#the drawings are not great but i just finished my uni classes and im tired af
endlesslytired · 5 months
full version of the Cotton Eye Boothill joke that I made is finally done 👍
most editing I've put into anything yet holy moly
the previous post I made of the work in progress
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kurstudying · 4 months
Long time no see!
It's been months since my last post, my summer wasn't that great, I got into my desired uni and grade (I didn't know what was coming ahead) In summer I spent July going into Korean classes, later I found a job and worked in untill September (when I started clases) Every free day I had I spent it playing videogames like Resident Evil or watching videos on youtube (and more) I don't have many friends, but its fine.
The first day of Uni was horrible, and then horrible untill December I decided to quit, because it was bringing me nothing good, I love architecture but...there were MANY problems for me: I had to take 4 hours by train everyday (not a big problem) but I used to study in the afternoons, and I ended up coming home untill 22...23...sometimes...midnight (the train used to delay a lot) That caused me extreme anxiety everyday... And I had to stay overnight to study or finishing projects or I would just go to sleep because of my tiredness, has been horrible to me. I used to do every drawing late, I would always skip classes when I had an exam around the corner, I never studied because I always was feeling too tired and my mind was telling me to stop, plus i cant do anything on the train because i had to finish projects that were more manual...
Besides that, I didnt understand anything from classes and always felt dummier than others (still do)
So after a night of wanting to finish like 10 homework drawings from classes I missed from drawing subject, I ended up crying at 3 am. I didnt want to live like this everyday for 5 years. This isn't the uni experience I wanted; tiredness, bad anxiety and not taking care of my body. I had a goal with that degree, but I still can make It without It!
So after going to my parents room at 3am crying, I told them that I didnt want to continue going there, they knew i had been feeling down for the lasts months, so they understood. I had a talk with my father the next morning, while crying...
The nexts days and weeks I ended up worrying to much about what I wanted to study. It took me months to decide.
I like; science, phsyics, art, videogames, universe, math, design, biology, political science, sociology I like to talk about issues around the world...
I was between law, law and political science, criminology, engineering aerospace, biomedical engineering and more.
I ended up choosing biomedical engineering, I saw a girl explaining her degree and making videos about It. I'd loved It.
But when I saw the scord of admission... My world fell down... It was 12.611/14. It was imposible for me to go in. Besides, they only admited 20 people on the degree.
But I didnt give up, I wanted to retake the exam admissions. I decided to retake them even if i had to have a 10 on every exam.
Bad idea...
I ended up pocrastinating untill 2 months before, I studied on April and May like 300 hours... Not enough...i payed 360€ for these classes of preparation...not enough... (im saving the material, so its not a waste)
But this week... It has been horrible, I couldnt even study more, my body was telling me to stop working, i have bad anxiety and I have been diagnosed with adhd. I wanted to do the exams, but for what? I know I wont get the perfect scores, and I have been having this stress and anxiety for nothing! Im going to do a degree of tech lab and biomedicine, its not a uni degree, but this way I can get to my desired uni, or even go to study abroad the degree I want! Its another opportunity to get myself together and make my dream come true, no Matter if I have 21 years old. I always wanted to study abroad and im going to make It, even if I failed twice this year.
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1112lw · 5 years
Every question!!
1: Name: Arche/Jupiter, my close friends know my real name so!
2: Age: High school has just been done so try to guess
3: Fears: Heights, oral presentations, the dark
4: 3 things I love: Drawing, men- concept art n stuff like that
5: 4 turns on: Oh here we go- uhh thighs, messy hair? when they give u The Look or when they. say things i will not talk about here HHGBDF n uhhh Arms 👀👀
6: 4 turns off: weird macho attitude, overly confident bullshit, being selfish and fuckboys in general
7: My best friend: not sure what this means but my bff is named Daphnée n i love her and ive known her my whole life so 
8: Sexual orientation: homosexuale
9: My best first date: :))))))) as if
10: How tall am I: sigh. I’m 5″4
11: What do I miss: sometimes i miss the feeling loved ig
12: What time were I born: 12:19
13: Favourite color: pink!
14: Do I have a crush
15: Favourite quote: My senior quote!! “if what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, I’m telling you I’m immortal”
16: Favourite place: well? my room ig? I like my yard too
17: Favourite food: ugh ramen,,,korean dishes are TASTE as fuck but i also like classic ass spaghetti so like lol
18: Do I use sarcasm: does it look like i dont
19: What am I listening to right now: dr.phil LMFAO
20: First thing I notice in new person: Hair and eyes!! also how they laugh
21: Shoe size: Like. a 7-8 in women’s 6 in men’s 
22: Eye color: Hazel/Golden yes bitch let me be special
23: Hair color: it’s either dark brown or golden brown idk
24: Favourite style of clothing: bruv its either kpoppie fuckboy or uwu skirts pastels
25: Ever done a prank call?: no i have anxiety
26: Meaning behind my URL:
27: Favourite movie: rise of the guardians and HTTYD
28: Favourite song: Comeback Home (BTS cover)
29: Favourite band: looks in the camera i dont know nan molla huh
30: How I feel right now: I’m fine im hungry
31: Someone I love: shoutout to my babeys in my server ily
32: My current relationship status: Single(tm)
33: My relationship with my parents: theyre fine ig just a bit tired
34: Favourite holiday:
35: Tattoos and piercing I have: Ear piercings? that’s it
36: Tattoos and piercings I want:
37: The reason I joined Tumblr:
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I sure hope not?
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? A bit ig?
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Literally no
41: When did I last hold hands? Like last Friday
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i havent shaved in like months
44: Where am I right now? in my room, in quebec, canada
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? bitch i sure hope my friends would
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? fuck my ears 
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yeah
48: Am I excited for anything? yeah? yeah
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? ig? always
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? just at work tbh
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? not long ago i cant tell but my friends r cuddle monsters so 
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? i havent kissed anyone so 
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lemme think uhhh no not rlly im not dumb 
54: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up n i thought i had school lol
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? oh john cock i want to be ur best friend
56: What do I think about most? i daydream 24/7
57: What’s my strangest talent? uhhh i can put my thumb behind my hand?
58: Do I have any strange phobias? trypophobia, if thats “weird”
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? depends on what the video is, mostly behind
60: What was the last lie I told? idk answering to my deadname
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? online
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I slightly believe in ghosts? also aliens GOTTA exist so 
63: Do I believe in magic? i think!
64: Do I believe in luck? yeah
65: What’s the weather like right now? very pretty i filmed a video outside!!
66: What was the last book I’ve read? L’Étranger d’Albert Camus in french class
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes my dad’s a mechanic
68: Do I have any nicknames? a lot a lot
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? bitch @ my birth #neverforget 
70: Do I spend money or save it? i have 40$ in my name right now
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? yes highlighter
73: Favourite animal? cats or otters
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? FBISDFD NO WE DONT TALK ABOUT IT
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name idk he can have any last name he wants!!!
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? everytime i start hearing “waiting for you anpanman” or “i just wanna go home” 👀👀
77: How can you win my heart? aaahh. be a twink. b fashionable. b funny. cheesy. pls romance me like a npc in the sims 2
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? s(he) died smh
79: What is my favorite word? cunt is SUCH a satisfying word
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr? oh great uh honestly cant be fucked 
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? please have brain. PLEASE
82: Do I have any relatives in jail? i sure hope the fuck not?
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? either invisibility or mind reading
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? ahaaa “what are your intrusive thoughts”
85: What is my current desktop picture? my lesbian sims getting married LMFAO
86: Had sex? no
87: Bought condoms? no
88: Gotten pregnant? NO
89: Failed a class? i think yeah maths last year
90: Kissed a boy? :(((
91: Kissed a girl? no
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no
93: Had job? I have a job rn so 
94: Left the house without my wallet? yeah when i go to school
95: Bullied someone on the internet? define bullying?
96: Had sex in public? virgin squad
97: Played on a sports team? yeah
98: Smoked weed? no ew
99: Did drugs? no ew
100: Smoked cigarettes? NO EW
101: Drank alcohol? yep 
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no i’d die
103: Been overweight? i’m twig
104: Been underweight? i think i was underweight when i was young? i was very Small
105: Been to a wedding? yes very long boring
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? bruh. everyday
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? probably?
108: Been outside my home country? ONCE
109: Gotten my heart broken? TWICE !
110: Been to a professional sports game? yesss canadians game!!
111: Broken a bone? no
112: Cut myself? not technically 
114: Been in airplane? once
115: Fly by helicopter? i am not rich bitch
116: What concerts have I been to? noneeee- WAIT NO MARIE MAI
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? not sex but for the purpose of pretending i have a penis yes plenty
118: Learned another language? yeah!! i learned english, i almost learned spanish and i’m trynna learn korean now
119: Wore make up? i try!! but i’m not super good
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? not 18 yet but it’s goin that way
121: Had oral sex? as if 
122: Dyed my hair? i wishhh
123: Voted in a presidential election? I WISH THE ELECTIONS R ONE MONTH B4 MY BIRTHDAY 
124: Rode in an ambulance? nope
125: Had a surgery? yes at a week old 
126: Met someone famous? i think yes but i was super small
127: Stalked someone on a social network? define stalked?
128: Peed outside? yes
129: Been fishing? YES
130: Helped with charity? i think? we do volunteering so 
131: Been rejected by a crush? not directly
132: Broken a mirror? no 
133: What do I want for birthday? boyf......boy..boyff
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? oh man uhh maybe 2-3, i dont know their names yet honestly
135: Was I named after anyone? MY DAD NAMED ME AFTER A FUCKIN CLIENT HE MET. as for my actual name now I named myself after my fav video game character. lit
136: Do I like my handwriting? yeah!!
137: What was my favourite toy as a child? bitch hot wheels
138: Favourite Tv Show? hells kitchen,,,,judge judy,,,anythin like that
139: Where do I want to live when older? honestly i wish i could just live in japan or tokyo, or new york? but i will most likely end up in montreal 
140: Play any musical instrument? i used to play the clarinet last year!!
141: One of my scars, how did I get it? the one on my knee, i scratched my desk with my knee 
142: Favourite pizza toping? my dad makes AMAZING sea food pizzas,,,
143: Am I afraid of the dark? a lot
144: Am I afraid of heights? A LOT
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? idk prolly? im a bit of a goody two shoes or however u spell it
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end: dont we all
147: What I’m really bad at: organizing my anxiety n shit i get overwhelmed
148: What my greatest achievments are: finishing high school 
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: honestly has to be that time someone dug up my vent post about being dysphoric to try to say i hated myself with some dumbass DySphorIa Is SelF HaTRed argument
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents’ debt off, buy 284223$ of BT21 merch, pay my whole college/uni and transition
151: What do I like about myself: idk i like how i literally do not give a fuck anymore and ive learned to love myself instead of trynna care
152: My closest Tumblr friend: @peptobismol-official​ @ace-landofthesun​ @dorkalisious​ and ana but idk her @ anymore :((( ana pls
153: Something I fantasise about: we dont talk about that
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal?: lit. please stop crawling in my ceiling !
ok now that u know my whole biography. go doxx me ig. bye bye
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taesthetes · 7 years
helloooo:-) so I have an upcoming exam that's rly important and constitutes like 70% of my grade for the whole yr, and this yr is rly important bc it determines my class next yr and subsequently my career.. I did really badly for the first exam, which is 30% and I'm Super stressed right now bc I can feel the pressure to do really well in this upcoming exam, as to get into the class that I want to I technically have to be in the top 3 of my class.. I was top 6 last time (continued in another ask)
and I recently dropped a subject in order to pull up my grade…. but i’m still super stressed and I’ve been rly moody and emotional nowadays… the exam’s in 3 days and I think I am pushing myself too hard now but I really really need to do well in this exam.. idk there’s loads of emotional stuff going on in me and i just wanted to let it all out😓 i hope u don’t mind but do u hav any advice on how to stay sane and calm and not so emotional? i think im overreacting a bit too😶😶
hi, sweetpea!! i’m sorry for the late reply; i check tumblr less and less frequently now that uni started up again and i’ve been busy. but omg 70% of your grade?? what kind of academic hell is this??? i’m sorry you didn’t do as well as you wanted to on your exam ): trying to be in the top 3 sounds so competitive and stressful wow… but you’re in the top 6!! you only need to move up three places, so that isn’t too bad! and you have three more days to study and prepare!
it’s good that you know your limit and that you dropped a subject so that you won’t overwork/overstress yourself out. i completely understand you since i felt the same way basically my entire academic career and even right now because i overload on classes a lot and there were/are so many important exams going on at the same time. and you’re always welcome to come talk to me and rant and let out all your frustrations!! :)
hmm, as for advice, i’d have to say:
make a schedule. break up your studying in moderate intervals. designate certain times for each lesson, chapter, subject, etc. for instance, if you break it up by chapter, maybe spend an hour on it, then take a ten minute break before going back to studying it another hour, depending on how long it takes for you to understand the material. you won’t get too overwhelmed with studying this way.
don’t spend too much time stressing over one concept or chapter. i personally spend two hours on one chapter max because there’s so many other chapters to get through, and if you spend all your time on understanding one chapter, you won’t have time for the rest, and it’s better to know all the other chapters and not understand one chapter than completely understand one chapter, but forget about all the rest.
don’t cram. i do this all the time, but i get a lot more stressed out when i do this because there’s this panicky feeling that i can’t finish studying everything in time.
take breaks. i cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. your brain needs to rest; you cannot overuse it and overload it with so much information. you’re not going to remember it all that way. go get a snack or go outside for fifteen minutes.
exercise. i take out a lot of my anger and frustration by going to the gym and working out really hard. i feel much more calm and relaxed, albeit a bit tired, after a good work out. it also keeps your blood flowing and pumping throughout your body, and you feel more energized and ready to sit down and study.
do some breathing exercises. when i get too emotional and moody, i like to do some breathing exercises, which helps to calm me down. inhale, count to five, exhale, count to five, and repeat the entire process for a minute or until you feel a bit more relaxed and calm.
scream into a pillow. honestly, sometimes all you need is to let out your emotions, and screaming is a good way to do it. but muffle your screaming with the pillow so you don’t scare other people or anything lmao
talk to someone. voice your concerns and worries with someone, and you’ll usually feel at least a little bit better afterwards. i’m always here to talk if you’d like! but i feel like face to face conversations is better with this method.
do something fun. go out and get lunch with your friends, draw a picture, read a book, watch an episode of your favorite tv show. just do something that takes your mind off of studying for a bit, so you don’t get overwhelmed and stressed from constantly studying.
get a good night’s rest. do not forgo sleep in favor of studying. that’s a terrible idea. your body and your brain needs that time to rest, so you can be awake and ready to go the next day. you’re not going to get much studying done when you feel sleepy and sluggish either.
that’s all i can think of for now, but i hope my advice is helpful to you!! you’re always welcome to send me another ask if you’d like! and best of luck with your exam, sweetpea!!! i know you’ll do great 💕
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