#the difference before and after Sola bonds with her Retinue is *stark*
a-world-in-grey · 1 year
What exactly are the role descriptions of the royal retinue? I saw some description but I am still not completely sure on it 🤔
Welp, found this at the bottom of my ask box, sorry 0hmydekiru.
So, I've got stuff from @secret-engima that I'll copy here, and I'll add on my own stuff.
SE: "Shield of my body, rampart of my resolve." The First is a Shield when they need a protector, and anchor. They are the ones who stay the closest and the longest, even if the others fall away or die.
Me: So this probably started out as only a bodyguard position. THE trusted bodyguard, able to go anywhere with their monarch, even to places other guards would be denied. Over time, with such close contact, the position would have morphed into the one we see by Somnus' time. In addition to being a physical protector, the Shield's job is to help their monarch when they waver. When Noctis' resolve falters after Regis and Luna's deaths, Gladio is there to metaphorically kick his ass back into gear. The Shield does not guide their monarch on their chosen path, but ensures that they are able to keep walking it. Wherever they go.
SE: "Right Hand of my body, strong guide for my mind." A Hand is claimed first by LCs who are most unsure of their place in the world, who need a guiding hand and a brother that will catch them when they emotionally stumble rather than physically.
Me: Adapted from the role of Royal Advisor. As SE says, these are the mentors. They can be one of, if not the most, influential member of a Retinue. They help their monarch find their purpose, help guide them along whatever path they choose to take, guiding them whenever they stray from that path. The most concerned with the monarch's morals, and making sure that their monarch won't tear the country apart. The Hand is responsible for the details of how their monarch's decisions are carried out - ensuring that the outcome is most favorable. Shares care of the monarch's physical wellbeing with the Shield, but more in the sense of making sure their monarch has healthy habits - hence Ignis' mothering Noctis over his diet whereas Gladio focused on Noctis' physical safety and martial ability. The Hand also shares responsibility for mental and emotional well-being with the Heart. The Hand focuses on the monarch's mental state as it concerns others, where the Heart's concern is their monarch's mental state concerning themselves.
SE: "Heart of my soul, light in my darkest hours." Claimed first when an LC needs a physical, living being to remind them how to feel, how to cry and smile and function outside their duty or shatter and become nothing more than a weapon.
Me: The Heart is the member most responsible for keeping an LC true to themselves. To remind them that alongside a monarch's duty to their people, they have a duty to themselves. I hc that losing a Heart often does the most damage to an LC. Some LCs - like Mors - turn hard and sharp as they submerge themselves entirely in duty. Others - like the Warrior - go absolutely feral, leaving the rest of their Retinue to do their best to point their monarch in a direction that will cause the least amount of collateral damage. Like Swords, Hearts are inherently focused on the monarch's well-being. But where the Sword is focused on outside forces, the Heart is focused on inner forces that impact their monarch. Despite popular belief, Hearts are not usually a monarch's spouse/lover. Oh, it's common for a Heart to have a romantic relationship with their monarch, but less than half of all recorded Hearts have ever fallen into that role. Just as often Hearts are siblings, best friends, and in one notable case a professional therapist.
SE: "Sword of my left hand, steel of my will." Cuts down an LCs enemies.
Me: This is the rarest of the Retinue, partially because it is the most recently recognized position of the Retinue, and partially because LCs are all warriors in their own right. A Sword's duty is to cut down enemies their monarch cannot reach, to cut through chains/obstacles keeping their monarch from flying. Most LCs are able to handle their enemies just fine. But if they can't, be it through physical distance or infirmity, emotional complications, or politics, a Sword takes up the duty of removing the threat to their monarch before it gets close enough to harm them. Hence why the Sword is the one that can often be found the furthest from their monarch. Swords are generally granted a measure of autonomy beyond others in the Retinue, to deal with threats as they arise without always having to wait for their monarch's orders. Like the Shield, the Sword can act as a kick to the ass when their monarch's resolve falters. However, where a Shield steps in when a monarch falters on an already chosen path, a Sword steps in when a monarch falters in choosing a path. The Hand helps guide a monarch's choices, but when faced with a difficult choice, when there is no right answer, a Sword is the one that helps their monarch make those hard decisions. It's why Swords often come off as ruthless and blunt - they usually have to prioritize practicality before any other concern.
Members of the Retinue can try to shoulder some of the duties of the other roles, sometimes even successfully, a Hand will never do as well trying to do a Heart's job, etc. An LC doesn't necessarily need all members of their Retinue to have a long and successful life. An LC could go their entire lives without needing a single bonded Retinue. However, an LC without a Retinue, without anyone to anchor them, is more likely to break if ever confronted with something that threatens to shatter their soul. Even just one Retinue can make all the difference.
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