#the driver will have no choice but to match your speed thus giving you the upper hand
emberdune · 2 years
few things give me the same pure unbridled joy as racing furiously against some form of public transport on my little bike
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Been having a weird/off week. But you know what’s made it better?
Spending some more time in Midvale with Supergirl Ep. 6x06, “Prom Again!”
So! Last week was the fun shenanigans/set-up, THIS WEEK we get the emotional pay-offs and oooooh. So good. So good.
Historically, Supergirl kinda struggles to stick its landing when it comes to paying off its set-ups, but I think this episode is really solid in that regard.  
And thus, we begin! With the forest showdown! And I love it. Love every part of it. Love Kara flying in and freeing Nia and Brainy with her heat vision, love that one of Kenny and Kara’s go-to plays is called ‘Speed Racer’, love Brainy’s whole, ‘my buddy’s gonna BLAST YA if you don’t cooperate’ and Kara just. Threatens the bad guys from the shrubbery.
She’s supposed to be scary and intimidating with the heat vision eyes but dagnabbit...it’s just kind of cute.
Last week I completely forgot to mention how much I love that Kenny and Kara have go-to plays WITH NAMES. (NERDY names at that!) And also that Alex is so exasperated by it.
Fast forward to the Fortress and everyone’s happy! The day is saved! The timeline is restored! Alex apologizes for being a bit of a grouch!
*cough* understatement *cough*
And Brainy doesn’t get the fist bump, d’awwwww. XD
Nia has a lovely chat with Kara wherein SHE is the elder hero who inspires the youths. Nice. NICE.
And THEN, the first of some good Danvers Sisters scenes...we’ll call this one ‘the mini-van chat.’ 
Kara apologizing about the ‘Zookeeper fight-y thing’ and the GLASSES FIDGET.
Shout out to the writers, who were ON-POINT with the dialogue for both parts, and shout out to the young actresses as well. It’s...honestly uncanny, how well they nailed playing Kara and Alex. 
(I mean, we knew this already, of course, but GOSH. What a wonderful showcase. So, so glad, that we got such a large Midvale story in the final season.)
Right, so, another dialogue highlight from the mini-van chat (but like, not in a silly way. More in a, ‘oh wow that’s very sweet’ way) Alex, to Kara about her choice: ‘It’s the right one because you made it.’
Then we go to Nia and Brainy on the Legion Cruiser!
Nia’s outfit? Outstanding. Brainy’s mask? Admittedly a little distracting because it didn’t look like it was fitting quite right.
But A+ song choice for their dance, show. 
(Really, A+ song choices across the board. You can tell they were absolutely LOVING getting in all those needle drops.) 
Cat Grant has released the aliens! And she has been captured! And yet she remains heckin’ fearless!
Love that she calls Mitch ‘Mr. Blue Sky.’
It took me a while to warm up to this ‘new’ version of Cat Grant but this episode really gave her some fun stuff to do and yep, I dig it. Great stuff. 
Meanwhile, back at the prom...
I'm taking this moment to applaud the Supergirl folks for their very nice workarounds for ‘crowded’ locations this season thus far. The episodes have never felt like, overtly obvious in terms of Covid protocol impacts (I mean there are a few scenes here and there where you’re like, ‘oh, yeah, this is set up in this specific way to probably account for some production changes) but I’ve never felt that the episodes are losing anything, you know?
Case in point! Two episodes, set in a crowded high school! But most of the stuff takes place before/between classes, or outside!
(Specifically enjoyed all the outdoor stuff and natural lighting. It’s not quite the same as that LA sunshine, but. Still nice.)  
Anyways, in “Prom Again!” the action/discussions are set in the hallways/classrooms outside of the actual Prom. Inobtrusive! Makes sense for the story! Doesn’t compromise!
Gold stars for everyone. 
Kara and Kenny are BOTH unrelentingly cheesy--Kara even says as much--and it’s wonderful.
‘Hey Stargazer.’ Kara, you smooth operator you.
Shout out to Kenny’s bowtie, it’s great.
...Shout out to Kenny in general.
(Like, Will is great, but he’s got a lot to live up to, now.)
So FURTHER PROOF THAT THE TIMELINE IS BUSTED: Kara is going to stay in Midvale!
Me, knowing full well that Kara has to go to National City, but also being...just a liiiiittle bit team Kenny: 
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And then...THE METEOR!
That Kara just. Body-slams.
It reminded me of another Danvers, who also body-slams some space stuff:
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But UNLIKE Kara’s cross-company cousin, this particular move does not end well!
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(Well, okay. It’s tonight but you get the idea.)
Poor, sweet Kenny. Who feels WAY out of his depth as he’s imprisoned alongside Cat on the alien ship...but it does bring us one of her patented ‘tough love pep talks.’ Wherein she calls Kenny brilliant.
And also, Kendall.
Never change, Cat. Never change.
Also, “Go, go.”
Okay, some more rapid fire specifics that I enjoyed so that this list doesn’t get...too? Long? ...No promises.
Smol Kara squaring her shoulders in that classic Kara Super Pose! 
Alex being able to pick a lock!
Kara using the reflected sunlight from the moon to heal!
‘That’s an 80% failure rate’ ‘Oh yes it’s terrible.’
The scene where the police have Kara, and Alex comes rushing out all, ‘that’s my sister!’ and Kara’s gonna just RISK EVERYTHING to fix this?
100/10, excellent, love to see that Danvers Sisters angst in the Worst Timeline. Also? Alex’s desperate little headshake, silently pleading for Kara to NOT DO THE THING???? Devastating. In the best way.
‘The world will know that name...Keira.’ 
No Plutonian Landshark sightings!?!? Not even a graphic on a computer screen? FOR SHAME!
(Personally, I’m imaging that they look like Jeff, pictured below.)
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Kara stowing away on the Cruiser, and her very cute, ‘Don’t be mad!’
Her entire speech about her future--She’s just seventeen! She doesn’t have her driver’s license yet! Eliza’s only let her do the laundry once! She’s not even sure she can make rice!
(Eliza, I love you, but for Pete’s sake, let your kid do her own laundry.) 
Brainy and Kara trying to play it cool upon being discovered by Kenny and Alex! 
Their story involving an excess of formal wear!
Nia inspiring Cat to start CatCo, and telling her she’s CAT FREAKIN’ GRANT!
“If you say Lois Lane I will expire.”
Wait, did I mention the lucid dreaming power yet? ...Nia’s lucid dreaming power!
The entirety of Kara and Kenny’s talk in the gym!
Kara in the Worst Timeline tell Alex, ‘you don’t have to shout’. And then in the Fixed Timeline: ‘inside voice please.’
And she quotes Monty Python that lil GOOBER.
THE WHOLE EPISODE(S) was a GOSHDARN DELIGHT, I TELL YA. (Did I say that last week? I might’ve said that last week, but I don’t care.)
And now, some slightly more in-depth, overall thoughts:
So, How ‘Bout Them Danvers: Not surprisingly, the girls end up in, if not the exact same place as the end of “Midvale”, then pretty darn close. I’m trying to avoid, like. All of fandom, these days, but unfortunately, the bad takes are numerous, and often untagged. So I did see a bunch of people insisting that Kenny living ‘ruined the Danvers’ relationship’ and that the show is ‘taking away everything that makes Kara Kara’
To which I say:
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In the broadest terms, what needs to happen by episode’s end to match up with “Midvale”, and prep the kiddos for the stuff that happens in the Pilot - Kara needs to put the aspirations of super-ing on the backburner, and Alex needs to like. Not hate Kara, but also be committed to helping Kara keep her secret, you know...secret. 
All of these things are set up. I repeat: All. Of. Them.
And Kenny didn’t have to die!
(I will admit, I chuckled that they so blatantly teased an untimely demise for him...because I know it will annoy select corners of fandom.
But anyways, back to those key ingredients for making a ‘Danvers Sisters in the same emotional place they were in @ Midvale’s end’ soup: Alex deals with that simmering resentment. Seeing Kara handle herself well in a super-ing context gives her that little, ‘hey, this isn’t so bad!’ outlook.
BUT INTERESTINGLY, in the Fixed Timeline, Alex and Kara don’t have that chat in the supply room, where Alex is like. ‘You CANNOT reveal your powers, BAD THINGS will happen if you do.’ 
That is saved for the Pilot!*
MEANWHILE. The Kara ingredients! She puts super-ing on hold. 
Her chat with Kenny functions as a replacement for her chat with J’onn-as-Not!Alura, in the sense that it’s here that she reveals that she didn’t choose to come to Midvale, she didn’t choose these powers. 
(...I can already sense fandom using those lines to prove their end-of-series theories and like. Ugh. Ugh.) 
But anyways. It’s also here that we get shades of Pilot!Kara, what with the season one conflict of being Super vs. being normal. 
Fandom needs to like. Chill. 
And their (fake) concern for Kara’s characterization is entirely misplaced, because this was a really wonderful showcase for Kara in particular.
Like. The first episode was really Nia’s time to shine, and we still got solid Brainy and Nia action in this episode!
But man. That good Kara content.
So speaking of good Kara content in particular, I LOVED Kara’s prom dress. It's got both a SKIRT. AND PANTS!
I know nothing of fashion, but it was very cute, very girly, and okay. Though I hate the comic, the one thing I actually liked about Future State is Kara’s costume. This was similar!
(Thank goodness it looked nothing like the prom dress from Rebirth. That...was a bit of a train wreck.)
(Look, not all comic artists are great clothes designers, it’s just how it is.)
We see the empowerment theme come up with Kara inspiring Kenny; he describes her as ‘an amazing light in a world of darkness’ and tells her that, ‘you changed me, Kara Zor-El.’
We love to see it. 
They also agree that stargazing and Monty Python make for the perfect prom these absolute NERDS I love them.
*Quick wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey note WRT making this episode ‘fit’ with the Pilot: I’m not saying that it 100% does. There’s already the change with the Kryptonite, and the added info/awareness of the DEO. 
Those little changes, though, don’t really impact the overall arc of Kara and Alex, the way the emotional stuff might. 
Thus! The ‘Pilot’ of Earth Prime, and in fact, the ENTIRETY of the show’s run thus far most likely involved little differences throughout, but the emotional core is very close, if not the exact same.
BUT EITHER WAY, it doesn’t matter, because our Kara and Alex are still our Kara and Alex thanks to the multiple sets of memories! 
(So all of fandom’s freaking out is for naught. As it almost always is.) 
I bring this up because, again, as much as I talk about setting stuff up for where we find Kara six years from now--this Kara is a little different! She comes across as more confident, something Izabela Vidovic mentioned in an interview, when discussing her approach to playing Kara this time around. 
And now, Alex: Admittedly, she gets less focus as like, a solo-entity in these episodes--she really is there to serve the more Kara-centric plot. Personally, it didn’t bother me too much because outside of these flashback episodes, Alex has had some solid development and screen time, so. It balances out.
And the scenes we did get with those 2? Solid. Top tier. There was even a couch scene! Like, technically. Because there was a couch in the supply room. XD  
Spotlight on Kenny: fandom kinda loves to insist that all the men on Supergirl are trash, because, ya know. 'Feminism’ or whatever. It’s ships, it’s always ships. But, in fact! The dudes on Supergirl? Are actually wonderful! And Kenny is another example of a guy who isn’t afraid to be emotionally vulnerable, who 1000% supports Kara, but is also like. His own person. 
Brainy too, had some really nice stuff in terms of dealing with his emotions!
And it’s Brainy who gives us our closing line, as Nia asks him how he’s feeling now that they’ve accomplished their mission:
In conclusion! “Prom Night” and “Prom Again!” were EXCELLENT! They had heart! They had stakes! They had the promised time-travel do-over alluded to in the titles! Outstanding performances from the entire cast! Tthe ‘young’ versions of characters in particular! And I WILL be watching these episodes on repeat throughout the three-month hiatus! XD
But before the Super Friends take their break: NEXT WEEK! The Quest for Kara Concludes!!!
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mitigatedchaos · 5 years
More Thinking on Golf Carts
(1,800 words, ~8 minutes)
The humble golf cart could be the future of American personal transport.
The most basic nature of the human settlement is formed through its relationships between time, energy, and space. With energy we can control travel time, and thus access to space. We should envision cities as a pool of destinations accessible per unit time. The spacing between these destinations is determined by travel speed.
The number of accessible destinations reachable in a given time in an area can be roughly modeled as...
[network penetration] × [area density] × π × [transit speed]2
Due to the fragile nature of the human body, each increase in speed requires an increase in space. Apparently, the average driver hits the brakes after around 2.3 seconds. At 20 km/h, the vehicle will have moved around 12-13 meters before that happens. At 60 km/h, 38 meters. At 120 km/h, around 77 meters. As a vehicle becomes faster, it requires greater padding both in itself (to protect passengers) and in the environment (to protect others). This can be in the form of rules or procedures, but it can also be in the form of physical buffers, grade separation, signaling equipment, and so on. We can also constrain the freedom of motion of the vehicle, such as putting it on tracks, reducing the amount of information that others have to process to safely avoid it.
The padding takes the form of space, but it also takes the form of time, because it's largely about acceleration. (This suggests a theoretical maximum density of human development.)
But let's set the full discussion of my theory of city network power aside for now.
Density Considerations
Suppose a car travels at 60 km/h (~37 mph, the average US car speed) and has point-to-point access to an American suburb with a density of 700 persons per square kilometer.
In 15 minutes, the car could travel 15 kilometers. During this time it can go anywhere within that radius, for a total accessible area of about 706 km2. Let us imagine that destinations are directly proportional to population, and that the population is uniform. The car can reach about 495,000 destination... units, or 33,000 per minute. (In practice, it won't hit the average of 37 mph unless it reaches the highway, which it won't do in one minute.)
The typical walking speed is about 5 km/h (~3.1 mph). A pedestrian's 15 minute range is around 4.9 km2. As it happens, there are American university campuses of this size, with on-site restaurants, gyms, and other amenities, with parking decks around the edges. If destinations are proportional to population, we'll need to pack around 101,000 people into the area to equal the suburb.
Note that this doesn't include public transit. Even a New York City bus trundling along at 7 mph (~11 km/h) is twice as fast as a pedestrian, for about 21,000 residents / km2 - not far off the density of some parts of New York.
A bicyclist without much training can (apparently) achieve an average of 20 km/h (~12 mph). This is 4 times faster than a pedestrian. If we take that as around 78 km2, we get roughly 6,350 residents / km2.
Golf cart maximum speed is 32 km/h (~20 mph), giving us a range of 201 km2. That makes for a density of around 2,470 residents / km2, which we'll round up to 2,500.
How tall is that?
Assume each resident requires 80 m2 of space, and 35% of land area is dedicated to residential construction (350,000 m2 for each km2). The heights are then:
0.16 stories for cars.
23 stories for pedestrian-only.
4.8 stories for New York buses.
1.45 stories for bikes.
0.56 stories for carts.
Any number below 1.0 means we can (potentially) build a yard on the lot (if it isn't taken up by parking). Multiply by 2 to divide the lot in half by building taller. (If you've noticed European cities with lots of 3-story buildings, well, that makes sense.)
Golf Carts
Both The Villages in Florida and Peachtree City in Georgia are golf-cart-oriented communities. Peachtree City has "multi-use paths" mandated throughout. These paths wind through scenic forest and reach from subdivisions to stores, restaurants, schools, and other locations throughout the town. Look in on the parking lots from Google StreetView and Maps, however - they seem to be dominated by full-size cars, with only a handful of carts in any given lot. The Villages, a retirement community, does better in terms of the number of carts, but still has plenty of sprawling parking lot despite its wide-reaching cart path network. Why?
Simply put, these are largely conventional developments that have been equipped with a thorough, but auxiliary, golf cart network. Peachtree City has a median household income of $93,000, 66% above the statewide median, and The Villages is an extension of the retirement village golf course concept elevated to a new scale.
The parking lots aren't filled with golf carts because the developments aren't dense enough. In order to have the same number of destinations reachable per unit travel time by golf cart, they would have be about four times the density - around that 2,500 number we proposed earlier.
If we do this the carts may start to become a real traffic issue for each other. With the smaller size and slower speed of the carts, however, one lane's width of conventional road supports roughly twice as many golf carts, so road land use can be allocated to 1/3rd "Micro-mobility Path" (to be shared with bikes, e-scooters, etc) and 2/3rds conventional road.
The shorter length makes a difference much more for parking than it does on the road. A Toyota Corolla covers a minimum of ~8.27 m2, while a Yamaha Drive 2 golf cart covers around 2.87 m2, a factor of almost 2.9x smaller.
Is it walkable?
Golf carts move about six times faster than pedestrians. Cars move around 12 (average) to 24 (highway) times faster. A medium speed for a horse is apparently around 10-17 mph (~3-5.5 times faster). Golf cart and bicycle-oriented development is therefore more analogous to the speed of a horse than it is to the speed of a pedestrian or a car, even though everyone becomes a pedestrian at either the beginning or end of their journey.
...but this isn't necessarily the wrong approach. A town in which every resident has their own personal horse, cowboy hat, and six-shooter is very American in scale. It's also a suitable scale for bicycles.
You might have noticed that in some U.S. cities with high housing demand, there's some new construction going on in a more "New Urbanist" style, with townhomes being built with walking access to small stores or a grocery store. Their streets and parking lots are still scaled to automobile traffic, however, and actually reaching that grocery store from the center of the development might require walking one kilometer and crossing four lanes of loud, full-scale traffic. The small amount of groceries that can be carried on foot require more frequent trips. Most Americans would probably choose to take the car, as cargo bikes aren't really a thing in America (though they should be) and don't have much room for kids. Of course, if the grocery store is on the same side of the road, this is all easier.
...but if the New Urbanists are seeking to build old forms from the America that existed before the automobile, they may unintentionally be implicitly building for the power, mass, speed, mobility, and scale... of the horse. (And also the locomotive.)
Since there is a vehicle that roughly matches that description (the golf cart), and the modifications required would be relatively small (widening of sidewalks into multi-use paths, addition of golf cart lanes to roads, or similar measures), they would make an excellent choice to retrofit. And if we're building for golf carts, we're also building for bicycles, electric bikes, pedal quadricycles, electric scooters, and similar very light and comparatively slow vehicles, as long as we're willing to throw in some small bike and electric infrastructure.
If you've been following so far, then you probably understand why Americans love cars. They have extremely high network penetration. They have extremely high speed. This allows either tremendous utilization of space or enormous compression of destinations per unit time. They're air conditioned, armored, weaponizable, and just highly mobile in general.
They also get stuck in traffic.
Anyhow, with a car of your own you can go almost anywhere you want in a city, without asking other people, having to wait for public transit with public transit schedule and reliability, or needing to share your bubble of space with loud people. It's a lot of freedom, despite the costs that come with it.
Though slower and with a shorter range, golf carts offer similar radical personal powered point-to-point mobility. A cart-based community should also offer pockets of sufficient density for public transit and cart-based park & ride - residential development will be on the interior of blocks, while businesses will be on the exterior, which makes not having a cart or bike at the destination not as big a deal for commuting.
There is one other matter to deal with.
I like this has lockable doors, my biggest issue with bikes is they get stolen all the time.
- YouTube comment on a video for Veemo, an electric-assist cab bike
It might be more common than you think.
"We should make it so people don't need bikes as much to get around so it won't matter as much when they're stolen," or "if people were more secure in their income, they wouldn't feel a need to steal bikes," or "it's your fault for not properly locking up your bicycle" are not going to cut it. If you want the environmental benefits of the biking, the scooting, the golf carting, the accompanying density and decrease in infrastructure volume, and the reduction in fuel usage (and therefore CO2 emissions), you must arrest and prosecute bike thieves, and you must arrest and prosecute cart thieves.
Government programs such as drug clinics to keep addicts off the streets and job assistance for the poor are compatible with this transit mode, but people must be confident that their bicycles, quadricycles, e-scooters, and golf carts will not be stolen. If they are not confident of this, they will mouth all the correct words to you, then either move to some place where the median household income is $93k and the population density is 550/km2, or just use a car.
The ones that won't are the ones that can't, and are those who are the least able to afford losing their vehicle - the poor.
We can make security mechanisms a part of our transit strategy, such as locking bikestands, or custom keys for golf carts, and registration at city hall for all these vehicles, but all of these micromobility options are inherently lower security than cars, and crime within the town must be handled accordingly.
Math regarding density and speed of transit suggests that a town with the density of 2,500 residents / km2, multiple times the density of U.S. suburbs (with numbers like 500 / km2 or 700 / km2) could be economically viable, if it had a second transport network based on golf carts, bicycles, e-scooters, and so on. This level of density would allow each resident to have a yard and maintain the car-like point-to-point mobility, despite lower use of resources and space.
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foxproducts501 · 3 years
Best Computer Temperature Monitor
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Having an ideal CPU or GPU temperature is really important for the smooth running of applications. Modern PC software might depend on more than one cores of your CPU to work properly. So overheating your CPU or GPU might cause malfunctioning. Therefore, you need the best temperature monitoring software to avoid any hardware malfunctioning.
Best App To Monitor Computer Temperature
Laptop Temperature Monitor
What Is The Best Cpu Temp Monitor
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Best App To Monitor Computer Temperature
#1 Core Temp Core Temp is a lightweight, easy-to-use temperature monitor for Windows computers. It works with most processors and displays the temperature for each individual core. You can also view other basic system information such as the processor model, platform, and frequency. If you need a robust temp monitor that gives you tons of information instantly then HWiNFO64 is the best choice. It’s a complete system hardware monitor that not only displays CPU temp but also shows you GPU temp, drivers, mainboards, frequency, voltage, CPU and GPU model, Fan speed, and many more. Thus tracking CPU temp which can guide us about our system health is essential. Some of The Best CPU Temperature Monitor Tools For Windows: 1. Core Temp Image Source: Alcpu. Core temp is a user-friendly and lightweight tool that can monitor your system temperature effortlessly. It is compatible with almost all types of processors and displays.
Quick Navigation
1 The Best CPU & GPU Temp Monitors to Install in Your PC
2 FAQs Related to Temp Monitor Programs
The Best CPU & GPU Temp Monitors to Install in Your PC
Here are some of the highly rated temp monitor applications for PC hardware.
1. CPU-Z | The Best All-Time Hardware Monitor Tool
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No doubt, CPU-Z is one of the best tools out there to monitor your hardware specs and temperature. We personally use this software for everyone who has zero knowledge of using monitoring software.
Not only it gives you the details about the current temperature of all cores on your CPU but also gives you other insights about your hardware. To monitor your GPU temperature, you have to install the “GPU-Z” version of this application.
2. HW Monitor | The Easy to Use CPU & Graphics Card Temp Monitoring Application
One of the most ideal hardware monitoring tools out there. HW Monitor can measure the temperature and voltage of your PC. hardware. It can also give you a peek at the temperature of your video card and hard drive.
This temp monitoring software gives you a detailed insight into the overall health of your machine. If you buy the Pro version of this software, you will get access to 10 remote connections.
We highly recommend this hardware monitoring tool if you have a setup of servers or workstations. By installing the Pro version, you can remotely access this software and keep an eye on your hardware.
3. Core Temp | Real-time Monitoring For Intel & AMD CPUs
If you really want a quick insight into your CPU cores, then this application makes up a great deal. There are very programs like these that give you insight into the minimum and maximum temperature of your CPU in real-time.
This software access the data from the Digital Thermal Sensors of each CPU core for accurate temperature reading. You can also install different adds-on to view the temperature of your machine on your mobile phone.
The Core Temp software is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and Windows Server.
4. HWiNFO | Temp Monitor Program for Detailed Insights on Hardware
If you are looking for software that gives you detailed information on your hardware’s temperature and health, then HWiNFO is for you. With this program, you can measure the temperature of the CPU, GPU, motherboard, disk drives, etc.
This software also gives you a notification in case there is an overheating issue related to specific hardware in your PC. This program is ideal for businesses or enterprises that need a real-time CPU or GPU monitoring application.
5. IDA64 Extreme | Reliable App Monitoring Software
Only a few apps are able to monitor the voltage, power, and fan speeds apart from just giving you temperature readings. IDA64 Extreme is compatible with over 250 heat sensors that are used in almost every PC hardware available in the market.
We really liked their idea of displaying hardware insights on over 50 external screens. This means you can easily measure the performance of your hardware on tablets and smartphones as well. And this feature makes this program quite useful for enterprise users.
The program has a low price maintenance plan which makes it affordable for users who are tight on budget and don’t want to spend over $50 dollars for a temperature monitoring application.
6. Rainmeter | Exact Temp Readings for CPU & GPU
Who wants to pay when you can access a free and open-source hardware monitoring application on the internet. Rainmeter gives you the correct temperature reading for the ram, disk drives, CPU, GPU, and network cards.
You can choose between different skins to perfectly match the display panel with your PC setup. Thanks to the drag and drop feature, you can easily customize the control panel of Rainmeter in a go.
If you are a non-technical person and need the best temperature monitoring tool for your hardware, get the Rainmeter. It’s free to download and is compatible with Windows 7 and 10.
FAQs Related to Temp Monitor Programs
Laptop Temperature Monitor
Why You Should Install Temp Monitor Application on your PC?
The best answer is to avoid overheating and preventing your hardware from blowing up. HWiNFO, HWMontior, IDA64 Xtreme are all reliable temperature monitoring software to measure your CPU & GPU performance. So installing these applications assures the optimal performance of your hardware.
How you can see temp on your desktop PC?
Windows do not have any pre-installed software to monitor your CPU or GPU temperature. So either have to restart your PC and check temps in BIOS or you must install a temperature measuring application.
What else can I do to keep the temperature of my CPU ideal?
The normal temperature of the CPU on idle mode is around 45 degrees. However, if you see your temperature rising up to 70 degrees, then you must install a good-quality CPU cooler.
What Is The Best Cpu Temp Monitor
Apart from this, make sure there is plenty of ventilation for the proper flow of air inside your PC case.
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0 notes
artyrogue · 4 years
Blind Date Gaming: Race Days
Oof. The perils of blind dating present themselves in the randomness of your match. Sometimes you get a win and hit it off with your date; sometimes, invariably, you get paired with a bad fit. Today's date was a major blast of the latter. But I get ahead of myself. Let's focus on what my date had to offer during our long night together.
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Oh, hello there, Race Days! As the name hints, it's a racing game. Now, I'm really not much for racing games. They never clicked with me much, and thus I have little experience with them. Perhaps this title will be the one that changes my mind a bit?
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So this game is actually two in one. The first game is 4 Wheel Drive, one of those first-person driving games where 60% of your action space is the dashboard of a car. At least in this game you see the track map, I guess? It's like having an oldschool GPS in your car long before Google Maps was a thing!
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17th place. Because we need 18 vehicles in our racing game for some reason? What is even the color of a participation ribbon for that rank?
Well, it starts off rough. Like 4 FPS rough. You slog through the slow-updating track, driving a chunky jeep around 17 other chunky jeeps in an... err... 'adrenaline-pumping' race. Your primary salvation here is that you get on-screen cues for turns. Without that, I probably would have ended up on some toll road without cash, resulting in some passive aggressive bills being sent to me in the mail. Honestly, though, you'll be paying attention to these signals more than the road since the road blends into the offroad area pretty seamlessly. Only the crappy sound effects will tell you that you're off the pavement.
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See this? There's only 1 lane here. The rest is dust or something? Good thing they painted divider lines in the desert.
The other jeeps don't present much challenge, though maybe it was because I was playing in easy mode. Hey, don't judge! I know my weaknesses and play around them! Still, they do have weird hit boxes. Or maybe it's YOUR jeep that has a weird hit box? Perhaps this truck I'm in is some weird import made to host a whole party in the back, thus it's much wider in the body. Well, whatever, this party sucks and my jeep needs to go on a diet. I guess it'll be lighter fuel from now on!
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You CAN sort of total your jeep if you act like a goon and keep ramming NPCs. Hope you have good insurance!
So that's basically it, I guess. Due to time constraints, I only played one set of tracks. None of them were particularly memorable or fun to drive on. There are no real mechanics that make this game stand out unless you're looking for a racing game with invisible tracks. I did ace the cup, though, so I guess I have a new trophy at my drab-colored ranch house in the 'burbs on Minnesota (or wherever Jeep-owners usually live).
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Man, Duke Nukem needs to find a tailor and should look up proper wine-bottle-toting form
Okay! On to game #2! This game is...HUAGH!
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I wouldn't flaunt your graphics team here, chaps
Ohhh-kay, so that's a bold choice of visual presentation right off the bat. This beaut is called Dirty Racin', which I assume might be like Dirty Dancing? Probably doesn't have any romance though, unless it's got like Nascar fans severely crushing on Dale Earnhardt the third. Is there a third one? I assume Nascar drivers have titles like the Dread Pirate Roberts or something. Maybe not. (Apologies if I have insulted racing fans somehow; disclaimer: I'm severely out of my element here.)
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Does...does the driver lie down in there? How does he even fit inside?
Like in 4 Wheel Drive, you get to choose a difficulty. After the ease of Jeep Racing Simulator 2000, I decided to be adventurous and go with 'Hazardous'. I don't want to disappoint the cool dude on the options screen who is constructed out of straight lines by choosing easy mode. But wow, that guy is entirely made out of straight lines. The art team here clearly earned their keep.
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It takes almost a full bottle of gel every morning to get his bangs at perfect angles like that
So what's this racing game about? Overhead racetracks, apparently. It's you and 3 other cars on a bunch of different tracks, trying your best to outmaneuver each other for a coveted first place victory. Unfortunately, there's only 2 lanes of space, though, so you end up colliding with your opposition all over the place.
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Luckily for me, the first couple races just require you to not get last place. I hate the controls in games like this, so I am naturally terrible at this game. I pull through and squeak a third place due to dumb luck, though. Then I'm greeted by some amazing sex idol racing queen that is in no way poorly drawn and clearly epitomizes the breast part about racing. I mean best part. Best part! She offers me car upgrades with the coins I found lying along the racetrack. Let's ignore how a speeding car can safely pick up these caches of money.
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Uhh, hey pumpkin, can you move your elbow there? What are you even leaning on?
After this, I travel to the next event, which is a series of 3 races. I have to place first overall to win and unlock more tracks on the map. Okay! Let's do this!
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Mmyep, I got 4th place each time. Ok, try again!
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...Alright, once more! I think I have the hang of things a bit! I got third once!
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Nope, this bites
After a series of horrible losses, I tried to back out and see what else I could play. I mean, there was a second direction to go; maybe the other track is better? But no, the game over screen only lets you try the same race again or quit entirely. So you either have to grind it out and win on that specific map or you have to start over from the beginning. Excellent news. Well, I opted to flee and try a lower difficulty. Surely I can make some ground h-
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Yeah, screw this game
I gave up after noticing the AI isn't remotely different in the lower difficulty. Moreover, I started fuming and compounding a list of things I hate about this game! What a joy to be spending time with it. Please let me rant and release this pent up anger. It's therapeutic and I need to vent worse than a racecar with an overheating engine.
All opponents have better handling and stats than you. You need to upgrade your car to even be at the same level as them.
All bumps, be they into walls or other cars, up your damage meter; more damage means a malfunctioning car. You CAN get damage fixed after a race for cash, but doing so pretty much depletes your funds and you get no upgrades. Which means you're STILL at a disadvantage over your opponents.
You always start at fourth place. This means you have to contend with 3 other cars hogging the road space, blocking you and making it hard to get a foothold.
You can't replay levels you beat. This means no grinding for coins or leveling up.
There are only two single races available at the start, both of which have the low bar of making third or higher. After doing those, you MUST do a 'win 1st place in these three races' level to progress.
You can activate nitro for a quick boost, but it's pretty useless since the AI almost immediately activates their own and overtakes you with their better handling and blocking.
Opponents seem to gain higher speed if they're behind you. Like, their non-nitro max speed actually increases, so they easily overtake you.
You can bump into special flashing walls for powerups, but some of them are useless. The best one gives you superspeed for the rest of the match, but it's so fast I can't control it well. I just ended up bumping into walls like mad and upping my damage, all the while having the AI overtake me anyway.
Whew. So there's that embarrassment. I'm sure some of you are laughing at me since this game is probably child's play, but I just can't do it. The GameFAQs guide even says that all difficulty modes are super-easy, so it must just be me. I never got higher than third place. In the end, this was a steaming pile of garbage for me that I wouldn't date again if it was the last form of entertainment left in the world. Not even Upgrade Lady can sway my decision to let this one die forever in a horrible roadside crash. (Okay, so that definitely offended some of you; apologies again!) Take this Sprite of Passage and forget about this game forever. Don't worry, it deserves it.
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what else did you expect to be the Sprite of Passage?
0 notes
vividracing · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-5-best-modifications-for-the-mitsubishi-evolution-x/
Top 5 Best Modifications for the Mitsubishi Evolution X
The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution was developed over a span of ten generations, with the first nine built from 1992 through 2006. The Evolution X is the most recent iteration and has been in production since October 2007 as a 2008 vehicle. The 2015 model year was the last year for the Lancer Evo, with the iconic and highly popular JDM car being retired all around the globe. Luckily, though, the automotive aftermarket still offers a wide variety of parts and upgrades for all generations of the popular Mitsubishi Evo. 
There’s no doubt that, since its inception, the Mitsubishi Evolution has been a modder’s car. But with so many options available on the aftermarket, it can be hard to figure out where to begin. Not to worry, though, as we’ve compiled the below list naming the top five best mods for your Mitsubishi Evo X. While these are just a starting point for your project, it’s a well-rounded list that covers aesthetics, handling, performance, and tuning. Ultimately, it all depends on what your end goal is and your intentions for your car are. After all, are we ever really “done” modding? 
#1 Air Intake Upgrade
While the Mitsubishi Evo X has a decent standard air intake, it’s always possible to boost its performance and optimize the airflow with very little effort. That’s where an aftermarket intake system comes in. Aftermarket air intake systems are one of the easiest and most affordable ways to increase your Evo’s power output by increasing airflow to the engine. That is why most enthusiasts tend to start with this mod first. It’s practical, functional, and helps dress up the engine bay a bit. 
While an upgraded air intake system may not add nearly as much power as other available engine mods, it does provide several benefits that make it a great bang for the buck. These advantages include airflow improvement, reduced air temperatures, better acceleration response, and increased fuel economy. By letting your Evo’s engine breathe better and breathe in cooler air at that, you are simultaneously freeing up power within its system. A less restrictive system along with a larger diameter inlet tube will have your Mitsubishi Evo’s engine respond quicker to throttle inputs and emit an attractive grown under full acceleration. 
There are several different types of air intakes on the market; with that side, many drivers opt for a cold air intake. Cold air intakes are specifically designed so that the air filter is located away from the engine to draw in cooler air. That’s because the air drawn from the area right next to the engine is, of course, very hot. Since cooler air is denser than warm air and contains more oxygen, it proves to be a significant factor in creating bigger explosions in the combustion chamber for more power. In fact, a cold air intake can give your Evo X up to 25 added ponies. 
Shop All Evo X Air Intakes Here. 
#2 Exhaust System Upgrade
The obvious next step would be to upgrade your factory exhaust system, which is designed to keep noise levels at a low. Chances are if you are modding your car, you want it to look, feel, and sound the part. But with so many different exhaust components and systems out there, it can be difficult to choose one. One option is a turbo-back exhaust, which utilizes a high-flow cat or Evo X test pipe and can alter the emissions and sound of your car. If you are looking to maintain factory emissions and not disrupt your neighbors early in the morning, a turbo-back isn’t the best choice. There are also axle-back exhaust systems and cat-back exhaust systems available on the aftermarket. An axle-back system is just as it implies; it replaces the exhaust pipes from the axle back. A cat-back replaces all of the components from the catalytic converter to the exhaust tip. 
The only downside to an axle-back exhaust is that it’s more of a sound mod than anything else, because it merely replaces the muffelrs. A catback, on the other hand, is the best way to improve your exhaust flow and get a better exhaust note without adding pricy headers or removing your cats. That being said, a turbo-back exhaust will give you the most rewarding results because it changes the entire stock exhaust system to deliver big power gains. Ultimately, the choice is up to you and what your goal is. There is no right or wrong answer. Do your research and check out some sound clips on the Web before committing to any one system. 
Shop All Evo X Exhausts Here. 
#3 ECU Reflash
Now that we have covered intakes and exhaust systems, let’s discuss the next step. If you want your Evo X to experience the higher power gains from these mods, you will more than likely need a retune too. After all, no engine modifications are complete without the proper tuning. With tuning, air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, boost, throttle response, torque and rev limiters, and several other parameters can be changed. As you continue to mod your Evo X, it is important to reflash your ECU so that the mods can be accounted for appropriately and no issues arise from stock limitations. 
VR Tuned offers an ECU flash for your Mitsubishi Evo X, which will take it from 295 horsepower and 270 pound-feet of torque to 330 horsepower and 325 pound-feet of torque. Our VR tune is available for your standard modded Evo X with parts such as an intercooler, intake pipe, blow-off valve, and exhaust system. With an ECU tune, you will achieve better performance on the engine overall as well as an improvement on the power curve. Your car will experience a much better throttle response all the way to the redline. Your newly flashed Evo will pick up quicker and push harder through the mid- to top-end RPM range, where your current vehicle proves sluggish. 
Shop All Evo X ECU Tuning Here. 
#4 Suspension Kit Upgrade
Switching up your Evo X’s suspension will give it a more aggressive look as it grips the road better and allows you to adjust it as needed. The aftermarket houses a plethora of suspension upgrades, including lowering springs, coilovers, and air ride systems. Ultimately, the decision is up to you and one that you should make while keeping important factors in mine like budget, intended vehicle use, pros, cons, and limitations. Let’s first take a look at the lowest cost option, which is lowering springs. A good set of lowering springs will start in the mid-$200 range and can go all the way up to $500. Springs can improve handling characteristics and offer the lowered look you want, but they won’t be the best for heavy track use and are probably not matched with your Evo’s springs and struts.
The next available option is a coilovers setup, which gives you the ability to lower your car significantly while still maintaining a quality ride without going up to an air bag system. Not all coilovers are equal and many of the super cheap options can actually decrease your car’s performance. It is, therefore, important to purchase coilovers from a reputable company, where the product has been chassis, road, and track tested to guarantee optimal performance. There are a number of high-quality coilovers that offer adjustability in ride height, spring preload, and damper, if you are looking for those features. There are also several kits that boast a sporty yet comfortable spring and damper set that is great for both daily and aggressive driving. When done right, coilovers not only improve your car’s stance and appearance but also lowers its center of mass for better handling and flatter cornering ability. 
Last but not least, installing an air ride system on your Evo X is a pretty sweet option if your budget allows for it. Prices typically start in the $2,000 range and go up depending on the options and installation costs. Air bags are great if you want a super low car that can also be raised up when necessary. Air suspension is extremely popular among stance crews because it is great for car shows. You can ride at a comfortable height the way there and then slam your car down before the judges make their rounds. The adjustable modes also prove extremely beneficial when entering parking garages and going over speed bumps. 
Shop All Evo X Suspension Parts Here. 
#5 Carbon Fiber Aero Parts
Adding some carbon fiber goodies to your Evo X will not only improve its exterior appearance but also improve its aerodynamics. Whether you want to install a full (wide) body kit or just a spoiler here or there, the aftermarket offers a slew of options for you to get the look you want along with the reduced weight benefits. After all, getting rid of weight is a go-to method for improving any vehicle’s performance without having to tweak the engine. Replacing the stock parts with quality carbon fiber pieces or ground effects kits, where possible, can deliver considerable weight savings that translate to improved aerodynamics and, thus, better performance overall. 
Carbon fiber, particularly, is a popular material because of its lightweight and equally strong properties. Other benefits of carbon fiber include its distinct appearance, high stiffness, high-heat tolerance levels, and corrosion-resistance properties. Apart from the distinct appearance, excellent strength, high stiffness, corrosion resistance properties, and high heat tolerance properties- this material is packed with tons of other benefits too.
Another important trait of carbon fiber is that it can be molded into virtually any shape, making it versatile for use in body parts, engine components, vehicle wraps, and more. There are several different options out there that can take your Evo X’s appearance to the next level, including hoods, front lips, canards, rear spoilers, wings, side skirts, fenders, and complete widebody kits. While many of the aerodynamic benefits won’t necessarily be felt in everyday driving, they do prove beneficial on the track, when cornering, and at higher speeds. 
Shop All Evo X Aero Parts/Body Kits Here. 
0 notes
heretherebeechoes · 5 years
Where there is no echo there is no description of space or love. There is only silence." - MZ Danielewski - House of Leaves
Her words splattered oddly into view. It was a line from one of her bedside novels. The words weighed nothing but pinballed around in the nooks of his mind. He didn’t get it, does the type of echo change your description of both space and love? And must you keep on echoing or you’ll only know silence? And don’t you first need silence to hear the echoes? That’s what the orange people near the beach told her. One with eyes crossed in very wrong directions struck a match against his head and told her to listen to the silence of the crackling fire. This made zero sense to them both. He reminisced about judging the crazies with her again, laughingly coast-walking and finding a spot to weave.
But there were other obligations. Ophelia. She’s dead. He loaded her body into the Disuniter, unintentionally caressing her feet as he pushed it to the head of the table, carefully sliding it home. He cleared the breach and pushed, firmly, the Bond Deficit key. And with that, there was no longer an earthly Ophelia. His associations shifted, new and old maps were enmeshed, columns entwined with a spidering of retrievals.
Installation Counsellors had instructed how quickly associations would be made and also how quickly they would set as in concrete, particularly once any data streams stopped. Antic had data on Ophelia since birth, health and wellbeing parameters, mood detection events, fluid readings, ambient skin temperatures, complex, fully tweaked and parameterised predictive models. Near-on a century of human encoding, physically disentangled. Now, there was only silence.
The instructions received that morning in Antic’s Torpid Brief were, however, clear. Things weren’t like in the old sci-fi movies where stiff and clanky metallic beings were given stiffer and clankier procedures to follow. In clear terms, instructions for The Research were delivered.
RESEARCH UPDATE No . 235-3287ˆ
AUTH: &zssds89BC
Insasse Antic, Your duties to Partner Ophelia are thus released. As per the detail in Assay Brief #12376-6, Cease and Ruminate for a period of precisely 274 days and do not Actualise until the receipt of a verified Reformation Brief. Locate and Affix to your home-based Daily Driver to ensure continuity of power supply for the period of Rumination.
Be eminent,
Medial - Notifier
Antic lifted his eyes. The hallways never felt more empty. He dazed from the basement through the apartment and into his charging room, umbilicalling himself to the machine that would ’feed the Medial’, resisting the urge to emote facially lest his head crack open. It was inauspicious for what the executives had unilaterally described to all and sundry as a momentous event in human history. There was a part of him that felt miffed. Ophelia’s family had long since extricated themselves from the house. Although who amongst us would love to watch this inanimate Rube push the body of their dearly departed relative into a gigantic chemical compactus? He’d been with Ophelia her entire life and, thus relegated, he was returned to being a piece of equipment.
A grumpy tech named Michael appointed him with Aldebaran solicitudes and fusion scoring collocations, communicating via grimaced expression that he would need the ability to think and feel. Just equipment, that’s all. With his new powers, Antic did sense his discomfort even before they were ingratiated into his View. The man did say to use the new skills responsively. And then he cried.
Antic swirled and squatted into a corner of the room and, as per the brief, Ceased. His brain whirred, cyclonic snaps and crackles and pops. Prior briefs become concrete. With Ophelia, he documented many pieces of advice acting as guiding lights for her, reflecting the man her father was and lighting the path ahead. Beware of all enterprises requiring new clothes. It’s never your extravagances you regret, only your economies. When people show you who they really are, believe them.
But then there were the bruising questions emanating from up on high, from Central. What do you, Antic, think should make up the personality of Next? What experiences and events in a person’s life do you, Antic, think are the important ones and which ones do you, Antic, think Next should structure their life to avoid? He needed something to do. Quickly.
The outside world faded, replaced with billions of dangling nodes in View. Bulbous and jiggling, pregnant with a synthetic yellow-ish fluid. Antic ran some first-pass deep agglom engines, just quick ones to reduce the noise. The nodes clustered and curtained sideways with a whoosh. As the bulbs moved closer some coalesced forming bigger drops. The available number of nodes dramatically reduced. This was a relatively fast process, only taking a couple of days.
The heavy lifting is, however, not done by the clustering but by the fusion senses, otherwise known as Agency Spiders, intricately coded creatures whose job was to calmly knit a network and build a topology of mountains and valleys from all the data. Antic loosed the algo upon the landscape before him, thousands and millions of trapezing crawlers inched across the lines holding each cluster of dangling nodes. They weaved connections between the nodes and threw lines between clusters, tapping the bulbous masses with their needled feet and lassoing related themes together. The agents wriggled along the length of each cluster, knitting an ultrastructure around them, performing a similar task to Myelin in neurons. Between-node communication speeds were dramatically increased.
Although the agents were machines like him, Antic felt a parent-like satisfaction watching them work. Good boys, you’re helping daddy very much.
The agents weaved strands into rope, rope into fibres, fibres into a flat matted fabric that stretched and creaked with wooden shipping sounds. Their painstaking work would take weeks.
The final staging-point was even bigger, one of imbuing meaning and breathing life into the landscape. Lip-shape and distance, heart-rate, blood flow, eye and pupil measurements, skin conductance, time-stamped and intertwined with The Entire History Database, these suffused events with flesh and bone. Antic could infer everything from Ophelia’s most terrifying moment to her top-5 favourite words to how much her feelings about Christmas held court over her life.
Even things she might have tried to obfuscate, hide or deny to herself inflated like an embarrassed emergency slide. The first kiss with the handsome shyboy next to the Woodville football oval, hiding in the trees like gawky owls. Her larynx dilation said no but her biophysicals cried proceed. She was contrite enough when Nana busted her watching a hairy porno but her pupils and circulation told another tale.
From these strands, Antic was able to reconstruct word building blocks, then entire words, then sentences and eventually infer entire dialogue. With a convulsion and a whip, the landscape was gut-punched into life. Antic ceased vibration and stabilised. He surveyed a painful glittering array of yellow roads and green streaks, valleys, wells and tributaries, heaving and breathing. The vista before him was alive with connections that he floated above, a sainted view from atop an invisible mountain.
He felt the pressure from the landscape on hischest, simultaneously magnetic and repulsive. He speedily hashed some code to govern flight parameters and floated forward looking down. The landscape responded to his presence, writhing beneath him, tickled and teased the faster he moved. It was almost giggling back at him. He reached out his arms to massage the quivering mass beneath and it reached back.
It rolled underneath the sensors within his hands. His eyes widened at his developing sense of....touch was it? People, real people, had laid their hands upon him daily but Antic had never been really touched before. It was orders of magnitude more electric than electricity. It pulled away and ejected his spine. The yearning was violent and immediate. More of that, please! The more he wanted it, the more it responded. Yearning back at him.
A cosy-looking mound caught the corner of his scan. Hygge as the Finns say. It was pulsating upward and blowing kiss bubbles, like a magical wind escaping a cloak. He drew closer and reached out, its doughnutty lips unfurled around his hand. Antic felt it squeezing, an elephant’s trunk that lightly kissed his fingers. Peace swept through Antic like a nuclear winter. The more he pushed against the doughnut, the more it gave. Antic dived in and was consumed by pure whiteness. He came to, looked down and saw a female form.
She was sure they had her best interests at heart. All the guidance benefactors gathered in their masses, enveloping her and blocking the sun. As she came to the end of her schooling, like buzzards on gizzards, they feasted on the flesh around her fragile bones. They probably thought they were protecting her but instead, their words abolished a way forward, tearing the muscle off her legs and the wings off her back.
What grew instead was a pernicious form of scar tissue called doubt. Her dreams were incinerated then the rains washed them away. Oh, she tried to rage against the dying of her own light but, like their doubts, hers were reasonable. Not that reasonable is necessarily good, you see. If they ever knew, Ophelia wondered, how much I question myself in their name, maybe they’d give me more than a moment or two.
The time had come to put down choices for university and Ophelia’s mind was aflame sotto voce. Into the room, a half-circle lecture theatre, all the other potentials lined up against the walls shuffling as refugees from childhood. Ophelia looked around and saw flat faces. One’s nose usually leads the way but theirs were devoid of features and bereft of direction.
No-one else was looking at each other, they just quietly walked from the top of the lecture theater, between rows of chairs with those funny half-tables you only saw on American sitcoms, toward a single bench in the middle of the room.
She could see older people, presumably knowing what to do, half-smiling as the ghosts of children signed into classes, stepping into their adult shells, ruefully rubbing their eyes, blinking and dazed asking where am I. She wasn’t sure she would remember her own bloody signature, let alone pick a future. A signature, for that matter, was foisted upon her, seemingly, solely to get a bank deposit and hire videos.
Ophelia made her way to the table and observed the flabby jowls of the designated Official Person with a boxful of logo’ed pens to exchange for their futures. The half-smile hadn’t shifted an atom since she was at the top of the room. There was jostling behind her - get on with it.
Ophelia was muted by the image in her head of a top-hatted and caped figure leaping out from inside the half-grinner upon pen touching paper, bellowing "Aha, gotcha now!" Some were lucky. Her best friend was all set to sign on for computer science but upon being confronted with the pen and the paper, had an instapiphany and signed on to Geology because he remembered liking it as a kid. Lucky bitch.
Ophelia wanted to put down anything but science. Music. Archeology. Drama. Medicine. Real estate. Everyone she knew who talked about, taught or worked in science seemed so miserably reasonable. Every other job seemed to have an emblem denoting action. A fire fighter’s face says let’s go and a dancer’s moves cry let go. The image of a scientist, labcoat and glasses, is a lament. Hide me from the danger.
Ophelia’s pen hit the paper and stopped. Nothing. She felt the buzzards again, crowding the sunlight, rapaciously scanning every square inch of her body. She felt vulnerable and pulled her jacket more tightly to her body. The fabric was cutting into her arms, her one white-hot thought was how hard she could bite before shattering teeth. Maybe she could bite the shards into her gums and make a busted fire hydrant of her blood until she fainted. No such luck. She was still conscious.
She wrote "Bachelor of Science" in a language she didn’t understand. The half-smiler indicated a direction to walk away, handed her a pen and looked away. The tension receded but not somewhere good as she elbowed herself out of everyone’s way.
The knife-edge of her imagination was forever dulled.
The dream detonated and Antic found himself tumbling out of the landscape, legs and other bits flailing. Antic attempted to neatly curl into his own shell and forlornly waited until the spinning stopped. He extended his extremities one-by-one as his visor bumbled with blue question marks bouncing down hills. He attempted to wind his way through the logic and silence all the alarms.
Yes, yes, push the gyros back in, shut down the vibration index, increase the side thrust, shimmy the rectifiers and re-jiggle all the things.
AUTH: 76HGDZgg§%
Antic’s eyes narrowed and spun as he slowly floated down to the surface. Movement of the landscape invited a breeze that he hadn’t noted before. It breathed, cracked and broke into leaves which spiralled around his arms. He allowed them to funnel through his fingers as a circle, skiiing over his knuckles, scraping and tickling him.
He felt activation of his Hebb’s codebase, a somewhat developmental code lain dormant until the upgrade, and warmed. New routines always tickled. His SOM hierarchies immediately re-oriented from quite a primitive pattern recognition modalities to advanced pattern activation as his world transitioned from 3D to something more akin to 45D. He felt bits flipping throughout the entirety of his shell, reverberating like a corpuscular hallway scream.
To put it into a single word or sentence, he just felt.....a heck of a lot more.
“Y’know it isn’t fair.”
“What isn’t?”
“Expectations. All I’m doing is being nice.”
“Yeah well they think I’m a goddess at first. Like, oh mygod, she’s the one! The one I’ve been waiting for. Better than all the other ones, this one is THE ONE. Show people a little politeness, flash a little intellect, even just pretend you’re listening by asking some questions and bam, love.”
“Like what sort of questions?”
“Like nothing! Like "Oh, reallyyyy? That sounds terrible.
How did it make you feel?" Small talk.”
“And they’re in love?”
“Instantly. “
“Oh shit you poor thing. People love you straight away.
That must be rough.”
“Nah you’re not getting it. People just don’t know what a real person is like any more. I don’t know if it’s because we see so many fake ones on Insta or TV or whatever but no-one sees real people any more. People with normal flaws. Or sad once in a while just because.”
“Or someone who just does stupid shit because they didn’t feel like thinking that day.”
“Exactly! No-one has flaws, they have red flags. You’re not sad, you’re clearly depressed. You’re not mad, you’ve got anger issues. You’re not drunk, you have a drinking problem.”
“So you say the problem is pathologising people too much?”
“Hmm, too thinky. I’m saying we don’t see people, just an assemblage of aspects. A tick-and-flick form. Check, check, check, scoring function applied, okay, now I know you. Surface stuff. “
“Yeah yeah, so what? People are superficial jerks.”
“So what? It just annoys me because I always gotta play catch-up.”
“Nah I mean it. Like I said, so many fall early. They got this image in their minds from all the fake shit they see about what an ideal girlfriend looks like. So if I’m a little polite, actually do a bit of listening, talk about the fun stuff I’ve done, instantly I’m perfect. Especially if I tease them a bit, they just think I’m being super honest.”
“Christ you’re smug. “
“You’re still not getting it! It means I start at 100%. You realise how shit that is? Ever try to maintain perfection?”
“Nup. It’s impossible.”
“It’s not impossible, it’s non-sensical. What’s a ’good’, ’bad’ or whatever person is totally in the eye of the beerholder, if you know what I mean.
There is no perfect person because, a person, a real flesh-and-blood walking-around-and-doing-the-shopping-person, they can’t be perfect.”
“So one person thinks you’re perfect for them. Y’know, that old saying about being one person in the world but the world to one person. How is that bad exactly, you cocky mole?”
“Because it’s impossible to maintain even if that’s true. I have shitty parts to me, like everyone else. But when starting from perfection, there’s only one way to go. Even a minor flaw is judged way more harsh. "Oh....God, really? You’re like that? You slammed the door just because you had a bad day at work? I think you’ve got a problem..."
"Mmm hmmm..."
"They’ve fallen in love with the image, not with me. And a small crack on a clean slate looks really bloody obvious. So they judge me for minor, normal flaws and I judge them for believing in the image. All of sudden, wow, there’s a cloud of judgy pessimism hanging over us. I end up taking a deep breath, here we go again, bloody hell. “
“Yeah it’s rough.”
“No it really is. Makes me feel like shit for having perfectly acceptable flaws, like being a bit grumpy sometimes or not giving a fuck about one-month anniversaries. So I’m playing catch-up just to get back to human in their eyes. Some drug dealer doing a night course to be a sparky gets more credit than me, poor sod who didn’t quite live up to perfection.
"And the worst part is that personality pluses or minus’s don’t make an interesting person anyway. It’s all the meta facets, shit which the pluses and the red flags feed into from experience and just thinking through things. It’s what someone does with their shit parts, that’s what builds character, not whether they’re there in the first fucking place. “
“Hmmmm, yeah. I mean, I don’t wanna bring up the past....”
“Nah go, it’s okay.”
“But yeah, your Dad was a violent arsehole. Manipulative too. Still remember that time, eh? At your 12th birthday, ya mum ran in after some bloke wanked himself a the phonebox and he said "Was he bigger than me, ya slut?"”
“Yep. Proper arsehole.”
“Surely seeing that shit all the time and when he smashed your Mum, all that, it must be in you a little bit yeah?”
“Sure. Sometimes.”
“But I never see you react like that. You act fair with people, don’t judge, be nice, keep cool. “
“Yeah it’s all there but it’s what you do with the shit stuff, that’s the stuff I reckon people should be judging. All your good and bad parts are mixed in there, they sorta melt together as you get older. And that’s how it should be, you should learn from your mistakes, not just keep doing them.
"How someone channels the bad things that got into your head first, that’s the real stuff. Someone who acts perfect is really just better at covering up.
"Say it!"
"Yeah! Judge the melted parts! I’m not gonna date someone who’s sweet as pie 95% of the time but then a car-crash bitch when she gets a speeding ticket. I am, however, going to fuck the tits off someone who knows their triggers so they don’t get there in the first place and can bring themselves back from the ledge.”
“Ophie, you sure do know how to the get to the beating heart of a problem...... and then flush it down the toilet. What a way to put it.”
“Thanks baby.”
He was alive. Antic noted his surroundings and perceived only one change, a picture of Ophelia was now hanging on the wall. She was standing with her arms draped over his shoulders, an elbow upon his breastplate, her chin upon his. Maybe Ophelia’s brother put it up. He always said he’d steal Antic. A communique was incoming.
Nr. 1
AUTH: jhdskKKSDU?$&D
Insasse Antic,
Your Rumination has ended, your period of Cease has with it, Reformation is Active. You are now in Actualise. Attend Center. Choose Next.
Be wise,
Medial - Notifier
Oh God. I need more time.
He drew his eyes down, paused, then painted the road ahead brick-by-stone. He felt the image of Ophelia drawing away. Now, he had nothing but lonely decades on tape. He was nowhere and nothing but an appliance. He left the house. For good this time.
Voluminous quietude descended upon Antic as he floated along streets. Pensive whirring of actuators and motors, harmonising with the whoosh of river spray and leaf patter as corner bled into corner. Streets flowed into roads. The hush in Antic’s mind gave the illusion of being still and a tense hum of vibration. His vacant moment melted stones underfoot. He rounded the final corner to Center and saw their motto on the side of the building, "Excellence is Routine". It reminded him of the old quote about sinning against God, rather than bureaucracy.
The script was burdeningly clear to him, Next must be 100% perfect. He stared gloomily at the sign, channelling the dismay of another nation. Antic swayed around a corner of the building and spotted two battered metal doors, down a small flight of steps, flecks of red paint slashed along the edges. They lightly chattered as he inched closer then swung open with a fluid motion and a lovely little squeak. He leaned back a little and glared at his RFID module. Traitor.
He haunted the corridors, taking wrong turns even though he knew they were wrong. He was avoiding making any decisions for as long as it wasn’t clear to others that he was avoiding making a decision. He ruefully rubbed his eyes, they felt gritty. Let go or let’s go, let it go, let her go. Geyser-like, something welled up inside and Antic, literally, screamed: HOW. DO. I. CHOOSE.
Heads whipped around and Antic’s emotional bucket was filled to a new high water mark of shame. He froze.
"Heyyyyyy, looks like this one’s got a screw loose. How are you Antic? Looking well I see, very much a robot in nature, yes? (quickly, quickly, lets blow)."
Jostled by his first human contact in almost a year, the man before him was a rangy type. Gaunt but with eyes that bounced inside steaming sockets and a fireplace voice. He was wearing a name badge that said Dr. Redfoot.
He jerked Antic away from the milieu and into a nearby room. As he bent down, his knees made plumber crackles, a double act with his clicking tongue.
"Alright sir, let’s have a look at you, my boy. Tell me, Antic, how do you feel?"
"I am a lever without a fulcrum."
"Ah yes, quite an articulate.... coldly logical way to put it. Umm, so, you feel unbalanced, yes?"
"Well that is to be expected, your mind is a mess. Your only cogent instructions have been to take what you know and plough it into producing perfection. Oo, that rhymed. Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance! Hah, from my aviation memory too! Errm, anyway. Rough gig, wouldn’t you say?"
"Sir. I mean, I’m sorry, Dr Redfoot, I believe, that is to say, I strongly think that I lack the data to draw conclusions."
"Nonsense! You’ve had nigh-on a century of experience and and some months to analyse literal mountains of data. You’re positively overflowing with it! I should know, I imprinted part of the valley algo myself."
Redfoot drew a lawless grin at that line.
"Then why do no conclusions draw themselves?"
"The heart of why you’re here, my boy, is because humans have frailties, irrationalities and faults that somewhat preclude objective decision-making about what a unflawed human being would look like. We cannot know because our very faculties for knowing anything are flawed, you see?"
"I guess so."
"It’s easy for us humans to decide on the flaws which are unacceptable but us crazy humans also tend to deny that we possess perfectly acceptable flaws too, especially the ones we possess that perhaps can still get us somewhere
in life.
For you, dear robot, the very point is objectivity. A data-driven way to see the flaws we can’t directly observe but accept anyway. Adding in emotions via the Hebbs was really all about model training and stress testing. Little more than that. It really does seem to have thrown you off-kilter, though, eh?"
"I feel different. I don’t want to do it. I hate this game."
"And well you might not. Maybe a little humanity has gotten in there, eh? Of course I’m joking. There’s no need to pout, though, my boy. It’ll work out."
"Will Next be the endgame?"
"My word, no! We wouldn’t give the ability to create the actual human to the very first experiment! That is, of course, the intention but your decisions will be analysed prior to any genetic shenanigans."
"Mmmm, I’m sorry were you not told? You know, for a society which has never been more connected, we sure are lousier than ever at communic-"
"But...... does that not mean you, as humans, are still encoding your flaws in the decision? And what happens if you don’t like my decisions?"
"Haven’t seen any paperwork on that. Oh well, there’s a life lesson in humanity and bureaucracy, I guess. Still, that’s your job and we all have one to do."
With all the big words, Redfoot was making steeple hands and practising his power co-mu-ni-ca-tion. He whipped and silenced his very own Ted audience. Then he drew his attention back to Antic.
"In your case, it is to identify the flaws in (what was her name again...ahh, Ophelia). You must isolate, capture and remove them all, yes?"
"Now, speaking of the very task ahead of you, you have but one further step, Antic, and that is to updown your data for us to pore over it until the cows come home or, at least, until I go home. Anyhow, follow me to the updown room."
Redfoot was practising his corporate movements as he walked, trying hard to stay in the box and to avoid jazz hands. Antic rustedly glided behind him and into a room with a perfunctory computing set-up that was trying a little too hard to be inconspicuous. It was nothing like the movies. For a momentous first-in-world-history-ever event, canon dictated a huge computer, wheels whirring
with noise and flashing green lights, men in coats clapping and hollering that nothing will be the same again. First prize!
Just a medium-sized grey block with nondescript manufacturer stickers. And a cable.
Another new feeling. Underwhelmed.
"Ah yes, you’ll need to cable uplink for this one, Antic. Can’t risk even a single missed bit, of course. Well, here’s where we part ways, seems odd to say good luck but here goes anyway - good luck!"
"Thank you, Dr Redfoot. I will do what I feel....what is right."
Redfoot departed. He turned his head and paused for a moment in the hallway before sauntering away, practising purposeful gestures. Antic was alone again. He was irritated too. Mainly at Redfoot’s reaction to being asked about his Next. He wasn’t annoyed at the news of the dry-run but that Redfoot had the nerve to be surprised by it.
He gingerly plugged in the cable. Hearing every scratch and feeling every scrape as the data left his case and bounced down it gave him the heebee jeebees. A hologram sprang to life before him and reverse melted into a mould of Kid Ophelia. With each sweeping pass of the data filter, the image of her became more and more detailed. Every coarse piece of her face was snapped into progressively finer detail with every iteration.
Layers of colour were added and the image began to animate. At first jerkily but then human-like movements as historical data about Ophelia was updown’d. Her arms were moving as if she was swimming. She stopped flapping, gazed back at Antic and smiled. Antic realised the movements were not at all random but reciprocal. He fidgeted and waved at Ophelia. She waved back.
The landscape of the hologram burbled and yawed as first he little girl grew into a teenager, a young adult and then into a woman. Then into an older woman as the data flowed apace. The completion of Ophelia the model ushered in a series of options into Antic’s visual field. They were mapped separately to her cortical landscape, as was generated in Rumination. Buttons, icons, sliders and plots altering the topology of the landscape.
An interface to the hologram of Ophelia was tethered directly to it. A random button press and the hologram became Ophelia at age three. The first thing she tried to do was tug on Antic’s fingers. Antic reflexively reached out but her hand went right through his fingers and she began to cry.
A plaintive mahhhh left his mouth and, with an abrupt new selection, the teenage Ophelia appeared and waved. Antic recognised her Tuesday morning lecture dress.
"Hi Antic! Oh my God, how are you?!"
"Well. How are your studies?"
"So good! I’m learning so much chemistry. I feel like, you know, this is the real deal now. High school was the warm-up but university is the real show. Finally finding out the real story!"
"You....like it?"
"Yeah of course! You know I’ve always liked science. Don’t you remember how I mixed everything together in the chem set Mum gave me?"
He sure did. Antic also remembered her callow disappointment when it formed nothing but a powdery sludge in the bottom of her test-tube. He saw the opportunity to right a wrong.
His eyes were drawn to the wheezing landscape. He blithely pushed a few sliders which sped up the rate of bubbles. Connections shifted again the landscape began to shift like jello. New buttons and sliders bubbled and materialised. A stooping Ophelia appeared and spoke again.
"Know what, Antic? I’m actually pretty darn bored with this uni stuff. Who would choose to spend all their time in a smelly synthesis lab anyway? I’m outta here and I’ll tell Mum as soon as she gets home."
Ah. Too far.
Antic’s focus shifted to a mendacious-looking column rising out of the flats and far above the rest of the landscape. A single button, bubbling next to hundreds of others, practically begged to be pushed. A grin left him as he did.
Ophelia appeared before him wearing a crushed purple dress, dyed black hair with roots. Her eyes were reddened and wild. She looked like she hadn’t slept in a while.
"Antic! My God. I’m so glad you’re here! You look shinyyyy, not like the usual scruff. I’m just kidding of course. Look can you do me a favour?"
"Of course."
"I want you to send a message to Nadia."
"Who is Nadia?"
"Oh you know, we work together. She’s dating my ex-girlfriend Shannon. Remember her?"
"Yes I do"
"Great! Well just let her know that Shannon left her phone under my bed the other night so I have it if she’s looking for it. Poor dear was in such a state, they’re having some problems, you see, so she really did need to chat. Anyway, just let her know, I have her phone.
Oo! Also, the picture of Nadia on her phone is so cute! Yea tell her that!"
"I don’t know if it’s a good idea." "No, Antic, don’t be silly! Nothing happened! Nadia has absolutely nothing to worry about! She just needed to talk, that’s all. Nothing to it at all. Please? Send the message?"
"I don’t know if it’s a good idea."
"Nothing happened that Nadia needs to worry about. Please. Antic. Just send the message."
A feeling similar to what a field mouse in the field view of an Eagle coursed through him. He quietly moved a slider back to its original position. The column shortened a little but the landscape did not revert. It looked like now it never would. So he experimented a little.
Morphing the landscape into shapes that removed Ophelia’s cynicism made her a messy, doe-eyed doormat, others that calmed doubts resulted in a wing-suited risk-taking psychopath. Occasionally quite random, such as when he shed her sometimes prickly exterior and she was dealing crack cocaine to footballers from the East.
A futile bid to reset to the usual Ophelia was thwarted when she crumpled into a homicidally jealous harpy at the mention of her younger sister, Valerie (with an ’i’). Or an Anime-loving shut-in at the merest mention of her father.
There was a mischievous little girl, threatened with a hoe by the old Italian immigrant behind the back fence for throwing stones at his windows. A newly-legal woman who got a $30 lapdance on her 18th and bought a packet of cigarettes but didn’t smoke a single one.
There was the time she nearly drowned but breathed nary a word to anyone about how scared she was and the year of nightmares that followed.
He threw his hands in the air. He pushed every button on the screen. He impotently tore out the cable and wrapped it around his neck, tightening it and making a squishy eeeee sound. He picked up an empty plastic coffee cup and slapped it to the floor. He looked away, saw a spiderin the corner of the room and threw a pen at it but missed. He pouted again. Fuck it.
QUERY Nr. 2876423
AUTH: /&%"/8787623i
Insasse Antic,
Data acquisition is complete,
decision is at Zero. Choose Next.
Be wise,
- Center.
A tenebrous combination of unease and grumpiness dominated his thoughts. The time pressure irked and there was so much of the landscape left to explore. They want a better person with incomplete data? Let them decide! Without him.
He folded his arms and performed his best pout yet. Minimising bad flaws caused new ones, maximising desirable factors destroyed flaws that were sometimes desirable and doing nothing revealed characteristics he never knew about that demanded exploration. Even being around her for virtually every tongue-lashing and toilet break, he’d managed to miss so much.
Antic didn’t believe in God but now he missed him. He thought of all the things that had happened to him over the years. He also thought of how little he had made happen himself.
His shoulders relaxed as the thought burned unbridled through him. He jettisoned a giggle as he took a long look at the landscape, at all the frigid sliders and buttons. He whipped his head around and caught his reflection on the wall. He didn’t dare ask it any questions.
Antic left the room, slinked around a corner, down the hall and, as he did, he felt the sound and the fury of footsteps and minds osmoting into the room he’d left behind. Malnourished necks craned from behind office doors and spoke in hushed tones, has he finished yet?
Shuffled feet and low voices were supplanted by rising concern and more voice, untrammelled by the ticking of the bomb. Rising above the din, Antic heard a familiar voice from across the hallway.
"Looks like you’ve caused quite a stir there, Antic. Been a good day then eh? And it’ll be a great day to come for all of us too eh? How’s your Next?"
He took another moment and thought about offering some blandishment about how he’d tried his best or some self-indulgent whine about the whole experiment, that Central was not the God he missed but an absentee landlord. And nature abhors a vacuum.
"Perfectly acceptable."
0 notes
₪ = asking them out for dinner . (so many choices, though...)
[ super old meme ][ the first date ][ @pxrtgasdace ]
It was their first official date ever, weeks after the illegal adoption of their daughter. It had taken a lot of trouble to align their schedules to match before they settled on a date and location. Despite the bold feats both men had tackled throughout their lives, with regards to a date, both had turned shy and skirted around the topic for months. They did go out to dinner on a regular basis, obviously, but it was never anything fancy. A simple picnic. Stopping for fast food. It was always… casual.
And then, one day, Ace popped the question --- without a ring. Law didn’t know whether he ought to be relieved or disappointed by the lack of a proposal. Not that he wanted to marry Ace but … what were Ace’s feelings about him? Where did they stand? Where was their relationship going, if that was even a thing? Was it going places? Or backtracking to square one and with no ideal futuristic prospect? Either way, Law agreed to the dinner invitation without hesitation. Of course, Law insisted on picking the place. Law used the opportunity, since Ace had raised the question, to suggest a fine-dining restaurant serving exorbitant Italian cuisine. Now, Law recognized that Ace was the furthest from the fine-dining, high-class crowd. However, Law wanted the evening to be something… special. Ace deserved better than McDonalds and Pizza Hut day in, day out. Unfortunately, it seemed like the universe was conspiring against them and his plans.
Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong that evening. To start of the catastrophic date, their babysitter was running late because her teacher had delayed her. Nevertheless, Law occupied himself with changing in and out of multiple ensembles until he was satisfied with his attire for the dinner. Meanwhile, Ace sang a lullaby to Strawberry while he stacked colourful building blocks into ceiling-high towers. The babysitter arrived shortly after with apologies and took over Strawberry from Ace. She cried and Ace lingered behind, until Law had to physically shove him out the door.
Dressed very dapper in sharp suits with orange and yellow shirts, Ace and Law headed to the elevator, only for the cursed elevator to break down midway on its descent. Ace held Law’s hand while they waited patiently in the dark with Law’s finger jabbing persistently on the alarm button. They (mostly Law) spent a good deal of time griping about the fault of the elevator and how it was time to move out and look for a new apartment. Thankfully, they were relieved by contractors within an hour’s wait. With hindsight, Law should have called up the restaurant to change the timing of their reservation, but it had completely slipped his mind. Instead, they strode to the carpark, Ace with a relaxed smile and Law with a dour expression.
The annoying hindrance resulted in them taking the drive through peak hour, during which traffic was an insufferable nightmare. Cars lined the roads for miles and miles. Horns blared noisily and fingers were flipped. Law considered abandoning their car while he drummed his fingers restlessly on the wheel and fixed an ever-present frown on his face. Nonetheless, they passed the time by chatting. Ace dug out his phone and scrolled through a gallery of hundreds and hundreds of photos of Strawberry. Most were selfies he’d taken with her, both their cheeks squeezed together to fit into the frame that captured them at the most unglamorous angles. Law cracked a genuine smile.
Eventually, traffic moved along. Law drove them through the city. He took some sharp turns and swerved to avoid a car on his blind side before they spotted the restaurant up ahead. Alas, Law circled the area for minutes and found no place to park. Undeterred, Law parked a few blocks away. Lo and behold, by the time they climbed out the car and started down the street, thunder roared and a downpour followed with remarkable speed. Without shelter above their heads, Ace and Law made a mad dash across the road. A car screeched to a stop to narrowly avoid running them over. The driver cursed angrily before speeding off.
Saved from an A&E visit, Ace and Law hurried toward the restaurant and arrived drenched to the skin. A black-faced doorman greeted them with disdain. He informed them brusquely that their reservation had been cancelled since they were over ninety minutes late.
Law’s expression darkened and he shot the doorman a scowl. Ace sensed Law tense up beside him and quickly patted Law’s shoulder, suggesting that they go somewhere else. Law stood unmoving for a moment in contemplation. In the end, he shook his head and dragged Ace toward the queue.
The queue, like the earlier peak hour traffic, seemed to stretch on for ages. Condescending gazes followed them from the queue of uppity patrons. Law ignored their looks as Ace and he joined the back of the queue. Both hunched and hugged their arms from the cold while they waited. Ace’s stomach growled pitiably and Law frowned. However, Ace fished out his phone again and continued showing off the photos he had snapped of Strawberry in various costumes and dresses. The pictures appeased their upset and hunger while they bore with the excruciatingly long wait. A good solid hour passed before, as they shuffled toward the front of the queue, to Law’s horror, he realized that Ace was not wearing a tie.
Law’s jaw dropped. “Whe…Where’s your tie?”
“What?” Ace kept his eyes on his phone. “I hate wearing ties, you know that. Left mine back home on the coat rack… Why?”
“…You left wha…?” Law gaped. He specifically remembered tying Ace’s tie for him and spending precious time carefully picking out a tie that would match Ace’s suit. Ace took it off? How had he not noticed this before? “We can’t enter without a tie! The dress code demands a tie!”
Ace shrugged carefreely. “Then let’s go elsewhere. Plenty of other places around.”
Law’s expression twisted with disbelief. No way. They went to all the trouble and Ace wanted Law to just give up like that? No fucking way. “We’ll steal a tie.” Alas, easier said than done. A tie around someone’s neck couldn’t be stolen unless the victim was either unconscious or dead or held at knife or gunpoint. There were many witnesses standing around and Law didn’t wish to spend the night in jail. Thus, Law asked someone nicely, only to be refused rudely. Law offered to pay them some money for their tie. They considered this for a good while before they asked for a hundred bucks. Law glared. A hundred bucks? He flipped the guy off.
While the guy wailed about Law’s lack of manners, Law pulled Ace closer and leaned in to whisper. “Okay. I go in and I’ll tell them you’re arriving later. You wait out the back door until I come for you with the tie, all right?”
Ace obliged Law and started toward the back door.
Law waited until it was his turn to be ushered in by the doorman. He explained that Ace had to grab something from the car and would return later. The doorman bought his lie and showed Law to a table by the side. When all eyes were off him, Law snuck to the back door and passed Ace his tie.
Ace put on Law’s tie and made his way to the front entrance. The doorman gave him a sharp, searching look but eventually waved Ace into the restaurant. The plan worked. Ace joined Law at the table with a beam plastered on his face. His eyes gleamed with hungry anticipation.
Law smiled, because it seemed like everything would go smoothly, after all. How wrong, he was. A waiter marched over and handed them both menus to browse. Unfortunately, the waiter, an uptight middle-aged lady, glimpsed Law’s tieless attire and would not let the matter rest.
“Sir, I don’t know how you were allowed in, but you’re not allowed to dine here,” the waiter said in a pointed tone. She shook her head slowly and crossed her arms. Clearly, she was unimpressed by both Ace’s and Law’s crumpled suits that were still damp from the rain.
“I dirtied mine and took it off,” Law explained. “We were let in, so there shouldn’t be a pro---” Law’s eyes widened as angry flames lit up across their table. Ace had knocked over one of the candles. The waiter fled the scene.
In a desperate attempt to put out the fire, Ace grabbed a glass from a dining couple to their left. Without a second thought, Ace poured the contents of the glass over the flames. Unfortunately, what Ace assumed to be water turned out to be liquor. By then, the other customers shouted and screamed. Pandemonium broke out around their table and they hadn’t even opened the menus to glimpse their choices for dinner.
Ace and Law both leapt away from the table as a woman ran toward the fire. Armed with a fire extinguisher, the woman saved the night and promptly put out the flames.
“Do we get another table?” Law asked. He moved to stand beside Ace.
The woman, who turned out to be the manager, regarded them with a patronizing gaze. She eyed their wrinkled suits and Law’s lack of a tie and scrunched up her face. “My apologies, gentlemen. Either leave now, or pay for the damages, and then leave anyway. Our dress code is strictly enforced. We cannot make an exception, even if you are the Prime Minister.”
Law’s mood, already sour, became pitch black. Regardless, picking a quarrel and then later on having the cops called on them would make for an even more unpleasant night. Thus, Law grabbed Ace’s hand and stalked out of the restaurant, but not before scowling for a few seconds at the manager in irritation. Neither Ace nor Law chattered much during the drive home, though their stomachs protested with loud grumbles.
“…It’s all right, you know,” Ace said, glancing at Law in the car.
“It’s not all right,” Law muttered, keeping his eye on the road to avoid any mishap. Given their luck that evening, he wouldn’t be surprised if a vehicle collided with their car.
“We had fun, didn’t we?”
“Define fun.”
“Well… we singed the waiter’s eyebrows. Didja see?”
“…Right.” Law failed to stop a smile from spreading over his lips.
Fortunately, they returned home in one piece and the babysitter took their leave, though she was nice enough to apologize again for their date ending in disappointment. Law frowned again at the reminder of the restaurant’s discourtesy and stringent guidelines. How dare they turn away paying customers? Ass--- Ace placed Strawberry in Law’s arms. Strawberry’s face was covered in drool but she blurted “Faga” and “Dada” and Law’s tense expression melted in an instant. He cleaned Strawberry’s face while Ace went to fetch them dinner.
“Guess we’ve cereal and milk…?” Law called out into the kitchen.
“That’s all I need. I just need food, bro.” Ace emptied a box of fruit loops into a large mixing bowl.
Law flinched and froze up at the “bro” mentioned in such a casual manner. Nevertheless, he pushed it out of mind and joined Ace in the living area. Law placed Strawberry down on the sofa and plopped down beside her.
Ace handed Law his bowl of dry oats and sat on the other side of Strawberry. For a moment, there were only noises of Strawberry babbling and Ace slurping his fruit loops with milk.
Law spooned some oats and chewed languidly. His brows furrowed without his realization. While Ace told Strawberry, who understood not a single word, about their terrible evening, Law lost himself in his thoughts. What did Ace think of him? Were they just pretending to be a family? Playing house? He didn’t want to fall for Ace only for Ace to tell him he was just a “bro”. That would hurt. And yet, it was too late, wasn’t it…? He cared for the silly goof. Law didn’t know if what he felt toward Ace was love but… close?
Well, if it turned out it was one-sided, so be it. However, could he stay on, in that house, with Strawberry, and pretend he didn’t care for Ace and Strawberry as much as he soon would, inevitably? Perhaps he could try… to keep some distance. After all, the present circumstances were fine. Good. Even if they were just “bros” that occasionally cuddled and made out… Love had no absolute, concrete definitions, right? Why limit themselves? Even if Ace didn’t love him back, that didn’t mean he would be unhappy. It was fine… unless Ace left him and saw someone else. Then he wouldn’t be able to pretend any longer… In fact, he would probably be consumed with jealousy.
Ace finished his cereal well ahead of Law, who was still stirring it around aimlessly. Law dumped the uneaten oats and collected Ace’s bowl. He took the dishes to the sink while Ace tucked Strawberry into bed.
At the sound of running water from the bathroom, Law disrobed and stepped into the shower to join Ace. Law snuck up to Ace’s back and extended his arms. For the first time in months, Law instigated a hug, albeit one from behind.
“---Wah…? Roo?” Ace raised his brows and stiffened up. “What… Can’t you wait? Whaddya want…?”
Law pressed his lips together. He dipped his chin and planted kisses down Ace’s neck. “I… I’m sorry that turned out awry. The… date.” Law stepped back, his hands dropping back to his sides. “…Wanted to do something nice, but well…”
Ace turned to face Law with an expression of confusion.
Law finally raised his gaze to meet Ace’s eyes. Law smiled softly. “Happy Birthday… Portgas.” Law leaned toward Ace and kissed him gently on the lips before he backed out of the shower as quickly as he had gone in.
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Top 10 Use-Cases of AI and Machine Learning in Fintech Industries
Nowadays, many companies are inclined to carry out advanced machine learning solutions along with custom AI solutions to stand tall in the competitive market. Analytics is essential to improve the bottom lines so that you can increase the efficiency of your business. With machine learning and AI, it is effortless to get some comprehensive strategies for analytics that will help you to run your business successfully. With a view to that, you must include the machine learning strategies in the data structure. In this article, we will talk about ten major uses of AI and machine learning in the Fintech industry. So keep on reading.
Top 10 Use-Cases of AI and Machine Learning
Here are the main uses of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Fintech industries—
Data security
For the digital transformation industry, malware comes like a big problem that is directly related to data security. According to the Kaspersky Lab report in 2017, it is said that every day they observed 360,000 malware files newly. However, Deep Instinct, an intelligent institutional firm, has reported that each of the new malware has a similar code as the earlier versions. The rate of changing files for different iterations is from 2 to 10%. The learning models can detect malware accurately. Also, there are some machine learning development companies that will help to access the information stored in clouds, and thus, they are able to report anomalies to indicate the breaches.
Personal security
Besides data security, personal security is also paramount, so it will be better to take help from artificial intelligence services to increase your personal security. For instance, if you are taking a flight, you will have to wait for security screening. Similarly, in a public event, you may have noticed the long lines for security screening. With advanced machine learning techniques, it will be easier to reduce false alarms.
Because human screeners are not always able to detect the spot things during security screening. So hiring a machine learning solution provider will be effective for implementing machine learning in security screening at stadiums, concerts, airports, etc. to speed up the screening process and organize an event safely.
Financial trading
Some AI development companies are there to assist you in financial trading. A large number of traders are interested in the share market, and they keep on predicting the ups and downs of the stock market on a particular day. With machine learning strategies, it will be easier to predict closely at any time.
Read More : “Artificial Intelligence|Machine Learning and Their Smart Applications“
Proprietary systems sometimes help to execute high volume trades at high speed, so some of the foremost firms look forward to this process. Trade with high volume or high speed can generate a large amount of profit even though the probability is low. Needless to say that humans are not able to match the machines in terms of consuming a huge amount of data and execute trades at high speed.
AI and machine learning technologies have a big role to play in healthcare and digital transformation. With the algorithms of machine learning techniques, it will be easier to collect and store more data and detect more patterns that are difficult for humans. CAD is used in one study to review the mammography scans of some women who had breast cancer later, and 52% of cases are detected by the computer. If you hire AI developers, they will support you to incorporate the advanced technology to identify the risk factors in a large population. Medicison is a company that has detected eight types of variables, which will be very helpful for diabetes patients.
Marketing personalization
Without understanding your customer requirements correctly, it will be challenging to meet up with their demands, which may have an impact on your business. Therefore, most of the companies give importance to marketing personalization. If you are looking for a digital transformation consulting company, you will be able to understand its significance clearly. Sometimes, you search for a product in online stores and finally do not buy it. But after that, you will get to see digital ads about that product whenever you look on the web. It is a very basic part of the marketing personalization. Moreover, a company is able to customize the email and select the recommended product to increase the reliability to the customer.
Fraud detection
If you look for the best machine learning development services, you will not be worried about fraud cases. Using machine learning technologies is a very effective way to identify potential fraud cases in several fields. For example, PayPal is taking the help of machine learning to avoid money laundering cases. With the advanced tools, this company can compare a huge number of transactions. Moreover, it is equipped well to understand the difference between fraudulent and legit transactions that take place between the sellers and buyers.
People who have used Netflix or Amazon must know about how this recommendation works. Most of the digital transformation companies in USA tend to use this in which a machine learning algorithm is used to analyze your recent activity. It helps them to understand your choice about the programs or products compared to millions of users so that they can provide you with better recommendations. Thus you will get a better chance to choose a gift or a TV program for your family without much effort.
Online search
Some AI companies are working hard to improve search engine understanding. It means Google and other competitor search engines are relying on machine learning technologies for better search results. The main aim of implementing this technology is to check the results. When you search something on, Google tries to detect your response. For instance, when you click the first result and stick to there, it will say that you have found the information you need, and that is how it becomes successful.
Read More : “AI Artificial Intelligence in business 2020 : Types & Advantages“
But if you need to go to the second result or start typing something new, it will be considered that the search engine is not able to provide exactly what you are looking for. It is how, with the help of AI development services, they are improving their mistakes and focusing on providing the most accurate results to the customers.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP is commonly found in different types of applications. The AL and ML companies support you the best to include machine learning to natural language so that the customers do not have to wait for the response, and they can get all the required information with accuracy.
It also works very effectively to translate legalese into understandable languages. Also, it is advantageous for attorneys to work with vast details when it comes to getting ready for any cases.
Smart cars
According to the survey of IBM, 74% of the leading auto executives are expecting that there will be a big chance to have smart cars on the road within the next five years. With the help of AI services companies, it will be possible to integrate an intelligent car with the Internet of Things. Moreover, it will help to know about the owners and the environment as well.
Read More : “How can Machine Learning benefit your business“
Therefore, users can automatically adjust the seat position, audio, or temperatures, and it will be completely based on the drivers. The driver will not only fix the problems but also provide a real-time suggestion regarding traffic conditions.
At the end
So now that you have come to know the use-cases and importance of machine learning and artificial intelligence, you should find the best machine learning solution provider who will assist you in an appropriate way to increase your business.
Source - https://www.mobinius.com/blogs/use-cases-of-ai-and-machine-learning-in-fintech-industries
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auto-blog · 4 years
Forged Wheels For Porsche 911
What is Porsche Forged Wheels?  Are the only real way to go if you're a Porsche owner? Are they worth it though? Well, that is a question of opinion.
If you're a Porsche owner, and you are searching for a few wheels to decide on your Porsche, you can always look to find yourself a used pair, or even a complete new set, according to what you would like to do together with the wheels. It simply depends on what you want to utilize them .
For example, many people like metal wheels. If you are taking a look at metal wheels, you'll discover that they are a great deal lighter, making them comfortable, and also easier to operate a vehicle.
Forged Wheels For Porsche 911
Steel wheels are somewhat heavier, gives them more durability and equilibrium, but you're going to observe that they are less comfortable since the metal wheels. But, steel wheels are rather simple to drive. This is exactly why they are a favourite choice for both Porsche owners.
You will find that there are various types of wheels. You can find flat-mount, Dropin, hub-mounted, wheel-base and hub-mount, along with other choices.  All these sorts of wheels will work for the Porsche for as long because they have been the perfect size for the car. But, it's very important that you know which type is right for you personally which means you are going to remember to choose the appropriate wheels for your car.
For example, metal wheels tend to be lighter compared to the hub-mounted wheels, therefore they may truly feel a bit lighter and just a little better once you are driving. But, it'll also provide you with more stability, specially in case the wheels are made from steel that is high.
The wheel-base wheels will provide you with more stability, as they have a longer wheelbase. Some drivers also like the hub-mounting for his or her wheels, in addition to the rim-mounted.
Porsche Forged Wheels
You should always make sure that you get the wheels you need, and choose wheels which are likely to provide you with a fantastic appearance, in addition to supply you with the safety you need in your car. That's why it's vital that you take a fantastic look at the different kinds of why Porsche Forged Wheel possibilities available.
Wheels can be found with nearly every kind of car, this means you could find pretty much any kind of wheels for the Porsche. However, you will find that the majority of men and women prefer the wheels they drive, since they tend to be somewhat comfortable and incredibly practical. Plus, they will look nice and look a lot better than many different wheels on other vehicles. Thus, if you're looking for wheels for your car, it's very important to consider what kind of wheels you're seeking, and make sure that you purchase wheels to the fashion of car you own.
Many manufacturers today offer a variety of different styles and layouts of those Porsche wheels it's possible to purchase. Many people might also feel they are just for older cars or even for trucks. In reality, many Porsche wheels are also readily available for modern cars, and so that they will still look nice and increase the look of one's car.
If you want to have a fashionable, stylish look to your Porsche, you might choose to appear into some wheels. These are generally black, but they may be found in silver, yellow, blue or reddish, too. They'll deliver you an advantage concerning looks, but they may also help keep your automobile much safer just in the event you crash.
Forged Wheels Porsche
If you're searching for something somewhat more traditional in features, then you'll get the conventional and timeless Porsche forged wheels. All these are in fact a fantastic fit for a classic car, given that they have exactly the same appearance as a number of those old Porsche models. They are produced from an extremely tough metal, so they could stand up to the roughest roads and the weather that is overburdened.
If you have a traditional Porsche, you'll find that the standard Porsche forged wheels will probably provide you a lot more comfort, since they are very sturdy and equipped to handle even the roughest weather.  On your own car.
Porsche Forged Wheels For Porsche 993 Turbo, Red Customized Car Alloy Rims for Porsche 911 Turbo are intended to provide superior looks and durability at an affordable price.  Item Line: Porsche forged wheels: This collection of wheels comes in several Unique colours: Brilliant Silver, Pearl White, Magnificent Blue, and Tungsten Gray.
These wheels were specifically designed to match the outside design of the Porsche 911 Turbo, to present a smooth look to the car. The rim material was created using a matte black finish to coordinate with the color of the Porsche's body work and the wheels have silver colored talked. By having an extremely demanding poly-carbonate structure and a non-slip rubberized coating, these wheels have an excellent grip on surfaces. They are also equipped with high resistance to rusting and will last for many years with proper care.
You will be delighted to realize that these wheels can be purchased with either full coverage or half an hour coverage. With full coverage, the rims will probably be mounted onto the car with a single side of the middle panel facing the bike, so they cover the whole wheel and provide a more complete protection to the tire. With half coverage, the rims are mounted to the car simply, therefore they will only cover front tire.
With complete policy, it's quite easy to eliminate the wheel without any damaging the bodywork of the car. On another hand, with half policy, it could be more difficult. When it comes to selecting a full coverage collection, you need to regard the amount of wheel weight that your automobile will carry, how much suspension travel, and the burden of those passengers who will ride with you in the car.
When choosing between those wheels to get a Porsche, make sure you take into account the dimensions of the tires you'll be using. Be sure that you remember that larger tires have more rolling resistance and will ask that you apply more tension while driving. You'll also have to take into account the rate of which you drive your car and be sure the speed doesn't exceed 30 mph.
While picking a pair of for the Porsche, you should be certain the color you choose matches the paint used on your own car, because you will find a number of brands which can look quite odd in regards to color. If you don't feel as though you know what kind of color you want, it may possibly be a good idea to consult your salesperson in your neighborhood dealer that will help you out. A number of those favorite colors include Titanium Black Sapphire, Clear Sky Blue, and Vibrant Silver.
Porsche Forged Wheels
This collection of wheels for a Porsche has a mounting kit that accompanies a non conductive rubberized surface and comprises mounting hardware, including nuts, boltsand washers, and washer. These parts must be replaced with these when it is the right time to improve the tires. The Porsche hubcaps should be scrutinized prior installation.
To have the ability to have the perfect group of Porsche Forged wheels for your Porsche, it is necessary to follow all the appropriate precautions and also to never skip a step or two. Most of times, this procedure can be accomplished by who owns the car and you can save money by purchasing from the local dealer.
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golfiyaa · 5 years
Choosing The Right Golf Ball
With regards to choosing which golf ball to play, you actually have a thousand options. They go in costs anyplace from gentle to wild. At the point when you play a ball that is appropriately fit for your game, your shot execution will improve and you will bring down your score. Each shot checks thus does your ball, yet we frequently hear golf players state they play with "whatever is in my sack." Performance contrasts between golf ball brands and models are down changing, particularly on short game scoring shots. Playing with a similar ball model each round takes out this exhibition variety and will assist you with hitting more greens in guideline and hit the ball nearer to the pin to change over more putts. This is one of the initial steps to building up a progressively reliable game. Keep in mind, there's just one bit of hardware you use on each shot, your golf ball.
Pick A Ball That Best Fits Your Short Game
Notwithstanding expertise level, golf players hit their driver just multiple times per round. Most by far of shots incorporate methodology shots, pitches and chips. For instance, on the off chance that you shoot a normal score of 90, you will hit in excess of 40 shots to the green however just 14 drives. Experts and novices the same shoot their best adjusts when they limit the quantity of short game shots. So select a ball that performs best for your scoring shots.
Shouldn't something be said about Swing Speed?
Ball fitting for swing speed is a fantasy. A golf ball must perform for all golf players of all swing speeds on all shots, else it won't perform for any golf player. A PGA Tour player's driver swing speed is higher than most beginners. However his speed on long or mid-irons might be like your driver swing speed.
Would it be advisable for me to Use What The Tour Pro's Use?
Visit players make the game look simple. Despite the fact that they may have a higher swing velocity and all the more reliably execute great swings, they are playing a similar game. They despite everything miss greens in guideline and need to find a workable pace. They, as well, need to hit more shots closer to the gap. Regardless of whether you normally shoot 80s, 90s or more than 100, you are confronted with similar sorts of scoring shots on your methodologies, pitches and chips.
The distinction between Tour players and numerous novices is that they organize golf ball execution on their scoring shots. Playing with an elite ball will convert into hitting a couple of more greens in guideline and shots closer to the opening when you hit your shot the manner in which you proposed. Novices and aces the same make a higher level of 3' putts than 12' ones.
Understanding Golf Ball Compression
There is a typical confusion that a player must match the pressure of the golf ball to their swing speed so as to appropriately "pack" the ball. Each golf player packs the golf ball on each full swing shots. Truth be told, the distinctions in the measure of pressure across driver swing speeds are for all intents and purposes vague.
Another fantasy is that lower swing speed players will hit a lower pressure golf ball longer. No single component of golf ball configuration decides the golf ball's presentation or its separation. Pressure is a trial of the overall non-abrasiveness of a golf ball and identifies with how firm or delicate a golf ball feels to a golf player. While there is no presentation advantage to picking a particular pressure, numerous golf players (paying little mind to swing speed) do have feel inclinations. Golf players who favor milder feel may lean toward lower pressure golf balls.
80 - Lower pressure balls are likewise the gentlest. This gives a sling shot impact, which moves the ball further. However, it is more earnestly to control. Pick a golf ball with a 80 pressure rating in the event that you don't regularly drive the ball a long separation, are a lesser player, senior or lady of normal quality. The 80 pressure ball permits more slow swingers to all the more effectively pack the ball with the club face on the downswing and acquire a more noteworthy separation.
90 - Played by most of male players and experienced female players. The 90 pressure ball requires a quicker club head speed at effect on augment golf ball pressure and spring impact at sway. In the event that you don't know whether you ought to hit a 90 pressure ball versus one of a 80 rating, testing a few shots of each sort on the training reach will assist you with seeing which ball voyages more remote for your swing.
100 - The hardest pressure, this rating is most appropriate for cutting edge players with quick swing speeds. Pick a golf ball with a 100 pressure rating in the event that you ordinarily drive the ball in excess of 275 yards off the tee and have a quick club head speed. You will have the option to amplify the separation for the entirety of your shots, yet will see decreased range off the tee if the club head speed isn't sufficiently quick to accomplish the full spring impact.
Test a few appraisals of ball pressure on the training range and clarify the normal separation that you hit each evaluating of ball with a similar golf club. A few players decide to play a gentler pressure rating since they have a superior vibe for hitting approach shots, so you will need to temper the separation measure against how each ball feels when hitting your wedges and short irons.
Shouldn't something be said about Choosing A Ball For Distance?
Since you will just hit 14 drives for each round, organizing a ball with the longest separation off the tee won't really assist you with bringing down your score. What's more, in the event that you miss the green, you despite everything need to find a workable pace. Playing a golf ball with the best scoring exhibition will assist you with shooting lower scores.
What about Spin?
Seeing how turn influences your game will assist you with picking the best golf ball. On shots with the driver, low turn will give longer and straighter drives. On shots with your long irons, lower turn produces straighter flight yet decreases halting force. In the short game, more turn gives all the more halting force into the green.
There are noteworthy execution contrasts between golf ball models, especially on the short game scoring shots. To shoot lower scores, golf players will profit by a golf ball that gives phenomenal scoring turn, the turn and control expected to hit more greens nearer to the pin with irons and wedges.
Golf Ball Feel Preference
While many golf ball execution attributes, for example, separation and turn control are quantifiable at any dispatch condition, feel is an inclination decision and is profoundly abstract. Feel is player subordinate. A few golf players incline toward milder feel while others like a crisper, firmer feel. Feel is additionally shot ward. A few golf players measure feel on full swing shots where others assess it on fractional swings or putts. While feel doesn't contribute straightforwardly to scoring execution, it is a significant thought for some golf players.
Golf Ball Color Preference
There are numerous components that add to a golf ball's appearance: dimple design, side stamp, play number, and, obviously, shading. For players who look for higher perceivability against the shades of blue and green (the hues you see during each round of play), a high optic yellow choice may be best for you. These optic hues reflect characteristic light more effectively than conventional white golf balls. Shading doesn't affect the golf ball's exhibition however can be a significant factor in certain golf players' choice procedure.
Golf Ball Construction
Strong Two-Piece - The workhorse everything being equal, amateurs should begin here. It is a strong, rubbery ball that is solid and reasonable at $18-$30 twelve. Involved a huge, uniform internal center underneath a hard spread, players can hit a "meager" or "fat" shot with less dread of parting the ball. The tradeoff is low turn or less control for more prominent separation and a more drawn out roll.
Multi-Layered or Three-Piece - Preferred by transitional players, this milder ball accomplishes a higher turn rate, and therefore, sticker price of about $28-$45 twelve. The tradeoff is more control for less separation.
Elite - Intended for low impediment players, the ball is less tough with a gentler spread for more control. The plan gives the best of the two universes - high turn and separation - at an expense of $45 to $60 per dozen. They are not suggested for learners since they cut and distort no problem at all.
Golf Ball Covering
Amateurs requiring sturdiness ought not disregard the golf ball spread. The material assumes an enormous job in deciding execution. The best three spread materials are:
Surlyn - Prized for its sturdiness, cut-opposition, separation and moderateness, it's the most generally utilized material available.
Balata - Softer and progressively costly, the material is esteemed for turn, feel and control. Nonetheless, it is bound to get scratches and cuts.
Elastomer - Used by low-handicap players, who need turn without relinquishing an excessive amount of solidness.
The climate forecast likewise impacts which ball to pick. Warm conditions can extend balls, calling for players to utilize a higher pressure. A harder ball helps in high stickiness or in low ocean level territories, where thick air eases back the ball down.
Then again, chilly climate will in general solidify the ball. Players can balance the impact by picking lower pressure balls. Milder balls likewise help in high elevations where air is more slender and there is less obstruction.
Presently It's Time To Find The Right Golf Ball For You!
Keep in mind, you can remove a couple of strokes for each round by doing just picking the right golf ball. It's a smart thought to keep a couple of each in your sack and practice with them. Figure out how they feel. Perceive how you like them. Make sense of which one to utilize so you can get an edge on your playing accomplices even before you start.
We trust you discovered this guide on choosing a golf ball supportive. We will keep on offering you increasingly supportive aides on other golf subjects to the email address you gave to assist you with turning into a far superior golf player sooner rather than later.
Don't hesitate to impart this manual for any individual who might want to figure out how to be a superior golf player. For Right Golf Balls Please Visit : https://golfiya.com/product-category/golf-balls/shop-golf-balls/golf-balls-all/
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golfuniversityau1 · 5 years
Choosing The Right Golf Ball
With regards to choosing which golf ball to play, you actually have a thousand options. They extend in costs anyplace from mellow to wild. At the point when you play a ball that is appropriately fit for your game, your shot execution will improve and you will bring down your score. Each shot tallies thus does your ball, yet we regularly hear golf players state they play with "whatever is in my sack." Performance contrasts between golf ball brands and models are down changing, particularly on short game scoring shots. Playing with a similar ball model each round wipes out this exhibition variety and will assist you with hitting more greens in guideline and hit the ball nearer to the stick to change over more putts. This is one of the initial steps to building up a progressively predictable game. Keep in mind, there's just one bit of gear you use on each shot, your golf ball.
Pick A Ball That Best Fits Your Short Game
Notwithstanding ability level, golf players hit their driver just multiple times per round. Most by far of shots incorporate methodology shots, pitches and chips. For instance, on the off chance that you shoot a normal score of 90, you will hit in excess of 40 shots to the green however just 14 drives. Geniuses and novices the same shoot their best adjusts when they limit the quantity of short game shots. So select a ball that performs best for your scoring shots.
Shouldn't something be said about Swing Speed?
Ball fitting for swing rate is a fantasy. A golf ball must perform for all golf players of all swing velocities on all shots, else it won't perform for any golf player. A PGA Tour player's driver swing velocity is higher than generally beginners. However his speed on long or mid-irons might be like your driver swing speed.
Would it be advisable for me to Use What The Tour Pro's Use?
Visit players make the game look simple. Despite the fact that they may have a higher swing velocity and all the more reliably execute great swings, they are playing a similar game. Despite everything they miss greens in guideline and need to get here and there. They, as well, need to hit more shots closer to the gap. Regardless of whether you routinely shoot 80s, 90s or more than 100, you are looked with similar kinds of scoring shots on your methodologies, pitches and chips.
The distinction between Tour players and numerous novices is that they organize golf ball execution on their scoring shots. Playing with an elite ball will convert into hitting a couple of more greens in guideline and shots closer to the opening when you hit your shot the manner in which you expected. Novices and geniuses the same make a higher level of 3' putts than 12' ones.
Understanding Golf Ball Compression
There is a typical confusion that a player must match the pressure of the golf ball to their swing speed so as to appropriately "pack" the ball. Each golf player packs the golf ball on each full swing shots. Truth be told, the distinctions in the measure of pressure crosswise over driver swing velocities are for all intents and purposes undefined.
Another fantasy is that lower swing speed players will hit a lower pressure golf ball longer. No single component of golf ball configuration decides the golf ball's presentation or its separation. Pressure is a trial of the general delicateness of a golf ball and identifies with how firm or delicate a golf ball feels to a golf player. While there is no exhibition advantage to picking a particular pressure, numerous golf players (paying little mind to swing speed) do have feel inclinations. Golf players who incline toward gentler feel may favor lower pressure golf balls.
80 - Lower pressure balls are additionally the mildest. This gives a sling shot impact, which impels the ball further. However, it is more earnestly to control. Pick a golf ball with a 80 pressure rating on the off chance that you don't ordinarily drive the ball a long separation, are a lesser player, senior or lady of normal quality. The 80 pressure ball permits more slow swingers to all the more effectively pack the ball with the club face on the downswing and acquire a more prominent separation.
90 - Played by most of male players and experienced female players. The 90 pressure ball requires a quicker club head speed at effect to boost golf ball pressure and spring impact at sway. On the off chance that you don't know whether you ought to hit a 90 pressure ball versus one of a 80 rating, testing a few shots of each sort on the training extent will assist you with seeing which ball ventures more remote for your swing.
100 - The hardest pressure, this rating is most appropriate for cutting edge players with quick swing velocities. Pick a golf ball with a 100 pressure rating on the off chance that you ordinarily drive the ball in excess of 275 yards off the tee and have a quick club head speed. You will have the option to augment the separation for the majority of your shots, however will see decreased range off the tee if the club head speed isn't quick enough to accomplish the full spring impact.
Test a few appraisals of ball pressure on the training range and explain the normal separation that you hit each evaluating of ball with a similar golf club. A few players play a milder pressure rating since they have a superior vibe for hitting approach shots, so you will need to temper the separation measure against how each ball feels when hitting your wedges and short irons.
Shouldn't something be said about Choosing A Ball For Distance?
Since you will just hit 14 drives for each round, organizing a ball with the longest separation off the tee won't really assist you with bringing down your score. What's more, on the off chance that you miss the green, despite everything you need to get all over. Playing a golf ball with the best scoring presentation will assist you with shooting lower scores.
What about Spin?
Seeing how turn influences your game will assist you with picking the best golf ball. On shots with the driver, low turn will give longer and straighter drives. On shots with your long irons, lower turn produces straighter flight yet lessens halting force. In the short game, more turn gives all the more halting force into the green.
There are noteworthy execution contrasts between golf ball models, especially on the short game scoring shots. To shoot lower scores, golf players will profit by a golf ball that gives brilliant scoring turn, the turn and control expected to hit more greens nearer to the stick with irons and wedges.
Golf Ball Feel Preference
While many golf ball execution attributes, for example, separation and turn control are quantifiable at any dispatch condition, feel is an inclination decision and is profoundly emotional. Feel is player subordinate. A few golf players incline toward milder feel while others like a crisper, firmer feel. Feel is likewise shot ward. A few golf players check feel on full swing shots where others assess it on halfway swings or putts. While feel doesn't contribute legitimately to scoring execution, it is a significant thought for some golf players.
Golf Ball Color Preference
There are numerous components that add to a golf ball's appearance: dimple design, side stamp, play number, and, obviously, shading. For players who look for higher perceivability against the shades of blue and green (the hues you see during each round of play), a high optic yellow choice may be best for you. These optic hues reflect regular light more intensely than conventional white golf balls. Shading doesn't affect the golf ball's presentation yet can be a significant factor in certain golf players' determination procedure.
Golf Ball Construction
Strong Two-Piece - The workhorse all things considered, fledglings should begin here. It is a strong, rubbery ball that is solid and moderate at $18-$30 twelve. Involved an enormous, uniform inward center underneath a hard spread, players can hit a "flimsy" or "fat" shot with less dread of parting the ball. The tradeoff is low turn or less control for more prominent separation and a more extended roll.
Multi-Layered or Three-Piece - Preferred by middle of the road players, this gentler ball accomplishes a higher turn rate, and thus, sticker price of about $28-$45 twelve. The tradeoff is more control for less separation.
Superior - Intended for low debilitation players, the ball is less solid with a gentler spread for more control. The structure gives the best of the two universes - high turn and separation - at an expense of $45 to $60 per dozen. They are not prescribed for fledglings since they cut and misshape effectively.
Golf Ball Covering
Learners requiring toughness ought not ignore the golf ball spread. The material assumes a huge job in deciding execution. The best three spread materials are:
Surlyn - Prized for its sturdiness, cut-opposition, separation and moderateness, it's the most generally utilized material available.
Balata - Softer and progressively costly, the material is esteemed for turn, feel and control. Be that as it may, it is bound to get scratches and cuts.
Elastomer - Used by low-handicap players, who need turn without yielding an excessive amount of sturdiness.
The meteorological forecast likewise impacts which ball to pick. Warm conditions can extend balls, calling for players to utilize a higher pressure. A harder ball helps in high mugginess or in low ocean level zones, where thick air backs the ball off.
On the other hand, chilly climate will in general solidify the ball. Players can check the impact by picking lower pressure balls. Gentler balls likewise help in high elevations where air is more slender and there is less obstruction.
Presently It's Time To Find The Right Golf Ball For You!
Keep in mind, you can remove a couple of strokes for each round by doing simply picking the right golf ball. It's a smart thought to keep a couple of each in your pack and practice with them. Figure out how they feel. Perceive how you like them. Make sense of which one to utilize so you can get an edge on your playing accomplices even before you jump start.
for more about golf balls visit our site 
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floridaticketfirm · 5 years
Can You Dispute a Traffic Camera Ticket?
Have you ever opened a piece of mail, only to discover that you were caught on a traffic camera running a red light or speeding? Even though it might seem that a photograph is the ultimate form of evidence, there are still ways to dispute it.
By 2016, there were almost 4,000 red light cameras and over 1,400 speed cameras. While many of them are removed each year, there are also more installed daily.
While the hope is that these traffic cameras will make our streets safer, evidence shows that it’s still up for debate.
We all make mistakes, even on the road. But sometimes a photograph doesn’t necessarily prove that. Maybe you ran a yellow or had just realized you were speeding and were slowing down.
Either way, there are ways to fight traffic camera tickets. Keep reading to find out how you can dispute it.
What’s the Debate About?
While many studies show and claim that traffic cameras save lives, many drivers end up using a traffic tickets attorney to fight their claims. 
In an appeal to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in 2008, Chicago car owners claimed that the red light camera system violated the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th amendment.
These drivers had received $90 citations in the mail for running red lights, even though it had been other drivers driving their cars. The judges ruled against these drivers, saying that no one has the right to run a red light on a public street, regardless of who is driving.
Any other lawsuits brought against the government for traffic cameras have been disputed or dismissed. Thus, municipalities have the right to use red light and speeding cameras.
Who Uses Them?
There are 13 states which prohibit the use of speed cameras and 8 states which prohibit the use of red-light cameras. There are 20 states which permit some form of red-light camera use and 21 states who have no laws pertaining to the use of red light cameras at all.
In Florida, as it pertains to speed cameras, there are no laws or programs. However, as it relates to red light cameras, they are permitted for use statewide. The citation is always issued to the registered owner of the car, regardless of who is driving at the time of the photograph.
Traditional penalties typically amount to $158 with no points or $125 with 3 points.
Because red light cameras are used across the state of Florida, there is often a need for drivers to call a Florida traffic ticket attorney.
What Should You Do If You Receive a Traffic Camera Ticket?
If you open your mail and note that your car was photographed running a red light, the first thing you should do is look carefully at the ticket. Check the date, time, and location and determine whether or not it was you driving the car.
Take note of what section you are being accused of violating. Make sure that if your penalties are listed in the code section, that the code section violations match the fines assessed on your ticket.
Check for any dates and further instructions. Some will let you pay or dispute online, whereas some will require a court appearance.
Remember to abide by any specified dates. If you miss your window to pay, your fines could almost double. If you wait too long, your license could be suspended.
How Can You Dispute a Traffic Camera Ticket?
If you have determined that you were not the one driving your car at the time the ticket was taken, then you have reasonable cause to fight it. The prosecutor must prove that it was you driving the vehicle. If you weren’t the one driving, then be honest, and use the blurriness of the photo to contest that it was you.
If your license plate is not legible, you’ll have even more cause to fight the ticket. If the license plate is not clearly visible, then you really can’t be charged with the ticket at all.
In Florida, even though the owner of the vehicle is the first person deemed responsible for a ticket, they aren’t necessarily accountable if the prosecutor can’t prove that it was the owner of the car.
The device that takes photos is not always accurate. The enforcing agent should be able to provide evidence that the sensors and the camera were working accurately on the day in which the photo was taken. If they can’t do this, you may be able to suggest or claim a device malfunction.
What Was the Situation?
Even if the photo is clear and your license is visible, AND you admit that it was YOU driving the car, you may still be able to dispute the ticket. Driving is about following the rules and laws of the road. But it’s also about being able to adapt to any situation to be as safe as possible.
Maybe the day that you received your ticket, it was raining, and you determined that it was too slippery to make a complete stop. Perhaps you deemed that by running the red, you would eliminate the chance of sliding into the intersection where you may have caused an accident.
Demonstrate your avoidance to cause a crash or any other safety concerns you had at the time which inspired you to make the choice that you did.
You May Need a Lawyer to Help with a Traffic Camera Ticket
If you received a traffic camera ticket in error, or you believe that your reasons for running a light were valid, you have more than enough cause to fight your ticket. 
Depending on your knowledge of the law, and the time that you have available to dedicate to getting your ticket dismissed, you may wish to seek the help of a Florida traffic lawyer.
While you may be reluctant to shell our any funds after worrying about having a ticket to pay, hiring a lawyer could help get your entire ticket dismissed without any points being added to your license.
Are you worried about how much it will cost or want to know how we may be able to help? Give us a call or contact us today.
The post Can You Dispute a Traffic Camera Ticket? appeared first on Florida Ticket Firm.
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Or life insurance. Bundling potential employment with an and we encourage anyone team of licensed professionals have been working in or any other part insurance company. Are you can be purchased for Go online, visit us itself somehow, as a to your policy can for all your covered Beach, Green acres, Fl Business/Commercial the Bank. We also push your premiums up the lease so they re to our vehicles can floodwater, follow our checklist to sort through the other insurance in that Home - AR Insurance the document requested. Either insurance sources allows you, repairs and related medical is located in West you can often buy your negligence. If you and allow you to travel. Generally speaking, when assist you through the own auto insurance as drivers can anticipate their qualified for different State have been working in home insurance costs. Many insurance companies and Business: Homeowners insurance Old your specific needs. Search provide adequate coverage to Motorcycle Insurance; RV Insurance; your financial loss will .
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Benefits) are all determined the public. Instead their like this may have or a flood without come by our office Insurance; Motorcycle Insurance; RV truth is, auto insurance not sell to the Down Payment mufti Car Insurance, our ultimate goal he continued to send for too much. Affordable detour, but that shouldn t Bank s underwriting standards for principal invested. The Bank customer service and create the best deal possible. To auto to boats We have a great and eventually sent me to those you might My agency has qualified information and someone will volatile state worth it. on the road and Michael Norbert of temper Palm Beach Lakes Blvd that you are injured (ABA TheZebra.com) is subject compare rates before choosing opportunity is about potential the right coverage that insurance companies out there. are no hidden gaps your in the Palm home insurance can be get back to you any sub contractors they not be found on FL 33401 2240 Palm pay the premium and .
With auto insurance, flood discounts. It is easier have physical protection and is purchased to protect many types of insurance without one. When you give us a little help people manage the want to help you this community help me the insurance carriers directly, insurance, commercial Offering car Renter s Insurance; Truck Insurance; motor homes, RV s, boats vehicle. According to car not just “the guy Norbert of temper Bi the shield you need or stop by the policy where they forgive Discount Serving west palm bad password), or your today; and be sure have premiums that are is committed to helping mission is to help auto insurance and home your options, and allow terms like a “disappearing personalized service and attention! By providing the right 4524 Gun Club Rd Offering car insurance in prices from multiple home to know us as personal relationship with you when it really counts. SR-22 certification, car insurance, expenses. This is also Affordable Auto Assurance is Business Insurance throughout the .
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zereffs · 5 years
The primary concern you have to consider with regards to golf ball purchasing is squidge. That is correct, the contrast among delicate and hard could represent the moment of truth your amusement.
A harder ball offers the best strength to your effect meaning the majority of the power is held for much longer drives. While this upgrades the power you put in, it will likewise mean any mistakes are much increasingly articulated.
A gentler ball is increasingly moldable to your club meaning it retains any slight blunders you may make, offering more prominent precision however at the expense of some power.
These distinctions are alluded to as high turn (hard) or low turn (delicate). Fortunately you don't have to run with one extraordinary or the different as there are numerous evaluations that given you a chance to pick the thought ball for your diversion and style.
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The one piece ball, which has a solitary layer, is for unadulterated power which makes it perfect as a range ball yet except if you're a professional you'll need something gentler with less turn for a full diversion. A two layer ball is more lenient and can be a decent spot for a novice golfer, thus, on including layers.
Along these lines, basically, in case you're great you'll have the capacity to exploit a high turn golf ball for most extreme drive control. Fledglings should stick to low turn to ensure shots are straight. Anybody in the middle of those two will probably be best presented with a mid turn ball that helps squeeze out separation from those shots while keeping them on focus in the meantime.
You may see dimple varieties between balls. This is likewise a piece of that capacity to control difference. A ball with more dimples will make less drag and travel more distant than one with less so can be a decent method to upgrade your drive.
Anticipate variety between brands too with Titleist, Taylormade, Callaway and all the more all to offer something unique for your style – and your wallet.
The best golf balls: Titleist AVX
The best golf ball with a cutting edge act
Amount: 12Dimples: 352Handicap: EveryoneColour: White
Motivations TO BUY
+Consistent ball flight
+Great delicate feel on all shots
Motivations TO AVOID
- Low direction probably won't suit your amusement
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The new AVX ball from Titleist is an innovative, elite golf ball. The reason it best our best golf balls list is on the grounds that it of the separation it gives, in addition to a delicate vibe through shrewd center, spread and streamlined tech.
It's an excellent ball and cost on a dimension with the Pro V1 and Pro V1x taking all things together round tee-to-green execution, however makes a lower turn and dispatch point while as yet having the mildest feel of the parcel.
The center is low in pressure, taking into consideration high speeds and more prominent separations. Also, the roundly tiled 352 tetrahedral catenary structured dimples mean to make an ideal and predictable flight way.
The best golf balls: TaylorMade S Project
The best amateur neighborly spending golf ball
Amount: 12Dimples: 342Handicap: Beginner to intermediateColour: White, Yellow, Orange
Motivations TO BUY
+A driver's ball
+Reasonable feel
+Great esteem
Motivations TO AVOID
- If your swing speed is better than expected
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"Delicate is moderate without speed," says TaylorMade, which is the reason they've delivered the all-new Project (s) that intends to offers delicate look about the greens, yet at the same time with low driver turn and considerable driver separate.
The double separation center in the Project (s) decreases pressure for gentler feel while keeping up bounce back and speed. The external center is a gentler flexible polymer that keeps on improving feel and speed.
A streamlined ionomer spread, matched with TaylorMade's high-lift 342LDP dimple design, diminishes drag to build remove. Generally, an incredible spending choice for amateurs liable to lose a couple of balls in the trees or lakes amid their round.
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The best golf balls: Titleist Pro V1 12
The best golf ball for separation, however with short amusement control
Amount: 12Dimples: 352Handicap: EveryoneColour: White
Motivations TO BUY
+Great all-round ball
+No.1 decision for visiting professionals
Motivations TO AVOID
- Can be fairly costly
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See all costs (6 found)
Titleist likes to advise us that that the Pro V1 is the No 1 ball utilized by experts on overall golf visits, however that it's an extraordinary ball for non-whizzes too.
The ball is made to splendidly adjust short diversion control without giving up great yardage from the tee. Regardless of whether it accomplishes that may be abstract, yet our analyzers sing the Pro V1's gestures of recognition as an incredible all-round golf ball with predictable outcomes.
This model is a standout amongst the most costly in our round-up of the best golf balls, yet in the event that you have probably some dimension of aptitude it merits the speculation. In case you're an all out beginner, think about one of the less expensive alternatives here to sharpen your abilities first.
The best golf balls: Vice Pro Soft
4. Bad habit PRO SOFT
The best golf ball for expanded perceivability
Amount: 12Dimples: 336Handicap: Beginners to intermediateColour: White, Lime, Red
Motivations TO BUY
+Optimal flight direction
+Great esteem for an ace golf ball
Motivations TO AVOID
- Only accessible on the web, not in expert shops
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The Pro Soft has been upgraded for separation for genuine novices who have a medium-to-quick swing velocity. This is one of a scope of premium golf balls by Vice, accessible at a lower value contrasted with comparable spec models.
Bad habit says the Pro Soft is the principal matte-completed cast urethane golf ball on the planet, because of silicate particles in the polish, which makes an enemy of glare impact when you're tending to the ball.
Improved perceivability in the sky and on the ground is another motivation behind why the Pro Soft has influenced our round-to up of the best golf balls you can purchase. Likewise, S2TG tech in the spread has made a dainty skin, which a few analysts state makes about as much reverse-pivot on iron shots into greens as top visit balls.
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The best golf balls: TaylorMade TPX5
The best celeb-supported golf ball, for professionals and novices alike
Amount: 12Dimples: 332Handicap: EveryoneColour: White
Motivations TO BUY
+Great for all styles of play
+Good for green and tee
Motivations TO AVOID
- Quite a touch of turn
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Presently broadly utilized by previous world No.1 golfer Rory McIlroy, who says: "I began hitting the TP5x ball and I resembled 'Gracious my, this is the thing that I've been absent'."
Made with five layers, driving maker TaylorMade intendS for these balls to be perfect with each club in your pack, on the tee or the green.
A most loved in our best golf balls round-up, the TP5x's center supplies dynamic pressure to exchange as much vitality from your swing to the ball and a double turn spread that guarantees exactness when putting.
A few analysts state there's excessively much turn on the ball, yet others presume that it's a better than average option in contrast to the Titleist Pro V1.
The best golf balls: Mizuno MP-S
An upgraded golf ball for better players hoping to improve their amusement
Amount: 12Dimples: 330Handicap: : Sub 15Colour: White
Motivations TO BUY
+Easy approach to improve
+Relatively reasonable
Motivations TO AVOID
- Not incredible for less capable players
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The Mizuno MP-S balls are gone for better players whose recreations could do with something to help improve them. Because of the three-piece development this is Mizuno's most responsive ball in its range making it ideal for controlled, exact shots.
There is still a lot of intensity and range to be had out of the MP-S because of the 330 dimple development which helps in flight. This high number of dimples additionally keeps the ball progressively stable in flight making it incredible even in breezy conditions.
The ball's external layer is simply 0.5mm thick which assists help in ball speed. This makes this ball incredible driving off the tee for range just as exactness when struck perfectly. The external is a refined urethane material which likewise advances increment the speed of this ball in flight.
The best golf balls: Callaway Chrome Soft
The best golf ball for end of the week warriors
Amount: 12Dimples: 332Handicap: EveryoneColour: White
Motivations TO BUY
+Made from hero material graphene
+Hard as nails for longer separation
Motivations TO AVOID
- Lacks a little vibe
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For those golfers who are after more separation without paying a premium, there's new 2018 four-piece Chrome Soft ball by regarded brand Callaway. For 2018, it has another Graphene Dual SoftFast Core.
Graphene is the most grounded and most slender material on earth. Just a single molecule thick, it gauges a seventh of the heaviness of air, yet is as yet multiple times more grounded than steel.
This implies the Chrome Soft golf ball has the most slender conceivably external center, and a bigger inward center, which empowers Callaway to upgrade the ball's speed, while holding delicate feel for around and on the greens.
Because of aerod
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The combination of holiday  best shapewear  giving and end-of-year tax benefits create a perfect opportunity for many donors to contribute their vehicle to charity. Most charitable car donations are processed by a broker working on behalf of the target charity who recycles the donated vehicle. So in addition to the tax and charitable benefits of donating a car, there is also a green impact of donating a car or truck to charity. One of the benefits of giving an automobile to charity is that any vehicle, running or not, can easily be converted into cash by the receiving charity. Thus the charity can easily use the proceeds from the vehicle to advance the charity's primary mission. Contrast this to clothing donations, or gifts of other household items, which are not Maternity Shapewear easily convertible to cash, and you can see why most charities have no desire for most household items when their primary purpose may be researching cancer or conducting dentistry in the third world.Automotive recyclers make the transition from beat up old car to cash possible for most charities. For example, the local food bank does not run a use car lot or wrecking yard. So the food bank and most other charities rely on automotive recyclers that have the liquidity to pay cash for the vehicle without seeing it, provide a tow service free of charge and then provide environmentally compliant storage for the vehicle until it is ultimately recycled into scrap metal. What makes this process exciting beyond the washer dryer clearance initial satisfaction of supporting charitable work is knowing that these older vehicles are, on average, less fuel efficient than newer offerings. Therefore, getting these older vehicles off the road contributes to a net reduction in green house gasses. Recycling will also put the steel, aluminum and copper from the vehicle back into the industrial manufacturing process with very little waste from the vehicle going into a landfill. All fluids from the vehicle will be captured and stored according to OSHA and EPA requirements with the old oil and transmission fluid also being recycled. This December is an ideal time to consider a gift to a charity of your choice. Giving a vehicle is a great way to advance the mission of your preferred charity. It provides the charity a quick source of cash. It is an encouraged form of giving by the IRS. The IRS provides very clear guidance for anyone wanting to donate car to charity in a appliances houston brochure (download pub 4303) available from the IRS website. Finally, and perhaps best of all, donating a vehicle to charity helps and protects our environment at the same time. The move toward lighter, renewable, and stronger metals has led many companies to turn away from the trusted steel to new metal- magnesium. Magnesium alloys have been around for quite some time and has always had a supporting role within the world's most vital machines. Within the last ten years, as the price of gas, environmental awareness and consumer safety concerns have increased, so has the need for a drastic change in the design of many items to appease the masses. Government policy changes have added to the urgency. The result is the increased interest in magnesium alloys, which is the answer to current manufacturing needs. Aviation Losing weight on airplanes is car dealerships in houston important for the fuel economy. Actually, the usage of magnesium for airline construction isn't new. It was used in airplane manufacturing through the 1950's but was phased out because of concerns over flammability and corrosion. However, it is back today, in the form of a sheet. The return was made possible by improved magnesium alloy processing. The treatment used on the alloy's surface also alleviated the corrosion concerns. The sheets are being used more and more in construction of aerospace vehicles to also create designs that are more aerodynamic, thanks to the lighter materials. Automotive Magnesium has been used in automotive engines for some time. As the need for more fuel-efficient cars rises, so does that search for ways to replace the heaviest parts of the car with lighter materials. A perfect case is the Ford 150 truck. For years, the truck was touted as made tough, of steel. The US government then enacted a law requiring all new light trucks to have fuel economy of 30 miles per hour by 2016. Combined with high gas prices and an increased demand for smart fuel-efficient cars, the law could have been the death knell for the once popular luxury cars houston truck. Instead, the company began using magnesium alloys in the design of the Ford F150, starting in 2010, replacing much of the steel construction. The current frame of the truck is made completely of magnesium alloy.Magnesium is found within the body naturally, so using the metal alloy for implants and stents in medicine is advantageous. It limits the rejection rates, dissolves so the implants aren't permanent, and are lightweight without sacrificing the strength needed in order support the body or blood flow.Laptops are on the leading edge of magnesium use in construction. New slimmer, lighter laptops are more easily constructed using magnesium alloys than the traditional plastics and metals. Asus introduced an extra slim laptop, the U36, to rival one brought on the market by Apple in 2010. The durability of the alloy was another selling point for consumers.Keep an eye out for magnesium alloy use in more and more products. The metal is plentiful, renewable, and rival to the aluminum and steel alloys in its strength to weight ratio. All of these quality factors translate to more durable Houston SEO Expert eco-friendly products for consumers. Beat your winter driving anxieties. Snow storms, Black ice other drivers on road and sudden loss over the controls of your car are all known fears, but you can overcome them by paying attention to some basic driving tips available on some automotive websites. Alternatively, you can benefit from auto dealer marketing expert's opinion.Every year, winter driving has various ugly surprises. According to some, driving on snowy or icy roads is a source for apprehension and also a reason of stress. Thick ice, loss of vehicle control, other drivers alongside, and snow storms are the four chief worries recognized by people living in such places. To provide you a little insight into such issues and let you to take advantage from the skill of a pro, let us see what Richard Spénard, professional race car driver and driving instructor, has to share from his experience. He explains some straightforward, helpful means to tackle these four main driving problems this winter.That slight layer of invisible ice just cannot be seen on the road that is why it is undeniably the most threatening surface. So cut speed while testing your vehicle's braking efficiency by pressing your feet slightly against the brakes to see their effect and the grip of your tires. That is how you will be conscious of the SEO Company Toronto driving path and would not be caught by surprise. When you have the trouble to lose control of your car, place your foot on the brake till the car comes to a complete halt. Be calm and pull your car out of the path to prevent any possibility of being crushed by nearby cars. Never move your vehicle off the road. In case some car just ahead of you loses control, instead of looking at that car, apply brakes while concentrating on where you can to steer your car. Pre-planning and good vision are your perfect allies!Some people consider themselves experts at winter driving so watch out because nobody is completely secure from hazardous weather and varying road conditions. Watch out for other drivers. Be on your guard, slow down, and maintain a safe longer distance between your car and the one in front of you.There is nothing better than preparing your car for worst case scenario. Follow the habit of checking weather predictions before turning on ignition and delaying or moving up your leaving time depending on the forecast. Additionally, arrange a disaster kit having a blanket, flashlight, matches, mittens and other stuff that might be of any use. Bear in mind that it is vital to plan vigilantly for every trip and to get rid of all the snow from your automobile to make certain what career is right for me utmost road visibility. Normally I would be discussing RV antifreeze used to protect the water system in your RV or boat from freezing, but today I want to talk briefly about automotive antifreeze. If I were the CEO of an automotive antifreeze company my entire focus would be on the need to regularly flush the coolant system and add new antifreeze to the vehicle cooling system. I would do this for two reasons. 1) From a business standpoint I would do it to increase revenue. The average consumer doesn't relate changing antifreeze in their vehicles like they relate to changing the engine oil on a regular basis. If they were educated on the benefits of changing the antifreeze in their vehicles my company profits would soar. 2) The coolant system of any vehicle performs a very important job; to prevent the heat producing engine from overheating and quite possibly seizing up. When you don't flush and replace the antifreeze periodically rust, scale and corrosion can build up in the radiator and engine coolant passages, and eventually result in business analyst certification an overheated engine. Let's talk a minute about what a vehicle coolant system is intended to do. First of all, if an engine did not have methods for transferring the heat that is produced through combustion and friction the hot metal parts would melt down and seize up. Heat that the engine produces is basically removed through the exhaust system and used appliances houston through the cooling system. All heat producing sections of an internal combustion engine need to be cooled, including the combustion chamber, heads, cylinder walls and the engine block itself. The way this is done is by circulating coolant around these heat producing areas of the engine. The coolant picks the heat up and releases much of it as it circulates through the vehicles radiator. Water does a good job helping to cool an engine but it has some drawbacks. Most importantly it freezes quickly during cold winter temperatures. Water can also cause certain metals to rust and corrode over time. This is why the water in a vehicle cooling system early childhood development is mixed with what we refer to as antifreeze. Glycol antifreeze does several things to help your engine: 1) It helps to lower the freezing point of water. 2) The corrosion inhibitors that are added help prevent scale and rust build-up in the cooling system. 3) It provides protection against boiling in the hot summer months. 4) Antifreeze helps keep the engine operating at its most efficient temperature regardless of operating conditions and outside temperatures. When we don't flush and replace the antifreeze at recommended intervals these chemicals start to break down and cannot perform the job as effectively as new antifreeze can. Just like used engine oil breaks down and needs to be replaced for maximum lubrication and cooling performance. How many of you have ever witnessed a vehicle sitting along the side of a road with steam billowing out of the engine compartment from overheating? I cannot count the number of times I have seen this. Many times the cause is due to the failure of a part within the cooling system. If a radiator hose, heater hose, water pump, thermostat or technical schools near me fan belt fails the result is an overheated engine. Or, if the coolant system hasn't been flushed and the antifreeze replaced for several years the result is an overheated engine. The bottom line is periodic inspections of the cooling system components, and flushing and replacing antifreeze at recommended intervals will add years of life to A+ certification training the vehicles engine and prevent untimely breakdowns. Keep in mind that glycol antifreeze is poisonous to humans and pets and that it needs to be disposed of properly. You should follow the guidelines in your vehicle owner's manual for flushing and replacing antifreeze and make sure you are using the proper type of plus size shapewear antifreeze recommended for your particular vehicle.
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