#the exact traits of their favourite characters will vary wildly
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Spicy take: I'm starting to think that the concept of "trickster" is about just as meaningful as the concept of Hero's Journey.
Sure, you can fit a lot of stories into it and some were written with that specific archetype in mind but also it conflates Joker, Odysseus, Br'er Rabit and Slavic folktales protagonists and I don't think these should belong in the same category.
Boundary crossing can be done for many reasons and in many ways. The need to lump all such characters into a single category says more about our over-reliance on rigid structures, the lack of play in our culture and a desperate need for something else.
#I'm sure there's a dissertation written about it somewhere#if not I'm considering getting another education#if I think about axes of classification#there's contact with the sacred or a lack of it (a lot of so-called modern 'tricksters' only deal with the mundane)#there's willingness or unwillingness to perform that role (some 'tricksters' are doomed by the narrative)#some only seek fun but I've seen characters with personal goals being called tricksters#and then they can fit into the culture itself differently#a cultural hero. a hero of an oppressed minority. a wise being symbolising acceptance of paradoxes. an evil spirit#why is the same word applied to all of them#simply because they aren't bound by so-called rational thinking and society's rules?#come on I want more nuance#when a person says they like trickster characters I don't know what they mean anymore#the exact traits of their favourite characters will vary wildly
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I think I probably first encountered omegaverse in the spn fandom back when the show would have been around season 6. I wasn’t in many other fandoms back then as that’s the show that got me more invested in fandom as a whole. I think probably just based on the sheer amount of omegaverse fic I eventually just stumbled across one and not knowing what it was, gave it a shot
As far as trends go, I can’t really say too much about that. Up until fairly recently it wasn’t a genre I actively looked for, and mostly just read fics that had something else I was looking for and the omegaverse aspect was just something on the side that I didn’t put much focus on.
This changed a few months back when I found out that there was a live action omegaverse show about race car drivers called Pit Babe. And as someone who loves bad books and tv, and when weird fandom stuff breaks containment, I immediately started watching it. And much to my surprise, it was actually pretty good. Completely ridiculous sure, but I genuinely enjoyed the story and was super impressed by some of the acting. By the end I was sitting there wishing they had leaned into the omegaverse part of the show even more Pit Babe fans please manifest pregnant Babe in season 2 with me
I like a lot of werewolf media so perhaps me becoming an omegaverse fan was somewhat inevitable. And back when I was in high school I Loved the sort of aggressive bad boy type characters that a lot of people write alphas as. I like that particular trope a lot less now than I did then however.
That’s probably one of the things I like least about the genre, though. A lot of it is aggressive, masculine alphas, and hyper infantilized omegas who will cry at the first hint of negativity. It’s just gender essentialism: yaoi edition. The traditionally masculine coded character is strong and possessive and has very little self control in sexual situations. The traditionally feminine coded character is overly emotional as well as submissive and breedable. A lot of inexperienced authors will force these traits into characters they REALLY don’t work with instead of writing a character who just so happens to be an omega. I have read about omega Geralt of Rivia bursting into hysterics because Jaskier said one kinda bitchy thing to him. I have seen authors complain about booktok men while writing alphas the exact same way. I have no issue with the sort of bodice ripper romance this writing is very reminiscent of but I’ve found a bit of a lack of self awareness about it.
I think at its best omegaverse can be a really interesting way to explore gender dynamics in society and in relationships, both romantic and platonic. Non-traditional alpha/beta/omega dynamics are some of my favourites (Pit Babe may have something to do with me really seeking this out since it’s main pairing is alpha/alpha with the more traditionally masculine character as the bottom). I also like the found family trope a lot and it blends in so easily with omegaverse pack dynamics.
There’s some really great omegaverse content out there, but like a lot of genres, there’s also an ocean of garbage. My advice if you are apprehensive about getting into it is to get some recommendations from a friend who knows your tastes. It’s a really varied genre and offers little in the way of rules or consistency. The whole concept can feel wildly different between authors.
Omegaverse readers & writers!! I want to hear from you!!!
Firstly — Yes — I have already done a lot of research. I don’t need the basics explained to me or the fact that it is an incredibly diverse genre with examples good writing, bad writing, good social commentary, bad social commentary, expansive thoughtful worldbulding, raunchy porn without plot, and everything in between.
What I’m looking for with this post is personal experiences and opinions from people who read/ write this content since I am not one. Feel free to link any fics that exemplify what you’re talking about.
you can write as much or as little as you like, answer as many or as few of the questions as you like:
What fandom introduced you to omegaverse?
What trends and developments have you noticed as the genre has grown over the past 14-ish years?
what initially intrigued you about it?
Are there similar genres, tropes, etc, that you also enjoy? (ie. werewolf or other supernatural romance, science fiction which explores alternative biology) basically, how does omegaverse fit into your wider literary tastes?
what do enjoy most about it?
what are some elements you avoid or are critical of?
Any specifics or nuances you want the non-omegaverse reading public to know about
In case anyone is coming across this post without knowing who i am — Hi! I’m a youtuber and I make videos about online subculture, fandom, and such.
Your comment on this post may be read aloud in an upcoming video!! Please specify if you would like me to censor your url or leave it visible.
#Father Strange if you use this please include my url#anyone who checks out Pit Babe after this deserves to know who to blame for the psychic damage
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Super Detailed Character Sheet
I had a need for a super long and detailed character sheet so I decided to combine a lot of different sheets I found and add my own questions. There are a lot of questions relating to contemporary things (ex. character’s favourite avenger) these can either be ignored or answered as if the character fits to the question. It is mainly meant for original characters in a non-high-fantasy setting but can still be used for such, I would just advise to find a small character sheet for more detailed questions about their high-fantasy deviations from reality.
Use as you want, but please like or reblog if you do.
I apologise for any mistakes, this took forever and I did not read it all through once more.
Name: Origin of name: Nickname: Origin of nickname: Does character like nickname?: Birth Date: Place of Birth: Ethnic Background: Citizenship status: Socioeconomic Background: Different from childhood?:
Birth date: Time of day (either exact or morning/evening etc.) Western sign: Traits associated with this: Chinese sign: Traits associated with this:
Current Address: Renting place or owning place?: Apartment, house, trailer, castle etc.?: What floor / how many floors (attic / basement?): How big: Live alone or with someone?: Area where they live (city, town, rural, other?): How close to the neighbours: Do they have a garden: How does it look: (Flower garden, pool, unkempt, paved, terrace, fields etc.) Is this ideal home type/location?: If not; what would be?: Why not live there: Home decor: (Carefully planned, comfortable, fashionable etc.) Expensive OR inexpensive: Neat OR Cluttered: What are the walls decorated with: (Wallpaper, art, photos, newspaper clippings etc.) What type of curtains: (Frilly, lacy, venetian blinds, pull down shades etc.) Is their house clean: Do they clean it themselves: What’s a visitors first impression: How does their workspace look like: (Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in books and papers, neatly organised, they don’t have any, all on a computer, artsy with colourful folders and small baskets etc.) What colour are their sheets: What material:
Does character have pets: How many: What kind: If no; why: How important are they: How well treated:
Sexuality: Marital status: With whom: For how long (dating + marriage): Children: (Names, ages, other parents—basics)
Three words to describe character:
Physical Appearance:
Age: Appear as: Gender: Species / Race: Signs of this (compared to humans): Signs of this (compared to other creatures in world): Height: (Cm + inches/feet) Weight: (Kg, lbs, stone) Bodytype: (Skinny, slim, athletic, curvy, overweight, muscular etc.) Eye colour: Glasses, contacts, hearing aids: Grooming: Very neat / average / clean but sloppy / unkempt Why: Facial hair: Hair: Style: (Long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.) Texture: (Thick, thin, wiry, smooth, wavy, curly, nappy etc.) Colour (natural & current): Skin tone: (Pale, ivory, ruddy, tan, olive, brown, black etc.) Prominent features (+ location): (Freckles, moles, scars, tattoos, birthmarks, others) Story behind those: Most distinguishing feature: Face shape: (Round, oval, chubby, thin, long, square, heart shaped etc.) Looks most like: (Eg. Famous person, family member) General level of attractiveness:
Describe character in a paragraph (around 100 words):
Handedness: Left / Right General health: Chronic conditions: Current health problems: Allergies: Any visible signs of these:
How does character dress: Expensive / Average / Inexpensive / Cheap Haute Couture / Conservative / Trendy / Eclectic / Business / Sexy / Gaudy / Casual / Sloppy General size for Shirts: Skirts: Socks/Shoes: (Different sizes for different types eg. Rollerblades, stilettos, ski boots etc.) Dresses to be noticed: YES or NO Jewellery: Anything special: Make-up: (Casual, fancy, colourful, smokey, blending, noticeable, to hide something etc.) Other accessories:
Habits, Lifestyle and Emotional Characteristics:
Does character drive: What vehicle (make, model, colour, age etc.): Pace:
Accent / Dialect: Voice Tone: (Shrill, high, average, deep, squeaky, hoarse, harsh, authoritative, cultured etc.) Favourite / habitual: Word: Phrase: Curse word: General vocabulary / speech pattern: (Educated, precise, pretentious, average, childish, uneducated, vulgar etc.)
Mannerisms / Demeanour: Cool & Confident / Volatile & Moody / Nervous & Fidgety & Shy / Other Typical Posture: Stiff & Rigid / Straight not stiff / average OR varies w/mood / slumped & defeated / slouchy & careless / relaxed / Other Gestures: Not much / deliberate & controlled / Only when excited OR upset / Often / Wildly OR Weirdly Common gestures/habits: (Nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets etc.) (Smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling) Are these addictions:
Finances: (Prudent/cautious, average w/some debt, lives paycheque to paycheque, deep in debt, criminal etc.) How do they act with their money: (Misery, generous, helpful etc.)
Morning routine: Alone or with someone in bed: Time to wake: Number of alarms (or other means of waking): Cheerful or loathsome: Normal breakfast: Breakfast activity: (Read, tv, feed pets etc.) Afternoon/Workday routine: Work home or out or not: How do they get to work: Like/hate work: Just their work or all work: Good at their job/enthusiastic: Length of workday: Number of workdays per week: Vacations, sickness, social security and other perks: Where/how do they get lunch: Dinner routine: Eat at home or out: Favourite restaurant: Favourite meal to make: Hated restaurant: Hated meal: What happens during dinner: (Tv, conversation, fighting, reading etc.) Who cleans/makes food: Food life style: (Healthy, fast food, mix, paleo, vegan, vegetarian etc.) Evening routine: What do they do in evening: Where: With whom: What is ideal evening: Bedtime routine: Normal bedtime (if any): Fall asleep right away or lie awake: Sleeps well or poorly: Dream activity: (A lot, never, little, in bursts) (Pleasant, sexual, scary, imaginative) Reoccurring dreams:
Hobbies: (Sports, arts, collecting, gaming etc.) Means of exercising (if any): What does the character do for relaxation: For inspiration: Does character read the newspaper: What part of it:
Personality, Mentality and Personal Beliefs:
Psychological issues: (Phobias, depression, paranoia, narcissism etc.) Pessimist or optimist: MBTI personality type:
Most comfortable when: (Alone, with friends, drinking, outside, inside etc.) Most uncomfortable when: (In a crowd, alone, speaking in public, taking exam etc.)
Approach to life: Cautious / Brave / Reckless Compassionate & sensitive / self-involved & selfish / Oblivious Personal philosophy: Reaction in a crisis: Usual areas of problems: (Romance, finances, friends, colleagues, personal flaws, health etc.) Reaction to change: What are their greatest stressors: What could the character be blackmailed due to: Would they let themselves be blackmailed:
What does character value / prioritise most: (Family, money, religion, success etc.) Why is it not the same thing: Characters greatest strength: Greatest flaw: Other strengths: Other flaws: What does the character like most/least about themselves: What do they think others think of them: Are they correct: What would they like to change about themselves: How confident are they:
Willing to die for: Has the character written a will: Willing to kill for: Biggest embarrassment: Greatest wish: Biggest regret: Other regrets: Proudest accomplishment: Other accomplishments: Biggest secret(s): Does anybody else know those: Does character know that those people know: How were they revealed: Is it okay they know: How far will character go to protect their secret(s): What does the character work to gain / keep / protect: Biggest fear:
Quirks: Seven things characters hate about others: (Physical appearance, behaviour, opinion etc.) Characters greatest virtue: Characters greatest vice: What vice and virtue does character like least in others: What is the worst crime anyone can commit according to character: What is a crime but should not be (if any) according to character: What are their pet peeves:
Prejudice: (Race, culture, sexuality, religion, alignment, class, profession etc.) Are they aware: Do they care:
Monogamous or uncommitted: If latter, honest with partner: Sexual behaviour: (Inhibited, average, experimental, reckless) Has this changed over the years: Why:
Political party / beliefs: What kind of government would they rather follow: Democracy / Monarchy / Anarchy / Aristocratic rule / Oligarchy / Matriarchy / Patriarchy Believe in fate / destiny: Any superstitions: Believe in magic, myth and the supernatural: Religion: Degree of commitment: Visibly religious or only personally: Defensive of faith/religion: Is/Was it the typical religion where they grew up/live: How did/does this affect them:
Does character know their family history: Their country’s history: Did they participate / shape / witness any of this: Any other interesting histories: (The church around the corner of their childhood home, their school, their current home etc.) Is character patriotic:
Home town (and country if it differs from current): Stayed in one place or move around: What place did character like the most and why: The least: Childhood: (Happy, troubled, dull) Is it an accurate memory:
Earliest memory: Saddest memory: Happiest memory: Clearest memory: Not sure if true memory: Scariest memory: Most significant childhood event/memory: Other significant events/memories:
Have they committed a(several) crime(s): What did they do: Punishment: Falsely accused or not: Would they be capable of killing a person:
First crush: First sexual experience: Positive or negative: With another gender: Positive or negative: Other first sexual experiences: Positive or negative:
Major accidents or traumas: Still affected: How:
Family, Origin and Other Relations:
Mother: Full name + maidens name: Current status + age: Occupation (prior): Relation with character: Do they feel the same way: Prior marriages if any: Children from here: Socioeconomic background as a child:
Father: Full name: Current status + age: Occupation (prior): Relation with character: Do they feel the same way: Prior marriages if any: Children from here: Socioeconomic background as child:
Step-/foster-/birthparents: Character adopted (or otherwise did not live with their birth parents): Why: Do they know: Siblings: (Name, age, birth order, relation with each) Nieces / Nephews: In-Laws: Children: (Name, age, birth order, relation with each) Other important family: (Cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents etc.) Ideal family (either future family or current):
Is there a black/white sheep of the family: Who: How did they end up like that: Does the character agree with this position: Is there a notorious or celebrated ancestor in the family: Do people’s opinion of the character change when they learn of their ancestry:
If married: Describe proposal: Describe meeting: Happy marriage: Nicknames for spouse: Prior romantic partners:
Best / closest friend: Same as in childhood: When did they meet: How did they become friends: Other close friends:
How is character perceived by / react to..: Friends: Strangers: Spouse / Lover: Past spouse / lovers: Children: Their children: Other family members: The opposite sex: Superiors: Inferiors: Service workers: Competitors: Authority: (Police, IRS, politicians, attorneys, doctors etc.) People who challenge them: People who anger them: People who ask for help: Most likeable trait: Biggest flaw:
Who do they dislike the most: Why: Do they have enemies: Like the most: Why: Most important person in their life: Why: Has it been others: Will it be others in the story:
Important people they lost contact with: Why: Worst end of relationship: Who do they rely on for practical advise: For emotional advise / support: Whom do they support:
Whom do they most admire: Biggest influence:
Career and Training:
Current occupation: Time employed: Location: Job title: Job satisfaction: Income Level: Education: Significant past jobs: Time in school: Type of school: Does character like school: Were they good in school: (GPA) Best subjects: Worst subjects: Did the character choose their own line of occupation or were they pushed by parents:
Skills: Intelligence level: Talents: What do they suck at:
Miscellaneous and Character Development:
Favourites and Least favourites: Food: Drink: Colour: Book: Movie: Music/song: TV: Sport: Motto/Quote: Hangouts: Possession: Smell: Taste: Sound: Animal:
Make your character choose / what fits the character best: Tear down / Build up Deliberate / Spontaneous Town / Country Deaf / Blind Logic / Emotion Greedy / Generous Humble / Obnoxiously proud Eat fast / savour Sweet / savoury Spicy / Bland Black-White reality / nuanced reality Leader / Follower Explain any/all of the above answers
What music do they listen to: When they are sad: When they work out: When in love: When cooking: On Public transport: What books do they like reading: Do they read the newspaper: What section:
What Hogwarts House would they be sorted into: If they committed a crime, what would it be (ignore if they have committed a crime): Which Avenger is their favourite: If they entered Hunger Games, what would be their strategy: Which FRIENDS character.. Are they: Do they want to be: Do they hate the most: It is movie-/TV-show marathon night, what do they watch: Who is their celebrity and fictional crush: What starter Pokemon would they choose: Does the type change with different gens: If they got a time machine, where would they travel first: Within their own life: If they could not visit their own life (would they visit past or future): What house would they belong to in A Song of Ice and Fire:
What can they not live without: Favourite Halloween costume: Favourite holiday: Best thing to do on a rainy day: How is their handwriting: Do they get motion sick, air sick, sea sick: Do they keep journals:
What is in their: Fridge: Purse / bag Backpack Wallet Medicine Cabinet Glove compartment Junk Drawer Locker Desk Pockets
What would be their 3 wishes from a genie: What is the top item on their bucket list: Imagine the character looking down at their feet, describe what they see: (What do they wear, where are they, what do they notice, what would other notice, does their neck hurt, do they like/dislike what they see etc.) If they had 24 hours to live, what would their last day consist of (alternatively, choose 5 things they would do before they die): How do they determine their passwords: Are they easy to figure out for other people:
Long term goals: Does character plan to achieve those: How: Why not: Will others be affected and does it matter to character: What is stopping character from reaching those goals: Do they achieve those goals: How does it change them: Was it as satisfying as they imagined: Short term goals: Does character plan to achieve those: How: Why not: Will others be affected and does it matter to character: What is stopping character from reaching those goals: Do they achieve those goals: How does it change them: Was it as satisfying as they imagined:
#this is based on various other character sheets#and my own questions#I hope this helps somebody#please reblog if using#or like#writing help#writer's block#character development#character template#character sheet#character help#writing#character building#original character#original writing#writers#write#writeblr
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