#the diapered librarian
seiya234 · 9 months
She didn't ever have much time to herself.
And that was okay! Mabel Pines was not made for being alone! Mabel existed through both her boundless self-confidence, and the reflection of her light back onto her from other people!
Oof. That sounded a little vain. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't.
Mabel had never been good at introspection. She just was.
And what she was was a manic pixie nightmare woman thing. What she was was the sister of a demon, niece of a conman and a mad scientist, wife of the hottest librarian in the Pacific Northwest. She was a Friend of the Forest, she knew Things Man Was Not Meant To Know, had Dabbled in Darque Majicks, and Other Things That Required Capital Letters.
And then the triplets had been born.
And like, she loved them more than life itself, more than Henry, more than Dipper, more than anything. And they had very prosaic needs, such as diaper changes, snuggles, and milk. But it was surprisingly easy to roll them into the chaos that was life in Gravity Falls.
Probably because they had never known anything different, she mused.
So things went on like that for a few years until it came time to enroll them in school.
There was the wild world of magic and demons and extended family that the triplets lived in with her.
But now there was also this little world they went to for a few hours every day, with it's own rules and little dramas that Mabel wasn't privy to.
And now Mabel was sitting in a overstuffed little gym, watching the kids with the rest of their Pre-K class shout-sing to Jingle Bells, and shake a bell bracelet out of time. Mabel had managed to get their Hanukkah sweaters on right before they left but apparently the Pines were the only one to miss the memo that the kids should have been wearing Santa hats too.
Her babies, who were no longer babies, but kids, towered over all the other kids in their class, and Hank was definitely picking his nose in front of everyone, and Willow was almost certainly just opening and closing her mouth because she forgot the words and Acacia somehow had elbowed her way into the very front and it was so very normal-
And she was crying. Her kids had begun to leave the little world that her and Henry, Dipper and Stan, had made for them, and obviously it would be a long time before they grew up but-
This was a world where she was Mrs. Pines, where the teacher gave her a dirty look when she burped pixie dust at the PTA meeting, where Mabel didn't quite belong...
But the teachers loved her kids, and the triplets were happy here.
Mabel didn't understand this world. And she didn't have to. It was okay. Just like it was okay that her kids were growing up. Kids were supposed to do that.
She just didn't think it would hurt this much.
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
Halo Reloaded: Origin
In the spick-and-span, oh-so-serious halls of the Spartan kiddie boot camp (also known as the Spartan training facility for those lacking a sense of humor), the sound of youthful jeers and muffled giggles was as common as the scent of industrial cleaner.
Amidst this cacophony of pre-teen bravado, one particular mini-Spartan, John-117, was conspicuously silent. Six years old and lacking the extra two years of life experience that apparently made a world of difference in the high-stakes world of child soldiering, John was the unofficial Omega, the bottom of the Spartan puppy pile.
While the other kids were busy flexing their tiny muscles and practicing their best war faces, John's days were a marathon of 'try-harder' exercises and 'don't-cry-in-front-of-the-others' mental gymnastics. The other kiddie commandos, high on their own burgeoning testosterone and combat boots, would often poke fun at his expense.
"Hey, diaper sniper, lost your pacifier?" a particularly obnoxious recruit would quip as John passed by, puffing out his chest like a pigeon in a pecking order contest. "Bet he still counts sheep to sleep," another would add, earning a round of giggles as imaginative as their future military strategies.
John, however, was a fortress of stoic determination (or maybe just really good at zoning out). He bottled up his feelings tighter than the secret recipe for the facility's mystery meatloaf. But when the lights dimmed and the barracks took on the tranquil ambiance of a mausoleum, John would seek refuge in his personal fortress of solitude – beneath his bed. Here, surrounded by dust bunnies and the occasional lost sock, he found the tranquility of a monk in meditation... if monks wore combat boots and dog tags.
On one such night, while John was contemplating the meaning of life, or maybe just what was for breakfast tomorrow, Dr. Halsey found him in his cozy hideout. Her visits were like comet sightings – rare, awe-inspiring, and a bit unsettling. "John," she whispered, like a librarian in a library of secrets. "This isn't a game of hide and seek."
Peeking out from under the bed with the suspicion of a cat in a new home, John's eyes met hers. "I'm... strategizing," he retorted, his voice uncertain. Halsey, holding back a smile, played along. "Oh? And what grand strategy does the under-bed realm hold?"
"To be the best," he said, louder, puffing up a bit as his nervousness slowly fades. "That's the spirit," she encouraged, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and maternal pride...
Days later...
"Ring The Bell," a Spartan favorite that was part obstacle course, part sadistic PE teacher's dream. The rules were simple yet brutal: race through a gauntlet of hurdles, leaps, and climbs to ring a bell perched high above. The catch? There was always a catch. The last one to ring the bell faced consequences, usually of the stomach-rumbling variety.
On this fateful day, John, already battling the twin demons of youth and inexperience, found himself trailing behind. His limbs felt like they were made of lead, and the bell seemed to be mocking him from its lofty perch. As he finally reached it, his hand slapping the cold metal a moment too late, a sinking feeling settled in his stomach. Not just from the impending hunger, but from the crushing weight of failure.
As he climbed down, the murmurs of his fellow recruits filled the air, but one voice cut through the rest like a knife. It belonged to Val-015, the self-proclaimed golden boy of the group. Val, with his swagger and over-inflated ego, approached John, a smug grin plastered on his face. "Guess dinner's off the menu for you, Johnny boy," Val taunted, his voice dripping with condescension. "Maybe if you spent more time training and less time daydreaming, you wouldn't be such a slowpoke."
The other recruits snickered, but John's face remained an emotionless mask. He was used to jabs and jeers, but something about Val's words, the pointed cruelty of them, struck a nerve. "You know, Halsey thinks you're special, but I just see a little kid trying to play soldier," Val continued, poking John in the chest. "Why don't you run along and find a nice corner to cry in?"
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. John's stoic facade shattered like glass under a sledgehammer. Tears, unbidden and hot, sprang to his eyes. He turned on his heel and bolted, his sobs echoing in the training hall. The other recruits fell silent, watching as John disappeared from view. Even Val's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty.
He hadn't expected his words to cut so deep, to elicit such a raw, human response from the stoic John-117. As John ran, his vision blurred by tears, he felt a maelstrom of emotions churning inside him – humiliation, anger, sadness. He was a Spartan, trained to be unbreakable, yet here he was, undone by words and his own vulnerability...
Later, on that same night...
John sat alone in the open barracks. The distant clatter and chatter from the cafeteria wafted through the hallways, a cruel reminder of what he was missing. The tantalizing aroma of roasted turkey, a rare treat in the Spartan menu, mingled with the sweet, tempting scent of chocolate-fudge ice cream. It was a feast fit for kings, or in this case, mini super-soldiers in training. But for John, there was only the empty silence of his room and the gnawing emptiness in his stomach.
He sat on the edge of his Spartan-issued cot, his head in his hands. The room felt smaller somehow, more confining. The walls seemed to close in on him, echoing his sense of isolation. John was used to solitude, but this was different. This was loneliness, a feeling he couldn't simply shake off with push-ups or training drills.His mind wandered to a place he hadn't allowed it to go in what felt like ages – home. The real home, not this sterile, unforgiving facility. He remembered the warmth of a bed not meant for training a soldier, the softness of a genuine goodnight kiss, the comforting murmur of a bedtime story. He longed for a time when the biggest worry he had was what toy to play with, not whether he'd be strong enough, fast enough, tough enough to survive the next day.
But that home, that life, was a world away now. A distant memory, fading a little more with each passing day in this harsh reality. "This is home now," he reminded himself, but the words felt hollow, a poor substitute for the home he truly yearned for.He didn't like it here. The constant drills, the relentless pressure, the unspoken expectation to be more machine than boy. It was a life chosen for him, not by him. A life that demanded everything and offered little in return, except the promise of becoming something... something more than just John.
As he sat there, wrestling with thoughts too heavy for a child his age, a small part of him acknowledged that this Spartan program was shaping him, molding him into something formidable. But at what cost? At the cost of his childhood? His innocence?
In that large, quiet room, with the sounds of his peers' laughter and chatter as a distant backdrop, John-117 felt a profound sense of loss. A loss of normalcy, of the simple joys of childhood, of a life he would never get to live. This was his reality now, and while he might grow to accept it, even excel in it, a part of him would always long for a home that was more than just a place to sleep between training sessions. A home where he was just John, not a number, not a future soldier, but a boy with dreams and fears like any other.
The following morning...
The dawn of that fateful morning at the Spartan training facility brought with it a heaviness that hung in the air, palpable and suffocating. John-117, the boy beneath the soon-to-be legend, navigated the morning with a heart burdened by the previous night's solitude. The Spartan breakfast, bland crackers and lukewarm milk, sat untouched before him, a stark reminder of his isolation.
With a spirit as grey as the hallways of the facility, John trudged towards the obstacle course, a place where physical pain often drowned out emotional turmoil. But today, destiny had etched a different path.As he approached the communal area, a strange sight caught his eye. A cluster of recruits, usually dispersed like disciplined ants, were huddled around the television. The air crackled with a tension that made John's skin crawl. Pushing through the crowd, a sense of dread growing with each step, he strained to see the screen.
The news anchor's voice, usually dispassionate, carried a weight that stopped John in his tracks. "Breaking news: Eridanus-II has been glassed by the Covenant." The words fell like hammer blows, shattering the fragile veneer of normalcy. Eridanus-II, John's home, the place of his childhood dreams and memories, now nothing but a charred memory in the cold expanse of space.
A collective gasp rippled through the recruits, then silence. Slowly, like the tide receding from the shore, they turned to face John. Their eyes, wide and unblinking, bore into him. They whispered among themselves, words lost in the buzz that filled John's head.
"He's from there, isn't he?"
"Can't imagine what he must be feeling..."
In that moment, John felt a loneliness deeper than the void of space. The room seemed to stretch into infinity, the faces around him morphing into distant stars, cold and unreachable. His heart, a stoic soldier's heart, faltered, betraying him with a surge of raw, unfiltered anguish.
Tears blurred his vision, a floodgate opened against his will. He stumbled backward, his Spartan training forgotten, his body no longer a weapon but a shell, hollow and cracked. He sank to the floor, the cold tile against his skin a stark contrast to the heat of his tears.
"I want to go home," he whispered, the words a ghost of a thought, a wish upon a star long extinguished. "Please, I just want to go home."
But there was no home. Not anymore. Eridanus-II, with its blue skies and laughter, its nights filled with stories and dreams, was gone. Consumed by a war that had no room for the innocence of a child's heart.The other recruits, hardened by training but still children themselves, watched John with a dawning realization. The war was no longer an abstract concept, taught in strategy classes and simulated in drills. It was real, and it had just claimed one of their own.
@empresskadia, @makowrites.
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Hi! Can you write a Morpheus x child reader (like father daughter) where the reader is a dream that he was working on when he was captured and never finished and she was brought to life as a baby and grows up in the dreaming as it’s collapsing with Lucian as their care-taker/parent figure/teacher and everyone is just like wtf because dreams arnt supposed to age and are created as adults that already know everything they need to know but the reader doesn’t and needs to be taught manually.when dreams comes back he’s presented with a pre-teen reader and after his personal wtf moment he acknowledges the reader as a unique dream and takes them under his wing and basically becomes their dad and presents them to his siblings as his child and everyone is just like *niece acquired* even Lucifer has a soft spot for them and makes sure they know that their disdain for Morpheus doesn’t extend to them.sorry it so long lol I had this idea for a while but I can’t write so I hand it off to you.
Birthday Girl
Dream of the Endless & Dream!Reader
Summary: Hooray! It's your 6th Birthday! It's a costume party where all your classmates are invited, and, boy, are their parents are sure freaked out about your aunts and uncles.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: THIS IS A WHOLESOME FIC READER IS DREAM'S CHILD MISS ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT, Fem!reader, Endless Family Chaos™, Lucifer my beloved, Papa Bear!Dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: NGL this req kinda stumped me. it's a pretty tall order but i think i thought of something good enough to make what you wanted nonnie! ... or at least i hope so, since you wanted a pre-teen and I gave you a barely out of diapers kid lol ALSO you referred to the librarian as Lucien (well lucian), so it leads me to believe you had The Sandman Comics in mind but I have not read a page from the comics, and so i'm just going to fashion this to the show, ok? i did try to add more of the endless siblings though Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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"Papa," she mutters as she hangs on Dream's raised arm. "Yes, my heart?" he mutters, swinging the dangling child absentmindedly as he read his book while standing in the middle of the library. "Where do babies come from?" Dream turns to the wide eyes looking up at him. "Lucienne told me it's when an egg and a sperm meet, so does that mean you're a chicken?" "No." "Am I a chicken?" "You are a dream. My dream." "But you're Dream, papa." "Yes, I am."
"Oh wow," one of the parents who took the liberty to dress up as a really bad Dracula noted, "this is a gnarly getup. The wings look so real-"
Lucifer grabs the man's hand before he could touch her wing, "do not touch me."
The words were so simple, so plainly stated, and yet the man could not help but shiver. He plays it off with a chuckle as he withdraws his hand, "wow. Uh. Don't tell me. Are you supposed to be a fallen angel or something?"
"The fallen angel," Lucifer corrects.
"Oh," he nods his head, "so like..." he chuckles, "Satan."
"Yes," Lucifer grins softly, "precisely."
There was something so eerie about the smile of her face that the man could not bare to be around her any further. A shiver runs down his spine. Morningstar's grin widens as he walks away and when she hears a squeal.
"AUNTIE LUCI!" you run up to the fearsome being, giggles melting her very being into nothing but fluff.
"My dear dream!" Lucifer bends down to catch you in her arms as you jump to embrace her form.
"I've missed you so much!" you exclaim against her neck, little arms wrapping around her. Your voice is soft when you mutter, "I wanted to go to you but papa says hell is no place for a dream like me."
"Well," Lucifer pulls away, "perhaps I could steal you away from your-"
"Watch yourself, Lightbringer," Dream's voice echos in the WcDonalts, making the lights in the fast food chain flicker, and all the present parents survey the room in concern.
"Papa!" you turn to Dream and move in Lucifer's arms to go to him.
Dream raises his hands to get you, but Lucifer does not allow it. She greedily keeps you in her arms, "I was only telling my niece that I would bring her to my realm if her father holds her back."
"That was not the term you used," Dream narrows his eyes.
"And she is not your niece," Death speaks, earning your attention, "not really."
"AUNTIE!" you squeal, more eager to leave Lucifer's arms than ever. She has no choice but to drop you as you run up to your Aunt Death and seal her legs in a tight hug.
Death chuckles, crouching down, stroking your cheeks with the gentlest of touches, "hello, my love. How have you been?"
"I've been doing maths... it's horrible."
Death chuckles as she finally realizes, "are you dressed as the grim reaper?"
Death turns to her little brother, who shakes his head and raises her hands, "I expressed the impudence of it all, but she adamantly insisted."
"Didi told me about how cool the grim reaper is!" you bounced on your feet.
"Oh," Death releasing a breath, understanding, "did they now?" She bends down to meet you face to face, "do you know that the true grim reaper is actually your Auntie Death?"
Your face contorts, "you?"
She nods.
"But you're not cool, Auntie," you innocently say as you push her hair back.
Lucifer snots, suddenly glad to have not left for some WcBorgers just yet.
As Death's jaw hangs low, Dream could not say share a word of comfort, for suddenly, a group of children begin to cry. These were the group of children that were not accompanied by their parents and Dream had sworn to keep an eye on. Yet they were now being terrorized by Didi themselves.
Dream is appalled by the shreiking, and acts quickly to put a stop to it, giving Death a knowing look.
"How about a burger, child," Lucifer calls, making you squeal and run to her.
On his way, Dream grabs Delirium, who was talking to her reflection on the window. It takes a moment for her to speak, "oh! HeLlo bRothEr!"
"I need you to make the children stop crying."
"Well, h0w do i Do tHat?"
Dream and Delirium are upon them.
"Dream, Delirium," Didi smiles, "come for your cry babies?"
"De$ire!" Delirium says, "i d1d noT reaLize you W3re here."
Dream peers down at the crying children and turns to his sister, "how about some bubbles?"
"BuBBles?" Delirium says, manifesting bubbles around her in an instant.
Dream grabs Desire. The latter shoots a look, "what? It's a party, is it not? It's supposed to be fun."
Delirium herself is distracted by the bubbles as the kids crying begins to falter.
"You are to stay away from the children," Dream mutters darkly, making his sibling roll their eyes and pull away from him, "oh, you killjoy. I'm surprised you even let your daughter have a birthday party as WcDonalts. Don't you despise indulging her desires for fast food?"
"It is her day; she is queen."
Desire's lips curve up.
Dream is alerted by another cry ripping in the air. He turns around and finds that Delirium had stolen an ice cream cone from the child.
"She has made you soft, brother," Desire notes.
Dream has no time for either of his siblings as suddenly there is a loud crashing sound followed by an excited squeal.
The parents are immediately clamoring, grabbing the children.
"Destruction!" Death calls, running over to the gaping hole at the wall of WcDonalts right in front of you.
"Auntie!" you mutter, struggling to hold up the enormous teddy bear in barely in your clutch, "Uncle Desie gave me a gift!"
"My, my," Desire crosses their arms, "it seems not even the prodigal is immune to your daughter's charms."
Dream's dark stare at Desire sequentially darkens the room.
Desire raises their hands in surrender as one parent scream something about leaving, which makes Dream drop his guard and turn to the mother who drags a child dressed as a tomato away, "I would not dare to hurt my beloved niece."
"I've had enough of you, Desire," Dream chides, snapping back to them, "I do not want you-"
"PAPA! LOOK!" you grunt, dragging the huge teddy bear over to your father with much difficulty, "UNCLE DESIE GAVE IT TO ME."
Desire is the one who responds, "an exquisite addition to your collection, my dear."
Dream blocks Desire's view of you, "where is Lucienne? You should ask her to hold on to your gift for-"
"NO!" you quip hugging the bear tightly, "it's mine."
"I did not say it was not. I was only saying-"
"My 💖 NiEcE 💖!" Dilirium calls, swooping you up in her arms, "wheN did yOu g3t here!"
You giggle as she swirls you around.
Another child cries from the other side of the room, making Dream release a deep sigh.
"You best attend to the crying broccoli, brother," Desire points, pulling a disgusted face, "I say, what is with their shabby vegetable costumes?"
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sm-baby · 2 years
Hello Hello again!! I just wanted to say-
I still look at your art in wonder. It does feel like art heaven to me- especially the recent concept art! It is subtle storytelling that goes a long way.
Would you be able to share with us some of your random ramblings and headcannons? Like, What food does a character like, do they drink juice, are they a bird person?
I am really really interested and invested in this. I appreciate you.
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He is the main protagonist of the show!! He was the heir to a war heavy coven (Ares) which means he was meant to serve as a sort of war commander for the coven.
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He has a bestfriend, Erma Blaire!!
She is the heiress of Athena
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They've known eachother since diapers! Erma and Sheldon have a very good friendship. they confide in each other, and are very comfortable with one another. they cuddle, they dork around, tease each other, etc.
Except, While Erma went along to be a good general and fight wars, Sheldon was overwhelmed by the trauma of the battlefield and deserted his duties.
He faked his death and went on to live in the villages, where he met Player and physically became more akin to a villager.
Erma however, knew Sheldon better than that and investigated his death. She found out where he resided and--- well that's for my episode synopsis uwu
Erma definitely grew sour towards Sheldon and the incident put a tear in their relationship. cuz you know-- faking his death was ultimately a selfish thing for him to do.
Sheldon does not regret faking his death because he was the happiest he has ever been YwY He became a librarian because he just really likes books.
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Sheldon and Erma is somewhere 200ish yrs old, though the average life span is 100 uwu its because of lore don't worry about it.
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so the day started peaceful right. woke up to Donna squealing about being engaged (they got engaged a week ago and she still wakes me up like this) . Logan’s chill and gives me some free sewing needles and thread and says it’s because of Donna pestering him but I’m pretty sure I’ve just grown on him. anyway I walked on over to the lordships house because Levins burrowed himself into cold dead heart and I’m actually excited to see his cute baby self everyday. I’m usually there from morning to evening the past few weeks because it’s nice to have something to do and definitely not because Zoeys maternal presence soothes my mommy issues and Levin is adorable and I don’t want to leave. But this time I stay until it’s nighttime because Donna gets home late and the babe house is painfully lonely and the moment I step out the front door to go home I see red eyes and a face that says murder so I fucking scream of course and then realize it’s Zenix and scream again because ngl he’s always been creepy and I run back inside and shut front door and he’s trying to fucking get in so I barricade the door and I’m yelling for Zoey so she runs up and sees what’s happening and hands me the baby and tells me to go downstairs and she starts doing some barrier magic stuff so I run to the baby’s room, trying to soothe said baby because now he’s awake and freaked out, and tuck myself in the corner of the room while clutching the child and there’s fucking explosions and shit happening. And the next few hours were just that. Listening to random explosions and hearing what literally sounds like a battle going on outside the house and demented roaring from Zenix I guess. and im just rocking Levin, wondering if everyone’s dead or dying.
It isn’t until the sun has come up that everything’s quiet and Zoey comes downstairs to tell me everything’s fine and Zenix is gone. but everything is very much not fine and more then half the village is blown up and there’s only a hand full of villagers now and I immediately ran to the plaza to see if Donnas alive and she is thank Irene but she was a whole mess, sobbing while tending to a unconscious librarian, because she thought I died. but everyone I’ve lowkey grown attached to is alive so. i guess maybe it is fine.
the lord returned from her travels in time to see the aftermath and I guess Garroth lost his helmet so I went down to the mines where he was hiding to give him a scarf to at least hide half his face since he’s honestly become kinda big brotherly. like asking how I am and shit and lightly making fun of me but still helping when I tend to my pathetic garden and me making fun of him for being scared of changing Levins diaper. I don’t really feel awkward around him anymore. anyway I go down to the mines only to see and hear the lady talking to him and. I guess Zenix is responsible for a lord dying and came here to kill Levin? And Lady Aphmau is just. Saying these 2 things are unrelated. so I dashed on over to the dead lords house to grab a slightly soot covered baby toy and brought it to Levin and I have never seen him so excited over a toy before. so.
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thestraggletag · 4 months
Hi, I love rumbelle and i saw that your post that had links to things and it said Rumbelle has all the porn tags. ARe there any fics you could recommend for pegging, lactation, mommy kink, diapers, teacher/librarian belle? (individual tags or any combination of them is appreciated)
For lactation porn you gotta go talk to my bestie @phoenixwrites. She'll deny it, but she's got the goods. Pegging is actually very popular in the fandom. Off the top of my head @bad-faery had a pegging series which was very good. As for teacher of librarian Belle, well, they ARE around. Hell, even I've written something along those lines (my fic Caught).
Hope this helps!
Anyone who wants to add their own recs please do!
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enkisstories · 2 months
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Out of the rain (pt. 2 of 3)
Jakku had become the refuge of a group of scattered supporters of the defeated galactic empire. But the one who dreamed the fiercest of their triumphant return, that one wasn't an officer, but the little boy, who hated the sun even more than he had hated the rain back home.
No matter how often his father yelled at him that "it isn't even that hot", the sun didn't agree with Armitage and Armitage didn't agree with sun being allowed to be so bright and piercing. He wasn’t even sweating, the heat wasn’t the problem at all. It was the brightness, that made his eyes and skin hurt.
Armitage missed his old hat with the wide brim. It had been his favorite color, too, even if the flowers had indeed been a bit girly.
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Brendol's solution was in line with the rest of his parenting: Put a paperbag on the boy's head, so that he'd be "protected" from the sun. What had sounded kind at first to the three year old, turned out to be a lesson for him.
Now the boy's head was overheating even more. There was no winning against Brendol Hux, it seemed. It was either dripping sweat and breathing getting difficult with the bag on, or burning exposed to the sun. Torture either way.
And so Armitage sat under a tree that offered a modicum of shade, effectively blinded, while around him life went on. The seconds were ticking away, building up to minutes and hours. Armitage heard the other children at play, heard them laugh and the adults chat. Only he wasn't included, only his life got wasted away.
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Only he... had the patience to wait for a cloud to cover the sun. If that moment came, the boy knew exactly what he'd do.
Alright. Almost time... Now.
Mission objective: Play in outside Secret mission objective: Secure survival gear from the enemy
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Armitage: "Hello..."
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Sandro: "Argh! You startled me!"
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Armitage: "Do you know who I am?"
Sandro winced. The tone this other boy has asked his question in had been anything but childlike. In fact, it conjured the image of a janitor or librarian or a similarly vile creature. This boy was not Sandro's friend, and he hadn't approached to build a sandcastle together. That much Sandro understood.
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Armitage: "I'm imperial scum! Wanted in the WHOLE New Republic! With a bounty on my head!"
Sandro: "Liar! You don't have anything on your head!"
Alright, that did it. Had little Armitage harbored a thimble full of guilt for what he was about to do, that vanished in the tiny desert breeze now. Nothing on his head?! How dared that little shit make fun of him like this?!
And all that stupid breeze, that he had hoped for, was doing now was making the sweaty boy feel chilly all of a sudden. Armitage stepped closer to the other boy and inhaled sharply...
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Armitage: *A-choo!*
Armitage: “Give me your cap!"
Sandro: "Huh? But that's MY cap. For the sun."
Armitage: "That's why."
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Sandro: "Please don't?"
Armitage: "HAT! NOW! Or I’ll sneeze at you again!"
Sandro: “Nobody can sneeze on demand...”
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When Armitage found his father again, the man immediately realized that the boy had been in a fight. He was limping a bit, but didn’t seem to have bitten out more than he could chew, so it was alright.
Brendol: "There you are. Finally left your tree and decided to do some living? For real, am I raising a boy or a squirrel here? - Wait, where'd you get this cap?"
Armitage: "Spoil of war."
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Brendol: "The sun isn't even out right now that’d you’d need “protection”. What's wrong with you?!"
Armitage: "Bet he peed his pants!"
Brendol: "The boy you took the cap from? Was it a local kid? They come only in two variants: Feral orphans, that would have eaten you alive, or pampered upscale brats that still wear diapers. He peed his diapers!"
Armitage: "Hahaha! Ew! Hahaha!"
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Armitage: "Up there! To the gun!"
Brendol: "Alright, pilot, let's get you into your cockpit."
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Armitage: "Pew! Pew!"
Now that both the rain and the sun bothered him no longer, all kinds of processes started up in the boy's brain. He saw not just the imaginary foes that he had to battle down, but besides his daydream world now also acknowledged the real one, that he could touch and manipulate.
If, for example, he tied a string to this gun, and yanked the handlebar real hard, then a second gun tied to the same rope might copy that movement and also fire at the enemy! But that tactical advantage Armitage wouldn't share with his father. It had been his very own idea, that he would protect.
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The knowledge that his son, in Brendol's perception, wasn't a completely lost cause, didn't weigh lightly on the man's heart. Any random local kid of "variant 1" would have made a better heir.
His elders (not just Brendol, for most of the other new aunties and uncles were just as bad as him) giving more attention to random passerby than to a fellow imperial scum who was wanted in all systems wasn’t lost to the boy. He couldn’t understand why, and that inability to understand the world made his situation even worse.
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Wren: "You crying, youngling?"
Armitage: "No?"
Wren: "But your eyes are wet."
Armitage: "It's the sun again."
Wren shrugged and let the matter rest. That other imperial - Rax, was it? Did they all end in -x? - had talked to him rather seriously. Maybe there was money to be made here, either by working for the imps or by selling them out to the bounty hunters. In either case getting on the empire’s wrong foot by calling one of their younglings a liar wasn't a smart move.
As for Armitage, to this day he couldn’t tell whether he had been lying or told the truth.
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homemakinghippie · 8 months
Things on My Crunchy Mom Baby Registry
Crib- I was going to do a bassinet and then transition to a floor bed when he got too big, then I thought we'd bedshare. Now we've decided to do a sidecar crib where we set it up right next to our bed with no rail between us so I can reach him.
Bottle Nipples- We're going to use mason jars as bottles so I'm just getting nipples. There are a few brands that fit regular mouth mason jars. He'll only get maybe one bottle a day so my husband can have that time with him. He'll be mostly exclusively breast fed so I'm only getting a few.
Manual breast pumps- Like I said I'll be mostly feeding him "from the tap" 😂 but I want to get a Haakaa and Boon Trove to catch letdown on the side he doesn't nurse and build my stash that way so meyhusband can do feedings. They're also good for helping with clogged ducts and whatnot so there's that too.
Silicone pouches- Store bought baby food and applesauce pouches have microplastics since they're generally pasteurized in the pouch. I don't plan on doing purees, but applesauce is an easy snack on the go I still eat as an adult 😂
Cloth diaper inserts- I plan to cloth diaper so my mom is actually sewing me all of my diapers, but I told her I'd take care of buying inserts since 30 diapers is a lot lol. I plan on doing a mix of pockets and covers so I'm getting flats and prefolds mostly.
Cloth wipes- To go with the cloth diapers I'm going to try cloth wipes. I figure it shouldn't be much more laundry and they can be used as cleaning rags in like 10 or so years when I'm done having kids (or saved for them to use).
Wet bags- These are for the diapers and wipes until wash day. I might get a hamper or something to put it in like you do with trash bags and bins, but I also might just have a bag sitting 😂.
Diaper sprayer- I'm not convinced I need this, but I've heard it makes spraying 💩 off diapers easier.
SO. MANY. BOOKS.- My mom is a librarian and reading is just really important to my husband and I so the majority of my registry is books 😂. Most of them are physical books, but I do have a Yoto player and some cards to go with it. A Yoto player is basically an audiobook machine, and the one I'm getting works as a clock as well.
Baby wraps/carriers- I plan to baby wear pretty much all day so I have lots of carrier types so I can have him with me all the time. I plan to contact nap and I don't want to be forced to lay down with him lol.
Sleep sacks- It can get pretty cold where I live and my husband likes to keep the house cooler anyway, so since he can't have a blanket I'll have these.
Adjustable high chair- Dangling feet can mess with their hips so I'm making sure to get a high chair that lets me adjust where the foot rest is so his feet are flat on it.
Car seat with a high rear facing limit- It's best to wait until they max out their car seat's rear facing limits to switch them so I'm getting one that goes up to 50lbs.
Washable play mat- For diaper changes, tummy time, and sensory bins when he's older. The one I'm getting also makes a great picnic blanket.
That's pretty much it besides a few teethers, clothes, and bath/health items. I could change my mind and decide other things are worth it later, but this is all I feel is necessary right now.
Things I'm NOT putting on my registry coming soon 🥰.
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gingerlanier · 1 year
Book Review: I Was Born A Baby
 I Was Born A Baby by Meg Fleming 
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Genre (or “category” from the requirements list):
            This picture book is from the Texas 2X2 list. 
Target Age Group:
            Targeted to preschool age 4-8 (Harper Collins website). 
            Various animal characters tell us what they were called when they were born. This book teaches kids the names of different baby animals.  
            I chose this particular book because I enjoy learning collective nouns, demonyms, and names for groups of things. This book is a fun way to teach kids the different names we call animal babies.  
For this review, I will be evaluating cover, illustration and language. 
The cover of this book is very appealing and eye catching. The font of the title is large, and easy to understand. Many of the characters are depicted on the cover, and they are facing forward towards the reader in an inviting and humorous way. 
The illustrations inside are very simple but have a distinct style. Every animal is easy to identify, and the baby is easy to identify as the main character. He’s clearly a baby, it’s easy to tell from his diaper, wide eyes and larger head. The animals are wide eyed and it adds to the humor of the book. 
The language is challenging but in a way that is fun for kids. Without the style of the illustrations and humor of the text, the introduction of so many new words would feel too didactic. But the author and illustrator were successful in presenting the unfamiliar vocabulary in a fun and disarming way. 
I would recommend this to parents who want to teach their kids new names for animals in a fun way, and to librarians who want a fun read aloud with animals. 
Fleming, M. (2022). I was born a baby (B. Scott, Illus.). Harper Collins Publishers. 
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wisteriavines · 2 years
Discontinued Writing (Change Starts With One)
part [1] 2
original prompt
July 15th — the day Midoriya Izuku was born in one world, and the day Dahlia Jones died in another. 
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Izuku was only a year old when he awoke with clarity and understanding. He wasn’t Dahlia Jones anymore, she died. He is Midoriya Izuku now, a baby boy. 
He didn’t quite break down, not so much in the sense of tears and snot, but more in the sense of staring blankly at the wall in front of him as his brain malfunctioned in an effort to process the sudden knowledge. 
Dahlia never really cared about gender or pronouns, she shrugged when people misgendered her due to her clothing or hairstyle. It wasn’t a problem. But she distinctly saw herself as female. Grew up female with all that the birth-gender entails. Puberty was a bitch but it was her bitch. 
Izuku..for all that he was Dahlia Jones and she is now him, female pronouns don't quite fit anymore with him. Male pronouns were and still are a work in progress but he doesn’t feel...wrong or uncomfortable when they’re used, just confused and frustrated. Because for all that he is male, he knows what it means to be female. 
Dahlia’s life is a building block, the base so to say, of his own person. She was a quiet, easily annoyed, kind, take-no-bullshit, smart woman. She graduated college, became a librarian to live as simple and easy as she could while still indulging the part of her that genuinely liked children. 
Izuku in turn is a quiet, kind, and smart child. He loves to read and listen to stories of all kinds. He can’t stand any form of bullying, would step up and defend those that can’t or are too afraid and unwilling. Even when he became the target instead and no one helped him. Dahlia blamed children’s bad behavior and attitude on the adults and environment. Izuku does too because he can see it happening. 
A quirkless child doesn’t know what they’re saying, right?
When he first heard and saw quirks, Izuku was entranced. Dahlia’s world, life, never had anything like it except in comics and movies. He wanted to study them, figure out everything they could do. He was so excited at the prospect of getting a superpower of his own. 
Izuku laughs at the irony now.
He has a lifetime’s knowledge of being quirkless, knows exactly what he is capable of because he knows a world that was filled with quirkless people and oh, what amazing feats they achieved. He is quirkless but so was everyone else when rocket science was achieved and space travel was accomplished. 
It disgusts him how far discrimination has come. 
A child with the ability to change hair colors is suddenly more capable than him when just last week she only ever had blonde hair. What good will pink, blue, purple hair be when they’re in the park playing tag against children with more destructive and physical quirks? Why is a weak and surface-level useless quirk held at a higher standard than he? Why must society turn against him, the very definition of their ancestors? Why - when - how are quirks the equalizer of someone’s worth? 
No one had an answer beyond detention for causing and being a “distraction”. 
Dahlia disliked school but Izuku loathes it. Teachers turning away from obvious bullying. Students becoming bystanders and encouraging the bullies. Bullies growing bolder and worse at the praise and lack of being told “no”. 
Case in point: Bakugou Katsuki. 
With his mother being best friends with the blonde’s mother, Izuku has known Bakugou since he was in diapers (an experience he very much wishes to bleach from his memories). He grew up with Bakugou, became accustomed to his vulgar language and harsh attitude. And has watched the system fail him. 
The moment Bakugou got his quirk was the moment things took a turn for the worst. Purposely set off explosions written off as lack of control. Attitude problems waved off as part of his quirk. Praised for his quirk. Expectations and pressure placed on his small shoulders because of his quirk. His quirk - his quirk - his quirk. Never him. Never Katsuki. Always his quirk. 
Izuku does not fault the boy for slapping his hand away that day in the forest. Does not fault him for his harsh words and heat coated hands. The fault is the system which has failed a child and likely many others too. 
Dahlia was born an American and was raised to judge and question the system, to fight the system and for what is right. Izuku isn’t an American but shares the sentiment since all it seems the USA is popular for are its protests. The need to speak and stand up, to fight for what he believes in. It helps that his father is in America and calls in every Friday, it makes him feel closer to who Dahlia was as a person. 
Midoriya Izuku is seven-years-old, Quirkless in a world of superpowers, feeling older than he really is, and exhausted at the utter failure society has seemed to become.
Laws have been made and passed. Laws that no one actually upholds. So called “heroes” causing more damage than good. So called “villains” having been pushed down too many times and simply accepting their place in the world. Life isn’t black and white, heroes and villains. Life isn’t fair, never has been and never will be. 
But it can be better. 
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July 15th — the day where everything and nothing changed. 
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(TW) Homophobia (3) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: June 13th, 2023
part one, part two
A Human Heart (ao3) - andthenshesaid-write (ladyknight1512)
Summary: Phil's mother has always said that there are creatures in the forest and Phil has always thought they were just stories. Then one day he runs into the forest looking for somewhere to hide and meets Dan, a man with antlers and the ability to talk to trees. Phil's world opens up but there are dangers in the forest that he can't even begin to imagine.
baby, you put a spell on me (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: "Why're you looking at me like that?"
"Because you're fun to look at. Obviously."
Magic is common in Phil's world. But even spells and potions can't explain his seemingly supernatural affeciton for his roommate...
before it gets better (ao3) - lestered (clonetrobed)
Summary: Phil takes a bullet for Dan. Metaphorically.
Better Off - (ao3) - tellsfromhale
Summary: Dan's relationship with his family has been getting better, but when his mum drops the bomb that she's seeing someone and wants Dan to meet him, Dan doesn't know how to handle it.
between the lines (ao3) - dieofthatroar
Summary: Phil's a librarian at a local public library. Dan has nowhere else to go.
Bullies (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil are out shopping when they come face to face with one of Dan's old bullies. Dan is nervous, Phil is angry.
Confessions - walruslovechild
Summary: Dan comes from a strict religious family.
Constellations (ao3) - Cuddlelester
Summary: Being gay in a homophobic neighbourhood wasn't easy. Making friends was near impossible, especially once they learned about Dan's terrifying past. He lived his life alone, the stars being his only friend. It wasn't until his new neighbour came along and gave him something to live for.
december 25th: half my heart (ao3) - angelmichelangelo
Summary: after a difficult family dinner dan misses phil on Christmas Day
Falling For You - georgiabread
Summary: Dan Howell is dead. Well, sort of. He’s a guardian angel, forced to protect only one human, and that human is Cat. But when he accompanies Cat to school, he can’t help but be intrigued by the broken boy with the black hair who sits by the window in class and disappears at lunch times. Dan realises this boy needs more protection than Cat will ever need, so he takes on human form to save him. But soon he finds himself falling in love, which is something he definitely can’t do. Dan Howell is an angel, and he’s falling for Phil.
Fuck You Grandma - sleepylittlephil
Summary: Phil convinces Dan to come out to his homophobic relatives.
Fuck Faggots - flowers-and-colored-hair
Summary: Dan can’t stand gay people and needs to be taken down a peg. Phil takes it upon himself to do just that.
Give Yourself a Try (ao3) - analester
Summary: Phil Lester thinks he is straight. At least until he gets to uni and meets Dan Howell. Being gay is extremely frowned upon, so Phil tries his best to stay away from Dan, but it becomes difficult when his professor asks Dan to tutor him. Afraid of being shunned by his friends and family, Phil tries his best to suppress his feelings, but how can he when Dan is so pretty?
Homophobic Waiter But A Nice Restaurant Nonetheless (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: parent phan where they all go to a restaurant and their child is a baby so they need their diaper changed but there is no diaper changing area and they tell the manager and ask if they can use somewhere else and the manager is like hella homophobic and they go out of the restaurant and tweet it and they get tonnes of support so fluffy angst.
I’m Dreaming of a Happier Christmas (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Not the most comfortable Christmas to say the least
It’s raining outside, but you’re keeping me warm (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Dan and Phil celebrate Valentine’s Day, but Phil doesn’t have the best time.
Dan makes it up to him and shows Phil how much he loves him.
let me show you (ao3) - cloudsrm
Summary: dan was born a colour bandit, emotionless and one of the most destructive creatures in the universes. he doesn't mind his evil and repetitive life, but once tragedy strikes, dan finds himself loathing the monster he was born to be.
phil was born colourful, full of emotion just like every other human. he tries to be just how he's wanted to be, but each day the task grows harder and harder, and phil finds himself wearing a mask of happiness wherever he goes.
when dan is forced to return to his home planet, he's lost all hope. when phil arrives at his favorite cliff side, he has as well. when the two meet, both of their world's rapidly change...but is it for the better or worse?
~a story about finding your true colors~
like a heartbeat drives you mad (ao3) - lestered (clonetrobed)
Summary: Dan closes his eyes for a few breaths, then blinks them back open. “If you’d asked me that a year ago?” He bites his bottom lip and worries it between his teeth. “I’d have said yes for sure. But that sounds fucked up to me now.”
Phil lifts his eyebrows slightly. “What changed?”
The answer to that, Dan knows, is unsurprisingly simple. He swallows just to make sure he’s not choked up when he speaks.
“I met you.”
Misery and Malibu (ao3) - dip_the_pip
Summary: Going home to Wokingham already made Dan miserable, but being around his old school friends is somehow worse, especially when Phil experiences firsthand the harsh words that were thrown at Dan all his life.
one kiss that went right (ao3) - softnerds
Summary: Dan and Phil attend their first YouTube gathering together, but Phil trying to defend some boys against homophobic bullies leads to the day ending in a way that pleasantly surprises them both (set in 2010).
Repose - allthephils
Summary: Phil’s spent 5 years trying to forget about the time he spent Prince Daniel. When a generations old curse leaves Dan vulnerable and in danger of being lost forever, Phil may be the only one who can help him.
Ribs (ao3) - waypast0000
Summary: Dan and Phil throw a party, hoping to change their normal/loser lives. In the middle of adversities and growing up, it did, but not in the way they expected. Way, way better.
So Tell Me When You’re Going to Let Me In - definitelythor
Summary: After Dan’s kicked out of his family home at Christmas, he picks up a hitchhiker on the way to York, and at first he wonders if he’s made a huge mistake. But Phil’s actually kind of perfect, and maybe fate does exist after all.
Sometimes we just need a little love and affection to show us the world isn't all bad. (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: The boys encounter a hate fueled man and Dan has a hard time coping. Phil helps him the best way he can.
stop speak support (ao3) - calvinahobbes
There’s just an extra layer of awareness in his mind as he sits next to Phil on the sparsely populated tube on their way to a meeting, and the group of lads in their school uniforms stream into the carriage and start filling up the empty seats.
stuff happens (ao3) - kayamaya
Summary: "A few of the boys that previously loved to just generally call me gay while throwing compasses at me or something now started to low-key flirt with me and some stuff happened. Go figure." ~ Basically I'm Gay
Teaching you to smile again. (ao3) - Mangomelions
Summary: Dan is bullied at high school and meets the new kid, Phil, who kinda turns his life upside down.
the term is straight to hell (ao3) - confusednp
Summary: Dan and Phil’s first Pride together as husbands gets rudely interrupted
they don't know (about us) (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Dan and Phil in Jamaica, July 2010.
This Thing Called Love (ao3) - RyRyCaptain
too loud in public (ao3) - dizzy, waveydnp
Summary: dan is too busy snogging a cute stranger named phil in a closet at a university party to realize the cops are about to break it up
Two Pats (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: A coming of age story of two soulmates.
Undefeated - howthemoonsuitsthenightsky
Summary: It had been over six months since they broke up when Dan was on the receiving end of a homophobic attack, but when he really needed help, Dan could't help but call Phil.
undisclosed desires (ao3) - outphan
Summary: Daniel Howell is UK's most popular musician. He loves his music, the world he's a part of. But Dan Howell doesn't. Then the director of his new music video quits and soon a storm begins that cannot be stopped.
We’d Make A Cute Couple - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan comes out to his parents and of course they’re not happy and think it’s a phase. Dan enlists the help of his best friend Phil to pretend to be his boyfriend.
would it be a sin if I can't help falling in love with you? (ao3) - resurrectdead
Summary: “Hey.”
Phil reaches over the counter. Leaning one elbow on it, he puts a finger underneath Dan’s chin, gently tilts his head back up. Dan tries not to tremble. He darts his eyes up and they catch at his lips, stay there as he speaks. (He wants to taste them so bad.)
“I don’t know what kind of people you’re friends with,” he starts, “but if they aren’t nice to you, maybe you should consider switching them out for some that are.”
or: it's 1978, everything is a bad influence, catholicism makes you a bit sad sometimes and dan finds the answer to all his questions
Yellow (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: A new boy moved in next to him, his ex-girlfriend broke up with him, and school was starting back after the holidays. What makes it worse, is that the new boy is kind of cute and Dan’s straight.
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alwaysdevilday · 2 years
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Before the first snowfall of the year, you're having the dream almost every night.
You remember very little of the events in Storage #3. You recall the sweet, searing pain of a light, the soft crunch of desiccated chitin being crushed underfoot, the caustic bite of cleaner filling your nose and lungs. You recall the sensation of a hand pressing on your shoulder. You recall the trembling of your lip as your breath caught in your chest and you waited in absolute silence to hear... what, exactly?
The details have almost completely vanished, swallowed up by a warm, grey void, the existence of which can only be made out in negative space, in the hole it leaves behind.
The dream always starts the same way.
You're standing in a library. Beneath your bare feet you can feel the subtle pressure of the edges and corners of a carefully-laid wood floor. It's a herringbone pattern, one you've only seen in photographs. The wood is stained and lacquered the color of rich wine, or maybe dried blood. Most of the wood in the library is the same, save for the gnarled roots that wind up through shattered tile and embrace the shelves as they climb up, up, up towards the ceiling.
The roots would easily reach the roof if there was one; instead of a surface overhead, the roots and shelves simply continue out of sight, swallowed up by the same featureless mist that obscures everything beyond twenty paces or so.
The shelves themselves are all packed with books of every size, color and shape. So many books that you couldn't catalogue them in a year, a decade, maybe in your lifetime. You want to reach out and pluck one, peruse it, take its knowledge for your own... but you have the overwhelming feeling that none of the bounty here is meant for you. It isn't yours, and the pain of that realization sinks deep into your soul every time you come here.
Something wanders the halls and aisles of the library. It's tall, in the same way that you felt your father was tall when you were barely out of your diapers. There is something there beyond purely physical dimensions, an aching knowledge of significance that sits heavily within your head. You can never make out any features, other than the fact that it is so, so lean and that something elaborate, circular and terrifyingly grand sits behind its head no matter which angle you see it from. You're not permitted to look too hard. Whenever it passes your way your instincts take over and you duck into a corner or behind a shelf and wait, huddled over like a child hiding from the boogeyman. If it notices you, it doesn't seem to care, as every single time it simply slumps past (shf... shf... shf...) and eventually out of sight again.
You know that it is called the Librarian but you don't know how you know.
Eventually, the dream always ends with you standing in front of a volume that has caught your interest. It's almost always a different book. You can read the title sometimes, but rarely recognize the language. You find your arm slowly lifting, your fingers (the same fingers that were burnt before by something by the light by why can't you remember) drifting ever-closer to its spine. You are so hungry.
You awake sitting up in bed, your hand lifted slightly off the covers. For the next few hours, there's a deep emptiness within you that nothing seems to fill.
On New Year's Eve you are closing the Store alone. You're packing up your things in the locker room and about to leave when you notice one of the locker doors is hanging slightly open. You're not sure which co-worker it's assigned to, maybe someone who usually works mornings. You reach out to close it for them when something compels you to take a peek inside.
Within the locker there is only an empty, aging lunchbox with cracked plastic lining and a small book. The book is one of those cheap dollar store notebooks, the ones with the cardboard covers and nylon bands to hold them closed when not in use. This one is a slightly faded teal... or maybe cyan? Scrawled on the cover in streaky permanent marker are two words: "WINTER SIGHTS".
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ocenitram · 2 years
Regina: The mayor lifted Emma from the diaper change station. "Now why don't we go get you fed?" she asked the big baby. Regina turned to Snow. "Enjoy it, you got your little girl back. And I'm here if you need help. But...a friend? Now that's interesting. I could call Mal about her daughter. "
Belle cooed a little over Emma. "I see that. " the librarian said, "What's your idea , Snow?"
Emma giggled as she was lifted and though of something she liked her highchair and bib but if the blonde baby was being honest, she preferred to sit in her nan's lap "Nana me sit lap please?" Emma asked if she could sit in Regina's lap. Causing snow to giggle a bit. "Well, that could work and hopefully mal and Lily agree I would rather do this with their consent and not just because we want them too," Snow said excitedly planning Emma's playdates like she always wanted to do.
"Well, we all know that rumple created the curse and manipulated mom and a lot of people in order to find his son well what if they coda re do too that way Emmy here can have a playmate with Bae of course you would have to discuss it with both of them." Snow explained her plan to her friend.
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Brutal Women Broken men! There is a certain breed of mainly Mature Ladies who have taken it on themselves to re-assert the Matriarchal control from the patriarchy. This group of Women would soon band together and take very serious action to change society. They soon became known as THE LADIES GUILD!
Having experienced the downside of controlling sexist males the time has come to change things. Equality needs the re-balance of Females in charge first in the domestic home to the business workplace and schools. To achieve the obedient disciplined male in this new world for Women the harshest of regimes, discipline and education must be used. Here are some fine examples of some of the most BRUTAL LADIES OUT THERE.
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Having initially accepted his role with his Girlfriend's family to be submissively supportive he decided to leave and go back to his male orientated lifestyle. NOT A GOOD IDEA! His new family had started the process of his change and with the backing of his own Mother who was part of THE LADIES GUILD he was to be broken into his subordinate role ASAP!. Sent to a designated Matriarch of the area he was to stay in Her house under her strict rules for a week. Completely body shaved diapered and sissified with restraints the final humiliation was a crying baby mask fixed onto his face and head not that his own face would be sad and tearful. sleeping in his messy diapers being changed, enema's, butt-plugs and spankings in the mornings with other Matriarchal Ladies and his Girlfriend's family visiting to witness his humiliation. He was already docile,meek and dutiful after a couple of days, his final test was to perform at the end of his week he was to take a written exams on Feminist history and do a practical test on domestic chores which most of his week was spent learning. The final humiliation was being sissified in a pink frill maids outfit during this time but the finale was doing a my little teapot routine and ending up naked and prancing around in front of a whole host of Women and young Ladies especially his now EX-Girlfriend's family who were taking him as part of their family. his ex would have a front row seat for his humiliation and if he passes his exams which was highly expected photo's certificates and a recording would be presented to his new Female Dominant Family. NEXT BRUTAL LADY.
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A perfect example of LADIES GUILD RETRIBUTION. The owner of a series of garages and workshops though it a bright idea of ripping off people especially Women who relied on honesty to get their cars serviced. The Ladies of the local Matriarchal Society decided to set him up and low and behold caught him red handed trying to swindle one of the Ladies who was a fully qualified mechanic. The choice was stark, either they go to the police and get him arrested and closed down or he succumbs to Matriarchal Control. Another Brutal Matriarch was assigned to teach him the error of his way and repent by being the best garage service for Ladies (especially his previous customers) in which he also hired young Female school leavers who wanted a career in the motor trade. The males who wanted to keep their jobs would have to perform a monthly ritual of being naked in a paddling pool smearing oil and petroleum jelly over each other in front of the Female apprentices and Customers. The owner would have to do this weekly when the new All Female board of directors would meet. His divorced Wife being the new CEO. His assigned Matriarch did not spare him any pain or humiliation at any time. NEXT BRUTAL LADY
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Local Librarian and Councillor in the Town Hall chamber was sick and tired of trying to get the community funding for worthwhile projects
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As the success of THE LADIES GUILD grew from strength to strength they soon became a certain section of Women losing out. These were Ladies who only had boys and no girls
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When Her Gran-daughter got a place at Uni it made Her Family proud. After Her first year living on campus Her second year was living in a rental room house shared with other Girls. All was going well at first until the unscrupulous Landlord of the place started being over bearing and creepy with regular visits and suggestive comments. It got so much it started affecting the Girls studies and confidence. Money was tight and being a little cheaper than the rental market it seemed this was an ulterior motive for him to come on to the Girls. It did not take long for THE LADIES GUILD to hear of his behaviour and get this sorted quickly. Hidden cameras and listening devices caught him red handed as they had with other lecherous Landlords with an irony that what equipment the Matriarchs used were confiscations of other said lecherous landlords. WHAT AN ABSOLUTE TURN AROUND AND RESULT! To save his own skin from being exposed and arrested he had to hand over control of his dwelling to THE LADIES GUILD and agree to Their new contract of Rental Accommodation. Girls would pay a very small amount of rent to THE LADIES GUILD while the landlord of the property would become the domestic servant of the place under strict control and orders of a Matriarch and during the times the Girls were at Their classes. He too would have to pay a small amount to THE LADIES GUILD be part of a cleaning service owned by them. If it got to the point he was losing money he would sell the property to YES YOU'VE GUESSED IT! . THE LADIES GUILD. he was kept away from the Female Students so not to disrupted Their study but maybe weekends or off term he would be forced to do humiliating acts (all at the Matriarchs discretion) in front of the Students for their entertainment and relaxation time. ANOTHER TWIST TO THIS BRUTAL LADY'S TALE
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Where the lecherous landlord was part of a family himself, he had just cost the family a fair amount of revenue. THE LADIES GUILD would give the Females of the Family the option to take over the rental business after the initial new contract was over. This would normally result in two things. No 1. The Females of the Family were now fully fledged members of THE LADIES GUILD. No 2. They took control 24/7 of the lecherous family male. This also means his domestic disciplinary working practice of which he paid THE LADIES GUILD would go direct to the Women of the Family resulting in that they took total control. The more he worked the more it cushioned the financial blow but not by much. his life was now in the hands of the Females who he let down. THE LADIES GUILD would give massive support to these Females in punishing the said male family member. It would be a life changing time of humiliation, discipline, long servitude for the rest of his life. NEXT BRUTAL LADY.
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Corporate Control.
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ebony gain
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young man
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marlowe1-blog · 2 years
"Peppercorn Rent" by Roberta Rogow (Teddy Bear Cannibal Massacre)
Honest, I'll go back to Cheever soon enough
This one is a cute one. It is so cute in fact that the author told me that she didn't like the anthology and I can totally see why. Roberta is a filk singer, a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction writer and a children's author. Also a children's librarian.
I can see why she did not appreciate seeing her story after a story about The Big Bad Wolf killing himself in a vomit filled apartment because Little Red Riding Hood is having an orgy with the three little pigs (and before a story about mutant rats). Seriously the more stories I read in this anthology, the more I wonder why I bought so many stories about hopeless losers living in filth? Granted, at this point I wrote my first novel-length manuscript where the main characters are named Dogshit and Trash and Dogshit leaves Trash asleep in a pile of dirty diapers in the alleyway in the opening chapter (I would have to become much much more famous for it to ever see the light of day. The best I can say about it is that I learned a lot. Also "Let's Live Suddenly Without THinking" is a great title. Yeah I did steal it from e.e.cummings)
And the main reason why this one is in this anthology is because I lost the rights to a story about a guy who could paint people's souls to the point that they lose the most vital part of themselves (causing a suicide before he's killed.) My (ex-)friend wrote it and since he presented femail at the time I figured that I needed another woman written story for balance. So I reached out to Roberta as a friend of a friend (aunt of an ex-girlfriend to be exact) and here we are.
This might be the first time I re-read the story since I published this anthology (this is true for a lot of these stories. By the time I finally put out the book I didn't even want to look at it again. Especially when I had to fix the typos twice (like I went through and fixed all the typos I could find. Then found dozens more. It's still full of typos. Pro-tip, running a spell check and grammar check is NOT copyediting).
I appreciate this story a lot more. I didn't know about the convention of peppercorn rent as a British thing and the main character is obviously a werewolf. The main thrust of the story is the fact that the peppercorn rent is that the daughter of the house needs to spend the night with the lord and since Ms. Lupine (get it?) is renting a very cheap upper room, she wants to make certain that it gets paid.
Meanwhile the new lord wants to sell the land in order to put a burger chain store on it. The rest of the story is a comedy of errors as the lord continually tries to run away from the protagonist and they keep ending up stuck in restaurants and punk clubs. And jail.
Also she's a werewolf.
One part that I might have been less enamored with when I published but I rather enjoy now is the "doesn't quite get the current times" part. I think I learned to appreciate this in the works of other authors and artists. The club is too loud and the band fronted by a singer who calls himself Lime Green Jello is a little broad - not as broad as the punk rock episode of Quincy, but definitely silly enough to forgive the fact that one doubts that the author has ever been in a punk club. Also Lime Green Jello is the CEO of the burger franchises? That's a bit of a stretch. LIke CEOs are usually too busy figuring out ways to screw their workers and not pay taxes to have a side gig fronting a punk band, but ok, we'll go with it here.
Overall, this is a silly story with decent characters and enjoyable plot contrivance.
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(Belle) : The librarian finished changing Snow. "Better?" she asked the baby princess. "Oh it's, no problem Regina" Belle said, then thought about her question. "Yes, actually. He does and it seems to be a lot more now. That's, wonderful about Henry." Belle had to think for a minute. "That hadn't ocurred to me."
"Yeah, much better miss Belle and thank you," Snow replied happily to be out of her messy diaper and in a clean one. "Can I go play now please?" the baby bandits princess asked the bookworm. "Do you think that he might be using his pull ups on purpose due to his jealousy of Gideon?" Regina asked thinking of Snow's jealousy towards Henry and Roland. "I know is a fantastic older brother my Henry that boy am just so proud of him. "Well, if his jealous you can treat them equally," Regina explained.
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