#the eating utensils are a 'trousse set'
mel-addams · 2 years
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[Image Description: the first image is the cover of the TTRPG Wyrd Street. A pale woman wearing a hooded robe is seated in the center of a candlelit room, looking with shock at her bloody hands. She’s sitting on a torn and bloody rug, a broken chair in front of her. Behind her is Ji Wensdottir, one of the Iconic Characters, casting a protective spell while she looks down at the seated woman. Surrounding them are glowing runes from the spell, a few floating, jellyfish-like critters made from possessed junk, and a large, menacing ghostly figure, floating in front of a broken window. At the top is the Wyrd Street text logo, and at the bottom is the text “Core Rulebook.”
The second image is an illustration of Bing Li, a woman with light skin and straight black hair, partially shaved to reveal rough scars along the side of her head. Her clothing is dark and loose, generalizing her silhouette, enabling her to be nondescript if she had her hood up. The case for a set of portable eating utensils hanging from her waist peeks out from under her hooded tunic, though the knife from the set is in her right hand. Her left arm is lifted slightly, blood magically extending from a small cut into a gruesome tendril. Handwritten beside her is her name, and her RPG class, Heretic.]
Bing Li the Heretic
Wyrd Street TTRPG IndieGoGo, funding now!
Wyrd Street cover illustrated by Dana, whose portfolio you can find here: https://www.danabraga.com/
Fuck forced loyalty and imperialism—fled her shitty country when they eventually came to silence her.
Fascinated by and researching taboo magic—figure out why it’s taboo, and what good it can be used for.
Using blood whips and launching poisonous teeth that bud out of your flesh may be grotesque, but it’s not inherently “evil.” It all comes down to how it’s used, same as any other magic.
At level 8 you can become a blood puddle and ooze yourself through small spaces, or move through occupied spaces without being slowed or causing disengagement attacks! Gross? Maybe. Rad? I SURE THINK SO
Again, not to play favorites with a longer post, but I also get to draw her with enough funding! So, for a little more class info: Heretic can also make up to 3 Blood Dolls—simple undead companions formed from human or other corpses (which end up looking human, and you choose their appearance). They can be improved as you level up, too!
A deep dive post from Tyler, with more info on Bing Li and her class design:
And that’s all the Iconics revealed! Wyrd Street’s IndieGoGo ends on the 26th, so go give it a gander, and take a peek at the primer to check out the gameplay!
- Wyrd Street Masterpost - Ji Wensdottir the Street Preacher - Lo Karlsson the Drifter - Blue Rose the Vigilante - Five Snow Blossom the Dreamer - Osiron the Fortune Teller - Burning Grin the Scoundrel - Bing Li the Heretic - Na Wen the Brawler - Dr. Zuberi Mbogo the Quack
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