prone form lying unconscious on the floor. He scoops him up and takes him outside just as emergency services arrive, and an ambulance quickly takes them to the hospital, where Eddie gets him a private room. The omega is thankfully unharmed beyond some mild smoke inhalation, and the pup is safe too. Eddie is beside himself with fear and anger that someone would dare harm his omega and their pup, but he has no choice but to anxiously wait for Steve to wake up. When he does, he's shocked to see Eddie, who fills him in on what he knows. He gently reminds Steve that he can protect him, he just needs to know what happened. Steve breaks down, telling him that the alpha he thought was going to be his mate was actually just using him for access to Wayne (the old mob boss who stepped down when Eddie took over) and never wanted him or their pup. He didn't want Steve to be with anyone else though, so when he thought that the two were getting too close, he attacked, making the fire look like an accident. Long story short, Eddie gets his revenge and Steve ends up with a loving mate and father to their pup, one who dotes on them both generously. He also doesn't need to be persuaded to give Steve the whole litter he wants, more than happy to keep trying
something in me loves the idea of eddie stepping up to raise a pup that he didn’t sire because he loves steve so much🥲
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hellfire--cult · 8 months
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Omega!Steve Harrington x Alpha!Fem!Reader
wc: 6.8k
+18, omegaverse, knotting, virgin!omega, established relationship, late presentation, secondary gender as mentioned, smut, p in v, breeding kink, heat, rut, blood mention, pain mention
plot: You and Steve have been dating since high school, but even in your twenties the two of you haven't presented yet. You were afraid that your presentations wouldn't be what you expected, you an Omega, he an Alpha... but there was one possibility the two of you never thought of.
a/n: Do not read this if you are not into omegaverse. seriously. don't.
if you liked this thing, reblog ok? ok
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“We’re twenty-two and we still haven’t presented. It’s fucking stupid baby. Dustin is already showing Alpha traits.”
You looked at Steve with a smile on your face, shaking your head at him.
“Look, maybe we’re supposed to be Betas, which is amazing actually Stevie. You know presentation develops between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.” You said as you sat at the end of his bed, legs crossed underneath you. He was leaning against the headboard, with his glasses over his face and suddenly he winced, making you jerk up in alarm, crawling towards him.
“Fuck… I really don’t want to go to the doctor. They will probably take my stupid appendix out.” You rolled your eyes at his words, but the worry was slowly consuming you as you groaned at him.
“Steve, you have to go to the doctor babe. You have been what– having these pains for the past week?” He waved you off with no importance and he moved to swing his legs off the bed, his feet touching the floor. You noticed a bead of sweat on his forehead and you knew that he was sick because you felt under the weather too.
“You can’t keep staying with me in quarantine. I bet you’re not even sick.” 
“Really? Last time I checked we both had a fucking fever, so yeah, you got me sick. No pain though.” That was a lie. You were for sure not feeling like Steve was, but you were feeling weird. There were certain pains in your belly, but it might just be your period, that was supposed to come like two weeks ago.
You took a pregnancy test, but it came out negative. You were gonna go to a gyno last week, only to fall ill at the same time as Steve had. You cursed at him for it, but the moment you saw how pained he was you didn’t want to tell him you felt weird too. His pain was greater, and you didn’t want him to hurt anymore. 
“I should have a cold shower. I just feel fucking hot.” You knew the illness wasn’t the only thing on his mind. You reached out to rub his face so he would look at you. “I– I mean, if we are Betas, shouldn’t we feel that?” 
“I don’t know…” You gulped at the uncertainty and he leaned towards you to place a soft kiss on your lips, a sigh following right after from his throat.
“I just wanted to be an Alpha. I wanted to have pups, your pups… I mean, what if something’s wrong with us?” He looked at you with a worried look on his face, and in the relationship you were always the one that reassured him of stuff, knowing how much confidence he was lacking. You pushed a strand of his hair behind his ear and pressed another soft kiss on his lips.
“Nothing is wrong with us. We will be Betas, and it will be harder to conceive, but it’s not impossible, baby. It’s not.” 
“I mean…” You could hear the worry in his tone, the fear. “What if… Never mind, I’m gonna go shower. Do you want to go with me?” He gave you a small smile and you sighed, shaking your head.
“No Stevie, go clear your thoughts a bit, okay?” You pressed a small kiss to his shoulder and he nodded, getting up from the bed. You looked at him as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. You sighed with worry as you looked out the window.
You knew what he was scared of. What if the both of you turn out the same? Jonathan had turned into an Omega, which is extremely rare. The weirdest thing of all, was Billy Hargrove presented as an Alpha, and he couldn’t contain himself around Jonathan, courting him with gifts. Nancy broke up with Jonathan so he could be happy, knowing the Omega boy needed his Alpha. Nancy presented as a Beta and now remains single.
If you two presented the same, your relationship would be hard to keep. Or if you presented as an Omega and he a Beta, or the other way around, he an Alpha and you a Beta… You shivered at the thought, anger surging through you. Steve was yours and only yours. You would lock him up with you if you needed to. No one can take him away from you.
No one.
Your nose twitched barely, taking a scent in. What is that? Didn’t Steve say he was taking a shower? Why is he baking cookies? Or a cake? Why is it so strong? Did he overdo it with vanilla essence? But there is also some chocolate smell? A hint of it? 
You got up from the bed only for a strong pain to fall in between your legs. You wanted to yell in pain but you didn’t want to alarm Steve at all so you bit onto your lips as you clenched your legs as tight as you could… But fuck, that made it worse, so you reopened them. Your breaths turned heavy as you felt sweat all over your forehead, and another hit of strong pain fell again in your lower part.
You were growing hot as well, but you needed to know what was going on under there. You should have gone to the gyno no matter what, and now it might be too late. Too late for what?
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You were groaning profanities and you felt a rumble in your chest, but you only focused on the pain between your legs. You rushed to take off your pants and you were instantly alarmed by what you were seeing. Your white cotton panties were straining you. There was a bulge. There was a fucking bulge, and it hurt, it was hurting you.
You winced as you tried taking the panties off and you rushed to look into a mirror, only for your eyes to widen like plates. Now you know why it hurt. Your vaginal cavity closed… It closed because your clit reinserted itself… 
So it would enlarge, and now you had– now you had–
One last pain hit you as it all finally came out of you, and there it was, standing in its full glory. You raised your hand to touch the tip of it only for electricity to surge all over your body, a moan escaping your lips without your permission. It was red, leaking already, and your breathing was heavy as you looked at it.
You were an Alpha. You presented as an Alpha.
Your clit turned into a penis, your ovaries turned into testicles inside your body. Your uterus was not functional any longer. You were a full-fledged Alpha. Those were the pains inside your belly, your organs completely changing, rearranging… 
Pains. Steve had also been experiencing pain. Oh no… No, no, no… A growl escaped your throat and you were surprised at the new sound, but you were proud, as if it were right. But Steve– He might turn into an Alpha–
Your nose picked up the sweet scent once more, this time stronger than before, way stronger and you were hit by a wave of fire all over your body. Your body was a literal furnace right now, and your mind was becoming foggy, hazy, and you were getting dizzy, but your new cock twitched in attention, in pain, already leaking precum out of it. 
You were going into rut.
You had to get out of Steve’s house, there was an Omega in heat somewhere, maybe a neighbor of Steve’s, but you can’t be here. You might jump Steve, and you don’t want him to see you like this. He won’t like it. It’s over. It’s over, you know that much, but first you need to get out.
You groaned, and growled, as you rushed to get your pants, not caring about using the panties again, they would only cause you more pain. The sweet vanilla hit you again, dizzying you completely, making you hold onto the wall next to you. 
Fuck, you needed relief, you needed it, but you had to run. You can’t do it here. Maybe you can run into another room and lock yourself in, yell to Steve to leave so you could take care of yourself, somehow, but you were losing rationality at every second that passed. 
You pushed yourself off the wall and turned around to run out, only for you to stop in your tracks. Your eyes widened as the scent filled the room, intoxicating you, suffocating you, making you feel high. It hit you instantly, like a punch on the chest, and the throbbing below you increased by a thousand, a growl rumbling in your throat.
Steve was standing in the doorway, naked, completely. Your mouth salivated at seeing him in his new glory. His cock shrinking into a cocklette, his balls not visible any longer because where they were before now probably is a slit. A slit that was leaking slick all over the inner thighs of his legs.
His face was flushed, red even, and you noticed how less buffed he was. You assumed it had been the lack of food or nutrients or exercise from doing quarantine these past days. Suddenly your ears perked up when they caught the subtle noise of a whine. You could smell him. Fuck, you could smell him.
“S-Steve–” Your voice was hoarse, with need, and you noticed how he looked down at your new anatomy. You noticed how his body trembled slightly at the sight, another whine escaping him as more slick fell down his inner thighs. Another jolt of electricity rushed all over your body, your veins. 
“A–A–” He was trying to speak to you, but his mind was gone, his need apparent, his consciousness having slipped already, and all he needed was relief. All he wanted was you. You who were emanating a wildfire scent in his room. You who now had something he needed. You who is looking at him like a small bunny, and he is rejoicing at it.
Oh fuck…
As soon as he had entered the shower he felt the pain even greater than before. He didn’t want to show it to you, but he knew his cock had shrunk in the past few days. He didn’t want to think so much about it because the fever prevented him from getting out of bed or his house. Now in the shower, he can feel the pain of something moving below him.
He looked down under the water to see his testicles disappearing into his body, and he noticed just how small his dick was. He couldn’t think much about it because another jolt of excruciating pain hit him, making him lean against the wall, the cold shower not doing anything for him.
He felt his insides ripping inside out, and he just wanted to bite onto something so he wouldn’t scream in order to not alarm you. The wood-like scent was not helping him either, and he knew an Alpha might be close. Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck. Suddenly his eyes widened when he felt something hot, sticking coming down his thighs. He reached a hand down to see it was slick that he could gather up, even under the water.
He was in shock as he looked at it, and he moved his hand between his thighs again, this time deeper, just where his balls were a minute ago. His breath cut off when he felt a slit that wasn’t there before. Something that sent a wave of pleasure all over his body and he felt more of his juices slipping out of him. His breathing was heavy as he realized what happened.
He was in heat. He was in an Omega heat.
He is an Omega. He presented as an Omega. What is gonna happen with you? What is going to happen between the two of you? What is gonna happen to your relationship? How can he face you? This was not supposed to go this way at all. 
“FUCK!” His thoughts were interrupted when a hit of pain slammed against his belly after the wooden smell invaded his whole body. He needed to follow it. He needed to find the source of it. He was losing consciousness and he knew that his lust and his heat were becoming worse each second, clouding his mind from reason. 
He at least needs to get to the room, but you were there. You were in the room. He cannot let you see him like this, but he needs to lock himself up somewhere. He turned the shower off, stumbling out of it and almost falling to his knees. There was no time for a towel. He needed to run. 
He opened the door with a slam and turned to go to his parent’s bedroom only to stop on his tracks. He sniffed the air, and he realized the wooden smell was coming from his room. Did an Alpha enter his home? No, you were here, you would have yelled, but what if– Worry and desperation yelled into his throat, whines vibrating in his chest as he rushed to the room, only to stop to see you looking at yourself in the mirror. The bottom half bare.
And Steve took a deep breath in.
The smell was coming from you. You were an Alpha.
And now you two were staring at one another, taking in the new anatomy of each other, and Steve’s eyes were dilated, almost black and you could smell the slick falling onto the floor. It felt as if an animal wanted to rip open from your body, but you knew it was you. You wanted to devour Steve, your–
“Omega.” Your voice came out, deeper than before, an appreciative snarl mixing with your words. Steve felt relief wash over him as a happy chirp escaped him.
“Alpha… My Alpha.” And that was enough for something to snap inside of you. You shrugged your shirt off, and you heard the ripping sound but didn’t care that you just broke something, you needed to feel his entire body against yours. You need to taste him. You need to have him. 
You need to knot him. You need to knot Steve. 
In just seconds you were in front of him, grabbing onto the back of his neck to pull him downwards towards you so you could dig your nose into his scent gland, taking in the intense sweet smell coming off of him. It was a drug, intoxicating even, clouding every sense and making Steve your only life source. 
Steve wasn’t far behind. As soon as you dipped in, he nuzzled you as well, the omega inside him relishing with a chirp as he felt his Alpha scenting him. No rationality was inside of you two any longer, just the need to feel one another, of mating, bonding, an animal trying to rip out of your chests.
“I need to taste you, baby, I need to.” You say in a hoarse voice, the scent of his slick making your mind reel in and out of consciousness, of rationality, trying to keep an ounce of yourself to take care of him. It’s his first time after all, yours too, but you know how much more shocking it would be for him. You were trying to keep that in your head so that you wouldn’t lose yourself into the rut.
“Please, please, do something Alpha, it hurts– Please–” You heard Steve’s whines and pleads, and his eyes filled with tears of desperation as he writhed under your hold. You weren’t going to say no to your lovely Omega, much less if he is in pain. 
You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck in order to pull him down towards your lips, ending in a wanton kiss from the both of you, moans being exchanged as the electric current traveled all over your veins and sat on your bones. Your fingers dug into his scalp, grabbing onto his hair to push him deeper into you.
He was in between moaning and whimpering as his arms wrapped around your waist, trying to feel you against him, and a groan escaped your throat when your new appendage pressed against the belly of your mate. The groan turned into a growl as you bit Steve’s lower lip in need and your Omega gasped, letting you take advantage and slide your tongue into his mouth so you could intertwine it with his.
You felt your body growing needier and needier, and Steve was in the same or worse state as you. He was willing to surrender completely and you knew that. You had to remind yourself to not lower your voice into your submission chords. You don’t want Steve to do anything he doesn’t want to, so you have to be the one rational between the two of you.
Your hand traveled in between the two of you, and you brushed your fingertips at Steve’s new cocklette, still standing proud. He hissed with a moan as you rubbed on it, stimulating him and Steve had to pull away from the kiss to take a breath. It was something new, completely. It didn’t quite feel like when he was touched before, it felt more like a pressure now. 
“You like that Stevie?” You asked him as you ran your fingers against him, making him twitch as he nodded desperately. You smiled at how needy your sweet Omega was being, how much he was moving underneath your grip as stroked him. You bit your lips as you pulled away from him to guide him towards the bed. 
You could see how pink his skin was, despite the tan on his body you could still see it. He moved quickly onto the bed, laying on his back and opening his legs to let the air hit him where it burnt the most, causing him to sigh in relief, but not noticing how you gasped as you looked in between his legs.
“Baby? Alpha?” He opened his eyes in confusion as he looked down, his eyes widening when he saw the predatory look in your eyes as you looked at the new slit he now has instead of his testicles. That only made him gush more slick out, moaning at the feeling. The Omega inside of him was happy that his Alpha wanted him like this.
You took a deep breath in, and the sweet scent of vanilla sent another shockwave in your brain cells that only made you tremble as the heat in your body became even more unbearable and the hardness of your dick was now painful, but if you didn’t taste Steve right this second you were going to die.
You lunged yourself on the bed, belly down and in between Steve’s legs. Your nose was close to his center and you closed your eyes and a low purr was heard from you as you took a deep breath in. Steve felt how his slick was coming down and probably dirtying the sheets already, but he didn’t have it in him to care, not right now. 
“You smell delicious… Your Alpha will take care of you baby, don’t worry.” You cooed at him in a low tone and Steve whined in need as you inched closer to him. He needed something, anything at all because he felt his belly turning in pain, the need to be knotted too present.
“Please– Hurry–” And his breath was cut off, his head falling back as you licked a long stripe of his new and virginal cunt, tasting his slick and you moaned at the sweetness of it. He was exquisite, and he was yours, only yours. 
He moaned as he felt your tongue sliding in between his folds, up and down, and then his eyes widened when your tongue went inside, and he felt his gut turning, his belly tensing, not knowing what the feeling was. 
Your left hand was holding his right inner thigh to hold him still and open for you, but the right one left his leg in order for your fingers to rub against his entrance, lubricating them with his new juices. You felt him shiver under your touch and you soothed him with a kiss to his inner thigh and a purr.
“You need to relax for me Stevie, I don’t want you in pain Omega.” Steve whined at the authority yet more slick gushed out knowing his Alpha wanted to take care of him like this and so much. His Omega was at peace, happy, chirping all around and he felt himself relax as you slowly pushed a single digit inside. 
He gasped but yet a moan escaped him despite the stretch and surprise. It was a new feeling that’s for sure, but it felt good, it felt really good, and it wasn’t enough.
Your tone gave away that you were not going to let him take the lead in this. You need to prepare him or else you will tear your Omega apart. Steve whined a little bit only to be replaced by a moan as you started moving the digit in and out of him at a slow pace. You noticed the more time you kept thrusting, the more slick started coming out, which was a good sign.
You were on a thin rope right now though. You don’t even know how you’re managing it, but it must be because your love for Steve goes beyond the designation of the secondary gender. You’ve been together since high school, and you don’t see a future where he is not present. On every road, Steve is there.
You could hear the wet sounds of Steve’s juices as your finger pumped him, and it was time for a bigger stretch, so you slowly started moving another one in. You felt Steve clench as a small gasp escaped him, so you wanted him to relax even more, to get lost in the sensation. You licked your lips in order to wet them and you guided your mouth to take his cocklette into your mouth with ease. 
“OH– FUCK–!” He couldn’t believe how much he was feeling at the moment. The pleasure and the relief of finally getting something, anything at all. His belly felt on fire as it relaxed and contracted again as your fingers pumped in and out of him. Your tongue swirled around his cocklette and your fingers slowly curled up inside of him, making Steve feel something new.
You chuckled as his moans became needier, knowing you hit that new spongy part inside of him, the one you know quite well. You could feel his hand raising to get hold of your head, his fingers threading into your hair as his hips started grinding against your face and fingers. He had drool falling from the side of his mouth and his face looked completely flushed and sweaty from how hot everything just felt. 
“Feels good?” You asked him as you popped his cocklette out of your mouth just to make sure the sounds you’re hearing are all good. His safety comes first, even before your own pleasure. Your dick can remain as hard as a rock if Steve decided to stop now. You can relieve yourself somehow, away from him, but Steve will always come first and foremost.
“Yes! Yes! Please–!” You’ve never heard Steve this way, and it was becoming your own situation even harder to keep. You growled in satisfaction as your fingers picked up the pace and your mouth returned to his cocklette, swirling your tongue all around it as Steve thrashed under you, his hips bucking up to meet your mouth and fingers.
His belly felt weird, it was tight, and it pained him, and then it didn’t. You felt his walls clenching on your fingers and you knew he was close. His moans were louder and his cries with your name vibrated all around the room, the walls shaking with his noises. You decided to then introduce another finger in, sliding it easily thanks to the wetness and Steve saw stars. You popped your mouth away from him in order to talk with a smirk on your face–
“Cum for me Omega. Cum.”
And that’s Steve’s doom as he felt his entire belly tense up, he felt his insides and his new walls clench around your fingers as he cried loudly in pleasure, his hips raising from the bed as your fingers squelched even more thanks to how much he was giving you. Your mouth wrapped around his cocklette once more in order to take in the squirt coming out of there.
“ALPHA!” You growled at the taste and the sound of his needy voice calling for you. You started to slow down your pace with your fingers as you felt him unclench you, relaxing his body back down onto the bed. You licked up his cocklette, making him twitch at every lick from the overstimulation.
Steve didn’t know where he was. He felt everything on fire and not at the same time, but what he knew was that even if he came, the pain in his belly was still there. He needs to give his Alpha some pleasure, he can’t be selfish, and he needs to move.
But before he could, you were already lapping at his slit, making him moan with a wince as you licked up all of the juices he gushed out with his orgasm. You moaned into his cunt at the sweetest thing you’ve ever tried. If you were to die there, you would die a happy woman. 
“So delicious Stevie, you’re so beautiful…” You moaned out with a purr and you heard a small chirp coming from Steve, but then you felt him pulling your head up from in between his legs so you could look at his glossy eyes and red cheeks.
“Alp– Alpha– I need you, I– I want to do something to you too–” You shook your head at him as you crawled away from him. He whined at the loss of contact but you could only chuckle at how needy your Omega was.
“I love you Stevie, but– I don’t have the patience right now to do anything else but knot you and mate you.” Your voice was low but not demanding. He knew it was a question and your Omega happily submitted as he rolled over to lay on his tummy and you tilted your head in confusion at it but your eyes widened when he raised his ass up, presenting himself to you. He turned his head that was still on the mattress, his eyes completely dilated for you.
“Please– Knot me Alpha– I need it, I need you baby–” A growl rumbled in your chest, and you grabbed onto your new girth, stroking it in slow motions, making you moan out at the new sensation. You looked at Steve’s slit, clenching and unclenching as he waited for you. You positioned yourself behind him and you didn’t know if what you were doing was correct, this was all new to you as well, but it was all out of pure instinct.
You took a deep breath in as you tentatively ran the head of your cock through Steve’s wet folds and you groaned at the feeling of it. You took a deep breath in as you cupped Steve’s sex in order to wet your hand in his wetness and then you stroke yourself some more to lubricate your cock. 
“Ready for me Omega?” You asked in a soft tone, but Steve could hear the strain behind it as if you were holding yourself back and he smiled fondly because you were taking care of him so he wouldn’t feel weird or in pain. He nodded against the mattress as he wiggled his ass towards you again.
“Yes, please, I need your knot sweetheart…” You took a deep breath in and you guided your cock into Steve’s entrance and you slowly started to push in. Your eyes clenched at the feeling of Steve clenching around you, his walls burning but it felt good. It was definitely a good burn.
Steve’s eyes were wide as he felt himself being stretched open, the pressure making it burn but the feeling of finally having you inside of him overlapped the pain completely. He whimpered as he felt you going deeper, and he was so happy, so happy that his chirps and purrs were coming out of nowhere, not being able to control himself.
“Fuck!” You bottomed out inside of him, and you were breathing heavily because holy shit… This felt right, different but right. You leaned forward and you managed to kiss his shoulder because your frame was still smaller than his. “You okay baby?”
“Uh– Uh huh… It feels so good, so fucking good…” He was becoming something he always called you whenever he fucked into you. Cock drunk. Now he knows the feeling of it, and fuck does he love it. Only because it’s you.
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up, darling?” Steve clenched at that, making you groan and then chuckle at how spot-on you were. You tentatively moved your hips backward, Steve taking a deep breath in before you moved back in. You kept that slow tortuous pace for a while, but you wanted Steve to adjust to you.
Steve was already in another state of mind, moaning louder at every thrust that you gave him and then he started moving his hips towards yours, looking for more friction, for more roughness. You growled at his impatience and you pressed his upper back to pin him down so he wouldn’t move anymore. 
He whined, complaining for not getting his way, only for his eyes to widen as your hips started moving faster, snapping into his, and Steve was surprised by how everything just kept feeling better and better. He could feel you going in and out of him in a place that was giving him so much pleasure, more than he ever had before.
Your hands gripped onto his hips as your rationality started to slip away, feeling a primal urge to make him submit, to make him yours, and you needed to ruin him. Your fingers dug into his skin as you raised your body up, kneeling straight behind Steve, and you started pulling his hips towards you in a harsh manner as you thrust into him.
“Alpha– Alpha– I’m gonna, I’m–” Steve was surprised by how fast he was getting close to the edge again, but he was in a presentation heat. He was sensitive to everything that was being done to him, so his walls started clenching once again, and his belly contracted and tightened. You never stopped snapping your hips against his, growls rumbling in your chest as you felt his pleasured whimpers. 
“Cum for your Alpha, let go Stevie…” You cooed at him, wanting to feel him clench around your cock and your eyes widened when he did, a loud cry of your name escaping his lips against the mattress beneath him. Oh, this was new, this was… exquisite. It felt as if he were milking you as if he were trying to suck you in. 
You felt something inside your belly tighten, and you knew it must be your testicles that were inside of you, warning you that you were coming close. You didn’t get to have him much, but it was expected since it is both of your first times with your new presentations, but you will get one more orgasm out of him. You will.
Once you finally felt Steve unclench you, you pulled out of him, making the Omega whine in distress but not having the energy to get up to look at you. You made Steve turn and land on his back so you could face him. You smiled in satisfaction as you saw tears rolling down his cheeks, and you leaned down to kiss them away.
“Baby…” Steve was breathing heavily, his eyelids closing but the pain was still there. He needed the knot. His Omega needed your knot.
“I know… I know…” And you positioned yourself in between his legs, a position that was always the other way around, but this time it felt more appropriate than ever. You guided yourself into his entrance once again and you kissed him softly on the lips as you thrusted back in again. 
Steve whined in your mouth, a noise of satisfaction escaping him as he felt full once more. He wrapped his legs around your waist, and his arms around your shoulders to pull you closer to him. You smiled onto his lips as you started moving in and out of him once again. 
You took your time, chasing that high that you felt before and something was way different down there. You were feeling something inside of your cock, something that was burning you and you felt extreme heat below. You looked down to see what was wrong, and your eyes widened when a knot started forming at the base of your shaft.
It started hitting against Steve’s opening, trying to intrude, and Steve gasped as he felt it, but he was now desperate for it, trying to chase it so you would start pushing it inside of him so you two would be locked. 
“Give me your pups– Mate me, mate me, please–” He was begging, he needed you so he didn’t have any shame, that could wait for later on, but right now he needed to be locked with you. He needed to be full of you. You moaned as you nodded as you started rutting into him at a fast pace, quick, hard, and the base of your cock started swelling even more, making it almost impossible to thrust back out and you didn’t want to hurt Steve.
So you slammed yourself in and you ground into him, making Steve’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he kept whimpering and crying out your name in moans. He was feeling that spongy part inside of him being hit with no mercy and he was in bliss with it. His cocklette twitched and twitched and he heard you growling so he connected his eyes with yours.
Your teeth were bared almost, breathing heavily as you towered over him, looking down at his bonding gland with intent. Steve nodded desperately at you, and that was all the confirmation you needed in your mind. You leaned down as you felt your knot forming inside of Steve and he whined as the burning returned because of the new stretch.
And then you felt yourself finally release into him, in thick white ropes, and your knot locked in as Steve clenched his walls in his own orgasm, his body shaking as you kept cumming because of how tightly he was holding you in. You growled loudly as you moved your mouth towards the juncture in between his neck and shoulder, over his mating gland.
And you pierced through it with your teeth, biting down.
Steve cried out because of the pain but then warmth invaded his whole body, something clicking inside him, and he smiled widely as he looked at the ceiling. He was bonded to you. He was your mate. Forever. You two were going to be together for the rest of your lives. He can’t wait to have pups, he knew that his presentation heat was not fertile, but maybe the next one…
“Stevie, don’t clench.” You hissed out, making Steve snap out of his thoughts as you raised up from the crook of his neck, and you wiped your mouth away that had some of Steve’s blood mixed with your drool. He was drowsy almost as he looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
“My Alpha…” Your eyes connected with his and you smiled fondly, nodding to him as you leaned to give him a soft kiss on the lips. You remained on top of him as he hugged you close, both still locked in, and you might be for a long while. 
You two regained your breaths slowly, not talking so your minds could also try to come down from the high of your rut and his heat. Five minutes later, you were still locked into him, and he tried to not clench many times so you wouldn’t get overstimulated. He was rubbing circles on your back as you laid your head on his chest, a smile on your lips.
“How are you feeling baby?” You asked as you raised your head up to look at him. He blinked towards the ceiling a few times, a chuckle escaping his lips.
“Ask me tomorrow?” You giggled at that and nodded, understanding that this was still something that you two needed to digest first because this possibility was never in your mind, nor his. But… “You know… it makes sense now that I think about it.”
You frowned and looked at him again.
“What do you mean?”
“I was always maternal. I always took care of the pups, and my biggest dream is to have my own, as many as I can…” He chuckled as he realized that if he had paid a little more attention he would have figured out his secondary gender long ago.
“Okay, yeah, I want pups too–” 
“You were always protective… You were territorial, of me, of the pups, of your parents… Always protecting everyone, and putting your pain aside to take care of everyone else…” He looked at you and you realized he had caught onto you, but you still lied, shaking your head at him.
“No, that’s not true–”
“So you’re telling me you didn’t feel weird this past week? You’re telling me that you didn’t feel any kind of pain?” He asked and you looked at him with a small growl in order for him to not ask anything anymore, but it didn’t work because he rolled his eyes at you, making you sigh.
“I did. But you were in greater pain, so I needed to take care of you first.” You said matter-of-factly, and the puzzle made sense in your head now. He raised an eyebrow at you with a small smile as he saw you realize what he meant. You sighed and gave him a nod to let him know you understood his point and then you felt his finger on your chin so you could look up at him.
“I want your pups… Please?” His eyes were glossy, desperate, and you knew he was reassuring you that he didn’t care about how things turned out, and you didn’t either. You would have never. You smiled at him and nodded, giving him a soft peck on his lips.
“Next time… we’ll make sure it takes.”
And Steve chirped in delight.
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a/n: i woke up one morning thinking about omegaverse and wondering why i never read a single alpha reader fic involving male characters. sometimes we are the ones to rail.
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reallyromealone · 22 days
Title: 6969 special
Fandom: jjk
Characters: toji, Megumi, Gojo, Geto
Fic type: angs to fluff, nsfw
Pairings: Toji x reader, Gojo x geto
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, angst, mpreg hurt to comfort, reader deserves good things
Notes: toji is very OOC but I don't wanna hear it
Summary: reader finds out he's pregnant and toji abandons him but returns years later and they have bittersweet hate sex
(Name) Was quiet in the apartment, sobbing and clinging to himself while sitting on the floor infront of the couch, a pregnancy test infront of him.
'Of course! You were trying to fucking baby trap me!'
'what the fuck do you mean your pregnant!'
'abort it! It's either me or the kid!'
An hour ago (name) told his alpha that he was pregnant... He was so excited to be carrying his mates pup but... Toji... Toji took it bad.
Really bad.
His ears still rang from the yelling and the crying, feeling abandoned and scared.
What was he going to do?
His brother was right...
Shakily, (name) reached for his phone, dialing a number and listening to the phone ring a few times before he heard a click "(name)? It's late, what's wrong?" Satoru spoke worriedly and (name) let out a choked sob "h-he... He left me" he barely managed to speak out and the line was quiet for a second before the sound of rummaging could be heard "where are you?"
"... At home..."
"Don't move"
(Name) Just stared lifelessly while holding his stomach, tears rolling down his cheeks and had no reaction to the door opening "(name)?!" Satoru called while checking the rooms, halting at the sight of his baby brother "hey... Hey..." Gojo immediately crouched infront of the unresponsive Omega and lifted him up, Geto looking concerned at the other Omega and noted the hand on his belly.
Geto's eyes twitched only slightly, realizing what transpired and anger filled him, how dare he abandon (name)?
The car ride was silent, (name) just staring out the window while Gojo and Geto sat in front, the white haired man comforting his omega with a squeeze of the hand "why didn't he want me?" (Name) Asked softly, eyes not leaving the passing lights outside the car "he screamed at me... I didn't mean to get pregnant... Why would he mate me if he didn't want to commit to me all the way..."
"I-I don't know (name) but we will figure this out, alright?"
(Name) Smiled while playing with his son, little one year old Megumi playing with blocks happily without a care in the world. It had been almost two years since Toji vanished and (name) became a single parent, the mating mark faded and (name) devoting his life to his pup. The Zenin clan tried to take parental rights over little Megumi a few times but thankfully the Gojo clans though only four members, was strong and Satoru made them back off.
"Were home!" Satoru yelled out, both him and Geto holding takeout and little Gumi gave a gummy smile before shakily standing up to go see his uncle's "oo-oo!" The babe yelled out to Satoru who grinned at the tiny boy while Suguru went to see the his fellow Omega "you been a good boy?" Satoru lifted little Megumi high, a proud uncle to his best buddy who made little baby noises to the strongest man in the world.
"How was your mission?" (Name) Always spoke softly, a habit from his marriage that never went away though he was a bit more outspoken these days, not by much but it was a step.
They knew (name) missed his alpha, the longing look on his face when he thought they weren't present and the occasional crying could be heard late at night when everyone was asleep.
It was early autumn when (name) was taking little Megumi to the park, the boy excited to play on the jungle gym "gogogo!" He babbled happily and wiggling to get down, recently speaking way more and clearly very opinionated.
What he wasn't expecting was Toji to be standing at the other end of the park.
Just staring.
(Name) Froze in place, toji taking the opportunity to walk towards the Omega "what do you want Toji" (name) lifted little Megumi into his arms, ready to leave at a moment's notice when Toji looked down at the boy who stared back with those same eyes "this him..." "Yeah... The family you abandoned" (name) spat out with a cold look "don't make me repeat myself again" he said seriously and Toki couldn't even take him seriously especially with that baby in his hip.
"I fucked up"
"A little late for apologies, isn't it?"
(Name) Grabbed his sons baby bag, ready to leave when Toji followed him "I fucked up, what I did was fucked up and I want to bring you home"
"We aren't going anywhere with you"
Toji knew this wasn't going to be easy, his omega fucking hated him.
It was late, a week bad passed since since the Omega saw Toji, Satoru and Suguru out on a mission and Megumi at a sleepover with Yuji and Nanami "can we please talk" toji sat on the omegas window frame, a contrast of who he used to be.
"You left me, you screamed at me and left me" (name) said simply and looked at him with a sense of longing "it's been almost two years, two years I had been waiting for you..." The Omega smiled almost happily "you know I cried every night... Then I slowly stopped... Your family tried to take my baby... Penitence for my failure to keep you"
Toji was quiet, feet touching the ground and walking towards his mate and hugging him, the scent that (name) craved surrounding him and a sob broke through (name) "I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry" no one would ever believe that Toji would be soft or sweet towards (name), anyone really. (Name) Held onto him tightly "w-we can't... We can't have this..."
"Give me one night baby... Please..." Toji whispered and kissed him with longing and regret, (name) kissing back with the same heartbreak and longing that was heavy around them.
(Name) Gasped and whined, kisses being placed down his throat and Adams apple lovingly, cherishing every second of his mate who let him manhandle him onto the bed, (name) pulling his shirt off and touching the others exposed chest, the heat of his body almost burning (name)s skin.
The two kicked off their pants, (name) tossing his own shirt to the side before tugging the alphas haid and pulling him into a kiss, tongues gliding against each other while tojis larger cock rubbed against (name)s and the pre-cum making it slick, the sensation making (name) shake. He hadn't had sex in two years, his body extremely sensitive to the touch and Toji was hell bent on exploiting it.
"God you're perfect..." The Alpha kissed the stretch marks along his omegas belly and nipped at his hip, a look in his eyes when they locked eyes "a-ah! O-oh god!" Toji took (name)s cock in his mouth, like a vacuum he began sucking hard and fast, not breaking eye contact for a second. He wanted to see every reaction the other had, every reaction he missed for two years.
"G-gunna cum!" (Name)S hips bucked up and toes curled, his body not sure what to do with all the sensations he felt but toju swallowed every drop while (name) shook and whined "now... To the best part..." Toji moved (name)s legs up and pressed against his chest to see his slicked ass and diving in like a starving man.
His tongue was relentless, lapping and pushing in occasionally to get more of the Omegas slick that was like a waterfall that he couldn't get enough of.
Slowly introducing his ring finger, he pressed up into his prostate while leaving Hickey's on the omegas thigh "p-please... Please im ready" (name) whined out and Toji chuckled "you so needy for me? Filthy omega" he chuckled before adding another finger and scissoring and stretching his ass.
When (name) was stretched out and needy, Toji positioned his cock against (name)s hole, rubbing slowly before pushing slightly before rubbing again. Pushing in, the two gasped while Toji groaned st the sensation of his omegas tight ass around the fat thick head of his cock "perfect... So perfect" he mumbled while slowly bottoming out. (Name) Was shaking and eyes crossed, the poor Omega trying to settle down with the others cock in him "you ok, baby boy?" Toji teased and leaned forward to kiss the other, a soft form of comfort that worked.
(Name) Gasped when Toji began pistoning into him, two years pent up all being brought to the surface and taken out on (name) who wasn't complaining.
They both needed this.
The sound of thighs slapping ass cheeks and the sensation of Tojis balls hitting (name)s tailbone was all (name could focus on while desperately clinging to the man above him, feeling himself grow closer but Toji was relentless.
"S'rry... S-fuck! God baby I'm so fucking sorry, I'm so fucking sorry..." Toji babbled while fucking with every emotion locked away.
"Kiss me.." (name) whispered and the two climaxed, (name)s body shaking and his cheek stained with his own cum that spurted out.
"I'm so sorry for walking out on you..."
"But why didn't you come back?" (Name) Whispered while clinging to the other like he'd vanish "I needed to sort some things... Please let me fix this"
"... One step at a time"
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