#the dentist gave me antibiotics
manny-jacinto · 22 days
i always complain about poland but the fact that i was able to book a dentist appointment this morning for this afternoon (and there were multiple slots available?) is really fucking great
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mikotoshusband · 3 months
Ok ik I don't usually post like personal problems on here but I have a tooth infection idk if it's abscess or what but I got some antibiotics and painkillers today after visiting the dentist and at like I wanna say 7pm maybe 8pm (est) my left side of my face (where the infection is) started puffing up mainly under my eye and I wanna know if its a allergic reaction or just swelling irritation from the tooth idk but I'm really freaked out by it now bc my dad kinda worried about it intill he looked it up and said it was normal but I'm still worried that it's more serious
The tooth pain started I wanna say Saturday and it's been like 2 maybe 3 days then? I visited the dentist today tho all the did was take x-rays bc I originally thought the crown was loose (the infection is near one of my crowns forgot to mention :P) but nope it wasn't so the doctor came in and poked around a bit before eventually knocking on the crown that was hurting (yes I did cry bc it hurt) so idk if the swelling is bc of that irritation like I said idk I'm just worried like I said I probably won't sleep tonight but for ppl who did read all of this I'll keep yall posted and if anybody has some advice or answers plz let me know
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kris-mage-fics · 11 months
In which I talk about shitty teeth a lot, and complain about how expensive it is to have bad teeth. Also I'm just generally annoyed and in a shit mood. I do try to focus on positives in my life because I so easily spiral down into bad depressions, but I'm not going to pretend this doesn't suck. (It's under the cut since I know talking about teeth problems can be a sensitive topic and don't want to force anyone to read something they don't want to read.)
Guess who has an abscessed tooth? That's right it's me! Well technically I don't know for sure it's abscessed, as I've yet to see a dentist (that's tomorrow). But I've already had a dozen of them in my life, and I've never been wrong about having one. Yes, I've had 12 abscessed teeth, as well as 10 root canals, 8 crowns, 3 pulled*, 1 bridge, and countless fillings. And that's just my adult teeth. Thing is this shit isn't even my fault! I just have crappy teeth with super thin enamel because they all came in when I was really, really young. So I'm in quite a bit of pain, and a shit mood. See this tooth is one of the two teeth anchoring the bridge. Which means I'm fucked because that bridge is going to have to come off to do anything to the tooth. I suppose I at least got 15 or 16 years out of the bridge, I guess the $3,000 I spent on it was worth it. And almost nothing is covered by disability, so I'll have to pay out of pocket for most of whatever I have done. Which sucks. I'm just really frustrated. Like haven't I gone through enough with my teeth? No, I guess not. I'm sick of them hurting and shelling out lots of money to fix them. I'm sick of dentists and endodontists. I'm sick of having to take so many antibiotics and that fucking up my already-not-great digestive system. *sigh* I'm just so tired. Ugh, right now I'm really jealous of my husband's stupid perfect teeth, and the total of three cavities he's had in his entire life. I might be miserable and in pain on and off for a while as I get this dealt with. Don't know yet how I'm going to deal with it, I'll have to talk over my options with the dentist tomorrow. I have an idea of what I want to do, but I don't know how feasible it is. I'd like to scream, but it wouldn't help me feel better, so I'll just be a grump for a while. *Not counting baby teeth pulled or the five wisdom teeth I had pulled. Yes I had five.
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eclipsedshadowk · 7 months
Si la société veut que j'ai la parfaite hygiène orale, pourquoi faire les dentifrices trop mentholé
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
Still makes me so mad that the hospital stole my teeth when I was too out of it from the anesthesia to fight them on it. I grew those! Just because they turned on me and I needed them out of my body, doesn't mean I didn't want to keep them.
#as opposed to the dentist who after fitting me for a new retainer was like 'so the 3d printed model of your teeth. you want that right'#that's a man that understands me#fuck yeah i do#even gave me a little bag to take it home in. that's how sure he was that I'd want it#offering to let you keep these things should be the bare minimum imo. of course I'm attached to them! they're mine. not yours#and i mean the bond between me and my teeth was much stronger than that of the 3d model#seeing as id personally grown them. carried them around for a good while. and! most importantly: they almost killed me#the bond between a girl and a thing that spent 2 years doing its damnist to make her die a timeless kind of death: irreplaceable#nothing makes you feel closer to your ancestors than regular systemic infections from a bad tooth#tho in the tooths defence. it personally was very healthy. i did a great job of growing it really. it just grew in at the wrong angle#leaving me with a gaping wound in my mouth for two years (no really. it should have been removed immediately but shit happened and it took a#ridiculously long time until eventuality mid pandemic they were like 'yeah let's do that surgery you've needed for 2 years')#by the end i was on antibiotics like once a month. and the really nasty ones too. the swelling was so bad ppl kept thinking i had mumps#no! just my tooth again#honestly we went through a lot together (even it was the tooths fault) i hate to think of the fact that it was incinerated along with#everyone else's set aside body parts. it deserved better.#i feel something that tries to kill you that many times is owed a certain amount of respect. they robbed me of the chance to give it that
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mycobacteria · 11 months
i'm always surprised when medication like... works
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arcanegalaxy · 1 year
life advice don’t get toothache it fucking hurts
can’t wait for them to take that thing out
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batslime · 1 year
do you have any idea how awkward it is to have to bandage your earlobes.
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diioonysus · 1 year
creepy/messed-up history facts
the man in the booth across from lincoln was named major henry rathbone, and after booth fired the shot, rathbone tried to tackle him to the ground, but booth sliced rathbone in the arm with a dagger. after that night, rathbone was never free of guilt. he suffered from stomach ailments to heart palpitations, and on december 23rd 1883, he attacked and killed his wife clara, and attempted to kill himself. he spent the rest of his life in a mental institution.
in 1494, sailors returning from the new world brought with them massive outbreak of syphilis, which spread through an entire french army, and with no antibiotics to counteract it, the disease spread unchecked. the skin on victims' faces would essentially rot away from the grisly ulcers. in some cases, the noses, lips and other body parts of the affected people were essentially gone.
in 1890, thomas edison, using wax cylinder, produced a line of baby dolls. they had wooden bodies, procelain heads, and miniature phonographs in their chests. the phonographs would play back recordings of young women reciting nursery rhymes like "hictory dickory dock," and "now i lay me down to sleep." (here's the audio of them x)
dentures used to be made from the teeth of dead soldiers. they were ivory base plates with real human teeth attached, a lot of these were sold to dentists by scavengers looting corpses from the battle of waterloo. the dentists would boil the them down, cut off the roots, attach them to ivory plates, and sell them.
in 1929, a pair of scientists at princeton university wanted to test and understand how the auditory nerve percieves sound, and their test subject was an alive cat. they cut out part of its brain and attached one end of a telephone wire to its auditory nerve and the other end to a reciever. weirdly enough, many researchers think this helped lead to the development of cochlear implants. but the cat was killed after the scientists wanted to see if it worked on a dead cat.
in 1726, mary toft told doctors that she gave birth to rabbits, and doctors were fully convinced until they found pieces of corn inside the stomach of one of the rabbits, proving that it hadn't developed inside her womb. she instead was manually inserting the rabbits to make the delivery look as realistic as possible.
it was believed that babies under the age of 15 months couldn't feel pain, so doctors would instead use muscle relaxers that had a paralytic effect to stop the baby from moving. this essentially meant they couldn't move or cry but they could still hear, see, and feel everything that was done to them. this was accepted up until 1980s
there was a tiger in india named man-eater of champawat who became dependent on human flesh, which at the turn of the 20th century inflicted a seven-year reign, killing 436 men, women, and children. she was eventually killed in 1907.
there was a book called "how the mail steamer went down in mid atlantic, by a survivor," which tells the story of an unnamed ocean liner that sinks in the atlantic. the protagonist is a sailor named thompson, who grows concerned over the lifeboat shortage, and sure enough the liners collides with a small sailing ship in a fog. as the ship sinks, only 200 of the 700 people on board survive. the second novella "the wreck of the titan: or, futility" by morgan robertson, follows the fictional ocean liner titan, which hits an iceberg in the north atlantic and sinks. like the titanic, the titan was described as the largest ship afloat at the time, both ships had a shortage of lifeboats, and the titan was dubbed "unsinkable." when the accident occurred, roberston simply said he was knowledgabe about maritime operations, saying "i know what i'm writing about, that's all."
some books created in the 18th and 19th century were bound in real human skin which was called anthropodermic bibliopegy. most of these books that were bound with human skin instead of animal skin were mostly based on anatomy or erotica.
during the battle of ramree island, which was fought between january and february 1945, japanese soldiers were cornered by english troops seeking to conquer burmese island of ramree, forcing japanese troops to cross 10 miles of swamp. the japanese soon began to suffer the effects of tropical diseases, but the presence of large numbers of scorpions, tropical mosquitoes and thousands of saltwater crocodiles, the world's largest reptiles, was even worse. In its genre. very aggressive beasts that can reach 8 meters in length and weigh more than a ton. according to some survivors, during the night, they were hunted one by one, in which the crocodiles would ambush them from underneath. and the survivors said the worst part was hearing the screams and the breaking of bones in the dark.
there is a cocodile named gustave (or was if you believe he's dead), a large nile crocodile in burundi who has been rumored to have killed 200-300 people. he's never been captured, but it has been stated that he could be "easily more than 20 feet, and weigh more than 2,000 pounds." he was/is estimated to be over 100 years old, and was/is described as having bullet wounds over his body, and his right shoulder blade was found to be deeply wounded, but they don't know what could have caused it. it's been rumored that he would leave the corpses he killed behind. in 2019, an article revealed he was killed, but there's no photographic evidence which leaves people doubting it's true.
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mj-iza-writer · 1 month
I'm going to call this series "MJ is a Whumpee", what better way to get writing experience than to actually get the experience in real life.
Of course not everyone will get to experience everything so why not share it.
So "MJ is a Whumpee" will be updated as regularly as I can. Plus I will explain what a Whumpee might experience and what they may want or need from a Caretaker or even Whumper. Some may even contain a story.
-MJ 💚
Today's (Friday, Aug 16) experience... getting a tooth pulled.
I have had a broken tooth since March 2020. I was starting to see the dentist and getting my dental health back together when covid started. Because of that I canceled my dental cleaning, and right after that my tooth broke, and had been rotting away since then. My dentist wanted to continue fixing my other teeth before any of them could break away, then send me to the oral surgeon to have it pulled.
A few months ago, I went to him because I was in so much pain. He said he believed it was the broke one causing the pain. He gave me the order to get the tooth pulled, but I had to wait for about 50 days still because of the long schedule. I was given antibiotics and painkillers to last.
This is my experience.
For most of this week I was nervous, but I think the excitement of getting it out of my mouth overpowered my nerves.
Appointment morning Friday. I woke up nervous, and the nerves get stronger as the appointment time gets closer, 1pm.
Now, I am a Whumpee without a Caretaker, I have people that will help me when I need it, but most of this I am doing on my own.
I am shaking during my drive to the oral surgeon.
Go in and get checked in. Sit in the waiting room and try to relax knowing everything would be alright.
Warning: I will be going into detail about the extraction here. I have a cut off as I will be explaining the process, and I know that could gross or squick some out.
There will be a story under here as well.
I get sat down and talk with the dental surgeon, then sign some paperwork.
I received the shots to numb, and I waited for 10-15 min for the numbing to fully take affect.
The surgeon finally comes in and makes sure I am numb before they get started.
I am given a spacer to keep my mouth open, and gauze is put their as well.
As the dentist starts to work, a third person comes from above my head and says, "I am going to support your neck and head". I then feel hands around my throat and chin, not to choke, but they do have some pressure here.
Even while getting my tooth pulled I'm thinking about Whumpee and what would happen with someone holding their throat while two other people are pulling a tooth out. Like flashbacks, PTSD, crying, past trauma. You can really add some nightmare fuel here.
So I can feel pressure as they are shaking my head. Pulling the tooth, moving it back and forth.
The sounds.... Oof, I cringed. Just imagine the sound of a tooth getting pulled from your jawbone and skin. It sounds like shredding and wet.... ugh. Then it is right there by your ear, just 🤢
The oral surgeon tells me that I will hear the sound of the dental drill like at the dental office. It's almost louder though.
It's sensory overload, taste, sound, people in your mouth.
I know I moaned a few times. I couldn't feel anything, but I was imagining how painful it would have been.
She then went into stitching... now I can't feel anything going on, but I could only imagine what that felt like without numbing.
I had to bite down on gauze for around an hour during my drive home on my own. I needed to go to the pharmacy first to get medicine. I bought myself a gift for being so brave though.
Story time... though I do not have a caretaker, I will be giving Whumpee one in this story, because I love my Caretakers.
Caretaker made a small breakfast for Whumpee. They said they weren't really hungry, but Caretaker wanted them to have something in them for later.
Whumpee slowly picked away at the breakfast.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee's shakiness made it hard to function.
"It's okay to be nervous", Caretaker patted Whumpee's shoulder gently, "it's a new experience."
"I think my excitement is making me less nervous, but I'm so scared still", Whumpee admitted.
"I'm glad you're excited. You've come a long way. I'm glad your dentist said it was time to get this done now", Caretaker smiled as they cleared the table, "we will leave in about an hour, the paperwork is done. But they need to scan a few things before the appointment."
Whumpee nodded.
Later on, Caretaker was reviewing Whumpee's records to make sure they had everything in order. They were going to a new place to have the tooth removed.
"I can't believe you've had all of these visits already", Caretaker reminisced, "we are finally getting somewhere."
"Whumpee if you would, please brush your teeth", Caretaker called.
"Okay", Caretaker heard Whumpee get up from the couch and head to the bathroom.
Caretaker thought back to the timid patient they had taken in only two years prior.
Whumpee had come out of a long term hostage situation. They had a lot of medical needs, but their dental was a big issue.
Caretaker had to take them in every couple of months to have their teeth checked and cleaned. This broken tooth had been watched closely and it was causing major pain now. So the dentist said it was time.
Whumpee was finally taken back and sat down.
After consulting with the dentist and Whumpee getting a full run down on everything that would be done they decided to start numbing Whumpee's mouth.
The dentist left for a few minutes while the numbing took affect.
"You heard the part about an assistant holding your neck", Caretaker reminded Whumpee.
Whumpee nodded, "I don't really know how I'm going to feel about that, but I know it needs to be done."
Caretaker nodded, "I will be right here with you, and I will react as we have practiced in the past for when you have an episode."
Whumpee nodded again.
When everyone came into the room Caretaker went over what would happen if Whumpee had a flashback or anything of the sort. Then explained to them what steps they would need to take to keep Whumpee safe.
Once agreed upon, everyone got into place.
Whumpee moaned while the dentist harshly wiggled the tooth.
"I know you are feeling pressure, but is there any pain" the doctor stopped for a moment."
"Nu-uh", Whumpee mumbled.
Caretaker stayed down at Whumpee's feet and gently squeezed their toes. They had done this multiple times during Whumpee's appointments.
Whumpee said it helped them be able to focus and know they were not alone.
The tooth was finally out and everything was set. Whumpee just needed to rest for a few minutes before they could get up.
They smiled weakly when Caretaker came around.
"I am so proud of you", Caretaker gently ran their hand through Whumpee's hair and straightened a few snarls, "you did so good."
"Thankyou", Whumpee tried to talk with a giant piece of gauze in their mouth, "they said I can keep the tooth."
"Yes I heard them. I know you wanted to keep it", Caretaker smiled, "when you feel ready we can head to the pharmacy and go home."
"I think I feel alright", Whumpee started to sit up.
Caretaker laughed at Whumpee during their drive. Whumpee sat in the passenger seat poking their cheek.
"It's so numb", Whumpee poked at their cheek a few more times, "I don't know if I like it, it feels weird."
"Yes I don't much enjoy getting numbed myself", Caretaker agreed.
"So what else are we doing today?", Whumpee looked around.
"Well we are going to the pharmacy to get your medicine the dentist sent out, and you may pick out something for doing so well", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee's eyes lit up, "then we are going home so you can rest."
Whumpee nodded, "may I pick out a toy or maybe a coloring book?"
"Yes, you can pick out anything you like", Caretaker nodded.
"I wonder if I'm to old to be wanting toys though", Whumpee frowned.
"No one is ever too old to enjoy toys", Caretaker frowned, "adults can enjoy toys just as much as anyone else."
Whumpee now sat in the living room happily looking at the item they had chosen.
"How are you feeling?", Caretaker peaked in at them, "is the numbing waring off yet?"
"I think it is a little now", Whumpee felt their cheek.
"Okay, let's get that medicine in you, and I have a surprise for you as well", Caretaker smiled.
"A-a surprise?", Whumpee's eyes lit up.
"I'll be right back", Caretaker turned.
Caretaker came back with a huge grin and a container with Whumpee's meds.
"What is the surprise?", Whumpee eagerly took the medicine.
"Just a few minutes more, and I'll bring it out for you", Caretaker chuckled.
Whumpee set their item to the side and watched the doorway for Caretaker to come back in.
"Alright Whumpee", Caretaker came in carrying two plates, "I stayed up late making this for you, so I hope you enjoy."
"Is that your jello?", Whumpee's eyes sparkled, "you haven't made that in so long."
"Since your last major procedure.... I feel like it's a bit of a tradition now to have jello after you have something major done. This will also be easy for you to eat."
Whumpee looked excitedly at the plate they were holding. This jello was almost a comfort treat for them. It was the first treat Caretaker had made for them when they first came to live with them.
Whumpee had to have a several surgeries around their mouth and jaw so they were very limited. The jello became a sweet treat that Caretaker made them multiple times.
Caretaker sat down across from them.
"I, of course, have to have some as well", Caretaker smiled as they remembered eating the jello with Whumpee after the procedures. This way, Whumpee could enjoy it with someone else.
Whumpee quickly scooped some into their spoon, then jiggled it a little as they lifted it to their mouth.
They giggled happily at the familiar safe flavor.
"This brings back so many memories", Whumpee smiled as they scooped up more, "it taste so yummy."
"I'm glad you like it. There was a while when you ate this daily after meals... I'm surprised you didn't get sick of it", Caretaker laughed as Whumpee played with the treat.
"The one food that it is okay to play with", Whumpee giggled again.
"Yes, but I do need to put a small damper on things", Caretaker sighed, "I would like you to take a small nap after eating this. You used up a lot of energy with your nervousness and stress. Plus it will let your body have time to heal. Are we okay with that plan?"
Whumpee looked up and nodded, "I do feel a little tired."
"I can imagine", Caretaker smiled.
Caretaker sat across from Whumpee while they slept. They were organizing Whumpee's care chart.
"Such a brave soul, everything you went through. I'm so proud of you", Caretaker smiled as they set the book aside, "it's an honor taking care of you."
Notes from the last day.... movement of my mouth is limited, and I am very sore. 🥲
Yes, I absolutely kept my tooth that was pulled out. I also ate blue raspberry jello that night as well.-MJ 🦷
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @clevah-girlboss
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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cognitohazardous · 3 months
went to a student dentist office cause its cheap and i was sleep deprived and i was soaked by rain and they tormented my agonized tooth for nearly 3 hours before shrugging and giving me antibiotics. it felt very much like a stress dream the entire time. the fluorescent lighting was overwhelming and the safety glasses they gave me didnt have a tint to block the dentist light.
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jhscdood · 9 months
i woke up in a Bad Headspace today and imma use by blog to vent about it like it's livejournal circa 2004.
tw for discussion of medical stuff
- I hate xmas. I'm jewish but my dad is not and the pressure to have An Perfect Xmas every year and the disappointment every year just grosses me out now. Not even going to talk about american xtian hegemony but there's some of that in there too.
- Today i began to suspect that the awesome new migraine med that actually stops my weather-induced migraines might also be interfering with the efficiacy of my prediabetes meds. or maybe im wrong and im Just That Fucking Exhausted.
- Spouse spent all last week recovering from a severe medication allergy and hives on 70% of his body. and steroids Do Not Agree with him so it was just. a wild time. terrifying af. stood over him with an EpiPen basically the entire time.
- 3 days before The Hives, i scratched my cornea while pruning bushes and that right there is a pain i do not ever want to revisit. had to go to the optometrist and get The Goo.
- 2 days before Cornea i had my first Botox For Migraine treatment. 31 injections to the face, neck and shoulders. it stung but it was over in like 4 minutes. takes 3 sessions to start kicking in. sessions are 12 weeks apart. so i guess we'll find out in August if it's working.
- day before Botox i had an ENT appointment and he stuck a camera up my nose and then diagnosed me with a weird vocal cord paralysis thing so now i have to go back to speech therapy for the first time in 26 years.
- Week before that, saw my neurologist and she diagnosed me with a weird intermittent lazy eye / motion lag thingamawhatsis so now i have to go to an ophthalmologist AND vision therapy.
- That week I also saw my PCP and explained to her about the intermittent abdominal pain I've been having since like 2021. She took me seriously!!! Which is good!!! But now i am scheduled for baby's first colonoscopy. And i have to keep a food journal, which i HATE because food is STUPID.
- All of the above all happened this month btw. December 1-23.
- My final appt in November was yet another ultrasound of my former left tit because there is an oil cyst at the site of my top surgery and they are VERY SURE it is a benign oil cyst but the rules require them to poke it every few months for 2-3 years.
- Before that I had a 48 hour ambulatory EEG which was the itchiest i have ever been in my LIFE. That same week our basement stairs collapsed and a contractor had to come rebuild them (up! to! code!). That same week i also went to the dentist to get my crown fitted.
- I think my MIL was in the hospital that same week, too. so that's a thing that's been going on the whole time since then.
- I spent most of October deathly ill with food poisoning thst was originally misdiagnosed as viral. I ended up with a CT scan and colitis. and, eventually, cipro. it was the sickest i have ever been in my adult life. i would rather have mono again. i fantasized about those cholera beds with the hole in the center so you didnt have to get up to have your horrid dysentery. nightmare.
- The day before that hit i had ONE golden day where i felt good and had energy. we went to temple and i got glomped by about 10 different people. my 80 year old bestie kept finding me to hug me again. Rabbi hugged me super hard.
- Before that was a root canal, and before that was a tooth infection that took 2 rounds of antibiotics to kill, and before that was the original cavity filling that started it all. the dentist kindly comped me the $172 for the filling against the $3,800 bill for the root canal + crown.
- Before that? IDEK man. I have lost track. Somewhere in there i got diagnosed with insulin resistance which explained my HORRENDOUSLY TERRIBLE fatigue and cloudiness and waking up starving every 3 hours. The meds they gave me changed that literally overnight. it was a miracle. which is why im freaking out about the new migraine med possibly counteracting that. i spent the entirety of last summer in a fog. several of my very good friends visited and all i could do was nap on them. i couldnt go anywhere or do anything. it was a nightmare. i don't want to go back to that. but also i don't want to have a migraine every time the wind blows. but i would rather have a migraine 50% of the time than be back to that fatigue fogged state 100% of the time. nope nope nope.
- and amongst all of this, still having the seizures. they were going down for a while but the last week or so has been 1-2 per day. so. another checkmark in the "gee do you think you're stressed?" column.
- it is going on 10pm and I'm tired so i very likely have accidentally omitted several other things. to be fair to me, there's Quite A Bit to remember.
- so if youre wondering why i havent updated my latest fic, its partly bc i am TIRED and partly bc if i gave jason even a third of the health bullshit i have dealt with the past few months, it would absolutely defy belief. TWO kinds of eye problems AND a speech problem AND food poisoning AND dentistry?? surely no one in the world has to deal with that much!
sigh. anyway. thanks for listening. i promise i am stressed out of my GOURD but, shockingly, have not slid into any sort of depressive space. mostly im just annoyed. i spent today watching dinosaur documentaries and reorganizing my craft supplies.
tomorrow will be better. today just sucked.
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soudeko · 2 months
the dentist couldn't take out my fucked up tooth today 😭😭 she wanted to reschedule me but i leave for vacation in less than a week so i gotta wait until i get back. at least she filed it down so it doesn't stab my cheek anymore but it's infected and i didn't even realize it?? so she gave me some antibiotics to take when it starts hurting. it's gonna be almost $300 next time bc it's a complicated extraction and i'm Not excited to pay for this out of pocket
enjoy a photo of my broken tooth
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millerflintstone · 1 year
In today's frustrating dental news - I have an upper left bicuspid that is suddenly heat sensitive. Grits set it off earlier. I've had pain in my left ear since yesterday and the redone root canal has gotten increasingly painful again since Thursday night. The endodontist does not have an emergency line at all or even instructions on what to do if there is a need other than calling the office.
According to my dentist's website, they have Saturday hours. I tried calling and got the after hours emergency message. Ok, fine. I listened to it and decided to leave a message instead of texting the number they gave. I couldn't because the mailbox was full, so I sent a text. Since there was no reply, I asked Unfriendly to drive me to the office. They were closed. The sign on the door also stated their Saturday hours.
Ended up going to urgent care in case the ear thing was a sinus /ear infection. Nope. That looked clear. I have amoxicillin and tramadol and to follow up with my dentist. I took the antibiotics and a 50 mg tramadol as soon as I got them. An hour later I took 800 mg of ibuprofen. I'm still in pain. It's not as bad but it's bad enough that I can't push it away by concentrating on something else for a while. Ice doesn't seem to help either.
So Monday I get to complain about how no one got back to me at all from the emergency dental text I sent and that the dental practice I go to needs to update their website. I have a bite adjustment appointment with the endodontist on Tuesday but I'll be calling them as well because the urgent care doctor thinks it's referred pain from the root canal. There is something more going on. Stay tuned for whether or not this practice does anything useful for me on Monday.
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note also that i lost my tooth not because of a lack of dental hygiene, which i myself even find surprising. for a while, right when covid started, i was living in a cabin in the forest without running water, and i would have to use my water supplies to brush my teeth so i often neglected to do so. i then fell out of the habit and would go days without brushing my teeth or only doing so once a day. this coincided with the dark ages of my life where i was very depressed and unmotivated to live or do anything in the interest of continuing to live, and so it was very difficult for me to maintain any kind of positive routine. not making excuses, it was a bad thing and i should have kept up with it, but my mindset at the time was that nothing mattered.
i had had problems with this tooth in particular for years. toothaches which would last a day or so of intense pain and then leave. i woke up one morning with a horrible toothache and swelling in my face. i went to the dentist and they said that there had at some point been trauma to the tooth which caused it to "die." i hit it on something which i don't remember at all. there was an infection which they gave me antibiotics for. later they performed a root canal and supposedly cured me. about a year later the pain returned and they told me my options were either to go to a specialist, to perform a specialist root canal, which would not be covered by insurance, or to have it pulled, so i decided to have it pulled.
i wish that this could be a cautionary tale about dental hygiene, because it is extremely important, i have plenty of other cavities and things from this period, but it's really not. don't get hit in your teeth. anyways, i have grown sick of all of this so i will call around to specialists tomorrow and try to get them to give me a permanent fake tooth. both my grandmothers (mom's mom and dad's mom, not lesbians) are so upset to see me with the missing tooth that they have told me that they will help pay for it, which i may take them up on because it tends to sit around $3,000, which i have but not for throwing around. also i want to look more presentable.
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