#the demoness has spoken [ooc]
demonicrebeletna · 2 years
I'm sorry for my disappearance, but I had to take a break due to my mental health.
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I set Savers in its airing year, so Masaru was born in '92. Can take place anytime after episode 49. However, there just won't be any explicit sexual content regardless of when the thread takes place. I also don't auto-ship: I'm here to walk a character through things, so ships will all be more slow-burn. Also, while Masaru's just pan, I'm actually asexual, so don't even expect me to present beyond a textbook understanding of sexual attraction
Masaru's kind of a jerk. My other two muses are generally at least kind unless the other person isn't, but Masaru's kind of abrasive and gleefully violent. If we're playing, I'll probably warn you beforehand, but Masaru may snap at your muse if your muse isn't a little kid. If your muse didn't deserve it, he'll probably apologise at some point, but yeah, this muse is even less like me than 02's Ken (Bleach's Ichigo is my muse most like me)
I'm on mobile. Period. I can't cut threads. I usually just tag "long post." Can't cut threads.
Seen JP ver only. Haven't seen any others, and I have no reason to bother--the original's in my native. Why would I bother with "orange juice bomb"?
Masaru is mixed race here. In a planned project that's a sister project to my Bleach project I already got a bit of stuff up for, Masaru's mum is Japanese and Russian, and related to Junpei of Frontier, and Masaru's dad was Japanese and Afghani. Masaru actually does speak Japanese, Russian, and Persian.
Masaru's also trans here. He never got puberty blockers, but he finally got testosterone at 13. So his voice changed at a pretty normal age. But he does need a binder and all that. (He loved that black tank top he wears after the memory wipe because it was just the right cut to cover the binder while showing off his arm muscles!) He does someday want kids, and Japanese law, like most US states or most places, requires sterilisation to recognise gender change. His papers also say a different first name. Of course, this probably came up with Satuma. Satuma and payroll at DATS probably know all about it. But being trans isn't *as* hard in Japan as the Anglophonic world. Especially thanks to Kamikawa Aya advocating on outlets like NHK radio since '95, which Masaru would be three then.
I toss the epilogue. Don't like the losing their digimon, and Masaru ditching his family he feels so responsible for and his dad he just got back?
Actually, in my project, ep 48 never happens. Suguru is dead, DATS remains, and Sayuri gets BanchouLeomon as her digimon partner.
Oh, another rule--poor spelling and grammar is acceptable if you are not a native speaker. It infuriates me to no end that I'm supposed to be an idiot for being fluent in three just because English is not my first, but native speakers get to run around spelling "bins" "ben's" and congratulating themselves for "kohnichuwa" but I get beaten/decried for actually knowing the language... And also, ,ZERO TOLERANCE for "garnish my human default English with exotic Japanese uwu" See "zero tolerance for chasers and racism"
Totally available to play in Japanese or Spanish, but you must be fluent.
Masaru lives in Tobechou, Yokohama. I went to the Chinatown in Yokohama once with my dad, but I lived in Koube. And we didn't leave Hanshin region all that much. My knowledge of much outside there being a Chinatown in the '80s (obviously still there, as it was the setting for the Savers movie) and big landmarks like Minatomirai is minimal. I also haven't been back to Japan period since '94. My relatives there are all deceased since the '90s, and flights alone are 1,000$, which, until recently, was definitely over a month of rent. Two for a studio, one plus a couple hundred for a 1 or 2LDK, depending. Might even have had 1.5 baths. By the time Savers was airing in Japan, I was able to keep up with Japanese news via now-gone Japanese-language broadcasts in California, as well as the Web, which is also how I saw Savers. But my knowledge of Japanese things may run the risk of being almost 30 years out of date. Or it might be completely current because I still read Asahi News, the most left-leaning paper I can find. Unsure if related to Hanshin region channel 6, but channel 6 was the best when I was there.
The Daimon family didn't move when Masaru came out, but he came out pretty young. It's just difficult to get trans care for minors. That being said, most peers don't know he's trans. They do know he's mixed, though. That being said, it's not like it's *only* him fighting racist bullies. It's only partially that. Like I said, I fully acknowledge he's pretty abrasive. So he's not completely blameless for all the fights. He could easily someday be the kind of parent who gets arrested for punching a rival dad. Violence is not a last resort for him. It's the best resort.
I do multi-para and don't use icons. But I'm not asking for an exact word count match. All I ask is give me stuff to go off of in replies and for Heaven's sake, do *not* format like House of Leaves when you play with me. Format button abuse looks like a visual panic attack, and is just too chaotic for me to read.
I may go spotty on replies with you. I'll still chat with you via the messenger thingy, and I don't play with people I've never spoken to, even if I've started the interaction, because I need to filter for my sanity, so I need to know the people I play with aren't gonna pull racism or something on me, but when my replies slow, it's because I work on-call at a shelter for seriously physically ill people, I'm also disabled myself, and I don't have the ability to put enough energy for the high-quality replies I strive to give in at the moment. I'm stalling because I want to give you my best. If I want to drop a thread, which is admittedly rare, I'll let you know. I won't leave you guessing.
Some h/cs just for fun
Masaru loves metal. The metal I know is 70s prog and 80s glam metal and stuff. I don't really like much music past about '94, and exactly two albums after 2000 (neither are metal)
Masaru has always had the same kind of attention span I have now even though I completely didn't when I was younger. He's running commentary if you watch an movie with him, his biggest problem with school is the whole sitting and passively listening to a lecture part, he thinks he doesn't like reading because others always talk about sitting there and reading for hours on end (if he's older, he may have realised it's OK to read for 20-minute bursts, something I eventually realised, too). He only really learns by doing. That being said, depending on age, he may not have had the chance to *realise* that yet.
He wouldn't become a sumo wrestler, but he totally watches it. Honestly, any fighting sport, and he's there.
He's very Japanese as far as religion. Sort of takes part and believes in a lot of them at the same time, but none are a overly influential part of his life. This is a thing.
Crossovers with any season preceding Savers are pretty easy with this blog considering my project. The project will eventually merge with the Bleach project, toi, so I also have a thing for that. Overall, I welcome crossovers with most animated media. Live action, I'll consider if you don't use icons with me (it ends up looking like Who Framed Roger Rabbit in my head) I don't do any real person stuff beyond, say, having Masaru listen to real bands or know of other public figures.
There is also a flexibility in playing Masaru in other countries. He could visit family in Russia or Afghanistan, he can be sent over from DATS to help with digimon appearances in countries allied with Japan (coughcontroloverjapanliketheuscough) or I totally ship him with Touma, so he could be in whatever that country is (obviously a Germanic nation in Western Europe)
He's definitely leftist, but his tactics aren't really common among the left. Typically, it's the fascists that will throw the first punch. Except Masaru will, as well. Unfortunately, this means he can take *away* from, say, antifa efforts to counter demo anti-Korean rioters.
He looks down on most weapon use, but probably none more so than guns and other weapons that remove the user from the target. To him, anyone who hides safely behind a weapon and makes the fight so one-sided is a coward. To this extent, he thinks war should be done away with and the leaders of the countries should duel instead of America just wiping out thousands of Japanese (WWII) or Afghani (during his lifetime) civilians (well, in that war, it was definitely not the Afghani government's fault, as that was a radical rebel sect powered initially by Regean, but it was most certainly civilian deaths en masse)
Masaru cannot meditate at all. He's also very reactive. To that extent, he's never really done well with martial arts. There's a lot less focus on self-discipline in boxing and wrestling than in Aikido or karate or what have you. He'd probably love the intensity of Krav Maga or CQC. I just don't know if Krav Maga has a self-discipline component. CQC almost certainly doesn't--it's American.
More when I think of it.
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idolapps · 8 years
Limitless - NCT 127
FACECLAIM: Kim Hanbin (B.I) from IKON
NAME/STAGENAME: Bang Joon Ho/Joker
BIRTHDATE/AGE: October 25th, 1996/20
COMPANY/POSITION: Galaxy Entertainment Trainee
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 177 cm/63 kg
He has made online rap covers from the age of eleven until he was fourteen. He placed his account on hiatus during his first year as a trainee and has been inactive since.
He is a major perfectionist when it comes to performing or writing raps. Even when it’s for something he doesn’t particularly enjoy, he’ll try to perfect it.
Besides Korean, he is fluent in English and currently learning Japanese.
Strengths: Joon was recruited for his passion for rapping and that in itself is his biggest strength. Despite his quiet exterior, Joon has a lot of passion and sense of determination that makes him stand out. He is a hardworker and takes his future career and his training very seriously. And although he does have his weaknesses (for example, his lack of vocal range), he does put in the work to do better even if it means he would have to push himself further to accomplish it. Joon can compose, arrange, and write lyrics (self-taught) and has a habit of creating demos and tracks on his free time whenever he is inspired. He has natural leadership but won’t pursue it unless he necessarily has to.
Weaknesses: Joon’s weakness lies on his self-reliance. He doesn’t turn for help and much rather solve problems on his own. He tends to keep all his negative emotions inside of him, allowing them to pile up until he blows a fuse with his temper. Because he’s so serious, it may be difficult to work with him as he tends to take charge of situations within group training. If sees that something isn’t right, he needs to fix it – much of the perfectionist trait within him which may cause clashing with other trainees.
Bang Joon Ho always wanted to be like his older brother. The one who knew everything about hip hop, the one who could rap so cooly even though his brother was only five years older. Bang Joon Ho idolized Bang Ho Joon and wanted nothing more than to be just like him when he grew up.
Bang Ho Joon was only fifteen when he suddenly passed away from an asthma attack. The two brothers were only playing soccer at the local park when the older suddenly collasped, laying on the green grass unmoving. It was the last time Joon Ho ever saw his brother, everything from that memory becoming blurred all except the image of the body being escorted away by a blaring siren.
A year later, Bang Joon Ho had come across his brother’s old hip hop albums and tapes in the basement – his parents having stashed them away while cleaning out Ho Joon’s room. One particular album stood out from the rest, Epik High’s Map of the Human Soul. Placing the cd into his walkman, the eleven year old listened to the familiar beats and rhythms. He recalled the day when his brother had first brought it home after purchasing it with his own money and had exicitedly invited Joon Ho to come to his room and listen to it with him. The memory had hurt, but it also inspired Joon Ho to honor his brother’s dream. So he begins making rap covers online under the alias Joker, just as his brother had planned to do.
For three consistent years, Joon had made various online covers ranging from hip hop to r&b which attracted the attention of Galaxy Entertainment. Although Joon Ho was only fourteen, the company wanted to sign the teenager to become a rapper trainee which Joon more than whole-heartedly accepted. He was one step closer to making his brother’s dream a reality and he had no intention to stop until he got there.
Six years have passed and Joon was getting tired. Yes, he still wanted to be a rapper and yes, he still wanted to carry out his late brother’s dream. But after not debuting with 360 Z (though he was glad the others did, he couldn’t imagine a better lineup) and with most of the other trainees specializing in the same field as him – it was demotivating. How can one rapper shine out of so many like him? It’s not exactly like they could debut a group full of rappers or even debut the rappers as soloists when slots were so limited. If he couldn’t debut after six years, how many more years would he have to wait before he could? His contract expiration date was coming up and his time was running out.
Bang Joon Ho is normally reserved in nature, but not at all aloof. His behavior tends to change depending on those around him. With close friends, he’s talkative and brash with his words – always joking and cursing to blow off steam. However, when he’s by himself or with people he doesn’t know personally, he goes back to his quiet, awkward self – only speaking when spoken to. Aside from being reserved, Joon also has a natural curiosity for the things around him. He’s always thinking, obvserving, and asking questions because he’s sincerely interesting in the happenings of everyday life. If one got to really know Joon, however, they would discover how quickly he can get annoyed if his buttons were pushed right. Because of it, he has trouble expressing himself correctly and often says things he doesn’t mean to in the heat of the moment.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Okay, well, I had to block someone who clearly didn't seem to give a stuff about what I just said. Damn. I'm hoping that there's no limit to the tag blacklist, because if there is.. I'm going to have a problem.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
I really shouldn't have to say this, but please don't try to bypass tag filters that people have set up, otherwise I may have to block you.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
I only say that because Rumi is reminding me of a certain rabbit Vtuber...
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
I have to admit I have a Saviour/Guardian complex. It's a result of life circumstances I'm not going to go into here.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Urgh, now I'm feeling low mentally.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Who’s Rumi?
and do y’all mean Pekora?
A character of someone I follow, and.. Yes.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
If there's something wrong with my approach, please tell me! I can't improve if I don't know.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
This is going to sound weird, but a big, strong, powerful girl with a soft gut is a turn on for me. :P
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Since y'all been asking...
@demonicrebeletna - You're here! It's Etna! @nauticalnonsenserealm - An Azure Lane-inspired RP Blog @agent2i - A Marie RP Blog @neoagent3 - A Neo Agent 3 RP Blog @oversizedscouts - A Sailor Moon expansion RP Blog @enbywarriorastolfo - An Astolfo RP Blog @chubbymagician - A Marisa/Touhou RP Blog @fashionsquid - A Toni Kensa RP Blog from Splatoon 2 @helpfuldoggo - An Isabelle RP Blog @braveheartsquid - Electra, my Splatoon OC @growinggaminggoblin - Timtaz, a goblin OC! @ember-space - My self-insert OC! @dog-n-cats - Homestuck Blog!
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
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I present to you, my render of Neo Agent 3!
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Any news on that self-insert?
Sadbrains held me back a little, but.. well, I do have a look for her!
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Yeah, I know, it's partly based off Etna, and I do share hair colour with her, so I thought it'd make sense!
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Oh goodie, concern trolling. Wasn't expecting that! ..Sarcasm. Sarcasm. Sarcasm.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Do you think I should make a Neo Agent 3? I'm not sure if I should go ahead.
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