#the dustpaw caravan
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
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Who would have thought the Vulpera ERP warren that is the Dustpaw Caravan would be so... rabid?! Clearly their living dead guild is just a front to hide their massive amounts of vixen loving.
Spamming us with the same message four times over the space of 24 hours will not get you the intended result, Farrow. Nor will your attempts to sabotage your competitors (like the good moxxie foxxie PCU drone you've been trained to be) work either.
Please, if anyone does have any shred, any scrap or any morsel of anything substantive towards the Dust Scavengers, of whom we have had nothing but wonderful and pleasant interactions with over the years, please do deliver it to our door step.
Of course spineless contrarian and endless victim Obahar, the wheeled out token stockholm syndromed cheerleader of the PCU has no such evidence despite claims otherwise.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
gigglesnorting like an idiot watching the pcu try to revive the vulpera drama thread for it to fly back in their face like a cow turd.
coalburnt really has no people skills does he? its not hard to see him for what he is, a rude and poisonous little man who lashes out at everyone and anyone who dares criticise him.
speedwagone should shut up while he's ahead too, hes playing a joke race and his open and brazen misogynistic incel behavior on his twitter feed is way more disturbing than a vulpera rper talking about boobs.
Who knew that Vulpera RP would be where the PCU would find their hill to die on?
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
Why am I not surprised that Coalburnt has been attacking players like a rabid dog the Vulpera thread. Mr 'dibs on Erwin Rommel' isn't even suitable in his approach
Protecting the Dustpaw Caravan is something of a hill to die on at this point for the PCU. They know its a lost cause and they're just desperately trying to make it appear as if their attempts to control Vulpera RP are working, which it never has.
It looks like the Desert Fox has been... outfoxed.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
My assumption is that your intention was to provoke a reaction, which is fine. However, if you are genuinely seeking information about Dustpaw Caravan, I can tell you that they have always been a safe haven for Vulpera Roleplayers. While they may have a strict approach at times, they have always been against ERP and have enforced strict rules against it. It is rare to find a guild that does not adhere to the typical sexual mindset, which can, and has, been traumatic for some individuals, myself included. Tuzoh, Onkuru, Zouji, and Farrow, as leaders, have all embraced the shared values of creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive and secure environment, devoid of prejudice and discomfort that may arise from guilds engaging in explicit behavior. I for one admire them for it.
If they are truly LGBTQ+ positive then the Dustpaw Caravan would have left the PCU a long time ago. They have had ample opportunity to do so but for some reason remain entrenched, why? Because their guild would not survive without PCU life support. Look at who has the larger Vulpera guild on Argent Dawn and which one is more active and come back to us.
Besides this we have also posted some of the lurid tales Tuzoh has been involved with here over the years, simply cementing the fact they are hypocrites who have no problem attacking everyone and everything that threatens their position.
No one is convinced by the false 'think of the children' narrative these days, considering the text book level of evidence we have regarding the PCU leadership and its core members delightfully not caring about any indecent exposure to minors.
Your apologia while spirited is entirely misguided and we hope eventually you understand the falseness of your position, unlikely as that might be.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
Two new leaders in one year? Morsteth demoted from his perch in Grim Gest? Hopping from one guild to another, the PCU is a swiftly melting Iceberg and we love to see it.
Perroy, in exile. Gruggosh, missing in action. Morsteth, deported.
PCU status? A circus on fire. Hotel? Trivago.
The Rotgarde, the longest standing guild within the PCU, the originator in fact, has all but disbanded and gone into sleep mode (hopefully to never awaken again).
Hand of Conquest, reduced to memeposting and mixtapes on their guild thread with the disappearance of Gruggosh, spiralling the drain until they find something new and shiny to latch onto.
Grim Gest, inactive since Morsteth made his big no no remarks. A guild built around a cult of personality with half of its members being die hard alt-righters and the other half being passive and compliant (until recently at least)? Of course there is a schism. Those who supported Morsteth have gone with him and Perroy to Neverwinter Nights.
The Dustpaw Caravan, a dead guild with more sleazy ERP hiding under the surface than any other vulpera guild, just keep it quiet. Want an actual genuine Vulpera experience? Try the Dust Scavengers.
Ronin, the Pandaren cabal that tried to become the sole Pandaren guild on Argent Dawn, 106 characters reduced to 7 online at any one time.
Order of Oronaar, A Draenei guild more obsessed with purity testing and organising bullying campaigns in their own guild discord server than actually engaging in Draenei RP, oh and cannibalizing other Draenei guilds that pop up.
Ardent Pursuit, the Argent Guild that has systematically harassed any Argent RPer not in their guild into joining if they operate in Lordaeron. A guild that can't seem to decide if it's PCU or not, though more often or not too ashamed to advertise their affiliation.
Dirge of Teldrassil, joining a long line of Night Elf orientated guilds that get superseded by the lore and bogged down in their own internal egotism. The guild itself has no longer any use, Night Elf lore has moved on from Teldrassil, the Alliance and Horde are co-existing and the age of Ashenvale skirmishes are over.
BOOMTEC Inc, surprisingly thriving ever since they left the PCU. Funny how guilds immediately start thriving once they're no longer in a cult eh?
The only PCU guilds that can even attest to regular activity these days appear to be Red Venturers, Cleft of Shadows and Painted Shields. Few in number perhaps but consistent at least.
The diehards have already jumped ship into their security guilds (mostly on Alliance no less) with Sword of Triumph (Hello Teyha/Swordmaster) and House Bemoux (Elfguild master Lunarglade repainted as a human noble guild) and many of its other former members scattering across the remaining 'Northern' RP guilds on the server, hoping and praying they won't be found out.
Indeed, it has been entertaining to watch though we do encourage the PCU to shrivel up quicker please.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
who tf is wíldaxe and why are they the keep necro'ing pcu corpse guild threads like it's their job?
This is a curious trend we have seen happening over the last couple of months. It seems the majority of 'bump' posts have been Wíldaxe attempting some sort of 'OOH RAH' motivational injection into a number of PCU threads on the server forum that would have otherwise withered into total obscurity.
They seem particularly invested in keeping The Dustpaw Caravan, Dirge of Teldrassil and fellow 'corpse guilds' (A wonderful term we may adopt) Grim Gest and Order of Oronaar afloat.
Perhaps they are still seething that we correctly announced their own guild Chosen of Draenor effectively perished and has been in a state of undeath for the last four months at least and has been hemorrhaging members for weeks, requiring existing members to plug the gap with their alts to maintain the appearance of active membership.
Considering they are an active reader of CoAD - calling themselves "blog famous" after all, it is not a stretch of the imagination to see why they're diving in last minute on these 28 and 29 days since last bump threads to keep them on life support as a weird sort of 'hah, gotcha' spite towards us.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 1 year ago
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The eagerly anticipated third quarterly report on the PCU of this year. There is usually a slowdown in the summer months, however this year seems to have shown an accelerated decaying of the PCU in the months where there tends to be a preservation of numbers. It seems however that our predictions were largely correct. We are witnessing hastened entropy with some surprising results.
The Damages.
No less than five guilds have crumbled off the PCU, over a quarter of the remaining ones still standing. A further sixth guild has merged into another. <Azure Dawn>, <Eternal Sisterhood>, <Highblood Myrmidons> are finished in their entirety. This marks the end of ‘Elf RP’ as a whole within the PCU. The Triumvirate as eaten itself whole with a mixture of drama (who’d have guess Elf guilds make drama), inactivity and a shift in focus.
Azure Dawn, as our frequent readers will know have morphed into The Sunspear, and those wishing to avoid them should check our previously linked roster on their names and alts! Lunarglade appears to have moved his small cult of personality to the Alliance and made <House Bemoux> their primary focus. As for the Highblood Myrmidons, an inglorious end to the premier Elven SS cosplayers as they are forced to fold into The Sunspear or as some appear to have, joined the Painted Shields on Troll alts.
Other notable causalities include the <Holy Order of Lordain>. Originally a guild that joined the PCU, it appears that they have inexplicably withdrawn from RP on Argent Dawn with a large tide of them having gone to merge back with their parent guild of the Arathi Honor Guard. The AHG, a rather unpleasant lot seem to have also found a new provider of attention in the growing Stromgarde community, marking a curious shift from them requiring the PCU for RP.
<Chosen of Draenor> is another demise, a recent one and a clear sign of a long term stagnating guild unable to sustain momentum, an apparent fatal flaw that has started rapidly creeping through the PCU guilds.
The Survivors.
Largely due to the implementation of cross faction guilds shortly after our previous census, <Cleft of Shadows> and <Ardent Pursuit> have managed to maintain their numbers, though we are curious as to where twenty or so characters in Cleft of Shadow disappeared to after the merger with <Ashen Wake>.
The largest increase in membership count (at a grand total of TEN) has been <Dirge of Teldrassil> which has surprised us.
The Stagnation.
All of the other PCU guilds have either shown decline or stagnation. To name some particularly interesting examples both <Red Venturers> and <The Dustpaw Caravan> have shown remarkable stagnation over the last four months. The latter of which seems to have staved off a decline by filling their ranks with alts.
The major players, <Grim Gest>, <The Rotgarde> and <Hand of Conquest> have all shown sluggish and slow movement, the former having been embroiled in the controversy of Morsteth’s sexual harassment. Whether or not Grim Gest will survive the fall of its leader or become a husk of its former self like the Rotgarde post-Perroy remains to be seen. Grim Gest already has a tremendous alt-stuffing problem with only 38 actual accounts but nearly 100 characters.
This same problem is present within &lt;Ronin> as well who have managed to make themselves officially the largest PCU guild in terms of characters. Our analysis of the guild however is still determining how many of these characters are genuine or merely sockpuppets there to make it appear as if they are thriving.
The Predictions.
A few guilds are on our radar for special observation over the next few months. <Order of Oronaar> has seen quite a few departures recently and seems to be entering an inertia induced downward spiral much like Chosen of Draenor, Eternal Sisterhood and Holy Order of Lordain. The Dustpaw Caravan likewise is also interesting us for its declining activity as well. We suspect that these guilds will likely be the next ones to crumble.
While also possible, we also wish to say it is more unlikely that Red Venturers will suffer a similar collapse in the near future.
The Factionalism.
As the PCU’s ranks become narrower and leaner it becomes far easier to see where the lines are drawn. While it’s not impossible that they may reconcile as Morsteth has been removed from a position of influence there are still distinctly shaped factions.
Based on how we have monitored public activity on the forums and in game with their events we have found some interesting fractures
There appears to be three main camps forming:
A ‘neutral’ one that seems to be keeping itself out of factionalism and is largely defined by  guilds who were very independent minded from the outset. These include
Red Venturers The Dustpaw Caravan Boomtech Inc
A group which seems to have rallied around the Gruggosh continuity movement. These include Hand of Conquest The Rotgarde Order of Oronaar Dirge of Teldrassil Ardent Pursuit
A group centered around the Grim Gest These include
Grim Gest Cleft of Shadows House Bemoux (Eternal Sisterhood)   
And a group which has been difficult to quite pin down to any one division
These include
Ronin Painted Shields
Concluding Thoughts.
The increased factionalism has obviously damaged overall unity efforts within the PCU. This in turn has most likely been a major contributing factor as to why there has been stagnation across the board and outright demise of many guilds. As stated before, it is possible that Morsteth was exposed purely to break the Grim Gest’s position as the ‘second power’ inside the PCU by making him step down. His complete lack of activity over the last two months as well only mirrors that of the Dear Leader Perroy, who went quiet for over a year before his official departure after our exposé of his F-List associations.
It remains to be seen if this will make any long term changes as we all know by now that the PCU are an incredibly vindictive lot. Koiffen has refused to speak publicly or in discord chats about what happened to Morsteth. It would not surprise us if the Grim Gest informally (or possibly even formally like the Ebon Onslaught) leave the PCU on the threat of being expelled. We have noticed a strange level of sanitary cordon behaviour around them over the last couple of months, their guild thread has been dead since April, with only singular “bump” type posts being done every 20-25 days.
As Dragonflight continues to be completely antithetical to the PCU within a narrative focus and theme, it is likely we will continue to see the unclotting stream of members leaving them, only for the officer brigade to quickly try stuff their guilds with more alts to make it appear as if they are active! Our advice would be to check their guild threads, see who is posting what, who is ‘bumping’ who, how many people are at events and draw your own conclusions.
All we can say to the PCU is, may you continue to live in interesting times.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 2 years ago
Why are the Ardent Pursuit, Holy Order of Lordain, Azure Dawn and Dustpaw Caravan specefically escaping?
The listed guilds are generally insulated from the greater PCU body due to external factors.
They are all led by guild leaders who joined the PCU over being alts of other PCU characters making new guilds. This makes them more autonomous and not subject to longer term trends of decline.
Each of the guilds listed have remained stagnant in numbers for months, the net rise and decline remaining consistent. This suggests they have had problem retaining membership but can sustain themselves.
Their niches are historically particular but popular, meaning there is usually a dedicated core of players around these (Northern/Game of Thrones/Witcher RP - Lordain, Argent RP - Ardent Pursuit - Alliance Elf/Half Elf RP - Azure Dawn - Vulpera Caravan RP - Dustpaw).
Each of these listed guilds have had public spats with the greater body politic of the PCU within the last year and a half since Perroy's departure, they do not always follow party doctrine in public.
Membership of these guilds have in various incidents tried to hide, downplay or otherwise diminish their connection to the PCU in public and/or private channels.
Combine these "Potential troublemaker" guilds with the "quiet" PCU guilds who generally stay out of the public politicking such as Red Venturers, Boomtech Inc, Coppersail and Primal Pact and you have a not insignificant portion of the PCU (8/21 of the still standing guilds) not co-operating with the central leadership.
For a group who's former Dear Leader once proudly boasted he ruled "basically a dictatorship" dissent in such an authoritarian group is a clear marker of continued decay.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 2 years ago
It doesn't matter that parts of the PCU are supposedly inoffensive. Their mere presence in the organisation helps enable it and its depravities, implicitly telling them that what they're doing is okay. Don't get me wrong, some people are genuinely deplorable and will be terrible whether they're in an enabling organisation or not, but it's much easier for people to ignore them if they aren't propped up by "hundreds of roleplayers" or whatever the PCU line is.
No one deserves to be let off the hook for being in the PCU. Certainly not at this late stage. It's not a secret what they're like, and people who stay with them regardless cannot claim innocence.
This raises a very good point. The "Safety in Numbers" principle does enable those who would otherwise be too cowardly to act out to act out with impunity and feel supported by their "good ol buddies" waiting in the wings egging them on.
There is an honest debate that should be had amongst the communities of Argent Dawn outside of the PCU on how to sanitize itself as bits of the PCU fly off the sides of it. Yes, not all of it's members are as guilty as some of their members but the simple fact that they -could- have voiced opposition yet only a minority have (of which ironically many have come to us with their stories) does raise a question of culpability.
As we have said before, the Mitläufer (Fellow Traveller) principle should be applied to the PCU. Those who may not have been directly involved with its excesses, harassment, abuse and general toxicity infecting presence on the server but otherwise benefited from and/or sympathised with the actions of the PCU, where they could have prevented it absolutely should be applied. The very fact that the PCU leadership have actively tried to discredit any sort of testimony and evidence about their wrongdoing over their five years of existence, censor and hide material (and failed) that show their members and officers acting reprehensibly is in itself a damning indictment of themselves.
That even certain parts of the PCU are positioning themselves on the outer fringe as much as possible now already is metaphorically the rats trying to escape the sinking ship. Just keep in mind when the PCU tags mysteriously disappear from the likes of the Ardent Pursuit, Holy Order of Lordain, Azure Dawn and Dustpaw Caravan.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 4 years ago
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We often get many messages regarding the statements that we issue on the Rotgarde, and the PCU as a whole as a genuinely fascist, neo-nazi worshipping group. For concrete proof of the sympathies outside of screen captures of their dog whistles or outright racial slurs we need look no further than the Youtube channel of long time PCU member, formerly Krankheit of the Rotgarde, and now Krat of the Dustpaw Caravan.
As you can see on this link, Krankheit made a video trailer showing off a standard PCU led RP PvP campaign back in 2017. What is curious though is the music played in the last roughly 20 seconds of the video. Now to the normal listener it might be just merely some vaguely militaristic sounding music.
To the committed anti-fascist however this music was composed to commemorate the “Condor Legion” - German Nazi soldiers who fought for the fascist side in the Spanish civil war, and who were most known for the atrocity of the bombing of Guernica. (Link here for comparing)
In addition it was also used as the music accompanying the infamous Nazi song “SS marches in enemy territory”
It raises the question, why would anyone reasonably want to use music with such connotations if they were not fascist sympathisers? Had this been the only stain upon Krankheit’s youtube channel, it could be passed off as maybe a bit of “edgy” humour.
However the problem doesn’t stop there. In another video, Krankheit makes islamophobic sentiments, clearly showing he is committed to bigoted views.
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In true Rotgarde tradition, in another video he outwardly insults and mocks other players for how they portray their characters, despite said characters not breaking any terms of service or harassing other players, which is exactly what Krankheit does, even using Blizzard’s conveniently white supremacist stand-in, Garithos as his mascot for the video.
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Specific players are also targetted by him, Thunderbraid, arguably one of the finest and upstanding members of the server, a constant positive presence within the community (Not to mention competition against the PCU for Dwarfen RP) for the last ten years has been on the end of harassment and mockery in at least three videos, not accounting for the years of in-game and in-forum slants being directed to him either.
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Maarod, a highly outspoken critic of the PCU, and routinely “accused” of being CoAD, was also the subject of mockery and insult, simply for calling out Dear Leader on his actions. Being the good and loyal friend to Perroy, Krankheit of course guns for him as well.
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Finally, in true PCU fashion he dictates what he considers to be unacceptable opinions on humor in another video, highlighting posts made by other players and highlighting them in yet more negative light.
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We will leave you with a final image, one that has a particular sense of irony all things considered. No, Dear Leader you are not protected from consequences.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 4 years ago
PCU hidden ERP and forum brigading
So now that Tehya, Akamito and some other noteworthy members and affiliates of the PCU community have come out as ex ERPers on the forums (link here: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pcu-discussion-questions-and-views/176108/378) doesn't this then make them even bigger hypocrites for organising witch-hunts, brigading and self-moderating the forums while hiding behind a bastion of purity? What difference is there then between let’s say Tehya and a random Goldshire ERPer when the said level 58 DK has admitted to be an avid ERPer for years?
There have also been rumours that the PCU has been harbouring erotic roleplayers in the guild Dustpaw Caravan, Ronin and Copper Street Solutions, and one of their members (Tenasa/Furaffinity user) has been found to have animal porn/furry porn on their personal blogs (which, once discovered, she promptly deleted). This has prompted me to leave the League of Modimus PCU guild (yes I am an ex PCU member and I am very disgusted by what I have witnessed).
Just letting the wider, non-brainwashed part of the Argent Dawn community know of the newest PCU practices.
To the new people who might want to join them, I advise to steer clear away from their community and roleplay. They may seem nice on first glance, but it will not take long for them to force you to upvote their comments on the forums or “suggest you” to flag the comments of those they don’t agree with. While being in the PCU it felt more like a job than playing a video game. I felt like a disposable pawn. 
To them, humble roleplayer, you are nothing but cannon fodder.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 2 years ago
I will submit that Grim Gest is the largest wrong within the "PCU". Most guilds are okay (from my own experience), but the neo-fash 13/50 spamming 4channers of Grim Gest spoil the entire apple basket.
We have said multiple times in the past that there are portions of the PCU who are genuinely friendly and good people, and even those who are completely inoffensive. Guilds such as the Dustpaw Caravan, Red Venturers and the Aparoshe Stampede (barring Matowa) are over all decent people being led by vile bigots from higher up the PCU "foodchain". Surprisingly there were even at one point very polite and nice people within the Rotgarde, though since Perroy has left these people seem to have seen how the wind is blowing and have disappeared from the roster.
The likes of the Grim Gest, the Highblood Myrmidons, the Blood of Martyrs, Eternal Sisterhood and significant portions of the Hand of Conquest are the problem.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 3 years ago
Primal Pact is being Co-led by two former PCU Guild leads. Beniya former leader of the Painted Shields, and Tzori, (Tuzoh) Former Leader of the Dustpaw Caravan - Vulpera guild.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 4 years ago
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Here we can see PCU member Sept of the Order of Oronaar (Also known for housing public erpers) attempting to score big points with the PCU big wigs using his sockpuppet Dargeus with claiming that there are character transfers from Argent Dawn to other servers. Naturally he then took the established Dear Leader stance of demanding that all players the PCU dislike which they just group up vaguely with the new moral panic term “OOCer” to leave the server.
Of course said claims of free transfers were completely false and fabricated, which a number of posters rightfully pointed out in the thread. Cue PCU sockpuppet and likely alt account of a PCU officer Krar. Once the strategy of trying to make players pay to transfer failed he bounced in and immediately started insulting and harassing players in typical form, including ironically enough fellow PCU player Ranko of The Dustpaw Caravan showing the true colours of the PCU in that they will never accept races they consider to be “furries” as an actual part of the PCU, considering Dear Leader’s puerile loathing of said people. Dargeus however isn’t limited to making completely false claims, he will openly attack new members of the community joining, using a bizarre cult like dogma against someone who expressed that RP was not their primary activity. Of course this is usual behaviour from the PCU, anyone that they cannot control or make use of are to be treat as if they were “lesser” and “inferior” to them.
If that wasn’t enough, take a look at Dargeus’ top likes on the official forums, all members of the PCU, including Dear Leader himself and vapid talk-show host z-elebrity of the PCU Tehya/Tehyani/Dorn.
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