#the drew crew being like YOU'RE the guy we need
flythesail · 1 year
Forever obsessed with the way s4 is saying "you know what? Nick is the best person ever and everyone will acknowledge that."
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megamindsecretlair · 6 months
*Heed warnings*
Pairing: Jatemme Manning x Bratty!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. PWP, Filth, cursing, PIV, size kink, mentions of violence, gun use, drug use, brat reader. Reader does get turned on by violence, if this disturbs you click away. All consensual. Established relationship. Heavy use of n-word.
Summary: You are tired of being Jatemme's arm candy. Forever guarded and without 100% of his attention. As the race for Alderman heats up, you're at a fundraising event when you grow bored and decide to test Jatemme's devotion.
Word Count: 3,494k
A/N: I was a little unhinged writing this, so it was written in a bit of a daze. Please let me know what ya'll think about this one. I can't find the ask where people expressed interest so don't be mad at me if I didn't tag you! I'm sorry! I'm also not married to the moodboard, so it might change. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blowmymbackout @browngirldominion @sageispunk @harmshake @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @blackerthings
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You were bored. Just because you told your man to leave you alone, didn’t mean you actually wanted him to do it. Why couldn’t niggas ever listen? What’s so hard to understand? “Leave you alone” obviously meant to give you attention?
You were at a fancy event for Jatemme’s brother, Jamal, who was running for Alderman. Snooze fest. Jatemme promised that you weren’t going to be here long. That you’d only have to sit like a doll for an hour tops, before he took you shopping and out to eat.
One hour turned to three and you were still sitting at Jamal’s table, surrounded by Jatemme’s crew while Jamal and Jatemme did business. You scanned the room for your man but didn’t find him. 
You did see Jamal who was hard to miss. He was the type to walk into the room like he owned it and as if everyone owed him money for it. Jatemme was quieter, but deadlier. He instantly drew you in with his sleepy eyes, soft umber skin, and intense presence. His darkness called to something within you and never let go. 
The relationship wasn’t without its up and downs. You liked to keep him on his toes. Get him to have a little fun. He always followed in Jamal’s shadow when it was Jatemme that did most of the work. Most of the planning. Most of the ideas. 
You sighed, loudly once more, and turned briefly to your table to sip your nasty ass champagne. Fucking politicians. Pretending like they weren’t all into something dirty, getting over on the little guy. Namely Black folk. 
Jatemme’s crew gave you funny looks. They knew better than to touch you or stare too hard. But you often caught them looking at your body and your too short dresses. They also hated your attitude. Jatemme made you swear to stop messing with them. It was hard to find good help when you were constantly flirting with them and he was constantly killing them over it.
Maybe that was Jatemme’s problem. Now that Jamal was running for Alderman, there was a public scrutiny on the family business. Jatemme doesn’t have free rein to do as he pleased now. Go wherever he wanted. Do whatever he wanted. 
You sighed once more and checked your phone. You texted your best friends in your group chat, that you were bored and in desperate need of fun.  Misty immediately texted you back and told you to meet them at a club not too far from there. That was exactly what you needed. 
You looked over at the crew of four burly men and stood up. One of the them, Martin, stood up as well prepared to follow you. “No need, Marty, I’m just going to the little girl’s room,” you said and smiled sweetly. 
Martin gave you a blank stare. He adjusted the suit jacket over his thick arms and put his hands in his pockets. “You know the rules,” he said. 
You kept your sweet smile, knowing that your lips were glossed just so to catch the light overhead. That your champagne colored dress hugged your figure just right. The night was young and you were wasting it by being arm candy. 
“You gonna follow me into the bathroom and hold my purse too? I don’t think Jay would like that,” you sang. 
Martin looked towards the other men who looked everywhere but at him. They did not want that particular smoke. Decisions, decisions. Martin cleared his throat. “Come right back,” he said. 
You smiled. “Of course. You all act like I’m not an angel,” you said. The men wisely didn’t comment. You turned and sashayed out of the room, already done with the entire night. You didn’t see your man and you didn’t care at the moment. 
You waited until you left the hotel ballroom before pulling out your phone. You ordered an Uber on your way out to the front. People from the reception had spilled out into the hallway, discussing things that they didn’t want others overhearing, even by accident. 
You passed by stick figure women in dark red, blue, or black dresses, pointy shoes, and stiff upper lips. You passed by men in their penguin suits, pretending to give a shit. The total wealth combined in the room could help everyone in the Ward but they held onto it like gremlins. 
It made you sick.
You went outside, shivering slightly from the bite of cold. When your Uber arrived, you didn’t even look back towards the hotel. It was almost criminal how easy it was to slip your chains. Further proof that this shit was getting stale and you might be headed towards another break from Jatemme. Let him sit and stew over what he would miss before he came crawling back with gifts, kisses, and that big dick of his. 
You grinned as you texted Misty that you were on your way. She texted back with plenty of emojis, some of them skulls, because she already knew that Jatemme was going to blow his lid. Let him.
It didn’t take long to reach the rougher areas of Chicago. Almost literally down the street from the glitterati, the houses weren’t as nice. The grass not so green. Fences and bars on the windows. Corner boys selling dope in baggy jeans and oversized T-shirts. 
The club was set back from the street to allow for a little more parking. You got out and Misty met you outside. She hugged you with many squeals and jumping up and down. “Slipped the doom patrol?” She asked. 
Misty was gorgeous, with deep, dark skin and microbraids twisted into two buns atop her head. She was a thick, curvy girl who was always quick with a laugh. She immediately ushered you inside. You turned off your phone. Make Jay sweat a little bit. 
You spent the entire night dancing with your girls and getting drunk on your favorite drink. All of the songs were hitting, back to back. A mix of 2000s and 2010s music. The good shit that demanded you dance right this instant. 
Plenty of dusty ass niggas tried to pull you into a dance and you pushed them all away. It cost to put hands on you. It cost to be in your presence. Ain’t nobody getting shit for free. 
By the time the club called for last drinks, you were tapped out. You were not wearing the proper shoes for dancing in the club. You were shocked that you lasted as long as you did. And yeah, you missed your man. You were a little drink, a lot horny, and you just wanted to be fucked at this point and put to sleep. 
You walked out, hanging onto your friends. One of them, Kiki, was the lightweight. She was dragged between two friends while she muttered something. You giggled and walked with them to their car. 
Rounding the corner, there were a group of guys passing a joint between them. They wolf-whistled as you passed by. One of them sure was fine. Tall, bald, with a thick luscious beard that covered the lower half of his face. You wondered what he’d look like with your juices dripping from it. 
You didn’t condone cheating. But if you were on a break…
You smiled at him as you passed, tossing your hair over your shoulders. “Gahh damn, lil mama, where you headed?” He asked.
You giggled and kept walking with your girls. It was nice to be wanted. You turned your phone on while your friends tried to get Kiki into the car and not entertaining the men by the building. 
As it turned on, messages flew in with loud dings and flashes across your screen. You had…quite a lot of missed calls from Jatemme. Angry texts too. You appreciated that he never called you out of your name when he was angry, but he had plenty of other colorful ways to show his displeasure. Like calling you by your real name. Ew. 
He was good and pissed that you left. That your phone was off. He promised hell, fire, and damnation when he finally caught up to you. You pictured him driving around fuming. His sleepy eyes narrowed even further. The cute way his nostrils would flare and the vein that pulsed in his neck. 
You were getting wet just thinking about it. The sex would be immaculate tonight. You sighed dreamily as you went through his unhinged text messages. 
“Bitch! Help? Hello?” Misty called out. You giggled and moved towards the car, pushing at Kiki’s big ass head to get into the car. Misty slammed the door in her face and sighed as if she’d been wrestling a bear. 
She faced you with a small grin before her eyes darted behind you. The sexy bald headed man approached you, licking his lips and looking you up and down. He held out his hand when he was near enough. 
“I had to come introduce myself,” he said.
“I appreciate that. But I’m too high-maintenance for you, boo,” you said. You flirted with the idea of being responsible for another man’s death, but he was too cute to sacrifice for your own dastardly enjoyment. There were so few, gorgeous Black men these days. The 90s had all the fine men. They were long gone now. God just wasn’t building them like that no more. 
“I like a little high-maintenance,” he said. 
You laughed. Said no man ever. “I’m the type to empty accounts,” you said and smiled. 
“I got several. Pick one,” he said. He looked you in the eye as he said it and made you reevaluate him as a whole. He was dressed nice in dark plaid slacks, black polo, with a big watch on his wrist. Nothing too flashy, but enough that it convinced you he wasn’t another broke nigga. 
You were considering his offer, wondering how you could prove that he was for real and not just trying to get into your panties. Squealing tires tore your gaze away from the man as you saw Jatemme’s truck flip a bitch into oncoming traffic and speed into the parking lot. 
“Shit. You better run before my man catch you talking to me,” you said, though he probably already saw you. 
“I ain’t scared,” the man said. Bless his little heart. 
“Nigga, I’m trynna protect you. Leave, now,” you said, shooing him away from you and your girls. Maybe you could convince Jatemme that the man was trying to flirt with Misty. You turned behind you, but Misty held her hands up.
“I ain’t trynna die for your Black ass,” she said. 
“Bitch!” You screamed, but you couldn’t stay serious for long. You grinned and shook your head. Before the truck had a chance to come to a full stop, Jatemme and crew hopped out, grabbing guns from their waistbands. 
“They got guns!” Someone called out. The parking lot emptied with a speed only achieved in the hood. Too many people who knew the consequences of a stray bullet and weren’t trying to lose their lives over it. Some brave souls remained, peeking behind cars and around the building into the additional parking in the alleyway.
You couldn’t help it. Your thighs tingled. Your heart skipped a beat seeing Jatemme climb out of the driver’s seat with that slow, menacing gait of his. His eyes were glued on you as he walked towards you.
The cutie remained, like he would really stand in front of a bullet for you. You couldn’t give him any more warnings. You couldn’t save him from his own stupidity. Jatemme stopped a few feet in front of you.
His face was deceptively calm. He crossed his arms in front of him, Glock on display. His crew formed a formidable wall behind him. Martin sported a darkening bruise on his cheek and you only felt slightly bad for getting him into trouble. At least he was still alive. That was something. 
You bit your lip and giggled nervously. “Hi, baby,” you said. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked. His voice. God, you could listen to that voice recite the dictionary and you’d listen to every word. 
You shifted your footing. “Nope. Never seen this man before,” you said.
“Aye, if you’re in trouble…” The man said. Martin, being the closest, lifted his gun into the man’s face. The gun was pressed to his temple and the man audibly gulped. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked once more.
You looked him in the eye. “No.” 
“Get the fuck out of here,” Jatemme said to the man. The man looked at you, but you knew better than to acknowledge his presence. You heard his friends calling for him, telling him not to be a hero, not to lose his life over some bitch. 
The man backed away, keeping his eye on Martin and the shiny gun in his face. Jatemme jerked his head and you sighed, following behind him. If he was going to take you away, he was beyond angry. Maybe you actually worried him this time. That wasn’t your intention. You wanted to scare him a little, not worry him. 
You waved goodbye to your friends. They shot you alarmed glances, but you told them that Jatemme never raised a hand to you. Never. He liked getting his revenge in other ways.
He opened the door for you and you climbed into the front seat. He got into the driver’s seat, peeling away from the club so fast, he probably sprayed everyone with rocks and gravel. He didn’t speak. He drove through the quiet streets, heading back towards the hotel you escaped from.
Jatemme held up a hand like he didn’t want to hear it. You bit your lip. You really stepped in it now. Was it bad that you were turned on? Punishment shouldn’t be this exciting and yet, your mind raced through what he had planned. How he was going to show that he cared for you. 
He pulled to the front of the hotel and tossed the valet his keys. The gun was tucked away into his jeans. Fancy events didn’t mean he had to be the one who dressed up. He did have a clean, sky blue shirt buttoned to the very top. He opened the door and let you out. 
He didn’t speak while he pushed you inside, the event well and truly over by now. He didn’t speak as you rode the elevator in crushing silence and velvet flooring muffling your heels. He didn’t speak as he got out onto the twelfth floor, leading you to a suite you didn’t know he got for the night. 
Once inside, you gasped. There was a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket. Low lighting made the room glow like looking through a piece of glass at twilight. “You did all this for me?” You asked.
“If you would have behaved yourself,” he said.
The suite was big enough to have a full living room with couches and armchairs, shiny mahogany coffee table, and a wide screen TV. Behind a set of double doors, there was a bed already turned down, waiting for you to climb in. 
You pouted. Your man was so sweet sometimes, it made your heart ache. He didn’t always show this softer side. The side that liked snuggling up to trashy movies late at night, snacking in bed, and enjoying each other’s company. 
“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” He asked. His voice was barely above a whisper. Enough to get his point across. You truly had worried him. 
You turned to him with an apology on your lips but he was already invading your space. He grabbed your face and pulled you into a rough kiss, slanting his lips across yours as if he meant to stake a claim. Prove a point. You belonged to him. There was no way of getting out of it. No way of running. 
You gripped onto him tightly. “I hate when you worry me like that,” he said. 
“You promised,” you whined. 
His lips returned to kissing you, looking for the zipper on your side to unzip you from the dress. When he couldn’t find it, he began to rip it with his bare hands. “Hey!”
“I’ll buy you more,” he said. His lips returned to kissing you. More like possessing you. He kissed you like he wanted to meld your bodies together to keep you by his side. This was what you needed. What you had been craving all night. 
Your bra and panties went next, baring you completely to him. He wasn’t in it to admire your body right now though. You knew him. He had been worrying about you all night and needed to see you. Feel you. Make sure that you really were in front of him and not a figment of his imagination. 
He turned you around and slapped your ass. You screamed out, jumping away from the sharp sting. He pushed you towards the deep gray couch and bent you over the back of it. It dug into your tummy but you were too turned on to notice the pain. 
He unzipped his zipper and freed himself with a low groan, spreading your ass cheeks and rubbing his dick through your wet folds. Your hands feebly gripped onto the couch cushings, fingers digging into the linen. 
Once his tip was good and wet, he stuffed you and you cried out from the burn of his girthy dick pushing into you. Your eyes crossed. He felt too good to contain to a single moan. You yelled out without abandon, not caring who heard you. If the neighbors complained, Jatemme would handle that too. 
His strokes were bruising, punishing, near cruel as he slammed into you over and over. “You and this fucking attitude gon’ kill me,” he groaned. His fingers grabbed hold of your hips and slammed you back onto his dick. Like his strokes weren’t enough. Like you weren’t moving fast enough for him.
“Oh baby, oh fuck–I’m sorry!” You cried out.
“No, you not,” he said. No, you were not. You’d do everything all over again if he meant that his attention was back on you. That his hands were back on you. That his dick was inside you, spearing you, driving you to new pleasures each and every time. 
Your feet were scrambling for purchase. He didn’t care. He fucked you like you were no more than a toy to stick his dick in. One hand reached behind you to push against his chest. His shirt slipped between you so he lifted it and brought his flesh flush with yours. Then, he grabbed your outstretched hand and pulled it behind you, resting on your back while he used the new position as a new anchor. His strokes grew deeper, more desperate. 
“I catch you talking to another nigga and I’ma kill him,” Jatemme whispered harshly.
“Yes, baby,” you moaned. You’d seen him kill niggas for far less. For daring to turn their neck in your direction. He once told you that if he could blind the male population of Chicago, he would. 
“Oh fuck!” You screamed out, crying through your punishing orgasm. 
Jatemme grunted in satisfaction. “That’s your first one for the night. I hope you’re keeping count,” he said. 
“Baby, wait…” You grunted between his deep thrusts. 
“Like you made me wait tonight?” He asked. He yanked on your hair, forcing you to look back at him. You stared into his eyes while he filled you up with his cum. He came with a low, grumbling moan that shook your inner walls. 
Your mouth dropped open as his dick pulsed and twitched. Your legs were jelly, kept standing by pure force by him. His will to keep you spread open for him ensured that you were a vessel for his dick. His own personal fucktoy. 
He made you cum two more times while your neck was craned, looking back into his soulful eyes. You ran out of curse words to shout to the heavens. Your eyes ached from the way they rolled. Your essence mixed with his spend dripped down your legs in a slow river that tickled your legs.  
He finally slipped out, giving you a bit of a break. You huffed, legs shaking, arms weak. He picked you up and carried you to the bed, spreading your legs open once more. He fisted his dick, jerking the length of it while he looked at your destroyed pussy leaking with his cum.
“Hope you didn’t plan on sleeping tonight,” he said with a small grin. 
You panted with a nervous giggle. He proved throughout the rest of the night just how much he missed you and made you promise not to do it again. Well, at least not anytime soon.
The end.
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There will be more! The Secret Jatemme Files
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jainiss · 1 year
bringing an oneshot with zoro, from one piece, where you are in a relationship with him, but zoro being zoro, doesn't demonstrate his affection towards you, and you need this kind of actions.
Hope you guys like it ~
Ps: forgive me if there are english mistakes. English is not my native language.
Ps2: all fictional.
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You sat on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, your arms crossed and a scowl on your face. You watched Zoro diligently practicing his sword techniques, completely engrossed in his training as always. Your frustration had been simmering for weeks, and today it reached its boiling point.
You couldn't understand why Zoro was so unwilling to show his affection openly. You were in a relationship, and you craved the same emotional connection you witnessed between other crew members. It wasn't that you doubted his feelings, but you wanted him to express them more.
After Zoro finished his training session, he sheathed his swords and walked over to you, wiping sweat from his brow. He offered a nonchalant nod, as if nothing was amiss.
"Zoro," you began, your voice tense, "we need to talk."
He raised an eyebrow but nodded again, sitting down beside you.
"You know I love you," you said, your frustration evident in your tone. "But it's infuriating how you never show it. We're in a relationship, Zoro, and it feels like you're holding back all the time."
Zoro sighed, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I'm not good with that stuff, Y/n. You know that."
"That's not an excuse," You retorted, your anger flaring. "I'm not asking for grand gestures or flowery words. Just a little more affection, a sign that you care."
Zoro's silence was maddening, and your temper flared even higher. You stood up abruptly, frustration bubbling over.
"Fine," you snapped. "If you can't even talk about this or make an effort, maybe we should rethink this relationship."
Zoro finally turned to you, his expression conflicted. "Y/n, I... I do care about you. More than I can put into words."
"That's not enough," you said, your voice trembling with anger and hurt. "I need actions, not just empty assurances."
You walked away, leaving Zoro behind, a mix of emotions churning within you. As you wandered the ship, your heart heavy with disappointment, you wondered if you had been too harsh. But you needed Zoro to understand that love required more than just silent devotion. It needed to be spoken and shown, even by the ever-stoic Roronoa Zoro.
The tension between you hung in the air, and it was up to you two, to bridge the gap between your feelings and actions.
After your heated argument, you and Zoro found yourselves in an awkward, tense standoff on the Thousand Sunny. The crew noticed the change in atmosphere and exchanged worried glances. Even Luffy, usually oblivious to such matters, sensed that something was amiss.
Days passed, and Zoro couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. He realized that you were right; he needed to make more of an effort to show his affection. It wasn't enough to simply feel it; he had to demonstrate it.
One evening, as you stood alone on the deck, gazing at the sky, you felt a gentle presence behind you. You turned to find Zoro standing there, a softness in his usually stern expression.
Without a word, he extended his hand, palm up, and you hesitantly placed your hand in his. Zoro's fingers closed around yours, and he drew you closer. You stood there in silence, the warmth of his hand and the peaceful night sky creating a sense of serenity between you.
The next day, during breakfast, Zoro surprised you by placing a small, handpicked flower beside your plate. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes. You couldn't help but smile as you accepted the gift, feeling a glimmer of hope that your relationship was on the mend.
Zoro's actions continued to evolve. He started offering more assistance during your daily tasks, whether it was helping you in the kitchen or taking on some of your chores. It was as if he was making up for lost time, using actions to convey what words often failed to express.
One evening, under a brilliant sunset, Zoro finally found the words he had struggled to say. You sat together on the ship's prow, the salty breeze ruffling your hair. Zoro turned to you, his eyes softened.
"Y/n," he began, "I know I've been terrible at showing it, but you mean everything to me. I love you, more than words can say."
You felt tears of joy welling up in your eyes. You leaned in and kissed him, a gentle, loving kiss that sealed your renewed bond.
As time went on, Zoro continued to demonstrate his affection in small, meaningful ways. While he would never be the type to shower you with lavish displays of emotion, he had learned that love was about both feeling and action. Your relationship grew stronger, built on a foundation of understanding and effort.
You realized that sometimes, actions did indeed speak louder than words, and you cherished each small gesture from Zoro as a testament to his love.
© jainiss ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
Wine On - Garden Gang what if
Summary: Has light Radiorose, but mainly because the Deer is tired of the rest of the Garden Gang and Hotel Crew
Also: it's my bday today, so I'm giving all of you a gift.
Bad idea to get everyone drunk off of Al's aged since the days of Eden liquor. Bad idea.
Husk was on a ceiling rafter with Lute and they were fighting over the space, Angel was running around nude with a lampshade, Niffty was running to and fro everywhere, Cherri was taking shots off of Saint Pentious' body as he lay wasted on the table, Vaggie was crying to Lilith who was comforting her, and Lucifer was still chugging the liquor with Eve and Adam.
Where Al was? That was a mystery. He'd vanished after hour 2 of being drunker than anyone had ever seen him. And that was 3 hours ago.
"Guys.. we need to find Alastor." Charlie said, finally.
Lilith, Lucifer, Adam and Eve all laughed.
"What's so-"
"Kid, he sent a text. Lookat.." Adam showed her the phone.
Charlie read it out, "about to go the the flower garden. Don't tell Charlie." She was confused, looking at Adam. "What does he mean by-"
"Char-char, shh. Charlie ain't s'pposed ta hear that Antlers went ta his lady friend's to finally get *hic* tapped out like a light switch." Lucifer said at the bar. "Dude's about to be bow chicka wowed!" This drew a laugh from almost everyone.
"About time." Eve said, slamming her bottle down.
"Oh.. well, good for him I guess.." Charlie said, giving in to temptation and grabbing an unopened bottle to drink from.
"How'd you sleep?" Rosie asked Alastor, he'd shown up at her place drunk out of his mind and collapsed onto her shop floor.
Alastor gave a thumbs up. "Best sleep ever." He smiled at her, looking at the frilly gown she'd dressed him in. "I feel pretty." He leaned on her. "Am I pretty?"
"Gorgeous." Rosie chuckled, wrapping an arm around him.
"I don't wanna go back to the hotel yet. I'm not about to be the only sober one." Alastor murmured as he yawned.
"Good, I like having a deer to cuddle." Rosie moved her other hand up to cup his face and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you, for not taking advantage of me, in that state.." Alastor didn't elaborate further.
"Oh babe, I would never." Rosie kissed his cheek. "And I wouldn't let anyone else see you that way. You're too innocent for that."
"Me? Innocent?" Alastor chuckled, before his stomach growled.
"Aw, does my deer want a snackie?" Rosie pinched his cheek.
Alastor bit her fingers, just a nibble, grinning. "Yes, but you'll be more than enough."
Rosie laughed, kissing him. "Stay put, lover boy, I'll go fetch you a nice leg."
"Big enough to share? I don't want to eat alone."
"Of course, you clingy drunk buck." Rosie pinched his nose before she left to go retrieve the piece of meat.
There Alastor stayed with Rosie, talking about everything and nothing.
"Your mother, tell me about her." Rosie said after finally convincing Alastor to let her do his hair, deciding to put her spare set of curlers in his hair to be careful of his ears.
"Most loving woman you'd ever meet." Alastor chuckled. "She'd make you feel like you'd always been part of the household. Give you a simple chore, a cuppa, plate of whatever she'd made that day." He sighed. "I miss that, honestly. But, given my sins.."
"Why not try, Al?" Rosie asked him, knowing what that would mean.
"I.. I'm afraid to lose the only.. I- I mean.." Alastor, the radio demon, tongue tied? Oh, this was a treat.
"I know. I'd miss you too much too." Rosie kissed the top of his head. "The man who taught me what love could be."
Alastor hummed, smiling. "I'd miss how freely you can move me. Like a mannequin in your shop. The only woman who will ever truly have my heart in a way I thought not possible."
They lapsed into a silence filled with love, Rosie finishing up with curling his hair. Alastor quickly returned the favor, using her brush to untangle her hair and brush it out into waves of white before putting it into a messy french braid.
From there, the two danced. To music and laughter. Just the two of them.
The hotel? Oh..
Lucifer, Vaggie, Lute and Adam were all drunk and sharing a braincell that had them flying around a passed out Lilith and Husk like vultures.
Niffty had flooded several toilets - how? No one dared ask.
Cherri had disappeared with Pentious.
Angel and Charlie were drunk dancing on the bar and screaming karaoke. Eve reviled in the chaos, laughing between swigs of her bottle.
Yup, Alastor would be one angry deer when he came home. Especially concerning the snapping gators that had just escaped his room - thanks Niffty.
Alastor returned the next morning, Rosie having driven him to the hotel herself, opening the door. What greeted his curly head was a disaster. A mess. Shit he was NOT dealing with. He closed the door and walked back to Rosie's car, sliding across the hood and then getting into the passenger seat.
"That bad?" Rosie asked with a laugh.
Alastor nodded. "I'm just going to hang about Cannibal Town today."
"Perfect. Oh, hey! Let's go to the theater! They have black and white shows today." Rosie started to drive away from the hotel.
"Rosie, take me on your magic journey. Be my guide." Alastor said, turning the radio on to jazz.
"As you wish, my dear deer." Rosie laughed as they sped down the road, soon joined by Alastor.
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lovely-ryn · 2 years
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"thank you for coming out!" with that i walked off stage, completing the third concert of a tour i'm headlining. the adrenaline rush i get has always been a feeling i've craved. hearing hundreds of people screaming lyrics that i wrote is something i want to experience a thousand times over. although, i've had a pit in my stomach all day, like something bad is going to happen.
i let my crew take care of my stuff on stage as i made my way to my dressing room where i see my manager waiting for me.
"another amazing show!" she said with hesitation. i could tell there was something else she wanted to say.
"is everything good?" i asked, not prepared for her answer.
"i, uh, found you an opener" my manager practically whispered. i don't see why she seems so anxious about her words. it's a great thing that i have a new opener.
"cool, who are they?" she winced as soon as i asked that question.
"...corruption" she whispered once again. i stared at her for a few seconds, eyes wide and mouth hung open.
"you made my ex's band my opener?" i let out a sarcastic laugh with my words, "i am not spending four months with that asshole!"
"well that's not a very nice thing to say" i turned my head to where the disgustingly familiar voice is coming from and, lo and behold, chuuya-fucking-nakahara was leaning against the doorway to my dressing room.
"what the fuck do you thing you're doing here, chuuya" i hiss his last name as i glared him down.
"calm down y/n. don't worry, i won't break your heart," he laughed as he lifted my chin with his pointer finger and thumb, "again" seeing that cocky smirk filled me with rage i though i had let go years ago. i slapped his hand away from my face harshly and stormed outside. i need a smoke.
i leaned against the brick wall of the venue and lit my cigarette as i felt my emotions catch up to me. i slide my back down the rough wall as i exhaled the cancer from my lungs, tears falling in the process.
"y/n? oh shit are you crying?" i heard another familiar voice and quick footsteps approach me.
"akutagawa?" i asked even thought i knew it was him. it's nice to hear my best friend's voice after two years.
"let's put this out, okay?" he softly said as he grabbed the cigarette out of my fingers and threw it on the slightly snow covered pavement. "wanna talk about what happened?" he asked, continuing to be soft-spoken.
"just know that your lead singer is a dick" i answered, sniffling.
"so that's where he ran off to" akutagawa looked at me with sympathetic eyes.
"hey ryu, we gotta leav- y/n?" this is like the reunion i never asked for.
"hey dazai" i somehow managed to squeak out while i wiped my eyes with my sleeve.
"chuuya?" he named to akutagawa, who nodded 'yes' to dazai's question. "what type of asshole was he being this time?" he sighed as he crouched down to my level.
"cocky" i answered with a pained smile. dazai seemed surprised for some reason. it's chuuya, of course he's going to be an overconfident, egocentric bitch.
"sounds about right. happen to know where he is by the way, we have to get our stuff on the bus."
"wait, aku, what are you talking about? we don't have an opener for two more shows."
"we know, we're just gonna follow you around for a week until we go on. chuuya figured that would be most convenient for you guys." dazai explained with a smirk on his face as he mentioned chuuya's name.
"speaking of chuuya," akutagawa drew out as he looked at me with hopeful eyes.
"last i saw he was back stage" i informed while pointing my thumb at the wall behind me. akutagawa and dazai making their way inside the venue in search for the singer. i chuckled to myself as i watched them disappear behind the metal door. i never thought i would be seeing them again. yet, chuuya is the only one on my mind. lovely, as well as dreadful, memories flashing behind my teary eyes. everything from the cute first dates to dazai holding having to hold him back from throwing another drunken punch my way. now, two years later, he has the nerve to flash that arrogant smirk of his in my face. i'm not going to lie, though, i miss the good times with him. those memories are all i have left.
with my now racing mind, i picked my half smoked cigarette up off the cement. examining it, thankful it wasn't wet from the snow. hanging the tobacco filled tube off my lips, i lit it. the second i exhaled the smoke once again, i heard the metal door beside me clank open.
"there you are," hearing his voice really isn't helping with my previous thoughts but it isn't going to stop me from taking another hit. "you started smoking again" why the fuck does he care? i decided to stay quiet none the less, which led to a couple minutes of awkward silence. chuuya leaned against the wall beside my still crouched body. i finished my cigarette and stood up while asking him why he wasn't with the others.
"i told them i was going to go find you"
"well, you found me"
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helnjk · 4 years
All I’ve Ever Known - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader
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last of my oneshots for my showtunes fic list, based on the song All I’ve Ever Known from the musical Hadestown! i’ve had so much fun with this series of fics, i hope you guys have enjoyed reading them xx 
Word Count: 2.8k 
Summary: george finds her extremely intriguing, the way she spends her days drawing and creating art. maybe one day he’ll pluck up the courage to talk to her. 
Warnings: mentions of food, mentions of bullying/exclusivity, stereotypical slytherin biases
lyrics are bold and italicized 
I was alone so long 
I didn’t even know that I was lonely
Y/N sat by herself at the end of the Slytherin table, pushing what was left of her meal around her plate. She could hear the different conversations flowing around her, the ones including her fellow housemates moreso, but as usual she wasn’t involved in any of them.
She could hear Malfoy sneering to his little crew about something or other that Potter did to irritate him that day. She could hear Adrian Pucey discussing the latest Quidditch plays they had used at training that day. She could hear a couple of first years anxiously discussing the topic of their exams the next day. 
All around her were signs of companionship and community, yet she was left utterly alone. She wasn’t stupid. She knew why she had been outcasted from her house the moment she got sorted. 
“Isn’t she muggleborn?” 
“What a disgrace to Slytherin.”
“The Sorting Hat’s made a mistake with that one.” 
Over the years, she had gotten used to how those in her house treated her–holding her at arm’s length. She had spent many nights in her first year crying herself to sleep because of how all-consuming the loneliness had been, but now at her seventh year, she was numb to it all. 
She knew who she was: A talented muggleborn witch and a proud Slytherin. She didn’t need validation from anyone else. And anyways, most of her time was spent out on the grounds with her sketchpad or in the Room of Requirement painting. 
Loud laughs from the Gryffindor table spurred her out of her thoughts. The Weasley twins had pranked their younger brother, and it seemed like their younger sister was an accomplice to the crime as well. The rest of the red and gold house was watching on amusedly, no doubt accustomed to similar situations. 
The Weasleys were a well known family at Hogwarts. How could they not be? With their fiery red hair and their big personalities, it was a given that they caught the attention of almost every student. 
Y/N admired how they just fit right in with their house, their second family. Of course, a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were so comfortable with the Hat’s placement. Their whole family was sorted into Gryffindor, she could remember, albeit slightly foggily, the older Weasley siblings in leadership roles when she was younger. 
Her eyes lingered on George’s laughing figure for a second longer than the rest of them. She was always intrigued by the younger twin. They seldom had classes together, but from what she could gather, he was just as observant and perceptive as he was mischievous and quick witted.  
As bodies began to take their leave from the Great Hall, a rough shove to the shoulder nearly made Y/N fall onto the floor. Her eyes snapped up to the offender and she saw the unbecoming sneer of Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle were snickering not so quietly behind him as he stared down at her. 
“Whoops,” he jeered, “Sorry to disrupt your staring at the blood traitors and gryffindorks. Maybe you’d be better off with the lot of them.” 
With a huff, Y/N gathered her things and strode out of the hall without so much as a second look behind her.  
It's like I’d known you all along
I knew you before we met
And I don’t even know you yet
All I know is you're someone I have always known
She was drawing again, George noted.
It always baffled him how she was always alone. Usually students at Hogwarts drifted about their days in groups or pairs; it was rare to see someone spend most of their time by themselves. Growing up with 6 siblings, and having a twin, George was so used to the chaos and noise that came with it that he couldn’t picture what it was like to go about your day solo.  
His eyes drifted towards her figure sitting on a blanket out in the grounds. She was blissfully unaware of her surroundings, or more to the point, the person staring at her like a bloody idiot. The weather was slowly transitioning from autumn into winter, and he could tell that she was trying to milk the last few warm days. 
It was no secret to him that she preferred to sketch out in the sunny grounds, but Hogwarts being situated in the Scottish countryside made it so that her window of opportunity to do so was limited.
He was so focused on how her brows furrowed in concentration and how her lips pursed ever so slightly when she made a mistake, that he didn’t notice Fred’s many deep sighs. This caused his twin to take one final deep breath and exhale as loudly as possible. 
“What’s got your wand in a knot then?” George asked, taking his eyes off of Y/N and turning to face his brother. 
“Finally noticed that I exist, have you?” teased Fred. 
“Oi, just get on with whatever you want to say!” 
He merely laughed, “If you want to talk to the snake, just do it!” 
George had the audacity to act as if he didn’t know what Fred meant, “What in Merlin’s name are you on about?” 
“Don’t be daft,” Fred smacked him lightly on the back of the head, “You’ve been pining after that Slytherin bird for months, just go and talk to her already!”
“Was I that obvious?” 
With a frustrated groan, Fred shoved his twin in the direction of the girl. George stumbled for a second and checked to see if she had seen, she hadn’t. He sent a glare at the redhead over his shoulder, before dusting off his trousers and donning a confident facade. 
As he strode across the courtyard, his hands grew increasingly clammy and his heart began to beat erratically in his chest. There was no turning back now, though, as he approached the girl. 
His shadow blocked the sun from Y/N’s notebook and she looked up, not expecting anyone to get so close to her. 
“Erm, hello,” George waved awkwardly as he towered over her figure.
She blinked a few times before replying, “Hello. Can I help you with something?” 
“Mind if I join you?” 
George’s question rang through the still air for a moment as Y/N processed what he had just asked. No one had ever wanted to keep her company as she drew before, she wasn’t quite sure how to react. Just before the moment turned even more awkward than it already was, she gave him a swift nod. 
The tall, lanky redhead folded his legs beneath him as he made himself comfortable on the path of grass next to her. He had to stop himself from grinning too wide, “I’ve seen you around, you know.” 
She merely raised a confused eyebrow in his direction. 
“Not-not like I’ve been stalking you!” he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling his ears turn hot, “I’ve just noticed you like to draw out here, especially when the weather’s warm.” 
“Oh,” she mumbled, brushing her hair behind her ear. 
“I’m sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?” 
George’s gaze on hers was so sincere, she kicked herself internally for not saying the right thing to him, “No you’re not! Don’t worry. I’m just not used to people paying much attention to what I do. I mean, I’m not that interesting.” 
She felt small under his analytic gaze, but something in her kept her from looking away. 
“Well I think you’re plenty interesting from what I’ve seen,” He shrugged nonchalantly, “Tell me about your drawings!” 
He had said the magic words and the pair of them dove into a conversation. Y/N couldn’t contain her excitement, as she rarely had the opportunity to speak about something she was so passionate about. 
“These look bloody brilliant,” George murmured in awe as he flipped through the pages of her notebook.  
Y/N’s face warmed at the compliment, “Thanks.” 
All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own 
But now I wanna hold you too
For nearly every day after their first encounter, George made it a point to talk to Y/N. Whether it be along the hallways on the way to class, during meals (he would take her hand and drag her to the Gryffindor tables, much to her bemusement), or out on the grounds while she drew. 
Most of the time, he would talk and talk and talk as she listened quietly. A soft smile would always grace her lips as she observed him and how he spoke so highly of his family and how he was so excited for the shop he would be opening with his brother. The tone of his voice and his large grins always made her feel included in whatever it was that he talked about.
“Hello love,” George smiled down at her before plopping down on the soft grass to her right, “Reckon we’re on the last few days of good weather.”
His eyes raised skywards as the overcast clouds floated above them, hers did the same. 
“It’s alright,” she shrugged, sending him a small smile, “We’ve made the most of it, I think.”  
The pair sat in relative silence, as silent as it could be with one of the Weasley twins, as Y/N built up the courage to show George what she had made for him. With a deep breath, she plucked something from her school bag that lay strewn across the grass and held the parchment to her chest.
“Yeah, Y/N?” his eyes trained on her nervous figure and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Everything alright?” 
She nodded her head swiftly, “Yeah everything’s perfect! I just wanted to show you something that I made.” 
Slowly, she smoothed out the parchment in front of them. She observed George quietly as he took in the sketch she had made. His eyes scanned it over once, twice, three times before they met hers again. 
“Is this…” He mumbled, taking the sketch into his hands to look closer.
“You’ve just been so excited about your joke shop that I–I made a logo for you guys,” she smiled sheepishly, “It’s pretty bare bones, but I wanted you to see it. I won’t take offence if you don’t like it!” 
George stared at her, mouth slightly agape. This was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for him, and she did it out of the kindness of her heart. Without a second thought, he threw his arms around her and quickly pulled her to his chest. Y/N let out a little ‘oof’ as she collided with him, heat spreading throughout her body. She was thankful that she was basically smushed on his chest, at least then he couldn’t tell how flustered she got at his display of affection. 
“So d’you like it?” she asked shyly, looking up at him. 
“I bloody love it!” 
Y/N let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding, the pair of them grinning at each other. 
Later in the day, George all but dragged Y/N into the Gryffindor common room in search of Fred. His brother was sat on one of the couches by the fireplace, chatting idly with Lee. The sound of parchment hitting him square in the chest rang through the relatively empty room. 
Fred’s hands immediately held onto whatever George had placed on him, and his eyes lit with joy as he realized what he was looking at. 
“Bloody hell!” he exclaimed, “Is this what I think it is?” 
George took a seat next to his brother, his hand tugging Y/N along to take the seat beside him, “Yep. Our Y/N here has made us a logo for Wheezes.” 
“This is brilliant, Y/N! Thank you!” 
For the second time that day, she found herself wrapped up in the arms of a Weasley twin. Slightly used to it, she just laughed the show of affection off and patted Fred slightly on the back. 
“Happy to help,” she smiled. 
As the seasons turned from autumn to winter, Y/N found herself spending more and more time with the red headed twins. She found their enthusiasm for their joke shop infectious, always chipping in with ideas of her own for products, or sketching up prototypes for them to look at. 
Slowly, her days were filled with laughter and warmth. 
It was a little jarring at first, spending so much time with people who actually cared about her, people who wanted to hear what she said and see what she created. It surprised her, really, how quickly she had become accustomed to being around them. 
After a while, though, she found herself wanting to spend as much time as possible with George. She lived for the routine that they had formed, spending most of their breaks and meals together. 
It struck her on a seemingly ordinary day, the realization that she was falling for him. 
Y/N and George were at a far corner in the library, discussing how the product designs she made could be tweaked a little. He was hunched over the parchment, tracing his fingers over the soft lines of charcoal on the parchment, smudging it just a tad bit and getting some of the pigment on him.
“I love the way you drew…” 
George had said something or other about the design, but Y/N couldn’t focus on anything except the way his arm flexed as he spoke. From the corner of her eye, she kept glancing at him, noticing how the glow of candlelight cast soft shadows on his face. The freckles on his cheeks seemed to dance in the flickering light, and looking at the constellations on his face made her breath hitch in her throat. 
She couldn’t quite place why her heart was raging in her chest, as if she hadn’t spent most of her days with the red headed boy anyway. 
And then it hit her. 
Her eyebrows shot up at the sudden awareness of her feelings for George. Oh sweet Merlin and Morgana, she thought. 
You take me in your arms
And suddenly there’s sunlight all around me
Y/N’s voice rang through the relatively empty hallway as she raced to meet her friend. The friend that she might have been in love with. The friend that she spent hours and hours of her day with, trying to ignore the bubble of feelings that wanted so badly to burst in her chest. 
The redhead who was on his way back up to his common room paused mid-step as he heard her voice. He spun on his heel, turning just in time for him to see her barreling towards him, waving a piece of parchment above her head. 
When she nearly collided head on with him, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and steadied her, “Woah there, Y/N. There’s no need to try and kill me.”
She huffed, catching her breath slightly, “Sorry, I’m just so excited!” 
“Are you going to tell me what you’re excited about, or?” he teased, cocking his head to the side. 
With a grin on her face, she shoved the piece of parchment she was holding into George’s hands, “I just figured out how the general design of the Wonder Witch products should look like! See here there’s a–”
“Godric I love you.”
Both bodies froze at the statement. George immediately felt his whole body get hot, no doubt tinging his cheeks and the tips of his ears red. Y/N’s mouth was slightly agape, her mind whirring with all kinds of thoughts as she tried to comprehend what had just come out of George’s mouth. 
“What?” she asked, unable to form a proper sentence. 
George took a deep breath, there was no going back now, “Erm, yeah. I fancy the hell out of you, Y/N. That wasn’t the way I would’ve preferred to tell you but, I do–I do love you, yeah.” 
“Oh, Georgie,” Y/N whispered. 
Taking her answer as a rejection, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s alright that you don’t feel the same way, I don’t want this to ruin–”
Instead of replying, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in a hug, “I love you too, you silly boy.” 
The nerves got the better of her, and her words were slightly muffled as she whispered them into his chest. 
“Come again?” 
“I love you too, George!” 
A wide grin spread across his face as he looked at the girl in his arms. He felt like he could fly with how happy he was. Everything he needed was right in front of him, and he would hold her close for as long as he could. 
General taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio​ @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @hufflepuff5972
Weasley twins taglist: @whizboingies​ @pineapplesandpinas​ @papapapadumb​ @mrs-g-weasley​ @a-castle-of--glass​ @hey-there-angels​
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witchlyboo · 3 years
Definitely, maybe.
Part three: The one with the biggest head.
Introduction. Part 1. Part 2. Part 4. Part 5.
Paring: Latina!reader x Logan Lerman x Tom Holland x Ben Hardy x Timothee Chalamet x Pedro Pascal x Michael B. Jordan
Warnings: angst??? language, misspellings, and me learning how to write properly.
Word count: 5.5 k
a/n: This Timothée is also an actor but not based in the real one, this is all for drama purposes. This took me a long time thanks to college but I'm on vacation now so you'll see me more, also, 150 followers is a lot for me so thanks to everyone that decided that I'm interesting enough.
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“He wrote his number on my left boob and drew a penguin with a spade next to it.” You say to Beth, your new friend and the other unpaid helper, a beautiful dark skin woman with two kids, something that made you respect her instantly, being a mother sounds hard enough, but two, Dios.
Two weeks ago was your first day at work, and even when you tried so bad not to get too excited, every single thing in it was even better than you imagined. The movie you’re helping is some kind of Pride and Prejudice, or that’s what you can tell by the costumes since you can’t read the script or go to the set yet, you're some kind of intern anyway.
“Sophisticated” She mumbles sarcastically while you iron one of the extra's pants, of course, do this isn’t the funniest part of the journey but it’s ok, you are learning a lot, meeting interesting people and of course, Jacqueline Durran. People say meet your idols is disappointing but this isn't the case, she's a sweet and hardworking woman, you haven't much time to talk with her but see her in action is enough satisfaction. For now. “My husband hid my wedding ring in my son's tooth under his pillow when I was about to change it for money, so he isn't a standard for romance either.”
“The Tooth Fairy, you meant.” You whisper when some people of the crew enter the trailer looking for something.
“No, we don't do that, I won't let that bitch take the credit for my money, no Santa, no Easter Bunny, anything.” You look at her like she just said her children eat only purple food.
“What, why?”
“I don't like to lie to them and they have the whole experience with gifts, money, and stuff. The point is, people have weird ways to express their affection, maybe Ben wanted you to know how much he likes your body and the penguin is a metaphor of how it's not just physical, a funny sparkle. Oh, and the spade is because he is a serial murder but you are his only exception.”
“What's your problem with Santa?” You ask ignoring the rest of her speech, the relationship with Ben is, weird, sometimes you feel like he likes you too much, and then ignores you for three days, you try not to think about it, you send messages to each other constantly with memes and shitpost, nothing serious, not that you wanted to but no appreciate the confusion. Beth hit you on the head with a fabric roll and you laugh.
“I don't like the idea of an old white man getting in my house in the middle of the night, and you're changing the subject.” But she didn't have time to elaborate because they called you to meet Durran outside the building. All the interns being anxious and ready to jump off a cliff if she asks for it.
“I need extra hands on set so everyone comes with me. You bring an extra makeup box.” She said pointing at some guy you never talked to “And you get ahead and prepare Anya.” She said to Beth. This is the most exciting moment you ever got, meet the actors, see the set and do some real and important work for the movie. “I'll take all the assistants with me today but as usual Mr. Chalamet arrived late so I need someone to prepare him.” She is examining everyone until her eyes stop on you, a little pink Chihuahua full of energy and emotion. “Yeah, you darling, you seem pretty and he probably won't eat you alive, he's in his truck. Everyone else, come with me.” She claps her hands, sign to everyone to do what they have to.
Oh, shit.
On one hand, you have your first important task, on the other, you have to deal with the biggest pain in the ass in Hollywood. Mr. Chalamet is a huge diva, with a bad mood and cute hair, you weren't disappointed to hear that, he already has a reputation as a hot brunette Draco Malfoy being bossy around the set. Why everyone seems to forget that, what's the secret behind being a total jerk and get away with it? Being handsome, yes, being the son of one of the most important actors of his time, ok, but most importantly, he is extremely good in what he does. Everyone thought he would be slowly lost in his father's shadow as many other nepobabies but he got two Oscar nominations for two different movies oh his debut year and since that, every movie he is part of, is a blockbuster.
Being constantly compared with someone must be stressful and sometimes you feel empathy for him; but not now, no when you see him sitting in his trailer like Joffrey Baratheon asking for your head. But that's not the right attitude, you are extremely professional and you promised yourself not to be on the list of fired people by him, and who knows, meet him could be exciting.
“Good morning.” You say trying to sound more self-confident than you actually are, you don't bother to look at him and go directly to the work table, he doesn't seem to care since is too busy watching his phone. His makeup it's done and his costume on, so the last thing to do is his hair, the new American treasure. He is sitting in front of the mirror wall, with a serious face and no intentions of giving you a good first impression.
“Where’s Fake Blonde Big Ears?” He says abruptly, surprising you, You give a little jump that you hope he didn’t see. His eyes connected with his phone with no interruption, not even a glance; you were aware that he is mean but, is he really ignoring your pretty white boots with tiny shiny strawberries that you sewed yourself, on purpose? There’s no way he didn’t see them, he isn’t ignoring you because he’s too cool to talk with an intern like you, he is ignoring you because he’s acting cool, and for some reason, that gives you some kind of comfort.
“Who?” You ask with a voice that sounds way softer and high than you pretended. You cough trying to clarify your throat and start preparing the brushes, you know how to do his hair, you studied every single part of the costume department for a moment like this, all of the helpers did, you don't have any reason to be nervous.
“If you have an audition problem tell me now, I hate repeating stuff, something that obviously isn’t a problem with Fake. Blonde. Big. Ears” He said the last part slowly as if he was talking to a senior person. You grip the brush hard until your fingertips turn white, but you managed yourself and start fixing his hair.
“I don’t have a problem but I don’t know anyone with that name.” Good, a diplomatic answer, kind, polite, no need to start a fight with your temporary boss, tomorrow you will be back at the studio with nice dresses and leather boots, they'd never insult someone for their looks, and most importantly, they can't fire you.
“I’d call acting idiot a problem, you know who I talk about and you choose to play dumb and be nice instead.” You look at him through the mirror to find his big green inexpressive eyes looking directly at your soul, slowly taking the life of it, or that’s how you feel it.
Don't look at a violent animal directly to the eye, advice your grandma gave you once and this is the perfect example of it.
“I don’t see why not being an asshole is a problem.” You almost regret saying that, but he was pushing you just in the right places and your temper is winning over you. Your hot blood gives you confidence enough to keep doing your work, doesn't matter what he says or what power he has. You work for Jacqueline, not him.
“Are you calling me an asshole?” He asks with the same stupid beautiful face, but you take the look away of the violent animal, hoping that's enough for him to not bite.
“Did you call me idiot?” You say ignoring the gaze that is pointing at you like the red dot sight of a gun in your forehead.
“I said you play like an idiot.”
“Then I guess I did.” And before he could say anything else you turn on the hairdryer and keep doing your thing gladly that you have to move your hands too much so he can’t see them shaking. You are pretty sure that you will regret every decision you made since you entered this room but it’s too late to get back to the nice girl.
An assistant knocked on the door giving the five minutes remain and you stop holding your breath, the fresh memory of the world outside this trailer is enough to keep you sane.
“Done.” You say finally putting the things you used back in their place, waiting for him to leave, but he is not leaving, of course, he doesn’t care about getting late for the shooting, everyone is there for him including you.
“You didn’t answer my question.” The sound of his voice behind you gives shiver to your spine even when he isn’t that close. You feel really stupid for giving him that power over you, is just a bully and you're not scared of them.
“Her name is Paulette and she’s helping on set.” Her ears are that big? You never noticed it, that makes you wonder what bad things he sees in you that you don’t.
“You look at people when they talk to you. Turn around.” …What? You do what he asks with frown eyebrows, he must be kidding, there’s no way an adult could talk like that to another adult, you almost break in laughs. “What’s so funny?”
“I’m sorry, is just that I’ve never seen a head this huge.” You respond with a soft smile, and walking beside him, ready to run to your freedom and probably dismissal. His hand in your arm stops you suddenly, the tension of your body warns you that your about to choose violence.
“Brave comment coming of the ugliest boots that ever existed.” You knew he saw them, don’t appreciate the review but he didn’t completely ignore you. “At least I hope they’re comfortable enough to walk through the unemployed life.”
“Oh, they are, thanks for the concern Mr. Chalamet, I don’t understand why everyone says you’re such a dickhead.” You have an extracorporeal experience listening to yourself, you can’t let him get into your head and give him reasons to fire you and take the only thing in your life that has sense. You calm your breathing and look at him with an eased expression. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't...”
“Don’t ruin it.” He cuts you off rolling his eyes and lowering his grip to your forearm, softer and even sweet, like an unintentional caress. Your confused face makes him smile and shakes his head. “Just when you got my attention.” He whispers in your ear and proceeds to leave the truck with no other explication, leaving a shocked and scared pink woman with the eyes wide open and about to fade out. He is even more terrifying when is kind.
“I’m home!” You yell closing the apartment door behind you, ready to jump into the couch, watch a corny movie that you never would admit you like, and cry. “I need Sheep’s special soup, I had one of those days!” You keep yelling at the empty space and go directly to the fridge.
“She went to the store.” A male voice beside you makes you scream and throw a ketchup bottle at his bare chest since is the first thing you find.
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“Michael, I’m dating Stella, I thought you knew, hey.” He offers you his hand and you look at it cautiously.
“Prove it.” You respond still hiding behind the fridge's door and looking for another thing to throw at him, something more harmful after the unsuccessful condiment.
“Prove it?” He laughs crossing his arms surprised at your demand. “Ok then, Stella is 21 years old, studies acting, blonde with small beautiful blue eyes, and shares this apartment with his Hispanic best friend with commitment problems and anger issues.“ You gasped feeling hurt by the second stranger insulting you today.
“She would never say that… the anger issues at least.” You close the fridge door now sure that he isn’t some kind of thief pretending to fix the heater to rob your cool handmade dresses and paintings of random people at the park. Not today but those things will be priceless someday.
“Yeah, she didn’t say that part but I can hear you screaming in the background when I call her, so.”This is not a good day to put your attitude in perspective, you don't want to add anything to the stereotype of Hispanic people being loud and dramatic but maldita sea, these Americans couldn't be more annoying today.
“Ok I’m loud, does that means I have anger issues? Typical Michael, judge, nosy, a hateful know it all and whiney, yes she told me about you and I won't tell you which part of that is what she didn't say.”
“Heeeey!” Sheep opens the door at the perfect moment for her to hear you insulting her new boyfriend and you run to hug her because she is the only person that never makes you feel judged “Oh no, honey, what happened?” She leaves the shopping bags and wraps you with her arms softly caressing your back.
“I insulted Timothée Chalamet, he said that my boots are ugly, then your half-naked boyfriend with tiny nipples said I have anger issues, something that is probably true because I called my boss an asshole and I’m surely gonna get fired because he said that I got his attention and I don't know if he was flirting with me o threatening me to death.” You whine on her shoulder releasing everything you kept for yourself on the way back home.
“I'm going to need more information... Timothee Chalamet?” She asks giving a step back to look at you, but you only whine in response. “It's ok love, it's ok, I'm going to make your soup and everything will be more clear later.”
She hurries to the kitchen and you see Michael's gaze mocking at you, you stick your tongue out at him and follow your friend. “Her name is Sheep, you pretentious fratboy.” You whisper when pass next to him.
“Dickhead? I need to teach you how to swear, that's really the best you could think of?” Ben laughs through the phone making you blush, of course not, you have a thousand insults better than that, but none of those sounds good in English so you stick with the basics.
“Shut up, I was terrified and trying not to be that rude, I love that job.” You answer still doing your homework. When you get a job with industry relevance the college gives you some facilities for you to keep studying, but that includes tons of no mercy homework.
“After the boots comment? No way, I would have punched him in the face right there.” You heard him giggling.
“Careful, I still can get even with someone.”
“No, I’m for real I like them, actually, the next time I see you I want you to wear nothing but them.” He knows that the path to your smile is flattering your clothes because of how hard you work on them.
“It’s easier to say it since I haven’t seen you in a week.” You say making a big effort to not sound that needy, he has a way to make you forget everything around you, and even when that’s not a healthy choice, you crave for that feeling lately.
“I know, I want to see my cute Jigglypuff too but I want you to miss me badly so when I come back you can show me.” He says lowering his voice, making your stomach flinch, you love it when he uses that tone.
“I can show you now.” You say playfully and stopping to pretend that you care about your homework.
“Ok, fuck, just let me go to my room because I’m supposed to be at a reunion with the band and I didn’t know that press you to talk about your day would bring us here.” You laugh hearing his breath get cut for what you think is him running.
His band is making a small tour in towns around, just to make sure they have the zone covered before making a big concert and sold out, he is supposed to be back in a week and you can’t be more excited about seeing him again. His presence is so intoxicant and addictive, not caring about real-life problems, and not being able to see all the things about yourself that you don’t like. But, you like him that way? You have asked that question to yourself the last few days but since you're not ready for the answer, you don’t get deep into it.
The next day you wake up with your phone in your hand, you turned off the alarm in your sleep and now you are terribly late to work. This is unusual in you but Ben kept you awake up for hours and then homework for the rest of the night. Say you had three full hours of sleep would be excessive.
“I’m sorry, I’m here! I overslept but I brought you a coffee and a firm excuse for my first and last delay.” Out of breath you start overwhelmingly Ted, the helper's manager, and offer him the drink you bought for yourself but seems more useful to charm him.
“It’s ok, he arrived ten minutes ago but is still eating breakfast so that gives you another five at least.” He says without looking at you but taking the coffee, you had no idea what he’s talking about and why your coworkers are looking at you like you have a fatal disease you don’t know about.
“I’m sorry, who arrived?” You ask hugging yourself, needing some kind of support. He finally looks at you and scans from head to toe, not rudely, just analyzing.
“Aren’t you...” He looks at his phone looking for something. “Hispanic. Pesky. Nice Ass?” He finishes putting his phone down and ignoring the awkwardness of bringing your ass to the conversation.
“...I guess, I mean yeah, could be.” There’s no other Hispanic intern in that department and ok, you have a nice ass, not sure about the pesky part, especially because you don't know what that means but if it's the way Timothée described you, you couldn't wait to be something completely kind.
“No one told you, huh?” He says with a distressing look. “Congratulations, you are the new cosmetologist of Mr. Chalamet, you are a paid employee from now on... if you see the good part, HPNA.” He says referring to the initials of your new nickname while starts walking away.
“Wait! No, I’m not a cosmetologist, I’m a costume designer, well, I aspire to be, I work for Mrs. Durran...” You start saying following him and trying to keep his track, is way taller than you.
“And she doesn’t care about you, she gets another intern in a second. This is a real and lifetime opportunity, some people would give a hand for a thing like this, and I'd be more worried about doing a good job and put his name in my resume. Now go to his trailer because he specifically asked for you.” You stop walking and see him getting away from you taking your complaints with him. He is right, this is a big moment for your career. But at what cost?
You go to his trailer and knock at the door with a different attitude than yesterday, you are mad, he has absolutely no right to take you of your workplace and claim you as his, and for what? Revenge? Insult you again? It doesn’t matter, you won’t let him win, the filming will last another two weeks and then you’ll be free, with a star in your curriculum and money.
“Mhm.” You hear subtly from the other side of the door. Ugh, he doesn’t even mind to offers you a complete word, no, you won’t give him the pleasure of seeing you mad again. You enter the trailer with a kind smile that obviously he doesn’t see because he doesn’t look at you, again.
“Good morning.” You say joyful, if what he's interested in is you doing drama then that's exactly what you won't give him.
“You are really making an effort to look like a cartoon character.” How could he say that? He didn't even see you, or that's what you think, his gaze never leaves the phone.
Today you chose baby blue shorts and tank top with white buttons in the middle, a necklace with cotton balls all around that look like tiny clouds, matching earrings, and white sneakers with big rainbow platforms. You look pretty, doesn't matter what he says so you give him a soft polite laugh, the one you'd give a teacher.
“Glad you notice.” You answer going for your tools with the same cheerful tone.
“Your hair is even blinder than yesterday.” He keeps saying, clearly expecting a shrewd answer from you, but you still the same when starts doing his makeup.
“Oh, thanks, I use a special shampoo, I can give you the name if you want to.” You answer like an actor of a commercial, credible enough. You lean to his face to cover the shine with a brush but he stops you by holding your wrist.
“How long do you think you can keep this stupid attitude?” He says softly in a velvet voice that would have melted you if you weren't this mad. He pulls you a little bit to his body and you don't put up resistance, not sure why.
“Until the very last moment.” You answer, release yourself from his grip and get back to your work. His smile increases devilishly while yours is weakened.
“Will see.”
The next days happen as a long nightmare. You wake up every day after two or three hours of sleep, go to work, college, make a lifetime of homework, cry for five minutes, take a shower, and sleep as long as your alarm allows you. But the worst part is, not a surprise, Timothée Chalamet who works hard day by day humiliating and pushing you to your limits making you go for his food, spoon-fed him, cut his pills, ruin his hair to make you do it again, call you names, makes jokes about your clothes or hair and flirt in a passive-aggressive style that made you reconsider how much you want to keep working in films. He's not callously rude, is more like a naughty kid playing with his nanny, in other times you would have gone along with him but you're not there for that and the chaos around you just make it worst.
Ben has been your stand the whole week, making you smile with every message or just distracting you by saying stories of his crazy fans. You're not ready to have a relationship again but eventually, if the things with Ben keep going as great as now, you could give it a try.
“All I'm saying is that no one would blame you if you knock him off, everyone knows he's is a jerk, even me, and I've watched like three movies.” Ben says with a sleepy voice, he insisted to call you before work and since Timothée takes his time to arrive, you've been talking for almost an hour.
“His face must be assured for millions and I'm lucky if I buy a burger to lunch.” You say amused outside the trailer waiting for your headache of the day.
“I'll take you to dinner when I get back.” He replies using his flirty voice showing the multi intention of his offer.
“You'll be lucky if see me for five minutes. You should come one of these days and show him your muscles so he thinks I have a boyfriend double his size, maybe that calms him.” You laugh but he doesn't join you, instead, there's an awful silence that stabs you in the cheast. “Not that we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but he could think that.”
“Oh, great!” Now he laughs and sighs audibly, too much to not be offensive. “I thought we were about to have that awkward conversation where I tell you that we are not dating and we're just friends having a good time, hanging out with other friends too, and is nothing serious.” You laugh too but not for the same reasons. It's not that you want anything else right now, but just friends that see other friends? That is almost hurtful, or just hurtful, that means that he has been living the great life with his friends when you can't even hang out with your actual friends. You're not sure what bothers you the most, there's a long list to check.
“No, we are clear in that, even when we haven't mentioned any of that, and one could get confused... not me, obviously.” You see Timothée arriving at the perfect moment because you don't think that you can keep lying without getting upset. “I gotta go.”
“Ok love, I see you in three...” But you don't let him finish before hang up and enter in the trailer before the brunette does, that surprise him, and the absence of your forced smile and greeting.
“Buenos días.” He says in regular Spanish trying to catch your attention unsuccessfully. It may be the lack of proper sleep, eat, or Ben's new attitude but you are tired of keep playing with him a game that you can't win no matter how you see it. You don't answer but that's not his biggest fixation, your outfit is completely black, jeans, hoodie, and shoes, no sparkle or surprise detail, you look like a normal college student with a messy bun and eyebags. “I don't get the concept of your outfit today, are you the shadow of Peter Pan?”
“Not today.” You murmur ordering the things in your backpack because like if it's not enough you have an important exam today, the reason why your about to break your personal record with no sleep.
“Oh, Princess Bubblegum is moody today, so sad, but you can use that energy to take my car to the service after we're done here.” He starts saying walking to you gracefully, like a panther charming his food, if that has any sense.
“Not today.” You repeat slowly feeling the anger stuck in your throat, you are trying so hard not to yell and show how exhausted you are of everything. He takes another step forward and places a hand in your backpack putting it down forcing you to look at him.
“Shit, you look terrible.” He mumbles looking careful at your face, was that concern?
“You know what, Mr. Charmander? From now on you have the permission of three insults per day, after that, it would be very nice if you shut the fuck up for the rest of the journey. Or even better, what if you just shut the fuck up forever and that's it!” You start saying raising your voice gradually, avoiding look at him because that would take the pinch of boldness you found somewhere inside you.
“Oh, you know my name! That's a fucking miracle Timothée because this must be the first time you say it and it's sadly the only expression of respect you have had for me.” You feel the blood up in your cheeks while you are fighting against the rage tears threatening to come out.
He waits until you stop talking and gives another step to you, but you are too emotional to care that your bodies are separated by just a few centimeters. He looks at you with affection and concern, for the last days he watched you lose your sparkle and it was almost hurtful. “What else?” He asks in a soft murmur that caresses your ears, the calm of his voice when he's not trying to be a pain in the ass is peaceful.
“Your selfish ass can't help to take everything you want. You had absolutely no right to take me off my job, do you have any idea of how hard I've worked? I can't sleep, I can't eat, I don't even enjoy what I study anymore, and none of that is your fault but being a complete dick and make my life miserable for your own entertainment is.” You realize how high you are talking but you don't care.
“Keep going.” He insists leaning his face to yours just enough to not be intrusive.
“You are rude, arrogant, cynical, and not as handsome in person.” You continue finally looking at his olive absorbing eyes that look more joyful at every second. “I don't know if you have some sort of SM fetish and you enjoy when I insult you but fuck it, don't make me part of this.”
“Are you done?” He asks with a grin and his hand taking the claw clip off your hair making it fall, he moves a lock behind your ear, and is at that moment that you realize the amount of sexual tension in the room, allowing yourself to smell his scent for the first time, perfume more expensive than your parents car, dim essence of herb mixes like mint or eucalyptus, and grape chapstick, you can see it glowing slightly on his lips.
“Enlisting all about you that pisses me off? It'll take several days.” Your voice get back to its regular tone and your eyes follow the trail of his hand that slides from your hair to your arm. You have chills. This is a new kind of mental torture?
“Good, the longer, the better.” His giggles dissolve the stress from your body and you take your time to breathe properly again, the new problem is your heartbeat. You should be mad at how he gets away with the rude things he did to you just smiling like a high schooler and touching you like a dog. But you are not. “I didn't know you wanted to be an intern, I assumed you'd love to work with me... because my head is giant.” He murmurs and you believe in his words, later you could blame the vulnerability that sleepless nights gave you. “I liked you and I thought that we were both playing.”
“I'm not a stray you adopt and play with it.” You stay firm even when his touch is melting you inside. “And tell my boss I have a nice ass, you call that a compliment? You have the romantic personality of a 13 years old boy.”
“Was that or Hispanic Pesky Clown Style, I had to be very specific.” He says amused, not offended by your words.
“Ya tuve suficiente...” You start saying and about to push him in the chest to walk away but he holds your face and takes you in a deep kiss that freezes you, the hold of his hands is soft and warm, not forcing you to stay close but enjoying your presence and claiming for more.
You hold his waist and end the space between both of you, receiving the comfort you didn't know you need. He holds the back of your neck and presses it just enough to make you stand on your tiptoes to reach his relief. You're not thinking clearly with your arms in his lower back and his tongue caressing your lips, it just feels correct at the moment.
He walks forward making you step back against the wall, you gasp against his mouth, he tightens the grab on your neck and you have to hold him harder fir you to not fade out. He gets that as a need for proximity and uses his free hand to take your thigh and lift you up, using his own body to give you support.
The time stops, the entire existence is reduced to a distant memory when you put your hands in his hair, the one you been fixing and secretly wanted to mess up with your fingers like you're doing right now. He lifts your hoody enough to touch the bare skin of your waist, his fingertips are cold but the palm is warm, a proper mix, you think. His mouth goes down to your jaw and leaves small bites that he proceeds to lick, putting out the fire.
You look for the edge of his shirt to lift it up but the five minutes remain knock at the door arrives and you freak out pushing him too hard that he almost fell against the makeup table and you collapse on the floor.
When you see each other seconds later, both burst out laughing.
@eridanuswave @cjand10 @deluxeplanteater @rorodendra
Thanks for all the love and support, if you have opinions, suggestions or you want to be part of the tag list (Or don’t want to be part anymore) Let me know, I appreciate every message.
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jjbabyouterbanks · 4 years
THE BET! (Drew x Reader)
Summary- The reader and Drew are hooking up but hide it from the cast because of a bet.
Warning- Swearing, smut but not really (Blue Balls hahah)
Requested- by @obxjj i was just thinking him and the reader where kinda like talking and doing stuff behind the rest of the cast since they didn’t want anyone to find out because the rest of the cast had some type of bet that they would get together and the reader and drew don’t want them to win the bet. idk something like that or whatever i don’t really mind ❤️
I don’t normally write for the actors themselves but I thought I’d give it a go and see how it went. So no promises that this is good. Please be nice. 
Drew’s not my favourite but holy shit he looks hot in this photo.
Ps. Sorry this isn’t long. I found it really hard to write.
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“Cut!” You hear the director yell as you pull away from the kiss with Chase “Good job guys, go for lunch.” You smile and then turn around to scan the room for Drew. And there he was leaning against a wall watching angrily, he always makes sure he never misses watching you in a scene even if that means he has to see you kiss your co-worker. Of course he has no reason to be jealous, this is your job and he knows it means absolutely nothing. But it must still be hard for him to see the girl he is hooking up with kiss someone else. 
You walk over to grab your phone off the chair that you put it down on before you started the scene but as you reach for it Drew reaches down and grabs it. A smirk appears on his face and he just starts walking off to his trailer. You knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted you to follow him and that’s exactly what you were going to do. But you can’t make it obvious you're following him because this whole thing with Drew is a secret. You wish it wasn’t sometimes, but the other cast members had a bet going that you and Drew would get together. Drew is one of the most competitive people you know so of course his not going to let them win. So here you are trying to sneak to his trailer without anyone noticing.
“You coming to lunch y/n?” Rudy smiles while he runs up beside you.
“Uh yeah.. yeah I’m coming I just have to go get something from my trailer. I’ll meet you there.” You smile and quickly start going in the direction of Drew’s trailer.
“Uhhh wrong direction y/n? Your trailer is the other way” Rudy smiles and a smirk goes across his face “unless your going to see Drew”
‘Oh shit.. oh shit shit shit shit’ that’s all you could think, what were you meant to say to that. He just caught you in a lie. He knows exactly what’s happening you can tell by the look on his face.
“I had her phone” You hear Drew’s voice from behind you and hear it getting louder as he makes his way closer to you “Thanks for letting me use it y/n” he smiles and passes you your phone back making sure your fingers touch together as he does “so we gonna get some food or what?” a smile appears on his face and once he knows Rudy isn't looking he mouths words ‘saved you.’
Sitting across from the boy you are hooking up with and have feelings for but had to act like you didn't is harder then you ever expected it to be. You always have to watch the extra’s flirt with him and watch as the other boys try to encourage him to flirt back. Of course it’s not their fault they definitely wouldn't do that if they knew you’s were a ‘thing’. But all because of a stupid bet you aren't able to show him off in public and make all the extra’s jealous like you wanted to. You use to hate Drew you couldn’t even stand being in the same room as him but somehow his charm worked on you and now it’s hard for you to keep your eyes off him. 
“Stop thinking about me y/n” Drew’s voice pulled you away from your thoughts quickly. 
“Oh you wish lover boy” you smile softly and excuse yourself from the table. “I’m gonna go get ready for the next scene” you start walking out of the room but look behind you to see Drew watching you like a hawk. You knew that he would make up some excuse to leave and end up in your trailer not long after.
“Soooo is Chase a better kisser than me?” was the first thing he asked when he entered your trailer. You look up at him and sit down on the edge of the sofa that you have in your trailer. 
“Yep a lot better actually, you need more practice I think” you tease him “What about those extra’s are they better at flirting than me? You seem to like it when they’re flirting with you” you don't mean to but you have a little bit of an attitude when you say the last part.  
“Oh is that right?” he locks your trailer door and starts making his way over to you and leans down so that you are face to face “I guess you are gonna have to teach me your skills” he leans in closer so your lips are about an inch away “You know baby I don't like the attitude you just gave me? I think I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson don't you think?” he lean in and locks your lips together, your arms wrap around his neck instantly. It felt like it’s been months since you felt his lips on yours it was nice to finally be able to kiss him again. He slowly pushes you down on the sofa so that he can lay over the top of you. “You know...” he kisses your jawline “you nearly let...” he slowly starts kissing down to your neck “Rudy find out...” moving down to your collarbone “our little sercet” he sucks on the sweet spot on your neck softly and a small moan escapes your lips. 
His hands wandering around your body as he kisses you. You could feel his bulge in his pants getting bigger “I missed you so much” he whispers in your ear and at that exact moment you hear someone trying to enter your trailer.
“y/n?? we need you on set in two minutes” one of the crew members yelled from outside your trailer door. 
“uhh yep. yep I'm coming. I’ll be there in a minute” once those words left your mouth you see Drew roll his eyes and quietly stand up. You wait for a couple of seconds before you speak again to make sure the person outside is gone “see if you didn't care so much about this bet then this wouldn't happen all the time” you stand up and start fixing your hair. 
“Yeah i know.. but I’ve never lost a bet before. Plus isn't it more fun sneaking around?” he smiles and of course you can't disagree with him when he smiles like that. 
You nod and lean up leaving one more kiss on his lips “See you on set and don't get caught leaving my trailer yeah?” you smirk and walk out closing the door behind you. 
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lukasthemedic · 3 years
Property Brothers Fic
Original posting date - 2016 A03 works
Renovation Hell
Chapter 1
Jonathan gently rubs his fingers against his temples, leaning down on the counter above his barely touched chicken and fruit salad. His hands and arms are covered in particles from this current reno, his legs ache to the point he can barely stand it. Actually, all of him aches. He's been working so hard, so many late nights into early mornings. The unbelievable requests of these homeowners, more additions the further into the already crunched timeline they gave him. Barking orders, stalling the installation of most of the lower level of the house still. He is generally pretty calm, easy going. But he can barely continue to take the filming with this couple.
Jonathan's phone rings, a vivid reminder that he isn't off work, even when he is. "Hey, this is Jonathan." He says as professionally as he can manage into the speaker, keeping one hand leaning against his now throbbing head. He already knows who it is before he even gets an answer back on the staticky other end. "Yeah, I know it looks like it's not coming together as quickly as you had wanted it, but I can assure you--" He's cut off by more hasty, obnoxious comments being spewed from the other line of the husband and wife duo.
The door creaks open quickly and Drew is careful to shut it quietly, with ease. He knows how difficult this renovation has been on Jonathan, how much work he has had to put into it. How much work it has been on all of them, the whole crew.
"I understand, and I know that you'll be the ones living in the house, seeing it for the rest of your lives. But I can assure you, I am going to make the deadline and ensure all of your requests have been met. How about I bring over some new options for the kitchen backsplash and countertops tomorrow morning and you can meet me there and take a look." He blankly explains, as calmly as possible. He gently taps his fingers against his fork, regretting the portion of his salad he already consumed. The insults and stabbing remarks about his work make his stomach turn. He's hates this aspect of trying to be a helpful person to everyone. He should have known, this evening like all the rest, wouldn't come without an interrupting, hellish phone call.
Drew takes a sharp, shaky breathe and makes his way towards his twin, careful to keep himself quiet when he grabs wine glasses and pours them both extremely large servings, sitting down across from Jonathan at the kitchen bar.
Jonathan's face turns a deep scarlet, rolling his eyes as he continues to keep himself from snapping under more demands of the clients on the other end. His palms are sweaty, and Drew can tell he is getting more and more frustrated by the way that his brothers hand tenses up under his when he tries to slide it over his while he taps it against his fork, silently pleading with him to keep his cool.
"Yes, I completely understand. I'll be there as early as you need me to get my work out of the way. I'm sorry there have been so many inconvenient steps for you. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to work with you on your dream home."
"Yeah, dream home is an extremely shit description for having to work with your incompetent crew. I can't believe we have to deal with all of this bullshit. You better be there in the morning when I get there!" Drew hears the guy on the other end of the line yelling at his brother, putting no ease into the way he slams into Jonathan's. Drew is thankful when the guy decides to hang up on him, abruptly ending the phone call, allowing Jonathan to put his phone down and rest his hands against his temples again.
"Hey, don't listen to that." Drew quietly offers to his brother, pushing the drink closer to him. "You know you're the best. They always just get a little frustrated when they can't see the bigger picture until it's finished."
"Yeah, a little." Jonathan scoffs, pushing the wine glass away from him. "I'm not in the mood."
Jonathan finally looks up, Drew melts in his deep green eyes glaring across the room. Drew can tell he is hurt, knowing he is looking at everything around them, avoiding the contact of his own eyes.
Jonathan downs the glass of wine he slid across from himself earlier and stands up, cleaning off his plate and putting it away.
Drew carefully watches him, finally seeing his brother relax a little, and hopes that the rest of the evening can be less tense. Jonathan grabs a bottle of whiskey from their bar and downs a good amount, nearly finishing off what they have left of it. "Do you remember what you said in that interview yesterday." Jonathan asks his brother, not allowing it as a question, rather as a cold statement. He puts the whiskey back, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and facing back to stand with his brother, now face to face with him.
"What do you mean?" Drew sighs, trying to plead with his twin to turn his mood around, not wanting to focus on anything else that could come between them at this point.
Jonathan scoffs, " you don't remember when you gave a tour of the house and told the reporter about how we sleep in separate rooms. How we're not even allowed to come in one another's." Jonathan says coldly, looking back at Drew with daggers in his warm eyes. Drew can see the hurt and confusion on his brothers face, realising just how much he's already had to deal with today, and then bring this back up.
"Jonathan, you know I didn't mean that. She was suspicious. I had to redirect her, you know how much all of this means, for our personal life to stay private and separate from our shows." Drew takes a step closer to his brother, trying to grab for his hips and slide him closer in. "I can only imagine what will be said at the Google interview this weekend for our book." He whispers into Jonathan's ear. "Fanfiction, if we're lucky." He gently kisses his jawline and laughs into his neck.
The master bed room wasn't shown in the tour of their house. In fact, the two rooms that were staged as their own are two of the guests rooms. They have a lot of traffic during shows that are shot in the area, generally having enough rooms in the house and space for the crew to stay, either with them or their parents.
"I'm sorry I'm snapping at you. This renovation is just really difficult. I'm so tired of everyone else feeling like they're the contractors here and not me. Telling me how to do my job, all the extra steps." Jonathan sighs, letting Drew pull him closer. "I missed you today. I didn't see you." He mumbles, hoping Drew will want to stay up for awhile and relax with him even though they have a long day of shooting tomorrow. Two shows, and an interview in the evening. Plus they have an early flight at the end of the week for their Google interviews, which means nights spent in uncomfortable hotel rooms and very little sleep, if any. They always get things booked so tight together when they have to leave the state, so they can accomplish so much in such a little time.
Drew leans in, pulling him as close as their bodies will allow, sculpting to one another. He runs his hands down the sides of his brothers body and bites on his lip, leaving Jonathan shivering with the release of finally having his twin there with him.
Jonathan pulls Drew closer, almost falling into him, completely exhausted and enveloped into his brothers arms, "let's go take a shower and find something to watch." Drew pulls Jonathan's chin up to plant another quick kiss on his lips, pulling his brother along with him up the stairs to the bathroom.
Every stair is another painful reminder to Jonathan that he has so much to finish tomorrow and each step he takes towards the bathroom puts another step in his head about the project. "That guy is such an asshole." He mutters, following suit of his brother towards the bathroom at the end of the hall.
"I know, but don't let it bother you. Soon this reno will be over and we will be on to bigger and better things. Surely with nicer people." He calmly says, hopeful that he is right, because he knows that Jonathan can't take much more. He always has the bulk of the work, and the weight of the projects on him. No wonder he is always at his end.
Jonathan sits on the edge of the bed, plopping his head back and resting his arms under his neck. He could fall asleep so easily right now if he wanted to. But he really needs to stay up and work on some designs for the house, some of the "finishing touches" that the couple has emailed him, adding to the list. "Are you good?" Drew questions, placing an uneasy hand on his brothers thigh, leaning down, towering over his face.
"Yeah." Jonathan sighs. "I just have so much to catch up on now. I'll have to stay up all night toying with these new designs and have to be there really early in the morning. I'm just worn out. I do this for a living. I shouldn't feel this way." He mumbles, arching his back and tossing his hands over his eyes, shielding them from his brothers wondering looks.
Jonathan is a little bit tipsy from the drinks he had earlier, but not enough to feel any better about the situation.
He feels his brothers warm hands travel closer into his thighs, hearing the bed creak as he uses it to get on his knees and feels him rest his head between his legs, face planted in the comforter. "This reno sucks." Drew mumbles, muffled by the bed. He takes a deep breath and brings his head back up to rest on his twins warm legs
Chapter 2
"I know just what you need." Drew says with a sly smirk on his face, peering up at his twin from between his thighs, eyes traveling up his chest. Drew pulls himself up to hover over his brother and adjusts his legs on either side of his twin's hips, gazing down at him. "How bad do you want me?" He mercilessly grins, grabbing a fistful of Jonathan's drywall covered flannel, drawing his lips closer to his face.
Jonathan can't help but melt under the dark stare that Drew is giving him, peering down, grasping his shirt so tightly that his knuckles are beginning to turn white. Just when Jonathan thought that this day was a definite drag down. He knows his brother is always going to be there for him, in more ways than he ever imagined. "Bad, please." Jonathan whines from under his grasp, from the weight of his body grinding down on him. He can't help it when Drew plays him like this, because his brother knows that when he can't have what he wants, he desires it more. Drew loves making his brother beg for him, and Jonathan grows evermore excitedly every time he has to wait for what is coming. "Please, Drew. I want you so ba-" Jonathan is cut off from his twin's mouth, grabbing down and biting hard on his lip, moaning into his brother's mouth. He runs his mouth, slowly along his lips, giving deep tender kisses, careful to keep watching. He loves when Jonathan squirms under him from his touch, head arching back against the bed, eyes closed with anticipation building. "God, yes. Mhmm." Jonathan groans, his brother tracing his lips down his cheek, his jawline. He runs his hands down his sides, pulling his shirt up to expose his bare skin. Jonathan's muscles ache even more from the cool air hitting his exhausted body and he grinds his teeth together, letting out a slow roll of breath between his locked jaws. "Give it to me, Drew." He begs as his brother continues to run his hands and mouth over his chest, looking up to meet his brother's glare only for a second before he continues to trail his mouth down his stomach to his jeans.
"You have to be patient, haven't you learned anything?" Drew chuckles, reaching to unbutton his jeans and slide them carefully down to his ankles, so Jonathan can successfully kick them off onto the floor where his wrinkled and dirty shirt is already piled and waiting. Jonathan knows that Drew will wash him carefully and slowly in the shower, cuddle with him in bed and watch Chopped, or something ridiculous that he loves watching and Drew can't stand, just to make him happy. He knows that even after he's asleep and warm and content, that Drew will grab all of his dirty clothes and wash them before coming to bed. He knows that he will go back and clean up the mess in the kitchen that Jonathan makes when he's so exhausted from coming home and working that all he can think about is something quick enough and a drink to dull the previous hours pain so that he can crawl into bed and manage to get an hour or two of sleep before he hauls back to the renovation site. Jonathan knows that his brother will do this for him, because he loves him.
So, Jonathan is patient, with his brother's touch and his games. Because he knows how Drew enjoys their evenings together. It is rare when they have time together during renovations, shows, flights, etc. He knows that being at home with his twin's touch and his full attention is something he should be patient with. He knows that this game of head now will follow with a blissful shower. That Drew will come back upstairs after cleaning and making some late business calls to producers and emails to interviews and hopeful homebuyers for the show, to cuddle into his brother's warmth while he sleeps and carefully weave himself into his body, trying to wake him and get his attention. That he will want to make him wake up, aroused, and begging to have sex from the touch of Drew. That he will fall back asleep in the arms of his finally equally exhausted brother and they will sleep until the morning draws them up for a quick shower before being dragged back into the hell of this renovation. Jonathan remembers how much he dreads going to the site in the morning and his face becomes less relaxed and content with his brother's touch and he feels Drew stop moving over him.
"I know that look." Drew sighs, pulling himself back up to look into Jonathan's eyes. Drew's eyebrows furrow and he leans down closer to his brother so their mouths are almost touching, Jonathan works at cramming the thoughts back because he hates to think of anything else besides Drew when he is this intimate with him. "Just relax." Drew mumbles, placing one quick sloppy kiss on his twin's lips and travels back down to his briefs. Drew pulls at the tight band with his teeth, grabbing Jonathan's hard cock over the fabric separating them from touching. Drew moans, a deep and intense feeling of pleasure washes over him as he feels his brother throb under his grip. "Please, touch me. I want more." Jonathan begs, grabbing for his underwear. He feels his hand restrained to his side, Drew grinning down at him. "You don't get to decide when it's time. Don't threaten me to make you wait longer." He chuckles, releasing his brothers hand, and going back to his work. He kisses Jonathan over the fabric and shivers, hearing the moans work out from his brother's mouth. Deep growls starting at the back of his throat and escaping every time Drew breathes more hot air onto Jonathan's hard cock. He can barely contain himself any longer, and Drew must know that he is getting more and more restless, because he swiftly pulls his briefs off and tosses them down into the pile with the rest of the clothes.
"I've been waiting all day for you." Drew smirks, slowly drawing his eyes up to meet his brother's desperate stare. He gently kisses his twin on either side of his warm thighs, gently grabbing his balls with one cupped hand, and holding the other under his thigh, careful to be too rough. He knows that Jonathan likes it when he's rough, but after today he just wants to give him something to relax to. Drew finally slides his brother's twitching hot cock in his mouth, already feeling the precum on his tongue as he lets it dance against his brother's skin. He gently slides his fingers against Jonathan's thigh and back to his ass, feeling him arch against his touch, watching his body beg for more. He carefully inserts a finger into him, running his mouth hot down the full length of his cock over and over, making sure Jonathan is getting what he wants. He works his finger against his brother's grinding, begging and ready for more. "God, fuck, please. Yes, Drew, yes." Jonathan is barely able to get the words out of his mouth at the expense of the work his brother's mouth is doing on him. Jonathan places his hands in either side of Drew's head and pushes him downwards onto himself more. Drew loves it when Jonathan has to force him to be more rough. He knows that his brother can barely contain himself without his touch. Drew adds a second finger, slipping his mouth off of his cock and biting down on his thigh. Drew can feel his own skin brushing up tight against his slacks, his cock throbbing so hard he can barely keep the pulsing in his head drowned out, making his eyes weak and his body hungry for more.
Drew carefully laughs, nervously, looking up at his brother. He keeps his hands moving so that his fingers are in sync with Jonathan's grinding body. "I can't wait. I was going to wait, but I can't do it." Drew exclaims, pulling his fingers out from his prepared twin. He is met with the same running thoughts from his brother, when Jonathan quickly leans up, unbuttoning the dress shirt his brother is in, throwing tie, shirt and undershirt all on the floor as hastily as he can. "If you're too tired, we can wait. I don't have to." Drew suggests, facing his brother.
"Shut up." Jonathan rolls his eyes, pulling Drew closer in for a kiss. "I'm never too tired for my time with you." He mumbles into his mouth, grabbing for his slacks and popping the button undone and quickly sliding them off. Drew topples over his brother again, grinding his briefs against Jonathan's hot bare skin, his cock begging to release from all the pressure and teasing. Drew can't say he already doesn't feel the same tension in his own body.
Drew quickly pulls off his own briefs, leaning down for one more quick kiss on Jonathan's neck, hot air makes Jonathan shiver again against his brothers touch. "I love you so much. You know that right." Jonathan's face becomes a deep red, shying away from his brothers fleeting glance as he waits for his comment. Drew pulls Jonathan's face up to look at his by the chin, cupping his jaw. "It's okay." Drew smiles, placing another kiss on his lips. Drew knows how Jonathan feels about talking about love with his brother. He knows that he loves him just as much, but he's always so hesitant to say it when they're having sex. He always assumed that it's connected to the act and not his real emotions, so most of the time Drew just assumed he knows he's being honest and takes the fact alone that he knows Jonathan loves him even if he doesn't say it back often during these times. Jonathan is much more reserved about showing his emotions, especially after how rough it was for Jonathan in his childhood. He's never came right out and said it, but Drew knows. Regardless, Drew can feel his brothers love radiate from him, and that's enough.
"Spit." Drew demands, holding his hand out for Jonathan to take, and he does as he's told. Drew grabs his hard, throbbing cock, running his hand with Jonathan's saliva down it and gently thrusts into Jonathan. "Goddamnit, you feel so fucking good." Jonathan groans, pumping his body to meet the rhythm of his twin, begging for more. Drew continues to thrust harder and harder as Jonathan moans with pleasure while he grinds his body back against Drew's. Drew slides his free hand that isn't helping to balance between his brothers legs and smoothly runs his hand against Jonathan's hard needy cock. He can feel the anticipation building, knowing that Jonathan has had so much foreplay that he can barely contain himself. Drew's thrusting with his hand sliding against Jonathan won't let the him last much longer under the pressure. Drew doesn't think he can last much longer himself at how tight and perfect Jonathan feels under him.
"God Drew, harder, please. Make me come, I'm so close." Jonathan pants, his brother sliding his hand against his shaft quicker and quicker, pounding harder into him. His own eyes are becoming steadily more heavier with the weight of his own orgasm quick approaching. "Fuck Drew, I'm gonna come, I'm coming." Jonathan grabs the comforter around him, gripping fists of whatever he can reach. He throws his head back, spilling warm all down his brothers quick moving hand, down onto his stomach. Drew can barely continue to thrust after watching the pleasure he entertained on his brother, working in harder and harder each time he slams into Jonathan. "Fuck, fuck, Jonathan." He moans, slamming into him a final time, thighs shaking hard from the instant release he feels, soaking up the bliss from the orgasm. Drew slowly pulls out from his brother and lazily hovers over him, licking what Jonathan left for him on his stomach snd twitching cock. "You're always so good." Drew exclaims, sheepishly biting down on his lip, giving his brother a look of lust and hunger. Jonathan pulls his brother down for a sloppy, exhausted kiss before Drew slides off the side of the bed and drags Jonathan behind him towards the shower.
Jonathan is so exhausted, he could fall asleep right now, but Drew turns the steaming water on and Jonathan is instantly enveloped with the warm droplets of water hitting him as his brother adjusts the shower temperature just right. "Come on, I'll wash you." Drew motions for his twin to step into the shower, under the hot stream of water and Jonathan is instantly in heaven. He keeps his eyes closed and focuses on staying awake as Drew hums, massaging shampoo and working it into his hair. He is concerned when Drew stops, but is again relieved when he runs the sponge all over his body with soap, careful to relax every sore muscle that had to deal with the crazy couple on the renovation today.
After Drew finishes washing Jonathan off, he washes himself and dries them both off, padding warm and clean feet towards the bedroom again so he can find them something comfortable to get into. Though they haven't ever discussed it, neither one of them is particular to sleeping without clothes on, even together. Drew slides on some warm flannel sleeping pants and a shirt and hands Jonathan some shorts and a t-shirt as well to throw on while Drew searches the channels to find the chopped marathon Jonathan is so obsessed with every night they get together. Drew is the cold blooded one, it seems, and Jonathan is always so hot when he sleeps, so he can barely keep shorts on, let alone flannel pants to keep him warmer. Drew secretly thinks that Jonathan assumes he will pick up more recipes to make for him, since Drew is the cook of the two, and thinks about teasing him about it, but doesn't. He sees how's relaxed and calm Jonathan finally is, heading towards the bed to greet Drew who has successful found the right channel and pulled back the comforter enough for Jonathan to cuddle up close to him.
Jonathan snuggles up next to his brother, Drew throwing an arm over him. He knows he should be working on the stuff he needs to take to the site tomorrow, but he just wants to relax and enjoy his brother's presence while he falls asleep. He knows that Drew will get up after he falls asleep and work on some stuff for him while he's checking emails and whatnot. Drew is always there to catch the remainder of what Jonathan doesn't get done in a day, and he is so thankful that his brother is there for him when he can't be there for himself. Jonathan tries to stay awake while they're starting the dessert round on this episode, because he doesn't think he has seen it before, but Drew's hand rubbing circles in his hair softly is becoming too much to keep his heavy eyes open. "I do love you, Drew. More than you could ever imagine." Jonathan mumbles into his brother's side, quickly drifting off between powdered sugar, raw shrimp, and the quiet chuckle of his brother as he realizes that he was finally answering him back from earlier. And no; Drew thinks, as he begins to open his laptop to work on emailing, you don't love me more than I could ever imagine, because my love for you is unmeasurable.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Today was a pretty excellent day. I was still very tired and I feel frustrated with some stuff but in general it was great. Just hot.
I slept okay last night. I woke up at 7 without an alarm. And James made us pancakes. I got dressed and I felt very cute. Let me cup was very good and I left on time.
I had to wait a little while for the bus but I still got to the school before 8:30. I ended up being on the bus with two other people going to Wildwood so I had a nice chat with them. Joked about how we are the bus crew. And then headed upstairs.
I felt frustrated because we had made the lesson plans for stem literally the week before Camp started which was weeks ago. But for some reason every morning we're having a discussion or an argument about what's going to happen that day. And there's no reason for it. All we were doing today was tissue paper art. Yes it's kind of messy. But it's not that big of a deal. Things can be messy. We can clean up afterwards. And just the whole sucking out of all the fun is no good. It is not fun for me it's not fun for everyone else. So I just had to smile and walk away. Because honestly it's not that deep. And I am sick of having the same conversation every day. So I'm not going to ask for permission anymore. I'm just going to do my thing and just let the people who want to complain complain.
It was a very fun day though. We did yoga. And I did ballet stuff with the older kids. Art went pretty good. We couldn't find our laptop. No idea where that could have gone. So instead I just drew examples on the board and the kids got it. They did drawings of symbols that represent of themselves and then I had them all sit around while we guessed what the symbols were and who they belong to. It was fun.
Reading was nice. I got to read some of the book to the kids. And I enjoyed that even though I stumble on my words sometimes.
Lunch and recess were no big deal. I came in early from Recess to set up stem. Got all the tables covered with plastic. And got everything ready. Basically you take the watercolor paper and you draw a picture. And then you take your tissue paper and different colors and you wet it over top of the sections. The ink and the dye from tissue paper then stains your paper. It's basically painting with a non liquid medium. Well liquid and non liquid because of the water. Honestly it's easy it's fun and they get to learn a couple simple science stuff. I just have to deal with sour puss face for a lot of it but you know what kids show had fun it was only slightly messy and all of our hands got stained a bit but wash it with hot water a couple times and I'll come right off. Close I don't know but I am going to continue saying that you shouldn't send your kids and something you don't want them to get pain on to an art summer camp. I hold no responsibility to that.
We played a two truths and a lie at the end. And I wasn't thrilled with my co-teacher because she admonished me for not getting the entire class quiet before I spoke to them. And I just had to be like dude. I work at museums. The whole group is not always going to be silent and that's my teaching style and that's just the way it's going to be. I understand what you're saying. You want them to all be silent but how about we just worry about that when it becomes an issue. If we're playing a game it's not that big of a deal. And again I just had to walk away because it's not that deep. It's summer camp. Organized chaos is the name of the game and they should be having fun. And the game was fun until you started screaming.
I just had to walk away. I took my break a little bit early because I was just disgusted. The screaming is breaking down the trust in a relationship with these kids and it does not need to be happening. I have fun with them we're having a good time and then all of a sudden they're screaming. And so I'm out in the hallway and one of the little girls who is usually a monster in class is leaning on me because she's upset because she feels like she's being screamed at for no reason. And she was she didn't do anything. She was giggling with her friends. And honestly that's not a big deal! She should be allowed to do that at summer camp! I'm just going to have to keep pushing against it and fighting the good fight.
We ended the day with snacks and hanging out. We did some vocab. And soon enough it was time for everyone to go home. I was outside with the kids and chatting and stuff and then I remembered I had to get James HDMI cord so I went upstairs again. Still can't find my needles which is annoying. I did end up finding them when I got home which means I could have been sewing yesterday. But that's fine! I guess! And then I went to go get the bus.
Which didn't come from was 25 minutes. I was not happy. I'm so hot and uncomfortable. I just wanted to go home. Bus came around 4:15 ish. And I went to streets and got a few things. I got back here and I took a shower. Felt a lot better after that. I made a quesadilla for dinner and I've just been hanging out since then. James has D&D tonight. People are supposed to start getting here soon. But it was James's first day of work at his new job and he gets out and about 7:30. It sounds like it's a lot of remembering numbers and products and things. But he'll pick it up. He's got a big big brain. I hope you guys all have a good night. Tomorrow is another day. We're going to start working on posters and we're making tote bags out of t-shirts. It's going to be good. Hope you all have a great night. Sleep well.
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real-life-catgirl · 6 years
Drunk Confessions
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Pairing: Jordan Connor x Reader
Warnings: alcohol, mentions of drug use, sexual descriptions, swear words (i usually dont tag this as a warning)
Description: You, along with most of the Riverdale cast, head to a party to celebrate the finale of season 2
The beat of Drake's '0-100' played throughout the house, the intensified bass pounding every corner and crevice in the giant rooms. Everyone could feel the vibrations under their shoes, but the glasses on the counters and tables got the blunt of it. Drinks were being tipped, spilled and chugged, tipsy highs buzzing through each vein.
Lyrics spewed out of most mouths while vomit the others. A group of people in one room were taking turns on a bong, causing the chamber to smell like weed and fill with vapor. Two people outside were smoking, and a couple making out in the bathroom nearest to the entrance; you accidentally opened the door on them.
You, Madelaine, Lili, Vanessa and Camila were by the bar, seeing as the girls had taken one car while the boys took two others, waiting for the rest of the crew.
Jumping, you turned as you felt an arm snake it's way around your shoulders, seeing a cheeky looking KJ. "Fancy seeing you here, girls. What're you lot doing?"
You shook off his arm, rolling your eyes playfully. "Where's the others?"
"Ooh," he whistled, "you looking for pretty boy, Y/N?"
The girls all laughed at his teasing, Lili even chiming in with a, "can't wait for him to see you in that dress," and wink.
"Shut up!" You whined.
Jordan, Vanessa and Cole all volunteered to not go any further than 4 shots, seeing as you had three cars and needed a driver for each. But only as long as no one drank before everyone arrived.
"Speak of the devil," Camila giggled, motioning her head to the literal pack of guys walking in. "Here he comes!"
Charles, Casey, Jordan, Cole, Skeet and Drew all piled out of the door, looking around until they spotted you all.
Drew waved frantically, while Cole was trying to put his hand down in embarrassment.
Drew already seemed drunk.
Once they were in earshot, which was relatively close since the music was so loud, Madelaine made a sly remark about getting drunk enough to kiss someone, keeping her pointed gaze on you.
"Honestly, Mads, if you got drunk enough, who would you kiss?" You quipped playfully, watching her knit her brows.
"Um.. I don't know," she laughed bashfully, "I seriously have no clue. But.. I know who you would!" Madelaine wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, first at you and then at Jordan when he looked away.
You felt your eyes bug out of your head, waving your hand in a 'quit it' motion.
"Oh yeah," Vanessa chuckled, "me too, definitely."
"Y/N totally would kiss them. Drunk or not."
Jordan turned his attention away from Drew and back to you, "Y/N would kiss who?"
"No one! No one at all! Don't worry about it," you smiled tightly, sending a death glare to KJ, Vanessa and Madelaine, causing them to laugh under the breaths.
"I don't believe that.." He chuckled, raising an eyebrow, "you'd kiss someone! Come on, Y/N/N, who would it be?"
You sighed and placed your head in the palm of your hands, "I'm not drunk enough for this," slowly standing up, you spoke louder, "I'm gonna get us some drinks. One second,"
Everyone waited for you to get far enough away, before attacking their fellow co-star with teasing questions. "We also know who you would kiss, Jord."
Jordan blushed, shaking his head as he asked, "who?"
The group turned to each other before speaking simultaneously, "Y/N."
"Our little Y/N and our giant Jordan," Lili sighed dramatically, "too blind to see their obvious attraction to each other."
"But that's okay, we'll help them out. Right, team?" Camila added.
They all nodded before Jordan groaned, "okay, okay, I'll do something tonight. But you guys aren't allowed to interfere. The last thing I need is for everything that could go wrong, go wrong."
"What could go wrong?" Your voice spoke from behind him as you placed a tray of 11 shots on the counter, each of you grabbing one.
"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it, Y/N/N. Also you look really good tonight." Jordan winked.
You downed your shot, desperate for some highly needed confidence, "thank you. You don't look too bad yourself,"
"Oh God, they're flirting," Lili whispered, "I don't know if it's cute or disgusting."
Madelaine shrugged, "I think it's cute. It's been how many months they've given each other googly eyes? It's about damn time." She laughed.
The rest of the group nodded in agreement, watching you smile at a compliment Jordan gave you.
As the night progressed, you became considerately drunk, in fact, the most trashed person in the cast. Understandably so, as you had the lightest alcohol tolerance, and three of them didn't even drink an ounce of whiskey. You were dancing around with Lili, playfully grinding on each other, when Jordan tapped you on the shoulder.
Lili excused herself with a knowing smirk, leaving you with him. "Hiya, sexy!" You over-excitedly exclaimed.
Jordan smiled, and it was hard for you to see the lust he was desperately trying to hide in his eyes, but you did. "Hi, Y/N/N. I'm here to take you home, okay?"
You frowned, "what? What—What about the others," your words were slurred and Jordan almost couldn't hear you.
"They said they'd cram into the other cars," he put his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the door.
"W-Wait!" You yelled. "Wh-What.."
Jordan raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Aren't we gonna tell the others we're leaving?" You toned with a, "duh" at the end.
Your actions amused the man in front of you, but he rolled his eyes and sighed, turning around to take you back to your friends.
"Guys!" You flailed, "this weird.. g-giant.. man thing is trying to kidnap me." Crossing your arms, you pouted. "Doo something..!"
Jordan's head reared back, his face scrunching up in a, 'are you serious' look. "Really..? 'Weird giant man thing', seriously?"
"Y/N, this man is your—" Casey looked to his friends in help of a definition, but they just shrugged half-heartedly. "Thanks guys.." He drawled under his breath. "He's safe. Now you two get going, you're going to have a massive hangover tomorrow. Goodnight, Y/N/N. We love you!" Casey sang.
You thought about having a tantrum, and if it weren't for your lingering common sense, you would've. "Okay.." You sighed. "Come on, cute giant weird thing man! Let us venture on!"
Jordan chuckled at your bipolar attitude, but taking place on the small of your back once again, waving bye to his cast friends.
"Wait!" You shouted again, causing him to let out a huff of annoyance. "I think I left my TV on.."
"Oh my God you're killing me, Y/N. If you left your TV on, we need to get home to turn it off, yeah?"
You nodded frantically, "right.. Right.. Smart!"
The second you two arrived at your apartment, you rushed over to your TV, seeing the black screen staring right your reflection at you. "Is this a mirror?"
"No.." Jordan chuckled. "No, that's your television, Y/N/N."
You breathed a sigh of relief before falling, back first, onto your couch while he went to go get you water and Advil. "Hey cute guy who brought me home.. You wanna know a secret?"
Jordan let out a hum, placing the water and medicine on the table. "Okay.. Okay but don't! Tell Jordan."
"I won't, scouts honour,"
You giggled, before burrowing your brows, "I really.. Really.. Really like him.. But sh! Don't tell!"
"Oh, really?" Jordan smiled when you nodded, "well, I'm sure he likes you a lot."
You gave a thumbs up and allowed yourself to pass out, leaving your co-star to his thoughts.
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meganlpie · 6 years
The Tale of Bucky Barnes pt. 6
Here’s part 6! It’s the longest part so far and we’re really getting into the heart of the story now. Once again, ALL the Avengers belong to Marvel and the Galavant plots belong to the writers/creators of the show. 
The Tale of Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Warnings: Very long part. More arguing, Unspoken feelings, betrayal...a touch of humor. 
Pairings: Eventual Bucky Barnes x fem!reader, Preserum!Stever Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner
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The next evening, Sam asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to alert everyone that it was time for the next part of the story. He didn't have to wait long before he heard everyone making their way to the living room. He sat down in his usual seat, ready to pick up where he left off. Sam would be lying if he said he wasn't as excited as everyone else to see where this story was going to go. "Alright, you guys ready?" he asked, mostly to the children, but the entire room cheered happily. Sam smiled. "Okay, here we go."
               "You should have listened to me, but nooooo. You just had to be the hero and do things your way with no room for negotiation!" you snapped as the bandits lead you through the woods, down to the shore. "At least I wasn't the one yelling so loudly they caught us. And if it hadn't been your voice, your snores would have lead them to us." You glared at Bucky. "I do not snore." Bucky chuckled humorlessly. "Oh yes you do, Princess. Like a bear."
               "Oi! You two, quiet down!" one of the bandits ordered. You finally stopped arguing. After a moment, Bucky spoke again. "Please tell me you hid the jewel." You would have clenched your fists had they not been tied in front of you. "No, I'm an idiot. Of course I hid the jewel. Somewhere they'll never find it." Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't as if he wanted the jewel, but he knew that, once the bandits had it, they would have no more need for the three of you.
               The bandits marched the three of you down toward the water, where all manner of men were gathered. One look and you knew exactly what you were dealing with. "Pirates. Not bandits. Pirates," you whispered. "That's right. The  most fearsome pirate crew you'll ever meet." For the first time, Bucky felt a small twinge of fear. Pirates weren't exactly known for their mercy around these parts. "Wait," you started, making Bucky look at you, "If you're pirates, where's your ship?" Bucky glanced toward the water again and, sure enough, there was no ship there.
               "I'll ask the questions around here. But first, give us everything you've got of value and we may let you go when we're done." A man, presumably the captain, turned to face you all. To your surprise, this captain didn't look menacing at all. In fact, he looked rather meek. You were about to say something to Bucky when one of the pirates produced the jewel you thought you had carefully hidden away. "Well,  look what we have here."
               "Oh g-really? In your purse?!" Bucky complained. You glared at him. "I didn't think they would find it! I put it with my girls' supplied! Guys never look there!" Bucky couldn't argue with that. Most men tended to shy away from things like that. But still, you couldn't think of a better place?  "Please, Captain, that jewel is sacred to my people. I really need it." The captain fixed his gaze on you. "Now it's sacred to my people, girlie." You started to argue, but he cut you off. "Enough!" You jumped at his sudden anger toward you. For someone who looked so meek, he could certainly strike fear into people's hearts. But it was that anger that made Bucky realize exactly who he was talking to.
               "Wait. Captain Banner? Captain Bruce Banner? The pirate captain with the fiercest temper on the seas? Said to make the sea tremble with fear when he yells?" The captain, Bruce, looked mildly sheepish. "Guilty. And I know who you are, Bucky Barnes. Tales of your deeds have even reached us across the sea. Sorry about your girl, mate." Bucky flinched. "Yeah...thanks."
               "Look, all I want to do is return home and save my kingdom. Bucky is helping me do that and going to rescue Queen Natasha at the same time. Please, just let us go." Bucky looked at you and then back at Bruce. "Actually, it would mean a lot if you could help us. Take us to Princess Y/N's kingdom on your ship." Bruce once again looked embarrassed. "Uh, about that...we can't."
               "Why not?" Bruce pointed a finger toward a hill. The three of you looked and gasped. On the hill was Bruce's ship, the Hulk. "What happened?" Bruce made a gestured like it pained him to tell the story. "We got caught in a bad storm. The waves took us up to far and we hit the hill. It's stuck there now." It took everything in you and Bucky not to laugh at them. You needed them to get home.
               "Okay, so Bruce is a terrible pirate," Tony commented, earning a smack across the back of the head from you. "Be nice. Keep going, Sam. Tony isn't going to interrupt anymore. He's going to try and set a better example for the children. Sam laughed, but continued on.
               "Maybe we can help you get it down," you offered and Bruce snorted out a laugh. "No offense, missy, but the two of you can't stop fighting. We could hear you all the way here." Steve sighed dramatically. "THANK YOU!" You and Bucky glared at Steve. "Fair enough. But if we can get your ship down, will you be willing to take us to my kingdom?" Bruce thought for a moment. "Sure. We'd owe it to you." You grinned. "Then, I think we could try and get along long enough to get your ship back into the water."
               You, Bucky, and Steve all went to work with the pirates to devise a plan to get Bruce's ship back onto the water where it belonged. To Bucky's surprise, you actually had some really good ideas for it. You were able to finally agree on something and come together with the pirates. It took hours, but you were able to get The Hulk off that hill and soon, you were aboard and sailing for home.
               "What? That's it? No fighting? Come on, Sam where's all the action?!" Clint cried and your son nodded in agreement. When no one said anything, Tony turned to you. "Hey, how come they didn't get a smack to the back of the head?" You arched a brow. "Because I can't reach them." Sam held up his hands in defense. "I promise the action is coming. Now the princess, Bucky, and Steve are sailing toward Y/N's kingdom where King Tony is eagerly awaiting them. But our dear princess is having second thoughts."
               "Uh, Bucky, are you sure about this?" you asked. You had been sailing for a while now and, the closer you got to home, the more guilty you felt. Bucky didn't deserve what you were doing to him. "You could die? Tony could set a trap for you." Bucky rolled his eyes. "Well, since he has no idea I'm coming to rescue my love, then he won't have the opportunity, will he?" You bit your lip. "I suppose not, but what if you're too late?"
               Bucky rounded on you with fire in his eyes. "I won't be." You turned away from him. "Bucky, please. You can't do this. Tony will kill you. I know because...I'm betraying you to save my parents." You turned back around to see that he wasn't even listening. He was staring off into the distance. At your castle. "I'm coming, my love," he whispered. It was like a knife was being twisted in your heart. How on earth were you going to stop him from walking right into a trap?
               Another hour and you were finally docked. You went ashore quickly. You had to get to King Tony and tell him you couldn't go through with it. You had to just give him the jewel and get out as quickly as you could. While Bucky and Steve were busy, you snuck off toward your castle. Tony was there in the throne room when you entered.
               "I won't be your pawn any longer. Take the jewel, but spare Bucky's life." Tony just raised an eyebrow at you as he stood from his throne. "I thought you wanted me to spare your parents' lives." You nodded, jutting out your chin in defiance. "I do, but I won't let you hurt Bucky either." Tony looked into your eyes. For a moment, there was silence, then he began laughing. "Oh, how cliché. The princess has fallen in love with the hero! This is too rich."
               You didn't reply. His accusation had taken you by surprise. Did you love Bucky? No, there was no way. Was there? You shook your head, but your heart was telling you something different. Tony didn't leave you alone in your thoughts long. "No, you don't get to back away that easily, Princess. You will bring me the jewel, and I will kill Bucky or you will watch as I kill not only Bucky and your parents, but everyone left in your entire kingdom and burn the place to the ground! Do you understand?" You swallowed thickly. You had no choice and you knew it so you nodded.
               You returned to Bucky and Steve with a heavy heart. "Hey, Princess! Where did you go?" You forced a smile on your face. "Oh, I was finding somewhere safe to hide the jewel." Bucky actually smiled at you and you felt yourself nearly swoon. This wasn't his arrogant, hero smile. It was a genuine smile. "Good thinking. Here's a disguise for you. We're going to sneak in through the wine cellar, just like you planned." You nodded.
               Your tongue felt like it was glued to the roof of your mouth as you made your way back to your castle, this time with Steve and Bucky. Getting into the castle was easy enough. Tony knew you were coming and exactly where you were coming in from. Once inside, Bucky turned to you. "Now, where are Natasha and your parents?" You were saved from answering by Tony's voice. "Well, well, well." Bucky drew his sword quickly. "Bucky, don't!" Clint grabbed you and held a knife to your throat. Tony smirked as he drew closer to Bucky. His eyes left Bucky's to look at you. "Thank you, my dear princess for bringing Bucky to me."
               Bucky glanced between you and Tony in confusion. "Princess?" You didn't reply. "Y/N...what is he talking about?" Tony chuckled. "Oh, she didn't tell you? She's been working for me this whole time." Bucky and Steve stared at you in disbelief and anger. You could see the sting of your betrayal in their eyes. "Take them all to the dungeon. We'll be having a little execution party tomorrow." Clint and several guards grabbed the three of you and practically dragged you down to the dungeons.
               You and Steve were thrown into a cell with your parents while Bucky was put into his own cell next to yours. To your surprise, Sam was there too. "What are you doing here, Sam?" Sam sighed heavily. "I told Natasha I couldn't keep going behind the king's back. She had me thrown in here." Bucky huffed. You looked up and saw his steely gaze still fixated on you.
               "Bucky, I-" He cut you off quickly. "You betrayed us. Sold us out to King Tony." You nodded. "I had to. He was going to kill my parents...my people. I wanted to tell you. I tried so many times, but I couldn't do it." Bucky didn't seem to care as he went on to ask the next question. "And Natasha? Did she even want me to come rescue her." You bit down on your bottom lip as you shrugged. "I cannot believe you would stoop so low, Princess."
               "Bucky, please. I-" He tore his gaze away from you and walked to the other side of his cell. "Don't. Just don't." From the corner of his eye, Bucky saw you sink to the ground and begin sobbing. "I'm so sorry." Despite the feeling of his heart tearing in two, Bucky ignored you. Just when he was beginning to feel something for you, this had to happen. Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, an even deeper betrayal was taking place.
"Oh no! Poor Bucky and Princess Y/N! Uncle Sam, are they ever going to fall in love?" your youngest asked. Sam smiled at her. She was curled up on his lap. "Forget that, are they ever going to get out of the dungeon?! And what about this other betrayal? Who's betraying people now? And who are they betraying? The people want to know, Sam!" Sam quieted everybody. "I promise I will tell you everything. But it's past the kids' bedtime." With collective sighs, everyone got up and went about their business eager for the next night of story-telling to come along.
Tagging: @brewsthespirit-blog @ghostie-writes @aikibriarrose @fairytalesexistxx @esoltis280 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @thors-magic-hammer @jotink78 @iwillbeinmynest @mala-firebringer
(a/n: I’ve already started part 7 so hopefully that will be coming soon! If you are on the taglist and would like to be taken off for this particular fic OR if you’d like to be added, please let me know!)
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Hey, if you're still doing the tv show asks, Leverage?
Ok, Season 1, I particularly like The Stork Job, because we get some background on Parker, we get insight into her view of herself (that she is messed up), and we see that she does have compassion hidden under her layers of weirdness (wanting to save the kids no matter what).  Also the moment when Hardison comforts her is beautiful, not to mention a great shipping moment “I like how you turned out”!!!!!  The first episode is also good, as is the Mile High Job, and both David episodes.  Any episode with Maggie and/or Sterling is gold
Season 2:  I LOVE THE TAP-OUT JOB.  Let’s be real, any episode that is Eliot-centric is my fave episode because he is simultaneously the simplest and most complex character (not to mention he is freaking cool).   Speaking of Eliot, I love The Order 23 Job–Eliot, this fierce, intelligent, frankly quite scary man has the softest heart when it comes to kids!  Other good episodes include The Two-Live Crew Job (Sophie doesn’t know how to be dead), The Future Job (Eliot was totally willing to kill a guy for Parker), and the Three Strikes Job (Eliot stars on the baseball diamond and on Japanese TV!)
Season 3:  Sooooo many good episodes…I like the Double-Blind Job because Parker is getting overtly jealous of Hardison’s attentions!  The Studio Job is great because Christian Kane gets to demonstrate his singing skills, The Gone-Fishing Job has some great Eliot and Hardison bonding time (even if Hardison couldn’t be more out of his element lol), The Rashoman Job is exactly what it sounds like and everybody’s interpretations of Sophie’s accent crack me up every time, The Ho Ho Ho Job has Santa Eliot and Elf Parker, and the last two episodes of the season are great high stakes with satisfying twists (and Eliot reveals he once worked for Moreau, and for him did the worst thing he ever did in his life, which he won’t reveal I love me some Eliot angst)
Season 4:  Honestly…The Long Way Down Job is fantastic and a great season opener.  Hardison just wants hugs, Nate and Sophie do their typical excellent grifting, and Parker and Eliot have one of my favorite of their bonding moments.  That said, I love The 10 L’il Grifters Job what with the dress-up and murder mystery stuff, and The Van Gogh Job is one of my all time FAVORITE episodes because of the reenactment of the old love story wITH PARKER AND HARDISON IN THE LEAD ROLES AS STAR-CROSSED LOVERS OMG oh but wait ALSO I love The Grave Danger Job because it shows clearly how much the whole team loves Hardison and in particular Parker and Eliot, like Parker NEEDED Hardison and she also calmed and saved him and Eliot just gives him that crushing hug!  (OTP AND BROTP 5EVER) …………aw dangit I also love Hardison, Parker, and Eliot’s roles in The Experimental Job, and the parody of The Office in The Office Job, the split-ups of the team in the Night Out Jobs, and the sadness and desperation and the team-ups in The Last Dam Job
Season 5:  I love hockey, and so seeing Eliot on ice in The Blue Line Job was great.  The D.B. Cooper Job is really fun, with more reenacting of roles by the team but this time with Eliot and Parker as two people in love (and honestly I ship Hardison and Parker more, but I can def see the possiblity for E and P and I’ve even read fics for them).  The Rundown Job is interesting because Eliot, Hardison, and Parker are completely on their own for the first time, and do quite well, and I didn’t think I would like The Frame Up Job as much because it was only Nate and Sophie (and while I love them, E, H, and P are my faves) but it was actually a really good episode, maybe because of Sterling and also because Nate and Sophie gave off Nick and Nora vibes 
My least Favorite Episode:  …………………………………………………no such thing sorry does not compute.  This is the one show that has NEVER let me down.  EVER.
My favorite Arc: THE TRAJECTORY OF THE WHOLE DANG SHOW!   My least favorite Arc:  I guess sometimes I just needed Nate to get past his problems a little quickerMy favorite ship:  Parker and Hardison!!!  PRETZELSMy favorite character:  Probably a toss-up between Eliot Spencer and Parker, with Alec Hardison a CLOSE thirdMy favorite season:  EVery SINgle ONE OF THEM!!!My least favorite:  ?????  Who I wish would have stayed till the end:  I guess it would have been cool if Maggie could have shown up a few more timesWho I wish would have left the show sooner:  no one?  I love them all?  even Nate who can quite frankly be obnoxious? :DWho I think is the most cheated character:  the cool thing about Leverage is that it does a fabulous job balancing the screen-time of all the team-members in every episode.  And while they each have “spotlight episodes,” no one is ever over-shadowed by the othersWho got more screen time than they maybe should:  I have nothing to say here, see previous answerWhat drew me to it: the modern day Robin Hood vibeWhat kept me watching:  the lively characters, the found family trope in full effect, the fun cons, the sarcasm and witty banter!If I would recommend it:  ABSOLUTELY GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW
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magdaclaire · 7 years
Hey, idk if you're taking prompts rn but I have one for standrew: the boys go to Vegas for a work thing (or maybe for a coworkers birthday/bachelor party bc then more of the buzzfeed crew could be there) but they get wasted and get married. I know it's cliche but I can't stop thinking about it.
Ask and ye shall receive a fucking monster, here you go, it’s 2000 fuckin words because I have no chill. Uh anyway, here you go for lovesick Andrew Ilnyckyj who insists he’s not that drunk (he is). 
“Andrew,” Steven singsongs, pulling at Andrew’s hand to drag him down the well lit Las Vegas strip. He’s smiley and soft in the neon lights, already very drunk for only eleven at night, but Andrew can only judge so much; he’s a little drunk too. He lengthens his strides to match Steven’s, but neither drops the other’s hand, both finding it a little too nice to not have to say anything. Last time they held hands, Adam was between them, and while Andrew loves Adam with his whole heart, he thinks he might like this arrangement better. Steven squeezes his hand and Andrew comes back to the present, making a noise out of random. This is who he is when he’s drunk: wandering mind and sporadic noises. The sporadic noise may be a specific influence from a certain co host, but that’s neither here nor there.
“You’re so cute,” Steven says, running a finger along the length of Andrew nose with a grin. Andrew finds himself smiling and tries not to call himself in love, because falling in love with a man like Steven Lim would be the worst of ideas. You can only stare at the sun for so long without it beginning to hurt. They’re not even in Vegas for Worth It or for anything else that might bring them personally together; they’re here for Zach and Eugene’s respective bachelor parties, which despite getting married to one another, they refused to have separately, much to the frustration of one Keith Habersberger. Steven pulls on his arm to get him out of his own head again - he’s good like that.
“I’m good. I’m cool. I’m totally present,” Andrew says, pausing to squeeze Steven’s hand in return, admittedly a little late. He doesn’t know why they’re holding hands, but he’s not going to contest what Steven has decided should happen. He’s bad for that, but that’s okay. Everything’s okay right now. As they continue walking, they pass the Chapel of Crystals - pass is a relative term here, meaning they make it one step hence before Steven is pulling Andrew backwards.
“Andy, Andrew, Drew, we should get married. It would be so fun. I wanna get Vegas married! Let’s get married,” Steven rambles excitedly, pulling on Andrew’s arm again. Andrew isn’t drunk enough for this. He isn’t, but he follows Steven anyway, because Steven looks so bright and happy and if this is the chance Andrew gets to be married to Steven, he might just be pathetic enough to take it. And it would make Steven happy. Andrew literally runs into Steven’s back when the younger man stops, nearly knocking both of them to the ground. Steven turns and they’re still standing so close, but Andrew doesn’t know what to do. It’s solved for him when Steven gets down on one knee.
“Andrew, you’re my best friend, and there’s no one I’d rather do this with. Marry me?” Steven asks, taking Andrew’s hand. Andrew thinks for a terrifying moment that he might actually cry at this sham of a proposal, but instead he just nods, pulling Steven off of the floor and into a hug. Steven is taller than him, but Andrew is broader, so the way that their bodies come together feels like balance. With arms braced around his neck, Andrew is content to stay there for as long as Steven will let him, which is a lot longer than he expected. It’s perhaps two minutes before the taller man is urging him on again.
“Alright, let’s do this,” Andrew says, forcing some false reluctance into his voice. Despite being a no-fun curmudgeon, Andrew does think getting Vegas married sounds kind of fun, without all the shit he feels about Steven. That’s a fucking melting pot anyway. Steven grabs his hand again and drags him into the Chapel, swinging open the door that says Open, 24 Hrs. Andrew is just glad they’re not breaking in or anything. For some inexplicable reason, he doesn’t think it would be the first time Steven has broken into something just for his over enthusiasm’s sake.
“Hello, what would you two gentlemen be interested in tonight?” a kindly woman asks, smiling a shark teeth kind of smile. Andrew doesn’t know how else to describe it, but it’s like she’s smiling, but in a mean way. Like his third grade grammar teacher, but at a shitty Vegas strip Chapel. Steven looks a little intimidated, is holding onto Andrew’s hand harder, so Andrew speaks up.
“We’re here to get married,” he says, because he doesn’t know what else to say, but she just nods anyway. They’re guided through less paperwork than Andrew needed to get his first tattoo, and then they’re led to a room that’s set up like a church hall. It’s a little too fast for Andrew’s drunken mind, but he’s not that drunk, so it must just be really confusing. He’s totally not that drunk; he’s not Steven.
“We’re getting married,” Steven whispers giddly, speaking of the devil. His cute little giggles make Andrew want this even more to be real, make him wish that Steven wanted this to be real. Instead of tripping into that depression spiral, he takes his hand out of Steven’s and slips his arm around Steven’s waist. The other man seems to like that development, immediately looping his arm around Andrew’s shoulders. Andrew can’t stop himself from pressing his face into Steven’s neck for just a moment, though he does not press the kisses he wants to there. He’s not that drunk.
“You make a lovely couple,” shark lady says, and then she leaves them alone with the priest that Andrew has only just now noticed. He’s a pretty young guy, maybe Adam’s age, and he looks tired. It’s like eleven thirty at night, so no one can fault him for that, least of all Andrew or Steven. Steven’s toasted at this hour, this early as hell hour, so they can’t judge. Soon they’ll be a defined collective unit. Andrew might throw up. He’s not that drunk. He’s happy to marry his best friend, even if it’s just for fun. This is fantastic; he’s created another depression spiral to avoid, all by himself.
“I’m going to start marrying you now. If you don’t want to be married, leave,” the guy says, and then he begins with their marriage rights and what all. Andrew gets caught up in how Steven looks in good lighting, like he always does, but this time Steven is looking too. They’re facing each other now, hands clasped in front of the priest, and they both lose time just looking at one another. The officiator has to clap his hands to get their attention, making Andrew explain how to pronounce his surname before making him repeat it. In a moment, they’ll be one legal entity. In a moment, they’ll be married.
“Do you, Steven Lim, take Andrew Ilnyckyj to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the priests asks, his tone bored.
“I do,” Steven says, grinning.
“Do you, Andrew Ilnyckyj, take Steven Lim to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the priests asks, his voice dragging even more.
“I do,” Andrew says, trying not to split his face open on the smile he can’t keep at bay.
“I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss.” Andrew had forgotten about this part. Steven, it seems, did not, with his hands on Andrew’s jaw, cupping his face ever so softly, his thumb stroking Andrew’s cheek. The taller man bends and places the softest of kisses on Andrew’s lips, a soft kiss that immediately turns into something dirty as Andrew takes control of it. Steven’s grip on his face gets tighter, pulling Andrew as close as he can be, and the kiss gets dirtier with Steven’s tongue in his mouth. The priest claps his hands again and the two of them jump apart.
“You can’t have sex in our Chapel. Vacate. You’re married - find a hotel,” he says, and everything comes crashing back in. They’re celebrating Eugene and Zach’s marriage, they shouldn’t be on their own getting married and fucking around. Steven’s smile drags him out of that as Steven’s hand drags him out of the Chapel, right into the street. Instead of finding a hotel, or rather the hotel since they already have a room, Steven pushes him against the brick of the Chapel, taking and taking and taking. Andrew gives as good as he gets, nipping at Steven’s lower lip and making him moan. He doesn’t want to pull away.
“We have to get to the hotel, Stevie. We gotta go,” Andrew whispers in Steven’s ear, playing with the skin beneath his ear. Steven moans and nods, squirming a little despite not being the one pressed between a hot body and a hard place. He pulls away from Andrew but not far, linking their hands again. Andrew hates how familiar that already feels, and wonders how much he’ll miss it when it’s gone. Steven stops them again, pressing him against another building’s wall.
“No grumpy cat face, Andrew. We just got married,” Steven says, but it comes out kind of as a whine. He presses a kiss to the ‘grumpy cat’ expression on Andrew’s mouth, making the older man smile. Andrew slips their hands back together and pulls them towards their hotel, another few blocks, but not far enough that they should catch a cab. Steven pulls their hands apart and slings his arm around Andrew’s neck, adopting the standing that they had earlier, in the Chapel. Andrew doesn’t know if he can stop smiling as he loops his arm around Steven’s waist, tucking his face into Steven’s chest.
“You’re a good husband, Steven Lim,” Andrew tells him, nearly quiet enough to be a whisper. Steven squeezes his shoulders, bringing him closer. It’s a little hard to walk like this, but it’s definitely worth it, at least to Andrew. Heh. Worth It.
“You could say this marriage is… worth it,” Andrew jokes a little louder, and Steven dissolves into giggles. He’s so pretty and cute and so far out of Andrew’s league, he feels lucky that they’re even friends. And now they’re married. It may or mayn’t be real - it was supposed to be a joke, but Steven kissed him like it was real - but for now Andrew is just happy it happened. It feels real when Steven kisses him on the forehead, but Andrew doesn’t know. He mentally shrugs it off and keeps walking to their hotel, pulling the keycard out of his jacket pocket in anticipation when they reach the lobby. They make out lazily in the empty elevator before kissing against their door, not bothering to go in yet.
“Steven! Andrew! You’re back - oh wait, Jesus,” Ryan Bergara says from probably fifteen feet away, starting to talk to them at twenty and realizing at fifteen. When they pull off, they see Ryan red in the fact, Adam looking tired but knowing all the same behind him.
“I told you not to talk to them when they came in,” Adam says quietly, but mostly because everything he says comes out quiet. Ryan nods and backs into the room he shares with Shane, just looking resigned at this paradigm shift. Andrew wishes he could be so calm with it.
“Wait, you knew?” Andrew asks, looking at Adam. Andrew didn’t know until they were already married that this was even a fucking option.
“Well, yeah,” Adam says simply, and exits into his own room. Andrew looks at where he’s still got Steven trapped against the door, and when the two of them make eye contact, they both fall into laughter. They lean against each other like that, holding on to each other and falling against their door. Andrew unlocks it and they step through it, guiding Steven over so that they lay on the bed together.
“You think we’ll be okay in the morning?” Andrew asks once they’ve sobered a little, bringing the mood down. Steven rolls from his back onto his side directly beside Andrew, leaning over to look him directly in the face.
“I’ve been completely in love with you for months, Andrew Ilnyckyj. As long as you keep kissing me, I think we’ll be just fine,” Steven says, pressing a kiss to the tip of Andrew’s nose. Rolling back over, Steven promptly falls asleep.
Andrew thinks he can handle that.
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If it's not too much of a bother, and if you're not already swamped with requests.... could I get some Sherlock x reader/MC? I need more content of my sweet sass boy. Preferably fluff. Thank you!! 💖
Sassy sherlock is definitely a favorite of mine too!
“I can’t believe you drained it!  Do you know how long it took to get theperfect mixture in there?!”  Sherlock’svoice was recognizable even as MC stood a few doors away from 221B.  The windows hung open giving her and everyoneelse a front row to the fight Sherlock was having with John.
“You call that a perfect mixture?  It was mostly slime!  How was I to know it wasn’t a failedexperiment gone wrong, again.”  John’svoice cracked with indignation and it did have MC wondering what he could possiblybe talking about. Then again it was that usual time someone would go throughand clean for Sherlock, he and MC took turns, though it was technically herturn John had been picking up the slack for her.  
She had meant to thank him but had been so busy as of latethat she had barely a moment to really talk to either of them.  Finally she had a few days off while thestage crew set up, and it lined up with the latest Sherlock case beingsolved.  There was a bit of guilt thatshe hadn’t been more helpful when Sherlock did try to bring her along, shereally was trying hard to be a good assistant. However in trying to work both jobs she found herself spread toothin.  It was Sherlock’s idea that shefocused on the play.
“You could’ve asked!” Sherlock groaned, MC tensed at the noise, he sounded so upset.  She hoped she could help him calm down, butthat was dependent on how important that ‘slime’ had been.  “What do you suggest I do now?��  
“Even if I asked I was still going to drain it, no one couldbreathe with that mess stinking up the entire flat!” 
“’Stinking up the’-  I’llhave you know that that mix was the perfect combination of all the recommendedscents! I’m running out of time John.” 
“Well… I guess you can use the stuff I have, and use mybathroom while I finish cleaning up in here? But no funny business!”   
MC suppressed a pout as she entered the home she shared withthem and Mikah, rehearsal had been hard and she had hoped to take a calmingbath or quick shower.  She focused onbeing happy and bright; she focused on making sure the grin was pleasant butnot too wide.  “I’m home~” She chirped upthe steps and all sounds of arguing went silent.  A few moments passed.  “Guys?” 
“Just a minute! Just a- oh move out of the way John.  Just a minute MC, stay where you are!” 
“Alright…?” The door to the study flew open as Sherlockrushed further up the stairs to John’s room and bathroom.  Mikah peaked his head out of his bedroom andtook a big whiff of the hallway. 
“At least that’s better…” 
“Hi Mikah, how was school today?” 
“Everything was fine till I came home… it was like a bombwent off when I opened the door…” 
“That bad?”  MC eyedup the stairs, her mind starting to wonder what they could’ve been up to.   
“Yes… you know… we could go order and pick up food togetherand let the guys finish shorting this all out?” Mikah threw open his door and rushed to her side looking almost giddy atthe prospect.  The way MC’s legs tensedat the idea of more walking though had her smile straining. 
“I’m sorry Mikah but I just… I think I’d like to just stayhome tonight, we can go another night okay?” He frowned and pouted, but nodded okay. Her heart tug at his look of disappointment, but as she started to thinka few more blocks worth of walking wouldn’t hurt a loud banging from upstairsmade them jump. 
“MC!  Please come upto John’s bathroom please.” 
She apologized again to Mikah, and tried to keep her backstraight as she climbed the stairs, the hot tension in her legs worsening witheach step.  Mentally she chided herselffor not stretching more before rehearsal. “Sherlock?” She reached the top and peered into John’s room and wassurprised to find it dark.   
“In here.”  Soft lightflickered from John’s bathroom. She turned the corner, and was surprised tofind Sherlock kneeling next to a freshly drawn bubble bath with a handful of candleslit around on the sink, and ledge of the tub. The soft smell of lilacs wafted from the warm water.  Sherlock was looking at the bubbles, stealingquick glances towards her.  The tensesmile she had been focusing on maintaining was gone in favor of a gasp and a lighttingling sensation flowed through her. She turned her attention back to Sherlock, she couldn’t keep the joy onher face.   
“What is this?”  Shetilted her head. 
“MC… you aren’t planning to enjoy this bubble bath I drewyou fully clothed are you?”   
“You drew for me?” 
“Hurry up before the water gets cold. I had the perfectmixture before that was meant to keep you feeling warm while relaxing yourtired muscles… but this will have to do.” Part way through his statement he seemed to turn inward muttering moreto himself than to MC.  She chuckledlightly before slowly getting ready for the bath.  As she moved carefully she couldn’t help butinhale sharply at the pain.  “Good to seeI was right.  You really must take careof yourself MC.  Now hurry up into thebath.” 
“Oh okay…” As she got in she could feel the way Sherlockwatched her, and stealing a peak at his expression filled her with warmth at theway his dark eyes observed her contemplatively. He was always thinking about her. 
“Now, this-“ he held up a porous like object, “is a loofah.  Now give me your arm so I can help you relax.”   
She giggled a little while following his direction.  Little but little MC relaxed into the warmwater, letting the scent fill her head, while listening to Sherlock tell her how the case went starting from when sheleft and he had to rely on John.  He made sure to quote everyone, most likelyword by word. Even as she laughed at what Sherlock thought was ludicrous, asshe nodded vigorously at his pride when he stated the facts he deduced, justlistening to him and feeling the way his fingers trailed along her arms, herback, her neck was all enough to make them both lose track of the time and takea well deserved breather.  
(Sherlock and John bickering tried to steal the show, but I hope this was enough fluff!)
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vegandoughnut · 5 years
PART 2: Cat Got Your Tongue?
Harper officially unlocks the front door to Furista's Cat Cafe. Carl helps her set out the chalkboard sign advertising their cats, cozy foods, coffees and teas.
"Who drew that?" Carl asks. Harper pauses with the store keys in her hand.
"Looks like they drew Trump in the bottom right cor---"
"That's not Trump that's Johnny Bravo. Okay, now that the doors are open, customers are going to start filing in. What we do is we hand out a little info card. The customer fills it out with their name, a little bit about themselves and they wear it like a tag, see?" Harper pulls out some lanyards with cute index cards clipped to them. "Then we match one of our cats to the customer. Every now and then the folks from the animal adoption agency will drop by and see if we'd take in a new cat. But you won't have to worry about that for a while"
"Oh. Oh right" Carl stammers, scratching at his small beard. Harper clears her throat. "Try your best to focus more on the customers than... well you know" Harper bobs her head side to side. "The cats are more important. Keeping things in order and so on"
"So, no chit chat or buddying up basically?"
"Exactly" says Harper with a feigned show of being impressed. She puts her hands on the hips of her denim overalls then the two head back inside the cafe.
"Smells so good in here" remarks Carl.
"If you say so" says Harper. Then Carl breaks into a series of sneezes. "Are you okay?"
"Just need to take my Benadryl. Excuse me"
"Okay make it quick because honestly..." she waits till he darts over to the bathroom in the back with his hand over his nose. "That's a problem".
Kitt whooshes past Harper carrying Whiskers, a curious grey cat.
"Uh, Kitt, did you help Kumlyun with the baked goods? Should you be handling the cats if---"
"Harper. I literally spent all morning Bob the Builder'ing this place. I just got done with the cookies, and the cinnamon buns are in the oven now" Kitt replies through slightly clenched teeth. "And my daily program says I'm supposed to do cat duties now"
"Okay. Just checking in. Making sure you're alright...."
Kitt mutters to herself as she carries Whiskers away. Harper wipes at her brow.
Pradeep saunters up to Harper, adjusting his crisp shirt collar and brushing coffee grounds off his knit vest, which was a shade of brown that echoed his skin.
"Yikes" Harper mutters upon noticing.
"You say something?" Pradeep asks.
"Oh no. Everything alright Gupta?"
"Yeah, by the way it's okay to call me Pradeep" he says, arcing his perfect eyebrow. "Problem, though. So, Carl, we.... we need to make sure he learns everything step by step and doesn't get confused. He seems really flustered and I think he should be rotated between posts within specific time frames. My daily program doesn't say I'm training after 12:00"
"And you think I'm supposed to handle that?"
"Stephen put you in charge of that for today. I thought you had a plan"
"Stephen said I would be the opener and organize the shifts"
"Exactly. Exactly Harper. Spot on" says Pradeep, trying to stop a sarcastic remark from casually rolling off his tongue. "And, have you noticed something? I mean, Kitt does a lot of back and forth work. Shouldn't I take over the counter while she sticks to cat duties for the next post? Her daily program looks crazy and mine looks stagnant"
"Gupta what is this about? Like I feel like you're trying to tell me something but being really, really evasive about it" Harper says, looping her thumbs through the belt loops of her overalls.
"I'll... I'll just get back to work" says Pradeep with a sigh of exasperation. "I already know who put this schedule together. We all do"
"Boris..." Harper mutters.
Harper watches him walk off and towards Kitt. "I knew it" she grumbles to herself. She eyes the two, reading how their body language changes upon noticing one another. She crosses her arms and radios Stephen. "Stephen, can I see you in the office in a bit?" She says into the radio.
"Not... just give me 10" he replies over radio.
"Hey Harper. You look tense. Need a minute?" Asks Kumlyun very suddenly. "We have a scheduled Special Guest coming in apparently, who ordered a doughnut box. Want me to take oversight for a sec?"
"Uh. Sure" says Harper. Kumlyun flashes a quick friendly grin. Harper watches her shiny black bob bounce as she returns to the counter, rolling up the oversized sleeves of her slouchy knit turtle neck sweater.
Harper takes over behind the counter with Anekke and the very quiet and antisocial older guy Humbert, who came in for the noon shift.
"Am I good to go?" Anekke asks Harper. "I was literally only supposed to cover for Kumlyun's morning post in case she couldn't make it but she's here"
"Gotta ask Stephen. We might need an extra hand when our Special Guest arrives" she replies. "We might have an uptick in guests because apparently this person is a well known local artist"
"Great" says Anekke grumpily, folding up a doughnut box from flat cardboard into a functional vessel. She squints at the guest order on the computer screen. "Oh crap. Are we out of blackberry sauce?"
"I'll go run and get it" says Harper, light on her toes. "Um, Gupta, I mean, Pradeep? Do you mind?" Harper calls across the cafe. Pradeep puts down Shadow the cat and walks over to the counter.
"I'll barista there" he says. "Get it?"
"That's a horrible joke. It doesn't even work. You should be arrested" says Anekke rolling her eyes. Harper exits the cafe, stepping over black and white cat Bon Chan playing with yarn.
"Hey, the credit goes to Carl on that one" says Pradeep.
"Oh gosh what's wrong with him?"
"Guys" Humbert says with a condescending tone of warning in his voice. The door chime jingles and a customer walks in.
Kitt dashes over to greet them and give them a tag.
"Where the hell is Carl?" Pradeep asks.
"Probably in the office?" Anekke suggests.
"While he should be training?" Pradeep sighs and opens up a bag of sugar cubes to put into the display bowl on the counter. He eyes Kitt as she greets the customer, takes a look at their now filled out card, and matches them with one of the cuddly cats. The customer, cute kitty in his arms, takes a seat on a velvet stool at one of the dark chest table pieces.
Kitt goes back to tending to some of the other cats.
In moments Carl shows up, his nose red. Pradeep furrows his brows and folds his arms as he watches the scene unfold.
Carl tries talking to Kitt who tries her best to be friendly but dismissive. Then the customer ring the little bell on their table and Carl goes straight for them.
"I'd like a black coffee please" says the guest.
"Coming right up, William sir"
"I go by they/them pronouns"
"Oh s-sorry, William.... person"
"You literally can just say William" the guest says through a forced toothy smile.
A flustered Carl goes to the counter to prepare the black coffee.
Pradeep passes him a mug then watches intently. Carl lifts the cafetierre from off the old ceramic hot plate plugged in on the prep counter and pours the coffee. Pradeep hands him the card swipe tablet and watches Carl walk back to the customer to give him his order and accept payment.
"He's doing well" says Anekke. Humbert grunts. Pradeep and Anekke ignore it. More guests come in. Kitt hands them name tags and pencils. Some walk up to the counter. Things start getting busy at the bar. Harper returns with a reusable tote over her shoulder and joins the barista crew.
"Blackberry sauce for the doughnuts" she says, carrying with her the crisp autumn air.
"Perfect" says Anekke. Anekke sets the completed order box on the counter near the register.
"Hi, black tea latte, with sugar, great"
"The Feline Green smoothie please. Extra kale"
"Waffles, no butter. Just berries and maple syrup"
"Pink Paws smoothie. Can I get a salad with ummmm.... the tricolor peppers and the house olive oil vinaigrette"
"Waffles with butter and sliced bananas, hold the maple"
"Tabby Citrus smoothie but combined with the Feline Green except no avocado"
The counter and kitchen becomes frantic with activity.
Kitt prepares the daily raffle box but stops when the door chime jingle.
"Oh no.... is that.... the Special Guest?" She whispers to herself. She could not believe her eyes.
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