#the entire history of israel is built on lies and terrorism
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news4dzhozhar · 10 months ago
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mithliya · 11 months ago
Some believed that the Oct. 7 attack only targeted military sites. Others were convinced that all Israeli civilian casualties were the result of mistaken IDF counter-fire or the activation of the “Hannibal Directive,” a portion of the IDF Code of Conduct — which has reportedly been revoked since 2016 — which purportedly allows for Israelis to be targeted in order to prevent their captivity. Oct. 7 denialism was further fueled by some reports that turned out to be false or inaccurate, such as the 40 beheaded babies or first responders finding dead children hung on clotheslines in a row.
Nevertheless, overwhelming video and anecdotal evidence unequivocally and definitively prove the unspeakable scale of the atrocities committed against Israeli civilians, many of whom were in fact leftists and even peace activists.
I never thought that the Palestinian people and their entirely legitimate grievances would be associated with such brutal acts as those that actually took place on Oct. 7. While Hamas militants are a small part of the Palestinian population, their crimes are a shameful stain in the history of Palestinian resistance to Israeli injustices. Someone who is truly of the left cannot in good conscience explain it away.
Along with the stubborn unwillingness by some on the left to acknowledge how horrendous Oct. 7 was, there exists an equally staunch refusal to denounce Hamas as a seriously violent terror group that not only committed a vile atrocity against Israelis, but has exercised authoritarian violence against Gazans for over 17 years.
Herein lies the problem: Hamas has hijacked the resistance narrative and even the Arabic word for resistance (muqawama). Since taking over the Gaza Strip, the group has consistently hidden behind the resistance narrative, thus shielding itself from criticism and absolving itself of its dismal political and economic failures.
Despite nearly two decades of the Israeli blockade that harmed the lives and prospects of ordinary Gazans, Hamas created an environment in which its members, patrons and affiliates were insulated from the blockade’s dire effects. Hamas established a web of businesses and imposed taxes on virtually every financial transaction and exchange, worsening the economic conditions for millions who were living under crushing poverty.
In 2017, 2019 and in the summer of 2023, tens of thousands of Gazans protested against their living conditions, the lack of human rights, and the political deadlock between Hamas and the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority. In each of these instances, Hamas responded with overwhelming brutality and force. They jailed, beat and tortured protestors and unleashed its thugs and cyber warriors to bully and harass everyday Gazans.
Hamas’s rise to power and entrenched control of Gaza was supported and desired by Netanyahu and his regime of anti-Palestinian extremists. The Islamist group was bolstered in an effort to keep the Palestinians divided and to weaken the PA, preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state. With a weak PA and a militant Hamas, Israel could proclaim the lack of a viable partner to negotiate peace with. Netanyahu is now desperate to prolong the worst war that Palestinians have faced in generations to save his political prospects, putting Hamas and Israel’s dictatorial strongman in an unspoken alliance against the people of Gaza.
Hamas’s intransigence and continued refusal to sacrifice some of its demands to achieve a rapid ceasefire agreement illustrates the group’s callous disregard for the lives of its people. Imagine how much more powerful the pro-Palestine movement would be if its actions and strategies were built upon an anti-Hamas framework that acknowledges Palestinians’ rights to resistance but denounces indiscriminate violence against civilians, the theocratic authoritarianism of Islamist groups like Hamas and the human rights abuses that Gazans themselves experienced under Hamas’ rule. Imagine if the pro-Palestine left understood the vast extent to which Hamas was a useful idiot in the nefarious designs of Netanyahu’s regime.
As Gazans turn against the Islamist group in droves due to the horrendous consequences of its deadly actions, it’s time for the pro-Palestine left to follow suit and abandon Hamas.
not the full article but these are sections i found important.
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readingsquotes · 11 months ago
“In passing anti-terrorism laws, legislators have made little secret that a primary aim has been to repress Palestinian freedom struggles,” said Darryl Li, author of the briefing paper. “This briefing paper connects the dots, showing how the anti-Muslim policies of the post-9/11 era were built on a foundation of anti-Palestinian animus.”
The intensity of the effort to silence advocates for Palestinian rights since October 7 has escalated despite most Americans supporting a ceasefire and half of Democrats believing Israel is committing genocide. Recent attacks on their rights grow out of a long history in which Israel-aligned groups and their allies in Congress have both shaped anti-terrorism laws and weaponized them against advocates of Palestinian liberation, according to the report:
The first mention of “terrorism” in a federal statute, in 1969, dealt specifically with restricting humanitarian aid to Palestinians. 
The first U.S. government terrorism blacklist was championed by Israel’s supporters and has been used primarily against governments supporting Palestinian resistance. 
The first and only time Congress has designated a group a terrorist organization was in a 1987 law aimed at the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). 
The first immigration law to include terrorism as a basis for exclusion and deportation singled out the PLO. 
Although the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was perpetrated by domestic extremists, the antiterrorism provisions passed in its wake – including the one criminalizing “material support” – targeted only foreign groups, with Palestinians a primary focus.  
“Understanding the ways that Israel and its allies have shaped anti-terrorism laws is essential to challenging their use today as a weapon to shut down both humanitarian lifelines to Gaza in furtherance of this genocide, and the movement in the U.S. that is trying to stop it,” said Dima Khalidi, Director of Palestine Legal. “This briefing paper is a first step toward interrogating this entire regime that has served to undermine fundamental constitutional rights as it has been exploited to criminalize opposition to Israel’s 75 years of oppression of Palestinians.”
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petalsbleedingbeak2 · 1 year ago
The only terrorists in the area are IOF Nazis.
Zionism is highly antisemitic and its current pro-IOF form is literally built on the ideological grounds of the Holocaust.
Let me give you a lesson on history and political science, bitch.
Zionism in its modern sense is antisemitic on so many levels it's hard to comprehend.
First, "Israelis" and zionism in general claims that actions of IOF speak for all Jews. Therefore, they
- actively erase the history, culture, and to a sense the very existence of Ashkenazi Jews and other non-Palestinian diasporas who have no ties to Palestine and therefore to what zionists call "Israel".
- "Israel" was created by the Western occupants of Palestine in 1947. Prior to the WW2, in 1935/36, before the Holocaust began, Hitler "offered" Germany's Jews to the Western powers. It was of course a scam for he knew that nobody would accept several millions of refugees. Bear in mind that the reluctance of the West was also caused by their racism not very different from that of Third Reich's. Most prominent European and US universities had a Department of racial hygiene up to the WW2. I only put this in to illustrate that the racial ideology that was a ground to Nazism was at that point considered a valid scientific theory, just like phrenology a century prior. This is not an excuse, but it may help to understand why this entire monstrosity of the Holocaust was allowed to happen to begin with. Anyway, West's reluctance to accept several millions of refugees was abused by Hitler's ideology. They were refused mostly because they were in droves, not because of their Jewish ethnicity. Nevertheless, Hitler warped this into the "The West refused our Jews, therefore nobody wants the Jews, thus the extermination of the Jews is justified" rhetorics. It was, of course, utterly psychopathic, yet it was what it was. The horrors of the Holocaust happened, leaving 6 million dead and many more lost, uprooted, and damaged beyond repair.
Now, after the WW2, the entire West double downed on Hitler's "justification" of the Holocaust. They were like Okay, this Hitler guy was a cunt but he was right. We don't want the Jews here, but we can't say it now when we condemned him for saying that. So let's do this. We make this huge ghetto in Palestine and remove all the refugees there, but we tell them we give the land to them so the Jews are gone and we still look like the good guys.
"Israel" is nothing but a ghetto built on the ideological foundations of the Holocaust and Nazism.
Now, IOF claims and acts as if it was a sole authority on Jewish experience. Not only is this incredibly insulting to Jews in general, but IOFs claims of being some sort of pan-Jewish holy homeland actively erases the entire history, experience, and really existence of Ashkenazi Jews. Mind you that IOF silence Jewish voices worldwide if they do not spew zionist lies.
Moreover, IOF not only declares itself a sole authority on Jewish experience, but it disregards any criticism of it as antisemitism. That leads to several interesting phenomena, such as
- Jews who criticize IOFs act of terrorism being labelled antisemitic,
- all Jews being equated to IOFs acts of terrorism,
- (recent) with current Netenyahu's calls for utter extermination of Gaza and dehumanization of the Palestinians, IOF are literally copy pasting Nazi propaganda that dehumanized the Jews, comparing Palestinians to animals and literally calling for genocide. Netenyahu is literally using Goebbles' words to describe the Indigenous people.
I'm not even going to adress your remarks toward islam; not only are you proving your islamophobic bias and utter lack of knowledge of islam in general (not that there wasn't anything to criticize but you prove that your pseudocriticism has utterly no ground beyond your islamophobia), but you also prove lack of knowledge of the Palestinian history and culture since majority of the Palestinians are actually christian.
Here is professor Norman Finkelstein, whose parents were murdered during the Holocaust, activelly calling out "Israel" on its cosplaying Nazi Germany:
I admit I didn't know this before but this rabbi explains how zionism is actually against the Torah:
If you are a zionist, you are antisemite. If you support IOF, which is currently copying the acts of Nazi Germany, you are a scum who would support the Nazis in 1930s, and an antisemite. Eat shit and snuff yourself, you Nazi twat.
Oh, and
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dfroza · 4 years ago
will you stand in your faith?
in what you “believe...”
because according to our Creator we are required to do so. and how do we know our Creator, the Maker of the heavens and garden earth?
He has been revealed in the True illumination of the Son. and this makes Hebraic History of great significance to us, just as the conservation of spiritual truth.
and Paul reflects upon the significance of the marital bond as a lifelong covenant from Today’s reading of his Letter of Romans, which also relates to our spiritual bond by the Spirit to God who created the human body, along with its sexuality. for sex is permitted within the marital bond, but not outside its sanctity. sex is a sacred act that keeps intact the pure “Oneness” in body between a husband and wife. and we’re meant to guard this spiritual truth.
[Romans 7]
I write to you, dear brothers and sisters, who are familiar with the law. Don’t you know that when a person dies, it ends his obligation to the law? For example, a married couple is bound by the law to remain together until separated by death. But when one spouse dies, the other is released from the law of the marriage. So then if a wife is joined to another man while still married, she commits adultery. But if her husband dies, she is obviously free from the marriage contract and may marry another man without being charged with adultery.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, the same principle applies to your relationship with God. For you died to your first husband, the law, by being co-crucified with the body of the Messiah. So you are now free to “marry” another—the one who was raised from the dead so that you may now bear spiritual fruit for God.
When we were merely living natural lives, the law, through defining sin, actually awakened sinful desires within us, which resulted in bearing the fruit of death. But now that we have been fully released from the power of the law, we are dead to what once controlled us. And our lives are no longer motivated by the obsolete way of following the written code, so that now we may serve God by living in the freshness of a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit.
So, what shall we say about all this? Am I suggesting that the law is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that gave us the clear definition of sin. For example, when the law said, “Do not covet,” it became the catalyst to see how wrong it was for me to crave what belongs to someone else. It was through God’s commandment that sin was awakened in me and built its base of operation within me to stir up every kind of wrong desire. For in the absence of the law, sin hides dormant.
I once lived without a clear understanding of the law, but when I heard God’s commandments, sin sprang to life and brought with it a death sentence. The commandment that was intended to bring life brought me death instead. Sin, by means of the commandment, built a base of operation within me, to overpower me and put me to death. So then, we have to conclude that the problem is not with the law itself, for the law is holy and its commandments are correct and for our good.
So, did something meant to be good become death to me? Certainly not! It was not the law but sin unmasked that produced my spiritual death. The sacred commandment merely uncovered the evil of sin so it could be seen for what it is. For we know that the law is divinely inspired and comes from the spiritual realm, but I am a human being made of flesh and trafficked as a slave under sin’s authority.
I’m a mystery to myself, for I want to do what is right, but end up doing what my moral instincts condemn. And if my behavior is not in line with my desire, my conscience still confirms the excellence of the law. And now I realize that it is no longer my true self doing it, but the unwelcome intruder of sin in my humanity. For I know that nothing good lives within the flesh of my fallen humanity. The longings to do what is right are within me, but will-power is not enough to accomplish it. My lofty desires to do what is good are dashed when I do the things I want to avoid. So if my behavior contradicts my desires to do good, I must conclude that it’s not my true identity doing it, but the unwelcome intruder of sin hindering me from being who I really am.
Through my experience of this principle, I discover that even when I want to do good, evil is ready to sabotage me. Truly, deep within my true identity, I love to do what pleases God. But I discern another power operating in my humanity, waging a war against the moral principles of my conscience and bringing me into captivity as a prisoner to the “law” of sin—this unwelcome intruder in my humanity. What an agonizing situation I am in! So who has the power to rescue this miserable man from the unwelcome intruder of sin and death? I give all my thanks to God, for his mighty power has finally provided a way out through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! So if left to myself, the flesh is aligned with the law of sin, but now my renewed mind is fixed on and submitted to God’s righteous principles.
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 7 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is chapter 28 of 1st Samuel where Saul goes against the rules of God in consulting with Samuel through a medium, which means that such witchcraft is possible, yet clearly advised against by our Creator:
Then it came time for the Philistines to gather their forces to go to war against the people of Israel, and Achish spoke to David.
Achish: Of course you and your men will join us in the coming fight.
David: Good. You will see what your servant can do in battle.
Achish: Excellent. You will be my bodyguard as long as I live.
Remember, Samuel had died some time previously and had been mourned by all of Israel. He was buried in his hometown of Ramah, and his wisdom died with him.
Another important thing to know: Saul had ordered all of the mediums and any others who claimed to speak to the dead thrown out of Israel.
The Philistines gathered for war, and they made their camp at Shunem. Saul gathered all Israel, and they encamped at Gilboa. When Saul looked out over the forces of the Philistines, he was filled with fear and lost his confidence. Saul asked the Eternal for guidance, but He did not give him an answer, neither in dreams nor by consulting the Urim nor through prophecy.
Saul (to his servants): Find me a woman, a spiritual medium—someone I can ask for guidance.
Servants: A spiritual medium lives in En-dor.
So Saul disguised himself in different clothes, and taking two men with him, he went to see this woman in the dark of night.
Saul: I need you to call up someone from the grave—I’ll tell you who—so I can ask him questions.
Medium of En-dor: Don’t you know what Saul has decreed? You should know that he has thrown all the mediums and all others who speak for the dead out of Israel. Why are you asking me to risk my life?
Saul (swearing by the Lord): Nothing bad will happen to you. I promise.
Medium of En-dor: Whom do you want me to bring up from the dead for you?
Saul: I need to speak with the prophet Samuel.
The medium began her rituals, but when she began to see Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice, realizing that her customer was Saul.
Medium of En-dor: Why have you lied to me? You’re really Saul!
Saul: Don’t be frightened. Nothing will happen to you. Just tell me, what do you see?
Medium of En-dor: I see someone who looks like a divine being rising out of the ground!
Saul: Describe him for me.
Medium of En-dor: An old man is coming, wrapped in a robe.
Saul knew this was Samuel, and he dropped to the ground, putting his face to the floor.
Samuel (to Saul): Why have you disturbed me by calling me up from the land of the dead?
Saul: I don’t know what to do! The Philistines have gathered against us, and the True God has turned His back on me. He won’t answer me in dreams or by prophecy, so I’ve summoned you for advice.
Samuel: Saul, why do you ask me what to do since you know the Eternal One has turned against you and is now your enemy? He has done to you exactly as He told you through me, for He has wrestled the kingdom away from you in order to give it to your neighbor, David. You did not obey the Eternal One’s orders to be an agent of His wrath on Amalek. That is why He has brought these circumstances upon you today. And that is not all. He will hand you and your kingdom over to the Philistines. Tomorrow you and your sons will be where I am. The Eternal One will hand your entire army over to the Philistines.
When Saul heard Samuel’s words, he collapsed to the ground in terror and weakness, for he had not eaten all day and all night. The woman came to him, and she saw that he was filled with fear.
Medium of En-dor: Your servant has done what you asked. I have risked my life to do it. Now, please, listen to your servant. Have something to eat before you go. Eat what I offer you, so you can leave with some strength.
Saul: No, I won’t eat anything.
His servants joined her in urging the king to eat, and at last he listened to them. He rose from the ground and sat on the bed. The woman took a fatted calf, slaughtered it, and prepared it. She took flour, kneaded it, and baked unleavened bread. When the food was ready, she served it to Saul and his servants, and they ate it before they departed that night.
The Book of 1st Samuel, Chapter 28 (The Voice)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, October 17 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons about our unique significance of being:
God made you entirely unique, and no one else was created for the special role that you have in the overarching plan of Almighty God... Jewish tradition says that God created Adam alone as "olam malei" (עוֹלָם מָלֵא), “an entire world,” to teach that each individual is of great value and significance. "Thus anyone who sustains one individual has sustained the world; and anyone who destroys one individual has destroyed an entire world" (Sanhedrin 37a). In addition, God created man as a solitary creation to remind all people that they descend from a common source: No one has a greater or better lineage or “pedigree” than anyone else. Moreover, each of us is created with a radical sense of "aloneness," a built in "hunger" for relationship and especially for God's presence. Therefore the very first commandment to Adam and Eve comes in the form of a blessing: "And God blessed them and said, פְּרוּ וּרְבו / pru urvu: "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28). People were created to be in fellowship with others and with God, and when this is lacking, there is a profound soul hunger and need.... [Hebrew for Christians]
10.16.20 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research:
October 17, 2020
Watchful Sobriety
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)
Several words are used in Scripture to imply spiritual watchfulness, and each has a slightly different meaning. Only as we compare and combine these words do we get the full force of the Scripture exhortations to watchfulness.
One such word is the Greek word agrupneo, translated “watch.” In Mark 13:33 we read, “Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” The word literally means to be sleepless and comes from two Greek words meaning “to chase” and “sleep.” It implies a purposeful and active state of awareness.
More commonly used is gregoreo. It is a stronger word, meaning to arouse oneself and shake off lethargy, implying activity as on the part of one who is fully awake. “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith” (1 Corinthians 16:13), and “continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2). “Watch ye, therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh” (Mark 13:35).
A third word is nepho, which literally means to abstain from drink that would produce stupor, as well as sleep, and therefore conveys the additional idea of sobriety. By combining the teaching of these three words, we are instructed not only to keep awake but to keep active and to avoid the intoxication of this world’s seductive pleasures.
In our text, we see that we are not only to be sober (nepho) and vigilant (gregoreo), but we also see the reason why. Our “adversary the devil” is a vicious opponent. He stalks us both day and night with brutal cunning. We dare not underestimate him by figuratively closing our eyes in sleep or dulling our senses with intoxicants. “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober” (1 Peter 1:13). JDM
A personal note:
to drink, but not to be drunk.
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“Islamophobia, above all, is institutional. Advanced by law and policy, spearheaded by the state and reinforced by the people (Beydoun 2018: 28)."
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It as the presumption that Islam is inherently violent, alien, and unassimilable, a presumption driven by the belief that expressions of Muslim identity correlate with a propensity for terror- ism.Islamophobia is the modern progeny of Orientalism, a worldview that casts Islam as the civilizational antithesis of the West and that is built upon the core stereotypes and baseline distortions of Islam and Muslims embedded in American institutions and the popular imagination by Orientalist theory, narratives, and law (Beydoun 2018).
Islamophobia is literally defined by the oxford dictionary as, “dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.”
This is not a term, concept or idea. This is an ideology embedded in law and society. just as though Apartheid was legal, the holocaust was legal, slavery was legal, Colonialism was legal, Islamaphobia too has become legal.
Islamaphobia occurs everyday in government, foreign policy, government officials, among citizens and on various social media platforms. This hatred against an entire religion has become normalized. This post focuses on the root of Islamaphobia, what the world trues to hide and not your every day posts that reflect the tip of the iceberg.
Islamaphobia as a term has recently been added to our dictionaries but, as an ideology, it has been in existence for centuries (Suleiman 2016). Yes, Islamaphobia has been on the rise since 9/11, but its date of birth precedes this criminal event. There is an African proverb which states, ‘Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.’ The history taught to us in textbooks does not relate the entire story. It merely glorifies western victories. Looking back at the 12thcentury, the Church distorted translations of the Quran as a means of defaming Islam (Suleiman 2016). There was a deliberate aim to vilify Muslim history and society. Arabs were portrayed as tyrants in medieval Europe. Throughout history the writings of various poets and playwrights, such as: Dante and Shakespeare, reflected defamatory speech such as ‘Moors’ and ‘Saracens’.  The centuries of bias, stigmatization and antagonism against Muslims can be explained though the Muslim conquests in certain parts of Europe for multiple centuries (Muzaffar 2018). Muslim rulers were just and fair to all religions and people but due to the conquerors being foreign a degree of resentment always existed. The story is not complete without mentioning the infamous crusade empire, resulting in the defeat of Christian invaders in Arab-Muslim lands in west Asia. This escalated the animosity towards Islam and its believers (Muzaffar 2018).
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The west has continuously and consciously ignored the debt it owes the Muslim Empire. From medicine, Algebra, law and government and every other facet of life, Islam had laid out the foundation of medieval Europe. Erskine Childers states, “In every discipline upon which Europe then began to build its epochal advancement, European monarchs, religious leaders and scholars had to turn to Arab sources. When once any Western student of history manages to learn of this vast Arab inheritance buried out of sight and mind in Western historiography, the astonishment that the very facts of it do not appear in Western education is the greater because the proofs are literally in current Western language (Muzaffar 2018).” This collective amnesia has resulted in the gap conveniently left out of our history books.
With the end of colonialism, Muslim Countries realized that once again they were the victims of western domination due to the fact that they harbored the world’s oil reserves. The lifeblood of industrial civilization lied in Muslim control did not settle well with the west. Controlling Muslim and southern oil has been the aim of The United States foreign policy for the past four decades. Any individual, country or state who challenges American control is labelled, ‘radical’ or extremist’ and considered a threat to peace and stability (Muzaffar 2018).
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The above statement relates to the crisis of 9/11, where the world was sold a lie. Osama bin Laden was an ex CIA agent, but this has been failed to be mentioned. How is it in the times of Big Brother where where no rock is safe from surveillance, an ex CIA agent managed to hide for 10 years? After the decade long search for the CIA’s most wanted, his body was thrown in the sea? Gadhafi was a womanizer and his corpse was on display in a shopping center. 9/11 gave birth to the war on terror. It was the ticket into the middle-east flown in under the banner of democracy.
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Another major factor contributing to the rise of Islamaphobia is Zionism. It began its attack during the 19thcentury and heightened with the creation of Israel. Zionists have been known to target Various aspects of the Islamic theology and society, as a means of discrediting the religion and its adherents. The idea is to depict Islam as a militant faith and Muslims as violent. This furthers their agenda of occupying Palestinian and Arab land. Their encroachment is camouflaged by characterizing their victims as aggressors. The actual freedom-fighters are depicted as terrorists and militants (Muzaffar 2018).
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Whilst world governments have given rise to Islamaphobia to further their interests, Muslims all over the world are suffering. Two Mosques in the United Kingdom were attacked with catapults. Denmark began issuing fines to women wearing the face veil. In light of multiple feminist movements this has not been regarded as problematic. It only applies when women wish to wear less not more. A mass shooting occurred at a local Islamic center in Florida. The president of the united states tweeted anti-Muslim videos. A man in St Lucie starts a fire in a store he believed to be Muslim owned. A Dutch lawmaker was found guilty of hate speech against Islam. A Muslim woman was forced to show her sanitary towel to airport security. A college student was removed from a plane because he was found to be speaking Arabic to someone on a cell-phone. The list goes on.
In a world comforted by lies, truth has become the new hate speech.
Speak up, even if you are afraid because every time you stand up for yourself, you stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  
Beydoun, K. (2018). American Islamophobia Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear (first). Oakland, California: University of California Press.
Islamophobia | Definition of Islamophobia in English by Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/islamophobia.
Muzaffar, C. Islamophobia: A Historical Continuity. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from http://www.searcct.gov.my/publications/our-publications?id=41.
Suleiman, Y. (2016). Islamophobia and beyond. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2016/06/islamophobia-160620074411630.html.
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clubofinfo · 7 years ago
Expert: 2018: The world must save the Holy City from Israel, fearlessly confront false claims, challenge the cruelty and expose the lies. Campaigners for justice — and that includes civil society in all countries — need to re-frame the Palestine-Israel narrative and demolish the Zionist fantasy. ***** Everyone who has been there is charmed by this exquisite city of great antiquity. It has survived two dozen wars and is the focal point for the two peoples – Palestinians and Jews – and the three religions – Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Its many holy places are a magnet to the faithful of all denominations from all corners of the world, which is why Jerusalem was designated an international city under separate management in the UN’s 1947 Partition Plan. But Israel’s ongoing military occupation and annexation mean that countless Christian and Muslim Palestinians – even those living just outside the city – have been unable to visit their holy places for many years. And travellers from outside the Holy Land have to endure the obnoxious interference of Israeli security if they wish to set foot in Palestine and the old city. Zionists claim Jerusalem is theirs by right. Actually, it was already 2000 years old and an established, fortified city when captured by King David. It dates back 5000 years and the name is derived from Uru-Shalem, meaning “founded by Shalem (the Canaanite God of Dusk)”. A potted history looks like this. Jerusalem, in its ‘City of David’ form, lasted only 73 years. In 928 BC the Kingdom divided into Israel and Judah, and in 597 BC the Babylonians conquered the city and destroyed Solomon’s temple. The Jews recaptured it in 164 BC but finally lost it to the Roman Empire in 63 BC. Before the present troubles the Jews, in total, controlled Jerusalem for some 500 years compared to the 1,200+ years it was subsequently ruled by Muslims and the 2000 years, or thereabouts, it originally belonged to the Canaanites. A burning issue today is the control of, and access to, the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, the third holiest in Islam after Mecca and Medina, and the centre of Christian belief. Here, according to Biblical tradition, Solomon built the first temple, completed in 953 BC but destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. After years in exile the Jews built their second temple, which was destroyed by the Romans under Titus in 70 AD. When the Jews rebelled against Roman occupation a second time Hadrian barred them from the city. The 4th century, when Jerusalem became a Christian city, saw the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Persians came and went, leaving a trail of destruction. Then, after the Islamic conquest in 690, two major shrines were constructed over the ruins of the earlier temples, the Dome of the Rock, from which Muhammed is said to have ascended to Heaven, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Crusaders re-took Jerusalem in 1099 and The Temple Mount became the headquarters of the Knights Templar. In 1187 Saladin ended the Crusader Kingdom and restored the city to Islam while allowing Jews and Christians to remain. Israel is glaringly racist Today Jewish religious groups want control of the site for their spiritual centre and for a third temple to be built in accordance with ancient prophecies. Their plans threaten the Muslim shrines and only serve to keep political tension boiling. What of the Arabs who chose to stay while the ever-expanding state of Israel annexed and swallowed up their lands? In the West citizenship and nationality mean much the same thing, but in the new Israel it’s very different. Citizenship may be held by Arabs as well as Jews. Nationality, however, bestows greater rights than citizenship and is exclusively for Jews. Only Jews can be ‘nationals’ of Israel, and their nationality rights are granted by the Law of Return. By the same token the national lands in Israel don’t belong to the people, unless they happen to be Jews. The land becomes ‘national’ land through purchase or confiscation by the Jewish National Fund in a process called “redeeming the land”. It’s a concept taken from the Bible – except that the State, rather than God, returns the Jewish people from ‘exile’ and re-unites them with the Biblical lands which, magically, have become their inalienable and exclusive property. So the racist nature of Israel is brazen, and the setting up of a political party to campaign for a secular state to represent all of the people equally, is banned by law. It is plainly not the liberal western-style democracy they would have us believe. And Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention forbids an occupying power to deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. The International Criminal Court, set up in 1998, regards such practice as a war crime. But because Israel, along with Iraq and the US, didn’t sign up to the ICC it feels free to carry on with its settlement programme regardless. Genuine settlers come in friendship and with consent. But Israeli settlers are mostly hard line religious squatters who support their own government’s use of violence against Palestinian civilians. Their settlements are usually fortified colonies with gun towers, mine-strewn death strips and army back-up. No doubt they appear heroic in Israeli eyes but are offensive to the Palestinians and breach all international understanding of what constitutes acceptable behaviour. Theft of Jerusalem and the entire Holy Land is almost complete Israel is the most-favoured ally of the world’s most powerful nation, from which it receives $3-4 billion a year in military and economic aid. It has become a military super-power and is the third largest manufacturer of arms, the fourth largest nuclear power, and the strongest economic power in the region. And in Palestine it is the Occupying Power. Israel, which never declared its borders, has been formally recognised by the Palestinians and the Arab League within the internationally recognised ‘Green Line’ border. So it is not fighting for its existence as many of its supporters would have us believe. And if international law – and in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention – were enforced the Occupation would collapse under the weight of its illegality. As things stand Israel has all but succeeded in making its illegal Occupation permanent. There is no sign on the ground that Israel is willing to hand back enough land and relinquish enough control for a truly viable Palestinian state to be established. On the contrary, annexation of “Greater Jerusalem” continues as does squatter settlement construction. The ‘Apartheid’ Wall still bites deep into Palestinian territory and steals Palestinian resources. Israel clearly intends to retain control of the entire country while shunting the Palestinians into an evermore whittled-down, non-viable, semi-sovereign, non-militarised mini-state denied free access to the outside world. “This is no time for shallow diplomacy…” Religion and Church clearly have a challenging and often dangerous part to play in the Holy Land’s front line. The Church sees its job not so much to offer political solutions but to ask each man or woman, whatever their status, to respect the rights and dignity of all human beings. Where politics violate those rights the Church feels it must take steps to protect the weak and the oppressed, and deal with injustice regardless of who commits it. The churches in Palestine operate in a hostile environment that’s a world away from cosy church life in England. Politicians meanwhile condemn Palestinian terrorism in the shrillest terms. But they seem to forget that terrorism includes violence by the state against people not directly involved in the conflict – acts like confiscation, bombing civilians, collective punishment, kidnapping, torture, assassinations and imprisonment without trial. The guilty parties are not only those who plan and carry out the atrocities but the politicians themselves, who create the injustices that provoke terrorism then use slogans like “the war on terror” to somehow justify their perverse policies. A few months ago we were shocked by the anguished cry for help from the National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine in their open letter to the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement, signed by over 30 organisations in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. They had issued a similarly desperate plea 10 years earlier but since then matters have gone from very bad to much worse. Their latest message was frighteningly stark. “Things are beyond urgent. We are on the verge of a catastrophic collapse. The current status-quo is unsustainable. This could be our last chance to achieve a just peace. As a Palestinian Christian community, this could be our last opportunity to save the Christian presence in this land.” The message stated specifically: “We stand in front of an impasse and we have reached a deadlock. Despite all the promises, endless summits, UN resolutions, religious and lay leader’s callings, Palestinians are still yearning for their freedom and independence, and seeking justice and equality.” They stressed that religious extremism is on the rise, with religious minorities paying a heavy price. “We need brave women and men who are willing to stand in the forefront. This is no time for shallow diplomacy, Christians.” Response from the WCC has been silence or meaningless woffle. The Pope’s feeble contribution was: “Let us pray that the will to resume dialogue may prevail between the parties and that a negotiated solution can finally be reached….” Negotiations? Between a strong party and a weak and demoralised party? Has Christ’s vicar on earth no brighter idea than that? What’s wrong with the rule of  law and the dispensing of  justice? US Ambassador David Friedman has just told everybody: “Israel has made it clear that they will not engage [in the peace process] under the sponsorship of any other nation….. Only the United States has the regional credibility to bring forward a historic peace agreement.  There is no path around the United States.” This breathtaking arrogance in the wake of America’s dishonest track record illustrates why both nations are so hated. But the Trump administration obviously intends to continue providing diplomatic cover while Israel carries on thieving and slaughtering. The Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes, said he regretted that people who call themselves evangelical in the US seem to be uncritically accepting positions taken by Trump and his allies. Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, said he could not comprehend the strength of support for Trump among conservative evangelicals in the US. “I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from.” In his Christmas Day sermon at Canterbury Cathedral, Welby criticised “populist leaders that deceive” their people, in comments interpreted as taking a swipe at Trump. And we know what Palestinian Christian churches and many others think of Christian Zionist doctrines. They regard them “as false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice and reconciliation” and instead “advance racial exclusivity and perpetual war”. But I do not hear the Christian churches in the West saying with one powerful voice: “Enough! Jerusalem is as much ours as anyone else’s.” They seem content to grovel and cave in under Zionist diktats, and not make waves. But time has run out. They will soon be saying goodbye forever to the wellspring of their faith, Jerusalem. The craven United Nations and the International Criminal Court also need to find their backbone and show us they are fit for purpose. Vetoes by the US that smother action and block justice must be overridden. And it’s time to robustly confront all claims to Jerusalem by Israelis who have no ancestral links to the biblical lands. Appeasing the imposters must end. Re-frame the argument I can’t remember where I saw these words or who wrote them but I scribbled them down because they so eloquently spoke my own thoughts. “The most basic form of deception is fabricating the false symmetry between occupier and occupied, oppressor and victim. The violence of the powerful Israeli occupation army using live ammunition, tanks and helicopter gunships is equated with Palestinians protesting against the loss of their rights, lands and lives.” On one of my visits to Jerusalem I arranged to go on a tour of house demolition sites, an excellent programme for journalists and students run by ICAHD (the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions).  In any debate, they explained, the party that succeeds in framing the issue most effectively usually wins. By determining the parameters of the discussion, the issues to be addressed and the terms to be used, the framer controls the process. Opponents are forced merely to respond, lacking the ‘space’ to present a coherent and persuasive framing of their own and therefore appearing defensive, inarticulate and unconvincing. The Israelis make sure they frame everything. Consequently the Palestinians are always on the back foot and end up losers in the war of words and in any peace negotiations. So the answer is to re-frame this unequal situation, changing focus and perspective, laying bare the underlying causes, exposing the lies, addressing the fundamental needs and grievances of each party and offering an honest, just solution. The peace movement therefore ought to: * Put the official Israeli framing into words that make it crystal clear to people in Israel and abroad where Israeli policies come from and where they are leading. * Show how Israel’s framing is used to justify its expansionist ambitions and to blame the Palestinian victim, while deflecting accountability from itself. * Offer an alternative framing based on truth, from which a just peace can be built. Alas, I haven’t noticed Palestinian negotiators doing this. Yet re-framing to embrace the possibilities for justice, peace, security, self-determination and economic development would surely be more appealing than any framing, like Israel’s, based solely on Israel’s “security” needs and no-one else’s. http://clubof.info/
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petalsbleedingbeak2 · 1 year ago
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@everydayarsonist it looks so and that's the point. I've said it a hundred times, but "Israel" and zionism as a whole pretend to care for the Jews but are actually deeply antisemitic systems.
I've said it before so I'm just gonna copy my older post instead of writing this entire shit down again. Here we go:
Zionism is highly antisemitic and its current pro-IOF form is literally built on the ideological grounds of the Holocaust.
Let me give you a lesson on history and political science, bitch.
Zionism in its modern sense is antisemitic on so many levels it's hard to comprehend.
First, "Israelis" and zionism in general claims that actions of IOF speak for all Jews. Therefore, they
- actively erase the history, culture, and to a sense the very existence of Ashkenazi Jews and other non-Palestinian diasporas who have no ties to Palestine and therefore to what zionists call "Israel".
- "Israel" was created by the Western occupants of Palestine in 1947. Prior to the WW2, in 1935/36, before the Holocaust began, Hitler "offered" Germany's Jews to the Western powers. It was of course a scam for he knew that nobody would accept several millions of refugees. Bear in mind that the reluctance of the West was also caused by their racism not very different from that of Third Reich's. Most prominent European and US universities had a Department of racial hygiene up to the WW2. I only put this in to illustrate that the racial ideology that was a ground to Nazism was at that point considered a valid scientific theory, just like phrenology a century prior. This is not an excuse, but it may help to understand why this entire monstrosity of the Holocaust was allowed to happen to begin with. Anyway, West's reluctance to accept several millions of refugees was abused by Hitler's ideology. They were refused mostly because they were in droves, not because of their Jewish ethnicity. Nevertheless, Hitler warped this into the "The West refused our Jews, therefore nobody wants the Jews, thus the extermination of the Jews is justified" rhetorics. It was, of course, utterly psychopathic, yet it was what it was. The horrors of the Holocaust happened, leaving 6 million dead and many more lost, uprooted, and damaged beyond repair.
Now, after the WW2, the entire West double downed on Hitler's "justification" of the Holocaust. They were like Okay, this Hitler guy was a cunt but he was right. We don't want the Jews here, but we can't say it now when we condemned him for saying that. So let's do this. We make this huge ghetto in Palestine and remove all the refugees there, but we tell them we give the land to them so the Jews are gone and we still look like the good guys.
"Israel" is nothing but a ghetto built on the ideological foundations of the Holocaust and Nazism.
Now, IOF claims and acts as if it was a sole authority on Jewish experience. Not only is this incredibly insulting to Jews in general, but IOFs claims of being some sort of pan-Jewish holy homeland actively erases the entire history, experience, and really existence of Ashkenazi Jews. Mind you that IOF silence Jewish voices worldwide if they do not spew zionist lies.
Moreover, IOF not only declares itself a sole authority on Jewish experience, but it disregards any criticism of it as antisemitism. That leads to several interesting phenomena, such as
- Jews who criticize IOFs act of terrorism being labelled antisemitic,
- all Jews being equated to IOFs acts of terrorism,
- (recent) with current Netenyahu's calls for utter extermination of Gaza and dehumanization of the Palestinians, IOF are literally copy pasting Nazi propaganda that dehumanized the Jews, comparing Palestinians to animals and literally calling for genocide. Netenyahu is literally using Goebbles' words to describe the Indigenous people.
I'm not even going to adress your remarks toward islam; not only are you proving your islamophobic bias and utter lack of knowledge of islam in general (not that there wasn't anything to criticize but you prove that your pseudocriticism has utterly no ground beyond your islamophobia), but you also prove lack of knowledge of the Palestinian history and culture since majority of the Palestinians are actually christian.
Here is professor Norman Finkelstein, whose parents were murdered during the Holocaust, activelly calling out "Israel" on its cosplaying Nazi Germany:
Here is rabbi Yisroel David Weiss, explaining how the entire idea of zionism is violating the Torah:
Zionism is antisemitic and IOF are worse than actual OG 1930s-1940s Nazis.
Educate yourself before you spew Nazi propaganda. Or snuff yourself, I don't give a fuck. But your zionist bullshit proves you don't care for the Jewish people, or anyone else. All you care about is the bunch of Nazis who created world's largest ghetto.
death to israel
i sincerely want everyone with even an ounce of power in that wretched country killed publicly and painfully
the nuremberg trials need to happen again at this point
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