#the eearth story
earthstory · 4 years
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Waterpocket fold This image captures one of the dominant geologic features of Capitol Reef National Park and was shared by the US Geological Survey. This is the Strike Valley Overlook, which has a view along the layers on the side of Waterpocket Fold.
The Waterpocket Fold is an anticline, a geologic feature formed when rocks are folded upwards. You may note that this is a valley, a surprising landform to find if the rocks have been folded upward, but there is one more detail that controls the shape of the valley we see. When rocks fold bend, the rocks at the hinge of the fold are put under stress. The rocks at the widest part of the fold are pulled apart and the rocks at the core of the fold are squeezed. Both of these cases – rocks under tension and compression – can cause the rocks to fracture. When cracks form, water can get into the rocks and erode them away. Large anticlines commonly are found with their cores eroded away because those rocks are fractured and easily eroded, while the tilted hinges remain in tact as exposed, dipping layers, just as seen here. The exposed rocks are Jurassic and Cretaceous aged sedimentary rocks, marking times from when the U.S. Southwest went from being a desert filled with sand dunes to a time when it was submerged beneath the waters of an inland seaway. -JBB Image credit: USGS/Ida & Leo https://flic.kr/p/wYcF4x Read more: http://www.nps.gov/care/learn/nature/geology.htm
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logarto · 4 years
todays hater moment: i fucking hate ocean vuong and every day people reblog his quotes ajd it makes me so mad
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hand-painted-5tars · 4 years
Anon about earth bender Kai here. I agree! That's why I thought it fit so well! I also think that Xiumin would be an air bender.. It's hard to explain..
yasss!!! i agree with you!
ohh about Min hmmm, im imagining him the colors fit him so well and it matches the whole fact that he is into sports and into being dynamic.. hmmmm i will note it down meanwhile
im my last au i had him, well as a waterbender bcs yeah ice- he live in th eearth kingdom and wore real cool sleeveless outfits and sold ice-cream. uh i remember the sleeveless outfit was important bcs he also wore some jewerly and looked so cool. But im sure it could be better.
ah im also incorporating non-benders since i think they make an important part in korra. 
but airbender minseok sounds very sweet, and i will write it down! we can make his story wrap around him and adapt it afterwards!
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melisbookreviews · 3 years
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Welcome to Pathabhrashta. Manisha, a professor in Psychology, finds certain oddities with people whom she interacts with in this hill station. She realises that the place is governed like a social media and its citizens are treated as real-life-profiles. Everyone remains under constant surveillance. Virtually Lost is a story of what would happen if social media came to exist outside of its virtual state. 🦄🦄🦄 Virtually List is a sci-fi novel by Shreyan Laha that feels like an an episode of Black Mirror. While reading the story your brain is fully aware that the story is not real, however, there is always a shadow of a doubt that this could be our future because of the elements that make it feel like it's a possibility and the way technology is advancing in our society. One of of the main elements of this book is how even with complete freedom to do whatever one wishes there will always be a part of our lives that we give up for the sake of enjoying an easy life. In this book's case, in order to enjoy life to the fullest the people living in this world have to give up their privacy and be monitored 24/7. Every footstep the take is monitored, every thought they think is known and there is no way out. This book caught my attention from the very beginning for a lot of reasons, one of them being the the interesting story line. But, it's not just tge story line that was impeccably done, the author has also given us an amazing world to dive into with a main character that smart resourceful and knows that she has to find a way out through perseverance. The world building overall seems (on the surface of it) to be generic because it's supposed to be e a simulation of what a city on eEarth looks like. However, there are details that make it stand out from a regular place on Earth in this small details slowly add up to a bigger picture as we go through the story. Overall, this was a pretty good read and I finished it within a day. But I will say that it is on the lengthier side and could have been a bit more compressed so that we good enjoy the story of a lot more for its quality content. 🦄🦄🦄 Rated 8/10 Melina L. #bookblogger #bookreview #scifi #indianbookstagrammer https://www.instagram.com/p/CXOqTfEPCkE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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persumega · 4 years
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162 "Planet boarder" -震為雷 - . 「秋茜 追いて惑ひし 白壁の 数珠影いづこ 遠鳥の鳴く」 . pic.1→「ありがとうを」 pic.2→「たいせつ」 . 秋の虫の音が響く今日この頃、皆さまはいかがお過ごしでしょうか。 . 最近、子供の頃に使っていた机に、なくなく、さよならしました(*´-`)✨ . (錆びて引き取り手がなかったのが残念ですが、致し方なし(T T)💦) . 幼児期は、本棚に足を突っ込んで座り、絵本に読みふけっていた気がします。あのアクロバティックな読書法のおかげで、バランス学習ができるようになり(?)感謝しています。👦📙⭐️✨ . いつかバランスボールの上で、本一冊、読破できるようになりたいものです。^^;💦 . ではまた、よき日を。ありがとうございました😊🌸🐠🌟✨🙏 . "Stars#34" . 'D' laugh for a while seeing I was indulging in fantasy. . "Actually, what you see through this 'square box' forms the person's" world. 'Consciously' or 'unknowingly', by 'imagining', you continue to 'createing'. . However, there will always be 'exceptions' that cannot fit in the square frame. To fit it, trying to make the box bigger, creating another 'exception' ... eventually becoming a 'cat-and-mouse game'. It's a never-ending game... " . Yeah, I really understand that. When I start playing a console game, sometimes I can't stop do that. . "Once again, just in case, it's not a 'good or bad' story. It's probably because there is some need, it would be exist. . Enjoying such a serious 'game' is also an interesting particular as an 'Earthling'. So to take the 'games' seriously is also one of a "view of things" that is wonderful. But anyway, like Saki, I recommend you to jump in and taste it" . While 'D' was speaking, I had been fascinated by imagining myself swimming in the sponge while eating strawberries and cream. . "Come to this youthful star, the Earth, and experience the Earthlings is, in fact, a longing for many 'space aliens'. Here, you can really learn a lot. . For the being who are not tied to 'space-time', on the contrary, the experience of 'Eearthings' are very precious. For example, 'Eearthings' try to do something, when things go wrong or are inconvenient, how to come over it, or create one's life, in the period of that can only experience on this planet. It's a great'challenge'and an'adventure'. That's why Miko was one of the being who participated in such an adventure trip" . "Eh? Is that so?" I asked Miko, who was politely removing the leaves of the grass from her hair.(maybe continued) . pic.3→おまけ。「お前が落としたのは、この金の卵か、それとも私か、よく考えて答えよ。3.2.1.ハイッ!」 . https://www.instagram.com/p/CHm2fbfATvb/?igshid=1nejcgjgqkqk9
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Fellowship Of The Ring Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
A wizard, a warrior elf, two brave humans, a likable dwarf, and four adventurous hobbits walk into Mordor... Jokes aside, since the original fantasy trilogy written by J. R. R. Tolkien was adapted into three epic movies, Lord of the Rings immediately became a cult icon. It's nothing to be surprised about. There are plenty of reasons why we've grown to adore these Middle-earth stories, especially the adventures of the Fellowship of the Ring, a group of nine set out to destroy the One Ring in the fiery pits of Mordor.
RELATED: Best Reaction Memes To Stranger Things Season Three
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first movie of the trilogy, and for that reason, it holds a special place in ever LOTR fan's heart. However, upon re-watching the movie (as is the case with the sequels) there are moments when you really have to wonder how much logic there is in some of the protagonists' decisions. That being said, the movie provided more than a fair dose of meme material since it first aired 18 years ago. Today, we're checking out 10 hilarious memes questioning this logic by re-visiting some of the best scenes of The Fellowship Of the Ring.
10 You were asking for it, Sauron
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Everyone knows the first five minutes of the film showcases the famous Battle of Dagorlad. One moment, the mighty Sauron kills everything in front of him, and in the other he approaches Isildur and a chopping motion leaves him fingerless, and bodyless, because he lost his precious One Ring.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Frodo & Sam Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
Ridiculed by many fans for the lack of logic, this scene portrays Sauron as a half-cooked villain who, instead of protecting the one thing that makes him unkillable, slowly extends his finger bearing the One Ring towards his enemy, practically handing it on a silver platter.
9 Elron's Biggest Failure
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After chopping the One Ring off of Sauron's finger in that faithful battle (which proved easier than it should have been), Isildur was joined by Elrond on a quest to Mount Doom to get rid of the ring. It's perfectly understandable that the ring would affect Isildur so as to make him unable to toss it, but the thing that bugs many fans is that Elrond (a superhumanly quick and agile elf) did nothing at all to help get rid of the ring but yell after Islidur.
Of course, if he did that which could have easily been done, then we wouldn't have our beloved story in the first place, would we?
8 Gandalf the Oblivious
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This is a clever one that plays on the fact that we never got any evidence that Gandalf actually attended any of Bilbo's Birthdays, as in the movies, so in the books. In all likelyhood, Gandalf - a wizard thousands of years in age and one of only five great wizards of Middle-Earth - probably had a lot better things to do than attend every single one of Bilbo's birthdays.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Frodo & Sam Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
The old Bilbo was also extremely surprised to see Gandalf on his 111th birthday, proving that he was by no means expecting the wizard's company that day. Gandalf may be a great wizard, but perhaps his memory doesn't serve him as well as it used to.
7 You (don't) have my axe
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Bilbo obviously meant this figuratively. Or maybe it was supposed to be a joke, given that he knows he shattered his axe moments earlier. To someone who didn't read the books, there would be multiple potential explanations for this mishap, but given that the axe-shattering never happened in the books, we pin this one on Jackson.
It's actually sad, given that the axe that now lay shattered in pieces around the One Ring was the same axe that Jackson made Gloin carry in the Hobbit trilogy, with the intention of being passed on to his Son, Gimli. Nevertheless, this is still a clever meme and we have to give it out to the person who first thought of it.
6 Barefoot to Mordor? Challenge accepted!
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Everyone knows Hobbits have abnormally large and hairy feet that allow them to walk around barefoot, especially in the soft and grassy Shire. But how would that protect him from getting stung, cut, or hurt on his long journey?
Choosing to go on this adventure with absolutely no footwear does seem a little unusual, even for a hobbit, so it's amazing that Frodo went the entire three Lord of the Rings movies without any shoes. More so considering the treacherous terrains and perilous situations he'd encountered on his way to Mordor.
5 Gandalf the Oathbreaker
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Gandalf embodies the classic Scumbag Steve in this meme. Many of us know the story: Before Bilbo's famous birthday party, Bilbo asks Gandalf if he'd keep an eye on Frodo, to which Gandalf answers: "Two eyes, as often as I can spare them."
RELATED: 10 Funniest Reaction Memes To The Sony-Disney Spider-Man Fallout
Yeah, and then he puts the most dangerous object in existence in Frodo's palm and urges him on a six-month one-way trip to Mordor to get rid of it. Nice way to keep an eye on someone, eh?
4 Boromir was a huge spoiler
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Sean Bean's a terrific actor and the perfect casting choice for the role of Boromir in Lord of the Rings. That being said, the man is a walking spoiler, as none of the characters he plays make it out of his movies alive. And, surprise, surprise: Boromir meets an early end in the Fellowship of the Ring as well.
Whether this is just a coincidence or he was purposely cast as Boromir knowing the character dies in the first movie remains up to debate, but is nevertheless an interesting observation, cleverly mocked by this meme.
3 Gandalf the Scumbag
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If things were that simple, The Lord of the Rings would be a boring few-page story with no purpose or excitement. Nevertheless, the question of why Gandalf, after entrusting Frodo and the Fellowship with such a dangerous task of defeating Sauron, didn't at least use his eagles to spare them the perilous six-month journey remains one of LOTR's most popular plot holes that still makes no sense to this day.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy: 10 Questions We Still Want Answered
The explanation offered is that the eagles only helped Gandalf because they are indebted to him for saving their king. Despite this, the entire Middle-Eearth was at stake, so this reasoning still makes little sense.
2 Never skip upper body day
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Where the books describe Gandalf as barely grasping the end of the cliff, the situation is obviously a bit different in the movies. We are talking about one of the most powerful wizards of Middle-Earth, someone immortal who's able to fight the Balrog for days, yet getting himself over the edge is a task too great.
While it seems that Gandalf had more than a decent grip on that cliff and him falling down makes little sense, we can possibly conclude that defeating the Balrog and emerging as Gandalf the White was a part of his plan from the beginning.
1 Legolas' unlimited arrow cheat code
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The most mysterious member of the Fellowship of the Ring, Legolas never seems to run out of arrows, in the first movie as well as all the other sequels. This begs the question of whether his arrows were somehow enchanted. But, more likely, it's just a huge plot hole that made this elf more badass and competent in large-scale battles.
It makes even less sense when we consider that he uses elven-made arrows, which would surely have to require him to make a trip back home in order to restock. We'll never know, and as Frodo would say: "all right then, keep your secrets."
NEXT: The Lord of the Rings: 10 Facts About Frodo They Leave Out In The Movies
source https://screenrant.com/lord-of-the-rings-movie-hilarious-fellowship-of-rings-logic-memes/
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fuckscooter · 8 years
Hey love, did you ever get the chance to give blog recommendations? 💛
ahh, it’s been sitting in my drafts this whole time!! i forgot, i’m so sorry, sweetheart!
i know you asked for positivity blogs, but i also included some quote blogs, some positive aesthetic blogs, some nature blogs, and lots of recovery blogs (which, just a warning, might have some personal/venting posts occasionally that could be triggering), but these are all blogs that i love and that make me happy:
i know i’m missing a ton of blogs i love, but there’s a start for you at least! 
i also love to follow non-recovery related blogs that post stuff that makes me happy, like game of thrones blogs and other fandom blogs (plus some friends’ non-recovery personal blogs!), but i know that some people in the recovery community don’t like following non-recovery related blogs, so that’s totally up to you!
i’m sorry again that this was so late! thanks for reminding me. 💕 i’m always here if you need anything else, beautiful. i love you!
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funface2 · 5 years
Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Fellowship Of The Ring Logic Memes That Are Too Funny – Screen Rant
A wizard, a warrior elf, two brave humans, a likable dwarf, and four adventurous hobbits walk into Mordor… Jokes aside, since the original fantasy trilogy written by J. R. R. Tolkien was adapted into three epic movies, Lord of the Rings immediately became a cult icon. It’s nothing to be surprised about. There are plenty of reasons why we’ve grown to adore these Middle-earth stories, especially the adventures of the Fellowship of the Ring, a group of nine set out to destroy the One Ring in the fiery pits of Mordor.
RELATED: Best Reaction Memes To Stranger Things Season Three
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first movie of the trilogy, and for that reason, it holds a special place in ever LOTR fan’s heart. However, upon re-watching the movie (as is the case with the sequels) there are moments when you really have to wonder how much logic there is in some of the protagonists’ decisions. That being said, the movie provided more than a fair dose of meme material since it first aired 18 years ago. Today, we’re checking out 10 hilarious memes questioning this logic by re-visiting some of the best scenes of The Fellowship Of the Ring.
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10 You were asking for it, Sauron
Everyone knows the first five minutes of the film showcases the famous Battle of Dagorlad. One moment, the mighty Sauron kills everything in front of him, and in the other he approaches Isildur and a chopping motion leaves him fingerless, and bodyless, because he lost his precious One Ring.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Frodo & Sam Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
Ridiculed by many fans for the lack of logic, this scene portrays Sauron as a half-cooked villain who, instead of protecting the one thing that makes him unkillable, slowly extends his finger bearing the One Ring towards his enemy, practically handing it on a silver platter.
9 Elron’s Biggest Failure
After chopping the One Ring off of Sauron’s finger in that faithful battle (which proved easier than it should have been), Isildur was joined by Elrond on a quest to Mount Doom to get rid of the ring. It’s perfectly understandable that the ring would affect Isildur so as to make him unable to toss it, but the thing that bugs many fans is that Elrond (a superhumanly quick and agile elf) did nothing at all to help get rid of the ring but yell after Islidur.
Of course, if he did that which could have easily been done, then we wouldn’t have our beloved story in the first place, would we?
8 Gandalf the Oblivious
This is a clever one that plays on the fact that we never got any evidence that Gandalf actually attended any of Bilbo’s Birthdays, as in the movies, so in the books. In all likelyhood, Gandalf – a wizard thousands of years in age and one of only five great wizards of Middle-Earth – probably had a lot better things to do than attend every single one of Bilbo’s birthdays.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Frodo & Sam Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
The old Bilbo was also extremely surprised to see Gandalf on his 111th birthday, proving that he was by no means expecting the wizard’s company that day. Gandalf may be a great wizard, but perhaps his memory doesn’t serve him as well as it used to.
7 You (don’t) have my axe
Bilbo obviously meant this figuratively. Or maybe it was supposed to be a joke, given that he knows he shattered his axe moments earlier. To someone who didn’t read the books, there would be multiple potential explanations for this mishap, but given that the axe-shattering never happened in the books, we pin this one on Jackson.
It’s actually sad, given that the axe that now lay shattered in pieces around the One Ring was the same axe that Jackson made Gloin carry in the Hobbit trilogy, with the intention of being passed on to his Son, Gimli. Nevertheless, this is still a clever meme and we have to give it out to the person who first thought of it.
6 Barefoot to Mordor? Challenge accepted!
Everyone knows Hobbits have abnormally large and hairy feet that allow them to walk around barefoot, especially in the soft and grassy Shire. But how would that protect him from getting stung, cut, or hurt on his long journey?
Choosing to go on this adventure with absolutely no footwear does seem a little unusual, even for a hobbit, so it’s amazing that Frodo went the entire three Lord of the Rings movies without any shoes. More so considering the treacherous terrains and perilous situations he’d encountered on his way to Mordor.
5 Gandalf the Oathbreaker
Gandalf embodies the classic Scumbag Steve in this meme. Many of us know the story: Before Bilbo’s famous birthday party, Bilbo asks Gandalf if he’d keep an eye on Frodo, to which Gandalf answers: “Two eyes, as often as I can spare them.”
RELATED: 10 Funniest Reaction Memes To The Sony-Disney Spider-Man Fallout
Yeah, and then he puts the most dangerous object in existence in Frodo’s palm and urges him on a six-month one-way trip to Mordor to get rid of it. Nice way to keep an eye on someone, eh?
4 Boromir was a huge spoiler
Sean Bean’s a terrific actor and the perfect casting choice for the role of Boromir in Lord of the Rings. That being said, the man is a walking spoiler, as none of the characters he plays make it out of his movies alive. And, surprise, surprise: Boromir meets an early end in the Fellowship of the Ring as well.
Whether this is just a coincidence or he was purposely cast as Boromir knowing the character dies in the first movie remains up to debate, but is nevertheless an interesting observation, cleverly mocked by this meme.
3 Gandalf the Scumbag
If things were that simple, The Lord of the Rings would be a boring few-page story with no purpose or excitement. Nevertheless, the question of why Gandalf, after entrusting Frodo and the Fellowship with such a dangerous task of defeating Sauron, didn’t at least use his eagles to spare them the perilous six-month journey remains one of LOTR’s most popular plot holes that still makes no sense to this day.
RELATED: The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy: 10 Questions We Still Want Answered
The explanation offered is that the eagles only helped Gandalf because they are indebted to him for saving their king. Despite this, the entire Middle-Eearth was at stake, so this reasoning still makes little sense.
2 Never skip upper body day
Where the books describe Gandalf as barely grasping the end of the cliff, the situation is obviously a bit different in the movies. We are talking about one of the most powerful wizards of Middle-Earth, someone immortal who’s able to fight the Balrog for days, yet getting himself over the edge is a task too great.
While it seems that Gandalf had more than a decent grip on that cliff and him falling down makes little sense, we can possibly conclude that defeating the Balrog and emerging as Gandalf the White was a part of his plan from the beginning.
1 Legolas’ unlimited arrow cheat code
The most mysterious member of the Fellowship of the Ring, Legolas never seems to run out of arrows, in the first movie as well as all the other sequels. This begs the question of whether his arrows were somehow enchanted. But, more likely, it’s just a huge plot hole that made this elf more badass and competent in large-scale battles.
It makes even less sense when we consider that he uses elven-made arrows, which would surely have to require him to make a trip back home in order to restock. We’ll never know, and as Frodo would say: “all right then, keep your secrets.”
NEXT: The Lord of the Rings: 10 Facts About Frodo They Leave Out In The Movies
Tags: lord of the rings
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Bài viết Lord Of The Rings: 10 Hilarious Fellowship Of The Ring Logic Memes That Are Too Funny – Screen Rant đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/lord-of-the-rings-10-hilarious-fellowship-of-the-ring-logic-memes-that-are-too-funny-screen-rant/
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cellerityweb · 6 years
Imagine Earth – Build your own Colonie in Space
Hey Space Colony Managers! Have you ever heard about Imagine Earth? If not, that’s okay because we’re able to help. Imagine Earth is a space stragety simulation and a real-time planet simulation. If you attend this year’s EGX Berlin, take the chance to play Imagine Eearth, which is part of the Indie Area in 2018. EGX Berlin 2018 takes place from 28 to 30 September.
Imagine Earth is a futuristic space stragey and world simulation about the age of space capitalism. You are a colony manager and your job is – logically – to discover various uncharted planets and populate them with great cities. However that’s not all of course, to be honest, the actual work begins now. You as the conoly manager need to supply the needs of your ever-growing population by building factories, farms and many other buildings. The more your colony and your saved game itself develops, the more difficult it becomes. After some time you have to face natural limitations in fossile resources and environmental resilience. Also natural threads such as twisters, wild fires, volcanoes and rising sea levels try to make you give up – oh and don’t forget about aliens and space pirates! The developers wanted to “put the most serious problem of latest human history into a thrilling and motivating game flow.” According to them, the game can might change from an experimental world simulation into an climate survival thriller – sounds pretty cool! The game offers many different modes such as a story-based campaign mode, which includes 9 planets / missions, a freeplay mode with procedural planet generator, a competition mode and a planet editor for customizing individual planets.
You can check out the public demo that has been released on Steam and on the official website. Can you lead your colony into a bright future?
About Serious Brothers
Imagine Earth has been now several years in developmentby Martin Wahnschaffe and Jens Isensee. In 2014 they founded the company Serious Brothers. In such a small team, however, everyone has his or her own specialized tasks. Jens is responsible for 3D objects, interface design and artwork, while Martin does the programming and keeps an eye on the project structure and organization. The on Steam Early Access released game was well received by critics and supporters alike.
“We are perfectionists and have been improving the game concept, interface and design since 2008. Now we are satisfied with the gameplay system and basic simulation. It’s time to focus on the content and we are crowdfunding for two reasons: First, the crowdfunding money is an important part of our development budget and will allow is to finish the development until the end of this year. We need it so we can hire specialists to do music, sound and translations and to pay for publishing and legal costs.”
Here’s the official trailer of Imagine Earth:
The post Imagine Earth – Build your own Colonie in Space appeared first on Making Games.
Imagine Earth – Build your own Colonie in Space published first on https://thetruthspypage.tumblr.com/
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rubimorel · 7 years
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It’s so easy to forget the stars in the daytime, it’s so easy to forget the sun at night. It takes so much conscious effort to remember the big picture, to not get lost in the stories we tell ourselves about the world. . . . #eearth• 🌿 . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . Li fasil pou bliye zetwal yo gran jounen, li fasil pou bliye solèy la nannwit. Sa mande anpil konsyans pou w pa pèdi tèt ou, nan istwa ou di tèt ou sou mond lan. . . . . #eearth• 🌿 (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
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