#the difference between the eyes is a whole -1.00
nancywheeeler · 10 months
i cannot remember the last time i left the eye doctor feeling like my prescription was right
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tzalmavet · 6 years
since I just finished CONFINIUM act 1 version 1.00 I’ve got a LOT of little thoughts and wonderings about it
long post full of big spoilers below the cut!
First off, it’s really good game.  Like, REALLY good.  I definitely enjoyed it, and am very eager to see what act 2 will have in store.
Zones Jupiter and Saturn are probably the prettiest places I’ve ever seen in an OFF fangame.  Especially near the beginning of the game, before the spectre attacks start getting more frequent; they feel very peaceful and beautiful, and not unrealistically so, either.  They’ve both got a lot of very creative things going on in them.
The boss fight with Alpha was the most interesting of the three Add-On boss fights.  I hesitated the longest before attacking it, because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen if I destroyed it.  Its presence felt a lot more real, since you get to chase it down and see the spectres and mayhem it leaves in its wake.
Zone Pluto was really short.  It’s near the end of the game, yes, but it’s supposedly the capital city, and cities are big.  The theater building felt nice and realistic, like many places in CONFINIUM do, and it would’ve been nice to see more of what Pluto is really like.  After how breathtaking and lively the previous zones were, it seemed very tiny and I wished it had more things to do in it.
Speaking of Pluto, where was everybody?  In zone Saturn and the return to zone Jupiter, we know what happened to the people there.  But with Pluto, it’s completely deserted with no explanation, and the lack of hints about what caused it makes it a lot less scary than the previous zones.
The violence shown on screen felt perfectly brutal.  Seeing how scared the civilians are, seeing them get attacked and suffer, is an extreme contrast to their peaceful, pretty environment. Pilot and Navigator are a lot more human than Batter from OFF; their rushing in to defend and console the civilians they’re fighting for feels very personal, and I quickly got attached to them and the other people in the zones.  I was relieved for every man I saved, and felt really bad for every burnt I had to kill.
The hospital was scary.  The atmosphere was extraordinarily tense, with the perfect amount of distressing and nauseating things to see.  If I had to complain about one thing with it, it’d be how the burnt patients respawn when you reenter the maps they’re in; they’re not hard to fight, but their tragic deaths would weigh a lot heavier if they stayed down after being killed.
You know what?  The whole return to zone Jupiter was scary.  After having seen how happy Pilot and Navigator were there, and looked around at all the people casually living their lives, it was so ominous to return to find it almost completely deserted.  The game’s transition into horror caught me off-guard in just the right way.
I’m extremely curious about Pilot and the caramel extract.  It’s even mentioned in his bio how dependent on caramel he is, so I was always keeping an eye on the caramel in his inventory, and feeling like it was a big anvil hanging over him, waiting to fall and cause a tragedy. This also plays a huge part in what made the hospital so scary.  I’d had Pilot save a man from a burnt much earlier, and he gave away his caramel ration to the survivor so that man wouldn’t burn, too.  So when I got to the hospital-- full of his former comrades turned burnt from overconsumption of the stuff-- it filled me with dread to see him anxiously reach for his caramel to cope with the stress, only to find there wasn’t any left and he’d have to remain calm without it.  I’m not sure if it would’ve been better or worse if he’d still had it on him at that moment.
Continuing about caramel, I found the fellow in the morgue and exchanged the patient records (which I enjoyed reading, they really added to the atmosphere) for some more caramel.  I waited for the time when Pilot would reach for it again, but he never did.  The caramel looks like it can be consumed at any time outside of combat, but I was never sure if I’d need it later or not.  I was kind of let down that it was never brought up again. Did I miss something that could’ve made Pilot burn?  There were a lot of scary things in the hospital.  Is it even possible for him to burn in-game, or is it not a real risk?  Would things have gone differently if I’d never completed the sidequest for the man in the morgue?  Does Pilot simply feel better having caramel with him just in case?  Would things have actually gone bad for Pilot if he’d kept the caramel from the military and eaten it on the stairs instead of giving it away?  What if I’d had him eat the first caramel before he could’ve given it away to anyone?? (I could probably answer all these caramel questions by opening the game’s R3PROJ file in RPG Maker, but I'd really rather not dig through its files at this point)
So yeah, now I’m worried about how well Pilot might fare in zones 1 and 2, since sugar and dessert seem to only exist in zone 3 on that side of the world (at least, that’s how it seems in OFF, as the people in zone 1 only acknowledge four elements).
I liked the parts of the story that focused more on Pilot and Navigator than I did the parts focusing on Frog Prince.  I did like Frog Prince’s parts, but I also figured out who he really was very quickly; I had less to learn about him than I do about Pilot and Navigator, who are new characters that I’m still getting to know. Pilot and Navigator’s lives are a lot more relatable, especially early on.  Seeing them interact with each other, interact with other people, start their plane, call their superiors to give status updates, and try and get a signal for their radio, made their adventure feel that much more real, and I felt for their struggle throughout the whole game.  Whenever they spoke, they had my complete attention.
The cutscenes between the King, the guardians, and the, uh... big evil toad, were just right.  I have no complaints about them.  They were mysterious, and served well to make me progressively more intrigued by the plot and characters.
Seeing Zacharie as a doctor/researcher was interesting.  It’s a fan theory I’ve seen before, but never in a fangame.  I think it was handled well, here.  I could dig it.
Did Sugar ever get her “cure” to the King??  I mean, we travel with Frog Prince all over the place pursuing her, she apparently met with Zacharie to get it, and we find her in Pluto, but nothing resembling a cure is found after she vanishes or Epsilon is defeated.  And the King doesn’t exactly appear to be in perfect condition when we reach him, either.
The chase to shoot down the final boss was nice, refreshing, and challenging, but the actual fight with it in the nothingness felt too easy.  Pilot was level 14 during the fight, and the battle mode was set to “active”, but the fight wasn’t complex and I never felt like I was in danger of losing.  None of my party members died during the fight.  I can also say that the optional surprise fight with the Hern was much harder than any of the real bosses, which isn’t a good thing.  The only boss that felt about as hard as the Hern was Naamah, but she’s not an Add-On or the Trinity.
The text boxes during the Add-On fights that mentioned them “getting distorted” made me think they were going to transform throughout the fight or go through multiple stages.  It surprised me that none of them did that.
The random encounters in Pluto felt like they needed more variety.  At many points, it felt like the Lurker, Jorunna, and Crying Spectre were all I was fighting-- most certainly not helped by the fact that I’d already seen the Lurker and Jorunna in the hospital.  CONFINIUM has less monsters than other fangames and that’s perfectly fine, but Pluto’s small size and high encounter rate made me feel overexposed to those ones in particular.
The game ended on a perfect cliffhanger.  Plane crash?  New character to meet?  Wondering if any of my party will still be alive in act 2?  I’m invested!
I could go on but this post is already super long so I’ll end it here. CONFINIUM is a cool game, and I loved playing it!
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nmyiira-blog · 7 years
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Tumblr media
I will be making you a custom texture, a custom border, any size you want, and whatever fc you want.
I will use your texture/border if you prefer.
I HATE how loads of rp help blogs will make one icon with the fc’s face taking up two pixels, and the next icon their face takes up the whole icon. I WILL NOT DO THIS. I will make them even like the two icons below.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I will NEVER make them like the two below here
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I will be paying different amounts for different amounts of icons. Generally it will be about $.75 for 50 icons or $1.00 for 100 icons. (cost may change over time, but never without a warning) You can use THIS to see how much that will cost where you live.
I will charge extra if your character has special/different eyes or hair color to their fc. You will need to IM me for me to decide what charge difference there will be (but it most likely won’t be much more), but I will still give you quality icons.
Please do not come to me asking for what you want, come to me telling me that you want some icons! Please do not just drop ‘i want 50 icons of jacksepticeye with a green border plz’ in my inbox, instead, come to my IM and say ‘hey, can you make some icons for me?’ I will p much always say yes to that (unless I’m not taking requests at that time)
I will require that you pay me via PayPal.
It will take time for me to make icons. I am in school at the moment which takes a lot of time out of my day. It can take 2-3 days to get a hundred icons done at minimum, but I will always let you know when you are next up on my ‘icons to get done’ list!
No, this blog is still and forever will be an rp blog, with icon commissions happening few and far in between.
Please don’ be afraid to hit me up via ask or messaging, I’m very nice and I definitely want to work with you to make some cool icons!
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harrypark-blog2 · 4 years
Connecticut Car Shipping Service
If you are looking for a licensed and insured auto transport service to move your vehicle from your current home in Connecticut to your new home or apartment, Smart Auto Move can help. Our auto transport company has been making moves easier for transitioning homeowners for years, and by getting FREE auto shipping quotes, you can take advantage of these experienced car shipping companies so you won’t have to deal with the challenges of car transportation logistics. We’ll deliver your quote in minutes from our top-quality auto transport company in Connecticut.
Do you want to ship your car with a reliable Connecticut auto transport carrier?
Smart Auto Move is one of the best auto transport, and car shipping companies for Connecticut and chances are you’ve seen our trucks on the highway delivering new vehicles from the manufacturers to the dealerships, Now you too can get that same professional auto transport service for your move, We are also a Better Business Bureau accredited car shipping company.
 How much does it cost to ship a car to or from Connecticut?
Auto transport on an open car carrier to or from Connecticut is generally in the .40¢ cents to .50¢ cents per mile range depending on the price of fuel at the time of shipment, so a 2,500-mile trip will costs roughly about $1,000. Shorter car shipping trips may cost less overall but have a higher rate per mile; this is because it generally will take the driver the same amount of time to load and unload the vehicles, regardless of the distance he drives. For the first 1-500 miles, the average rate is typically $1.00 per mile, so a 375-mile trip down the coast might cost $375.00. The longer the distance, the lower the price: Moving a standard sized car 1000 miles will drop the rate to .75¢ cents a mile, or $750.00, while taking it 3,000 miles could cost around $1,200.00.
 Connecticut vehicle shipping quotes can vary based on vehicle size, weight, its operational condition and any modifications, seasonal demand, and the type of transport you prefer whether you choose enclosed, expedited or standard coast to coast car shipping  Smart Auto Move will deliver the best service and price in the industry.
Safe And Reliable Connecticut Car Shipping Services By A-1 Auto Transport
If you are looking for a much slower pace of life, then Connecticut might just be the place where you can find it. There are rolling hills, small and medium-sized towns and just a more serene sense of place here. In fact, many people opt to relocate here from the major cities in the northeast hub with good reason: the state, on the whole, is very family-oriented and provides clean and wholesome living. Whether you are planning a visit to Quaker country to glimpse life in yesteryear or want to peruse the various towns in search of some place to possibly live, you’ll want to have your trusty vehicle with you to explore.
Car Shipping Companies Near Me
Looking for auto transport companies near you in Connecticut? States are closer together in the northeast, making a nearby transport not as tough on your car. However, if you plan to move outside of the Northeast, Connecticut may feel like a lifetime away from everywhere. No matter how close or far away you need a vehicle moved, we are here to help with a team of professional drivers. Head to A1 Auto Transport to compare brokerages and carriers with trucks in your area right now.
Tips For Using Connecticut Car Transport Companies
Since many people use their vehicles to move to Connecticut from the city, there are several options to keep in mind when it comes to Connecticut car transport.
·         Get the most affordable means of transport possible: Since you don’t have far to go, there’s no sense paying a ton of money to ship your car, trucks, vans or SUV. If you are coming right from the city, then look for an affordable Connecticut car shipping company that can get the job done in a timely fashion. Go to online auto transport review sites, and read BBB accredited reviews of the business you're researching.
·         Gather all pertinent information: Since you are hoping for a fairly quick transaction, make sure that all of your papers are in order for your Connecticut automobile shipping order. From the title of your car to a copy of your insurance and driver’s license, if you have everything you need ahead of time, the process will be just that much faster to get your automobile on the carrier.
·         Scout the area for depots: If you don’t want to pay the extra dollars for delivery to your front door – a luxury you may just want to go ahead and pay for – then you need to scout the region for the nearest auto shipping depot, so that you can quickly retrieve your vehicle from the carriers.
Connecticut vehicle shipping is one of your best options if you plan to travel to the state in the near future. Additionally, it is great for those that are relocating to the area and need one less thing on their to-do lists. If you have plenty of other stuff to move, Connecticut auto transport will ensure that your car gets delivered to you in a timely fashion while you take care of all other aspects of your moves.
Visit the Connecticut Department of Transportation website for more information on shipping your automobile to Connecticut.
Long Distance Auto Transport to/from Connecticut
Long distance auto transport can be arranged using an open or enclosed carrier, from your doorstep to your exact destination, or between terminals. Driving your car to and from a terminal and opting for an open carrier will reduce costs. On the other hand, door to door shipping is more convenient, and enclosed carriers are faster and protect vehicles from external factors during transport.
Another thing to consider is how close you current and your new homes are to a major city or highway. Shipping your car to a small town or to an obscure location may increase the price. In this case, transporting it to a terminal for you to pick it up from can be a better option.
International Auto Transport from/to Connecticut
Besides the actual shipping, A1 Auto Transport can also deal with customs, arrange for a ship to take your car overseas, and have a carrier pick it up from the harbor when it arrives in the other country.
As a side note, beware of import taxes before you decide on international auto transportation. Some countries try to discourage car imports by raising taxes to an unreasonable level. You should check how much you’ll have to pay before shipping the car.
After you’ve confirmed the price is within your budget, call our office to discuss the shipment. There are also a few documents you’ll have to prepare which will be explained by our staff over the phone.
Cheap Car Transportation Options in Connecticut
Auto transportation doesn’t have to be expensive if you take a extra few steps before and during the booking process. Before calling any one company, do a background check to see who you’re working with.
Especially for long distance transportation, larger companies will be able to keep costs low due to a solid system established over the years. Companies with a small fleet of carriers will not be able to reach every part of the US as easily, so they might have to increase the price to take on your shipment.
As a side note, you should always be aware of scammers. They’re as present in our business as in any other, and you can usually detect them through their unusually low prices, large down payments, and poor websites.
After choosing a company, call and ask for their rates. Request an open carrier, as this is usually the cheapest option, and see if there are any terminals near your ideal pickup and drop off locations. Finally, our company also has several discounts and seasonal offerings. You can take advantage of them if you meet our criteria.
Shipping Luxury and Classic Cars in Connecticut
Enclosed car shipping is definitely the best option if you want to make sure your Connecticut luxury or classic car is completely protected. Even though it might be more expensive than contracting an open carrier, vehicles are safer from prying eyes, weather conditions, scratches, dirt, or debris in a well-equipped covered truck.
As a bonus, shipping your antique or vintage cars is done much faster with an enclosed carrier than with an open one, as it usually houses fewer vehicles and therefore requires fewer stops, long routes, etc.
Connecticut Special Discounts
Any senior or student that chooses our auto transport services for his/her vehicles benefits from a preferential price. Military members enjoy special discounts as well. Other clients that do not fit these criteria can enjoy the seasonal offers that A1 Auto Transport presents from time to time.
Auto Transport Safety Measures in Connecticut
Regardless of your choice of open or enclosed auto transportation, the most that can happen to your car while it’s being moved are a couple bumps or scratches.
If it’s going to be traveling on an open trailer, it will be exposed to the elements, road debris, etc. However, this is not different from the way it’s expose when you drive it each day.
But unlike when you drive it, on an auto carrier its mileage doesn’t increase and there’s no chance of a flat tire or of something breaking. Beams and the surrounding automobiles also offer partial protection against weather conditions.
A-1 Auto Transport ships worldwide. Click Here or call 1-800-452-2880 to get a free, no obligation to buy, price quote for your shipment.
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How to Request a Price Estimate
We recommend either using our ‘Get an instant quote’ form or calling us directly to receive a price estimate. Both versions only take a few minutes. Make sure you complete all the fields if you’re going to use our form and explain your request in detail if you’ll call us directly.
Despite having a large fleet of carriers, we may be booked completely in the short term, especially during the high season (summer). So, if you want to book our services, the sooner you do so the better. Call now to make sure we’re available on the date you need us.
Connecticut Auto Transport Companies Directory
Apple Towing
This company has been providing regional auto transport logistics in the Hartford area for many years, for those that need a simple move locally but don’t have the time nor the resources to take care of it on their own. A trusted company in the area with friendly drivers.
602 Tolland St, East Hartford, CT
Apple Towing
Capo Auto, LLC
Capo Auto offers quality hauling services of automobiles, motorcycles and boats in and around the Hartford, CT area. For those that need a car moved from one area to the next or need localized auto transport might opt for a quote from this long-standing company in the Hartford area. Open air or enclosed auto transport options to help with relocation of different vehicles. Licensed, bonded and insured.
115 Park Ave, East Hartford, CT
Cape Auto LLC
AA Car Shipping Auto Transporting
If you are shipping in and around the New Haven area, then AA Car Shipping can help to take care of your auto transport needs. Offering a wide range of transport options, this allows you to work with a company that you can trust to get your vehicle from one point to the next — both local and nationwide auto shippers throughout the United States. They usually have competitive pricing rates, seasonal discounts, and military specials. Call or email them today for a free quote online at their website.
1 Long Wharf Drive, New Haven, CT 06511
Registering a Vehicle in Connecticut
A vehicle needs to be registered, so you can use it freely in Connecticut. It does not matter if you are new to Connecticut, or if you own a brand new vehicle. There is an easy registration process for your first time in the state.
A valid vehicle insurance is one of the requirements you need to meet to register the vehicle in Connecticut's DMV.
You have about 60 days to complete the transfer of your old car registration to Connecticut's DMV if you are coming from a different state.
Prior to your registration, new Connecticut residents must have the VIN verified and pass the emissions test at the testing area. There are few a exemptions, which entirely depend on the vehicle you are bringing.
After you have completed the initial process, you need to see the local DMV office and prepare the following requirements:
·         Vehicle's Registration Certificate,
·         VIN inspection report,
·         Current Connecticut insurance ID card,
·         Any acceptable ID (Valid ID, DL, Military Identification Card),
·         Pay any applicable fees.
Reminder: You need to be sure you do not have parking tickets or overdue taxes or a record stating your registration was previously suspended.
Once you have become a new Connecticut resident, you will be given 30 days to complete the transfer process from your previous state to a license issued by Connecticut.
Registering a Used or New Vehicle in Connecticut
As part of CT's compliance, you need to comply with the state's criteria to register the vehicle in CT.
Your vehicle's registration will not be processed due to these reasons:
·         Your car registration was suspended.
·         You have unpaid tax duties.
·         You have records of unpaid parking fees.
·         Your vehicle did not pass the CT emission tests.
Used or Brand New Vehicles
You must perform the following before the registration process:
·         Bring your vehicle to an emission evaluation facility to perform the test.
·         Complete the VIN verification process at a station to see if the vehicle may be exempted from an emission test.
After your vehicle passed the test or completed the verification of VIN, see your local service office or Connecticut's DMV office along with the following documents:
·         A duly completed Application form for Registration together with a Certificate of Ownership.
·         Certificate of Registration (if registering a pre-owned vehicle) and the present Title Certification.
·         A Sale Document.
·         A valid CT insurance ID card.
o    This ID card may be requested by the insurance company and your name needs to be on it.
·         Any valid identification card (Learner's permit, ID card, Driver's License).
·         Payment of registration fees.
Purchasing a Vehicle (Private Individual)
When you purchase a vehicle, the information below may apply, especially if it comes from a private individual:
·         If the last owner discontinued the registration and has surrendered the plates, the buyer needs to register the car and request the title to be transferred under the buyer's name before he can drive it.
·         In case the last owner discontinued the registration and has not surrendered the plates, there is no issue using the vehicle. The title must be endorsed and the car needs to be listed under the new owner immediately.
·         If the last owner was not able to register the vehicle for some time, and an emissions test is required, the buyer needs to get in touch with the DMV office to apply for a tentative registration for a vehicle inspection and complete the registration.
Leased Vehicles
When you are about to register a leased car, observe the similar steps listed above which are applicable to used/new vehicle registration. Additional information listed below is also needed:
·         The leasing license from the CT DMV.
·         Original copy of the POA document (duplicate copy is not accepted) which states who is authorized to sign papers on behalf of the leasing office.
Reminder: A CT insurance ID card can be listed under the leasing office or in the new owner's name. If the vehicle is going to be used for test driving, the insurance card should be listed under the leasing office.
The leasing office's address and name should be included on the form. (Application for a Certificate of Title and Registration). The POA needs to sign the document.
Expired CT Registered Vehicles
Upon the expiration of the vehicle's registration, the owner needs to renew its registration. If it has not been renewed for more than two years, the owner needs to visit the nearest local CT DMV office with the following details:
·         Present your registration renewal notification and the license plate information.
·         Connecticut's DL.
·         The vehicle needs to have no compliance issues, like unpaid property taxes, parking tickets, and emission test requirements.
·         Payment for registration and a late fee of 10 US dollars. If the vehicle registration has expired more than 2 years ago, you must complete a form to secure a document which will include the title and original registration of the vehicle. The new owner is required to place the new plates on his car.
Tentative Vehicle Registration
You may secure a tentative registration if your vehicle's registration has ended (especially when it needs an emissions test or safety evaluation).
You must observe similar steps listed above when you need to register a used or new vehicle. However, you must indicate you are applying for temporary vehicle registration documentation for the vehicle inspection purpose.
Reminder: Temporary registration cannot be renewed. Therefore, you must complete the emissions test or safety inspection at least in 10 days upon receipt of the registration document.
Connecticut's registration fees: The car registration fee in the state differs based on vehicle type.
Regular fees are:
·         For passenger cars: 80 US dollars valid for two years.
·         Business vehicle: Starts at 47 US dollars for one year (price differs depending on a vehicle's weight)
·         Motorcycles: 42 US dollars valid for two years.
·         Trailers (for personal): 19 US dollars valid for two years.
·         Snowmobiles: 20 US dollars valid for two years.
·         Electric automobiles: 38 US dollars valid for two years.
Other additional fees also include:
·         Clean Air Fund Fee: 10 US dollars.
·         Parks Fee is 5 US dollars per year.
·         Environment (Reduction of Gas Fee): 5 US dollars
·         Late Charge: 10 US dollars.
·         Municipality or Contractor’s processing fee: Maximum of 8 US dollars.
New residents are required to pay:
·         Emissions testing fee: 20 US dollars.
·         Vehicle Identification Number evaluation fee: 10 US dollars (cars which are exempted from the emissions test).
Military personnel's vehicle registration in Connecticut: A military member who is on active duty may register a vehicle when out of CT and will be exempted from paying certain fees.
Registering Out-of-State Vehicles
Generally, you may register a vehicle if you’re out of state via mail.
You need to include:
·         Recent US military identification card.
·         Recent CT insurance identification card (should either be listed under the leasing company's name or your name).
·         An Application for a Title Certificate and Registration form.
·         Federal Odometer document (if the vehicle was sold from a dealership).
·         A paid invoice or Deed of Sale (if the vehicle was newly purchased).
·         A Waiver for Registration Fee application form (for those on active duty in US Military Armed Forces.
·         For a new vehicle, an original document stating the manufacturer's origin, which is assigned to the owner.
·         For pre-owned vehicles, an out of state document, including the new owner's details.
·         An Vehicle Identification Number Form from outside the state (needs to be acknowledged by a law enforcement representative).
Reminder: When registering a pre-owned vehicle, it needs to pass an emissions test at the testing facility before registration, unless there is an exemption.
Fee exemptions for military vehicles: A military member who is on active duty is exempted from these charges:
·         Renewal and new registration fees.
·         Tentative plate charge.
·         Safety plate fees.
·         Clean Air Fund fee.
Replacing a lost CT vehicle registration: Once a CT vehicle registration is lost, damaged or stolen, a duplicate copy may be requested either via mail or in person.
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louisdeprez1992 · 4 years
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2.      Why you should buy online
3.      Why physical stores are turning to online
4.      Some hidden facts you should know
Step by step guide to buy diamonds
If you are planning to go the online way then you’ll be presented with a lot of variations and without physically visiting shops to purchase the one which you find the most beautiful for your love.
In case of diamonds, they are defined by color, cut, clarity and cut – combined as 4C.
The price of the diamond varies as per the variations in the 4C characteristics. For example, a diamond with higher color value will be priced higher. Same theory is applicable to other characteristics as well.
However, the prices increase exponentially as the carat weight of the diamond increase. Let me share a brief introduction to the 4C of a diamond –
Color: The color ranges from D-to-Z. D being the whitest and the whiteness decreases as we move from D to Z. Color grades less than D are very rare.
Cut: The cut of the diamond determines how well it unleashes its light making it to shine from all its corners.
Clarity: Diamond clarity refers to the absence of inclusions and blemishes. Generally, these inclusions are not visible to the naked eye.
Carat Weight: Diamond carat weight determines a diamond’s apparent size.
 Why you should buy online?
Some people are generally anxious in buying diamonds and diamond jewelry online since it involves large amount of transaction not sure how secure is the online way. I am pleased to share with you that now there have a number of reputable online stores all over the world to cater to you needs. The online transactions are done under secure layer and a lot of options to choose from while scrolling through your mobile device!
Still confused?
Well, let me tell you - you can zoom into many times to see every detail of the diamond and even make a custom ring online. O! I forgot to share with you that some online stores give you an option to choose the diamond and setting metal of your choice. Once done, you can select the ring size and can also add any engravings and that’s it!
Not only this, these vendors have excellent return policies, so returning is never an issue if you don't like.
What else? you can even go for an EMI if you are strongly inclined to the ring and that goes a little higher to your budget. Shipping works wonder. Shipping from these vendors are secure and they include insurance to every purchase made. And no need to mention that for safe drop-off and pickup ONLY reputed agencies are hired.
What next? Go and check some online website for the variety of options available!
PRO TIP – Diamond jewelry sold online is 30-40% cheaper compared to the jewelry shops as the way diamonds are sold, diamonds are less expensive for online vendors. Also, it saves the rent, staff salaries and interior decoration and maintenance expenses.
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 Why physical stores still exist?
From our past experiences, we have seen that not everyone is comfortable buying online. Some have an old age history of purchasing the jewelry from the trustworthy jewelers. The shift from offline to online stores has already started due to many factors as already discussed. But there is a sense of trust, comfort and satisfaction when you go to the store to make a purchase since you know the owners, staff and can physically touch the jewelry item you are going to purchase.
Chances are you can hit a good deal at the physical store - good deal I mean the prices are competitive to the online stores, but you are more likely to fall in the sales trap. I am saying you should stick to online purchase only but you can get best price while shopping at your own pace.
Still, if you are more comfortable shopping with the physical store, we have some recommendations for you.
It’s always a good idea to investigate their credibility with local organizations. Confirm to see the certifications from various gemological organizations, and better would be if they provide any client references.
Some hidden facts you should know
 1.      Verify the certificate – The characteristics of a diamond can be summarized under 4C – Cut, Clarity, Carat weight and Color. Our naked eyes can no differentiate between .96 or .98 carat weight or a change in color and other parameters. It’s always a good idea to ask for the verified certificate for the diamond.
PRO TIP – The difference between a diamond of 1.00 carat weight (whole weight) and 0.98 carat weight would be marginal but the prices for both of them would be higher.
2.      Diamonds exists in 2 forms – Natural and Lab grown diamonds. Natural diamonds are the ones which comes directly from the mines whereas lab grown diamonds are the ones generated in the lab under high pressure and high temperature. Lab grown diamonds are much cheaper compared to natural diamonds and poses the same physical structure same as natural diamonds. Do keep this in mind while purchasing a diamond.
3.      Diamonds shapes like round diamonds are expensive compared to other shapes. The reason is – around 40-50% of the rough diamond gets wasted while cutting the round diamond. The percentage decreases for other shapes thus making them cheaper compared to round diamonds.
4.      Every certified diamond has a unique EAN/ certificate number which is unique throughout the world.
5.      If you are going to make any adjustments to the ring then make sure to collect the leftover setting metal after the job is done.
6.      Finally, always keep the bills and related certificates/ insurances with you safely as you may be required to reproduce them for any adjustments later on.
For more visit armas
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toomanysinks · 6 years
The thesis of Patreon
Can Patreon become a powerful, multi-billion-dollar company at the heart of the global media and entertainment industry? It’s founders and investors certainly believe so.
In this Extra Crunch EC-1, I dove into Patreon’s founding story, product, business model, and competition. Now I want to dissect the foundational thesis of where Patreon could unlock massive economic value. If it turns out they got the thesis wrong, tactical and product details won’t save it.
As I see it, Patreon’s thesis includes four hypotheses:
There’s a ton of untapped economic value in getting the mid-tail creator market to adopt membership business models.
Creators will adopt membership business models once they become exposed to the idea.
Creators need a dedicated “membership” service independent of the platforms they use for most of their content distribution and social interaction.
By owning membership, Patreon will be able to expand into providing numerous other products and services to creators.
I agree there is substantial untapped opportunity for mid-tail creators to leverage memberships, that Patreon can secure meaningful market share even amid competition by the largest content distribution platforms, and that being the dominant infrastructure provider for creator memberships is a highly strategic position from which to expand into numerous other products and services for creators. Where I’m more cautious is regarding the pace by which creators will adopt this and the percent of mid-tail creators for which this is a good fit. Let’s dig in.
Reading time for this article is about 11 minutes. Feature illustration by Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch.
1. There’s a lot of untapped economic value in getting the mid-tail creator market to adopt membership business models.
Creators produce media content for others to consume online and are independent (and not employees) of large media companies. The “mid-tail” creator is an individual who has a dedicated base of “true fans” probably numbering in the hundreds or low thousands. From my research, there are no good metrics for how many such creators exist.
Patreon wants to be the platform for mid-tail creators, which it defines as creators who can earn $1,000-500,000 per month through its platform. Currently, the platform has about 133,000 creators earning at least $1.00 but only 4,300 of them fit into that category. Those 4,300 drive most of the $500 million in payments it expects to process this year, however. Conte said of the number of creators who could fit in this range, “it’s hundreds and hundreds of thousands of those creators, and we have a very small proportion of them now.”
These creators are underserved small businesses
Whether they’re sole proprietors hustling for side income or full-time production teams shooting videos in a studio, mid-tier creators are businesses. However, as I explained in my analysis of Patreon’s product, these are customers not typically thought of as small businesses, and even if they are, they’re usually seen as too complicated, low ROI, and volatile. These mid-tail creators are not being chased by top talent managers, agents, record labels, etc. because they don’t command enough earning potential (in the eyes of the traditional industry). Creators are entrepreneurs, but unlike other types of small businesses, they need to stay focused on creating their product and interacting with fans, not managing a business.
Without time to handle business, these mid-tail creators are then left with advertising as a reasonably simple revenue model. Having thousands of passionate fans, though, may generate enough ad revenue to cover lunch, if they’re lucky. Plus, they often are not even creating content to appeal to a massive global audience anyway. Instead, they want to provide a lot of value to a more targeted audience than advertising allows.
If you remove advertising from the picture, then every potential revenue stream comes back to the same subgroup of fans: superfans who care enough that they will buy merch, event tickets, albums, art prints, and basically anything that a creator produces. The superfan-creator dynamic isn’t just transactional, like buying a pair of shoes from a store with good reviews. Rather, it’s quite emotional. Superfans don’t just value the final output, but also the process of creation and the person doing it. They want access to the whole thing.
If a product targeted mid-tail creators, however, it could address their particular needs, and this is where Patreon steps in. SVP of Product Wyatt Jenkins described the challenge of serving this customer: “There’s a tension between capitalism and art that exists in the world that we can’t untangle, we just have to do our best. So all the language in all the product is like teaching artists business. That’s the challenge we face everyday.”
Membership unlocks value
A membership business model is like a subscription to a community. Membership is about fans paying dues (on a recurring basis) to be part of a creator’s inner circle, receiving a mix of perks like exclusive content, access to discussion groups, members-only merchandise, first dibs on event tickets, video calls with the creator, etc. There can be different tiers of membership that provide better perks. Beyond the tangible benefits, it also provides deeper emotional value to fans: being (formally) part of a tribe.
Membership is a business model that can be distinctly applied to the circumstances of content creators. Creators make for natural recurring revenue businesses, since loyal fans want to both continuously consume content and also want an ongoing relationship with the creator. People will pay to be your friend. It is not about trying to change who is popular or how popular they are — it’s about helping them make more money through deeper engagement with their core fans. It makes the mid-tail of creators fatter.
Patreon talks about membership as a fit for the 1-3% of a creator’s online fan base most passionate about them. For some niche creators, it could be much higher.
“It’s not in our mission to change the fundamental economics…there are some creators who are popular and some who aren’t…we can’t change that…we can give less popular creators the best tools to better monetize their audience though and sustain themselves as a creator.” – Jack Conte
On the flip side for creators, membership offers reliable, recurring revenue. They can choose to go full-time, make capital expenditures and hire employees based on forecasted income. As a result, mid-tail creators who are part-time or full-time but scraping by can evolve into a landscape of stable small and mid-size businesses managing customer churn and happiness. Especially if there are tools to understand those tactics and take action without having technical savvy or traditional business experience.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/12/patreon-thesis/
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fmservers · 6 years
The Thesis of Patreon
Can Patreon become a powerful, multi-billion-dollar company at the heart of the global media and entertainment industry? It’s founders and investors certainly believe so.
In this Extra Crunch EC-1, I dove into Patreon’s founding story, product, business model, and competition. Now I want to dissect the foundational thesis of where Patreon could unlock massive economic value. If it turns out they got the thesis wrong, tactical and product details won’t save it.
As I see it, Patreon’s thesis includes four hypotheses:
There’s a ton of untapped economic value in getting the mid-tail creator market to adopt membership business models.
Creators will adopt membership business models once they become exposed to the idea.
Creators need a dedicated “membership” service independent of the platforms they use for most of their content distribution and social interaction.
By owning membership, Patreon will be able to expand into providing numerous other products and services to creators.
I agree there is substantial untapped opportunity for mid-tail creators to leverage memberships, that Patreon can secure meaningful market share even amid competition by the largest content distribution platforms, and that being the dominant infrastructure provider for creator memberships is a highly strategic position from which to expand into numerous other products and services for creators. Where I’m more cautious is regarding the pace by which creators will adopt this and the percent of mid-tail creators for which this is a good fit. Let’s dig in.
Reading time for this article is about 11 minutes. Feature illustration by Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch.
1. There’s a lot of untapped economic value in getting the mid-tail creator market to adopt membership business models.
Creators produce media content for others to consume online and are independent (and not employees) of large media companies. The “mid-tail” creator is an individual who has a dedicated base of “true fans” probably numbering in the hundreds or low thousands. From my research, there are no good metrics for how many such creators exist.
Patreon wants to be the platform for mid-tail creators, which it defines as creators who can earn $1,000-500,000 per month through its platform. Currently, the platform has about 133,000 creators earning at least $1.00 but only 4,300 of them fit into that category. Those 4,300 drive most of the $500 million in payments it expects to process this year, however. Conte said of the number of creators who could fit in this range, “it’s hundreds and hundreds of thousands of those creators, and we have a very small proportion of them now.”
These creators are underserved small businesses
Whether they’re sole proprietors hustling for side income or full-time production teams shooting videos in a studio, mid-tier creators are businesses. However, as I explained in my analysis of Patreon’s product, these are customers not typically thought of as small businesses, and even if they are, they’re usually seen as too complicated, low ROI, and volatile. These mid-tail creators are not being chased by top talent managers, agents, record labels, etc. because they don’t command enough earning potential (in the eyes of the traditional industry). Creators are entrepreneurs, but unlike other types of small businesses, they need to stay focused on creating their product and interacting with fans, not managing a business.
Without time to handle business, these mid-tail creators are then left with advertising as a reasonably simple revenue model. Having thousands of passionate fans, though, may generate enough ad revenue to cover lunch, if they’re lucky. Plus, they often are not even creating content to appeal to a massive global audience anyway. Instead, they want to provide a lot of value to a more targeted audience than advertising allows.
If you remove advertising from the picture, then every potential revenue stream comes back to the same subgroup of fans: superfans who care enough that they will buy merch, event tickets, albums, art prints, and basically anything that a creator produces. The superfan-creator dynamic isn’t just transactional, like buying a pair of shoes from a store with good reviews. Rather, it’s quite emotional. Superfans don’t just value the final output, but also the process of creation and the person doing it. They want access to the whole thing.
If a product targeted mid-tail creators, however, it could address their particular needs, and this is where Patreon steps in. SVP of Product Wyatt Jenkins described the challenge of serving this customer: “There’s a tension between capitalism and art that exists in the world that we can’t untangle, we just have to do our best. So all the language in all the product is like teaching artists business. That’s the challenge we face everyday.”
Membership unlocks value
A membership business model is like a subscription to a community. Membership is about fans paying dues (on a recurring basis) to be part of a creator’s inner circle, receiving a mix of perks like exclusive content, access to discussion groups, members-only merchandise, first dibs on event tickets, video calls with the creator, etc. There can be different tiers of membership that provide better perks. Beyond the tangible benefits, it also provides deeper emotional value to fans: being (formally) part of a tribe.
Membership is a business model that can be distinctly applied to the circumstances of content creators. Creators make for natural recurring revenue businesses, since loyal fans want to both continuously consume content and also want an ongoing relationship with the creator. People will pay to be your friend. It is not about trying to change who is popular or how popular they are — it’s about helping them make more money through deeper engagement with their core fans. It makes the mid-tail of creators fatter.
Patreon talks about membership as a fit for the 1-3% of a creator’s online fan base most passionate about them. For some niche creators, it could be much higher.
“It’s not in our mission to change the fundamental economics…there are some creators who are popular and some who aren’t…we can’t change that…we can give less popular creators the best tools to better monetize their audience though and sustain themselves as a creator.” – Jack Conte
On the flip side for creators, membership offers reliable, recurring revenue. They can choose to go full-time, make capital expenditures and hire employees based on forecasted income. As a result, mid-tail creators who are part-time or full-time but scraping by can evolve into a landscape of stable small and mid-size businesses managing customer churn and happiness. Especially if there are tools to understand those tactics and take action without having technical savvy or traditional business experience.
Via Eric Peckham https://techcrunch.com
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pappyfowler-blog · 6 years
People need to wake up!
One thing I try to do in life is not judge others! However there comes a time when you have sat back, watched and heard ENOUGH! I am tired of judgements, I'm tired of hearing about trump, I'm tired of seeing school shootings, children murdered, dogs abused, mothers that do not give a DAMN to raise the children they had, memes making fun of bad situations, people airing all their business on social media, people being all in everyone else's business when they need to tend to their own, “Christian” people talking about how others live their lives and how everyone but them are going to hell, supervisors not doing their job and allowing their employees to suffer, RUDE individuals taking their hatred and misery out on the world, politicians who “CARE” so much yet each term the American people get only one “gift” from our government that only benefits like 15% of our country and the ones who aren't benefiting still love our president and representatives because they KNOW things will change!
I'm sitting here shaking my head, yelling inside “PEOPLE WAKE UP “.
I'm going to address some of these issues :
To all of you who judge human beings on this earth, first of all look in the mirror. I am positive that you have some skeletons in your closet. We are all human, made the same exact way, two genders Male/Female, not one of us is perfect SO WHO GAVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO PASS JUDGMENT ON ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF? This world was made so that we all could live here and be ourselves. Gay people have exactly the same organs and body parts as all of us, so do other races, addicts, Mcdonald's workers, teachers, preachers and our president. So what exactly are you judging? Their lifestyle choices? GUESS WHAT IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Worry about your family and their problems! Maybe if you did, our world would be alot better. Worrying about other people and what they are doing is the reason why our country sucks. No One can focus on the situations at hand because they are putting their nose somewhere it doesn't need to be.
School shootings? Why? Hey guess what if you know it's an issue, fix it. Put our veterans that are homeless and unemployed (due to our amazing system) in these schools and let them protect our children. Let the veterans meet every child at the doors and check them until this world stops their shit. Oh wait, the veterans are no longer any use to you right? They were good enough to fight for our ignorance, I'm pretty sure they qualify to watch over our schools. Sad part, they would do it for close to nothing, hell they don't have anything so 1.00, 3.00 or even 7.00 an hour would be fine with them.
About this whole hating the football player's still because they are kneeling. Sorry but they aren't hurting anyone. Guess what? America is supposed to be a freedom country. Free to have our own opinions, free to have our own beliefs. He is not disrespecting our troops or veterans. He just wants our country to realize the hatred against black citizens , and wants the violence of innocent black citizens to stop. I wouldn't stand for a country that condones violence against any person of color, specifically targeting African Americans and no one is doing anything about it. He wants equality, he wants justice for these people who are being treated differently because of their color. Our government allows this to happen and it's gross. He is putting his foot down on his beliefs and society doesn't like it. Why? Because society has forgotten what it's to think for themselves. He is sacrificing his career because he will not stand for a country that does not stand for all Americans. Our troops and veterans fought these wars so that we could have freedom. That includes freedom of speech and freedom to not agree with everything that goes on in the world. Why would you want to stand for a country that uses their people as puppets, brainwashing everyone into believing that their way of beliefs is the only way to believe or you will be an outcast in this country. Even if you don't believe the same, you will not confront them, go against them or challenge them because they have instilled in us that there's nothing you can do about it. We have to follow our government, the laws that they have made and our way of life they have set with no problems. What do we do? Listen and obey. We don't disobey our masters. REALLY? God gave us a brain and a mouth, USE THEM!
If you are not willing to raise, teach or support your child/children, then I beg of you to please use protection or don't have sex. 💯 These babies do not ask to be brought into this sad world, they also do not ask for parents that don't give a damn. Society wants to know why our schools are bad, why our children are killing each other, selling drugs, disrespecting anyone who passes them, doesn't finish school, hustling instead of working and growing into adults that will only help the hatred in this world because that's all they know. IT'S THE PARENTS!! Also, just because you have amazing parents, doesn't mean you can take advantage of them and pawn your children off on them. They DO NOT WANT TO RAISE THEIR GRANDCHILDREN! They want to spoil them and send them back to their parents. More and more grandparents are raising their children's children because they don't want them in foster homes or on the street. Im happy that they take a stand and raise their grandchildren, but why allow the parents to leave their responsibilities, just to be out partying, killing, hustling and sleeping with everyone they meet? Don't let these parents get away with popping children out and not being held responsible for acting as if they are not GROWN ASS PEOPLE!
IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN THEN STOP, I REPEAT STOP CONDEMNING PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD!  As Christians you should know that judging is not okay, it's not your job, It's OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S JOB. God says to love, God says to welcome, God says to be kind to every single person on this earth, God says to shine your light, not brag or speak of how RELIGIOUS you are. Do not put into words from your mouth about anything, if you are going to teach God's word, then teach it. Tell people what God says, Tell people how he wants us to live our life through Jesus, smile when you say you are God's child, help anyone who needs help, guide them DO NOT TURN THEM AWAY, DO NOT JUDGE THEIR LIFE AND THEIR MISTAKES, DO NOT TELL THEM THAT THEY ARE GOING TO HELL! You do not know any of our futures or what God has in store for us. As a Christian, we are supposed to welcome sinners into our church's so that we can teach them. Telling homosexuals, biracial couples ,addicts, criminals, unmarried mothers or anyone else that we are doomed for eternity and that God doesn't accept us is absolutely disgusting, disturbing and sad. Jesus is love, God is love! Love everyone, respect everyone, accept everyone. Why? Because on your judgment day God will be asking you why you didn't show love, forgiveness, compassion and kindness to others. Worry about your life and how you will one day answer to God. If you read your Bible, you will see that Jesus accepted, loved and treated everyone the same. He just wanted to teach the world about his Father and how he loves us all. Do the same!
I'm sure I could go on and on, but I think I will end this here. My point of this whole thing is this: Stop complaining if you don't intend on making some changes in the world by making changes within yourself. Our society will never realize that we are truly all equal and we are all in the same place, trying to work, feed our families, survive everyday issues, tragedies, wanting and needing more money, better insurance, peace between everyone, wishing and hoping everyday that all of the violence goes away, that our illness can be cured, that our children will graduate and go to college, happiness to finally come along and to just truly 100% be free to be themselves and not having to worry about how the world will react because they are different. Proudly showing who they are and not being killed, arrested or shunned away.
People WAKE UP and realize that all of the bs in this world could be better if we all made a change and start to share our opinions instead of hiding from society. Just be you, stand tall in your beliefs, understand that you are not any better than the rest of us, open your eyes to your neighbors and see who they truly are on the inside, instead of only seeing the outside, help anyone you can, teach the youth respect, responsibility, kindness, work ethics, morals, self worth, to stand for what they believe and love. Then pray that they take all they have learned and do something with their life.
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comic-watch · 7 years
An inside look at the Key Collector Comics mobile app, one of the most innovative tools to be introduced for comic fans, collectors, retailers, and industry professionals, to-date!  Founder, Nick Coglianese,  gives us a peek inside, plus details regarding the recent partnership with Valiant Comics, and the confirmation of  partnership with Coffin Comics and the biggest update yet!
‘The Origin of a Better Comic Book Collecting Experience Starts Here!’
Key Collector Comics hosts over 7,000 key issue comic books extracted from the Golden Age of the 1930’s to today.  The Key Collector Comics Database© is a concise and comprehensive resource that isolates issues of significance from the clutter of uneventful comics.
Additionally, the Key Collector Comics mobile app is equipped with a simplified price guide to help you make informed purchases without being an expert in grading the condition of a comic.
Having the ability to catalog the issues you own and create a wish list of the issues you want makes the Key Collector Comics app the only thing you need to build a legendary collection.
‘The Man Behind Key Collector Comics, LLC, Founder – Nick Coglianese’
This is how the Key Collector Comics app is described on the Key Collector Comics website,  and due to my personal experience with the application, easily locating key issues, such as the first appearances of Moon Knight and Gwenom, for example, I found the Key Collector app extremely useful.
I decided to seek out the man behind the application and found myself speaking with its founder, Nick Coglianese, and after using Key Collector, being totally blown away by its functionality, and ease of use, I knew I had stumbled upon something that added value to my life, my collection, and it is totally free!  I thought it selfish to keep it to myself, thus finding it necessary to share our conversations with comic fans and industry professionals!
I asked Nick to tell me about himself and what led to the mobile app, and what follows is the story behind Key Collector Comics.
Nick:  “I’ve been collecting comics since 1989.  Like all kids, I’d imagine superheroes appealed to me, but it was when Tim Burton’s Batman came out in 1989, when I got really hooked.  It’s probably the same thing happening today to hundreds of thousands of kids which is why Key Collector Comics is so important, to give them a guide through 80+ years of comic book history.  I remember having the novel adaptation of the movie and reading through it two or three times.   Actually, it was before the movie even came out.  The trailer and commercials resonated so deeply with me, I didn’t even need to see the film, although I did, and loved it as much as I thought I would.  From there, I remember getting two graphic novels,  Batman Greatest Stories Ever Told and Joker Greatest Stories Ever Told, and it never abated.  I still have the same hobby as a 39 year old man that I did as an 11 year old boy.” Nick continues, “Unfortunately, I haven’t picked up a comic for the past two years, ever since I began building the database.  Funny thing is, I thought the database would take about 3 months and I’d be finished…here I am two years later and I’m still adding to it.  I don’t mean I worked on it here and there, over a two year period, I mean, not only have I not picked up a comic, but I haven’t turned on a television, or watched a movie!  People think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not.  I’d like to start hunting down books again but in the meantime, it’s really great to connect with people on social media and see what they’ve found with the app.  Honestly, it’s like collecting vicariously.  I truly get a lot of joy from seeing what my app is doing for collectors.”
‘The Conception of Key Collector Comics!’
CW: Nick spent two years completing the initial Key Collector Comics app, but it’s constantly growing, which means it is never really ‘complete’, as you are constantly updating the application with new key issues, but where did this idea come from?
Nick:  “I was always on the hunt for comics:  antique stores, flea markets, garage sales.  One day, I stopped into a used book store in downtown Milwaukee I had never been to before.  I didn’t even know if they sold comics, but the first thing that caught my eye was X-Men #221, 1ST appearance of Mr. Sinister for $1.00!  After returning a few more times and seeing fresh inventory, I asked if he had a decent amount of stock in the backroom.  He did not,  actually he had an entire basement filled with 30,000 comics at an off-site warehouse!”
“So I did what any comic collector would do and begged this stranger to bring me to this off-site warehouse, lead me into the basement, and request that he not kill me at any point during the process.”
“Truthfully it took a lot of time, going into the store, hanging out and establishing trust.  Turns out, we got along really well.  He’s a good and honest person and I find it easy to relate to people like that.  After a few months, we came to an agreement on how to split the profits of key issues I found, post to eBay, and sell.  He didn’t know much about which comics were worth selling, so I became valuable to him.”
“BUT, as much as I thought I knew, there was A LOT I didn’t know:  Sally Forth #4 – $100?!  Scud #1?! I had never heard of those books before, but discovered they were valuable based on a hunch, so I knew there had to be more gems that I couldn’t distinguish from the rocks.  I spent most of my free time, over an entire summer, down in that basement, which got tiresome after awhile, but I had an agreement with the owner and wanted to make sure that the trust this guy, who was now my friend, put into me, had a good result.  I found myself wishing there was a book, some resource that had JUST the key issues, ONLY the valuable stuff, without the clutter of hundreds of entries.  I hated searching each issue individually.  I just wanted to FLIP and SCROLL.  The whole situation got more mundane and I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore.  I figured I couldn’t be the only person who was in the same situation and might be turned off to collecting because of it.  So it just kind of hit me one day to create the database and put it on an app for total convenience.”
In case you are new to comic collecting or just not familiar with the term ‘Key Issue‘, the description per Key Collector Comics is:
What is a Key? First appearances, early appearances, origin stories, iconic cover art, classic stories and many other categories could be considered a “key issue”.  The truth is, it is up to each individual collector to determine what a key comic book is based on their own preferences.  Key Collector Comics mobile app offers a variety of different categories of key issues in order to be an effective sidekick for every collector.
‘The Functionality of the mobile Key Collector Comics App’ 
CW: This sounds like a dream come true, but I had to ask Nick to elaborate on how exactly the Key Collector App works? Nick:  “The app has 3 main search functions:  Search by Title – while you’re flipping through a series of multiple issues and if something on the screen matches something in the box, you found yourself a key issue.  For example, between the Amazing Spider-Man #316 (1st cover appearance of Venom) and #344 (1st cameo of Cletus Kasady who becomes Carnage), there are no issues listed because not much happens that we still see the repercussions of today, therefore the app will not have any issues listed.  Collectors can assume that these are $1 books and consider that in the valuation of a collection.  Some people like to catalog every single book they own but it’s time consuming, so why not just catalog the comics that matter?”
“Search by Character – reveals the history of any of the thousands of characters in the database, from 1st appearance, to where they are today and the milestones that happened in-between, to define who they are.  For example, Wolverine, with Key Collector Comics, you’ll know when his berserker rage was first introduced to the mythos, when he was first called Logan, his first fight with Sabretooth, and the first time the words “I’m the best there is at what I do” appeared on the page.”
“Finally, Browse by Category – is really more for fun than anything, but also for the newest users who want to find a recommended classic story-line or want to see 100 Iconic Superhero Covers.  There are currently 75 or so categories to browse by.  Admittedly, I’ve been so overwhelmed by the response to the app that I haven’t been able to give that browse option the attention it deserves, but I will very soon.  For now, in that section, you can also see what new keys are added on a weekly, sometimes even a daily basis.” “Collectors can also catalog the issues they own and assign a grade to it and also build a wish list for what they want which is hugely important because if you’re like me, anytime I go to a convention or walk into my LCS, I go brain-dead. [This resonates so much with me, as when I come upon a treasure trove of comics, all of the sudden, I can’t think of anything I’m looking for and the Key Collector app has saved me in these situations!] The wish list will provide a reminder for the issues fans will want to seek out specifically before they browse.  The beauty of it all is that its all bundled together in one app.  In the past, you’d open your notes app to look at your wishlist, then you might check eBay pricing, or maybe you’d google a character to find out their 1st appearance,  and then you’d catalog whatever you may have purchased.  That’s 4 apps you have to open, and now, you open Key Collector Comics and everything you need is available to you, in an intuitive interface that requires zero learning curve.”
‘Key Collector Comics Partners With Valiant Entertainment’
  CW: On December 13th, Valiant Comics announced a partnership with Key Collector Comics, how did this happen?
Nick:  “I was able to secure a table at the NYCC last minute.  Someone had dropped out, and I dropped in.  I barely had anything as far as promotional materials go.  A couple computer screens on a loop and some fliers.  Needless to say, getting people’s attention was a struggle, but Dinesh*, being the kind-of-guy he is, inquisitive, passionate about the industry, humble – walked the aisles, shopped for comics and eventually came across my booth.  Again it was bare-bones and I didn’t fault anyone for whizzing by me, but Dinesh asked ‘What do you have here?’  I gave him the extended explanation, just like you’re getting, and he immediately grasped the concept, knew what the intention was, and wanted to see it succeed, because as he perfectly stated, ‘This is really good for the industry!’.  I was thrilled, he said exactly what I was thinking, validating what my intention was for building the app and being at the NYCC.”
“We had a few conversations in the weeks that followed.  I presented the Valiant Key Issue portal that connects fans directly into the dynamic universe of Valiant (which I can honestly say has the most creative stories, the diverse universe and incredibly beautiful art of any books that are on the market) and Dinesh accepted.  They help me with exposure and credibility while I familiarize the growing legion of Key Collector Comics members with the Valiant books in a non-invasive way.”
*Dinesh Shamdasani is the current CEO and Chief Creative Officer of Valiant Entertainment, and one of the most creative, ingenious marketing and creative minds in the comic industry.
According to Valiant Comics Media release,
Valiant Entertainment is proud to announce that it has joined forces with Key Collector Comics – currently available for iOS and Android – for their first official publisher partnership!  The free-to-download mobile app aims to make collecting the most seminal single issues from across the renowned publisher’s 25-year history easier than ever before with a complete list of Valiant’s biggest and most sought-after milestones!
Using the dedicated first-of-its-kind “Valiant Keys” button on the homepage of the mobile app, fans and collectors can access an extensive database full of information and pricing data for more than 100+ significant comic book issues published by Valiant, including first appearances, origin stories, gold issues, iconic cover art, rare variants, and more:
Harbinger #0 (1992) Pink Variant – a highly sought-after mailaway issue revealing the origin of the Renegades!
Eternal Warrior #4 (1994) – featuring the first cameo appearance by Bloodshot!
Quantum & Woody #3 (1997) – featuring the first appearance of Vincent Van Goat (aka “The Goat”)!
X-O Manowar#1 (2017) Brushed Metal Variant – Valiant’s first brushed metal variant cover printed via a special process on an actual brushed aluminum metal sheet!
Eternity #1 (2017) Massafera Variant – a rare 1:40 wraparound variant cover introducing the complete cast of the visionary new series by Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine, featuring fully painted cover art by Felipe Massafera!
Plus dozens more!
The Key Collector Comics app is a concise and comprehensive resource that isolates issues of significance from the clutter of uneventful comics.  It features information regarding over 7,000 key issue comic books, as well as a simplified price guide, robust search filters, and a cataloging system to determine the value of your own collection.
  CW: You mentioned a new partnership with Coffin Comics along with a new update to the Key Collector app? How did this come about?
Nick:  “My brother-in-law is in a band called The Rosedales.  They’re like a Rockabilly Monster band like the Monkees meet the Munsters.  The bassist and lead vocalist in the band is friends with Brian* out in Arizona.  That was sort of the connection that allowed me to be heard by a very busy, very savvy individual in the comic book industry.  Brian, like Dinesh, has been very gracious with his time and helped me understand things about the app and about the business that would’ve taken me years to come upon.  Also, both creators see the value in the app and what it means to the future of the comic book industry.  Embracing new collectors and innovation, technologically and new concepts, are the lifeblood of any business that seeks to have a place for itself in the future.  Comics are no different, but the secondary market collectible arena has been static with advancements, which is why the app is garnering the praise and attention it deserves.”
*Brian Pulido, is the former president of Chaos! Comics, announcing in late 2014, upon reaching an agreement with Avatar Press, he would be to taking sole ownership of the character, Lady Death, former publishing home of Pulido’s Lady Death since 2005.  Concurrently, Brian launched a new publishing entity, Coffin Comics, for all future Lady Death titles, as well as a new supernatural universe, in which Lady Death will play a major role going forward in 2015. 
A note to readers,  I was unaware that I had the first appearance of Lady Death, who first appeared in Evil Ernie #1 in December 1991, until I used the Key Collector app!
‘The Key Collector Comics Update’
CW: The Key Collector app update you mentioned, can you tell readers what they can expect?
Nick:  “With the next update, Key Collector Comics’ biggest update since launching October 2017 at the NYCC, I’m giving fans what they asked for!”:
Full expansion of the grading scale!
The ability to designate if your comic is slabbed or not, signed or restored!
Collectors can enter notes and take photos of the comics they own!
They can enter the price they paid for the comic and see what the current net worth is for their full collection and each issue individually!
There will also be an option to collapse the cover images, for quicker scrolling through a title if, let’s say, someone might be trying to flip through a lot of books at once!
Collectors can also enter their own value for the book they are entering into their inventory!
“As always there will be more key issues added to the database as they come out on the market.  The beauty of the app is that you don’t have to update it to download these new issues.  The changes are instantaneously retrieved from the server on the next query from the app.  In other words, I plug the comic into the database and its available to be seen, so that no collector will be in the dark about what’s new and hot.”
‘The Future of Key Collector Comics’
CW: What’s next for Key Collector Comics?   Can you mention any future plans for the app going forward?
Nick:  I have so many ideas that I would love to discuss, but to keep things exciting, I have to reveal them the closer I get.  There will be a Variant Cover portal added shortly that will allow access to a database specific to those books.  Since there are so many variant covers and so few in distribution, I want to maintain the initial concept of the app, which is to help identify keys quickly and efficiently.  Keys that are more likely available to be found.  Yet, I understand the importance and desire of variants to be included.   Also, a Creator search option has been in the plans since day one, so that functionality will be built out shortly.  Beyond that, I can sum it all up like so:  the Key Collector Comics mobile app is built by a collector, for collectors, therefore my intention is to make it the only resource necessary to obtain the comics collectors are passionate about owning.  I will maintain the integrity of the app in the way I would want it to exist as an end user, which means – no invasive ads and no freemium charges to unlock promised or already given features.  My Golden Rule in every decision I make regarding the app is asking myself, “would I be happy with this if I were on the other end?”  If the answer is no, I do what needs to be done to make it “yes”!
I would like to first, tell Nick “thank you” for taking the time out of his busy schedule to discuss the Key Collector Comics app with Comic-Watch, and I would invite him to keep us posted as updates are made to the app going forward!  As an avid comic collector myself, I find the Key Collector Comic app absolutely amazing, and I recommend it to everyone I come across on social media and at my local comic shop!  Please Download the app and share this article with as many as possible, as this gem, the Key Collector Comics app, is just waiting to make your comic collecting experience easier, more enjoyable, and provide you with a resource that meets all your needs, all in one place!
You can download Key Collector Comics mobile app at Key Collector Comics! It’s also available for download at
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                      Have you used Key Collector Comics app? Download and share your experiences! #comicwatch An inside look at the Key Collector Comics mobile app, one of the most innovative tools to be introduced for comic fans, collectors, retailers, and industry professionals, to-date! 
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itsitatech-blog · 7 years
Garmin's Vivosmart HR investigated: Don't purchase a Fitbit before considering this band The $150 generally useful tracker might not have Fitbit's cutting edge outside, but rather its internals are solid.
Garmin is not kidding. The most devoted outdoorsmen and competitors seek its tough items for following everything from laps in the pool to hazardous climbs in remote spots. Presently the organization is getting more genuine about heart rate with the $150 Vivosmart HR, its first wristband movement tracker with a builtin optical heart rate screen that the organization created itself. It sports a large portion of the elements Garmin put into its other universally handy trackers, including step, separation, calorie, and rest following, cell phone warnings, and music and activity cam controls. Everything interfaces with the recently upgraded Garmin Connect application.
Other than the heart rate screen, there's nothing remarkably new about it. Be that as it may, the Vivosmart HR is an essential item for Garmin. Not exclusively will it contend with the imminent Polar A360, in any case, more imperatively, it's pursuing Fitbit's $150 Charge HR with an exhaustive arrangement of elements that both tenderfoots and no-nonsense competitors will appreciate.
Configuration: Don't settle what isn't broken
The Vivosmart HR resembles a marriage of the Vivosmart band and the Vivofit 2. It has a module with a 1.00 x 0.42-inch,160 x 68-pixel touchscreen that sits on the wrist, with a solitary physical catch on the correct side of it. It's inserted into an adaptable, silicone band that impersonates a general watch strap, yet this has rectangular steps instead of little openings. That inconspicuous change makes it super simple to modify and attach, so you can make it as free or as tight as you need contingent upon when you're wearing it (you'll need to have it on really tight when you anticipate utilizing the heart rate screen intensely).
On the underside of the gadget is the optical heart rate screen and the four little hubs for charging. The charging link has an odd clasp on it that you need to fit the band into with the goal for it to control up by means of USB. The hubs are not attractive either, so I frequently needed to tinker with the charging link before I at last adjusted it properly correctly.Despite the show's fundamental, monochrome style, I truly enjoyed it. The numbers that demonstrate the time carefully are enormous and simple to peruse, and the whole show is super evident in direct daylight also. In the Garmin Connect application, you can pick on the off chance that you need its somewhat blue backdrop illumination on dependably, never, or just amid action and when tapped. I ended up wishing the backdrop illumination was brighter, yet that is an issue most Garmin gadgets have had for a very long time. It likewise times out before long in the event that you have it set to just turn on when woken by a tap or action following, so I would propose keeping it generally on the off chance that you have eye inconveniences.
The Vivosmart HR is water-safe up to 5 ATM, or around 50 meters. That is superior to the practically identical Fitbit Charge HR, which is just sprinkle safe. The band should last up to five days on a solitary charge, and my band was down to around 20 percent battery amid my fourth day of utilization.
Setting up the gadget is sufficiently basic: simply download the Garmin Connect application and take after the matching directions after you sign in or make a record. The Vivosmart HR sets through Bluetooth to your Android or iOS gadget, and it does as such amid setup from inside Garmin's application as opposed to in the Bluetooth settings on your cell phone. I didn't have an issue setting up the gadget, yet it had incidental adjusting issues. You can start a match up by opening up the application or by tapping the adjust symbol on the band; here and there the band wouldn't consequently synchronize when I opened the application.
A Garmin agent instructed me to refresh the Vivosmart HR's product to check whether that would settle the issue. To do as such, you should associate the gadget to your PC by means of its USB charger and match up it with Garmin Express, which you can download from Garmin's site. It's fundamentally a gadget administration framework that is generally useful for programming and firmware refreshes. Beyond any doubt enough, my Vivosmart HR should have been refreshed to the latest programming, and after I did as such, it matched up to the application rapidly and effectively. (I ought to likewise specify that Garmin was doing upkeep on its Connect application while I surveyed the Vivosmart HR. This backed me off as it disturbed matching up, however after the support was done, things backpedaled to normal.)Features: The typical suspects, with a precise heart rate screen
Garmin is absolutely attempting to take Fitbit's Charge HR head-on with the Vivosmart HR. It tracks steps, calories, remove, floors climbed, and rest, which is precisely what the Charge HR does. A note on rest following: the Vivosmart HR screens profound and light rest, and in addition the quantity of times you awaken every night. Amid setup, something you need to tell the gadget is the time you normally go to bed every night and the time you get up every morning. The tracker utilizes those circumstances as rules. It naturally accept you're sleeping when it detects no development in that window of time, and it additionally quiets the vibration cautions on the band so any telephone action won't wake you up.
One of the new measurements followed is "power minutes," which piggybacks on the proposal of associations including the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association that you ought to get no less than 150 minutes for each week of extraordinary action. As indicated by Garmin's Vivosmart HR manual, you can pick up power minutes by taking an interest in "10 continuous minutes of direct to energetic force exercises."
The greatest new element is Garmin's Elevate optical heart rate screen implanted in the wristband. It constantly screens your heartbeat, taking in your normal heart rate after some time. I like having the capacity to check my heart rate whenever by swiping to the proper page on the show, and seeing my normal heart rate puts the constant number into point of view. I checked my heartbeat various times each day along these lines and tried the screen's precision the way it was done in the good 'ol days: bringing my heartbeat with my finger over the corridor in my throat. Each time the screen was inside 5 bpm of my perusing.
The heart rate screen is on when you work out too, and the readings will show up when you swipe the show while following an exercise. With runs, you can swipe through time, separate, calories, heart rate, and clock screens, and on the off chance that you simply need to have the capacity to look down at a particular metric while you're preparing, you can simply swipe to that page and abandon it there. Heart rate and separation are what I get a kick out of the chance to concentrate on when I run, so I frequently kept the show demonstrating those. I likewise like that when you quit following an action, you can spare it or dispose of it—this makes it super simple to sift through any exercises that may have been hindered for reasons unknown or only ones you're not especially content with.
There's additionally communicating mode for the heart rate screen, which imparts your heartbeat to an associated Garmin ANT+ good gadget, for example, an Edge cycling tracker, the VIRB activity cam (which you can likewise control through the Vivosmart HR), or even a Vivoactive smartwatch which can track swimming. Polar's up and coming A360 wristband can do a similar thing, offering your heart rate data to other Polar items that don't have screens as of now in them.
While the Charge HR demonstrates you call and text-based notifications, the Vivosmart HR shows every one of the warnings your cell phone gets including writings, calls, messages, logbook occasions, Facebook, Twitter, and then some. It's one of those groups that just surges your wrist with notices, regardless of the possibility that your cell phone doesn't illuminate with them. I don't incapacitate any warnings on my iPhone 6, however some don't awaken the show since they aren't sufficiently imperative for me to need to see instantly. Indeed, even those alarms come through on the Vivosmart HR, so regularly I would look down at my wrist and see only an irregular warning that a companion had checked-in at Shake Shack on Swarm. On the off chance that you need to handicap any warnings from coming through on the band, you'll need to go into the settings on your cell phone and impair them for your gadget too.
In the drawer of different elements, the Vivosmart HR has music controls on its show, giving you a chance to delay and skip forward and backward between melodies while you work out. The main application I could utilize it in was iTunes, however, so Spotify and Google Music clients are stuck between a rock and a hard place with this. In the event that you've been slumming it on the love seat or at your work area for 60 minutes, the band will vibrate to instruct you to move a bit. However, the element I utilized more than I'd get a kick out of the chance to concede is the discover my-telephone highlight: tap the telephone symbol in settings, and the band will send a jingle to your cell phone on the off chance that you've lost it.Garmin Connect: striking overhaul, yet a bit of befuddling
Garmin as of late updated its application, Garmin Connect, which is the versatile partner for about the greater part of its wearables. It used to have a tasteless, card-like configuration (which the Web form still has), however now it wears a darker, chic look with an electric edge. The landing page is plain as day: two circles overwhelm the highest point of the screen, demonstrating to you your action objective advance up until now and how much rest you got the previous evening. Underneath that are little tiles that show dynamic calories (or the calories you've used), exercises recorded for the day, remaining calories you need to consume, power minutes, floors climbed, and, on the off chance that you've matched MyFitnessPal to the application, calories consumed.Tapping on either circle will give you more data about your movement and rest, including things like separation voyaged, floors climbed and dropped, and profound and light rest terms. From the landing page, swiping to one side will indicate you pages committed to every Snapshot you chose when you first set up the gadget. These are quite recently brisk get to pages that you can use to take a gander at the details that are most vital to you.
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